openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented hpf-like, platform-specific data...

Is Data Distribution Necessary in OpenMP? Nikolopoulos, D., Papatheodorou, T. S., Polychronopoulos, C. D., Labarta, J., & Ayguade, E. (2000). Is Data Distribution Necessary in OpenMP? In Proceedings of Supercomputing'2000: High Performance Computing and Networking Conference (SC): Best Paper Award (pp. 1-14). Los Alamitos, California, USA: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Published in: Proceedings of Supercomputing'2000: High Performance Computing and Networking Conference (SC) Queen's University Belfast - Research Portal: Link to publication record in Queen's University Belfast Research Portal General rights Copyright for the publications made accessible via the Queen's University Belfast Research Portal is retained by the author(s) and / or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing these publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Take down policy The Research Portal is Queen's institutional repository that provides access to Queen's research output. Every effort has been made to ensure that content in the Research Portal does not infringe any person's rights, or applicable UK laws. If you discover content in the Research Portal that you believe breaches copyright or violates any law, please contact [email protected]. Download date:16. May. 2020

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Page 1: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the

Is Data Distribution Necessary in OpenMP?

Nikolopoulos, D., Papatheodorou, T. S., Polychronopoulos, C. D., Labarta, J., & Ayguade, E. (2000). Is DataDistribution Necessary in OpenMP? In Proceedings of Supercomputing'2000: High Performance Computing andNetworking Conference (SC): Best Paper Award (pp. 1-14). Los Alamitos, California, USA: Institute of Electricaland Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Published in:Proceedings of Supercomputing'2000: High Performance Computing and Networking Conference (SC)

Queen's University Belfast - Research Portal:Link to publication record in Queen's University Belfast Research Portal

General rightsCopyright for the publications made accessible via the Queen's University Belfast Research Portal is retained by the author(s) and / or othercopyright owners and it is a condition of accessing these publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associatedwith these rights.

Take down policyThe Research Portal is Queen's institutional repository that provides access to Queen's research output. Every effort has been made toensure that content in the Research Portal does not infringe any person's rights, or applicable UK laws. If you discover content in theResearch Portal that you believe breaches copyright or violates any law, please contact [email protected].

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Page 2: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the

Is Data Distribution Necessary in OpenMP ?

Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos1, Theodore S. Papatheodorou1

Constantine D. Polychronopoulos2, Jesus Labarta3 and Eduard Ayguade3

1 Department of Computer Engineering and InformaticsUniversity of Patras, Greece

fdsn,[email protected]

2 Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

[email protected]

3 Department of Computer ArchitectureTechnical University of Catalonia, Spain

fjesus,[email protected]


This paper investigates the performance implications ofdata placement in OpenMP programs running on modernccNUMA multiprocessors. Data locality and minimizationof the rate of remote memory accesses are critical for sus-taining high performance on these systems. We show thatdue to the low remote-to-local memory access latency ratioof state-of-the-art ccNUMA architectures, reasonably bal-anced page placement schemes, such as round-robin or ran-dom distribution of pages incur modest performance losses.We also show that performance leaks stemming from subop-timal page placement schemes can be remedied with a smartuser-level page migration engine. The main body of the pa-per describes how the OpenMP runtime environment canuse page migration for implementing implicit data distribu-tion and redistribution schemes without programmer inter-vention. Our experimental results support the effectivenessof these mechanisms and provide a proof of concept thatthere is no need to introduce data distribution directives inOpenMP and warrant the portability of the programmingmodel.

1. Introduction

The OpenMP application programming interface [1]provides a simple and flexible means for programmingparallel applications on shared memory multiprocessors.OpenMP has recently attracted major interest from both theindustry and the academia, due to two strong inherent ad-vantages, namely portability and simplicity.

OpenMP is portable across a wide range of shared mem-ory platforms, including small-scale SMP servers, scalableccNUMA multiprocessors and recently, clusters of worksta-tions and SMPs [1, 2]. The OpenMP API uses a directive-based programming paradigm. The programmer annotatessequential code with directives that enclose blocks of codethat can be executed in parallel. The programmer does notneed to worry about subtle details of the underlying archi-tecture and the operating system, such as the implemen-tation of shared memory, the threads subsystem or the in-ternals of the operating system scheduler. These detailsare entirely hidden from the programmer. OpenMP offersan intuitive, incremental approach for developing parallelprograms. Users can begin with an optimized sequentialversion of their code and start adding manually or semi-automatically parallelization directives, up to a point atwhich they get the desired performance benefits from paral-lelism.

OpenMP follows the fork/join execution model. AnOpenMP PARALLEL directive triggers the creation of agroup of threads destined to execute in parallel the codeenclosed between the PARALLEL and the correspondingEND PARALLEL clause. This computation can be dividedamong the threads of the group via two worksharing con-structs, denoted by the DO and SECTIONS directives. TheDO-END DO directives encapsulate parallel loops, the iter-ations of which are scheduled on different processors ac-cording to a scheduling scheme defined in the SCHEDULEclause. The SECTIONS-END SECTIONS directives en-capsulate disjoint blocks of code delimited by SECTIONdirectives, which are assigned to individual threads for par-allel execution. The group of threads that participate in the

0-7803-9802-5/2000/$10.00 c 2000 IEEE. 1

Page 3: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the

execution of a PARALLEL region is transparently scheduledon multiple physical processors by the operating system.

1.1. OpenMP and data distribution

OpenMP has recently become a subject of criticism be-cause the simplicity of the programming model is oftentraded for performance. It is generally difficult to scalean OpenMP program to tens or hundreds of processors.Some researchers have pin-pointed this effect as a prob-lem of the overhead of managing parallelism in OpenMP,which includes thread creation and synchronization. Thisoverhead is an important performance limitation because itdetermines the critical task size, that is, the finest threadgranularity that obtains speedup with parallel execution.

Although one could argue that the overhead of managingparallelism is a problem of the shared memory program-ming paradigm in general, it has been shown that programsparallelized for shared memory architectures can achievesatisfactory scaling up to a few hundreds of processors[3, 4]. This is possible with reasonable scaling of the prob-lem size to increase the granularity of threads and reducethe frequency of synchronization. Nevertheless, scaling theperformance of shared memory programs on a large num-ber of processors requires also some ad-hoc programmerinterventions, the most important of which is proper distri-bution of data among processing nodes. Data distributionis required to maximize the locality of references to mainmemory. This optimization is of vital importance on mod-ern ccNUMA architectures, in which remote memory ac-cesses can increase memory latency by factors of three tofive.

Effective data distribution is what we consider to be themain performance optimization for OpenMP programs oncontemporary ccNUMA multiprocessors. Briefly speaking,each page in the memory address space of a program shouldbe placed on the same node with the threads that tend to ac-cess the page more frequently upon cache misses. Unfor-tunately, the OpenMP API provides no means to the pro-grammer for controlling the distribution of data among pro-cessing nodes. It is interesting to note that some vendors ofcommercial ccNUMA systems have realized the importanceof data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRANand C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the defacto standard for parallel programming on shared mem-ory multiprocessors, some vendors are seriously consider-ing the incorporation of data distribution facilities in theOpenMP API [6, 7].

The introduction of data distribution directives inOpenMP contradicts some fundamental design goals of theOpenMP programming interface. Data distribution is in-herently platform-dependent and thus hard to standardize

and incorporate seamlessly in shared memory programmingmodels like OpenMP. It is more likely that each vendor willpropose and implement its own set of data distribution di-rectives, customized to specific features of the in-house ar-chitecture, such as the topology, the number of processorsper node, the available intra and internode bandwidth, intri-cacies of the system software and so on. Furthermore, datadistribution directives will be essentially dead code for non-NUMA architectures such as desktop SMPs, a fact whichraises an issue of code portability. Finally, data distributionhas always been a burden for programmers. A programmerwould not opt for a parallel programming model based onshared memory, if its programming requirements are similarto those of a programming model based on message pass-ing.

1.2. Contributions of the paper

This first question that this paper comes to answer isup to what extent can data distribution affect the perfor-mance of OpenMP programs. To answer this question, weconduct a thorough investigation of alternative data place-ment schemes in the OpenMP implementations of the NASbenchmarks on the SGI Origin2000 [8]. These implementa-tions are tuned specifically for the Origin2000 memory hier-archy and obtain maximum performance with the first-touchpage placement strategy of the Origin2000. Assuming thatfirst-touch is the “optimal,, data distribution scheme for theOpenMP implementations of the NAS benchmarks, we as-sess the performance impact of three alternative data dis-tribution schemes, namely round-robin, random and worst-case page placement, which coincides with the page place-ment performed by a buddy system.

Our findings suggest that data distribution can indeedhave a significant impact on the performance of OpenMPprograms, although this impact is not as pronounced asexpected for reasonably balanced distributions of pagesamong processors, like round-robin and random distribu-tion. This result stems primarily from technological fac-tors, since state-of-the-art ccNUMA systems such as theSGI Origin2000 have very low remote-to-local memory ac-cess latency ratios [9].

Since data distribution can have a significant impact onperformance, the next question that rises naturally is howcan data distribution be incorporated in OpenMP withoutmodifying the application programming interface. The sec-ond contribution of this paper is a user-level frameworkfor transparently injecting data distribution capabilities inOpenMP programs. The framework is based on dynamicpage migration, a technique which has its roots in the ear-lier dance-hall shared memory architectures without hard-ware cache-coherence [10, 11, 12]. The idea is to track thereference rates from each node to each page in memory and


Page 4: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the

move each page to the node that references the page morefrequently. Read-only pages can be replicated in multiplenodes. Page migration and replication are the direct ana-logue to multiprocessor cache coherence with the virtualmemory page serving as the coherence unit.

Page migration was proposed merely as a kernel-levelmechanism for improving the data locality of applicationswith dynamic memory reference patterns, initially on noncache coherent and later on cache coherent NUMA multi-processors [12, 13]. In this work, we apply dynamic pagemigration in an entirely new context, namely data distribu-tion. In this context, page migration is no longer consideredas an optimization. It is rather used as the mechanism forapproximating implicitly the functionality of a simple datadistribution system.

The key for leveraging dynamic page migration as adata distribution vehicle is the exploitation of the iterativestructure of most parallel codes, in conjunction with infor-mation provided by the compiler. We show that at leastin the case of popular codes like the NAS benchmarks, asmart page migration engine can be as effective as a sys-tem that performs accurate initial data distribution, with-out losses in performance. Data redistribution across phaseswith uniform communication patterns can also be approxi-mated transparently to the programmer by the page migra-tion engine. The runtime overhead of page migration needsto be carefully amortized in this case, since it may easilyoutweigh the earnings from reducing the number of remotememory accesses. This problem would occur in any datadistribution system, therefore we do not consider it as a ma-jor limitation.

To the best of our knowledge, the techniques presentedin this paper for approximating data distribution and redis-tribution via dynamic page migration are novel. A secondnovelty is the implementation of these techniques entirelyat user-level, with the use of only a few operating systemservices. The user-level implementation not only enablesthe exploration of parameters for the page migration poli-cies, but also makes our infrastructure directly available tothe user community.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: wepresent results that exemplify the degree of sensitivity ofOpenMP programs to alternative page placement schemesin Section 2. We then describe briefly our user-level pagemigration engine in Section 3. Section 4 contains detailedexperimental results. We overview related work in Section 5and conclude in Section 6.

2. Sensitivity of OpenMP to page placement

Modern ccNUMA multiprocessors are characterized bytheir deep memory hierarchies. These hierarchies includetypically four levels, namely the L1 cache, the L2 cache,

Table 1. Access latency to the different levelsof the Origin2000 memory hierarchy.

Level Distance in hops Contented latency(ns.)

L1 cache 0 5.5L2 cache 0 56.9

local memory 0 329remote memory 1 564remote memory 2 759remote memory 3 862

the local node memory and the remote node memory. Thememory hierarchy is logically expanded further if the re-mote node memory is classified according to the distancein hops between the accessing processor and the accessednode.

Table 1 shows the base contented memory access latencyby one processor to the different levels of the Origin2000memory hierarchy on a 16-node system [14]. The nodes ofthe Origin2000 are organized in a fat hypercube topologywith two nodes on each edge. The difference in the accesslatency between the L1 and the L2 caches is one order ofmagnitude. The difference between the access latency ofthe L2 cache and local memory accounts for another orderof magnitude. For each additional hop that the memory ac-cesses traverses, the memory latency is increased by 100 to200 ns. The ratio of remote to local memory access latencyranges between 2:1 and 3:1.

The non-uniformity of memory access latency demandslocality optimizations along the complete memory hierar-chy of ccNUMA systems. These optimizations should takeinto account not only cache locality, but also locality ofreferences to main memory. The latter can be achieved ifthe virtual memory pages used by a parallel program aremapped to physical memory frames so that each thread ismore likely to access local rather than remote memory upona miss in the L2 cache.

Page placement in ccNUMA systems is considered as atask of the operating system and previous research came upwith simple solutions for achieving satisfactory data local-ity at the page level with page placement schemes imple-mented entirely in the operating system [15, 16]. However,the memory access traces of parallel programs do not andcan not always conform to the memory management strat-egy of the operating system. The problem is pronouncedin OpenMP because the programming model is oblivious tothe distribution of data in the system. This section investi-gates the performance impact of theoretically inopportunepage placement schemes on the performance of the NASbenchmarks.


Page 5: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the

2.1. Experimental setup

We used the OpenMP implementations of five bench-marks, namely BT, SP, CG, MG and FT, from the NASbenchmarks suite [8]. BT and SP are simulated CFD ap-plications. Their main computational part solves Navier-Stokes equations and the programs differ in the factoriza-tion method used in the solvers. CG, MG and FT are com-putational kernels from real applications. CG approximatesthe smallest eigenvalue of a large sparse matrix using theconjugate-gradient method. MG computes the solution ofa 3-D Poisson equation, using a V-cycle multigrid method.FT computes a 3-D Fast Fourier Transform. All codes are it-erative and repeat the same parallel computation for a num-ber of iterations corresponding to time steps. The imple-mentations are well-tuned by the providers to exploit thecharacteristics of the memory system of the SGI Origin2000and exhibit very good scalability up to 32 processors [8].

The OpenMP implementations of the NAS benchmarksare optimized to achieve good data locality with a first-touch page placement strategy [16]. This strategy placeseach virtual memory page in the same node with the pro-cessor that reads or writes it first during the execution of theprogram. First-touch is the default page placement schemeused by cellular IRIX, the Origin2000 operating system.The NAS benchmarks are customized to first-touch, by exe-cuting a cold-start iteration of the complete parallel compu-tation before the main time-stepping loop. The calculationsof the cold-start iteration are discarded, but the executedparallel constructs enable the distribution of pages betweennodes with the first-touch strategy.

We conducted the following experiment to assess the im-pact of different page placement schemes. Assuming thatfirst-touch is the best page placement strategy for the bench-marks, we ran the codes using three alternative page place-ment schemes, namely round-robin, random and worst-casepage placement.

Round-robin page placement can be activated by settingthe DSM PLACEMENT variable of the IRIX runtime envi-ronment. To emulate random page placement, we utilizedthe user-level page placement and migration capabilities ofIRIX [17]. IRIX enables the user to virtualize the physi-cal memory of the system and use a namespace for placingvirtual memory pages to specific nodes in the system. Thenamespace is composed of entities called Memory Local-ity Domains (MLDs). A MLD is the abstract representa-tion of the physical memory of a node in the system. Theuser can associate one MLD with each node and then placeor migrate pages between MLDs to implement application-specific memory management schemes.

Random page placement is emulated as follows. Beforeexecuting the cold-start iteration, we invalidate the pages

of all the shared arrays by calling mprotect()1 with thePROT NONE parameter. We install a SIGSEGV signal han-dler to override the default handling of memory access vi-olations in the system. Upon receiving a segmentation vio-lation fault for a page, the handler maps the page to a ran-domly selected node in the system, using the correspondingMLD as a handle. For benchmarks with resident set size inthe order of a few thousand pages2, a simple random gener-ator is sufficient to produce a fairly balanced distribution ofpages.

The worst-case page placement is emulated by enablingfirst-touch page placement and forcing the cold-start iter-ation of the parallel computation to run on one processor.With this modification, all virtual pages of the arrays whichare accessed during the parallel computation are placed ona single node. This placement maximizes the number of re-mote memory accesses. Assuming a uniform distributionof secondary cache misses among processors and a systemwith n nodes, a fraction of secondary cache misses equalto n�1

nis satisfied from remote memory modules. For a

system with 8 nodes this amounts to 87.5% of the mem-ory accesses and for a system with 16 nodes to 93.75% ofthe memory accesses. A second important, albeit implicit,effect of placing all the pages on one node is the maximiza-tion of contention. All processors except the ones on thenode that hosts the data are contending to access the mem-ory modules of one node throughout the execution of theprogram.

Note that the worst-case page placement scheme de-scribed previously is not totally unrealistic. On the con-trary, it corresponds to the allocation performed by a buddysystem which would allocate the pages with a best-fit strat-egy on a node with sufficient free memory resources. Manyexisting compilers make use of this memory allocationscheme.

The IRIX kernel includes a competitive page migrationengine which can be activated on a per-program basis [9] bysetting the DSM MIGRATION environment variable. Weuse this option in the experiments and compare the resultsobtained with and without the page migration engine. Thisis done primarily to investigate if the IRIX page migra-tion engine is capable of improving the performance ofpage placement schemes inferior to first-touch. The im-plementation of page migration in IRIX follows closely thescheme presented in [13] for the Stanford FLASH multi-processor. Each physical memory frame is equipped with aset of 11-bit hardware counters. Each set of counters con-tains one counter per node in the system and some addi-tional logic to compare counters. The counters track thenumber of accesses from each node to each page frame in

1mprotect is the UNIX system call for controlling access rights tomemory pages.

2We used the Class A problem sizes in the experiments.


Page 6: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the

memory. The additional circuitry detects when the numberof accesses from a remote node exceeds the number of ac-cesses from the node that hosts the page by more than a pre-defined threshold and delivers an interrupt in that case. Theinterrupt handler runs a page migration policy, which eval-uates if migrating the page that caused the interrupt satisfiesa set of resource management constraints. If the constraintsare satisfied the page is migrated to the more frequently ac-cessing node and the TLB entries with the mappings of thepage are invalidated with interprocessor interrupts. Aftermoving the page, the operating system updates its mappingsof the page internally. The valid TLB entries for the pageare reloaded upon TLB misses by processors that referencethe page after its migration.

2.2. Results

Figure 1 shows the results from executing the OpenMPimplementations of the NAS benchmarks on 16 idle pro-cessors of an SGI Origin2000. The system on which weexperimented had MIPS R10000 processors with a clockfrequency of 250 Mhz, 32 Kbytes of split L1 cache per pro-cessor, 4 Mbytes of unified L2 cache per processor and 8Gbytes of memory, uniformly distributed between the nodesof the system. Each bar in the charts is an average ofthree independent experiments with insignificant variation.All execution times are in seconds. The black bars illus-trate the execution time with the different page placementschemes, labeled ft-, rr-, rand- and wc-, for first-touch, round-robin, random, and worst-case page placementrespectively. The gray bars illustrate the execution timewith the same page placement schemes and the IRIX pagemigration engine enabled during the execution of the bench-marks (labeled ft-IRIXmig, rr-IRIXmig, rand-IRIXmig and wc-IRIXmig respectively). The straightline in each chart shows the baseline performance with thenative first-touch page placement scheme of IRIX.

The primary observation from the results is that using apage placement scheme other than first-touch does have animpact on performance, although the magnitude of this im-pact is non-uniform across different benchmarks and pageplacement schemes. In general, worst-case page placementincurs a significant slowdown (50%–248%) for all bench-marks except BT, in which the slowdown is modest (24%).The average slowdown with worst-case page placement is90%. On the other hand, round-robin and random pageplacement have generally a modest impact. Round-robinincurs little slowdown in SP and CG (8% and 11% respec-tively), and modest slowdown in the rest of the benchmarks(22%–35%). Random page placement incurs almost noslowdown for BT and SP (2% and 12% respectively), mod-est slowdown for CG and MG (26% and 27%) and signifi-cant slowdown only for FT (45%).

In general, balanced page placement schemes such asround-robin and random appear to affect modestly theperformance of the benchmarks, compared to the beststatic page placement scheme. This is attributed to thelow ratio of remote to local memory access latency onthe SGI Origin2000, which is no more than 2:1 on the16-processor scale. This important architectural propertyof the Origin2000 shows up in the experiments. A secondreason is that any balanced page placement scheme, suchas round-robin and random can be effective in distributingevenly the message traffic incurred from remote memoryaccesses in the interconnection network.

The results show that the IRIX page migration enginehas in general negligible impact on performance with first-touch page placement. Activating dynamic page migrationin the IRIX kernel provides only marginal gains of 3% forCG and less than 2% for BT, SP and MG. Page migrationis harmful for FT because it introduces false-sharing at thepage level. With the other three page placement schemes,dynamic page migration generally improves performance,with only a few exceptions (BT with random page place-ment and CG with round-robin page placement). In threecases, BT with round-robin and SP with round-robin andrandom placement, the IRIX page migration engine is ableto approximate the performance of first-touch. Notice how-ever that these are the cases in which the static page place-ment schemes perform competitively to first-touch and theperformance losses are less than 12%. Dynamic page mi-gration from the IRIX kernel is unable to close the perfor-mance gap between first-touch and the other page place-ment schemes in the cases in which the difference is signifi-cant. Round-robin, random and worst-case page placementschemes still incur a sizeable average slowdown (16%, 17%and 61% respectively). Only in one case, MG with worst-case page placement, the IRIX page migration engine isable to improve performance drastically, without approach-ing however the performance of first-touch.

To summarize, the page placement scheme can be harm-ful for programs parallelized with OpenMP. However,any reasonably balanced page placement scheme makes theperformance impact of mediocre page-level locality mod-est. In our experiments, this is possible due to the aggres-sive hardware and software optimizations of the SGI Ori-gin2000, which reduce the remote to local memory accesslatency ratio to 2:1. It is also enabled by the reduction ofcontention achieved by balanced page placement schemes.The impact of page placement would be more significanton ccNUMA architectures with higher remote memory ac-cess latencies. It would be also more significant on trulylarge-scale Origin2000 systems (e.g. with 128 processorsor more), in which some remote memory accesses wouldhave to cross up to 5 interconnection network hops and thena meta-router to reach the destination node. Unfortunately,


Page 7: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the


























n tim


NAS BT, Class A, 16 processors



























n tim


NAS SP, Class A, 16 processors




























n tim


NAS CG, Class A, 16 processors



























n tim


NAS MG, Class A, 16 processors





























n tim


NAS FT, Class A, 16 processors

Figure 1. Impact of page placement on the performance of the OpenMP implementations of the NASbenchmarks.


Page 8: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the

access to a system of that scale was impossible for our ex-periments.

3. Using dynamic page migration in place ofdata distribution

The position of this paper is that dynamic page mi-gration can transparently alleviate the problems introducedfrom poor page placement in OpenMP. In particular, weinvestigate the possibility of using dynamic page migra-tion as a substitute for data distribution and redistributionin OpenMP programs. Intuitively, this approach has theadvantages of transparency and seamless integration withOpenMP, because dynamic page migration is a runtimetechnique and the associated mechanisms reside in the sys-tem software. The questions that remain to be answered ishow can page migration emulate or approximate the func-tionality of data distribution and if this is feasible, whatis the level of performance achieved by a data distributionmechanism based on dynamic page migration.

3.1. User-level dynamic page migration

To investigate the issues stated before, we have devel-oped a runtime system called UPMlib (user-level page mi-gration library), which injects a dynamic page migrationengine to OpenMP programs, through instrumentation per-formed by the compiler. A pure user-level implementationwas possible, because the operating system services neededto implement a page migration policy in IRIX are availableat user-level.

The hardware counters attached to the physical memoryframes of the Origin2000 can be accessed via the /procinterface. At the same time, MLDs enable the migrationof ranges of the virtual address space between nodes in thesystem. These two services allow for a straightforward im-plementation of a runtime system which can act in placeof the operating system memory manager in a local scope.The only subtle detail is that the page migration service of-fered at user-level is subject to the resource managementconstraints of the operating system. Briefly speaking, auser-requested page migration may be rejected by the op-erating system due to shortage of available memory in thetarget node. IRIX uses a best-effort strategy in this caseand forwards the page to another node as physically closeas possible to the target node. This restriction is necessaryto ensure the stability of the system in the presence of mul-tiple users competing for shared resources. Implementationdetails of our runtime system are given elsewhere [18].

Our earlier work on page migration identified the inef-fectiveness of previously proposed kernel-level page mi-gration engines as a problem of poor timeliness and ac-curacy [19]. A page migration mechanism should migrate

pages early enough to reduce the rate of remote memoryaccesses while amortizing effectively the high cost of co-herent page movements. Furthermore, the page migrationdecisions should be based on accurate page reference in-formation and not biased by transient effects in the parallelcomputation. If page migration is to be used as a means fordata distribution, timeliness and accuracy are paramount.

In the same work [19], we have shown that an effectivetechnique for accurate and effective dynamic page migra-tion stems from exploiting the iterative structure of mostparallel codes. If the code repeats the same parallel compu-tation for a number of iterations, the page migration enginecan record the exact reference trace of the program as re-flected in the hardware counters after the end of the firstiteration and subsequently use this trace to make nearly op-timal decisions for migrating pages. This strategy works ex-tremely well in codes with fairly coarse-grain computationsand access patterns. The infrastructure requires limited sup-port by the compiler for identifying areas of the virtual ad-dress space which are likely to concentrate remote memoryaccesses and instrumenting the program to invoke the pagemigration engine. The compiler identifies as hot memoryareas the shared arrays which are both read and written indisjoint sets of OpenMP PARALLEL DO and PARALLELSECTION constructs.

3.2. Emulating data distribution

In this paper we show how the technique of recordingreference traces at well-defined execution points can be ap-plied in a page migration engine to approximate accuratelyand effectively the functionality of manual data distributionand redistribution in iterative parallel codes.

The mechanism for emulating data distribution isstraightforward to implement. Assume any initial place-ment of pages. The runtime system records the memoryreference trace of the parallel program after the execution ofthe first iteration. This trace indicates accurately which pro-cessor accesses each page more frequently, while the struc-ture of the program ensures that the same reference tracewill be repeated throughout the execution of the program,unless the operating system intervenes and preempts or mi-grates threads3. The trace of the first iteration can be used tomigrate each page to the node that will minimize the max-imum latency due to remote memory accesses to this page,by applying a competitive page migration criterion after theexecution of the first iteration. Page migration is used inplace of static data distribution with a hysteresis of one it-eration. The necessary migrations of pages are performedearly and their cost is amortized well over the entire execu-tion time. The fundamental difference with an explicit data

3This case is not considered in this paper, but the reader can refer to arelated paper [20] for details.


Page 9: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the upmlib_init()call upmlib_memrefcnt(u, size)call upmlib_memrefcnt(rhs,size)call upmlib_memrefcnt(forcing,size) step=1,niter

call compute_rhscall x_solvecall y_solvecall z_solvecall addif ((step .eq. 1) .or.(num_migrations .gt. 0)) thencall upmlib_migrate_memory()


Figure 2. Using page migration for data dis-tribution in NAS BT.

distribution mechanism is that data placement is performedwith implicit information encapsulated in the runtime sys-tem, rather than with explicit information provided by theuser.

In the actual implementation, the page migration mech-anism is invoked not only in the first, but also in subse-quent iterations of the parallel program, as soon as it de-tects at least one page to migrate. The mechanism is self-deactivated the first time it detects that no further page mi-grations are required. In practice, this happens usually inthe second iteration, however there are some cases in whichpage-level false sharing might incur some excessive pagemigrations. This is circumvented by freezing the pages thatbounce between two nodes in consecutive iterations.

Figure 2 provides an example of using the previ-ously described mechanism in NAS BT. Calls to thepage migration runtime system are prefixed by upmlib .The OpenMP compiler identifies three arrays (u,rhsand forcing) as hot memory areas and activates pagereference monitoring for these areas by invoking theupmlib memrefcnt(addr,size) function. Afterthe execution of the first iteration, the program callsupmlib migrate memory(), which scans the refer-ence counters of the pages that belong to hot memory ar-eas, applies a competitive page migration for each page andmigrates those pages that concentrate enough remote mem-ory accesses to satisfy the migration criterion. The vari-able num migrations stores the number of page migra-tions executed by the mechanism in the last invocation ofupmlib migrate memory() and deactivates the mech-anism when set to 0.

3.3. Emulating data redistribution

Emulating data redistribution with dynamic page migra-tion is a more elaborate procedure. In general, data redistri-bution is needed when a phase change in the memory ref-erence pattern distorts the data locality established by theinitial page placement scheme. Data redistribution needssome additional compiler support to identify phases. Asimple definition of a phase, which conforms also to theOpenMP programming paradigm, is a sequence of basicblocks of parallel code with a uniform communication pat-tern between processors. Not all communication patternsare recognizable by a compiler. However, simple cases likeone-to-one, nearest neighbor, broadcast and all-to-all can berelatively easily identified.

We use a technique known as record-replay in order touse our page migration engine as a substitute for data redis-tribution. The compiler instruments the program to recordthe page reference counters at the points of execution atwhich phase transitions occur. The recording is performedduring the first iteration of the parallel program. After therecording procedure is completed, each phase is associatedwith two sets of hardware counters, one recorded before thebeginning of the phase and one before the transition to thenext phase.

For each page in the hot memory areas, the runtime sys-tem obtains the reference trace during the phase in isolation,by comparing the values of the counters attached to the pagein the two recorded sets of the phase. The runtime systemapplies the competitive page migration criterion using theisolated reference trace of the phase and decides what pagesshould be moved before the transition to the phase, to im-prove data locality during the phase. The page migrationsidentified with this procedure are replayed in subsequent it-erations. Each page migration is replayed before the phaseduring which the page satisfied the competitive criterion inthe first iteration. The recording procedure is not used forthe transition from the last phase of the first iteration to thefirst phase of the second iteration. In this case, the run-time system simply undoes all page migrations performedbetween phases and recovers the initial page placement.

More formally, assume that a program has n hot pages,denoted as pi; i = 1 : : : n. Assume also that one iter-ation of the program has k distinct phases. There arek � 1 phase transition points, j = 1 : : : k � 1. Theruntime system is invoked in each transition point andrecords for each page a vector of page reference countersVi;j ;8i; j; i = 1 : : : n; j = 1 : : : k � 1. After the executionof the first iteration, the runtime system computes the differ-ence Ui;j = Vi;j � Vi;j�18i; j; i = 1 : : : n; j = 2 : : : k � 1.The runtime system applies the competitive criterion usingthe values of the counters stored in Ui;j . If the counters inUi;j satisfy the competitive criterion, page pi is migrated


Page 10: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the

in every subsequent iteration at the phase transition pointj � 1. For each page pi that migrates at some transitionpoint for the first time during an iteration, the home nodeof the page before the migration is recorded, in order to mi-grate the page back to it before the beginning of the nextiteration.

The record-replay mechanism is accurate in the sensethat page migration decisions are based on complete in-formation on the reference trace of the program. How-ever, the mechanism is also sensitive to the overhead ofpage migration. In the record-replay mechanism, page mi-grations must be performed on the critical path of the ex-ecution. Let Tnom;j be the execution time of a phase j

without page migration before the transition to the phaseand Tm;j be the execution of the same phase with therecord-replay mechanism enabled. Let Om;j be the over-head of the page migrations performed before the transi-tion to phase j by the record-replay mechanism. It is ex-pected that Tm;j < Tnom;j due to the reduction of remotememory accesses achieved by the page migration engine.The record-replay mechanism should satisfy the conditionP


j=1(Tm;j + Om;j) <


j=1Tnom;j . In practice, this

means that each phase should be computationally coarseenough to balance the cost of migrating pages with the earn-ings from reducing memory latency.

To limit the cost of page migrations in the record-replaymechanism, we use an environment variable which instructsthe mechanism to move only the n most critical pages,in each iteration, where n is a tunable parameter. The n

most critical pages are determined as follows: the pages aresorted in descending order according to the ratio raccmax


where lacc is the number of accesses from the node thathosts the page and raccmax is the maximum number of re-mote accesses from any of the other nodes. The pages thatsatisfy the inequality raccmax

lacc> thr, where thr is a pre-

defined threshold, are considered as eligible for migration.Let m be the number of these pages. If m > n, the n pageswith the highest ratios raccmax

laccare migrated. Otherwise, the

m candidate pages are migrated.

Figure 3 provides an example of using the record-replaymechanism in conjunction with the mechanism describedin Section 3.2 in NAS BT. BT has a phase change inthe z solve function, due to the initial alignment of ar-rays in memory, which is performed to improve localityalong the x and y directions. After the first iteration,upmlib migrate memory() is called to approximatethe best initial data distribution scheme. In the seconditeration, the program invokes upmlib record() be-fore and after the execution of z solve. The functionupmlib compare counters() is used to identify thereference trace of the phase and the pages that should mi-grate before the transition to the phase. These migrationsare replayed by calling upmlib replay() before each upmlib_init()call upmlib_memrefcnt(u, size)call upmlib_memrefcnt(rhs,size)call upmlib_memrefcnt(forcing,size) step=1,niter

call compute_rhscall x_solvecall y_solveif (step .eq. 2) then

call upmlib_record()else if (step .gt. 2) then

call upmlib_replay()endifcall z_solveif (step .eq. 1) then

call upmlib_migrate_memory()else if (step .eq. 2) then

call upmlib_record()call upmlib_compare_counters()

elsecall upmlib_undo()


Figure 3. Using the record-replay mechanismfor data redistribution in NAS BT.

subsequent execution of z solve. The function upm-lib undo() performs all the replayed page migrations inthe opposite direction.

4. Experimental results

We repeated the experiments presented in Section 2, af-ter instrumenting the NAS benchmarks to use the page mi-gration mechanisms of our runtime system.

In the first set of experiments presented in this section,we evaluate the ability of our page migration engine to re-locate pages early in the execution of the program, in or-der to approximate the best possible initial data distribu-tion scheme. Figure 4 repeats the results from Figure 1 andin addition, illustrates the performance of the iterative pagemigration mechanism of our runtime system, with the fourdifferent page placement schemes (labeled ft-upmlib,rr-upmlib, rand-upmlib and wc-upmlib).

A first observation is that with first-touch page place-ment, in all cases expect CG, user-level page migrationprovides sizeable reductions of execution time (6%–22%),compared to the native codes with or without page migra-tion from the IRIX kernel. For the purposes of this pa-per, we consider this result as a second-order effect, at-tributed to the suboptimal placement of several pages in


Page 11: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the




































n tim


NAS BT, Class A, 16 processors





































n tim


NAS SP, Class A, 16 processors






































n tim


NAS CG, Class A, 16 processors






































NAS MG, Class A, 16 processors







































n tim


NAS FT, Class A, 16 processors

Figure 4. Performance of our page migration runtime system with different page placement schemes.


Page 12: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the

each benchmark by the first-touch strategy. We note how-ever that this is probably the first experiment on a real sys-tem which shows some meaningful performance improve-ments achieved by dynamic page migration over the beststatic page placement scheme.

The outcome of interest from the results in Figure 4is that with non-optimal page placement schemes, theslowdown compared to first-touch is almost imperceptible.When the page migration engine of our runtime system isenabled, the slowdown compared to first-touch is on aver-age 5% for round-robin, 6% for random and 14% for worst-case page placement. In the experiments presented in Sec-tion 2 the average slowdowns incurred from round-robin,random and worst-case page placement without page mi-gration were 22%, 23% and 90% respectively. The slow-downs of the same page placement schemes with page mi-gration enabled in the IRIX kernel were 16%, 17% and 61%respectively.

Table 2 provides some additional statistics which werecollected by manually inserting event counters in the run-time system. The second, third and fourth columns of thetable report the slowdown of the benchmarks in the last75% of the iterations of the main parallel computation forround-robin, random and worst-case page placement re-spectively4. This slowdown was always measured less than2.7%, while in most cases it was less than 1%. The resultsindicate that the page migration engine achieves robust andstable memory performance as the iterative computationsevolve.

The fifth, sixth and seventh column of Table 2 show thefraction of page migrations performed by our page migra-tion engine after the first iteration of the parallel computa-tion. In three out of five cases, CG, FT and MG, all pagemigrations were performed after the first iteration of theprogram. In the case of BT and SP some page-level falsesharing forced page migrations after the second and thirditerations. However, 78% or more of the migrations wereperformed after the first iteration. This result verifies thatthe page migration activity and the associated overhead areconcentrated at the beginning of the execution of the pro-grams and are amortized well over the execution lifetime.

The overall results show that due to the effectiveness ofthe iterative page migration mechanism described in Sec-tion 3.2, the performance of the OpenMP implementationsof the NAS benchmarks is not sensitive to the initial pageplacement scheme. Equivalently, the iterative page migra-tion mechanism can approximate closely the performanceachieved by the best static page placement scheme andtherefore be effectively used as a substitute for data distri-bution.

4The fraction 75% was somewhat arbitrarily selected, because MG hasonly 4 iterations. The number of iterations for BT,CG,FT and SP are200,400,6 and 15 respectively.

















n tim


NAS BT, Class A, 16 processors

Figure 6. Performance of the record-replaymechanism in the synthetic experiment withNAS BT.

We conducted a third set of experiments, in which weevaluated the record-replay mechanism. In these experi-ments, we instrumented BT and SP to use record-replay inorder to deal with the phase change the z solve function,as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 5 illustrates the performance of the record-replaymechanism with first-touch page placement and the pagemigration mechanism for data distribution enabled only inthe first iteration. This scheme is labeled ft-recrep inthe charts. The striped part of the ft-recrep bar showsthe non-overlapped overhead of the page migrations per-formed by the record-replay mechanism. In these exper-iments we set the number of critical pages to 20, in or-der to limit the cost of replaying page migrations at phasetransition points. For the sake of comparison, the figureshows also the execution time of BT and SP with first-touchwith/without the IRIX page migration engine, as well as theexecution time with our page migration engine enabled onlyfor data distribution.

The results show that the record-replay mechanismachieves some speedup in the execution of useful computa-tion, marginal in the case of SP, up to 10% in the case of BT.Unfortunately, the overhead of page migrations performedby the record-replay mechanism seems to outweigh thisspeedup. When looking at these experiments, one shouldbear in mind that the specific architectural characteristics ofthe Origin2000 bias significantly the results. More specifi-cally, the low remote-to-local memory access latency ratioof the system and the high overhead of page migration dueto the maintenance of TLB coherence, limit the gains fromreducing the rate of remote memory accesses.

In order to overcome the aforementioned implications,we attempted to synthetically scale the experiment and in-


Page 13: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the

Table 2. Statistics from the execution of the NAS benchmarks with different page placement schemesand our page migration engine.

Benchmark Slowdown in the last % of Migrations in the75% of the iterations first iteration

round-robin random worst-case round-robin random worst caseBT 0.3% 0.2% 0.9% 87% 82% 93%CG 1.1% 1.0% 2.7% 100% 100% 100%FT 0.5% 0.4% 0.8% 100% 100% 100%MG 0.5% 0.6% 0.5% 100% 100% 100%SP 0.8% 0.9% 1.4% 78% 81% 88%


















n tim


NAS BT, Class A, 16 processors















n tim


NAS SP, Class A, 16 processors

Figure 5. Performance of the record-replay mechanism in NAS BT and SP.

crease the amount of computation performed during eachphase in the benchmarks. The purpose was to enable therecord-replay mechanism to amortize the cost of page mi-grations over a longer period of time. We did this mod-ification without changing the memory access pattern andthe locality characteristics of the benchmarks as follows:we enclosed each function that comprises the main body ofthe parallel in a sequential loop with 4 iterations. In thisway, we were able to expand the parallel execution time ofz solve from 130 ms to approximately 520 ms on 16 pro-cessors. What we expected to see in this experiment was amuch lower relative cost of page migration and some earn-ings from activating the record-replay mechanism betweenphases. The results from this experiment with NAS BT(shown in Figure 6) verify our intuition. The overhead ofpage migrations accounts for a small fraction of the exe-cution time and the reduction of remote memory accessesshows up, since it is exploited over a longer time period. Inthis experiment the record-replay mechanism provides animprovement of 5% over the version of the benchmark thatuses page migration only for data distribution.

5. Related work

The idea of dynamic page migration has been employedsince the appearance of the first commercial NUMA archi-tectures more than a decade ago. Aside from several im-portant theoretical foundations on page migration [21, 22]mechanisms for automatic page migration by the operatingsystem have been implemented in systems like the BBNButterfly Plus and the IBM RP3 [11, 12]. These systemshad no hardware-supported cache coherence and the cost ofshared memory accesses was solely determined by the lo-cation of pages in shared memory. Different schemes wereinvestigated, such as migrating a page on every write bya different processor, migration based on complete refer-ence information, or migration based on incomplete refer-ence information collected by the operating system. Apply-ing fairly aggressive page migration and replication strate-gies on these systems was feasible, because the relative costof page migrations was not so high compared to the costof memory accesses. The effectiveness of dynamic pagemigrations in these schemes varied radically and it was af-


Page 14: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the

fected significantly by the subtleties of the architecture andthe underlying operating system.

With the appearance of cache coherent NUMA multipro-cessors, dynamic page migration became a trickier prob-lem. On the ccNUMA architecture, accesses to shared datago through the caches and the memory performance of par-allel programs depends heavily on cache locality. In thefirst detailed study of the related issues, Verghese [13]have shown that it is necessary to collect accurate page ref-erence information in order to implement an effective dy-namic page migration scheme. Partial information like TLBmisses is not sufficient. The same work proposed a com-plete kernel-level implementation of dynamic page migra-tion and evaluated it using accurate machine-level simula-tion of a ccNUMA multiprocessor. The results have shownthat dynamic page migration can improve the response timeof programs with irregular memory access patterns, as wellas the throughput on a mulitprogrammed system. The pagemigration engine of the Origin2000 is largely based on thiswork, however it has not been able to achieve the same levelof performance improvements thus far [4, 19]. The previ-ous work on dynamic page migration investigated in generalthe potential of the technique as a locality optimizer. In ourwork dynamic page migration is placed in a new contextand used as a tool for implicit data distribution in OpenMP.

This paper is among the first to conduct a comprehensiveevaluation of static page placement schemes on an actualccNUMA multiprocessor. Static page placement schemesfor cache coherent NUMA multiprocessors were investi-gated via simulation in [16, 23]. The study of [16] identified first-touch as the most effective staticpage placement scheme for simple parallel codes. [23] have recently explored using simulation the im-pact of several page placement schemes in conjunction withalternative interconnection network switch designs on theperformance of parallel applications on ccNUMA multipro-cessors. Their study is oriented towards identifying howcan better switch designs improve the performance of sub-optimal page placement schemes that incur contention. Thestudy provides also some useful insight on the relative per-formance of three of the page placement schemes evaluatedin this paper, namely first-touch, round-robin and buddy al-location. The quantitative results of the study of and ours resemble in the sense that non-optimal pageplacement schemes perform often quite close to first-touchunder certain architectural circumstances. Some quantita-tive assessment of page placement schemes appeared alsoin papers that evaluated the performance of the SPLASH-2benchmarks on ccNUMA multiprocessors [3, 4], howeverthese studies focused on analyzing the locality characteris-tics of the specific programs.

The idea of recording shared memory accesses and usethe recorded information to implement on-the-fly locality

optimizations was exploited in the tapes mechanism [24].This mechanism is designed for software distributed sharedmemory systems, in which all accesses to shared memoryare handled by the runtime system. The tapes mechanism isused as a tool to predict future consistency protocol actionswhich are likely to require communication between nodes.The domain in which the recording mechanism is applied inthis paper is quite different. However, both the tapes mech-anism and the record-replay mechanism presented in thispaper exploit the iterative structure of parallel programs.

Data distribution is a widely and thoroughly studied con-cept, mainly in the context of data-parallel programminglanguages like HPF. A direct comparison between HPF andOpenMP is out of the scope of this paper. HPF is veryexpressive with respect to data distribution and providinga one-to-one correspondence between HPF functionalitiesand page migration mechanisms would be rather unreal-istic. What this paper emphasizes, is that some data dis-tribution capabilities which are critical for sustaining highperformance on distributed shared memory multiprocessorscan be replaced by dynamic page migration mechanisms.

6. Conclusion

The title of this paper raised the question if data distribu-tion facilities should be introduced in OpenMP or not. Theanswer given to this dilemma by the experiments presentedin this paper is no. This position is supported by two argu-ments. First, the hardware of state-of-the-art ccNUMA sys-tems is aggressively optimized to reduce the remote-to-localmemory access latency ratio so much, that any reasonablybalanced page placement scheme used by the operating sys-tem is expected to perform within a small fraction of the op-timum. This trend is expected to persist in future architec-tures, since all the related research is attacking the problemof minimizing remote memory accesses or reducing theircost. Second, in cases in which the page placement schemeis a critical performance factor, system software mecha-nisms like dynamic page migration can remedy the problemby relocating accurately and timely during the execution ofthe program the poorly placed pages. The synergy of ar-chitectural factors and advances in system software enablesplain shared memory programming models like OpenMPto retain a competitive position in the user community bypreserving the fundamental properties of programming withshared memory, namely simplicity and portability.


This work was supported by the E.C. through the TMRContract No. ERBFMGECT-950062, the Greek Secretariatof Research and Technology (contract No. E.D.-99-566)and the Spanish Ministry of Education through projects No.


Page 15: openmp data distribution data distribution and implemented HPF-like, platform-specific data distribution mechanisms in their FORTRAN and C compilers [5]. Since OpenMP has become the

TIC98-511 and TIC97-1445CE. The experiments were con-ducted with resources provided by the European Center forParallelism of Barcelona (CEPBA).


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