ordos 100 #33 poster


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The poster showing the main modeling steps


Page 1: Ordos 100 #33 Poster

ORDOS #33Epoka University Department of Architecture Fall Term 11/12

prepared by: Fitim MIFTARI supervisor: Anna YUNITSYNA02020911 3D Modeling

Scalene ArchitectesOrdos, Inner MongoliaJean & Luc Larnaudie20082009-2010Ai Weiwei, BeijingJiang YuanJiang Yuan1,000 sqm aprox

Architects:Location:in Charge:

Design year:Construction year:


Constructed Area:

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4

The underground floor plan with space division and two patios interrelating with the exterior

The ground floor plan and the exterior walls without the oppening. Entrance included.

The first floor plan along with the only outter oppening, deepening the patios furthermore.

The whole building model without the oppen-ings. Only the volume is evident.

Building location in a ground versus water diagram.

The surrounding buildings conceptual models to provide the idea of urban settlement.

Preparing the site model. The image shows the main streets on the site of building location.

The secondary models (site elements) joined together leaving room for the building.

Perspective view of the building during daytime, with secondary models (car, human) to provide the idea of the building scale.

Further perspective to see how the building fits in the site along the river, street and the rneighbouring buildings.

View of the building from the other side of the river during the night time, showing the entrance facade.

The building emphasized from the rest of the site elements.