organisasi berkinerja tinggi (high performance organization)

Disampaikan untuk Diklat Management of Training Pusdiklat Teknis dan Fungsional LAN-RI Jakarta, 12 Maret 2016 Dr. Tri WidodoW. Utomo, SH.,MA Deputi Inovasi Administrasi Negara LAN-RI Jl. Veteran No. 10 Jakarta PEDULI INOVATIF INTEGRITAS PROFESIONAL

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Disampaikan untuk Diklat Management of TrainingPusdiklat Teknis dan Fungsional LAN-RI

Jakarta, 12 Maret 2016

Dr. Tri Widodo W. Utomo, SH.,MADeputi Inovasi Administrasi Negara LAN-RI

Jl. Veteran No. 10 Jakarta


Sebutkan 1 organisasi (privat/publik, pribadi/yayasan, profit/non profit, dalam/luar

negeri) yang Anda kagumi …

Apa yang membuat Anda mengagumiorganisasi tersebut?

Prologue …

Carilah metafora terbaik untuk OrganisasiBerkinerja Tinggi / High Performance

Organization …

Mengapa Anda menjadikannya (binatang, tokoh, benda, dll) sebagai metafora OBT /


Prologue …

Metafora OBT …

Metafora OBT …

Kancil Si Cerdik & Kreatif, selalu

menemukan solusi “out of the box” thd setiap masalah …

Bunglon Si Adaptif, selalu mengikuti

dinamika lingkungan sehingga tidakmudah dikenali lawan…

Metamorfosa sbg Keniscayaan Organisasi

Current Organization

High Performance Organization

“Organization as human being; it has tendency to

grow up”

HOW ??

Metamorfosa sbg Keniscayaan

Metamorfosa Organisasi

Mengapa OrganisasiBerubah /


Teknologi Baru

Perubahan KarakteristikLingkungan

Kebijakan Baru

Dorongan untuk Metamorfosa

Internal Pressure:Eksternal Pressure:

� Fragmentasi tugas/fungsi� Tuntutan efisiensi

� Keterbatasan sumber daya� Pemaknaan thd values

organisasi� Desakan akuntabilitas yg

makin tinggi, dll.

Tuntutan thd kualitas pelayanan

Perkembangan cyber-governance

Kompetisi & pilihan publik ygmakin beragam, dll

Apa & Bgmn HPO itu?

HPO is an organization that performs better than its peers in regards to business performance, innovation, employee productivity, and engagement, over a sustained period of time.

Sumber: Kaiser Associates,

Apa & Bgmn HPO itu?

High PerformanceOrganization

Adaptive, innovation-friendly

structureInspiring culture

• People: Top management: team-leading innovation; Cross-functional team: mapping innovation road; Empowered employees: driving innovation.

• Ecosystem: Vision & strategy for innovation; Process, practice & system supporting innovation; culture inspiring innovation.

• Shared values;• Inspiring vision;• Inspirational

leadership;• Inspirational

environment;• Relentless


• Encourage, energize, coach ;

• Delegate authority;• Provide resources;• Provide incentives

and growth opportunities.

Empowered employees

Sumber: (diolah)

Apa & Bgmn HPO itu?

1. Management Quality� Trusted and coaching Leaders;� Leading by example, with integrity;� HPO leader is action-oriented and decisive,

also regarding to non-performers.

2. Employee Quality� Employee of an HPO are diverse,

complimentary and well able to work together;

� They are resilient and flexible when it comes to achieving results.

3. Continuous Improvement and Innovation� An HPO has a unique strategy and all

employees contribute to improve, simplify, align, and renewing processes, services, and products.

5 Faktor Kunci HPO

4. Openness and Action Orientation� Involve everyone through shared

dialogue, knowledge sharing, and learning from mistakes.

5. Long-term Orientation� Continuity in the long term always

takes precedence over profit in the short term;

� Long term relationship with client, partners, shareholders … all stakeholders.

Survey thd 1.470

organisasi di 50 negara

Management Quality

Employee Quality & Engagement

I. Having a long-term philosophy that drives a long-term approach to building a learning organization

– Base your management decisions on a long-term philosophy, even at the expense of short-term financial goals.

II. The right process will produce the right results

– Create a continuous process flow to bring problems to the surface;

– Level out the workload (Heijunka – work like the tortoise, not the hare);– Standardized tasks and processes are the foundation for continuous improvement and employee empowerment;

– Use only reliable, thoroughly tested technology that serves your people and processes.

III. Add value to the organization by developing its people and partners

– Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others;– Develop exceptional people and teams who follow your company's philosophy;

– Respect your extended network of partners and suppliers by challenging them and helping them improve.

IV. Continuously solving root problems to drive organizational learning

– Go and see for yourself to thoroughly understand the situation (Genchi Genbutsu);

– Make decisions slowly by consensus, thoroughly considering all options; implement decisions rapidly (Nemawashi);

– Become a learning organization through relentless reflection (Hansei) and continuous improvement (Кaizen).

The Toyota Way …

The Ways to be HPO …

Bagaimana dg organisasi sektor publik?

My Organization Way …

Budaya kerja / budaya kualitas seperti apa di unit kerja Anda?

Sudahkah budaya kerja itu membentuk unit kerja Anda sebagai OBT/HPO?

Epilogue …

Bagaimana program & lembaga Diklat dapatberkontribusi terhadap perwujudan Organisasi

Berkinerja Tinggi (HPO)?

Apa yang perlu dibenahi dari sub-sistem Diklat agar mampu meningkatkan kualitas manajemen dalam

organisasi, kualitas pegawai, inovasi, orientasi aksi danketerbukaan, serta orientasi jangka panjang?

Semoga Bermanfaat … !!

Deputi Inovasi Administrasi Negara LANJl. Veteran No. 10 Jakarta