online quiz helps adults and adolescents determine which vaccines they need

Online Quiz Helps Adults and Adolescents Determine Which Vaccines They Need

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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Online Quiz Helps

Adults and Adolescents

Determine Which Vaccines

They Need

Bette Pollard, MPH, CHES

National Center for Immunization and Respiratory

Diseases (Proposed)

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


The Vaccine Quiz is a web-based application designed for the general public.

The Quiz helps adults and adolescents determine which vaccines they need.

The intent is to provide general immunization guidelines and information.


Adults often do not know what vaccines they need and may not remember which vaccines they have had.

Their immunization records may be unavailable, either lost or difficult to locate.

Busy healthcare providers often do not take the time to discuss immunizations during the office visit.

Taking the Quiz Consists of 15 questions about age, lifestyle, and

medical conditions.

Takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

Provides a list of vaccines that may be appropriate.

Encourages users to discuss the suggested vaccines with their healthcare provider.


Easily accessible from the Internet User-friendly format Quick Immediate feedback provided Confidentiality assured Patient – Provider communication encouraged Links to more vaccine information provided

Formative Evaluation

Pilot tested Quiz with 4 reviewers having varying levels of computer expertise and professional training.

Observed reviewers navigate through the Quiz.

Asked reviewers to talk out loud about what they were thinking and what decisions they were making.

Convened a group of 7 adolescents to critique the Quiz.


Reviewers were overwhelmed with the amount of information in the Quiz.

Reviewers got lost, were unsure where they should go, and did not know how to find their way back.

Reviewers were unclear about what actions to take.

Feedback The reviewers identified

Unclear terms

Confusing feedback

Navigation problems

Ways to improve the design and general appeal of the Quiz


Streamlined the Quiz.

Re-formatted the content to provide only the most essential information.

Created discrete action steps.

Corrected navigation problems so the Quiz was easier to follow.

Provider Page Evaluation

Two physician groups* reviewed the provider page and recommended changes.

*Solicited comments from physicians through CDC’s Cooperative Agreements with the American College of Physicians and the American Academy of Family Physicians.

Provider Page Re-Design Clarified purpose of the form.

Reduced the amount of information.

Correlated the recommended vaccines with the patient’s answers.

Provided a check-off sheet so providers could mark which vaccines were recommended during the visit.

Briefly summarized adult and adolescent vaccine recommendations.

Check out the

Adult & Adolescent Vaccine Quiz



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