old testament introduction notes

The Bible: A Library of The Bible: A Library of Books Books •Our English word Bible is from the Greek neuter plural, biblia which derived in turn from byblos, the Greek word which designated the papyrus reed strips of which “books” were made in ancient times. •Our Bible is divided into 2 main parts the Old Testament and the New Testament.

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By Mike SmithThis is compiled from many sources, impossible to give everyone credit. Use to the glory of God and furtherance of the truth.


Page 1: Old Testament Introduction Notes

The Bible: A Library of BooksThe Bible: A Library of Books

•Our English word Bible is from the Greek neuter plural, biblia which derived in turn from byblos, the Greek word which designated the papyrus reed strips of which “books” were made in ancient times.

•Our Bible is divided into 2 main parts the Old Testament and the New Testament.

•Sixty-six books in all - 39 O.T. & 27 N.T.

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The Bible: The Bible: A Library of BooksA Library of Books

• The Old Testament was written in Hebrew with the exception of a few passages written in Aramaic

(Jer. 10:11; Ezra 4:8 to 6:18 also 7:12-26; and Dan. 2:4 to 7:28)

• The New Testament was written in Koine (common, “Vulgar”) Greek.

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The Bible: A Library of Related Books• Mostly written from between around 1500 B.C. to 100 A.D.• Written by many different penmen most of

whom did not know each other.• Amazingly, the completed whole is a single

story with a single theme, namely, Redemption through Christ Jesus!

• Purports itself to be a record of progressive Revelation. Isa. 48:10-ff; Heb. 1:1-2;

Lk. 24:27; Acts 3:24-ff; 10:43; Ps. 119:160; Ps. 139:17

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•It’s part of God’s inspired Word! 2 Tim. 3:15-17; 2 Peter 1:16-21

•It’s Understandable Prov. 2:1-6; 23:23; Ps. 119:130

•To more clearly understand God’s whole message to man - Gal. 3:19-25; Mt. 5:17

•There are types and shadows in the Old Law. Col. 2:14, 16, 17; Heb. 8:5; 10:1, 4

–What if, never knew of Adam 1 Cor. 15:22; 45-47 Found in 7 N.T. verses

Why Should We Study the Old Testament?

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Why Should We Study the Old Testament?

• In it God teaches principle’s of

“what to do” positive teaching

and “what not to do”

negative teaching. 1 Cor. 10:5-11

• God wants us to learn it. Romans 15:4–What three important things can it give us?

• More reasons to study Old Testament?

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1) The First 17 books of the O.T. (Genesis – Esther)A. The first 5 books of Moses (Gen. - Deut.)are historical in nature. Knowledge of them is critical, for they serve as the foundation for the rest of the Bible. B. The next 12 books (Joshua - Esther) are also historical.

1. The first 9 (Joshua - 2 Chron.) are records of Israel’s living in the land of Canaan (Pre-Exile history).

2. The last 3 (Ezra-Esther) concern Israel’s return to the Land after the Babylonian Captivity (Post-Exile).C. Thus, 5 of the books are Pre-Canaan; 9 are In-

Canaan and 3 are Post-Exile (in Canaan again).

Overview of the Old Testament

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Overview of the Old Testament

2) The Middle FIVE Books of the O.T.

(Job – Song of Solomon)

A. The preceding 17 books are National and Historical; these 5 books deal with problems of the heart – They are individual and personal in nature.

B. Those 17 were written in prose;

These 5 in Hebrew poetry.

Overview of the Old Testament

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Overview of the Old Testament3) The Last 17 books of the O.T. (Isa-Mal).

A. The first 5 are “Major Prophets,” setting the tone of Prophesy.

B. The last 12 are “Minor Prophets,” similar in tone to the first 5.

1. The first 9 (Hosea – Zephaniah)

are all Pre-Exilic.

2. The last 3 (Haggai – Malachi)

are all Post-Exilic.

Overview of the Old Testament

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Overview of the Old Testament4) Consider the obvious design of this order.

A. The first and last groups of 17 books are both divided into smaller groups of 5-9-3 books.B. Between them (at the heart of the O.T.) are the 5 books which deal with the emotions of the human heart. C. There were about 40 writers, covering more than 1500 years, writing for different purposes, with no idea about the collection of books (The “Canon”) which we now have. D. Surely a Divine Hand was controlling – This is Revelation. (An “uncovering,” “opening up,” of the Mind of God.

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Beginning Gen.1-5 4004 B.C Adam

Flood Gen. 6-11 2348 B.C Noah

Patriarchal Gen. 12-50 1921 B.C. Abraham

E. Bondage Ex. 1-15 1706 B.C. Joseph

Wanderings Ex.16 – Deut.34 1491 B.C. Moses

C. Canaan Joshua 1-24 1451 B.C. Joshua

Judges Jud 1-1 Sam 8 1400 B.C. Samuel

U.K. 1Sa.9 -1Ki.11 1095B.C. David

Div. K. 1 Ki.12-2Ki.20 975 B.C. Elijah

K. of Judah 2Ki. 21-25:7 722 B.C. JosiahCap. Babylon 2Ki. 25:8 -21 607,587B.C. Daniel

Rest. Jews Ez. Neh. Est. 537,517B.C. ZerubbabelEzNeh

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The Pentateuch or Torah

• Include Genesis-Deuteronomy

• Are known as a unit in the Hebrew scriptures as the Torah (Law or Teaching)

• In the Greek Septuagint known as the Pentateuch, penta meaning five and teuchos with its secondary meaning of fabric or a case for holding papyrus rolls, hence used for the roll or book itself. Thus meaning “fivefold volume,” this term being used since the 3rd century A.D.

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Traditionally conservative Jews and Christians have held that Moses was in large part responsible for the Pentateuch.

Both the Old and New Testaments ascribe to Moses the “authorship,” of this body of literature. (Josh.1:7; Dan. 9:11-13;

Lk. 16:29; Jn. 7:19; Ac. 26:22; Rom. 10:19)

While each book of the Torah deals with God’s covenantal relationship with His people, each book is nevertheless, distinct and has its own subject matter.

The Pentateuch or Torah

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In the beginning In the beginning ray-sheeth'God God el-o-heem'created created baw-raw'the the ayth heavens heavens shaw-mah'-yim, shaw-meh'and the and the ayth earth earth eh'-retsGen. 1:1 pronunciation of Hebrew words


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The Book of Beginnings

•All that is to be developed later in All that is to be developed later in scripture is planted in Genesis. It serves scripture is planted in Genesis. It serves as the introduction to the Pentateuch and as the introduction to the Pentateuch and all other scripture. all other scripture.

•Genesis importance may be seen in that Genesis importance may be seen in that it is quoted or alluded to more than 200 it is quoted or alluded to more than 200 times in the N.T.times in the N.T.

•Genesis means, Genesis means, Origin;Origin; Source;Source; Generation;Generation; Birth.Birth.

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• Moses is believed to be the one who Moses is believed to be the one who compiled this book, even though in compiled this book, even though in scripture he is never mentioned to have scripture he is never mentioned to have written it.written it.

• He is listed as the writer of the other 4 He is listed as the writer of the other 4 books at least 40 timesbooks at least 40 times

• Divisions of the different writers may Divisions of the different writers may be recognized by the recurring phrase, be recognized by the recurring phrase, “These are the generations of…”“These are the generations of…”


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• Genesis can clearly be divided into two Genesis can clearly be divided into two main parts – Chap. 1-11 & 12-50.main parts – Chap. 1-11 & 12-50.

• First section First section (Chap. 1-11)(Chap. 1-11) is arranged is arranged around four outstanding events.around four outstanding events.

• Second part Second part (12-50)(12-50) is arranged around four is arranged around four outstanding persons.outstanding persons.

• Tying them all together is the idea of the Tying them all together is the idea of the Sovereignty of God.Sovereignty of God.


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• The Book of Genesis is not a Complete or universal history of the world or mankind

• It is rather the first chapter in the history of the saving of mankind from sin and eternal loss.

• Genesis in 12 Words:

4 Events: Creation, Sin, Flood, Nations4 Events: Creation, Sin, Flood, Nations

4 People: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph4 People: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph

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Contribution of the Book of Genesis to the Bible:

• It is the Foundation of ALL Bible history and doctrine.

• This sweeping panorama from Eden to Ur to Haran to Canaan to Egypt covers more time than the rest of the Bible; and it introduces all that is to follow.

• It helps us in the study of the Book of Revelation because the first 3 chapters of the Bible are so closely related to the last 3 chapters of the Bible.

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GENESIS REVELATIONIn the beginning God created the heavens and the earth 1:1

I saw a new heaven and a new earth 21:1

The darkness he called night 1:5 There shall be no night there 21:25

God made the two great lights (sun and moon) 1:16

The city has no need of the sun or the moon 21:23

In the day you eat of it you shall surely die 2:17

And there shall no longer be any death 21:4

Satan appears as the deceiver of mankind 3:1

Satan disappears from the scene forever 20:10

A garden into which defilement entered 3:6-7

A city into which defilement will never enter 21:27

I will greatly multiply your pain 3:16 No longer any mourning, or crying, or pain 21:4

Cursed is the ground because of you 3:17 There shall no longer be any curse 22:3

They were driven from God’s presence 3:24

They shall see the face of Deity 22:4

Access to the tree of life disinherited in Adam 3:24

Access to the tree of life reinstated in Christ 22:14

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Christ In the Book of GenesisChrist In the Book of Genesis• He is the Creator of All Things… Gen. 1:1;

Jn. 1:1-4; Col. 1:15-17; Heb. 1:2; 11:3

• He is the Seed of Woman… Gen. 3:15; Isa.7:14; 9:6-7; Gal. 4:4

• He is the Seed of Abraham… Gen. 22:18;

Gal. 3:8; 16, 26-29

• He is seen in many Types (A type is a historical fact which is a picture of a spiritual truth); especially is this true in the case of Joseph.