origins of judaism. judaism religion developed 3,000 years ago in the fertile crescent monotheistic...

Origins of Judaism

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Page 1: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

Origins of Judaism

Page 2: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

JudaismReligion developed 3,000 years ago in the

Fertile CrescentMonotheistic (belief in one God)Shaped other religions like Christianity and

IslamShaped modern ideas about law and

human rights

Page 3: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

Early Israelites and JudaismTeachings and practices of Israelites

became known as Judaism, religion of Jewish people

Beliefs: MonotheisticGod created each person in God’s imageAct based on ethics, ideas about right and

wrongSource: Torah

First five books of Hebrew Bible

Page 4: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

Important People in Judaism: Abraham1700 B.C.ELived in Ur, MesopotamiaGod told Abraham to leave Ur and travel to

Canaan, on the Mediterranean SeaCovenant – binding agreement – between

God and AbrahamCanaan would become the land of Abraham’s

descendants. Canaan known as Promised Land

Page 5: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

Israelites – Twelve TribesPatriarchs - Forefathers of Jewish peopleAbraham, his son Isaac, and Isaac’s son

JacobJacob had twelve sonsEach son was the ancestor of a tribeJacob was renamed IsraelTwelve Tribes became known as IsraelitesTheir stories are written down in Genesis,

the first book of the Torah

Page 6: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

Famine in CanaanFamine: shortage of foodJacob’s family moves to Egypt (great

supplies of grain) after famine in CanaanPharaoh enslaved and mistreated IsraelitesBook of Exodus

2nd Book in TorahDescribes the hardships of Israelites in Egypt

and their escape.

Page 7: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

MosesIsraelite adopted by pharaoh’s familyGod appeared to him and asked him to

rescue people from slaveryPharaoh refused to let people out of EgyptGod punished Egyptians

SicknessInsectsDeath of Firstborn son

Page 8: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

Moses and Israelites Leave EgyptMoses led Israelites to the Sinai PeninsulaExodus: escape of Israelites from EgyptPassover

Celebration to commemorate God’s freeing them from slavery.

Page 9: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

The Desert ExperienceIsraelites lived in the desert for 40 yearsGod provided instructions and ways of

worshipFaced harsh conditions and battled other

peoplesQuestioned leadership of Moses and GodFinally believed that obeying God’s

commands would provide everything they needed

Page 10: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

The Ten CommandmentsCommandment – order to do somethingGod gave Moses 10 Commandments at

Mount SinaiMost important laws in the TorahJewish people believe they have a covenant

with God

Page 11: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

Return to the Promised LandJoshua took leadership role after Moses

diedIsraelites entered Canaan once moreThey conquered JerichoThen conquered other kingdoms in CanaanTribes settled in different areas of Canaan

Page 12: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

Jewish Scriptures – Hebrew Bible (Tanakh)

Divided into three sectionsThe TorahThe ProphetsThe Writings

Page 13: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

The Torah (Law of Moses)God’s creation of the worldNoah’s ark and the great floodLife of AbrahamCovenantStories of the IsraelitesJourney from Egypt to Promised Land

Page 14: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

The ProphetsBooks by or about Jewish prophets

Prophets: person believed to be chosen by God as a messenger to bring truth to people

Preachers, poets, etc. Told people how to relate and follow God

Page 15: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

The WritingsGreat Hebrew literaturePsalms: poems or songs as prayers to God Proverbs: wise sayingsBooks about heroesChronicles: history of early Jewish people

Page 16: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

Rabbis - Religious TeachersRecorded oral laws Discussed how laws should be interpretedWrote commentaries on the lawsTalmud: text from A.D. 600

Collection of teachings and commentaries about Hebrew Bible and Jewish Law

Page 17: Origins of Judaism. Judaism Religion developed 3,000 years ago in the Fertile Crescent Monotheistic (belief in one God) Shaped other religions like Christianity

Key Teachings of JudaismEthical MonotheismObservance of LawLove for OthersWeekly day of rest (Sabbath)Commitment to study and prayerConnection to the Land of IsraelRightousnessIndividual Responsibility to GodJustice