orgo night spring 2016

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  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016




    Ladies and gentlemen, and organic chemistry students, back despite

    multiple fuck yous, it’s the most #CANCELLED band in the world, the

    Columbia University Marching BOO BOO TRASH!




    J. Donald Trump: Building a Wall

    J. Barnard Library: Tearing down a wall

    J. “Activists”: Shitposting all over the Facebook wall


  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016



    Welcomes itself back to spirited, saccharine, strangely antiseptic, sedulous,

    sententious, sesquipedalian, semicircular, semicentennial, solipsistic,

    recently renovated, yet still in need of renovation! College Library, where

    the shelves are long lasting, but sadly not the men, and the women are

    checked out but long overdue. As well as student minimum wage going up,

    student sleep hours going down, and temperatures at an alltime so low it’s

    illegal to fuck it, the Band now presents its 63rd consecutive, 69th

    semiannual drive to lower the curve in Organic Chemistry while

    consummating the world’s largest simultaneous Orgo! And so, in the

    interest of everyone’s enjoyment:


    SEAS students, please turn off your Android devices.


    GS students, please turn up your hearing aids.

  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016



    CC students, please set your cell phones to vibrate.


    Barnard students, please set your vibrators to phone. Let’s start the show!

    [Who Owns]



    Student government was more effective than usual this semester, which is

    to say it achieved only slightly more than the Oscars would let any black

    actor achieve during awards season. Barnard’s outgoing SGA president

    wrote an op-ed begging to be freed from the human centipede that is the

    Barnard administration. ESC debated whether diversity should take up 50%

    of its agenda or 80% of its agenda. But all that pales in comparison to the

    efficiency of CCSC, which was determined to prove that frat boys can

    organize things other than beer pong tournaments. Like water pong


  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016



    First came the news that Ben Makansi had jokingly appointed Deantini as

    Head of Public Safety, which actually makes sense. Drinking a Deantini will

    make your vision as blurry as those photos in the Clery crime alerts. And

    probably just as racist.

    Then, CCSC victoriously announced that they had placed 3-ply toilet paper

    in Hartley, available for pick-up for Columbia students whose assholes are

    as sensitive as their feelings. But what do you expect from a student body

    that is so lazy that it can’t fold toilet paper 3 times?

    However, the most overblown of all CCSC policies was Tampongate, or as

    it’s also known: Menstrual Blood-gazi. This should've been a no-brainer.

     After all, people here actually have a need for free tampons, unlike free

    condoms. But then CCSC moved to give students free pads as well, which

    was regarded by Health Services as an unnecessary upgrade from

    extra-privileged to MAXI-privileged.

  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016


    The bloodbath began when CCSC president, Ben

    “Ma-can’t-see-what-pads-are-for,” and ESC president, Caroline “Didn’t

    bother to explain” Park, posted in the Class of 2016 Facebook group asking

    for reasons Health Services should also provide pads. Little did Ben realize

    his subtly worded reminder that he has a penis would annoy students. The

    senior class could have been helpful and actually answered his question so

    they could just get free pads. Instead, they took the opportunity to create

    some extra drama to alleviate the terror of entering the real world, where

    identity politics and fighting on Facebook won't get you an apology and free

    shit. People currently on their period were pissed that they had to explain

    why they may not want to shove a $0.25 cardboard dildo up their vaginas,

    cis men were pissed that there was a discussion that didn’t explicitly

    require their opinion, and Catholics were just worried that using tampons

    counted as losing their virginity.

    But for all the attention given to the Facebook skullfuckery, the real

    question everyone should be asking is... WHY does Health Services know

    less about periods than a Republican Presidential Candidate... or Ted


  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016


    Between Makansi, Park, and that nurse who extracted your 2 week-old

    tampon from your uterus, you're seriously telling us none of them bothered

    to Google why some people with vaginas might prefer pads?

    It’s literally the job of Health Services to understand the student body’s

    bodies. Period! And shockingly, some of those bodies have uteri! This begs

    the question, what else does Health Services not know about? Do they

    think that every student on campus is actually 21 years old? Do they think

    that Herpes is some new messaging app? Do they think that the best cure

    for a sprained ankle is a lemon wedge and instructions to walk it off like a


     At least now that Columbia finally has free tampons and pads, we can say

    for sure that the students will be bitching about the lack of diva cups next


    In honor of tampons, the band now forms an amputated leg and plays

    “Toxic Shock Syndrome”

  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016



    {JOKE 2–CDCJ}


    Columbia has as many shitty traditions as your inbox has course evaluation

    reminders. There’s Primal Scream, which is known in the neighborhood as

    “when to get away with murder.” There’s the annual celebration of Barnard

    students getting to be the Dom: Big Sub. Then there’s Varsity Show,

    which this year celebrated its 122nd “How Many Times Can We Say Dead

    White Man” performance. And of course, who could forget Columbia’s

    longstanding (or long-sitting) tradition of the Days on Campus Protest.

    Three weeks ago, while you fossil fuel enablers spent your week ditching

    class, watching Netflix, and bitching about the administration, Columbia

    Divest for Climate Justice heroically fought the system by storming Low...

    ditching class, watching Netflix, and bitching about the administration.

  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016


    That’s right, after postponing their civil disobedience plans from last

    semester, these wannabe Loraxes spent five months developing a new

    strategy: they would Seamless Dig Inn rather than Swәetgreen—because

    as every hippie knows, organic mac & cheese constipation is much more

    tolerable than kale shits. To be fair, they also spent that time discussing

    important, substantive policy issues, like whether it still counts as “saving”

    the environment if you leave halfway through for your Saturday gym class.

     After all their planning, CDCJ entered Low with a mission—force Prezbo to

    submit to their demands through chanting, signage, and egregious body

    odor. Leading the fight to rid Low of the protesters, armed with a bottle of

    Febreeze, was Suzanne Goldberg, Rules Administrator, Executive Vice

    President for University Life, and ~Master-of-all-that-she-surveys~. But

    Goldberg soon realized that a simple squirt with a water bottle and yelling

    “BAD CDCJ” wasn’t going to cut it. So she came up with a plot more

    contrived than V-Show 122 and immediately shut down the entire building,

    at once rendering the ineffective protest effective.

  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016


    Meanwhile, conspicuously absent from the protest was Prezbo himself,

    who was away in California mourning the loss of beloved soup inventor, Bill

    Campbell; whose decades-long fight to save the football team finally

    climaxed when they won two whole games this year.

    By the end of their occupation, CDCJ somehow only managed to push

    back their scheduled meeting with Prezbo, proving themselves to be about

    as ineffective as their climate change proposals. But what else do we

    expect from a school where posting “fuck you” on facebook counts as

    actual thoughtful activism. To be clear, we in the band agree with CDCJ's

    goals—the only climate change that we want to see is it FINALLY


     All CDCJ seemed to really successfully occupy was Spec, which took a

    break from beating the dead horse of whatever the heck they write about,

    to cover the protest with a liveblog, livestream, two photo essays, a handful

    of op-eds, and an airplane over campus dragging a banner saying

    “PLEASE READ US” across the sky.

  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016


    But CDCJ at least achieved a moral victory when Bernie Sanders tweeted

    in support of their efforts, the only Bernie-related victory in New York all


    In honor of slacktivism, the band now forms low steps and plays Drowsy





    Every year, when it gets warm, two things become absolutely certain:

    swamp ass is happening in every SEAS boy’s cargo shorts, and sorority

    girls are taking graduation photos on the steps. Unlike swamp ass, sorority

    girls are not in a SEAS boy's pants, but much like the musky bog in and

    around the asshole, sorority girls are hugely irritating!

  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016


    It all started when Kappa Alpha Theta—also known as Kanta Aholda

    Theirliquor—showed new members a video where Delta Sig boys roasted

    the sorority Delta Gamma—also known as Dong Guzzlers. To be clear,

    there’s nothing wrong with being a Dong Guzzler; in fact, it’s a relief to hear

    about Columbia students using their big mouths for something other than a

    self-righteous rant.

    In the video, one Delta Sig boy says: “Fuck DG.” And his male

    escort—sorry, frat brother—responds “I’ve already fucked half of them.”

    Because, again, nothing screams “I’m totally  not into socratic gayboy love”

    like paying money to hang out with other men for four years, and then

    bragging loudly and totally not self-consciously   to them about how many

    girls you fuck.

  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016


     And yet, somehow, immediately after this, Theta landed a New York Times

    article about how feminist   it is. That’s like Jay-Z getting a “husband of the

    year” award, or Bernie Sanders saying he’s winning the Democratic

    nomination, or a Syrian child passing Columbia’s swim test. Sororities, the

    article said, have thrown off the shackles of the darker times, when they

    focused on, oh, I don’t know, stuff like pettily slandering other sororities.

     After all, the article explained, sororities are now just feminist breeding

    grounds. By that logic, Barnard is the biggest sorority on campus.

    But Theta’s feminist rebranding ran into problems on account of its

    Prohibition-era alcohol policies, written when liquor was neither seen nor

    heard, just like the women! But this rule-breaking could have been kept as

    secret as Martin O’Malley’s presidential campaign if it hadn’t been for

    Columbia’s premiere source for Facebook reposts, Bwog!

    That’s right, Bwog got the dirt by putting up an article featuring a snapchat

    of a cheeky Theta member next to bottles of vodka, rum, and the semen of

    past conquests.

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    While some were surprised that Bwog somehow still exists, most people

    were surprised that they neglected to blur out the girl’s name, or her clearly

    identifiable ass-cheeks. In fact, the uproar in the comments section was so

    great that Bwog put the Editor-in-Chief out of his misery, which, knowing

    Bwog’s revolving door of Editor in Chiefs, is about as surprising as

    sororities drinking in the first place. Here’s a tip for Bwog: just hire the

    sorority girl to be your next EIC, since she’s already calling the shots about

    your content.

    But at least this scandal distracted Columbia from the bigger issue of

    sorority recruitment. In the unfortunately alliterative and perhaps culturally

    appropriative Spec op-ed, “Why I said Sayonara to Sororities,” the author

    accused recruitment of being shallow and based on looks and small talk,

    which, incidentally, perfectly describes the Jarred Fogel Big Brother

    program. I mean, what did she fucking expect? Claiming that the sisterhood

    you pay $400 a semester for is “fake” is like claiming that there might  be

    puke in the Carman elevators during NSOP. The only thing worse than a

    “friend” who tags you in ugly candid photos is a sister who screenshots

    your ugly candid photos and tips them to Bwog.

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    Still, we have to ask: How the frick frack are any of these scandalous!? The

    fact that sororities drink booze, flash ass, and can’t stand each other isn’t

    exactly new. But, sorority hijinks are so common that we somehow care

    less about them than we do about whatever the fuck Apartheid Divest did

    this semester. Maybe next year, sororities will be able to admit what

    they’re really about–giving Ivy League nerds to opportunity to pretend to be


    In honor of sisterhood, the band now forms a big ol’ bottle of booze and

    plays “I’ll make a Sorority Woman Out of You”


  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016




    Guys, we’re about to read the statüe joke. But we just want to take a

    moment to say “Fuck all of you for making this a big enough deal we had to

    actually write about this shit. You guys are all massive Dum-Dum Idiots for

    making the New York Times write about this piece of shit, instead of an

    actually important issue.

    Okay, let’s get this over with…

    First off, someone in the administration must have a fetish for sculptures

    that look like they were designed by horny garbage compactors. I mean, if

    walking into the Law Library underneath a sculpture of tangled sex with

    magical horses is their cup of tea, fine—we in the band will never say “nay”  

    to horse sex. But that doesn’t mean the rest of the student body enjoys

    passing by a monolith to their weird, creepy kinks every time they want to

    go to EC and gently make love to their suite’s fire extinguisher until it

    sprays white goo, like normal people.

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    This new sculpture is no exception, since it looks like the stain left on the

    sheets after the Pan sculpture hate-fucked the Tooth. But according to

    Columbia Facilities’ unread, unheard of, and unnecessary sculpture blog,

    Reclining Figure depicts a woman with her legs spread, waiting to get

    fucked by the administration–just like the rest of us. Columbia somehow

    saw no problem with putting this female figure in front of Butler, a building

    with less gender diversity than a Harvard social club. And it’s not like there

    can’t be a good sculpture of a woman: we’re pretty sure everyone on

    campus respects Alma Mater more than Prezbo... not just because

    students actually see her around campus, but because she’s way cooler

    about drunk students climbing on top of her.

    But we have to ask—has Henry Moore ever even seen what a woman

    looks like? Why is the only feature distinguishing this woman from a post

    JJ’s bowel movement the taped-on titty? Was he spurned by a middle

    school crush, vowing never to lay eyes on a woman again? Who hurt you,

    Henry Moore?

  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016


    But Henry Moore’s mommy issues don’t let the rest of you assholes off the

    hook. While there is something to be said about putting a vaguely-female

    sculpture in front of some strongly-phallic columns, most detractors of the

    sculpture were busy yelling, “It’s ugly!”, and “I hate it!”, and “I’m afraid of

    any minor changes in my life!”

    For all the talk about needing those five square feet of grass to play frisbee,

    the lawns have emptier than they were during Bacchanal. But because you

    insisted on your right to a patch of grass you didn’t give a shit about before,

    Student Council actually had to send out a survey asking “Do you like the

    statue,” as if the administration would ever listen to our opinions. CCSC

    could have saved themselves the effort if students just stopped going

    outside! Think of all the fun things you can do indoors, like slowly melting

    into the fabric of your mattress as your body withers and deconstructs in

    the rank, fart-moist air.

    The only people who seem to be in favor of the sculpture are art history

    majors, the three of you who didn’t sleep through Art Hum, and Spec’s

    rick131. To be fair, maybe we’re being a bit hard on the art history majors.

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     After all, if you’re going to pay a quarter million dollars for a degree in

    “unemployable,” you should at least have a say in what shitty art is

    displayed on campus.

    In honor of taped-on tities, the band forms a pile of breasts and plays

    “Game of Thrones.”




    This year for Barnard was like a freshman’s first frat party hookup. In other

    words, full of initial excitement and ultimately floppy disappointments.

    First, there’s Overheard @ Barnard, which was originally meant as some

    sort of safe space for both Barnard students and 50-comment threads

    about Marxism.

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    The group was discovered and colonized by Columbia students when a

    Barnard student posted a picture of herself in bed with half of Rae

    Sremmurd, which would have been really cool if anyone had actually cared

    about Bacchanal this year. We in the band have to say, for a group called

    "overheard," it's weird that its most famous post is a picture. Yet the peak of

    Overheard at Barnard was also a preview of its fall from grace, as

    arguments about consent and trigger warnings divided the college faster

    than an Orgo Night survey.

    Next, the Barnard administration tried to improve student life by giving its

    students access to JJ’s place. Unfortunately, this is still a crisis in the

    making–What incentive do Barnard students have to talk to Columbia boys

    now that they don’t need a swipe into JJ’s?? If Columbia boys can’t bribe

    their dates with a charred hockey puck between two buns, they’ll have no

    way to compete with Swae Lee on Tinder.

    Then was the news that Malia Obama was considering going to Barnard.

    The Barnard Class of 2020 was already fighting over the right to hold

    Malia’s hair back the first time she has to puke into a Sulz toilet.

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    Unfortunately, Malia chose to take a gap year and go to Harvard, which

    made Donald Trump immediately skeptical and demand to see a longform

    acceptance letter . Maybe all of the JJ’s drama is what turned Malia away

    from Barnard, New York’s premier school for corporate, white

    commencement speakers. JJ’s Place probably seemed unattractive to

    Michelle Obama, considering her War on Fat Kids. When Barnard

    announced that JJ’s would be available to all students, Michelle must have

    used the executive veto and told Malia, “you have to go to school in

    Boston, where there’s healthy food, like… Boston Market, and… boston

    creme pie, and… you know what, maybe just don’t go to school for a year.”

    Regardless, Malia Obama chose not to come to Barnard, probably because

    Obamacare, but Barnard no care.

    In other news, while a new library may seem promising, construction is

    displacing professors, annoying the shit out of neighborhood residents, and

    leaving some students without their cultural center–it’s like a mini

    Manhattanville in our own backyard.

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     And as Barnard’s foundation was pounded by jackhammers, its students

    were getting a pounding of their own with a thick 6.. percent tuition

    increase. Going to Barnard now costs $66,000 per year, officially pushing

    the price of tuition above the price of a back-row Hamilton ticket. And the

    rising tuition apparently wasn’t enough for Barnard’s money guzzling

    administration—which just launched a revolutionary campaign to raise

    more money. The Bold Standard’s sorority recruitment video is trying to

    remind us why Barnard is worth keeping around instead of just slowly

    withering away like Maggie the Magnolia. Ultimately, this just proves that

    the more money Barnard takes, the more fucked up it becomes, just like a

    high profile hooker.. Or Hillary Clinton.

    In honor of Barnard and Columbia support, the band now forms the single

    most unifying song in the history of music and plays We’re All in This



  • 8/17/2019 Orgo Night Spring 2016



    Well, that’s all for us tonight, folks. But before we go, we’d like to leave you

    with a few study hints for the big Orgo exam tomorrow:


    Rings of carbon are called aromatics. Rings of frat boys are just aromatic.


    Uncombusted methane from animal manure is a major source of

    greenhouse gas. An uncombusted Barnard girl after Chipotle was recently

    a major source of library gas.


    Carbon’s propensity for infinite bonding could cause some problems when

    carbon’s NSOP group inevitably stops talking to each other.

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     And finally, in chemistry, elements that are not part of the solution are part

    of the precipitate, whereas, at Columbia, students who are not part of the

    solution are part of the Band!


    Thanks and good night folks! Try not to break any bookcases on your way

