opportunities to preach the word fromwillette

A WARM WELCOME FOR ALL Welcome to the Willette church of Christ, where you will find the Bible as our only rule for faith and practice.We seek to speak where the Bible speaks and to be silent where the Bible is silent. We minister to Macon Co. and surrounding area, and our primary Mission work is the India Mission directed by Jack Honeycutt and Zack Holmes. One of the most frustrating and difficult matters to deal with when it comes to this latest generation of men deals with RESPONSIBILITY. You are not the product of your family genetics or of your environment. You are responsible for your own choices. We are going to see in the Bible this morning just what God thinks about people taking personal responsibility for their actions. Tonight, we are going to deal with the Sermon on the Mount. This will be a rather technicalsermon so the outline and other study aids will be posted on the Sermon for Today tab on our church website. We are a Bible centered, mission minded, and family oriented church.Thank you for coming, and please return at every opportunity. Email: [email protected] Website: www.willettecoc.com ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome, visitors! Please give us time to greet you and get to know you better! Are you keeping your children engaged in Bible Study? Are you keeping their body and mind active? Is there a visitor today? Greet them appropriately! Visitor cards are on the table out front and on back tract rack. Benevolence needs:Peanut butter and tons and tons of jelly! You can get Jelly for $1 a jar at different places. Visitation team 2 is on call for cards this week. Stamps are provided. OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE Entrance Greeters (Sunday is for next week) Wed Eve.N/A Sun. Mor. Deacons and ministers Announcements Sunday AM: Elders Sunday PM: N/A Wed: N/A Lord’s Supper and Offering:Presiding TBA Lord’s Supper and Offering:Serving Morning: Deacons Evening: N/A Song Leaders Sunday: Hatton Allen Wed: N/A Scripture Reading Morning: Jim Coley, Benny Tuck () Prayers Morning: an elder Morning and Evening: N/A Wed: Tim & Hatton online Prison Ministry Men’s (1:00):N/A Women’s (2:00):N/A RECORDS FOR AUGUST 30 Sun. Bible Study N/A Sun. Morning 265 Sun. Evening N/A Wed. Study 162 Offering$16409.00 MISSION WORKS India: preachers (50), orphans (11), orphanshomes (9), widowshomes (8), - (www.indiamissionwork.org) Thaddus Duncan, Jamaica - ([email protected]) George Jensen, Hawesville, Kentucky ([email protected]) Memphis School of Preaching (MSOP): Garrett Young Jason Halcomb Jakes Small Josh Smith Zackery Holmes ([email protected]) Daniel Webster ([email protected] ) Omaha, Neb. Mission: Jonny Royal World Video Bible School-(school.wvbs.org) Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies House to House/Heart to Heart: Jonathan Smith - ([email protected]) The Palace (nursing home) Macon County Prison Local Radio: 102.1 FM @ 12:15 Gospel Broadcasting Network (NCTC-37, TwinLakes-16) OPPORTUNITIES TO PREACH Sun. Morning: Tim Sun. Night: Tim Wednesday: Zack Holmes WEEKLY BIBLE READING Read up through Jeremiah chapter 20. See if you can find the Messianic prophecies! SHUT-INS Madeline Clark Ed Goolsby Mary Judd Phil and Faye Kernell Lois Key, Vicki Weisner Roy Woodard Shirley Tayse Jimmy Gentry CONTACTS Church Building: 699-2251 Preacher’s Office: 699-3768 SERVICE TIMES Sunday Bible Class 9:00 Worship AM 10:00 Worship PM 6:00 Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 ELDERS Alvin Allen 699-3315 Hugh Clark 699-2393 Hugh W. Clark 699-3199 Steve Draper (931) 678-4616 Terry Jones 699-3081 Joe Lynn 699-3613 Benny Tuck 477-5000 DEACONS Randy Allen Jeff Hackett Don Birdwell Donald Moss Nick Jones Brandon Clark HaroldClark Phillip Stafford Donnie Gammons Mark West Joseph Draper Jonathon Royal PREACHER Tim McHenry655-7311 [email protected] ASSOCIATE PREACHERS Mark West699-3650 Hatton Allen 615-888-7420 PRISON COORDINATORS David Anderson, Jonathon Royal INDIA COORDINATORS Jack Honeycutt655-2524 Zack Holmes, 361-563-4201 THE WORD FROM WILLETTE WILLETTE CHURCH OF CHRIST Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort …”(II Timothy 4:2) Vol.2, Num.36 1586 Willette Rd., RBS, TN 37150 September 6, 2020 NURSING HOME: 2:00 PM Singing: * Prayer: Serve: Preach: Next Service TBA! *Bring the Lord’s Supper SEPTEMBER WORKERS Care for communion trays: Care for baptismal clothes: Cut out teacher material: Lock church buildings: Change church sign: Tidings from Timothy

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Welcome to the Willette church of Christ, where you will find the Bible as our only rule for faith and practice.We seek to speak where the Bible speaks and to be silent where the Bible is silent. We minister to Macon Co. and surrounding area, and our primary Mission work is the India Mission directed by Jack Honeycutt and Zack Holmes.

One of the most frustrating and difficult matters to deal with when it comes to this latest generation of men deals with RESPONSIBILITY. You are not the product of your family genetics or of your environment. You are responsible for your own choices. We are going to see in the Bible this morning just what God thinks about people taking personal responsibility for their actions. Tonight, we are going to deal with the Sermon on the Mount. This will be a rather “technical” sermon so the outline and other study aids will be posted on the Sermon for Today tab on our church website. We are a Bible centered, mission minded, and family oriented church.Thank you for coming, and please return at every opportunity.

====== Donnie

Email: [email protected] – Website: www.willettecoc.com



Welcome, visitors! Please give us time to greet you and get to know you better!

Are you keeping your children engaged in Bible Study? Are you keeping their body and mind active?

Is there a visitor today? Greet them appropriately! Visitor cards are on the table out front and on back tract rack.

Benevolence needs:Peanut butter and tons and tons of jelly! You can get Jelly for $1 a jar at different places.

Visitation team 2 is on call for cards this week. Stamps are provided.


Entrance Greeters (Sunday is for next week)

Wed Eve.N/A

Sun. Mor. Deacons and ministers Announcements

Sunday AM: Elders Sunday PM: N/A Wed: N/A

Lord’s Supper and Offering:Presiding TBA

Lord’s Supper and Offering:Serving Morning: Deacons

Evening: N/A

Song Leaders

Sunday: Hatton Allen Wed: N/A

Scripture Reading Morning: Jim Coley, Benny Tuck ()


Morning: an elder Morning and Evening: N/A Wed: Tim & Hatton online

Prison Ministry Men’s (1:00):N/A Women’s (2:00):N/A


Sun. Bible Study N/A Sun. Morning 265 Sun. Evening N/A

Wed. Study 162


MISSION WORKS India: preachers (50), orphans (11),

orphans’ homes (9), widows’ homes (8), - (www.indiamissionwork.org) Thaddus Duncan, Jamaica

- ([email protected]) George Jensen, Hawesville, Kentucky

([email protected]) Memphis School of Preaching (MSOP):

Garrett Young – Jason Halcomb Jakes Small – Josh Smith

Zackery Holmes ([email protected]) Daniel Webster ([email protected])

Omaha, Neb. Mission: Jonny Royal

World Video Bible School-(school.wvbs.org) Southeast Institute of Biblical Studies

House to House/Heart to Heart: Jonathan Smith - ([email protected])

The Palace (nursing home) Macon County Prison

Local Radio: 102.1 FM @ 12:15 Gospel Broadcasting Network

(NCTC-37, TwinLakes-16)


Sun. Morning: Tim Sun. Night: Tim

Wednesday: Zack Holmes

WEEKLY BIBLE READING Read up through Jeremiah

chapter 20. See if you can find the Messianic prophecies!

SHUT-INS Madeline Clark

Ed Goolsby Mary Judd

Phil and Faye Kernell Lois Key,

Vicki Weisner Roy Woodard Shirley Tayse Jimmy Gentry

CONTACTS Church Building: 699-2251 Preacher’s Office: 699-3768

SERVICE TIMES Sunday Bible Class 9:00 Worship AM 10:00 Worship PM 6:00 Wednesday Bible Study 7:00

ELDERS Alvin Allen 699-3315 Hugh Clark 699-2393 Hugh W. Clark 699-3199 Steve Draper (931) 678-4616 Terry Jones 699-3081 Joe Lynn 699-3613 Benny Tuck 477-5000

DEACONS Randy Allen Jeff Hackett Don Birdwell Donald Moss Nick Jones Brandon Clark HaroldClark Phillip Stafford Donnie Gammons Mark West Joseph Draper Jonathon Royal

PREACHER Tim McHenry655-7311

[email protected]


Hatton Allen 615-888-7420

PRISON COORDINATORS David Anderson, Jonathon Royal

INDIA COORDINATORS Jack Honeycutt655-2524

Zack Holmes, 361-563-4201


WILLETTE CHURCH OF CHRIST “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort…”(II Timothy 4:2)

Vol.2, Num.36 1586 Willette Rd., RBS, TN 37150 September 6, 2020

NURSING HOME: 2:00 PM Singing: * Prayer: Serve: Preach: Next Service TBA! *Bring the Lord’s Supper


Care for communion trays: Care for baptismal clothes: Cut out teacher material: Lock church buildings:

Change church sign:

Tidings from Timothy


The Hatton Half: How to define Biblical Inspiration

How can one prove the Bible is truly the inspired word of God? One premise which must receive

establishment is that the Bible is the only source which begs consultation in this matter. The Bible itself

contains many proofs for its own inspiration, which the writer aims to address at later points. The first task

at hand is defining exactly what inspiration is. The first of many answers coming from the Bible itself states

the following: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for

correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto

all good works” (2 Tim. 3:16-17 KJV). The phrase “inspiration of God” is one word in the Greek language.

The word is theopneustos, which according to Thayer manifests the idea of the Bible‟s being “inspired of

God” (Thayer 287). Vine details the word in the following manner: “theopneustos (θεόπνευστος, 2315),

„inspired of God‟ (Theos, „God,‟ pneo, „to breathe‟) is used in 2 Timothy 3:16, of the Scriptures as distinct

from non-inspired writings” (328). It is upon this attribute which Christians reliance upon the Bible.

Another definition for inspiration, found in the Bible itself, is at 2 Peter 1:20-21. Verse twenty

states the Bible‟s possessing no origination from the minds of men. Leon Stancliff said “in the long ago

Nehemiah built a pulpit. From that pulpit this man of God read the law of God, and then gave the sense

thereof. He was interpreting the Word of God, but he was not giving his own interpretation (Neh. 8:8)”

(153).Verse twenty-one tells us how the matters contained within the Bible came to fruition. Again the

point is emphasized about the prophecy‟s not originating from the mind of men. Peter described the process

as “holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Pet. 1:21)

Those attending:Thank you for coming today. If you would like, there are some extra masks available, and hand sanitizer is in many places. Those who would like to are encouraged to help us sanitize between the services. Wednesday night: I appreciate very much the lesson brought by brother Honeycutt last Wednesday. You are in for a treat this Wednesday as well as brother Holmes continues our study of the Home. I was away this past Wednesday at Crossville for their Summer Series. It went well. Like with us, some there have the virus but it is not “spreading” from church so all is going as well as possible and they were very nice to us. On a scheduling note, I will not be having a Meeting this fall due to you know what. I don’t think Jack has any left on the schedule for this month. When we get word of brethren doing more than just Summer Series, we will let you know.

Tonight: Different format for tonight. I have been giving simple Bible stories but tonight will definitely be an “adult” lesson. If you would like me to occasionally revisit some simple Bible stories on Sunday night then just let me know. I can “preach” them as well at “teach” them like in a Bible Study.

Important notice on Benevolence: The Benevolent Building is reopening on Tuesday. Spread the word! BTW, there will be a sign out front mandating masks for the “shoppers” that come in Tuesday. Dean will monitor the crowd size.

Rate Yourself

Let's be sure we are on the right track...

1) I don't want to be so CRITICAL that I see a person's weak points before I do their good points. 2) I don't want to be so CHILDISH that everyone has to handle me with caution to keep me from getting my feelings hurt. 3) I don't want to be so involved with SELF that I am not considerate of others. 4) I don't want to be so SENSITIVE that I can make myself miserable by taking in a personal way everything that is said by others. 5) I want to be sure that I MAKE EVERY EFFORT to correct any hurt that I have inflicted on another. 6) I don't want to REPEAT that which should be kept secret and then explain myself saying, "But it's the truth." 7) I want to be completely TRUSTWORTHY and merit the confidence of those with whom I associate. 8) I want to FOLLOW the things that make for peace and avoid the things that bring about strife. If I have the right attitude about these matters I will thank God, and if I don't I will resolve to make whatever changes that need to be made. --copied from Hartsville Church of Christ bulletin

WILLETTE CALENDAR Prison Ministry (look for anouncments,1:00, 2:00)

Nursing Home (TBD, 2pm) Benevolence Building (look for announcements)

If someone needs food, let us know.


Restorations: Baptism &/or New Member:


Confessed Faults:18 Baptisms:9

Membership: 6