ormiston college april 2014 full itinerary hockey

 1 Office and Mailing Address 44 Butler Street Opawa Christchurch 8023 New Zealand Contact Numbers Telephone +64 3 342 9433 Facsimile +64 3 342 9433 Mobile 021 1404345 Phil Robson Mobile 021 0542587 Louise Smith Email [email protected]  Online www.totalrugby.co.nz Itinerary Specially Prepared for ORMISTON COLLEGE New Zealand Hockey Tour April 2014 WELCOME It is my pleasure, as Managing Director of T otal Rugby, to welcome the Ormiston College touring group to New Zealand. Ormiston Hockey toured here in 2012 playing four games over the Easter period. They were a superb group of girls who gave their all on the pitch. While not getting the results they wanted they left their mark in other ways with all the exchanges being hugely enjoyable. We wish you all the best for your tour this year.  INTRODUCTORY NOTES Weather : April is autumn weather, which means it can be very changeable. T emperatures can fluctuate wildly , from high 20’s / low 30’s to almost single figures. However , the average should be about 16 degrees Celsius. Grounds: All games will be played on artificial turf at Nunweek Park. This is a sand based wet dressed surface. Footwear to use for playing are shoes with a flat sole such as running shoes. First Aid: It is not compulsory to have a first aid officer at every game. Initial first aid is generally administered by coaching and/or management staff. Emergency services are available for more serious injuries. (Note: There is an ambulance and first aid staff at the festival) The emergency number in New Zealand is 111. There are afterhours medical services available in all main centres. ACC (Accident Compensation Commission) covers most of the cost if it is an accident - there will be a surcharge. Total Rugby will assist with coordinating medical s ervices including physiotherapy. It is expected that tour groups will have their own travel insurance to cover medical expenses. Operators of tourist services have their own policies regarding health and safety and issues arising should be managed directly with them. Ice should be part of your first aid kit. Ice is available from service (fuel) stations, corner stores and supermarkets. Ice: Ice for sideline treatment of injuries is available from nearly all service stations and supermarkets. It is recommended that teams bring an insulated container for storing ice at matches. Training: While you are staying at Adams House you are able to train on the Christchurch Boys High School hockey surface. This is a sand based artificial surface. It is not a full sized hockey field. Please check with Phil Robson regarding the times you want to train.  

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Office and Mailing Address

44 Butler Street


Christchurch 8023

New Zealand

Contact Numbers

Telephone +64 3 342 9433

Facsimile +64 3 342 9433

Mobile 021 1404345 Phil Robson

Mobile 021 0542587 Louise SmithEmail [email protected] 

Online www.totalrugby.co.nz

Itinerary Specially Prepared forORMISTON COLLEGE

New Zealand Hockey Tour April 2014

WELCOMEIt is my pleasure, as Managing Director of Total Rugby, to welcome the Ormiston College touringgroup to New Zealand. Ormiston Hockey toured here in 2012 playing four games over the Easterperiod. They were a superb group of girls who gave their all on the pitch. While not getting theresults they wanted they left their mark in other ways with all the exchanges being hugelyenjoyable. We wish you all the best for your tour this year. 

INTRODUCTORY NOTESWeather : April is autumn weather, which means it can be very changeable. Temperatures canfluctuate wildly, from high 20’s / low 30’s to almost single figures. However, the average should beabout 16 degrees Celsius.

Grounds: All games will be played on artificial turf at Nunweek Park. This is a sand based wetdressed surface. Footwear to use for playing are shoes with a flat sole such as running shoes.

First Aid: It is not compulsory to have a first aid officer at every game. Initial first aid is generally

administered by coaching and/or management staff. Emergency services are available for moreserious injuries. (Note: There is an ambulance and first aid staff at the festival) The emergencynumber in New Zealand is 111. There are afterhours medical services available in all main centres.ACC (Accident Compensation Commission) covers most of the cost if it is an accident - there will bea surcharge. Total Rugby will assist with coordinating medical services including physiotherapy. It isexpected that tour groups will have their own travel insurance to cover medical expenses.Operators of tourist services have their own policies regarding health and safety and issues arisingshould be managed directly with them. Ice should be part of your first aid kit. Ice is available fromservice (fuel) stations, corner stores and supermarkets.

Ice: Ice for sideline treatment of injuries is available from nearly all service stations andsupermarkets. It is recommended that teams bring an insulated container for storing ice atmatches.

Training: While you are staying at Adams House you are able to train on the Christchurch BoysHigh School hockey surface. This is a sand based artificial surface. It is not a full sized hockey field.Please check with Phil Robson regarding the times you want to train. 

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 Laundry:  Coin operated laundry facilities are available at Christchurch City Park Motel. While atAdams House a full laundry service is provided.

Meals: Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included daily throughout your itinerary. Breakfasts will allbe at your accommodation and are continental (typically cereal, toast and spreads, tea/coffee),lunches are packed and are provided at your accommodation to be collected each day as you leavebreakfast, dinners at your accommodation are two course (main course and dessert)  

Security/valuables: This is your own responsibility. Valuables have been stolen before. Please neverassume that it will be okay to leave valuables unattended or gear rooms unlocked. Every attemptwill be made to assist you with your own security.

Liaison: Total Rugby staff will be available 24 hours. Please use the cell phone numbers on thispage. Our staff will not always be with you during your activities but we will check in with you eachday, either in the evening to discuss the day’s events and go over the next day, or in the morning.

Luggage: Due to coach luggage capacity it is requested that each person is limited to one suitcaseand one carry-on bag. If your luggage is going to exceed this please advise Total Tours prior toyour arrival.

MatchesLocation: Nunweek ParkDuration: 25 minute halvesFootwear: Running shoesCompulsory: Mouthguards and shinpadsAftermatch: Some schools have offered to arrange for an aftermatch. This will be held in theHarewood Clubrooms next door. Food and drink will be provided and speeches held.

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2325  Arrive Christchurch

On completion of customs and immigration formalities you will bemet and welcomed by Total Tours staff and transferred by coach toyour accommodation.

Accommodation: Christchurch City Park Motel (3 nights)22 Riccarton RoadChristchurchPh: (03) 348 0909



0730  Breakfast at your accommodation, packed lunches will be available to collect after breakfast. 

This morning you will be joined by an elite Canterbury level coach who will conduct yourTotal Tours Hockey Training Experience. Details to follow.

Depart by coach and head to Spencerville, north of Christchurch, for some team building funin the trees!!

ADRENALIN FOREST  Adrenalin Forest is a multi-level aerial obstacle course!!It includes 6 pathways from 1.5 to 20 meters high,100 challenges and is more than 2km long. Group leader to present voucher

Depart Adrenalin Forest to return to Christchurch City Park Motel.

Time for a training session with your own coaching staff late this afternoon

Dinner at your accommodation



Breakfast at your accommodation, packed lunches will be available to collect after breakfast. 

Head out by coach after breakfast for some high octane fun on the race track

ACTION KARTS RACEWAY Action Kart Raceway is New Zealand’s only claybasego kart track. Its awesome fun and somethingtotally different. The track features the driftingexperience, tighter more technical corners and longfast sweeping straights. 

Group leader to present voucher  

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 A short drive by coach and its time to get cold...

INTERNATIONAL ANTARCTIC CENTRE AND NZ PENGUIN ENCOUNTER  the T  Established in 1992, the Antarctic Attraction is located in the heart of a working

 Antarctic campus at Christchurch International Airport. It is from here that many Antarcticmissions are organised. With this in mind, the Antarctic Attraction is designed to bring a

 powerful and memorable experience of Antarctica to visitors in a fun, exciting andinformative way . Included in your admission is a ride on the Hagglund all terrain vehicle. Sitback, hold on and experience travelling across rough terrain in this unique and excitingmachine This ride is the only one of its type in the world!! Also included in your admission is

the 4D movie experience. Group leader to present voucher  

Return to Christchurch City Park Motel and time to prepare for todays first tour match

Depart your accommodation by coach for Nunweek Park, venue for todays match.

Game 1 Vs Villa Maria College XI. 

Villa Maria College is a state integrated Catholic secondary school for girlsin Years 7 – 13 and today has a total roll of approximately 780 students.Situated near the University of Canterbury in Upper Riccarton,Christchurch, Villa Maria College has been providing excellent educationunder the guidance of the Sisters of Mercy since 18 February 1918.

Return to Christchurch City Park Motel at conclusion of match. 

Dinner at your accommodation


0800  Breakfast at your accommodation, packed lunches will be available to collect afterbreakfast. Then check out. Your luggage willremain with you on the coach.

Depart the hostel by coach this morning fora Christchurch city tour. You will see a cityin recovery following the earthquakes thatrocked Canterbury during 2011 and 2012.Most of the demolition of damaged buildingsis now completed and the rebuild isunderway. The cost of the rebuild iscurrently estimated at $40 billion!! 

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  Your city tour includes a stop at the Christchurch Gondola.

CHRISTCHURCH GONDOLAThe Christchurch Gondola whisks you nearly a kilometre to the Crater Rim. The Port Hills,a collapsed crater rim of an extinct volcano which exploded six million years ago, sheltersLyttelton’s sparkling harbour. To the west, the Southern Alps seem close in the clear pure airand to the East, the ocean and the sky stretch as far as the eye can see. Experience theTime Tunnel, a dramatic reconstruction of the history of the Port Hills and Christchurch.

Watch subterranean forces unleash molten magma to rip rocks apart. See life-size dioramasof the early voyagers, Polynesian and then European, making landfall after months of travel.Group leader to present voucher  


Your second tour match will be played this afternoon, details TBC

Following the match check in to Adams House where accommodation has beenconfirmed for your final 4 tour nights.

Accommodation: Adams House Boarding Hostel

70 Harakeke StreetChristchurch

Phone 03 348 3307

 Adams House is the boarding facility for Christchurch Boys High School. It was completelyrebuilt in 2001 and is now one of the most modern and effective boarding establishments inthe country

Dinner at Adams House


Breakfast at your accommodation, packed lunches will be available to collect afterbreakfast.

Depart by coach for a full day trip to Hanmer Springs, travelling north from Christchurchthrough the wineries region of Waipara, travel time approximately 1.5 hours. NOTE: Swimwear and towel will be needed for the thermal pools.

Stop just south of Hanmer Springs for a New Zealand jetboat experience. The jet boat wasinvented here in New Zealand by William Hamilton in 1954 and has opened up many

otherwise inaccessible areas of New Zealand - unlike a conventional propeller the jet boathas an impeller above the water line enable it to travel through extremely shallow water (3”or 75mm).

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 Join Thrill Seekers as you jet the entire length of Hanmer’s spectacular Waiau Gorge.Following the contours of the steep canyon walls where possible, elbows in as we pass withincentimetres of rugged rocks and cliff faces. Take in the magnificent scenery, then ….hold onwhile you experience the famous Hamilton jet spin. Make no mistake this is the best! Narrowgorges, braided shallows, white water rapids… this trip has it all. Over 30km of exciting

 jetboating… spectacular scenery… a total, unique experience. 

Group leader to present voucher  

Continue on to the small alpine village of Hanmer Springs.

HANMER SPRINGS THERMAL RESERVE Set in a breathtaking natural landscape, surrounded by forests and mountains, the award-winning Thermal Pools offers visitors a wide range of experiences, from soothing indulgenceto exciting family fun. The Thermal Pools & Spa has nine open-air thermal pools, threesulphur pools and four private thermal pools, as well as a sauna/steam room. A fresh-water,heated pool and a popular family activity area, complete with water slides and water toysand picnic area, ensure the Thermal Pools & Spa offer something for everyone.Group leader to present voucher which includes admission and waterslides

Time to explore the village this afternoon

1530 Re board your coach and return to Christchurch.

1830 Dinner at your accommodation.


This morning you will be joined for breakfast by a celebrity New Zealand sports person.

Learn about their life over breakfast, there will be an opportunity for photographs andautographs.

Packed lunches will be available to collect after breakfast

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 MATCH 3 Your third tour match will be played this morning against Burnside HS XI Time for some retail therapy this afternoon, board your coach and head to Christchurch’slargest outlet shopping precinct in the suburb of Hornby.

DRESS SMART OUTLET SHOPPING With over 50 separate retail clothing and fashion stores offering shoppers quality brands atup to 70 per cent off regular retail prices, grab a bargain and some souvenirs to take home -brands include Adidas, Amazon, Ripcurl, Canterbury, Asics and New Balance

Return to Adams House in time to prepare for this evenings outing

Depart by Ko Tane coach for this evenings cultural experience and hangi dinner. As parts ofthis evenings experience is outdoors please dress warmly.

KO TANE Welcome to Ko Tane Living Maori Village at Willowbank WildlifeReserve , Christchurch, where maori culture and conservationmeet to give a unique glimpse into the way of life of the SouthIsland Ngai Tahu Maori people before the arrival of theEuropeans. Experience the thrill of the wero, the traditionalchallenge to visitors, as you are brought into the sacred precinctof Tane, Maori God of the Forests. Hear the haunting traditionalcall, the Karanga, performed by a wahine (woman) as the

 powhiri (ritual of arrival) begins, allowing you to enter our hiddenenclave. Listen to a tane (male) explain the customs of the NgaiTahu tribe as you visit the Living Village and witness an ancientway of life where Maori struggled to survive in the harshconditions of the most southerly of the Polynesian Pacific Islands.Learn about the coming of the Pakeha (fair-skinned ones), thechanges Maori were forced to make from their traditional way oflife and how the culture has grown and adapted as a result. Joinin the laughter as you take part in a performance of the haka(men) or the poi dance (women), and be entertained by thesongs and games performed by the Kapa haka (Maori cultural

 performance) group. Take a guided New Zealand nature tourand get close to kiwi, kea and other native species housed insensitively purpose-built environments. Enjoy a traditional hangidinner included in the evening’s activities.

Group leader to present voucher  

The coach will return to your accommodation at the conclusion of the evening

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Breakfast at your accommodation, packed lunches will be available to collect after


MATCH 4 Your final tour match will be played today. Ormiston Vs Burnside College XI

Burnside High School is the largest school in Christchurch, and one of the largest in NewZealand with over 2500 students. They have a strong sporting tradition and this should be askilled and competitive team.

The rest of today is at your leisure.

Dinner at Adams House


0800  Breakfast at your accommodation. Then check out

0930  Depart Adams House for Christchurch International Airport.

1220  Depart Christchurch on NZ526

Your Tour Arrangements TerminateWe wish you a safe journey home