open problems in mathematical physics

Physica Scripta INVITED COMMENT Open problems in mathematical physics To cite this article: Alan A Coley 2017 Phys. Scr. 92 093003 View the article online for updates and enhancements. Related content From geometry to numerics: interdisciplinary aspects in mathematical and numerical relativity José Luis Jaramillo, Juan Antonio Valiente Kroon and Eric Gourgoulhon - The 1965 Penrose singularity theorem José M M Senovilla and David Garfinkle - Origins and development of the Cauchy problem in general relativity Hans Ringström - Recent citations Dual mode spectroscopic biomedical sensor: Technical considerations for the wireless testbed* Usman Masud et al - Theoretical cosmology A A Coley and G F R Ellis - Quantum singularities in self-similar spacetimes D. A. Konkowski et al - This content was downloaded from IP address on 03/10/2021 at 21:57

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Open problems in mathematical physicsTo cite this article: Alan A Coley 2017 Phys. Scr. 92 093003


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Related contentFrom geometry to numerics:interdisciplinary aspects in mathematicaland numerical relativityJosé Luis Jaramillo, Juan Antonio ValienteKroon and Eric Gourgoulhon


The 1965 Penrose singularity theoremJosé M M Senovilla and David Garfinkle


Origins and development of the Cauchyproblem in general relativityHans Ringström


Recent citationsDual mode spectroscopic biomedicalsensor: Technical considerations for thewireless testbed*Usman Masud et al


Theoretical cosmologyA A Coley and G F R Ellis


Quantum singularities in self-similarspacetimesD. A. Konkowski et al


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Page 2: Open problems in mathematical physics

Invited Comment

Open problems in mathematical physics

Alan A Coley

Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, B3H 4R2, Canada

E-mail: [email protected]

Received 28 May 2017, revised 23 July 2017Accepted for publication 3 August 2017Published 30 August 2017

AbstractWe present a list of open questions in mathematical physics. After a historical introduction, anumber of problems in a variety of different fields are discussed, with the intention of giving anoverall impression of the current status of mathematical physics, particularly in the topical fieldsof classical general relativity, cosmology and the quantum realm. This list is motivated by therecent article proposing 42 fundamental questions (in physics) which must be answered on theroad to full enlightenment (Allen and Lidstrom 2017 Phys. Scr. 92 012501). But paraphrasing afamous quote by the British football manager Bill Shankly, in response to the question ofwhether mathematics can answer the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything,mathematics is, of course, much more important than that.

Keywords: mathematical physics, open problems, general relativity and cosmology

1. Mathematical problems

There are essentially two branches of mathematics, which inthe broadest sense can be referred to as pure mathematics andapplied mathematics (but there are actually three types ofmathematicians; those that can count and those that cannot!).The actual mathematics (the problems, techniques and rigor)used in both are exactly the same, but perhaps pure mathe-maticians and applied mathematicians are motivated differ-ently. Pure mathematics is concerned with mathematics for itsown sake, and an important criterion for assessing a worthyproblem is whether it leads to new developements inmathematics (inwardly directed). Applied mathematics is also(and perhaps primarily) concerned with establishing facts ofreal world interest (outwardly directed). For a more philoso-phical discussion on the nature of mathematics see, forexample, the preface to [2] and references within.

Noted probems in mathematics have always beenimportant and are part of the mathematical culture, both asrecreation and as tests of acumen. Unlike physics, whereproblems are dictated by necessity and practicalities, pro-blems in mathematics, particularly on the more pure side,have a life of their own and the opinions of central charactershave always been very important and played an elevated andpivotal role. Hence the importance attached to problemsespoused by famous mathematicians.

In the sixteenth century, and according to the custom ofthe time, mathematical challenges, a type of intellectual dueland a way of showing ones mathematical chops and gainingrespect, were often made. In 1530, there was a famous contestbetween Niccol Tartaglia and Antonio Fiore (a student ofScipione del Ferro) on solving cubic equations. Each con-testant proposed a number of problems for his rival to solve,and whoever solved the most problems would receive all ofthe money put up by the two contestants. Since Tartaglia hadworked out a general method for solving cubic equations, hewon the contest. Later, Tartaglia revealed his secret method toGerolamo Cardano (which later led to questions of prioritybetween Ferro and Tartaglia) when Cardano published a bookon cubic equations. This subsequently led to a challenge byTartaglia, which was eventually accepted by Cardanoʼs stu-dent Lodovico Ferrari. Ferrari beat Tartaglia in the challenge,and Tartaglia lost both his prestige and income [3].

In 1696 John Bernoulli published a challenging problem:To find the curve connecting two points, at different heightsand not on the same vertical line, along which a body actedupon only by gravity will fall in the shortest time (the curvewhich solves this problem is called the ‘brachistochrone’).Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz and Bernoulli were confident thatonly a person who knew calculus could solve this problem(and it was rumored that this problem was set, in part, todetermine what Isaac Newton knew on this topic since he had

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not published his results yet). Within one day of receiving thechallange, Newton sent in his solution. When Bernoulliannounced the winners of his contest, he named Leibniz andl’Hopital (Leibnizʼs student) and one anonymous winner.Bernoulli recognized the anonymous winner in public withthe phrase: ‘we know the lion by his claw’.

The twenty-three problems published by the mathemati-cian David Hilbert in 1900 [4] are probably the most famousproblems in mathematics. All of the problems were unsolvedat the time of publication. Several of them have been veryinfluential in the development of mathematics. Mathemati-cians and mathematical organizations have since announcedseveral lists of problems, but these have not had the sameinfluence as Hilbertʼs original problems. At the end of themillennium, which was also the centennial of Hilbertʼs pub-lication of his problems, several mathematicians accepted thechallenge to formulate ‘a new set of Hilbert problems’. Mostnotable are Steven Smaleʼs eighteen problems, but to datethese have not garnered very much popular attention. Perhapsthe twenty-first century analog of Hilbertʼs problems is the listof seven Millennium Prize Problems chosen in the year 2000by the Clay Mathematics Institute.

1.1. Hilbertʼs problems

Hilbertʼs twenty-three problems in mathematics were pub-lished by David Hilbert in 1900 [4], and ranged over anumber of topics in contemporary mathematics of the time.Some of these problems were stated precisely enough toenable a clear answer, while for others a solution to anaccepted interpretation might have been possible but closelyrelated unsolved problems exist. And some of Hilbertʼs pro-blems were not formulated precisely enough in themselves,but were suggestive for more modern problems. At the timeof publication the problems were all unsolved. Several ofthem were very influential for twentieth century mathematics;for example, the 11th and the 16th problems (H11 and H16—see the text below and the appendix where all of the problemsreferred to are stated) have given rise to the flourishingmathematical subdisciplines of quadratic forms and realalgebraic curves. A number of problems have given rise tosolutions that have garnered great acclaim including, forexample, H1 and H10. And many aspects of these problemsare still of great interest today.

There are two problems that are not only unresolved butmay, in fact, not be resolvable by modern standards. Forexample, H6 concerns the axiomatization of physics and H4concerns the foundations of geometry. H4 is generallythought to be too vague to enable a definitive answer, andthere is no clear mathematical consensus on the possiblerelevence of Godelʼs second incompleteness theorem (whichgives a precise sense in which such a finitistic proof of theconsistency of arithmetic is unprovable). In addition, Hilbertoriginally included a ‘24th problem’ (in proof theory, on acriterion for simplicity and general methods), but H24 waswithdrawn from the list since it was regarded as being toovague to ever be described as solved.

Noteworthy for its appearance on the list of Hilbertproblems, and Smaleʼs list and the list of Millennium PrizeProblems, is the Riemann hypothesis (H8), which asserts thatall non-trivial zeros of the analytical continuation of theRiemann zeta function have a real part of 1/2. A proof ordisproof of this would have far-reaching implications innumber theory. H8 is still considered to be an importantopen problem, and has led to other important prime numberproblems, including Goldbachʼs conjecture and the twinprime conjecture, both of which remain unsolved. However,even this famous hypothesis in pure mathematics is relatedto the energy eigenvalues of distributions of random matri-ces, which is important in nuclear physics and quantumchaos [5].

1.1.1. Summary and status of Hilbertʼs problems. Of theclearly formulated Hilbert problems, problems H3, H7, H10,H11, H13, H14, H17, H19, H20 and H21 have a resolutionthat is generally accepted by consensus. On the other hand,problems H1, H2, H5, H9, H15, H18 and H22 have solutionsthat have been partially accepted, although there is somecontroversy as to whether the problems have been adequatelyresolved.

That leaves H8 (the Riemann hypothesis), H12 and H16as unresolved. H6 might be considered as a problem inphysics rather than in mathematics. And H4 and H23 are toovague to ever be described as solved.

The 4 unsolved problems are [4]:

• H6 Mathematical treatment of the axioms of physics.• H8 The Riemann hypothesis.• H12 Extend the Kronecker–Weber theorem on abelianextensions of the rational numbers to any base number field.

• H16 Describe relative positions of ovals originating froma real algebraic curve and as limit cycles of a polynomialvector field on the plane.

The other Hilbert problems are listed in the appendix.The majority of these problems are in pure mathematics; onlyH19–H23 are of direct interest to physicists. The Riemannhypothesis (H8), and H12 and H16 are problems in puremathematics in the areas of number theory and algebra (andH16 is unresolved even for algebraic curves of degree 8).

H6 concerns the axiomatization of physics. In particular,Hilbert proposed the following two specific problems: (i) theaxiomatic treatment of probability with limit theorems for thefoundation of statistical physics and (ii) the rigorous theory oflimiting processes ‘which lead from the atomistic view to thelaws of motion of continua.’ Kolmogorovʼs axiomatics [6] isnow accepted as standard and there has been some successregarding (ii) [7]. This is indeed a problem withinmathematical physics, although it is perhaps not necessarilyregarded as being of prime importance in contemporaryphysics.

1.2. Smaleʼs problems

Steven Smale proposed a list of eighteen unsolved problemsin mathematics in 1998 [8], inspired by Hilbertʼs original list


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of problems and at the behest of Vladimir Arnold. Smaleʼsproblems S1 and S13 are Hilbertʼs eighth (Riemann hypoth-esis) and sixteenth (H8 and H16) problems, respectively,which remain unsolved.

The Poincare conjecture (S2), which asserts that in threedimensions a sphere is characterized by the fact that it is theonly closed and simply connected surface, was proved byGrigori Perelman in 2003 using Ricci flows [9]. This problemis central to the more general problem of classifying all3-manifolds, and has many applications in modern theoreticalphysics.

There are nine remaining unsolved problems:

• S3 Does P = NP?• S4 Shub-Smale conjecture on the integer zeros of apolynomial of one variable.

• S5 Height bounds for Diophantine curves• S8 Extend the mathematical model of general equilibriumtheory to include price adjustments.

• S9 The linear programming problem: find a stronglypolynomial time algorithm which decides whether, forgiven a matrix A (in ´Rm n) and b (in Rm), there exists an x(in Rn) with Ax b.

• S10 Pughʼs closing lemma (higher order of smoothness)• S15 Do the Navier–Stokes equations in R3 always have aunique smooth solution that extends for all time?

• S16 Jacobian conjecture• S18 Limits of intelligence.

The famous problem Does P = NP? (S3) is whether ornot, for all problems for which an algorithm can verify agiven solution in polynomial time (termed a non-deterministicpolynomial time or NP problem), an algorithm can also findthat solution quickly (a polynomial time or P problem); thatis, whether all problems in NP are also in P. This is generallyconsidered to be one of the most important open questions inmathematics and theoretical computer science and it has far-reaching consequences to other problems in mathematics, andin biology, philosophy and cryptography. A common exam-ple of a P versus NP problem is the so-called travelingsalesman problem (which asks the following question: Givena list of cities and the distances between each pair of cities,what is the shortest possible route that visits each city exactlyonce and returns to the origin city?) It is an NP-hard problemin combinatorial optimization, important in operationsresearch and theoretical computer science. Most mathemati-cians and computer scientists expect that the answer is that itis not true (i.e., ¹P NP). This problem also appears in theMillennium Prize list.

The problem S8 is in financial mathematics, which mightbe regarded as within the purview of theoretical physics. Gjer-stad [10] has extended the deterministic model of price adjust-ment to a stochastic model and shown that when the stochasticmodel is linearized around the equilibrium the result is theautoregressive price adjustment model used in applied econo-metrics. In tests it was found that the model performs well with

price adjustment data from a general equilibrium experimentwith two commodities.

Problems S4, S5, S9, S10 and S16 are problems in puremathematics. Smale also listed three additional problems inpure mathematics: the Mean value problem, the question ofwhether the three-sphere is a minimal set, and whether anAnosov diffeomorphism of a compact manifold topologicallyis the same as the Lie group model of John Franks? Thesolved problems are listed in the appendix. Unlike the Hilbertproblems, many of these problems have practical applicationsand are of relevence in physics. For example, an alternativeformulation of S7 is the Thompson Problem of the distribu-tion of equal point charges on a unit sphere governed by theelectrostatic Coulomb law. Problem S18 is concerned withthe fundamental problems of intelligence and learning, bothfrom the human and machine side.

The Navier–Stokes equations describe the motion offluids. The problem is essentially to make progress towards awell-defined mathematical theory that will give insight intothese equations. Therefore S15 is truely a problem in math-ematical physics and has imporant applications in manybranches of theoretical physics including engineering andoceanography, and even astrophysics.

Solutions of the compressible Euler equations typicallydevelop singularities (that is, discontinuities of the basic fluidvariables), in a finite time [11]. The proofs of the developmentof singularities are often by contradiction and consequentlydo not give detailed information on what occurs when thesmooth solutions break down. The formation of shock wavesare possible, and it is known that in some cases solutions canbe physically extended beyond the time of shock formation.The extended solutions only satisfy the equations in the ‘weaksense’. For the classical Euler equations there is a well-knowntheorem on the global existence of weak solutions in one(space) dimension [12], and a one-dimensional class of weaksolutions has recently been found in which both existence anduniqueness hold [13]. In higher (space) dimensions there areno general global existence theorems known. The question ofwhich quantities must blow up when a singularity forms inhigher dimensions has been partially addressed for classicalhydrodynamics [14]. A smooth solution of the classical Eulerequations has been proven to exist for all time when the initialdata are small and the fluid is initially flowing outwardsuniformly [15].

1.3. Millennium Prize problems

The Millennium Prize Problems are seven problems inmathematics that were proposed by the Clay MathematicsInstitute in 2000 [16], with a $1 million US prize beingawarded by the Institute to the discoverer(s) of a correctsolution to any of the problems. At present, the only Mil-lennium Prize problem to have been solved is the Poincareconjecture [9]. In addition to the Poincare conjecture, threeother problems, namely the Riemann hypothesis (H8), Pversus NP (S3), and the existence and smoothness of theNavier–Stokes equations (S15), are also on Smaleʼs list.


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There are three remaining unsolved problems [16]:

• M1 The Hodge conjecture that for projective algebraicvarieties, Hodge cycles are rational linear combinations ofalgebraic cycles.

• M2 Yang–Mills existence and mass gap.• M3 The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture.

Problem M2 aims to establish the existence of thequantum Yang–Mills theory and a mass gap rigorously, and istruely a problem in mathematical physics. Classical Yang–Mills theory [17] is a generalization (or analog) of Maxwellʼstheory of electromagnetism in which the chromo-electromagnetic field itself carries charges. As a classical fieldtheory, it is solutions propagate at the speed of light and so itsquantum version describes massless gluons. The so-calledmass gap is the problem that color confinement only allowsbound states of gluons, which form massive particles. Theasymptotic freedom of confinement also makes it possiblethat a quantum Yang–Mills theory exists without restriction tolow energy scales.

Many important mathematical questions remain unsolved,including stability theorems and the proof of existence ofYang–Mills fields by methods of partial differential equations.More contemporary questions are to obtain solutions of theYang–Mills equations on a Riemannian (or Lorentz) manifold.The Yang–Mills equations in general relativity will be dis-cussed later.

The Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture M3 asserts thatthat there is a simple way to tell whether the equations definingelliptic curves have a finite or infinite number of rational solu-tions. This is a special case of Hilbertʼs tenth problem, in whichit has been proven that there is no way to decide whether a givenequation in the more general case even has any solutions.

2. Mathematical physics

Not all mathematical problems are necessarily of interest to aphysicist. Similarly, not all problems in physics are of a mathe-matical character. For example, there are many lists of problemsin physics, including problems in high-energy physics/particlephysics, astronomy and astrophysics, nuclear physics, atomic,molecular and optical physics, condensed matter physics, andbiophysics [20, 21]. But these cannot all be regarded as problemswithin mathematics. Most problems of a mathematical nature arerestricted to fundamental physics and particularly theoreticalphysics (and especially in theories such as general relativity (GR)and quantum gravity (QG)). It is perhaps illuminating to recall thequote by Werner von Braun who said that ‘Basic research is whatI am doing when I do not know what I am doing’.

Five of the most important and interestingly unsolvedproblems in theoretical physics in the quantum regime (in thesmall) and in cosmology (in the large) are commonly agreedto be the following (see, for example, [22]):

• Ph1 The problem of quantum gravity.• Ph2 The foundational problems of quantum mechanics.• Ph3 The unification of particles and forces.

• Ph4 The tuning problem.• Ph5 The problem of cosmological mysteries.

We shall be interested in problems which we shall referto as problems in mathematical physics, which we shall defineto mean problems that are well-formulated (i.e., well-posed)mathematical problems, which are of interest to physicists.Many such problems involve systems of partial differentialequations, which are of central importance in theoreticalphysics.

In general, problems in mathematical physics will notinclude problems where the basic underlying physics is notunderstood (such as, for example the quantization of gravity),and although it is clear that their solution will inevitablyinvolve a lot of mathematics (and perhaps even lead to newareas of mathematics), an explicit well-posed mathematicalproblem cannot be formulated. Nor do they include problemsin pure mathematics where there is no clear physical appli-cation (e.g., the Riemann hypothesis). There are also ques-tions in computational mathematics, and it is also debatablewhether such problems qualify as problems in mathematicalphysics. The meaning of problems in mathematical physics isnicely illustrated by the set of 15 open problems proposed bymathematical physicist Barry Simon [18], which we shalldiscuss a little later.

This paper is motivated, in part, by the recent articleentitled Life, the Universe, and everything: 42 fundamentalquestions (referred to hereafter as AL42 [1]: the actual list ofquestions is given in the appendix), which itself was inspiredby The Hitchhikerʼs Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams.There are many questions in theoretical physics discussed inAL42, some of which are of relevance here and will be dis-cussed in more detail later, including the cosmological con-stant problem (AL2.1), the dark energy problem (AL2.2), theregularization of quantum gravity (AL2.3), black hole entropyand thermodynamics (AL2.4), black hole information pro-cessing (AL2.5), supersymmetry and the hierarchy problems(AL3.3), and higher dimensions and the geometry andtopology of internal space (AL5.1).

In this paper, I shall present a number of what I considerto be problems in mathematical physics, primarily in thecurrent areas of theoretical and fundamental physics. Classi-cal GR remains healthy and vigorous, in part, due to a fre-quent injection of fertile mathematical ideas (such as those ofHawking and Penrose and, more recently, of Schoen–Yau andWitten). By any reasonable definition of the term, it is clearthat much of classical GR is ‘mathematical physics’. GRproblems have typically been under-represented in lists ofproblems in mathematical physics (e.g., see [18]), perhapsdue to their advanced technical nature. Obviously any suchlist is subjective, and classical GR may well be over-repre-sented here, but I feel at liberty to comprehensively discussproblems in GR (artistic licence?) and to present some of myown personal favorites (PFs) (perhaps to justify my ownresearch interests?).

After the current more introductory and historical section,I shall discuss in more detail classical GR first, and thenreturn to quantum theory and cosmology (and specifically


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discuss the 5 physics problems above) in the ensuing sections.It is the technical problems that are of interest to mathema-ticians. Often physicists are perhaps not as interested in thetechnical aspects of the problem, but more in the context andthe consequences of the results. Hence, although I shallattempt to state the problems relatively rigorously, as isappropriate for mathematicians, I shall endeavor to select lesstechnical questions, or at least describe them in as heuristicmanner as possible, which may well be of more interest tophysicists.

This article is written primarily for a readership withsome background in mathematics and physics. However,regardless of background, the intention here is not for readersto understand each and every problem, but rather to get anoverall impression of the open questions in the various fields.In particular, one aim is to outline which areas are currentlyexciting with unsolved problems whose potential solutionmight have a huge impact on the field, and consequentlymotivate readers (and especially young physicists) to possiblyget more involved in research. Obviously this article takes itfor granted that mathematics is necessarily the language ofphysics (that is, the so-called unreasonable effectiveness ofmathematics in the natural sciences [19]); however, the phi-losophical reasons for this it is beyond the current discussion.

2.1. More on lists

There are many lists of unsolved problems in mathematics(see, for example, [23, 24]). These include many problems inapplied mathematics (and hence mathematical physics), someof which have been discussed above (the regularity of theNavier–Stokes and Yang–Mills equations, and problems onturbulence). In particular, there are questions on stability (e.g.,for what classes of ordinary differential equations, describingdynamical systems, does the Lyapunov second method for-mulated in the classical and canonically generalized formsdefine the necessary and sufficient conditions for theasymptotic stability of motion?), questions in ergodic theory(e.g., the Furstenberg conjecture), on actions in higher-rankgroups (e.g., the Margulis conjecture), the question of whe-ther the Mandelbrot set is locally connected, and problems inHamiltonian flows (e.g., the Weinstein conjecture: does aregular compact contact type level set of a Hamiltonian on asymplectic manifold carry at least one periodic orbit of theHamiltonian flow?)

In particular, very recently the DARPA MathematicalChallenges were proposed [25], which are very heavy inapplied mathematics and theoretical physics. They involvenot only problems in classical fluid dynamics and the Navier–Stokes equation (and their use in the quantitative under-standing of shock waves, turbulence, and solitons), but alsoproblems in which new methods are needed to tackle complexfluids (such as foams, suspensions, gels, and liquid crystals),and the Langlands program (see below). In addition, a num-ber of DARPA challenges involve traditional problems inpure mathematics, such as the Riemann hypothesis (numbertheory), the Hodge conjecture (in algebraic geometry), and inconvex optimization (e.g., whether linear algebra be replaced

by algebraic geometry in a systematic way). They alsoinclude the physical consequences of Perelmanʼs proof ofThurstonʼs geometrization theorem and the implications forspacetime and cosmology of the Poincare conjecture in fourdimensions.

Also a number of more speculative problems were pro-posed in an attempt to apply mathematics to new areas ofinterest, including the mathematics of the brain, the dynamicsof networks, stochasticity in nature, problems in theoreticalbiology and biological quantum field theory (e.g., what arethe fundamental laws of biology, can Shannonʼs informationtheory be applied to virus evolution, the geometry of genomespace, what are the symmetries and action principles forbiology) and the mathematics of quantum computing (algo-rithms and entanglement) including optimal nanostructures,and problems in theoretical computation in many dimensions.One of the most important advances in the last few years hasbeen the use of theoretical computing and neural networks toattempt to solve all kinds of previously untractable problems.

There are also a number of interesting questions, some ofwhich are discussed in AL42, which might be considered tobe more metaphysics than physics, and certainly outside therealm of mathematical physics (although they may beaddressed by scientists, and indeed mathematicians, in thefuture). These include the study of the multiverse and theanthropic principle, and emergent phenomena such as life andconsciousness (the puzzle of the possible role of humanconsciousness in resolving questions in quantum physics isdiscussed by [26]). For example, in appendix of AL42 theultimate nature of reality, the reality of human experience,conscious minds and questions on the origin of complex lifeare broached. To this list, questions of ethics and even reli-gion might be added. The potential for breakthroughs intheoretical, computational, experimental, and observationaltechniques are also discussed in AL42. Although such topicsare outside the purview of the current article, that is not to saythat mathematics might not be useful in their consideration.

2.2. Mathematical physicists

In mathematics, the Langlands program [27] constitutes anumber of conjectures that relate Galois groups in algebraicnumber theory to automorphic forms and representation the-ory of algebraic groups over local fields. DARPA proposedtwo challenges: (geometric Langlands and quantum physics)how does the Langlands program explain the fundamentalsymmetries of physics (and vice versa), and (arithmeticLanglands, topology, and geometry) what role does homo-topy theory play in the classical, geometric, and quantumLanglands programs.

It has been thought for a long time that the Langlandsduality ought to be related to various dualities observed inquantum field theory and string theory. The so-called Lang-lands dual group [27], which is essential in the formulation ofthe Langlands correspondence, plays an important role in thestudy of S-dualities in physics and was introduced by phy-sicists in the framework of four-dimensional gauge theory[28]. Witten recently showed that Langlands duality is closely


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related to the S-duality of quantum field theory, which opensup exciting possibilities for both subjects [29]. Indeed, theconnections between the Langlands program and two-dimensional conformal field theory give important insightsinto the physical implications of the Langlands duality.

Edward Witten is a theoretical physicist working in stringtheory, quantum gravity, supersymmetric quantum field the-ories, and other areas of mathematical physics. In addition tohis contributions to physics, Wittenʼs work has also sig-nificantly impacted pure mathematics. In 1990 he became thefirst (and so far only) physicist to be awarded a Fields Medalby the International Mathematical Union. The Fields Medal isregarded as the highest honor a mathematician can receiveand, together with the Abel Prize, has often been viewed asthe ‘Nobel Prize’ for mathematics.

In a written address to the International MathematicalUnion, Michael Atiyah said of Witten [30]: ‘Although he isdefinitely a physicist his command of mathematics is rivaledby few mathematicians, and his ability to interpret physicalideas in mathematical form is quite unique’. As an example ofWittenʼs work in pure mathematics, Atiyah cited his appli-cation of techniques from quantum field theory to the math-ematical subject of low-dimensional topology. In particular,Witten realized that Chern–Simons theory in physics couldprovide a framework for understanding the mathematicaltheory of knots and 3-manifolds [31]. Witten was alsoawarded the Fields Medal, in part, for his proof in 1981 of thepositive energy theorem in general relativity [32].

There are also many mathematicians who have greatlyinfluenced physics. These include Roger Penrose and StevenHawking (whose contributions will be discussed later).Michael Atiyah is a mathematician specializing in geometry,and was awarded the Fields Medal in 1966. He helped to laythe foundations for topological K-theory, an important tool inalgebraic topology. The Atiyah–Singer index theorem [33] (inwhich the index is computed by topological means) is widelyused in counting the number of independent solutions todifferential equations. The index theorem provides a linkbetween geometry and topology and has many applications intheoretical physics. Some of his more recent theoreticalphysics inspired work, and particularly that on instantons andmonopoles, is responsible for some subtle corrections inquantum field theory.

Simon Donaldson, one of Atiyahʼs students, is known forhis work on the topology of smooth (differentiable) four-dimensional manifolds and the Donaldson (instanton) invar-iant (among other things). Donaldsonʼs work is on theapplication of mathematical analysis (and especially that ofelliptic partial differential equations) to problems in the geo-metry of 4-manifolds, complex differential geometry andsymplectic geometry [34]. He has used ideas from physics tosolve mathematical problems, and investigated problems inmathematics which have physical applications (e.g., anapplication of gauge theory to four-dimensional topology[35]). Recently, Donaldsonʼs work has included a problem incomplex differential geometry regarding a conjectured rela-tionship between the stability conditions for smooth projec-tive varieties and the existence of Kahler–Einstein metrics

with constant scalar curvature [36], which is of interest instring theory. String theory is often described as a topic withinmathematics rather than in physics (in much the same wayGR was fifty years ago).

The mathematician Shing-Tung Yau was awarded theFields Medal in 1982. Yauʼs work is mainly in differentialgeometry, especially in geometric analysis. He has beenactive and very influential at the interface between geo-metry and theoretical physics (see later). Together withSchoen, Yau used variational methods to prove the positiveenergy theorem in GR, which asserts that (under appro-priate assumptions) the total energy of a gravitating systemis always positive and can vanish only when the geometryis that of flat Minkowski spacetime. It consequentlyestablishes Minkowski space as a stable ground state of thegravitational field. As mentioned above, Wittenʼs latersimpler (re)proof [32] used ideas from supergravity theory.Yau also proved the Calabi conjecture which allows phy-sicists to demonstrate, utilizing Calabi–Yau compactifica-tion, that string theory is a viable candidate for a unifiedtheory of nature. Calabi–Yau manifolds are currently one ofthe standard tools for string theorists.

2.3. Simonʼs problems

Problems in mathematical physics are well formulatedmathematical questions of interest to physicists. The meaningof problems in mathematical physics is nicely illustrated bythe set of 15 open problems proposed by mathematical phy-sicist Barry Simon in 1984 [18], who was awarded theAmerican Mathematical Societyʼs Steele Prize for Lifetimeachievements in mathematics in 2016.

I shall display and briefly discuss six of these problemsbelow. The first two questions are in fluid dynamics and havebeen alluded to earlier. The sixth, cosmic censorship, will bediscussed later. The remaining problems are displayed in theappendix (the citations therein are circa 1984 [18], and therehas subsequently been progress on these problems). Althoughmany of these problems involve Schrodinger operators,Simonʼs own field of expertize, I believe that the problems dohelp give a flavor of what problems constitute mathematicalphysics to a general physicist (for example, one who is notnecessarily an expert in GR, one of the fields to be discussedbelow).

• BS1 Existence for Newtonian gravitating particles. A:prove that the set of initial conditions which fails to haveglobal solutions is of measure zero (some mathematiciansbelieve that there may be an open set of initial conditionsleading to non-global solutions). B: existence of non-collisional singularities in the Newtonian N-body problem.

• BS3 Develop a comprehensive theory of the long timebehavior of dynamical systems including a theory of theonset of, and of fully developed, turbulence.

• BS2 Open questions in ergodic theory. Particularproblems include A: ergodicity of gases with soft cores,


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B: approach to equilibrium, and C: asymptotic Abelian-ness for the quantum Heisenberg dynamics.

• BS8 Formulation of the renormalization group and proofof universality. A: develop a mathematically preciseversion of the renormalization transformations forν-dimensional Ising-type systems. B: in particular, showthat the critical exponents in the three-dimensional Isingmodels with nearest neighbor coupling but different bondstrengths in the three directions are independent of theratios of these bond strengths.

• BS14 Quantum field theory remains a basic element offundamental physics and a continual source of inspirationto mathematicians. A: give a precise mathematicalconstruction of quantum chromodynamics, the model ofstrong interaction physics. B: construct any non-trivialrenormalizable but not super-renormalizable quantumfield theory. C: prove that quantum electrodynamics is nota consistent theory. D: prove that a non-trivial latticecutoff theories theory does not exist.

• BS15 Cosmic censorship.

Problem BS3 is very general and rather vague, and so the firstproblem is to formulate the really significant questions. Forrecent reviews of some of the more spectacular developmentssee [37, 38]. There has been considerable progress inunderstanding the onset of turbulence (e.g., see [39]), butfully developed turbulence is far from being comprehensivelyunderstood. Even the connection between turbulence and theNavier–Stokes equation is not absolutely clear [40].

Regarding BS2, the developers of statistical mechanicsand thermodynamics, including Boltzmann and Gibbs, rea-lized that from a microscopic point of view bulk systemsrapidly approach equilibrium states parametrized by a fewmacroscopic parameters. It was originally believed that itcould be proven that the classical dynamics on the constantenergy manifolds of phase space is ergodic. However, theKolmogorov–Arnold–Moser (KAM) theorem [41] is a resultin dynamical systems about the persistence of quasiperiodicmotions under small perturbations. An important con-sequence of KAM is that many classical systems will not beergodic: there will be an invariant subset of phase spaceconsisting of a union of invariant tori of positive totalmeasure.

Problem BS14 concerns the question of whether quantumfield theory really is a mathematical theory at all. Thisquestion remains open for any nonlinear quantum field theoryin three-space plus one-time dimensions. The basic difficultyin formulating the mathematical problem is the singular nat-ure of the nonlinear equations proposed. Physicists eventuallydeveloped sets of ad hoc rules to cancel the infinities in QFTand to calculate observable effects. These rules of renorma-lization were remarkably accurate in producing verifiablenumbers in electrodynamics.

Fisher, Kadanoff and Wilson [42] developed the ‘renor-malization group theory’ of critical phenomena which,regarding question BS8.B above, is often claimed to ‘explain’universality (rather than universality being assumed). The basicidea of shifting scales as one approaches a critical point via a

nonlinear map of Hamiltonians and obtaining information fromthe fixed points of that map has been applied in a variety ofsituations [37]. In some studies, the nonlinear maps are on welldefined spaces and there has been considerable progress on arigorous mathematical analysis on the Feigenbaum theory [43].The original Wilson theory is on functions of infinitely manyvariables and it is far from clear how to formulate the maps in amathematically precise way (let alone then analyze their fixedpoint structure); indeed, there are various no-go theorems [44]on how one might try to make a precise formulation in latticesystems.

2.4. Yau, Penrose and Bartnik

Analytical methods (and especially the theory of partialdifferential equations) used in the study of problems in diff-erential geometry, and subjects related to geometry such astopology and physics, were surveyed in [45]. There was asection in [45] with 120 open questions by Yau himself(p669). Most of these problems are technical and in differ-ential geometry (and mostly Riemannian geometry), and areold and well known (even in 1982; see original referencestherein). Many of the problems are not related to physicsdirectly, and hence are not necessarily problems in mathe-matical physics. But some of the problems concern the Diracequation, gravitational instantons, Kahler and Calabi mani-folds and Gauss–Bonnet theory. There were 2 problems inYang–Mills theory (Problems Y117 and Y118), and 5 pro-blems in GR: problems Y115, Y116 and Y119 concern thetopology of a geodesically complete Lorentzian 4-manifold ofnon-negative Ricci curvature which contains an absolutelymaximizing timelike geodesic (see later), the topology of astatic stellar model, and the characterization of asymptoticalflatness of a manifold in terms of a suitable decay rate of thecurvature, respectively. The problems Y114 (cosmic censor-ship) and Y120 (the definition of total angular momentum)are also included in the list of open problems by Penrose(RP12 and RP10, respectively) in the same book [45].

The fourteen unsolved problems in classical GR presentedby Roger Penrose (p 631 in [45]; problems RP1–RP14 in theappendix), represented the status of the subject circa 1982. (Anearlier list of 62 problems in GR was given by Wheeler [46].)Many of them were technical questions concerning definitionsof null infinity, appropriate (conformal) properties, and con-servation laws and physical quantities, necessary for the for-mulation of the important problems and conjectures thatfollowed. In particular, in 1982 it was known that sphericallysymmetrical collapse models lead to a black hole horizon, butif the initial data is perturbed away from spherical symmetry, aso-called naked singularity could arise (from which causalcurves can extend to external future infinity). But the belief wasthat naked singularities will not arise ‘generically’, whence it issaid that cosmic censorship holds [47, 48].

Problem RP11, which is related to problem RP4, isnecessary for the statement of the cosmic censorship problemRP12, which was stated somewhat vaguely; indeed, it is aproblem in itself to find a satisfactory mathematical for-mulation of what is physically intended [48, 49] (such as,


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for example, are ‘generic’ maximally extended Ricci-flatspacetimes globally hyperbolic or necessarily have a Cauchysurface [50]).

With a suitable assumption of cosmic censorship, toge-ther with some other reasonable physical assumptions, it ispossible to derive a certain sequence of inequalities [51].Problem RP13 concerns the Penrose inequality, which gen-eralizes RP6 and is related to RP7. The validity of theseinequalities are sometimes regarded as giving some credenceto cosmic censorship.

There are many other problems involving black holeswhich have not yet been solved, including RP14. In part-icular, there are many open problems generalizing vacuumresults to results with matter. Generally results for the Ein-stein–Maxwell equations are similar to those for the pureEinstein vacuum equations, and Einstein–Maxwell analogsexist for the problems RP3, RP4, RP9 and RP11. However,the statement of problem RP14 is not true in the presence ofelectromagnetic fields.

There is also a list of open problems in mathematical GRby Robert Bartnik [52] (also see references within). Theor-etical GR had developed to such an extent that rigorousmathematical arguments have replaced many of the formalcalculations and heuristics of the past, which will yield newinsights for both mathematics and physics. Many of theBartnik [52] problems are technical and concern clarificationsand motivations for important contemporary problems, andmany have been noted elsewhere in this paper.

The problems are on the topics of (i) apparent horizons(RB1–RB17), (ii) initial data sets (RB8–RB112), (iii) unique-ness and rigidity theorems for static and stationary metrics(RB13–RB17), (iv) approximations (RB18–RB25), (v)maximaland prescribed mean curvature surfaces (RB26–RB29), (vi)causality and singularities (RB30–RB34), (vii) the initial valueproblem and cosmic censorship (RB35–RB47), and (viii) quasi-local mass (RB48–RB53).

Regarding (iv), there has been a lot of work done onconstructing metrics which approximately satisfy the Einsteinequations, primarily consisting of numerical computation, butalso involving asymptotic expansion/linearisation/matchingtechniques. As noted earlier, it is debatable as to whethernumerical problems are in the realm of mathematical physics.But problem RB21 concerns a rigorously proof of the New-tonian limit to the Einstein equations and problem RB20concerns the range of validity of post-Newtonian and post-Minkowskian asymptotic expansions. Problem RB23 onwhether test particles follow spacetime geodesics, is a famousproblem and includes an extensive investigation of asymp-totic expansions [53].

Problem RB32 in (vi) is the ‘Bartnik splitting con-jecture’: Let M be a ‘cosmological spacetime’ satisfying thetimelike convergence condition: then either M is timelikegeodesically incomplete or M splits as ´R M3 isometrically(and thus is static). This is essentially problem Y115 in [45],which posed the question of establishing a Lorentzian analogof the Cheeger–Gromoll splitting theorem of Riemanniangeometry [54]. The concept of geodesic completeness inLorentzian geometry differs considerably from that of

Riemannian geometry, and this question was concretely rea-lized in the Bartnik splitting conjecture RB32 [52]. In the caseof a 4D vacuum (i.e., Ricci flat) globally hyperbolic, spatiallycompact spacetime, if M splits it is necessarily flat and cov-ered by ´R T3, and thus for a non-vacuum ‘cosmologicalspacetime’ the conjecture asserts that the spacetime either issingular or splits. The resolution of the basic Lorentziansplitting conjecture as considered in RB32 was given in [55],and can be viewed as a (rigidity) singularity theorem since theexceptional possibility that spacetime splits can be ruled outas unphysical, and hence the spacetime has an inextendibletimelike geodesic which ends after a finite proper time (i.e., itis timelike geodesically incomplete and hence singular). Thestatus of the Bartnik conjecture was discussed in [56], andmore general versions of the conjecture and partial resultswere discussed in [57].

Regarding (vii), Bartnik stated there are many versions ofcosmic censorship, but that essentially the aim is to prove atheorem showing that singularities satisfying certain condi-tions are not naked. In addition, problem RB43 concerns the2-body system in Einstein gravity, which Bartnik claimed isprobably the most embarassing indictment of our (lack of)understanding of the Einstein equations (however, see [58]and the discussion later). The problem in (viii) of defining thetotal energy of an isolated system was essentially solved in[59], but the correct definition of the energy content of abounded region in spacetime is still not settled. Although anumber of candidate definitions have been suggested, so farnone of these verify all the properties expected of a quasi-local mass.

There have been a number of reviews on the globalexistence problem in GR, including those of [60, 61] (also seereferences within). In these reviews there is an emphasis onvery technical questions in differential geometric and analy-tical global properties of 1+ 3 dimensional spacetimes con-taining a compact Cauchy surface (and particularly thevacuum case), but they draw attention to a number of openquestions in the field.

3. Open problems in general relativity

Mathematical questions about the general properties of solu-tions of Einstein’s field equations of GR are truely problemsin mathematical physics. Problems in GR are not necessarilymore important than other problems in theoretical physics, butthey do often have a more well-formulated mathematicalexpression. They are also perhaps more difficult for a broadbased physics audience to fully appreciate. Therefore, I willfirst review some mathematical background, which can beskipped by general readers.

In general, a smooth (or sufficiently differentiable) four-dimensional Lorentz manifold (M, g) is considered. TheLorentzian metric, g, which defines the causal structure on M,is required to satisfy the Einstein field equations, whichconstitute a hyperbolic system of quasilinear partial differ-ential equations which are, in general, coupled to other partialdifferential equations describing the matter content of


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spacetime [60]. Primarily the vacuum case (when g is Ricciflat) is considered. Physicists are then interested in the Cauchyproblem in which the unknowns in the resulting Einsteinvacuum constraint equations, consisting of a Riemannianmetric and a symmetric tensor defined on a three-dimensionalmanifold (and initial data for any matter fields present), arethe initial data for the remaining Einstein vacuum evolutionequations.

The Einstein equations are invariant under a change ofthe coordinate system (general covariance or gauge freedom),which complicates the way they must be formulated in orderto faciliate the study of their global properties [61]. Althoughthe Einstein vacuum equations are not hyperbolic in the usualsense due to general covariance, the Einstein vacuumequations in spacetime harmonic coordinates constitute aquasilinear hyperbolic system and therefore the Cauchy pro-blem is well posed and standard results imply local existence[62]. It is also possible to show that if the constraints andgauge conditions are satisfied initially, they are preserved bythe evolution. For example, the global regularity and modifiedscattering for small and smooth initial data with suitabledecay at infinity for a coupled wave-Klein–Gordon system (asimplified version of the full Einstein–Klein–Gordon system)in 3D was studied in [63]. Analogs of the results for thevacuum Einstein equations are known for the Einsteinequations coupled to many different types of matter, includ-ing perfect fluids, gases satisfying kinetic theory, scalar fields,Maxwell fields, Yang–Mills fields and various combinationsof these.

The general results for perfect fluids only apply in therestricted circumstances in which the energy density is uni-formly bounded away from zero (in the region of interest)[60]. The existence of global solutions for models with moreexotic matter, such as stringy matter, has also beenstudied [64].

Existence: The basic local existence theorem says that,given smooth (i.e., infinitely differentiable ¥C ) data for thevacuum Einstein equations, there exists a smooth solution ofthe equations (on a finite time interval) which gives rise tothese data [65]. The standard global uniqueness theorem forthe Einstein equations asserts that the long term solution(maximal development [62]) of any Cauchy data is unique upto a diffeomorphism which fixes the initial hypersurface andthat, in an appropriate sense, the solution depends con-tinuously on the initial data [65].

The local existence of solutions of the Einstein equationsis understood quite well. However, the problem of provinggeneral global existence theorems for the Einstein equationsis beyond the reach of current mathematics [60]. The usualmethod for solving the Einstein equations is the conformalmethod [65], in which the so-called free data are chosen andthe constraints then reduce to four elliptic equations. In thesimplified constant mean curvature case these reduce furtherto a linear system of three elliptic equations, which decouplefrom the remaining equation which essentially reduces to thenonlinear, scalar Lichnerowicz equation.

The causal structure of a Lorentzian spacetime is con-formally invariant. Friedrich derived the compactified ‘regular

conformal field equations’ from the Einstein equations, a firstorder symmetric hyperbolic system, which leads to wellposed evolution equations and hence small data global exis-tence results from the stability theorem for quasilinearhyperbolic equations. For example, Friedrich [66] provedglobal existence to the future for ‘small’ hyperboloidal initialdata (that is, data close to the standard data on a hyperboloid)in Minkowski space. It is still an open question what generalconditions on initial data on an asymptotically flat Cauchysurface give a Cauchy development with regular conformalcompletion. Friedrich has developed an approach to thisproblem in which the conformal structure at spatial infinity isanalyzed (see [67] for references, and [68] which points outsome new obstructions to regularity; also see the more recentarticles [69, 70] and references within).

Therefore, for the full 1+ 3 dimensional Einsteinequations (without symmetries) the only global existenceresults known are the theorem on nonlinear stability ofMinkowski space [71], the semi-global existence theorem forthe hyperboloidal initial value problem [66] and the semi-global existence theorem for spatially compact spacetimeswith Cauchy surface of hyperbolic type [72], which are allsmall data results. It has been shown that for analytic vacuumor electrovac spacetimes, with an analytic Cauchy horizonwhich is assumed to be ruled by closed null geodesics, thereexists a non-trivial Killing field [73]. Theorems in the cases ofspecial spacetimes with symmetries are briefly reviewedbelow. Since spacetimes with Killing fields are non-generic,this result may be viewed as supporting evidence for thestrong cosmic censorship (see below).

Special cases: It is possible to solve the global existenceproblem for the Einstein equations in special cases, such asfor spacetimes with symmetry [60, 61]. For example, basicglobal existence theorems for spherically symmetric staticsolutions (which are everywhere smooth) have been provedfor perfect fluids and collisionless matter (see [60] andreferences within). The spacetime symmetry is defined by thenumber and character of Killing vectors. For example, con-sider spacetimes with an r-dimensional Lie algebra ofspacelike Killing fields. For each r 3, there are some basicresults and conjectures on global existence and cosmic cen-sorship [61]. In the cases r = 3 (Bianchi models; see, forexample, [74]) and a special case of r = 2 (polarized Gowdymodels—see references below), the global behavior of theEinstein equations is well understood.

For the general r= 2 case (local ´( ) ( )U U1 1 G2 sym-metry), there are only partial results on the global existenceproblem and the cosmic censorship problem remains open[61]. The first global existence result for Gowdy spacetimeswith topology ´R T3 was proven in [75], and subsequentlygeneralized for spacetimes on S3 and ´S S2 1 in [76] (a classof ‘non-generic’ metrics still remains to be studied). The firstresult concerning global constant mean curvature foliations invacuum Gowdy spacetimes was proven in [77]. The questionof cosmic censorship for the Gowdy spacetimes may bestudied by analyzing the asymptotic behavior of curvatureinvariants such as the Kretschmann scalar, and this has beendone for the class of polarized Gowdy spacetimes [78] and in


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more generality [79]. The structure of the horizon andextensions in the polarized Gowdy class can be very com-plicated [80, 81]. In the cases r = 1 (U(1) symmetry) andr = 0 (no symmetry), the large data global existence andcosmic censorship problems are open. However, in the U(1)case there are conjectures on the general behavior which aresupported by numerical evidence, and there is a small datasemi-global existence result for the expanding direc-tion [82, 83].

Differentiability: The technical questions relating to dif-ferentiability are important from a mathematical point of viewregarding well-posedness [60]. The differentiability of theallowed initial data for the Cauchy problem for a system ofpartial differential equations and the differentiability proper-ties of the corresponding solutions are related and determinedby the equations themselves. For example, in the context ofthe Einstein constraints there is a correspondence between theregularity of the free data and the full data.

There are reasons for considering regularity conditionsweaker than the natural ¥C condition. One motivation is thatphysical matter fields are not necessarily ¥C (so that thetheorems need not apply). Another motivation for consideringlow regularity solutions is connected to the possibility ofextending (continuing) a local existence result to a global one.It is also worth noting that there are examples which indicatethat generically Cauchy horizons may be non-differenti-able [84].

There is continued interest in finding a theory for theevolution and constraint equations for metrics with low dif-ferentiability (e.g., to prove the theorems under milder dif-ferentiability assumptions such as, for instance, that the metricis of regularity C1,1 [85] in which the first derivatives of themetric are locally Lipschitz continuous functions, which is amore natural differentiability class than C2 in a number ofphysically reasonable situations). In the existence anduniqueness theorems, the assumptions on the initial data forthe vacuum Einstein equations can be weakened so that initialdata belong to a local Sobolev space. In spacetime harmoniccoordinates, in which the Einstein vacuum equations form aquasilinear hyperbolic system, standard results show that theCauchy problem is well posed in an appropriate Sobolevspace [86], with improvements on the necessary regularityrecently given in [87, 88].

Singularity theorems: The famous singularity theoremsare perhaps one of the greatest theoretical accomplishments inGR and in mathematical physics more generally [89]. Pen-roseʼs theorem [90] was the first modern singularity theorem,in which the concepts of geodesic incompleteness (i.e., theexistence of geodesic curves which cannot be extended in aregular manner within the spacetime and do not take allpossible values of their canonical parameter) to characterizesingularities, Cauchy hypersurfaces and global hyperbolicity,and closed trapped surfaces [49], were introduced, and has ledto many new developments in mathematical GR. Hawkingrealized that closed trapped surfaces will also be present inany expanding Universe in its past, which would theninevitability lead to an initial singularity under reasonableconditions within GR [91]. This subsequently led to the

singularity theorem by Hawking and Penrose [92], whichstates that if a convergence and a generic condition holds forcausal vectors, and there are no closed timelike curves andthere exists at least one of the following: a closed achronalimbedded hypersurface, a closed trapped surface, a pointwith re-converging light cone, then the spacetime hasincomplete causal geodesics. It has been argued that due tothe discovery of the cosmic background radiation the singu-larity theorems give strong evidence that a singularity actuallyoccurred in our past [93].

The singularity theorems of Hawking and Penroseproved the inevitability of spacetime singularities under rathergeneral conditions [90, 92]. But the singularity theorems saylittle about the nature of generic singularities. It should also bepointed out that there are generic spacetimes without singu-larities [94]. For example, the proof of the Penrose singularitytheorem does not guarantee that a trapped surface can arise inevolution. Christodoulou [95] proved for vacuum spacetimesa trapped surface can indeed form dynamically from regularinitial data free of trapped surfaces. This result was general-ized in [96] (for more recent work see [97]). A sequence ofmarginally outer trapped surfaces with areas going to zerowhich form an apparent horizon within a region up to the‘center’ of gravitational collapse for the 1+ 3 dimensionalEinstein vacuum equations were constructed in [98]. Mar-ginally outer trapped surfaces also play an important role inproving the positive mass theorem and the Penrose inequality[99] (see below).

There are a number of open questions, which includeproving more general singularity theorems with weakerenergy conditions and differentiability conditions, and deter-mining the relationship between geodesic incompleteness andcurvature (e.g., is there always a divergence of a curvatureinvariant) [94]. There are also a number of related openproblems in cosmology. Generic spacelike singularities aretraditionally referred to as being cosmological singularities(but it is not clear that this is necessarily their natural physicalinterpretation [89], since oscillatory singularities might alsobe related to the spacelike part of generic black hole singu-larities [94]; for example, there is evidence that the massinflationary instability at the inner horizon of an accreting,rotating black hole is generically followed by oscillatorycollapse to a spacelike singularity [100]). There is also thequestion of singularity resolution in GR by quantum effectsand the possibility of singularity theorems in higher dimen-sions. We shall return to these questions later.

Perhaps the most important open problem within GR iscosmic censorship.

3.1. Cosmic censorship hypothesis

The Hawking–Penrose theorem [90, 92] implies that singu-larities exist. But although the well known Schwarzschildspacetime contains a singularity, it is inside the black holeevent horizon and is consequently not visible to outsideobservers. This leads to the question of whether gravitationalcollapse of realistic matter produces singularities that aresimilar to the singularity of Schwarzschild [49], in that they


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are hidden inside black hole event horizons (weak cosmiccensorship) and are non-timelike (strong cosmic censorship).

Penrose proposed [47] the cosmic censorship hypothesis,which roughly states that for Einstein’s equations coupled to‘physical’ matter, no ‘naked singularity’ will develop‘generically’ from non-singular ‘realistic’ initial conditions(Cauchy data). A naked singularity is essentially one with theproperty that light rays from points arbitrarily near it canescape to infinity. These singularities are much moredisturbing from a physical point of view, and the questioncosmic censorship effectively asks is whether the future canbe theoretically predicted [93]. It cannot be conjectured thatnaked singularities never occur, since there are knownexamples. However, these examples are of high symmetryand it is conceivable that naked singularities tend to becomeclothed by horizons under most small perturbations. Indeed,recent results [77] tend to support the notion that naked sin-gularities imply symmetry.

Naked singularities are known to exist in Taub-NUTspacetime [81, 101] and simply by removing regions fromMinkowski spacetime. It is also known that the equationsof a pressureless fluid or ‘dust’ will lead to spurious ‘shellcrossing’ naked singularities. In particular, a central locallynaked singularity forms in spherical dust Tolman–Bondi–deSitter collapse [102] from a non-zero-measure set of regularinitial data, at which the Weyl and Ricci curvature scalarsdiverge. The most comprehensive results known on globalinhomogeneous solutions of the Einstein equations are forsolutions of the spherically symmetric Einstein equationscoupled to a massless scalar field with asymptotically flatinitial data, where Christodoulou has proved that naked sin-gularities can develop from regular initial data [103] and thatthis phenomenon is unstable with respect to perturbations ofthe data [104].

Consequently, we seek to formulate cosmic censorship asa precise mathematical conjecture and then find a proof or acounterexample. Theorems on maximal Cauchy develop-ments are within the global theory of partial differentialequations and are generally very difficult to prove [105].There can be no timelike singularities in a globally hyperbolicspacetime. Thus, a method for formulating (strong) cosmiccensorship is as a statement that (under suitable conditions)spacetime must be globally hyperbolic. However, an initialdata set has a maximal Cauchy development, which is aglobally hyperbolic spacetime, but that maximal Cauchydevelopment may not be the complete spacetime.

There are two other particular problems that must befaced. First, a naked singularity is very difficult to accuratelydefine mathematically. Since the Einstein equations areessentially hyperbolic, the notion of extending a solution topoints which can ‘see’ the singularity is problematic, and sowe have to seek an alternative definition of a naked singu-larity that is more stable and can be mathematically for-mulated. The second problem is genericity. It is known thatthere are special examples of solutions in GR which, for allreasonable definitions, contain a naked singularity where themaximal development is extendible. So it is impossible toprove a general statement that says a naked singularity cannot

exist. That is, without some sort of ‘generic condition’, thisversion of cosmic censorship would fail. We are, of course,ultimately interested in the real process of gravitational col-lapse, but care must be taken not to formulate a conjecturethat will be vulnerable to what a physicist might claimappears to be an artificial counterexample. Therefore, the aimis to refine the conditions of the conjecture to rule out non-physical counterexamples, but not to the extent of makingcosmic censorship irrefutable [60].

There are actually two different cosmic censorshiphypotheses, which are only minimally related to each other.The weak cosmic censorship hypothesis states that: Forgeneric initial data to the evolution problem in GR, therecannot be naked singularities. This is such an open problemthat the correct formulation of the statement is not evenknown [106]. For an extensive treatment (including a some-what precise version) of the weak cosmic censorship con-jecture see [107].

Problem P1. Prove the weak cosmic censorship conjecture.

In the case of asymptotically flat spacetimes (describingisolated systems in GR), the work of Christodoulou estab-lishes weak cosmic censorship in the class of sphericallysymmetric Einstein-scalar field spacetimes [108], and alsogives examples of initial data such that the Cauchy devel-opment has a naked singularity [104].

The second hypothesis is strong cosmic censorship,which states that: A generic solution to the Einstein’sequation cannot be continued beyond the Cauchy horizon.For earlier surveys on the strong cosmic censorshipconjecture, see [80, 109]. It is of interest to prove weakand strong cosmic censorship even for vacuum solutions ofEinstein’s equations (i.e., those with no matter) or, moregenerally, within special classes of spacetimes.

Problem P2. LetM be a three-dimensional compact manifold.Prove that the maximal vacuum Cauchy development forgeneric vacuum data sets is equal to the maximal vacuumextension of M.

An alternative strategy is to search for a counterexampleto cosmic censorship. If a wide class of possible counter-examples can be shown to fail, then this might even be seenas evidence for the likely validity of the conjecture. A pos-sible counterexample for weak cosmic censorship might arisefrom a process in which a black hole turns into a nakedsingularity. For example, the Kerr metric with mass M andangular momentum J represents a black hole if J M2 and anaked singularity if >J M2. Therefore, a naked singularitymight possibly be produced by overspining a black hole.Since spinning black holes repel the particles whose angularmomentum would increase their spin, such a ‘spin–spinrepulsion’ unfortunately prevents the overspinning of a blackhole [89].

A plausible candidate for a vacuum counterexample tocosmic censorship (with a negative cosmological constant)has recently been proposed based on the superradiant


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instability of Kerr-AdS black holes [110]. Another plausiblecounterexample (based on a holographic model of an elec-trically charged localized defect) in four-dimensional Ein-stein–Maxwell theory with asymptotically anti-de Sitterboundary conditions was presented in [111]; smooth initialdata was shown to evolve to a region of arbitrarily largecurvature in a finite time that is visible to distant observers.Unlike the spherical collapse ‘counterexamples’ which arefinely tuned, this candidate is generic [112].

Finally, we note that by considering only globallyhyperbolic spacetimes, solutions with gross causality viola-tions are excluded, while some singular behavior is stillpossible. But there are exact solutions with closed timelikecurves known (e.g., the Godel and NUT spacetimes). Theexistence of such causality violation gives rise to ‘existentialproblems of an imponderable nature’ [93]. Stephen Hawkinghas suggested the ‘chronology protection conjecture’ thatasserts that the closed timelike curves which arise in somesolutions to the equations of GR (and which imply the pos-sibility of backwards time travel) will be ruled out by a futuretheory of quantum gravity.

3.2. Penrose inequality

The mathematical ideas behind the proofs of the singularitytheorems have been applied to several important results inGR, such as the positive mass theorem in its original form[113] which has, in turn, led to research on the rigidity ofasymptotically flat manifolds with non-negative scalarcurvature.

In particular, Penrose has shown [51] that if a certaininequality involving the area of a marginally (outer) future-trapped surface (the apparent horizon) and the (ADM) massof the initial hypersurface containing this horizon were vio-lated, then the spacetime that results from evolving the initialdata contains a naked singularity. Therefore, initial data vio-lating this so-called Penrose inequality would constitute acounterexample to weak cosmic censorship, while a proof ofthis inequality would provide evidence in favor of weakcosmic censorship. In fact, such a proof would possibly leadto an approach for attacking the cosmic censorship conjectureusing methods in partial differential equations [114] (this isdiscussed further in [61]).

Problem P3. Find a proof of the Penrose inequality or presenta counterexample in the general case.

The Riemannian version of the Penrose inequality wasrecently proved [115]. The proof in the Lorentzian case is notknown. Even in spherical symmetry only a weaker version(using the energy rather than the mass) is known to hold.Proofs have been given under various restrictive assumptions,such as the existence of certain foliations (e.g., the constantmean curvature time gauge [116]), and global conditions onthe spacetime (see [117]).

The Penrose inequality is one of a large class of massinequalities for spacetime manifolds [118]; for example, ananalogous inequality is based on the Penrose quasi-local mass

[119]. It is also of interest to find a generalization of thePenrose inequality to initial data sets which are not time-symmetric. There also exist stronger versions of the Penroseinequality involving angular momentum, electric charge,and/or the cosmological constant [89], most of which lead toopen questions. There are further refinements of the con-jectures, such as the so-called Gibbons–Penrose inequality,which gives some improved lower bounds when there aremultiple black holes [120]. Another inequality is Thorneʼshoop conjecture [121], which exploits the physical idea thatsince black holes are extremely localized objects, theirenergy/matter content must be severely compacted in allspatial directions. Despite the difficulty in making this ideaprecise, the hoop conjecture has proven successful [107]. Apossible mathematically viable reformulation of the con-jecture has been presented in [122].

3.3. Yang–Mills equations and GR

Many important mathematical questions, including stabilitytheorems and the proof of existence of Yang–Mills (YM)fields by methods of partial differential equations, remainunsolved. We have already discussed problem M2 on theexistence of solutions of YM earlier, and there were 2 wellknown problems (Y117, Y118) presented in [45], the first ofwhich is the question of whether every SU(2) Yang–Millsfield is self-dual or anti-self-dual. A key contemporaryquestion is to obtain solutions of the YM equations on aRiemannian (or Lorentzian) manifold. Recently it has beenshown numerically that the static, spherically symmetricEinstein–Yang–Mills (EYM) equations have non-singular,asymptotically flat solutions [123]. Six interesting questionsfor EYM solutions were presented in [52] (RB17, see above).

A central feature of YM theory is the invariance of thephysics under an infinite-dimensional group, in which bun-dles, connections and curvature play a fundamental role. It isconsequently a subject of interest not only to physicists butalso, particularly after the work of Atiyah, Hitchin, and Singer[33, 124, 125], to mathematicians (as discussed earlier and in[45]). The YM field equations depend on how a section of theLie algebra valued bundle is choosen. The choice of such asection is called the choice of a gauge. In a suitable gauge, theYM equations become a quasilinear elliptic system whosehighest order term is linear. Physicists are mostly interested inYM fields over R4 or S4.

It is known that in four dimensions there exist globalsmooth solutions of the YM equations corresponding to rathergeneral initial data. Global existence in Minkowski space,assuming initial data of sufficiently high differentiability, wasfirst proven in [126] and a new proof of a local existencetheorem for data of finite energy (and since energy is con-served this immediately proves global existence) was given in[127]. A global existence proof on 1+ 3 dimensional, glob-ally hyperbolic spacetimes was given in [128] (see also [79]).The proof of the global existence to the future for hyperbo-loidal initial data close to the standard data on a hyperboloidin Minkowski space by Friedrich was later generalized toMaxwell and YM matter in [129]. However, although


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asymptotically flat (with regular interior) spherically sym-metric and localized (‘particle-like’) solutions of the coupledEYM equations with gauge group SU(2) have been known formany years, their properties are still not well under-stood [130].

In dimensions greater than five it is known that thereexist solutions which develop singularities in a finite time.Numerical evidence indicates that this type of blow-up isstable (i.e., it occurs for an open set of initial data) and thatthere is a critical self-similar solution separating this kind ofblow-up from dispersion. There is as yet no rigorous proof ofblow-up in five dimensions. In six dimensions singularitiesform, but apparently differently from those in five-dimensions [61].

The effects found in YM theory are captured in twodimensions less by wave maps with values on spheres, whereit is easier to prove theorems. The existence of a solutionhaving the properties expected of the critical solution asso-ciated with singularity formation for wave maps in fourdimensions has been proven in [131]. An important openquestion is the global existence problem for the classical wavemap equation (i.e., the nonlinear σ-model, hyperbolic har-monic map equation). The wave map equation has small dataglobal existence for spatial dimension n 2. But globalexistence for large data is known only for symmetric solutionsand, in particular, the global existence problem for the wavemap equation is open for the case n=2. For the case n=1,global existence can be proved using energy estimates[61, 132]. The U(1) symmetric vacuum 1+3 case in which theEinstein equations reduce to 1+ 2 gravity coupled to wavemap matter in the presence of a hypersurface orthogonalspacelike Killing field, is of intermediate difficulty betweenthe full 1+ 3 Einstein equations and the highly symmetricGowdy equations [133].

It is also of interest to consider other forms of matter suchas, for example, self-gravitating collisionless matter models(see the reviews [60, 61, 134] and references within). Thereare theorems on the global existence and uniqueness ofsmooth solutions of the Vlasov–Poisson and the classicalBoltzmann equations in Newtonian theory. Many analogs ofthese results have been proven in GR, including the globalexistence of weak solutions, the convergence to equilibriumfor classical solutions starting close to equilibrium, basicexistence theorems for spherically symmetric static solutions,plane and hyperbolic symmetric spacetimes and a subset ofgeneral Gowdy spacetimes, and studies of spherically sym-metric collapse. Collisionless matter models are known toadmit a global singularity-free evolution, and in many casescan also lead to isotropization at late times. Analytical tech-niques have not been applied in the general case, althoughnumerical methods have been used to gain someinsights [60, 61].

Problem P4. Prove the global existence of classical spatiallyinhomogeneous solutions for small initial data in collisionlessmatter models. Prove an existence and uniqueness theoremfor general spatially homogeneous (such as Bianchi type IX)

solutions of the Einstein–Vlasov equations and investigate thelarge initial data case.

3.4. Uniqueness and stability

Mathematically, any proof of stability requires deriving theasymptotic behavior of solutions to the Einstein equations inGR, a highly nonlinear system of partial differentialequations, which is notoriously very difficult. However, thereare some special cases for which there exist proofs or whichhave received particular attention.

Stability of Minkowski spacetime: Minkowski spacetime isglobally stable [135]. That is, if we start with a universe that isalready very sparse, it is guaranteed that it will evolveasymptotically to Minkowski spacetime. The first result onthe global existence (for small data) and the stability ofMinkowski spacetime under the field equations of GR wasdue to Christodoulou and Klainerman [71, 135]. They provedthat if initial data for the vacuum Einstein equations areprescribed which are asymptotically flat and sufficiently closeto those induced by Minkowski spacetime on a hyperplane,then the maximal Cauchy development of this data isgeodesically complete (and they further provided details onthe asymptotic behavior of the solutions). Results can also befound for any asymptotically flat spacetime where the initialmatter distribution has compact support, so long as attentionis confined to a suitable neighborhood of infinity. There arerecent extensions to these results by various authors (e.g.,see [136]).

Uniqueness of black holes: If we conjecture that the finalstate of a spacetime is either Minkowski space or a black hole,we can then ask whether a black hole is the only possiblestationary (steady state) solution. The problem of black holeuniqueness is not completely resolved. The study ofuniqueness for non-vacuum spacetimes is colloquiallyknown as ‘no-hair’ theorems.

In the case where it is assumed that the spacetime hasadditional symmetry and is either axially symmetric orrotationally symmetric, the uniqueness of black holes isknown. The uniqueness of the 4D Schwarzschild and Kerrsolutions in GR was discussed in [93]. The uniquenesstheorem for Schwarzschild spacetime was presented in[137, 138]. The unique stationary (non-static) regularpredictable Ricci flat spacetime subject to certain assumptionsis the Kerr solution [139]. The uniqueness theorem for theKerr spacetime was proven in [140, 141]. In the non-vacuumcase the uniqueness of the rotating electrically charged blackhole solution of Kerr–Newman has not yet been generallyproven (however, see [142, 143]).

We also know that black holes are unique if we assumereal analyticity. If the regularity assumption is relaxed to justinfinitely differentiable the result is still expected to be true. Inthis case there are only some partial results. For example, ifonly small perturbations of a stationary black hole are allowedthen there are no other stationary solutions that areapproximately a known black hole solution without being


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one, and if certain special structures on the event horizon areassumed then other stationary exteriors are not possible.

Stability of Kerr–Newman black hole: If we assume that theknown Kerr–Newman family of black holes form the uniquestationary state of GR, the next problem is to prove that theyare actually stable under perturbations. That is, if we start outwith initial data very close to that of a Kerr–Newman blackhole, does the the evolution ‘track’ a Kerr–Newman blackhole. Although there has been substantial and excitingprogress made in the linearized problem [144], results forthe full nonlinear problem are still elusive.

The stability of the Kerr metric was discussed in [145],and a comprehensive review was given in [146]. The aim is toshow that perturbations of the Kerr (and Schwarzschild [147])solution decay exponentially and are thus stable. Unfortu-nately, a mathematically rigorous understanding of thestability of the generic Kerr black hole, as well as a thoroughunderstanding of its dynamics under arbitrary nonlinearperturbations, is still lacking. However, current observationaldata are compatible with the predictions of GR, and suggestthat the end point of mergers is a Kerr black hole. Indeed,all numerical results provide evidence that the Kerr (andKerr–Newman) black holes are nonlinearly stable (at leastwithin a certain range of the angular momentum) [148].

Problem P5. Prove the stability of the Kerr black hole.

It is of interest to extend stability results to the case of anon-zero cosmological constant [149]. Regarding the stabilityof the Kerr–de Sitter family of black hole solutions, there hasbeen recent results on nonlinear perturbations in the slowlyrotating case [150]. The case of a negative cosmologicalconstant is much more problematic, because it is not evenclear if the Kerr-AdS black hole is itself stable (due tosuperradiance and stable trapping phenomena [151]). Weshall discuss the stability of the de-Sitter and anti-de-Sitterspacetimes later. It is also of interest to study the stability ofmodels with matter, particularly in the cosmological context(also see later). Unfortunately, even generalizations to simpleinhomogeneous perfect fluids are problematic since theformation of shocks (or, in the case of dust, shell-crossings)are anticipated to occur which form a barrier to themathematical study of the evolution of the cosmologicalmodels with known techniques. Criteria for the developmentof shocks (or their absence), based on the techniques ofclassical hydrodynamics, should be developed further.

3.5. Other problems

Curvature invariants: In [152] it was shown that the class of4D Lorentzian manifolds that cannot be completelycharacterized by the scalar polynomial curvature invariantsconstructed from the Riemann tensor and its covariantderivatives must be of a special ‘degenerate Kundt form’.This result, which is also believed to be true in higherdimensions [153], implies that generally a spacetime iscompletely characterized by its scalar curvature invariants

(at least locally, in the space of Lorentzian metrics). The specialKundt class is defined by those metrics admitting a null vectorthat is geodesic, expansion-free, shear-free and twist-free. Werecall that in the Riemannian case a manifold is always locallycharacterized by its scalar polynomial invariants.

It is also of interest to study (the ‘inverse question’) ofwhen a spacetime can be explicitly constructed from its scalarcurvature invariants. In 4D we can (partially) characterize thePetrov type of the Weyl tensor in terms of scalar curvatureinvariants [154]. Having determined when a spacetime iscompletely characterized by its scalar curvature invariants, itis also of interest to determine the minimal set of suchinvariants needed for this characterization.

Problem PF1. Determine when a 4D spacetime can beexplicitly constructed from its scalar curvature invariants anddetermine the minimal set of such invariants.

Evolution of the horizon: There is much interest indetermining the appropriate definition of the ‘boundary of ablack hole’. A closed oriented space-like 2-surface (normallyisomorphic to S2) in a spacetime determines two future nullvector fields, normal to the surface. If the future evolutions ofthe surface along these directions are both area-non-increasing, the surface is future trapped, and if one of thenull mean curvatures is zero, then the surface is called an‘apparent horizon’. It is also important to determine theevolution of the horizon and, more generally, formulate anappropriate definition of a dynamical horizon in GR. We notethat much work on the evolution of apparent horizon (such asblack hole evaporation) is based on a linear analysis, which tofirst order assumes that the horizons do not move. The truenonlinear versions of the evolution is not yet well understood.The problem of identifying and locating horizons using scalarcurvature invariants has recently been studied [155].

Problem P6. Formulate an appropriate definition of adynamical horizon.

Geodesic hypothesis: One of the postulates of GR is thatpoint particles with negligible mass will travel alonggeodesics of the spacetime.

Problem P7. Prove that test particles move on spacetimegeodesics.

This famous problem (RB23) was first considered byEinstein in the 1920s and is still not completely resolved(there has been an extensive investigation using asymptoticexpansions—see the discussion in [53]). The main problem ishow to make the process of ‘taking the negligible mass limit’rigorous. And for a physical object in GR, when it moves, itsmotion will cause ‘ripples’ in the spacetime caused bygravitational backreaction of its own presence. In addition,while the three body problem is difficult in classicalmechanics, even the two body problem in full generality isstill unresolved in GR.


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Newtonian limit: It is difficult to give a precisemathematical formulation of the statement that Newtoniangravitational theory is the limit of GR as the speed of lighttends to infinity. Ehlers gave a definition of the Newtonianlimit of GR which encodes those properties which arephysically desirable [156]. However, even when a suitabledefinition has been given, the question still remains as towhether the definition is compatible with GR in the sense thatthere are general families of solutions of the Einsteinequations which have a Newtonian limit with the chosendefinition. Asking whether there are such families which aresuitably differentiable is related to the issue of giving amathematical justification of the so-called post-Newtonianapproximation. See problems RB20 and RB21.

4. Theoretical physics problems in the quantumrealm (Ph1–Ph4)

There are a number of fundamental questions in the quantumrealm, culminating in the ultimate question of whether there isa single theory (or even, more precisely, one single equation)that would unify all of nature within a so-called ‘theory ofeverything’. In particular, is this theory string theory? Andwould this theory then give an explanation of the fundamentalgauge group in the grand unification theory of the three non-gravitational forces [157] and also explain the values of allfundamental physical constants (and whether they vary overtime)? In addition, are there fundamental particles that havenot yet been observed and, if so, what are their properties? Letus consider the following particular problems.

The foundational problems of quantum mechanics (Ph2):These problems concern the fundamental understanding ofquantum physics and especially the important role that mea-surement and observation play in the description of physicalreality. There are currently many interpretations of quantumphysics, including the classic Copenhagen interpretation,Everettʼs controversial ‘many worlds’ interpretation, and evenmore controversial ones such as the ‘participatory anthropicprinciple’.

In particular, how does the quantum interpretation ofreality, which includes the superposition of states and wave-function collapse or quantum decoherence, give rise to whatwe perceive? What are the actual causes of the collapse of thequantum wavefunction? Are there non-local phenomena inquantum physics and, if they do in fact exist, are they limitedto the entanglement revealed in the violations of the Bellinequalities and can they be observed? What does the exis-tence or absence of non-local phenomena imply about thefundamental structure of spacetime and how is this related toquantum entanglement? Most modern physicists who workwithin quantum field theory perhaps no longer considerquestions of the proper interpretation of the fundamentalnature of quantum physics to be of prime importance. Indeed,many may believe that the principle of decoherence is

essentially an appropriate explanation; for example, interac-tion with the environment causes the quantum collapse.

However, dynamical models have been proposed toexplain the collapse of the wave-function and perhaps providea possible solution to the quantum measurement problem, byproposing that the Schrodinger equation is an approximationto a stochastic nonlinear dynamics (with the stochastic non-linear aspect becoming increasingly more important whenprogressing from microscopic systems to macroscopic ones)[158]. In addition, as in most other physical systems, evol-ution in time is central to the understanding of quantumsystems. The time that is used to define evolution in quantumtheory is clearly part of the classical spacetime manifold.However, this perhaps suggests that the present formulationof quantum theory is incomplete and that there ought to exista reformulation of quantum theory which does not refer toclassical time.

The unification of particles and forces (Ph3) and thetuning problem (Ph4): The standard model of particle physicsinvolves eighteen different fundamental particles. It is oftenbelieved that a theory of nature should have a more funda-mental method of unifying these particles. For example, stringtheory, which is perhaps the most well-defined approach,predicts that all particles are different vibrational modes offundamental filaments of energy or strings. It is, of course, ofgreat importance to determine whether or not the variousparticles and forces can be unified within a theory thatexplains them all as manifestations of a single, fundamentalentity.

In the standard model of particle physics the parametersrepresenting the eighteen particles predicted by the theory arerequired to be determined (i.e., measured by observations) inorder for theoretical predictions to be made. However, somephysicists argue that fundamental physical principles of aunified field theory should set these parameters, independentof measurement. In particular, there is the question of whetherthe form of the universe is inherently set by its properties (inthe sense that the properties would not occur if the form isdifferent). In the multiverse paradigm there is not just a singleuniverse, but there are a wide range of fundamental theories(or different variants of the same theory, based on differentphysical parameters) and our universe is just one of thepossible universes that could be created. In this paradigm thequestion then becomes why our particular universe hasproperties that appear to be so finely tuned to allow for theexistence of life. This has led some scientists to turn to theanthropic principle for explaining this fine-tuning problem:this asserts that our universe must have the properties it doesbecause if it had different properties we would not be here tobe able to beg the question.

Finally, the recent observation of a Higgs boson appearsto complete the standard model, but with the addition of newphysics in order to protect the particle mass from quantumcorrections that would increase it by perhaps fourteen ordersof magnitude or more. It is widely thought that the mostplausible resolution of this hierarchy (or naturalness) problemis supersymmetry. However, the simplest supersymmetricmodels have not worked, and no convincing mechanism has


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yet been found to either break supersymmetry or to determinethe many supersymmetric parameters (AL3.3).

The problem of quantum gravity (Ph1): There are fourfundamental forces of physics. However, the standard modelof particle physics includes only the three forces of electro-magnetism and the strong and weak nuclear forces. Anattempt to formulate a theory which unites all four forces,including gravity, into a single unified field theory is a pri-mary goal of theoretical physics. The theory that includesboth GR and the standard model of particle physics is referredto as quantum gravity (QG). Unfortunately, at present thesetwo theories describe different scales of nature and anyattempts to explore the overlaping scale has yielded incom-prehensible results, such as the force of gravity (or curvatureof spacetime) becoming infinite. If quantum mechanics andGR can be realized as a fully consistent theory of QG anumber of natural questions arise, which include the follow-ing: Is spacetime fundamentally continuous or discrete?Would such a theory include a force mediated by a hypo-thetical graviton, or would it be a product of a discretestructure of spacetime itself (such as, for example, in loopquantum gravity)? Are there possible differences from thepredictions of GR at very small or very large scales (or in anyother extreme circumstances) that result from a theory of QG?

Although QG effects modify GR, leading to new grav-itational physics, it appears that these modifications do notsignificantly affect the macroscopic behavior of stellar sys-tems and black holes. For example, a black hole that evapo-rates through the emission of Hawking radiation [159],perhaps the most dramatic consequence of uniting GR andquantum mechanics, does not differ significantly from aclassical black hole over astrophysical timescales [160].

Many of the above problems are in theoretical physicsand generally are not problems in mathematical physics.However, a lot of mathematics is utilized in string theory: forexample, Yau proved the Calabi conjecture, which allowedphysicists to show, using Calabi–Yau compactification, thatstring theory is a viable candidate for a unified theory ofnature. In addition, there are a number of related fundamentalquestions in Yang–Mills theory, which we have discussedearlier. We shall next discuss some specific problems that aredefinitely within mathematical physics.

4.1. Instability of anti-de Sitter spacetime

Anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetime in any dimension is the uniquemaximally symmetric Lorentzian manifold with constantnegative scalar curvature. AdS spacetimes are of interest intheories of QG formulated in terms of string theory (in whichelementary particles are modeled not as zero-dimensionalpoints but as one-dimensional objects called strings) or itsmodern extension, M-theory. Indeed, AdS spacetimes havecome to play a central role in theoretical physics, primarilydue to the AdS/CFT correspondence (or Maldacena gauge/gravity duality) which is the conjectured equivalence betweenstring theory on an asymptotically AdS spacetime and aconformally invariant quantum field theory (CFT) living onthe boundary of this spacetime [161, 162]. CFT are quantum

field theories, including theories similar to Yang–Mills the-ories, that describe elementary particles.

The AdS/CFT correspondence suggests that it is possibleto describe a force in quantum mechanics (like electro-magnetism, the weak force or the strong force) in a certainnumber of dimensions with a string theory where the stringsexist in an AdS spacetime with one additional dimension. Theduality represents a major advance in our understanding ofstring theory and QG since it provides a non-perturbativeformulation of string theory with certain boundary conditions.The usefulness of this strong–weak duality results from thefact that strongly coupled quantum field theories can be stu-died by investigating the corresponding weakly interactinggravitational theory which is mathematically more tractable.This has been used to study many aspects of nuclear andcondensed matter physics (such as, for example, the modelingof non-equilibrium processes such as heavy ion collisions) bytranslating those problems into more mathematically tractableproblems in string theory. That is, the AdS/CFT dictionary isused to translate the strongly coupled CFT to the string dual,which effectively reduces to classical AdS gravity, and theresults are then utilized to produce useful information on thephysics of the CFT. Unfortunately, the problem with thisholographic approach is that the gravity side in the non-stationary regime is not well understood.

The AdS/CFT correspondence provides strong motiv-ation for studying the dynamics of asymptotically AdSspacetimes. But, of course, this is an interesting problem inclassical GR in its own right. AdS spacetime is different toMinkowski and de-Sitter spacetimes [163], which were pro-ven to be nonlinearly stable a long time ago [135, 164]. It hasrecently been conjectured that the AdS spacetime is unstableunder arbitrarily small perturbations [165]. This is related tosome interesting more general mathematical problems.

The question of the global nonlinear stability of AdS wasgiven a huge boost by the seminal work of Bizon and Rost-worowski [112] following a conjectured instability byDafermos and Holzegel [166]. While it would of course bedesirable to study the nonlinear stability of AdS with nosymmetry restrictions, this problem currently is analyticallyand numerically intractable. In [112] the analysis wasrestricted to spherical symmetry within pure Einstein gravitywith a massless scalar field. Numerical results suggested thatAdS is nonlinearly unstable to a weakly turbulent mechanismthat forms an arbitrarily small black hole, whose mass iscontrolled by the energy of the initial data. While this non-linear instability seems to occur for generic perturbations,there are perturbations that do not necessarily generate aninstability (see [167] and references within) which, in turn,appears to lead to the existence of islands of stability [168].Using standard perturbation theory to third order in theamplitude of the linear seed, it was shown [112] that this leadsto secular growth and nonlinearities occur that can createresonances. The heuristic explanation for the mechanismwhich triggers the turbulent behavior is thus the generation ofsecular terms by resonant four-wave interactions; it is thisweak turbulence that is a driving mechanism of the instability.


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There are modifications of standard perturbation theorythat can capture the dynamics up to certain time scales, suchas the resonant approximation [169], but rely on the sphericalsymmetry assumption. It is not known if any solution of theEinstein equations with a fully resonant spectrum necessarilypossesses a nonlinear instability, but it is clear it is a necessarycondition for the existence of the weakly turbulent instability.It is an interesting open question as to whether the non-dis-persive character of the linearized spectrum is essential for theturbulent instability and how generic is the turbulentinstability. In order to study this beyond spherical symmetrythird order perturbation theory calculations for a variety ofdifferent seeds have been performed [167, 168], and it wasfound that the gravitational case is more richer than thespherically symmetry case analyzed in [112]. The primequestion is consequently to determine the endpoint ofinstability of arbitrary dimensional AdS spacetimes for non-spherical perturbations [165]. Note that recently nonlinearinstability was proved for the spherically symmetric Einstein-massless Vlasov system [170].

Problem P8. Determine whether the conjectured nonlinearinstability in anti-de Sitter spacetime, which leads to a weaklyturbulent mechanism that develops a cascade towards highfrequencies leading to black hole formation, behavesdifferently in more general models than spherically symmetricscalar field collapse.

Since this is a particularly topical problem, let me discussit in a little more detail [171]. In the case of AdS, the questionof stability must be supplemented by a choice of boundaryconditions at infinity and, a priori, any results may depend onthis choice. A local well-posedness result to the initialboundary value problem for a large class of AdS boundaryconditions was proven by Friedrich for the vacuum Einsteinequations with negative cosmological constant in 4D [164],allowing local stability to be studied mathematically. In thecase of reflective boundary conditions, for which there is noflux of energy across the conformal boundary, the asymptoticstability of AdS is not possible because the (conformal)boundary acts like a mirror at which perturbations propagat-ing outwards bounce off and return to the bulk. This leads tovery complex nonlinear wave interactions in the bulk, whichis extremely difficult to study even in the case of small per-turbations. Consequently, it is hardly surprising that thequestion of the stability of AdS spacetime remains open.

For reflective boundary conditions, the problem of thelinear stability of AdS reduces to a much simpler spectralproblem for a certain master linear operator whose coeffi-cients depend on the character (i.e., scalar, electromagnetic orgravitational) of the perturbations [172]. The problem of thenonlinear stability of +n 1 dimensional AdS spacetime infull generality is currently beyond the theory of partial diff-erential equations. Thus it is natural to consider more tractablespecial cases. In particular, for spherically symmetric pertur-bations of a self-gravitating minimally coupled masslessscalar field, the system of Einstein-scalar field equations withappropriate boundary conditions and compatible smooth

initial data constitutes a locally well-posed initial-boundaryvalue problem in asymptotically AdS spacetimes. Perturba-tive and numerical studies of the global behavior of small datasolutions to this problem give evidence (first for n=3 andlater generalized to n 3 [173]) for the conjecture that(within the model) the +n 1 dimensional AdS spacetime isunstable to the formation of a black hole for a large class ofarbitrarily small perturbations [112].

4.2. Higher dimensions

Extra dimensions (beyond the familiar four of ordinaryspacetime) are employed in string theory [174]. In addition,spacetime manifolds of higher dimensions are considered insome cosmological scenarios. If there are, in fact, higherdimensions, then deep questions on the structure of theinternal space for our Universe arises (AL5.1). If nature hasmore than four spacetime dimensions, what are their size,what is the topology of Universe, and why are there 3apparent spatial dimensions? And can we experimentallyobserve evidence of higher spatial dimensions?

The study of black holes in GR, and the differencesbetween black holes in 4D and higher dimensions, is currentlyof great interest. At the classical level, gravity in higherdimensions exhibits a much richer structure than in 4D; forexample, one of most remarkable features of 4D GR is theuniqueness of the Kerr black hole. In contrast, there exist anumber of different asymptotically flat, higher-dimensionalvacuum black hole solutions [175]. The uniqueness and sta-bility of higher dimensional black holes is of paramountinterest.

Problem P9. Determine the uniqueness of black holes inhigher dimensions.

Problem P10. Determine the stability of higher dimensionalblack holes.

A number of sub-problems, including adapting thehypotheses of analyticity, non-degeneracy, and connectednessin the black-hole uniqueness theorems, and classifying allvacuum near-horizon geometries with compact cross-sections, have been proposed.

Differential geometry and geometric results have recentlybeen developed in higher dimensions [152, 176]. In part-icular, even though the singularity theorems were originallyproven in 4D, results in which the closed trapped surface is aco-dimension two trapped submanifold hold in arbitrarydimensional spacetimes. The concept of being trapped canalso be associated with submanifolds of any co-dimension, solong as an appropriate curvature condition is assumed toensure the existence of focal points to the submanifold.Closed trapped surfaces in co-dimension 3 and in arbitrarydimension were discussed in [177]. The positive mass theo-rem has recently been proven in all dimensions [178].

The question of stability in higher dimensions is moreproblematic. On one hand, radiative decay of solutions isstronger in higher dimensions and would enhance stability.


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On the other hand, there are more degrees of freedom whichwill generally increase the possibilities of instability. There isnumerical evidence to suggest that certain types of higherdimensional black holes are in fact unstable [175].

However, the problem of cosmic censorship in higherdimensions is not well posed and very difficult. Indeed, inhigher dimensions there is strong numerical evidence thatcosmic censorship fails [179], and higher dimensional blackholes can be unstable under gravitational perturbations. Thiswas first shown by Gregory and Laflamme for black stringsand black p-branes [180] (in 4D this instability does notexist). Convincing numerical evidence that unstable blackstrings pinch off in finite asymptotic time, thus resulting in anaked singularity, was presented in [179]. Since no fine-tuning of the initial data was required, this result constituted aviolation of the weak cosmic censorship, albeit in spacetimeswith compact extra dimensions. The black rings of [181] alsosuffer from various types of instabilities [182], including theGregory–Laflamme instability.

At very large angular momenta, black holes becomehighly deformed and resemble black branes. The rapidlyspinning Myers–Perry (higher-dimensional analogs of Kerr)black holes [183] in spacetime dimensions greater than 6 wereshown to be unstable under a (Gregory–Laflamme type of)‘ultraspinning instability’ [184]. In particular, the end point ofthe axisymmetric ultraspinning instability of asymptoticallyflat Myers–Perry 6D black holes was studied in [185], andthis instability was found to give rise to a sequence of con-centric rings connected by segments of black membrane onthe rotation plane which become thinner over time in thenonlinear regime, resulting in the formation of a naked sin-gularity in finite time and consequently a violation of theweak cosmic censorship conjecture.

4.3. Singularity resolution in GR by quantum effects

Einstein’s theory suffers from the problem of classical sin-gularities, which are a generic feature of spacetimes in GR.The existence of singularities indicate a breakdown of theclassical theory at sufficiently large spacetime curvature,which is precisely when gravitational quantum effects areexpected to be relevant. Consequently, QG is necessary forthe clarification of whether the singularity theorems survivewhen entering the quantum regime. The question of whether atheory of QG can extend solutions of classical GR beyond thesingularities was first discussed in [186].

In any analysis of the singularity theorems in thequantum realm, an important step is the weakening of theenergy conditions and finding an appropriate version ofthe curvature conditions. For example, averaged energyconditions to deal with the quantum violations of the energyconditions have been considered. It is also necessary to gobeyond semiclassical theories and take into account thequantum fluctuations of the spacetime itself, which leads toadditional difficulties in seeking quantum singularity theo-rems. In particular, in the classical theorems the pointwisefocusing of geodesics is utilized, which cannot hold exactly(despite the smallness of the fluctuations) in a quantum

regime. The notion of closed trapped surface can also begeneralized and adapted to quantum situations [187].

Let us discuss cosmological and black hole singularityresolution within loop quantum gravity (LQG) and stringtheory. LQG is a non-perturbative canonical quantization ofgravity based on Ashtekar variables [188], in which classicaldifferential geometry of GR is replaced by a quantum geo-metry at the Planck scale, and has been used to perform arigorous quantization for spacetimes with symmetries.Applying the techniques of LQG to cosmological spacetimesis known as loop quantum cosmology (LQC), in which thespatial homogeneity reduces the infinite number of degrees offreedom to a finite number. Indeed, LQG reveals that singu-larities may be generically resolved because of the quantumgravitational effects [189]. And due to the quantum geometry,which replaces the classical differential geometry at thePlanck scale, the big bang is replaced by a big bounce, whenenergy density reaches a maximum value of about a half ofthe Planck density. The existence of a viable non-singularbounce in the very early universe appears to be a genericresult in all investigations of simple models of LQC, andoccurs without any violation of the energy conditions or finetuning [190].

Often a singularity in GR, such as the big bang and bigcrunch (to the future for contracting models) as well as blackholes, is characterized by the divergence of a physical orgeometrical quantity (such as a curvature invariant) and thebreakdown of the geodesic evolution. However, singularitiescan also arise due to pathologies of the tangent bundle, forinstance in conical singularities, or where there are directionalsingularities, defined as limit points towards which the cur-vature tensor diverges along some (but not necessarily all)directions. These complications led to an elaborate classifi-cation of possible singularities arising from the curvaturetensors [191]. LQC attempts to resolve all singularities,including, for example, the big rip, and sudden and big freezesingularities.

In contrast to the classical theory where singularities are ageneric feature, there is growing evidence in LQC that sin-gularities may be absent. Recently various spatially homo-geneous cosmological models have been studied within thecontext of LQC [192]. In particular, for the models that havebeen exactly solved at the quantum level, the dynamics ofsharply peaked, semiclassical states is very well described byan effective theory that incorporates the main quantum cor-rections to the dynamics [193, 194]. For example, at theeffective level an infinite number of bounces and recollapsesoccur in the positive spatial curvature FLRW model. SimpleBianchi type IX models have also been shown to be non-singular [195, 196]. The original study [197] was improved(to solve the problems with the infrared limit [193]), and theBianchi IX dynamics was constructed [198]. It is within theframework of the improved dynamics that solutions to theeffective equations for the Bianchi IX class of spacetimeswhose matter content is a massless scalar field was studiednumerically within LQC in [196], and the big bang singularitywas resolved and the classical dynamics far from the bouncewas reproduced.


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Problem P11. Can the singularity resolution results obtainedin the spatially homogeneous spacetimes in LQG be proven ina more general setting.

Symmetry reduction within LQC entails a drastic sim-plification, and therefore important features of the theorymight be lost by restricting the symmetry prior to quantiza-tion. However, it is believed that such studies do lead tovaluable hints on loop quantization and inhomogeneousspacetimes (and black holes) [192]. There is strong evidencefrom the numerical studies of the BKL conjecture (see later),that near the singularities the structure of the spacetime is notdetermined by the spatial derivatives, so that it might behoped that singularity resolution in spatially homogeneousmodels would capture some aspects of the singularity reso-lution in more general inhomogeneous spacetimes. On theother hand, however, sometimes the limitations of LQC havebeen used to shed doubts on its results. For example, in [199]it is claimed that a fully covariant approach with validitybeyond symmetry reduced scenarios produces physical resultsinequivalent to those obtained from LQC (see also [189]).Recently LQG techniques have been used to study the effectsof QG in the simple Gowdy inhomogeneous models withinfinite degrees of freedom [200]. And the first steps in thestudy of classical oscillatory singularities governed by theBKL dynamics using LQG have been taken [201].

Loop quantization of black hole spacetimes uses similartechniques as in LQC, and leads to similar results on singu-larity resolution [202–205]. The resolution of gravitationalblack holes singularities has been also studied in string theory[206, 207]. Indeed, there has been significant progress onunderstanding black holes in string theory recently [208], andsome interesting examples have been presented where grav-itational singularities are resolved by higher derivative cor-rections to the action [209]. For example, the fundamentalstring in five dimensions, which is singular in the standardsupergravity description, is regular after taking into accounthigher derivative corrections determined by anomalies andsupersymmetry [210]. In particular, singularities wereresolved in string solutions of five-dimensional supergravitycorrected by the mixed gauge-gravitational Chern–Simonsterm with ´ SAdS3

2 near string geometry (which can beinterpreted in M-theory as M5-branes wrapped on four-cyclesin a Calabi–Yau manifold) [210]. The techniques to resolvesingularities can applied in more general situations, includingblack holes in five dimensions with different near horizongeometry, rotating black holes, and generalizations to otherdimensions, including 10 and 11 dimensions, and theorieswith more general matter content.

4.4. Black hole information paradox

Hawking discovered that black holes are not completely blackbut emit a dim radiation due to quantum effects near the eventhorizon [159]. This result poses a fundamental theoreticalproblem because it appears to suggest that evaporating blackholes destroy information, which is in conflict with a basicpostulate of quantum mechanics that physical systems evolve

in time according to the Schrodinger equation (which is fullydeterministic and unitary and thus no information can be trulylost or destroyed). The apparent contradiction betweenHawkingʼs result and the unitarity postulate of quantummechanics has become known as the black hole informationparadox [211] (see AL2.4 and AL2.5).

In more detail, although a black hole, formed by thegravitational collapse of a body in GR, is classically stable,quantum particle creation processes will result in the emissionof Hawking radiation [159] to infinity and correspondingmass loss of the black hole, eventually resulting in the com-plete evaporation of the black hole. Semi-classical arguments,from applying the local evolutionary laws of quantum fieldtheory in a classical curved spacetime, strongly suggest that inthe process of black hole formation and evaporation, a purequantum state will evolve to a mixed state [212]. That is, ifthe black hole itself has completely disappeared then only thethermal radiation is left, and this final state would be largelyindependent of the initial state and would thus not suffice todeduce the initial state and information would have been lost.But this behavior is quite different from that of familiarquantum systems under unitary time evolution. There are,however, a number of natural ways to attempt to restoreunitarity, including QG corrections and additional degrees offreedom, in addition to a modification of quantum mechanicsitself.

The black hole information paradox is really a combi-nation of two problems: the causality paradox and theentanglement problem. For illustration, consider a sphericalshell of mass collapsing to form a black hole. In the semi-classical approximation the shell passes through its horizon,and ends at a singularity. (A) After the shell passes through itshorizon, light cones in the region between the shell and thehorizon point inwards. If we assume that faster than lightpropagation is not possible, then the information in the shell iscausally trapped inside the horizon. Thus this informationcannot escape to infinity as the hole evaporates away. (B) Theprocess of Hawking radiation creates entangled pairs at thehorizon. But the large entanglement between the radiationnear infinity and the remaining hole near the endpoint ofevaporation may be beyond the semi-classical approximation.

The various proposals to resolve the information paradoxinclude the idea that quantum fields near black hole horizonsare not in fact well-described by vacuum but are insteadhighly excited due to new unknown physics. The set ofexcitations is called a black hole ‘firewall,’ and might even besufficiently strong that spacetime fails to exist in any recog-nizable sense in the interior of such black holes. This has alsobeen discussed within the context of gauge/gravity duality. Inparticular, the AdS/CFT correspondence [162] partiallyresolves the black hole information paradox since it describeshow a black hole (i.e., particles on the boundary of AdSspacetime) can evolve in a unitary fashion in a manner con-sistent with quantum mechanics, leading to informationconservation in this context (see also [213]).

Other alternatives to information loss include: (i) A blackhole never actually forms in the collapse, but rather someother structure without an event horizon, such as a ‘fuzzball’,


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is formed. (ii) A black hole forms in the expected manner butthere are major departures from semi-classical theory andthere is greatly diminished entanglement during the eva-poration process. (iii) The evaporation process shuts off bythe time the black hole has evaporated down to the Planckscale when QG effects become dominant, such that theresulting remnant contains all of the information that wentinto the black hole. (iv) The evaporation process proceeds asin the semiclassical analysis until the black hole reaches thePlanck scale, whence all of the information that had beenstored within the black hole then emerges in a final burst.

In another older but still plausible suggestion [214] aphenomenological description of black holes and their eventhorizons was introduced based upon three postulates which,when implemented in a ‘stretched horizon’ description of ablack hole, preserve free infall ‘through the horizon’ withinthe full quantum theory. The notion of black hole ‘com-plementarity’ is then realized, whereby an observer outside ofthe black hole receives the information returned from thehorizon to infinity (in the form of radiation emanating fromthe apparent horizon, which is presumed to be outside theevent horizon for a dynamical shrinking black hole), butobservers inside the black hole cannot communicate with theoutside. Therefore, any possible contradictions might beacceptable since they are not visible to any single distantobserver and consequently there would be no resulting ten-sion with any known experiments.

5. Problems in cosmology (Ph5)

Cosmology is the study of the large scale behavior of theUniverse within a theory of gravity, which is usually taken tobe GR. There are many open problems in theoretical cos-mology. For example, what precisely is the hypotheticalinflaton field and what are the details of cosmic inflation? Isinflation self-sustaining through the amplification of quant-um-mechanical fluctuations and thus still occurring in some(distant) places in the Universe? Does it give rise to countless‘bubble universes’ and, if so, under what initial conditions,and does a multiverse exist? Cosmological inflation is gen-erally accepted as a solution to the horizon problem, that theUniverse appears more uniform on larger scales than expec-ted, but are other explanations possible? What is the originand future of the Universe and, in particular, is the Universeheading towards some sort of final singularity? Or is itevolving towards a big bounce or is it even part of an infi-nitely recurring cyclic model?

Since cosmology concerns the behavior of the Universewhen the small-scale structures such as stars and galaxies canbe neglected, the ‘Cosmological Principle’ (a generalizationof the Copernican principle) is often assumed to hold, whichasserts that: On large scales the Universe can be well-mod-eled by a solution to Einstein’s equations which isspatially homogeneous and isotropic. That is, a (possiblypreferred) notion of cosmological time can be picked suchthat at every instant on large scales space looks identical in alldirections (isotropy), and (spatial homogeneity) it is not

possible to distinguish between any two points (which isclearly not true on the astrophysical scales of galaxies).However, it would be more satisfactory if the cosmologicalprinciple could be derived as a consequence of GR (undersuitable assumptions), rather than something assumed apriori. That is, could spatial homogenization and isotropiza-tion at late times be derived as a mathematical consequence ofEinstein’s equations under appropriate physical conditionsand for suitable initial data. This question is partiallyaddressed within the inflationary paradigm.

Dark matter and dark energy: Perhaps the most impor-tant questions in cosmology are those concerning dark matterand dark energy. These types of matter and energy aredetected by their gravitational influences, but cannot beobserved directly. The estimated distribution of dark matter inthe Universe is based on observed galaxy rotation curves,nucleosynthesis predictions and structure formation compu-tations [215]. Although the identity of the missing dark matteris not yet known (e.g., whether it is a particle, perhaps thelightest superpartner, or whether the phenomena attributed todark matter is not described by some form of matter but ratherby an extension of GR), it is generally believed that thisproblem will be solved by conventional physics. The darkenergy problem is much more serious. Indeed, this problem iswidely regarded as one of the major obstacles to furtherprogress in fundamental physics [216, 217].

The cosmological constant problem was discussedcomprehensively by Steven Weinberg [218]. Standardquantum field theory (QFT) predicts a huge vacuum energydensity from various sources. But the equivalence principle ofGR requires that every form of energy gravitates in the sameway, so that it is widely believed that the vacuum energygravitates as a cosmological constant which would then havean enormous effect on the curvature of spacetime. However,the observed effective cosmological constant is so smallcompared with the predictions of QFT that an unknown barecosmological constant has to cancel this huge contributionfrom the vacuum to better than up to at least 120 decimalplaces (AL2.1). It is an extremely difficult fine-tuning pro-blem that gets even worse when the higher loop correctionsare included [219]. More recently Weinberg and others haveadopted the view that, of all of the proposed solutions to thisproblem, the only acceptable one is the controversialanthropic bound [220].

In addition, the Universe has been accelerating in itsexpansion for the last few billion years [221, 222]. Withinstandard cosmology the cause of this acceleration is com-monly called dark energy, which appears to have the sameproperties as a relatively tiny cosmological constant, aneffectively repulsive gravitational force (or levitational force)in GR. The additional cosmological constant (coincidence)problem of explaining why it has such a specific smallobserved value, which is the same order of magnitude as thepresent mass density of the matter in the Universe, must alsobe faced (AL2.2). It is often speculated as to whether darkenergy is a pure cosmological constant or whether dynamicalmodels such as, for example, quintessence and phantomenergy models are more appropriate. Some physicists have


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also proposed alternative explanations for these gravitationalinfluences, which do not require new forms of matter andenergy, but these alternatives are not popular and lead tomodified gravity on large scales. The possible cause of theobserved acceleration of the Universe has also been discussedwithin the context of backreaction and inhomogeneities (seelater).

Finally, it has also been proposed that an observed ‘darkflow’, a non-spherically symmetric gravitational pull fromoutside the observable Universe, is responsible for some ofthe observed motion of large objects such as galactic clustersin the Universe. Analyses of the local bulk flow of galaxies(as measured in the frame of the cosmic microwave back-ground) indicate a lack of convergence to the cosmic back-ground frame even beyond 100 Mpc [223], in contrast tostandard expectations if the Universe is in fact spatiallyhomogeneous on larger scales. Indeed, low redshift supernovadata have shown that there is an anomalously high andapparently constant bulk flow of approximately 250 km s−1

extending all the way out to the Shapely supercluster atapproximately 260 Mpc and further, a discrepancy which hasbeen confirmed by analysis of the 6dF galaxy redshift sur-vey [224].

However, although mathematics is very important in manyof these problems, they are not problems in mathematicalphysics per se. In addition, numerical computations havealways played an important role in physical cosmology [225],but it is not clear that such calculations are within the remit ofmathematical physics. Indeed, computational cosmologywithin full GR is now beginning to address fundamental issues[226–228]. Let us briefly discuss some topical examples.

Studies of ‘bubble universes’ in which our Universe isone of many, nucleating and growing inside an ever-expanding false vacuum, have been undertaken with com-putational cosmological tools. In particular, [229] investigatedthe collisions between bubbles. It is expected that initialconditions will contain some measure of inhomogeneities,and random initial conditions will not necessarily give rise toan inflationary spacetime. It has been shown that large fieldinflation is robust to simple inhomogeneous (and anisotropic)initial conditions with large initial gradient energies in situations in which the field is initially confined to the part of thepotential that supports inflation, while it is also known thatsmall field inflation is much less robust to inhomogeneitiesthan its large field counterpart [230].

Using exotic matter, or alternative modified theories ofgravity, can classically lead to the initial singularity beingreplaced by a bounce to an expanding universe [231].For example, computational cosmology methods have beenapplied to the study of bouncing cosmologies in the ekpyroticcosmological scenario; by studying the evolution of adiabaticperturbations in a non-singular bounce [232], it was shownthat the bounce is disrupted in regions with significant spatialinhomogeneity and anisotropy compared with the backgroundenergy density, but is achieved in regions that are relativelyspatially homogeneous and isotropic. The precise propertiesof a cosmic bounce depend upon the way in which it isgenerated, and many mechanisms have been proposed for this

both classically and non-classically. There are quantumgravitational effects associated with string theory [233] andLQG [193, 197]. In particular, in LQC there is such a bouncewhen the energy density reaches a maximum value ofapproximately one half of the Planck density.

Nevertheless, some precise mathematical questions incosmology can be formulated. For example, there are ques-tions about the generality of inflation for generic initial data(although precise statements are difficult because there aremany theories of inflation and there are no natural initialconditions). But mathematical theorems are possible in thestudy of the stability of de Sitter spacetime. This is part ofthe more general question of the stability of cosmologicalsolutions (namely, if a cosmological solution is perturbed alittle bit by, for example, factoring in the small-scale structure,is the evolution as governed by Einstein’s equations qualita-tively the same in the large as the evolution of the underlyingcosmological solution). This requires the study of the (latetime) behavior of a complicated set of partial differentialequations around a special solution (and there are severalcosmological models that are of particular interest, includingthe very simple Milne model [72, 234]). These are genuinelyproblems in mathematical physics.

We first recall that when the cosmological constantvanishes and the matter satisfies the usual energy conditions,spacetimes of Bianchi type IX recollapse and so are neverindefinitely expanding. This is formalized in the closed uni-verse recollapse conjecture [235], which was proven by Linand Wald [236]. However, spacetimes of Bianchi type IXneed not always recollapse when there is a non-zero positivecosmological constant.

5.1. Stability of de Sitter spacetime

In [237] Friedrich proved (using regular conformal fieldequations) a result on the stability of de Sitter spacetime: allinitial data (vacuum with positive cosmological constant)near enough (in a suitable Sobolev topology) to initial datainduced by de Sitter spacetime on a regular Cauchy hyper-surface have maximal Cauchy developments which aregeodesically complete. de Sitter spacetime is thus anattractor for expanding cosmological models with a positivecosmological constant. The result also gives additionaldetails on the asymptotic behavior and may be thought of asproving a form of the so-called ‘cosmic no hair’ conjecturein the vacuum case. For more recent work see [70] andreferences within.

A general theorem of Wald [238] states that any spatiallyhomogeneous model whose matter content satisfies the strongand dominant energy conditions and which expands for aninfinite proper time (i.e., does not recollapse) is asymptotic toan isotropic de Sitter spacetime. This cosmic no hair theoremdoes not depend on the details of the matter fields, andtherefore the question remains as to whether solutionscorresponding to initial data for the Einstein equations with apositive cosmological constant coupled to reasonable matterexist globally in time only under the condition that the model


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is originally expanding. It can be shown that this is true forvarious matter models using the techniques of [239].

Models with a scalar field with an exponential potentialare also inflationary because the rate of (volume) expansion isincreasing with time, and global results are possible[240, 241]. Inflationary behavior also arises in the presence ofa scalar field with a power law potential, but occurs atintermediate times rather than at late times. Local results arethen possible but are difficult; primarily this question is stu-died numerically.

It is of interest to know what happens to the cosmic no–hair theorem in inhomogeneous spacetimes. Some partialresults are possible for a positive cosmological constant in theinhomogeneous case [242]. But even less is known for scalarfield models with an exponential potential [240].

Problem P12. Prove a cosmic no-hair theorem in genericinhomogeneous spacetimes.

The potential instability of de Sitter spacetime in quan-tized theories has been investigated. In a semi-classical ana-lysis of backreaction in an expanding Universe with aconformally coupled scalar field and vacuum energy it wasshown that a local observer perceives de Sitter spacetime tocontain a constant thermal energy density despite the dilutionfrom expansion due to a continuous flux of energy radiatedfrom the horizon, leading to the evolution of the Hubble rateat late times which deviates significantly from that in de Sitterspacetime, which is thus unstable [243]. This result is inapparent disagreement with the thermodynamic arguments in[244] in which it was concluded that unlike black holes deSitter spacetime is stable. However, if de Sitter spacetimewere unstable to quantum corrections and could indeed decay,it could provide an important mechanism for alleviating thecosmological constant problem and perhaps also the fine-tuning issues encountered in the extremely flat inflationarypotentials that are required by observations. A de Sitterinstability would certainly have a profound impact on the fateof the Universe since it rules out the possibility of an eternallyexponentially expanding de Sitter spacetime as classicallyimplied by the standard concordance model. This issue iscurrently unresolved.

5.2. Cosmological singularities and spikes

The singularity theorems tell us that singularities occur undervery general circumstances in GR, but they say little abouttheir nature [94]. Belinskii, Khalatnikov and Lifshitz (BKL)[245] have conjectured that within GR, for a generic inho-mogeneous cosmology, the approach to the (past) spacelikesingularity is vacuum dominated, local, and oscillatory(mixmaster). The associated dynamics is referred to as theBKL dynamics. In particular, due to the nonlinearity of theEinstein field equations, if the matter is not a (massless) scalarfield, then sufficiently close to the singularity one can neglectall matter terms in the field equations relative to the dyna-mical anisotropy. BKL checked that their assumptions wereconsistent with the Einstein field equations; but that does not

necessarily mean that those assumptions hold in generalphysical situations. Recent numerical simulations have ver-ified that the BKL conjecture is satisfied for special classes ofspacetimes [246, 247].

To date there have been three main approaches toinvestigate the structure of generic singularities, including theheuristic BKL metric approach and the Hamiltonianapproach. The dynamical systems approach [248], in whichEinstein’s field equations are recast into scale invariantasymptotically regularized dynamical systems (first ordersystems of autonomous ordinary differential equations andpartial differential equations) in the approach towards ageneric spacelike singularity, offers a more mathematicallyrigorous approach to cosmological singularities. In particular,a dynamical systems formulation for the Einstein fieldequations without any symmetries was introduced in [249],resulting in a detailed description of the generic attractor,concisely formulated conjectures about the asymptoticdynamic behavior toward a generic spacelike singularity,and a basis for a numerical investigation of genericsingularities [250].

In more detail, in order to construct the solution in asufficiently small spacetime neighborhood of a genericspacelike singularity [249, 251] Einstein’s field equations arereformulated by assuming that a small neighborhood near thesingularity can be foliated with a family of spacelike surfacessuch that the singularity ‘occurs’ simultaneously, and theexpansion of the normal congruence to the assumed foliationare factored out by utilizing a conformal transformation(whence the Einstein field equations split into decoupledequations for the conformal factor and a coupled system ofdimensionless equations for quantities associated with thedimensionless conformal metric).

Unfortunately, until recently very few rigorous mathe-matical statements had been made. Based on the work ofRendall [252], Ringstrom produced the first major proofsabout asymptotic spatially homogeneous Bianchi type IXcosmological dynamics [253]. Notably, Ringstrom obtainedthe first theorems about oscillatory behavior of generic sin-gularities for Bianchi type VIII and, more substantially, typeIX models in GR. In particular, Ringstrom managed to provethat the past attractor in Bianchi type IX resides on a subsetthat consists of the union of the Bianchi type I and II vacuumsubsets. But this theorem does not identify the attractorcompletely, nor determine if the Kasner map is relevant fordynamics asymptotic to the initial singularity in Bianchi typeIX, and the theorem says very little about Bianchi type VIII[251] (however, see the recent work of Brehm [254]).

In the spatially homogeneous case the focus is onmathematically rigorous results. For example, it has beenargued that the idea that Bianchi type IX models are essen-tially understood is a misconception, and what has actuallybeen proven about type IX asymptotic dynamics wasaddressed in [251] (however, see [254]). In particular, allclaims about chaos in Einstein’s equations (especially at ageneric spacelike singularity) rest on the (plausible) belief thatthe Kasner map (which is associated with chaotic properties)actually describes the asymptotic dynamics of Einstein’s


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equations; however, this has not been proved rigorously todate [251]. Most importantly, the role of type IX models inthe context of generic singularities not yet been rigorouslyestablished [249, 251, 255]. There remain several importantopen problems, including:

Problem P13. Prove that the past attractor of the Bianchi typeIX dynamical system coincides with the Mixmaster attractor(as defined in [251]—the Bianchi II variety of [253]) ratherthan being a subset thereof.

The BKL oscillatory dynamics have been studied insimple perfect fluid models with a linear equation of state.Some matter fields can have an important effect on thedynamics near the singularity. A scalar field or stiff fluid leadsto the oscillatory behavior being replaced by monotonicbehavior and consequently to a significant reduction in thecomplexity of the dynamics close to the singularity [256].Based on numerical work and the qualitative analysis of[257], the so-called exceptional Bianchi type VI- 1

9class B

model (which has the same number of degrees of freedom asthe most general Bianchi type VIII and IX class A models)has an oscillatory singularity. An electromagnetic field canlead to oscillatory behavior which is not present in vacuum orperfect fluid models of the same symmetry type. For example,models of Bianchi types I and VI0 with an electromagneticfield have oscillatory behavior [258]. Oscillations can alsooccur in all Bianchi models in the presence of a tilting fluid[259, 260].

It is imperative to discuss generic oscillatory singularitiesin inhomogeneous cosmologies. In [261] qualitative andnumerical support was presented for the BKL scenario in theHubble-normalized state space context for an open set of timelines. In more generality, a heuristic physical justification ofasymptotic locality may be that ultra strong gravity causesparticle horizons shrink to zero size toward the singularityalong each timeline, which prohibits communication betweendifferent time lines in the asymptotic limit (and may hence bereferred to as asymptotic silence).

To gain further insights about general oscillatory singu-larities in inhomogeneous spacetimes, models with two com-muting spacelike Killing vectors (so-called G2 models) havebeen investigated. The BKL dynamics has been discussed ingeneric vacuum, spatially compact ´( ) ( )U U1 1 -symmetricspacetimes with vanishing twist and in generic polarized U(1)spacetimes [61], and in twisting ´( ) ( )U U1 1 -symmetricvacuum models on T3 Gowdy models, and on ´S S2 1, S3 andlens spaces L(p, q) [262].

The description of generic asymptotic dynamics towardsa generic spacelike singularity in terms of an attractor, hasresulted in mathematically precise conjectures [249, 255], andinvolves the possible existence of finite dimensional attractorsin infinite dimensional systems [263].

Problem P14. Prove the BKL locality conjecture in thegeneral inhomogeneous context.

Spikes: Recently, a new spike phenomenon that had notbeen anticipated by BKL was found in numerical simulations[246]. Since it is a general feature of solutions of partialdifferential equations that spikes occur it is, of course,expected that they occur in solutions of Einstein’s fieldequations in GR. In the case of spikes, the spatial derivativeterms do have a significant effect at special points. In part-icular, in the approach to the singularity in the mixmasterregime, a spike occurs when a particular spatial point is stuckin an old Kasner epoch while its neighbors eventually bounceto the new one. Because spikes become arbitrarily narrow asthe singularity is approached, they are a challenge to thenumerical simulations. Spikes are also a challenge to themathematical treatment of spacetimes. Mathematical justifi-cation has been presented in [264]. More success has beenobtained in finding exact spike solutions [265].

Spikes were originally found numerically in the contextof vacuum orthogonally transitive, spatially inhomogeneousG2 models [246, 266]. Therefore, numerical studies of G2 andmore general cosmological models have produced evidencethat the BKL conjecture generally holds except possibly atisolated points (surfaces in the three-dimensional space)where spiky structures (‘spikes’) form [267], and theasymptotic locality part of the BKL conjecture is violated.Spikes naturally occur in a class of non-vacuum G2 modelsand, due to gravitational instability, leave small residualimprints on matter in the form of matter perturbations. Part-icular interest has been paid to spikes formed in the initialoscillatory regime, and their imprint on matter and structureformation has been studied numerically [268].

Therefore, generic singularities are not only associatedwith asymptotic locality but also with non-local recurringspikes, although it is believed that a set of measure zero oftimelines exhibit spike formation [250].

Problem P15. Prove the existence of spikes and determinetheir effect on any eventual generic singularity proofs.

There are other unresolved questions pertaining torecurring spike behavior and generic spacelike singularities.For example, are there spikes that undergo infinitely manyrecurring spike transitions? How, where and how often dospikes form? How does spike interference work and canspikes annihilate? Are there generic singularities withoutrecurring spikes and are there generic singularities with adense set of recurring spikes? Some of these issues have beendiscussed recently in [269].

The asymptotic dynamics of general solutions of theEinstein vacuum equations toward a generic spacelike sin-gularity have been studied. Matter sources such as spatiallyhomogeneous perfect fluids and simple massless scalar fields[245, 248] have been considered. It is of particular interest todetermine the structural stability of generic inhomogeneousspacelike singularities, especially by including matter such asmassless scalar fields and electromagnetic fields (whichinfluence the generic spacelike singularity in different ways),and to also go beyond GR and include form fields.


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Problem P16. Determine the structural stability of genericinhomogeneous spacelike singularities for general matterfields present in the early universe.

In [270], a heuristic Hamiltonian approach (closelyconnected to that of BKL) was used to study the dynamics ofthe Einstein-dilaton-p-form system in the neighborhood of ageneric spacelike singularity. The asymptotic behavior of thefields was described by a billiard motion in a region ofhyperbolic space bounded by straight walls (dubbed ‘cos-mological billiards’), and a remarkable connection betweenthe asymptotic dynamics of generic spacelike singularitiesand Kac–Moody algebras was revealed [270]. A link betweenthe Hamiltonian and the dynamical systems approach toinhomogeneous cosmologies was established in [255]. Morerecently the fermionic sector of supergravity theories, inwhich the gravitino is treated classically, was studied [271].The quantum generalization of the resulting fermionic cos-mological billiards, defined by the dynamics of a quantizedsupersymmetric Bianchi type IX cosmological model (withinsimple 4D supergravity) [272], was also investigated. Thehidden Kac–Moody structures were again displayed.

Isotropic singularity: Based on entropy considerations,Penrose [26] proposed the ‘Weyl curvature hypothesis’ thatasserts that the initial singularity in a cosmological modelshould be such that the Weyl curvature tensor tends to zero orat least remains bounded. There is some difficulty in repre-senting this condition mathematically and it was proposed in[273] that a clearly formulated geometric condition, which onan intuitive level is closely related to the original condition, isthat the conformal structure should remain regular at thesingularity. Singularities of this type are known as conformalor isotropic singularities. It has been shown [274, 275] thatsolutions of the Einstein equations coupled to a perfect fluidsatisfying the radiation equation of state with an isotropicsingularity are determined uniquely by certain free data givenat the singularity. The data which can be given is, roughlyspeaking, half as much as in the case of a regular Cauchyhypersurface. In [276] this was extended to the linearequation of state case, and can be extended to more generalmatter (e.g., general fluids and a collisionless gas of masslessparticles) [60].

Many additional questions can be asked in the context ofalternative, modified theories of gravity such as, for example,the general applicability of the BKL behavior close to thecosmological singularity. Such questions will not be includedhere. However, the following mathematical physics questionon isotropization is relevant.

Problem P17. Are isotropic singularities typical in modifiedtheories of gravity.

The stability of the isotropic vacuum Friedmann universeon approach to an initial cosmological singularity in gravitytheories with higher-order curvature terms added to the Ein-stein–Hilbert Lagrangian of GR have been studied [277]. Aspecial isotropic vacuum solution exists which behaves likethe radiation-dominated Friedmann universe and is stable to

anisotropic and small inhomogeneous perturbations in thepast, unlike the situation in GR. An analytical solution validfor particular values of the equation of state parameter wasalso found such that the singularity is isotropic in a higherdimensional flat anisotropic Universe filled by a perfect fluidin Gauss–Bonnet gravity [278]. Some simple cosmologicalsolutions of gravity theories with quadratic Ricci curvatureterms added to the Einstein–Hilbert Lagrangian have also bestudied [279].

5.3. Averaging Einstein’s field equations

The averaging problem in GR is of fundamental importance.The gravitational field equations on large scales are obtainedby averaging or coarse graining the Einstein field equations ofGR. The averaging problem in cosmology is crucial for thecorrect interpretation of cosmological data. The so-calledfitting problem is perhaps the most important unsolved pro-blem in mathematical cosmology [280].

The spacetime or space volume averaging approach mustbe well posed and generally covariant. This raises importantnew questions in differential geometry. The formal mathe-matical issues of averaging tensors on a differential manifoldhave recently been revisited [281–283]. The coarse grained oraveraged field equations need not take on the same mathe-matical form as the original field equations. Indeed, in thecase of the macroscopic gravity approach [283, 284] theaveraged spacetime is not necessarily even Riemannian.Scalar quantities can be averaged in a straightforward manner.In general, a spacetime is completely characterized by itsscalar curvature invariants, and this suggests a particularspacetime averaging scheme based entirely on scalars [282].In the approach of Buchert [285] a 1+ 3 cosmologicalspacetime splitting is employed and only scalar quantities areaveraged.

The spacetime averaging procedure adopted in macro-scopic gravity, which is fully covariant and gauge indepen-dent, is based on the concept of Lie-dragging of averagingregions, and it has been shown to exist on an arbitraryRiemannian spacetime with well-defined local averagedproperties (however, see [281]). The averaging of thestructure equations for the geometry of GR then produces thestructure equations for the averaged (macroscopic) geometryand gives a prescription for the (additional) correlationfunctions (in the macroscopic field equations) which emergein an averaging of the nonlinear field equations [283].

Problem PF2. Provide a rigorous mathematical definition foraveraging in GR.

Although the standard spatially homogeneous and iso-tropic Friedmann–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker (FLRW)model (or so-called ΛCDM cosmology) has been extremelysuccessful in describing current observations (up to variouspossible anomalies and tensions [286], and particularly theexistence of structures on gigaparsec scales such as the coldspot and some super-voids [287]), it requires sources of darkenergy density that dominate the present Universe that have


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never been directly detected. In addition, the Universe is notisotropic or spatially homogeneous on local scales. An aver-aging of inhomogeneous spacetimes on large scales can leadto important effects. For example, on cosmological scales thedynamical behavior can differ from that in the standardFLRW model and, in particular, the expansion rate may besignificantly affected [285].

Indeed, current observations of the structure of the lateepoch Universe reveal a significantly complex picture inwhich groups and clusters of galaxies of various sizes formthe largest gravitationally bound structures, which themselvesform knots, filaments and sheets that thread and surround veryunderdense voids, creating a vast cosmic web [288]. A sig-nificant fraction of the volume of the present Universe is invoids of a single characteristic diameter of approximately 30megaparsecs [289] and a density contrast which is close tobeing empty, so that by volume the present universe is void–dominated [290].

A hierarchy of steps in coarse graining is necessary tomodel the observed complex gravitationally bound structureson large scales [291]. In the standard FLRW cosmology it isimplicitly assumed that regardless of the gravitational physicsin the coarse graining hierarchy, at the final step the matterdistribution can be approximated by an ‘effective averagedout’ stress-energy tensor. However, the smallest scale onwhich a notion of statistical homogeneity arises is 70–120megaparsecs [292], based on the two-point galaxy correlationfunction, and variations of the number density of galaxies oforder 7%–8% are still seen when sampling on the largestpossible survey volumes [293, 294].

Problem PF3. Can averaging play an important role incosmology. In particular, what is the largest scale that we cancoarse-grain matter and geometry that obeys Einstein’sequations on smaller scales such that the average evolutionis still an exact solution of Einstein’s equations.

After coarse graining we obtain a smoothed out macro-scopic geometry (with macroscopic metric) and macroscopicmatter fields, valid on larger scales. Indeed, the averaging ofthe Einstein field equations for local inhomogeneities onsmall scales can in general lead to very significant dynamicalbackreaction effects [295] on the average evolution of theUniverse [285]. In addition, all deductions about cosmologyare based on light paths (null geodesics) that traverse greatdistances (which preferentially travel through underdenseregions—the voids in the real Universe). However, inhomo-geneities affect curved null geodesics and can significantlyalter observed luminosity distances. This leads to the fol-lowing fundamental problem: although photons follow nullgeodesics in the local geometry, what trajectories do photonsfollow in the averaged macro-geometry [296]. More impor-tantly, however, is the fact that averaging (and inhomogene-ities in general) can affect the interpretation of cosmologicaldata [296–298].

A topical but theoretically conservative approach is totreat GR as a mesoscopic (classical) theory applicable onthose small scales on which it has actually been tested, with a

local metric field (the geometry) and matter fields, whence theeffective dynamical equations on cosmological scales are thenobtained by averaging. In this approach, backreaction effectsmight offer a resolution to problems related to dark energyand dark matter.

6. Summary of problems in mathematical physics

The hardest part, perhaps, is making the number of openquestions in mathematical physics add up to 42. First, wemust decide whether we mean 42 in the mathematical sense(i.e., the exact number 42), or in the physics sense (i.e., anumber between 40 and 44).

There are the 5 classical problems, H6, S3, S8, S15 andM2, and the related problems BS1 and BS3 (and the problemof turbulence) and the more specific problems in YM theoryand their generalizations to EYM theory (e.g., Y117 andY118). In addition, there are the problems BS2, BS8 andBS14. Most of the problems proposed by Bartnik and Penrosehave been subsumed in the open problems P1–P17. However,problems RB20, RB21, RB32 (Y115) and RB43 remain.There are 7, 4 and 6 open problems in each of GR, thequantum realm and cosmology, respectively, in the listP1–P17. I have also listed 3 personal favorites (PF1–PF3).

As mentioned earlier, many of the most important pro-blems in theoretical physics are generally not problems inmathematical physics, despite the fact that a lot of mathe-matics is often utilized (as discussed earlier, for example, instring theory). Some of the problems which are absolutelyfundamental for theoretical physics, and which almost bydefinition are vague and not yet well formulated, have beenbriefly discussed in the text. But they may (or may not) turninto bone fide problems in mathematics or mathematicalphysics in the future (MPF). For example, although impor-tant, the question to explain the anthropic reasons for the finetuning of our Universe is not likely to to lead to an explicitproblem in mathematical physics. The following importantproblem may well lead to a problem in mathematical physics.

Problem MPF1. Resolve the black hole information paradox.

The two most fundamental problems in theoreticalphysics will likely lead to problems in mathematical physicsin the future (see AL1/AL2 and AL3).

Problem MPF2. The cosmological constant problem and darkenergy.

Problem MPF3. Formulate a fully consistent theory of QG.

Numerical computations have always played an impor-tant role in any mature area of theoretical physics (such as GRand more recently in computational cosmology [225]). But itis not clear that, in general, such numerical problems arereally problems in mathematical physics. In addition, num-erical problems typically also require the ‘complete control’on the behavior of gravitation in the very nonlinear regime.


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This always concerns the technical and practical question ofthe ‘cost’ due to the length of the required computation andthe small numerical error necessary to ensure the solution canbe trusted, which is not really a problem in mathematicalphysics.

There are perhaps no important open questions in num-erical relativity per se. On the other hand, any importantproblem within GR that involves nonlinear phenomena wouldbe an important problem for numerical relativity. Numericalwork supports many of the conjectures discussed in this paperand has led to many important theoretical advances. Forexample, the mathematical stability of AdS spacetime has animportant numerical component and cosmic censorship issupported by numerical experimentation. In addition, we havediscussed the role of numerics in the understanding of spikesand the BKL dynamics, and in problems in cosmology andhigher dimensional gravity. In particular, we discussed theproblems of the generality of bouncing models (at a cosmo-logical singularity) and of inflation for generic initial data.The latter problem may well lead to a genuine computation-ally motivated problem in mathematical physics (CMP), atleast within a specific physical realization of inflation.

Problem CMP1. What is the generality of inflation for genericinitial data.

There are also important numerical problems in relati-vistic astrophysics, such as in the ultra-relativistic regime ofinteractions, infinite-boost black hole collisions and collidingplane-fronted waves, and most importantly in black holemergers in general. As noted earlier, the two-body problemhas played and continues to play a pivotal role in gravitationalphysics [58]. Recent advances in numerical computationshave enabled the study of the violent inspiral and merger oftwo compact objects (such as, for example, black holes andneutron stars), in which an enormous amount of gravitationalradiation is produced.

In particular, the detection and analysis of the gravita-tional-wave signals generated by black hole collisionsnecessitate very precise theoretical predictions for use astemplate waveforms to be cross-correlated against the outputof the gravitational-wave detectors, which is of great impor-tance in light of recent LIGO observations [299]. The orbitaldynamics and gravitational-wave emission of such systemscan be modeled using a variety of analytical approximationschemes, including post Newtonian expansions, black holeperturbation theory and the effective one body approach, andthis is complemented by numerical relativity near the late timecoalescence where perturbative methods break down[58, 300].

Problem CMP2. Determine the predictions of emitted wave-forms for binary black hole systems for optimal detection andparameter extraction.

Non-vacuum compact binary systems involving at leastone neutron star also produce copious amounts of gravita-tional waves and are likely to lead to intense neutrino and

electromagnetic emission that could also be detected. How-ever, the simulation of binaries with neutron stars is com-plicated by the need to include non-gravitational physics, andhence analytical techniques are less effective [300].

Finally, some numerical results have lead to the for-mulation of new problems in mathematical physics, some ofwhich have been discussed earlier. In particular, criticalphenomena in gravitational collapse within GR was dis-covered numerically [300]. Families of solutions to the cou-pled Einstein-matter equations, labeled by a continuousparameter p, were studied. The prescribed initial data dependson p, which controls the strength of the (initially imploding)matter in the ensuing gravitational interaction. For a small p,gravity is weak during the evolution and the spacetimeremains regular everywhere (for example, in the case ofmassless radiation, the radiation will disperse to infinity). Fora large p, gravity becomes sufficiently strong that some of thematter is trapped within a singular black hole. For some cri-tical value of p, there is a ‘critical’ (self similar) solutioncorresponding to the threshold of black hole formation. Evi-dence to date suggests that virtually any collapse model thatadmits black hole formation will contain such critical beha-vior. Understanding these critical solutions and the ensuingcritical behavior is now an interesting problem within math-ematical GR (especially in the case in which there are nosymmetries).

Problem CMP3. Understand critical phenomena in gravita-tional collapse in GR.

In summary, and in the spirit of AL42 [1], the final 42open problems in mathematical physics are: H6, S3, S8, S15and M2, BS1 and BS3, Y117 and Y118, BS2, BS8 and BS14,RB20, RB21, RB32 and RB43, and the problems P1–17,PF1–3, MPF1–3, and CMP1–3.

All of these problems are explicitly stated in the text or inthe appendix. In addition, there are many other open problemsreferred to in this paper.


I would like to thank Lars Andersson, Robert van den Hoogenand Claes Uggla for a detailed reading of an earlier version ofthe manuscript, and Tim Clifton, Luis Lehner and FransPretorius for helpful comments. Financial support was pro-vided by NSERC of Canada.

Appendix. Lists

A.1. Hilbertʼs problems

The remaining problems are [4]:

• H1 The continuum hypothesis (that is, there is no setwhose cardinality is strictly between that of the integersand that of the real numbers).


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• H2 Prove that the axioms of arithmetic are consistent.• H3 Given any two polyhedra of equal volume, is italways possible to cut the first into finitely manypolyhedral pieces that can be reassembled to yield thesecond?

• H4 Construct all metrics where lines are geodesics.• H5 Are continuous groups automatically differentialgroups?

• H7 Is ab transcendental, for algebraic a¹ 0, 1 andirrational algebraic b?

• H9 Find the most general law of the reciprocity theoremin any algebraic number field.

• H10 Find an algorithm to determine whether a givenpolynomial Diophantine equation with integer coeffi-cients has an integer solution.

• H11 Solving quadratic forms with algebraic numericalcoefficients.

• H13 Solving 7th degree equations using algebraicfunctions of two parameters.

• H14 Is the ring of invariants of an algebraic group actingon a polynomial ring always finitely generated?

• H15 Rigorous foundation of Schubertʼs enumerativecalculus.

• H17 Express a non-negative rational function as quotientof sums of squares.

• H18 (a) Is there a polyhedron that admits only ananisohedral tiling in three dimensions? (b) What is thedensest sphere packing?

• H19 Are the solutions of regular problems in the calculusof variations always necessarily analytic?

• H20 Do all variational problems with certain boundaryconditions have solutions?

• H21 Proof of the existence of linear differential equationshaving a prescribed monodromic group.

• H22 Uniformization of analytic relations by means ofautomorphic functions.

• H23 Further development of the calculus of variations.

A.2. Smaleʼs problems

Smaleʼs solved (partially or fully) problems are [8]:

• S6 Finiteness of the number of relative equilibria incelestial mechanics.

• S7 Distribution of points on the 2-sphere.• S11 Is one-dimensional complex-variable dynamics gen-erally hyperbolic?

• S12 Centralizers of diffeomorphisms.• S14 Lorenz attractor.• S17 Solving polynomial equations in polynomial time inthe average case.

A.3. AL42 problems

The problems are [1]:

• AL1 Why does conventional physics predict a cosmolo-gical constant that is vastly too large?

• AL2 What is the dark energy?• AL3 How can Einstein gravity be reconciled withquantum mechanics?

• AL4 What is the origin of the entropy and temperature ofblack holes?

• AL5 Is information lost in a black hole?• AL6 Did the Universe pass through a period of inflation,and if so how and why?

• AL7 Why does matter still exist?• AL8 What is the dark matter?• AL9 Why are the particles of ordinary matter copiedtwice at higher energy?

• AL10 What is the origin of particle masses, and whatkind of masses do neutrinos have?

• AL11 Does supersymmetry exist, and why are theenergies of observed particles so small compared to themost fundamental (Planck) energy scale?

• AL12 What is the fundamental grand unified theory offorces, and why?

• AL13 Are Einstein’s GR and standard field theory alwaysvalid?

• AL14 Is our universe stable?• AL15 Are quarks always confined inside the particles thatthey compose?

• AL16 What are the complete phase diagrams for systemswith non-trivial forces, such as the strong nuclear force?

• AL17 What new particles remain to be discovered?• AL18 What new astrophysical objects are awaitingdiscovery?

• AL19 What new forms of superconductivity and super-fluidity remain to be discovered?

• AL20 What further properties remain to be discovered inhighly correlated electronic materials?

• AL21 What new topological phases remain to bediscovered?

• AL22 What other new phases and forms of matter remainto be discovered?

• AL23 What is the future of quantum computing, quantuminformation, and other applications of entanglement?

• AL24 What is the future of quantum optics andphotonics?

• AL25 Are there higher dimensions, and if there is aninternal space, what is its geometry?

• AL26 Is there a multiverse?• AL27 Are there exotic features in the geometry ofspacetime, perhaps including those which could permittime travel?

• AL28 How did the Universe originate, and what isits fate?

• AL29 What is the origin of spacetime, why is spacetimefour-dimensional, and why is time different from space?

• AL30 What explains relativity and Einstein gravity?• AL31 Why do all forces have the form of gauge theories?• AL32 Why is Nature described by quantum fields?• AL33 Is physics mathematically consistent?• AL34 What is the connection between the formalism ofphysics and the reality of human experience?


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• AL35 What are the ultimate limits to theoretical,computational, experimental, and observationaltechniques?

• AL36 What are the ultimate limits of chemistry, appliedphysics, and technology?

• AL37 What is life?• AL38 How did life on Earth begin and how did complexlife originate?

• AL39 How abundant is life in the Universe, and what isthe destiny of life?

• AL40 How does life solve problems of seeminglyimpossible complexity?

• AL41 Can we understand and cure the diseases thatafflict life?

• AL42 What is consciousness?

A.4. Simonʼs problems

The remaining BS problems are [18]:

• BS4 Transport theory: at some level, the fundamentaldifficulty of transport theory is that it is a steady staterather than equilibrium problem, so that the powerfulformalism of equilibrium statistical mechanics is unavail-able. A: Fourierʼs heat law. B: Kubo formula.

• BS5 Heisenberg models: lattice models of statisticalmechanics (especially the Ising model) have been fruitfultesting grounds for ideas in the theory of phasetransitions. Four particular questions were postulated,including the proof of the Griffiths, Kelly and Shermaninequality for classical Heisenberg models.

• BS6 Existence of ferromagnetism.• BS7 Existence of continuum phase transitions.• BS9A/B Asymptotic completeness for short rangeN-body quantum systems and for Coulomb potentials.

• BS10 Quantum potential theory: basic to atomic andmolecular physics is the binding energy of a quantummechanical system of electrons interacting with one ormore nuclei. Five particular questions were posed.

• BS11 Existence of crystals: most materials occur in acrystalline state at low temperatures. Prove the existenceof crystals for ensembles of quantum mechanical atoms(even at zero temperatures) for infinite nuclear masseswith an integer nuclear charge.

• BS12 Five questions on random and almost periodicpotentials.

• BS13 Critical exponent for self-avoiding walks.

The two problems in Yau [45] referred to earlier are:

• Y117 Prove that any YM field on S4 is either self-dual orantiself-dual.

• Y118 Prove that the moduli space of the self-dual fieldson S4 with a fixed Pontryagin number is connected.

A.5. Penroseʼs problems

The fourteen unsolved problems in classical GR by Penrose(p 631 in [45]) are:

• RP1&2 Find a suitable quasi-local definition of energy–momentum in general relativity. And the more ambitious:find a suitable quasi-local definition of angular momen-tum in general relativity.

• RP3&4 Find an ‘asymptotically simple’ (essentially aspacetime in which every light ray escapes, both in pastand future directions, to an asymptotically flat region)Ricci-flat spacetime which is not flat, or at least prove thatsuch spacetimes exist. And the related problem: are thererestrictions on k for non-stationary ‘k-asymptoticallysimple’ spacetimes, with non-zero mass, which arevacuum near null infinity.

• RP5 Find conditions on the Ricci tensor (e.g., satisfyingthe null convergence condition and the related physicallyreasonable weak energy condition) which ensure that thegenerators of past and future null infinity (i.e., the nullgeodesic curves lying on these curves constituting afibration of null infinity) are infinitely long.

• RP6–8 Assuming appropriate energy conditions hold,show that if a ‘cut’ C (a general cross section) of future(or past) null infinity can be spanned by a spacelikehypersurface, then the so-called Bondi–Sachs massdefined at C is non-negative. Does the Bondi–Sachsmass defined on cuts of future null infinity have a well-defined limit as the cuts recede into the past along thislimit agreeing with the mass defined at spacelike infinity?Show that if the spacetime is assumed not to be flateverywhere in the region of an appropriate spacelikehypersurface, then the Bondi–Sachs energy–momentum,and also the energy–momentum defined at spacelikeinfinity, are future-timelike.

• RP9&10 In an asymptotically simple spacetime which isvacuum near null infinity and for which outgoingradiation is present and falls off suitably near spacelikeand future-timelike infinities, is it necessarily the case thatspacelike and future-timelike infinities are non-triviallyrelated? This leads to: find a good definition of angularmomentum for asymptotically simple spacetimes.

• RP11 If there is no incoming nor outgoing radiation andthe spacetime manifold is vacuum near future infinity(and, in some suitable sense, near spacelike infinities) isthe manifold necessarily stationary near null infinity.

• RP12 Is cosmic censorship valid in classical generalrelativity?

• RP13 Let S be a spacelike hypersurface which is compactwith boundary, the boundary consisting of a cut C offuture null infinity together with a trapped surface (thehorizon of the black hole). Then, assuming that thedominant energy condition is satisfied, show that there isa lower bound on the ADM mass [59] in terms of the areaof S.

• RP14 Show that there is no vacuum equilibriumconfiguration involving more than one black hole.

A.6. Bartnikʼs problems

The problems are [52]:


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• RB1 Given asymptotically flat initial data and a (future)trapped surface, prove the existence of (smooth, sphe-rical) apparent horizons.

• RB2 Is there an analogy between the behavior of minimalsurfaces and the behavior of apparent horizons.

• RB3 Prove that there is an asymptotically flat vacuuminitial data set, diffeomorphic to R3, which contains anapparent horizon.

• RB4 Determine whether an asymptotically flat metric onR3 with zero scalar curvature can admit a minimal2-sphere (this is the restriction of RB3 to time-symmetricinitial data).

• RB5 Give an explicit example of an apparent horizon thatdoes not persist under the Einstein evolution.

• RB6 Find conditions on conformally flat, asymptoticallyflat metrics with non-negative scalar curvature whichensure that the manifold has no horizon.

• RB7 Prove the Penrose inequality.• RB8 Determine conditions on the initial data for acompact manifold with non-constant mean curvaturewhich ensure the Einstein equation is solvable.

• RB9 Describe suitable asymptotic conditions whichenable the conformal method to be used to constructinitial data sets on an asymptotically hyperbolic manifold.

• RB10 Characterize those hyperboloidal initial data arisingfrom a spacetime with a smooth conformal null infinity.

• RB11 Classify the various kinds of smoothness propertieswhich hyperboloidal initial data may have at conformalinfinity.

• RB12 Can the space of globally hyperbolic, vacuumEinstein metrics on ´R M3 have more than oneconnected component?

• RB13 What conditions on the stress–energy tensor areneeded to show that a static, asymptotically flat metric isnecessarily spherically symmetric?

• RB14 Find a local invariant characterization of the Kerrsolution amongst stationary metrics.

• RB15 If two disjoint Cauchy surfaces in an asymptoti-cally flat (vacuum) spacetime are isometric, show that thespacetime is stationary.

• RB16 Characterize the possible types of singularitieswhich may occur for solutions to the static and stationaryvacuum Einstein equations.

• RB17 Several questions on the spherically symmetricEinstein–Yang–Mills equations.

• RB18 Prove an ‘approximate solution’ result for the(vacuum) Einstein equations in some suitable norm thatwould provide a good way to evaluate approximate/asymptotic and numerical solutions.

• RB19 Show that a solution of the linearized (aboutMinkowski space) Einstein equations is close to a (non-flat) exact solution.

• RB20 Determine the range of validity of the post-Newtonian and post-Minkowskian asymptotic expansions.

• RB21 Prove rigorously the existence of a limit in whichsolutions of the Einstein equations reduce to Newtonianspacetimes.

• RB22 Prove the quadrupole radiation formula.

• RB23 Show that test particles move on spacetimegeodesics.

• RB24 In what sense does a Regge spacetime (i.e., apiecewise linear manifold with piecewise linear metric[301]), and generally spacetimes constructed by numer-ical relativity, approximate a smooth vacuum spacetime?

• RB25 A problem encountered in numerical relativity isthat of ensuring that the constraint equations arepreserved by the evolution [302].

• RB26 Prove a uniqueness theorem for maximal surfaces,assuming only the dominant energy condition.

• RB27 Rigorously demonstrate the existence of a constantmean curvature hypersurface asymptotic to a given cut offuture null infinity in an asymptotically flat spacetime.

• RB28 Show that there is a maximal Cauchy hypersurfaceof an asymptotically flat spacetime having a Cauchysurface without horizons.

• RB29 Show that a maximal surface in a ‘boost-typedomain’ is necessarily asymptotically flat and mustcoincide with the maximal slices.

• RB30 Is there a timelike geodesically complete inextend-ible Lorentz manifold satisfying an energy condition andhaving a partial Cauchy surface which contains a trappedsurface?

• RB31 Show that a weak Cauchy surface in a globallyhyperbolic spacetime satisfying suitable energy condi-tions cannot contain an inextendible null geodesic.

• RB32 Prove that a ‘cosmological spacetime’ satisfyingthe timelike convergence condition is either timelikegeodesically incomplete or it splits as ´R M3 isome-trically (and is thus static).

• RB33 Prove a singularity theorem assuming the dominantenergy condition rather than the timelike convergencecondition.

• RB34 Determine the weakest condition on the smooth-ness of the metric in the initial value problem formaximizing geodesics to have a unique solution.

• RB35 Prove a longtime existence theorem for thevacuum asymptotically flat Einstein equations in themaximal slicing gauge [114].

• RB36 Determine conditions on asymptotically flat initialdata which ensure that the null infinity of the resultingsolution of the initial value problem is sufficiently regularthat the Penrose extended manifold exists [303].

• RB37 Show the existence of (and construct an exactsolution to) the Einstein vacuum equations with positivemass which has complete smooth null infinity and regulartimelike infinity.

• RB38 Find the weakest possible regularity conditions fora metric to satisfy the (distributional) vacuum Einsteinequations [86].

• RB39 What are the regularity conditions for the vacuumEinstein initial value problem for geodesics whichguarantee the existence of a solution, but not uniqueness.

• RB40 Demonstrate the long-time existence of so-calledcrushing singularities in the constant mean curvatureslicing gauge for the cosmological vacuum spacetime.


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• RB41 Prove that every globally hyperbolic, maximallyextended spacetime solution of the Einstein or Einstein–Maxwell equations on ´R S3 contains a maximalhypersurface (and thus also both a big bang and bigcrunch). Prove this result for special cases such as thespatially homogeneous Bianchi type IX solutions.

• RB42 Show that, in an appropriate sense, the set ofspacetime metrics which are smoothly (distributionally?)extendible across compact Cauchy horizons are of‘measure zero’ in the set of all spacetimes.

• RB43 Find an exact solution of the Einstein equationswhich represents two orbiting bodies. Is the 2-bodysystem unstable in Einstein gravity?

• RB44 Prove the Belinskii, Khalatnikov and Lifshitzconjecture.

• RB45 Show that the only solution of the vacuum (orEinstein–Maxwell) Robinson–Trautman equations on

´S R2 with positive mass is the Schwarzschild metric.• RB46 Show that a perturbation of the Schwarzschild (andKerr) solution decays exponentially (so that the solutionsare thus stable).

• RB47 Show that a cosmological spacetime with constantmean curvature initial data having positive Ricci3-curvature has an evolution which preserves Riccipositivity.

• RB48 Find a sensible notion of quasi-local mass that canbe used in non-trivial black hole theorems.

• RB49 Show that the set of asymptotically flat 3-manifoldswhich satisfy the conditions of the positive mass theoremhas some weak compactness property (and what regular-ity might be expected in the limit manifold?)

• RB50 Prove the static metric conjecture [303].• RB51 Construct a general proof of the positive masstheorem that does not require the existence of a foliationwith special properties.

• RB52 Show that the Bartnik quasi-local mass [303] isstrictly positive for non-flat data and that the Penrosequasi-local mass is non-negative for reasonable data.

• RB53 Explain the relation between the various definitionsof quasi-local mass.

A.7. Lists of lists• List of acronyms used in this paper.• Top 10 movies.• Top 10 songs.• Further list of lists1.

1 A list of the top 10 books, perhaps subdivided intopopular books, popular science books and technical sciencebooks in mathematical physics, has proven more problematicto formulate.

A.7.1. AcronymsLet us present a list of commonly used acronyms:

• AdS: anti-de Sitter spacetime.• BKL: Belinskii, Khalatnikov and Lifshitz.• CFT: quantum field theory.

• CMB: cosmic microwave background.• EYM: Einstein–Yang–Mills.• FLRW: Friedmann–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker.• GR: general relativity.• LQC: loop quantum cosmology.• LQG: loop quantum gravity.• QFT: quantum field theory.• QG: quantum gravity.• YM: Yang–Mills.• 4D: four-dimensions.

The abbreviations for the various lists are: H (Hilbert), S(Smale), M (Millennium), AL (Allen and Lidstrom), BS(Simon), Y (Yau), RB (Bartnik), RP (Penrose),Ph (theoretical physics), PF (personal favorites), P (openmathematical physics problems in the contemporary fields ofGR, the quantum realm and in cosmology), MPF (mathe-matical physics problems in the future), and CMP (compu-tationally motivated problems). All of the problems referredto are explicitly stated in the text or in the appendix.

A.7.2. Top 10 movies• Ramanujan (2014). Director: Gnana Rajasekaran.• Einstein and Eddington (2008). Director: Philip Martin.• Infinity (1996). Director: Matthew Broderick.• The Theory of Everything (2014). Director: James Marsh• A Beautiful Mind (2001). Director: Ron Howard.• Proof (2005). Director: John Madden.• Good Will Hunting (1997). Director: Gus Van Sant.• Pi (1998). Director: Darren Aronofsky.• The Imitation Game (2014). Director: Morten Tyldum.• Fermatʼs Room (2007). Directors: Luis Piedrahita andRodrigo Sopena.

A.7.3. Top 10 songs• Eric Idle (Monty Python)—Galaxy Song.• The Bare Naked Ladies—The Big Bang.• Kate Bush—Pi.• Jack Black—Math Song.• Jarvis Cocker—Quantum Theory.• Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds—Higgs Boson Blues.• They Might Be Giants—Why Does the Sun Shine?• MC Hawking— =E mc2.• One Direction—Maths Song.• Bjork—Mutual Core.• Louis Armstrong—What a Wonderful World 2.

All of these songs are available on YouTube.2 No list of top songs should ever exclude this song.


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