one ugly pie 13.2

One Ugly Pie Episode 13.2 One Way to Go About It

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Post on 14-Jan-2015



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One Ugly Pie Episode 13.2

One Way to Go About It

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Disclaimer: I hope that this will be the last update with dark photos. I have tried brightening them up, but each attempt only results in pictures with colors may look off. I will be flooding all of Strangetown with as many lights as possible so the photos will hopefully look much brighter when they should be. I apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. The photos appear both dark and light on my computer and it is difficult for me to ascertain which to believe. I hope to have this matter resolved in the next update. Thank you.

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“What do you want Ripp?”

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Ratna, “Are you the hired help to assist in raising the twins?”Not at all, Ratna. Xerxes decides to throw a party and invite over some family members. Naturally, their sim instincts cry out to feed Abignale and Jerry. I knew I should have locked the door while I had the chance.

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Of the three women to behave themselves, Yarby is the only one. Rather than shove another bottle into a fed mouth, she decides to do all the burping.

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The party itself is a success except for a few painful incidents involving stairs and Xerxes. No injuries were sustained long enough to cause any grievous pain.

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Ratna, “Why can’t I go bother the kids? This door is stuck!”It’s because I locked it. Now go do something useful, like track down that long lost Cheesecake recipe or something.

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Chuck is quite the eccentric Smustler. If eyes are taken off him for even a moment, he’s bound to find himself a nice spot to smustle in. That is when he’s not cleaning up around the house.Chuck, “But I like to smustle!”

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Xerxes and Ratna enjoy dancing as well during their free moments. Of course, sometimes…

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…it needs to be better positioned. Again, the injuries sustained didn’t last long, though the wall needed to be replaced.

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Chuck, “Mom, whatcha doin?”Ratna, “Primping darling. Mommy has to make sure she looks beautiful at all times.”Chuck, “Do you ever not look pretty?”Ratna, “Never.”

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Xerxes, “Don’t worry, Ratna. The twins are almost toddlers, so you can teach them how to potty, just like you taught Chuck.”Ratna, “That’s not why I’m standing here.”Xerxes, “Of course not. You just love them too much, but with the door locked…”Ratna, “Shush. I was merely primping.”

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With the hour near, it’s time for Jerry and Abignale to grow into the toddler stage.

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Even at this stage, I can see just how much of Xerxes’ face has been inherited in Jerry. Considering that Abignale looks more like a typical alien/Maxoidian, Jerry is going to be the heir.

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I don’t think Abignale will mind it at all. She’ll just have to take out any frustration on the teddy bear.

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Ratna, “How’s the omelet?”Xerxes, “Ok.”Ratna, “Just ok? Just ok?”Xerxes, “Why?”Ratna, “I made that omelet!”Xerxes, “Good for you.”Ratna, “You’re sleeping on the sofa tonight.”

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Ratna, “And someday, when you’re older and properly trained, you’ll be able to use the big boy toilet.”

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Ratna, “Raising the kids is hard work, Xerxes. I’m really, bored and I have a fun idea in mind.”Xerxes, “Really? I thought I was sleeping on the sofa tonight?”Ratna, “Well it’s not night time just yet.”

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Ratna, “You’ll get an A+ if you…”Chuck, “Whatcha doin, mom and dad?”Xerxes, “Uh, Chuck, could you leave us alone. Go play with some toys or something.”Chuck, “What toys?”Xerxes, “Go play on the merry go round then.”Chuck, “Ok.”

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Xerxes, “Now where were we? Oh yes. Something about an A+ if I do something?”

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Smustle time!

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“Oh look everyone! Jerry fell asleep in the bathroom. Isn’t that a hoot?”

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Chuck is on the hunt for making unique friends. Mostly since Jerry and Abignale are occupied being toddlers and we do have an older Maxoidian, I figure it might be helpful to start working on that Black Sheep point.

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Look at how happy he is with the nice leader of the pack.

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Seems Xerxes’ musical talents are rubbing off to the kids. They can’t seem to get away from the xylophone.

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This look of potty training never seems to get old to me. Plus Ratna just has a special look on her face when she makes it.

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With Chuck having trouble doing his homework without succumbing to boredom, it’s time to invite the headmaster over for some private schooling. Ignore the grocery delivery man… the Pies did not happen to run out of food supplies today. >_>

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Xerxes, “This isn’t going to be some dull art school where you teach my kids nothing but sculpturing. I’d hate for that to happen.”HM, “I will not listen to such ridiculing of our school. If you don’t agree with our lesson plan, then take it up with the committee.”Xerxes, “What committee?”HM, “The school committee.”

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Xerxes, “Well, so long as you don’t have a policy against Maxoidian kids. They’re not vicious scary aliens. They’re just children, ya’know.”HM, “I assure you, we hold no such prejudices. Now, among the children themselves, I hold no guarantees.”And speaking of kids… It’s time for Abignale and Jerry to grow up.

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And here they are, post make-over. Close-ups to follow.

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As I said before, Jerry carries on most of the genes from Xerxes so he’ll be the heir. I did have some trouble thinking of who he could marry and carry on the ugly line with, but then I remembered two little girls in Strangetown that might be perfect.

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Two little girls that Nervous had a long time ago with his wife Katelyn. They’ve been hidden away for some time, but here they are.

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Twitchy Subject ->

<- Baby Girl Subject (Yes that is her name)

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HM, “Aliright, Mr. Pie, you’re kids are in the school. Just never call me over ever again. Please?”Xerxes, “Yea, sure, whatever.”

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The EndAnd no, there are no additional presentations after

this one. I promise.

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Ginger, “We’ve been here for hours. And not even a single customer.”Francine, “It happens. Often, the people who come here tend to visit the restaurant upstairs. It may be a few more hours before anyone actually comes to us.”

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Ginger, “But there are just so many people here. Someone has to want a cup of coffee or an espresso.”

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Francine, “That’s just the way things are in this job at times. You just have to be patient. At least we’re paid by the hour instead of some other way. The longer you’re here, the more simoleons you’ll walk away with.”

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One lump or two?

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One lump or two?

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One lump or two?

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One lump or two?

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One lum

p or two?

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One lump or two?

Will I have time to improve my appearance?

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One lump or two?


I have time to


ve my appearance


When does my shift end?

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One lump or two?


I ha

ve ti


to im


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y ap




When does my shift end?

How should I do my make-up?

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One lump or two?

Will I have time to improve my appearance?


n do

es m

y sh

ift e



should I do my m


Should I take a showerOr risk smelling like coffe?

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One lump or two?

Will I have time to improve my appearance?W







How should I do my make-up?

Should I take a sh


Or risk


g like co


What should I wear?

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One lump or two?

Will I have tim

e to improve m

y appearance?When does m

y shift


How sh


I do

my m



Should I take a shower

Or risk sm

elling like coffe?

What should I wear?One


p or



I hav

e tim

e to


ve m

y appea



How should I do my make-


What should

I wear?

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One lump or two?Will I have time to improve my appearance?

When does my shift end?

How should I do my make-up?

Should I take a showerOr risk smelling like coffe?

What should I wear?

One lump or two?

Will I have tim

e to improve m

y appearance?When does m

y shift


How sh


I do

my m



Should I take a shower

Or risk sm

elling like coffe?

What should I wear?One


p or



I hav

e tim

e to


ve m

y appea



How should I do my make-


What should

I wear?


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One lump or two?Will I have time to improve my appearance?

When does my shift end?

How should I do my make-up?

Should I take a showerOr risk smelling like coffe?

What should I wear?

One lump or two?

Will I have tim

e to improve m

y appearance?When does m

y shift


How sh


I do

my m



Should I take a shower

Or risk sm

elling like coffe?

What should I wear?One


p or



I hav

e tim

e to


ve m

y appea



How should I do my make-


What should

I wear?

One lum

p or two?

Will I have time to improve my appearance?


n do

es m

y sh

ift e


How should I do my make-up?

Should I take a shower

Or risk smelling like coffe?W

hat should I wear?

One lump or two?

Will I have time to

improve my appearance?


should I

do my m



What should

I wear?


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One lum

p or two?

Will I have tim

e to improve m

y appearance?


n do

es m

y sh

ift e


How should I do my make-up?

Should I take a shower

Or risk smelling like coffe?W

hat should I wear?

One lump or two?

Will I have time to improve my appearance?

How should I

do my m



What should

I wear?One lump or two?

Will I have time to improve my appearance?When does my shift end?

How should I do my make-up?

Should I take a showerOr risk smelling like coffe?

What should I wear?

One lum

p or two?

Will I have tim

e to improve m

y appearance?


n do

es m

y sh

ift e


How should I do my make-up?

Should I take a shower

Or risk smelling like coffe?

What should I w


One lump or two?

Will I have time to improve my appearance?

How should I

do my m



What should

I wear?

One lump or two?Will I have time to improve my appearance?

When does m

y shift


How should I do my make-up?

Should I take a shower

Or risk smelling like coffe?

What should I w

ear?One lump or two?

Will I have time to

improve my appearance?H

ow should I

do my m


What should

I wear?


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Ginger, “Oh, sorry Mr. Tolshi. I was distracted. Yes, sir?”“What are your thoughts on bottle rockets?”Ginger, “Excuse me, Mr. Tolshi?”“Bottle rockets. What do you think about them? Think launching a few off might attract attention?”

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Ginger, “I’m not sure I’m following you on this, exactly one hundred percent. How would bottle rockets help in any way? I thought they might cause more of a disturbance and unwanted attention. What if someone gets hurt?”

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“Good, I’m glad I finally have your attention. Do you know how long I’ve been calling your name?”Ginger, “A few times?”“Try five minutes. Do you know how many people Francine has served in that time?”Ginger, “Uh, none?”“Close. More like two. Two customers! One of which was standing in your line until Francine was free again.”Ginger, “Uh, sorry about that.”“Just go home.”Ginger, “Am I fired?”“What do you think?”

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Ginger, “I didn’t like being a barista anyway.”