original images

This was the original image for the front cover. I have chosen to use a medium-close-up due to it allowing to use the rule of thirds effectively. This Is because I can create direct address by sizing the image into the central hotspots. Also, I have used mise-en-0scene with this shot to create representation of the target audience and the genre of hip/hop. This is because through my research I found out that hip/hop musicians would wear baseball hats and jewelry, therefore I have made the model wear a two chains and pinky rings. The target audience is represented through having a young model being used that would fit my target audience of 16-21. Although this may perpetuate the representational issue of hip/hop music stimulating material excessiveness to it’s audience I have tried to counter this on the double page spread iamge.

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Post on 17-Nov-2015




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This was the original image for the front cover. I have chosen to use a medium-close-up due to it allowing to use the rule of thirds effectively. This Is because I can create direct address by sizing the image into the central hotspots. Also, I have used mise-en-0scene with this shot to create representation of the target audience and the genre of hip/hop. This is because through my research I found out that hip/hop musicians would wear baseball hats and jewelry, therefore I have made the model wear a two chains and pinky rings. The target audience is represented through having a young model being used that would fit my target audience of 16-21. Although this may perpetuate the representational issue of hip/hop music stimulating material excessiveness to its audience I have tried to counter this on the double page spread iamge.

This was the original image for the double page spread. I have chosen a wide shot as it allows the mise-en-scene to be present. This is because I have chosen this location as part of the location recee since it has props of the speakers, musical equipment and iMac. Therefore it gives the impression of the musician being focused on the music rather than the other aspects of hip/hop such as the drugs and violence.

This was an image I used for the contents page. I have this time selected a close up shot because due to the magazine being its first issue I have included this as a part of the editors letter. This is to give a visual representation to the audience of who the editor is creating direct address as the close up of the model is looking directly at the audience.

For this image I have chosen to negate from the model looking directly at the audience because I thought a over the shoulder shot would direct address. This is because it gives an insight to the audience to the actual process of creating music and mixing down using the technical equipment. This was to ultimately follow the article and image description of a musical producer giving his breakdown of how he works on is projects in the studio. To reinforce this I have used props such as the iMac in the back as well as the technical equipment (that adjusts the levels of the music bass/synths etc.).

A medium close up is again used, I have used similar mise-en-scene that was included for the front cover, this is to reinforce the genre of the magazine to the audience thus it is clear to the audience it is a hip/hop magazine. I have also made the model give a hip/hop hand gesture to show that the model fits the hip/hop image. Although this may perputate the representational issue of hip/hop music stimulating gang culture due to this hand gesture being seen as a gang-sign.