open quiz prelims answers


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Where would you find this monument?

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Originally used in late 60’s to describe a landmark event in history this phrase is now used to indicate the completion of a mission or an objective.

This shares the title of a famous book which went on to sell over 50 million copies worldwide as of now.

This also shares the title of a John Sturges film which upon release was quite successful and gained a cult following.

What’s the phrase?

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“The Eagle Has Landed”

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Q3. What has been removed here?

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Roger Ebert

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X famously withdrew his novel Y from consideration for Commonwealth Writers' Prize, where it had been awarded the Best Novel in Eurasian section, citing his objections to the term "Commonwealth" and the unfairness of the English-language requirement specified in the rules. Subsequently, he landed in controversy over his acceptance of the Israeli literary award, the $1 million dollar Dan David Prize.

Burmese Press Scrutiny Board asked for many cuts in the Burmese translation of Y as the last part of novel is an extended elegy to Aung San Suu Kyi.

Id X and Y.

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Amitava GhoshThe Glass Palace

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X is a freshwater lake lying on the Highland Boundary Fault, often considered the boundary between the lowlands of Central Scotland and the Highlands. It is 39 kilometres(24 mi) long and between 1.21 kilometres (0.75 mi) and 8 kilometres (5.0 mi) wide. It has an average depth of about 37 metres (121 ft), and a maximum depth of about 190 metres (620 ft). Its surface area is 71 km2 (27 sq mi), and it has a volume of 2.6 km3 (0.62 cu mi). Of all lakes in Great Britain, it is the largest by surface area, and the second largest by water volume.

A 2005 poll of Radio Times readers voted X as the 6th greatest natural wonder in Britain.

Id X.

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The 12 kings are- central king or vijigishu the enemy in front or ari the friend or mitra the enemy’s friend in front or arimitra the friend's friend or mitramitra the enemies friend's friend or arimitra mitra the enemy in rear or parshanigraha the friend in the rear or akranda the enemy’s friend in rear or parshanigrahasara the friend's friend in rear or akrandasara intermediary or madhyama neutral or udasina

These constitute what?

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Kautilya’s international system of Mandala Theory

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Q7. An Andalusian Dog is a 1929 silent surrealist short film by

the Spanish director Luis Buñuel and X. It uses dream logic in narrative flow that can be described in terms of then-popular Freudian free association, presenting a series of tenuously related scenes.

The idea for the film began when Buñuel told X at a restaurant one day about a dream in which a cloud sliced the moon in half "like a razor blade slicing through an eye". X responded that he'd dreamed about a hand crawling with ants. Excitedly, Buñuel declared: "There's the film, let's go and make it.” They were fascinated by what the psyche could create, and decided to write a script based on the concept of suppressed human emotions.

Id X

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Salvador Dali

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Q8.…..The Silence of the Lambs(1991), The Remains of the Day(1993), The English Patient(1996), American Beauty(1999), X, Silver Linings Playbook(2012).

In terms of oscars, identify X.

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Million Dollar Baby(2004)

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“I was walking along the road with two friends – the sun was setting – suddenly the sky turned blood red – I paused, feeling exhausted, and leaned on the fence –there was blood and tongues of fire above the blue-black fjord and the city – my friends walked on, and I stood there trembling with anxiety – and I sensed an infinite ______ passing through nature.”

This memory was rendered by the artist as a poem, which he hand-painted onto the frame of the 1895 pastel version of the work.

Which artwork?

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The Scream

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According to Hindu mythology, the cosmos passes through cycles within cycles for all eternity. The basic cycle is the X,a “day of Brahma”, or 4,320 million earthly years. His night is of equal length. 360 such days and nights constitute a “year of Brahma” and his life is 100 such years long. After the largest cycle the whole universe returns to the ineffable world-spirit, until another creator god is evolved.

In each cosmic day the god creates the universe and again absorbs it. During the cosmic night he sleeps, and the whole universe is gathered up into his body, where it remains as a potentiality. Within each X are fourteen Y, or secondary cycles, each lasting 306,720,000 years, with long intervals between them.

Id X and Y.

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X : Kalpa

Y : Manvantara

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Q.11 This dessert x meaning king's ring in Spanish is usually eaten on January 6th during celebration of Y(meaning king's day) to commemorate the arrival of the three magi. identify X and Y.

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Roscan de Reyes

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Q.12 "His Highness is a remorseless tyrant, guilty of the most horrible cruelties, very brave, so good a general that they call him the__________ ________”

Lord Byron commenting on Ali Pasha. What has been blanked out?

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Mahometan Buonaparte

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Q.13 He was highest ranking scientist in Brown and Williamson(one of the largest tobacco company in U.S.).He was removed from his post once he discovered the unethical practices of the company and decided to go to media and got involved as an expert witness in tobacco trials. He is considered as the pioneer because of whom nowadays cigarette packets comes with a warning.

Who am I talking about?

Ans: Jefferey Wigand

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Q.14 After the defeat of the Nazis during World War II, there was a scramble by all the major powers (U.S., U.K. and Russia) to capture the leading Nazi scientists and intelligence agents. The US operation was named X. Many Nazi scientists were captured as a result – the most famous of whom were Wenher Von Braun and Arthur Rudolph, who helped the U.S. develop rockets for space exploration and, ultimately, the moon landing. The most famous of the intelligence agents recruited was Reinhard Gehlen, who was used to set up a spy ring against the Soviet Union (known as the Gehlen Organization). He also helped train the Israeli Special Forces Mossad.


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Operation Paperclip

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*Q.15 Anthony Blunt, Guy Burgess, Donald Duart Maclean, Kim Philby and their fifth associate is still unknown.

What’s their claim to fame?

Ans: The Cambridge Five

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Q. 16 Identify this haircut which Matt Damon is sporting.

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Ivy League

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Q.17 Ad by which company?

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This bird endemic to the Carribeanislands of Cuba derives its name from its unique call.

It can also send out short, distressed call which makes its location difficult to trace.

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The Cuban Trogon or Tocoroco

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Q.19 Name the movie in which this song was used.

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Q.20* German stamp commemorating which famous chemist?

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Q.21 This renowned poet’s middle name was Lee. The epitaph engraved on his stone reads “I Had a Lover’s Quarrel With The World.” Who?

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Q.22 “X is built on the idea that Y can be more intuitive, efficient and useful. And maybe even fun”Introduction of which widely used product?

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Q.23 After the successful diving expedition to locate the wreck of Titanic which country issued 5000 of these oval shaped silver proof of $10 coins depicting the doomed ship with a small piece of coal incorporated at the coal bunker section of the ship?

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Q.24 Hans Luther, Benjamin Harrison and Mir Qasim. What fact connects them?

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Preceded and Succeeded by same person

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Q.25* According to theoretical physics X is defined as one dimensional filament of energy usually microscopic. Sometimes considered smaller than even Planck’s length (although sometime this is in doubt). This is the fundamental object in a celebrated theory. Id X.

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Q.26 Vincent van Gogh being portrayed by whom?

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Kirk Douglas

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Q.27 This Germanic neo-Pagan pendant and the coat of arms of Torsas municipality, Sweden both depict which mythical object?

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Q.29 The Government of India awarded this guy its highest civilian award Bharat Ratna in 1958 , the year he turned 100 years old. In honour of him Queen’s road in Mumbai was renamed after him. Who was he?

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Dhonda Keshav Karve

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Q.30* This cocktail is made of equal parts vodka, triple sec and lime juice. The name literally means ‘God wind’ or ‘divine wind’. Id

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