operations management session 18: revenue management tools

Operations management Session 18: Revenue Management Tools

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Page 1: Operations management Session 18: Revenue Management Tools

Operations management

Session 18: Revenue Management Tools

Page 2: Operations management Session 18: Revenue Management Tools

Session 18 Operations Management 2

RM: A Basic Business Need

What are the basic ways to improve profits?



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ng R



Revenue Management

Page 3: Operations management Session 18: Revenue Management Tools

Session 18 Operations Management 3

Elements of Revenue Management

Pricing and market segmentation

Capacity control




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Session 18 Operations Management 4

Pricing: How does it work?

Objective: Maximize revenue Example (Monopoly): An airline has the following demand


Price Demand0 ?50 150100 120150 90200 60250 30 










0 50 100 150 200 250 300





d = (3/5)(300-p)

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Session 18 Operations Management 5

Pricing: How does it work?

What is the price that the airline should charge to maximize revenue? Note that this is equivalent to determining how many seats the airline should sell.

The revenue depends on price, and is: Revenue = price * (demand at that price)r(p) = p * d(p) = p * (3/5) * (300 – p) = (3/5) * (300p – p2)

We would like to choose the price that maximizes revenue.

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Session 18 Operations Management 6

Finding the price that maximizes revenue.










50 100 150 200 250





Revenue is maximized when the price per seat is $150,meaning 90 seats are sold.

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Session 18 Operations Management 7

Finding the price that maximizes revenue.

r(p) = p*d(p) = (3/5)*(300p-p2)

r’(p)=0 implies (3/5)(300-2p)=0 or p=150Pricing each seat at $150 maximizes revenue.

d(150)=(3/5)*(300-150)=90This means we will sell 90 seats.

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Session 18 Operations Management 8

What if the airline only holds 60 people?

Then, r(d) = p(d)*d = 300d-(5/3)d2.

First note that actually, revenue = price * min(demand, capacity).

Second note that it is equivalent to think in terms of price or demand; i.e., d(p) = (3/5)*(300-p) implies p(d) = 300-(5/3)d.

Is it possible we would want to sell less than 60 seats?To answer this question, plot revenue as a function of demand.

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Session 18 Operations Management 9

What if the airline only holds 60 people?

r(d) = p(d)*d = 300d-(5/3)d2.










0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160





It is obvious from the graph that revenue is maximized when90 seats are sold (demand is 90), as we found originally.It is also clear that we want to sell as many seats as possible up to 90, because revenue is increasing from 0 to 90. Conclusion: sell 60 seats at price p(60)=300-(5/3)*60=200.

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Session 18 Operations Management 10

Pricing to Maximize Revenue: The General Strategy

Write revenue as a function of price.

Find the price that maximizes the revenue function.

Find the demand associated with that price.

Ensure that there is enough capacity to satisfy that demand. Otherwise, sell less at a lower price. (This assumes that the revenue function increases up until the best price, and then decreases.)

Is this strategy specific to airlines? No.

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Session 18 Operations Management 11

Pricing and Market Segmentation

Should it be a single price?

Most airlines do not have a single price.

Suppose the airline had 110 seats, so that the revenue-maximizing price of $150 (equivalently selling 90 seats) meant having 20 seats go unsold.

Is there a way to divide the market into customers that will pay more and those that will pay less?

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Session 18 Operations Management 12

Passengers are very heterogeneous in terms of their needs and willingness to pay (business vs leisure for example).

A single product and price does not maximize revenue

Market Segmentation



revenue = price • min {demand, capacity}





additional revenue by segmentation

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Session 18 Operations Management 13

Pricing and Market Segmentation

It is the airline interest to: Reduce the consumer surplus Sell all seats How can this be achieved?

Sell to each group at their reservation price (segmentation of the market)

In the previous example, price tickets oriented for business customers higher than $150 and those oriented for leisure customers lower than $150.

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Session 18 Operations Management 14

Pricing and Market Segmentation

The idea of market segmentation does not just apply to airlines. Where else do we see this?

Why are companies using a single price? Easy to use and understand Product can’t be differentiated Market can’t be segmented Lack of demand information Consumers don’t like that different customers are

getting the “same products” at different prices.

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Session 18 Operations Management 15

Pricing and Market Segmentation

What are the difficulties in introducing multi-prices? Information

May be hard to obtain demand information for different segments.

How to avoid leakages from one segment to another? Fences

Early purchasing, non refundable tickets, weekend stay over.


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Session 18 Operations Management 16Operations Management 16

Revenue Management Dilemma for Airlines

High-fare business passengers usually book later than low-fare leisure passengers

Should I give a seat to the $300 passenger which wants to book now or should I wait for a potential $400 passenger?

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Session 18 Operations Management 17Operations Management 17

The Basic Question is Capacity Control

Leisure Travelers

•Price Sensitive•Book Early•Schedule Insensitive

fd = Discount Fare

Business Travelers

•Price Insensitive•Book Later•Schedule Sensitive

ff = Full fare

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Session 18 Operations Management 18

The Basic Question is Capacity Control

Consider one plane, with one class of seats. We would like to sell as many higher-priced

tickets to business customers as we can first, and then sell any leftover seats to leisure customers at a discount.

The problem is that the leisure customers book early, and the business customers book late.

How do we decide how many seats to reserve for the business class customers?

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Session 18 Operations Management 19Operations Management 19

Two-Class Capacity Control Problem

A plane has 150 seats. Current s=81 seats remaining.

Two fare classes (full-fare and discount) with fares ff =

300 > fd = 200 > 0.

Should we save the seat for late-booking full-fare customers?

We need full-fare demand information,

Random variables, Df.

Ff (x) = Probability that Df < x.

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Session 18 Operations Management 20Operations Management 20

Capacity Control: Tradeoff

Cannibalization - If the company sells the ticket for $200 and the business demand is larger than 80 tickets then, the company loses $100. Cost = ff – fd

(=100) for each full-fare customer turned away.

Spoilage - If the company does not sell the ticket for $200 and the business demand is smaller than 81 tickets then, the company loses $200. Cost = fd

(=200) for each “spoiled” seat.

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Session 18 Operations Management 21Operations Management 21

Marginal Analysis

If we sell the discount ticket now, we get fd

right away.

How much do we expect to generate by holding the seat?







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Session 18 Operations Management 22Operations Management 22

Decision rule

Criteria: comparing fd and ffP(D>s)

Accept discount bookings if fd > ffP(D>s)

If 200 > 300(1–F(80)) or 0.667 > (1–F(80)). Then sell the ticket for $200. Otherwise wait and don’t sell the ticket.

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Session 18 Operations Management 23Operations Management 23


Two fairs: $200, $300

The demand for the $300 tickets is equally likely to be anywhere between 51 and 150

With 81 seats left, should the airline sell a ticket for $200?

P(D>=81)=1-F(80) = 0.7 200 < 0.7*300 = 210 Clearly the airline should close the $200 class.

What if there were 101 seats left?

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Session 18 Operations Management 24Operations Management 24

Booking Limit

What is the booking limit (the maximum number of seats available to be sold) of the $200 class in this case?

200 = (1–F(x))*300 1/3 = F(x) F(83) < 1/3 < F(84) Accept discount bookings until 84 seats remain. Then

accept only full-fare bookings. In other words, we will sell 150-84=66 seats to the

discount class. 66 seats is the booking limit.

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Session 18 Operations Management 25Operations Management 25

Booking Limit: Intuition

If booking limit is too low, we risk spoilage (having unsold seats).

If booking limit is too high, we risk cannibalization (selling a seat at a discount price that could have been sold at full-fare).

Booking Limit


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Session 18 Operations Management 26Operations Management 26

Two-Class Capacity Control Problem: Another example

A plane has 150 seats. Two fare classes (full-fare and discount) with

fares ff = 250 > fd = 200 > 0.

The demand for full-fare tickets is equally likely to be anywhere between 1 and 100.

What is the booking limit that maximizes revenue?

Intuitively, should this be higher or lower than in the previous example?

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Session 18 Operations Management 27


Airlines and other industries historically allowed passengers to cancel or no-show without penalty.

Some (about 13%) booked passengers don’t show-up.

Overbooking to compensate for no-shows was one of the first Revenue Management functionalities (1970’s).


90 days prior departure time

} no-showscap

} no-shows

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Session 18 Operations Management 28

Overbooking: Tradeoff

Airlines book more passengers than their capacity to hedge against this uncovered call, Airlines need to balance two risks when overbooking:

Spoilage: Seats leave empty when a booking request was received. Lose a potential fare.

Denied Boarding Risk: Accepting an additional booking leads to an additional denied-boarding.

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Session 18 Operations Management 29


Sophisticated overbooking algorithms balance the expected costs of spoiled seats and denial boardings

Typical revenue gains of 1-2% from more effective overbooking

Number seats soldcapacity


total costsspoilage


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Session 18 Operations Management 30


The airline has a flight with 150 seats. The airline knows the number of cancellation would be between 4 to 8, all numbers are equally likely.

Fair price is $250; denied boarding cost is estimated to be $700.

How many tickets should the airline sell?

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Session 18 Operations Management 31


The airline has a flight with 150 seats. The airline knows the number of cancellation would be between 4 to 8, all numbers are equally likely.

Fair price is $250; denied boarding cost is estimated to be $700.

How many tickets should the airline sell? Clearly the airline should sell 154 seats because the

number of cancellations is known to be at least 4.

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Session 18 Operations Management 32

Marginal Analysis: Overbooking

Criteria: Does E[revenue increase] exceed 0?

Yes. (4/5)*250+(1/5)*(-450) = 110 >0.



P(C<5)=P(C=4)1 person w/out seat

Revenue increase



P(C>=5)Seats for everyone.


Sell 155 seats?

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Session 18 Operations Management 33

Marginal Analysis: Overbooking

Sell 156 seats?

No. It is best to sell 155 seats.






Revenue increase

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Session 18 Operations Management 34

Overbooking Example 2

The airline has a flight with 150 seats. The airline knows the number of cancellations will be 0,1,2, or 3. Furthermore,

P(C=0) = 0.01, P(C=1) = 0.1, P(C=2) = 0.8, P(C=3) = 0.09

Fair price is $250; denied boarding cost is estimated to be $700.

How many tickets should the airline sell?

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Session 18 Operations Management 35

Overbooking Dynamic





Number of seats sold


No-show “Pad”


In general, we might let the number of seatsoverbooked change over time …

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Session 18 Operations Management 36

What have we learned?

Basic Revenue Management Pricing Market Segmentation Capacity Control Overbooking

Teaching notes, homework, and practice revenue management questions posted.