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Braskem and the Good Results from 2010 No. 254 / APRIL 2011

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1odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 254 / april 2011

Braskem and the Good Results from 2010

no. 254 / apRil 2011

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no. 254 / apRil 2011

4 a moment to thank partners On March 24, Odebrecht

Administradora e Corretora de Seguros (OCS) held an integration event with Brazil’s main reinsurance executives, responsible for the insurance companies’ coverage. The event took place in Rio de Janeiro.

6 braskem and the 2010 financial results Braskem achieved a new level of competitiveness and size after acquiring Quattor and the polypropylene assets of the North American company Sunoco Chemicals at the start of 2010. These transactions are already being reflected in the company’s performance.


10 celebrating life To celebrate World Water Day,

celebrated on March 22, the Foz do Brasil units promoted activities in the communities in which they operate and reinforced the company’s commitment to preserving the country’s water resources.



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editorial staffODeBReChT NeWS is an internal newsletter published by the Odebrecht S.A. Business Communication TeamResponsible Journalist: Fabiana Cabraleditorial Office: Avenida das Nações Unidas, 8.501, 32º andar, São PauloPhone Number: (55 11) 3096-8171Suggestions: [email protected]: www.odebrechtnoticias.com.br

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14 ecological asphalt for the dom pedro corridor

A first-of-its-kind initiative in the region of Campinas, rural São Paulo, the Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire began the paving recovery work along the Professor Zeferino Vaz highway (SP-332), located on the Dom Pedro Corridor, using ecological pavement.

16 to our Youth On March 30, hundreds of youth from

Bahia’s Southern Lowlands gathered to celebrate World Youth Day, which occurred simultaneously in Presidente Tancredo Neves and in the five municipalities that make up the Pratigi environmental Protection Area.

18 fast news>


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4 odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 254 / april 2011

On March 24 and 25,

Odebrecht Administradora

e Corretora de Seguros

(OCS) participated in

the 3rd Annual Brazilian

Reinsurance Conference,

held in Rio de Janeiro, and

offered a networking din-

ner for its reinsurance par-

tners in Brazil and abroad

on March 24. held at the

hotel Copacabana Palace,

the gathering was designed

to thank partners for the

support they have given the


Kátia Luz, the professional

responsible for engineering

and Construction Business

Insurance Management,

gave a brief presenta-

tion and emphasized the

importance of the partner-

ships with the insurance

and reinsurance market

in terms of the Odebrecht

Organization’s achievements

> insurance and warranties

n Text: edilson Lima n Photos: Marcos Michael

A Moment to Thank Partners

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and the new challenges

until 2020. “As of December

2010, we had a total of US$

74 billion in insured goods

and liabilities,” said Luz. “For

2020, we hope to be present

in 30 countries, with approxi-

mately 300,000 Members. We

are counting on you during

this journey,” she said.

“For me, it is satisfying to

be an Odebrecht partner,”

said Jacques Bergmann,

CeO of Fairfax Brasil. “It is

an organization with strong,

clear principles. I have no

doubt about the security of

important projects, such as

those for the 2014 World Cup

and the 2016 Olympics, for

example,” said Bergmann.

José Farias de Souza,

Commercial Director of

IRB-Brasil Resseguros, con-

gratulated OCS for its work

in the insurance market: “It

is really gratifying to meet

up friends and do some

networking,” he said. “OCS is

a reference among insuran-

ce companies. I am proud

to be a part of the history

of this world class organi-

zation.” The director highli-

ghted pre-salt as one of the

main challenges for insu-

rance executives. “Pre-salt is

something new. It requires

advanced technology, high

levels of financing and qua-

lified teams,” he said. “We

must remain attentive to

these characteristics.”

The networking event took

place during the 3rd Annual

Brazilian Reinsurance

Conference, which was held

on March 24 and 25 in Rio

de Janeiro. “We took advan-

tage of the fact that our

main partners were here

in Rio de Janeiro and we

invited them to this gathe-

ring,” said Marcos Lima, the

professional responsible for

OCS. “It is a way of thanking

everyone for the support

they gave Odebrecht and

further strengthening our

relationship of partnership,”

said Lima.

OCS gathered its partners for a networking dinner in Rio de Janeiro

“It was a way of thanking our partners and strengthening the relationship of partnership.” Marcos Lima

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6 odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 254 / april 20116

> balance sheet

Braskem and the 2010 Financial Results

Braskem achieved a new level of competitiveness and size after acqui-

ring Quattor and the polypropylene assets of the North American company

Sunoco Chemicals, now called Braskem America, at the start of 2010. These

strategic transactions are already being reflected in the company’s perfor-

mance. Last year, Braskem recorded an eBITDA of R$ 4.1 billion, 27% higher

than in 2009. In dollars, the eBITDA presented a growth of 41%, reaching US$

2.3 billion.

The growth of Quattor’s operational efficiency contributed to this perfor-

mance. The company’s eBITDA doubled during the period under Braskem’s

management. Another factor was the average sales increase in the domestic

market, a consequence of the solid performance of the Brazilian economy,

which recorded a 7.5% growth and drove domestic demand for resins up 15%.

Furthermore, there was also a positive impact on results due to the recovery of

international thermoplastic resin and basic petrochemical prices, resulting

from an improved global scenario during the second half of the year.

“The year 2010 marked the beginning of a new cycle

in the company’s business strategy, due to the

different strategic achievements during

the period, primarily the integration

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Braskem and the 2010 Financial Results

The Triunfo Petrochemical Center green ethane unit, in Rio Grande do Sul, began to operate in September of last year

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8 odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 254 / april 2011

tion of Quattor, a decisive

step in strengthening the

petrochemical and plastic

production chain in the

country,” said Carlos Fadigas,

Business Leader at Braskem.

“On the international front,

the acquisition in the United

States inaugurated the

internationalization of our

operations, combined with

the advances in the inte-

grated polyethylene project

in Mexico,” said Fadigas.

“Braskem also become the

global leader in biopolymers

with the start of produc-

tion of Green Polyethylene

during the second half of

the year.”

PrOfitability aNd

reveNues GrOW

The company’s consoli-

dated net revenues totaled

R$ 34.7 billion in 2010, with

Braskem offers the world plant-based resin, which uses sugarcane as its raw material

> balance sheet

a 22% increase over the

R$ 28.4 billion recorded in

2009, and its net revenues

were R$ 27.7 billion, repre-

senting a 23% and 36% gro-

wth, respectively, compared

to the previous year.

Braskem’s profitability,

expressed by the eBITDA

margin, reached 14.6% and

was in line with the 14%

recorded in 2009. The net

profit was R$ 1.9 billion, a

significant growth compa-

red to the R$ 398 million in


Last year, Braskem’s ope-

rational investments totaled

R$ 1.8 billion (excluding

the capitalized interest),

76% higher than the R$ 894

million in 2009. An important

portion of the investments

were directed at capacity

expansions, with the cons-

truction project for the new

PVC plant in Alagoas, which

required R$ 86 million, and

the conclusion of the plant

with the capacity for 200,000

tons/year of green ethane

in Rio Grande do Sul, which

accumulated investments

of R$ 343 million during the


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“2010 marked the beginning of a new cycle in Braskem’s business strategy, fueled by several different achievements during the period.” Carlos Fadigas

braskem receives iNvestmeNt Grade ratiNG frOm s&P

The risk rating agency Standard & Poor’s increased Braskem’s

rating from “BB+” to “BBB-,” granting the company investment

grade. At the same time, it also increased Braskem’s rating on the

Brazil National Scale from “brAA+” to “brAAA.”

According to the agency, the change reflects an improvement

in Braskem’s cash flow and liquidity, the integration with Quattor

and the capturing of synergies at a speed that was greater than

expected, as well as the increased operational and financial impro-


“The investment grade was a major accomplishment, the result of

work by the entire company, the improved balancing of the debt

and Braskem’s permanent commitment to its growth, without for-

getting about financial discipline,” said Marcela Drehmer, Financial

and Investor Relations Vice President at Braskem.

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10 odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 254 / april 2011

> world water daY

Celebrating life To celebrate World Water Day, celebrated

on March 22, the Foz do Brasil units promo-

ted activities in the communities in which

they operate. In addition to the social res-

ponsibility actions, an advertisement was

published in the local media to reinforce the

company’s commitment to preserving water


Learn more about the actions promoted by Foz

do Brasil to celebrate World Water Day:

cachOeirO de itaPemirim

Located 136 kilometers from Vitória, the

capital of espírito Santo, Cachoeiro de

Itapemirim hosted two interactive actions at

the Jerônimo Monteiro Public Square, located

in the city’s downtown area, during the week

of March 22.

A partnership with Foz do Brasil, the

Municipal Government and the Itapemirim

River Watershed Committee promoted the


Residents observe the aquarium with native fish and a mini-water treatment station

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exhibit of an aquarium with native fish and

a mini-water treatment station at the public

square, the busiest in the city.

“Our goal was to demonstrate in an educa-

tional fashion the water treatment process and

the species of fish that returned to Itapemirim

after the beginning of the investments to

remove the sewage launched into the river,”

said Rosa Malena Gomes Carvalho, the indi-

vidual responsible for the environmental

education Programs at Foz do Brasil.

riO clarO

The contest “Beautiful Images,” organized by

the Foz do Brasil unit in Rio Claro, rural São

Paulo, announced its winner on World Water

Day. Maria Aparecida Cerri, who created an

image of the “Blue Lake,” considered the city’s

postcard view, won a digital camera.

The unit also participated in an event orga-

nized by the Municipal Government in the

State Forest Reserve and demonstrated the

evolution of sewage treatment in the city

through a series of panels. After the start of

operations at the Jardim Condutta Treatment

Plant, Rio Claro began to treat 55% of the col-

lected sewage.

The Foz do Brasil action also helped clean

up Ribeirão Claro. In a symbolic act that

represents the return of aquatic life and the

recovery of one of the city’s most visited sites,

students and Mayor Du Altimari released

hundreds of fries (fish larva immediately after

birth) into the stream.


As part of the celebrations for World Water

Day, an activity with graffiti artists and adoles-

students and mayor du altimari launched fries into the ribeirão claro stream, which was recovered by foz do brasil

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12 odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 254 / april 2011

> world water daY

cents from the Grafoz Project was organized

in Limeira, rural São Paulo. The idea was to

display the graffiti art at one of the main Foz

do Brasil water lift stations in the city - eeA


For the Grafoz Project, some 60 youth,

all over age 14, take part in weekly graffiti

classes for a seven-month period. The cour-

se works in partnership with the Municipal

Social Promotion Center (CePROSOM) and

the Municipality’s Social Solidarity Fund, with

the support of the company Iconix Gestão

Estratégica de Eventos.

The project was implemented through

actions undertaken by the concessionaire

over recent years, offering the walls of its

reservoirs and water plants for the display of

graffiti art. “The proposal is to offer youth the

opportunity to experience graffiti as a form

of social-cultural knowledge and professio-

nal training,” said Sandra Alves, the profes-

sional responsible for Communication at the


Youth from the Grafoz Project created graffiti art on the walls of the Mercedes Water Lift Station


Members and partners of the Jeceaba unit

in Minas Gerais watched the video “Water

Scarcity - The Consequences of Global

Warming for Water Resources.” The film highli-

ghted the probable causes of water shortages

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cachOeirO has iNterNatiONal

Quality Water

The water distributed to the municipa-

lity of Cachoeiro de Itapemirim has an

international quality standard. After it is

treated, it is tested and approved based

on the parameters of Brazilian labo-

ratories. The results are confirmed by

the concessionaire’s more than 53,000

clients who receive the annual water

quality report.

Since 2002, the tests have been checked

by the Rio de Janeiro State Water and

Sewage Company (CeDAe) and, last year,

they began to be evaluated by the Fran-

ca Sub-Section of the Brazilian Sanitary

and environmental engineering Associa-

tion, located in rural São Paulo.

This year, the Bahia branch of the Natio-

nal Industrial Learning Service (SeNAI)

and the Rio Grande do Sul Metrological

Network also gained access to the tests.

“every institution uses different para-

meters,” explained Renata Samuel, the

concessionaire’s Treatment Supervisor.

“Foz do Brasil invests in these analyses

to provide residents with the best water

possible,” she said.

Since 2004, clients have received the re-

port together with their bill once a year.

In addition to presenting the detailed

result of the tests conducted during

the previous year, the report also shows

how the water is treated based on the

resident’s specific location.

Children participated in exhibits and activities focused on the environment

in large urban centers.

Participants received educational material on the pre-

servation of water resources.

riO das Ostras

At the Rio das Ostras unit in Rio de Janeiro, students

exhibited their work - models and posters - produced

during the classes on water resource preservation.

The programming for World Water Day also included

musical performances, poetry readings and activities

related to environmental education.

saNeaQua mairiNQue

The company Saneaqua Mairinque supported the

event held by the Mairinque Municipal Government,

located in rural São Paulo, which promoted lectures

for students on water and environmental preserva-


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14 odebrechtnoticias.com.br / no. 254 / april 2011

Ecological asphalt for the Dom pedro Corridor

Aligning the recovery of the highway network

with environmental responsibility. This is the pro-

posal of the Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire

in the region of Campinas, in rural São Paulo. A

first-of-its-kind initiative, the company began

the paving recovery work along the Professor

Zeferino Vaz highway (SP-332), located on the

Dom Pedro Corridor, using ecological pavement.

The work is being completed along 113 km

of roadways, from the stretch popularly known

as “Tapetão” (or “Big Carpet”), at Km 110 of the

highway in Campinas, to the border between

the municipalities of Paulínia and Cosmópolis, at

Km 135. The construction work is scheduled to

be completed by September of this year and will

involve investments of R$ 14.6 million.

The “green asphalt” is different from common

asphalt because its composition contains 20%

grounded tire rubber. Two thousand tires are

necessary for every 1,000 tons of this type of

asphalt. Rota das Bandeiras will use 35,000 tons

of ecological asphalt and will help by removing

70,000 tires from the environment.

“One of our commitments is respect for the

environment and the adoption of ‘green asphalt’

guarantees a destination for the tires,” said Luiz

Cesar Costa, Managing Director of the concessio-

naire. “It is yet another one of the actions that we

promote focused on sustainable development to

guarantee new generations a better future,” he


“Whenever the project, volume and type of

highway traffic permits, we will prioritize the use

of ecological asphalt in our interventions,” said

Juan Carlos Cruciani, Operations Director for Rota

das Bandeiras.

the advaNtaGes Of ‘GreeN asPhalt’

In addition to helping preserve the environ-

ment, the adoption of the ecological asphalt

> enVironment

14 odebrechtnoticias.com.br / nº 254 / abril 2011

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The Rota das Bandeiras Concessionaire is adopting the use of ecological asphalt along the Dom Pedro Corridor

will guarantee the users of SP-332 enhanced

comfort and safety. The rubber makes the mate-

rial more flexible, prevents the emergence of

cracks and guarantees durability 30% greater

than common asphalt. The pavement is also

more porous that the common type, helping

ensure greater vehicle adherence to the road

while promoting a slight reduction in noise


The layer of ecological asphalt applied to

the SP-332 is 4 cm thick. Before applying it,

however, Rota das Bandeiras is elevating the

roadways by 15cm with the application of

a layer with cement and gravel. “Due to the

lack of previously existing paving structu-

re, this was the technical solution found to

prepare the highway for the traffic of heavy

vehicles, such as trucks and trailers,” explained

Alessandro Pacheco, Construction Project and

Conservation Manager.

Other actiONs

The adoption of ecological asphalt is just one of

the initiatives adopted by Rota das Bandeiras to pre-

serve the environment.

Through its environmental Compensation

Program, 25 new seedlings are planted for each

tree suppressed due to the interventions in the pro-

ject areas. The company also implemented a water

reuse system at the toll plazas. In addition to these

measures, the use of recycled paper and selective

collection are daily practices at the concessionaire’s


The Professor Zeferino Vaz Highway will have 113 km of ‘green asphalt.’

The ecological asphalt is made from 20% rubber from ground tires. Two thousand tires are necessary for every 1,000 tons

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> odebrecht foundation

Attentive, excited eyes. Wide,

happy smiles. The hands, res-

tless, move from one side to

the other, clapping or waving.

hundreds of youth from Bahia’s

Southern Lowlands gathered

to celebrate World Youth Day.

The celebration took place

on March 30 simultaneously

in Presidente Tancredo Neves

and in the five municipali-

ties that make up the Pratigi

environmental Protection Area

(ePA): Ituberá, Igrapiúna, Nilo

Peçanha, Piraí do Norte and

Ibirapitanga. “It is good for us

to join our ideas,” said Débora

Maracás, 16, a student of Casa

Jovem State high School, loca-

ted in Igrapiúna “Together, we

are one,” she said.

The event, which presented

the theme “Youth engagement,”

was promoted by the Bahia

Southern Lowlands ePA Mosaic

Integrated and Sustainable

Development Program (PDIS)

(sponsored by the Odebrecht

Foundation) and coordinated

by the Rights and Citizenship

Institute (IDC), an entity tied

to PDIS. “This theme is the

foundation of PDIS and all pro-

Youth go on a walk in the

municipality of Igrapiúna

To Our Youth

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jects underway in the region,”

said Maria Celeste Pereira,

executive Director of IDC.

“And the youth who serve as

the leaders and main actors

in their neighborhoods, in

their communities and at their

schools,” she said.

During an afternoon dedi-

cated to the youth, the public

enjoyed musical and cultural

presentations and educational

lectures and received informa-

tive brochures and condoms.

Booths with professionals from

the area of health were set up

in all the municipalities. “We are

seeking to raise their awareness

about the use of contraceptive

methods,” said Talita Abreu,

Basic health Care Coordinator

in Ituberá. “We encourage

them to become aware of and

understand their own bodies,

which are in the phase of sexu-

al discovery,” she said.

For Josué Paulo dos Santos

Filho, Mayor of Presidente

Tancredo Neves, it is important

to celebrate this day in order to

recover the youths’ values. “It is

with initiatives like this one that

we protect them from the areas

of risk and from involvement

with drugs,” he said. “We have

a commitment to these youth.

They are the ones who make it

happen,” he said.

eurides de Oliveira,

Secretary of Social Promotion

in Nilo Peçanha, highlighted

the importance of encou-

raging the interaction of

youth from different commu-

nities in order to maximize

the potential of the actions

they develop individually.

“With everybody’s union, it

is possible to promote Youth

engagement,” he said.

The event is one of many

included on the PDIS calendar

in Bahia’s Southern Lowlands,

designed to strengthen kno-

wledge on topics such as edu-

cation, cooperativism, reading,

youth, environmental conser-

vation and culture.

Children and adolescents take part in cultural presentations on World Youth Day

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> fast notes

educator Antonio Carlos Gomes da Costa

made countless contributions to Brazilian

society. The professor, who passed away

on March 4 in Belo horizonte, Minas

Gerais, was one of the main authors and

defenders of Brazil’s Child and Adolescent

Statute, as well as a consultant for the

International Labor Organization (ILO), the

United Nations Organization for education,

Science and Culture (UNeSCO) and for

several other government entities, and

he also worked on projects for the United

Nations Children’s Fund (UNICeF).

Winner of the National human Rights

Award in 1998 and author of several books,

Costa helped train hundreds of educators,

assisted important companies in terms

of reflecting on their strategies in line

with social and human development, and

played a central role developing the third

sector and private social investment.

A Partner of the Odebrecht Organization

and Foundation, the professor is author

of the books Ser Empresário - O pensa-

mento de Norberto Odebrecht (“Being an

entrepreneur - the Thoughts of Norberto

Odebrecht) and Protagonismo Juvenil

- Adolescência, Educação e Participação

Democrática (“Youth engagement -

Adolescence, education and Democratic

Participation”), the latter in partnership

with Maria Adenil Vieira. he served as a

consultant for the Odebrecht Foundation

and supported for many years actions

focused on the education of youth for life,

through work, with orientations on values

and limits.

Costa said that Odebrecht’s main chal-

lenge is the same as that of other busi-

ness organizations: to increasingly culti-

vate and develop their intangible assets.

“Organizations that do not understand this

challenge and that do not work pro-active-

ly toward it will be at increased danger at a

time marked by the strong dynamic of the

dematerialization of human work,” he said.

A Legacy for Education

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On March 10, the Baixo Sabor

Complementary Company Grouping (ACe),

formed by Odebrecht-Bento Pedroso

Construções (subsidiary of Odebrecht

International) and by Lena Construções,

began paving the Escalão de Montante (ups-

tream) dam as part of the construction work

for the Baixo Sabor hydroelectric Facility.

Located near the city of Torre de

Moncorvo, in the Bragança District of

Northeastern Portugal, the Baixo Sabor

hydroelectric Facility involves the cons-

truction of two dams equipped with rever-

sible groups - one upstream and another

downstream the Sabor River for the client

EDP - Gestão da Produção de Energia S.A.

Measuring 123 meters high, the upstream

dam is the larger of the two included in

the project and will be the second highest

in Portugal. Its storage capacity will mark

the most significant strategic water reser-

ve in the Douro watershed, located in

Portuguese territory.

The construction of the two dams should

last an additional two years and the filling

of the reservoirs is scheduled for 2013.

Erection of Baixo Sabor Dams Begins

Illustration shows the future Baixo Sabor Hydroelectric Facility on the Sabor River, which will begin to produce energy in 2014, six years after the start of its construction

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> fast notes

Odebrecht engenharia

Industrial, AeSA, owned by

YPF, and Tandanor signed an

agreement to build oil ships

and rigs in Argentina.

The agreement includes

the construction of ships for

hydrocarbon production,

storage and offloading (the

so-called FPSOs - Floating,

Production, Storage and

Offloading) and offshore

oil exploration and produc-

tion rigs. The joint venture

should generate 800 direct

and 2,000 indirect job


The agreement signing

ceremony, held in Buenos

Aires, included the presence

of the Argentinean Minister

of Defense, Arturo Puricelli,

the Minister of Security,

Nilda Garré, the CeO of

YPF, Sebastián eskenazi,

and representatives from

the three companies, inclu-

ding Flávio Faria, Managing

Director of Odebrecht

engenharia Industrial, Pablo

Fernitz, General Manager of

AeSA, and Mario Nallib Fadel,

CeO of Tandanor.

BASF has recently made an international

announcement that it intends to evaluate a

new project for the global scale production

of acrylic acid, butyl acrylic and superabsor-

bent polymers (SAP) in Brazil. If the project

is indeed implemented, Braskem will beco-

me the long term supplier of propane, which

is the raw material used to produce acrylic


The propane that will be sent to BASF is

currently exported. By opting to supply the

product to a local plant, Braskem is helping

guarantee the supply for important seg-

ments in the country, such as SAP for diapers

- a market that accounted for US$ 2 billion in

2009 -, acrylic resin for paints (US$ 3 billion

in 2009), civil construction, adhesives and

textile, among others. The butyl acrylics and

polyacrylates are present in powdered deter-

gents and in industrial water treatment. The

acrylic acid is widely used in the mining sec-


“Most certainly, the partnership with BASF

will encourage more investments by third

generation companies in the country and

create opportunities for the additional con-

sumption of basic petrochemicals and resins,”

said Manoel Carnaúba, Vice President of

Basic Petrochemicals at Braskem.

To guarantee the competitiveness of the

investments, the two companies signed a

Memorandum of Understanding that defines

the long term supply conditions for propa-

ne and soda - used as the raw material for

the production of acrylic acid - as well as for

Braskem’s supply of services to BASF.

A New Joint Venture in Argentina

Braskem and BASF: Partnership in Sight

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Odebrecht earned the title of

Country’s Top Construction Company

in the 2011 edition of the Ferroviária

Magazine Award, granted by the main

Brazilian publication for the subway-

railway sector. The ceremony was held

on March 24 in São Paulo.

Marcos Vidigal, Contract Director at

Odebrecht Infraestrutura, received the

award from the Rio de Janeiro State

Sub-Secretary of Transportation, Delmo

Pinho, who represented Secretary Júlio


The choice of the best from the sec-

tor is decided through a voting by the

magazine and newsletter subscribers

and visitors of the “Business on Rails”

Fair, held in December 2010.

Odebrecht Elected Top Construction Company by Ferroviária Magazine

Marcos Vidigal represented Odebrecht during the delivery of the 2011 Ferroviária Magazine Award

The O2 Project, an information system developed by Oracle that is gradually repla-

cing MyWebDay to make Odebrecht’s support activities more efficient, was launched in

Argentina on March 10.

Project representatives presented the history and structure of the O2 Project to 40 of

the company’s Members in the country. Flávio Faria, Managing Director of Odebrecht

engenharia Industrial in Argentina, also participated in the event.

Participants also chose a name for the project in the country: “O2 AR.” The letters

“AR” represent Argentina and also the combination of oxygen as air (which is “ar” in


O2 Project Arrives to Argentina

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> fast notes

From left to right: Antônio Costa; Albanor José Gomes; Isac Fialla, Vice Mayor of Araucária; and Nilton Campos, Municipal Secretary of Labor and Employment

On March 16 and 17, the CONPAR

Consortium (Odebrecht engenharia

Industrial, UTC Engenharia and OAS) inau-

gurated the two rooms for the “hit the

Net” Program in the city of Araucária, in

Paraná. One at the Municipal Department of

Labor and employment and another at the

Paraná State Workers’ Union for Assembly,

Maintenance and Service Companies in

Industrial Areas (SINDIMONT).

The consortium also established a partner-

ship with the Araucária City Government and

SINDIMONT with aims of promoting the digi-

tal literacy of regional residents and Members

in order to contribute toward the social,

economic and technological development

of the communities, creating job opportuni-

ties and fostering education and innovation.

“Digital inclusion is important for the city’s

development,” stated Mayor Albanor José

Gomes. Antônio Lemos do Prado, President of

SINDIMONT, stated: “The consortium will not

be here forever, but this support will continue

to be remembered for years to come.”

The CONPAR Consortium has already inau-

gurated two “hit the Net” rooms in Curitiba

and three in Araucária. The program has alrea-

dy qualified more than 2,000 people. “We feel

accomplished when observing the develop-

ment of those assisted,” said Antônio Costa,

Contract Director.

CONPAR Consortium Inaugurates Two More “Hit the Net” Rooms

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Walking along a trail that

follows the banks of a river and

discovering the beauties of the

Atlantic Forest, side-by-side

with plantations of palm and

piassava palms characteristic

of Bahia’s Southern Lowlands.

Learning about the local cultu-

re by visiting monuments and

communities. Trying the typical

cuisine and waking up in the

forest to the songs of the birds.

These experiences can

be enjoyed for a three-day

period on the travel tour

of Dendê Coast, created

by the Bahia Baixo Sul

Sustainable Development

Institute (IDeS) - tied to the

Bahia Southern Lowlands

environmental Protection

Area Mosaic Integrated and

Sustainable Development

Program, sponsored by

the Odebrecht Foundation

- in partnership with the

Dendê Coast Travel Tour Selected by “Rural Brazil Talents” Project

Tourism points along the Dendê Coast tour: quilombola community of Jatimane and Pratigi Beach

agency Ativa Rafting e


The tour was the only one

in Bahia selected by the “Rural

Brazil Talents” Project, which

is promoting the insertion

of family farming products

and services into the tourism

market. “This initiative streng-

thens community engagement,

with the development of cons-

cious and sustainable tourism

that brings sociobiodiversity as

a structuring base,” said Liliana

Leite, executive Director at IDeS.

“Rural Brazil Talents” will

invest over R$ 3 million in 24

travel tours in Brazil. The idea

is to promote and encourage

the exchange of knowledge,

recognizing the importance

of cultural identity, promoting

the generation of work and

income and adding value to

the production of rural artists’

groups. The project is the

result of a partnership betwe-

en the Ministries of Agrarian

Development, Tourism and

the environment, the Brazilian

Support Service to Micro and

Small Companies (SeBRAe)

and the German Cooperation

Agency (GTZ).

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> fast notes

The Cesário de Melo Avenue, loca-

ted in the Western Zone of Rio de

Janeiro, was the first inaugurated by

the “Smooth Asphalt” Program, under-

taken by the Novo Asfalto Consortium

(Odebrecht Infraestrutura and OAS) for

the Municipal Government. The initiati-

ve is recovering over 700 km of roads in

the city.

Mayor eduardo Paes, authorities and

residents from the region took part in

the ceremony and watched performan-

ces by the Acadêmicos de Santa Cruz and

Cordão da Bola Preta Samba Schools. A

group of cyclists also took a ride on the

new road.

During the recovery work, the con-

sortium used “geogrilles” to reinforce

the paving. Rubber asphalt was used

to level out the surface and polymer

asphalt was applied to the roadway

using Warm Mix technology.

The First Road for the “Smooth Asphalt” Program

Cesário de Melo Avenue traverses the neighborhoods of Santa Cruz,

Paciência, Cosmos, Inhoaíba, Campo Grande and Senador Vasconcelos

Odebrecht energia won the auction for the energy concession at the Chaglla hydroelectric

Power Plant in Peru. With the new concession, the company is beginning its internationalization

process and reinforcing its position as an investor in the electric sector.

The development will receive investments of more than US$ 1 billion and its installed capacity

will be 406 MW. The generation of energy is set to begin at the end of 2015.

Odebrecht Wins Energy Concession in Peru

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Responsible for the operation and mainte-

nance of Km 955 of the North Amazonas Multi-

Modal Axis - North IIRSA in Peru, the North

IIRSA Concessionaire, formed by Odebrecht

Peru (subsidiary of Odebrecht Latin America

and Angola) and Granã y Montero, received

the ISO 9001:2008 certificate for its Quality

Management System. The concessionaire was

the first company in the sector to earn interna-

tional recognition in the country.

The Quality System was implemented

in 2010, designed to ensure excellence in

operation process services, with include

Traffic, Toll System, Weight and Measurement

Control and User Assistance in the case of


North IIRSA Concessionaire Earns ISO 9001 Certification

The operation and maintenance of the North IIRSA

highway between Puerto de Paita and

Yurimaguas received the international

quality certification

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> fast notes

On March 22, Odebrecht

Infraestrutura held the

Preventive Corporate

Safety Program at the

embraport contract.

henrique Marchesi, the

professional responsible

for the construction of the

port terminal located in

Santos, defined the training

as “extremely important for

the progress of the develo-


The program lasted eight

hours and involved the par-

ticipation of approximately

50 Members, from Young

Partners to leaders from

the production, commer-

cial, engineering, adminis-

trative and financial and

safety, health and environ-

ment areas.

The objective was to keep

the leadership aligned with

the constant updating of

laws and standard instruc-

tions and their impacts

on business activities.

Furthermore, the program

supported Members in

their process planning,

answered questions and

debated solutions, in addi-

tion to guaranteeing com-

pliance with procedures.

“The training increased

the Members’ commit-

ment and discipline with

relation to the operating

norms and procedures,”

said Reynaldo Pincette,

the professional responsi-

ble for Administration and


Corporate Safety at Embraport

The illustration shows the Embraport project, a development being undertaken by Odebrecht TransPort (OTP) in partnership with DP World, FI-FGTS and Coimex, for the construction and operation of Brazil’s largest private multiuse terminal

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From March 11-13, Odebrecht Angola

(a subsidiary of Odebrecht Latin America

and Angola) participated in the Angolan

Recruiting Fair in Lisbon, Portugal. The

objective was to establish contact with

Angolans who live and study in europe and

want to return to their country of origin.

“We interviewed over 40 people who

want to return to Angola and contribute

toward the country’s development,” said

Diana Oritz, the professional responsible for

People & Organization. “It was an excellent

opportunity to identify new professionals,”

said Ortiz.

Institutional Relations Manager, Justino

Amaro, gave a lecture on the Organization’s

operation in the country, career deve-

lopment perspectives and Odebrecht

entrepreneurial Technology (TeO).

The Recruiting Forum is organized each

year by the company elite International

Careers. Twenty-four exhibiting companies

and 400 candidates participated in the 2011


Odebrecht Angola Participates in Recruiting Fair in Lisbon

Angolans who study and work in Europe have a chance to return to their country of origin