orleans county monitor. (barton, vt) 1882-05-08 [p ].€¦ · cuticura soap, 25c; cuticuba shaviso...

LETTER FROM NEW YORK. ilemlSountg point F OK TES.KS SEE TIRST PAGE. . In SpAng Special Correspondence of the Monitor. ..Xew York, May 1, 1882. Where has beautiful spring gone ? The November fogs of England are Geo.P.Eowell&Co'i IN e v w. r o 11 o L i i : iYisTo Defaulted Securities. I ileal specially in Defaulted Securities of all descrip- tions. If holders of such, or parties acting for them, will send full description, I will endeavor to furnish information and submit propositions for purchase or most jovial spirits often break off a comfortable swilling match willi the remark, "let's stir up the Sleeny," instead of "let's have 'nutherdrink," which they'd prefer. Epstehj proba-b- y n?akes money where is, 'for he sticks. Radix. Editor. the left cheek, killing him instantly. Disappointment in" love is supposed to have been the cause of the rash act, which his friends think he has been de- termined upon for some time. The story comes from Benningtou of a death remotely traceable to the terrible Spuyteu Duyvil disaster of last winter Edwin Stone, nearly seventy years of age, GEO. II. BLAKE, He was the promoter of all wise schemes for the public good, ready upon all occasions to take a part in public meeting : and notwithstanding his studious habits Jits was a con- stant and intilligent'' interest in all public fc;nffairs. he. returned from Europe with his daughter in 1878, i the children of the public Is1 HAUTON, VT., My S 1SS9. AT TIIE popularly supposed by Frenchmen to be the cause of iunumberable sui collection. .1. K, (. SllElcWOOI), 'll'rtthall the Press tht rtopte't rights maintain,. Una off by ifiuenx and unbribed by gain ; Uert patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw, ri-ilg'- to Ktlirjion, Liberty, and tnvu" & cides. We are sufferius from bleak, U The Smallest Baby "'Alive 115 Broadway, .New Vork. T3 cent. net. oa-rto- n Drug Store, had been in the employ of Major A. B. t PER Security liirt-- e to nix Times the Loan, without the Hnild. THE IMPROVED gentleman from Caldelaria informs us that the smallest baby iij the world was born in that camp at boon on the 3d iust. The father is a' min- er in the . employ of the Northern iiigs. Interest Semi Annual. Nothing ever been lost. 27th year of residence and 8th in the business. Best of references, i Send for particu- lars if you have money to loan. chilly, neither fish, flesh nor fowl nor aooding herring sort of weather, and an epidemic of murders and suicides, which go so far to confirm the Gallic theory. Then the price of meat and vegetables, rents and everything has Valentine for many years, and shortly be- fore the marriage of the son of the latter, Park Valentine, Mr. Stone remarked that he was afraid"that the time would ' soon come when he would be unable to support himself. Park said, in reply to this, re- mark, that he would see the faithful old N. B. Costs advanced, interest kept up, and prin CHAMPION TRUSS. I will now state that I made a miraculous cure of one of the worst cases of skin disease known. The patient is a man forty years old ; had suffered fifteen years. His eyes, scalp and nearly his whole body presented a frightful appearance. Had had the atten- tion of twelve different physicians, who prescribed the best remedies known to the profession, such as iodide potassium, arsenic, corrosive sublimate, snrsaparilla, etc. Had paid $500 for medical treatment with but little relief. I nrevailcd upon him to use the Ccti- - cipal guaranteed in case of foreclosure I). S. B. JOHNSTON, Negotiator of Mortgage Loans, St. Paul, Minn. Belle mine and weighs 190 pounds. No. 100 ChamiMon Truss. The mother is a stout healthy irom man never lacked for anything as long as MASK TWAIN'S and an, weighing perhaps 100 pounds, he had a dollar to share with him, as he XJlXl com PATENT ADHESIVE PAUE pletely cured. The skin on his head, face, and many remembered the kindness of the old man The child is a male, as perfectly form SCRAP BOOK to liim when he was a child. When the schools of Concord gathered at the railway station with many citizens and a band of. music,... to greet him. A procession escorted him to his home, which had been partially de- stroyed by fire before his departure and was rebuilt during his absence. Before it was a triumphal arch bear- ing the word, '"Welcome.' Under this and between the lines of chil- dren, Mr. Emerson entered his home. Mr, Emerson always had the felicit- ous faculty of creating an affection-nat- e personal interest, thougli no man was ever more radically unlearn- ed in the arts by which popularity is won." HOW AN EDITOR SEES IT. sad news of the tragic death of Park Val The annoyance of paste or mucilage is avoided. For sale by all booksellers and stationers. other parts of his body, which presented a most loath- some appearance, is now as soft and smooth as an infant's, with no scar or trace of disease left behind. He has now been cured twelve months. Reported by F. H. BROWN. Esq., Barnwell, S. C. SCROFULA SORE. ed as any human being can be but upon its birth it weighed only eight ounces. Its face is about the; size of a horse chestnut, and the sie of Send for a Descriptive List, Manufactured for U. S. Gov't. DANIEL SliOTE & CO., 119 and 121 William St., New York. Congressman Chace, the Rhode Islaml Quaker, made a very able .ijchTuf slyr -- t4ie tariff com- mission bill. He was frequently in- terrupted by Hewitt, Tucker, Carlisle and others, with hard questions, but showed himself a match for his ablest opponents. He maintained a Quaker composure and no difficulties were presented which he had not thoroughly, mastered. Mr. Chace seems to be a good man in the right place. The oyster crop in England is fall- ing off. and the yield has become scarce. Forty years ago the yield in the great bay of Cancale averaged ;0.000,000 a year, but now it is not more than 1,080,000. The Jersey boats employed in the industry twenty-f- ive years ago -- were 100, but the number dropped to almost nothing, barely a half-doze- n boats being used in oyster fishing. The British com EVERY ONE Who Owns a WAGON Wants Supplied to the TJ. S. Army, Navy entine and his young wife reached Mr. Stone, the old man fainted away. He was taken sick that day, the shock being too much for his enfeebled constitution, and he failed gradually until his death oc- curred on Wednesday. Bkactt Regained. The beauty and color of the , A El'llEKA KOA.OINU HAXftPY TOP. Fdldsun its limbs can be imagined when we say that a ring worn on the little fin- - Rev. Dr. , in detailing his experience with the CcncuBA. Remedies, said that through Divine Provi- dence one ofhis parishoners was cuied of a scrofulous sore, which was slowly draining away his life, by the Cuticuba. Resolvent internally, and Cuticuba and hike an umbrella. Weighs and Pension Department I I less than 12 lbs. Can be ? taken of! or put on in 3 min fier of its mother was easily slipped Cuticura Soap externally. The poison that had fed utes. Made in sizes to fit SIMPLE IN CONSTRUCTION! business wagons, pleasure gone up, and yet people are not hap- py, and as for the Wall street people, they are doing so little business, ac- cording to their notions, that they're getting almost to ugly too look at. In this country of 50,000,000 peo- ple, with a press publishing every accessible item, with electric facili- ties from all over and beyond, every paper has a catalogue of crimes in each daily issue which would seem impossible to Europeans where the papers don't get all the news, and don't print all they get, but some- times we beat the record, and that's the case now. Perhaps one of the most shocking murders was that by a 3Toung scamp named Hovey, who shot his pretty sister-in-la- w in the presence of his wife, and other rela- tives without any sort of provocation. On the contrary, it was owning to the over its foot and nearly up to the the disease was completely dnven out. ECZEMA. I wagons and buggies. tna for Illustrated circular and I nrico list. Aeents wanted knee. Our informant states flat it hair may be safely regained by using Parker's Hair Balsam, which is much admired for its peifunie, clean- liness and properties. Sixteen months since an eruption broke out on my everywhere. State whpre you Raw tht. I). (i. BEERS & leg and both feet, which turned out to be Eczema. was the opinion of the atteadins Patentees and M'f'rs, Sandy Hook:, Conn. CO.. aud caused me great pain and annoyance. . I tried various remedies with no good results, until I nsed the Cuticuba Resolvent internally, and Cuticuba and GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. COMFORTABLE TO WEARER! EASILY ADJUSTED 2 VERY DURABLE! TOEACCO DUST! Cuticuba Soap externally, which entirely cured me The Sunday law in Cincinnati works to physician that the child would live and prosper in' good health, notwith- standing the diminutive proportions. The midget is so small that three of so that mv skin is as smooth and natural as ever. LEX. M FRAILEY. 64 South St., Baltimore. Mr. Stone of the St. Johusbury Caledonian, who has lately been trav- eling in the Western States and Ter- ritories has the following in one of his interesting letters to his paper : &i PEIt BARREL FREE ON BOARD. the satisfaction of the public, but the private sellers of liquor are very much Successful where all other Trusses have failed ! Invaluable to Farmers and Market Gardeners. De CUTICURA. The Cuticura treatment for the cure of Skin. Scalo stroys Bugs, Worms, and all kinds of Insects that infest youug plants. Kills Lice on Poultry and all grieved. and Blood Diseases, consists in the internal use of kinds of Vermin on Sheep and other animals. Cuticuba Resolvent, the new Blood Purifier, and Longfellow, Darwin, Emerson three the external use of Cuticuba and Cuticuba Soap, the P. LORILLAKD CO., Jersey City, N. J., or P. Mangles 4 Co., 8 Centre St., New York. size could play hide-and-se- ek in a cigar box. This is believed to be the smallest baby ever born. Gason (Nev.) Appeal Each Trutt Warranted. AMomnial Supporters ! Tfo. 43 Patent AdjustafcIeSuppcrtr Great Skin Cures. Price of Cuticuba, small boxes, 50c; large boxes, $1.00. Cuticura Resolvent, $1 Per Week can be made in any locality. illustrious men in the world of learning and letters, have died within a very few weeks of each other. At Baton, New Mexico, our party walked up under the lee of the moun- tain to get a better view of the val- ley and the mountain range beyond. $30 per bottle. Cuticura Soap, 25c; Cuticuba Shaviso Something entirely new for agents. !i.3 outfit free. H. w. s CO.. Boston, Mass. Soap, 15c. Depot, WEEKS & POTTER, Boston, Mass. The Senate, Thursday, took ip the Bishop Foss of the Methodist church woman he killed that he had a home to go to. He had ed his wife is very ill at his residence at Minneapolis, Minn., and it is feared that, he never will bill which would restore to the right of holding commis and finally w-a- s sent to the penitenti ' I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by its use t housands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, so strong is my recover sufficient strength to discharge the duties of his office. sions in the regular army, and speak- ing on the measure Mr. Edmunds of iiutninitsemcacy.thatl will send TWO BOTTLES . FREE, together with a VALUABLE TRK ATISR n ary for theft, was out a few days and got sent back, and was a third time committed for stealing a doctor's this disease to any sufferer. Give Express and P.O. ad-- Sergeant Mason, who is in good health, uress. x a. biajvjuju, lai rear! fat.. Mew York. Best In use. Acknowledged by all Physicians and Sur is employed in the shoe factory of the Albany penitentiary. He expects a par geons who hare tried them to be the Best Safest and Easiest ever manufactured. PRINTING H OUTFIT g Vermont opposed it on the ground that there should be some monument left to show that there had been a rebellion in this country. He! also expressed the idea that there was a overcoat. It was his sister-in-la- w who persuaded the wife to forgive the rascal and offered them a share don soon after the execution of Guiteau, and says his only regret is that he did not succeed in killing the assassin. ry Blaine, Thomas Ewing of Sanford's Radical Cura Type is all new and is alone worth more than the of her home. The French charity fair is the sen- sation of the day in the line of fash right and a wrong in the "late Ohio, and Senator Davis of West Virgin Close to the base of the mountain we came upon a solitary grave with a wooden and , nameless headboard. Nothing in particular was thought of the matter ; while one thought the site a beautiful one, another consid- ered it a singular locality to start a graveyard. On returning to the town a resident friend volunteered to show us the grave of a man who was lynched a few days previous, and the tree on which he was hung. We told him we had already discovered the grave and the tree was soon pointed out. Going into the post office in the same town, one of the party heard loud talking as though an auction store was in full blast next door. On investigation it prov- ed to be a gambling house under full headway. In the first room there missioners say that over-dredgi- ng is the cause of the calamity, and unless the beds are carefully protected the industry will be ruined. In this country the yield has begun to de- cline, and unless the laws for the protection of the beds are rigidly en- forced the harvest will fall as low as in England. How important the ovster business is in this country is appears from the fact that the aver- age yield is 22.250,000 bushels, and their value averages about $13,438,-S."- 2. There are about 38,000 oyster fishermen and 15,000 shoremen en- gaged in the industry, and about 4,200 vessels and 12,000 small boats ; the capital invested amounting to $10,750,000. New York pays $?,-000,0- 00 a year for oysters at whole- sale, Philadelphia $2,750,000 and Boston $750,000. Maryland is the chief producer of oysters, and Vir- ginia comes next, and Connecticut is the most important oyster State in New England. THE VOYAGE OP THE pleasantness," and thought it should price of the whole outfit. Correspondence solicited. ia, have formed a syndicate to purchase Head Colds, Watery Discharges from the Nose and Eyes, Ringing Noises' in the Head, Nervous Headache Also our nsnal line of DRUGS, MEDICINES, ionable robbery, and everybody who not be entirely forgotten that we 14-2- 1 V. A. fAUGENT. Albnnv. Vr. the Washington and Ohio Railroad, and Chills and Fever instantly relieved. were right. which will be a short line between Wash- - Choking, putrid mucus is dislo3ged, membrane cleansed, disenfected and healed, breath sweetened, smell, taste and hearing lestoied and constitutional and Cincinnati. This railroad thinks himself or herself anybody goes to it and is disburdened of cash in considerable amounts. The French who are noted for excellent taste in l ne I'rince 01 v aies gives nis ravages checked. Cough, Bronchitis, Dronniniis into the Throat. will open extensive coal beds owned by the syndicate in Virginia. brother a $2o,000 piano as a wedding Books, Stationery, Fancy Pain6 in the Chest, Dyspepsia, Wasting of Btrength and Flesh, Loss of Sleep, Ac, cured. present. The steamer Marion burst her boilers One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and one Dr. Sanford's Inhaler, in one package, of all the less serious matters of life, though they are all "off" in politics, What gives a healiby appetite, an increased diges on the ateree river, near Kingviiie, Goods, Paints. Oils. VARNISHES, TURPENTINE, druggists, for SI. Ask for Sakfoivd s Katiical Cuee. tion, Btrength to the muscles, and tone to the nerves? WEEKS fc POTTER. Boston. Brown's Iron Bitters. S. C, yesterday morning. She had a picnic party of nearly forty persous on board. One young woman was killed, fighting, &c, have made a grand success of this fair, and contributions ooWs LIGHTNING Results Obtained by using Phos WINDOW GLASS, phate on Conx and Tobacco. "South Is not quicker than COLLINS' have poured in from artists, artistic cooks, &c, from France as well as Vernon. Vt., Oct. 28, 1881. Mr. Editor, a deck hand was drowned, two young women and a man are missing, and sev- eral others were injured, two fatally. VOLTAIC PLASTERS in re I planted this year two aores of corn lieving Pain and Weakness of plowing in a heavy coat of manure and the Kidneys, Liver and Lungs, from every Frenchman here and even the Belgians have clipped in liberally Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Hyste- - using ashes in the hill on a portion of the Stanley, the African explorer, reports jPlfeM . ed m h v$P mm 5 1 field. On the balance of the field, I used PUTTY, BRUSHES, AC. DIAMOND DYES! THE BEST DYE IN THE MARKET. na. Female Weakness, Malaria and Fever and Ague. Price satisfactory progress in his work on the were five men behind tables "or count- ers in different parts of the room, while on the other side of the tables were the men who were being fleeced, as thick as they could sit or stand. The currency used was silver dollars, and there were as many different in order to get a share of the glory 523 ots. Bold everywhere. no manure or ashes, but put Bradley s Phosphate in the hill. At harvesting, I The great Materna is here ; Wag SOMETHING NEW ! got twice as mucli corn Irom the same number of Phosphated rows as I did from ner's famous Rhine Maiden, with big Congo river, lie has laid out a road around the falls so as to open free com- munication between the upper and lower river. His object is to open the interior to commerce, but the details of his plans that where I used manure and ashes. There was also a much larger growth of 10 ;nl)oiiN of the Brt ROOT BEER You 01TI,Y TEW CENTS A PACKAGE. All Ms Soli at Bottom Prices! fodder on the Phosphated corn : the dif Ever Drank for 25 Cents. 'i j it ference could be distinctly seen all sum and prospects are not yet announced. mer, the corn was a darker and richer C5 BUTCHER'S EXTR'T of ROOTS The death of Mr. Emerson takes anoth color. As compared with other fertilizers 'i'Vili? .'iasaaw-- ' which I have used, I think Bradley's is er of the very old men from the list of our worthies. Among them who remain FOR Home-Mad- e Beer. body, big heart, lug soul, ana big voice, and the musical world has gone crazy over her in particular, and the musical festival to be held at the seventh regiment armory in gen- eral. Seats can't be got for love or money, and in order to buy the less desirable single seats, people came themselves, or hired substitutes to fall into line, aifd that line was a sijjht to see. Many came at mid- - much the best. I tried an experiment this season on my tobacco, using Brad- ley's Phosphate on part of the field and a week in your own town. $5 outfit free. games as there were operators ; some had cards, some balls, aiTd one had a large wheel. The men gamb- ling were of the lowest type of white man, Mexicans, Spaniards, etc. The eager countenance, depressed or elated look, either as they lost or won, was a study and a lesson. In one corner of the room stood the pro- prietor behind a bar, dealing out li risk. Everything new. capital not We take this opportunity to thank our many f iends for past favors, and hope by strict attention to busi- ness and giving good goods at low prices to merit their patronage tn the future. E. F. DUTTOX. Barton, April 17, 1882. $6G; We will furnish you everything. well-know- n guano on the other part, side are Thurlow Weed, who is 83; Charles O'Conor, 78 ; David Dudley Field, 77 ; Charles Fraueis Adams, and John A. Whittier, 74 ; Oliver Wendell Holmes. 73 ; Many are making fortunes. Ladies make by side, using both in the hill alike as much as men, and bovs and girls make great pay. Where Bradley's was used, the tobacco Lieut. Dauenhower's story of the last year of the Jeannette's voyage is published and is intensely interest- ing, lie says it was the most fear- ful part of their experience. It was during this time that they discovered .Teannette and Henrietta islands, and took possession of the latter in the name of the United States of Ameri- ca. The story is gloomy enough. Lieut. Daneuhower says that De Long boldly and deliberately entered the ice, taking the most hazardous route to the pole ; that he resolved to stanTl by the ship until the last moment, and then attempted to reach the Siberian coast. He did stand by the ship until it went down beneath the waves, broken like a basket. The voyage of the Jeannette has not Reader, if yon want a business at which yon can make A capital Tonic, a delightful Beverage, composed of Spruce, Yellow Dock, Burdock, Dandelion, Winter-cree- n, etc, ready for immediate use. You cannot great pay all the time you work, write for particulars Wendell Phillips, 71; Alexander II. to II. Hallett 4 Co., Portland, Maine. afford to gather and prepare the roots. All other ma was larger growth and better color, and was so much in advance of the . guano that people riding, past would inquire terial in the house. NO ALCOHOL. Invigorating. Siephens and Horatio Semour, 70. GRAND Appetising. Strengthening, Sparkling, Delicious. So what caused the diflerence. At harvest good and so cheap you can afford to be generous. It is officially confirmed that there was ing, the Phosphate still held supremacy, Take it to a picnic; treat your neighbors, an J drink a fight between General Forsythe and the night of the day before the box office opened and camped out on earnpstools and the tobacco raised on it was larger freely yourself. Uet the genuine rreparea ov FREDERICK DUTCHER, and of better quality. Charles I. Pierce St. Albans, Vt. hostile Indians in Arizona, near old Camp Eucker, on Wednesday of last week, in and when it opened, the line extend Dr. Hatch's Febrifupc Conyli mixture and wim EM hk STATE NEWS ITEMS. MANDRAKE PILLS ed from the middle of the north end quid fire to the thirsty. This he does seven nights in the week, get- ting off Sunday forenoon long enough to lead the singing in the only church the town sustains. I was told that his place was thronged nightly by poor men who there spend every dollar they can raise money which xrcrr-TxmLi tutu laiuuies ueeu ior me i!JS-T- he best family medicines. Sold by dealers which six Indians were killed. In a fight at Stein's Peak, New Mexico, on Wednes- day afternoon, between Indians and Cap- - u TELL the place 2 get of Union Square to Broadway and everywhere. Dwight M. llolton has been appointed post-mast- er at North Wolcott. SURE away round the corner to Fourteenth street. It was hours before the rnid- - tain Tupper's detachment of the Sixth DCa(l SllOt "'mSlnQUll ' U R OEK! .1 a. - 1.1 J. 1 Oi. T f T -- ii. uiur- an1 trm paI I ' ' J " UllUUCtor raikUUrst UI Hie Dt. J. Oi 1j. Pnvnlrv. four Tnrlian sennte oughly when 1 cleaned house and lers were killed. It is said six Indians rllp nftl" linn nniilfl rrnt noar tli FOE have not seen a bug since." sion of 17 a month and $2,800 back pay. cliance to swap eagles for the covet 'CJv. the been without, i;pruJ the pack establishes Is at J. A. Pearson's Dental Booms, Eobinson Block, Barton, Vt. Use it now; break up their were also killed. Possibly both reports fact that T?l IJinvct nests; prevent inciease: get rid refer to the same fight. UUgSi of them. "Fight it out on this necessaries of life. Nevertheless the owner has made $10,000 in two Henry Seigel, aged 22, back tender at a saw mill at Hartwellville, Vt., last week line if it takes all summer." land does not exist in the immense area over which the ship drifted in ed tickets and a brisk trade was done in supplying the patient lineholders with sandwiches, beer, and newspa Since January 1st nine hundred houses, Sold Evcrywliere. was thrown against a large circular saw, which for the purposes of taxation are years. and so fearfully lacerated that he cannot I had intended to say something in recover. II! LI ICS "D A "DT'TJ Tnayu ronaa on rue at oeov J.XLLO iT ill: XUiJ p. ftowell Co'a Newspaper Advertising BureauO0SprucSt. when advertising contracts may be mado for it IX XE.W IOBK pers. As for the last of the line, they were out in the cold altogether. these letters on Horace Greeley's valued at $10,000,000, have been erected within the municipal limits of Xew York city. In other words, dwelling houses and business establishments sufficient to Miss Mary Clarke, daugter of Colonel Albert Clarke, now editor of the Boston She had a splendid serenade at her hotel the other evening, from the Times, Is very sick with diphtheria and WONDERFUL INSTRUMENTS!! On which any one can play. Organettes make a good sized town in any part of famous text, "Young man, go "West" but I have already exceeded reason- able limits. My observation thus far, however, have led me to certain may not recover. He has lost oue child Philharmonic orchestra, led by Theo the country have been built on Manhat- tan Island in the short space of less than the 21 months she was held in the ice. The depth and character of the ocean bed were determined ; the aui-.m- al life that exist there, the charac- ter of the ocean water, and many other facts that were finished with the discovery of the two new islauds. Though complete success did not at- tend the venture, the cruise of the Jeannette will be found to have add- ed largely to the stock of the world's knowledge. with the same disease. dore Thomas himself. Melopeans and Automatic Organs. Mr. S. B. Pettengill announces that he conclusions, one of which is that .the Slim Jim Bennett, slim no longer, four months. The ratable taxation of ten million dollars means an actual in has sold his entire interest in the St. Al laborer or mechanic without capital Send for Circulars, Catalogues of Music, 4c J. McTAMJIANT, Jr., Inventor and Manufacturer. Worcester, Mass. vestment of nearly double that amount. bans Messenger to Mr. A. J. Lang, who will continue its publication. Mr. D. AV. The New Yoi'k Methodist says that the is back. He has delayed longer than he intended because his new yacht wasn't ready, and has now postpon- ed his departure for the purpose of 15-2- 7 AGENTS WANTED. Dixon will be the editorial manager. is better off East thanWest. A man with capital, can get rich faster WeSt than East. But there are compensa- tions and disadvantages in all sec professed conversions in the revival at Cincinnati to April 0th number 2,128 with Thomas Foley, 30 years of age, was JUST OPENED ! 1,005 additions on probation. Newport, killed at Beatty's Landing, Guildhall, dividing the real estate left by his father, between himself and sister. RALPH WALDO EMERSON. Monday, while rolling logs into the Con tions, many of which I have already hinted at in these letters. Much of the talk and blow about the West is Covington, and Ludlow, across the river iu Kentucky, record 455 conversions and 380 accessions, giving a total for Cincin CROCKERY Tt is to be sold by auction. I saw the necticut River, by having a log strike him on the head. He leaves a widow and one young man he is not so young as child. for the nest 30 DAYS ! TO MAKE ROOM ITOR Spring and Summer Goods. NOW IS THE CHANCE TO SAVE . MONEY t o. A. T. C. made by the railroad corporations nati and its Kentucky suburbs of 2,583 con- versions and 1,385 accessions. The work OR A I.IQIIO PREPARATION OF THE P1I.1, FORMULA. We don't know what the item intended that have pushed their roads into has extended in all directions and among MME. AUGUSTA HEALY'S to say but what it did say was, "L. T. he was, but no one can think of him as anything else at his broker's of- fice the other day. His manners, owing no doubt to his intimacy with all denominations. The Presbyterians TTFPFT1 A "RT "P rPn"KFTP PflRTITAT Sparhawk is making a camera for his own the new country, taking up all the available lands, and now want to report 272; the Baptists, 329; the Con- - . UUII lmJUU 1U1UU UUllUinU, gregationalists, 30; one Lutheran church, sell them out at an enormous ad nose, capable of making pictures 18x22." Very good, Mr, Sparhawk. You may come up and take a front seat. Free This distinguished philosopher and poet died at Concord, Mass., April 27, 1882, in the 79th year of his age. He had enjoyed good health of late, but shortly after the funeral of Long- fellow, which he attended, he took cold, pneumonia set in, and after a brief illness he peacefully passed away. His wife, one daughter, and other friends, were at his bedside. He graduated at Harvard in 1821, studied divinity with Dr. ('banning, and attending the lectures of Profes 13; the Disciples of Christ, 3G conver vance. They mislead the ignorant sions or additions, and even St. Xavier's Press. ami unwary. iney give only one side of the story, as thousands of A grand reunion of Vermont soldiers will be held at Queen City Park, Burling- ton, July 3, 4 and 5. It is said that the poor, discouraged men and women Never Fnilw t o cure Misplacements, Ulcera- tion and all Chronic Female Weaknesses common to the best of tlic sex. Made of the active principle only of n garden seeds and wayside roots and herbs, they oiler a harmless but certain relief for woman's pain. They impart contrac- tility to tho muscles, gives supporting power to the ligiments, heal the tissues, give strength to the entire system and remove, all necessity for mechanical supports. As Spring approaches, every weak woman should take the Cordial, every female sufferer seek this cer- tain relief and pure tonic medicine. Letters with stamp promptly answered by lady pro- prietor. Buv of your druggist if possible: if not, we will mail Pills, postpaid, on receipt of price, $1 per box : 6 boxes, $3. Cordial, $1 per bottle; 6 bottles, $5. Send for valuable pamphlet and interesting facts. Address n. P. THAYER A CO., 13 Temple pi., Boston. President and 'Grant will be present, be all over these plains will testify. 1 met a Presbyterian minister at Pue bio who has spent seven years in es tablishing churches all over Colora sides many prominent army officers. An immense crowd will attend, and a jolly sor Norton, he was licensed to preach emperors, grand dukes, French ac- tresses and other fashionable peo- ple, are quite easy. He carelessly remarked to the head of the firm, a very dignified old gentleman who looks old enough to be his great-gran- d father, and with whom no one probably took a liberty for the last fifty years. "Here, , i want to see you. Come here a min- ute," and calmly marched off into the sacred precincts of the inner sanctum, where the ancient followed him with the meekness of a lamb. The young man has lots of money, picnic will be enjoyed by the old soldiers. by the Middlesex Association of Ministers, in 1820, but he did not IS DECORATED Ivory Brownlndus The best goods ever offered to the people of Barton and vicinity. These goods are strictly first-clas- We sell in sets or in any way to please our customers. These goods are very desirable ; they can he matched for years to come as easily as the Plain White. We also keep the Plain White in Stone China, Ac, tc, and we defy competition in prices. We want 1000 Ladles and. Gentlemen do. He said in these seven years he Dr. Holbrook, ex-liqu- or agent of Mor- - had travelled 10,000 miles, going into immediately enter upon the duties of nearly every habitable part of the his ofliee, as ill health sent him to re risville, was arraigned before a jury last Saturday on the charge of confiscating a forty-gallo- n cask of alcohol and twenty gallons of other liquors belonging to the town. He pleaded guilty and gave up CEPHALINE It is, if used as directed, guaran- teed to cure the following diseases: SICK NERVOUS HEADACHES, EPILEPSY, PARALYSIS, NEU- RALGIA, HEART DISEASES. IN- DIGESTION, CONVULSIONS side for a winter in South Carolina state. He is young, bright and in- telligent. In reply to my questions and Florida. In March, 1829, Mr Emerson was ordained as the col he said : Oh, it is a God forsaken, the liquor. He was then arrested for selling liquor and Js on bail for trial in DELIRIUM TREMENS, NER- VOUS PROSTRTION TREMORS, VERTIGO. NERVOUS IRRITA more than he can spend, and money two weeks. league of the IJev. Henry Ware, the younger, at the Second Unitarian desolate land treeless, without wa- ter, with no resources but the mines and grazing. But the climate is coveis a multitude of sins. So far The Burlington Free Press favors ex- - church in Boston the old church of he has been half-wa- y good-nature- d BILITY. CRAVING FOR OPIUM or MORPHINE. An invaluable agent in the treatment of Obstruc- tions of the Brain, and the relief of all Nervous Mala- dies, insures sweet, refreshing sleep. Buy of your druggist, if possible; if not, we will mail it, postpaid, upon receipt of price. 50 cents per good, I replied- - The most chaugea Gov. Stewart for Congress from the first district. The Rutland Herald supports Cotton and Increase Mather. The I haven't heard of any "shake-up- " in ble in the world, said he . One may the ' Urrald yet. - - - time was one of liberal religious spec box. 6 boxes, 2.50. Send for pamphlet. Address H. F. THAYEK A CO., 13 Temple pi., Boston. the of Col. Joyce, and Hon. J. K. Batchelder of Arlington, Hon. Love- - start out to ride and be too warm Roman Catholic Church had a revival. The New York Times presents an elab- orate crop report, covering thirty-seve- n states and four Territories. With a few exceptions the general condition on Apr. 29 promised "an abundant harvest throgh-o-ut the country," winter wheat promising well, spring wheat very well, corn a large- ly increased acreage, sugar a splendid yield, save where drowned, hay and grass a sight reduction, potatoes a heavy increase, fruits an average yield or less, the dairies, and provisions a heavy in- crease. Throughout the country better farming and greater variety have been the objects ot the agriculturists, and if the season be at all favorable it will be a year of plenty with nearly everybody. The fire at Dover, Tuesday, which de- stroyed the Washington street Baptist church and L. B. Laskey's brush factoi'y, was attended with fatal consequences. A portion of the floor of the church fell, in the evening, burying five persons in its ruins. Four were rescued from the debris and removed to their homes. Their names are Mrs. Clifford, Mrs. Whitney, J. II. Bur- leigh and a youth named Peters. Their ghastly and mangled condition make it almost impossible that thev can recover. A search among the ruins resulted in the discovery of the body of Judge John R. Varney, who had been missing since noon. His body was beneath two heavy timbers at the entrance of the vestry, and was crushed beyond recognition. Horace Maynard died at 1 o'clock one morning last week of heart disease, at his home at Knoxville, Tenn. He got out of bed at that hour, telling his wife he felt unwell and dropped dead on the floor. Mr. Maynard served several terms ulation, and Mr. Emerson's doubts If you give a dog a bad name you might as well hang him. That's the of the propriety of continuing the land Munson of Manchester, and Judge Powers of Morristown, are also supported without a outside garment ; a cloud comes up and obscures the sun, and GRASS SEED view Mr. Epstein, of Grand - street, by their friends for the same position ;.all in ten minutes with all the wraps he of which foreshadows a contest that ough takes of it. He is a dry-goo- ds deal- er, and some years ago managed to can muster the driver will chatter not to prevail. AND celebration of the Lord's Supper were a suflicient reason for releasing him in 1832, at his own request, from his pastorate. During Mr. Emerson's pastorate he served upon the school committee, as most resident clergy with cold like a man with the ague. get in the bad books of the dry goods The'Methodist Seminary at Montpelier, according to the report of conference, No, the climate of Colorado is dry, MY STOCK CONSISTS OF Dry Goods, Groceries, . Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes, Ready Made Clothing, Crockery and Gents' Furnishing Goods ! but not equable. owes $G90Q outside of the .conference, $4000 to the preachers' aid society early closing association. They broke his windows, or somebody did, and he had them arrested ; then he was arrested for false imprisonment, SEED GHAIU. So much from a man who knows men then did ; and he was also, dur- ing one session, chaplain of the and $2700 to the Clarke will trustrees. all about Colorado. Do you wonder then that I say let no man go West It is hoped that interest will be remitted on $2Q,0Q0 of the Clarke will fund, thus TO GET MARRIED And come to Ellis Bean's and buy their Crockery and Housekeeping Goods. To all such we will gives discount of 5 percent. We have just reoeived afuHlineof Ladies' .Chil dreu's and Gem's Boots and Shoes, spring styles. Also nobby Hats. We want Maple sugar. We shall sell all kinds of Seed this spring, and as low as any one in the county; al90 machine made Butter Tubs. Call and cxaming our goods. We want all kinds of Farm Produce at the highest market value. We shall try and please our customers, and if selling goods low w ill do it, we will succeed, for we won't be beat in prices. We buy for cash, sell for cash, and are satis- fied to get a small profit. We do not care to be rich, that's not our object, but to please our patrons is. We are agent for BUTTEEICK'S PATTERNS. Ellis & Bean. FOR SALE ! 1 NEW ONE-HORS- E Lumber Wagon, 1 second hand, one-hor- se long Express Wagon, 1 sec- ond hand Driving Harness, 2 2nd hand Express Har- nesses, 2 new Driving Har- nesses, 1 2nd hand Cook Stove, a lot of Cedar Posts, 20 M 18-inc- h Spruce Shingles. Also a large stock and variety of JFli-st-Olti- ss Sewing Machines, Massachusetts senate. Mr. Emerson was married twice IT!,-- . ir r making i practically an endowment. Of the proposed $40,000 endowment fund O. D. OWEN $20,000 is already subscribed. nit, jiihi vtiie, iiss jr,nen j,ouisa Tucker, of Boston, died in 1831, a year after her marriage. By his A new railroad, the Canada Junction, without taking money enough to get back East again if he wants to ? And it will take considerable money, too. liailroad fares are ten cent a mile, and the distances are immense. Milk is fifteen cents a quart ; pota- toes 81.00 a bushel ; corn meal about j.1 i i. f t is to run from the present terminus of the second wife, Lidia Jackson, of Ply Is now offering a lot of choice lot of Timothy and Clover Seed at low prices. I have 40 bushel of very southeastern extension to Frelighsburg, just over the Vermont border, through mouth, Mass., he had three children, nice Lost Nation Seed Wheat, also Seed Oats, Buck two daughters and one son, Edward the towns of Berkshire and Sheldon to aldo. who graduated at Harvard And in fact everything usually kept in a country store, all of which will be sold at the lowest cash price. My stock is complete and must be disposed or at once. Give me a call and satisfy yourself that I mean just what I say. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. All kinds of produce taken in exchange at the highest market price. Thanking the public for past patronage, I remain Yours truly. as Congressman from Tennessee, was wheat, Beans, Ac, &c. A LAR.GE STOCK OF Sheldon Junction, there connecting with the St. Johnsbury and Lake Champlain minister to Turkey and then Postmaster General under President Hayes. He was and the Missisquoi roads. The new line DAIRY SALT, E. B. Robinson- - GUARDIAN NOTICE TO SELL REAL ESTATE- - and there was merry music all around for a while. Finally, he gave in, and closed early, dropped his hun- dred or so suits and began to hope things would go on pleasantly. But they don,t. Bricks still fly through his plate glass, though he now "has the consolation of receiving deputa- tions from his former foes to sympa- thize with him, and declare what is no doubt the truth, that they have nothing to do with the mischief. And all sorts of jobs are put up on him. The last was the old trick of sending people to . answer 5dvertise-ment- s for work and for watch-dog- s. Mr. Epstein took it philosophically;, and pointed all comers to huge plac- ards which he has had printed for such occasions, and conspicuously displayed in his broken windows with legends' "No more dogs wanted ;" "No more hands wanted." You see it has become the fashion in the im- mediate locality to nnoy Mr. Ep- stein, and the ginkeepers in the 64 years old. Mr. Mayuard was a native of Westboro, and graduated at Amherst college- - lie had been one of the most prominent of Tennessee's public men, and one of the best, also. As a mark of re- spect to the late Horace Maynard the nfct rwffif flpnnrtmpnt nt. Wficliinnrlrtn gTATE OF VEBH0HT, j Orleans District, fa will be eleven miles in length. The road has been surveyed and work will be be- gun at once on the line. The following board of directors have been chosen j Hon. Bradley Barlow, ex-Go- v, Horace Fairbanks, Col, A. B- - Jewett and F. A. Metcalf. Henry Atherton, a young cabinet mak-- uie same price ; nouse rent 5io a month for three rooms ; board from six to ten dollars a week, and every- thing else in proporatiou. When you hear a man advising everybody to go West, without regard to race", color or previous condition, yoir may set it down as a sure thing that he is in some way paid for his talk. "Danville. Vt., Dec. 27. This is to certify that I used five tons of j our Gua- no the past season on corn, wheat, and oats5 and found it equal to any other ler-tiliz- er 1 ever used. Shall use a large amount the coiuimr season. Newell Stoekcr." Flour, t JPoirlr, Lard, will be closed on Friday next, the day of College in 1800, and studied medi. cine. Of the daughters, Edith mar- ried Mr. V. II. Forbs, of Milton, 3Iass., the elder, Ellen, is unmar- ried. Olr. Emerson's life at Concord," nays the Tribune, was that of the patriarch of the village, which has recognized him as one of the most useful and public-spirite- d of it cit- izens, as well as one of the most lov- able of the several distinguished men whose fame has made that other- wise historical locality widely known in a different way. He was not only the friend of Alcott and Thoteau and Hawthorne, all his townsmen, but of the plain farmers of the vicinage. Sewing Machine Attachments, and Needles, cheap for JTissli, Arc?. cash or approved credit. .T. J. HILL, I want Potatoes, Maple Sugar, and all kinds of in Probate Conrt held at Barton Landing, in said District, on the 24th day of April. A. D. 188S!. George A. Tinker, gaaidian of Jonathan E. Tinkerr of Albany in said District makes application to said' Court for license to sell the foilowing described real estate of his said ward, to wll: All his interest In six. acres of land, more or less, inherited from Jonathan Bollard, deceased, representing that the sale thereof, for the purpose of putting the proceeds of such sale aU interest or investing the same in stocks or real estate, would be beneficial to said ward. Whereupon, it is ordered by said Court, that saidi application be leferred to a session thereof, to be held' at O. H. Austin's office. In said Barton Landing on the-16t- day of May, A. 1). 1882, for hearing and decision, thereon; and, it is further ordered, that all persona, interested be notified hereof, by publication of notice-o- i said application and order thereon, three ly in the Orleans County Monitor, published-a- t Barton, before said time of hearing, that they may-appea- r at said time and place, and. if they see cause,, object thereto. By the Court Attest. 18-2- 0 O. H. AUSTIN, Judge.. er, about 22 years of age, of Waterbury, the funeral, and the building will be committed suicide by shooting himself, j draped in mourning for 30 days, at about 8 o'clock, on Saturday morning j clear head and voiee, easy breathing, sweet breath, last. He had just eaten a hearty break- - j 8me), taHe aud hearini?j no uzh.m, distress, fast, after which he arose from the taWe j TheBe are conditions brought about in catarrh by the and began pacing the room in a very ex- - 1 use of Sanford's Radical Cure. Complete treatment cited manner. He soon retired to an ad- - f' $l- - and icaly humors, ulcers.so.es aud I Terrible itching ;ninin r,,rt f tl, nnrf thoro W Produce in exchange. I have for sale a good new one-hor- Lumber Wagon that I can sell under price. Barton, May 1. 1882. x4lpvtion ivottco. This is to oertifv that I have this dav given my son, MARTIN P. MURPHY, his time during the remainder of his minority and fhnll claim none of bis wages nor pay any debts'of his contracting after this dafc. PATRICK MUUPHT. Witness F. A. WOODBURT. Lowell, Vt., April 24, 18S2. 18-2- 0 As Is lERrsxijio Fact. In France, all patent med- icines must be endorsed by an official board of physi- cians before they can be sold. In lieu of such a law in America, the people have resolved themselves into mflBTational committee which has endorsed Swayne's Ointment for allaying the itching accompanying the plies, as the only reliable remedy iu the market. Its a poor rule that won't work both ways. i scrofulous swellings cured by the Cuticura and Cuti himself. The ball entered the temple, and passing through the brain, took a O. D, Owen. cura Soap (the great skin cures) externally, and Cuti- cura Resolvent (blood purifier) internally. Ask about them at your druggist. Barton, April 21. 18S2. neighborhood dqwnward turn and come out through complain that their

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Page 1: Orleans County monitor. (Barton, VT) 1882-05-08 [p ].€¦ · Cuticura Soap, 25c; Cuticuba Shaviso $30 Something entirely new for agents. !i.3 Soap, 15c. outfit free. H. w. s CO

LETTER FROM NEW YORK.ilemlSountg pointF OK TES.KS SEE TIRST PAGE. . InSpAngSpecial Correspondence of the Monitor.

..Xew York, May 1, 1882.Where has beautiful spring gone ?

The November fogs of England are

Geo.P.Eowell&Co'iIN e v w.

ro 1 1oLi i : iYisTo

Defaulted Securities.I ileal specially in Defaulted Securities of all descrip-

tions. If holders of such, or parties acting for them,will send full description, I will endeavor to furnishinformation and submit propositions for purchase or

most jovial spirits often break off acomfortable swilling match willi theremark, "let's stir up the Sleeny,"instead of "let's have 'nutherdrink,"which they'd prefer. Epstehj proba-b- y

n?akes money where is, 'for hesticks. Radix.


the left cheek, killing him instantly.Disappointment in" love is supposed tohave been the cause of the rash act,which his friends think he has been de-

termined upon for some time.

The story comes from Benningtou of adeath remotely traceable to the terribleSpuyteu Duyvil disaster of last winterEdwin Stone, nearly seventy years of age,


He was the promoter of all wiseschemes for the public good, readyupon all occasions to take a part inpublic meeting : and notwithstandinghis studious habits Jits was a con-

stant and intilligent'' interest in allpublic fc;nffairs. he. returnedfrom Europe with his daughter in1878, i the children of the public Is1HAUTON, VT., My S 1SS9.

AT TIIEpopularly supposed by Frenchmen tobe the cause of iunumberable sui

collection. .1. K, (. SllElcWOOI),'ll'rtthall the Press tht rtopte't rights maintain,.Una off by ifiuenx and unbribed by gain ;

Uert patriot Truth her glorious precepts draw,ri-ilg'- to Ktlirjion, Liberty, and tnvu" &

cides. We are sufferius from bleak, UThe Smallest Baby "'Alive115 Broadway, .New Vork. T3

cent. net. oa-rto-n Drug Store,had been in the employ of Major A. B. t PER Security liirt-- e to nix Times

the Loan, without the Hnild.THE IMPROVED

gentleman from Caldelaria informsus that the smallest baby iij theworld was born in that camp at boonon the 3d iust. The father is a' min-

er in the . employ of the Northern

iiigs. Interest Semi Annual. Nothing everbeen lost. 27th year of residence and 8th in thebusiness. Best of references, i Send for particu-lars if you have money to loan.

chilly, neither fish, flesh nor fowl noraooding herring sort of weather, andan epidemic of murders and suicides,which go so far to confirm the Gallictheory. Then the price of meat andvegetables, rents and everything has

Valentine for many years, and shortly be-

fore the marriage of the son of the latter,Park Valentine, Mr. Stone remarked thathe was afraid"that the time would ' sooncome when he would be unable to supporthimself. Park said, in reply to this, re-

mark, that he would see the faithful old

N. B. Costs advanced, interest kept up, and prin CHAMPION TRUSS.

I will now state that I made a miraculous cure ofone of the worst cases of skin disease known. Thepatient is a man forty years old ; had suffered fifteenyears. His eyes, scalp and nearly his whole bodypresented a frightful appearance. Had had the atten-tion of twelve different physicians, who prescribed thebest remedies known to the profession, such as iodidepotassium, arsenic, corrosive sublimate, snrsaparilla,etc. Had paid $500 for medical treatment with butlittle relief. I nrevailcd upon him to use the Ccti- -

cipal guaranteed in case of foreclosureI). S. B. JOHNSTON,

Negotiator of Mortgage Loans, St. Paul, Minn.Belle mine and weighs 190 pounds.No. 100 ChamiMon Truss.

The mother is a stout healthy irom man never lacked for anything as long as MASK TWAIN'Sandan, weighing perhaps 100 pounds, he had a dollar to share with him, as heXJlXl com PATENT ADHESIVE PAUEpletely cured. The skin on his head, face, and manyremembered the kindness of the old manThe child is a male, as perfectly form SCRAP BOOKto liim when he was a child. When the

schools of Concord gathered at therailway station with many citizensand a band of. music,... to greet him.A procession escorted him to hishome, which had been partially de-

stroyed by fire before his departureand was rebuilt during his absence.Before it was a triumphal arch bear-

ing the word, '"Welcome.' Underthis and between the lines of chil-

dren, Mr. Emerson entered his home.Mr, Emerson always had the felicit-

ous faculty of creating an affection-nat- e

personal interest, thougli noman was ever more radically unlearn-ed in the arts by which popularity iswon."


sad news of the tragic death of Park Val The annoyance of paste or mucilage is avoided.For sale by all booksellers and stationers.

other parts of his body, which presented a most loath-some appearance, is now as soft and smooth as aninfant's, with no scar or trace of disease left behind.He has now been cured twelve months.

Reported byF. H. BROWN. Esq., Barnwell, S. C.


ed as any human being can be butupon its birth it weighed only eightounces. Its face is about the; sizeof a horse chestnut, and the sie of

Send for a Descriptive List,Manufactured for U. S. Gov't.DANIEL SliOTE & CO.,

119 and 121 William St., New York.

Congressman Chace, the RhodeIslaml Quaker, made a very able

.ijchTufslyr -- t4ie tariff com-

mission bill. He was frequently in-

terrupted by Hewitt, Tucker, Carlisleand others, with hard questions,

but showed himself a match for his

ablest opponents. He maintained a

Quaker composure and no difficulties

were presented which he had notthoroughly, mastered. Mr. Chace

seems to be a good man in the rightplace.

The oyster crop in England is fall-

ing off. and the yield has become

scarce. Forty years ago the yield in

the great bay of Cancale averaged;0.000,000 a year, but now it is not

more than 1,080,000. The Jerseyboats employed in the industry twenty-f-

ive years ago -- were 100, but thenumber dropped to almost nothing,barely a half-doze- n boats being used

in oyster fishing. The British com

EVERY ONE Who Owns a WAGON Wants Supplied to the TJ. S. Army, Navy

entine and his young wife reached Mr.Stone, the old man fainted away. Hewas taken sick that day, the shock beingtoo much for his enfeebled constitution,and he failed gradually until his death oc-

curred on Wednesday.

Bkactt Regained. The beauty and color of the


its limbs can be imagined when wesay that a ring worn on the little fin- -

Rev. Dr. , in detailing his experience with theCcncuBA. Remedies, said that through Divine Provi-dence one ofhis parishoners was cuied of a scrofuloussore, which was slowly draining away his life, by theCuticuba. Resolvent internally, and Cuticuba and

hike an umbrella. Weighs and Pension Department II less than 12 lbs. Can be? taken of! or put on in 3 minfier of its mother was easily slipped Cuticura Soap externally. The poison that had fed utes. Made in sizes to fit SIMPLE IN CONSTRUCTION!business wagons, pleasure

gone up, and yet people are not hap-

py, and as for the Wall street people,they are doing so little business, ac-

cording to their notions, that they'regetting almost to ugly too look at.

In this country of 50,000,000 peo-

ple, with a press publishing everyaccessible item, with electric facili-

ties from all over and beyond, everypaper has a catalogue of crimes ineach daily issue which would seemimpossible to Europeans where thepapers don't get all the news, anddon't print all they get, but some-

times we beat the record, and that'sthe case now. Perhaps one of themost shocking murders was that bya 3Toung scamp named Hovey, whoshot his pretty sister-in-la- w in thepresence of his wife, and other rela-

tives without any sort of provocation.On the contrary, it was owning to the

over its foot and nearly up to the the disease was completely dnven out.

ECZEMA. I wagons and buggies. tnafor Illustrated circular and

I nrico list. Aeents wantedknee. Our informant states flat ithair may be safely regained by using Parker's HairBalsam, which is much admired for its peifunie, clean-liness and properties.

Sixteen months since an eruption broke out on my everywhere. State whpre youRaw tht. I). (i. BEERS &leg and both feet, which turned out to be Eczema.was the opinion of the atteadins

Patentees and M'f'rs, Sandy Hook:, Conn.CO..aud caused me great pain and annoyance. . I triedvarious remedies with no good results, until I nsed theCuticuba Resolvent internally, and Cuticuba andGENERAL NEWS ITEMS.



VERY DURABLE!TOEACCO DUST!Cuticuba Soap externally, which entirely cured me

The Sunday law in Cincinnati works to

physician that the child would liveand prosper in' good health, notwith-

standing the diminutive proportions.The midget is so small that three of

so that mv skin is as smooth and natural as ever.LEX. M FRAILEY. 64 South St., Baltimore.

Mr. Stone of the St. JohusburyCaledonian, who has lately been trav-

eling in the Western States and Ter-

ritories has the following in one ofhis interesting letters to his paper :

&i PEIt BARREL FREE ON BOARD.the satisfaction of the public, but theprivate sellers of liquor are very much Successful where all other Trusses have failed !Invaluable to Farmers and Market Gardeners. DeCUTICURA.

The Cuticura treatment for the cure of Skin. Scalo stroys Bugs, Worms, and all kinds of Insects thatinfest youug plants. Kills Lice on Poultry and allgrieved. and Blood Diseases, consists in the internal use ofkinds of Vermin on Sheep and other animals.Cuticuba Resolvent, the new Blood Purifier, andLongfellow, Darwin, Emerson three the external use of Cuticuba and Cuticuba Soap, the P. LORILLAKD CO., Jersey City, N. J., or

P. Mangles 4 Co., 8 Centre St., New York.

size could play hide-and-se- ek in acigar box. This is believed to be thesmallest baby ever born. Gason(Nev.) Appeal

Each Trutt Warranted.

AMomnial Supporters !

Tfo. 43 Patent AdjustafcIeSuppcrtr

Great Skin Cures. Price of Cuticuba, small boxes,50c; large boxes, $1.00. Cuticura Resolvent, $1 Per Week can be made in any locality.

illustrious men in the world of learningand letters, have died within a very fewweeks of each other.

At Baton, New Mexico, our partywalked up under the lee of the moun-

tain to get a better view of the val-

ley and the mountain range beyond.$30per bottle. Cuticura Soap, 25c; Cuticuba Shaviso Something entirely new for agents. !i.3outfit free. H. w. s CO.. Boston, Mass.Soap, 15c.

Depot, WEEKS & POTTER, Boston, Mass.The Senate, Thursday, took ip the Bishop Foss of the Methodist churchwoman he killed that he had a home

to go to. He had ed his wife is very ill at his residence at Minneapolis,Minn., and it is feared that, he never will

bill which would restore tothe right of holding commisand finally w-a-s sent to the penitenti ' I have a positive remedy for the above disease; by

its use thousands of cases of the worst kind and of longstanding have been cured. Indeed, so strong is myrecover sufficient strength to discharge

the duties of his office.sions in the regular army, and speak-

ing on the measure Mr. Edmunds ofiiutninitsemcacy.thatl will send TWO BOTTLES

. FREE, together with a VALUABLE TRK ATISR nary for theft, was out a few days andgot sent back, and was a third timecommitted for stealing a doctor's

this disease to any sufferer. Give Express and P.O. ad--Sergeant Mason, who is in good health, uress. x a. biajvjuju, lai rear! fat.. Mew York. Best In use.

Acknowledged by all Physicians and Suris employed in the shoe factory of theAlbany penitentiary. He expects a par geons who hare tried them to be the Best

Safest and Easiest ever manufactured.PRINTING H

OUTFIT gVermont opposed it on the groundthat there should be some monumentleft to show that there had been arebellion in this country. He! alsoexpressed the idea that there was a

overcoat. It was his sister-in-la- w

who persuaded the wife to forgivethe rascal and offered them a share

don soon after the execution of Guiteau,and says his only regret is that he didnot succeed in killing the assassin.

ry Blaine, Thomas Ewing of Sanford's Radical Cura Type is all new and is alone worth more than the

of her home.The French charity fair is the sen-

sation of the day in the line of fashright and a wrong in the "late

Ohio, and Senator Davis of West Virgin

Close to the base of the mountain wecame upon a solitary grave with awooden and , nameless headboard.Nothing in particular was thought ofthe matter ; while one thought thesite a beautiful one, another consid-

ered it a singular locality to start a

graveyard. On returning to thetown a resident friend volunteered toshow us the grave of a man who waslynched a few days previous, and thetree on which he was hung. Wetold him we had already discoveredthe grave and the tree was soonpointed out. Going into the postoffice in the same town, one of theparty heard loud talking as thoughan auction store was in full blastnext door. On investigation it prov-

ed to be a gambling house under fullheadway. In the first room there

missioners say that over-dredgi- ng is

the cause of the calamity, and unlessthe beds are carefully protected theindustry will be ruined. In thiscountry the yield has begun to de-

cline, and unless the laws for theprotection of the beds are rigidly en-

forced the harvest will fall as low asin England. How important theovster business is in this country is

appears from the fact that the aver-

age yield is 22.250,000 bushels, andtheir value averages about $13,438,-S."- 2.

There are about 38,000 oysterfishermen and 15,000 shoremen en-

gaged in the industry, and about4,200 vessels and 12,000 small boats ;

the capital invested amounting to$10,750,000. New York pays $?,-000,0- 00

a year for oysters at whole-

sale, Philadelphia $2,750,000 andBoston $750,000. Maryland is thechief producer of oysters, and Vir-

ginia comes next, and Connecticut is

the most important oyster State in

New England.


pleasantness," and thought it should price of the whole outfit. Correspondence solicited.ia, have formed a syndicate to purchase Head Colds, Watery Discharges from the Nose and

Eyes, Ringing Noises' in the Head, Nervous Headache

Also our nsnal line of


ionable robbery, and everybody who not be entirely forgotten that we 14-2- 1 V. A. fAUGENT. Albnnv. Vr.the Washington and Ohio Railroad, and Chills and Fever instantly relieved.were right. which will be a short line between Wash- - Choking, putrid mucus is dislo3ged, membrane

cleansed, disenfected and healed, breath sweetened,smell, taste and hearing lestoied and constitutionaland Cincinnati. This railroad

thinks himself or herself anybodygoes to it and is disburdened of cashin considerable amounts. The Frenchwho are noted for excellent taste in

l ne I'rince 01 v aies gives nis ravages checked.Cough, Bronchitis, Dronniniis into the Throat.

will open extensive coal beds owned bythe syndicate in Virginia.brother a $2o,000 piano as a wedding Books, Stationery, FancyPain6 in the Chest, Dyspepsia, Wasting of Btrength

and Flesh, Loss of Sleep, Ac, cured.present.The steamer Marion burst her boilers One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent

and one Dr. Sanford's Inhaler, in one package, of allthe less serious matters of life,though they are all "off" in politics, What gives a healiby appetite, an increased diges on the ateree river, near Kingviiie,


druggists, for SI. Ask for Sakfoivd s Katiical Cuee.tion, Btrength to the muscles, and tone to the nerves?WEEKS fc POTTER. Boston.

Brown's Iron Bitters.S. C, yesterday morning. She had apicnic party of nearly forty persous onboard. One young woman was killed,

fighting, &c, have made a grandsuccess of this fair, and contributions ooWs LIGHTNINGResults Obtained by using Phos WINDOW GLASS,phate on Conx and Tobacco. "South

Is not quicker than COLLINS'have poured in from artists, artisticcooks, &c, from France as well as Vernon. Vt., Oct. 28, 1881. Mr. Editor,

a deck hand was drowned, two youngwomen and a man are missing, and sev-

eral others were injured, two fatally.VOLTAIC PLASTERS in reI planted this year two aores of corn lieving Pain and Weakness ofplowing in a heavy coat of manure and the Kidneys, Liver and Lungs,from every Frenchman here and even

the Belgians have clipped in liberally Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Hyste- -using ashes in the hill on a portion of the Stanley, the African explorer, reports jPlfeM . ed m hv$P mm 5 1

field. On the balance of the field, I used



na. Female Weakness, Malariaand Fever and Ague. Pricesatisfactory progress in his work on the

were five men behind tables "or count-

ers in different parts of the room,while on the other side of the tableswere the men who were being fleeced,as thick as they could sit or stand.The currency used was silver dollars,and there were as many different

in order to get a share of the glory 523 ots. Bold everywhere.no manure or ashes, but put Bradley sPhosphate in the hill. At harvesting, IThe great Materna is here ; Wag

SOMETHING NEW !got twice as mucli corn Irom the samenumber of Phosphated rows as I did fromner's famous Rhine Maiden, with big

Congo river, lie has laid out a roadaround the falls so as to open free com-

munication between the upper and lowerriver. His object is to open the interiorto commerce, but the details of his plans

that where I used manure and ashes.There was also a much larger growth of 10 ;nl)oiiN of the Brt ROOT BEER You


All Ms Soli at Bottom Prices!fodder on the Phosphated corn : the dif Ever Drank for 25 Cents. 'i j itference could be distinctly seen all sum and prospects are not yet announced.mer, the corn was a darker and richer C5BUTCHER'S EXTR'T of ROOTSThe death of Mr. Emerson takes anothcolor. As compared with other fertilizers 'i'Vili?

.'iasaaw-- 'which I have used, I think Bradley's is er of the very old men from the list ofour worthies. Among them who remain FOR

Home-Mad- e Beer.

body, big heart, lug soul, ana bigvoice, and the musical world hasgone crazy over her in particular,and the musical festival to be held atthe seventh regiment armory in gen-

eral. Seats can't be got for love ormoney, and in order to buy the lessdesirable single seats, people camethemselves, or hired substitutes tofall into line, aifd that line was asijjht to see. Many came at mid- -

much the best. I tried an experimentthis season on my tobacco, using Brad-ley's Phosphate on part of the field and a

week in your own town. $5 outfit free.

games as there were operators ;

some had cards, some balls, aiTd onehad a large wheel. The men gamb-

ling were of the lowest type of whiteman, Mexicans, Spaniards, etc.The eager countenance, depressed orelated look, either as they lost orwon, was a study and a lesson. Inone corner of the room stood the pro-

prietor behind a bar, dealing out li

risk. Everything new. capital not

We take this opportunity to thank our many f iendsfor past favors, and hope by strict attention to busi-

ness and giving good goods at low prices to merittheir patronage tn the future.

E. F. DUTTOX.Barton, April 17, 1882.

$6G; We will furnish you everything.well-know-n guano on the other part, side

are Thurlow Weed, who is 83; CharlesO'Conor, 78 ; David Dudley Field, 77 ;

Charles Fraueis Adams, and John A.Whittier, 74 ; Oliver Wendell Holmes. 73 ;

Many are making fortunes. Ladies makeby side, using both in the hill alike as much as men, and bovs and girls make great pay.Where Bradley's was used, the tobacco

Lieut. Dauenhower's story of thelast year of the Jeannette's voyageis published and is intensely interest-ing, lie says it was the most fear-

ful part of their experience. It wasduring this time that they discovered.Teannette and Henrietta islands, andtook possession of the latter in thename of the United States of Ameri-

ca. The story is gloomy enough.Lieut. Daneuhower says that DeLong boldly and deliberately enteredthe ice, taking the most hazardousroute to the pole ; that he resolvedto stanTl by the ship until the lastmoment, and then attempted to reachthe Siberian coast. He did stand bythe ship until it went down beneaththe waves, broken like a basket.The voyage of the Jeannette has not

Reader, if yon want a business at which yon can makeA capital Tonic, a delightful Beverage, composed of

Spruce, Yellow Dock, Burdock, Dandelion, Winter-cree- n,

etc, ready for immediate use. You cannot great pay all the time you work, write for particularsWendell Phillips, 71; Alexander II. to II. Hallett 4 Co., Portland, Maine.afford to gather and prepare the roots. All other mawas larger growth and better color, andwas so much in advance of the . guanothat people riding, past would inquire terial in the house. NO ALCOHOL. Invigorating.Siephens and Horatio Semour, 70. GRANDAppetising. Strengthening, Sparkling, Delicious. Sowhat caused the diflerence. At harvest good and so cheap you can afford to be generous.It is officially confirmed that there wasing, the Phosphate still held supremacy, Take it to a picnic; treat your neighbors, an J drinka fight between General Forsythe and thenight of the day before the box office

opened and camped out on earnpstools and the tobacco raised on it was larger freely yourself. Uet the genuine rreparea ovFREDERICK DUTCHER,and of better quality. Charles I. Pierce St. Albans, Vt.

hostile Indians in Arizona, near old CampEucker, on Wednesday of last week, inand when it opened, the line extend

Dr. Hatch's Febrifupc Conyli mixture and wim EM hkSTATE NEWS ITEMS. MANDRAKE PILLSed from the middle of the north end

quid fire to the thirsty. This hedoes seven nights in the week, get-

ting off Sunday forenoon long enoughto lead the singing in the only churchthe town sustains. I was told thathis place was thronged nightly bypoor men who there spend everydollar they can raise money whichxrcrr-TxmLi tutu laiuuies ueeu ior me

i!JS-T- he best family medicines. Sold by dealerswhich six Indians were killed. In a fightat Stein's Peak, New Mexico, on Wednes-

day afternoon, between Indians and Cap- -uTELL the place 2 getof Union Square to Broadway and everywhere.Dwight M. llolton has been appointed

post-mast- er at North Wolcott. SUREaway round the corner to Fourteenthstreet. It was hours before the rnid- - tain Tupper's detachment of the Sixth DCa(l SllOt "'mSlnQUll ' U ROEK!.1 a. - 1.1 J. 1 Oi. T f T -- ii. uiur-an1 trm paI I ' ' J "UllUUCtor raikUUrst UI Hie Dt. J. Oi 1j. Pnvnlrv. four Tnrlian sennte oughly when 1 cleaned house andlers were killed. It is said six Indiansrllp nftl" linn nniilfl rrnt noar tli FOE have not seen a bug since."sion of 17 a month and $2,800 back pay.cliance to swap eagles for the covet'CJv.

thebeen without, i;pruJthe pack establishes

Is at J. A. Pearson's Dental Booms,Eobinson Block, Barton, Vt.

Use it now; break up theirwere also killed. Possibly both reportsfact that T?l IJinvct nests; prevent inciease: get ridrefer to the same fight. UUgSi of them. "Fight it out on thisnecessaries of life. Nevertheless theowner has made $10,000 in two

Henry Seigel, aged 22, back tender ata saw mill at Hartwellville, Vt., last week line if it takes all summer."

land does not exist in the immensearea over which the ship drifted in

ed tickets and a brisk trade was donein supplying the patient lineholderswith sandwiches, beer, and newspa

Since January 1st nine hundred houses, Sold Evcrywliere.was thrown against a large circular saw, which for the purposes of taxation areyears.and so fearfully lacerated that he cannotI had intended to say something inrecover.

II! LI ICS "D A "DT'TJ Tnayu ronaa on rue at oeovJ.XLLO iTill: XUiJ p. ftowell Co'a NewspaperAdvertising BureauO0SprucSt. when advertisingcontracts may be mado for it IX XE.W IOBK

pers. As for the last of the line,they were out in the cold altogether.these letters on Horace Greeley's

valued at $10,000,000, have been erectedwithin the municipal limits of Xew Yorkcity. In other words, dwelling housesand business establishments sufficient to

Miss Mary Clarke, daugter of ColonelAlbert Clarke, now editor of the BostonShe had a splendid serenade at her

hotel the other evening, from the Times, Is very sick with diphtheria and

WONDERFUL INSTRUMENTS!!On which any one can play.

Organettesmake a good sized town in any part of

famous text, "Young man, go "West"but I have already exceeded reason-able limits. My observation thusfar, however, have led me to certain

may not recover. He has lost oue childPhilharmonic orchestra, led by Theo the country have been built on Manhat-tan Island in the short space of less than

the 21 months she was held in theice. The depth and character of theocean bed were determined ; the aui-.m- al

life that exist there, the charac-ter of the ocean water, and manyother facts that were finished withthe discovery of the two new islauds.Though complete success did not at-

tend the venture, the cruise of theJeannette will be found to have add-

ed largely to the stock of the world'sknowledge.

with the same disease.dore Thomas himself.Melopeans and Automatic Organs.Mr. S. B. Pettengill announces that heconclusions, one of which is that .the Slim Jim Bennett, slim no longer, four months. The ratable taxation of

ten million dollars means an actual inhas sold his entire interest in the St. Allaborer or mechanic without capital Send for Circulars, Catalogues of Music, 4cJ. McTAMJIANT, Jr.,

Inventor and Manufacturer. Worcester, Mass.vestment of nearly double that amount.bans Messenger to Mr. A. J. Lang, who

will continue its publication. Mr. D. AV. The New Yoi'k Methodist says that the

is back. He has delayed longer thanhe intended because his new yachtwasn't ready, and has now postpon-ed his departure for the purpose of

15-2- 7 AGENTS WANTED.Dixon will be the editorial manager.

is better off East thanWest. A manwith capital, can get rich faster WeStthan East. But there are compensa-tions and disadvantages in all sec

professed conversions in the revival atCincinnati to April 0th number 2,128 withThomas Foley, 30 years of age, was JUST OPENED !1,005 additions on probation. Newport,killed at Beatty's Landing, Guildhall,dividing the real estate left by his

father, between himself and sister.RALPH WALDO EMERSON. Monday, while rolling logs into the Contions, many of which I have alreadyhinted at in these letters. Much ofthe talk and blow about the West is

Covington, and Ludlow, across the riveriu Kentucky, record 455 conversions and380 accessions, giving a total for Cincin CROCKERYTt is to be sold by auction. I saw the necticut River, by having a log strike him

on the head. He leaves a widow and oneyoung man he is not so young aschild.

forthe nest

30DAYS !


Spring and Summer Goods.





made by the railroad corporations nati and its Kentucky suburbs of 2,583 con-

versions and 1,385 accessions. The workOR A I.IQIIO PREPARATION OF THE

P1I.1, FORMULA.We don't know what the item intendedthat have pushed their roads into has extended in all directions and among MME. AUGUSTA HEALY'Sto say but what it did say was, "L. T.

he was, but no one can think of himas anything else at his broker's of-

fice the other day. His manners,owing no doubt to his intimacy with

all denominations. The Presbyterians TTFPFT1 A "RT "P rPn"KFTP PflRTITATSparhawk is making a camera for his ownthe new country, taking up all theavailable lands, and now want to report 272; the Baptists, 329; the Con- - . UUII lmJUU 1U1UU UUllUinU,

gregationalists, 30; one Lutheran church,sell them out at an enormous adnose, capable of making pictures 18x22."Very good, Mr, Sparhawk. You maycome up and take a front seat. Free

This distinguished philosopher andpoet died at Concord, Mass., April27, 1882, in the 79th year of his age.He had enjoyed good health of late,but shortly after the funeral of Long-fellow, which he attended, he tookcold, pneumonia set in, and after abrief illness he peacefully passedaway. His wife, one daughter, andother friends, were at his bedside.

He graduated at Harvard in 1821,studied divinity with Dr. ('banning,and attending the lectures of Profes

13; the Disciples of Christ, 3G convervance. They mislead the ignorantsions or additions, and even St. Xavier'sPress.ami unwary. iney give only one

side of the story, as thousands of A grand reunion of Vermont soldierswill be held at Queen City Park, Burling-ton, July 3, 4 and 5. It is said that the

poor, discouraged men and women

Never Fnilw t o cure Misplacements, Ulcera-tion and all Chronic Female Weaknessescommon to the best of tlic sex. Made of theactive principle only of n garden seeds andwayside roots and herbs, they oiler a harmless butcertain relief for woman's pain. They impart contrac-tility to tho muscles, gives supporting power to theligiments, heal the tissues, give strength to the entiresystem and remove, all necessity for mechanicalsupports.

As Spring approaches, every weak woman shouldtake the Cordial, every female sufferer seek this cer-

tain relief and pure tonic medicine.Letters with stamp promptly answered by lady pro-

prietor. Buv of your druggist if possible: if not, wewill mail Pills, postpaid, on receipt of price, $1 perbox : 6 boxes, $3. Cordial, $1 per bottle; 6 bottles, $5.Send for valuable pamphlet and interesting facts.Address n. P. THAYER A CO., 13 Temple pi., Boston.

President and 'Grant will be present, beall over these plains will testify. 1

met a Presbyterian minister at Puebio who has spent seven years in establishing churches all over Colora

sides many prominent army officers. Animmense crowd will attend, and a jollysor Norton, he was licensed to preach

emperors, grand dukes, French ac-

tresses and other fashionable peo-

ple, are quite easy. He carelesslyremarked to the head of the firm, avery dignified old gentleman wholooks old enough to be his great-gran- d

father, and with whom no oneprobably took a liberty for the lastfifty years. "Here, , iwant to see you. Come here a min-

ute," and calmly marched off intothe sacred precincts of the innersanctum, where the ancient followedhim with the meekness of a lamb.The young man has lots of money,

picnic will be enjoyed by the old soldiers.by the Middlesex Association ofMinisters, in 1820, but he did not


IvoryBrownlndusThe best goods ever offered to the people of Barton

and vicinity. These goods are strictly first-clas- Wesell in sets or in any way to please our customers.These goods are very desirable ; they can he matchedfor years to come as easily as the Plain White. Wealso keep the Plain White in Stone China, Ac, tc,and we defy competition in prices. We want

1000 Ladles and. Gentlemen

do. He said in these seven years he Dr. Holbrook, ex-liqu- or agent of Mor- -

had travelled 10,000 miles, going intoimmediately enter upon the duties ofnearly every habitable part of thehis ofliee, as ill health sent him to re

risville, was arraigned before a jury lastSaturday on the charge of confiscating aforty-gallo- n cask of alcohol and twentygallons of other liquors belonging to thetown. He pleaded guilty and gave up

CEPHALINEIt is, if used as directed, guaran-


side for a winter in South Carolina state. He is young, bright and in-

telligent. In reply to my questionsand Florida. In March, 1829, MrEmerson was ordained as the col he said : Oh, it is a God forsaken, the liquor. He was then arrested for

selling liquor and Js on bail for trial inDELIRIUM TREMENS, NER-VOUS PROSTRTION TREMORS,VERTIGO. NERVOUS IRRITAmore than he can spend, and money two weeks.

league of the IJev. Henry Ware, theyounger, at the Second Unitarian

desolate land treeless, without wa-

ter, with no resources but the minesand grazing. But the climate is

coveis a multitude of sins. So far The Burlington Free Press favors ex- -

church in Boston the old church of he has been half-wa- y good-nature- d

BILITY. CRAVING FOR OPIUM or MORPHINE.An invaluable agent in the treatment of Obstruc-

tions of the Brain, and the relief of all Nervous Mala-dies, insures sweet, refreshing sleep.

Buy of your druggist, if possible; if not, we willmail it, postpaid, upon receipt of price. 50 cents per

good, I replied- - The most chaugea Gov. Stewart for Congress from the firstdistrict. The Rutland Herald supportsCotton and Increase Mather. The I haven't heard of any "shake-up- " in

ble in the world, said he . One may the ' Urrald yet. - - -time was one of liberal religious spec box. 6 boxes, 2.50. Send for pamphlet. AddressH. F. THAYEK A CO., 13 Temple pi., Boston.the of Col. Joyce, and Hon. J.

K. Batchelder of Arlington, Hon. Love- -start out to ride and be too warm

Roman Catholic Church had a revival.The New York Times presents an elab-

orate crop report, covering thirty-seve- n

states and four Territories. With a fewexceptions the general condition on Apr.29 promised "an abundant harvest throgh-o-ut

the country," winter wheat promisingwell, spring wheat very well, corn a large-ly increased acreage, sugar a splendidyield, save where drowned, hay andgrass a sight reduction, potatoes a heavyincrease, fruits an average yield or less,the dairies, and provisions a heavy in-

crease. Throughout the country betterfarming and greater variety have beenthe objects ot the agriculturists, and ifthe season be at all favorable it will bea year of plenty with nearly everybody.

The fire at Dover, Tuesday, which de-

stroyed the Washington street Baptistchurch and L. B. Laskey's brush factoi'y,was attended with fatal consequences. Aportion of the floor of the church fell, in theevening, burying five persons in its ruins.Four were rescued from the debris andremoved to their homes. Their names areMrs. Clifford, Mrs. Whitney, J. II. Bur-leigh and a youth named Peters. Theirghastly and mangled condition make italmost impossible that thev can recover.A search among the ruins resulted in thediscovery of the body of Judge John R.Varney, who had been missing sincenoon. His body was beneath two heavytimbers at the entrance of the vestry, andwas crushed beyond recognition.

Horace Maynard died at 1 o'clock onemorning last week of heart disease, athis home at Knoxville, Tenn. He gotout of bed at that hour, telling his wifehe felt unwell and dropped dead on thefloor. Mr. Maynard served several terms

ulation, and Mr. Emerson's doubts If you give a dog a bad name youmight as well hang him. That's theof the propriety of continuing the land Munson of Manchester, and Judge

Powers of Morristown, are also supportedwithout a outside garment ; a cloudcomes up and obscures the sun, and GRASS SEEDview Mr. Epstein, of Grand - street,

by their friends for the same position ;.allin ten minutes with all the wraps heof which foreshadows a contest that ough

takes of it. He is a dry-goo- ds deal-

er, and some years ago managed tocan muster the driver will chatter not to prevail. AND

celebration of the Lord's Supper werea suflicient reason for releasing himin 1832, at his own request, from hispastorate. During Mr. Emerson'spastorate he served upon the schoolcommittee, as most resident clergy

with cold like a man with the ague. get in the bad books of the dry goods The'Methodist Seminary at Montpelier,according to the report of conference,No, the climate of Colorado is dry,


Dry Goods,

Groceries, .



Ready Made Clothing,Crockery and

Gents' Furnishing Goods !

but not equable. owes $G90Q outside of the .conference,$4000 to the preachers' aid society

early closing association. Theybroke his windows, or somebody did,and he had them arrested ; then hewas arrested for false imprisonment,

SEED GHAIU.So much from a man who knowsmen then did ; and he was also, dur-

ing one session, chaplain of theand $2700 to the Clarke will trustrees.all about Colorado. Do you wonder

then that I say let no man go West It is hoped that interest will be remittedon $2Q,0Q0 of the Clarke will fund, thus


MARRIEDAnd come to Ellis Bean's and buy their Crockeryand Housekeeping Goods. To all such we will givesdiscount of 5 percent.

We have just reoeived afuHlineof Ladies' .Childreu's and Gem's Boots and Shoes, spring styles. Alsonobby Hats. We want Maple sugar. We shall sell allkinds of Seed this spring, and as low as any one inthe county; al90 machine made Butter Tubs.

Call and cxaming our goods. We want all kinds ofFarm Produce at the highest market value. We shalltry and please our customers, and if selling goods loww ill do it, we will succeed, for we won't be beat inprices. We buy for cash, sell for cash, and are satis-fied to get a small profit. We do not care to be rich,that's not our object, but to please our patrons is.

We are agent for BUTTEEICK'S PATTERNS.

Ellis & Bean.FOR SALE !


Lumber Wagon,1 second hand, one-hor- se

long Express Wagon, 1 sec-

ond hand Driving Harness,2 2nd hand Express Har-nesses, 2 new Driving Har-nesses, 1 2nd hand CookStove, a lot of Cedar Posts,

20 M 18-inc- h Spruce Shingles.

Also a large stock and variety of

JFli-st-Olti- ss

Sewing Machines,

Massachusetts senate.Mr. Emerson was married twice

IT!,-- . ir rmaking i practically an endowment.Of the proposed $40,000 endowment fund O. D. OWEN$20,000 is already subscribed.

nit, jiihi vtiie, iiss jr,nen j,ouisaTucker, of Boston, died in 1831, ayear after her marriage. By his A new railroad, the Canada Junction,

without taking money enough to getback East again if he wants to ?

And it will take considerable money,too. liailroad fares are ten cent amile, and the distances are immense.Milk is fifteen cents a quart ; pota-

toes 81.00 a bushel ; corn meal aboutj.1 i i. f t

is to run from the present terminus of thesecond wife, Lidia Jackson, of Ply Is now offering a lot of choice lot of Timothy and

Clover Seed at low prices. I have 40 bushel of verysoutheastern extension to Frelighsburg,just over the Vermont border, throughmouth, Mass., he had three children,

nice Lost Nation Seed Wheat, also Seed Oats, Bucktwo daughters and one son, Edward the towns of Berkshire and Sheldon toaldo. who graduated at Harvard

And in fact everything usually kept in a countrystore, all of which will be sold at the lowest cashprice. My stock is complete and must be disposed orat once. Give me a call and satisfy yourself that Imean just what I say. NO TROUBLE TO SHOWGOODS. All kinds of produce taken in exchange

at the highest market price. Thanking thepublic for past patronage, I remain

Yours truly.

as Congressman from Tennessee, waswheat, Beans, Ac, &c.


Sheldon Junction, there connecting withthe St. Johnsbury and Lake Champlain minister to Turkey and then Postmaster

General under President Hayes. He wasand the Missisquoi roads. The new line


and there was merry music all aroundfor a while. Finally, he gave in,and closed early, dropped his hun-

dred or so suits and began to hopethings would go on pleasantly. Butthey don,t. Bricks still fly throughhis plate glass, though he now "hasthe consolation of receiving deputa-tions from his former foes to sympa-thize with him, and declare what isno doubt the truth, that they havenothing to do with the mischief.And all sorts of jobs are put up onhim. The last was the old trick ofsending people to . answer 5dvertise-ment- s

for work and for watch-dog- s.

Mr. Epstein took it philosophically;,and pointed all comers to huge plac-

ards which he has had printed forsuch occasions, and conspicuouslydisplayed in his broken windows withlegends' "No more dogs wanted ;""No more hands wanted." You seeit has become the fashion in the im-

mediate locality to nnoy Mr. Ep-

stein, and the ginkeepers in the

64 years old. Mr. Mayuard was a nativeof Westboro, and graduated at Amherstcollege- - lie had been one of the mostprominent of Tennessee's public men, andone of the best, also. As a mark of re-

spect to the late Horace Maynard thenfct rwffif flpnnrtmpnt nt. Wficliinnrlrtn

gTATE OF VEBH0HT, j Orleans District, fa

will be eleven miles in length. The roadhas been surveyed and work will be be-

gun at once on the line. The followingboard of directors have been chosen j

Hon. Bradley Barlow, ex-Go- v, HoraceFairbanks, Col, A. B- - Jewett and F. A.Metcalf.

Henry Atherton, a young cabinet mak--

uie same price ; nouse rent 5io amonth for three rooms ; board fromsix to ten dollars a week, and every-thing else in proporatiou. Whenyou hear a man advising everybodyto go West, without regard to race",color or previous condition, yoir mayset it down as a sure thing that he isin some way paid for his talk.

"Danville. Vt., Dec. 27. This is tocertify that I used five tons of j our Gua-no the past season on corn, wheat, andoats5 and found it equal to any other ler-tiliz- er

1 ever used. Shall use a largeamount the coiuimr season. NewellStoekcr."

Flour,t JPoirlr,

Lard,will be closed on Friday next, the day of

College in 1800, and studied medi.cine. Of the daughters, Edith mar-

ried Mr. V. II. Forbs, of Milton,3Iass., the elder, Ellen, is unmar-ried.

Olr. Emerson's life at Concord,"nays the Tribune, was that of thepatriarch of the village, which hasrecognized him as one of the mostuseful and public-spirite- d of it cit-

izens, as well as one of the most lov-

able of the several distinguishedmen whose fame has made that other-wise historical locality widely knownin a different way. He was not onlythe friend of Alcott and Thoteau andHawthorne, all his townsmen, but ofthe plain farmers of the vicinage.

Sewing Machine Attachments, and Needles, cheap forJTissli, Arc?. cash or approved credit.

.T. J. HILL,I want Potatoes, Maple Sugar, and all kinds of

in Probate Conrt held at Barton Landing, in saidDistrict, on the 24th day of April. A. D. 188S!.

George A. Tinker, gaaidian of Jonathan E. Tinkerrof Albany in said District makes application to said'Court for license to sell the foilowing described realestate of his said ward, to wll: All his interest In six.acres of land, more or less, inherited from JonathanBollard, deceased, representing that the sale thereof,for the purpose of putting the proceeds of such sale aU

interest or investing the same in stocks or real estate,would be beneficial to said ward.

Whereupon, it is ordered by said Court, that saidiapplication be leferred to a session thereof, to be held'at O. H. Austin's office. In said Barton Landing on the-16t-

day of May, A. 1). 1882, for hearing and decision,thereon; and, it is further ordered, that all persona,interested be notified hereof, by publication of notice-o- i

said application and order thereon, three ly

in the Orleans County Monitor, published-a- t

Barton, before said time of hearing, that they may-appea- r

at said time and place, and. if they see cause,,object thereto. By the Court Attest.18-2- 0 O. H. AUSTIN, Judge..

er, about 22 years of age, of Waterbury, the funeral, and the building will becommitted suicide by shooting himself, j draped in mourning for 30 days,at about 8 o'clock, on Saturday morning

j clear head and voiee, easy breathing, sweet breath,last. He had just eaten a hearty break- - j 8me), taHe aud hearini?j no uzh.m, distress,fast, after which he arose from the taWe j TheBe are conditions brought about in catarrh by theand began pacing the room in a very ex- - 1 use of Sanford's Radical Cure. Complete treatment

cited manner. He soon retired to an ad-- f' $l- -

and icaly humors, ulcers.so.es audI Terrible itching;ninin r,,rt f tl, nnrf thoro W

Produce in exchange.

I have for sale a good new one-hor- Lumber

Wagon that I can sell under price.

Barton, May 1. 1882.

x4lpvtion ivottco.This is to oertifv that I have this dav given my son,

MARTIN P. MURPHY, his time during the remainderof his minority and fhnll claim none of bis wages norpay any debts'of his contracting after this dafc.


Lowell, Vt., April 24, 18S2. 18-2- 0

As Is lERrsxijio Fact. In France, all patent med-

icines must be endorsed by an official board of physi-cians before they can be sold. In lieu of such a lawin America, the people have resolved themselves intomflBTational committee which has endorsed Swayne'sOintment for allaying the itching accompanying theplies, as the only reliable remedy iu the market. Itsa poor rule that won't work both ways.

i scrofulous swellings cured by the Cuticura and Cutihimself. The ball entered the temple,and passing through the brain, took a O. D, Owen.cura Soap (the great skin cures) externally, and Cuti-

cura Resolvent (blood purifier) internally. Ask aboutthem at your druggist. Barton, April 21. 18S2.neighborhood dqwnward turn and come out throughcomplain that their