oraciones subordinadas causales

ORACIONES SUBORDINADAS CAUSALES CLAUSES OF CAUSE AND EFFECT Las oraciones subordiandas causales van introducidas por las conjunciones: because, as y since, aunque no se usan indistintamente. Veamos las diferencias BECAUSE se emplea cuando contestamos a una pregunta. Why are they so happy? Because they’ve won the lottery. Empleamos tambien la correlacion not because............but because ( no porque......sino porque) He learned Italian not because he wanted to live in Italy but because he wanted to teach it. En los demas casos se utilizan because y as indistintamente, aunque as es mas frecuent cuando la oracion subordinada aparece primero. He managed to lift the heavy box because / as he was very strong. Tambien podemos decir: As / Because he was very strong, he managed to lift the box. En el ejemplo anterior se puede emplear tambien since. Since he was very strong, he managed to lift the box. Cuando la causa esta clara y ya se conoce de antemano, es mas frecuente utilizar as o since. As / Since you like driving, you could drive. La causa y la consecuencia suelen expresarse con because y so. I went to bed because there was nothing interesting on TV There was nothing interesting on TV, so I went to bed. Tambien podemos expresar la consecuencia con therefore, consequently, as a result.

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Post on 14-Jul-2016




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Las oraciones subordiandas causales van introducidas por las conjunciones: because, as y since, aunque no se usan indistintamente. Veamos las diferencias

BECAUSE se emplea cuando contestamos a una pregunta.

Why are they so happy? Because theyve won the lottery.

Empleamos tambien la correlacion not because............but because ( no porque......sino porque)

He learned Italian not because he wanted to live in Italy but because he wanted to teach it.

En los demas casos se utilizan because y as indistintamente, aunque as es mas frecuent cuando la oracion subordinada aparece primero.

He managed to lift the heavy box because / as he was very strong.

Tambien podemos decir: As / Because he was very strong, he managed to lift the box.

En el ejemplo anterior se puede emplear tambien since.

Since he was very strong, he managed to lift the box.

Cuando la causa esta clara y ya se conoce de antemano, es mas frecuente utilizar as o since.

As / Since you like driving, you could drive.

La causa y la consecuencia suelen expresarse con because y so.

I went to bed because there was nothing interesting on TV

There was nothing interesting on TV, so I went to bed.

Tambien podemos expresar la consecuencia con therefore, consequently, as a result.



La finalidad en ingles puede expresarse de varias maneras

To + infinitivo

Cuando queremos explicar por que alguien hace algo. Solo puede emplearse cuando el sujeto del verbo principal es el mismo que el sujeto de la oracin de infinitivo.

I went to the kitchen to prepare a milkshake. (me fui a la cocina para preparar un batido.)

In order to / so as to + infinitivo.

Esto resulta mucho mas formal que la estructura anterior. Podemos traducirlo por a fin de, con el fin de.

We worked hard during the summer in order to / so as to buy a new car.

So (that) in order that + oracion subordinada

Ambas formas pueden emplearse para expresar finalidad si el sujeto es el mismo en las dos oraciones y tambien si el sujeto es diferente. Estas conjunciones suelen ir seguidas de can, will, coud, should, would + infinitivo.

Today I will make dinner so (that) / in order that you can rest