one-night stands.docx

Mordor nuzzles against my sweat-drenched ankle. I’m standing awkwardly at the doorway, holding a precarious stack of recycled paper and wearing nothing but my boxers. “Move,” I hiss, not feeling up to animal cruelty since I’m still riding off the wave of endorphins that only a morning routine at the gym can give. It’s a messy black ball of stubbornness: I nudge it a little, enough for it to get the message, and it slinks back to its corner on the sofa. It’s not like it was going to pounce at me anytime soon for revenge, so I sit down on the other side and dump the stack on top of the rickety coffee table. Bunch of readings that I still haven’t even started a page of. And there’s a ten-page report due before this week ends. I sigh, stretching my arms out. Joel barges in from the kitchen at the exact same moment, and gets an eyeful of my hairy armpits before shooting me a dirty look for my exhibitionism. “If you don’t start covering up each time you exercise, I’m going to throw you a shirt,” he mutters, sounding disgusted. But at least I look relatively clean—his hair is disheveled, the dark circles under his eyes have become the most prominent part of his face, and he looks even more gaunt than that time I overdosed him on alcohol and he spent the entire next day threatening me with voodoo dolls. “You should be more worried about yourself. What did you go through, the zombie apocalypse?” Apparently that was the breaking point for him. His face turned a livid red. “Of course you wouldn’t understand! Try having positions of responsibility in four organizations. And juggling two minors. And saddled with parents who’re breathing down your neck for grades—”

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Post on 09-Nov-2015




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Mordor nuzzles against my sweat-drenched ankle. Im standing awkwardly at the doorway, holding a precarious stack of recycled paper and wearing nothing but my boxers.

Move, I hiss, not feeling up to animal cruelty since Im still riding off the wave of endorphins that only a morning routine at the gym can give. Its a messy black ball of stubbornness: I nudge it a little, enough for it to get the message, and it slinks back to its corner on the sofa. Its not like it was going to pounce at me anytime soon for revenge, so I sit down on the other side and dump the stack on top of the rickety coffee table.

Bunch of readings that I still havent even started a page of. And theres a ten-page report due before this week ends. I sigh, stretching my arms out. Joel barges in from the kitchen at the exact same moment, and gets an eyeful of my hairy armpits before shooting me a dirty look for my exhibitionism.

If you dont start covering up each time you exercise, Im going to throw you a shirt, he mutters, sounding disgusted. But at least I look relatively cleanhis hair is disheveled, the dark circles under his eyes have become the most prominent part of his face, and he looks even more gaunt than that time I overdosed him on alcohol and he spent the entire next day threatening me with voodoo dolls.

You should be more worried about yourself. What did you go through, the zombie apocalypse?

Apparently that was the breaking point for him. His face turned a livid red. Of course you wouldnt understand! Try having positions of responsibility in four organizations. And juggling two minors. And saddled with parents whore breathing down your neck for grades

Alright, man, chill. I get it. I slid further down the sofa, then gestured towards the table. Id rather not add to your stress, but heres what we still have to read.

Thatthat crazy bat of a professor

Well, you did tell me that you wanted a challenge. You wanted to test your mettle against the ultimate dragon.

He looked like he was going to collapse. I felt sorry for him, and attempted consolation: Look, sit down here for a bit and breathe. And get out of your goddamn room. Get some oxygen outside.

I cant even sit down there because theres no space! Why did you even take in that cat in the first place? It doesnt even look cute at all.

Mordor, ever intelligent and cunning, started waving its tail threateningly at Joel, who seemed oblivious to the extra attention. He was a stray cat, and I picked him up. No big deal. He doesnt really bother anyone as long as youre insensitive to getting stared at.

Oh come on, he never did anything to you. He doesnt even notice your existence, I retort.

First scene: a cat just came from his workout at the gym box of free toothpaste incredibly rich

Around 21 years old?College student


Drags his roommate to the barFor Chrissake stop watching porn and go get an actual girl


This girl who was just using him as a rebound -> to make the other guy jealousErika? For some reason

I thought she liked me for more than my looks.


Girl who reminds him so much of Erika


Girl who shows him what love is


Girl that he actually does fall in love with

Fell in love with this girl

Pretty face. I could have made a killing off being a model if Id had the slightest inclination, Works out regularly

What is love?

How its so easy to charm people

Youre not pretty. Youre terriblyugly,

1. 2. Girl who reminds him of his ex-girlfriend3. So this islove4. Girl that hes actually kinda in love with5. Pondering alone in his apartment

But if I was beautiful, then why did you

Because Im good-looking.

Girlfriend dumped him beforeeeHe likes seeing the beauty in people -> plays some sort of counselorPure physical sexA girl whos so drunk that she I have sworn myself to nobodyGoes home to an empty apartment and closes his eyes

I draw, sometimes, when I feel like it. thinks hes her ex-boyfriend -> every moment with you was like summer -> I forgive youThe threat of falling in love -> gives this girl the wrong number (should have some sort of significance) and hugs her before saying goodbyeLast scene: drinking tea alone in his apartment, musing about love -> with his cat on his lap

Has commitment phobia because traumatized by past relationshipsKeeps on thinking: what is love?

String of promiscuous relationships

There was only me, and a girl panting beneathor sometimes

A girl that he actually connects withAnd she asks for his number, but he gives her the wrong oneHe hugs herEternally faithless

What is love?I dont think it exists, but sometimes I cant help but hope that it does.