optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w

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  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Chapter 1


    Biophotonics is a dynamic discipline found at the interfaces between

    optics, photonics, biology and medicine. Considerable research and development work in

    the areas of advanced microscopy, biological imaging, optical diagnostics, laser surgery

    and optical sensing has been undertaken and many of the associated technologies are

    becoming industrial standards in the biological and medical areas.

    Developments in micro-optics and microsystems have supported the

    strong trend to miniaturization of biophotonic systems. Whereas microscopes, external

    imagers, lasers for surgery and much diagnostic equipment is decidedly macroscopic,

    advances in miniaturization have led to new types of endoscopic systems, implantable

    monitors and highly-parallel optical diagnostic systems.A relatively new but very promising area is that of tunable micro-

    optics. A controlled change in the optical properties of lenses, mirrors or filters to allow a

    tuning of focal length, position, lens curvature or transmission wavelength will provide a

    wide range of functionality for optical microsystems and enable a broad spectrum of new

    applications. In macroscopic optical systems, tunability is almost exclusively realized by

    mechanical motion of lenses or other components with respect to each other. Micro-

    optical systems, however, benefit from physical and chemical effects usually not

    available at the macro-scale to achieve the same results. Surface tension, membrane

    distention or polymer swelling are examples of mechanisms which are employed to

    change the optical properties of micro-optical devices and these give result in new forms

    of tunability. The medical field stands to benefit strongly from these developments.

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Chapter 2


    Advances in microsystems engineering and semiconductor processing

    have led to the miniaturization of optical components and systems; the field of micro-

    optics has thus grown rapidly to include a wide variety of optical devices.

    Optical microsystems can take advantage of a wide variety of

    miniaturized components. Micro-lenses, both refractive and diffractive, exist in many

    variations, as do a broad spectrum of diffractive optical elements ranging from gratings to

    complex holograms. These may be fabricated as single components or, more often, in

    arrays, as shown in fig 2.1. Micro-mirrors, filters, and waveguides are widely available,

    and the resultant systems rely on numerous types of active micro-optical components,

    such as laser diodes, LEDs, modulators and detectors, for generating and detectingoptical signals.

    Fig 2.1: An array of micro-lenses [1]

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Chapter 3


    A relatively new but very promising area is that of tunable micro-

    optics. Tunability is one of the most desirable feature in an optical component or system.

    Controlled variation of focal length, aperture, transmission wavelength, or propagation

    direction provides significant design flexibility and broadens the spectrum of possible

    applications significantly. Whereas in macroscopic optical systems tunability is

    frequently achieved through mechanical movement of components, this approach

    becomes less and less suitable when component sizes shrink. Advances in microsystems

    engineering, however, have led to the development of a host of new effects, many

    without a macroscopic counterpart, which may be used to tune the characteristics of

    micro-optical components.

    Some of the technologies and devices being employed for the

    fabrication of tunable micro-optics and photonics include tunable liquid lenses and lens

    arrays, polymer membrane-based micro-lenses (tunable microfluidic microlenses),

    tunable micromirrors, tunable optical filters, Bragg gratings etc. Liquid lenses have seen

    extensive development and rely on controlled surface tension for tunability. Using an

    applied electric field, the contact angle of a liquid droplet, whose hemispherical shape

    forms an excellent lens, may be tuned over a wide range using electrowetting. Through

    the use of extended electrode arrays, the liquid lenses may not only be tuned in focal

    length but also repositioned two-dimensionally. Alternative tunable micro-lens

    approaches use liquid filled micro-cavities bounded by highly-distensible polymer

    membranes. By applying pressure to the liquid in the micro-cavity, the curvature of the

    membrane may be changed, resulting in a variation of the focal length. Research is

    active on the development of new types of tunable micro-optics, including tunable

    variable apertures and photonic crystals.

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Chapter 4


    4.1 Liquid Lenses

    One representative technology for tunable micro-optics is that of

    liquid microlenses. For sizes smaller than about a millimeter, liquid droplets on a

    transparent surface form excellent lenses, to which anyone who has carefully examined a

    window after a rainstorm will attest. Surface tension leads to spherical planoconvex

    lenses whose curvature is defined uniquely by surface tension and volume; for

    sufficiently small sizes, gravitational effects are negligible. This effect has been known

    for two centuries and forms the basis for the well-established technology of microlens


    Less well known is that such liquid droplets may also be electrically

    manipulated. Using electrowetting, the contact angle of a liquid droplet may be changed

    by application of a voltage between it and the substrate. First experiments on

    electrocapillarity, i.e., the influence o f an electric potential on the surface tension of

    liquids, were conducted by the Nobel laureate Gabriel Lippmann in 1875. A closely

    related effect termed electrowetting was reported in 1993 by Berge. In this, a thin

    dielectric layer is artificially introduced between a conducting liquid droplet and a

    conductive substrate and observed a decrease of the contact angle of the liquid upon

    application of a voltage. This advance, now known as electrowetting-on-dielectrics

    (EWOD), allowed the use of electrowetting with nearly any liquid, provided it is

    conductive or, at least, polar.

    The physical reason for using liquids as optical elements results

    from capillary and interface thermodynamics. For small liquid objects typically

    occurring in microsystems engineering gravity effects will be neglected. Small liquid

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    droplet placed on a planar substrate forms a spherical cap due to the influence of surface

    tension as in fig 4.1.

    Fig 4.1: Liquid droplet placed on a substrate[2]

    Here the system consists of three phases: a substrate S, a liquid object

    L, and the ambient V, which may be a gas or a second liquid. Its contact angle () is

    uniquely given by the interfacial energies between the substrate and the liquid; the liquid

    and the ambient; and the substrate and the ambient by (4.1)

    cos =

    ( 4.1)

    The focal length fof a liquid microlens is given as a function of the

    diameterD of the droplet on the surface, contact angle, and the refractive indices n1,

    n2 of the liquid and the ambient ( Fig 4. 2)

    Fig 4.2 Focal length of a liquid lens [2]

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Focal length f is given by (4.2)



    Replacingin (4.2) with the value from (4.3), the focal length of a liquid lens is seen to

    be well defined by several parameters: the refractive indices of the liquid and the

    ambient, the volume of the liquid, and the involved surface energies. By controlling these

    parameters, the focal length of microlenses may be tuned. In electrowetting-based

    microoptics, the influence of electric fields on the interfacial energy balance is used

    deliberately to control the focal length precisely and reversibly.


    A typical EWOD setup is shown in fig 4.3.A droplet is placed on

    an electrode covered by a dielectric layer (thickness d and dielectric constant ).

    Application of the voltage between the electrode and the droplet leads to an adsorption of

    charges at the solidliquid interface, thereby effectively lowering the corresponding

    interfacial energy. Consequently, the contact angle is reduced by the voltage.

    Fig 4.3: Schematic view of a typical electrowetting experiment[2]

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    the effective interfacial energy of the corresponding interface is reduced with respect to

    the unbiased interface by an electrostatic term given by (4.3)



    Here is the electrostatic energy stored in the capacitance consisting of the conductive

    droplet plus the substrate with the dielectric in between.Using a parallel plate capacitor

    model for the calculation ofES, one obtains



    Replacing by

    from (4.3) in (4.1) and considering (4.4), we finally obtain

    cos = +


    which is the fundamental equation for EWOD. From (4.5), it can be seen that the

    resulting contact angle is reduced upon application of a bias voltage to the system shown

    in fig 4.3. This reduction of the contact angle is a reversible effect; as far as the free

    motion of the contact line on the substrate is guaranteed, the droplet readily contracts

    again if the voltage is turned off.Equation (4.5), together with (4.2), is the basis for focal

    length tuning of liquid lenses by means of EWOD.

    Due to the reduction of the contact angle upon application of a

    voltage, movement of liquid droplets may also be achieved by EWOD. For achieving

    movement, the electrode is separated into multiple individually addressable electrodes.

    Upon biasing one of these electrodes, the contact angle is reduced only in those parts of

    the droplets contact line located above the activated electrode as in fig 4.4. The other

    parts of the contact line remain unaffected. Since a lower contact angle on a substrate

    implies an energetically favorable situation for a liquid, the droplet tends to wet those

    parts of the substrate located over the activated electrode, i.e., it experiences a net force

    directed toward the activated electrode.

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Fig 4.4: Schematic view of droplet movement by EWOD [2]

    This mechanism allows fluidic operations such as splitting and

    merging of droplets by means of EWOD. For example, a droplet may be split by first

    spreading it over three or more electrodes and subsequently switching off the bias voltage

    from the middle electrode, leading to the formation of a liquid neck and subsequent

    rupture of the droplet over the middle electrode, as shown in fig 4.5.

    Fig 4.5: Illustration of the process steps for splitting a liquid droplet by EWOD.[2]

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Similarly, merging of two droplets may be achieved by simply moving one droplet

    toward another one. Thus, microlens arrays capable of changing the volume or/and the

    number of lenses can also be developed.

    4.2 Tunable Microfluidic Microlenses

    Microlenses with intrinsic tunability are of interest for a wide variety

    of applications, particularly beam shaping, optical interconnection, and imaging. The last-

    named application is of particular relevance for endoscopy, in which a variable imaging

    system provides an advantage for tissue imaging; no dynamic micro-optical systems

    suitable for use in extremely small fiber endoscopes, with diameters of as little as 0.5 mm

    at the distal end, have been demonstrated. A limited number of concepts for tunable

    microlenses have been demonstrated by diverse approaches and technologies, such as by

    electro-wetting, through the use of liquid-crystal microlenses etc. The limitations on

    liquid lenses tuned by the electrowetting approach include requirement for high driving

    voltages and the requirement that only polar liquids be used. The liquid-crystal technique

    is hampered by the possibility of nonuniformities in the electric field, which could lead to

    optical aberrations. Moreover, both methods require the presence of electrodes, which

    can disturb the optical performance. In order to overcome a number of these limitation,

    microfluidic microlens is used.

    Fig 4.6 Cross-sectional diagram of a membrane-based microfluidic


  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    As shown in fig 4.6, the membrane based, liquid-filled tunable

    microlenses employ a 50 m thick, pressure-actuated PDMS (poly dimethyl siloxane)

    membrane structured upon a silicon fluidic chip. This chip is mounted onto a Pyrex

    substrate, thereby forming a fluidic cavity filled with a liquid of suitable refractive index.

    The body of the lens is then formed by the liquid, whereby the membrane curvature

    provides the lens shape. Varying the pressure of the liquid by using the fluidic system

    changes the shape of the membrane and thus the optical power of the lens. As shown in

    the fig 4.6, both planoconvex and planoconcave lenses may be obtained. A

    microphotograph of two distended, 400m-diameter convex lenses is shown in fig 4.7

    Fig 4.7: Microphotograph of two distended planoconvex lenses

    achieved by application of positive fluidic pressure[4]

    Design and Fabrication

    The membrane-based microlens is fabricated on a silicon substrate

    bonded to a Pyrex substrate; the membrane itself is a PDMS layer on the front side of the

    silicon wafer. The use of these materials means that no cavity deformation takes place

    when pressure is applied and no critical alignment or adhesion problems occur. The use

    of standard micro-electromechanical systems processing techniques, under clean-room

    conditions to ensure particle-free optical surfaces, implies that low-cost mass fabrication

    of these lenses is possible.

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Microlens fabrication is thus based on silicon process technology

    combined with a number of non silicon materials to yield the complete structure; a

    summary of the process is shown schematically in Fig. 4.8

    Fig 4.8: Process summary[4]

    (a) silicon wafer with backside SiO2 layer, opened by RIE

    (b) structured photoresist

    (c) first ICP RIEetch

    (d) front-side spin-coating of primer and PDMS

    (e) second ICP RIE etch

    (f) oxide removal

    (g) bonding of the pyrex glass wafer and patterning of the backside chromium layer

    (h) filling of the devices with the optical liquid.

    Processing begins with photolithography on a silicon wafer

    polished on both sides in which the lens openings and the microfluidic channels are

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    defined. In wet oxidation and subsequent plasma-enhanced chemical-vapor deposition

    oxidation steps, a masking layer is deposited. This layer is structured by photolithography

    and subsequently opened by reactive ion etching (RIE). The first oxide mask defines the

    contours of the lens chamber, the fluidic channels, and the reservoir with a typical

    structure as in fig 4.9 . Circular lens openings with diameters of300600m were defined

    along with the fluidic channels and the reservoirs. In a second photolithography step, a

    12m-thick photoresist layer is patterned. This second mask step defines the contours of

    the lens chambers and the reservoirs.

    Defined by the second photoresist mask, the lens chambers and the

    reservoirs are then etched through half of the silicon wafer by an inductively-coupled

    plasma (ICP) RIE process. Afterward, the resist layer is removed in a plasma asher. This

    step is followed by front-side coating of a thin PDMS film. To improve the adhesion of

    the PDMS to the silicon or silicon oxide, the substrate is coated with a primer ( 3 m).

    The thickness of the PDMS film is 50 m. This film is cured for 15 min at 150 C. This

    PDMS or silicone elastomer film forms the pressure-actuated membrane, which encloses

    the working liquid and ultimately defines the lenss curvature.

    Fig 4.9: Layout for a lens array with 400m lenses[4]

    As the lenses are arranged as arrays with different dimensions and

    contours, one fluidic reservoir will provide nine lenses with the required working liquid

    and pressure; in the future each lens will be controlled by an independent microfluidic

    system. In a second ICP RIE etch step the lens chambers, the reservoirs, and the fluidic

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    channels are etched simultaneously, passivated by the structured SiO2 layer. The etching

    stops abruptly when the SiO2 layer at the front side is reached because the etch

    selectivity to SiO2 is approximately 200 to 1.

    Finally, the front-side SiO2 layer is removed in a last RIE step,

    resulting in the PDMS membranes now being freely stretched over the silicon lens

    chamber. To enclose the liquid cavity, a thin Pyrex wafer is subsequently bonded to the

    back side of the silicon substrate to cap the fluidic channels and chambers. After

    alignment, a UV flood exposure followed by an anneal at a temperature of50 Cfor 24 h

    results in covalent bonds between the Pyrex and the silicon substrates, and this ensures

    that the structure remains mechanically stable.

    Because the Pyrex wafer is fully transparent, not only the lens

    chambers but also the fluidic channels and the reservoirs are visible from the back of the

    bonded structure. To minimize scattering and cross talk between the single lenses of the

    array, an aperture stop on the unpatterned Pyrex wafer is required. Such an aperture is

    made by use of a 100nm-thick vapor-deposited chrome layer, subsequently structured by

    a wet etch.

    The wafer stack is then separated into individual chips, each with

    an array of nine lenses and one reservoir. During this last step, the delicate PDMS

    membrane must be protected by a photoresist layer to prevent scratching during chip


    To prepare the fluidic lenses for operation, one has to introduce

    the liquid optical medium into the microfluidic chambers; one accomplishes this filling

    by taking advantage of capillary forces that essentially result in a self-filling of the

    cavities. Two liquid media were employed: a mixture of 50wt. % water and 50wt. %

    ethanol and a proprietary liquid from Cargille with a high refractive index (n = 1.600). In

    the former case the addition of ethanol is important to reduce surface tension and thus

    provide better filling, caused by capillary forces. The H2O:ethanol mixture working

    liquid provides a refractive index of n =1.3534. Cavity filling is accomplished in a

    vacuum chamber to deaerate the liquid enclosed inside the small fluidic channels. Any

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    remaining bubbles quickly diffuse out of the system because the PDMS membrane is gas


    The devices are operated by use of a silicone tube glued to the fluidic

    reservoir entrance with UV curable adhesive. A manually operated syringe and a

    calibrated pressure sensor were then used to define the pressure exerted on the liquid,

    thereby leading to the desired lens distension.

    Characterization of the microlenses

    The pressure of the liquid optical medium was measured with a pressure

    sensor with a resolution of 90 mV/kPa. Determination of the maximum lens height

    allowed the radius of curvature to be calculated through




    whereR is the radius of the lens, dis the lens diameter, and h is the maximum height. The

    focal length could then be determined simply by



    wherefis the focal length and n1 is the refractive index of the liquid optical medium

    The pressure range in the measurement series varied from 0 to 54 kPa,

    giving the results shown in fig 4.10. For the highest pressures, the curvature radius

    saturates at 0.2 mm, with controllable values ranging from 0.2 to 6 mm

    Fig 4.10: Lens radius of curvature as a function of pressure applied

    to the liquid optical medium (ethanol and water)[4]

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    As can be seen from fig 4.11, the lens profile was measured as a

    function of applied pressure in the range 454 kPa; the corresponding radii of curvature

    are given in fig 4.10. The lens profile is not ideally spherical for two reasons: the

    nonlinear deflection of the PDMS membrane and the fixed edge of the membrane, which

    leads to an inflection point at the lens edge.

    Fig 4.11: Complete lens profile for a 500m-diameter lens as a function of applied

    pressure in the range 454 kPa.[4]

    The focal length is shown in Fig 4.12 as a function of pressure. Themeasurements were performed with the two liquid optical media available, with n1=1.35

    and n2=1.6. It can be seen that the focal length varies from 1 to 18 mm, saturating at

    approximately 1 mm for high pressures.

    Fig 4.12: Focal length of the membrane lenses as a function of

    applied pressure[4]

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Further design considerations for this lens are the means for

    application of pressure, pressure variations, repeatability, and aging. The application of

    constant pressure over an extended period of time can be achieved only by use of a

    pressure controller with a precise microvalve. Maintaining constant pressure is important

    to prevent variations in the focal length during the imaging period. Extremely high

    pressures may overstretch the PDMS membrane, causing plastic deformation and thus

    leading to non-reproducibility effects. The PDMS membrane is stable and flexible

    temperature range from 50 C to 200 C, but the stability of the refractive-index liquid

    must also be considered. Volatile liquid combinations, such as H2O: ethanol mixtures,are therefore not suitable for long-term use in such a lens system.

    4.3 Deformable Micro-mirrors

    Deformable micro-mirrors may be used in a variety of optical

    applications, including laser beam steering, beam shaping, and aberration correction. In

    particular, beam shaping is often required for aberration correction and is used to improve

    imaging quality, predominantly in ophthalmology and astronomy. Wavefront correction

    is accomplished by applying the inverse of the undesired phase deformation using a

    deformable mirror, thereby improving the optical quality of the image.

    Commercially available deformable membrane mirror devices are

    usually made of silicon. The disadvantage of this material is its high stiffness: for

    electrostatic actuation, a thick silicon membrane requires a high driving voltage. We may

    overcome this restriction by using alternative materials for the fabrication of deformable

    mirrors. The selected material should feature a lower stiffness but remain robust. The

    photo-structurable polymer SU-8 has proven to be suitable as a structural material for this

    application: it has excellent mechanical properties, which are coupled with ease of

    fabrication. For electrostatically actuated mirrors, two electrodes forming a capacitor are

    required. In the case of a membrane mirror, the first electrode is fixed on a bottom

    substrate and the second electrode is the membrane itself. If the deformable mirror is

    designed to be used in an adaptive optical system, the membrane has to be deformed into

    any desired shape. Therefore, numerous electrodes with varying applied voltages on

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    either side of the capacitor are required so that a free-standing membrane is mounted over

    an array of electrodes, as seen in Fig4.13. The membrane itself is clamped inside a silicon

    Fig 4.13:Schematic sketch of the free-standing deformable membrane mirror


    frame to increase the mechanical stability of the device. Between the frame and the

    underlying substrate is a spacer layer: this layer defines the maximum deflection of the

    membrane and the required voltage. With this setup, different positive voltages can be

    applied to the individual electrodes. The varying voltages lead to corresponding

    electrostatic forces and these forces are used to shape to the membrane.

    4.4 Tiltable Micromirrors

    Actuated optical micromirrors are essential components in high-

    density optical interconnects, high-accuracy scanning systems and in adaptive optical

    systems for applications ranging from astronomy to medicine. Increasing complexity and

    density of such systems place increasingly large demands on positional accuracy in

    angular mirror attitude, and actuation employing pre-calibrated lookup tables and similar

    mechanisms is often insufficiently precise. Future generations of micromirror arrays will

    require integrated feedback mechanisms for determining and maintaining the desired

    angular position of each individual mirror.

    To address these issues, a monocrystalline micromirror with a

    monolithically integrated diffraction grating is introduced. Light incident on the mirror is

    predominantly reflected into the target fiber but a small fraction is transmitted through

    the grating. The diffracted transmitted light gives rise to two diffraction maxima whose

    position is measured with a position sensitive detector (PSD) mounted below the mirror.

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Since these diffraction maxima move as the mirror is tilted, assuming that the incident

    light wavelength, the grating period and the grating-to-detector distance are known, the

    mirror tilt angle may then easily be calculated from the PSD intensity signal. This system

    provides the basis for highly accurate mirror position control, as well as for individual in-

    situ calibration of every switching mirror, even after packaging.

    4.4.1 Design

    As illustrated in fig 4.14, the device is composed of three layers: on

    top, a silicon mirror layer; then a Pyrex contact layer using indium tin oxide (ITO)

    electrodes; and, at the bottom, a position sensitive detector.

    The tilt sensing principle is based upon the diffraction of laser light

    at a transmission grating, etched into a portion of the mirror surface. Laser light strikes

    the mirror on the front side and is reflected into the desired direction, as is the zeroth-

    order maximum of light being diffracted at the grating in forward direction. As can be

    seen in fig 4.14, a small part of the incident light is transmitted through the grating and

    the diffracted light is emitted from the mirror backside.

    Fig 4.14: Schematic of the tilt sensing mechanism[5]

  • 7/31/2019 optical performance monitoring a necessity in transparent optical n/w


    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    4.4.2 Diffraction orders

    Diffraction occurs for both the reflected and transmitted light; whereas on

    the front side both diffraction and reflection occur, on the backside, only diffraction can

    be observed. The angle under which the light is diffracted in the m-th order is

    determined by the tilt angle of the mirror , the wavelength and the grating period .

    The angle is measured relative to the surface normal of the grating. If the mirror, and

    thus the grating, is orthogonal to the incident laser beam, the grating equation predicts

    that constructive interference from the grating backside will occur when the optical path

    difference x1 of two light waves originating from two neighboring slits is

    1 = sin = , m=0,1,2,3,.. (4.8)

    This diffraction results in light intensity maxima of the order 0,1,2 and

    higher. For an untilted grating, the diffraction angles 1, 2, . . . are symmetrically

    distributed to the left and right of the normal to the grating surface.

    As can be seen in figures 4.15(a) and (b), when the mirror plane is tilted

    by the angle from its horizontal position there is an additional optical path difference

    2 = sin (4.9)

    between the paths 1 and 2 of the diffracted light.

    (a) (b)Fig 4.15: The optical path differences of two light waves on a tilted grating[5]In (a) x1

    andx2 add up whereas in (b) they are subtracted to give the total optical path


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    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    The total optical path difference and therefore the diffraction angle on the

    grating backside are different for the positive and negative maxima, depending on

    whether these are diffracted in the direction or against the direction of tilt motion. This

    effect occurs because the two path differencesx1and x2 contribute differently to the

    total path difference x. As can be seen in figure 4.15(a), for the case of diffraction in the

    direction of tilt motion, the total path difference between path 1 and path 2 is

    x=x1 +x2 (4.10)

    whereas in figure 4.15(b) , in the case of diffraction in the direction opposite to the tilt

    motion, the total path difference x is given by

    x=x1 - x2 (4.11)

    We can thus relate the diffraction angle , referenced to the surface normal

    of the tilted grating, to the tilt angle of the grating as

    = 1 2 = = (4.12)

    As can also be seen in figure 2, to obtain the diffraction angle of maximal

    constructive interference with reference to the surface normal of the untilted grating, we

    have to add (fig 4.15(a)) or subtract (fig 4.15(b)) the tilt angle from the angle , leading


    = = arcsin

    sin (4.13)

    Finally, the position of the interference maxima on the PSD, xPSD, placed

    at a distance dfrom the mirror, for a mirror tilt angle , is thus given by

    PSD = d tan tan0 (4.14)

    Based on the above equations, the diffraction angle is plotted as a function

    of the mirror tilt angle in fig 4.16. It can clearly be seen that the positive and negative

    diffraction maxima do not shift symmetrically upon the tilting of the mirror grating and

    that the diffraction angle is larger for a given order in the direction opposite to mirror tilt.

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    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Fig 4.16: Relationship between the diffraction angle and the

    mirror tilt angleof the 1st and 2nd diffraction orders[5]

    It isthus reasonable to use those diffraction orders (as depictedin figs 4.15(a) and (b))

    for tilt sensing, since a larger shift allowshigher measurement sensitivity. Moreover, this

    asymmetry also allows the determination of the tilt direction. To further increase the

    angular diffraction shift, and with it the tilt sensing accuracy, one can also use the

    second-order diffractionmaxima.

    Fig 4.17: Silicon-based two-dimensionally tiltable micro-mirrors designed for use in

    endoscopic imaging systems. [1]

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    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Chapter 5



    5.1 Implantable Blood-Oxygen Monitors

    There is considerable interest in continuous in vivo monitoring of

    certain parameters in the cardiovascular system, particularly blood oxygenation, pulse,

    blood pressure and concentration of various dissolved gasses. As seen in the absorption

    spectrum of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin in fig 5.1, the oxygenation of

    blood can be determined by a differential absorption spectroscopy measurement at two or

    more wavelengths.

    Fig 5.1: Absorption of spectra of oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin. [1]

    Pulse oximetry is established as one of the standard monitoring

    techniques allowing the monitoring of the oxygenation of a patients blood and is

    nowadays ubiquitous in hospital critical care and surgery, since it provides an early

    indication of problems in the oxygen transport to the tissue.

    Common pulse oximeter designs use time-multiplexed red and infrared

    LEDs and a photodetector which detects the light attenuated by the perfused tissue . The

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    Model Engineering College Micro-optical Medical Monitoring


    Department of Electronics Engineering

    probe is usually attached to the patients fingertip, earlobe, forehead, or foot, i.e., to a

    region of tissue which is well perfused and translucent. The embodiment of the probe can

    be of transmissive or reflective type, which means that either the intensity of the

    transmitted light through the tissue or that of the backscattered light from the tissue is

    measured. The main advantage of those systems is their noninvasive character which

    makes the method quick, safe, and easy to apply.

    5.1.1 Optical Transmission Oximetry

    For transmission pulse oximetry, the AC signal is generally low: it

    ranges from 1% to 10% of the total transmitted light. Also due to the extracorporeal

    sensor position, the measurement period is limited: the time required is usually between a

    couple of seconds for short-term diagnostics up to several days during inpatient health


    A new type of implantable pulse oximeter offers some advantages

    over noninvasive standard pulse oximeters, especially for high-risk cardiovascular

    patients in intensive care or for surveillance of people in critical condition. Once

    implanted during a surgical procedure which had to be performed anyway, the sensor

    implant offers improved patient comfort and signal quality. The key benefits of an

    implantable oxygen sensor are the capability for longterm monitoring and assessment,

    emergency detection, and, if necessary, for efficient treatment or medication. Due to its

    location directly on an arterial vessel, an enhanced AC signal is expected, one less

    influenced by the limitations associated with standard pulse oximetry such as ambient

    light, low perfusion state, skin pigmentation, nail polish, intravenous dyes, etc.

    Schematic of an implantable micro-optical blood oxygen monitor is

    shown in fig 5.2. The design uses a sensor stripe fitted with optoelectronic components

    (photodetectors and LEDs) which is wrapped directly around an artery. Transmissionintensities through the blood are compared and allow a determination of oxygenation

    continuously and in real time. Several design constraints are given due to the positioning

    of the implant. As a first practical aspect the sensor has to be easily implantable by the

    surgeon, preferably with standard methods; the surgery must not be made more

    complicated due to implantation of the sensor. To fulfill this requirement, the sensor

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    stripe is fixed by a titanium ligature clip after wrapping around the vessel.

    Fig 5.2: Model of the implantable pulse oximeter sensor. [6]

    The stripe material itself has to be

    biocompatible, optically transparent, and at least as elastic as the vessel in order to

    minimize vessel restriction. Due to the strong attenuation of light in blood, the maximum

    diameter of the arterial vessel and thus the sensor rings inner diameter is limited to about

    5 mm. As is common for sensors relying on optical transmission, the LEDs and

    photodetector face each other when placed around the vessel. The optical paths from the

    LEDs to the photodetector have to be equal and not influenced by slightly differing vessel

    diameters; a side by side arrangement of the two LEDs meets this condition. The

    fabricated system is shown in fig 5.3

    Fig 5.3: Photograph of the implantable blood oxygenation sensor. [6]

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    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Main criteria for the selection of the LEDs and the photodetector

    are their size, spectral characteristics, and power. A red LED and an infrared LED, with

    peak wavelengths 659 and 942 nm, were chosen as light sources.This approach provides

    an implantable solution as close as possible to the quantity to be measured but without

    direct blood contact. The AC signal of the arterial pulse oximeter sensor ring ranges from

    20% to 40%, which is an excellent value when compared to standard finger tip pulse


    5.1.2 Optical Reflection Oximetry

    A further micro-optical approach providing great flexibility in

    monitoring physiological parameters is by the use of reflection from perfused tissue, as

    shown schematically in Fig 5.4.

    Fig 5.4: The principle behind reflectance oximetry.[7]

    For measurements of arterial oxygen saturation and the concentration of

    other hemoglobin derivatives, the sensor utilizes the method of reflectance pulse

    oximetry. Light of multiple wavelengths is emitted into tissue which is well supplied with

    blood, and the backscattered light is detected . With the different absorption spectra

    shown in Fig 5.5, the different kinds of hemoglobin, such as oxyhemoglobin (O2Hb),

    deoxygenated hemoglobin (HHb), carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) and methemoglobin

    (MetHb), cause a specific attenuation of light, dependent on their concentration.

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    Fig 5.5: Absorption spectra of different hemoglobin derivatives.[7]

    The sensor consists of a flexible polymer substrate with LED-chips

    and a photodiode as well as an amplification circuit placed close to the photodetector toprovide a good signal-to-noise ratio. Direct illumination of the photodetector by stray

    light from the LEDs is prevented by an interstitial optical barrier (Fig. 5.6). The sensor is

    housed in biocompatible silicone and provides mounting holes to suture the sensor onto

    the underlying tissue.

    Fig 5.6: Sketch and photograph of the reflectance oximeter, showing the 8 LEDs and


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    5.2 Endoscopic OCT

    Fig5.7: Schematic cross-section of the OCT measurement head.[8]

    In addition to implantable optical systems, micro-optics is enabling the

    development of advanced endoscopic diagnostics, using miniaturized optical

    components, thereby also supporting the movement toward minimally-invasive surgery.

    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-destructive imaging technique

    conceptually similar to white-light interferometry. Using a scanning mirror as part of a

    Michelson interferometer, an OCT system can image up to several millimeters below the

    surface of tissue with a resolution below 10 m. Tunable micro-optics has enabled the

    conception of an OCT system which may be integrated into an endoscope.

    Fig 5.8: OCT scan through a biological sample. [8]

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    Department of Electronics Engineering

    The OCT measurement head, which is found at the endoscope tip,

    is shown schematically in fig 5.7. A two-lens system is used to dynamically focus the

    beam and a two-axis mirror (tiltable mirror) serves to scan the beam over a given surface

    area of the tissue. OCT imaging resolution can be significantly improved if the beam

    focus follows with depth scan. All of these components have been integrated into a single

    measurement head, with a diameter less than 3 mm, and thus compatible with endoscopic

    dimensions. The assembled system, based on silicon micro-machined components, an

    aluminum sub-mount, a pneumatic tunable micro-lens and the two-axis scanning mirror,

    is shown in Fig 5.9.

    Fig 5.9: Complete OCT measurement head on an aluminum sub-mount.[8]


    A complete scan, shown in Fig 5.8, demonstrates the benefit of the

    tunable lens, leading to dynamic focussing. For the scans from left to right, the focus

    moves deeper into the material, revealing more detailed features. As a result, the

    incorporation of the tunable photonic components results in depth-independent resolution

    for this endoscopic system.

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    Chapter 6


    Since micro-optics is a newly developing area, new technologies

    may be expected in various micro-optic components which will extend their use in a wide

    variety of applications. Future developments in liquid lenses will extend the concept of

    electrowetting to allow for the independent movement of multiple lenses on a single

    substrate, as well as to provide the means for generating a variable number of lenses

    based on the immediate demands of a particular application. The performance of tiltable

    micromirrors can be improved if it uses two tilt axes. Future developments of implantable

    pulse oximeter will include the development of implant controller electronics,

    rechargeable power supply, processing and communication capabilities all associated

    with low power instrumentation and system miniaturization. Developments in

    microlenses and mirrors will also improve the performance of OCT system, which will

    provide good quality images.

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    Department of Electronics Engineering

    Chapter 6


    Developments in micro-optics and microsystems have supported the

    strong trend to miniaturization of biophotonic systems. These developments include a

    number of tunable micro-optical components which employ physical phenomena on the

    micro-scale for achieving optical variability. Application areas for these devices arewidespread: tunable micro-lenses and micromirrors are of considerable value in compact

    optical systems with enhanced functionality and are being developed, for example, for

    use in endoscopic optical coherence tomography systems. Numerous other technologies

    have become relevant for tunable micro-optics in, particularly silicon-based opto-thermal

    filters and polymer structures with controlled swelling, and further developments in

    these areas will also be expected.

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