operating instructions animal repellent - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en...


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Page 1: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,

H 55 x 19 x 23 cm




3X AA 800mAh 1,2V Ni-MH



w Наипростейший способ отпугнуть непрошенных визитеров от сада. Водяной струей отпугиваются цапли, вороны, кошки и пр. и уже не наносят урон саду и не крадут рыбу из пруда. Hа базе детектора движения. Требуется подключение к садовому поливочному шлангу.

e Jednostavan način da neželjene goste držite podalje od vašeg vrta. Mlaz vode odbija čaplje, vrane, mačke itd., te one u vašem vrtu neće činiti štetu niti krasti ribu iz vašeg ribnjaka. Radi na principu otkrivanja pokreta. Potreban je priključak za vrtnu cijev za zalijevanje.

r Jednoduchý způsob, jak udržet nežádoucí návštěvníky mimo vaši zahradu. Proud vody odstraší volavky, vrány, kočky apod., které se chystají krást ryby z rybníčku ve vaší zahradě.Na základě lokalizace pohybu. Požaduje se připojení zahradní hadice.

t Jednoduchý spôsob, ako zabrániť neželaným návštevníkom navštevovať vašu záhradu. Prúd vody odradzuje volavky, vrany, mačky atď. od páchania škody vo vašej záhrade alebo od kradnutia rýb z vášho jazierka. Založený na detekcii pohybu. Vyžaduje sa pripojenie záhradnej hadice.

y Najpreprostejši način, da nepovabljeni obiskovalci ostanejo zunaj vašega vrta. Vodni curek preplaši čaplje, vrane, mačke in druge živali, tako da ne morejo delati škode na vašem vrtu in krasti rib iz ribnika. Ki zaznava gibanjePotrebujete vrtno priključno cev.

u Egyszerű módszer a kert hívatlan vendégeinek távoltartására. A vízsugár elriasztja a gémeket, varjakat és macskákat stb., amelyek így nem viszik el a halakat a medencéből, és nem tesznek kárt a kertben. Mozgásérzékelőként szolgálva. Kerti locsolótömlő csatlakozás szükséges

i Seadme näol on tegemist lihtsa abivahendiga, hoidmaks soovimatuid külalisi Teie aiast eemal. Veejuga peletab eemale haigrud, varesed, kassid jms, kes võivad Teie aias kahju teha või Teie tiigist kala varastada. Infrapuna-liikumisandur. Vajalik on kastmisvooliku olemaolu.

o Vieglākais veids, kā pasargāt savu dārzu no nelūgtiem viesiem. Ūdens strūkla aizbiedē gārņus, vārnas, kaķus u.tml., neļaujot tiem nodarīt postījumus jūsu dārzam un zagt zivis no jūsu dīķa. Kustību detektors. Ir nepieciešama iespēja pievienot dārza šļūtenei

p Paprastas būdas atsikratyti nekviestais sodo svečiais. Vandens srovė atbaido gandrus, varnas, kates ir kitus gyvūnus, neleisdama jiems niokoti jūsų sodo ir žvejoti žuvelių iš jūsų tvenkinio.Aptinkantis judesį. Turi būti prijungta vandens žarna.

[ Лесният начин за поддържане на нежелани посетители от вашата градина. A водна струя възпира чапли, врани и котки и т.н. от причиняване на щети в градината си в кражба на риба от езерото. Въз основа на откриване на движение. Необходима е градински маркуч връзка.

] Cea mai simplă cale de a păstra vizitatori nedorite din gradina ta. Un jet de apă descurajează stârci, ciori și pisici etc de la provocând pagube in gradina ta de a fura pește din iaz. Bazat pe o detectare a mișcării. Este necesară o conexiune furtun de gradina

a İstenmeyen misafirleri bahçemizden uzak tutmanın kolay bir yöntemidir. Bir su spreyi balıkçılları, kargaları, kedileri vb. kaçırarak balıkların bahçenizdeki havuzdan çalınmasını önler. Hareket tarama esaslı. Bir bahçe hortum bağlantısı gerekmektedir.

s هذا الجهاز يمثل الطريقة السهلة إلبعاد الزائرين غير المرغوب فيهم عن حديقتك. وهو عبارة عن جهاز لدفق المياه بشدة لمنع طيور مالك الحزين

والغربان والقطط وغيرها من إلحاق الضرر بحديقتك كما يمنعهم من.سرقة األسماك من بركتك

يجب توفير وصلة خرطوم مياه خاص بالحدائق

1 The easy way to keep unwanted visitors out of your garden. A water jet deters herons, crows and cats etc. from causing damage in your garden of stealing fish from your pond.Based on a movement detection. A garden hose connection is required

2 Der einfache Weg, um unerwünschte Besucher aus dem Garten fernzuhalten! Fischreiher, Krähen, Katzen u.s.w. werden durch den Wasserstrahl davon abgehalten, in Ihrem Garten Schaden anzurichten oder Fische aus dem Teich zu stehlen. Prinzip Bewegungsmelder. Gartenschlauchanschluss muss vorhanden sein.

3 Een eenvoudige manier om te zorgen dat er geen ongewenste bezoekers in uw tuin komen! Reigers, kraaien, katten en dergelijke worden verjaagd door de waterstraal en kunnen zo geen schade aanrichten in uw tuin of vissen vangen in de vijver. Bewegingsmelder. Er moet een aansluiting voor een tuinslang aanwezig zijn.

4 Le moyen le plus simple de tenir les visiteurs indésirables éloignés de votre jardin. Un jet d’eau empêche les hérons, corbeaux, chats, etc., d’endommager votre jardin ou de dérober des poissons dans votre bassin. Basé sur la détection du mouvement. Un raccord de tuyau de jardin est nécessaire.

5 La forma más sencilla de mantener fuera de su jardín a los visitantes no deseados. Un chorro de agua disuade a garzas, cuervos, gatos, etc., de causar daños en su jardín o robar peces del estanque. Basado en detección del movimiento. Se necesita una conexión de manguera de riego.

6 O modo mais simples de manter os visitantes indesejados longe do jardim! Um jacto de água inibe garças cinzentas, gralhas, gatos, etc., de fazerem estragos ao seu jardim ou de roubarem peixes do lago. Princípio do sensor de movimento. Disponibilizar uma ligação de mangueira para o jardim.

7 Per favorire la cura e il mantenimento del giardino, è ora disponibile un semplice dispositivo che, mediante un forte getto d’acqua, impedisce a corvi, aironi, gatti e altri animali indesiderati di danneggiare il giardino o prelevare pesci dal proprio laghetto.Dotato di un sensore di movimento. È necessario il collegamento a un tubo flessibile per giardino.

8 Ο εύκολος τρόπος να κρατάτε τους ανεπιθύμητους επισκέπτες μακριά από τον κήπο σας. Ένας πίδακας νερού αποθαρρύνει τους ερωδιούς, τα κοράκια, τις γάτες κ.λπ. που καταστρέφουν τον κήπο σας ή κλέβουν τα ψάρια από τη λιμνούλα σας. O οποίος βασίζεται σε ανίχνευση κίνησης. Απαιτείται σύνδεση ενός εύκαμπτου σωλήνα ποτίσματος.

9 Den nemmeste måde at holde uønsket besøg borte fra haven! Fiskehejrer, krager, katte o.l. holdes væk fra haven ved hjælp af en vandstråle, så de ikke anretter skade eller stjæler fisk fra havebassinet. Bevægelsessensor. Der skal være tilslutning til en haveslange.

0 Det lätta sättet att hålla oönskade gäster borta från trädgården! Hägrar, kråkor, katter osv. håller sig undan tack vare vattenstrålen, och kan på så sätt inte skada trädgården eller stjäla fiskar ur trädgårdsdammen. Samma princip som en rörelseindikator. Det måste finnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang.

- Den enkleste måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer, kråker, katter osv. holdes borte fra hagen ved hjelp av en vannstråle, slik at de ikke kan ødelegge hagen eller stjele fisk.BevegelsessensorDet må være en tilkobling for hageslange.

= Yksinkertainen tapa pitää kutsumattomat vieraat poissa puutarhasta! Vesisuihku karkottaa esimerkiksi haikarat, varikset ja kissat, jotka voivat tehdä tuhoja puutarhassa tai viedä kaloja lammesta. Liiketunnistin. Laitteen käyttöön tarvitaan puutarhaletkulle soveltuva hana.

q Prosty sposůb pozbycia się niechcianych gości z Twojego ogrodu. Strumień wody odstrasza czaple, wrony, koty itp. i uniemożliwia im czynienie szkůd w Twoim ogrodzie czy wykradanie ryb z Twojego stawu. Oparty o wykrywanie ruchu. Wymagane jest podłączenie węża ogrodowego.

6060152 reigerverjager 2016 nw.indd 1 15-03-16 14:40

Page 2: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,

Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT

The device effectively and gently drives away herons, birds, dogs, cats, rabbits, wild animals etc. from the property and keeps grey herons away from the pond. Please read these operating instructions carefully and store them in a safe place.

Power supply 3 rechargeable batteries AA 1.2 V NiMH 800 mAh (not included)

Coverage PIR Sensor 10m, 110º

Range of water jet up to 10 m (adjustable and subject to water pressure)

Effective range up to 95 m²

Sprinkler setting right/left and top/bottom

Water intake Connection for garden hose 13mm (1/2")

Water consumption approx. 2-3 cups per activation

Technical data


Safety instructions

• The device may not be operated in case of visible damage• Never open the device or parts thereof• The device is not suitable for usage by persons (incl. children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental abilities or a lack of experience or know-how, unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or received instructions with respect to the use of the device. Children have to be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device.• Store device and batteries out of the reach of children.



1. Screw the sprinkler head to the top of the device by turning clockwise. 2. Open the battery cover at the bottom of the device, insert 3 rechargeable AA batteries (not included) and close the battery compartment again.Note: Please ensure that the batteries are fully charged. For this purpose, set the sensitivity control to 0 and expose the solar panel to full sun for 2 days. Alterna-tively, you can charge the batteries in an external charger. 4. Mount the solar panel on the side of the main device and connect the power cable to the socket (bottom of the main device).5. Screw the water hose connection to the lower side of the main device. 6. Plug the ground spike in the opening provided at the bottom of the main device. 7. For optimum effect, place the device pointing in the direction wherefrom the animals are coming. 8. Adjust the sensitivity and range of the motion detector commensurate with the area in which the device is to be effective.

3 c

1 User information for the ‘Stop’ An animal-friendly system for repelling moles using high acoustic frequencies.

How it works:

The Stop emits audio signals at a regular interval. These disturb the extremely sensitive hearing of rodents living underground and will cause them to move to a different territory.

Make sure the batteries are inserted the correct way round. Depending on the type of battery used, the appliance will operate for up to 6 months. We recommend that you use alkaline batteries.

Push the spike fully into the earth immediately next to the entrance (molehill).During bouts of frost or extremely wet weather it wise to take the appliance out of the ground and remove the batteries. To prevent the moles from getting used to the signal, it is a good idea to reset the appliance from time to time.

Technical specifications:

Range in which the appliance is effective: approx. Ø 30 m.

Frequency: 400 +/- 10 Hz

2 x 1.5V batteries required (batteries not included in delivery package)

General safety instructions

1. The appliance should not be operated if there is visible damage to it.2. Keep electric appliances and batteries out of the reach of children.3. When changing the batteries, ensure that no water gets into the casing.


We provide a 2-year guarantee on this product against demonstrable material or manufacturing faults, effective as of the day of purchase. To claim on the guarantee, the original purchase receipt must be presented as proof of purchase.All problems resulting from incorrect assembly or use, neglect, exposure to frost, repair attempts carried out by unqualified persons, the use of force, the fault of a third party, overloading, mechanical damage or a foreign body entering the device,are not covered by the guarantee. All complaints relating to the damage of parts and/or problems caused by wear and tear are likewise not covered by the guarantee.

Level 0 (OFF)The motion detector is deactivated and the device is in stand-by mode. In this setting, the device does not recognise movement and will not activate the water jet.

Levels 1-7 Turn the knob clockwise; this increases the sensitivity in the detection area.

Level 8On this level, the device only operates in darkness (nocturnal animals). Level 8 has the same range of coverage for the recognition of the motion detector as level 7. Note: The solar panel has to be connected also on level 8.

Page 3: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Auf dieses Gerät gewähren wir Ihnen eine Garantie von 2 Jahren auf Verarbeitung und Material, die ab Kaufdatum gilt. Für die Inanspruchnahme der Garantie muss als Nachweis der Original-Kaufbeleg beigefügt werden. Ausgeschlossen von dieser Garantie sind normaler Verschleiß, Veränderungen, Überarbeitungen, Beschädigungen aufgrund von Unachtsamkeit, Fremdeinwirkung, Frost, fehlerhafte Batterien sowie Anwendungsbereiche, für die das Gerät nicht ausgelegt ist, oder demontierte Geräte.

9. Adjust the range of the sprinkler commensurate with the area in which the device is to be effective.

Animal size

Range of water jet

3m 6m 10m

Small Levels 5-6 Levels 6-7

Medium Levels 3-4 Levels 5-6 Levels 6-7

Large Levels 1-3 Levels 5-6 Levels 6-7

10. Connect the garden hose to the device and open the tap fully for correct operation. Up to 15 m, use a 13 mm (1/2“) garden hose and from 15 m a 19 mm (3/4“) garden hose. Important! Before you attach the hose, it is important to rinse it first to remove particles (e.g. dirt, small stones, ants etc.) which may affect the control or filter. 11. Place yourself behind or to the side of the device and set sensitivity to level 6 or 7.12. Slowly move your hand approx. 1 m in front of the motion detector to activate the sprinkler. 13. Check the angle section of the water jet and correct it with the left and right stopper, if necessary. Adjust the sprinkler so that the water jet is directed toward the area observed by the sensor.14. Adjust the range of the water jet by turning the knob on the handle of the sprinkler. The range of the water jet can vary based on the local water pressure.15. Adjust the water jet by turning the knob on top of the sprinkler. - Loosen screw = water jet „direct“ - Tighten screw = water jet „wide“

Maintenance and care• To ensure optimal function of the device, we recommend regular cleaning of the solar panel and sensor lenses with a damp cloth.• Clean both filters after respectively 50 activations or weekly in case of more frequent use. Unscrew the hose connection for cleaning.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Product: Old electrical devices should not be disposed of in the household waste. Prior to taking the old device to your local collection point, remove the inserted battery and dispose of this separately from the product! Further information can be obtained from your dealer or waste disposal company.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Batteries: Pursuant to the Battery Directive, end consumers are legally obligated to return used batteries! Your used battery can be deposited free of charge at the collection points supplied by your local authority, or at locations where batteries are sold. Disposal via household waste is prohibited!

Page 4: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


2 Gebrauchsinformation „Stop“ Die tierfreundliche Vetreibung von Maulwürfen durch akkustische Hochfrequenzen.


Der Stop sendet in regelmäßigen Abständen ein akustisches Signal aus, durch das unterirdisch lebende Nagetiere wegen ihres extrem guten Gehörs gestört werden und sich einen anderen Lebenraum suchen.

Achten Sie auf die richtige Polarität beim Einlegen der Batterien. Die Betriebszeit beträgt je nach Batterietyp bis zu 6 Monate. Wir empfehlen den Gebrauch von Alkali-Batterien.

Den Stab in direkter Nähe der Gänge (Maulwurfhügel) komplett in die Erde stecken.Bei Frost oder extremer Nässe ist es sinnvoll, das Gerät herauszunehmen und die Batterien zu entfernen. Um den Gewöhnungseffekt zu vermeiden, ist es sinnvoll, das Gerät von Zeit zu Zeit umzusetzen.

Technische Daten:

Wirkungsbereich ca. Ø 30 m

Frequenz : 400 +/- 10 Hz

Für 2 Batterien, 1,5V (Batterien nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten)

Allgemeine Sicherheitshinweise:

1. Sind sichtbare Schäden am Gerät feststellbar, darf das Gerät nicht betrieben werden2. Elektrogeräte und Batterien gehören nicht in Kinderhände!3. Beim Wechseln der Batterien darf kein Wasser in das Gehäuse gelangen


Auf dieses Produkt gewähren wir Ihnen eine Garantie von 2 Jahren gegen nachweisliche Material- und Herstellungsfehler, die ab Kaufdatum gilt. Für die Inanspruchnahme der Garantie muss als Kaufnachweis der Original-Kaufbeleg vorgelegt werden.Nicht unter die Garantie fallen alle Beanstandungen, deren Ursache auf Montage- und Bedienungsfehler, mangelnde Pflege, Frosteinwirkung, unsachgemäße Reparaturversuche, Gewaltanwendung, Fremdverschulden, Überlastung, mechanische Beschädigungen oder die Einwirkung von Fremdkörper zurückzuführen sind. Von der Garantie ebenfalls ausgeschlossen sind alle Beanstandungen von Teileschäden und/oder Problemen, deren Ursachen auf Verschleiß zurückzuführen sind.

Bedienungsanleitung TIERSCHRECK

Das Gerät vertreibt Reiher, Vögel, Hunde, Katzen, Hasen, Wildtiere etc. wirkungsvoll und schonend vom Grundstück und hält Fischreiher von Fischteichen fern. Bitte lesen Sie diese Bedienungsanleitung sorgfältig und bewahren Sie diese gut auf.

Stromversorgung 3 aufladbare Batterien AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh (nicht im Lieferumgang)

Erfassungsbereich PIR Sensor 10 m, 110º horizontal

Reichweite Wasserstrahl up to 60 m²

Wirkungsbereich 13.5- 23.5 kHz

Sprinkler-Einstellung 80-100 dB

Wasserzufuhr Sound pressure level output

Wasserverbrauch Sound pressure level output

Technische Daten



• Das Gerät darf nicht betrieben werden, wenn es sichtbare Schäden aufweist. • Öffnen Sie niemals das Gerät oder Teile davon, wenn nicht ausdrücklich in der Gebrauchsanweisung darauf hingewiesen wird. • Das Gerät ist nicht zur Benutzung durch Personen (einschließlich Kinder) mit verringerten physischen, sensorischen oder geistigen Fähigkeiten oder Mangel an Erfahrung und Kenntnissen geeignet, es sei denn, diese wurden von einer für ihre Sicherheit verantwortlichen Person überwacht oder erhielten Anweisungen bezüglich der Verwendung des Gerätes. Kinder sind zu überwachen um sicherzustellen, dass sie nicht mit dem Gerät spielen.• Bewahren Sie das Gerät und Batterien außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern auf.



1. Schrauben Sie den Sprinklerkopf durch Drehen im Uhrzeigersinn oben am Gerät an. 2. Öffnen Sie die Batterieabdeckung am Boden des Gerätes, setzen Sie 3 aufladbare AA-Batterien (nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten) ein und verschließen Sie im Anschluss das Batteriefach wieder. Hinweis: Laden Sie die Batterien zunächst vollständig auf. Schalten Sie dafür den Sensitivitätsregler auf 0 und setzen das Solar-Panel 2 Tage der vollen Sonne aus. Alternativ können Sie die Batterien in einem externen Ladegerät aufladen. 4. Montieren Sie das Solar-Panel an der Seite des Hauptkörpers und schließen das Stromkabel an die Anschlussbuchse (Unterseite Hauptkörper) an.5. Schrauben Sie den Wasserschlauchanschluss an der Unterseite des Hauptkörpers fest. 6. Stecken Sie den Erdspieß an der Unterseite des Hauptkörpers in die dafür vorgesehene Öffnung. 7. Für eine optimale Wirkung platzieren Sie das Gerät in die Richtung weisend, aus der Tiere kommen. 8. Stellen Sie die Sensitivität und Reichweite des Bewegungsmelders, abgestimmt auf den Bereich in welchem das Gerät wirken soll

Stufe 0 (OFF)der Bewegungsmelder ist deaktiviert und das Gerät im Stand-By-Modus. In diesem Fall erkennt das Gerät keine Bewegung und wird den Wasserstrahl nicht aktivieren.

Stufe 1-7 Drehen Sie den Knopf im Uhrzeigersinn, die Sensitivität erhöht sich damit zunehmend in dem Erkennungsbereich.

Stufe 8auf dieser Stufe arbeitet das Gerät nur bei Dunkelheit, (nachtaktive Tiere). Stufe 8 hat dieselbe Reichweite bei der Erken-nung des Bewegungsmelders wie Stufe 7. Hinweis: Das Solar-Panel muss auch bei Stufe 8 angeschlossen sein.

Page 5: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Auf dieses Gerät gewähren wir Ihnen eine Garantie von 2 Jahren auf Verarbeitung und Material, die ab Kaufdatum gilt. Für die Inanspruchnahme der Garantie muss als Nachweis der Original-Kaufbeleg beigefügt werden. Ausgeschlossen von dieser Garantie sind normaler Verschleiß, Veränderungen, Überarbeitungen, Beschädigungen aufgrund von Unachtsamkeit, Fremdeinwirkung, Frost, fehlerhafte Batterien sowie Anwendungsbereiche, für die das Gerät nicht ausgelegt ist, oder demontierte Geräte.

9. Stellen Sie die Sprinkler-Reichweite ein, abgestimmt auf den Bereich in welchem das Gerät wirken soll


Reichweite Wasserstrahl

3m 6m 10m

Klein Stufe 5-6 Stufe 6-7

Mittel Stufe 3-4 Stufe 5-6 Stufe 6-7

Groß Stufe 1-3 Stufe 5-6 Stufe 6-7

10. Schließen Sie den Gartenschlauch an das Gerät und drehen Sie für eine korrekte Arbeitsweise den Wasserhahn voll auf. Verwenden Sie bis 15 m einen Gartenschlauch 13 mm (1/2“), und ab 15 m einen Gartenschlauch 19 mm (3/4“). Wichtig! Bevor Sie den Schlauch befestigen, diesen unbedingt durchspülen, um Teile (z.B. Schmutz, kleine Steine, Ameisen, usw.) zu entfernen, welche die Steuerung oder Filter beschädigen könnten. 11. Stellen Sie sich hinter oder seitlich vom Gerät und stellen die Sensitivität auf Stufe 6 oder 7.12. Bewegen Sie Ihre Hand langsam ca. 1 m vor den Bewegungsmelder um den Sprinkler zu aktivieren. 13. Prüfen Sie den Winkelbereich des Wasserstrahls und korrigieren Sie diesen ggf. mit dem linken und rechten Stopper. Stellen Sie den Sprinkler so ein, dass der Wasserstrahl in Richtung des vom Sensor beobachteten Bereichs gerichtet ist.14. Stellen Sie die Reichweite des Wasserstrahls durch Drehen des Knopfes auf dem Griff des Sprinklers ein. Aufgrund des örtlichen Wasserdrucks kann die Reichweite des Wasserstrahls variieren.15. Stellen Sie den Wasserstrahl ein, indem Sie den Knopf auf der Oberseite des Sprinklers drehen. - Schraube herausdrehen = Wasserstrahl „direkt“ - Schraube eindrehen = Wasserstrahl „breit“.

Wartung und Pflege• Um eine optimale Funktion des Gerätes zu gewährleisten, empfehlen wir eine regelmäßige Reinigung des Solar-Panels und der Sensorlinsen mit einem feuchten Tuch.• Reinigen Sie beide Filter nach jeweils 50 Aktivierungen oder wöchentlich im Falle häufiger Benutzung. Zum Reinigen schrauben Sie die Schlauchverbindung ab.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Produkt: Elektroaltgeräte sollen nicht mit dem Hausmüll entsorgen werden. Bevor Sie das Gerät zu Ihrer örtlichen Sammelstelle bringen, entnehmen Sie die eingelegten Batterien und entsorgen Sie diese getrennt vom Produkt! Weitere Auskünfte erhalten Sie von Ihren Händler oder Entsorgungsunternehmen.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Batterien: Gemäß Batterieverordnung sind Endverbraucher gesetzlich zur Rückgabe gebrauchter Batterien verpflichtet! Ihre verbrauchten (und ent-ladenen !) Batterien können Sie unentgeltlich bei den örtlichen Sammelstellen oder überall dort abgeben, wo Batterien verkauft werden. Eine Entsorgung über den Hausmüll ist untersagt!

Page 6: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,

5 c

3 Gebruiksinformatie „Stop“ Mollen diervriendelijk verdrijven door akoestische hoge frequenties.


De Stop zendt met regelmatige tussenpozen een geluidssignaal uit, waardoor onderaards levende knaagdieren op grond van hun extreem goede gehoor worden gestoord en een ander leefgebied zoeken.

Let bij het plaatsen van de batterijen op de polariteit (min- en plusteken). De bedrijfsduur is afhankelijk van het soort batterijen tot 6 maanden. Wij bevelen het gebruik van alkali batterijen aan.Steek de staak in directe nabijheid van de gangen (molshopen) volledig in de grond.

Haal bij vorst of extreem vochtige omstandigheden het apparaat uit de grond en verwijder de batterijen. Om te voorkomen dat de mollen gewend raken aan het signaal, raden we u aan het apparaat van tijd tot tijd te verplaatsen.

Technische gegevens

Werkingsbereik ca. Ø 30 m

Frequentie: 400 +/- 10 Hz

Voor 2 batterijen, 1,5V (batterijen niet meegeleverd)

Algemene veiligheidsinstructies

1. Als het apparaat zichtbaar beschadigd is, mag het niet worden gebruikt.2. Houd elektrische apparaten en batterijen buiten bereik van kinderen.3. Tijdens het vervangen van de batterijen mag er geen water in de behuizing komen.


Op dit product verlenen wij een garantie van twee jaar op aantoonbare materiaal- en productiefouten. Deze garantie gaat in op de koopdatum. Voor het verkrijgen van garantie moet het originele aankoopbewijs worden getoond. Niet onder de garantie vallen alle klachten waarvan de oorzaak het gevolg is van montage- en bedieningsfouten, gebrekkig onderhoud, inwerking van vorst, ondeskundige reparatie, forceren, externe oorzaken, overbelasting, mechanische beschadigingen of de inwerking van andere voorwerpen. Eveneens uitgesloten van de garantie zijn alle klachten over beschadiging van onderdelen en/of problemen die het gevolg zijn van slijtage.


Het apparaat verjaagt reigers, vogels, honden, katten, hazen, wilde dieren etc. met succes van uw erf, zonder dat ze daarbij iets oplopen, en houdt ook visreigers weg van uw vijver. Lees deze gebruiksaanwijzing zorgvuldig door en bewaar hem goed.

Voeding3 oplaadbare AA batterijen van 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(niet meegeleverd)

Detectiebereik PIR sensor 10 m, 110º

Bereik waterstraal tot 10 m (instelbaar en afhankelijk van de waterdruk)

Werkt over een gebied tot 95 m²

Instelling sproeier rechts/links en boven/onder

Watertoevoer Aansluitstuk voor tuinslang 13mm (1/2")

Waterverbruik circa 2-3 koppen per activering

Technische gegevens



• Als het apparaat zichtbare beschadigingen vertoont, mag er geen gebruik van worden gemaakt. • Probeer nooit zelf het apparaat of een deel daarvan open te maken • Het apparaat is niet geschikt om te worden gebruikt door personen (kinderen inbegrepen) met lichamelijk, geestelijk of zintuiglijk verminderde vermogens, of personen die niet over de hiervoor benodigde ervaring en kennis beschikken, tenzij hierbij op hen toezicht wordt gehouden door iemand die verantwoordelijk is voor hun veiligheid of nadat hun uitdrukkelijk geïnstrueerd is hoe zij het apparaat moeten bedienen. Op kinderen moet hierbij toezicht worden gehouden door ouderen, om er zeker van te zijn dat ze niet met het apparaat gaan spelen.• Houdt het apparaat en de batterijen buiten het bereik van kinderen.



1. Schroef de sproeikop vast op de bovenzijde van het apparaat, door die met de klok mee te draaien. 2. Open het deksel van het batterijvak aan de onderkant van het apparaat, doe daar drie oplaadbare AA-batterijen in (niet meegeleverd) en breng dan het deksel weer op het batterijvak aan. Opmerking: Voor de eerste keer moet u de batterijen volledig opladen. Zet de gevoeligheidsregelaar daarvoor op 0 en laat het zonnepaneel twee dagen lang staan in de volle zon. In plaats daarvan kunt u de batterijen ook opladen in een externe batterijlader. 4. Monteer het zonnepaneel aan de zijkant van het apparaat vast en sluit de voedingskabel aan op de aansluitplug (aan de onderzijde van het apparaat).5. Schroef het aansluitstuk van de waterslang aan de onderzijde van het apparaat vast. 6. Steek de aardspies aan de onderzijde van het apparaat in de daarvoor bedoelde opening. 7. Om het apparaat zo goed mogelijk te laten werken, moet u het plaatsen in de richting waar de dieren vandaan komen. 8. Stel vervolgens de gevoeligheid en de reikwijdte van de bewegingsmelder in op de grootte van het gebied waarover het apparaat moet werken

Stand 0 (OFF)De bewegingsmelder is gedeactiveerd en het apparaat staat in de stand-by. In dit geval zal het apparaat geen bewegingen herkennen en wordt de waterstraal niet geactiveerd.

Stand 1-7 Wanneer u aan de knop draait met de klok mee, wordt de gevoeligheid in het herkenningsgebied groter.

Stand 8In deze stand werkt het apparaat alleen bij duisternis (voor nachtdieren). Stand 8 heeft wat betreft de herkenning door de bewegingsmelder dezelfde reikwijdte als stand 7. Opmerking: Het zonnepaneel moet ook zijn aangesloten bij stand 8.

Page 7: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Wij geven op dit product een garantie van 2 jaar op materiaal- en fabricagefouten vanaf de aankoopdatum. Om aanspraak te kunnen maken op de garantie, dient men de originele factuur als bewijs te overleggen. Niet onder de garantie vallen reclamaties waarvan de oorzaken te wijten zijn aan een verkeerde monta-ge en bediening, gebrekkig onderhoud, invloed van vorst, ondeskundige reparatiepogingen, gebruik van geweld, schuld van derden, overbelasting, of vreemde voorwerpen, evenals alle beschadigingen van onderdelen op grond van slijtage.Op grond van de wet aansprakelijkheid voor producten zijn wij niet aansprakelijk voor schade ontstaan door onze apparaten, indien deze door onvakkundige reparatie veroorzaakt zijn.

9. Stel vervolgens de reikwijdte van de sproeier in op de grootte van het gebied waarover het apparaat moet werken

Grootte van het dier

Bereik waterstraal

3m 6m 10m

Klein Stand 5-6 Stand 6-7

Gemiddeld Stand 3-4 Stand 5-6 Stand 6-7

Groot Stand 1-3 Stand 5-6 Stand 6-7

10. Sluit de tuinslang aan op het apparaat en draai voor de goede orde de kraan helemaal open. Gebruik bij een lengte van 15 m een tuinslang van 13 mm (1/2“) doorsnee, en bij meer dan 15 m een tuinslang van 19 mm (3/4“). Belangrijk! Voordat u de slang aanbrengt moet u deze beslist goed doorspoelen, om vreemde deeltjes (bijvoorbeeld vuil, steentjes, mieren enz.) eruit te verwijderen die anders de aansturing of het filter zouden kunnen beschadigen. 11. Ga zelf achter of opzij van het apparaat staan en stel de gevoeligheid in op stand 6 of 7.12. Beweeg uw hand ongeveer een minuut langzaam voor de bewegingsmelder heen en weer, om de sproeier te activeren. 13. Controleer de hoek die de waterstraal maakt en stel die eventueel bij met de linker- en rechterstopper. Stel de sproeier zo in dat de waterstraal gericht is op het gedeelte dat door de sensor wordt bewaakt.14. Stel de reikwijdte van de waterstraal in door te draaien aan de knop op de greep van de sproeier. Al naar gelang de waterdruk ter plaatse kan de reikwijdte van de waterstraal variëren.15. De waterstraal stelt u in door te draaien aan de knop bovenop de sproeier. - schroef uitdraaien = waterstraal „direct“ - schroef indraaien = waterstraal „breed“

Onderhoud en schoonmaken• Om te zorgen dat het apparaat zo goed mogelijk blijft werken, raden wij aan het zonnepaneel en de sensorlenzen regelmatig met een vochtige doek schoon te maken. Beide filters moet u nadat ze vijftig keer geactiveerd zijn schoonmaken, of bij vaker gebruik elke week. • Voor het schoonmaken moet u de slang ervan loskoppelen.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Product: Oude elektrische apparatuur mag niet zomaar worden meegegeven met het huisvuil. Voordat u het oude apparaat naar het verzamelpunt bij u in de buurt brengt, haalt u eerst de accu’s eruit, om die apart te laten verwerken in de milieustraat. Ga voor meer informatie naar de dealer of vraag het de gemeentereiniging

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Accu´s: Volgens de wet zijn eindverbruikers verplicht verbruikte accu’s en batterijen in te leveren. Opgebruikte accu’s kunt u gratis inleveren bij een van de verzamelpunten van de gemeentereiniging, en verder overal waar er accu’s worden verkocht. Ze meegeven met het huisvuil is verboden!

Page 8: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


4 Informations sur l’appareil « Stop » Système sans danger pour les animaux qui éloigne les taupes en émettant de hautes fréquences acoustiques.

Fonctionnement :

L’appareil Stop émet des signaux sonores à intervalles réguliers. Dotés d’une ouïe très sensible, les rongeurs sont importunés et évitent la zone concernée.

Veillez à insérer les piles dans le bon sens. Selon le type de pile utilisé, l’appareil peut fonctionner pendant 6 mois. Nous recommandons l’utilisation de piles alcalines.

Enfoncez complètement le support dans la terre, juste à côté de l’entrée de la taupinière.Durant les périodes de gel ou de temps très humide, il est préférable de retirer l’appareil et les piles. Pour éviter que les taupes ne s’accoutument au signal, il est judicieux de réarmer l’appareil de temps à autre.

Spécifications techniques :

Rayon d’action de l’appareil : environ Ø 30 m

Fréquence : 400 +/- 10 Hz

2 piles 1,5 V requises (non incluses dans le coffret)

Consignes de sécurité générales

1. N’utilisez pas l’appareil si vous constatez qu’il est endommagé.2. Ne laissez pas les appareils électriques et les piles à la portée des enfants.3. Lorsque vous changez les piles, veillez à ce de l’eau ne pénètre pas dans le boîtier.


Ce produit est garanti 2 ans contre les vices de matière ou de fabrication patents, à compter de la date d’achat. Pour faire jouer la garantie, vous devez présenter le reçu d’origine comme preuve d’achat. La garantie ne couvre pas les problèmes résultant d’un montage ou d’une utilisation incorrecte, de la négligence, de l’exposition au gel, de tentatives de réparation effectuées par des personnes non qualifiées, de l’utilisation de la force, de la faute d’un tiers, de la surcharge, de dommages mécaniques ou de l’introduction d’un corps étranger dans l’appareil. De même, la garantie ne couvre pas les réclamations liées à l’endommagement des pièces et/ou aux problèmes dus à l’usure.


Cet appareil repousse efficacement et en douceur les hérons, les oiseaux, les chiens, les chats, les lapins, les animaux sauvages, etc. de votre terrain et éloigne les hérons cendrés de votre bassin. Veuillez lire attentivement ce mode d‘emploi et le conserver soigneusement.

Alimentation électrique 3 piles rechargeables AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh (non fournies)

Couverture du capteur PIR 10m, 110º

Portée du jet d'eau jusqu'à 10 m (réglable et dépendant de la pression de l'eau)

Portée jusqu'à 95 m²

Réglage de l'arroseur droite/gauche et haut/bas

Alimentation en eau Raccord pour le tuyau d'arrosage 13 mm (1/2")

Consommation d'eau env. 2-3 tasses par activation

Caractéristiques techniques


Consignes de sécurité

• Ne pas mettre l‘appareil en marche lorsqu‘il présente des dommages visibles. • N‘ouvrez jamais l‘appareil ou des parties de l‘appareil. • L‘appareil ne doit pas être utilisé par des personnes (y compris des enfants) présentant des capacités physiques, sensorielles ou mentales réduites ou man quant d‘expérience et de connaissances à moins qu‘elles soient surveillées par une personne responsable de leur sécurité ou qu‘elles aient reçu des instructions concernant l‘utilisation de l‘appareil. Les enfants doivent être surveillés afin de s‘assurer qu‘ils ne jouent pas avec l‘appareil.• Conservez l‘appareil et les piles hors de portée des enfants.


Mise en service

1. Vissez la tête de l‘arroseur sur la partie supérieure de l‘appareil en la tournant dans le sens des aiguilles d‘une montre. 2. Ouvrez le cache du compartiment à piles sous l‘appareil, insérez les 3 piles rechargeables AA (non fournies) et refermez ensuite le compartiment à piles. Remarque : commencez par recharger entièrement les piles. Pour cela, réglez le régulateur de sensibilité sur 0 et placez le panneau solaire au soleil pendant 2 jours. Vous pouvez également recharger les piles à l‘aide d‘un chargeur externe. 4. Montez le panneau solaire sur le côté du corps de l‘appareil et branchez le câble d‘alimentation au connecteur (sous le corps de l‘appareil).5. Vissez le raccord de tuyau d‘arrosage en dessous du corps de l‘appareil. 6. Fixez le piquet en dessous du corps de l‘appareil en l‘insérant dans l‘ouverture prévue à cet effet. 7. Pour une efficacité maximale, placez l‘appareil en l‘orientant dans la direction d‘où viennent les animaux. 8. Réglez la sensibilité et la portée du détecteur de mouvement en fonction de la zone d‘action de l‘appareil.

Niveau 0 (ARRÊT)Le détecteur de mouvement est désactivé et l‘appareil est en veille. Dans ce cas, l‘appareil ne détecte pas les mouvements et le jet d‘eau n‘est pas activé.

Niveau 1 - 7 Tournez le bouton dans le sens des aiguilles d‘une montre. La sensibilité augmente dans la zone de détection.

Niveau 8À ce niveau, l‘appareil fonctionne uniquement dans l‘obscurité (animaux nocturnes). Le niveau 8 a la même portée que le niveau 7 pour la détection de mouvement. Remarque : le panneau solaire doit également être branché lorsque l‘appareil est réglé sur le niveau 8

Page 9: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Ce produit est couvert par une garantie de 2 ans contre les vices de matières premières et de fabrication à compter de la date d’achat. Pour faire une réclamation en application de la présente garantie, vous devez fournir la facture d’origine comme preuve d’achat. Cette garantie ne couvre pas les réclamations causées par une installation ou une utilisation incorrecte, une procédure de maintenance inadéquate, les effets du gel, des tentatives de réparation inadaptées, l’utilisation de la force, des actes répréhensibles d’un tiers, une surcharge et des objets étrangers, ainsi que tout endommagement des pièces dû à l’usure. En vertu de la loi sur la responsabilité du fait des produits, nous déclinons toute responsabilité pour les dommages causés par notre équipement, s’ils résultent de réparations inadaptées.

9. Réglez la portée de l‘arroseur en fonction de la zone d‘action de l‘appareil.

Taille des animaux

Portée du jet d‘eau

3m 6m 10m

Petits Niveau 5 - 6 Niveau 6 - 7

Moyens Niveau 3 - 4 Niveau 5 - 6 Niveau 6 - 7

Grands Niveau 1 - 3 Niveau 5 - 6 Niveau 6 - 7

10. Raccordez le tuyau d‘arrosage à l‘appareil et ouvrez entièrement le robinet pour que l‘appareil fonctionne correctement. Utilisez un tuyau d‘arrosage de 13 mm (1/2“) jusqu‘à 15 m et un tuyau d‘arrosage de 19 mm (3/4“) à partir de 15 m. Important ! Avant de brancher le tuyau, rincez-le impérativement afin d‘éliminer les éléments (par exemple saleté, petites pierres, fourmis, etc.) qui pourraient endommager la commande ou le filtre. 11. Placez-vous derrière ou à côté de l‘appareil et réglez la sensibilité sur le niveau 6 ou 7.12. Bougez lentement la main à env. 1 m devant le détecteur de mouvement pour activer l‘arroseur. 13. Vérifiez l‘angle du jet d‘eau et corrigez-le à l‘aide de la butée gauche et droite si nécessaire. Réglez l‘arroseur de manière à ce que le jet d‘eau soit orienté dans le sens de détection du capteur.14. Réglez la portée du jet d‘eau en tournant le bouton sur la poignée de l‘arroseur. La portée du jet d‘eau peut varier en fonction de la pression de l‘eau.15. Réglez le jet d‘eau en tournant la tête sur la partie supérieurede l‘arroseur. - Sortir la vis = jet d‘eau « direct » - Rentrer la vis = jet d‘eau « large »

Maintenance et entretien• Pour garantir le fonctionnement optimal de l‘appareil, nous conseillons de nettoyer régulièrement le panneau solaire et les lentilles du capteur à l‘aide d‘un chiffon humide.• Nettoyez les deux filtres après 50 activations ou chaque semaine en cas d‘utilisation fréquente. Pour le nettoyage, dévissez le raccord du tuyau.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Produit: Les appareils électriques ne doivent pas être jetés dans les ordures ménagères. Avant de déposer l’appareil usager dans un point de collecte, retirez les batteries et jetez-les séparément ! Pour de plus amples informations, demandez conseil à votre revendeur ou à l’entreprise chargée de la collecte des déchets

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Batteries: Conformément à la directive sur les batteries, les consommateurs finaux sont légalement tenus de restituer les batteries usagées ! Vous pouvez déposer gratuitement les batteries usagées dans un point de collecte de votre commune ou partout où l’on vend des batteries. Il est interdit de les jeter dans les ordures ménagères !

Page 10: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,

7 c

5 Información para el usuario de ‘Stop’ Sistema inocuo para los animales, que ahuyenta a los topos mediante altas frecuencias acústicas.


Stop emite señales de audio a intervalos regulares. Estas señales molestan el oído de los roedores subterráneos que es extremadamente sensible, por lo que les obliga a trasladarse a otro territorio.

Asegúrese de que las pilas están en la posición correcta. Dependiendo del tipo de pilas que se utilice, puede estar en funcionamiento hasta 6 meses. Recomendamos que utilice pilas alcalinas.

Inserte la pica hasta el fondo en el área más próxima a la entrada (topera).Durante las temporadas de heladas o con tiempo extremadamente húmedo, es conveniente sacar el aparato de la tierra y extraer las pilas. Para evitar que los topos se acostumbren a la señal, resulta útil reinicializar el aparato de vez en cuando.

Especificaciones técnicas:

Radio de alcance eficaz del aparato: aprox. Ø 30 m

Frecuencia: 400 +/- 10 Hz

se necesitan 2 pilas de 1,5 V (no incluidas en el paquete)

Instrucciones generales de seguridad

1. Este aparato no se debe utilizar si presenta daños visibles.2. ¡Mantenga los aparatos eléctricos y las pilas fuera del alcance los niños!.3. Cuando cambie las pilas, asegúrese de que no se filtra agua en la carcasa.


Ofrecemos una garantía de 2 años para fallos demostrables de fabricación o del material de este producto, en vigor desde el día de la compra. Para realizar reclamaciones sobre la garantía, deberá presentar la factura original como prueba de compra. Cualquier problema resultante de la instalación o el uso incorrecto, negligencia, exposición a heladas, reparaciones llevadas a cabo por personas no cualificadas, uso de la fuerza, fallos de terceros, sobrecarga, daños mecánicos o introducción de un cuerpo extraño en el dispositivo, no estarán cubiertos por la garantía. Todas las reclamaciones relacionadas con daños de las piezas y/o problemas causados por el desgaste natural, no estarán cubiertas por la garantía.

Instrucciones de uso del AHUYENTADOR DE ANIMALES

El aparato ahuyenta garzas, aves, perros, gatos, conejos, animales salvajes, etc. de forma eficaz e inofensiva y mantiene las garzas reales alejadas del estanque. Lea por favor atentamente estas instrucciones de uso y guárdelas en un lugar seguro.

Alimentación de corriente3 baterías recargables AA de 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(no incluidas en el volumen de suministro)

Cobertura del sensor PIR (sensor pasivo de infrarrojos) 10m, 110º

Alcance del chorro de agua hasta 10 m (ajustable y en función de la presión del agua)

Área de influencia hasta 95 m²

Ajuste del aspersor derecha/izquierda y arriba/abajo

Suministro de agua pieza de empalme para manguera de jardín de 13mm (1/2“)

Consumo de agua aproximadamente 2-3 tazas por activación

Datos técnicos


Indicaciones de seguridad

• El aparato no debe ser accionado cuando presente daños visibles. • No abra nunca el aparato o partes del mismo • El aparato no es apropiada para ser usado por personas (incluidos los niños) con capacidades físicas, sensoriales o mentales disminuidas o con falta de experiencia y conocimientos, a no ser que estas hubieran sido vigiladas por una persona responsable de su seguridad o recibido instrucciones relativas al uso del aparato. Debe vigilarse a los niños para asegurarse de que no juegan con el aparato.• Conserve el aparato y las baterías fuera del alcance de los niños.


Puesta en funcionamiento

1. Atornille el cabezal del aspersor girándolo en el sentido de las agujas del reloj en la parte superior del aparato.2. Abra la tapa del compartimento de baterías en el fondo del aparato, inserte las 3 baterías recargables AA (no incluidas en el volumen de suministro) y vuelva a cerrar a continuación el compartimento de baterías. Indicación: Cargue en primer lugar las baterías completamente. Ajuste para ello el regulador de sensibilidad en 0 y exponga el panel solar durante 2 días a pleno sol. Como alternativa puede cargar las baterías en un cargador externo.4. Monte el panel solar en el lateral del cuerpo principal y conecte el cable de alimentación de corriente a la toma de conexión (parte inferior del cuerpo principal).5. Atornille la conexión de la manguera de agua a la parte inferior del cuerpo principal.6. Inserte la estaca en la parte inferior del cuerpo principal en el hueco correspondiente.7. Para un efecto óptimo coloque el aparato orientado hacia la dirección de la que vengan los animales.8. Ajuste la sensibilidad y el alcance del detector de movimiento, ajustados a la zona en la debe funcionar el aparato.

Nivel 0 (OFF APAGADO)El detector de movimiento está desactivado y el aparato se encuentra en el modo de espera. En este caso el aparato no detecta ningún movimiento y no activará el chorro de agua.

Nivel 1-7Gire el botón en el sentido de las agujas del reloj, la sensibilidad aumentará de esta manera progresivamente en la zona de detección.

Nivel 8En este nivel el aparato funciona únicamente en la oscuridad (animales de actividad nocturna).El nivel 8 tiene el mismo alcance en el reconocimiento del detector de movimiento que el nivel 7.Indicación: También en el nivel 8 debe estar conectado el panel solar.

Page 11: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Ofrecemos una garantía de 2 años en materiales y defectos de fabricación para este producto, a partir de la fecha de compra. Si desea realizar alguna reclama-ción durante el período de validez de esta garantía, se debe enviar la factura original como comprobante de compra. Esta garantía no cubre las reclamaciones efectuadas por utilización o instalación incorrectos, mantenimiento inadecuado, efectos del hielo, intentos de reparación por parte de personas no cualificadas para tal efecto, el uso de la fuerza, acciones erróneas por parte de otras em-presas, sobrecarga y objetos extraños, así como por daños a las piezas como resultado del desgaste.En virtud del Acta de responsabilidad de productos, no nos hacemos responsables de los daños causados por nuestro equipo, si es el resultado de reparaciones por parte de personas inexpertas.

9. Ajuste el alcance del aspersor según la zona en la debe funcionar el aparato.

Tamaño del animal

Alcance del chorro de agua

3m 6m 10m

Pequeño nivel 5-6 nivel 6-7

Medio nivel 3-4 nivel 5-6 nivel 6-7

Grande nivel 1-3 nivel 5-6 nivel 6-7

10. onecte la manguera de jardín al aparato y abra el grifo totalmente para un funcionamiento correcto. Emplee hasta 15 m una manguera de jardín de 13 mm (1/2“), y a partir de 15 m una manguera de jardín de 19 mm (3/4“). ¡Importante! Antes de fijar la manguera, esta debe ser enjuagada necesariamente para eliminar elementos (por ejemplo suciedad, pequeñas piedras, hormigas, etc.) que pudieran dañar el mando o el filtro.11. Colóquese detrás o al lado del aparato y ajuste la sensibilidad en el nivel 6 o en el 7.12. Mueva la mano despacio aproximadamente 1 m por delante del detector de movimiento para activar el aspersor.13. Compruebe el campo angular del chorro de agua y corríjalo en su caso con los topes izquierdo y derecho. Ajuste el aspersor de tal manera que el chorro de agua esté orientado en dirección a la zona vigilada por el sensor.14. Ajuste el alcance del chorro de agua girando el botón en el mango del aspersor. Debido a la presión del agua de la red de suministro pública puede variar el alcance del chorro de agua.15. Ajuste el chorro de agua girando el botón en la parte superior del aspersor. - desenroscar el tornillo = chorro de agua “directo“ - enroscar el tornillo = chorro de agua “ancho“.

Mantenimiento y cuidado• Para garantizar un funcionamiento óptimo del aparato recomendamos una limpieza periódica del panel solar y de las lentes del sensor con un paño húmedo.• Limpie ambos filtros después de cada 50 activaciones o semanalmente en caso de uso frecuente. Para la limpieza desatornille la conexión de la manguera.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Producto: Los equipos eléctricos desechados no deberían eliminarse con la basura doméstica. ¡Antes de llevar el equipo desechado a su punto de reco-gida local, extraiga los acumuladores insertados y elimine estos por separado del producto! Obtendrá más información de su distribuidor o de la empresa de eliminación de residuos.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Acumulador: ¡Conforme al reglamento para el reciclaje de baterías, los consumidores finales están obligados a devolver los acumuladores gastados! Pue-de entregar sus acumuladores gastados de forma gratuita en los puntos de recogida de su municipio o en cualquier lugar donde se vendan acumuladores. ¡Está prohibida la eliminación a través de la basura doméstica!

Page 12: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


6 Instruções de uso „Stop“ A forma inócua de repelir toupeiras, através de altas frequências acústicas.

Modo de utilização:

O Stop emite sinais de áudio em intervalos regulares. Estes sinais perturbam a audição sensível dos roedores que vivem no subsolo, e fazem com que eles se desloquem para um território diferente.

Ao colocar as pilhas, atenção à polaridade correcta. O tempo de serviço pode ir até aos 6 meses, consoante o tipo de pilha utilizado. Recomendamos a utilização de pilhas alcalinas.

Insira totalmente a vara na terra, nas proximidades imediatas das entradas (montes das toupeiras).Perante condições de geada ou de muita chuva, é conveniente remover o aparelho e retirar as pilhas. De modo a evitar o efeito de habituação, é conveniente mudar o aparelho de sítio de vez em quando.

Dados Técnicos:

Raio de acção aprox. Ø 30 m

Frequência: 400 +/- 10 Hz

Para 2 pilhas, 1,5 V (pilhas não incluídas no âmbito de fornecimento)

Instruções gerais de segurança:

1. Se forem constatados danos visíveis no aparelho, o mesmo não pode ser colocado em funcionamento.2. Os aparelhos eléctricos e as pilhas não devem ir parar às mãos das crianças!3. Ao substituir as pilhas, previna a penetração de água na caixa.


A nossa Empresa concede-lhe, para este produto, uma garantia de 2 anos sobre erros materiais e de fabrico, válida a partir da data de compra. Para que a garantia possa ser tomada em consideração, há que apresentar o recibo de compra original como comprovativo. Ficam excluídas da garantia todas as reclamações cuja causa possa ser reportada a erros de montagem e de operação, conservação negligente, efeitos da geada, tentativas de reparação incorrectas, exercício de força, causas imputáveis a terceiros, danos mecânicos ou acção de objectos estranhos. Ficam igualmente excluídas da garantia todas as reclamações de danos de peças e/ou problemas cujas causas se fiquem a dever ao desgaste.

es de utilização REPELENTE DE ANIMAIS

O aparelho afugenta garças, aves, cães, gatos, coelhos, animais selvagens, etc., de forma eficaz e adequada do seu terreno e mantém as garças-reais afastadas do lago.Leia estas instruções de utilização cuidadosamente e guarde-as bem.

Alimentação3 pilhas recarregáveis AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(não incluído no fornecimento)

Campo de deteção sensor IVP 10m, 110º

Alcance do jato de água até 10 m (regulável e dependente da pressão da água)

Campo de ação até 95 m²

Regulação do pulverizador direita/esquerda e cima/baixo

Alimentação de água Peça de ligação para mangueira de jardim 13mm (1/2“)

Consumo de água aprox. 2-3 chávenas por ativação

Dados técnicos


Indicações de segurança

• O aparelho não pode ser utilizado, caso apresente danos visíveis. • Nunca abra o aparelho nem componentes do mesmo. • O aparelho não deve ser utilizado por pessoas (incluindo crianças) com capacidades físicas, sensoriais ou mentais reduzidas ou com pouca experiência e conhecimento, a menos que estejam vigiadas pela pessoa responsável pela sua segurança ou que tenham recebido instruções quanto à utilização do aparelho. As crianças devem estar vigiadas, para se assegurar que não brincam com o aparelho.• Guarde o aparelho e as pilhas fora do alcance das crianças.


Colocação em funcionamento

1. Enrosque a cabeça do pulverizador, rodando a parte de cima do aparelho no sentido dos ponteiros do relógio. 2. Abra a tampa do compartimento das pilhas na base do aparelho, coloque 3 pilhas AA recarregáveis (não incluídas no fornecimento) e, em seguida, volte a fechar o compartimento das pilhas. Nota: primeiro, carregue as pilhas por completo. Para isso, coloque o regulador de sensibilidade em 0 e exponha o painel solar à luz direta do sol durante 2 dias. Em alternativa, poderá carregar as pilhas com um carregador externo. 4. Monte o painel solar no lado do corpo principal e conecte o cabo de alimentação à tomada de ligação (lado inferior do corpo principal).5. Aperte bem a conexão da mangueira de água no lado inferior do corpo principal. 6. Insira a estaca no lado inferior do corpo principal, no orifício previsto para o efeito. 7. Para garantir um efeito ideal, coloque o aparelho virado na direção de onde vêm os animais. 8. Regule a sensibilidade e o alcance do detetor de movimento, de acordo com a área na qual o aparelho deve atuar.

Nível 0 (OFF)O detetor de movimento está desativado e o aparelho está no modo „stand-by“. Neste caso, o aparelho não deteta qualquer movimento e não ativará o jato de água.

Nível 1-7 Ao rodar o botão no sentido dos ponteiros do relógio, a sensibilidade aumenta progressivamente no campo de deteção.

Nível 8Neste nível, o aparelho funciona apenas na escuridão (animais noturnos). O alcance do detetor de movimento no nível 8 é igual ao do nível 7. Nota: o painel solar também deve estar conectado no nível 8.

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Oferecemos uma garantia de 2 anos a partir da data de aquisição, para defeitos de material e de fabrico deste produto. Para apresentar uma reclamação ao abrigo desta garantia, a factura original deve ser enviada como prova de compra. As reclamações apresentadas devido a instalação ou funcionamento incorrecto, manutenção inadequada, efeitos de geada, tentativas de reparação efectuadas por pessoas inexperientes, utilização de força, actos prejudiciais cometidos por terceiros, sobrecarga e objectos estranhos, bem como os danos nos componentes resultantes da utilização ou de acidentes, não estão cobertas por esta garantia.Em virtude do Acto de Responsabilidade do Produto, não nos responsabilizamos por danos causados pelo nosso equipamento, se estes forem resultado de reparações efectuadas por pessoas inexperientes.

9. Regule o alcance do pulverizador, de acordo com a área na qual o aparelho deve atuar.

Tamanho dos animais

Alcance do jato de água

3m 6m 10m

Pequeno porte Nível 5-6 Nível 6-7

Médio porte Nível 3-4 Nível 5-6 Nível 6-7

Grande porte Nível 1-3 Nível 5-6 Nível 6-7

10. Conecte a mangueira de jardim ao aparelho e abra totalmente a torneira da água para um correto funcionamento. Utilize uma mangueira de jardim de 13 mm (1/2“) até aos 15 m e uma mangueira de 19 mm (3/4“) a partir dos 15 m. Importante! Antes de fixar a mangueira, passe-a impreterivelmente por água, para eliminar elementos (p. ex., sujidade, pequenas pedras, formigas, etc.) que possam danificar o comando ou os filtros.11. Coloque-se atrás ou ao lado do aparelho e regule a sensibilidade para o nível 6 ou 7.12. Para ativar o pulverizador, desloque a mão lentamente diante do detetor de movimento, a uma distância de aprox. 1 m. 13. Verifique o ângulo do jato de água e corrija-o, se necessário, com o batente esquerdo e direito. Regule o pulverizador, de modo a que o jato de água fique direcionado para a área observa da pelo sensor.14. Regule o alcance do jato de água, rodando o botão no punho do pulverizador. O alcance do jato de água pode variar em função da pressão local da água.15. Regule o jato de água, rodando o botão no lado superior do pulverizador. - Desapertar o parafuso = jato de água „direto“ - Apertar o parafuso = jato de água „amplo“

Manutenção e conservação• Para garantir um funcionamento perfeito do aparelho, recomendamos que proceda a uma limpeza regular do painel solar e das lentes do sensor com um pano úmido.• Limpe ambos os filtros a cada 50 ativações ou semanalmente em caso de utilização frequente. Para efetuar a limpeza, desaperte a conexão da mangueira.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Produto: Os aparelhos elétricos usados não devem ser eliminados com o lixo doméstico. Antes de entregar o aparelho usado no seu ponto de recolha local, retire a bateria e elimine-a separadamente do produto! Pode obter mais informações junto do seu revendedor ou empresa de eliminação de resíduos

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Baterias: De acordo com a diretiva relativa a baterias, os consumidores finais são legalmente obrigados a devolver baterias usadas! As suas baterias usadas podem ser entregues gratuitamente nos pontos de recolha da sua localidade ou em locais onde sejam vendidas baterias. Não é recomendada a sua eliminação junto com o lixo doméstico.

Page 14: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,

9 c

7 “Stop” - Informazioni per l’utente Dispositivo di allontanamento per talpe tramite l’emissione di segnali acustici ad alta frequenza, completamente inoffensivo per gli animali.

Modalità di funzionamento

Stop emette segnali audio a intervalli regolari. Tali segnali disturbano l’udito estremamente sensibile dei roditori che vivono nel sottosuolo e ne favorisce lo spostamento in un altro territorio.Accertarsi che le batterie siano state correttamente inserite. In base al tipo di batterie utilizzate, il dispositivo garantisce una durata fino a 6 mesi. Si consiglia l’utilizzo di batterie alcaline.Piantare l’asta di supporto nel terreno, vicino all’entrata (sull’accumulo di terreno prodotto dallo scavo della talpa).In caso di formazione di ghiaccio o di elevata umidità, si consiglia di rimuovere il dispositivo dal terreno e togliere le batterie. Per evitare che le talpe sviluppino una graduale tolleranza a questo tipo di segnale, è opportuno ripristinare periodicamente il dispositivo.

Specifiche tecniche

Copertura: circa 300 m2

Frequenza: 400 +/- 10 Hz

Batterie richieste (non incluse): 2 da 1,5 V

Requisiti di sicurezza

1. Non utilizzare il dispositivo se visibilmente danneggiato.2. Tenere le batterie e i dispositivi elettrici fuori dalla portata dei bambini.3. Durante la sostituzione delle batterie, accertarsi che la parte interna della scatola non venga a contatto con l’acqua.


Viene fornita una garanzia di 2 anni dalla data di acquisto sui difetti dei materiali e di costruzione. Per inoltrare una richiesta a fronte di questa garanzia, è necessario presentare la ricevuta originale come prova d’acquisto. La presente garanzia non copre i danni derivanti da installazione o uso errati, manutenzione inadeguata, effetti del gelo, tentativi non autorizzati di riparazione, applicazione di forza eccessiva, azioni illecite da parte di terzi, applicazione di pesi eccessivi, danneggiamento meccanico e inserimento di oggetti estranei. La garanzia non comprende inoltre i danni e i problemi causati dal deterioramento dovuto all’uso.

Istruzioni per l‘uso SCACCIA-ANIMALI

L‘apparecchio scaccia dal terreno aironi, uccelli, cani, gatti, lepri, animali selvatici ecc. in maniera efficace e senza arrecare danni, e tiene gli aironi cenerini lontani dallo stagno. La preghiamo di leggere attentamente le presenti istruzioni per l‘uso e conservarle al sicuro.

Alimentazione elettrica3 batterie ricaricabili AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(non in dotazione)

Campo di rilevamento sensore PIR 10m, 110º

Portata del getto d'acqua fino a 10 m (regolabile e dipendente dalla pressione dell'acqua)

Campo d’azione fino a 95 m²

Regolazione sprinkler destra/sinistra e alto/basso

Alimentazione idrica raccordo per tubo da giardino 13mm (1/2“)

Consumo d'acqua ca. 2-3 tazze per ogni attivazione

Dati tecnici


Avvertenze di sicurezza

• Non utilizzare il dispositivo se presenta danni visibili ad occhio nudo.• Non aprire mai il dispositivo né parti di esso.• l dispositivo è indicato per l’utilizzo da parte di persone (compresi i bambini) con ridotte capacità fisiche, sensoriali o mentali o carenti di esperienza e conoscenze specifiche, a meno che non siano sorvegliate da una persona responsabile della loro sicurezza o abbiano ricevuto istruzioni sull’uso del dispositivo. I bambini devono essere sorvegliati per impedire che giochino con il dispositivo.• Conservare il dispositivo e le batterie lontano dalla portata dei bambini.


Messa in funzione

1. Avvitare la testa dello sprinkler nella parte superiore del dispositivo ruotando in senso orario.2. Aprire il coperchio del vano batterie, collocato sul fondo del dispositivo, introdurre 3 batterie ricaricabili AA (non comprese nella fornitura) e richiudere il vano batterie. Nota: innanzitutto, ricaricare le batterie completamente. Impostare il regolatore di sensibilità sul valore 0 ed esporre il pannello solare al sole per 2 giorni. Come soluzione alternativa è anche possibile ricaricare le batterie con un caricabatteria esterno.4. Applicare il pannello solare sul lato del corpo principale e collegare il cavo di alimentazione alla presa di rete (lato inferiore del corpo principale).5. Avvitare il raccordo del tubo flessibile per l‘acqua nella parte inferiore del corpo principale.6. Inserire il picchetto nella parte inferiore del corpo principale attraverso l‘apposita apertura.7. Per garantire un effetto ottimale, posizionare il dispositivo nella direzione da cui provengono gli animali.8. Impostare la sensibilità e la portata del sensore di movimento in funzione del campo entro il quale deve agire il dispositivo.

Livello 0 (OFF)Il sensore di movimento è disattivato e il dispositivo è in standby. In questo caso, il dispositivo non riconosce alcun movi-mento e di conseguenza non attiva il getto d‘acqua.

Livello 1-7 Ruotare il pulsante in senso orario, così facendo la sensibilità aumenta progressivamente entro il campo di rilevamento.

Livello 8In questo livello, il dispositivo funziona esclusivamente in condizioni di oscurità (per animali attivi durante la notte).Il livello 8 ha la medesima portata di rilevamento del sensore di movimento al livello 7.Nota: il pannello solare deve essere collegato anche nel livello 8.

Page 15: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Viene fornita una garanzia di 2 anni dalla data di acquisto sui materiali e i difetti di fabbricazione del prodotto. Per inoltrare una richiesta a fronte di questa garanzia, è necessario presentare la fattura originale come prova di acquisto. La presente garanzia non copre i danni derivanti da installazione o uso errati, manutenzione inadeguata, effetti del gelo, tentativi non autorizzati di riparazione, applicazione di forza eccessiva, azioni illecite da parte di terzi, applicazione di pesi eccessivi, inserimento di oggetti estranei, deterioramento dovuto all’uso. In forza del PLA (Product Liability Act, legge sulla responsabilità per danno da prodotti), è esclusa ogni responsabilità per eventuali danni causati dall’apparecchio in conseguenza di riparazioni eseguite da personale non autorizzato.

9. Impostare la portata dello sprinkler in funzione del campo entro il quale deve agire il dispositivo.

Dimensioni dell‘animale

Portata del getto d‘acqua

3m 6m 10m

Piccole Livello 5-6 Livello 6-7

Medie Livello 3-4 Livello 5-6 Livello 6-7

Grandi Livello 1-3 Livello 5-6 Livello 6-7

10. Collegare il tubo flessibile da giardino al dispositivo e aprire il rubinetto dell‘acqua completamente per far sì che il dispositivo funzioni correttamente. Fino a 15 m utilizzare un tubo flessibile di 13 mm (1/2“), a partire da 15 m un tubo flessibile di 19 mm (3/4“). Importante! Prima di fissare il tubo flessibile è assolutamente necessario sciacquarlo per rimuovere i corpi estranei (ad es. sporco, pietruzze, formiche ecc.) che potrebbero altrimenti danneggiare il comando o i filtri.11. Posizionarsi dietro o ai lati del dispositivo e impostare la sensibilità al livello 6 o 7.12. Muovere la mano lentamente a una distanza di ca. 1 m davanti al sensore di movimento per attivare lo sprinkler. 13. Controllare l‘angolo del getto d‘acqua ed eventualmente correggerlo con l‘arresto sinistro e destro. Impostare lo sprinkler in modo tale che il getto d‘acqua sia rivolto verso l‘area monitorata dal sensore.14. Impostare la portata del getto d‘acqua ruotando il pulsante sull‘impugnatura dello sprinkler. A seconda della pressione dell‘acqua esistente, la portata del getto può variare.15. Regolare il getto d‘acqua ruotando il pulsante sul lato superiore dello sprinkler. - Svitando la vite = getto d‘acqua „diretto“ - Avvitando la vite = getto d‘acqua „ampio“

Manutenzione e pulizia• Al fine di garantire un funzionamento ottimale del dispositivo, consigliamo di pulire il pannello solare e le lenti del sensore regolarmente con un panno umido.• Pulire entrambi i filtri ogni 50 attivazioni o, qualora il dispositivo venga utilizzato frequentemente, una volta alla settimana. Prima di pulire, svitare il raccordo del tubo flessibile.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Prodotto: l’apparecchiatura elettrica dismessa non si può smaltire con i rifiuti domestici. Prima di consegnare l’apparecchiatura dismessa all’apposito punto di raccolta locale, rimuovere le batterie inserite e smaltirle separatamente dal prodotto! Per ulteriori informazioni rivolgersi al proprio rivenditore o alla società incaricata dello smaltimento.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Batterie ricaricabili: In conformità alle disposizioni sulle batterie, i consumatori finali sono tenuti a restituire le batterie usate! Le batterie usate si possono consegnare, a titolo gratuito, presso i centri di raccolta del proprio Comune di residenza o in tutti i punti in cui vengono vendute batterie. È vietato smaltirle insieme ai rifiuti domestici!

Page 16: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


8 Πληροφορίες χρήσης για τη συσκευή Stop Ένα σύστημα φιλικό προς τα ζώα που απωθεί τους τυφλοπόντικες με χρήση υψηλών ακουστικών συχνοτήτων.

Πώς λειτουργεί:

Το Stop εκπέμπει ηχητικά σήματα σε τακτά διαστήματα. Αυτά τα σήματα ενοχλούν την υπερβολικά ευαίσθητη ακοή των τρωκτικών που ζουν κάτω από το έδαφος και έτσι θα τα αναγκάσουν να μετακινηθούν σε άλλη περιοχή.

Βεβαιωθείτε ότι οι μπαταρίες είναι σωστά τοποθετημένες. Ανάλογα με τον τύπο της μπαταρίας που χρησιμοποιείται, η συσκευή θα λειτουργεί έως και για 6 μήνες. Προτείνουμε τη χρήση αλκαλικών μπαταριών.Σπρώξτε τον πάσσαλο εντελώς μέσα στο έδαφος, ακριβώς δίπλα από την είσοδο (της φωλιάς του τυφλοπόντικα).Στη διάρκεια παγετού ή μεγάλης υγρασίας, συνιστάται να βγάζετε τη συσκευή από το έδαφος και να αφαιρείτε τις μπαταρίες. Για να μην συνηθίζουν οι τυφλοπόντικες το σήμα, συνιστάται να ρυθμίζετε εκ νέου τη συσκευή σε τακτά χρονικά διαστήματα.

Τεχνικές προδιαγραφές:

Εμβέλεια αποτελεσματικότητας της συσκευής: περίπου Ø 30 m

Συχνότητα 400 +/- 10 Hz

Απαιτούνται 2 μπαταρίες 1,5V (οι μπαταρίες δεν περιλαμβάνονται στη συσκευασία)

Γενικές οδηγίες ασφαλείας

1. Η συσκευή δεν πρέπει να λειτουργεί, εάν υπάρχει ορατή βλάβη σε αυτήν.2. Να φυλάσσετε τις ηλεκτρικές συσκευές και τις μπαταρίες μακριά από παιδιά.3. Όταν αλλάζετε τις μπαταρίες, βεβαιωθείτε ότι δεν εισέρχεται νερό στο περίβλημα.


Για αυτό το προϊόν παρέχεται εγγύηση 2 ετών για αποδεδειγμένα ελαττώματα των υλικών και κατασκευαστικά ελαττώματα, η οποία ισχύει από την ημέρα αγοράς. Για τη διεκδίκηση αποζημίωσης στα πλαίσια αυτής της εγγύησης, απαιτείται η επίδειξη της πρωτότυπης απόδειξης αγοράς. Όλα τα προβλήματα που προκύπτουν από λανθασμένη συναρμολόγηση ή χρήση, αμέλεια, έκθεση σε παγετό, προσπάθειες επισκευής από μη εξειδικευμένα άτομα, βίαιη χρήση, λανθασμένη ενέργεια από άλλον κατασκευαστή, υπερφόρτωση, μηχανική βλάβη ή είσοδο ξένου αντικειμένου στη συσκευή δεν καλύπτονται από την εγγύηση.Τα παράπονα που σχετίζονται με την καταστροφή εξαρτημάτων ή/και τα προβλήματα που προκαλούνται από τη φθορά λόγω χρήσης επίσης δεν καλύπτονται από την εγγύηση.

Οδηγίες χρήσης, ΣΤΟΠ για ζώα

Η συσκευή απωθεί ερωδιούς, σκύλους, γάτες, λαγούς, άγρια ζώα κλπ. αποτελεσματικά και προσεκτικά από το κτήμα σας και δεν αφήνει τους σταχτοτσιχνιάδες να πλησιάσουν τη λιμνούλα σας. Διαβάστε προσεκτικά αυτές τις οδηγίες χρήσης και φυλάξτε τις καλά.

Παροχή ρεύματος3 επαναφορτιζόμενες μπαταρίες AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(δεν συμπαραδίδονται)

Πεδίο παρατήρησης του αισθητήρα PIR 10m, 110º

Ακτίνα νερού έως 10 m (ρυθμίζεται και εξαρτάται από την πίεση του νερού)

Πεδίο δράσης έως 95 m²

Ρύθμιση καταιονισμού δεξιά/αριστερά και επάνω/κάτω

Παροχή νερού Σύνδεση με το λάστιχο κήπου 13 mm (1/2“)

Κατανάλωση νερού περ. 2-3 φλυτζάνια για κάθε ενεργοποίηση

Τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά


Υποδείξεις ασφαλείας

• Δεν επιτρέπεται η χρήση της συσκευής σε περίπτωση εμφανών ελαττωμάτων. • Ποτέ μην ανοίγετε τη συσκευή ή τμήματά της • Η συσκευή δεν προορίζεται για τη χρήση από άτομα (συμπεριλαμβανομένων παιδιών) με περιορισμένες φυσικές, αισθητικές και νοητικές ικανότητες ή από άτομα με έλλειψη εμπειρίας και γνώσης, εκτός και αν επιτηρούνται από κάποιο άτομο υπεύθυνο για την ασφάλειά τους ή αν έλαβαν οδηγίες σχετικά με τη χρήση της συσκευής. Να επιτηρείτε τα παιδιά για να είστε σίγουροι πως δεν παίζουν με τη συσκευή.• Φυλάξτε τη συσκευή και τις μπαταρίες μακριά από παιδιά.


Θέση σε λειτουργία

1. Βιδώστε την κεφαλή καταιονισμού με δεξιόστροφη περιστροφή στο πάνω τμήμα της συσκευής. 2. Ανοίξτε το κάλυμμα για τις μπαταρίες στον πάτο της συσκευής και τοποθετήστε μέσα 3 επαναφορτιζόμενες μπαταρίες ΑΑ (δεν συμπαραδίδονται), κατόπιν ξανακέιστε τη θήκη μπαταριών. Υπόδειξη: Αρχικά φορτίστε πλήρως τις μπαταρίες. Για το σκοπό αυτό βάλτε το ρυθμιστή ευαισθησίας στο 0 και αφήστε το ηλιακό πάνελ επί 2 ημέρες στον ήλιο. Εναλλακτικά μπορείτε να φορτίσετε τις μπαταρίες με εξωτερικό φορτιστή. 4. Τοποθετήστε το ηλιακό πάνελ στην πλευρά του στελέχους και σνδέστε το καλώδιο στο βύσμα (κάτω πλευρά στελέχους).5. Βιδώστε τη σύνδεση του λάστιχου του κήπου στην κάτω πλευρά του στελέχους. 6. Βάλτε τη λόγχη στην τρύπα κάτω από το στέλεχος. 7. Για την καλύτερη δυνατή δράση της συσκευής να την τοποθετήσετε έτσι ώστε να δείχνει προς την κατεύθυνση από την οποία έρχονται τα ζώα. 8. Ρυθμίστε την ευαισθησία και το πεδίο προστασίας του αισθητήρα κινήσεων ανάλογα με το πεδία δράσης της συσκευής.

Βαθμίδα 0 (OFF)ο αισθητήρας κινήσεων έχει απενεργοποιηθεί και η συσκευή βρίσκεται σε λειτουργία ετοιμότητας (stand-by). Στην περίπτωση αυτή η συσκευή δεν αναγνωρίζει κινήσεις και δεν θα ενεργοποιήσει την ακτίνα νερού.

Βαθμίδα 1-7 Στρίψτε το μπουτόν δεξιόστροφα, η ευαισθησία αυξάνεται και μαζί με αυτή και το πεδίο παρατήρησης.

Βαθμίδα 8στη βαθμίδα αυτή η συσκευή λειτουργεί μόνο στο σκοτάδι (ζώα νύχτας) Η βαθμίδα 8 έχει το ίδιο πεδίο προστασίας με αναγνώριση του αισθητήρα κινήσεων όπως η βαθμίδα 7. Υπόδειξη: Το ηλιακό πάνελ πρέπει να είναι συνδεδεμένο και στη βαθμίδα 8.

Page 17: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Παρέχουμε εγγύηση 2 ετών από την ημερομηνία αγοράς για υλικά και κατασκευαστικά ελαττώματα του προϊόντος αυτού. Για τη διεκδίκηση αποζημίωσης στα πλαίσια αυτής της εγγύησης, είναι απαραίτητη η κατάθεση του πρωτότυπου τιμολογίου ως απόδειξης αγοράς. Οι διεκδικήσεις αποζημίωσης που οφείλονται σε λανθασμένη εγκατάσταση ή λειτουργία, ανεπαρκή συντήρηση, επιπτώσεις λόγω παγετού, προσπάθεια επισκευής από μη ειδικευμένο άτομο, βίαιη χρήση, λανθασμένες ενέργειες από άλλον κατασκευαστή, υπερφόρτωση και ξένα αντικείμενα, καθώς και σε καταστροφή εξαρτημάτων από φθορά λόγω χρήσης, δεν καλύπτονται από αυτήν την εγγύηση. Βάσει του νόμου για ευθύνη εξαιτίας του προϊόντος, δεν φέρουμε καμία ευθύνη για ζημιές που προκαλούνται από τον εξοπλισμό μας, εάν αυτές είναι αποτέλεσμα επισκευών από αναρμόδια άτομα.

9. Ρυθμίστε το πεδίο προστασίας του συστήματος καταιονισμού ανάλογα με το πεδία δράσης της συσκευής.

Μέγεθος ζώου

Εμβέλεια ακτίνας νερού

3m 6m 10m

μικρό Βαθμίδα 5-6 Βαθμίδα 6-7

Μέτριο Βαθμίδα 3-4 Βαθμίδα 5-6 Βαθμίδα 6-7

Μεγάλο Βαθμίδα 1-3 Βαθμίδα 5-6 Βαθμίδα 6-7

10. Συνδέστε το λάστιχο του κήπου στη συσκευή και για μάι σωστή λειτουργία ανοίξτε τη βρύση του νερού όσο γίνεται περισσότερο. Έως 15 m χρησιμοποιήστε λάστιχο κήπου 13 mm (1/2“), και από 15 m και πάνω λάστιχο κήπου 19 mm (3/4“). Προσοχή! Προτού στερεώσετε το σωλήνα, να τον ξεπλύνετε οπωσδήποτε εσωτερικά έτσι ώστε να βγούν αντικείμενα (π.χ. ακαθαρσίες, μικρές πέτρε, μυρμήγκια κλπ.) που θα μπορούσαν να επιφέρουν ζημιά στη λειτουργία του φίλτρου. 11. Σταθείτε πίσω ή στο πλάι της συσκευής και ρυθμίστε την ευαισθησία στη βαθμίδα 6 ή 7.12. Κινήστε αργά το χέρι σας περ. 1 m μπροστά από τον αισθητήρα κινήσεων για να ενεργοποιήσετε το σύστημα καταιονισμού. 13. Ελέγξτε το πεδίο γωνίας της ακτίνας του νερού και διορθώστε το ενδεχομένως με το αριστερό ή δεξί στοπ. Ρυθμίστε το σύστημα καταιονισμού έτσι ώστε η ακτίνα νερού να δείχνει προς το πεδίο που παρατηρεί ο αισθητήρας.14. Ρυθμίστε την ακτίνα νερού με περιστροφή του μπουτόν στη χειρολαβή του συστήματος καταιονισμού. Εξαιτίας της τοπικής πίεσης του νερού μπορεί να διαφέρει το μήκος της ακτίνας του νερού.15. Ρυθμίστε την ακτίνα του νερού στρίβοντας το μπουτόν στην επάνω πλευρά του συστήματος καταιονισμού. - Βίδα προς τα έξω = ακτίνα νερού „στενή“ - Βίδα προς τα μέσα = ακτίνα νερού „πλατιά“

Συντήρηση και περιποίηση• Για να εξασφαλίσετε την καλύτερη δυνατή λειτουργία της συσκευής σας συνιστούμε τακτικό καθαρισμό του ηλιακού πάνελ και των φακών του αισθητήρα με ένα νωπό πανί.• Να καθαρίζετε και τα δύο φίλτρα μετά από εκάστοτε 50 ενεργοποιήσεις ή κάθε εβδομάδα σε περίπτωση συχνής χρήσης. Για τον καθαρισμό να ξεβιδώνετε τη σύνδεση με το σωλήνα.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Προϊόν: Οι ηλεκτρικές συσκευές δεν επιτρέπεται να απορρίπτονται με τα οικιακά απορρίμματα. Πριν τη μεταφορά τής παλιάς συσκευής στο τοπικό σας σημείο περισυλλογής, αφαιρέστε τον τοποθετημένο συσσωρευτή και απορρίψτε αυτόν χωριστά από το προϊόν! Εκτενέστερες πληροφορίες λαμβάνετε από τον έμπορά σας ή την επιχείρηση διάθεσης απορριμμάτων

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Συσσωρευτές: Σύμφωνα με τον κανονισμό για τις μπαταρίες είναι οι καταναλωτές υποχρεωμένοι από το νόμο, να επιστρέφουν μεταχειρισμένους συσσωρευτές! Το μεταχειρισμένο σας συσσωρευτή μπορείτε να τον παραδώσετε στα σημεία περισυλλογής τής κοινότητάς σας ή παντού εκεί όπου πωλούνται συσσωρευτές δωρεάν. Η διάθεση μέσω των οικιακών απορριμμάτων απαγορεύεται!

Page 18: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,

11 c

9 Brugsanvisning „Stop“ Den dyrevenlige fordrivelse af muldvarpe med højfrekvent lyd.


Stop udsender med jævne mellemrum et lydsignal. På grund af deres ekstremt gode hørelse irriterer det gnavere, der lever under jorden, således at de søger et andet sted hen.

Når batterierne lægges i, skal man sørge for, at de vender rigtigt. Afhængigt af type batterier kan apparatet bruges i op til 6 måneder. Vi anbefaler, at der bruges alkali-batterier.

Stangen skal stikkes helt ned i jorden tæt ved muldvarpegangen.I tilfælde af frost eller ekstrem fugtighed anbefales det at tage apparatet op af jorden og tage batterierne ud. Det er en god idé at flytte apparatet af og til for at undgå, at muldvarpene vænner sig til det.

Tekniske specifikationer:

Virkningsområde ca. Ø 30 m

Frekvens: 400 +/- 10 Hz

Til 2 batterier, 1,5 V (batterier medfølger ikke)

Generelle sikkerhedsanvisninger:

1. Hvis der konstateres synlige beskadigelser på apparatet, må det ikke bruges2. Elektriske apparater og batterier er ikke legetøj for børn!3. Når der skiftes batterier, må der ikke komme vand i huset


Gældende fra købsdatoen yder vi 2 års garanti på dette produkt mod påviselige materiale- og fabrikationsfejl. I tilfælde af garantikrav skal den originale kvittering fremlægges.Defekter, der skyldes montage- og betjeningsfejl, utilstrækkelig vedligeholdelse, frost, usagkyndig reparation, anvendelse af magt, tredjeparts skyld, overbelastning, mekaniske beskadigelser eller indvirkning af fremmedlegemer, dækkes ikke af garantien.Defekter vedrørende delskader og/eller problemer, der skylde slitage, dækkes heller ikke af garantien.

Bruksanvisning DJURSKRÄCK

Dette apparat afskrækker hejrer, fugle, hunde, katte, harer, vilde dyr etc. effektivt og skånsomt fra grundstykket og holder fiskehejrer væk fra havedammen. Læs denne betjeningsvejledning grundigt og opbevar den godt.

Strømforsyning3 genopladelige batterier AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(ikke inkluderet)

Overvågningsområde PIR sensor 10 m, 110º

Rækkevidde vandstråle op til 10 m (indstillelig og afhængig af vandtryk)

Virkeområde op til 95 m²

Sprinkler-indstilling højre/venstre og foroven/forneden

Vandtilførsel Tilslutningsstykke til haveslanger 13 mm (1/2“)

Vandforbrug ca. 2-3 kopper pr. aktivering

Tekniske data



• Apparatet må ikke bruges, hvis det har synlige skader. • Åbn aldrig apparatet eller dele af dette • Apparatet er ikke egnet til brug af personer (inkl. børn) med reducerede fysiske, sensoriske eller mentale evner eller mangel på erfaring og kendskab, undta gen, hvis de bliver overvåget af en for deres sikkerhed ansvarlig person eller er blevet instrueret i brug af apparatet. Børn skal holdes under opsyn, for at være sikker på, at de ikke leger med udstyret.• Opbevar apparatet tørt og utilgængeligt for børn.



1. Skru sprinklerhovedet på foroven på apparatet ved at dreje det med uret. 2. Åbn batteriafdækningen i bunden af apparatet, læg 3 genopladelige AA-batterier (ikke inkluderet) i og luk batterirummet igen. Henvisning: Oplad først batterierne fuldstændigt. Stil dertil sensitivitetsknappen på 0 og oplad solcellepanelet 2 dage i fuldt sollys. Som alternativ kan du også oplade batterierne i en ekstern oplader. 4. Montér solcellepanelet på siden af hovedenheden og tilslut strømkablet til tilslutningsbøsningen (underside hovedenhed).5. Skru vandslangetilslutningen fast på undersiden af hovedenheden. 6. Sæt jordspyddet i den dertil beregnede åbning på undersiden af hovedenheden. 7. For at opnå en optimal virkning skal du placere apparatet så det vender i den retning, hvorfra dyrene kommer. 8. Indstil bevægelsesdetektorens sensitivitet og rækkevidde efter det område, hvor apparatet skal virke

Trin 0 (OFF)bevægelsesdetektoren er deaktiveret og apparatet er i standby-mode. I dette tilfælde registrerer apparatet ingen bevægel-ser og aktiverer ikke vandstrålen.

Trin 1-7 Drej knappen med uret, sensitiviteten forøges i registreringsområdet.

Trin 8På dette trin arbejder apparatet kun i mørke, (nataktive dyr). Trin 8 har den samme rækkevidde ved registrering som trin 7. Henvisning: Solcellepanelet skal også være tilsluttet ved trin 8.

Page 19: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Vi har en 2-års garanti från inköpsdatumet för material- och tillverkningsfel för produkten. Om du vill göra anspråk på den här garantin, måste du skicka originalfakturan som inköpsbevis. Anspråk som görs om felaktig installation eller operation, bristfälligt underhåll, frosteffekter, felaktig reparation, användning av våld, orättvisa handlingar av tredje part, överbelastning och främmande objekt, samt all skada på delar som uppstår på grund av väder och vind, täcks inte av den här garantin.Vi ansvarar inte för skador som orsakats med vår utrustning, om det är ett resultat av felaktiga reparationer.

9. Indstil sprinkler-rækkevidden efter det område, hvor apparatet skal virke


Rækkevidde vandstråle

3m 6m 10m

Lille Trin 5-6 Trin 6-7

Middel Trin 3-4 Trin 5-6 Trin 6-7

Stor Trin 1-3 Trin 5-6 Trin 6-7

10. Tilslut haveslangen til apparatet og luk helt op for vandhanen for at apparatet kan arbejde korrekt. Op til 15 m skal du bruge en haveslange på 13 mm (1/2“), og fra 15 m en haveslange på 19 mm (3/4“). Vigtigt! Skyl i alle tilfælde slangen inden du skruer den fast for at fjerne evt. dele (f.eks. smuds, små sten, myre, osv.), som kan beskadige styring eller filter. 11. Stil dig bagved eller ved siden af apparatet og indstil sensitiviteten på trin 6 eller 7.12. Bevæg din hånd langsomt ca. 1 m foran bevægelsesdetektoren for at aktivere sprinkleren. 13. Kontrollér vandstrålens vinkelområde og korrigér om nødvendigt denne med den venstre og højre stopper. Indstil sprinkleren således, at vandstrålen vender mod det af sensoren overvågede område.14. Indstil vandstrålens rækkevidde ved at dreje på knappen på sprinklerens greb. Vandstrålens rækkevidde kan variere på grund af det lokale vandtryk.15. Indstil vandstrålen ved at dreje på knappen på oversiden af sprinkleren. - Skrue ud = vandstråle „direkte“ - Skue ind = vandstråle „bred“.

Vedligeholdelse og pleje• For at sikre, at apparatet fungerer optimalt, anbefaler vi en regelmæssig rengøring af solcellepanelet og sensorlinsen med en fugtig klud.• Rengør de to filtre efter 50 aktiveringer eller ugentligt i tilfældet af hyppig brug. Skru slangeforbindelsen af til rengøring.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Produkt: Uttjänta elektroniska produkter hör inte hemma i hushållsavfallet. Lämna in den uttjänta enheten till en kommunal uppsamlingsplats. Ta först ut batterierna och avfallshantera dem separat! Mer information får du hos din återförsäljare eller från avfallshan-teringsbolaget.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Batterier: Som slutkonsument är du enligt gällande föreskrifter skyldig att återlämna förbrukade batterier. Förbrukade batterier kan utan kostnad återlämnas hos de kommunala uppsamlingsställena och även på de ställen som säljer batterier. Det är inte tillåtet att slänga batterier i hushållssoporna!

Page 20: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


0 Användningsinformation ”Stop” Den djurvänliga bortdrivningen av mullvadar med hjälp av akustik högfrekvens.


Stop sänder med jämna mellanrum ut en ljudsignal. Den gör att gnagdjur som lever under jorden och som har extremt god hörsel störs och väljer att slå sig ned någon annanstans.

Tänk på att lägga i batterierna åt rätt håll i facket. Driftstiden ligger på upp till 6 månader, beroende på batterityp. Vi rekommenderar att alkaliska batterier används.

Gräv ner staven i marken i närheten av gångarna (uppgrävda jordhögar).Vid frost eller mycket fuktigt väder är det lämpligt att ta ut apparaten och avlägsna batterierna.För att undvika att mullvadarna vänjer sig vid ljudet är det lämpligt att då och då placera apparaten på ett annat ställe.

Tekniska data:

Verkningsområde ca Ø 30 m

Frekvens: 400 +/- 10 Hz

För 2 batterier, 1,5 V (batterier medlevereras inte)

Allmänna säkerhetsanvisningar:

1. Om det finns synliga tecken på skador på apparaten får apparaten inte användas.2. Elektrisk apparatur och batterier är inte leksaker för barn!3. När batterierna byts ut får vatten inte tränga in i höljet.


Den här produkten har en garanti på 2 år mot bevisliga material- och tillverkningsfel och gäller från och med inköpsdatumet. För att ta garantin i anspråk måste kunden bestyrka inköpet med originalkvittot.Garantin avser inte alla reklamationer, vars orsak är monterings- och manövreringsfel, bristande skötsel och frostpåverkan, felaktiga försök att reparera apparaten, bruk av våld, utomstående våld, överbelastning, mekaniska skador eller inverkan från främmande föremål.Dessutom utesluts alla reklamationer för delskador och/eller problem, vars orsak kan härledas till förslitning.

Betjeningsvejledning DYRESKRÆK

Med denna apparat håller du effektivt och tillförlitligt bort hägrar, fåglar, hundar, katter, harar resp. kaniner, vilda djur etc. från din trädgård, i synnerhet skräm-mer du bort hägrar från din fiskdamm. Vänligen läs noga igenom denna bruksanvisning och förvara den väl.

Strömförsörjning3 laddningsbara batterier AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(ingår inte i köpet)

Detekteringsområde PIR sensor 10 m, 110º

Räckvidd vattenstråle upp till 10 m (inställbar och avhängigt av vattentrycket)

Aktionsradie upp till 95 m²

Inställning vattenspridare höger/vänster och uppe/nere

Vattenanslutning Anslutningsstycke för trädgårdsslangen 13 mm (1/2“)

Vattenförbrukning ca 2-3 koppar för varje gång spridaren aktiveras

Teknisk information



• Använd apparaten aldrig om den har några synliga skador. • Öppna aldrig själva apparaten eller delar av den. • Apparaten får inte användas av personer (inklusive barn) med fysiska, sensoriska eller psykiska funktionshinder eller av personer med bristande erfarenhet och kunskap respektive endast om dessa personer i detalj har informerats om apparatens användning av en person som ansvarar för säkerheten och som sedan även övervakar användningen. Barn ska alltid övervakas för att förhindra att de leker med apparaten.• Förvara apparaten och batterierna alltid utom räckhåll för barn.



1. Skruva på vattenspridarhuvudet upptill på apparaten genom att vrida det medurs. 2. Öppna batterilocket nertill på apparaten och sätt i de 3 laddningsbara batterierna (ingår inte i köpet) och stäng sedan batterifacket igen. OBS: Ladda först batterierna helt. För att göra det ställer du knappen som styr känsligheten på 0 och låter sedan solcellspanelen vara i direkt solljus i 2 dagar. Alternativt kan du också ladda batterierna i en extern laddare. 4. Montera nu solcellspanelen på sidan på apparaten och anslut strömkabeln till anslutningsuttaget (på apparatens undersida).5. Skruva fast vattenslangens anslutning på apparatens undersida. 6. Sätt nu i pinnen som ska placeras i marken på apparatens undersida i den för detta ändamål avsedda öppningen. 7. För att apparaten ska ha optimal effekt ska den placeras så, att den visar i den riktning från vilken djuren kommer. 8. Ställ sedan in rörelsedetektorns känslighet och räckkvidd i förhållande till området som du vill att det ska övervakas.

Pos. 0 (OFF)Rörelsedetektorn är inte aktiv och apparaten har stand-by-funktion. I detta läge registrerar apparaten inga rörelser och vattenstrålen aktiveras inte.

Pos. 1-7 Vrid knappen medurs, nu ökar känsligheten mer och mer i området som ska övervakas.

Pos. 8I denna position är apparaten endast aktiv när det är mörkt (för djur som är aktiva på natten). Pos. 8 har samma räckvidd som pos.7 när rörelsedetektorn slår till. OBS: Solcellspanelen måste vara ansluten även för pos.8.

Page 21: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Vi yder 2 års garanti fra købsdatoen på materiale- og produktionsdefekter for dette produkt. For at kunne benytte denne garanti skal den originale faktura indsendes som bevis for købet. Skader, som skyldes forkert installation eller betjening, utilstrækkelig vedligeholdelse, effekterne af frost, ukyndiges forsøg på reparation, anvendelse af vold, tredjemands ondsindede handlinger, overbelastning og fremmedlegemer samt enhver skade på komponenter, der skyldes slitage, er ikke omfattet af denne garanti. I henhold til Produktansvarsloven kan vi ikke holdes ansvarlig for skader, der er forårsaget af vores produkter, hvis sådanne skader skyldes reparationer foretaget af ukyndige.

9. Ställ in vattenspridarens räckvidd i förhållande till område som du vill övervaka.

Djurets storlek

Vattenstrålens räckvidd

3m 6m 10m

litet Pos. 5-6 Pos. 6-7

medelstort Pos. 3-4 Pos. 5-6 Pos. 6-7

stort Pos. 1-3 Pos. 5-6 Pos. 6-7

10. Anslut nu trädgårdsslangen till apparaten och öppna vattenkranen helt. Använd en trädgårdslang 13 mm (1/2“) för avstånd på upp till 15 m och en träd gårdsslang 19 mm (3/4“) för avstånd på mer än 15 m. Viktigt! Spola noga igenom slangen innan du ansluter den för att avlägsna partiklar resp. små föremål som kan finnas i slangen (t.ex. smuts, små stenar, myror osv.). Dessa skulle kunna skada styrningen eller filtren. 11. Ställ dig bakom eller på sidan av apparaten och ställ in känsligheten på pos. 6 eller 7.12. Rör din hand långsamt fram och tillbaka på ett avstånd på ca 1 m framför rörelsedetektorn för att aktivera vattenspridaren.13. Kontrollera nu vattenstrålens vinkel och justera den om det behövs med hjälp av stopparen till vänster och höger. Ställ in vattenspridaren så, att vat tenstrålen är riktad mot området som övervakas av sensorn.14. Ställ sedan in vattenstrålens räckvidd genom att vrida på knappen som finns på vattenspridarens handtag. Vattenstrålens räckvidd kan vara lite olika beroende på det lokala vattentrycket.15. Ställ till sist in vattenstrålen genom att vrida på knappen upptill på vattenspridaren. - Skruva ut skruven = “direkt“ vattenstråle - Skruva in skruven = “bred“ vattenstråle

Underhåll och skötsel • För att säkerställa att apparaten alltid ska fungera optimalt så rekommenderar vi att regelbundet rengöra solcellspanelen och sensorns linser med en fuktig trasa.• Rengör båda filter efter ca 50 aktiveringar eller en gång i veckan om vattenspridaren aktiveras frekvent. Skruva av slangens skruvkoppling innan rengöringen.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Produkt: Elektriske enheder bør ikke bortskaffes via husholdningsaffaldet. Inden du afleverer den udtjente enhed på dit lokale samlested, skal du fjerne batteriet og bortskaffe dette separat! Yderligere oplysninger får du hos din forhandler eller dit renovationsselskab.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Batterier: I henhold til batteriforordningen er slutforbrugere forpligtet til at returnere brugte batterier! Du kan aflevere dine brugte batterier gratis på de lokale samlesteder i din kommune, eller overalt der, hvor der sælges batterier. En bortskaffelse via husholdningsaffaldet er ikke tilladt!

Page 22: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,

13 c

- Bruksanvisning „Stop“ Dyrevennlig fordrivning av moldvarper med høyfrekvent lyd.


Stop sender et lydsignal med jevne mellomrom. Gnagere som lever under jorda har ekstremt god hørsel og vil finne seg et nytt leveområde på grunn av lyden.

Pass på polariteten når batteriene settes i. Apparatet kan brukes i opp til 6 måneder avhengig av type batteri. Vi anbefaler å bruke alkaliske batterier.

Stangen stikkes helt ned i jorden like ved moldvarpgangen.Ved frost eller ekstrem nedbør anbefales det å ta apparatet inn og ta ut batteriene. Det anbefales å flytte apparatet iblant for å unngå at moldvarpene vender seg til det.

Tekniske data:

Virkningsområde ca. Ø 30 m.

Frekvens: 400 +/- 10 Hz

Til 2 batterier, 1,5V (batterier medleveres ikke)

Generelle sikkerhetsanvisninger:

1. Hvis det er synlige skader på apparatet, må det ikke brukes.2. Elektriske apparater og batterier er ikke leketøy for barn!3. Det må ikke komme vann inn i apparatet når man skifter batterier


Fra kjøpsdatoen gis det 2 års garanti på dette produktet for påviselige material- og fabrikasjonsfeil. I tilfelle garantikrav må den originale kvitteringen forevises.Garantien gjelder ikke defekter som skyldes montasje- og betjeningsfeil, mangelfullt vedlikehold, frost, usakkyndig reparasjon, anvendelse av makt, tredjemanns skyld, overbelastning, mekaniske skader eller innvirkning av fremmedlegemer.Garantien dekker heller ikke alle skader på deler og/eller problemer som skyldes slitasje.

Bruksanvisning DYRESKREKK

Apparatet skremmer bort hegre, fugler, hunder, katter, harer, ville dyr osv. effektivt og skånsomt bort fra grunnstykket og holder hegre borte fra hagedammer med fisk. Les grundig gjennom bruksanvisningen og oppbevar denne godt.

Strømforsyning3 oppladbare batterier AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(ikke inkludert i leveringen)

Registreringsområde PIR sensor 10m, 110º

Rekkevidde vannstråle inntil 10 m (justerbar og avhengig av vanntrykk)

Virkeområde inntil 95 m²

Sprinkler innstilling høyre/venstre og oppe/nede

Vanntilførsel Forbindelsesstykke for hageslange 13 mm (1/2“)

Vannforbruk ca. 2-3 kopper per aktivering

Tekniske data



• Apparatet må ikke brukes når det har synlige skader. • Apparatet eller deler på apparatet må aldri åpnes. • Apparatet skal ikke brukes av personer (heller ikke barn) med nedsatte fysiske, motoriske eller mentale evner eller manglende erfaring eller kunnskaper, med mindre det finnes en annen person til stede som er ansvarlig for bruken av apparatet. Pass på at barn ikke leker med utstyret.• Apparat og batterier må oppbevares utilgjengelig for barn.



1. Skru på sprinklerhodet ved å dreie med klokken, oppe på apparatet. 2. Åpne batteritildekningen på bunnen av apparatet, sett inn 3 oppladbare AA-batterier (ikke inkludert i leveringen) og lukk batterirommet deretter. Merk: Først lades batteriene helt opp. Sett da sensitivitetsregulatoren på 0 og sett solarpanelet 2 dager ut i full sol. Som alternativ kan du lade batteriene i et eksternt ladeapparat. 4. Solarpanelet monteres på siden til hovedlegemet og strømkabelen forbindes med forbindelsesbøssingen (underside hovedlegeme).5. Skru vannslangen vast med vannslangeforbindelsen på undersiden til hovedlegemet. 6. Sett jordpinnen inn på undersiden av hovedlegemet i tiltenkt åpning. 7. For optimal virkning plasseres apparatet pekende i den retningen hvor dyrene kommer fra. 8. Still inn sensitivitet og rekkevidde til bevegelsesmelderen, tilpasset det området som apparatet skal virke.

Trinn 0 (OFF)Bevegelsesmelderen er deaktivert og apparatet er i stand-by modus. I dette tilfellet registrerer ikke apparatet noen bevegelser og vil ikke aktivere vannstrålen.

Trinn 1-7 Drei knappen med klokken, sensitiviteten økes dermed økende i registreringsområdet.

Trinn 8På dette trinnet arbeider apparatet kun i mørke (natt aktive dyr). Trinn 8 har samme rekkevidde for registrering av bevegelsesmelderen som trinn 7. Merk: Solarpanelet må også være forbundet ved trinn 8.

Page 23: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Vi gir 2 års garanti fra kjøpsdatoen på materialer og produksjonsfeil for dette produktet. Ved eventuelle krav under denne garantien, må originalfakturaen legges fram som kjøpsbevis. Krav som reises på grunn av feil installasjon eller bruk, utilstrekkelig vedlikehold, følger av kulde, ukyndige forsøk på reparasjon, bruk av makt, en tredjeparts ulovlige handlinger, overbelastning og fremmedlegemer, samt all skade som oppstår på deler på grunn av slitasje, dekkes ikke av denne garantien.I kraft av produktansvarsloven står vi ikke ansvarlig for skade som vårt utstyr har forårsaket, hvis skaden er et resultat av ukyndige reparasjoner.

9. Still inn sprinklerens rekkevidde, tilpasset det området som apparatet skal virke.

Størrelse på dyr

Rekkevidde vannstråle d

3m 6m 10m

Liten Trinn 5-6 Trinn 6-7

Middels Trinn 3-4 Trinn 5-6 Trinn 6-7

Stor Trinn 1-3 Trinn 5-6 Trinn 6-7

10. Hageslangen forbindes med apparatet og drei kranen helt opp for en korrekt arbeidsmåte. Bruk inntil 15 m en hageslange 13 mm (1/2“), og fra 15 m en hageslange 19 mm (3/4“). Viktig! Før du fester slangen er det nødvendig å skylle den, for å fjerne deler (f.eks. smuss, små steiner, maur, osv.), som kan skade styringen eller filteret. 11. Still deg bak eller på siden av apparatet og still sensitiviteten på trinn 6 eller 7.12. Nå beveger du hånden din langsomt ca. 1 m foran bevegelsesmelderen for å aktivere sprinkleren. 13. Kontroller vinkelområdet til vannstrålen og korriger denne ev. med venstre og høyre stopper. Still sprinkleren inn slik at vannstrålen er rettet mot det området som sensoren overvåker.14. Still inn rekkevidden til vannstrålen ved å dreie knappen på håndtaket til sprinkleren. På grunn av det lokale vanntrykket kan rekkevidden til vannstrålen variere.15. Still inn vannstrålen ved å dreie på knappen på oversiden til sprinkleren. - Skru ut skrue = Vannstråle „direkte“ - Skru inn skrue = Vannstråle „bred“

Vedlikehold og pleie • For å garantere en optimal funksjon av apparatet anbefaler vi en regelmessig rengjøring av solarpanelet og sensorlinsene med et fuktig tørkle.• Rengjør begge filter etter 50 aktiveringer eller hver uke, dersom apparatet brukes hyppig. Skru av slangeforbindelsen for rengjøring.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Produkt: Gamle elektroapparater må ikke avhendes over husholdningssøppelet. Før du tar ditt gamle apparat med til ditt lokale samlested må du ta ut innlagte batterier og avhende disse separat fra produktet! Ytterligere informasjoner får du hos din forhandler eller avhendingsbedrift.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Batterier: I henhold til batteriforordningen er sluttforbrukere lovmessig forpliktet til å levere inn brukte batterier! Dine brukte batterier kan du levere inn gratis ved samlestedene i din kommune og alle steder hvor batterier selges. Avhending over husholdningssøppelet er forbudt!

Page 24: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


= Käyttötiedot: Stop Myyrien eläinystävällinen häätömenetelmä, jossa käytetään akustisia suurtaajuuksia.


Stop lähettää säännöllisin väliajoin äänisignaalin. Tämä häiritsee erittäin hyvän kuuloaistin omaavia, maan alla eläviä jyrsijöitä, ja ajaa ne etsimään uuden elinalueen.

Pane paristot laitteeseen napaisuus huomioon ottaen. Käyttöaika on jopa puoli vuotta paristotyypin mukaan. On suositeltavaa käyttää alkaliparistoja.

Sijoita laite myyrän keon lähelle ja paina laitteen varsi kokonaan maan sisälle.Pakkasella tai erittäin kostealla ilmalla laite kannattaa hakea suojaan ja irrottaa siitä paristot. Laitteen paikkaa on hyvä vaihtaa ajoittain, jotta jyrsijät eivät totu laitteeseen.

Tekniset tiedot:

Toiminta-alue noin Ø 30 m

Taajuus: 400 +/- 10 Hz

2 paristoa, 1,5 V (paristot eivät sisälly toimitettavaan laitteeseen)

Yleiset turvaohjeet:

1. Laitetta ei saa käyttää, jos siinä on näkyviä vaurioita.2. Sähkölaitteet ja paristot on säilytettävä poissa lasten ulottuvilta.3. Laitteen sisälle ei saa joutua vettä, kun paristoja vaihdetaan.


Tälle tuotteelle myönnetään kahden vuoden takuu todistettavissa olevien materiaali- tai valmistusvirheiden varalta. Takuu on voimassa ostopäivästä alkaen. Takuukorvausten hakemisen yhteydessä on esitettävä alkuperäinen ostotosite.Takuu ei kata vikoja, jotka ovat aiheutuneet asennus- tai käyttövirheestä, puutteellisesta tai virheellisestä huollosta, pakkasen vaikutuksista, tarpeettoman voimallisesta käsittelystä, ulkoisista tekijöistä, ylikuormituksesta, mekaanisista vaurioista taivierasesineiden vaikutuksista. Takuu ei myöskään kata osien vikoja tai kulumisesta johtuvia ongelmia.

13 c

- Bruksanvisning „Stop“ Dyrevennlig fordrivning av moldvarper med høyfrekvent lyd.


Stop sender et lydsignal med jevne mellomrom. Gnagere som lever under jorda har ekstremt god hørsel og vil finne seg et nytt leveområde på grunn av lyden.

Pass på polariteten når batteriene settes i. Apparatet kan brukes i opp til 6 måneder avhengig av type batteri. Vi anbefaler å bruke alkaliske batterier.

Stangen stikkes helt ned i jorden like ved moldvarpgangen.Ved frost eller ekstrem nedbør anbefales det å ta apparatet inn og ta ut batteriene. Det anbefales å flytte apparatet iblant for å unngå at moldvarpene vender seg til det.

Tekniske data:

Virkningsområde ca. Ø 30 m.

Frekvens: 400 +/- 10 Hz

Til 2 batterier, 1,5V (batterier medleveres ikke)

Generelle sikkerhetsanvisninger:

1. Hvis det er synlige skader på apparatet, må det ikke brukes.2. Elektriske apparater og batterier er ikke leketøy for barn!3. Det må ikke komme vann inn i apparatet når man skifter batterier


Fra kjøpsdatoen gis det 2 års garanti på dette produktet for påviselige material- og fabrikasjonsfeil. I tilfelle garantikrav må den originale kvitteringen forevises.Garantien gjelder ikke defekter som skyldes montasje- og betjeningsfeil, mangelfullt vedlikehold, frost, usakkyndig reparasjon, anvendelse av makt, tredjemanns skyld, overbelastning, mekaniske skader eller innvirkning av fremmedlegemer.Garantien dekker heller ikke alle skader på deler og/eller problemer som skyldes slitasje.

Eläinkarkotin - käyttöohjeet

Laite karkottaa tontilta tehokkaasti ja eläinystävällisesti harmaahaikarat, linnut, koirat, kissat, jänikset, villieläimet jne. ja pitää harmaahaikarat loitolla lammis-ta. Lue tämä käyttöohje huolellisesti ja säilytä se tulevaa käyttöä varten.

Virransyöttö3 ladattavaa paristoa AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(ei sisälly toimitukseen)

Tunnistusalue PIR-tunnistin 10 m, 110º

Ulottuvuus - vesisuihku maks. 10 m (säädettävissä ja riippuu vedenpaineesta)

Vaikutusalue maks. 95 m²

Suihkutuslaitteen asetus oikea/vasen ja ylös/alas

Vedensyöttö liitoskappale puutarhaletkuun 13 mm (1/2“)

Vedenkulutus noin 2 - 3 kupillista aktivointikertaa kohden

Tekniset tiedot



• Laitetta ei saa käyttää, jos siinä on näkyviä vaurioita. • Älä koskaan avaa laitetta tai se osia. • Laitetta ei ole tarkoitettu sellaisten henkilöiden (lapset mukaan lukien) käyttöön, joilla on fyysisiä, psyykkisiä tai aistirajoitteita tai joilta puuttuu kokemusta ja tietoja, ellei heidän turvallisuudestaan vastuussa oleva henkilö valvo heitä tai ole opastanut heille laitteen käyttöä. Lapsia on valvottava ja varmistettava, että he eivät pääse leikkimään laitteella.• Säilytä laite ja paristot lasten ulottumattomissa.



1. Kierrä suihkutuslaitteen pää myötäpäivään kiinni laitteen yläosaan. 2. Avaa paristokotelon kansi laitteen pohjasta, sijoita koteloon kolme ladattavaa AA-paristoa (ei sisälly toimitukseen) ja sulje sen jälkeen paristokotelo. Ohje: Lataa paristot aluksi aivan täyteen. Kytke sitä varten hienosäädin arvoon 0 ja sijoita aurinkopaneeli kahden päivän ajaksi kirkkaaseen auringonpaistee seen. Vaihtoehtoisesti voit ladata paristot ulkoisella laturilla. 4. Asenna aurinkopaneeli laitteen sivulle ja liitä virtajohto liittimeen (laitteen alapuolella).5. Kierrä vesiletkun liitin laitteen alapuolelle. 6. Työnnä maatanko laitteen alaosassa sille varattuun aukkoon. 7. Optimaalisen tehon varmistamiseksi sijoita laite siten, että se osoittaa suuntaan, josta eläimet tulevat. 8. Aseta liiketunnistimen herkkyys ja ulottuvuus sen alueen mukaisesti, jolla laitteen on tarkoitus vaikuttaa.

Taso 0 (POIS) Liiketunnistin ei ole käytössä ja laite on valmiustilassa. Tällöin laite ei tunnista mitään liikkeitä eikä aktivoi vesisuihkua.

Tasot 1 - 7 Kierrä nuppia myötäpäivään, herkkyys lisääntyy ja sen mukana laajenee tunnistusalue.

Taso 8Tällä tasolla laite toimii vain pimeällä (yöllä aktiiviset eläimet). Tasolla 8 liiketunnistimen ulottuvuus on sama kuin tasolla 7. Ohje: Myös tasolla 8 aurinkopaneelin pitää olla liitettynä.

Page 25: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Vi gir 2 års garanti fra kjøpsdatoen på materialer og produksjonsfeil for dette produktet. Ved eventuelle krav under denne garantien, må originalfakturaen legges fram som kjøpsbevis. Krav som reises på grunn av feil installasjon eller bruk, utilstrekkelig vedlikehold, følger av kulde, ukyndige forsøk på reparasjon, bruk av makt, en tredjeparts ulovlige handlinger, overbelastning og fremmedlegemer, samt all skade som oppstår på deler på grunn av slitasje, dekkes ikke av denne garantien.I kraft av produktansvarsloven står vi ikke ansvarlig for skade som vårt utstyr har forårsaket, hvis skaden er et resultat av ukyndige reparasjoner.

9. Aseta suihkutuslaitteen ulottuvuus sen alueen mukaisesti, jolla laitteen on tarkoitus vaikuttaa.

Eläimen koko

Vesisuihkun ulottuvuus

3m 6m 10m

pieni tasot 5 - 6 tasot 6 - 7

keskikokoinen tasot 3 - 4 tasot 5 - 6 tasot 6 - 7

suuri tasot 1 - 3 tasot 5 - 6 tasot 6 - 7

10. Liitä puutarhaletku laitteeseen ja käännä oikeaa toimintatapaa varten vesihana kokonaan auki. Käytä 15 metriin puutarhaletkua 13 mm (1/2“) ja 15 metristä alkaen puutarhaletkua 19 mm (3/4“). Tärkeää! Ennen kun kiinnität letkun, se pitää ehdottomasti huuhdella osien puhdistamiseksi esim. liasta, pienistä kivistä, muurahaisista jne., jotka voivat vahingoittaa ohjausjärjestelmää tai suodatinta. 11. Asetu laitteen taakse tai sivulle ja aseta herkkyys tasolle 6 tai 7.12. Liikuta kättäsi hitaasti noin 1 m liiketunnistimen edessä suihkutuslaitteen aktivoimiseksi. 13. Tarkasta vesisuihkun kulma-alue ja korjaa sitä tarvittaessa vasemmalla ja oikealla pysäyttimellä. Säädä suihkutuslaite siten, että vesisuihku kohdistuu tunnistimen valvoman alueen suuntaan.14. Säädä vesisuihkun ulottuvuus kääntämällä suihkutuslaitteen kahvassa olevaa nuppia. Paikallisesta vedenpaineesta riippuen vesisuihkun ulottuvuus voi vaihdella.15. Säädä vesisuihku kääntämällä suihkutuslaitteen yläsivulla olevaa nuppia. - ruuvin kiertäminen ulos = vesisuihku ”suora” - ruuvin kiertäminen sisään = vesisuihku ”leveä”.

Huolto ja hoito • Laitteen optimaalisen toiminnan varmistamiseksi suosittelemme aurinkopaneelin ja tunnistimen linssien säännöllistä puhdistamista kostealla liinalla.• Puhdista molemmat suodattimet aina 50 aktivointikerran jälkeen tai viikoittain, jos laitetta käytetään usein. Kierrä letkuliitin puhdistamista varten irti.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Tuote: Vanhoja käytöstä poistettuja sähkölaitteita ei saa hävittää kotitalousjätteen mukana. Ennen kuin toimitat käytöstä poistetun laitteen paikalliseen keräyspisteeseen, irrota asennetut akut ja hävitä ne erikseen! Lisätietoja saat laitteen myyjältä tai jätehuollosta vastaavilta yrityksiltä.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Akut: Paristoja koskevan asetuksen mukaisesti loppukäyttäjät ovat lakisääteisesti velvollisia palauttamaan käytetyt akut! Voit palauttaa käytetyt akut maksuttomasti alueesi keräyspisteisiin tai liikkeisiin, joissa myydään akkuja. Niitä ei saa hävittää talousjätteen mukana!

Page 26: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,

15 c

q Informacje dla użytkownika ‘Stop’ Przyjazny dla zwierząt system odstraszania kretów za pomocą dźwięków wysokiej częstotliwości.

Jak to działa:

Stop wydaje dźwięki audio w regularnych odstępach. To podrażnia czuły słuch gryzoni żyjących pod ziemią i spowoduje, że przeniosą się na inne terytorium.

Upewnij się, że baterie włożone są w odpowiednim kierunku. Zależnie od typu użytej baterii, urządzenie będzie działać przez okres do 6 miesięcy. Zalecanie jest użycie baterii alkalicznych.

Wbij szpikulec bezpośrednio przy wejściu (kopcu kreta).Podczas okresów mrozu lub bardzo deszczowej pogody zalecane jest wyjęcie urządzenia z ziemi i usunięcie baterii. Aby krety nie przywykły do dźwięku, dobrym pomysłem jest resetowanie urządzenia od czasu do czasu.

Dane techniczne:

Zasięg skuteczności urządzenia: około Ø 30 m

Częstotliwość: 400 +/- 10 Hz

Wymagane 2 baterie 1.5V (baterie nie dostarczane wraz z urządzeniem)

Ogólne instrukcje dotyczące bezpieczeństwa

1. Nie należy uruchamiać urządzenia z widocznymi uszkodzeniami2. Przechowuj urządzenia elektryczne i baterie poza zasięgiem dzieci!3. Podczas wymiany baterii upewnij się, że do obudowy nie dostaje się woda.


Dla niniejszego produktu zapewniamy 2-letnią gwarancję w zakresie widocznych wad materiału lub błędów produkcyjnych, liczoną od dnia zakupu. Aby skorzystać z gwarancji jako dowód zakupu musi być przedstawiony oryginalny paragon.Nie podlegają gwarancji wszelkie uszkodzenia wynikające z niewłaściwego montażu lub użytkowania, zaniedbania, wystawienia na mróz, prób naprawy wykonywanych przez osoby niewykwalifikowane, użycia siły, uszkodzenia powstałe z winy osób trzecich, uszkodzenia mechaniczne i dostania się do urządzenia ciał obcych. Gwarancja nie obejmuje także wszelkich skarg dotyczących uszkodzenia części i/lub problemów spowodowanych przez zużycie.

ODSTRASZACZ ZWIERZĄT instrukcja obsługi

Urządzenie skutecznie i z zachowaniem bezpieczeństwa odstraszy z Twojej działki czaple, inne ptactwo, psy, koty, zające, dzikie zwierzęta itp. Dzięki niemu czapla siwa będzie się trzymać z daleka od oczka wodnego. Należy dokładnie przeczytać niniejszą instrukcję obsługi i starannie ją przechowywać.

Zasilanie3 ładowalne akumulatory AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(nie są zawarte w komplecie)

Zasięg czujnika ruchu PIR 10 m, 110º

Zasięg strumienia wody do 10 m (w zależności od ustawień i ciśnienia wody)

Zakres działania do 95 m²

Ustawienie tryskaczy prawo / lewo, góra / dół

Doprowadzenie wody przyłącze do węża ogrodowego o średnicy 13 mm (1/2“)

Zużycie wody ok. 2–3 filiżanki na każde użycie

Dane techniczne


Wskazówki bezpieczeństwa

• Nie należy eksploatować urządzenia, jeżeli wykazuje widoczne uszkodzenia.• Nigdy nie należy otwierać urządzenia ani jego części.• Urządzenie nie jest przeznaczone do użytku przez osoby z obniżoną sprawnością psychiczną, sensoryczną lub intelektualną (włącznie z dziećmi) oraz osoby z niedostatecznym doświadczeniem i wiedzą. Mogą one korzystać z urządzenia wyłącznie pod kontrolą innej osoby odpowiedzialnej za ich bezpieczeństwo bądź pod warunkiem, że otrzymały wskazówki dotyczące jego użytkowania. Należy upewnić się, że dzieci nie wykorzystują urządzenia do zabawy.• Urządzenie i akumulatory należy przechowywać w miejscu niedostępnym dla dzieci.


Uruchomienie urządzenia

1. Przykręcić głowicę tryskacza do urządzenia w kierunku zgodnym z ruchem wskazówek zegara.2. Otworzyć pokrywę na akumulatory na spodzie urządzenia, włożyć 3 ładowalne akumulatory AA (nie są zawarte w komplecie) i z powrotem zamknąć pokrywę. Wskazówka: Wcześniej należy całkowicie naładować akumulatory. W tym celu ustawić regulator ładowania na poziom 0 i na 2 dni wystawić panel słoneczny na pełne słońce. Akumulatory można naładować także w oddzielnej ładowarce.4. Panel słoneczny zamontować z boku urządzenia głównego i podłączyć kabel zasilania do gniazda połączeniowego (spód urządzenia głównego).5. Do spodu urządzenia głównego przykręcić przyłącze do węża ogrodowego.6. Kotwę wbijaną wetknąć w przeznaczony do tego otwór od spodu urządzenia głównego.7. Dla zapewnienia optymalnego działania urządzenie skierować w kierunku, z którego przychodzą zwierzęta.8. Czułość i zasięg czujnika ruchu dostosować do zakresu, w jakim urządzenie powinno działać.

Poziom 0 (OFF)Czujnik ruchu jest nieaktywny, urządzenie znajduje się w trybie uśpienia. W tym przypadku urządzenie nie rozpozna ruchu i nie uruchomi strumienia wody.

Poziom 1–7Przekręcić pokrętło w kierunku zgodnym z ruchem wskazówek zegara, czujnik ruchu będzie zwiększał zasięg działania zgodnie z wybranym poziomem.

Poziom 8Na tym poziomie urządzenie działa tylko w nocy (zwierzęta aktywne nocą).Zasięg czujnika ruchu dla poziomu 8 jest taki sam jak na poziomie 7.Wskazówka: Także w przypadku poziomu 8 panel słoneczny musi być podłączony.

Page 27: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Producent udziela na ten produkt 2letniej gwarancji, obejmującej wady materiałowe i wadliwą robociznę, licząc od daty nabycia produktu. Aby roszczenia gwa-rancyjne zostały uwzględnione, należy przedstawić oryginał faktury stanowiącej dowód nabycia. Niniejsza gwarancja nie obejmuje uszkodzeń wynikających z nieprawidłowego montażem lub użytkowania, nieodpowiedniej konserwacji, działania mrozu, niefachowych czynności naprawczych, użycia siły, nieprzyjaznego działania osób trzecich, przeciążenia oraz ciał obcych, jak również wszelkich uszkodzeń części wynikających z normalnego zużycia. Zgodnie z Ustawą o Odpo-wiedzialności Producenta, producent nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za zniszczenia spowodowane przez nasze urządzenia, jeśli są one skutkiem niefachowych napraw.

9. Ustawić zasięg działania tryskaczy zgodnie z zakresem, w jakim urządzenie powinno działać.

Wielkość zwierząt

Zasięg tryskaczy

3m 6m 10m

małe poziom 5–6 poziom 6–7

średnie poziom 3–4 poziom 5–6 poziom 6–7

duże poziom 1–3 poziom 5–6 poziom 6–7

10. Podłączyć wąż ogrodowy do urządzenia i maksymalnie odkręcić kran, aby urządzenie mogło funkcjonować prawidłowo. Do 15 m należy użyć węża ogrodo wego o średnicy 13 mm (1/2“), a powyżej 15 m – o średnicy 19 mm (3/4“). Ważne! Przed zamocowaniem węża ogrodowego koniecznie należy go przepłukać, aby usunąć części (np. brud, małe kamienie, mrówki itp.), które mogłyby uszkodzić elementy sterujące lub filtr.11. Stanąć za urządzeniem lub obok niego i ustawić zasięg czujnika ruchu na poziomie 6 lub 7.12. Powoli poruszyć ręką w odległości ok. 1 m przed czujnikiem ruchu, aby uaktywnić tryskacze. 13. Sprawdzić zasięg strumienia wody na krańcach zasięgu i ewentualnie skorygować go za pomocą lewej i prawej zatyczki. Tryskacz skierować w stronę obszaru obserwowanego przez czujnik ruchu.14. Kręcąc pokrętłem na uchwycie tryskacza, ustawić zasięg strumienia wody. Może on ulegać zmianie ze względu na lokalne ciśnienie wody.15. Kręcąc pokrętłem po górnej stronie tryskacza, ustawić strumień wody: - śruba odkręcona = strumień „na wprost”, - śruba dokręcona = strumień „szeroki”.

Czyszczenie i konserwacja • W celu zapewnienia optymalnego funkcjonowania urządzenia zalecamy regularne czyszczenie panelu słonecznego i soczewki czujnika ruchu za pomocą zwilżonej szmatki.• Obydwa filtry należy czyścić po każdych 50 uruchomieniach się tryskaczy lub co tydzień w przypadku częstej aktywacji. Przed czyszczeniem odłączyć węża ogrodowego.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Produkt: Zużytych urządzeń elektrycznych nie należy usuwać wraz z odpadami domowymi. Przed oddaniem zużytego urządzenia do lokalnego punktu zbiórki należy wyjąć włożone akumulatory i zutylizować je oddzielnie od produktu! Więcej informacji można uzyskać od swojego sprzedawcy lub firmy utylizacyjnej.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Akumulatory: Zgodnie z rozporządzeniem w sprawie akumulatorów użytkownicy końcowi są zobligowani przepisami prawa do zwrotu zużytych akumulatorów! Zużyte akumulatory można bezpłatnie oddawać w gminnych punktach zbiórki lub wszędzie tam, gdzie akumulatory są sprzedawane. Zabroniona jest utylizacja razem z odpadami domowymi!

Page 28: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


w Stop/Кротовый барьер Описание Устройство, посредством слышимых частот отпугивающее кротов, не нанося при этом вреда.

Принцип действия

Устройство Stop испускает звуковые сигналы через определенные промежутки времени. Это раздражает крайне чувствительный слух грызунов, живущих под землей, и заставляет их уходить с этой территории.Обратите внимание на порядок расположения батареек. В зависимости от емкости батареек, устройство может работать до 6 месяцев. Рекомендуем использовать щелочные батарейки.Вставить стержень полностью в землю непосредственно у входа в нору (кротового отвала).В морозную погоду или в период проливных дождей рекомендуется вынимать устройство из земли и извлекать батарейки.Во избежание привыкания кротов к типу сигнала рекомендуется периодически перенастраивать устройство.


Рабочий диапазон устройства: прибл. Ø 30 м

Частота 400 +/- 10 Hz

2 x 1,5 В батарейки (в комплект не включены)

Общие правила техники безопасности

1. Устройство не рекомендуется эксплуатировать при наличии визуально подтверждаемого повреждения.2. Устройство и батарейки к нему хранить в недоступном для детей месте.3. При смене батареек убедиться, что вода не попала в корпус.

Гарантийные обязательства

На данное устройство дается 2-летняя гарантия от производственного брака при условии использования в типичных условиях. Гарантия вступает в силу с момента покупки. В качестве гарантийного талона используется кассовый чек.Гарантия не распространяется на неполадки, возникающие в результате некорректной сборки или эксплуатации, небрежного обращения, воздействия температур ниже 0ºС, попыток неквалифицированного ремонта, применения чрезмерного усилия, по вине третьей стороны, перегрузки по питанию, механического повреждения или попадания посторонних объектов в корпус.Естественный износ и повреждение комплектующих деталей также не покрываются данной гарантией.

ОЙСТВО ДЛЯ ОТПУГИВАНИЯ ЖИВОТНЫХ Руководство по эксплуатации

Устройство эффективно и бережно отгоняет цапель, птиц, собак, котов, зайцев, диких животных и т. д. от вашего земельного участка и не подпускает к пруду серых цапель. Внимательно прочитайте данное руководство и бережно сохраните его.

Блок питания3 заряжаемые аккумуляторные никель-металлогидридные батареи AA 1,2 В, 800 мАч (не входят в комплект поставки)

Диапазон захвата пассивного инфракрасного датчика 10 м, 110º

Дальность действия водяной струи до 10 м (с возможностью регулировки, зависит от давления воды)

Зона действия до 95 м²

Регулировка спринклера вправо/влево и вверх/вниз

Подача воды соединительный элемент для садового шланга, 13 мм (1/2“)

Расход воды ок. 2–3 чашек на включение

Технические характеристики


Указания по технике безопасности

• Не используйте устройство с видимыми недостатками. • Ни в коем случае не вскрывайте устройство или его части • Устройство не пригодно для использования лицами (включая детей) с ограниченными физическими, сенсорными или умственными способностями либо с недостатком опыта или знаний, за исключением случаев, когда их действия контролирует лицо, ответственное за их безопасность, либо когда они получили инструкции по использованию устройства. Действия детей следует контролировать и следить за тем, чтобы они не играли устройством.• Храните устройство и батареи в месте, недоступном для детей.


Ввод в эксплуатацию

1. Навинтите спринклерную головку вверху на устройство, вращая ее по часовой стрелке. 2. Откройте крышку отсека для батарей в днище устройства, вставьте 3 заряжаемые AA-батареи (не входят в комплект поставки) и затем снова закройте отсек. Указание: Сначала полностью зарядите аккумуляторные батареи. Для этого установите регулятор чувствительности на 0 и оставьте панель солнечной батареи под солнцем на 2 дня. Альтернативно можно зарядить батареи от внешнего зарядного устройства. 4. Смонтируйте панель солнечной батареи сбоку на корпусе и подключите электрический кабель к гнезду соединительного разъема (внизу корпуса).5. Прочно затяните разъем водяного шланга внизу корпуса. 6. Вставьте кронштейн в предусмотренное для него отверстие внизу корпуса. 7. Для обеспечения оптимального действия расположите устройство в направлении того места, откуда могут появиться животные. 8. Установите чувствительность и дальность действия датчика движения в соответствии с областью, в которой должно действовать устройство

Ступень 0 (ВЫКЛ.)тчик движения выключен, устройство находится в режиме ожидания. В этом случае устройство не распознает движения, и струя воды не активируется.

Ступень 1–7 Поверните ручку по часовой стрелке, чувствительность в области распознавания увеличивается.

Ступень 8На этой ступени устройство работает только в темноте (для животных, активных ночью). На ступени 8 дальность действия при распознавании движения такая же, как на ступени 7. Указание: Панель солнечной батареи должна быть подключена и на ступени 8.

Page 29: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Гарантия на качество материалов и производственные дефекты действует в течение 2 лет со дня приобретения товара. Чтобы выполнить запрос на покрытие гарантии, необходимо предоставить счет-фактуру, свидетельствующую о покупке товара. Гарантия не распространяется на повреждения, вызванные в результате неправильной установки или работы, ненадлежащего обслуживания, работы при заморозках, непредвиденных последствий ремонта, применения силы, перегрузки и использования инородных предметов, а также вследствие износа или разрыва деталей.На основании акта об ответственности за товар компания не несет ответственность за ущерб, причиненный предоставляемым оборудованием в результате неквалифицированного ремонта.

9. Установите дальность действия спринклерной головки в соответствии с областью, в которой должно действовать устройство

Размеры животных

Дальность действия водяной струи

3 м 6 м 10 м

Мелкие Ступень 5–6 Ступень 6–7

Средние Ступень 3–4 Ступень 5–6 Ступень 6–7

Крупные Ступень 1–3 Ступень 5–6 Ступень 6–7

10. Подсоедините к устройству садовый шланг и для обеспечения правильной работы полностью откройте водяной кран. При длине до 15 м используйте садовый шланг диаметром 13 мм (1/2“), при длине более 15 м — садовый шланг диаметром 19 мм (3/4“). Важно! Перед закреплением шланга его обязательно следует промыть и удалить различные предметы (например, грязь, мелкие камни, муравьев и т. д.), которые могут повредить систему управления или фильтр. 11. Встаньте сзади или сбоку устройства и установите чувствительность на ступень 6 или 7.12. Медленно проведите рукой перед датчиком движения на расстоянии ок. 1 м для активирования спринклера. 13. Проверьте угол действия водяной струи и при необходимости откорректируйте его с помощью левого и правого стопора. Отрегулируйте спринклер таким образом, чтобы водяная струя была направлена в сторону области, контролируемой датчиком.14. Отрегулируйте дальность действия водяной струи, вращая ручку на рукоятке спринклера. Дальность действия водяной струи может изменяться в зависимости от давления воды в местной сети.15. Отрегулируйте водяную струю, вращая ручку на верхней стороне спринклера. - Вывинчивание винта = водяная струя «точнее» - Ввинчивание винта = водяная струя «шире».

Техобслуживание и уход • Чтобы гарантировать оптимальную работу устройства, мы рекомендуем регулярно чистить панель солнечной батареи и линзы датчика влажной тканью.• После каждых 50 включений или еженедельно при частом использовании чистите оба фильтра. Для очистки отвинтите соединение шланга.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Изделие: Утилизация электроприборов осуществляется раздельно от бытовых отходов. Перед тем как относить отслуживший срок электроприбор к вашему месту сбора отходов, извлеките из него вставленные аккумуляторные батареи и утилизируйте их раздельно от самого прибора! Дополнительную информацию вы получите у вашего продавца или у предприятия по удалению отходов.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Аккумуляторные батареи: В соответствии с Директивой об аккумуляторных батареях конечные потребители юридически обязаны сдавать отслужившие срок аккумуляторные батареи! Ваши отслужившие срок аккумуляторные батареи вы можете безвозмездно сдать в приемных пунктах вашей административной единицы, либо в любом месте, где осуществляется продажа аккумуляторных батарей. Совместная утилизация с бытовыми отходами не допускается!

Page 30: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,

17 c

e Informacije za korisnike uređaja „Stop“ Sustav za odbijanje krtica pomoću visokofrekventnih zvukova, koji nije za njih štetan.

Kako radi

Stop odašilje zvučne signale u redovitim razmacima. Ti signali ometaju osjetljivi sluh glodavaca koji žive pod zemljom te ih prisiljavaju na napuštanje područja.

Provjerite jesu li baterije ispravno umetnute. Ovisno o vrsti baterija, uređaj će raditi do šest mjeseci. Preporučujemo alkalne baterije.

Klinasti držač u potpunosti gurnite u zemlju, tik do ulaza (krtičnjaka).Tijekom razdoblja mraza ili izrazito vlažnog vremena izvadite uređaj iz zemlje i uklonite baterije. Da biste spriječili da se krtice naviknu na signal, uređaj povremeno ponovno prilagodite.

Tehnički podaci

Uređaj je učinkovit na površini od otprilike Ø 30 m

Frekvencija: 400 +/- 10 Hz

Potrebne su dvije baterije od 1,5V (baterije se ne isporučuju s uređajem).

Opće sigurnosne mjere

1. Uređaj nemojte uključiti ako je vidljivo oštećen.2. Električne uređaje i baterije držite izvan dosega djece.3. Prilikom promjene baterija provjerite nije li se kućište smočilo.


Za ovaj proizvod dajemo dvogodišnje jamstvo koje se odnosi na pogreške prilikom izrade ili pogreške u materijalu, a stupa na snagu na dan kupnje. Prilikom potraživanja jamstva kao dokaz kupnje služi originalni račun.Problemi uzrokovani neispravnim sastavljanjem ili upotrebom, nemarom ili izlaganjem mrazu, nestručnim popravcima, upotrebom sile, pogreškama treće strane, preopterećenjem, mehaničkim oštećenjem ili umetanjem stranog tijela u uređajnisu pokriveni ovim jamstvom.Jamstvo se ne odnosi ni na pritužbe u vezi s oštećenjem dijelova i/ili problemima uzrokovanima habanjem.


Uređaj učinkovito i blago rastjeruje čaplje, ptice, pse, mačke, zečeve, divlje životinje itd. sa zemljišta i drži sive čaplje podalje od vašeg jezerca. Pažljivo pročitajte upute za uporabu i sačuvajte ih za kasnije.

Napajanje strujom3 punjive baterije AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(nisu uključene u opseg isporuke)

Područje detekcije PIR senzora 10 m, 110º

Domet vodenog mlaza do 10 m (namjestivo i ovisi o pritisku vode)

Područje djelovanja do 95 m²

Namještanje prskalice desno/lijevo i gore/dolje

Dovod vode priključni element za vrtno crijevo 13 mm (1/2")

Potrošnja vode oko 2- 3 šalice za jednu aktivaciju

Tehnički podatci


Sigurnosne napomene

• Uređaj ne smijete upotrebljavati ako na njemu postoje vidljive štete. • Nikada ne otvarajte uređaj ili njegove dijelove. • Uređaj nije namijenjen tome da ga upotrebljavaju osobe (uključujući djeca) s ograničenim tjelesnim, osjetilnim ili mentalnim sposobnostima ili nedovoljnim iskustvom i znanjem, osim ako ih ne nadzire osoba zadužena za njihovu sigurnost ili su od nje dobile upute o uporabi uređaja. Djeca trebaju biti pod nadzorom kako se ne bi igrala uređajem.• Čuvajte uređaj i baterije van dohvata djece.


Puštanje u rad

1. Navijte glavu prskalice okretanjem u smjeru kazaljki na satu gore na uređaju. 2. Otvorite pretinac za baterije na dnu uređaja, umetnite 3 punjive AA baterije (nisu uključene u opseg isporuke) i zatim ponovo zatvorite pretinac za baterije. Napomena: Najprije u potpunosti napunite baterije. Nakon toga okrenite regulator osjetljivosti na 0 i izložite solarnu ploču 2 dana direktnom suncu. Alternati vno baterije možete napuniti u vanjskom punjaču. 4. Montirajte solarnu ploču na bočnu stranu glavnog tijela i spojite strujni kabel u priključnu utičnicu (donja strana glavnog tijela).5. Zavijte priključak crijeva za vodu na donju stranu glavnog tijela. 6. Zataknite štap za zemlju na donjoj strani glavnog tijela u predviđeni otvor. 7. Za optimalno djelovanje smjestite uređaj okrenut u smjeru iz kojeg dolaze životinje. 8. Namjestite osjetljivost i domet detektora pokreta, usklađeno s područjem u kojem uređaj treba djelovati.

stupanj 0 (ISKLJ.)Senzor pokreta je deaktiviran, a uređaj se nalazi u stanju pripravnosti. U ovom slučaju uređaj ne detektira kretnje, a mlaz vode neće se aktivirati.

stupanj 1- 7 Ako okrećete gumb u smjeru kazaljki na satu, osjetljivost će se sukladno povećavati u području detekcije.

stupanj 8Na ovom stupnju uređaj radi samo u mraku (životinje koje su aktivne noću). Stupanj 8 ima isti domet pri detekciji senzora pokreta kao i stupanj 7. Napomena: Solarna ploča treba biti spojena i pri stupnju 8.

Page 31: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Za ovaj proizvod dajemo dvogodišnje jamstvo koje vrijedi od dana kupovine, a odnosi se na materijale i pogreške u proizvodnji. Ako želite uvažiti pravo na jamstvo, morate priložiti originalni račun kao dokaz o kupovini. Oštećenja nastala kao posljedica nepravilne ugradnje ili rukovanja, neodgovarajućeg načina održavanja, utjecaja mraza, nestručnih pokušaja popravljanja, upotrebe sile, neodgovarajućih zahvata trećih osoba, preopterećivanja ili prisutnosti stranih objekata, kao i sva oštećenja dijelova zbog normalne upotrebe i istrošenosti isključena su iz ovog jamstva.Na temelju propisa o odgovornosti za proizvod nismo odgovorni za oštećenja koja prouzrokuje naša oprema, ako su ta oštećenja posljedica nestručnih popravaka.

9. Namjestite domet prskalice, usklađeno s područjem u kojem uređaj treba djelovati.

Veličina životinja

Domet vodenog mlaza

3m 6m 10m

male stupanj 5 - 6 stupanj 6 - 7

srednje stupanj 3 - 4 stupanj 5 - 6 stupanj 6 - 7

velike stupanj 1 - 3 stupanj 5 - 6 stupanj 6 - 7

10. Spojite vrtno crijevo na uređaj i za ispravan način rada potpuno otvorite slavinu za vodu. Do 15 m upotrijebite vrtno crijevo promjera 13 mm (1/2“), a od 15 m vrtno crijevo promjera 19 mm (3/4“). Važno! Prije nego pričvrstite crijevo, obavezno ga isperite kako biste uklonili dijelove (npr. prljavštinu, kamenčiće, mrave itd.) koji bi mogli oštetiti upravljanje ili filtre. 11. Stanite iza uređaja ili bočno od njega i namjestite osjetljivost na stupanj 6 ili 7.12. Pomičite ruku polako oko 1 m ispred senzora pokreta kako biste aktivirali prskalicu. 13. Provjerite područje kuta mlaza vode i ispravite ga po potrebi pomoću lijevog odn. desnog zaustavljača. Namjestite prskalicu na način da je mlaz vode usmjeren u smjeru područja koje nadzire senzor.14. Namjestite domet mlaza vode okretanjem gumba na ručki prskalice. Zbog lokalnog pritiska vode domet mlaza vode može varirati.15. Namjestite mlaz vode tako da okrećete gumb na gornjoj strani prskalice. - odvijanje vijka = „usmjereni” mlaz vode - zavijanje vijka = „široki” mlaz vode

Održavanje i njega • Da biste zajamčili optimalnu funkciju uređaja, preporučujemo redovito čišćenje solarne ploče i leća senzora vlažnom krpom.• Očistite oba filtra nakon oko 50 aktivacija ili svaki tjedan u slučaju češće uporabe. U svrhu čišćenja odvijate spoj crijeva.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Proizvod: Stari električni uređaji ne smiju se zbrinjavati zajedno s kućanskim otpadom. Prije nego stari uređaj odnesene na lokalno mjesto za prikupljanje otpada, izvadite umetnute punjive baterije i zbrinite ih odvojeno od proizvoda! Druge informacije dobit ćete od vašeg trgovca ili komunalnog poduzeća.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Punjive baterije: Prema Pravilniku o gospodarenju otpadnim baterijama zakonski ste obavezni vratiti istrošene punjive baterije! Svoje istrošene baterije možete besplatno predati na mjestima za prikupljanje otpada u vašoj općini ili svugdje tamo gdje se prodaju baterije. Zbrinjavanje putem kućanskog otpada je zabranjeno!

Page 32: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


r Uživatelská informace o ‘Stop’ Systém, neškodný pro zvířata, k odpuzování krtků pomocí vysokofrekvenčního zvuku.

Jak pracuje:

Zařízení Stop vysílá zvukové signály v pravidelném intervalu. Tyto signály ruší extrémně citlivý sluch hlodavců, kteří žijí pod zemí a způsobí, že se hlodavci přesunou na jiné místo.

Přesvědčte se, že baterie jsou správně uloženy. V závislosti na typu použité baterie bude zařízení fungovat až 6 měsíců. Doporučujeme použít alkalické baterie.

Zapíchněte bodec hluboko do země hned vedle vchodu (krtince).Při prvních projevech zámrazků nebo nadměrně vlhkého počasí je rozumné vytáhnout zařízení ze země a vyměnit baterie. Aby si krtci nezvykli na signál, je dobré občas resetovat zařízení.

Technické údaje:

Účinný rozsah zařízení: přibližně Ø 30 m

Kmitočet: 400 +/- 10 Hz

Požadují se 2x 1,5 V baterie (baterie nejsou součástí dodávky)

Všeobecné bezpečnostní pokyny

1. Zařízení by se nemělo provozovat, je-li viditelně poškozené.2. Elektrická zařízení a baterie udržujte mimo dosah dětí.3. Při výměně baterií zajistěte, aby se do pouzdra nedostala voda.


Na výrobek poskytujeme dvouletou záruku, jedná-li se o prokazatelné vady materiálu nebo výroby účinné ode dne prodeje. Při reklamaci v záruční době je třeba předložit originální doklad o nákupu. Všechny problémy vyplývající z nesprávné montáže nebo používání, opomenutí, vystavení vlivu mrazu, oprav nekvalifikovanými osobami, použitím síly, vinou třetí strany, přetížením, mechanickým poškozením nebo vniknutím cizího tělesa do zařízení se nezahrnují do předmětu této záruky.Všechny reklamace týkající se poškození částí a/nebo problémy způsobené opotřebením rovněž nespadají do této záruky.


Přístroj z vašeho pozemku účinně a šetrně vyplaší volavky, ptáky, psy, mačky, zajíce, divoká zvířata atd. a volavky udrží mimo dosah rybníku. Návod k použití si pozorně přečtěte a důkladně jej uschovejte.

Napájení proudem3 nabíjitelné baterie AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(nejsou součástí dodávky)

Dosah snímání senzoru PIR 10 m, 110º

Dosah vodního paprsku do 10 m (nastavitelný a závislý na tlaku vody)

Rozsah účinnosti do 95 m²

Nastavení postřikovače doprava/doleva a nahoru/dolů

Přívod vody přípojný díly pro zahradní hadici 13 mm (1/2“)

Spotřeba vody cca 2 - 3 hrníčky na jednu aktivaci

Technické údaje


Bezpečnostní pokyny

• Přístroj se nesmí provozovat, pokud vykazuje zjevná poškození. • Přístroj ani jeho části nikdy neotvírejte. • Přístroj není vhodný pro používání osobami (včetně dětí) se sníženými fyzickými, senzorickými nebo duševními schopnostmi nebo nedostatkem zkušeností a znalostí, ledaže by byly pro jejich bezpečnost pod dohledem zodpovědné osoby nebo byly poučeny o používání přístroje. Děti by měly být pod dozorem, aby se zajistilo, že si nebudou s přístrojem hrát.• Přístroj a baterie uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí.


Uvedení do provozu

1. Hlavici postřikovače našroubujte na horní část přístroje otáčením ve směru hodinových ručiček. 2. Otevřete kryt baterií na spodní straně přístroje, vložte 3 nabíjitelné baterie typu AA (nejsou součástí dodávky) a na závěr přihrádku na baterie opět zavřete. Upozornění: Baterie nejdříve úplně nabijte. Za tím účelem zapněte regulátor citlivost do polohy 0 a solární panel vystavte na 2 dny přímému slunečnímu záření. Případně můžete baterie nabít v externí nabíječce. 4. Solární panel namontujte na boční stranu těla přístroje a napájecí kabel připojte do zdířky (spodní strana těla přístroje).5. Na spodní stranu těla přístroje našroubujte přípojku vodovodní hadice. 6. Na spodní straně těla přístroje zastrčte do příslušného otvoru hrot pro zapíchnutí do země. 7. Pro optimální účinek umístěte přístroj nasměrovaný tam, odkud zvířata přicházejí. 8. Citlivost a dosah detektoru pohybu nastavte v závislosti na oblasti, v níž má přístroj působit.

Stupeň 0 (OFF)detektor pohybu je deaktivovaný a přístroj je v pohotovostním režimu. V tomto případě přístroj nerozpoznává žádný pohyb a neaktivuje proud vody.

Stupeň 1 - 7 Knoflík otočte ve směru hodinových ručiček, čímž se citlivost v oblasti snímání zvýší.

Stupeň 8Při nastavení tohoto stupně pracuje přístroj během tmy (zvířata aktivní v noci). Stupeň 8 má při rozpoznávání detektoru pohybu stejný dosah jako stupeň 7. Upozornění: Solární panel musí být napojený i v případě stupně 8.

Page 33: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Na tento výrobek poskytujeme záruku na materiál a zpracování v délce dvou let od data nákupu. Chcete-li v rámci této záruky podat reklamaci, musíte jako potvrzení o nákupu pøiložit pùvodní fakturu. Tato záruka se nevztahuje na reklamace zpùsobené nesprávnou instalací nebo provozem, neodpovídající údržbou, úèinky mrazu, neodbornými pokusy o opravu, použití síly, nezákonnými èiny tøetí strany, pøetížení a cizími tìlesy, stejnì jako jakýmkoli poškozením souèástí v dùsledku normálního opotøebení.Na základì Zákona o odpovìdnosti za výrobky nenese naše spoleènost odpovìdnost za škody zpùsobené naším zaøízením, dojde-li k nim v dùsledku neodborných oprav.

9. Dosah postřikovače nastavte v souladu s oblastí, v níž má přístroj působit.

Velikost zvířat

Dosah vodního paprsku

3m 6m 10m

Malá Stupeň 5 - 6 Stupeň 6 - 7

Střední Stupeň 3 - 4 Stupeň 5 - 6 Stupeň 6 - 7

Velká Stupeň 1 - 3 Stupeň 5 - 6 Stupeň 6 - 7

10. Zahradní hadici napojte na přístroj a pro správné fungování úplně otevřete vodovodní kohoutek. Do 15 m použijte zahradní hadici 13 mm (1/2“) a nad 15 m zahradní hadici 19 mm (3/4“). Důležité upozornění! Před nasazením hadice ji bezpodmínečně propláchněte, abyste odstranili části (např. nečistoty, malé kamínky, mravence atd.), nimiž by se mohlo poškodit ovládání nebo filtr. 11. Postavte se na stranu přístroje nebo za něj a nastavte citlivost na stupeň 6 nebo 7.12. Rukou pomalu pohybujte cca 1 m před detektorem pohybu, abyste aktivovali postřikovač. 13. Zkontrolujte rozsah úhlu dosahu vodního proudu a příp. jej upravte levou nebo pravou zarážkou. Postřikovač nastavte tak, aby proud vody směřoval do oblasti monitorované senzorem. 14. Dosah vodního proudu nastavte otočením knoflíku na rukojeti postřikovače. Z důvodu místního tlaku vody lze dosah vodního proudu odlišovat.15. Proud vody nastavte tak, že otočíte knoflíkem na horní straně rozprašovače. - vyšroubujte šroub = vodní proud „přímý“ - zašroubujte šroub = vodní proud „široký“.

Čištění a údržba • Pro zajištění optimálního fungování přístroje doporučujeme pravidelně čistit vlhkou utěrkou solární panel a senzorové čočky.• Oba filtry vyčistěte vždy po 50 aktivacích nebo jednou za týden v případě častého používání. K provedení čištění odšroubujte hadicovou spojku.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Produkt: Vyřazené elektrické přístroje se nemají likvidovat s domovním odpadem. Než odevzdáte starý přístroj do sběrného místa, vyjměte vložené akumulátory a zlikvidujte je odděleně od produktu! Další informace vám poskytne prodejce nebo firma pověřená likvidací odpadu.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Akumulátory: Podle nařízení o bateriích jsou koncové spotřebitelé povinni odevzdávat použité akumulátory! Použité akumulátory lze odevzdat bezplatně do sběren ve vaší obci nebo všude tam, kde se prodávají akumulátory. Likvidace přes domovní odpad je zakázána!

Page 34: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,

19 c

t Používateľské informácie o zariadení „Stop“ Systém na odpudzovanie krtov pomocou zvukov s vysokými frekvenciami, ktorý je priateľský k zvieratám.

Spôsob fungovania:

Zariadenie Stop vysiela v pravidelných intervaloch zvukové signály. Tieto signály nepríjemne pôsobia na mimoriadne citlivý sluch hlodavcov žijúcich v podzemí a spôsobujú ich presun do inej oblasti.

Skontrolujte, či sú batérie vložené správnym smerom. V závislosti od typu použitých batérií bude zariadenie fungovať až 6 mesiacov. Odporúčame používať alkalické batérie.

Hrot vtlačte úplne do zeme hneď vedľa vchodu (krtinca).Počas vlny mrazov alebo extrémne vlhkého počasia je rozumné vytiahnuť zaradenie zo zeme a vybrať batérie. Krty si na signál nezvyknú, ak z času na čas zmeníte nastavenie zariadenia.

Technické údaje:

Efektívny rozsah zariadenia: približne Ø 30 m

Frekvencia: 400 +/- 10 Hz

Vyžaduje 2 batérie s napätím 1,5 V (batérie nie sú súčasťou dodaného balenia).

Všeobecné bezpečnostné pokyny

1. Zariadenie by nemalo byť v prevádzke, ak je viditeľne poškodené.2. Elektrické zariadenia a batérie udržiavajte mimo dosahu detí.3. Pri výmene batérií dbajte na to, aby sa do tela zariadenia nedostala voda.


Na tento výrobok poskytujeme 2-ročnú záruku na preukázateľné chyby materiálu alebo výrobné chyby, ktorá začína dňom nákupu. Pri uplatňovaní záruky je nevyhnutné predložiť originálny pokladničný blok ako doklad o kúpe.Všetky problémy vyplývajúce z nesprávnej montáže alebo nesprávneho používania, nedbanlivosti, vystaveniu mrazu, pokusov o opravu vykonaných nekvalifikovanými osobami, použitia sily, chýb tretej strany, preťaženia, mechanického poškodenia alebo vniknutia cudzej veci do zariadenia nie sú kryté zárukou. Podobne nie sú kryté zárukou všetky reklamácie týkajúce sa poškodenia súčiastok a/alebo problémov spôsobených opotrebovaním zariadenia.


Prístroj z vášho pozemku účinne a šetrne odplaší volavky, vtáky, psy, mačky, zajace, divé zvieratá atď. a volavky udrží mimo dosahu rybníka. Návod na obsluhu si pozorne prečítajte a dôkladne ho uschovajte.

Napájanie3 nabíjateľné batérie AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(nie sú súčasťou dodávky)

Dosah snímania snímača PIR 10m, 110º

Dosah vodného prúdu do 10 m (nastaviteľný a závislý od tlaku vody)

Rozsah účinnosti do 95 m²

Nastavenie rozprašovača doprava/doľava a nahor/nadol

Prívod vody prípojný diel pre záhradnú hadicu 13 mm (1/2“)

Spotreba vody cca 2 - 3 šálky na jednu aktiváciu

Technické údaje


Bezpečnostné pokyny

• Prístroj sa nesmie prevádzkovať, ak vykazuje zjavné poškodenia. • Prístroj ani jeho časti nikdy neotvárajte. • Prístroj nie je vhodný na používanie osobami (vrátane detí) so zníženými fyzickými, senzorickými alebo duševnými schopnosťami alebo s nedostatkom skúse ností a znalostí, s výnimkou prípadu, ak boli pre ich bezpečnosť kontrolované zodpovednou osobou alebo dostali poučenia ohľadom používania prístroja. Deti by mali byť pod dozorom, aby sa zabezpečilo, že sa s prístrojom nebudú hrať.• Prístroj a batérie uchovávajte mimo dosahu detí.


Uvedenie do prevádzky

1. Rozprašovaciu hlavicu naskrutkujte na vrchu prístroja otáčaním v smere hodinových ručičiek. 2. Otvorte kryt batérií na spodnej strane prístroja, vložte 3 nabíjateľné batérie typu AA (nie sú súčasťou dodávky) a na záver batériový priečinok opäť zatvorte. Upozornenie: Najskôr batérie úplne nabite. Nato zapnite regulátor citlivosti do polohy 0 a solárny panel vystavte na 2 dni priamemu slnečnému žiareniu. Prípadne môžete batérie nabiť v externej nabíjačke. 4. Solárny panel namontujte na bočnú stranu tela prístroja a napájací kábel pripojte do zdierky (spodná strana tela prístroja).5. Na spodnú stranu tela prístroja naskrutkujte prípojku vodovodnej hadice. 6. Na spodnú stranu tela prístroja nasaďte do nato určeného otvoru hrot na zapichnutie do zeme. 7. Pre optimálny účinok prístroj umiestnite nasmerovaný tam, odkiaľ prichádzajú zvieratá. 8. Citlivosť a dosah snímača pohybu nastavte v súlade s oblasťou, v ktorej má prístroj pôsobiť.

Stupeň 0 (OFF)Snímač pohybu je deaktivovaný a prístroj je v pohotovostnom režime. V tomto prípade prístroj nerozpoznáva žiadny pohyb a neaktivuje prúd vody.

Stupeň 1 - 7 Gombík otočte v smere hodinových ručičiek, čím sa citlivosť v oblasti snímania zvýši.

Stupeň 8Na tomto stupni prístroj pracuje iba počas tmy (zvieratá aktívne v noci). Stupeň 8 má pri rozpoznávaní snímača pohybu rovnaký dosah ako stupeň 7. Upozornenie: Solárny panel musí byť napojený aj v prípade stupňa 8.

Page 35: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Na tento výrobek poskytujeme záruku na materiál a zpracování v délce dvou let od data nákupu. Chcete-li v rámci této záruky podat reklamaci, musíte jako potvrzení o nákupu pøiložit pùvodní fakturu. Tato záruka se nevztahuje na reklamace zpùsobené nesprávnou instalací nebo provozem, neodpovídající údržbou, úèinky mrazu, neodbornými pokusy o opravu, použití síly, nezákonnými èiny tøetí strany, pøetížení a cizími tìlesy, stejnì jako jakýmkoli poškozením souèástí v dùsledku normálního opotøebení.Na základì Zákona o odpovìdnosti za výrobky nenese naše spoleènost odpovìdnost za škody zpùsobené naším zaøízením, dojde-li k nim v dùsledku neodborných oprav.

9. Dosah rozprašovača nastavte v súlade s oblasťou, v ktorej má prístroj pôsobiť.

Veľkosť zvierat

Rozsah vodného prúdu

3m 6m 10m

Malé Stupeň 5 - 7 Stupeň 6 - 7

Stredné Stupeň 3 - 4 Stupeň 5 - 6 Stupeň 6 - 7

Veľké Stupeň 1 - 3 Stupeň 5 - 6 Stupeň 6 - 7

10. Záhradnú hadicu napojte na prístroj a na správne fungovanie naplno otvorte vodovodný kohút. Do 15 m použite záhradnú hadicu 13 mm (1/2“) a pri viac ako 15 m záhradnú hadicu 19 mm (3/4“). Dôležité! Pred nasadením hadice túto bezpodmienečne prepláchnite, aby ste odstránili časti (napr. nečistoty, malé kamienky, mravce atď.) , ktoré by mohli poškodiť ovládanie alebo filter. 11. Postavte sa nabok alebo za prístroj a citlivosť nastavte na stupeň 6 alebo ý.12. Rukou pomaly pohybujte cca 1 m pred snímačom pohybu, aby ste aktivovali rozprašovač. 13. Skontrolujte šírku uhla dosahu vodného prúdu a príp. ho upravte ľavou alebo pravou zarážkou. Rozprašovač nastavte tak, aby prúd vody smeroval do oblasti monitorovanej senzorom.14. Dosah vodného prúdu nastavte otočením gombíka na rukoväti rozprašovača. Z dôvodu miestneho tlaku vody sa môže dosah vodného prúdu odlišovať.15. Prúd vody nastavte tak, že otočíte gombíkom na hornej strane rozprašovača. - vyskrutkujte skrutku = vodný prúd „priamy“ - zaskrutkujte skrutku = vodný prúd „široký“

Údržba a starostlivosť • Na zabezpečenie optimálneho fungovania prístroja odporúčame pravidelné čistenie solárneho panela a senzorových šošoviek pomocou vlhkej handričky.• Oba filtre vyčistite vždy po 50 aktiváciách alebo v prípade častého používania raz za týždeň. Na čistenie odskrutkujte hadicovú spojku. Na čistenie odskrutkujte hadicovú spojku

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Produkt: Vyradené elektrické prístroje sa nemajú likvidovať spolu s domovým odpadom. Skôr ako odovzdáte starý prístroj na miestne zberné miesto, vyberte vložené akumulátory a zlikvidujte ich oddelene od produktu! Ďalšie informácie vám poskytne váš predajca alebo firma poverená likvidáciou odpadu.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Akumulátory: Podľa nariadenia o batériách sú koncoví spotrebitelia povinní odovzdávať spotrebované akumulátory! Použité akumulátory môžete odovz-dať bezplatne na zberných miestach vašej obce alebo všade tam, kde sa predávajú akumulátory. Likvidácia cez domový odpad je zakázaná!

Page 36: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


y Uporabniške informacije o izdelku za zaščito proti krtom »Stop« Živalim prijazen sistem za odganjanje krtov z zvokom visokih frekvenc.

Kako deluje?

Naprava Stop v rednih intervalih oddaja avdio signale. Ti motijo izredno občutljiv sluh glodalcev, ki živijo pod zemljo, in bodo povzročili, da se bodo preselili drugam.

Poskrbite, da bodo baterije pravilno vstavljene. Naprava bo – odvisno od uporabljenih baterij – delovala do šest mesecev. Priporočamo, da uporabljate alkalne baterije.

Tik ob vhodu (ob krtini) potisnite konico do konca v zemljo.Med zmrzovanjem ali pri zelo vlažnem vremenu je napravo dobro vzeti iz zemlje in odstraniti baterije. Da se krti na napravo ne bi navadili, je dobro, če jo občasno ponastavite.

Tehnični podatki:

Območje učinkovitosti: približno Ø 30 m

Frekvenca: 400 +/- 10 Hz

2 1,5-voltni bateriji (baterije niso vključene v prodajni paket)

Splošna navodila o varnosti

1. Če so na napravi vidne poškodbe, ne sme delovati.2. Električne naprave in baterije hranite na varnem pred otroki!3. Ko menjate baterije, pazite, da v ohišje ne priteče voda.


Za izdelek ponujamo 2-letno garancijo od dneva nakupa, in sicer na vidne napake na materialu in na tovarniške napake. Pri uveljavljanju garancije morate predložiti originalni račun, ki ste ga prejeli ob nakupu naprave.Garancija ne velja za težave, ki so posledica nepravilne montaže ali uporabe, zanemarjanja, izpostavljanja mrazu, nepooblaščenih posegov v napravo, uporabe sile, napake tretje stranke, preobremenjenosti, mehanskih poškodb in tujka v napravi.Garancija ne velja za pritožbe v zvezi s poškodbami delov in/ali težavami, ki so posledica obrabe.


Naprava učinkovito in nežno odganja čaplje, ptiče, pse, mačke, zajce, divjad itn. z zemljišča in ščiti ribnik pred sivo čapljo. Prosimo, da ta navodila za uporabo skrbno preberete in jih dobro shranite.

Oskrba s tokom3 polnilne baterije AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(niso v obsegu dobave)

Območje delovanja PIR senzorja 10m, 110º

Domet vodnega curka do 10 m (nastavljivo in odvisno od pritiska vode)

Območje delovanja do 95 m²

Nastavitev brizgalnika desno/levo in zgoraj/spodaj

Dovod vode priključek za vrtno cev 13mm (1/2“)

Poraba vode pribl. 2–3 skodelice na sprožitev

Tehnični podatki


Varnostna navodila

• Naprave ne smete uporabljati, če ima vidne poškodbe. • Naprave ali delov naprave nikoli ne odpirajte. • Naprave ne smejo uporabljati osebe (vključno z otroki) z omejenimi psihičnimi, senzoričnimi ali duševnimi sposobnostmi ali brez izkušenj in brez znanja, razen če jih nadzoruje oseba, odgovorna za njihovo varnost, ali če jih je takšna oseba poučila, kako se napravo uporablja. Otroke je treba nadzorovati, da bi zagotovili, da se z napravo ne igrajo.• Napravo in baterije shranite izven dosega otrok.



1. Namestite glavo brizgalnika, tako da jo na zgornjem delu naprave privijete v smeri urinega kazalca. 2. Odprite pokrov za baterije na spodnji strani naprave, vstavite 3 polnilne baterije AA (niso vsebovane v obsegu dobave) in predal za baterije zaprite. Opozorilo: Baterije najprej popolnoma napolnite. To storite tako, da regulator občutljivosti nastavite na 0 in solarno ploščo 2 izpostavite popolni sončni svetlobi. Baterije pa lahko napolnite tudi z zunanjo polnilno napravo. 4. Solarno ploščo montirajte na glavnem delu naprave in električni kabel priključite na priključni nastavek (spodnja stran glavnega dela naprave).5. Privijte priključek za vodno cev na spodnji strani glavnega dela naprave. 6. Na spodnji strani glavnega dela naprave vstavite zemeljski klin v za to predvideno odprtino. 7. Za optimalno delovanje napravo namestite v smeri, iz katere prihajajo živali. 8. Občutljivost in domet senzorja za gibanje nastavite glede na območje, v katerem naj naprava deluje.

Stopnja 0 (OFF – IZKLOP)senzor za gibanje je izklopljen, naprava pa je v načinu pripravljenosti. V tem primeru naprava ne zaznava gibanja in ne bo vklopila vodnega curka.

Stopnja 1–7 Gumb obrnite v smeri urinega kazalca, s čimer postopno povečate občutljivost na območju za razpoznavo.

Stopnja 8na tej stopnji naprava deluje le v temi (živali, ki so aktivne ponoči). Stopnja 8 ima isti domet pri zaznavi senzorja za gibanje kot stopnja 7. Opozorilo: Solarna plošča mora biti priklopljena tudi pri stopnji 8.

Page 37: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Za izdelek dajemo 36-mesečno garancijo, ki velja od dneva nakupa. Garancija pokriva okvare in napake v materialu ali izdelavi tega izdelka. Če želite uveljavljati zahtevek iz naslova garancija, potem morate priložiti izvirnik računa, kot dokazilo o nakupu. Okvare nastale zaradi nepravilne vgradnje ali uporabe, neprimerne-ga vzdrževanja, vpliva zmrzali, nestrokovnih poskusov popravil, uporabe sile, neustreznih posegov s strani tretjih oseb, preobremenitev in tujkov, kakor tudi vse okvare zaradi normalne uporabe in obrabe, so iz garancije izvzete. Upoštevaje predpise o odgovornosti za izdelek, proizvajalec ni odgovoren za poškodbe, ki jih povzroči naša naprava, kot posledica nestrokovnih popravil.

9. Nastavite domet brizgalnika glede na območje, v katerem naj naprava deluje.

Velikost živali

Domet vodnega curka

3m 6m 10m

Majhne Stopnja 5-6 Stopnja 6-7

Srednje Stopnja 3-4 Stopnja 5-6 Stopnja 6-7

Velike Stopnja 1-3 Stopnja 5-6 Stopnja 6-7

10. Na napravo priključite vrtno cev in za pravilno delovanje popolnoma odprite pipo. Do 15 m uporabite vrtno cev 13 mm (1/2“), od 15 m naprej pa vrtno cev 19 mm (3/4“). Pomembno! Preden pritrdite cev, skoznjo obvezno spustite vodo, da iz nje odstranite delce (npr. umazanijo, kamenčke, mravlje ipd.), ki bi lahko poškodo vali krmiljenje filtra. 11. Postavite se za ali ob napravo in nastavite občutljivost na stopnjo 6 ali 7.12. Počasi premikajte roko pribl. 1 m pred senzorjem za gibanje, da vklopite brizgalnik. 13. Preverite kotno območje vodnega curka in ga popravite z levim in desnim omejevalom, če je to potrebno. Brizgalnik nastavite tako, da je vodni curek usmerjen v smeri območja, ki ga nadzoruje senzor.14. Nastavite domet vodnega curka z vrtenjem gumba na držalu brizgalnika. Domet se lahko spreminja zaradi lokalnega pritiska vode.15. Nastavite vodni curek, tako da vrtite gumb na zgornji strani brizgalnika. - odvijanje vijaka = „neposredni“ vodni curek - privijanje vijaka = „širok“ vodni curek

Vzdrževanje in nega • Za optimalno delovanje naprave priporočamo redno čiščenje solarne plošče in leč senzorja z vlažno krpo.• Oba filtra očistite po vsakih 50 sprožitvah ali tedensko v primeru pogostejše uporabe. Za čiščenje odvijte cevni spoj.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Izdelek: OEEO se ne sme odlagati skupaj z gospodinjskimi odpadki. Preden prinesete staro enoto vašem lokalnem zbirnem mestu, odstranite vstavl-jene baterije in razpolaganja z njimi, ločeno od izdelka! Dodatne informacije so na voljo pri vašem prodajalcu ali odstranjevanja odpadkov družbi

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Baterije: Po uporabnika predpis baterija je po zakonu dolžan vrniti Izrabljene baterije! Vaši uporabljene baterije lahko brezplačno na zbirnih mestih v vaši skupnosti, ali kjerkoli drugje, kjer se prodajajo baterije. Odlaganje med gospodinjske odpadke je prepovedana!

Page 38: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,

21 c

u „Stop” használati útmutató Állatbarát rendszer, amely magas frekvenciájú hangjelzésekkel riasztja el a vakondokat.

Hogyan működik?

A Stop (vakondriasztó) szabályos időközönként hangjelzéseket bocsát ki, mely zavarja a különösen érzékeny hallással rendelkező földalatti rágcsálókat, és arra készteti őket, hogy elkerüljék a területet.

Győződjünk meg arról, hogy az akkumulátorokat megfelelően helyeztük be. A használt akkumulátorok típusától függően a készülék akár 6 hónapig is működhet. Javasolt a szárazakkumulátorok használata.

A cöveket nyomjuk le teljesen a földbe, közvetlenül a bejárat (vakondtúrás) mellé.Kemény fagyok vagy különösen nedves időjárás esetén javasolt a készülék eltávolítása a talajból, valamint az akkumulátorok eltávolítása. Annak érdekében, hogy megelőzzük, hogy a vakondok hozzászokjanak a hanghoz, hasznos lehet a hangjelzés időnkénti szüneteltetése.

Műszaki adatok:

A készülék hatósugara: kb. Ø 30 m

Frekvencia: 400 +/- 10 Hz

2 x 1,5V akkumulátor szükséges (az akkumulátorokat a termékcsomag nem tartalmazza)

Általános biztonsági utasítások

1. A készülék nem használható, ha látható sérülések vannak rajta.2. Az elektromos készülékeket és akkumulátorokat tartsuk a gyermekek számára elérhetetlen helyen.3. Az akkumulátor cseréje során gondoskodjunk arról, hogy víz ne kerüljön a burkolatba.


A vásárlás napjától számítva két év garanciát vállalunk a készülék bizonyítható anyag vagy gyártási hibáira. A jótállás csak a vásárlást bizonyító eredeti bizonylat felmutatásával érvényes. A nem megfelelő összeszerelésből vagy használatból, hanyagságból, fagykárból, nem szakképzett személy általi javítási kísérletből, erő alkalmazásából, harmadik fél hibájából, túlterhelésből, mechanikai károsodásból vagy a készülékbe kerülő idegen tárgy okozta károsodásból eredő problémákra nem terjed ki a jótállás. Az alkatrészek normál kopása és elhasználódása okozta problémákra sem terjed ki a jótállás.

ÁLLATRIASZTÓ kezelési útmutató

A készülék hatékonyan és kímélően űzi el a darvakat, madarakat, kutyákat, macskákat, nyulakat, vadállatokat stb. a telkéről és távol tartja a halászdarvakat a tavától. Kérjük, olvassa át jelen kezelési útmutatót figyelmesen és őrizze meg jól.

Áramellátás3 feltölthető elem, AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(a csomagolás nem tartalmazza)

A PIR szenzor érzékelési területe 10m, 110º

A vízsugár hatótávolsága 10 m-ig (beállítható és a víznyomás függvénye)

Hatóterület 95 m²-ig

Fecskendő beállítás jobb/bal és fent/lent

Vízellátás Csatlakozóelem a kerti tömlőhöz, 13 mm (1/2")

Vízfogyasztás kb. 2-3 csésze aktiválásonként

Műszaki adatok


Biztonsági tudnivalók

• A készülék nem üzemeltethető, ha azon károk láthatóak. • Soha ne nyissa fel a készüléket vagy annak részeit • A készülék nem alkalmas olyan személyek általi használatra (ide értve a gyermekeket is), akik korlátozott fizikai, szenzoros vagy szellemi képességekkel ren delkeznek vagy nem rendelkeznek megfelelő ismeretekkel és tapasztalatokkal, kivéve, ha egy a biztonságért felelős személy felügyeli őket, akitől utasításokat kapnak a készülék használatára vonatkozóan. A gyermekeket felügyelni kell és biztosítani kell, hogy nem játszanak a készülékkel.• A készüléket és elemeket gyermekektől elzárva tárolják.


Üzembe helyezés

1. Csavarozzák a fecskendőt az óramutató járásával megegyező irányba azt a készülék tetejére. 2. Nyissák fel az elemborítást a készülék alján. Helyezzék be a 3 újratölthető AA elemet (a csomagolás nem tartalmazza), majd zárják vissza az elemtartót. Felhívás: Az elemeket először teljesen töltsék fel. Ehhez állítsák az érzékenységi szabályozót 0 értékre, a napelemes panelt pedig tegyék ki 2 napon át a napra. Alternatív módon az elemek külső töltőkészülékben is feltölthetők. 4. Szereljék fel a napelemes panelt a fő test oldalára és csatlakoztassák az áramellátó kábelt a csatlakozóperselybe (a fő test alsó részén).5. Csavarozzák a víztömlő csatlakozását a fő test alsó részére. 6. Csatlakoztassák a földelőrudat a fő test alsó részén a számára kialakított nyílásba. 7. Az optimális hatás érdekében helyezzék a készüléket abba az irányba, melyből az állatok jönnek. 8. Állítsák be a mozgásjelző érzékenységét és hatótávolságát azon területre vonatkozóan, melyre a készüléknek hatnia kell.

Fokozat 0 (OFF)A mozgásérzékelő deaktivált és a készülék stand-by üzemmódban van. Ebben az esetben a készülék nem ismer fel mozgásokat, és a vízsugár nem aktiválható.

1-7. fokozat Forgassa a gombot az óramutató járásával megegyező irányba. Ezzel az érzékenység növelhető az érzékelési területen.

8. fokozatEzen a fokozaton a készülék csak sötétben dolgozik (éjjel aktív állatok). A 8. fokozat ugyanazzal a hatótávolsággal rendelkezik a mozgásérzékelő felismerései során, mint a 7. fokozat. Felhívás: A napelemes panelt a 8. fokozatban is csatlakoztatni kell.

Page 39: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Erre a termékre egy, a vásárlási dátumtól érvényes, 2 éves garanciát nyújtunk Önnek, bizonyítható anyag- és gyártási hiba felmutatása esetén. A garancia igénybevételéhez vásárlási bizonyítékként be kell mutatni az eredeti vásárlási bizonylatot. Nem esik garancia alá semmiféle olyan reklamáció, amelynek oka szerelési- és/vagy kezelési hibára, hiányos ápolásra, fagyhatásra, szakszerűtlen javítási kísérletekre, erőszak alkalmazására, idegen hibára, túlterhelésre, mecha-nikus rongálásokra vagy idegen testek behatásaira vezethető vissza. Hasonlóképpen ki van zárva a garanciából valamennyi olyan részkárra és/vagy problémára vonatkozó reklamáció, melyeknek okai kopásra vezethetők vissza.

9. Állítsák be a fecskendő hatótávolságát azon területre vonatkozóan, melyben a készüléknek hatnia kell.

Állat mérete

A vízsugár hatótávolsága

3m 6m 10m

Kicsi 5-6. fokozat 6-7. fokozat

Közepes 3-4. fokozat 5-6. fokozat 6-7. fokozat

Nagy 1-3. fokozat 5-6. fokozat 6-7. fokozat

10. Csatlakoztassa a kerti slagot a készülékre és nyissa ki teljesen a csapot a korrekt működés biztosítása érdekében. Használjon 15 m-ig 13 mm-es kert slagot (1/2“), 15 m felett pedig 19 mm-es kerti slagot (3/4“). Fontos! Mielőtt a slagot rögzítené, mindenképpen öblítse át azt az idegen testek (pl. szennyeződések, kis kövek, hangyák stb.) eltávolítása érdekében, melyek a vezérlőt vagy a szűrőt károsíthatnák. 11. Álljon a készülék mögé vagy amellé és állítsa be az érzékenységi fokozatot 6 vagy 7 értékre.12. Mozgassa a kezét lassan, kb. 1 m-re a mozgásérzékelő előtt, a fecskendő aktiválásához. 13. Ellenőrizzék a vízsugár szögét és adott esetben korrigálják azt a bal és jobb leállítóval. A fecskendőt úgy állítsák be, hogy a vízsugár a szenzor által érzékelt terület irányába haladjon.14. A vízsugár hatótávolságát a fecskendőn lévő gomb elforgatásával állítsák be. A helyi víznyomás okán a vízsugár hatótávolsága változó lehet.15. A vízsugarat a fecskendő felső részén lévő gomb forgatásával állíthatja be. - A csavar kiforgatása = „közvetlen“ vízsugár - A csavar beforgatása = „széles“ vízsugár

Karbantartás és ápolás • A készülék optimális működésének biztosítása érdekében javasoljuk a napelemes panel és a szenzorlencsék rendszeres tisztítását egy nedves törlőkendővel.• A két szűrőt 50-50 aktiválás után vagy gyakori használat esetén hetente tisztítsák. A tisztításhoz csavarozzák le a tömlőcsatlakozást.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Termék: WEEE nem szabad a háztartási hulladékkal együtt. Mielőtt hozza a régi gépet a helyi hulladékgyűjtő helyen, vegye ki az elemeket, és dobja őket elválasztani a terméket! További információ kapható a szaküzletekben vagy hulladékkezelő cég

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Elemek: Szerint akkumulátor szabályozás felhasználó törvényes kötelessége, hogy visszatérjen a használt elemeket! A használt elemeket lehet ingyenesen begyűjtőhelyekről a közösség, vagy bárhol, ahol elemeket értékesítik. Ártalmatlanítást a háztartási hulladékkal együtt tilos!

Page 40: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


p Informacija vartotojams apie „Stop“ Gyvūnams nekenkianti sistema, atbaidanti kurmius aukštadažniais garso signalais.

Kaip veikia įrenginys

“Stop” skleidžia garso signalus reguliariu intervalu. Šie signalai veikia ypatingai jautrią graužikų, gyvenančių po žeme, klausą ir priverčia juos persikelti į kitą teritoriją.

Pasirūpinkite, kad baterijos būtų tinkamai įdėtos. Pagal naudojamos baterijos rūšį įrenginys gali veikti iki šešių mėnesių. Rekomenduojama naudoti šarmines baterijas.

Smaigtį iki galo įsmeikite į žemę greta kurmiarausio.Užėjus šalnoms ar esant ypač drėgnam orui patartina ištraukti įrenginį iš žemės ir išimti baterijas. Kad kurmiai nepriprastų prie signalo, patartina retkarčiais įrenginį perjungti.

Techniniai duomenys

Efektyvumo zona: maždaug Ø 30 m

Dažnis: 400 +/- 10 Hz

Naudojamos dvi 1,5 V baterijos (įrenginys parduodamas be jų).

Bendrosios saugos taisyklės

1. Pastebėjus įrenginio pažeidimų juo naudotis draudžiama.2. Elektros įtaisus ir baterijas saugokite nuo vaikų.3. Keisdami baterijas pasirūpinkite, kad į korpuso vidų nepatektų vandens.


Šiam gaminiui nuo jo įsigijimo datos teikiama 2 metų garantija nuo įrodomų medžiagų ar gamybos defektų. Garantija taikoma tik pateikus originalų pirkimo kvitą.Garantija netaikoma, jei įrenginys sugadintas jį netinkamai surinkus ar naudojant, dėl aplaidumo, šalčio poveikio ar neįgaliotų asmenų bandymo jį remontuoti, jėgos naudojimo, trečiosios šalies kaltės, perkrovos, mechaninio pažeidimo ar į įrenginio vidų patekusių pašalinių daiktų.Garantija taip pat netaikoma, jei įrenginio dalių pažeidimų ar problemų priežastis yra nusidėvėjimas.

GYVŪNŲ ATBAIDYMO PRIETAISO naudojimo instrukcija

Prietaisas efektyviai atbaido garnius, paukščius, šunis, kates, kiškius, laukinius gyvūnus ir pan. nuo sklypo ir tvenkinio. Prašome atidžiai perskaityti naudojimo instrukciją ir ją išsaugoti tolesniam naudojimui.

Elektros tiekimas3 įkraunamos baterijos AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(nėra komplektacijoje)

PIR jutiklio veikimo diapazonas 10 m, 110º

Vandens srovės nuotolis iki 10 m (reguliuojamas ir priklausomas nuo srovės slėgio)

Veikimo sritis iki 95 m²

Purkštuvo nustatymas dešinė / kairė ir viršus / apačia

Vandens tiekimas Jungtis sodo vandens žarnai 13 mm (1/2 col.)

Vandens sąnaudos maždaug 2–3 puodeliai kaskart suveikus

Techniniai duomenys


Saugumo nurodymai

• Draudžiama naudotis prietaisu, jei jis yra akivaizdžiai pažeistas. • Niekada neardykite prietaiso arba jo dalių.• Prietaisas neskirtas naudoti asmenims (įskaitant vaikus), turintiems ribotų fizinių, jutimo arba protinių sugebėjimų, neturintiems tinkamų žinių arba įgūdžių, nebent juos prižiūri atsakingi asmenys arba jie yra apmokyti naudotis prietaisu. Būtina prižiūrėti vaikus, kad jie nežaistų su prietaisu. • Laikykite prietaisą ir baterijas vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.



1. Laikrodžio rodyklės kryptimi prisukite purkštuvo galvutę prietaiso viršuje. 2. Atidarykite baterijų skyriaus dangtelį prietaiso apatinėje dalyje, įstatykite 3 įkraunamas AA baterijas (jų nėra komplektacijoje) ir uždarykite baterijų skyriaus dangtelį. Nuoroda: pirmiausia pilnai įkraukite baterijas. Jutiklio valdiklį nustatykite ties 0 ir palaikykite saulės baterijų skydelį 2 dienas saulės šviesoje. Baterijas įkrauti galite ir atskiru įkrovimo prietaisu. 4. Sumontuokite saulės baterijų skydelį pagrindinio korpuso šone ir įjunkite maitinimo laidą į lizdą (pagrindinio korpuso apatinė dalis).5. Prisukite vandens žarną prie pagrindinio korpuso apatinės dalies. 6. Įkiškite pagrindinio korpuso apatinės dalies smaigalį į žemę. 7. Optimaliam veikimui užtikrinti, nukreipkite prietaisą kryptimi, iš kurios pasirodo gyvūnai. 8. Nustatykite jautrumą ir jutiklių veikimo nuotolį, atsižvelgdami į zoną, kurioje veiks prietaisas.

0 lygis (Išj.)Jutiklis yra išjungtas ir prietaisas yra parengties režime. Tokiu atveju prietaisas neaptinka judesių ir nesuveikia vandens srovė.

1–7 lygis Pasukite rankenėlę laikrodžio rodyklės kryptimi, kad padidintumėte jautrumą aptikimo zonoje.

8 lygisŠiame lygyje prietaisas veikia tik sutemus (naktiniai gyvūnai). 8 lygyje aptikimo nuotolis yra toks pats kaip ir 7 lygyje. Nuoroda: saulės baterijų skydelis turi būti prijungtas ir 8 lygyje.

Page 41: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Šī izstrādājuma materiāliem un ražošanas defektiem ir noteikta 2 gadu garantija no izstrādājuma pirkšanas dienas. Lai iesniegtu prasību uz šīs garantijas pama-ta, jāpievieno oriģinālais rēķins, kas ir pirkuma fakta pierādījums. Šī garantija neattiecas uz pretenzijām sakarā ar nepareizu uzstādīšanu vai darbību, neadekvātu tehnisko apkopi, sala iedarbību, nespeciālistu veiktiem remontdarbiem, spēka lietošanu, trešās puses prettiesisku rīcību, pārlādēšanu un svešķermeņiem, kā arī visiem detaļu bojājumiem nodiluma vai nolietojuma dēļ.Saskaņā ar izstrādājuma saistību aktu mēs neuzņemamies atbildību par mūsu aprīkojuma izraisītu bojājumu, ja tas ir radies nespeciālista veiktu remontdarbu rezultātā.

9. Nustatykite purkštuvo nuotolį, priklausomai nuo vietos, kurioje veiks prietaisas.

Gyvūno dydis

Vandens srovės nuotolis

3m 6m 10m

Maži 5–6 lygis 6–7 lygis

Vidutiniai 3–4 lygis 5–6 lygis 6–7 lygis

Dideli 1–3 lygis 5–6 lygis 6–7 lygis

10. Prijunkite sodo vandens žarną prie prietaiso ir visiškai atsukite vandens čiaupą, kad prietaisas veiktų tinkamai. Iki 15 m naudokite 13 mm (1/2 col.) sodo vandens žarną, nuo 15 m – 19 mm (3/4 col.) sodo vandens žarną. Svarbu! Prieš pritvirtindami žarną, būtinai ją praskalaukite, kad būtų pašalintas, pvz., purvas, maži akmenukai, skruzdės ir t. t., galintys pakenkti valdymui arba filtrui.11. Atsistokite už arba šalia prietaiso ir nustatykite jautrumą ties 6 arba 7 lygiu.12. Ties jutikliais maždaug 1 m atstumu pajudinkite ranką tam, kad būtų aktyvintas purkštuvas. 13. Patikrinkite vandens srovės kampą ir pakoreguokite jį kairiuoju arba dešiniuoju stabdikliu. Purkštuvą nustatykite taip, kad vandens srovė būtų nukreipta į jutiklio stebimą zoną.14. Nustatykite vandens srovės nuotolį pasukdami reguliatorių ant purkštuvo rankenos. Vandens srovės nuotolis gali skirtis priklausomai nuo vietinio vandens slėgio.15. Nustatykite vandens srovę, pasukdami reguliatorių ant viršutinės purkštuvo dalies. - Varžto išsukimas = „tiesi“ vandens srovė. - Varžto įsukimas = „plati“ vandens srovė.

Techninė apžiūra ir priežiūra • Siekiant užtikrinti optimalias prietaiso funkcijas, rekomenduojame reguliariai valyti saulės baterijų skydelį ir jutiklių lęšius drėgna šluoste.• švalykite abu filtrus po maždaug 50 panaudojimų arba kas savaitę, jei naudojate dažnai. Prieš valydami išsukite žarnos jungtį.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Produktas: pasenusių elektros prietaisų negalima išmesti kartu su buitinėmis atliekomis. Prieš atnešdami pasenusį prietaisą į vietos surinkimo punktą, išimkite akumuliatorių ir utilizuokite jį atskirai! Daugiau informacijos gausite iš pardavėjo arba utilizuojančios įmonės.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Akumuliatoriai: Remiantis baterijų tvarkymo potvarkiu, galutinis vartotojas įstatymiškai įpareigojamas grąžinti panaudotą akumuliatorių! Sunaudotus akumuliatorius galite nemokamai priduoti į savo bendruomenės surinkimo punktą arba bet kurioje kitoje vietoje, kur parduodami akumuli-atoriai. Išmesti kartu su buitinėmis atliekomis draudžiama!

Page 42: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Prietaisas efektyviai atbaido garnius, paukščius, šunis, kates, kiškius, laukinius gyvūnus ir pan. nuo sklypo ir tvenkinio. Prašome atidžiai perskaityti naudojimo instrukciją ir ją išsaugoti tolesniam naudojimui.

Elektros tiekimas3 įkraunamos baterijos AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(nėra komplektacijoje)

PIR jutiklio veikimo diapazonas 10 m, 110º

Vandens srovės nuotolis iki 10 m (reguliuojamas ir priklausomas nuo srovės slėgio)

Veikimo sritis iki 95 m²

Purkštuvo nustatymas dešinė / kairė ir viršus / apačia

Vandens tiekimas Jungtis sodo vandens žarnai 13 mm (1/2 col.)

Vandens sąnaudos maždaug 2–3 puodeliai kaskart suveikus

Techniniai duomenys


Saugumo nurodymai

• Draudžiama naudotis prietaisu, jei jis yra akivaizdžiai pažeistas. • Niekada neardykite prietaiso arba jo dalių.• Prietaisas neskirtas naudoti asmenims (įskaitant vaikus), turintiems ribotų fizinių, jutimo arba protinių sugebėjimų, neturintiems tinkamų žinių arba įgūdžių, nebent juos prižiūri atsakingi asmenys arba jie yra apmokyti naudotis prietaisu. Būtina prižiūrėti vaikus, kad jie nežaistų su prietaisu. • Laikykite prietaisą ir baterijas vaikams nepasiekiamoje vietoje.



1. Laikrodžio rodyklės kryptimi prisukite purkštuvo galvutę prietaiso viršuje. 2. Atidarykite baterijų skyriaus dangtelį prietaiso apatinėje dalyje, įstatykite 3 įkraunamas AA baterijas (jų nėra komplektacijoje) ir uždarykite baterijų skyriaus dangtelį. Nuoroda: pirmiausia pilnai įkraukite baterijas. Jutiklio valdiklį nustatykite ties 0 ir palaikykite saulės baterijų skydelį 2 dienas saulės šviesoje. Baterijas įkrauti galite ir atskiru įkrovimo prietaisu. 4. Sumontuokite saulės baterijų skydelį pagrindinio korpuso šone ir įjunkite maitinimo laidą į lizdą (pagrindinio korpuso apatinė dalis).5. Prisukite vandens žarną prie pagrindinio korpuso apatinės dalies. 6. Įkiškite pagrindinio korpuso apatinės dalies smaigalį į žemę. 7. Optimaliam veikimui užtikrinti, nukreipkite prietaisą kryptimi, iš kurios pasirodo gyvūnai. 8. Nustatykite jautrumą ir jutiklių veikimo nuotolį, atsižvelgdami į zoną, kurioje veiks prietaisas.

0 lygis (Išj.)Jutiklis yra išjungtas ir prietaisas yra parengties režime. Tokiu atveju prietaisas neaptinka judesių ir nesuveikia vandens srovė.

1–7 lygis Pasukite rankenėlę laikrodžio rodyklės kryptimi, kad padidintumėte jautrumą aptikimo zonoje.

8 lygisŠiame lygyje prietaisas veikia tik sutemus (naktiniai gyvūnai). 8 lygyje aptikimo nuotolis yra toks pats kaip ir 7 lygyje. Nuoroda: saulės baterijų skydelis turi būti prijungtas ir 8 lygyje.

Page 43: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Гаранционни разпоредбиЗа този продукт даваме гаранция от 2 години срещу материални производствени повреди, която важи от датата на закупуване. За да се използва гаранцията, като, удостоверение за покупката трябва да cе представи оригиналната касова бележка. Гаранцията не покрива счупването на стъклото на лампата и кварцовото стъкло и всички възражения, дължащи се на неправилен монтаж и обслужване, заледяване, неправилни опити за ремонт, претоварване, приложение на сила, чужда вина, недостатъчна оддръжка, механични повреди или въздействие на чужди тела.

9. Nustatykite purkštuvo nuotolį, priklausomai nuo vietos, kurioje veiks prietaisas.

Gyvūno dydis

Vandens srovės nuotolis

3m 6m 10m

Maži 5–6 lygis 6–7 lygis

Vidutiniai 3–4 lygis 5–6 lygis 6–7 lygis

Dideli 1–3 lygis 5–6 lygis 6–7 lygis

10. Prijunkite sodo vandens žarną prie prietaiso ir visiškai atsukite vandens čiaupą, kad prietaisas veiktų tinkamai. Iki 15 m naudokite 13 mm (1/2 col.) sodo vandens žarną, nuo 15 m – 19 mm (3/4 col.) sodo vandens žarną. Svarbu! Prieš pritvirtindami žarną, būtinai ją praskalaukite, kad būtų pašalintas, pvz., purvas, maži akmenukai, skruzdės ir t. t., galintys pakenkti valdymui arba filtrui.11. Atsistokite už arba šalia prietaiso ir nustatykite jautrumą ties 6 arba 7 lygiu.12. Ties jutikliais maždaug 1 m atstumu pajudinkite ranką tam, kad būtų aktyvintas purkštuvas. 13. Patikrinkite vandens srovės kampą ir pakoreguokite jį kairiuoju arba dešiniuoju stabdikliu. Purkštuvą nustatykite taip, kad vandens srovė būtų nukreipta į jutiklio stebimą zoną.14. Nustatykite vandens srovės nuotolį pasukdami reguliatorių ant purkštuvo rankenos. Vandens srovės nuotolis gali skirtis priklausomai nuo vietinio vandens slėgio.15. Nustatykite vandens srovę, pasukdami reguliatorių ant viršutinės purkštuvo dalies. - Varžto išsukimas = „tiesi“ vandens srovė. - Varžto įsukimas = „plati“ vandens srovė.

Techninė apžiūra ir priežiūra • Siekiant užtikrinti optimalias prietaiso funkcijas, rekomenduojame reguliariai valyti saulės baterijų skydelį ir jutiklių lęšius drėgna šluoste.• švalykite abu filtrus po maždaug 50 panaudojimų arba kas savaitę, jei naudojate dažnai. Prieš valydami išsukite žarnos jungtį.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Продукт:: Излязлото от употреба електрическо и електронно оборудване не трябва да се изхвърля с битовите отпадъци. Преди да занесете излезлия от употреба уред на Вашия пункт за събиране на вторични суровини на място, извадете поставените батерии и ги изхвърлете отделно от продукта! Допълнителна информация ще получите от Вашия търговец или от фирмата за изхвърляне на отпадъци

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Батерии: Съгласно Наредбата за батериите крайните потребители са длъжни по закон да връщат изхабените батерии! Можете да предадете Вашите изхабени батерии безплатно на сборните пунктове на Вашата община или навсякъде, където се продават батерии. Забранено е изхвърлянето с битовите отпадъци!

Page 44: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,

RO Instrucțiuni de utilizare APARAT DE ALUNGARE A ANIMALELOR

Aparatul alungă de pe proprietate stârci, păsări, câini, pisici, iepuri, animale sălbatice etc. în mod eficient și blând și ține departe stârcii cenușii de iaz. Vă rugăm să citiți cu atenție instrucțiunile de utilizare și să le respectați întocmai.

Alimentarea cu energie electrică3 baterii încărcabile AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(nu sunt incluse în setul de livrare)

Raza de detecție a senzorului PIR 10 m, 110º

Raza de acțiune a jetului de apă până la 10 m (setabilă și dependentă de presiunea apei)

Zona de acțiune până 95 m²

Setarea sprinklerului dreapta/stânga și sus/jos

Alimentare cu apă Conector pentru furtunul de grădină 13 mm (1/2“)

Consum de apă cca. 2-3 cești pentru fiecare activare

Date tehnice


Indicații de siguranță

• paratul nu se va utiliza dacă prezintă daune vizibile. • Nu desfaceți niciodată aparatul sau părți din acesta• Aparatul nu trebuie utilizat de persoane (inclusiv de copii) cu abilități fizice, senzoriale sau mentale reduse sau de către persoanele care nu dețin experiența și cunoștințele necesare pentru aceasta, cu excepția cazului în care acestea au fost supravegheate de o persoană răspunzătoare de siguranța lor sau au primit indicații în legătură cu utilizarea aparatului. Copii trebuie să fie supravegheați pentru a vă asigura că aceștia nu se joacă cu aparatul.• Nu păstrați aparatul și bateriile într-un loc accesibil copiilor.


Punerea în funcțiune

1. Înșurubați capul sprinklerului prin rotire în sensul acelor de ceasornic în partea sus a aparatului.2. Deschideți capacul compartimentului pentru baterii din partea de jos a aparatului, introduceți 3 baterii tip AA încărcabile (care nu sunt incluse în setul de livrare) și închideți la loc apoi compartimentul pentru baterii. Indicație: încărcați mai întâi complet bateriile. Pentru aceasta, setați regulatorul de sensibilitate pe 0 și expuneți panoul solar timp de 2 zile la lumina directă a soarelui. Alternativ, puteți încărca bateriile într-un încărcător extern.4. Montați panoul solar pe partea laterală a corpului principal și conectați cablul de curent la priză (partea inferioară a corpului principal).5. Înșurubați strâns conectorul furtunului de apă la partea inferioară a corpului principal. 6. Introduceți țărușul la partea inferioară a corpului principal în orificiul prevăzut special pentru acest scop. 7. Pentru un efect optim, plasați aparatul îndreptat în direcția din care vin animalele. 8. Setați sensibilitatea și raza de acțiune a detectorului de mișcare în funcție de zona în care trebuie să acționeze aparatul.

Nivel 0 (ÎNCHIS)detectorul de mișcare este dezactivat și aparatul este în modul stand-by. În acest caz, aparatul nu detectează nicio mișcare și jetul de apă nu se va activa.

1–7 lygis Rotiți butonul în sensul acelor de ceasornic, sensibilitatea crește astfel tot mai mult în zona de detectare.

8 lygisLa acest nivel, aparatul funcționează numai pe întuneric (animale nocturne). Nivelul 8 are aceeași rază de acțiune la recunoașterea detectorului de mișcare ca și nivelul 7. Indicație: panoul solar trebuie conectat și la nivelul 8.

Page 45: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Dispoziţii garanţialePentru acest produs acordăm garanţie de 2 ani în cazul defecţiunilor materialului şi din fabricaţie, care este valabilă de la data achiziţionării. Pentru exercitarea garanţiei se va prezenta drept dovadă a cumpărării chitanţa originală de cumpărare. Nu cad sub incidenţa garanţiei spargerea sticlei lămpii şi sticlei de cuarţ, precum nici reclamaţiile bazate pe greşeli de montare-exploatare, efect de îngheţ, încercări neprofesionale de reparare, suprasolicitare, utilizare forţată, vină străină, întreţinere lipsă, deteriorări mecanice sau efectul unor corpuri străine.

9. Setați raza de acțiune a sprinklerului în funcție de zona în care trebuie să funcționeze aparatul.

Mărimea animalelor

Raza de acțiune a jetului de apă

3m 6m 10m

Mică Nivel 5-6 Nivel 6-7

Mijlocie Nivel 3-4 Nivel 5-6 Nivel 6-7

Mare Nivel 1-3 Nivel 5-6 Nivel 6-7

10. Legați furtunul de grădină la aparat și rotiți robinetul de apă complet deschis pentru un mod de lucru corect. Utilizați până la 15 m un furtun de grădină de 13 mm (1/2“) și de la 15 m în sus un furtun de grădină de 19 mm (3/4“). Important! Înainte de a fixa furtunul, clătiți-l neapărat pentru a îndepărta diverse materii (de ex. murdărie, pietricele, furnici etc.), care ar putea dăuna funcționării sau filtrului. 11. Așezați-vă în partea din spate sau laterală a aparatului și setați sensibilitatea la nivelul 6 sau 7.12. Mișcați mâna încet la cca. 1 m în fața detectorului de mișcare pentru a activa sprinklerul. 13. Verificați aria unghiulară a jetului de apă și corectați-o eventual cu ajutorul opritorului din dreapta și din stânga. Setați sprinklerul în așa fel încât jetul se apă să fie îndreptat în direcția zonei supravegheate de senzor.14. Setați raza de acțiune a jetului de apă prin rotirea butonului de pe mânerul sprinklerului. În funcție de presiunea locală a apei, raza de acțiune a jetului de apă poate varia.15. Setați jetul de apă rotind butonul de pe partea superioară a sprinklerului. - deșurubare șurub = jet de apă „direct“ - înșurubare șurub = jet de apă „larg“

Întreținerea și îngrijirea • Pentru a garanta o funcționare optimă a aparatului, vă recomandăm o curățare regulată a panoului solar și a lentilelor senzorului cu o lavetă umedă.• Curățați ambele filtre după fiecare 50 de activări sau săptămânal în cazul unei utilizări frecvente. Pentru curățare, deșurubați legătura furtunului.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Produs: Aparatele electrice uzate nu pot fi eliminate ca deşeuri la gunoiul menajer. Înainte de a preda aparatul uzat la punctul de colectare local, scoateţi acumulatoarele din acesta şi eliminaţi-le la deşeuri, separat de produs! Informaţii suplimentare obţineţi de la dealerul dvs. sau de la firma de salubrizare

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Acumulatoare: Conform ordonanţei privind bateriile, consumatorii finali sunt obligaţi prin lege să returneze acumulatoarele uzate! Puteţi preda gratuit acumulatoarele uzate la punctele de colectare din localitatea dvs. sauîn orice loc în care se comercializează acumulatoare. Este interzisă eliminarea acestora ca deşeuri în gunoiul menajer!

Page 46: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,

25 c

[ “Önleyici” kullanıcı bilgisi Köstebekleri uzaklaştırmak için akustik frekanslar kullanan, hayvanlara zarar vermeyen bir sistemdir

Nasıl çalışır:

Köstebek Kaçıran düzenli aralıklarla ses sinyalleri yayar. Bu sinyaller, toprak altında yaşayan kemirgenlerin aşırı hassas olan duyularını rahatsız ederek, bu kemirgenlerin farklı bir bölge kaçmasını sağlar.

Pillerin doğru yerleştirildiğinden emin olun. Kullanılan pilin türüne göre cihaz maksimum 6 aya kadar çalışabilecektir. Alkali piller kullanmanızı tavsiye ederiz.

Sivri ucu toprağa, köstebek yuvası girişinin hemen yanına tam olarak sokunuz.Cihazın don zamanlarında ve aşırı yağmurlu havalarda topraktan çıkartılması, pillerinin alınması tedbir açısından akıllıca bir davranıştır. Köstebeklerin sinyallere alışmasının önüne geçmek için cihazı zaman zaman yeniden kurmak gerekir.

Teknik veriler:

Cihazın etkin olduğu aralık: yaklaşık Ø 30 m

Frekans: 400 +/- 10 Hz

2 x 1,5V piller gereklidir (piller teslimat paketinde mevcut değildir)

Genel güvenlik talimatları

1. Eğer gözle görünen bir hasarı varsa cihaz çalıştırılmamalıdır.2. Elektronik cihazları ve pilleri çocukların ulaşamayacağı yerlerde tutun.3. Pilleri değiştirirken mahfazaya su girmemesini sağlayın.


Bu ürün ile ilgili olarak kanıtlanabilir malzeme ve imalat hatalarına karşı, satın alma tarihinden itibaren 2 yıl geçerli olacak garanti sunuyoruz. Garanti talebinde bulunmak için orijinal satın alma fişi delil olarak sunulmalıdır. Yanlış montaj veya kullanım, ihmal, donma durumuyla karşılaşma, vasıfsız kişiler tarafından gerçekleştirilen tamir uygulamaları, güç kullanımı, üçüncü şahısların hataları, aşırı yükleme, mekanik hasar veya aygıta yabancı bir cismin girmesi garanti kapsamında değildir. Parçaların hasarı ve/veya yırtılma ve yıpranmanın sebep olduğu problemlerle ilgili tüm şikayetler de garanti kapsamında değildir.

Kullanım Kılavuzu HAYVAN KORKUTMA

Bu cihaz etkili ve zarar vermeyecek bir şekilde balıkçıl kuşlarını, kuşları, köpekleri, kedileri, tavşanları yabani hayvanları vb. arsınızdan uzaklaştırmakta ve balık tutan balıkçıl kuşlarınızı süs havuzunuza yaklaştırmamaktadır. Bu kullanım kılavuzunu lütfen itinalı bir şekilde okuyun ve iyi bir şekilde muhafaza edin.

Akım beslemeTekrar şarj edilebilen 3 tane pil AA 1,2 V NiMH 800 mAh(teslimat kapsamında değildir)

PIR Sensorunun kapsama alanı 10m, 110º

Su fışkırması kapsama alanı 10 m ye kadar (ayarlanabilir ve su basıncına bağlıdır)

Etki alanı 95 m² ye kadar

Arazöz ayarlama Sağ/sol ve üst/alt

Su besleme Bahçe hortumu için bağlantı parçası 13 mm (1/2“)

Su hortumu Her aktifleştirme için yaklaşık 2-3 fincan

Teknik veriler


Güvenlik talimatları

• Gözle görünen hasarlar mevcut olması durumunda cihazın kullanılması yasaktır. • Asla cihazı ve parçalarını açmayın • Cihaz, fiziksel, algısal veya akli yetenekleri kısıtlı olan veya tecrübe ve bilgisi yeterli olmayan şahıslar (çocuklar da dâhil olmak üzere) tarafından, bu şahsıların güvenliği için sorumlu olan bir şahsı tarafından gözetilmediği takdirde veya cihazın kullanımı hakkında bilgilendirilmedikleri takdirde, kullanılmak için uygun değildir. Cihazla oynamadıklarını güvenlik altına almak için çocuklar gözetilmek zorundadır.• Cihazı ve pillerini çocukların erişemeyeceği bir şekilde muhafaza edin.


İlk çalıştırma

1. Arazöz kafasını saat dönme istikametinde çevirerek cihazın üstüne takın. 2. Cihazın tabanında bulunan pil yatağını açın ve tekrar şarj edilebilen 3 tane AA-Pilini (teslimat kapsamında değildir) yerleştirin ve pil yatağını tekrar kapatın. Uyarı: Önce pilleri tam olarak şarj edin. Bu işlem için hassaslık ayarını 0 üzerine getirin ve solar panelini 2 gün boyunca tam olarak güneşte bırakın. Alternatif olarak pilleri harici bir şarj cihazında da şarj edebilirsiniz. 4. Solar panelini cihazın ana gövdesine monte edin ve elektrik kablosunu bağlantı yuvasına (cihaz gövdesinin alt kısmında) bağlayın.5. Su hortumunu cihazın ana gövdesinin alt kısmına bağlayın. 6. Topraklama hattını cihazın ana gövdesinin alt kısmında bunun için öngörülmüş olan ağıza bağlayın. 7. En muazzam bir etki elde etmek için cihazı hayvanların geldikleri istikamete doğru yerleştirin. 8. Hareket bildiricinin hassaslığını ve erişim alanını cihazın etki etmesi gereken alana ayarlayın.

Basamak 0 (OFF)Hareket bildiri cihazı aktif değil ve cihaz Stand-By-Modunda. Bu durumda cihaz hareket fark etmemekte ve su fışkırtma aktif olmamaktadır.

Basamak 1-7 Düğmeyi saat dönme istikametinde çevirin, hassaslık yükselmekte ve bununla birlikte etki alanı genişlemektedir.

Basamak 8Bu basamakta cihaz sadece karanlıkta çalışmaktadır, (gece aktif olan hayvanlar). Basamak 8 de hareket bildiri cihazının basamak 7 de olduğu gibi aynı kapsama alanı mevcuttur. Uyarı: Solar paneli de basamak 8 de bağlı olmalıdır.

Page 47: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,


Malzeme ve üretim hataları olması halinde bu ürüne, satın alma tarihinden itibaren geçerli olmak üzere 2 yıl garanti vermekteyiz. Garanti hakkından yarar-lanılabilmesi için satın alma makbuzunun orjinalinin ibraz edilmesi gerekmektedir. Garanti kapsamına, montaj ve/veya kullanım hatasından, yetersiz bakımdan, cihazın donmaya maruz bırakılmasından, usulsüz tamirlerden, zorlamadan, üçüncü kişilerin suçundan, aşırı yüklenmeden, mekanik hasarlardan veya yabancı cisimler kullanılmasından doğan hasarlara ilişkin reklamasyonlar dahil değildir. Yine aynı şekilde, yıpranmadan dolayı meydana gelebilecek parça hasarları ile sorunlara ilişkin reklamasyonlar da garanti kapsamı dışındadır.

9. Arazöz kafasının kapsama alanını cihazın etki yapması gereken alana göre ayarlayın.

Hayvan büyüklüğü

Su püskürme kapsama alanı

3m 6m 10m

Ufak Basamak 5-6 Basamak 6-7

Orta Basamak 3-4 Basamak 5-6 Basamak 6-7

Büyük Basamak 1-3 Basamak 5-6 Basamak 6-7

10. Su hortumunu cihaza bağlayın ve düzgün bir çalışma için su vanasını tam olarak açın. 15 metreye kadar olan bir mesafe için 13 mm (1/2“) ve 15 metreden fazla olan bir mesafe için 19 mm 19 mm (3/4“) hortum kullanın. Önemli! Hortumu sabitlemeden önce kumandaya veya filtreye hasar verebilecek olan içerisinde bulunabilen parçaların (örneğin pislik, ufak taşlar, karın calar vb.) dışarı çıkması için hortumu mutlaka durulayın. 11. Cihazın arkasına veya yan tarafına dikilin ve hassaslığı basamak 6 veya 7 ye getirin.12. Arazöz kafasını aktifleştirmek için ellerinizi yavaşça yaklaşık 1 metre hareket bildiri cihazının önünde hareket ettirin. 13. Su püskürtmenin etki alanını kontrol edin ve gerektiğinde etki alanını sağ veya sol stoper ile düzeltin. Arazöz kafasını püskürtülen suyun sensorun gözetim altında tuttuğu alan istikametine doğru olmasını sağlayın.14. Püskürtülen suyun etki alanını arazöz kafasının sapında bulunan düğmeyi çevirerek ayarlayın. Yerel su basıncının durumuna göre püsküren suyun kapsama alanında farklılıklar olabilir.15. Arazöz kafasının üst tarafında bulunan düğmeyi çevirerek püskürtülecek olan suyu ayarlayın. - Vidayı dışa doğru çevirme = Su püskürtme „direkt“ - Vidayı içeri çevirme = Su püskürtme „geniş“.

Koruma ve bakım • Cihazın en muazzam fonksiyonunu elde etmek için solar panelinin ve sensor lenslerinin hafif ıslak bir bez ile düzenli olarak temizlenmesini tavsiye ederiz.• Her 50 aktifleştirmeden sonra veya sık kullanım durumunda her hafta her iki filtreyi de temizleyin. Temizlemek için hortumu bağlantısından sökün.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

1. Ürün: Elektronik cihazlar ev atıkları ile birlikte imha edilmemelidir. Eski cihazı yerel toplama noktasına götürmeden önce içine yerleştirilmiş olan aküleri çıkartın ve bunları üründen ayrı olarak imha edin. Daha fazla bilgi satıcınızdan veya tasfiye şirketinden alınabilmektedir.

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they do not conform to the specifi ed regulations!

• For reasons of the European safety standards, the pump must always be connected to a socket with earth contact. The electric circuit must include an earth leakage protection switch (FI-Protection switch /30mA). Further information is available from your local electro-specialist.

• The pump is not suitable for use in swimming pools, swimming ponds or other environments, in which persons get into contact with the water and, therefore, must not be used for these purposes.

• Never use the cable for carrying the pump and never pull the pump out of the pond by the cable.• Never remove the plug by cutting it from the connecting cable and never shorten the connecting cable. In case of not complying with this, the guarantee becomes invalid!• Ensure that plug and socket are dry before start-up.• Always switch off the electricity before maintenance work at the pond or for cleaning the pump.• This pump is suitable for pumping water at a temperature of minimum 4°C to maximum 35°C.• The pump must not run dry. This can lead to irreparable damages.• This device is not designed to be operated by persons (Including children) with restricted physical, sensory or mental capabilities or due to experience and/or lack of knowledge,

unless they are supervised by a person responsible for their safety or have been instructed about how the device must be operated. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the device,.

• Replacement of the net cable is not possible. In order to avoid hazards, the pump must be taken out of operation and disposed off in case the connecting cable gets damaged.

General WarningParts of the packaging may be dangerous (e.g. plastic bags). Therefore, these must be stored away from children, pets etc.


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.• By using the supplied fl ow controller (T-piece) you can use the pump for several applications at the same time, e.g. fountain jet and gargoyle.• The supplied ball pivot allows you to align the telescope tube with fountain jet vertically.

Start-up• Please, read the operating instruction thoroughly.• Never let the pump operate dry, i.e. without water fl owing through.• Install the pump at least 20 cm and maximum 100 cm below water level on a stable base free from silt or other pollution.• Screw the fl ow controller (T-piece) with the telescope tube and selected fountain jet or the required hose nozzle to the discharge nozzle at the top.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean water

We recommend disassembling the pump (See drawing) in case of bad soiling:a) Remove the fl ow controller, hose nozzle or the telescope tube with jet.b) Unscrew the nut from the discharge nozzle (1.)c) Loosen the top part of the pump housing from the bottom part (clip-on lock). Now you can clean the top/bottom part as well as the outer pump housing (2.) + (3.)d) After this, remove the pump housing from the motor part (With bayonet catch) and carefully loosen the rotor and the ceramic shaft, which can then also be cleaned (4.)e) After cleaning, reassemble the pump in reverse order.

• The frequency, with which this cleaning is necessary, depends on the respective use situation as well as the soiling intensity of your pond.• During winter, ensure that the pump does not freeze. It is best to keep it during the winter in a pail with water in a frost free location. .

Cleaning/replacing the rotor- Proceed as described from (a) to (e).- Please use a soft cloth for cleaning the rotor. Never use a (chemical) cleaning agent!- Avoid damaging the ceramic shaft- If necessary, replace the whole rotor including the ceramic shaft (Complete spare part)


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of force, third party faults, overload, mechanical damages or impact of foreign bodies. Also excluded from the guarantee are all complaints regarding damages to parts and/or problems, which are due to wear.

1 Operating instruction Ubbink GREENMAX® Pond pumps

The Ubbink Greenmax pond pumps are high-quality products based on the latest technology. The pumps use synchronous technology and are suitable for use in garden ponds, fountain basins as well in combination with e.g. fountain jets and gargoyles.

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Safety regulations

• The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they • The power supply must conform to the product specifi cations. If in doubt, ask your local utility about connection regulations. Do not connect the pump or the network cable if they

Environmental ProtectionWaste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your Local Authority or retailer for recycling advice.

Maintenance and cleaning

The pump needs neither lubrication nor special maintenance work. Only, from time to time check the inlet slits at the housing for dirt and, if needed, remove/clean these with clean


• All pumps are equipped with an economical, extremely powerful and very reliable motor.


We guarantee this product for fi ve years against provable material and manufacturing faults; starting from the date of purchase. The original purchasing proof must be presented for claims under this guarantee. The guarantee does not cover complaints caused by assembly and/or operating faults, insuffi cient care, frost damage, improper repair attempts, use of


Manual greenmax.indd 1 08-06-2009 15:08:10

2. Aküler: Batarya talimatları doğrultusunda son tüketiciler kullanılmış olan aküleri geriye vermekle yükümlüdür! Kullanılmış olan akülerinizi belediyenizin toplama noktasına ve akü satılmakta olan her yerde iade edebilirsiniz. Ev atıkları ile birlikte imha edilmeleri yasaktır!

Page 48: Operating instructions ANIMAL REPELLENT - birdgard.es · nnas möjlighet att ansluta en trädgårdsslang. - Den enklest e måten å holde uønsket besøk borte fra hager på! Fiskehegrer,