oracle hyperion planning accessibility...

ORACLE® HYPERION PLANNING, FUSION EDITION RELEASE ACCESSIBILITY ADDENDUM CONTENTS IN BRIEF Accessibility Features ................................................... 2 Standalone Planning ................................................... 32

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O R A C L E ® H Y P E R I O N P L A N N I N G , F U S I O NE D I T I O N

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Accessibility Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Standalone Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Accessibility Features

Enabling AccessibilityAccessibility features in Oracle Hyperion Planning, Fusion Edition are turned on by default, andare always available.

For information about the recommended software configuration, see the Oracle HyperionEnterprise Performance Management System Installation and Configuration Guide.

Accessibility FeaturesPlanning provides these accessibility features:

l Support for screen readers and magnifiers, including features such as high contrast (availablewhen you select File, then Preferences).

l Keyboard navigation equivalents for all objects.

l Skip navigation links using Alt + Z to read the Oracle Hyperion Planning, Fusion Editionmain content area. Note that Ctrl + F6 does not read this area.

l Alt and Title attributes for all objects, images, and page titles.

l Support for expanding and collapsing trees using the Enter key and keyboard equivalents.

l Data form access using keyboard equivalents.

l Tab indexing, implemented from left to right on all pages.

Using Keyboard EquivalentsThese sections list the keyboard equivalents implemented for menus and tasks completed inpages and dialog boxes.

Note: If you are using a version of the Firefox browser later than Release 1.5, substitute Alt +Shift for Alt in the keyboard equivalents.

General NavigationTo navigate within the Planning screen, use these keys.

Focus Equivalent

Planning main content area Bring focus to the right pane, enter Ctrl + F6, then pressTab twice. Alternatively, press Alt + Z.

Move from right pane to Folders at the top of the left pane Ctrl + Shift + F6, then Shift + Tab, and then Ctrl + 0

2 Accessibility Addendum

Focus Equivalent

Move through the left pane areas Tab

Move up in a list Up Arrow key

Move down in a list Down Arrow key

Move left in a list Left Arrow key

Move right in a list Right Arrow key

Select current grid Space

Move to current grid Ctrl + 2

Move to first cell of grid Ctrl + Home

Move to last cell of grid Ctrl + End

Open a grid drop-down menu Alt + '

Select a grid drop-down menu item Use Up and Down Arrow keys to move through optionlist. Press Enter to select an option.

Move from current grid to a selection dialog Ctrl +1

Move to data forms list Ctrl + 0 (zero)

Expand list of data forms within a data forms folder Right Arrow key

Collapse list of data forms within a data forms folder Left Arrow key

Open a data form Enter

Navigate within a data form Tab

Display the list of data forms in a data forms folder Select the data forms folder, then press Enter

Select a data form from a data forms folder list Use the Up and Down Arrow keys to locate the dataform, then press Enter.

Minimize column 9

Restore column 0 (zero)

Expand/collapse row Space

Restore all columns 8

Reset all columns to default width 7

Add/edit document 6

Open document 5

Open a business rule Navigate to the business rule, then press Enter.

Accessibility Addendum 3

Focus Equivalent

Focus on a task list, basic mode Ctrl+ Shift+F6, then Shift Tab, then Ctrl+0 (zero)

Select a task from a task list Enter

Move a member up in a dimension hierarchy Ctrl + 1

Move a member down in a dimension hierarchy Ctrl + 2

Note: Set the Virtual PC Cursor to On when you use runtime prompts with business rules andwhen you display Planning preferences

Note: To read a table, press Ctrl + Ins + T to select a table, then use Ctrl + Alt + arrow key tonavigate through the table.

File MenuThese keyboard equivalents are used in the File menu. Alternative keyboard equivalents for menuoptions, if they exist, are in parentheses following the main keyboard equivalents.

Menu Item Equivalent

New, Document ND (Ctrl + N)

New, Personal Page NP (Ctrl + Shift + P)

New, Workspace Page NW (Ctrl + Shift + W)

New, Data Form NF

New, Report NR

New, Task List NT

New, User Variable NU

New, Smart List NL

New, Menu NM

Open, Document OD (Ctrl + O)

Open, Applications, Planning, application_name OP

Open, URL OU

Close, Current CC

Close, Others CO

Close, All CA

4 Accessibility Addendum

Menu Item Equivalent

Save S

Print P

Workflow, Manage Process WM

Workflow, Copy Version WC

Spreadsheet Export E

Open in Smart View V

Preferences F

Log Off G

Exit X

Edit MenuThese keyboard equivalents are used in the Edit menu.

Menu Item Equivalent

Adjust J

Grid Spread G

Mass Allocate A

Cut C

Copy O

Paste P

Add Row R

Launch Rules L

Annotate Planning Unit U

Cell Text B

Supporting Detail N

Lock/Unlock Cells K

Add/Edit Document E

Open Document A

Drill Through D

Accessibility Addendum 5

Menu Item Equivalent

Initialize Workforce W

Initialize Capital Asset Planning I

View MenuThese keyboard equivalents are used in the View menu.

Menu Item Equivalent

View Pane Ctrl + Alt + 1

Refresh R

Instructions I

Currency C

Edit/View Account Annotations [

Basic Mode B

Task Lists, Task List TT

Task Lists, Report TR

Task Lists, Status TS

Tools MenuThese keyboard equivalents are used in the Tools menu.

Menu Item Equivalent

Advanced Search A

Install, Smart View IS

Links, Planning Links LP

Business Rules R

Broadcast Message M

Job Console S

Administration MenuThese keyboard equivalents are used in the Administration menu.

6 Accessibility Addendum

Menu Item Equivalent

Manage Data Forms F

Manage Task Lists T

Manage Menus M

Manage User Variables U

Manage Smart Lists L

Manage Properties P

Dimensions D

Copy Data Y

Clear Cell Details C

Alias Table A

Reporting R

View Statistics W

Application Settings S

Business Rule Security H

Create Application E

Delete Application I

Register Application G

Manage Data Source, Create Data Source OC

Manage Data Source, Edit Data Source OE

Manage Data Source, Delete Data Source OD

Copy Document Link K

Data Load Administration Q

Manage Database B

Manage Currency Conversion V

Manage Exchange Rates X

Manage Security Filters J

Help MenuThese keyboard equivalents are used in the Help menu.

Accessibility Addendum 7

Menu Item Equivalent

Help on this Topic T

Contents C

Contents Capital Asset Planning E

Contents Workforce Planning W

Technical Support S

EPM Documentation E

Oracle Website O

About Oracle Enterprise Performance Management System Workspace, Fusion Edition A

TasksUse these keyboard equivalents in the main content area, in pages, and in dialog boxes. Tonavigate in the main content area in all pages, use Alt + Z.

Table 1 Keyboard Equivalents for Logon Page and Main Menu Tasks

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Logon Page Submenu items/Buttons

Logon Button Alt + 2

File Menu Alt + F

Edit Menu Alt + E

View Menu Alt + V

Administration Menu Alt + A

Tools Menu Alt + T

Help Menu Alt + H

Log Off Alt + G

Table 2 Keyboard Equivalents for File Menu Tasks

Functionality, Page Equivalent

File Menu Alt + F

Workflow, Manage Process Submenu items/Buttons

Go Alt + 2

Entity Alt + 3

8 Accessibility Addendum

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Collapse, Expand Enter

Details button Submenu items/Buttons

Change Status N

Add Annotation M

Done W

Add Annotation, Change Status Submenu items/Buttons

Submit Alt + 2

Cancel Alt + X

Help Alt + 4

Workflow, Copy Version Submenu items/Buttons

Go Alt + 2

Add Link Alt + 3

Remove Link Alt + 4

Add All Link Alt + 5

Remove All Alt + 6

Copy Data Alt + N

Preferences Submenu items/Buttons

Application Settings Alt + 2

Display Options Alt + 3

Printing Options Alt + 4

User Variable Options Alt + 5

Register Shared Services Alt + M

Table 3 Keyboard Equivalents for Edit Menu Tasks

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Edit Menu Alt + E

Adjust Data Alt + 2

Text Box Focus Alt + 3

Adjust Data Button Alt + 4

Accessibility Addendum 9

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Initiate Move Alt + I

Close Adjust Data dialog Alt + Esc

Grid Spread Submenu items/Buttons

Adjust Data Alt + 7

Adjust Button Alt + 8

Spread Button Alt + 1

Close Button Alt + 0

Initiate Move Alt + Y

Help Button Alt + .

Mass Allocate Submenu items/Buttons

Initiate Move Alt + Q

Print Grid Submenu items/Buttons

Help Alt + H

Restore Data Form Settings Alt + R

Print Preview Alt + P

Cancel Alt + X

Annotate Planning Unit Submenu items/Buttons

OK Alt + O

Help Alt + H

Save Alt + S

Cancel Alt + X

Cell Text Submenu items/Buttons

Help Alt + H

Submit Alt + S

Close Alt + X

Supporting Detail Submenu items/Buttons

Add Child Alt + 0 (zero)

Add Sibling Alt + 1

10 Accessibility Addendum

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Delete Alt + 2

Delete All Alt + 3

Promote Alt + 4

Demote Alt + 5

Move Up Alt + 6

Move Down Alt + 7

Duplicate Row Alt + 8

Help Alt + H

Refresh Alt + R

Save Alt + S

Cancel Alt + X

Yes, Set Value to Missing Alt + Y

No, Leave Value As Is Alt + N

Table 4 Keyboard Equivalents for View Menu Tasks

Functionality, Page Equivalent

View Menu Alt + V

Task Lists, Task List Submenu items/Buttons

Help Alt + H

Close Alt + X

Task List Submenu items/Buttons

Completed, Incomplete Alt + T

Available Task List Submenu items/Buttons

Task List Folders Alt + '

Task List Link Alt + L

Close Alt + X

Task List, Report Submenu items/Buttons

Next Alt + W

Add Alt + 2

Accessibility Addendum 11

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Remove Alt + 3

Add All Alt + 4

Remove All Alt + 5

Available List Box Selection Alt + 6

Selected List Box Selection Alt + 7

Task List, Status Submenu items/Buttons

Close Alt + W

View Task List Alt + M

Next Incomplete Alt + N

Next Incomplete Submenu items/Buttons

Complete Alt + 1

Previous Incomplete Alt + 2

Previous Alt + 3

Next Alt + 4

Next Incomplete Alt + 5

View Task List Submenu items/Buttons

Display All Completed Dates Alt + W

Status Link Alt + M

Close Alt + W

Banner Top Alt + 9

Table 5 Keyboard Equivalents for Administration Menu tasks (1)

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Manage Data Forms Submenu items/Buttons

Create (data form folder) Alt + N

Move focus to data form folder contents Ctrl + 0 (zero). Use Tab to navigate within the folder.

Expand data form folder Right Arrow

Collapse data form folder Left Arrow

Open data form folder Enter

12 Accessibility Addendum

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Rename Alt + 2

Assign Access Alt + 3

Move Alt + 4

Delete Alt + 5

Create (data form) Alt + 6

Create Composite (data form) Alt + 7

Move between composite data forms Alt + ]

Edit Alt + 8

Move Alt + 9

Delete Alt + 0

Assign Access Alt + [

Search Alt + ]

Search Up Alt + M

Search Down Alt + W

Check All Alt + ;

Data Form Folder Alt + '

Expand, Collapse Enter

Move Folder Submenu items/Buttons

OK Alt + O

Cancel Alt + X

Assign Access Submenu items/Buttons

Close Alt + X

Add Access Alt + A

Edit Access Alt + E

Remove Access Alt + R

Help Alt + H

Add Access Submenu items/Buttons

Add Alt + A

Accessibility Addendum 13

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Migrate Identities Alt + M

Cancel Alt + X

Help Alt + H

Save Alt + S

Save As Alt + A

Previous Alt + P

Next Alt + N

Create/Edit Data Form Submenu items/Buttons

Properties Alt + 1

Row, Column Layout Alt + 2

Page, Point of View Layout Alt + 3

Other Options Alt + 4

Business Rules Alt + 5

Preview Alt + 6

Create/Edit Row/Column Layout Submenu items/Buttons

Add Page Dimension (column) Alt + M

Add Column Alt + C

Edit Column Alt + E

Add Dimension (row) Alt + K

Add Row Alt + R

Edit Row Alt + U

Help (Add Column) Alt + H

Return To Data Form Layout (Add Column) Alt + X

Submit (Add Column) Alt + A

Create/Edit Page/Point of View Layout Submenu items/Buttons

Move Up Alt + M

Move Down Alt + W

Add Alt + I

14 Accessibility Addendum

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Remove Alt + J

Add All Alt + K

Remove All Alt + L

Add Page Dimension Alt + A

Close Alt + X

Dimension Properties Submenu items/Buttons

Close Alt + X

Submit Alt + S

Help Alt + H

Create/Edit (other options) Submenu items/Buttons

Move Up Alt + M

Move Down Alt + W

Add Alt + I

Remove Alt + J

Add All Alt + K

Remove All Alt + L

Available List Alt + U

Selected List Alt + V

Create/Edit Business Rules Submenu items/Buttons

Move Up Alt + M

Move Down Alt + W

Add Alt + I

Remove Alt + J

Add All Alt + K

Remove All Alt + L

Available List Alt + U

Selected List Alt + V

Properties Alt + T

Accessibility Addendum 15

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Properties Submenu items/Buttons

OK Alt + O

Create Composite Data Form Submenu items/Buttons

Properties Alt + 1

Row Column Layout Alt + 2

Business Rules Alt + 3

Help Alt + H

Save Alt + S

Previous Alt + P

Next Alt + N

Cancel Alt + X

Row/Column Layout Submenu items/Buttons

Move Up Alt + m

Move Down Alt + w

Add Alt + I

Remove Alt + J

Add All Alt + K

Remove All Alt + L

Available List Alt + U

Selected List Alt + V

Business Rules Submenu items/Buttons

Move Up Alt + m

Move Down Alt + w

Add Alt + I

Remove Alt + J

Add All Alt + K

Available List Alt + U

Selected List Alt + V

16 Accessibility Addendum

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Remove All Alt + L

Properties Alt + T

Properties Submenu items/Buttons

OK Alt + O

Save Alt + S

OK Alt + X

Help Alt + 1

Table 6 Keyboard Equivalents for Administration Menu Tasks (2)

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Manage Task Lists: Alt + A, T

Create New Folder Alt + N

Rename Folder Alt + 2

Move Folder Alt + 3

Delete Folder Alt + 4

Task List Folders Alt + '

Create New Task Alt + 5

Rename Alt + 6

Edit Alt + 7

Move Alt + 8

Delete Alt + 9

Assign Access Alt + 0

Check Box Alt + ;

Move Up Alt + m

Move Down Alt + w

Assign Access Submenu items/Buttons

Add Access Alt + A

Edit Access Alt + E

Remove Access Alt + R

Accessibility Addendum 17

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Help Alt + H

Close Alt + X

Add Access Submenu items/Buttons

Help Alt + H

Add Alt + A

Migrate Identities Alt + M

Remove Nonprovisioned Users, Groups Alt + R

Cancel Alt + X

Available Users and Groups Alt + 2

Previous Alt + P

Next Alt + N

End Alt + E

Start Alt + T

Edit Task List Submenu items/Buttons

Add Child Alt + C

Add Sibling Alt + G

Edit Alt + E

Delete Alt + T

Cut Alt + U

Paste Alt + P

Task List Alt + 1

Instructions Alt + 2

Move Up Alt + M

Move Down Alt + W

Save As Alt + A

Save Alt + S

Cancel Alt + X

Help Alt + H

18 Accessibility Addendum

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Close (selected task) Alt + X

Edit Task Submenu items/Buttons

List Alt + 1

Properties Alt + 2

Save Alt + S

Close Alt + X

Help Alt + H

Add Smart List Submenu items/Buttons

Create Alt + N

Edit Alt + 2

Delete Alt + 3

Add Smart Lists Submenu items/Buttons

Help Alt + H

Save Alt + S

Cancel Alt + X

Properties Alt + 1

Entries Alt + 2

Preview Alt + 3

Entries Submenu items/Buttons

Add Alt + A

Delete Alt + E

Manage Menus Submenu items/Buttons

Create Alt + N

Edit Alt + 2

Delete Alt + 3

Edit a Menu Submenu items/Buttons

Add Child Alt + 1

Add Sibling Alt + 2

Accessibility Addendum 19

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Edit Alt + 3

Delete Alt + 4

Cut Alt + 5

Move Up Alt + M

Move Down Alt + W

Help Alt + H

Save As Alt + A

Save Alt + S

Close Alt + X

Add/Edit Menu Item Submenu items/Buttons

Help Alt + H

Save Alt + S

Cancel Alt + X

Manage User Variables Submenu items/Buttons

Add Alt + 2

Delete Alt + 3

Add User Variables Submenu items/Buttons

Help Alt + H

OK Alt + O

Cancel Alt + X

Manage Properties Submenu items/Buttons

Save Alt + S

Reset Alt + 0 (zero)

Add Alt + 2

Application Settings Alt + 2

System Properties Alt + 3

20 Accessibility Addendum

Table 7 Keyboard Equivalents Administration Menu Tasks, Dimensions (3)

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Dimensions Tab Submenu items/Buttons

Navigate between dimension members Up and Down Arrow keys

Select Dimension Alt + Q

Add Dimension Alt + M

Edit Dimension Alt + Y

Sort Alt + K

Sort Ascending Alt + U

Sort Descending Alt + N

Search Alt + S

Search Up Link Alt + W

Search Down Link Alt + R

Mark for Delete Link Alt + X

Expand Alt + 1

Collapse Alt + 2

Add Child Alt + C

Add Sibling Alt + 4

Cut Alt + 6

Paste Alt + 7

Edit Alt + 8u7i

Delete Alt + 9

Assign Access Alt + 0 (zero)

Show Ancestors Alt + B

Show Usage Alt + Y

Page Alt + 5

Go Alt + 6

Start Alt + 7

Previous Alt + 8

Next Alt + 9

Accessibility Addendum 21

Functionality, Page Equivalent

End Alt + 0 (zero)

Performance Settings Tab Submenu items/Buttons

Select Plan Type Alt + S

Evaluation Order Submenu items/Buttons

Select Plan Type Tab

Go Button Alt + G

Save Button Alt + S

Account Scenario Version Dimension, Add Member, Add Dimension Submenu items/Buttons

Copy Scenario Alt + V

Save Alt + S

Help Alt + H

Refresh Alt + R

Cancel Alt + X

Show Ancestors Submenu items/Buttons

Expand All Alt + E

Collapse All Alt + C

Help Alt + H

Cancel Alt + X

Currency Dimension Submenu items/Buttons

Add Alt + 3

Edit Alt + 8

Delete Alt + 9

Show Usage Alt + Y

Add Currency, Create Currency Tab Submenu items/Buttons

Reporting Currency Alt + R

Navigate Between Tabs Tab

Help Alt + H

Save Alt + S

22 Accessibility Addendum

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Cancel Alt + X

UDA Tab Submenu items/Buttons

Add Button Alt + A

Edit Button Alt + F

Delete Button Alt + G

Help Alt + R

Save Alt + S

Cancel Alt + X

Add a member Alt + I

Remove a member Alt + J

Remove all members Alt + L

Member Formula Tab Submenu items/Buttons

Validate Member Formula Alt + V

Status of Member Formula Validation Submenu items/Buttons

Show Details Alt + S

Help Alt + H

OK Alt + O

Edit Currency, Edit Currency Tab Submenu items/Buttons

Navigate Between Tabs Tab

Help Alt + H

Save Alt + S

Cancel Alt + X

Member Formula Validation Status Submenu items/Buttons

Validate Member Formula Alt + V

Show Details Alt + S

Help Alt + H

OK Alt + O

Edit Currency, Edit Currency Tab Submenu items/Buttons

Accessibility Addendum 23

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Navigate Between Tabs Tab

Help Alt + H

Save Alt + S

Cancel Alt + X

Show Usage Submenu items/Buttons

Go Alt + G

Help Alt + H

Go Alt + O

Save Alt + S

Prev Alt + P

Next Alt + N

Close Alt + X

End Alt + E

Employee Entity Dimension Submenu items/Buttons

Expand Alt + 1

Collapse Alt + 2

Add Child Alt + C

Add Sibling Alt + 4

Cut Alt + 6

Paste Alt + 7

Edit Alt + 8

Delete Alt + 9

Custom Attributes Alt + 0 (zero)

Show Ancestors Alt + M

Show Usage Alt + Y

Manage Attributes (employee dimension) Submenu items/Buttons

Create Alt + C

Modify Alt + M

24 Accessibility Addendum

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Delete Alt + T

Create Alt + R

Add Child Alt + A

Add Sibling Alt + S

Modify Alt + O

Delete Alt + E

Alias Alt + L

Help Alt + H

Close Alt + X

Period Dimension Submenu items/Buttons

Expand Alt + 1

Collapse Alt + 2

Add Child Alt + C

Add Sibling Alt + 4

Add Summary Period Alt + 6

Edit Alt + 8

Delete Alt + 9

DTS Alt + D

Options Alt + 0 (zero)

View Period Alt + 5

Show Usage Alt + Y

Add Summary Period Submenu items/Buttons

Help Alt + H

Save Alt + S

Cancel Alt + X

Year Dimension Submenu items/Buttons

Add Years Alt + 3

Edit Year Alt + 8

Accessibility Addendum 25

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Options Alt + O

View Year Alt + 5

Show Usage Alt + Y

Add Year Submenu items/Buttons

Close DIV Alt + 1

Add Year Alt + 5

Edit Year Tab Submenu items/Buttons

Help Alt + H

Save Alt + S

Cancel Alt + X

UDA Tab Submenu items/Buttons

Add Alt + A

Edit Alt + E

Delete Alt + D

Add Link Alt + I

Remove Link Alt + J

Remove All Link Alt + L

Table 8 Keyboard Equivalents for Administration Menu (4)

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Copy Data Submenu items/Buttons

Go Alt + 2

Add Dimensions Alt + 3

Copy Data Alt + N

Dimension Member Selection Submenu items/Buttons

Expand All Alt + e

Collapse All Alt + c

Search Alt + 3

Search Down Alt + 4

26 Accessibility Addendum

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Search Up Alt + 5

Add Graphics Alt + I

Remove Graphics Alt + J

Remove All Graphics Alt + K

Move Up Alt + U

Selected List Alt + V

Move Down Alt + D

Help Alt + H

Submit Alt + S

Cancel Alt + X

Clear Cell Details Submenu items/Buttons

Go Alt + 2

Add All Dimensions Alt + 3

Add Dimensions Alt + 4

Clear Alt + N

Alias Table Submenu items/Buttons

Add Alt + N

Edit Alt + 2

Delete Alt + 3

Copy Alt + 4

Clear Value Alt + 5

Copy Alt + M

Reporting Submenu items/Buttons

Data Forms Alt + 2

Add Alt + 5

Remove Alt + 6

Add All Alt + 7

Remove All Alt + 8

Accessibility Addendum 27

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Create Report Alt + C

Planning Unit Annotations Alt + 3

Auditing Alt + 4

Save Selections Alt + 0

View Statistics Submenu items/Buttons

Main Content Area Link Alt + Z

Table 9 Keyboard Equivalents for Administration Menu (5)

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Application Settings Submenu items/Buttons

Go Alt + 5

Register Shared Services Alt + M

Unregister Shared Services Alt + W

Save Alt + S

Reset Alt + 0 (zero)

Select Alt + 4

System Settings Alt + 2

Custom Tools Alt + 3

Register Shared Services Submenu items/Buttons

Help Alt + H

Submit Alt + S

Cancel Alt + X

New Project Alt + N

Existing Project Alt + E

Unassigned Project Alt + U

Create Application Submenu items/Buttons

Select Tab Alt + 2

Calendar Tab Alt + 3

Currencies Tab Alt + 4

28 Accessibility Addendum

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Plan Type Tab Alt + 5

Finish Tab Alt + 6

Cancel Alt + 7

Log Off Alt + 8

Previous Alt + W

Finish Alt + 0

Next Alt + M

Delete Application Submenu items/Buttons

Delete Application Alt + 4

Register Application Submenu items/Buttons

Delete Application Alt + 5

Manage Data Source, Create Data Source Submenu items/Buttons

Validate Database Connection Alt + 4

Validate Essbase Connection Alt + 5

Cancel Alt + 7

Finish Alt + 8

Edit Data Source Alt + 2

Delete Data Source Alt + 3

Table 10 Keyboard Equivalents for Administration Menu (6)

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Data Load Administration Submenu items/Buttons

Go Alt + 2

Selected Members Alt + 3

Save Alt + S

For member selected Submenu items/Buttons

Expand All Alt + 1

Collapse All Alt + 2

Search Alt + 3

Accessibility Addendum 29

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Search Up Alt + 4

Search Down Alt + 5

Add Graphics Alt + I

Remove Graphics Alt + J

Remove All Alt + L

Move Up Alt + M

Move Down Alt + W

Help Alt + H

Submit Alt + S

Cancel Alt + X

Manage Database Submenu items/Buttons

Refresh Alt + 0

Create Alt + N

Refresh Alt + R

Cancel Alt + X

Finish Alt + F

Manage Currency Conversion Submenu items/Buttons

Create File Tab Alt + 2

Details Tab Alt + 3

Next Alt + N

Currency Search Alt + 6

Scenario Search Alt + 7

Version Search Alt + 8

Cancel Alt + 4

Save Alt + S

Create New Alt + W

Manage Exchange Rates Submenu items/Buttons

Create Alt + N

30 Accessibility Addendum

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Edit Alt + 2

Delete Alt + 3

Check All Alt + ;

Create Exchange Rate Table Submenu items/Buttons

Help Alt + H

Cancel Alt + X

Save Alt + S

Edit Exchange Rate Table, Rate Table Tab Submenu items/Buttons

Help Alt + H

Close Alt + X

Next Alt + N

Edit Exchange Rate Table - Exchange Rate Tab Submenu items/Buttons

Help Alt + H

Restore Alt + R

Close Alt + X

Save Alt + S

Exchange Rate Table right-click menu use Submenu items/Buttons

Open right-click menu F9

Fill Year Alt + Y

Fill Table Alt + T

Copy Alt + C

Paste Alt + V

Sort, ascending Alt + A

Sort, descending Alt + D

Manage Security Filters Submenu items/Buttons

Create Alt + N

Accessibility Addendum 31

Table 11 Keyboard Equivalents for Enter Data Form

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Enter Data Form Submenu items/Buttons

Select Column Ctrl + Space

Select Row Shift + Space

Select Current Data Form Ctrl + Shift + Space

Minimize Column Alt + 9

Restore Column Alt + 0

Restore All Columns Alt + 8

Reset All Columns to Default Width Alt + 7

Lock/Unlock cell Alt + !

Add, Edit Document Alt + 6

Open Document Alt + 5

Supporting Detail (Double-clicking a Cell) Alt + K

Shift Between Data Forms in Composite Data Forms Alt + ]

Edit/View Account Annotation Alt + [

Show Context Menu on Row for a Data Form Alt + M

Show Context Menu for Second Row of a Data Form Alt + Y

Arrow Keys to Navigate Between Menu Items Submenu items/Buttons

Close the Context Menu Esc

Move from Data Form to the Select Box Ctrl + 1

Move to Current Data Form Ctrl + 2

Expand/Collapse a Row Space

Standalone PlanningThere are different keyboard equivalents for some menu items and tasks when you usestandalone Planning.

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Access Data Form Folders (left pane) Alt + 8

32 Accessibility Addendum

Functionality, Page Equivalent

Access Data Forms (left pane) Alt + /

Access Business Rules (left pane) Alt + =

Access Task Lists (left pane) Alt + 8

Lock/Unlock Cell Alt + L

Grid Spread Alt + Q

Cut Alt + X

Paste Alt + .

Supporting Detail Alt + U

Help Alt + 1

Accessibility Addendum 33


Planning Accessibility Addendum,

Copyright © 2008–2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Authors: EPM Information Development Team

The Programs (which include both the software and documentation) contain proprietary information; they are provided undera license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are also protected by copyright, patent, and otherintellectual and industrial property laws. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of the Programs, except to theextent required to obtain interoperability with other independently created software or as specified by law, is prohibited.

The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. If you find any problems in the documentation,please report them to us in writing. This document is not warranted to be error-free. Except as may be expressly permitted inyour license agreement for these Programs, no part of these Programs may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose.

If the Programs are delivered to the United States Government or anyone licensing or using the Programs on behalf of theUnited States Government, the following notice is applicable:

U.S. GOVERNMENT RIGHTS Programs, software, databases, and related documentation and technical data delivered to U.S.Government customers are "commercial computer software" or "commercial technical data" pursuant to the applicable FederalAcquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, andadaptation of the Programs, including documentation and technical data, shall be subject to the licensing restrictions set forthin the applicable Oracle license agreement, and, to the extent applicable, the additional rights set forth in FAR 52.227-19,Commercial Computer Software--Restricted Rights (June 1987). Oracle USA, Inc., 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood City, CA94065.

The Programs are not intended for use in any nuclear, aviation, mass transit, medical, or other inherently dangerous applications.It shall be the licensee's responsibility to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy and other measures to ensure thesafe use of such applications if the Programs are used for such purposes, and we disclaim liability for any damages caused bysuch use of the Programs.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respectiveowners.

The Programs may provide links to Web sites and access to content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle is notresponsible for the availability of, or any content provided on, third-party Web sites. You bear all risks associated with the useof such content. If you choose to purchase any products or services from a third party, the relationship is directly between youand the third party. Oracle is not responsible for: (a) the quality of third-party products or services; or (b) fulfilling any of theterms of the agreement with the third party, including delivery of products or services and warranty obligations related topurchased products or services. Oracle is not responsible for any loss or damage of any sort that you may incur from dealingwith any third party.