oracle9i pl/sql developer cert guide

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  • 8/14/2019 Oracle9i PL/SQL developer cert guide


  • 8/14/2019 Oracle9i PL/SQL developer cert guide


    ContentsOracle Certification Program Candidate Guide

    Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate Oracle9 i Forms Developer Certified Professional

    February 2004

    1 Benefits of Oracle Certification

    2 Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms Developer Certified Professional

    3 Preparing for Oracle9 i PL/SQL and Forms Developer Tests

    4 Registering for Your Tests

    5 Taking Your Tests

    6 After You Are Certified

    7 Special Testing Opportunities

    Test Content Checklists

    Visit the Oracle Certification Program Web site at

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    1 Benefits of Oracle Certification

    The demand for professionals in theinformation technology (IT) industry ishigh, and the competition for jobs isintense. Individuals, experienced or new to the profession, need to know whatskills make them attractive to employers.Employers look for ways to selectprospective employees who have the solidfoundation of skills needed for effectiveperformance.

    The Oracle Certification Program helpsthe IT industry establish a standard of competence in key entry-level andprofessional job roles.

    An Oracle Certification is a valuable,industry-recognized credential thatsignifies a proven level of knowledge andability. Each higher level of Oraclecertification brings a higher standard of benchmarked skill and ability, which can

    lead to greater opportunities and higherpay.

    "Technical certifications have evolved from a hiring tool to a screening tool: If you dont have them, you arent viewed as a serious candidate." 1

    B e n e f i t s t o t h e Te c h n i c a lP r o f e s s i o n a l

    An Oracle Certified Associate (OCA) demonstrates a solid understanding of the

    foundation skills of a given job role, which can be applied at an apprentice orentry level.

    By earning an OCA certification, you canhave increased entry-level jobopportunities. It is the stepping-stone tostarting a successful career as an Oracleprofessional.

    Beyond OCA, by becoming an Oracle Certified Professional (OCP) youdemonstrate your understanding of thefull range of skills required by Oracleprofessionals in your chosen job role. AnOCP is in high demand in today'smarketplace, and the level of demand isexpected to grow with each new installation of Oracle technologies aroundthe world. An Oracle Certification helpsraise your visibility and increases youraccess to the industry's most challenging opportunities.

    "Oracles certification strength in a declining economy is due in part to the fact tha more complex, high-level t certifications appear to be less vulnerable." 2

    The true value of earning an OracleCertification credential is increased

    opportunity. With more opportunity comecareer growth and higher pay.

    "Given the key importance of data as an organizational asset, it should come to no surprise that DBAs remain in high demand and that related training certification programs are popular even in this time of economic trouble ... By the numbers, Oracle leads the DBMS/DBA certification area. 3

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    1 Source: Employers Raise the Bar on Certification, Information Week, 2002 B e n e f i t s t o t h e I T E m p l o y e r

    2 Source: IDC Certification Report and Forecast 20022006 The Oracle Certification Program is also valuable to hiring managers who want todistinguish among candidates for criticalIT positions. For companies that sendemployees for annual IT training,certification helps ensure a return on thetraining investment by validating theknowledge and understanding gainedduring training sessions. Companies canalso combine certification with anemployee development program toenhance employee loyalty andperformance on the job. Hiring certifiedprofessionals can have a direct impact ona company's success.

    3 Source: Certified Expert: Working as a Database Administrator, CertMag, January 2003

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    2 Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate Oracle9 i Forms Developer Certified Professional

    O r a c l e 9 i D e v e l o p e rC e r t i f i c a t i o n : O v e r v i e w

    The expertise of Oracle ApplicationDevelopers is integral to the success of today's increasingly complex systemenvironments. The best CertifiedDevelopers operate primarily behind thescenes. Without their highly valued skillsorganizations would fail to realize the

    potential of their informationmanagement and e-business solutions.Oracle Developers can apply their skills toalmost any type of project from businessintelligence solutions to automation.O r a c l e 9 i P L / S Q L D e v e l o p erC e r t i f i e d A s s o c i a t e ( O C A )

    An OCA certification is an entry-levelcredential for candidates who have aproven foundation of basic knowledge,

    which they can build upon as they work

    toward a career as an Oracle ApplicationDeveloper. An OCA can next earn anOracle9i Forms Developer CertifiedProfessional (OCP) credential.O r a c l e 9 i F o r m s D e v e l o p e rC e r t i f i e d P r o f e s s i o n a l ( O C P )

    By moving upward and earning OCPstatus, Oracle professionals demonstratethe complete set of skills that are requiredfor working independently as an expertDeveloper. The OCP credential providescandidates increased opportunities andhigher pay. The OCP path requires thatcandidates first earn their OCA-levelcredential. To become an OCP, only oneadditional exam is required, whichevaluates candidates skills with theOracle9i Forms Developer toolset. AnOCP certification helps you translate your

    knowledge and skills into increased visibility through the market's most highly valued Developer certification. TheOracle Application Developer CertifiedProfessional credential was related thehighest in employment value as comparedto all other developer credentials by Certification Magazine,April 2003.1

    View the chart on page 5 for a list of

    required tests to earn the Oracle9i Application Developer credential.

    U p g r a d i n g Yo u r C u r r e n t O C PC r e d e n t i a l t o O r a c l e 9 i

    Oracle Forms Developer Release 6/6 ito Oracle9 i Upgrade Path (1 exam)

    Candidates certified on Oracle FormsDeveloper Release 6/6 i may pass exam#1Z0-140 (Oracle9 i Forms Developer:New Features) to upgrade their Developercertification to Oracle9 i.

    Oracle Developer Release 1 to Oracle9 i Upgrade Path (2 exams)

    Candidates certified on Oracle DeveloperRelease 1 are required to pass two examsto upgrade their OCP credential: exam#1Z0-130 (Oracle Forms Release 1 toRelease 6/6 i: New Features) and exam#1Z0-140 (Oracle9 i Forms Developer:New Features).

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    R e q u i r e d E x a m s f o r O r a c l e 9 i A p p l i c a t i o n D e v e l o p e r C e r t i f i c a t i o nP a t h s

    Oracle customers and business partners demand hands-on experience from their OracleCertified Professionals. In order to meet commitments to Oracle customers and

    constituents, Oracle University has recently made a significant investment toward building more validity and quality into its Certification Program, including scenario-based exam

    questions.E x a m s R e q u i r e d

    Oracle9i Application Developer Certified AssociateOracle9i Application Developer Certified Professional

    O r a c l e 9 i A p p l i c a t i o n D e v e l o p e r U p g r a d e P a t h

    To upgrade your Oracle Application Developer Release 1 OCP credential to Oracle9 i Application Developer, you must pass the following two upgrade exams.

    Oracle9 i PL/SQLDeveloperCertified


    Oracle9 i FormsDeveloper: Build


    Exam # 1Z0-141

    Introduction toOracle: SQL and

    PL/SQL Exam # 1Z0-001

    Exam # 1Z0-007Introduction to Oracle9 i : SQL can

    be taken over the Internet (seeSection 5 of this guide).


    Oracle9 i Programwith PL/SQL

    Exam # 1Z0-147

    Oracle9 i FormsDeveloperCertified


    Introduction toOracle: SQL

    Exam # 1Z0-007

    Oracle9 i FormsDeveloper New

    FeaturesExam # 1Z1-140

    Oracle9 i FormsDeveloperCertified


    Oracle InternetApplicationDeveloperCertified


    Oracle FormsDeveloper Rel. 1to Rel. 6/6 i New


    Exam # 1Z0-130


    Developer Rel. 1Certified


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    O r a c l e 9 i A p p l i c a t i o n D e v e l o p e r C e r t i f i c a t i o n

    Oracle University Instructor-Led Training and Online Library titles are shown below:

    O r a c l e 9 i F o r m s D e v e l o p e r U p g r a d e P a t h f o r C e r t i f i e d A p p l i c a t i o nD e v e l o p er R e l e a s e 6 / 6 i O CP

    = OCP Exam = Instructor-Led Training

    Oracle9 i : FormsDeveloper Certified


    Oracle9 i : Programwith PL/SQL

    Exam # 1Z0-147

    Oracle9 i : BuildInternet

    Applications Exam # 1Z0-141

    Oracle9 i : FormsDeveloper Certified


    Introduction toOracle9 i : SQL

    Exam # 1Z0-007

    Oracle9 i : Programwith PL/SQL or

    Oracle9 i : DevelopPL/SQL Program

    Oracle9 i : BuildInternet


    Introduction toOracle9 i : SQL

    Oracle9 i : Programwith PL/SQLOR

    Oracle9 i : DevelopPL/SQL Program


    Oracle9 i FormsDeveloper: UseData Structures

    EffectivelyOracle9 i Forms

    Developer:Enhance UsabilityDeveloper: Build

    InternetApplications I

    Introduction toOracle9 i : SQL

    Oracle9 i FormsDeveloper NewFeatures

    Exam # 1Z0-140

    Oracle9 i : FormsDeveloper CertifiedProfessional

    Certified InternetApplicationDeveloper,

    Oracle FormsDeveloper

    Rel. 6/6 i

    Oracle9 i FormsDeveloper New


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    4 Registering for Your Tests

    Oracle Certification Program exams areoffered at Oracle University Testing Centers and through Prometric, the

    worlds largest provider of testing to theinformation technology industry. Many Oracle University Locations now alsooffer these exams, and can serve as aconvenient alternative for bothpreparation and exam writing at one

    facility. Follow the registration directionsshown below for scheduling exams at anOracle University Center or at an

    Authorized Prometric Testing Center(APTC).

    All exams are delivered electronically by means of computer. A brief tutorialprecedes each test to familiarize you withthe test delivery system. You shouldattempt to answer every question on theexam because incomplete answers are

    scored as incorrect. Using a summary screen you can navigate throughout theexam, proceeding forward and back among questions.R e v i e w i n g t h e C a n d i d a teA g r e e m e n t

    Candidates pursuing Oracle certificationmust accept the terms of the OracleCertified Associate - ProfessionalCandidate Agreement before taking thetests. You will be presented with theagreement on the screen before the teststarts. You can also review the agreementbefore your appointment by visiting theOracle Certification Program Web site at .

    S c h e d u l i n g Yo u r E x a m

    1. There are three convenient ways toregister for exam:

    a. Prepare and appear for test at anOracle University Center Many countries throughout Europe,India, and Asia offer exampreparation assistance as well as theexams themselves from oneconvenient location. Visit the OCP

    Web site, and you will find phonenumbers for your local OracleUniversity Center on the ExamRegistration Web page.( certification/testreg.html )

    b. APTC Online Registration Register online at .

    c. APTC Telephone Registration Call the Prometric Regional ServiceCenter (RSC) serving your country during normal business hours. (Alist of RSCs is given on the last pageof this guide.)

    2. Make sure that you have both thenumber and title of the exam that youare registering for. Schedule your examappointment Monday through Saturday during normal authorized Prometric

    testing center hours. Hours vary by location.

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    3. When you register, ask the Prometriccustomer service representative for alist of valid forms of identification thatyou will need to present when you takeyour exam. You will not be allowed to

    take the test without valididentification.

    4. Regular exam fees are equivalent toUS$125, plus any local taxes.

    The exam fee is payable to Prometricby any major credit card (VISA,MasterCard, American Express, andSwitch Cards) at the time of registration. All discounts must beapplied at the time of paying yourexam fee.

    5. You must schedule a test at least 24hours in advance.

    C h a n g i ng o r C a n c el i n g Y o u rA p p o i n t m e n t

    To cancel or reschedule your testappointment, you must call the PrometricRegional Service Center. The cancellation

    policy by region is: The Americas: One business day inadvance

    Asia Pacific: By midday (Sydney time)the previous business day EMEA: Two business days in advance

    Japan: Three business days in advance

    Candidates who do not appear for the testor who cancel less than one business day before the test do not receive a refund.

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    5 Taking Your Tests

    Ta k i n g I n t r o d u c t i o n t oO r a c l e 9 i : S Q L o v e r t h eI n t e r n e t

    The Introduction to Oracle9 i : SQL examis now delivered on the Internet in aneffort to make taking this first exam easy and flexible, and cheap to the OCAcandidate who is just getting started.

    The exam can be taken anytime, fromanywhere with a PC, current Web browser(see page 5 of this guide, InternetDelivered Tests, for the recommendedbrowsers), and a recommended Internetconnection of at least 33.6 Kps.

    To take this online exam, visit the OracleCertification Program Web site. There isno need for preregistration. Payment canbe made by credit card right on theInternet.

    Your score will be available to youimmediately after completion of the examand submittal of your file for grading. If you become disconnected during yourexam, you will be able to resume whereyou left off when you reconnect.However, the time clock will remain ineffect. Internet exams have an additional

    window of 30 minutes to give you time toresolve technical problems.Ta k i n g a Te s t a t a n

    A u t h o r i z e d P r o m e t r i c Te s t i n gC e n t e r

    1. Arrive at the testing center at least 15minutes before your scheduledappointment.

    2. Sign the test log and present two formsof identification. One must be agovernment-issued photoidentification. Both forms of identification must contain yoursignature.

    3. The test administrator will give you abrief orientation and escort you to acomputer terminal where you will take

    the test. You are not allowed to bring papers, books, bags, or calculators intothe room.

    4. Remember to adhere to therequirements set forth in the OracleCertification Candidate Agreement.

    You must agree to the terms andconditions in the agreement beforecompleting any Oracle Certificationexam. Any attempt to cheat, assistothers, or remove exam content fromthe testing room will not be toleratedand may result in a zero score,disallowance of OCP credential, andeven prosecution by law.

    O b t a i n i n g Yo u r Te s t R e s u l t s

    You will receive your score reportimmediately after the test. Beta examscore reports are sent to candidatesfollowing analysis and scoring of the betaexam. Candidates completing a beta

    version of a test can expect their scorereports 1012 weeks following the betaperiod. Your results are automatically forwarded to Oracle following testing.Please keep a copy of all test reports foryour records.

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    R e t a k i n g a Te s t

    Candidates must wait 30 days beforeretaking a failed exam. There are noexceptions to this policy.

    If you do not pass an Oracle Certificationexam on the first attempt, Oracleencourages you to make use of thediagnostic feedback supplied with thescore report to review the areas that needfurther study.

    If you receive a low score, an OracleUniversity training course may beappropriate for you to gain moreknowledge. Otherwise, if you require only skill-set review in a few areas, we

    recommend that you consult OracleUniversity Online Learning, where you will find each topic area available as ashort course module. Most modulesrequire only 45 minutes for completion.

    Visit Online Learning at .

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    6 After You Are Certified

    R e c e i v i n g Yo u r O r a c l eC e rt i f i c a t io n We l c o m e K i t

    You will receive your Oracle Certified Associate or Oracle Certified Professionalcertificate by mail from Prometric within30 days after successfully completing allthe required exams and courserequirements as applicable. You shoulduse your certificate as verification of your

    Oracle Certification credential.If you do not receive your Welcome Kit,send an e-mail [email protected], providing your name, Prometric ID number, currentmailing address, and daytime phonenumber.O r a c l e Ce r t i f i e d P r o f e s s i o n a lM e m b e r s W e b S i te

    Upon completion of your Oracle CertifiedProfessional credential, you will receiveinformation on how to obtain a copy of the OCP logo in your Welcome Kit. Thelogo may be used on business cards andresumes.

    You will also receive a letter of congratulations from Oracle, which willindicate how you can begin to access the

    wealth of OCP benefits that await you. This will include the access log in andpassword that you will need to enter theOCP member online community.

    The OCP Members site is available only to Oracle Certified Professionals, and notto Oracle Certified Associates.

    K e e p i n g C u r re n t w i t h N e wO r a c l e Te c h n o l o g y R e l e a s e s

    Oracle is committed to keeping the OracleCertification Program abreast with thelatest technology. To take full benefit of your Oracle Certified Professionalcredential, you may find it advantageousto upgrade your certification to the latestrelease.

    R e t i r e m e n t o f a n O C P T r a c k When Oracle announces the retirement of a track, you will have at least six monthsto pass the remaining exams in the retiring track. If you do not upgrade yourcertification by the deadline, you will berequired to complete all tests within thenew track to obtain the latest credential.Consult the OCP Web site for currenttesting requirements.U p d a t i n g Yo u r D e m o g r a p h i cI n f o r m a t i o n

    Visit the Prometric Web site at to updateyour demographic information.

    Follow the steps below:

    1. Log in to the site with your e-mailaddress and password. If you havenever registered online before, click thelink to set up your online account.

    2. In the left navigation bar under ExamServices, click Update Profile.

    3. You may update your mailing address,telephone numbers, and your e-mailaddress.

    4. Select Next. Your OCP Candidateinformation is now updated.

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    Test Content Checklists

    The following test content checklists show the objectives covered in the Oracle Certification exams.

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    Test Content Checklist

    Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL Exam# 1Z0-001

    O v e r vi e w o f R e l a t i o n a lD a t a b a s e s , SQ L , a n d P L / S Q L

    Discuss the theoretical and physicalaspects of a relational database

    Describe the Oracle implementation of the RDBMS and ORDBMS

    Describe the use and benefits of PL/SQL

    W r i t i n g B a s i c S Q L St a t e m e n t s

    List the capabilities of SQL SELECTstatements

    Execute a basic SELECT statement

    Differentiate between SQL statementsand SQL*Plus commands

    R e s t r i c t i n g a n d S o r t i n g D a t a

    Limit the rows retrieved by a query

    Sort the rows retrieved by a query S i n g l e- R o w F u n c t i o n s

    Describe various types of functionsavailable in SQL

    Use character, number, and datefunctions in SELECT statements

    Describe the use of conversionfunctions

    D i s p l a y in g D a t a f r o m M u l t i p l eTa b l e s

    Write SELECT statements to accessdata from more than one table by using equality and nonequality joins

    View data that generally does not meeta join condition by using outer joins

    Join a table to itself

    A g g r e g a t i n g D a t a U s i n gG r o u p F u n c t i o n s

    Identify the available group functions

    Describe the use of group functions

    Group data by using the GROUP BY

    clauseInclude or exclude grouped rows by using the HAVING clause

    S u b q u e r i e s

    Describe the types of problems thatsubqueries can solve

    Define subqueries

    List the types of subqueries

    Write single-row and multiple-row subqueries

    M u l t i p l e - C o l u m n S u b q u e r i e s

    Write multiple-column subqueries

    Describe and explain the behavior of subqueries when null values areretrieved

    Write subqueries in a FROM clauseP r o d u c i n g R e a d a b l e O u t p u tw i t h SQ L * P l u s

    Produce queries that require an input variable

    Customize the SQL*Plus environment

    Produce more readable output

    Create and execute script files

    Save customizations

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    Exam #1Z0-001Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL (continued)

    M a n i p u l a t i n g D a t a

    Describe each DML statementInsert rows into a table

    Update rows in a table

    Delete rows from a table

    Control transactionsC r ea t i n g a n d M a n a g i n g Ta b l e s

    Describe the main database objects

    Create tables

    Describe the data types that can beused when specifying columndefinition

    Alter table definitions

    Drop, rename, and truncate tables

    I n c l u d i n g C o n s tr a i n t s

    Describe constraints

    Create and maintain constraintsC r ea t i n g Vi e w s

    Describe a view

    Create a view

    Retrieve data through a view

    Insert, update, and delete data througha view

    Drop a view

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    Exam #1Z0-001Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL (continued)

    O r a c l e D a t a D i c t i o n a r y

    Describe the data dictionary views auser may access

    Query data from the data dictionary O t h e r D a t a b a s e O b j e c t s

    Describe database objects and theiruses

    Create, maintain, and use sequences

    Create and maintain indexes

    Create private and public synonymsC o n t r o l l i n g U s e r A c c e s s

    Create users

    Create roles to ease setup andmaintenance of the security model

    Use the GRANT and REVOKEstatements to grant and revoke objectprivileges

    D e c l a r i n g Va r i a b l e s

    List the benefits of PL/SQLDescribe the basic PL/SQL block andits sections

    Describe the significance of variablesin PL/SQL

    Declare PL/SQL variables

    Execute a PL/SQL block W r i t i n g E x e c u ta b l eS t a t e m e n t s

    Describe the significance of theexecutable section

    Write statements in the executablesection

    Describe the rules of nested blocks

    Execute and test a PL/SQL block

    Use coding conventionsI n t e r a c t i n g w i t h t h e O r a c l eS e r v e r

    Write a successful SELECT statementin PL/SQL

    Declare the data type and size of aPL/SQL variable dynamically

    Write DML statements in PL/SQL

    Control transactions in PL/SQL

    Determine the outcome of SQL DMLstatements

    W r i t i n g C o n t r o l St r u c t u r e s

    Identify the uses and types of controlstructures

    Construct an IF statement

    Construct and identify different loopstatements

    Use logic tables

    Control block flow by using nestedloops and labels

    Wo r k i n g w i t h Co m p o s i t e D a t aTy p e s

    Create user-defined PL/SQL records

    Create a record with the %ROWTYPEattribute

    Create a PL/SQL table

    Create a PL/SQL table of records

    Describe the difference betweenrecords, tables, and tables of records

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    Exam #1Z0-001Introduction to Oracle: SQL and PL/SQL (continued)

    W r i t i n g E x p l i c i t Cu r s o r s

    Distinguish between an implicit and anexplicit cursor

    Use a PL/SQL record variable

    Write a cursor FOR loopA d v a n c e d E x p l i c i t C u r s o rC o n c e p t s

    Write a cursor that uses parameters

    Determine when a FOR UPDATEclause in a cursor is required

    Determine when to use the WHERECURRENT OF clause

    Write a cursor that uses a subquery

    H a n d l i n g E x c e p t io n s

    Define PL/SQL exceptions

    Recognize unhandled exceptions

    List and use different types of PL/SQLexception handlers

    Trap unanticipated errors

    Describe the effect of exceptionpropagation in nested blocks

    Customize PL/SQL exception message

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    Test Content Checklist

    Introduction to Oracle9 i : SQL

    Exam# 1Z0-007 W r i t i n g B a s i c S Q L Se l e c tS t a t e m e n t s

    List the capabilities of SQL SELECTstatements

    Execute a basic SELECT statement

    Differentiate between SQL statementsand iSQL*Plus commands

    R e s t r i c t i n g a n d S o r t i n g D a t a

    Limit the rows retrieved by a query

    Sort the rows retrieved by a query S i n g l e- R o w F u n c t i o n s

    Describe various types of functionsavailable in SQL

    Use character, number, and datefunctions in SELECT statements

    Use conversion functionsD i s p l a y in g D a t a f r o m M u l t i p l eTa b l e s

    Write SELECT statements to accessdata from more than one table by using equality and nonequality joins

    View data that generally does not meeta join condition by using outer joins

    Join a table to itself by using a self-join

    A g g r e g a t i n g D a t a U s i n gG r o u p F u n c t i o n s

    Identify the available group functions

    Use group functions

    Group data by using the GROUP BY clause

    Include or exclude grouped rows by using the HAVING clause

    S u b q u e r i e s

    Describe the types of problems thatsubqueries can solve

    Define subqueries

    List the types of subqueries

    Write single-row and multiple-row subqueries

    P r o d u c i n g R e a d a b l e O u t p u tw i t h i S Q L * P l u s

    Produce queries that require asubstitution variable

    Produce more readable output

    Create and execute script filesM a n i p u l a t i n g D a t a

    Describe each DML statement

    Insert rows into a table

    Update rows in a tableDelete rows from a table

    Merge rows in a table

    Control transactions

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    Exam #1Z0-007Introduction to Oracle9 i : SQL (continued)

    C r ea t i n g a n d M a n a g i n g Ta b l e s

    Describe the main database objects

    Create tables

    Describe the data types that can beused when specifying columndefinition

    Alter table definitions

    Drop, rename, and truncate tablesI n c l u d i n g C o n s tr a i n t s

    Describe constraints

    Create and maintain constraints

    C r ea t i n g Vi e w s

    Describe a view

    Create, alter the definition, and drop a view

    Retrieve data through a view

    Insert, update, and delete data througha view

    C r e a t i n g O t h e r D a t a b a s eO b j e c t s

    Create, maintain, and use sequences

    Create and maintain indexes

    Create private and public synonyms

    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 20

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    Test Content Checklist

    Oracle9 i : Program with PL/SQL Exam# 1Z0-147 O v er v ie w o f P L / S QLP r o g r a m s

    Describe a PL/SQL program construct

    List the components of a PL/SQLblock

    List the benefits of subprograms

    Describe how a stored procedure orfunction is invoked

    C r e a t i n g P r o c e d u r e s

    Define what a stored procedure is

    List the development steps for creating a procedure

    Create a procedure

    Describe the difference betweenformal and actual parameters

    List the types of parameter modes

    List the methods for calling aprocedure with parameters

    Describe the DEFAULT option forparameters

    Create a procedure with parameters

    Invoke a procedure that hasparameters

    Define a subprogram in the declarativesection of a procedure

    Describe how exceptions arepropagated

    Remove a procedure

    C r e a t i n g F u n c t i o n s

    Define what a stored function is

    Create a function

    List how a function can be invoked

    List the advantages of user-definedfunctions in SQL statements

    List where user-defined functions canbe called from within an SQLstatement

    Describe the restrictions on calling functions from SQL statements

    Remove a function

    Describe the differences betweenprocedures and functions

    M a n a g i n g S u b p ro g r a m s

    Contrast system privileges with objectprivileges

    Grant privileges

    Contrast invokers rights with definersrights

    Identify views in the data dictionary tomanage stored objects

    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 21

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    Exam #1Z0-147Oracle9 i : Program with PL/SQL(continued)

    C r ea t i n g P a c k a g e s

    Use the DESCRIBE command todescribe packages, and list theirpossible components

    Identify a package specification andbody

    Create packages: Create related variables, cursors, constants,exceptions, procedures, and functions

    Designate a package construct as eitherpublic or private

    Invoke a package construct

    Use a bodiless package

    Drop packages

    Identify benefits of packagesM o r e P a c k a g e C o n c e p ts

    Write packages that use theoverloading feature

    Use Forward Referencing

    Describe errors with mutually referential subprograms

    Initialize variables with a one-time-only procedure

    Identify persistent states in package variables and cursors

    Identify restrictions on using packagedfunctions in SQL statements

    Invoke packaged functions from SQL

    Use PL/SQL tables and records inpackages

    O r a c l e Su p p l i e d P a c k a g e s

    Describe the benefits of ExecuteImmediate over DBMS_SQL forNative Dynamic SQL

    Identify the flow of execution


    Describe the use and application of some Oracle serversupplied packages:DBMS_DDL, DBMS_JOB, Submit


    M a n i p u l a t i n g L a r g e O b j e c t s

    Compare and contrast LONG andlarge object (LOB) data types

    Create and maintain LOB data types

    Differentiate between internal andexternal LOBs

    Identify and manage Bfiles: Createdirectories, use Bfiles, load Bfiles, anduse the Bfilename function

    Migrate from LONG To LOB

    Use the DBMS_LOB PL/SQLpackage

    Create LOB columns and populatethem

    Perform SQL operations on LOBS:Update LOBs with SQL, select fromLOBS, and delete LOBS

    Describe the use of temporary LOBs

    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 22

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    Exam #1Z0-147Oracle9 i : Program with PL/SQL(continued)

    C r e a t i n g D a t a b a s e T r i g g e r s

    Describe the different types of triggersList how triggers are used

    List guidelines for designing triggers

    Create a DML trigger

    List the DML trigger components

    Describe the trigger firing sequenceoptions

    Use conditional predicates in a DMLtrigger

    Create a row-level trigger

    Create a statement-level trigger

    Use the OLD and NEW qualifiers in adatabase trigger

    Create an INSTEAD OF trigger

    Describe the difference between storedprocedures and triggers

    Describe the trigger execution model

    Alter a trigger statusRemove a trigger

    M o r e T r i g g e r C o n c e p t s

    Define what a database trigger is

    Describe events that cause databasetriggers to fire

    Create a trigger for a DDL statement

    Create a trigger for a system event

    Describe the functionality of the CALLstatement

    Describe the cause of a mutating table

    List what triggers can be implementedfor

    List the privileges associated withtriggers

    View trigger information in the

    dictionary viewsM a n a g i n g D e p e n d e n ci e s

    Track procedural dependencies

    Describe dependent objects andreferenced objects

    View dependency information in thedictionary views

    Describe how the UTLDTREE scriptis used

    Describe how the IDEPTREE andDEPTREE procedures are used

    Describe a remote dependency

    List how remote dependencies aregoverned

    Describe when a remote dependency isunsuccessfully recompiled

    Describe when a remote dependency issuccessfully recompiled

    List how to minimize dependency failures

    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 23

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    Test Content Checklist

    Oracle9 i Forms Developer: Build Internet Applications Exam# 1Z0-141

    I n t r o d u c t i o n t o O r a c l e F o r m sD e v e l o p e r a n d O r a c l e F o r m sS e r v i c e s

    Describe the components of Oracle9 i Developer Suite and Oracle9 i

    Application Server

    Describe the features and benefits of Oracle Forms Services and OracleForms Developer

    Describe the architecture of OracleForms Service

    Describe Forms Builder components

    Navigate the Forms Builder interface

    Customize the Forms Builder session

    Use the online help facilities

    R u n n i n g a F o r m s D e v e l o p e rA p p l i c a t i o n

    Describe the run-time environment: Explain the role of each Modify Forms environment variables Describe the appearance of a form at

    run time

    Navigate a Forms application

    Retrieve both restricted andunrestricted data

    Describe the two modes of operation

    Insert, update, and delete records

    Display database errors

    Wo r k i n g i n t h e F o r m sD e v e l o p e r E n v i r o n m e n t

    Describe the main Forms Developerexecutables

    Describe the main Forms Developermodule types

    Describe the main objects in a formmodule

    Run a form from within Forms Builder Start and stop an OF4J instance Set Forms Builder preference to use

    OF4JC r ea t i n g a B a s i c F o r m M o d u l e

    Create a form module

    Create data blocks, create data blocks

    with relationships, and create controlblocks

    Use wizards in reentrant mode to makechanges to the data block and layout

    Save and compile a form module

    Describe Forms file formats and theircharacteristics

    Explain how to deploy a form module

    Produce text files and documentation

    Run a master-detail form module

    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 24

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    Exam #1Z0-141Oracle9 i Forms Developer: Build InternetApplications (continued)

    Wo r k i n g w i t h D a t a B l o ck s a n d

    F r a m e sDescribe the methods to modify objectproperties

    Describe the features of the Property palette

    Manipulate properties through theProperty palette

    Display the Property palette Describe the property controls for

    different types of properties Display multiple Property palettes Set properties on multiple objects Copy properties

    Control the behavior and appearanceof data blocksUse visual attrib utes

    color pickers



    W I t e m s

    y text items by using


    n text

    i t o r s


    an LOV

    sociate them with

    I t

    upt I t e m s


    d item


    Use font, pattern, and Set navigation properties Set records properties

    Set database properties Set scrollbar properties

    Control frame propertie

    Delete data blocks and thecomponentso r k i n g w i t h Te x t

    Describe text items

    Create a text item

    Manage and modif the Property paletteControl data in text it

    Alter navigational behavio Enhance relationship betwee

    item and database Add functionality to text item

    Display helpful messagesC r e a t i n g L O V s a n d E d

    Describe LOVs and editors

    Design, create, and associate with text items in a form moduleDescribe the relationship betweenLOVs and record groupsExplain the steps to createmanually

    Use the LOV Wizard to create an

    LOV Set LOV properties

    Create editors and astext items in a form module

    C r ea t i n g A d d i t i o n a l I n p u te m s

    Describe the item types that allow input

    Create a check box

    Create a list item

    Create a radio groC r ea t i n g N o n i n p u

    Describe item types that do not ainput

    Create a display item

    Create an image item

    Create a button

    Create a calculate

    Create a hierarchical tree

    Create a bean area item

    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 25

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    Exam #1Z0-141Oracle9 i Forms Developer: Build InternetApplications (continued)

    C r ea t i n g W i n d o w s a n d

    C o n t e n t C a n v a s e sDefine windows, content canvases, and


    Describe the relationship between windows and content canvases

    Create windows and content canvases

    Display a form module in multiple windows and on multiple layouts

    Wo r k i n g w i t h O t h e r Ca n v a sTy p e s

    Describe the different types of canvases and their relationships to eachother

    Identify the appropriate canvas typefor different scenarios

    Create an overlay effect by using stacked canvases

    Create a toolbar

    Create a tabbed interface I n t r o d u c t i o n t o T r i g g e r s

    Describe triggers

    Describe the different triggercategories

    Describe the components of a trigger

    Describe the types of statements usedin trigger code

    Describe the properties that affect thebehavior of a trigger

    P r o d u c i n g T r i g g e r s

    Write trigger code Create a trigger of appropriate type and

    scope Describe the features of the PL/SQL

    Editor Describe the features of the Database

    Trigger Editor Explain the structure of trigger code Use variables in triggers

    Explain the use of built-insubprograms in Forms applications

    Describe the When-Button-Pressedtrigger

    Describe the When-Window-Closedtrigger

    D e b u g g i n g T r i g g e r s

    s while form is

    Describe the methods to debug triggers in Forms Builder

    Describe the components of theDebug ConsoleRun a form module in debug mode by using the Run Form Debug button

    Debug PL/SQL codeSet breakpoints in code

    Step through code View variable value


    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 26

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    Exam #1Z0-141Oracle9 i Forms Developer: Build InternetApplications (continued)

    A d d i n g F u n c t i o n a l i t y t o I t e m s

    Describe item interaction triggersSupplement the functionality of inputitems by using triggers and built-ins

    Code interactions with radio groups Code interactions with check boxes Change list items at run time Display an LOV from a button

    Supplement the functionality of noninput items by using triggers and

    built-ins Populate image items Populate hierarchical trees Code interactions with JavaBeans in

    R u n - T im e M e s s a g e s a n d


    N a v i g a t i o n

    the bean area item

    A l e r t s

    Describe the default messbehavior of a form

    Handle run-time failure of built-insubprogramsDescribe the different types of FormsBuilder messages

    Cause a trigger to fail in a controlledmanner

    Control system messages

    Create and control alerts

    Handle database server errors

    Q u e r y T r i g g e r s

    Explain the processes involved inquerying a data block

    Describe query triggers and their scope

    Control query array processing

    Write triggers to modify query behavior

    Control trigger action based on theforms query status

    Obtain query information at run time Va l i d a t i o n

    Describe the validation process

    Control validation Using object properties Explain the effects of the validation

    unit upon a form Use an LOV for validation Use triggers Use Pluggable Java Component

    Describe how Forms tracks validationstatus

    Control when validation occurs

    Describe how navigation affects thenavigation unit and the cursor

    Distinguish between internal andexternal navigation

    Control navigation with properties

    Describe and use navigation triggers tocontrol navigation

    Explain how the navigation trap occurs

    Use navigation built-ins in triggers

    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 27

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    Exam #1Z0-141Oracle9 i Forms Developer: Build InternetApplications (continued)

    T r a n s a ct i o n P r o c e s s i n g

    Explain the process used by Forms toapply changes to the database

    Describe the commit sequence of events

    Describe the characteristics and uses of commit triggers

    Supplement transaction processing Perform delete validation Allocate sequence numbers to records

    as they are applied to tables Keep an audit trail

    Test the results of trigger DML

    Override default transaction processing

    Describe how to run against anon_Oracle data source

    Get and set the commit status

    Implement array DMLW r i t i n g F l e x i b l e C o d e

    Describe flexible code

    Use system variables to determine: Cursor focus Trigger focus Commit status

    Describe built-in subprograms that


    b j e c t a n d C o d e


    use property classes

    rty classes


    ct library

    object librariesject library


    r m


    ta among open forms


    assist flexible coding

    Write code to reference o By internal ID Indirectly S h a r i n g O

    Describe benefits of reusing objeand code

    Create and Describe property classes

    Create property classes

    Add properties to prope Inherit properties from property

    classes Explain the inheritance symbol in


    Group related objects for reuse

    Copy and subclass objects

    Reuse objects from an obje Describe object libraries

    Describe the benefits of using objectlibraries Create object libraries

    Populate Modify objects in an ob Create and use SmartClas

    Reuse PL/SQL code I n t r o d u c i n g M u l t i p l e F oA p p l i c a t i o n s

    Describe the characteristics of multform applications

    Describe the benefits of multiple formapplications

    Call one form from another formmodule

    Define multiple form functionality

    Share da

    Control opening and closing multipforms

    Synchronize data among multipleforms

    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 28

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    Exam #1Z0-141Oracle9 i Forms Developer: Build InternetApplications (continued)

    C re a t i n g M e n u M o d u l e s

    Describe the different components of a menu module

    Create, save, and attach menu modules

    Set menu properties by using theProperty palette

    Create menu toolbars

    Create pop-up menusM a n a g i n g M e n u M o d u l e s

    Control menus programmatically

    Manage the interaction between themenu and form documents

    Implement application security through the menu

    P r o g r a m m i n g F u n c t i o n K e y s

    Define key triggers and their uses

    Program function keys

    Describe the characteristics of key

    triggersClassify key triggers

    Associate function keys with interfacecontrols

    B u i l d i n g M u l t i p l e F o r mA p p l i c a t i o n s

    Describe the various ways of invoking additional forms modules

    Open and close form modules

    Navigate between form modulesControl open form modules

    Choose the most appropriate methodfor invoking forms

    D e f i n i n g D a t a S o u r c e s

    Describe the various data source typesBase a data block on a FROM clausequery

    Discuss the advantages of using aFROM clause query

    Base a data block on a storedprocedure that returns a REF cursor

    Return a table of records from a storedprocedure

    Define a data source with the DataBlock Wizard

    Select the appropriate data source for adata block

    Wo r k i n g w i t h R e c o r d Gr o u p s

    Describe the record group object

    Use record groups

    Define record groups at design time

    Control record groups by using built-infunctionsDefine query record groupsprogrammatically andnonprogrammatically

    Manipulate record group rows

    Define lists of values (LOVs)programmatically

    Implement dynamic list items and add values to combo boxes

    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 29

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    Exam #1Z0-141Oracle9 i Forms Developer: Build InternetApplications (continued)

    U s i n g D a t a b a s e O b j e c t s i n

    F o r m s A p p l i c a t i o n sRecognize which object types aresupported

    Describe how object types arerepresented within Form Builder

    Create a block based on an object table

    Create a block based on a relation table with an object or an REF column

    Populate a REF column with an LOV

    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 30

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    Test Content Checklist

    Oracle9 i Forms Developer: New Features Exam# 1Z0-140 W h y U p g r a d e t o O r a c l e 9 i F o r m s

    Explain the components of Oracle9 i Developer Suite

    Describe the benefits provided by Oracle9i Forms

    Explain the reasons why Forms hasbeen optimized for the Web

    Describe Oracle9 i Forms productivity enhancements

    Explain the features for globaldeployment of Forms applications

    Explain how Oracle9 i Forms providesintegration features

    Describe the openness of Oracle9 iForms

    res removed

    nents that have

    D e s


    racle Containers

    of Oracle9 i

    cess of starting a run-

    Explain how Oracle9 i Forms has beenstreamlined

    Explain the types of featufrom the productExplain the compobeen removed from the productp l o y i n g F o r m s A p p l i c a t i o n

    o n t h e I n t e r n e t

    Describe the architecture of Oracle9 Application Server

    Explain the role of Ofor J2EE (OC4J) in deploying applications

    Describe the componentsForms Services

    Describe the protime session

    Run a form from the Forms Builderusing OC4J

    Start and stop an OC4J session Set Forms Builder preferences to use


    Customize the Forms Servicesconfiguration

    Define environment variables Define Forms Servlet parameters

    M i g r a t i n g E x i s t i n gA p p l i c a t i o n s t o O r a c l e 9 i F o r m s

    Describe the migration path forapplications written in previous

    versions of Forms

    Explain the methods you can use toupgrade applications

    Use Oracle9i Forms Migration Assistant to upgrade a Forms6 i application

    Explain issues that can be encountered when upgrading from Forms versionsbefore 6 i

    Describe design and upgrade issues with applications previously deployedby other means

    Explain how to integrate graphs fromForms6 i applicationsRun Reports from Oracle9 i Forms

    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 31

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    Exam #1Z0-140Oracle9 i Forms Developer: New Features(continued)

    D e s i g n i n g F o r m s M o d u l e s

    O u t s i d e t h e B u i l d e rExplain the batch methods of modifying Forms modules

    Describe the benefits of modifying Forms with a batch method

    Use the Java API (JDAPI) to modify Forms modules

    Explain the advantages of using JDAPI Describe the architecture of JDAPI Use JDAPI to:

    Manage the JDAPI session Create a new Form module

    Save and compile modules

    Add objects to modules


    orms objects

    ms objects

    neric code


    A p


    orms module:

    n remotely lp

    Trace output

    servlet log filem s



    Forms and JavaBeans




    Load existing modules Access child objects of a


    Modify F Delete Forms objects Copy and subclass For Handle exceptionsExplain how to write ge

    Use javadoc for JDAPI

    Use the Forms to XMLutility to modify Forms m

    T r o u b l e s h o o ti n g F o r m sp l i c a t i o n s

    Describe the components of thForms Debugge

    Use the Debugger to diagnoseproblems with a F

    Set breakpointsRun a form in debug mode

    Step through code

    Debug an applicatioEnable tracing and logging to hetroubleshoot problems:Configure Forms Track

    Start a trace View Forms Describe servlet logging levels Turn on Forms Listener Servlet


    Turn on Forms Servlet logging View theI n t e g r a t i n g J a v a i n t o F o rA p p l i c a t i o n s

    Explain the methods for using Java inForms applicatio

    Explain the significance of using JDK 1.3

    Use the improved support for Java

    Describe JavaBeansExplain how interact

    Describe the functionality providedthe FBean package

    Set bean area item properties Respond to JavaBean events Interact with nonevent JavaBe Deploy JavaBeans for use with Forms


    (PJCs)Describe PJC

    Use Pluggable Java Components

    Implement PJCs

    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 32

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    Exam #1Z0-140Oracle9 i Forms Developer: New Features(continued)

    E n h a n c i n g t h e U s e r

    E x p e r i e n c eDesign an LOV that can be canceledfor long-running queries

    Write code that retrieves the Forms version

    Write code to restrict a query only thefirst time it is executed

    D e p l o y i n g F o r m s A p p l i c a t i o n sG l o b a l l y

    Specify item length for single-byte,multiple-byte, and variable-bytecharacter sets

    Adjust functionality for different timezones

    Explain how time zone conversion works

    Modify environment variables toenable time zone conversion

    Use built-ins to manipulate time zones

    Publish one URL for applications that will be displayed in different languagesbased on the browser setter

    Explain how browser language settingsare communicated to the applicationsserver

    Describe how the language setting determines the application that runs

    Deploy language-specific applications

    Describe the TranslationHub tool to

    translate Forms modules into differentlanguages

    Explain how to start TranslationHub Describe the TranslationHub user

    interface Explain the steps to translate an


    January 2005 Oracle Certification Program Candidate Guide: Oracle9 i PL/SQL Developer Certified Associate and Oracle9 i Forms DeveloperCertified Professional 33

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    Prometric Regional Service Centers

    s e T h i s Ta b l e

    2. ice Center (RSC)own in the box above. If there is a mber for your country to

    uld be iyour country, refer to http://www.prom

    H o w t o U1. Locate your country in the table.

    Call the Prometric Regional Serv numbers are sh

    listed for your country. The RSCtoll-free nu

    the Regional Service Center, then it shosites in

    n the following table. For a list of testing , Test Center Locator.

    COUNTRY RSC TOLL-FREE #Alge Leystadria

    Argentina Latin America

    Austr 800.806.944alia Australia 1.

    Austria Leystad 0660.8582

    Bahamas Latin America

    Bangladesh Australia

    Barbados Latin America

    Belgium Lelystad 0800.1.7414

    Bermuda Latin America

    Bolivia Latin America

    Botswana Lelystad

    Brazil Latin America 000.817.965.5340

    Brunei Australia

    Bulgaria Lelystad

    Cameroon Lelystad

    Canada North America

    Cayman Islands Latin America

    Chile Latin America

    China Australia 1.0800.610.0036

    Colombia Latin America 980.13.0932

    Costa Rica Latin America

    Croatia Lelystad

    COUNTRY RSC TOLL-FREE #Curacao, NA Latin America

    Cypr Lelystadus

    Czech Republic Lelystad

    Denmark Lelystad

    Dominican Republic Latin America

    Ecuador Latin America

    Egypt Lelystad

    Estonia Lelystad

    Fiji Australia

    Finland Lelystad

    France Lelystad 01.428.93.122

    Gabon Lelystad

    Bahrain Lelystad

    Georgian Republic Lelystad

    Germany Lelystad 0130.83.97.08

    Ghana Lelystad

    Great Britain Lelystad 08.00.592.873

    Greece Lelystad

    Guam Australia 1888.249.6392

    Guatemala Latin America

    Honduras Latin America

    Hong Kong Australia 800.96.8444

    Regional Service CentersSydney, Australia Regional Service Center (direct dial#)Lelystad, Netherlands Regional Service Center (direct dial#) Tokyo, Japan Regional Service Center (direct dial#)Latin America Regional Servi (direct dial#)ce CenterNorth America Regional S (toll-free#) ervice Center

    +612.9414.3663+31.320.23.9894+ 813.3269.9620+1.410.843.4300+1.800.891.3626

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    COUNTRY RSC TOLL-FREE #Hungary Lelystad

    Iceland Lelystad

    India Australia

    Indonesia Australia 001.803.61608

    Ireland Lelystad 1.800.626.104

    Israel Lelystad

    Italy Lelystad 1.6787.8441

    Ivory Coast Lelystad

    Jamaica Latin America 1.800.892.1978

    Japan Tokyo 0120.387737

    Jordan Lelystad

    Kazakhstan Lelystad

    Kenya Lelystad

    Kuwait Lelystad

    Latvia Lelystad

    Lebanon Lelystad

    Lithuania Lelystad

    Luxembourg Lelystad

    Macau Australia

    Macedonia Lelystad

    Malaysia Australia 00.80.050818

    Malta Lelystad

    Martinique Lelystad

    Mauritius Lelystad

    Mexico Latin America 95.800.332.1034

    Morocco Lelystad

    Namibia Lelystad

    Nepal Australia

    Netherlands L 800.022.7584elystad 0

    New Caledonia Australia

    New Zealand 00.44.1689Australia 08

    Nigeria Lelystad

    Norway Lelystad

    Oman Lelystad

    Pakistan Australia

    Panama Latin America

    Papua New Guinea Australia

    Paraguay Latin America

    Peru Latin America

    Philippines Au 6stralia 1.800.1.611.012

    Poland Lelystad

    COUNTRY RSC TOLL-FREE #Portugal Lelystad

    Puerto Rico Latin America

    Reunion Island Lelystad

    Romania Lelystad

    Russia Lelystad

    Saudi Arabia Lelystad

    Senegal Lelystad

    Singapore Australia 800.616.1132

    Slovakia Lelystad

    Slovenia L lyse tad

    South Africa Lelystad

    South Korea Australia 007.8611.3095

    Spain Lelystad

    Sri Lanka Australia

    Suriname Latin America

    Sweden Lelystad

    Switzerland Lelystad 0800.55.69.66

    Taiwan Australia 008.061.1141

    Tanzania Lelystad

    Thailand Australia 01.800.611.2401

    Trinidad & Tobago ericaLatin Am

    Tunisia Lelystad

    Turkey Lelystad

    Ukraine Lelystad

    United Arab Emirates Lelystad

    United States North America 1.800.891.3926

    Uruguay Latin America

    Venezuela Lat ericain Am

    Vietnam Australia 2.9414.3666 61

    Yugoslavia Le lystad

    Zimbabwe Lelystad

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