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India’s Largest REC Trading Company OPEN ACCESS OPEN ACCESS OPEN ACCESS March/April 2013 Vol: XXX

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  • Indias Largest REC Trading Company


    March/April 2013

    Vol: XXX

  • From Managements Desk

    Dear Readers,

    April is the first month of the compliance year FY14 and a low demand situation was expected in this months trading session. Price for Non-Solar RECs remained at floor, and the buy bids saw a jaw-dropping reduction in numbers. Clearing ratios re-corded were also poor at both exchanges. On the contrary, so-lar REC volumes did not see such significant dip as was with non-solar RECs. Compared to March13, the prices, although came down considerably. The number of solar projects is con-tinuously increasing under the REC scheme which provide a good amount solar RECs in the coming months.

    Honble CERC in early April13 came up with draft of second amendment to the CERC (Terms and Conditions for recognition and issuance of Renewable Energy Certificate for Renewable Energy Generation) Regulations 2010. Through these regula-tions, CERC can be seen to extend greater clarity on some of the key issues surrounding Indian REC Markets. States of Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh have come up with new industrial and other RE tariffs. Also, Honble KERC in an order has extended banking facility to solar projects.

    Detailed analysis on all these along with various other regula-tory updates is presented in this newsletter. As usual, we would love to get your feedback.

    - Team REConnect CO




    REC 2nd Amendment by

    CERC - An Analysis

    Regulatory Updates

    REC Trade Results

    REC Project Stats

    Green News

    About REConnect

  • REC 2nd amendment by CERC - An Analysis

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC About REConnect Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report Regulatory Updates Page 1


    Market Share

    in REC Trading




    2.1 GW

    Projects under


    Managing REC

    Projects in



    Honble CERC in a notification dated 2nd April 2013 has

    come up with a draft regulation on the second amend-

    ment to the Honble CERC (Terms and conditions for

    recognition & issuance of renewable energy certificate

    for renewable energy generation) Regulation 2010.

    Honble CERC in the proposed amendment can be

    seen extending clarity to some of the key points which

    were, by now, having turbidity. The very first amend-

    ment to the CERC REC Regulations 2010 was published

    in the official gazette on 01.10.2010. Honble CERC has

    done a detailed study of the market (which has seen

    many ups and downs during the period of 3 years) be-

    fore coming with the proposed amendments.

    Our detailed analysis, having a holistic view of the im-

    pact of such proposed amendments on various stake-

    holders of the Indian Power Market, has been pre-

    sented in the article.

    Honble Commission has proposed to dis-

    qualify RE generators supplying electricity

    through a competitive process (under Sec62

    & 63 of EA-2003) from participating into the

    REC Mechanism.

    In our view, such an amendment would result into sig-

    nificant loss of opportunities for many RE Generators

    and the distribution licensees. With the success of re-

    verse bidding in Solar Market, we may soon anticipate

    reverse bidding or competitive bidding process to start

    in other RE segments like Wind, SHP and Biomass. For

    example, Rajasthan has already initiated procurement

    of wind power through a bidding process. If all the

    projects participating in bidding process are disquali-

    fied from participating in the REC regime through leg-

    islation, we are taking away a very valuable option

    from not only RE generators but also from DISCOMs to

    procure only commodity electricity through a competi-

    tive bidding not limiting the participation from the

    generating companies to a specified generation seg-


    Honble Commission has proposed to con-

    sider the connected load capacity of the ba-

    gasse based co-generation plants, as as-

    sessed/sanctioned by the concerned distri-

    bution licensee, as the capacity for captive

    consumption for the purpose of accredita-

    tion and registration irrespective of the ca-

    pacity tied up under the preferential tariff.

    This particular amendment proposed by the CERC

    comes in the wake of a recent petition filed by M/s

    Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries Limited (DBSIL)

    against the motion passed jointly by UPNEDA (state

    agency) and NLDC (central agency), in which the latter

    ordered revocation of the already granted accredita-

    tion and registration by issuing a show cause notice to

    the former. In the issue, CERC had realized that though

    according to REC Regulations, the generator is re-

    quired to cover the capacity under preferential tariff as

    fixed and supply of power as firm, in case of RE gen-

    If all the projects participating in

    bidding process are disqualified

    from participating in the REC

    regime through legislation, we are

    taking away very valuable option

    from not only RE generators but

    also from DISCOMs

  • REC 2nd amendment by CERC.contd.

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC About REConnect Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report Regulatory Updates Page 2

    erators like the bagasse based co-gen plant, it is diffi-

    cult to get a firm capacity under preferential tariff as

    the captive consumption of power varies from season

    to season.

    Honble Commission has proposed to

    change the phrase price not exceeding

    pooled cost to price AT pooled cost. for

    RE generators participating under

    APPC+REC route.

    In our view the proposed amendment to mandate pur-

    chase of electricity by a distribution licensee at pooled

    cost of power purchase instead of at a price not ex-

    ceeding pooled cost of power purchase will bring in

    more transparency for all RE generators as DISCOMs

    will not get an opportunity to further negotiate the

    price with an RE generator willing to sell electricity at

    APPC. This provision, also justifies the existence of

    floor price which reflects the difference between the

    project viability and APPC.

    Honble Commission has proposed to re-

    move waiver of E-Duty as a part of qualifica-

    tion criteria for CGPs willing to participate

    into REC mechanism.

    This amendment has relevance to electricity duty

    waiver extended by various State Governments to all

    CGPs in the state, where SERCs and CERC has limited

    jurisdiction and the same being treated as promo-

    tional, deterring many RE CGPs to participate in REC

    Mechanism. With the introduction of such a clause, the

    CGPs facing disqualification particularly due to E-Duty

    Exemption are likely to be most benefitted as now they

    would be able to access the REC regime. For detailed

    analysis on the REC eligibility of renewable fuel based

    co-generation plants refer our Newsletter Vol. XXIX.

    Honble CERC has proposed to permit non-

    captive RE generators using electricity for

    the purpose of self-consumption to partici-

    pate into REC mechanism provided: Such RE

    generator not fulfilling the conditions of

    CGP as prescribed in the Electricity Rules,

    2005 and availing the concessional benefits

    in the form of transmission or wheeling

    charges and/or the banking facility benefit

    shall be required to forego such benefits for

    the purpose of availing renewable energy

    certificate for self- consumption of energy


    This particular amendment is yet to bring clarity on the

    application of cross subsidy surcharge in this issue.

    Honble CERC also, is yet to throw light on the fact that

    if 3 years of cooling period would be applicable if non-

    captive RE generator forgoes the concessional benefits.

    Honble Commission has proposed to extend

    REC issuance application period from three

    months to six months period. Further, the

    commission has also proposed to accommo-

    date issuance applications at REC Registry

    on 10th, 20th and last day of every month.

    Extension of the abovementioned application period

    from three months to six months is going to be ac-

    cepted by RE generators with much enthusiasm. Under

    the current set of regulations, the process of issuance

    application for a RE generator gets a very tight timeline

    to get the issuance completed within the same month,

    that too before trade day which is on last Wednesday

    of the month. For many generators, REC revenue from

    trading plays a major role and hence getting issuance

    done in the same month has significant importance

    Under the current set of regulations,

    the process of issuance application for

    a RE generator gets a very tight

    timeline to get the issuance

    completed within the same month,

    that too before trade day which is on

    last Wednesday of the month.

    Indias largest REC Trading Company

  • REC amendment by CERC.contd.

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC About REConnect Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report Regulatory Updates Page 3

    from the cash-flow point of view. RE generators will now

    be enough time to settle various operational issues like

    getting open access approval etc. Although, the fact that

    holding of RECs for longer duration by the generators

    may now become a frequent event.

    Honable commission has proposed to permit

    captive generating plant to retain the certifi-

    cates for offsetting its renewable purchase ob-

    ligation as a consumer subject to verification

    by the concerned state agency. Provided that

    the captive generating plant shall inform the

    Central Agency regarding the details of the

    certificates retained by it for meeting its re-

    newable purchase obligations.

    For CGPs who have surplus (left after offsetting their

    RPO) of RECs in their portfolio, this particular amend-

    ment is of significant interest as now they will be re-

    warded for this surplus purchase, rather than bringing a

    state of revenue loss. CGPs can now increase substantial

    buyer side participation in an era when market perform-

    ance is poor and hope to contribute as a seller when

    market condition improves. Overall this amendment can

    be said, to have proposed, keeping in mind the very

    need to improve the demand-supply mismatch in the

    already fledgling REC Markets.

    Further, this clause will also provide high level of flexibil-

    ity to RE CGPs to freely participate under REC mechanism

    without worrying much about their varying RPO needs as

    they could self-redeem RECs as per their actual require-


    Also, the proposed provision may also help corporate

    having more than one captive consumption units to

    meet their RPO compliance more effectively if self-

    redemption of RECs can be allowed at group level and

    not at individual consumption units level.

    In a nut-shell the following are the key amendments

    proposed :

    Eligibility for REC will be for power sold 'at APPC'

    rather than the present 'at or below APPC'. This will

    Indias largest REC Trading Company

    help achieve uniformity in approach.

    Removal of 'waiver of electricity duty' as a dis-

    qualification for RE captives from REC mecha-


    Any RE project that does not fall under the defi-

    nition of a captive generating plant but avails

    the benefits of preferential wheeling/ banking

    will have to forego such benefits to avail RECs

    for the self-consumption portion.

    Application for REC issuance to be made within 6

    months of generation (presently it is 3 months),

    and on the 10th/ 20th or last day of the month

    Captive generating plants shall be allowed to

    retain RECs for their own compliance (presently

    all RECs have to be traded through the ex-


    Clarificatory change on issuance of RECs - RECs

    to be issued for generation for the date of com-

    missioning or registration, whichever is later

    Shelf life of RECs to be extended to 730 days.

    Clarificatory changes related to capacity under

    generation. This will particularly apply to bagasse

    based co-gen projects and many other RE based

    co-generation units some which sell partial ca-

    pacity under PPA.

    Overall, the proposed amendment seeks to bring

    high level of operational clarity and flexibility for RE

    generators, obligated entities and also state nodal

    agencies facing difficulties in arriving at conclusion

    on eligibility of many bagasse based co-generation


    However, some other important aspects like inclusion

    of off-grid projects under REC, multi-lateral trade of

    RECs etc have not been addressed in the proposed


    - end of article -

  • Regulatory Updates

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC About REConnect Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report Regulatory Updates Page 4

    MP introduces new tariff for wind and bagasse

    based cogen plants

    Honble MPERC recently unveiled its wind tariff order

    2013 for procurement of power from wind energy gen-

    erators. For new wind projects commissioned after

    26.03.2013, the tariff has been set as Rs. 5.92 per unit.

    The commission has considered Rs. 596 lakhs per MW

    (including cost of power evacuation) and capacity utili-

    zation factor of 20% for tariff determination. Other im-

    portant parameters considered are as under:

    MPERCs previous wind tariff order available dates back

    in the year 2010 when a tariff of Rs. 4.35 per unit was

    finalised. This implies that there has been increase of

    36.09 % in this years tariff. The distribution company in

    whose area the energy is consumed has been ordered

    to deduct 2 % of the energy injected towards wheeling

    charges for third party sale/captive consumption.

    Given the fact that Govt. of India has considered rein-

    troduction of Generation Based Incentive for WEGs in

    its Budget for FY14, the wind power generation busi-

    ness in the state seems lucrative. The APPC + REC

    module, on the contrary, has limited encouragement

    for WEGs wanting to participate in the REC Markets

    considering the fact that RECs have been trading at

    floor prices and the APPC in the state is around Rs.

    2.47 per unit. This sums up the net realization for WEGs

    to be around 3.97 Rs per unit which is indeed 33% less

    than what preferential tariff has to offer.

    MPERC also came up with new tariff for bagasse based

    cogeneration plants in Madhya Pradesh. The tariff for

    new plants to be commissioned on or after 01.04.2013

    has been determined as Rs. 6.28 per unit for a project

    life of 20 years.

    The important parameters considered for tariff deter-

    mination are provided in the table above:

    Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh hike Industrial


    The retail tariff order for FY 2013-14, rolled out by

    Honable APERC, has brought a major setback for the

    industries of the state. The hike in tariff was quite sig-

    nificant as it implies that industries dependent on grid

    power will receive inflated power bills. Evidently, this

    steep hike has also attracted much of agitation in the

    form of protests from various organizations.

    The tariffs have been hiked for all categories, low ten-

    sion domestic, commercial and high tension industrial

    consumers. Industries connected to 33 kV HT line will

    now be paying 21.2 % more i.e. Rs. 5.30 per unit as

    compared to Rs. 4.37 per unit for previous fiscal (FY

    2012-13). The upward movement of tariff can be seen

    in the table below:

    Indias largest REC Trading Company

    MPERC Wind Tariff Order 2013

    Parameters Commissions Decision

    Plant Life 25 years


    7% per annum for first 10

    years and balance 20 % in

    next 15 years

    Return on Equity 20 % pre tax

    Debt - Equity Ratio 70:30

    Tariff Approved Rs. 5.92/kWh

    MPERC Bagasse Based Cogen - Tariff Order 2013

    Parameters Commissions Decision

    Plant Life 20 years


    7% per annum for first 10

    years and balance 20 % in

    next 10 years

    Capital Cost 436 lakhs per MW

    Return on Equity 20 % pre tax

    Debt - Equity Ratio 70:30

    Gross Calirific Value 2250 kCal./kg.

    APERC Retail Tariff


    of Con-




    FY 2011-

    12 (Rs.

    Per unit)

    FY 2012-

    13 (Rs.

    Per unit)

    FY 2013-

    14 (Rs.

    Per unit)


    HT I A -



    11 kV 2.97 4.8 5.73 24.49%

    33 kV 3.25 4.37 5.3 17.71%

    132 kV



    3.52 3.97 4.9 11.66%

  • Regulatory Updates.contd.

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC About REConnect Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report Regulatory Updates Page 5

    Though the retail tariff order may seem outrageous to

    many, in our opinion it is going to be a big push for

    solar captives in the state, based on the fact that it

    would just improve the economics as far as having an

    in-house solar captive power plant is concerned. An

    attractive solar policy with many incentives on offer in

    the state of Andhra Pradesh also backs up this asser-

    tion to a greater extent.

    MPERC also increased tariff for industrial consumers by

    3.9 % which though is not as steep as that mandated

    by APERC, but just goes to show how various states

    device methods to rescue their cash-strapped DIS-


    Karnataka extends banking facility to Solar Pro-


    Honble KERC has come up with an order dated

    22nd March 2013 for introduction of banking facility to

    Solar Power Projects in Karnataka. KERC had previously

    invited comments /suggestions on the issue latest by

    25th October 2012.

    The Commission has asserted that solar power indeed

    is infirm in nature and is therefore comparable to those

    of mini-hydel and wind. In view of the same, the com-

    mission has agreed and extended banking facility, with

    banking charges of 2%, to solar projects on the same

    terms and conditions as prevalent and applicable to

    mini hydel and wind generators.

    MESCOM and CESC though had a contradictory opin-

    ion on the same. CESC submitted that since it has not

    met its RPO it is not in favor of the motion, while

    MESCOM feared that it will not be able to meet its RPO

    as generators will then opt for Open Access. Moreover

    extending banking along with free wheeling will bur-

    den these DISCOMs further.

    Referring to an order of Honble ATE dated 22.01.2009,

    KERC avers that Solar Power Generators will have to

    bear the difference between the UI charges prevalent

    at the time of injection and UI charges prevalent at the

    time of drawal of power along with fixed banking

    charges of 2%.

    Wheeling charges as of now is zero for solar projects

    and KERC ordered that the same would continue until

    further notifications.

    In our opinion, since zero wheeling charges will be re-

    garded as promotional, solar generators under CGP

    category will have to face some glitches as far as their

    eligibility to explore the REC Market is concerned. Also

    since solar generators may now favor opting open ac-

    cess, to offset their renewable purchase obligations

    DISCOMs will inevitably have to buy RECs from the

    market rather than signing PPAs with solar generators.

    Uttar Pradesh unveils its Solar Power Policy


    The state of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) in March 2013 has un-

    veiled its solar policy Solar Power Policy Uttar Pradesh

    2013 with a target to reach 500 MW of installed ca-

    pacity of SPP in the state by March 2017. This policy

    will come into effect from the date of issuance and

    shall remain in operation up to 31st March 2017. How-

    ever, no benefit of this policy will be available to pro-

    jects set up under any incentive scheme of MNRE.

    More importantly within days of its official release, in-

    terested bidders were invited to submit their respective

    response to Request for Proposal (RfP). To start with,

    the competitive bidding will be held for a capacity of

    200 MW and the last date for submission being

    marked as 24th April 2013.

    Prominent features:

    Grid connected solar power projects will be imple-

    Indias largest REC Trading Company

    MPERC Retail Tariff

    Category of

    Consumers Particulars

    FY 2012-

    13 (Rs.

    Per unit)

    FY 2013-

    14 (Rs.

    Per unit)


    age In-


    HV 3.1


    11 kV 4.5 4.6 2.22%

    33 kV 4 4.1 2.50%

    132 kV and

    above 3.8 3.95 3.95%

  • Regulatory Updates.contd.

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC About REConnect Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report Regulatory Updates Page 6

    mented on suitable land banks identified and procured

    by the developer. In case of Projects to be set up on

    government land or space, selection of the developer

    will be done by the department or nodal agency

    through a transparent process.

    Minimum 5 MW capacity solar power projects will be

    covered under this policy.

    The energy generated from solar power projects that

    are commissioned during this policy period can be sold

    to distribution utility UPPCL or to third party or for

    captive use.

    Sale of energy to local DISCOM:

    Projects developers willing to sell their electricity to the

    distribution company of the state will compulsorily

    have to participate in the competitive bidding process

    for tariff determination, subject to approval from


    In case the bids are received for an aggregate capacity

    more than 200 MW, selection of bidders shall be done

    on the basis of lowest quoted tariff in ascending order.

    UPPCL will sign PPA with successful bidders for a pe-

    riod of 10 years.

    For PPAs signed as a result of competitive bidding, dif-

    ference in the case I bidding tariff arrived at by UPPCL

    for purchase of conventional power and the price of

    solar power discovered through this bidding shall be

    payable to the distribution utility for power purchased

    from solar power projects for first 200 MW of solar

    power commissioned under this policy for a period of

    10 years. Budgetary support provided by the State

    Government to the Nodal Agency under the budgetary

    head Incentive scheme for Solar Power Generation

    will be utilized for these purposes.

    Sale of energy to third party:

    Project developers can sale their power to a third party

    but no PPA would allowed even in future date with dis-

    tribution utility. Projects under this route will have to

    register with the nodal agency, sign an agreement and

    furnish a performance bank guarantee till the commis-

    sioning of the project.

    However, Subsidy or GBIs will not be available to such


    Captive sale of solar power:

    Solar power plants of above 5 MW capacities to be

    built for captive use will also be eligible for the incen-

    tives under this policy with wheeling arrangement.


    Time frame for commissioning of Solar PV projects will

    be 13 months and solar thermal projects would be 28

    months from the date of signing of PPA.

    Grid connectivity & evacuation infrastructure:

    The responsibility of getting connectivity with the

    transmission system owned by the DISCOM/STU will lie

    with the Project Developer.

    The cost of the transmission line up to the feed in

    substation viz the point of interconnection where the

    metering is done shall be borne by the Solar Project


    However the entire cost of transmission including cost

    of construction of line, wheeling charges, losses etc.

    will be borne by the Project Developer and will not be

    met by the STU/DISCOM.

    Indias largest REC Trading Company

  • REC Trade Report - April 2013

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC About REConnect Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report Regulatory Updates Page 7

    Non Solar RECs

    Demand remained low as the compliance year has just begun. This also reflected in extremely low clearing ratios at

    both the power exchanges. However, participation from sellers remained quite high - about 92.5 % of total avail-

    able RECs that participated in the trade session.

    Interestingly, 521 participants at IEX could create demand of only 10670 RECs - clearly reflecting lack of participa-

    tion of large CPPs and distribution licensees.

    Indias largest REC Trading Company

    1,500 1,500 1,500






    Feb'13 Mar'13 April'13



    For past trading history - CLICK HERE

  • REC Trade Report - April 2013

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC About REConnect Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report


    Updates Page 8

    Solar RECs

    Momentum in Solar RECs still remained high with Market clearing 2217 RECs at price of Rs. 12000 and above.

    Of 3077 Solar RECs available for trade, around 2217 RECs got redeemed in this particular trade session.

    With increasing number of projects participating in Solar REC, we can expect Solar REC supply to strengthen fur-


    Indias largest REC Trading Company








    Feb'13 Mar'13 April'13



    For past trading history - CLICK HERE

  • REC Trade Report - March 2013

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC About REConnect Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report Regulatory Updates Page 9

    Non Solar RECs

    Demand increased substantially in March, 2013 to 431,054 from 155,186 in February (an increase of 177.7 %). This

    was also the highest volume cleared in the financial year. March was the last trading session for the compliance

    period 12-13, and hence the increase did not come as a surprise. However, thanks to the significant over-supply

    build over the last several months, prices remained at floor despite the rise in demand.

    Total buy bids were at 431,054, while sell bids were 1919432. Clearing ratios on both exchanges improved, and

    were at approx. 25% on IEX and 20% on PXIL.

    Indias largest REC Trading Company






    Jan'13 Feb'13 Mar'13



    For past trading history - CLICK HERE

  • REC Trade Report - March 2013

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC About REConnect Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report


    Updates Page 10

    Solar RECs

    The solar REC market remains buoyant.

    Prices hit the ceiling level of 13,400 on IEX and were at 13,000 on PXIL. Demand was at an all time high, while sup-

    ply continues to increase slowly. Total demand was 7610 while supply was 3816.

    Indias largest REC Trading Company










    Jan'13 Feb'13 Mar'13



    For past trading history - CLICK HERE

  • REC Project Status - As on April 05, 2013

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC About REConnect Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report Regulatory Updates Page 11

    Registered Capacity

    3482.278 MW

    Indias largest REC Trading Company

    Projects Registered

    State wise

    Projects Registered

    Source wise

    All figures

    in MW

    All figures in


  • Green News - National

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC About REConnect Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report Regulatory Updates

    Indias largest REC Trading Company Page 12

    CERC breather for Adani Power to choke profits of Gujarat DISCOMs

    The recent order of the Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC), allowing Adani Power to increase price

    of power from its imported-coal-based project at Mundra in Gujarat, is likely to put pressure on the profits of four

    highly-rated and profit making distribution companies (discoms) in the state. This could lead to an increase in

    power tariffs for consumers.

    Read more

    Biomass power generation scene smoky

    Experts and entrepreneurs at the workshop 'to promote biomass power technologies and identification of pipe-

    line projects' organized by the ministry of new and renewable energy (MNRE), UNDP and Global Environment Fa-

    cility (GEF), cautioned that most of the 10 MW biomass power plants set up in the country in the past few years

    were on the verge of closing down due to unavailability of a steady supply of feedstock.

    Read more

    First Solar plant starts

    A 5MW solar power plant of NTPC - the first non-conventional energy plant in the district - was inaugurated for

    commercial operations in the Dadri unit of the company on Saturday. The plant is also the first solar project of the

    public sector company to be commissioned anywhere in the country.

    Read more

    Reconsider decision to drag India to WTO on solar energy

    A dozen odd eminent American and international organizations have asked the US to reconsider its decision to

    drag India to WTO over solar energy policy. In a letter to US Trade Representative (USTR) today, these organiza-

    tions have said that dragging India to World Trade Organization (WTO) related to local content in solar panels

    would not only undercut New Delhi's effort to reduce poverty, but also detrimental to developing a solar energy


    Read more

    AP hikes power tariff for all consumers

    Power consumers in Andhra Pradesh will have to pay up more from April 1, 2013 with the Andhra Pradesh Regu-

    latory Commission passing a new tariff order for next financial year. The tariffs have been hiked for all categories,

    low tension domestic, commercial and high tension industrial consumers.

    Read more

    Meghalaya plans hi-tech renewable energy policy

    The Meghalaya government is contemplating a hi-tech, environment-friendly approach to counter power defi-

    ciency in the state besides contributing to the environment through its Meghalaya Renewable Energy Policy,

    which is on the offing. This was informed by chief minister Mukul Sangma, who also holds the power portfolio in

    the state assembly. "It is time that we redesigned our approach," he said.

    Read more

    India hit by Chinas Solar energy war

    Notwithstanding the economic slowdown, several countries across the globe are engaged in a bitter fight for

    firmer control over solar energy - a key energy source in future. The epicenter of the war is China, which has

    flooded the global market with its cheaper variants of solar equipment. However, the major economies are trying

    to hit back using trade restrictions.

    Read more

  • Green News - International

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC About REConnect Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report Regulatory Updates

    Indias largest REC Trading Company Page 13

    Romania energy regulator recommends cutting support to renewable energy

    Romanian energy market regulator ANRE has recommended cutting the support for renewable energy producers

    provided under the tradable green certificates* [TGC] system currently in force. ANRE published its recommenda-

    tions on its website. The move might be followed by open debates before the government takes a final decision.

    If ANRE's recommendation is endorsed as it is, the impact will be moderate to none on the wind-power sector

    but will prevent excessive expansion of costly PV projects after January 2014.

    Read more

    North American Wind Power : California City to buy only carbon-neutral electricity

    The Palo Alto (California) City Council has voted to implement a Carbon Neutral Plan, which commits the city to

    pursuing only carbon-neutral electric resources, effective immediately. Palo Alto owns all of its utilities, and the

    city has many contracts for renewable energy in its electric portfolio, including for wind farms, solar arrays and

    landfill gas. In addition to these renewable resources, about 50% of the city's electric supply comes from hydroe-

    lectric generation

    Read more

    Bowdoin carbon-neutrality plan taking the easy way out with low-impact RECs - The Bowdoin


    The mantra dots the Bowdoin campus, plastered on students computers and water bottles, displayed in College

    publications, and featured on the Bowdoin website. With all the talk this year about divestment and climate ac-

    tion, some might argue that Bowdoins commitment to carbon neutrality satisfies its stated commitment to safe-

    guard the environment.

    Read more

    Palo Alto takes a leap : 100 % carbon neutral electricity

    The City of Palo Alto has voted to use only carbon neutral sources of electricity from now on, effective immedi-

    ately. It can do that because the city owns the utility and recognizes environmental sustainability as a top prior-


    Read more

    Tanzania wind energy potential fairly high

    RECENTLY, the German embassy in Dar-es Salaam, in collaboration with the Dar es Salaam Institute of Technol-

    ogy (DIT), organized renewable energies technology exhibition. The goal of the technology exhibition known as

    "renewables - Made in Germany" was to draw worldwide attention to the possible applications of renewable en-

    ergies and to support technology transfers. At the fore of the exhibition is an overview of renewable energies

    technology with a special focus on the strengths of German suppliers and systems solutions.

    Read more

    State renewable energy policy developments - March Recap

    Attacks on state renewable energy deployment policies continue in at least twenty-two states. However the news

    is not all bad with a near equal balance of states presenting opportunities to expand, strengthen or improve ex-

    isting renewable energy policies. For fellow energy policy wonks out there, the North Carolina Solar Cen-

    ter posted this handy compendium of all state-level renewable and clean energy legislative developments taking

    place in 2013. Below is a brief March recap of the states where NRDC is actively defending, strengthening or im-

    proving policies to promote clean and renewable energy deployment

    Read more

  • Indias RPO Map

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC RPO Map Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report Regulatory Updates Page 14

    Status of Regulation - Final for all states.

    RPO on OA Users? - Yes for all states.

    Gujarat - Not Available.

    Karnataka - Yes (> 5MW) 5.00% RPO.

    West Bengal - Not Applicable.

    RPO on CPP? - Yes for all states.

    Gujarat - Yet to be notified.

    Orissa, Jharkhand, Tripura, Karnataka(5.00% RPO) - Yes (> 5MW).

    West Bengal - Not Applicable.

    RPO Penalty? - Yes (RECmax) for all the states.

    West Bengal - Not Specified.

    * 10% + 0.25% (BESCOM,MESCOM,CESC), 7% + 0.25% for others.





    (Non Solar)

    2012-13 RPO


    ( Solar)

    Andhra Pradesh 4.75 % 0.25 %

    Assam 4.05 % 0.15 %

    Arunachal Pradesh 4.10 % 0.10 %

    Bihar 3.25 % 0.75 %

    Chhattisgarh 5.25 % 0.50 %

    Delhi 3.25 % 0.15 %

    Gujarat 6.00 % 1.00 %

    Haryana 1.50 % 0.50 %

    Himachal Pradesh 10.00 % 0.25 %

    J&K 4.75 % 0.25 %

    Jharkhand 3. 00 % 1.00 %

    Karnataka 10.00 % * 0.25 % *

    Kerela 3.35 % 0.25 %

    Madhya Pradesh 3.40 % 0.60 %

    Maharashtra 7.75 % 0.25 %

    Meghalaya 0.60 % 0.40 %

    Orissa 5.35 % 0.15 %

    Punjab 2.83 % 0.07 %

    Rajasthan 6.35 % 0.75 %

    Tamil Nadu 8.95 % 0.05 %

    Tripura 0.90 % 0.10 %

    Uttrakhand 4.50 % 0.025 %

    Uttar Pradesh 5.00 % 1.00 %

    West Bengal 4.00% N.A

    Goa & UTs 2.60 % 0.40 %

    Manipur 4.75 % 0.25 %

    Mizoram 6.75 % 0.25 %

    Nagaland 7.75 % 0.25 %

    Indias largest REC Trading Company

  • About REConnect

    CERC 2nd Amend-

    ment on REC RPO Map Green News REC Project Stats REC Trade Report Regulatory Updates Page 15

    REConnect Energy is Indias leading renewable energy trading company. We provide end-to-end

    services for projects in the Renewable Energy Certificate mechanism from contract structuring

    and advisory to monetization of RECs. We also work with consumers to manage Renewable Pur-

    chase Obligation liabilities, and develop and execute their energy sourcing strategy. We are a

    knowledge focused company that prides itself in providing premium services to our clients

    backed by in-depth research and analysis.

    REConnect is run by an experienced and professional team. The team consists of members with

    relevant experience of working at IEX, L&T, JP Morgan, Arthur Andersen and Gensol. Key members

    of the team are alumnus of IIT Bombay, Columbia University (an Ivy League university) and IIT


    For more details of services provided and profile of the management team, please visit our web-


    Contact Details


    Vishal Pandya

    [email protected]

    # 4123, 6th Cross, 19th Main,

    HAL 2nd Stage, Indiranagar,

    Bangalore - 560008

    O : 080 - 6547 3383 / 84

    F : 080 - 30723571

    New Delhi:

    Vibhav Nuwal

    [email protected]

    # 216, Nirvana courtyard, Nirvana Country,

    Sector 50,

    Gurgaon 122018, Haryana

    O : 0124 - 4103216

    F : 080 - 30723571


    Ram Kumar ( +919930359992 )

    [email protected]


    Rajesh Vaidyula ( +91 9940478306 )

    [email protected]

    # 18/1 (88), 2nd Floor, Aarya Gowda Road,

    West Mambalam, Chennai - 600 033


    Bhanu Tejja ( +91 7799874036 )

    [email protected]

    Solar Market:

    Anurag Dhyani ( +91 7760300499 )

    [email protected]

    Indias largest REC Trading Company