orwell’s animal farm vs. the russian revolution

Orwell’s Animal Farm VS. The Russian Revolution Mrs. Prieur

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Orwell’s Animal Farm VS. The Russian Revolution. Mrs. Prieur. Russian Society. Russia was in an appalling state of poverty while the Tsar lived in luxury. There was tremendous dissatisfaction among working class people. Czar Nicholas II. Czar Nicholas II. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Orwell’s Animal Farm VS.

The Russian Revolution

Mrs. Prieur

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Russian Society

Russia was in an appalling state of poverty while the Tsar lived in luxury. There was tremendous dissatisfaction among working class people.

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Czar Nicholas


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Czar Nicholas II

A poor leader at best, compared to western leaders

Cruel - sometimes brutal with opponents

Sometimes kind - hired students as spies

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Nicholas II

Believed he was the unquestionable leader of Russia appointed by God.

Had unarmed protesters murdered in the streets in 1905.

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Marx believed that the private ownership of land

should be abolished.

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Believed in a “Communal” way of life where everyone shared in prosperity.

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MarxInvented Communism“Workers of the world unite",

take over governmentDied before Russian Revolution

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All people equalGovernment owns everything, People own government

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LeninLenin adopted Marx’s ideas. He

believed that the bourgeoisie (middle class) exploited the workers and must therefore be overthrown.

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Vladimir Lenin

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Lenin understood the emotional impact of simple, powerful slogans like

“Workers of the world unite!”

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Changed Russia’s name to the USSR (United Soviet

Socialist Republic)

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Lenin Dies

It is believed Lenin ordered Nicholas II murdered

When Lenin died, there was a power struggle between Trotsky and Stalin.

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Leon Trotsky

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One of the leaders of "October Revolution“ along with Lenin and Stalin

Believed in “pure” communism, followed Marx


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Trotsky was a brilliant speaker. With Lenin he succeeded in overthrowing the government in October 1917. Lenin was the President, Trotsky the Commissar for Foreign Affairs.

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Former name of a head of a government department in the Soviet Union. Like Secretary of State

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TrotskyTrotsky favored world

revolution. He wanted to improve life for

all RussiansChased away by Lenin's KGB

(Lenin's secret police)

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Civil War

From 1918 –1921 there was civil war. Foreign countries including Britain, France, Poland and USA were alarmed at the spread of communism but the Red Army (the Bolsheviks) led by Trotsky proved successful.

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Stalin continually opposed Trotsky

He was an average speaker; not educated like Trotsky

Didn't exactly follow Marx's ideas

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Craved power, willing to kill for it

Used KGB, allowed church, and utilized propaganda

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Information spread with the intention of furthering a specific idea or cause.

The manipulation and control of language.


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Propaganda Department of Stalin’s government

Worked for Stalin to support his political views

Deliberate lies were used to convince the people to follow Stalin

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Benefited from the fact that education was controlled

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Stalin takes ControlIn his sinister way, Stalin secured his power base, and engineered the permanent exile of Trotsky in 1929.

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The exiled Trotsky was still very useful to Stalin as he now had Trotsky to blame for all the problems and difficulties that Russia suffered.

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Politburo :

This was the policy-making body of the Communist party’s Central Committee. In reality it was merely a force to carry out Stalin’s orders and secure his position as dictator.

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These were the various names/ initials given to the secret police during Stalin’s dictatorship.

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KGB - Secret Police

Not really police, but forced all to support Stalin

Used force; often killed entire families for minor disobedience

Totally loyal, part of Lenin's power, even over army

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Marx said religion was the “opiate of the people" and a lie

He believed it was only used to make people not complain and do their work

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Religion was tolerated because people would work and not complain

Stalin knew religion would stop violent revolutions

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Tricked Dedicated Supporters

People believed Stalin because he was "Communist"

Many stayed loyal after it was obvious Stalin was a tyrant

Supporters were ultimately betrayed by Stalin who ignored and killed them

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Overall details of Russian Revolution

Supposed to fix problems from Czar

Life was even worse long after revolution

Stalin made Czar look like a nice guy

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Kulaks :

These were the land-owning peasants who did not want their farms to be collectivized after the revolution. From 1929, Stalin began to exterminate them as a class.

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5 Year Plans

From 1927-1932, new economic plans, called the five-year plans, were introduced. The purpose was to improve industry

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Germany and Great Britain :

Stalin negotiated with both Germany and Great Britain. The Russo-German pact of August 1939 allowed Russia to occupy eastern Poland while Germany occupied the rest.

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Germany and Great Britain

On 22 June, 1941, Germany attacked her ally Russia without warning. Thus the unholy alliance between Nazism and Communism fell apart and Russia formed an alliance with Britain and the USA.

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Cold War begins

The Tehran conference in 1943 presented the Soviet Union, Britain and America as allies. However, by the end of the Second World War, the Soviet Union became an enemy of its allies as the Cold War intensified.

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George Orwell

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Who is Who

Mr. Jones- Czar Nicholas IIOld Major- LeninSnowball- TrotskyNapoleon- Stalin

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Who is Who

Dogs-KGBWindmill- 5 year planMajor’s Skull-Lenin’s BodyBattle of the Cowshed- Russian Civil War

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Who is Who

Frederick- Hitler Animal Executions – Stalin’s Purge Battle of the Windmill – World War II Card Game- Tehran Conference Pilkington- FDR

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Who had the ideas in the beginning that inspired the rebellions?

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What are the real enemies of Communism according to Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Trotsky?

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#3 and #4

Who does Stalin blame anytime a problem arises? Why do you think Stalin blames this person?

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#5 and #6

Who would you associate with this quote? Marx, Lenin Stalin or Trotsky? Why did you choose that person?

“All men are equal but some are more equal than others”

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Compare the lives of Russians when they lived under Czar Nicholas and when they lived under Stalin.

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#8 Who is this?

Tells of a dream that leads to Rebellion and inspires others.

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#9 Who is this?

Leader of the rebellion that drives out Czar Nicholas II.

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#10 Who is this?

Leader of Rebellion that is driven out of Russia and later killed in Mexico.

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#11 Who is this?

Leader of the Rebellion that drives out his competition and starts to purge those that disagree or may disagree with him.

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#12 Who is this?

Branch of Government that enforces Stalin’s rules.