omg magazine vol 2 issue 14

Thursday April 25, 2013 • VOL 2 - 14 WEEKLY ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE

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Thursday April 25, 2013 • VOL 2 - 14



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OMG Magazine | Thursday 25 April, 2013 • PAGE 3


PAGE 5confessions

Keeva’sstyling frenzy!

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Rocky Kewley29, PETIT vALLEYThree things you like about yourself and why?I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe in a supreme being because I’ve been in many situations where I thought it was the end for me and I got out of those situations only by his grace and my belief in him.

I like that I am motivated, very ambitious and committed. I have a positive attitude towards all that life brings me.

I like to teach by example. Because I am a personal trainer I keep myself in top shape so the people I work with can see what can result from hard work and discipline.

your oMG moment?That must be when I entered the Mr Fitness Central American Competition in Aruba in 2010. It was the first time I entered any competition that big and I came away with a bronze medal.


Nigel F. R. Celestine


Ronaldo Roberts Photographer

Stephen Doobal

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Today I ate nearly 20 pieces of candy/chocolates. Yesterday I believe it was 18 and a piece of cake. The day before was likely a similar number and this pattern of overeating extends back for days and days.I think I really need to look at my addiction to sugar like an alcohol or drug addiction. I can’t just think this piece of chocolate or this cookie or this slice of cake will be my last. I can’t think that I can control it by eating in moderation. I can’t because it just doesn’t work. No matter how I approach this, it always ends the same: me mindlessly gorging on sweets.

i’m addictedto sugar

confessionsEMAiL YOur COnfESSiOnS TO [email protected]

A place to confess your deepest though

ts anonymously

I’ll be on the bus and just start massaging away... it’s so soothing. I do it when I’m stressed and I don’t even realise I’m doing it 90 per cent of the time... it’s like biting your nails – a bad, bad habit. Of course men look at me funny. Most of the time I’ll catch a glimpse and be like.. wtf is this weirdo looking at? HE’S LOOKING AT YOU, YOU! GET YOUR HANDS OUT OF THERE!

i love feeling my breasts in public

i Always date A-holes Who Are Mean to MeI’m attractive, smart, accomplished, have a great career and lots of talents, but I constantly date asshole guys who treat me like shit. It’s humiliating – I’m too old for this behaviour. It’s gotten to the point that I don’t even trust my own decisions about men anymore.

i’m addictedto coca-cola

I drink Coca-Cola every day. I don’t know how to stop. I’m emotionally attached to the habit of drinking it. I act like it’s because I enjoy it, but I don’t anymore. It keeps me from being depressed.

I’m 19 and I’m terrified of the dark. Just five minutes ago before writing this I almost had a panic attack trying to go the bathroom. With all of these horrific events that have happened in the world today, it’s not the monsters that lurk in the darkness that terrify me, but the evil that lives in the hearts of men that shake me to my core. Is anyone else like this?

Growing up has only made me more afraidof the dark

I love him more than everything but sometimes his allegiance to his mother makes me worry about his allegiance to me. I’m worried that when we get married that he will always put his mother before me. This wouldn’t be a big deal if he wasn’t an adult and still has to tell her where and when he’s going anywhere. I’m probably over-worrying, but this shit drives me crazy.

My Boyfriend is a momma’s boy

i can’t stop BitchinG!!

No matter what goes on I always have something to complain about. I get on my own nerves with my constant whining but something always bothers me. No matter if it’s something small I make a big deal because I feel like it’s a big deal until my twin sister makes me see how dramatic I am being. What can I do to stop being such a whiny brat?!

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STEP 1Understand that confidence for you may come down to changing your mind and doing something different; anything different. You may have to change a habit of what may have “suddenly” become years. Virtually any step in a new direction will give you confidence.

STEP 2Pursue your interests and regain your passion about them. It’s common, when intimacy is lost, to withdraw from familiarity with others, as well. A big step to regaining confidence is intimacy, and in general, will be re-engaging with others on a familiar level.You could join a club or group, work a piece of choice athletic equipment up a popular trail, or volunteering. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s something you enjoy participating in, and that is fulfilling for you. Allow a couple weeks of doing something new before you make any judgements, as you may find yourself out of your comfort zone.

STEP 3Stay open to all possibilities. In the course of being vital, it wouldn’t hurt you to turn up the antenna a little bit. If you’re doing something you love, you’ll be glowing, and you’ll tend to radiate more attractiveness as a result. This will be picked up by others around you, and they’ll be inspired.If you already have a “beau”, all of this will just make you more attractive to them.

STEP 4Recognize the psychological boost of even a small improvement in

body or mind. In other words, take full advantage of losing 8 pounds, and being noticed for it; or pursue some other, equally modest but worthwhile achievement. Looked at a certain way, a step in any direction is a step you hadn’t taken. Tiny little steps will get you up a mountain. Recognizing and celebrating the achievements of your life as you’re bumping into Mr. or Ms. Right is possibly your best visualization technique right now.

STEP 5Understand that at your probable age, the antenna is usually tuned to a finer frequency. At your age you are much more likely to be attracted to the different aspects of people; and this means that you may be most attracted to people that feel the same way. In turn, recognizing that your intimacy will encompass more than mere lust or self-satisfaction can help you to feel greater confidence about sharing more time and more of yourself with someone else.

STEP 6Pursue a setting that will maximize your confidence. For most people, this would mean being intimate in an environment that you feel safe and comfortable within. Whether your intimacy consists of getting to know another person through conversation, through physical exploration, through spending time together achieving something, or through spiritual connection, the place where you become more intimate matters. For some, this place of comfort will likely be your own house; however, personal considerations might dictate that you do the opposite, and find somewhere that isn’t so deeply connected with your past for starters.

STEP 7Gauge the timing of becoming more intimate with another person according to your own needs and self-recognition of readiness. You are old enough to know when you want to proceed now; and obviously, you may have some resistance to overcome, after years with one dedicated mate, and then perhaps years without someone in your life. Just be open in communicating this, and if you have chosen right, it will be understood.See that the “first time” now will likely be tougher than the “first time” was when you were much younger; you just have a wall to break down.While a little alcohol might relax your inhibitions in being more intimate with a person, if you aren’t comfortable, yet, with your prospective beau, you won’t be confident -- and that probably means it’s just not quite time yet.

handling the end of a Long relationship

STEP 1Remind yourself that the time you spent with him/her was not a total waste. Think of the things that you took out of the relationship:The memories you made along the way.The people you may have met.The experiences you had.Every fun moment you had.

STEP 2Find a way to make yourself feel better. Some people think crying excessively helps you to flush out any negative emotions you are feeling. Women tend to indulge in chocolate, and other candies. Do something that helps you feel better, whether it’s getting a manicure and pedicure, going shopping, or watching a movie.

STEP 3Take a personal day to recuperate. Sleep in, have your favorite breakfast, go on a walk, and watch television.

STEP 4Find time to spend with friends. If it helps, confide in them; tell them how you’re feeling after the end of the relationship. Explain why you are upset, and why you think it ended.

STEP 5Start dating when you feel ready. Within a week (or more) you may feel like getting back out and meeting different guys or girls. Go with a group of friends to a bar or a party, and introduce yourself to someone cute. Even if you don’t feel like starting a new relationship yet, talking to a new, cute guy or girl can be a confidence booster, and can make you feel better.

how to Feel confident About Being intimate Again

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hOW tO’s

STEP 1-It sounds weird to evaluate a friendship ,what do we need that for?

STEP 2-Good friends are those that stand by you no matter what, in all times good or bad. They may not necessarily be with you, but you know you can count on them always.

STEP 3-To evaluate a friendship just think of how much good did that person on you or ask yourself if you can count on this person just like you can be counted upon for this person?

STEP 4-It’s never easy to be spot on, because friendship, or any relationship for that matter cannot be evaluated with a set of pointers or rules. There might be times when people you didn’t know enough might go the extra mile to help you when people you thought would be around aren’t.

STEP5-Also, before evaluating a friendship, analyse your need to do the same. Has that particular friend done anything to make you think whether you need to stay friends with him/her? If possible, talk and be open. Any friendship has it’s basis on trust and the ability to be frank with each other. If a person is unapproachable or not willing to listen to your side, then maybe you would need to evaluate.

STEP1- LEAVE ThE dOOr OPEn-LiTErALLY And fiGurATiVELY. You don’t have to come right out and say it, but be sure to make it clear that your free spirit is free to come and go as (s)he pleases. This will build your free spirit’s trust.

STEP 2- dOn’T ESTAbLiSh bOundAriES bY LAYinG dOwn ruLES. Restrictions are like chains, and will send this wild horse running for the horizon. Instead of saying, “Don’t ever cheat on me,” ask, “Would you really risk losing an awesome person like me just to get a little extra on the side?” Make it clear that if they cross any lines, they’re the one who will be missing out.

STEP 3-GET YOur PriOriTiES STrAiGhT.What do you want most out of the relationship? Commitment? Respect? Honesty? Affection? Companionship? Passion? Security? Stability? Can you narrow it down to two or three? A free spirit will not go out of their way to meet your every need. (It may happen later, but only once there is complete trust.) Set realistic goals by asking for the things you want most out of a relationship — and expecting nothing else.

STEP 4- MAnY ThinGS CAn SCArE A frEE SPiriT OuT Of A rELATiOnShiP. Some can be what you might consider inconsequential little quirks. Many of them may not be your fault. Just hang in there. If something is happening in your free spirits life that has to do with you, and if it’s making their life a little more difficult, don’t give up. They may back off for a while, even threaten breaking up. Don’t try to convince them not to, but don’t go along with it either. If they try to break up, just tell them you don’t want to. Say how good you guys are together. If they end up breaking up with you, refrain from moving on right away. This might hurt, but they could change their mind. Quickly.

STEP 5- GET TO KnOw ThE PErSOn inSidE-OuT.Study their tendencies, their quirks, their deepest

desires, and their worst fears. Always be accepting and open-minded. Knowledge is power; the better you know this person, the less you’ll feel the need to control them. With time, moreover, this will make you seem like the only person who really gets it (and, by extension, the only person they can be their uninhibited self around). To a free spirit, this is the jackpot.

STEP 6- ChOOSE YOur bATTLES wiSELY. If a problem doesn’t directly threaten the priorities you’ve established, then let it go and just enjoy the ride. For example, if they’re 15 minutes late and you end up missing a movie, roll with the punches and see the next one; however, if they’re 45 minutes late to pick you up in the middle of the night in a bad neighborhood, there’s a serious discussion to be had.

STEP 7- GET in TOuCh wiTh YOur Own frEE SPiriT. Don’t sit at home wondering what they’re doing or when they’re going to call. Get in your car and take a road trip. Visit an old friend. Watch a new movie. Taste a different kind of food. Your free spirit will respect you for it and feel a sense of kinship with you when you both get home and recount your adventures.

STEP 8- GET in TOuCh wiTh YOur Own frEE SPiriT. Don’t sit at home wondering what they’re doing or when they’re going to call. Get in your car and take a road trip. Visit an old friend. Watch a new movie. Taste a different kind of food. Your free spirit will respect you for it and feel a sense of kinship with you when you both get home and recount your adventures.

STEP 9- LOVE ThEir frEE SPiriT. The number one thing that all free spirits demand from their relationships is acceptance; without that, a free-spirited person suffers an assault on their freedom. You should also make sure that you aren’t too demanding or compulsive however much you love him/her; it usually gives them the creeps. Only when you accept them for exactly who they are can they trust you — and only in that trust can a beautiful relationship develop. Just remember that independence is something to be appreciated, not just tolerated; with love and understanding, you’ll be giving a free spirit exactly the kind of nourishment that it needs.

evaluating a FriendshipIt is difficult to explain how a friendship should be evaluated because everybody can hate other people love on a person.This “evaluation” should be made by heart

taming a Free spirit

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Press the PLAy BUttOn tOListen tO neW MUsic reLeAses

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The NIHERST/NGC National Science Centre is making science come alive at its 16th Community Service Science Week, which is taking place until 27th April at Manzanilla Secondary School.

Dr Rupert Griffith, Minister of Science and Technology, delivered the feature address and Collin Partap, MP for Cumuto/Manzanilla, spoke at the opening ceremony on Monday April 22.

Since 2003, the Community Science Week has been a key part of NIHERST’s science-popularisation effort. Increasing public awareness, appreciation and literacy in science is central to the institute’s mission to foster a national culture of science, technology and innovation and to support the advancement of a more diversified, knowledge-driven economy. Through this key outreach programme, targeting rural or underserved communities, NIHERST literally “takes science to the people”, tailoring each week’s programme to meet the specific needs and interests of the particular community.

The programme for the Manzanilla Community Science Week features interactive exhibits, workshops, science shows and lectures/discussions on the following topics:

Fishing Lifestyle DiseasesClimate Change Natural DisastersCultural Performances(from schools and community) Rainwater HarvestingEnergy Eco- TourismGame Galaxy Science Challenges Telescope Viewing Saturday)

There was a Career Day on Wednesday 24th April targeting students from Forms 3 to 6.


On the evening of Saturday 27th April from 6 pm, the entire community is expected to come out for telescope viewing to explore at the night sky through high-powered telescopes and to participate in other astronomy activities in the Planetarium.

Agencies that are partnering with NIHERST in making this event more exciting and beneficial to the Manzanilla community are:

Bead CaféBritish GasCocoa & Coffee IndustryEnvironmental Management Authority- EMA Forestry Information UnitLife Guard AssociationMinistry of Food Production, Land & Marine AffairsNational Gas CompanyODPMRapport ServicesSugar Cane Feed Centre

For further information about Manzanilla Community Science Week, please contact Ms. Angelene Lezama at 642-6112/ 758-3668 or [email protected] us at and find us on Facebook NIHERST.

It’s the original Broadway classic performed with the very best of our talent. The King and I at NAPA Thursday 25th to Sunday 26th April.

The cast includes lead actors Conrad Parris as the King and Tova Miller as Anna Leonowens. Supporting cast includes Patti Ann Ali and Germaine Wilson sharing the role of the King’s chief wife, Lady Thiang. Other cast members include Chris Smith as Kralahome, Rais Clarke-Mendes as Tup Tim, Charles Reid and Christian Roberts as Lun Tha, Elijah Wilson as Prince Chulalongkorn and finally, Jonathon Blaize and Joshua Elcock sharing the role of Louis.

don’t miss...the King and i

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start shopping now!



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MAKEUP BY Krysta G. EMAIL: [email protected]

Phone: 1 868 391-8950/ 1 868 310-0399

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Ariesa Du QuesneyFemale Outfit and Accessories Courtesy

Zadora Fits To Flatter#10 Golden Doors Plaza, POS )

Makeup Artists

Rey Rey Artistry CONTACT #742-9183/688-6870,BBM# 2a57971d [email protected]


Ronaldo Roberts

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FOR FREE WITH eventsClick on the evenT fLyerS below to see full details

The text listings are FREE, flyers you pay for. Just click the OMG EVENTS logo to send us your info.

ThE rEGGAE ridE 4 Friday, June 07, 2013 Ends Saturday, June 08, 2013 The MV Harbour Master Cost $150 for the first 300 tickets after that $160

SAn fErnAndO fAhiOn wEEK PrE ShOw 2013Sunday, May 12, 2013 National Academy for the Performing Arts (NAPA) 335-4155 / 722-6059

OuTErrr SKATEbOArd JAM 2013 Saturday, May 25, 2013From 1:00 PM to 5:00 PMAdmission to Spectators Free

wE hEAdinG TO d hiLLS: nATurAL hAir MEETuP & PhOTOShOOTThursday, May 30, 2013Tickets $100 758-2815

rOAd TriP: VALEnCiA nATurE CEnTrE And hEriTAGE PArK & ThE CArOni bird SAnCTuArY Sunday, May 12, 2013From 8:30 AM to 6:30 PM

uTT YOunG ArTiST COnCErT SEriES fT JESSiE MCbArrOwFriday, May 17, 2013Starts at 7:00 PM 742-5511, 773-2121 or 374-2400

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In a statement about Mas Man, Dalton Narine’s recent documentary on his life and art, mas genius Peter Minshall paid tribute, once again, to the fancy sailor character:

“The mas had made something truly original, like the surreal fancy sailor, like nothing you had ever seen or imagined, so different, this extension or widening of the accepted terms of human apparel.”

Now, the National Museum and Art Gallery of Trinidad and Tobago has re-open our permanent Carnival Gallery with “King Sailor” – an exhibition of sailor costumes, drawings and photographs of the many avatars of this seminal mas character.

In this show we present The Mt Hope Connection, a Carnival archive belonging to Keith Carrington and Keith Ramirez, whose Fancy Sailor band has been in existence for the past 29 years, although Carrington has been a King Sailor since the 1960s.

According to Carrington, “The mas camp is in Macoya. We move off from the corner of Duke and Frederick Streets on Carnival Monday and

Tuesday, and continue to partner with the St Michael Boys’ School. Since 2007 we have been participating in St Lucia’s Carnival, providing the only 70-strong sailor band accompanied by a steelband. We have many trophies at the band-house. We won Small Band of the Year three times.”

This exhibition also includes a series of discussions on “Archiving our Carnival Arts”. We hope this will encourage discussions and documentation of traditional mas. The National Museum is committed to both the preservation of the past carnival arts and the development of their futurein Trinidad and Tobago. “The Mt Hope Connection” is a collaboration with the Carnival Institute of Trinidad and Tobago, which has documented and conserved part of the collection.

The exhibition opens on Monday 29th April at 2 pm at the National Museum and Art Gallery.

exhibition opening:

Monday 29th April at 2:00 pm at your national Museum and Art Gallery

This weekend the Fyzabad Connection drama group provides a special treat for theatre lovers – the presentation of Zeno Obi Constance’s “The Cinderella Syndrome”, winner of 17 awards at the just-concluded Secondary Schools Drama Festival. This time around it is all part of the Prime Minister’s Best Village Theatre preliminaries to be held on Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 April at the Fyzabad Secondary (Composite) School auditorium starting at 6.30 pm nightly.

Fyzabad Connection Drama Group, top ten finishers at the Best Village finals every year since 2007, and champions in 2008, serves

up Constance’s educational and entertaining “The Cinderella Syndrome”, easily one of the playwright’s most popular and dynamic scripts.

Directed by Kalifa Cross, herself a former multiple award winner at both the schools festival and at Best Village, the now-popular theme of domestic violence finds a passionate outlet in Constance’s re telling of the Cinderella fairy tale. Abused housewife Virginia Dubois, like her fictional counterpart, finds solace in her own fantasies. Condemned and confined to an asylum, she relives and reviews her tragic life story, caught between her twin psyches of fairy tale heroine and suffering housewife.

Charmaine Lake as Virginia Dubois/Cinderella, Joseph Lopez as the Prince and Marcia La Rode as the stepmother lead a cast of talented performers who will for the first time offer an adult interpretation of this popular play produced nine times previously at the schools festival with a enviable six final night appearances.

Tickets at $50 are available at the Fyzabad Secondary School and from members of the Fyzabad Connection.

Fyzabad connection offers the cinderella syndrome

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The trinidad+tobago film festival (ttff) is set to kick off its most ambitious community cinema initiative to date, the second annual Community CINErgy series, with ttff’s leading sponsor bpTT. The series, which will consist of six free events combining film screenings and live entertainment in open-air settings, begins on April 27 and runs until June 9.

First up is a screening of the film Windjammers, at the Trinidad and Tobago Sailing Association in Chaguaramas, on Friday April 27. Directed by Kareem Mortimer of the Bahamas, this inspiring story tells of a teenage girl who comes of age through sailing. On Saturday April 28 the series moves to UWI, St. Augustine, where the supernatural thriller Buck: The Man Spirit, directed by T&T’s Steven Taylor, will be shown. Then on Sunday April 29, award-winning T&T-British director Horace Ové’s classic cricket film, Playing Away, will be shown at Adam Smith Square in Woodbrook.

A poignant and tender Indian love story, Valley of Saints, follows next, at San Fernando Hill on Saturday May 11. Written and directed by Musa Syeed, the film is set on the beautiful Dal Lake in Kashmir. The series concludes with a weekend of family-oriented activities and films at the Buccoo Integrated Complex in Tobago on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 June. This event takes place in association with the Healing with Horses Foundation and the Growing Leaders Foundation.

Admission to all the film screenings is free and food and drinks will be on sale at all venues except Adam Smith Square, where audiences are invited to bring their own refreshments. Details of individual screenings will be released soon. The ttff is presented by Flow and given leading sponsorship by bpTT and RBC Royal Bank. For more information, please call 621-0709 or visit

t&t Film Festival and bptt set tokick off community cinema series

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WesPic: Magic that Movesif you had the power to helpother people make magic,would you use it?For Wesley Nicholls of WESPIC: Marketing & Design Development, the answer is undeniably, “Yes.”

WesLey nichOLLs

“The modern world of manipulating graphic imagery is nothing short of making magic. And just as with any other type of magic, this is a powerful tool that can transform people’s lives,” notes the tall, expressive business owner, who knows all too well how honing one’s talent can lead to success.

Nicholls hosts intensive, innovative graphic imaging and photography certificate courses in Adobe© Photoshop and Illustrator, designed to enable the growing numbers of individuals who dream of crafting a career out of these tools and their talents.“The times are exciting for people who have that skill. Opportunities exist, and can also be made,” he declares.

The course runs for six weeks, and past students enthusiastically describe the fun, inventive and beneficial elements of the classes. To ensure students remain alert and interested, Nicholls throws in surprising, engaging exercises in each class.It is an attitude that also serves the company in its business ventures.“Marketing and advertising have had to become more vibrant, dynamic and full of life to compete for modern consumer attention. That’s why WESPIC came up

with the concept of solutions that move: creativity that comes alive and inspires people to want to do things.”

Nicholls understands that ingenious development and quality service steeped in integrity is the way to win people’s hearts while at the same time giving them what they need to thrive.“Whether it’s a big client or someone who signed up for the graphics class, I want to ensure that people are really helped, and can go on to help themselves. That’s like teaching someone how to make magic in their life.”

The WESPIC classes have been running successfully for several years, and the people who have gone on to use what they learned to advance their lives are numerous. “It’s a means to self-empowerment. I’m just really glad to facilitate that kind of goodness for others,” Nicholls concludes.

WESPIC organises several of the six-week courses each year, so if one is missed, there’s another sure to soon follow. For further information, log on to:

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Keeva’sstyling frenzy!

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Who is Keeva Suzanne Rykiel Chase? Well, Team OMG sat down with her for a chat and discovered that this 24-year-old woman has adopted “Whatever happens, happens for a reason and it is definitely a blessing in disguise” as her mantra for life.

Some of you may have seen her on the streets and thought she looked like a model straight off a fashion runway. Perhaps you have seen her at the University of the Southern Caribbean because she’s pursuing the same degree as you – Behavioural Sciences and Psychology. The truth is, she is all of these but she wants to be known as something more – a fashion stylist! She has begun her journey and while she has managed to work on many photo shoots including Trinidad James’, she views it as merely a drop in the bucket. Keeva has big dreams for herself and the fashion industry in Trinidad and Tobago.

Unlikely as it sounds, Keeva’s story began with the viewing of an animated movie, “Roger Rabbit.” She became engrossed by the fashion and amazing signature look of Ms. Jessica Rabbit, also referred to as Ms. Va Va Voom. As Keeva got older she pursued skills in video production, make-up artistry and soap-making. She gained experience in video production at The Good News media company in 2009 and developed her abilities in make-up artistry and soap making at courses facilitated by the Ministry of Community Development. Keeva chose to pursue her degree in Behavioural Science and Psychology at the University of the Southern Caribbean whilst simultaneously advancing in her passion of styling.

She has expressed how exciting it is being a stylist and also working with Anderson Pierre whom she considers to be one of the best in the industry. Pierre is also known for his work for P. Noire Vou Image and Company. Keeva wants to improve and help build the fashion industry. She wants fashion designers, artistes and professionals in every area of government and industry to be in the limelight. She wants people to know that the use of a fashion stylist to shop for the right outfit and dress them for those special occasions can make all the difference in their appearance and visual impact. She wants everyone to know that professional styling is now a necessary and important part in projecting and building their public and professional image.

Keeva’sstyling frenzy!By Amelia C Ramjarrie

Photographer Stephen Doobal

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Photography and interview | Stephen Doobal

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Headlines Cuff 05

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It is safe to say that Dwayne Hinds has singlehandedly brought an energy and excitement to Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) fighting not only in Trinidad and Tobago but the Caribbean, in a very short time. He has created quite a ripple in the world MMA scene. Team OMG was excited to meet with Dwayne in St James at Rough House where he, together with Adam De Silva, provides coaching, group strength and conditioning training for competitors in various combat sports, as well as facilities and equipment for personal training. Dwayne is preparing for CUFF’05 which takes place on Saturday May 11 at O2 Park, Chaguaramas. He is part of the headline feature against Mike “Taylor Made” Wade of Virginia, USA. Hinds is extremely excited about the match. He says, “It’s the biggest fight of my life and the biggest international fight the Caribbean has ever seen and it is taking place at CUFF ’05. Dwayne is ranked 21st in the world as an undefeated fighter and 220th in the world overall rankings.

Dwayne was born in Diego Martin, and migrated to the United States when he was just three years old. He was always a good athlete growing up but it was not until he was 14 years old at high school that he found his calling in martial arts. It was then that he got introduced to Greco-Roman wrestling. Growing up with three brothers he was always used to physical confrontation, so wrestling came

naturally to him. He excelled at the sport, earned a district championship and was selected to the All New Jersey All-Star Team by the time he was a senior. From there he went on to have a successful collegiate career.

Dwayne decided to return to Trinidad to live after graduating from university. Once in T&T he wanted to stay active in combat sports and since there was no wrestling in T&T he decided to try judo. After practicing judo for less than a year Dwayne captured the Trinidad and Tobago national championship as only a green belt. Thirsty for more competition he decided to give the fastest growing sport in the world, mixed martial arts, a shot.

Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a full contact combat sport that allows the use of both striking and grappling techniques, both standing and on the ground, from a variety of other combat sports. The roots of modern mixed martial arts can be traced back to the ancient Olympics where one of the earliest documented systems of codified full range unarmed combat was in the sport of “Pankration”, a martial art introduced into the Greek Olympic Games in 648 BC and founded as a blend of boxing and wrestling but with scarcely any rules. Various mixed-style contests took place throughout Europe, Japan and the Pacific Rim during the early 1900s. The combat sport of vale tudo that had developed in Brazil from the 1920s was brought to the United States by the Gracie family in 1993 with the founding of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) which is now the largest mixed martial arts promotion company in the world, hosting most of the top-ranked fighters in the sport and producing events worldwide. Dwayne’s dream is to make it on the UFC stage. He says just one fight at UFC would make him happy; he could retire after that.

When asked what his days are like, Dwayne says, “It consists of work, sleep and training, a lot of sacrifices but I consider myself a professional so I try to treat my time and training as my job and what I do professionally and apply the same discipline to manage my growth and development. I try to

get in a minimum of six to eight hours of gym, six days a week. There are days I hate to train, but I look at myself as a professional and I know these are the requirements to make it, so I do the work.”

As for the work he is doing with the young people at Rough House he says, "We have tremendous talent coming out of here. We are only a year and a half old and we have already placed second in the national boxing tournament, we have three judo national champions, two SAMBO national champions and so we are very pleased at how we are growing.” Dwayne says what really hurts him is how difficult sponsorship has been to come by. He feels corporate Trinidad and Tobago should get involved because MMA is the fastest growing sport in the world and fans are very passionate about it. Right now MMA surpasses boxing on pay-per-view, so it is the next big thing. Internationally it is blowing up also. He says if he had the right financial support, he would not have to do his job eight hours a day, then train eight hours and have the next eight hours for rest. He would be able to comfortably dedicate all his time to becoming the best. He however says there are a few sponsors who have been dedicated with their support and without Kee-Chanona Ltd he would not be where he is today. He wanted to also acknowledge the support of VEMCO, HARDCO and Nestle.

Dwayne’s OMG moment happened when he entered his first Pan American SAMBO championships in 2012. He said he went in there mostly as a learning experience and was excited to compete with top international fighters. The Pan American SAMBO championships featured fighters from 26 countries including USA, Panama, Brazil and Argentina. Dwayne was able to come away with a gold medal for Trinidad and Tobago. That is a moment he will never forget and a moment he cherishes with much pride.

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cLAn WArs 7 -dWAyne hinds v henry FAdiPe

dWAyne hindsMMA FiGht BArBAdOs


Ronaldo Roberts


Stephen Doobal

cUFF 04 - the shOt (dWAyne hinds vs UFc vet GideOn rAy)

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POP MOnTrEAL ShOwCASE April 18, 2013

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where the real limers go in Trinbago!


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LE ChAndOnApril 14, 2013

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where the real limers go in Trinbago!


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Ronaldo Roberts Photographer

Stephen Doobal

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JOAshWALKins22, AriMA, bOxEr/ MixEd MArTiAL ArTiSTBy Amelia C Ramjarrie

Nail-biting and pulsating are just two adjectives that are fit to describe the viewing of a martial arts professional executing his moves. Joash Walkins, a 22-year-old from Arima, has the ability to give you those experiences. I wouldn’t dare get into a fight with him. He is well versed in judo, boxing and other martial arts disciplines. Not convinced? Well, here is your evidence. When he pursued the sport of judo, Joash won three national championships consecutively from ages 10 to 12. At the tender age of 12, he was nominated for Sportsman of the Year. At age 13 he secured a bronze medal in judo at the Pan American Games held in Haiti in 2003. In the same year, he won at the National Boxing Championships in Trinidad and Tobago.

Although he was very successful in these fields, he decided to throw his hat into the ring of mixed martial arts. He proved to be successful in this sport as well. Why did he decide to make the switch? When Joash chatted with OMG Magazine he told us of a former colleague from his first love, judo, who encouraged him to explore mixed martial arts. So he began training at the Mixed Martial Arts Club located in El Dorado. His sweat, sacrifices and time did not go to waste. Joash was able to win all his grappling matches and his first fight. He also won his second fight in Martinique against a native, Geoffrey Mayne.

When he was asked if he thought he could make a living out of this, he simply replied, “I believed I was born to be a sportsman. Therefore to ensure that I do make a good living I need to train every day, surround myself with good people, have a lot of promotions and marketing.”

Joash is excited about his upcoming match against Daniel Trevino of Texas. All of these are just stepping stones. He has big dreams for himself. He wants to fight at the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). This is the largest mixed martial arts promotion company in the world which hosts most of the top-ranked fighters in the sport and produces events worldwide. Persistence and hard work cannot be strangers on the journey of accomplishing his dream.

In case you were wondering, Joash’s OMG moment is actually one of his most outstanding achievements thus far. It is when he placed seventh at the World Championships in Belarus.

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Mac Miller Ft. DJ Jazzy Jeff - “CPR”

T.I. Feat. Kendrick Lamar, B.o.B & Kris Stephens -

“Memories Back Then”

Twista ft. R. Kelly - “Throwin’ My Money”

Juicy J Ft. Pimp C, Young Jeezy & T.I. -

“Show Out (Remix)”

Skillet - “American Noise”

Will.I.Am feat. Justin Bieber - “That Power”

ThirTy SecondS To MarS - “Up in The air”

MackLeMore & ryan LewiS’ fT ray daLTon - “can’T hoLd US”

aLicia keyS & MaxweLL - “fire we Make”

david GUeTTa fT. akon & ne-yo- “pLay hard”

rick roSS fT. oMarion- “ice coLd”


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Take a taste of the hottest movie trailers on the planet...

See our full line-up of movie trailers every Friday @ 5pm and Saturday @ 5:25pm... Exclusively on

The internship

Thor: The dark world The numbers Station


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The latest song from Sanjay Gupta’s action flick is just about average but with some great cinematographySanjay Gupta has loaded Shootout at Wadala with a whole lot of item songs. So it was a pleasant surprise to come across a number where there were no unnecessary loud and fast beats or latka jhatkas just for publicity sake!

The song Aye Manya shows some good old-fashion male bonding taking place along the streets of Mumbai. In the video, we see John Abraham driving an open jeep, as four of his cronies includingTusshar Kapoor and

Siddhanth Kapoor follow him on motorcycles. It seems John is pissed off about something and his friends try to pacify him with beer!

While the song is strictly average and the music is nothing great, what stands out is the cinematography. The dim streets of Mumbai look familiar and the smoky atmosphere that Gupta has built is definitely striking. Looks like the director has retained his Kaante touch while making the song!

Aye Manya song from shootout at Wadala:John Abraham, tusshar Kapoor and siddhantKapoor get drunk on Mumbai’s streets!

checK OUtthe videO

riya vij aka Gippi wanted to be as tall as Aishwarya rai BachchanThe cute main lead from Karan Johar’s upcoming production confesses that just like any other kid even she dreamt of looking like a typical Bollywood heroine Riya Vij confesses that she is not a hardcore Bollywood fan. But that didn’t stop her from admiring the gorgeous babes of our film fraternity.

So in a recent interview, the chubby bundle of joy from Gippirevealed that she neither had any fancy dreams of working

in Bollywood nor did she harbour any kind of notions that she will be a top-notch heroine someday. In fact, all she wanted was to look like one of these hot B-town babes since she’s slightly conscious of her weight.

“I never thought of being a part of a Karan Johar film before, but like every other child I always dreamt of being as pretty as Kareena Kapoor and as tall as Aishwarya Rai Bachchan,” Riya disclosed while talking to us. Wethinks you are way more attractive and prettier than Bebo and Ash, Riya! Waiting to watch your fun, prank-filled, film!

checK OUtthe trAiLer

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The Superstar’s daughter Soundarya Ashwin tweets the exclusive picture of her much talked-about forthcoming production. Tell us do you like it!For those who have been waiting impatiently to get a glimpse of Rajinikanth’s character from his forthcoming movie Kochadaiyaan,

here is the first official still revealing the much talked-about character Rajini sir will be playing in the production. The picture was tweeted on a microblogging site by the Superstar’s daughter Soundarya Ashwin, who has been busy with post production work of the movie co-starring Deepika Padukone.

In this first look poster, we see Rajini playing two interesting-looking characters – Kochadaiyaan and his son Rana. If Kochadaiyaan is a loyal commander of a great emperor, his son Rana is a warrior. The two look larger-than-life and absolutely dramatic. We were surprised to see the 64-year-old star’s digitally created six-packs and toned torso. The movie also stars Jackie Shroff, Shobana, Aadi Pinisetty, R Sarath Kumar and Nassar. The film’s music is by AR Rahman and it will release simultaneously in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and English this July.

Kochadaiyaan first look:rajinikanth sports six-pack abs!

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artist of the week


Ronaldo Roberts Photographer

Stephen Doobal

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artist of the week


Alianna Grant can be called a fashion designer, teacher, fashionista, poet but most importantly she is a jewellery artiste whose brand is called The Li Collection.Alianna just 25 years old and has already been involved in many projects, hence the various hats she wears. Regardless, it’s safe to call her a jewellery artiste with a deep passion for making custom-made pieces. She claims working in this field “is like a meditation.”OMG Magazine recently chatted with Alianna about her work and the jewellery-making scene in Trinidad and Tobago. when did you decide you wanted to become a jewellery artiste?After I left teaching. I loved teaching and it wasn’t because it didn’t make me happy. It is just that it wasn’t me. Six months after leaving teaching, I was dabbling in a few side jobs. I had a wedding to attend and it was last minute so I couldn’t find anything, so I said I would make my own accessories. I did and people asked me, “Where you get this Alianna?” I replied, “I made them.” “They were like, you are serious? You should sell this.” But I second-guessed myself and I said it was for family. Often I would give them away and I did not charge. If I did charge, I would charge next to nothing. how did your jewellery business get started?Well, after people said “You know, you should put your stuff on Twitter or Facebook,” I decided to make a business page on Facebook. It just took off from there. I also had pieces in Carnaby Street and Mill House. But I couldn’t keep up with the sales from the store and Facebook. I decided to just do all my sales via the Facebook page.

what were some of the challenges you faced as a jewellery artiste?Making accessories for the guys. I was scared that it wouldn’t be masculine enough. I always found it looked girlie. But they loved it. what is the process for creating your jewellery?There is an idea in my head. Like I want to work with some colours really badly or certain combinations of fabric and jewels. Or if someone sends the colour of their outfit or if I see their outlook, frame or size I would know how to design it. Also knowing the occasion it is for. is there anything you would like our readers to know?I would like to acknowledge everyone who has appreciated and supported my work. I want to thank my mother, who for the first time is supporting me. When I wanted to be an air hostess she said, “That is a glorified maid.” Everything I wanted to do, she would frown upon it, even when I wanted to teach. But when I started this, she gravitated towards this. My dad was another surprise. My dad was a typical male, just cruising, but when I started to do this he was so wrapped up with showing off my stuff to his friends. Even before I had my interviews with the newspapers, anyone that came home he would say, “my child really talented, bring this to show this one and that one”. Also my cousins who push me. One cousin in particular says to me, “Go hard or go home!” what is your OMG moment?This interview is my OMG moment. I am a private person, so sitting here talking to you and sharing my experience is like breaking off shells. Thank you…

AliannaGrant25, PORT OF SPAIN

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The Li Collection

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dMX has a bone to pick with Oprah over drug interviewStory

DMX says the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) tricked him into spilling his guts during a recent interview – in which the rapper came off as erratic and strung out – and now he’s out for revenge.

DMX is furious over his sit-down with Iyanla Vanzant on her show “Iyanla: Fix My Life,” which aired on OWN. During the chat Iyanla asked X about his rampant drug use and he didn’t hold back – appearing unhinged.

But DMX tells us ... Iyanla pulled a fast one. She was supposed to ask him about his addiction to WOMEN ... not drugs ... and the dope questions were NEVER cleared beforehand.

He says, “Iyanla set the whole thing up to make me look bad for ratings,” adding, “That lady is toxic .”

X tells us he’s already contacted his team to explore legal options – and wants the footage removed from OWN... or else.

Despite accidentally shooting himself in the face with a speargun last week, Bruno Barcellos de Souza Coutinho of Brazil will somehow manage to leave the hospital with his brain intact.

The 34-year-old fisherman was reportedly cleaning his fishing gear when the weapon discharged, causing a spear to enter his skull through the left eye socket.Amazingly, de Souza Coutinho remained conscious, and even refused to seek medical care, forcing his aunt to phone

the fire department.Doctors at Santa Teresa Hospital say the harpoon had penetrated nearly six inches into his skull, but somehow missed vital arteries by mere millimetres.They also noted that de Souza Coutinho appeared to have sustained a negligible amount of brain damage.He did, however, lose all vision out of his left eye, but doctors were able to save the eyeball.

If his condition continues to improve, de Souza Coutinho could be released as early as later this week.

harpoon pierces man’s skull in cleaning accident, doesn’t damage brain

eArL siMMOns- AKA dMX

[h/t: ArBrOAth, PhOtOs viA sAntA teresA hOsPitAL]

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Men deemed ‘too handsome’ deported from saudi Arabia for fear they would be irresistible to women

At least three men attending an annual culture festival in Saudi Arabia were kicked out of the country after religious police officers deemed them “too handsome” to stay.

The men, delegates from the United Arab Emirates, were minding their own business at the Jenadrivah Heritage & Cultural Festival in Riyadh when members of the mutaween suddenly “stormed” the pavilion and removed the men by force.

“A festival official said the three Emiratis were taken out on the grounds they are too handsome and that the Commission [for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention

of Vices] members feared female visitors could fall for them,” the Arabic-language newspaper Elaph reported this week.

The Emirati delegates were subsequently deported back to their home country.According to an official statement released by the UAE delegation following the incident, it seems the religious police were unnerved by the presence of an unnamed female artist from the UAE.

“Her visit to the UAE stand was a coincidence as it was not included in the programme which we had already provided to the festival’s management,” said UAE delegation head Saeed Al Kaabi in his apology to festival officials.

Ciara invites you to go behind the velvet rope in the sensual video for “Body Party,” the first single off her self-titled album. In the X-directed clip, she goes over to a house party, where she meets Future. The Atlanta rapper can’t keep his eyes off her as she dances with her girls in a scene reminiscent of Janet Jackson’s “That’s the Way Love Goes.”

She heads outside and Future follows, introducing himself while daydreaming about their future together. In the dream sequence,

CiCi performs a sexy striptease for her man by the fireplace.

He comes back to reality and tells her that she will soon be his (“They don’t call me the Future for no reason”). While she remains coy to his face, she is sprung. “He reads,” says CiCi when he walks away.

Nicki Minaj took to Twitter to praise the video. “BIIIIIIIITTTTTTCCCCCHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! U DID DOT!!!!!!!!” she tweeted. “@ciara im finna practice that handstand backflip shit fo my secret man! LMFAOOOOOOOO.”

The visuals were shot in Ciara’s hometown of Atlanta and include cameos from Ludacris, Trinidad James, and Jazze Pha.

ciArA –‘BOdy PArty’

checK OUtciArA’s neWvideO JUstcLicK here

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3d printedsonogramsfor blindparents

How’s this for a great use for emerging technology? Combine a sonogram that gives a 3D rendering of a foetus with 3D printing, and you produce a plastic model of the baby months before birth. This goes a long way toward allowing the vision-impaired to feel the shape and size of the baby, whether it’s the mother or other family members. Industrial designer Jorge Roberto Lopes dos Santos is putting that technology to work.

His company Tecnologia Humana 3D has been developing new ways to build three-dimensional computer models using data from sonograms and other imaging techniques after initially setting out to enhance prenatal diagnostic tools.

The work took a new direction when dos Santos realised that printing these models would give visually impaired mothers-to-be a chance to meet their babies in utero.

“We work mainly to help physicians when there is some eventual possibility of malformation,” dos Santos said. “We also work for parents who want to have the models of their foetuses in 3D.”Tecnologia Humana designs the models with sophisticated programs that produce highly detailed simulations of a fetus’ anatomy that doctors can examine virtually.

So of course the technology will also be available to those who don’t need it but can afford it. Soon, when you ask an expectant father how his wife is doing, and he may pull out a tiny plastic fetus instead of the currently used sonogram printout. Link -via io9

(iMAGe credit: tecnOLOGiA hUMAnA 3d)

Dutch artist Noortje de Keijzer knitted a life-size man as part of her design school graduation.

“I created Arthur because I felt like it was time for a man in my life,” she told OPTIONS, a design shop in Amsterdam where the work was displayed last summer. “I could say that’s a joke, but it is partly true. I’ve always been interested in loneliness.

I felt very lonely at times, and I’m sure everybody feels lonely from time to time. The strange part is that it seems like it’s an emotion nobody

really talks about. As if it’s something to be ashamed of, a bad feeling that should always be avoided.”

And knitwear designer Sarena Huizinga knitted subsequent versions on an industrial knitting machine: “Partly because of practical reasons,” de Keijzer said, “and partly because I found it an exciting idea that a knitted man could just come out of a machine in one piece in a very short time, as if he was being born!”

dUtch Artist nOOrtJe de KeiJzer Knitted A LiFe-size MAn As PArt OF her desiGn schOOL GrAdUAtiOn.

Why having a knitted boyfriend is better than an actual boyfriend

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Reese Witherspoon shows a bit of smile in this newly released mugshot after her arrest in the early morning hours of Friday (April 19) in Atlanta.

The 37-year-old actress and her husband, Jim Toth, whose mugshot is also pictured, is facing a disorderly conduct charge while Jim is facing a DUI charge after blowing a .139 on a breathalyzer test.

Reese and Jim made their first public appearance since the incident at the premiere of Mud.

reese Witherspoon: Mugshot revealed after arrest

The toxins in hookah smoke may be different from that of cigarette smoke, but that doesn’t make it any less harmful, according to a new study.

In fact, researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, found that urine levels of benzene byproduct – linked with higher leukemia risk – and breath levels of carbon monoxide levels – which are particularly bad for people with heart risks – were higher after smoking hookah (a water pipe), compared with smoking cigarettes. The new findings are published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.

“People want to know if it is a lesser health risk if they switch from cigarettes to smoking a water pipe on a daily basis,” study researcher Peyton Jacob III, Ph.D., a research chemist at the university who is based at the San Francisco General Hospital and Trauma Center, said in a statement. “We found that water-pipe smoking is not a safe

alternative to cigarette smoking, nor is it likely to be an effective harm-reduction strategy.”

Researchers analysed toxins inhaled by eight men and five women, who had all smoked cigarettes and hookah before. For the study, the

participants smoked an average of 11 cigarettes a day or three water pipe sessions a day.

The researchers found that the participants inhaled acrylamide (linked with damage to the nervous

system), acrolein (which can irritate the eye, throat and nose), benzene, carbon monoxide and naphthalene (which can damage red blood cells)

when they smoked hookah. Levels of benzene byproduct were doubled and breath levels of carbon monoxide were more than doubled after the participants smoked hookah, compared with smoking cigarettes. Researchers did find that nicotine intake was lower among the hookah-smokers than the cigarette smokers.

“You’re basically burning a charcoal briquette on top of the tobacco

… and most of what you’re smoking is a moist fruit preparation, which is mixed with the tobacco. It smells good and it tastes good,” study researcher Neal Benowitz explained in the statement.But “in addition to delivering toxic substances from the charcoal and tobacco, the heat causes chemical reactions in the mixture, which produce toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs),” Jacob said in the statement. “Some PAHs are highly carcinogenic and can cause lung cancer.”

hookah smoking no less harmfulthan cigarettes, study finds

reese WithersPOOnMUGshOt- reese WithersPOOn

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t e l e v i s i o n c o m m e r c i a l s

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2A Central Warehousing Complex, Charlieville, Trinidad & • • [email protected]

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