os dev tool box

Open Source Developer ToolBox Dave Derderian and Brandon Powell [email protected] [email protected]

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Open Source Developer ToolBox

Dave Derderian and Brandon Powell

[email protected]@oakland.edu

Pick Your Poison

Keys To Success

The key to proper debugging is a well set up environment! You might have most of this already installed on your machine.Use the information on the following slides to get your machine ready to rock

Prerequisites / Recommendations

OSX● At least one CLI

package managero brewo macports

● iTerm2*o Better

Terminal App● OSX Command

Line Tools*

It is assumed that the you have some of the following installed on your machine based on OS:

Windows● tar / rar extractor

o WinRar*● Access to cmd● PowerShell*● Cygwin*

*Not required for this presentation but highly recommended because of added features and usability

Prerequisites / Recommendations

We’re going to install the following applications on your machine:● Git● Vim● Java / JDK● Tomcat● Maven● PSI Probe (Tomcat Webapp)

If you have them already installed, feel free to skip the section and continue on to the next

Installing git: Linux

● Debian based distros:$ sudo apt-get install git

● RedHat based distros:$ sudo yum install git-core

Installing git: Mac OSX

Run the following in a Terminal App$ brew update$ brew install git

Installing git: Windows

Grab the latest version of git for Windows http://git-scm.com/downloads

Nothing special, just use the default options when installing

Installing vim: Linux

vim might already be installed, but if not:● Debian based distros:

$ sudo apt-get install vim

● RedHat based distros:$ sudo yum install vim

Installing vim: Mac OSX

If not installed by default$ brew update$ brew install vim

Installing vim: Windows

*Cygwin provides many GNU and FOSS tools, which provide functionality similar to a Linux Distro to Windows.*Many of these tools have been provided with the installation of git-bash and are not required to install

There are a few options1.Use the one that comes with git-bash

● highly recommended2.gVim

● More GUI friendly3.Cygwin*

● More complicated setup

Installing java: Linux

● Debian based distros:$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk

● RedHat based distros:$ sudo yum install \java-1.7.0-openjdk-devel

Installing java: Mac OSX

Java is installed by default on OSX● Installing Java 7 on OSX● Update Java on OSX● Java FAQs on OSX

Edit ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrcCreate new variable JAVA_HOME and point to the install of java.

Example:export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64http://www.wikihow.com/Set-Up-Your-Java_Home-Path-in-Ubuntu

Setting up java: Linux and Mac OSX

Open JDK on Windows is not very well supported. Unofficial Build:https://github.com/alexkasko/openjdk-unofficial-builds#openjdk-unofficial-installers-for-windows-linux-and-mac-os-x

While this is a FOSS based presentation, we HIGHLY RECOMMEND Oracle JDK for Windowshttp://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/webnotes/install/windows/jdk-installation-windows.html

Installing java: Windows

Installing Tomcat and Maven

Tomcat 7: https://tomcat.apache.org/download-70.cgi

Maven 3 : https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi

Download the latest zip versionTomcat 7.0.53 / Maven 3.2.1

Extract both to a folder, ie:Linux* / OSX*: $HOME/awesomepres/tomcat Windows: %USERPROFILE%\awesomepres\tomcat

*It is possible to install these through a package manager (apt / yum / brew / etc) we believe it is better to install these application yourself

Installing Tomcat: Linux and Mac OSX

Edit your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc file to add tomcat bin directory path to PATH and add TOMCAT_HOME variable

Exampleexport TOMCAT_HOME=/path/to/tomcatexport M2_HOME=/path/to/mavenexport PATH=${PATH}:${TOMCAT_HOME}/bin:${M2_HOME}/bin

Setting Up Tomcat: Windows

Add path to tomcat’s bin folder to Windows PATH environment variable. http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm

Create TOMCAT_HOME environment variablehttp://www.howtogeek.com/51807/how-to-create-and-use-global-system-environment-variables/

Installing Maven (Cross Platform)

Maven provides excellent documentation for installing on all operating systemshttp://maven.apache.org/download.cgi#Installation

Installing Psi-Probe (Cross Platform)

Psi-probe is a manager for Tomcathttps://code.google.com/p/psi-probe/downloads/list

2. Move the probe.war file to Tomcat’s webapps directory


$ mv probe.war $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps

$ unzip probe-2.3.3.zip

1. Unzip the downloaded file

Installing meld: Linux

● Debian based distros:o sudo apt-get install meld

● RedHat based distros:o http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/6/x86_64/repoview/meld.


Installing meld: Mac OSX

X11 is required to install meldX11 is no longer included with OSX● X11 Installation Instructions

Install using brew$ brew update$ brew install meld

Installing meld: Windows


The version for Windows is not yet official but it still works great.


We just installed aton of stuff, letstake a breakfor a bit and go stretch yourlegs, then return!

Setting up git (Cross Platform)

Setup your identity and editor:http://git-scm.com/book/en/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setup

Setting up GitHub

Create an account on GitHub

Follow the GitHub SSH key guide to setup SSH keys to be more secure!

Create a repository on GitHub


This is one of the best ways tolearn vim. Do lessons 1 through 3.Anything else is more advanced. On Linux and Mac:$ vimtutor

The vimtutor file is available here Hosted by digital ocean for Windows users to use.$ vim tutor

Feel free to skip this if you understand the basics

of vim


Take another break before tackling the homework. I would if I were you….

Homework!Fork our repository on GitHub to start the homework. Need help forking? Check out GitHub’s guide on that.

Time to use everything we just worked on!

Assignment #1

If you’ve never used git before, go through the following steps to create a basic repo and start getting your hands dirty using git.


Assignment #2

Fork our repository and clone the fork.

Need help?GitHub’s guide to forking and cloning is your friend

Assignment #2 Cont

Step one is to compile the web application and deploy it.$ cd SpringUrlShortner

Changes the directory to the repository we cloned$ mvn clean package

Runs maven to compile the package$ cp target/SpringUrlShortner.war $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps

Deploys the war file to tomcat

Assignment #2 Cont

Now let’s start up tomcat and view the page$ $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/startup.sh

Starts tomcat$ tail -f $TOMCAT_HOME/logs/catalina.out

Run this immediately after the previous command to watch for errors as Tomcat starts up. tail allows us to view the tomcat log file to see when the server is started up. Adding the option f to tail allows us to output appended data as the file grows. Control + c will exit out of a tail -f.

Assignment #2 ContThis is what we get when we view http://localhost:8080/SpringUrlShortener/

Assignment #2 Cont

Play around with the site. Make some short URLs*!

You can use the Admin Page to view already created shortened URLs

*Be sure to include a FULL URL path when creating links (http://www.google.com), remember this app is not perfect!!

Assignment #2 Cont

Now let’s add a new feature.

Use vim to open the MainController.java$ vim src/main/java/edu/oakland/shorturl/controller/MainController.java

Add the following code to the file starting at line 46:

@RequestMapping(value="/about", method=RequestMethod.POST)public ModelAndView showABOUTPage() { return new modelandview("ABOUT");

} For this use vim. Refer to the vimtutor slide for a vim refresher

Assignment #2 Cont

Assignment #2 Cont

Time to use git to add this change.$ git add .

This will add the file(s) that we modified to be committed$ git commit -m “My first change”

This will add the changes to the repository

http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Basics For help on git.

Assignment #2 Cont

But wait, we are good git users. We should use branches! $ git branch --all

Shows all branches available

Someone already started a branch for this feature. Let’s switch to it$ git checkout new_feature

http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Basics For help on git.

Assignment #2 Cont

To view what is different on this branch do this$ git log

Shows the commit history for the particular branch

Looks like someone already completed this feature. Time to merge it back into the master branch

http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Basics For help on git.

Assignment #2 Cont

First we need to checkout master$ git checkout master

Switches us back to the master branch

Now let’s merge the other branch into master$ git merge new_feature

Combines the current branch(master) with new_feature.

Assignment #2 Cont

Oh no! We ran into merge conflicts!The MainController.java file has some conflicts that we need to fix.

$ git diffThis will show what has been modified. In this case it will

show the merge conflicts

Assignment #2 Cont<<<<<<< HEAD…=======…>>>>>>> new_feature

The code between HEAD and ====== is the code from the current branch. While the code from ====== to new_feature is from the branch to be merged

Assignment #2 Cont

Depending on your OS, fire up one of the Merge Tools we suggested in the beginning and fix the conflicts!

● MainController.java

If you’re feeling adventurous. Use only vim to fix the conflict!

Assignment #2 Cont

Time to compile and deploy the new feature.

Remember the commands from previous slides to compile and deploy.

Assignment #2 Cont

Compile Errors!

We have compile errors to fix. Time to dust off core utilities to find and fix our errors.

Assignment #2 Cont

Cannot find symbol: class LinkServiceLet’s use find to see if we have a LinkService java file.$ find . -name LinkService.java -type f

The ‘.’ is to search the current directory. ‘-name’ tells find what name we want to look for. ‘-type f’ says we want a file.

We have a file called LinkService at: src/main/java/edu/oakland/shorturl/service/

Assignment #2 Cont

Let’s add the import to get access to the LinkService class.

The package would be edu.oakland.shorturl.service.LinkService

Assignment #2 Cont

The next error is on line 47. Cannot find symbol class modelandview. Let’s use grep to find if modelandview is defined anywhere.$ grep -ri ‘modelandview’ *

Grep does text searching through files. The option ‘r’ tells grep to be recursive. ‘i’ is for case insensitive search.

Assignment #2 Cont

What happens when we do that search again case sensitive?$ grep -r ‘modelandview’ *

We now see that modelandview should be ModelAndView. Let’s change that!

Assignment #2 Cont

Time to compile and deploy the code!

Remember the commands from previous slides to compile and deploy.

Hooray it work!!

Assignment #2 Cont

Would you look at that? We cannot get to the about us page! Method POST not supported.

Use grep to find where the POST method is and change it to a GET.

Assignment #2 Cont

It looks like our developer was sloppy. They forgot to make the admin and about links in the navbar have the class attribute set to active.

Fix this mistake and we are home free!

Assignment #3

Manage webapps using PSI Probe

Follow along in the next few slides to configure Tomcat to use PSI Probe

Assignment #3

$ vim $TOMCAT_HOME/conf/tomcat-users.xml

1. Open tomcat-users.xml in vim (or your favorite text editor)

2. Add a manager-gui role and a username

Assignment #3

<role rolename="manager-gui"/>

<user username="admin" password="s3cr3t" roles="manager-gui"/>

*If you need help with vim, see slide ____, or use your favorite text editor

Assignment #33. Start Tomcat (if it isn’t already running)!

$ $TOMCAT_HOME/bin/startup.sh

Assignment #3Psi-Probe can be found at http://localhost:8080/probe

This is the web view, but there is a terminal based script available

Assignment #3

Play around with ProbeIt provides so much more functionality in comparison to the provided tomcat-manager.

Try refreshing / deleting the webapp we just created

Assignment #3

Download and test a PSI Probe script

Hosted by me by digital ocean

If you having trouble executing the shell script, run the following command.

chmod +x webapp_cntl.sh

Assignment #3

Follow the examples below


If you have questions, email us at:

[email protected]@oakland.edu