on banach spaces of absolutely and strongly convergent fourier series

Acta Math. Hung. 55 (1--2) (1990), 149--160. ON BANACH SPACES OF ABSOLUTELY AND STRONGLY CONVERGENT FOURIER SERIES I. SZALAY (Szeged) and N. TANOVIC-MILLER (Sarajevo) Introduction, definitions and preliminaries For p=>l, let L v denote the Banach space of all real or complex valued 27z- t 1 - ~l/p periodic integrable function f with the norm Ilfll L~ = [~- j I fl~) Here, the integ- ral is taken over any interval of length 2re. Let C denote the Banach space of all real or complex valued 2re-periodic continuous functions f with the norm Ilfllc= -- sup If(x)I. Considering a trigonometric series (1.1) ao/2 + Z ak COS kx + bk sin kx k=l let sn(x ) and an(x ) be the ordinary and Ces~ro-1, n th partial sums of (1.1), respecti- vely. If (1.1)is a Fourier series of some function fEL 1 we shall write s,f, o-,f and fc(k), fs(k) for the partial sums s,, o-n and the coefficients ak, bk, respectively. Let I be the ordinary and IIJ the absolute convergence. The classes of uniformly and absolutely convergent Fourier series are described by q/= {fEC: s,f~f I uniformly}, ~r = {fEC: s,f-~f]II}. Clearly qZc{fCL~: s,f~f I a.e.} properly, while sr = {fEL~: s,f~f[II a.e.} = {f: s, -~f[I[ a.e.}. We define (1.2) IIflTm = sup llsnfllc and (1.3) Irfl[~r = I.~(0)1/2+ ~ IL(k)l + IL(k)!. k=l We collect the well known facts about these classes in the following statement, see [1], [3], [4] or [11]: TI-~OREM A. (i) q/, [I lie and d, [I l[~ are Banach spaces. (ii) dcq/ properly and llflloSIIfll~,. (iii) d is not a Banach space under the norm (1.2) and ql is not a Banach space under the norm II IIc- In this paper we discuss similar properties of classes of functions, described by replacing ordinary convergence I, or the absolute convergence [I[, by the strong

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Page 1: On Banach spaces of absolutely and strongly convergent Fourier series

Acta Math. Hung. 55 (1--2) (1990), 149--160.



I. SZALAY (Szeged) and N. TANOVIC-MILLER (Sarajevo)

Introduction, definitions and preliminaries

For p=>l, let L v denote the Banach space of all real or complex valued 27z- t 1 - ~l/p

periodic integrable function f with the norm Ilfll L~ = [ ~ - j I fl~) �9 Here, the integ-

ral is taken over any interval of length 2re. Let C denote the Banach space of all real or complex valued 2re-periodic continuous functions f with the norm Ilfllc= -- sup If(x)I.

Considering a trigonometric series

(1.1) ao/2 + Z a k COS kx + b k s in kx k=l

let sn(x ) and an(x ) be the ordinary and Ces~ro-1, n th partial sums of (1.1), respecti- vely. If (1.1)is a Fourier series of some function f E L 1 we shall write s ,f , o-,f and fc(k), fs(k) for the partial sums s,, o-n and the coefficients ak, bk, respectively.

Let I be the ordinary and IIJ the absolute convergence. The classes of uniformly and absolutely convergent Fourier series are described by

q / = {fEC: s , f ~ f I uniformly}, ~r = {fEC: s , f - ~ f ] I I } .

Clearly qZc{fCL~: s , f ~ f I a.e.} properly, while

sr = {fEL~: s , f ~ f [ I I a.e.} = {f: s, -~f[I[ a.e.}. We define

(1.2) IIflTm = sup llsnfllc and

(1.3) Irfl[~r = I.~(0)1/2+ ~ IL(k)l + IL(k)!. k=l

We collect the well known facts about these classes in the following statement, see [1], [3], [4] or [11]:

TI-~OREM A. (i) q/, [I lie and d , [I l[ ~ are Banach spaces. (ii) d c q / properly and llflloSIIfll~,.

(iii) d is not a Banach space under the norm (1.2) and ql is not a Banach space under the norm II IIc-

In this paper we discuss similar properties of classes of functions, described by replacing ordinary convergence I, or the absolute convergence [I[, by the strong

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convergence of index 3~->1, denoted [I]z, or the absolute convergence of index A>I , denoted Illx. These concepts have already been applied to trigonometric and Fourier series in [5] through [10]. The obtained results put many classical statements or questions into a new perspective. We believe that this paper wilt help pursue that goal further.

Let 2 > 0 and let (sk) be a sequence of real or complex numbers. We say that (sk) is strongly convergent of index 2, to a number t, and we write sk--*t [I]4, if

(1.4) 1 ~ [ ( k+ l ) ( s~ - t ) - k ( s k_~- t ) l 4 = o(1) (n ~,~). n + l k=o

Here and in similar expressions s_~=0. The strong convergence of index 2 = 1 is called simply the strong convergence and is denoted by [I].

We say that (sk) is absolutely convergent of index 2_->1, to a number t, and we write s k i t 1114, if s k i t I and

(1.5) ~ k ~-1 ISk--Sk_l[ 4 < co. k=0

I f 2=1 IIl. This however is not true for 2>1 , see [7].

The following properties show the relationships types. Here C~ denotes the Ces~ro method of order 1.

1) Let 2_->1. The following are equivalent:

then (1.5) implies sk-*t for some t, and this is just the absolute convergence

(i) sk --* t[I]z

(ii) sk -* t I and

between these convergence


(1.6) n+l l k~=ok4lsk--Sg_l] 4 = o(1) (n -*~) ,

(iii) sk --* t C1 and (1.6).

2 ) [ I ]4=~[ I ]~ for 2 > # > 0

3) [ I1~=*[114=~I=~Ca for 2=> 1

4) Let 2=>1. Then s k i t lI[4 is equivalent to sk--*t CI and (1.5). For the simple proofs 1), 2) and 3) see [7], [9] and the references cited there. We now verify 4). By definition clearly sk--*t lII4 implies s k i t C1 and (1.5). Conversely, suppose that s k i t C a and (1.5). Now (1.5) clearly implies (1.6) and therefore by 1) sk--*t [114. Consequently by 3) s k i t I, which together with (1.5) means that sk-~t 1114.

Finally we should remark that 1114 and ]Ilu are incomparable for 2r This can be illustrated by simple examples, and it will be discussed in Section 3 for the Fourier series.

In view of 1), 3) and 4) we restrict our attention to [I]z and [I1~ convergence of trigonometric and Fourier series for indices ) .~1. We consider the following

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A B S O L U T E L Y A N D S T R O N G L Y C O N V E R G E N T F O U R I E R S E R I E S 151

classes of functions : Y~ = {fCC : s , f ~ f [I]~ uniformly},

~r = {fCC: snf ~ f [Ilx uniformly}.

It is obvious that in this definition fCC can be replaced by fEL 1. Moreover by the above S ex and d a are precisely the classes of all sums of uniformly [I]z, respectively lIl~, convergent trigonometric series, i.e.,

SeX = {f: s , ~ f [I]z uniformly} and d x = {f: s,,-~/lIlx uniformly}.

For 2 = 1 d z = d clearly. However, as it can be seen from our earlier results, [5], [7] and [10], the classes Sex for 2=>1 and d a for 2:>1, behave more like q / than like ~r Namely, we have the following proper inclusions :

Sex c {fELl: s ~ f ~ f [ I ] ~ a.e.} for 2 => 1, and

d z c { f E L ~ : s ~ f ~ f l l [ ~ , a.e.} for 2 > 1 .

The class Sex for 2 = 1 will be denoted by Se. From Theorem 4 in [7] it follows that ~r properly. We have showed in [6] and [10] that Seand Sez for 2>1 are Banach spaces. In the following theorem we collect some of the properties of these classes established in [6] and [10].

THEOREM B. Let 2=> 1. Then

(i) fESe z i f and only i f fEC and


1 .Z__okx(lf~(k)l+lf~(k)l)X = o(1) (n ~oo). (1.7) n + 1 =

(ii) SeacSe" for 2:>/~. Sezcq! properly and Sez is not a Banach space under the norm 11 [1~.

(iii) I f fEC then (1.7) hoMs i f and only i f

[ 1 " ,,~-~ =o )~'~ (1.8) "-:7:-7-k~k~'ls~f-s~-lfl~ c = 0(1) (n -_,-oo).

(iv) Sea is a Banach space under the norm

[Iflls~,0-sup -~-~=o[(k+ l)skf--ksk-~fl~J ]to (1.9)

and (111o) [ i f It < FIfIl < ][f l l C ~ [ q[ ~ 6 a z , 0 "

(V) I f f E Y a then [Isnf-f]]~o = o(1) (n-v o@

Statements (i) through (iii) are contained in Theorem 1, Lemma 1 and Remark 1 in [10]. Statements (iv) and (v) follow from Theorems 2 and 3 in [10]. The correspond- ing results for the case 2= 1 were obtained in [6].

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The object of this paper is to examine other natural norms for the classes 5 "z, 2 _ -> 1 and consider similar questions for the classes ~r 2 >1. Inspired by these equivalent norms for 5e~, in Section 3, we introduce the corresponding norms for the classes sr x, 2>1 ; show that a # are also Banach spaces, discuss other properties of these classes and examine their relationship to the classes 5ca.

2. Banach spaces 6 a~ and some equivalent norms

Although the essential properties of the classes 5 a~ are established by Theorem B and other results proved in [6] and [10], it is natural, in view of (i), (iii) and (iv) of Theorem B, to investigate other norms expressed in terms of the coefficients and the q/-norm.

For f C ~ ~, 2 ~ 1 let

( 1 " ~11~ [ 1 n ~1I~11 (2.1) 1,,/1>~,1--su 2 t-~-g-7-2~is~/-s~_~lt~J +t-~mrfolSJl"J IIc

1 ll.;. (2.2) lISting,,- s~p (-7-4q-k~ls~S-~-~Sl ') +IISlI~,

1 n -r (2.3) ilSil,:.~ -- sup (74T,,~ k~(Ig(k)l + ig(k)lYJ + IlSii~.

REMARK 1. That these expressions are finite and do define norms on Sa~ fol- lows immediately from Minkowski's inequality and Theorem B. Moreover, by Min- kowski's inequality

1 " 'dl~ (2.4) ( -~T]- 2o I(k+ 1)s~f-ks~-,fi~J <--

<= k ~ l s k f - s ~ - a f l ~ + / - - - : - 7 ~ ' I sk f l ~ <= k n--t- 1 k=O #

n x:Wx t 1 ~11,~ f {, 2k~(IL(k)l+ J -~ _<-- IL(k) l ) * is.si*J t n S - I k=o k=O

and consequently

(2.5) Ilflls,~,o <-- llflb'*,l -<- Ilflls,<~ <- llfll~,-,3.

Hence Ilfl l~a are finite for each rE<9 ~ and i=O, 1, 2, 3 by (2.5) and (i) of Theorem B. To establish the equivalence of these norms it is useful to write the following

simple lemma.

L ~ t A 1. For any sequence of real numbers (ek)~=o with Icos sol =1/2 and 2_->1,

1 fi~ 1 2zoo [cos(kX+~k)l ~ d x > - ~ T for all k - - 0 , 1 , 2 . . . . .

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PROOF. For k = 0 the conclusion is obvious by assumption that [cos s0[ = 1/2. By HSlder's inequality we have

1 Icos (kx + ek)l a dx => t,--~-~ o lcos (kx + ek)[ dx . 2n o

The inequality for k = 1, 2 . . . . is also obvious, noticing that by the above,

Cos(kX+~k --> 1+ c o s 2 ( k x + ~ k ) d x = -~T.

THEOREM 1. Let 2>=1. The norms II Ily~,i i=o, 1,2 ,3 are equivalent.

PROOF. We first establish the equivalence of [[ 1[~,~ for i=0 , 1, 2. By (1.9), (2.2) and Minkowski's inequality, clearly,

= + II/ll,, <= 1l/[l~,o+2llfll~,. k=0 C

But IIfllm<_-Jlfl[~ 0 by (1.10) and consequently from (2.5) we see that

(2.6) [ifll~,0 -<- I[fl[~,l <-- [Ifll~,2 <= 3llflls-~,0.

Thus II I[~-,i i = 0 , 1, 2 are equivalent. Since Hf[I s,~, 2 -< Ilf[ls~,z by (2.5) it remains to be shown that there exists a positive

constant K such that

(2.7) Ilf[Is'~,3 <= g l l f l l~ , z .

Casting a glance at (2.2) and (2.3), i.e., the expressions defining I1 I[s,~,2 and I! 11~,3, it is clearly enough to prove that

(2.8) sRp( !, k OL(k)l k n - f - 1 k=O

"< K ' su ~ [ s ~ - 1 �9 = ~ t n + l k=o ) Ic

The inequality (2.7) will then follow by taking K = m a x (K', 1). To verify (2.8) we first notice that

( 1 k=~O ) l/~ll k~lskf - -sk- l f l~ >~ C

= n + 1 2 k~ l sk f ( x ) - - s k - , f ( x ) l ~ dxJ . k=O

Writing skf(x)--Sk_ff(X)=r (kX+~k) where e =tL( ~ k2+)l lf~(k~)l, from the

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above inequality and Lemma 1 it follows that

1 n 11~

1 " x icos (kx+c~k)lx dx) 1/x 1 x x => -5-Ti- e~-~ =>7 -5-Ti- k e~

Consequently, by Minkowski's inequality

ZkX(lfc(k)l+lf~(k)l) ~ ~ 4 ~ k = O C \ 7- k=0

so that (2.8) holds for K ' = 4 . Hence (2.7) is true for K = 4 and therefore by (2.5)

(2.9) [If[ls~,~ <= Ilfl[~,3 -<- 4 l l f l l~ ,z -

�9 From (2~6) and (2.9) we conclude that II [Is~,i i=0 , 1, 2, 3 are equivalent.

REMARK 2. For 2=1 , the equivalence of the norms II IIs~,0 and II ~-,~ was already established by Do N in [2].

TrIZOREM 2. Let 2>= 1. (i) For each i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 5 ~ 11 II ~ , i is a Banach space and

(2.10) II/llc <-- Ilfl[~ <= l l f l l~ , i .

(ii) For every fESp~ and for each i=0 , 1, 2, 3, [[s,f-flls~,~ =o(1) (n-,-~). (iii) 5 r 11" I[ou is not a Banach space and

(2.11) sup llfll~-',dllfll~ =~ , i= O, 1,2, 3. , f E S ' ,~ , f #O

PROOF. Statements (i) and (ii) are direct corollaries of Theorem 1 and the state- ments (iv) and (v) of Theorem B, i.e., Theorems 2 and 3 in [10]. Moreover, the ine- quality (2.10) follows from (1.10) and (2.5). We now verify (iii). Clearly 6ezcq / and by (ii) of Theorem B q l \ S f z D J # \ 6 e for each 2=>1. By Theorem 4 in [7] ~ Consequently we can take gE~#\5 ~ . Clearly then [[s,g-gtl~=o(1) (n~ ~), s, gE5 ~ for each n and (s,g) is a Cauchy sequence in ~z , [1 I[~, Thus 5ez is not a Banach space under the #g-norm. Moreover, if (2.11) is no t satisfied then for some i=0 , 1, 2 or 3 there exists a constant K such that l[/'[Is~,~<:gl[fllou for each rE5 ax. Consequently (skg) is a Cauchy sequence in 6 pz, II lls~,~ for that index i and therefore by statement i) IIs, g-hlls~,~=o(1) ( n ~ ) for some hESez. But (2.10) implies that also I[s,g-hll~u=o(1) ( n ~ ) , so that by above g=h, which is a contradiction to the assumption that g E # / \ 5 a~'. Thus (2.11) is true.

3. Banach spaces d a and their relat ionship to ~

We begin this presentation of the properties of the classes d z by considering the analogues of (i) through (iiJ) of Theorem B. The theorems we prove here are based on the results on absolutely convergent trigonometric series obtained in [5] and their

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natural connection to strongly convergent trigonometric series implied by 3) of Section 1.

THEOREM 3. Let 2=>1. Then fE sg z i f and only i f fEC and

(3.1) Ilflli~l "- ( ~ k'~-l(If~(k)l + IL(k)l)~) ~#~ < c o . k=O

Moreover, i f fE C then (3.1) holds i f and only i f

(3.2) I1(. k:-lis.s-s - fl )V llc < ~ .

PROOF. Suppose fE~r x. Then fEC and s,f-*tlb, uniformly. Consequently by (1.5)

(3.3) ~ kZ-llskf(x)--sk_lf(x)] ~ <oo uniformly in x. k=O

By Theorem 1 (i) in [5] (3.3) implies that

k~-l(lf~(k)[ + ]fs(k)O :~ < k=O

i.e., (3.1) holds. Conversely, suppose that f-(C and that (3.1) holds. Then (3.3) is clearly satisfied

because I skf(x)--sk_lf(x)i <= ]f~(k)l + If~(k)[ for every x and k. By the Fej6r--Lebes- gue theorem fEC implies that s n f ~ f C1 uniformly. Consequently by property 4) of Section 1 we see that s , f ~ f fIlx uniformly, that is f E d ~.

Moreover, (3.1) clearly implies (3.2). Conversely, (3.2) implies (3.3) which in turn implies (3.1) by Theorem 1 (i) in [5].

THEOREM 4. (i) For each 2 => l, d ; ' c 6e~ c ql properly. (ii) The classes s~ ~ and ~r are incomparable for all 2>2 '~1 .

REMARK 3. The case 2 = 1 of (i) is statement (ii) of Theorem 4 in [7].

PROOF. (i) By (ii) of Theorem B, 6azcSecq/ properly for each 2=>1. By the above Remark 3, the case 2= 1 has been proved already, i.e., d c 6 e c q / properly. It remains to be shown that also ~r a~ properly for 2>1.

We first verify the inclusion. Let fE sr z. Then by Theorem 3, fEC and (3.1) holds. But dearly

12 )0 (3.4) k ~ k)l + lf,(k z = t t k = l

1 . - 1 = - , = 1 l - (IL(l)l+lX(OI)

for each n and every 2_->1. Hence (3.1) implies (1.7) and therefore by (i) of The- orem B fE5 "a. Thus ~r176

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We show now that this inclusion is proper for a l l 2 > 1. To verify this let 2 > 1 and let us consider the series

(3.5) ~ ak cos kx k=0

(3.6) and

with ak=j-1/;~2 -zu for k = 2 j, j = l , 2 . . . . and ak=O otherwise, where 1/2+1//~=1. Then clearly

2 z~ lakl = j-1/~2-Z# <oo k=0 j = l

1 1

L2, (3.7) k ~ U l a f = o(1) (n ~ ) n + l = n + l j=l j

where j , is that integer for which 2J~_<-n<2J-+L From (3.6) we see that the series, (3.5) converges absolutely and therefore uniformly to a continuous function f . Moreover (3.5) is the Fourier series of f and f ( x ) = ~ a k cos kx. From this, (3.7) and (i) Theorem B, it follows that fC5 e~. However f ~ ar ~, because by the definition of the series (3.5)

k~-llaki~= ~--:-=co, k=o j=l J

that is, (3.1) does not hold. (ii) Let 2 '-> 1. To show that d a and ~)~' are incomparable let


A 1 . 1 1 f (x ) = 2-~7-;cos2Jx where - - + - ~ - = 1 .= ]A

g(x) = = k In 1/~' (k + 1) sin kx.

Clearly f and g are well defined, f , gCC and each of the series is the Fourier series of the corresponding function, see [3] Vol. 1 or [11] Vol. 1.

By assumption 2>~" and consequently the Fourier coefficients of f satisfy the following relations :

kZ'-llfc(k)lZ'= 2m_a,/a) < ~ k=O "=


= 1 k=O j=O

Thus, observing that f , ( k )=0 for each k, we see that (3.1) holds for 2' and that it does not hold for 2. Since fCC, by Theorem 3 we conclude that f E d z' and f r ~.

Similarly, by above, the Fourier coefficients of g satisfy:

1 ZkZ' - l[gs(k) f = k ln ( k + 1)

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k ~ - ~ l g ~ ( k ) l ~ = k l n ~ / ~ ' ( k + 1) < ~ " k = l =

Noticing that ~c(k)=0 for each k, it follows that (3.1) holds for 2, but does not hold for )V. Consequently by Theorem 3 again, g~ ~r and g~ ~,x,.

Thus ~r and o~r are incomparable. In what follows we will show that ~r 2 > l are Banach spaces with properly

selected norms and examine other properties of these spaces. For fE ~r 2 => 1 let

(3.8) l l f l l a . < , l - k~-~[s~f--sk-l f[x) ~1~ + I .fIllc,

(3.9) ~ 0 2 - 1 z z/,z HSiJ ,., - I!(.:: Iskf-s -if[) Ilc+ lSH,,

(3.10) l l f l l~- ,3 -

REMARK 4. It is trivial

( Z k~-~ (lf~ (k)l + IL(k)l)~)'~ + l lfl l~. k=0

to see that

(3.11) ~ Ilfll~,~,~ < I l f l l~- ,~ = I l f l l l~ l+ I l f l l~ , l = = Ilfll~.

Consequently by Theorem 3 these expressions are finite for each fE ~r By Min- kowski's inequality they are clearly norms.

THEOREM 5. Let 2-->1. The norms II I1~,~ i=1, 2, 3 are equivalent. Moreover, for i = 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 ; j = 2 , 3 and i<=j

( 3 . 1 2 ) llfll~, < Ilftls,~, < I l f l l~,s

PROOF. It was already established that I[ I1~,~,~ i=1, 2, 3 define norms on ~r and that the inequality (3.11) holds. Thus to show the equivalence it suffices to prove that there exists a constant K such that

(3 .13) Ilfll~,,.,3 <- K I I f l ! ~ , ~ .

By (3.8) clearly Ilfll+,=sup Ils.fllc<=llflld~,~ s o that by (3.10),

(3 .14) I l f l l ~ ,~ <= Ilfll ~ + I l f l l ~ , ~ .

Hence it is enough to prove that there exists a constant K' such that

llflll~l - ( ~ k~'-l(Ifc(k)l + I f , (k) l )~) v~ ~-- k~0

K'I I (2 k -ll kS-sk-lSl )l"ll = c ~< K'tlfll~<~,l.

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By monotonicity of the power function


( 3 . 1 5 ) I It~ k~-'i~s-~_~si~)l,~ll~ = I1~ k~-~i~'.s-*.-.si~lll# �9

Moreover clea~ly,

~_ ll,~f_s~_lfl~No _-> ~1 i~: ,,=0z" k~-~ls~f-*~-~fl~ax.

Using this, Lemma 1, letting

(Skf--Sk-lf)(x) = 0k COS (kX+~k) where Ok ~ - - - - I L ( k ) l % l L ( k ) l ~

and arguing similarly as in the proof of Theorem 1, we have

II @ 'ff,cos(kx+ m< xr = ka-llskf--Sk-lfl*) lsa C >= ka-*O~"~o

"2"1 ( k:OZ~ k2-1 ~Ok~) 1/)" =:" -4-1 (~=o "~ k~-~(iL(k)l + Ik (k)i)~)v~"

Consequently Ilf l l i , i~=4llfl l~. ,1 and therefore from (3.14) we conclude that Ilfll~.,a<= <--5llfll~*a- Thus (3.13) holds for K=5, which completes the proof of the equiva- lence of the norms.

We now establish the inequality (3.12) for i=0, 1, 2, 3; j = 2 , 3 and i<-j, The inequality clearly holds if f([ d ~. So suppose that f E d z. Then by (i) Theorem 4 fC5 a*. Moreover by (2.5) and (2.10)

Ilfll~' < I l f i lJ*, < I l f l l~<s

Thus it only remains to be shown that I l l ti,-.,j <--Ilf II ~ , s for j = 2, 3. Taking a glance at (2.2), (2.3), (3.9), and (3.10) it suffices to show that




( 1 n ~.lia ( ~ 0 s~p [7~- - i -~ k~l~"S-'~-~sl~J ~ ~ II = k~-~ls~f -'~-,si~)i'~ll~

n ~ 2 supf. , n + ~ !" ,~ k~(IL(k)' + iL(k)O~Y '~ ~- ( Z~=o k -~(IL(k)l + IL(k)OW ~.

By partial summation for any sequence (ck)

(3.18) ~ k~lC'kl ~= ~ ~ ia-llC~[Z. k=O k=O i=k

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Taking Ck=skJ--sl,_~Jl using the monotonicity of the power function and (3.18) we have

1 n Z Z I/Z <

<= ~i i a-* s,:-,,_ <= :-* Is, S-s,-,/IZ)*:Zllc /c=O = =

which clearly implies (3.16). The inequality (3.17) is even more obvious.

RI~MARK 5. I1 I!~,~, i=1, 2, 3 are equivalent to [1 lid where II I1~, is the ordinary norm for ag= d 1 defined by (1.3). Namely, by Theorem 5 the norms I[ 1[ ~,~, i= 1, 2, 3 are equivalent. By (3.10) and (1.3) we have, taking )~=1,

llft[~r <= llf[l~c,a -<- 21lfl],r and the claim follows.

THEOREM 6. Let 2=>1. O) For each i = 1, 2, 3, a'r I] [[ a, i is a Banach space.

(ii) For every .fEd;" and i = 1 , 2 , 3 , Hs, f - f [ ]d~ , i=o(1) (n--,~). (iii) d z, [] []~;. ~ is not a Banach space for i= O, 1, 2, 3 and

(3.19) sup l]fild~,/I]flF~%~ = ~ i = 0, 1, 2, 3; j = 1, 2, 3. f C ~l *%, f ~ D

PROOF. (i) By Theorem 5 it suffices to prove that a# , [f [[~,~,a is a Banach space. By (3.10) or (3.11)

(3.20) !lfll~: - !lflld~.a = llfll [~j + Ilfll~-

So suppose that (fro) is a Cauchy sequence in ag z, [] l[~*. By (i) Theorem 4 and (3.12) clearly (fro) is a Cauchy sequence in 5 ~z, IT lie;-,0. Consequently by (iv) Theorem B there exists rE5 Pz such that

(3.21) l]f,,-fl[:;-,0 = o(1) (m -+~).

Moreover, by (1.10) or (3.12) it follows that

(3.22) I[f,<-fiI~u = o(1) (m -+~).

Thus bY (3.20) we have to show that .rE s/;" and that

(3.23) l[f,,,-fllla I = o(1) (m -+co).

Now from (3.22) clearly I[f=-fm'Hoe=o(1) (m, r n ' - ~ ) . Hence, by the assump- tion that (fro) is Cauchy in d z, [] tlw~ and by (3.20) it follows that

(3.24) ]]f,,,--f,'l]lzj = o(1) (m, m' -+~).

Using the definition of r[ I[I;.I given by (3.1) and (3.24) we see that: given ~>0 there exists rn~ such that

(3.25) ( ~ k,.-1 (! L,,c (k) --L,.~ (k) l + I L : (k) -L , . , (k) l)~) m < ~/2 k=0

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for all n = 0, 1, 2, ... and m, m ' => m,. But by (3.22) IIf~,-fll~=o(1) (m'--~) and consequent ly fm,,~(k) ~f~(k) ( m ' ~ ) and f , , ,~ (k )~ f~(k ) ( r n ' ~ o ) tmi formly in k. So letting r n ' ~ in (3.25) we conclude tha t


for all that


( Z kz-~(lf~,~ (k)-f~(k)t + if~ ,~ (k)-f~(k)l)z)v ~ <= 5/2 k=O

n = 0, 1, 2 . . . . and m => m, . Let t ing n - ~ in (3.26), by (3.1) it follows

0 .27 ) [If,,-f[]l~.l ~ 5/2 < e for m ~ rn,.

Thus (3.23) holds and therefore by (3.22) Ilfm-flld~--o(1) (m~o~). I t remains to be shown tha t f E d ~. This is immedia te f rom (3.27). Namely ,

by (3.27), T h e o r e m 3 and the fact tha t f E 6 e ~ c C we see tha t f m , - f E d z and con- sequently tha t f E s # , since free d z for each m. This completes the p r o o f o f state- men t (i).

(ii) Le t f E ~/~. By Theo rem 3 then f E C and (3.1) holds. Consequent ly by (3.1) clearly I[f-s,f[]lzl=o(1)(n-~). By Theo rem 3 again llf-snfll~=o(1) ( n ~ ) . Hence by (3 .20)we see tha t IIf-s, flld~.a=o(1) (n~o) and therefore by (3.11) I[f-sJIl~,~=o(1) (n-~oo) for each i=1 ,2 ,3 .

(iii) By Theo rem 4, d z c S ez properly . Using (v) o f T h e o r e m B and arguing similarly as in the p r o o f o f s ta tement (iii) o f T h e o r e m 2 we conclude tha t (3.19) holds.


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(Received June 25, 1987)

Acta Mathematica Hungarica 55, 1990