ordinary meeting 10

158 Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 22 June 2011 - #3198987 ORDINARY MEETING 22 JUNE 2011 10 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S (CEO) MONTHLY REPORT TO COUNCIL – JUNE 2011 Lyn Russell lr: 1/3/37-30 #2439705v18 RECOMMENDATION: That Council: 1. Endorse the Chief Executive Officer’s report for June 2011. 2. Endorse the Chief Executive Officer’s goals for 2011/2012 INTRODUCTION: The following report provides an update for Councillors on current strategic council related issues and actions underway to address them. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Innovation Agenda Tropical Innovation Awards open for applications The Tropical Innovation Awards are now open for applications and regional economic development stakeholders are urged to encourage applications to the Awards from individuals and businesses throughout TNQ and for the Tropical Zone category from other regions of Australia and from countries throughout the Tropical Zone. So far the majority of applications have been for the Tropical Zone Category. Workshops for applicants The first of two workshops for potential applicants, supported by the Queensland Government and Cairns Regional Council, was held on 12 May 2011. Twenty (20) businesses participated in the ‘Writing a Winning Application’ workshop delivered by Andrew Griffiths. The second workshop will be held on 16 June and will focus on Presenting your Innovation’. Encouraging young innovators Secondary schools across the region are also being engaged through presentations to encourage young innovators to enter the awards. The high schools which have agreed to participate so far include Babinda State School, Gordonvale State High School, Trinity Bay High School, Cairns State High School and Malanda State High School.

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Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 22 June 2011 - #3198987


22 JUNE 2011 10

CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER’S (CEO) MONTHLY REPORT TO COUNCIL – JUNE 2011 Lyn Russell lr: 1/3/37-30 #2439705v18

RECOMMENDATION: That Council: 1. Endorse the Chief Executive Officer’s report for June 2011. 2. Endorse the Chief Executive Officer’s goals for 2011/2012

INTRODUCTION: The following report provides an update for Councillors on current strategic council related issues and actions underway to address them. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE Innovation Agenda Tropical Innovation Awards open for applications The Tropical Innovation Awards are now open for applications and regional economic development stakeholders are urged to encourage applications to the Awards from individuals and businesses throughout TNQ and for the Tropical Zone category from other regions of Australia and from countries throughout the Tropical Zone. So far the majority of applications have been for the Tropical Zone Category.

Workshops for applicants The first of two workshops for potential applicants, supported by the Queensland Government and Cairns Regional Council, was held on 12 May 2011. Twenty (20) businesses participated in the ‘Writing a Winning Application’ workshop delivered by Andrew Griffiths. The second workshop will be held on 16 June and will focus on ‘Presenting your Innovation’.

Encouraging young innovators Secondary schools across the region are also being engaged through presentations to encourage young innovators to enter the awards. The high schools which have agreed to participate so far include Babinda State School, Gordonvale State High School, Trinity Bay High School, Cairns State High School and Malanda State High School.



Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 22 June 2011 - #3198987


Applications for the Awards will close 30 June. Following the judging process, the Peoples Choice Award will launch 19 July, leading up to the Awards night on 12 August at the Cairns Convention Centre. This event will follow the Austropex Event being held at the Shangri La. The Tropical Innovation Awards team are working closely with Austropex to take advantage of complementary marketing activities and cross promotional opportunities Award winner The Tropical Innovation Awards has been announced as winner of another award - the Economic Development Association, Economic, Environment and Innovation Award. This award recognises the innovative way in which this project has approached showcasing and profiling innovation and invention in the Tropical North Queensland Region. Following May’s announcement that the Tropical Innovation Awards were winners of the National Local Government Association Award for Regional Collaboration, the Economic Development & Innovation Team were invited to present to a national judging panel for the overall National Excellence award. International interest Following the recent delegation of Embassy officials to Cairns led by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Hon. Kevin Rudd, at which the Tropical Innovation Awards were launched, Council has been contacted by Heads of Mission from Botswana and Bosnia to set up trade visits. On 30 May, the High Commissioner and Economic Secretary from Botswana met with Council's Economic Development and Innovation team, TropLinks and DEEDI to discuss opportunities for collaboration with regards to Tropical Expertise and Innovation. The delegation was particularly interested in sustainable energy practices, landscape management and eco-tourism. Given the opportunities with regards to the Tropical Innovation Awards and the new international category the Botswana delegation have agreed to support the awards through their various networks. The delegation was also provided with information on a number of applicants from 2010 which related to their various fields of interest. Informed Economy Economic Impact Model Council’s new Economic Impact Model is now in operation, with training workshops held during May for staff to enable staff across Council to apply the model and an early run of the model used successfully to support Council’s application to Regional Development Australia for funding for the Edmonton Sports Centre. A workshop has been arranged for 5 July to present the model to Council’s regional stakeholders. While Council will not run the model for external projects, it will be applied to any major partnership projects.

Economy ID A new revised Economy ID information tool is now available on Council’s Economic Development website page. Key features of the revised tool include easier navigation and clearer summary information on economic performance. A workshop will be held with Councillors in July to present the new model and economic profile.



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2011 Cairns Business Survey The Cairns Business Survey results have now been collated and presented in overview to business group representatives on 10 June 2011. A link to the recording of the presentation will be sent to all businesses that completed the survey and will be available on Council’s web site. The survey attracted 724 respondents (representing a 96.4% confidence level). Slides presenting basic results from the survey are available now for information from Council’s Economic Development & Innovation team, with a full survey report to be available on Council’s web site on 30 June. Key focus areas of the survey included: business operations and structure; home-based business; workforce and employment; business confidence; impediments to business growth, innovation (and barriers to innovation) and technology. Emerging issues highlighted through the results include: - Improving business confidence looking to the next three to six months; - A call from businesses for improved marketing of Cairns businesses, more

networking, more small business assistance and better access to capital as priority areas for support;

- Education, training and export assistance also highlighted by businesses as important needs;

- High importance placed by businesses on access to high speed broadband; - Over a third of Cairns businesses investing in Innovation, research and

development; - Access to R&D and funding identified by businesses as significant barriers to


A parallel piece of research, the ‘Cairns Investors Confidence’ survey is also currently underway. This has been established by Council’s Economic Development & Innovation team as a smaller, interview based, survey, seeking feedback from approximately 20 investors and investment advisers, about current investment motivations, issues, observations and suggestions about investment in Cairns. Results from both the business survey and the Investors Confidence Survey will now be built into business plan activities for Council’s Economic Development and Innovation Strategy and Actions Plans for 2011-2014. Further analysis of results can be done as specific projects require. Results from the Cairns Business Survey will also be discussed further with individual regional economic development organisations. It is proposed that the Business Survey is repeated in one year. Digital Economy NBN Co submission The FNQ submission to NBN Co is currently under development and due for completion end July. The submission will follow Expression of Interest letter that was sent to NBN Co in May, signed by all Mayors formalising support for NBN Co to encourage early roll-out in FNQ. This letter is presented as Attachment A to this report.



Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 22 June 2011 - #3198987

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE CONTINUED NBN Co submission Key components of the submission to NBN Co will include: - comprehensive GIS mapped information on infrastructure and development

(including transportation networks, growth areas, planning zones, multi units maps, high voltage power lines and Telstra exchanges);

- outline communication plan; - NBN training provision; - support business capability profile; - 2011 Cairns Business Survey results highlighting business need for high speed

broadband; - outline of research underway with DEEDI of Cairns businesses to assess current

capability and identify strategies to build capability for high speed broadband; - case studies of key sectors – smart applications. Business capability profile Calls for Expressions of Interest from companies to be included in a capability profile of support services to present to NBN Co as part of the submission are currently advertised (Attachment B refers). Businesses are being sought from the following areas: - surveying; - conduit, pit and pipe networking; - (Optical) cable hauling and jointing; - internal cabling skills for Multi-dwelling units; - construction skills, including heavy plant operation, road construction and traffic

management; - logistics including warehousing and storage facilities. “Broadband for Breakfast” A Broadband for Breakfast business event will be held on 15 July (venue to be confirmed) in partnership with the Cairns Chamber of Commerce. Speakers will include DEEDI and NBN Co, with the focus of the breakfast on informing business. BroadbandToday Cairns Regional Council is a member and sponsor of the Broadband Today Alliance - http://www.broadbandtoday.com.au/. This web site is a key information source for up-to-date information on high speed broadband, digital economy and NBN. Cairns Regional Council will host the Broadband Today Alliance meeting on 14 September. Babinda Local Area Initiatives The Babinda Mill Site Redevelopment Working Group meets monthly, advancing concept plans for redevelopment of the site. The group includes Council; Maryborough Sugar Factory, the Babinda Task Force and DEEDI. Master planning of the site is being designed to provide for more detailed consideration of a range of projects proposed by the community. A Frequently Asked Questions list is being maintained for the community from the Working Group meetings.



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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE CONTINUED With funding approval through the Economic Diversification Fund and Maryborough Sugar Factory, the Babinda Business Expansion and Retention Program (BEAR) is now commencing, with the first stage being the appointment of the program coordinator. Economic Diversification Fund round one and Tourism Development Fund – 2010/2011 – Update on delivery progress Council is updated on delivery progress with projects approved under the Economic Diversification and Tourism Development Fund on a quarterly basis. • Cairns Mining Industry FIFO Worker Attraction Program – Advance Cairns Ltd

Advance Cairns has organised an inbound trade visit for New Crest mining in May 2011. Advance Cairns is continuing to identify mining company targets for future in bound trade visits.

• Future Workforce Needs Analysis - North Australia Research Group

Focused on a 5 to 10-year time frame, the aim of this project is to provide an overview of future workforce needs and the implications of skills shortages and gaps on the growth and development of the Cairns economy. Phases involved with this project include: Phase 1: Preparation of an initial working paper that looks back over recent decades at actual workforce trends in the region. Phase 2: A small workshop of a number of key people in the city concerned with and experienced in workforce questions to discuss where past bottlenecks, shortages and oversupplies have occurred and lessons from them for the future. Phase 3: Model likely trends in the economy and workforce needs on a 5 to 10-year time frame to identify as best possible, implications for workforce needs and potential issues. Phase 4: A further workshop with employment agencies and training organisations to identify and discuss issues and recommendations. Phase 5: Preparation of a final report Phases 1 and 2 of this project are now complete. The final report will be ready by early July 2011 and presented to Council at a workshop to allow for fuller consideration of the findings.

• Cairns Innovation Centre Scoping Study – Cairns Institute The Cairns Innovation Centre Scoping Study is currently investigating the demand for an innovation centre and possible local project development options. A draft paper has been prepared by the Cairns Institute for dissemination at a workshop with reference group members on the 24th June 2011. The outputs of the reference group workshop will be used to refine the final version of the report for recommendations on future development.



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• Social media/ website and viral marketing campaigns – Tourism Port Douglas & Daintree The TPDD website is complete and was launched at the end of March, with significant improvement to visitation statistics noticed almost immediately. Visitation to the site increased by 9% in April (compared with April 2010), page views increased by 27%, pages/visit increased by 17% and the bounce rate dropped by 38%. This shows that more people visited the site, looked at more pages, stayed for longer and found what they were looking for from the home page of the site. This is a very positive result which has occurred in the first month after the launch. These results are expected to continue to improve over time with the result of a very useful and important marketing tool for the region.

• Discover Paradise Marketing Campaign – Tourism Port Douglas Daintree In May 2011, Discover Paradise was printed and released into key regional and interstate markets, with 118,100 copies being inserted into The Australian in Melbourne (31 000), Sydney (33 000), Townsville (8 100), Brisbane, the Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast (40 000) and locally in Port Douglas and Northern Beaches (6 000). TPDD members were offered a discounted advertising rate to participate. The success of the campaign has already started to filter through with accommodation providers reporting increased bookings since the beginning of the campaign. Progress will continue to be monitored.

• Continuing the Momentum – Tourism Palm Cove (Strengthening the Palm Cove brand through co-operative partnerships across the TNQ region, with an emphasis on culinary tourism and Queensland rebranding).

- Co-operative advertising and promotion program with TPC members during Cairns Festival on 21 August around the “Taste of Palm Cove”, including collaboration with “Taste Paradise” project.

- Combined media and web focus on a combination of “Palm Cove the Destination” type features in addition to TPC member’s product focus.

- Two high impact promotions including valuable media in “Holidays for Couples” ($3289) and “Luxury Style and Travel” ($1000) magazines have been contracted based on the destination strategy.

- Planned development of co-operative marketing and promotions to the local domestic market. Designated the’ 4 hour drive from Palm Cove market’, this is a significant opportunity for Palm Cove to engage the restaurants, retailers, resorts, attractions and services in Palm Cove, to package programs throughout the year and especially addressing the ‘slow’ and ‘wet’ cycles. This also includes marketing to wider markets such as the mining and resources markets. These initiatives are important to balance future growth and economic sustainability, not only for Palm Cove but for the Cairns region generally.

- Trade and media family’s associated with Palm Cove Events to be developed with respect to specific events, including a “Palm Cove Dining Experiences” program under development leading up to Christmas, 2011.

- Enhance TPC Website: video and image library under finalisation, in addition to identifying TPC member volunteers for ‘manning’ the website. Series of workshops (self funded) organised on social media for TPC members on June 25.



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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE CONTINUED • Wedding and Romance Market Project – Tourism Tropical North Queensland

TNQ's $90 million dollar romance/wedding market continues to grow, supported by the following activities:

- Cooperative campaign through Luxury Travel and Style magazine this month - Media famils conducted in the region for key women's, wedding/ honeymoon

titles such as Holidays for couples - Palm Cove and other regional photo shoots with a strong romance theme to use

in the ongoing promotion of the region. - Support with collateral through the Wed in Paradise regional stands at wedding

and honeymoon consumer shows around Australia and New Zealand - TNQ Qantas Holidays March campaign and TNQ Zuji.com.au campaigns

featured romantic packages specifically aimed at couples • Tropical Breaks for South East Queensland - Tourism Tropical North

Queensland Since January, TTNQ has set about on a series of campaigns focusing on our core domestic markets of Brisbane and South East Queensland, Sydney and Melbourne. These have included such activities as our first fully digital campaign, Australia’s Greatest Adventurer – cooperative activities with Tourism Queensland and regional airline Qantas Link and in March a major trade and media roadshow which saw TTNQ and 18 tourism operators travel to Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane conducting training workshops with over 200 travel agents, up-skilling them to sell TNQ region and responding to doubts about the region following the cyclone Yasi event.

Industry and membership buy in and cooperative support for our $34,500 campaign activity spend has been extremely strong with over $340,000 leveraged from our campaigns – adding value to our initiated activities.

• Creating Volunteerism Opportunities in the Cairns Region – Australian Trust for Conservation Volunteers This project is now commencing at early stages of stakeholder consultation. Leveraging from Council’s funding, The ATCV has recently applied for additional funding through the TQUAL grant to AusIndustry to increase the scope of this project.

Film Industry The television series ‘The Straits’ has commenced filming in the region. This production employs 25 full time local crew plus casual crew, with total expenditure estimated as $2,913,000. 'The Straits', a 10 episode television series, is expected to commence filming in mid June through to mid September (a period of approximately 14 weeks) primarily around the Cairns region with some filming in the Torres Strait.



Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 22 June 2011 - #3198987

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT UPDATE CONTINUED The producers of the series “R.A.N. - Remote Area Nurse” were introduced to Far North back in 2004. Local award winning star Aaron Fa’aoso who is now Executive Producer of the Straits has created this series based on the attributes of this region. Economic Development and Innovation team has been working as a contact point for the location manager of the Straits and with staff across Council to support the planning for this film production. Issues being addressed include road closures and parking, public awareness and property searches. This one-stop shop approach will form part of Council’s Film Friendly policy and procedures to be developed in 2011/2012 Councillor Business Dialogue The Mayors Business Lunch in May was held at Council's Spence Street Civic Reception rooms. Ten businesses attended to introduce and discuss their businesses and to discuss key issues for the Division 3 business community with the Mayor, Councillor Pyne, the Chief Executive Officer and Manager Economic Development & Innovation. In June the lunch will be held at Spence Street, Civic Reception rooms for Division 4 with Councillor Lesina. As part of the monthly Councillor Business Visitation Program in May Councillors visited Sea Swift, a locally owned company and an important part of the Cairns marine industry, offering a wide range of logistics and freight capabilities include barge/tug and landing craft operations and crewed vessel chartering options. Economic Development & Innovation Projects under Separate Reports - Advance Cairns Relational Agreement 2011-2014 - Economic Diversification Fund Application Request for Amendment - Advance

Cairns Online Business and Events Calendar



Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 22 June 2011 - #3198987

REGIONAL MANAGER DOUGLAS UPDATE Port Douglas Master Plan Council is currently working through all of the information received during the recent community engagement process for the lagoon pool and other proposals relating to the Port Douglas Master Plan and will present this information – as well as preliminary advice from State agencies – in a report that will go to Council shortly. This report will consider all options, the 'pros and cons' of each and their feasibility. Four-Mile Esplanade Upgrade Works on Four Mile Esplanade Upgrade are almost completed. Finishing touches to the boardwalk pathways are expected to be finalised by week ending 24 June. The new landscaping, parking and road finishes were all completed in time for Carnivale Beach Day at the end of May. These works are the result of extensive community engagement and signal the first capital works to be undertaken as part of the Port Douglas Master Plan. Daintree Gateway Project Community Consultation on the Draft Daintree Gateway Master Plan was completed in early May. Feedback from the consultation period was considered with the draft updated to incorporate elements captured through this consultation. The final draft was then presented for final feedback from the Stakeholder Reference Group at their meeting held 1 June and then presented to the Daintree Gateway Steering group Meeting held 3 June. A Councillor Workshop on the Draft Master Plan is proposed for next month with a report to Council on the outcomes of the consultation period expected in July. Carnivale 2011 The 2011 Carnivale program has been touted as the most successful program ever. The ten-day festival attracted large crowds at the variety of events on offer. A range of Council staff worked closely with the Carnivale Event organisers and the Port Douglas Chamber of Commerce in staging many of the events. Council assistance includes funding and in-kind assistance totalling $65,000. Council participated in the festival with an all dancing choreographed float in the Street Parade and with an Information Stall on Beach Day. At Beach Day, Council staff provided local residents with over 300 plants as giveaways from Council's Mossman Nursery to help celebrate the event. Water Demand Management Awareness Campaign and Retrofits Regional Manager Douglas is currently part of a team including members of Cairns Water and Marketing & Communications developing strategies to provide the local community with a range of options to assist with issues around water sustainability. Strategies include working with local schools, the Chambers of Commerce and tourism operators. Port Douglas Storage and Trunk Infrastructure Council has identified the need to provide additional water storage for Port Douglas to meet future water demands and improve the sustainability of the water supply network in terms of reduced operation and maintenance costs.



Agenda – Ordinary Meeting 22 June 2011 - #3198987

REGIONAL MANAGER DOUGLAS UPDATE CONTINUED Council recently engaged a consultant to undertake detailed design and documentation of the Port Douglas water storage reservoir and pipelines. The design phase of this project will include review and confirmation of the location of the proposed reservoir and pipelines. Local land owners near potential new reservoir locations have been contacted and invited to attend an information session to be held at the Mossman Office in early July. Mossman Show The Annual Mossman Show will be held on 24 and 25 July. Council will be hosting a stand at the show with a Sustainability Theme. Visitors to Council's stand will have the opportunity to participate in the Sustainability Hoop La. This attraction will deliver important Sustainability messages around themes including biodiversity, energy and water. Over 5,000 visitors are expected to attend the Mossman Show and Council provides the Mossman Agricultural Society with $15,000 of in-kind assistance to help resource staging the event. Douglas Advisory Board The next meeting of the Douglas Advisory Board is scheduled to be held on 27 June 2011.



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ENTERTAINMENT PRECINCT UPDATE A detailed report on the progress of the project from mid April until mid June was considered by the Entertainment Precinct Committee on 15 June 2011. As a reminder to the community, the meeting dates for this Standing Committee of Council are listed on Council's website. Members of the public are always welcome and we encourage attendance by all who are interested in the many aspects of this very exciting development. The agenda, minutes and reports are posted on Council's website, and detailed project information posted on the project website www.cairnsep.com.au . Following the appointment of the architectural design team in April, CA Cox Rayner, and the technical design and advisory consultants required for the early stages of the project, the site master planning and the development of preliminary design concept options has been moving rapidly. Four community consultation sessions were held in May, seeking the community’s input regarding site masterplanning. The very valuable comments were taken on board by the design team, who in early June presented very preliminary design concepts which demonstrated the inclusion of many of the issues raised previously. Those concepts will be developed further over the next month and will be supported by the full technical analyses of all subconsultants, together with a preliminary cost plan. Further consultations are scheduled for late June and early July, with final reporting on the completion of the conceptual design phase at the end of July. Work is proceeding in relation to the Project Assurance Framework study required by the State government to support Council’s formal submission to Treasury for significant project funding. Stage 1 of this work is now complete and payment claims for the first $1 million of State funding for business planning have been submitted. Stakeholder involvement in the project is sought and welcomed. Members of the design team have presented masterplan options to Ports North, the Chamber of Commerce, Arts Queensland and the State inter-agency management committee, Queensland Museum, DERM, the Board for Urban Places, and the Queensland Chapter President of the Australian Institute of Architects. Comments and feedback has been extremely positive, and further development of the designs anticipated with great interest. The project communications plan endorsed by Council has been implemented and will run until the end of the conceptual design phase to ensure that information is about the project is taken to all sectors of the community in a variety of accessible formats, including print media, television, radio, cinema, and the web. This variety of media has proved to be a cost effective means of providing information as against addressed or unaddressed mail. I am pleased to report that Council's goal to create jobs through the project for Cairns-based businesses is being achieved. Thirteen individual firms based in Cairns have been engaged on the project in these early stages.



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MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE • Council messages delivered to the community through avenues including fortnightly

Cairns Sun and Gazette Council Corners and Babinda Bytes, monthly Pakmag editorial and quarterly Parenting Companion editorial. Messages during May included Cairns Airport Adventure Festival, Cairns Entertainment Precinct, Tropical Innovation Awards entries and the draft Community Plan.

• Your Say residents’ panel is being promoted through print and social media advertisements. From 1 May to 25 May the number of registered panel members has increased by thirty. During this same period there were 1,221 site visits and 82 downloaded documents.

• M&C are working on a design concept for the final Community Plan • Council’s website continues to be maintained and improved, with new functionality

implemented eg, embedded content from YouTube and e-books. • M&C are working with the Botanic Gardens to develop a new Botanic Gardens

booklet. • M&C have commenced initial planning for the 2011 Cairns Show. The theme will be

‘Future Focus’ with a cooking flavour. Feature projects include current master planning activities, the Cairns Entertainment Precinct, Council services, Community Plan and City Centre Master Plan.

• M&C provided support and assistance to the Sports & Recreation Branch for the development of logos and branding for the Sugarworld Water Park.

• M&C are assisting Sport & Recreation Branch in the planning and creation of an online contact form and social network for clubs and venues.

• M&C coordinated production of collateral for the Sustainability Expo. • M&C worked with Economic Development & Innovation Unit to prepare a Tropical

Innovation Awards presentation for the Department of Regional Development’s National Awards for Local Government.

• M&C have continued to maintain and develop web content for the Economic Development & Innovation Unit within the main CRC corporate website, whilst also beginning to load content into the dedicated, stand-alone Invest Cairns website.

• M&C are working with Cultural Services on the development of the Creative Cairns web portal.

• M&C have commenced planning for the Budget media packs to be released 30 June.

• M&C are working with Festival Cairns to ensure Council has a high profile on all media, branding, sponsorship and marketing.

• M&C were actively involved in the delivery of Challenge Cairns activities, including providing advice and support for promotion of the event, equipping a Council stall at the Sport and Lifestyle Expo and providing targeted collateral for media packs and athlete packs.



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MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE CONTINUED Media • High output of press releases with majority being picked up by media. Council’s

Media Coordinator is taking a proactive approach to keeping a stream of press releases flowing to keep as much media attention on positive messages as possible.

• Have been building good relationships with each of the General Managers and gaining a better understanding of the roles within each Department, which helps to streamline the enquiry response process.

• Major upcoming projects requiring publicity include the Sustainable Living Expo, Tropical Innovation Awards and the Budget.

• Primary focus during the next few weeks will be preparing a range of media releases for the Budget media pack, working with the rest of M&C team to determine and present key messages. During this time, general press release output may be lower than usual.

Social media • CRC Facebook page is continuing to grow since its launch on February 9. For the

period 27 April to 26 May, Facebook interaction stats include: − 528 http://www.facebook.com/home.phpMonthly Active Users − 49 http://www.facebook.com/home.phpNew Likes − 44,647 http://www.facebook.com/home.phpDaily Post Views − 124 Post Feedback

M&C continue to work with other business units within Council who also have a Facebook site to maximise cross promotional opportunities. Recruitment of the position of Social Media and Public Relations officer has been finalised. Events: • Event work for May included the Mayor’s Charity Golf Day, Taipans Welcome Home

and the LGMA Congress Expo stand, Social Night and Study Tour. • The Golf Day was the most successful to date raising over $9,500 for the chosen

charities, Meals on Wheels. This was over $2000 more that the previous year. A thank you morning tea as also held at the end of the month to officially thank sponsors and hand over cheques. Excellent media coverage came about from this as well.

• The Taipans welcome home was very successful with approximately 400 fans coming to welcome home the players. With just 2.5 days to organise, the event went extremely well.

• LGMA Congress Expo was well manned and concentrated on Community Plan and Economic Development. The Social Night also went well with over 170 delegates attending and LGMA very happy with the outcome. The Study Tour went roughly to plan running a little behind time due to road works, but all in all, delegates very happy with their day.

• Planning currently underway for the Local Government Chief Officers Group (LGCOG) meeting in July, Streetscape Award launch in June and Tropical Innovation Awards in August.



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MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS UPDATE CONTINUED • Senior Events Officer also attended a risk management conference in May in

Sydney and will be preparing a new event risk management template for use. Events Strategy and Sponsorship • Events & Sponsorship Analysis: Version 2 draft now complete and within Marketing

& Communications for internal review. Requested E-team meeting and awaiting confirmation. Final draft to be forwarded to Chief Executive Officer late this week.

• New Strategic Relationships / Partnerships: Continue to build network base with local, state and federal contacts. Looking at further joint initiatives with Events Queensland.

• Events Evaluation Methodology: Currently working with James Cook University to trial evaluation process on Festival Cairns.

• Grants Framework / Assessment: Currently working with CS&CS to formalise a new event grant assessment framework. Revised version expected to be trialled on upcoming event rounds.

• Complete Sports Marketing and prospective event evaluation processes: Teleconference with CSM complete and draft process flow-chart forwarded to CS&CS going forward. Work still continuing.

• Digital Think Tank: Fiona Dix / Stefanie Wilson attended as founding members of digital think tank. Concept is based around a unified digital direction for the region’s key players.

• Challenge Cairns: Year One complete with a review process now underway. • Taipans: Sponsorship contract complete and currently under review. • Festival Cairns: Currently working with Festival in regard to the standardisation of

Council branding, sponsorship proposals and contract / agreement templates. Entertainment Precinct • M&C have extensively promoted CEP community consultation sessions via Council

Corners (Cairns Sun, Gazette, Babinda Bytes, Cairns Post), on Council website and Facebook page.

OTHER MATTERS OF INTEREST At the November 2010 Ordinary meeting Council resolved:

Under Section 257 of the Local Government Act 2009, Council delegates authority to the Chief Executive Officer to modify the structure as required below the branch level.

The General Manager Corporate Services has undertaken a review of her Department and has formed the position that it is more appropriate for the Business Improvement team to report to the Manager Information Services. This team currently reports to the Manager Governance. Under my delegated authority I have approved the change to the Corporate Services structure.



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CEOs Performance review and goals for 2011/2012 On Friday, 10 June the Review Panel conducted my required annual performance review. During that meeting, I submitted a proposed set of CEO goals for 2011/2012 which were discussed and amended. I have now attached (Attachment C) my agreed goals for 2011/2012, for Councillor endorsement and any discussion. CEOs Annual Leave I will be on annual leave from 25 July to 30 August inclusive and therefore tender my apologies for the July and August Ordinary Meetings and also the August Committee meetings. ATTACHMENTS Attachment A - the FNQ submission to NBN Co Attachment B - Calls for Expressions of Interest Attachment C - CEOs goals for 2011/2012 LYN RUSSELL PSM Chief Executive Officer



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Calling for Businesses to support National Broadband Network (NBN) roll out in FNQ

Cairns Regional Council in partnership with FNQ Councils, is currently seeking businesses to be included in a capability profile of services available to support the roll out of the NBN in Far North Queensland. If your business offers skills and services in the following areas, we invite you to register your details with us to be included in the capability profile: - Surveying; - Conduit, pit and pipe networking; - (Optical) cable hauling and jointing; - Internal cabling skills for Multi-dwelling units; - Construction skills, including heavy plant operation, road construction and

traffic management; - Logistics including warehousing and storage facilities.

To register your details or for more information, please contact Leon Doutre of the Cairns Regional Council’s Economic Development & Innovation Unit at [email protected] or by phone on (07) 4044 3243.



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INDICATORS 1. WORKPLACE HARMONY Develop a strategic enterprise bargaining agenda in close consultation with employees, E-Team and Councillors.

Best practice enterprise agreement endorsed by all parties prior to July 2012.

2. 2012 ELECTIONS AND COUNCILLOR DEVELOPMENT Prepare a comprehensive Councillor orientation program for implementation post the 2012 Council elections.

Program endorsed by current Council and Department of Local Government & Planning.

3. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Accelerate the implementation of Council’s Connecting service quality program across all Council departments.

Improved PhoneFox results and customer satisfaction measures across Council.

4. COMMUNITY PLAN Finalise preparation of Cairns Regional Council’s Community Plan and submit Plan to the Department of Local Government & Planning.

Council endorsement of final draft.

5. CIVIC PRECINCT MASTERPLANNING Ensure completion of masterplans for:- - City Centre - Port Douglas Waterfront - Daintree Gateway; and development of priorities and funding strategies.

Council approval of all masterplans.

6. SECURE PREFERRED DESIGN OPTION AND FINDING FOR CAIRNS ENTERTAINMENT PRECINCT (CEP) Consult the community to determine preferred design option for CEP, and secure Federal funding via completion of FSR and PAF.

Council endorses preferred design option and PAF & FSR are completed and submitted to Cabinet Budget Review Committee.


Contribute to finalising the Regional Economic Plan and ensuring Cairns Regional Council’s Economic Development Plan is aligned.

Council approval of Cairns Regional Council’s Economic Development Plan.

8. RESTRUCTURE STRATEGIC AREAS OF COUNCIL TO ENHANCE SERVICE DELIVERY Review existing Council structures relating to :- - Greenspace and parks and gardens - environmental sustainability - property acquisition and disposal - marketing and communications and implement improved service delivery arrangements.

Council approval of structural changes.

9. IMPLEMENT IMPROVED COUNCIL ADVISORY COMMITTEE MODELS Consult with existing advisory committees and implement approved new committee arrangements during 2011/2012.

New committee arrangements operational by June 2012.

10. STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS AND EVENT MANAGEMENT Finalise and commence implementation of Cairns Regional Council’s events strategy, including production of an annual event calendar, and continuation of work on communications plans.

Council approval of strategy and plans.