opendap/http security issues

OPeNDAP/HTTP Security Issues John Caron/Unidata Ash Wednesday, 2007

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OPeNDAP/HTTP Security Issues. John Caron/Unidata Ash Wednesday, 2007. Goals. Add ability to restrict access to specified datasets” to THREDDS Data Server Allow CDP to run TDS Explore possible security mechanism for TDS’ OPeNDAP server - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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OPeNDAP/HTTP Security Issues

John Caron/UnidataAsh Wednesday, 2007

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• Add ability to restrict access to specified datasets” to THREDDS Data Server– Allow CDP to run TDS

• Explore possible security mechanism for TDS’ OPeNDAP server

• Want it to work with any OPeNDAP client by using standard HTTP protocols

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• HTTP Basic, Digest Authentication• TLS/SSL/HTTPS Authentication• CAS Single Sign On

– Form based authentication• HTTPS Redirect / Sessions• Summary

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Client Server

GET http://server:8080/thredds/dodsC/

HTTP/1.x 401 UnauthorizedWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=“TDS"

GET http://server:8080/thredds/dodsC/request.ddsAuthorization: Basic username:password

HTTP/1.x 200 OKData

HTTP BASIC Authentication

Obtain password


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BASIC Authentication

• When challenged, Client must be able to respond with username/password

• 2x messages (2x latency). Can preemptively authenticate:– Protection space (aka authentication scope):

all paths at or below current URI– Client tracks (server:port/path/*, Realm,

authentication scheme, user/password)• Problem: password is clear text

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Client ServerGET http://server:8080/thredds/dodsC/

HTTP/1.x 401 UnauthorizedWWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=“TDS", qop="auth", nonce="6a7bdac5def00457ab6654ac333ad7dc", opaque="2aeea813b88a52a2fed10653f8346b88"

GET http://server:8080/thredds/dodsC/request.ddsAuthorization: Digest username="tigge", realm=“TDS", nonce="6a7bdac5def00457ab6654ac333ad7dc", uri="/thredds/dodsC/", response="5b76b64babb0ca64b62a3282a8693202", opaque="2aeea813b88a52a2fed10653f8346b88", qop=auth, nc=00000001, cnonce="082c875dcb2ca740"

HTTP/1.x 200 OKData

HTTP Digest Authentication

Obtain password Calculate digest


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DIGEST Authentication• Response is a digest of (user, password, realm,

nonce). Nonce prevents replay attacks.• Client must be able to calculate digests

– Handled by network libraries• Nonce complicates preemptive authorization

– Unique nonce: doubles the messages– Timeout nonce: “window of vulnerability”– Next nonce sent with previous response: can’t

pipeline • Protection space: all URIs on the server, or

specify explicitly with WWW-Authenticate header

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Digest Authentication

• Cryptographically not as strong as public key encryption

• Need careful nonce handling for pre-emptive authorization without vulnerability

• Vulnerable to “Man-in-the-Middle” attacks– inability for client to validate the server

• Storing passwords on the server, even encrypted, is a problem if server is compromised

• Message not encrypted (no confidentiality)

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Client Server

GET https://server:8443/thredds/dodsC/

HTTP/1.x 401 UnauthorizedWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=“TDS"

GET https:server:8080/thredds/dodsC/request.ddsAuthorization: Basic username:password

HTTP/1.x 200 OKData

HTTPS Authentication

Obtain password


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HTTPS Authentication• Client must be able to use TLS (Transport Layer

Security), aka SSL:– Certificates: server (required), client (optional)– Encryption (CPU intensive)– But handled by network libraries

• No replay, no Man-in-middle, content is confidential

• Problem: cost– SSL socket setup = 2 extra roundtrips (?)– Data is encrypted

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Performance Analysis of TLS Web ServersCRISTIAN COARFA, PETER DRUSCHEL, and DAN S. WALLACH, Rice UniversityACM Transactions on Computer Systems, Vol. 24, No. 1, February 2006.

Fig. 10. Throughput in hits/sec. Percentages show the throughput relative to non-TLS Apache on the same platform. Average file size: 46KB.

“TLS imposes a factor of 3.4 to 9 overhead.”“Faster CPUs will eventually bridge the gap”

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Central Authentication Service Single Sign On (SSO)

• Open source, Yale/JA-SIG• Server: Java Servlet, pluggable Authentication • Clients in Java, Ageci/Spring, Perl, php,

Ruby, .NET, Zope, etc

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Client Server

GET http://server:8080/data/

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved TemporarilyLocation: https://server:8443/cas/login?orgURLSet-Cookie: TDS Path=/thredds

GET https://server:8443/cas/login?orgURLHTTP/1.x 201 OK

POST /cas/login?service=orgURLusername=test&password=test&lt=LT-0-rFsBI72KV4A9bXbhVwcA

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved TemporarilyLocation:http://server:8080/data/<id>Set-Cookie: CAS; Path=/cas

GET http://server:8080/data/<ticket> Cookie=TDS


Login Page

HTTP/1.x 201 OK

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Client Server

GET http://server:8080/data/

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved TemporarilyLocation: https://server:8443/cas/login?orgURLSet-Cookie: <sessionID>; Path=/thredds

GET https://server:8443/cas/login?orgURLCookie=CAS

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved TemporarilyLocation:http://server:8080/data/<id>

GET http://server:8080/data/<ticket> Cookie=<sessionID>

CAS SSO – logged in

HTTP/1.x 201 OK

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Client Server

GET http://server:8080/data/

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved TemporarilyLocation: https://server:8443/cas/login?orgURLSet-Cookie: TDS Path=/thredds

GET https://server:8443/cas/login?orgURLHTTP/1.x 201 OK

POST /cas/login?service=orgURLusername=test&password=test&lt=LT-0-rFsBI72KV4A9bXbhVwcA

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved TemporarilyLocation:http://server:8080/data/<id>Set-Cookie: CAS; Path=/cas

GET http://server:8080/data/<ticket> Cookie=TDS


Login Page

HTTP/1.x 201 OK

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Form based authentication

• Login page requires human intervention– Or perhaps can figure out how to respond

automatically• May be a burden even for a GUI

application to process the form• Really appropriate only for portals.• Want software (web service) to fetch the

resource without human intervention– Acting as a proxy for an authorized human

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Client Server

GET http://server:8080/data/

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved TemporarilyLocation: https://server:8443/loginSet-Cookie: jsession=76fddf33a34675fsf

GET https://server:8443/login/roleCookie= jsession=76fddf33a34675fsf

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved TemporarilyLocation:http://server:8080/data/

GET http://server:8080/data/ Cookie= jsession=76fddf33a34675fsf

HTTPS Redirect

HTTP/1.x 201 OK

HTTP/1.x 401 UnauthorizedWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=“TDS"

GET https:server:8443/loginAuthorization: Basic username:passwordCookie= jsession=76fddf33a34675fsf

Obtain password


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Client Server

GET http://server:8080/data/ jsession=76fddf33a34675fsf

Logged in – Session based

HTTP/1.x 201 OK

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Session Cookies

• Vulnerable to replay attack= session hijack• Change cookie each time

– back button may not work• Keep track of user’s IP: hard to get

responses back if IP is spoofed– users with variable IP addresses (use

FF.FF.FF.00 or FF.FF.00.00)• No longer stateless – “logged in”

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HTTPS Redirect

• Client must – follow redirects– return cookies– Support SSL

• Cost– 4x messages for login– No extra messages after logging in

• Vulnerable to session hijacking

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Software stacks


OPeNDAP libraryHTTP libraryHTTP library

Web server/Servlet container

OPeNDAP server

Client Server


Follow redirectsCalculate digestsSSL encryption

Session trackingBasic, Digest AuthenticationSSL



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Summary: Servers• Digest authentication may be good enough

– Probably Basic may be good enough!• Full HTTPS is perhaps 2-3X slower.• HTTPS-Redirect with sessions may be a

good compromise– Session must check IP address

• Avoid Form authentication “human in the loop” unless some standard is agreed on.– Exceptions ? CAS ?

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How much security needed?

• Protect access to scientific data• No $$ or secrets are probably involved• No Grid computations are being spawned• Why are these being restricted?

– Really resource control?• Answer: only the data provider can decide

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Summary: Client libraries

• To allow full range of server options, client libraries should support:– Basic and Digest Authentication– SSL – Follow redirects– Return cookies– Hooks for applications to provide username/

password based on URL and Realm.• Should be a written OPeNDAP standard

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Community Data Portal (NCAR) Authorization

TDS/Tomcat Filter


Central Authorization


CDPClient Data request

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CAS Authorization

TDS/Tomcat Filter


CDP Authorization



Data request

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TDS: Pluggable Authorization

TDSClient Data request

Redirect URL= Auth request

Validate ticket

Central AuthorizationClient Auth request

Redirect URL = Data?ticket

TDSClient Data?ticket

Return Data

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

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Client Server

GET http://server:8080/data/

TDS – logged in

HTTP/1.x 201 OKSet-Cookie=TDS-2

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TDS Restricted Datasets

Add roles in tomcat-users.xml <role rolename="restrictedDatasetUser"/><user username=“johnny" password=“boy” roles="restrictedDatasetUser"/>

Specify in catalog.xml<dataset name="Test Restricted Dataset" serviceName=“dods" urlPath=“myData/" restrictAccess="restrictedDatasetUser”/>

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Standard TDS web.xml <filter-mapping> <filter-name>RestrictedAccessFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/restrictedAccess/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> … <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <web-resource-name>restricted access datasets</web-resource-name> <url-pattern>/restrictedAccess/*</url-pattern> <http-method>GET</http-method> </web-resource-collection> <auth-constraint> <role-name>restrictedDatasetUser</role-name> </auth-constraint> </security-constraint>

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Tomcat / TDS Authorization

TDS/Tomcat Realm

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HTTP/1.x 302 Moved TemporarilyLocation:


HTTP/1.x 401 UnauthorizedWWW-Authenticate: Basic realm=" THREDDS Data Server "

GET Basic Y2Fyb246Y2FybyQ=

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved TemporarilyLocation: jsession=76fddf33alsf

GET jsession=76fddf33alsf

HTTPS Redirect - 2

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Client Server

GET http://server:8080/data/

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved TemporarilyLocation: http://server:8080/restrictedAccess/tiggeDataSet-Cookie: jsession=76fddf33a34675fsf

GET http://server:8080/restrictedAccess/tiggeData Cookie= jsession=76fddf33a34675fsf

HTTP/1.x 302 Moved TemporarilyLocation:http://server:8080/data/

GET http://server:8080/data/ Cookie= jsession=76fddf33a34675fsf

Digest Redirect

HTTP/1.x 201 OK

HTTP/1.x 401 UnauthorizedWWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=“TDS"

GET http://server:8080/restrictedAccess/tiggeData Authorization: Digest username:passwordCookie= jsession=76fddf33a34675fsf

Obtain password


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HTTP/1.x 401 UnauthorizedWWW-Authenticate: Digest realm=" THREDDS Data Server “

GET Digest blah-blah

HTTP/1.x 200 okCookie: jsession=76fddf33alsfData

Digest with Sessions