olympus photomicrographic systems - alan woodaccessories lor 250 film - 250 film s.c:k 1,250film...


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Page 1: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO


Page 2: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

Simple, Efficient Operation For Higher-Quality Photomicrography

O'ympus otters a wide array d phofo­mictor}taI:iIic systems, ranging fromsq::histjcat9d, top-Okhe-h models thatyiet1supefb~ with a6~~ leChniques and lnJerf?o'ef'I~~ l? /he~modeJsfhal ale~cost effective. ModJa(~~n

aIows t1JBse Oympus~~ 10 be used lor a variety r:J timsizes and emt.Csb1s, .... combinatkJn withaJ models r:J ()ympu$~""" ()ympu>-­Systems can cq:J9 with a wide diversityd~neads.aympus__S>sfems_1he

Rricate and ccmp1eJc pholomicrographrasks that normaIy recpire plOlesSiOllaJleCffliqoos and experience. 10 a panwhere easy and faultless cpefation is

".,.- '"""""'"

'1 CwrIlSyClDl Shir;l<Amimur•. Des-rlll'letllolIli<*llll' CoIIogiIoIAI,. """'~,~ ClI-'2.~ 01 Or ..u>otI'I __ DI ..v.etwoF.....-.e..-ol~_~.... __ AIMacIl e.m.

"3. CwrIlSy III IotI" __•GeIIllioIollY~Ubcr-.ry Sd'IOOIol~_~

Page 3: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

."'-e-tr.t e..---.... 01 ,........-..h.....,.-.~ NFIC3.:llQ..O


Page 4: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

Automatic Photomicrographic SystemsPM-10ADS, PM-10AD

AcMlleed Systems Allow SuperbPhoIOlT.iaOQiOlph, - EIsIfy /II'Id underAny Photographic CooditloosThe Models PM-lOADS and PM·lew>Iealure OJ tUf.infTlIC~oorlllolltlalauIOOIaIeS rn.d1 d the CO'tlplllK CJP&f311Ol'la1~ Ihal depend on the skill andexpenenoe cf the cpetalOI' in con.<et1iore1sysIemS. Qher~rt lealuresincUie a Silicon 8l.oe CeI (SaC) phoIo sensorwiltl ir'r'pOo'I:!d sensrlMty and a real-lme~rrEaSUring~. The~I~!abe characaenSlics imereft in varlWS~ 01 film are Sklred in the fTlIC~•

eoabIirg these syswwns to COfI8Cl lor sensni­YIly losses dJfrglong elo:P05Ures. In aldIion.exposure iIdjusVnerts can be made 10 matchthe safTllIe's bnghlness dislIbJllOl'l, resutlingrI~ accurate aulCIITIaIiC expoQ.I'e 001'IIOI.regardless 01 1r'PJ c:haf'geS in pIloIograc:ncCXlI'1ltOOns. Other ctIIerse IIn:tlOf1S n:lldepa~pt..... '..rograph)' WIth an AlIIo~e (AE) lock, nut(lle extJ05Ure pholo­micrograp'ly, 16mm CI!'I8 camera 00I'I'0ali­bility, and $nllIe. precISe ooIor letr1)eralure



ISO_ling __--RIleIproelIy '-lIunl (:0l>8e90"-_....

_ 35Iml1lm Ilame)



3_- 4.000 (35mn). 25 - 25.fKlOo-~ loImal!­0.25)( - of)( In lncrllfTllllU 01 113~SIcnId In 1he mlcrooompulllf.~nnel dioaI sell!ngs

Estmallld Of~ 1oClUIl8lqXllUre lime can De JoekedIrdcIlIII8IllWillllld lIIlqXlMlr8 lime, lime ~"'"Il1OOOliiPlle~ srw;lllC1u.l~ time. AIcall a11he

aetuaI eaposure lime IIJ1Cl1dl111

''''-l'llo ~130'llo~~MIeI"Il

e-n-80'llo,~~ 20'110~ll' g·IlO'M..eoIor~~20'lIo

~ film 8ltoInce, film CICIl.Wtef. tlliIl-In IgIt .o.dng

--...~OM&ts*n Aewt...~~••~"".F.-n 1_"'1IO~,TypteEl9(eokW. 1S08C3. ?,ope Il61(8 &W ISO 30XJl


Page 5: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

PM· lOADThe PM·lOAD features a 60% average lightmeasurement, its Olr.er functions are essen­tlal!'i identieallO those of the PM·lOADS.

- ...~:....-.

- I

',.,.i<'~li' ,/:

/. ,---_.... ~

PM·lOADSMeasurng area seIecllOn. varying oorweenspar measurement{l'" 01 a 3&mI g~h_1 and avet'ag8 mea5Uremet'll (30% 01 a3&mI f~ hamel adjUsled by a knob on I1leside panel of the autD"T1a11C eqlOSlJle txxtvThe Will'" spal measufemenl capatJ"tyPfOiI(leS optll'TUTl exposue easily eYeIl

unde! WIdely Yaryll'lg IighlIJ1g 00f"dt1Clll&. as IS

ohen expenenced ...men IlUO........ellCe ordatldield~ Ife used

, 5 - 25,600!~J, 6 - 2S.~{!II'V! 1otm8l)0.25)l - ,Ix In lnc:","*", 011/3 RIpI

StoNd In the~,8 en.m.l dlIIliIIIltlr9lEsl~Of pr..tote .,.... -.poeure Ii'Tle' e.n l» lodl8d

,ndlcatIllI_'-.d~!lmll, lme~ 10~ ......n __~ Iimll, Rec.Il 01 thepreoricI.JIlICluII tIlPC*n timlIlI~

_~ IIgN atI:l beepIr


c.r-&l%.~l t ,.16%.. -.poan~20%

c.n-llO"Ito.~"*"20%~ 7 capttl)'Io.cdor ............ "'CIdl*20%

~""tIlMra,an~.~.~...... AoctJD ot.l~ AKt:Dii a.cbF.-nI«G....dIcl ""889fco1or.lS08q,~8S7

+18&W.I9O~I .·xS· .........ar_



AIclptoclIy lallre OOfrect~

AuIDm8IIc~ loeIl

Page 6: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

Sophisticated Photomicrographic Systems Incorporate AllNecessary Functions


35mm earner. B«:k with Aulom.tk: Aim........The ITOJrized film -m1'108 elmoaIes !heneed 101' maruaI wrdn;l. wNle plwenlll"9<b.tlle exposure. 0t.A S>f.;lIem Rec:OIdMaBacks can be rrourIed on !he camera back.

Ught·Exdudlng Shutt..-When !he 35mm e<mera badlls delaehed.ltIs srotlef~ cloges. thuspre.oerklg 1tle fim 'lOTI bewlg 8lqXl68Cl1Oambienlli!tt.

s..B.c. Photo SensorAn extremety stIDle Silioon BU8 Gel (S8Clboosts~ resp:nse ard sensilMty.pemlil:ling ac:c:urate measufemenl eY8f'I atlow IiltIlIevels Of 'NIth rape! cI'Iatges inilU'ninaIlOfl i'let'6ily

ContIctins Electrom.gnetic Shuttet"Vilrali(n.lree deslgn preo.oerts lJI"IN<lntedstuter m::M!mert ffOOl being transmlled lOItle p'...... licJographIe image p1arJ8, espe.~ significar1 et.Jnng~p/"OomiCtograpl"f.

TlnII-Positlon Color Coded Ugh P1IthS.leclor

0epeI dil9 on~ I brigttness a~operalOr selectIOn, the IolIooWJg threep:l5it1()r"S alIt» Iighl path selector plisr'ns are.......·CE mocle (whilel

Camera: 80%, exposure meier 20%-CVE mode (green)

Camera: 64%. FocusIng telescope 16%.Exposure melElf 20%

•VCT mcde (yellow)

FocUSing te4escope. 80%,CoIof temperature rnocJ.J~. 20'10

(J) One·Tooctl Mea.urlng AI'" Selector(pM·lOADS Only)

YelloN (ou!): 1% spa! meawremenlGreen (in): 30'10 lMlrag& measurernenl<l> AulOffilll1c Correction of Reciprocity

FlIllure Chara:terl.tIclDuring lof9-lerm exposure, any type 01 limcan experience exposure ditrlculty li:Je toirnerer1 r~ocity failure challlClerislics.The PM·' DADS and PM·, ClAD SlOIee-efy ~1,1I r,nfs r~ity failurech.aracleristies 10 enstJlB automatic 8ItP06Ureadjustmeft 5rnpIy sellhe'~CorrectlOfl Dial 10 malCh the f*n being used.

Page 7: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

LED D6g1tIil D1spgyThe PM·1OADS and PM-1CWJ <IgnaIydi:sPIay the eslmated eq:osure lrne. \meremallWlQ 10~ the exposure, and lheaetuiII e:lO;lOSUre lme. Olhef d\gIlal ciSpIiIysinckJde ellpOSUre CO"lPflllS3llOl'l acc:ordiI'g 10sarT1llB's bnghtness dstrbrtJon, CO'rec:llOl'l ofthe lilrn's ,eopoc:il~ Iailure chillilCle1SICS,ISO senr0g5, and Iitm SlZ'e.

(j) RNl·TIme lMaaing SystemIn lKXillOl'110 an LEO disptiIy Ihat digIlaI'fin:icales eslmated film exposure lime, thePM-10A0S and PM·IOAD urrts au1OI'T'IatJCaICO'rect lhe aplBIfe lome wtiIe measunngIigt1 ntensily on a real-tme baSIS ThtsetiminaleS the etlects of variat*! ptQJgrapt»cCO' dlJOi lIS and results ., optnun exposure..@ AE Lodo: (Auto Exposure Lodo:jArorhef acMw1agll of lhe buill'"fl"ic1OCCll'lllUfel' is the AE. lock capabiilywtMch~ and locks lhe e:lO;lOSUre !me.Thos lealure is especiaty usetU whenperlooning panotlllTlIC ptK*lf'r1Icrography'Mlh uritoon b9cIogr(ll.ll"l:l tone. ThIs capabilityalso perrT'lllS tran'lll'lg as desired d.lringSPOt measurement. Illhe specimel, beingmeasured is not ., lhe center c1lhe Iietd, firstfl'I(Ml the specimen 10 the ceoler, engage theAE. lock. and lllen Ielurn the specimen 10 itsOI'iginal positron be\oIe laloog lhephotorricrograph.l1lI M~tlple Expoaul1l 35mm

Pholomlc,09'aphy (PM-1QADS only)Iv; many exposures as desired can be madeon one Irame, a feature especially COI'Mlnienl101 recording lhe behavior or microorganisms,01' 101' pholomicrography of double-stainedlluorescent specimens.@ EJlPOSUI1l Correcllonb obIaln highest qualily, perfectly exposedpholomiCrograplls, exposure Cldjustmell1scan be made depending on the charac­teristics or the specimen, by changing lheeUeclMl film speed Irom 0.25 times 10 <llimes the rominal value, in 1/3 SlopIncrements.@ Recall 01 Preriou. Exposul1l TImePressing the rome AecaN Button albM;~lO ,ecaN the previous Irame's eqlOSOre lime.ThIs IealUle proyides ext/a~wtlen recording and dassilylng data

Page 8: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO


Accessories lor PM·IOADSIPM-lOAD systemsPM-IV Time UpM Control UnitUsrg lte N-W ~ cor,JOCtlOfllMlh hiPM..cBAO aunnalic exposuIe conlrollnlmakes~ aulOmallC tllTl8.Qpse phoIographyposslIIe In adi:jtlOfl to lme"- phob­graphy Wdh a 35Tm ClWTIefI. Inle lapseI*Tw1g WIth a 16nwn Cln8 camIffil can beachilMld bt rreans a hi PM·MD rTdOf~urlII. The "Dn-oIt'" S'M1Ch fA ITIICfO!lICqllIli!1lI

SIOUrC8 can be synctwonized b trne taosephoIog~. pn:IfE!Cl"4llM! cells trom~rd.Iced damage. The PM-IV is essefIliallorthe~ Sl\.Iltf cJ tISSUe aJllurean:l eel malenal


PM-MD Motor Drr.. UnitThe PM-MD is desigrlfld IOdnlle a BoIelcl&rm CIne camef3 Used IOgelher with aPM-IV lme-!ap5e cortroll.ll'it. fully aulOmalic:lme~ 1Jhl*J9raphy is po6SbIe.AppIlcabIe Elolex carreras Ioclude theH-I6AX (with SOfial ruri:lers 210601 andhigher), H-l6J, and H-l&.4 (with serialrumbers 214401 and higher).Accessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k1,250 Film M-oaDne. PM·250AO Molor­driven Gt;ar~ter lor 250 FUm Back 1Altaching thiS equipmenllO a 35nYrl cameraback allo.Ys conlinuoos phoIomiCrClgraptly 01up to 250 lrames.

Page 9: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

PM·Ol·W Adapter lor I.Mge·Form8t BackslJsIng the PM-Ol-W adiltJter. a Vilriety l1ICIrge-lotmCIt cameras call be~,..corrbniIlion WIth the PM-t 0 Senesphcb,oIcrogrClPhC~PM.cuS.W 4' )( 5- Intermediate AdapterThe PM.(:4)( S.W lCICiIilaleS CI1tac:h,lelll1c:orrmetClaly availalJ6e .. - )( 5 - sheel1A'nhoIdefs Of 1A'n pac:I(s.PM·Cp·W 3·114' )( 4·114' Polatoid BackWltIl a3-114 • )( A_IIA' (95)( 73'Tm) Ir.wneSIZe. the PM-eP-W IS deslgnecI tor use WIthA:lIarold 668 ooIor I~ llI'd 667 lTn"Odvome.."PM·VSB Bfight FJMleV'~MourtJng the PM-\'S8 01'*:1 the iIIl.l1G'TICIIlCf!IqXlSUr8 body ilUnr6tes bolh the fetdeIre llI'd the I~ Iormallrame ,.. me Ioc:usIngIelesoope. It'us lac:lIitatll'lQ 1oc:usroQ. spotmeasurement llI'd fra'11lllll. even when USlI'1g

a l'l.IOI'esc:ellce IT'lICfI)S(;(Jp Of daIkfleldiIIl.rnlnallOrl. Frame ooIor can be SWlIChedbelwee1l yeIow aod red. WIttl act "'lilHebrigtlllleSS.PM·CTR Color Temperature Module(Starld<lJd Equ.pment exc:epIlor PM-t OAO-l)The PM-GTR permils aa:urale measurementl1 ooIor tefr'c)eraluf8. fMlfl alloN levels l1lllU'r1lnation. Color tenlJerature ~tmerI:.

esseotial lor good ooIor pholography. is ttIJsracilitated t1)' li\t11 source adjuslmeol aod theuse l1 appropriat8 ooIor c:orMtrsiOn filters.The ooIor terTllOrature measurement rargeis frem 2.SOO-K to 1O.000"K.Recordat. BM:k 2 .00 Recorda'. BlICk 40.'. Imprinting BlICksBy replacing the back 01 a 35nYn camerabody with a data Imprinting back. data maybe imprinted on the tilm surtacePM·FS Foot SwitchAs an allernallve 10 rlrger pressure 011 therelease l)ullon oIlhe exposure control unit.the PM-FS permitS looI-eontrolled. remoleshul1ar operation

_..__.._----- ,

Page 10: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

Semi-Automatic Exposure Photomicrographic SystemPM-10AK

SemI·Automatic Phoklmk:iClgilJlPhJ 'IIIlttt.... Economic. WId Compalct SystemThePM·l(w(~ic Exposuref"tI:*:lIliOOJI"..nc 9fstem lealures 30%awrage measuremef1, W!ltI a seleclitl,ofauDnalic Iilm ao.-ance camera txxiies. Inacdtiln, sin'lpif19d c:ortrol aI a wide fafIg8

c1~ is posstlIe by means of !hebun:lns OJ !he ecpoQKe oortroll.nt.~ theeIlpClSlJfe body siciB panel, where oper.tlUl

COf1rols are CUStered.~. the PM·ION< COtiPO'd expowre OOf1tcllri isCOI'MlriertIy c:bylild 10 ()CQ4l'f a I'I'riTunof desk space.~ a (;()j.Oiiilliorl ofthe Silicon Ill.oe CeI (sa:::) ptdo sensorand a reaI-ti'ne rneasurWlg system, ltlePM-1OAK is iIble 10 m8a$U1'e 8lqXlSUre trne'Mlh Ijgh pedsioll. The PM-10AK'SadJtiolall8alures incU:ie a 4-saep estJmlll8dexpc$Jl'8 tine nIcatoI' pUs an LED~- orundefexposure 'Naming with stI.Jt\ef IocUlg!I.n:tioo. bgeIher, these lealures ellecliYetypreyenI incOlr9CI exposure IIdju:slmefU. Thenewty~ automatic stuller and !he$I'I.Jllef release COfIlrol on 1tle conlrol uri!assure Yi:Jralicn.frell operation.

Page 11: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO


------~- -

LED D1spa.ysEstmaled exposure lime is If1dicated in4-step incremerts. o.oe.. 01~re,end cA film. <n:l!tJJIter ooeranng mode arealso indicaled by' LED displays.Control Clus.... on" Expos'" BodyA~ turn cA !he <tal aIoNs seIBctIon cAsenings lor 35nwn OIIarge-tormal cameras.and cA ISO film speeds. Exposure lIIdjuslrnen:can be made by' ch8fVng etlec:lM:! filmspeed from 0.5 x 10 4 X !he I'IOITWllII v.We.in 113 stoo incletnel'U.VIbratIon·FIN Automatic Shuttfll"Especialy clJIrg~ptdoI,licrogmptly. this stulter mechilnlsm~ J)IOClIc:e clearel pctuIes by' lllirrw\ahngLrdeICiOnaI eatnela rr1CM!fTll!I'II caused by'

"""... """"""~ Control UnitFOI Yi)lall(ll)-hee (CleflIIion. !he camenI

shutlel can be automatically aetJYated Irom!he separale COItfOl UIVI. Designed lor0ClI"fb1able haflO.held use!rom Pno6t anytoeallOl'l. this~ tnI inl1des a~mar1J3l exposure CM:lI-ride arnoI'g itseapat)ililes.

A Wlde SelKIIoll 01 CamenI 8KUThe PM-IOAK accepls either an automalic filmadVance 35mm camera back 01 a marualrilm adVance 35mm camera back. a 4- x 5­intermediate adapler, and 3-114 - )( 4.1/4­Polaroid back. The 35mm camera backsIncorpolala a light-excloding shutler lhatcloses automatically when lre camera backIs detached to prevenlligh! from leaking000lhe Iilm. FOI phoIo cIocumet'Wallon,a convenienl AeCOIdata Back can be rTlOUnledon the PM-1OAK (35mm camera back onty).'•• ,,5" _ ..... _O""'_1tII<JA.Vl.......Stanct.d Foeuslng M~nl_A1taehing the IocusiIJ4l magnifl(!r 10 theIocusilJ4llele s qe~es the dflicUl taskcA Iocusing inIoN pcMef JR*lgraphy.

_..__...---........-..... ..

Page 12: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

Manual Photomicrographic SystemPM·10M


High·Perfor~ M__ PholomlcfO·gr1iphIc System with !he VeruIIUty forTodey'a DMrse ResNrdI AppIielltions~ an:! easy 10 mare.Mlf. thePM·tW's stuller ilCOfpol8l8S a SP8Qa1ydesiglllld nttler eusI'IcIn lO~ ardpreo.enl stwAlef Ybalion llilJ""wssla ..Altael'w'91he EMM-1 pI"dOfTic,oglaphocE!IlpOiSUIe: meIef 10 lhe elq:lO$Uftl bol:t1enables elq)OISUfe and color~meiISUl8'Tlet'IlO be pertormed easily ardacwratefy. A Il.ee K8'1. coIor<OCied~path seIeclor laciitates easy IocusIng as weias measurerT1lll'I of expo&IJfe owl color~ EM!n in !he case of a milespeClI,llll~ Itus ensurr..,~ ptlllk).micfOg~exposure frame af1ef trame.•The vbalkn-free soone, design ensures~ sharp pIlob'lOCfOgraphs.eYenal~

91.Jltel'speeds 11250.1/125.1160.100,HIS. 118, I/A, 112. 1 geC.. B

•The PM.' OM acoeplS a 35nYn carnef8back with marual lim awanee. ". x 5'sheel lim Of 3-11<11· x 4- 1/4' Fblaroocl

""'.• The 3-way, color-<:oded ~ical pathseleclor makes ~ possi:lIe 10 dlllCI 100% 01available lighllO the Iocusing telescope (lor~ ard daJlc1ield ctlsefvariOn). eo'Io10 the rim a~ 20% 10 the Iocusingtelesoope (!of IJOC*;rnierography), Of 100%10 the exposure/photo mele! (lormeasuremert 01 exposure and coIoIt~rature).

·W~h the use 01 a Aecordala Back or a write­on plaslic data strip, data may be imprirtedon the lilm surface.

_..__....-.-..-.-..- .....

Page 13: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO



Page 14: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

35mm Manual Photomicrographic CameraPM-6-8 BH2-PM-6-8,


Ught II1d Compaw;t 35mm e.m.n IofEasy, ylbratioft.F,. OpemlonThe PM-&8 af'd 6H2.f>M-6-8 e:atnefaSiIlXII pCU!e a sp9CIllI n.CbeI ctSlion IofSl'l'O)lh sh.rltef operalUl 'NIttnII Ybation.The EMM-7·2~e meter pemIIt$ sin1lIeand dependable delllfmnallOl'l 01' exposuretrne and a::*:Jf tet'll*alure. The optical peltlspittrIg meltIOd~ is the same as\IIIdh the PM-1OM, and the f>M.6-8 .-dBH2-PU-6-8"s~ design aIow them kIbe motned ewll'l on srnaJIlTlIC.oecq,es.WI1tl the u:se 01 a Fleoord<Uil Back 01 aWfile.<ln plastic d<da Sl~ dala may bei I ipi i *<l on the~ ..lace.

-Stutler speeds" 11250. tll25. 1100. lf30.1/15,1/8, 1/', 112. 1 sec., B.

• The 6H2-PU-6-8 cones Slandard ...mnad<Ipters lor the BH2·TRXl T,inoaA'IIlJ)e.In ttt.!r respectS irs speciricaliorlS areiderllCaI kI!hOSe 01' the Pt.4-6-8.

Page 15: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

Standard Outfits of Olympus Photomicrographic System





'"''"...,.. -l2Al>r"').'




----Standard o...llil. oIlhe PM·10A.OS IIld PM·lOAD

1--_....."'""""1luIG'" F..-QIMaj \II1II.. 3I5rIwfte::.- 8IIcII~--__ IDr~"""""'"e.- 8IIcII ...A.&:s:a:-'xS-.'. 7 ~

".·x....• .........

Standard Outfits 01 the PM 10M

_ ••__..._-"--,,, 14

- I PU10 I

J:"'f''~......~.- ........W D1""1"'---... .....c:.... ............"""" Cl

~-IIW LIlgt ........ 8IaIt PUOIM IDID

....c...............,...-.. ca»I lID",.5" '.A 7 - """'.... lID

1J414· ....I4·~... """""' I~'$ , - ~" uk .......

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Standard Oultit, (lithe PM·10AK

Page 16: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

Diagram of the Photomicrographic Systems

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MltioteOPM wlth 8H2·TfI;30 1l'1rlocuW TIIIM.SZH·PT, IMT·2·JIOU


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PM-'"---"'-'e.-__ ----PM·PB"'·.---

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Page 17: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO


Accessories for OlympusPhotomicrographic Systems

EMM·7-2 Photomlaographk: ExposureMet8l"The EMhoH·2·sCdS ~S8lSOl'. anachad 10the I9ll measuring port oIlhe PM-10M orthe f'M.6.8 and BH2.f>M-&8 marual carTlefllS.penT'lItS ~ease measuremenlS 01extIOSUIe lrne and c:>c*:lr lE!rTlPefature·P1 ..... IOt'tflC range

HIgn 1~ - 11'2 see (35mn)1130 - 4 sec. (lafge-Iormat)

Loov 112 - 32 sec. f35fm\)4 - 128 sec. (talge-kIrmal)

.ISO film speed lange6, 16.25.32. SO. 80, 100.160,200.400

P."""·The EMM<7-2 standard outl~ ncuie LB-45am LBO oXlr Ief'r1)efall,ne ....... 1ip€'llSa1lllQ,-

PM·ADF Eyepiece Adapler lor lhe "FK".,."...,.AlIaoYs mourning too PM·10 Series POOfo.mlcrograptllc Syslem onto miCroscopes wt1iChara eQUipped with ailoof BH·TR30 OfBH-TR45 trlnocular lubes.PM·ADG Eyepiece Adapter tor the"G" EyepiecePermits mounting the PM-l0 onto too stereoITlICfoscope5 equipped wilh a binocularobservalion Il.tle.PM·ADP Eyepiece Adapter tor the "P".-Pe!mits mourtlng the PM·IO onlfllhe X-Tr.Sl·TI and JM·T, Slel60 rTlICioscopes.PM6·ADG Eyepiece Adapler lor the"C"EyepleceAItoNs r'I'lOU"Itng \he PM-&8 Pholorncro­graphic Camefa onlO (he S!er60 rTlICloocopesequ!PP8d WITh a bIooculal obseIvallOr1 llbe.




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PM·n·.--_..__ ....._-.--- ....

r----------- --- --- ---- - - --- - - ------- ---'1, ,, ~ ,, 1 ~ ,, ,, ,, ~ ,, 3 'I PM.YTMI ..... _

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6 250 Am .... 1


Page 18: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

35mm Photomacrographic SystemsPMT-35TA, PMT-35RA


SMrp FocusJng tor CIose·Ups p1u. High­au.lity WhIM·Speclmen Photogllptl~

The adcition (1/ an (lJI1OI'Ial~ OMselles Sl..R eatnef8 !:xxt)' makes ItlePMT.35TA and PMT·35AA ~ems deal 101oMdefield pholornacrography-QxICnlll~ macroleoses rrey beused kl ~raptlgross $P8CiI,lllllS andSliI caphn rRn.M seclO'l de\ajS,


~ ZUilc macro lens~ 12­0.45)( 103.3)(~ ZUiIo mactO lens 3Bn'm 12.8 ­22)( 1CI8.3x~ ZUiIo m<tCfO lens fOTm 14­4.8)( 10 16.6)(

eM allaChaCle med1a1"lCa1 sr.Aler (PM­MS3Sl preo.ettS vbalJon Irat'$1'llSSO'lllO'Tlafleclrg pertormanc:e at t'igh magnific:ahonStl.Il\ef speeds range tnm T. B and 1 sec.10 1f500 sec.. and !he stull8t is"QI~wiItl Mand X!laSh (:()I'UCt$.

eused in CXIf1UrIC1lOfl WIth a ITicIOSCOPe.sharply focused p/'loIomcmgrllDhs can be~ C7o'ef a wiDe rlIfQll (1/ magrifIcations.

PMT·35TA rr.nsmttted Ughl-$yo....This II'3J\SI'IVIIed lighl phoIcmacrogr~system e1mnates the need Iof maroalposilioring and light source C8fIlr8tion andwith its buiIt.fri audiary condenser provicIesurilOrm ilk.ninalion al IlITi magrilicatlon.PMT·35RA Refleeted UghlPholomecrog~SystemThe PMT·35AA ernpIcrr.i the reflected lightilluminator PM·LSD-W 10 Illuminate opaquespecin&n5lrom a variety 01 angles.

Page 19: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

Accessories lor OlympusPhotomacrographic SystemsPM·lSD·W Unl¥erulIIIUlTlinllklrThe iII.nW'Ialof he9'll can be Villied lromlOcm 10 45cm. and Iree angle~IS possbIe. n lIITl*l'/S a fN '»N bub.and iICC8JXS up 10 lWO 45rml da. IiIlefs.PM·LM Li.berllllm ReftectorBv attaehng lhe PM-lM 10 an 1=2l)rm exan 1=3aTm lens, shado, less ilUTw"etion c:JItvee cirnensbnal objects is possille.PM·ELM~ lUuminltorlJsed in c;orf.Jnc:b:ln 'Nilh the PM-l$O-W.Ihe I'M-ELM is iOeaI b' iIk.n'iniItXlg objeclsWIth refIeclia i charaaeristics srriIa.t 10 troseof minors.V_""""l~ a 2-steP rnagm;;alion selecD(12x and 2.5x) lor obserVahon.theYarimagnllind&r makes ~ easy 10 IlXus !hecamefa 'rom a amIoftable silling position.PM·EA Adapter Iof EMM·7·2The PM-EA is used in con;..ocJlQ'l With theEMM·7·2~Iogr~ expo5lJre meter10 deleffTlfle film surlace e~Jfe tmes_


Page 20: Olympus Photomicrographic Systems - Alan WoodAccessories lor 250 Film - 250 Film s.c:k 1,250Film M-oaDne.PM·250AO Molor driven Gt;ar ~terlor 250 FUm Back 1 Altaching thiS equipmenllO

II tdkes a Iremeodous amount of skills to build a reptJtdtionas an innov.lror .lmorw industries as diverse ascommuniarions, medicine, informalion and science.Yet rhal's ecaclly whal Olympus has accomplishedsince irs inception in 1919.Our volried produet list is tilled with technologicalachievements and resoonding successes.Nor only in UtneFiU, bul also in a wide range of Microscopes.Flberscopes. Microc:.usetle recorders.(/inial analysis equipment. Video equipment.And more breakthroughs ate on the way;particulolrly in the exciting new lield of opto-eJectronia,.which combines rhe resoorceli 01 optks,elecrronics .lnd precision engine&ing.At Olympus. we've earned oor repu/iltiorJWith an unfailing commitment to heavy research anddeve#opmerlt. \Vim an uocompromising dediation to quality;precision and accuracy.And with a stubborn unwillingness to folfow rhe crowd.That's why we'lf continue to lead the waywith original products that sUrpfise~;wist you, involve you, and fulfill you.

Photographic,Medical,Microscopic,Industrial & Business Equipment

OLYMPUS'OLYMPUS QPTlCALCO,LTo.So<>[>8uOOong 222_~ ''''''''' ~"", "",,,..,_OLYMPUS OPTlCALCOIElJROPlQ"lGMBH"oW"""lM7.le __ " '6 :1OOD~ , _...".....

OLYMPUS CORPORATION• __ Do""" '''~S<.4:< ... N V "0.02' 'Ill USACXYMPUS OPTICAL.COIUKJLT[l2,s _ S,,_ l.O'OYI [Cl'1'CTJ<

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