old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski 2/binghamton ny...llmcuftuta waa "km." ta af*ro»...

<•• ' "...i - • • ••'•:•-;•-'-t^W /X^W^irVfe./v V .'i./tv.Y-^VK NUilBER 40. i% ^rdomtCoanlQ ^rpaHitan, FORLUaiU KTKBT WTOKSaPAV. At Wee, f t * S 0 Co art Bt>, W««luuato«, vriUXUC 8TVART, bmi. tTUABT * CAHT. PawnusTOU **» FotMiM , - •-.:.. to:—-— ^OBTBY rat th* B*p»bKo»». > " TOH amnrcwi" IN u t n c n or "rvwbooaii." an* =stz Tw»» dart**; sty ;o4**tn-to J Was* oar *t*to*o» ft*** toe** Ik* to*. Towf-M***. fe h**efctot*4 •>*, 1?*IH?£^ T w ^ - t o * i « * « i ; t t o Mil relative , l^*-i^5j£fe^®^^'««^«»*> titootwodyoftb* Ctovk of ! BlXGILUlTON. WEDNESDAY, APR «. «towingoolorfcof d«^«ttoj»»mjl»^tty t>« = t| ^ ^ ^ « T Appml.w«»^Me«dt6«thinl , _ . . . - ^ . , j -. y..*.., _,-..„,.. •.. /..l^^^r^^po^urt. |de,cou» ; J^*Tbe^tex^ the term* of 5 « f e f t ?^IK*Lf2??«f bitrnonmrff »« XWttH.»»i«yi try! And ytt In tlw wnr wwt column fti "•' ~~! c«m»itBJM>i» A mnrtot.; publishes State* *r advertisin*. 'OMNMN,MiUM«ttM.,.. ,f , twOUMTttOMk.. tsi**i '•* «l*i " OMJttt, -t #o •*•**•* «•• r**»- in lyttatfi rilj io§o| •ISM 1 .»co moo 06 t*rtJ !MM Card*. *U Uwj*. yew ...... •tal HoOff*. ***** *t*rH*f*t ud D**to* Hoik**, ta total column, par thw.... wUIto)strict, qwtrterljr.tt U»ir option) \ l'tti H i MsCtkaaeri •'^'-IttifiSi-iSl.v •:•-... th******* tpto**, Tfc» iiHilssiiimmr* of a IWWil »**.. •ant tluoagkto*dooda wn» a gaaial glow, Aad *D*d wtU paw .- a. desolat* seao*, Aod i*a*«*d T W * bop** 9* * "/WWW." «Ut*4to BUSINESS.-CARDa 0. w BOOat-aWIMtB. H * • * - atwtoaa* V«)t<T MS* Howe,. couinv8Ta»ffr. OY*B Binsaaattaa, Norcn- Wffliaa * aCBOsxm, orrtc* a TH9K%- AtOJfZO Wodsof *fc»^Sl^^.r OP ALL Ac Shepeor- street*. Re U"St,-4* WtRf&I- *w wv. •*»••••*•**••• war ••^^••••ww"* a™-*** w*^ »-**e^#w*- »>•• *s*^ •* a#M**L v haartoa. Pet. It, 186X t X £53^*K£r' ffi2°a2fiaoat naora wan 01 BcpaowaT. xaa oai» apa wow BJa«»QotjlfarltJ«durt»«»SBJt«t»aa««»«agc B. A.--OBkBB.'J«. H. JLl»A«« _je6ata- Ha wabi to UM eOcar to Asd tsM W» "wtara ha wtahad to fo, Atoothatba Ooal4 aoC—yan aaa Way a* coaldat obtala a -Vvaiora*" llMcUftUta waa "km." ta af*ro» of cbeaa. And ht» bao^bty aanrar waa " Jkrf »/** TbtiUNV ttechaaa Tom aad Ua aatalakad »>nt'»cai " Tota cotoiad tka cklaftatoS only ata Wltk a "toaJhtolMjr'lka a^'AonMar blow, y ITiMat >to> raat tflta a aptoatag waaal. Tbaa promta* «> ftaaJ aim A "I > rau*ua«." «•*» HU appUcartoa waa 1 Aed wbfla ta waa 1 A 1 la -8«ttOQV Aad7*>t aj-wadKWff'-wX « IUBMNI. 1 eaaarad and c*$ar«d~ay*v ytUad aad Wktta apltkata ftaaa Ma wrndk *td tew, IT l: m. rar a aUla aioaad. All-O4*-wk0a to aaarc^ «f a M PcaxoD«a.' Two took an oato on tfeat BMSMtaMa day. AM oarer to anaa ttt JfeCtt Ma« Bat lira to ptalaa . Tbaaa goUaa daya Wbea want la. lawra of a A tetter from Lord Lyon to Sari baa bew poblialjed which nrreftls In * light tn« m»chination» of tb« 2To<th«rn Oojh pwnAXto, inrt tipixm tVif treaAOQAbja cm- •piracift against tb» OoTernment. Lord Ljona atoWa with great dlaOnctoeaa tb» riew* tad detigna of those who Approached hltn »leadera of th» dMaocra^c p&J.rr/, Tbay haduoolijectiootofcreign mediation in itself; they thought that it most be of- fered and Accepted In the end, bat at preeeot they desired that the oflet ahonld be with- held, lest the federal gorernment shoajd make-it the occasion of an appeal to the peo- ple, and the people, indignant at tha at- tempt of a foreign power to interfere In onr docrMsrto aftWia, shontd be stfmtilsjted to prosecuts the war' with redoubled eaafgjr anddetermlsAtloa.. It wad tbe onraaecp- aWeneea of the biteifsteuoa at: the preeeot moment that made them wish that Oreat Britain shoold rafrainfromoffering i t ; there would be a timeforit hereafter. arm** deootmclng tne-uaAon t ^.^^ ^^ ^^i*..**.»«»!J» A wtl «M Leagues-^tn ssaociition fouodtd on broad, Catholic principles, merely designed to band together all, Wlthoot distinction |«i p*rty, who ara tru$ and loyal to the government, and who are witling t^IeClart'Mhemaelvee as soch t This articledenoanoe* the Union Leagoea as "AbaHtion^Laalaea who*s bm4- nea* H la to plot in secret in fsybr of negroes Tbe obrJoua tandftocy. ;«nd design of si eh article* intinJkmocrat, la «o prweal DemO- cra»fromJoining the Leagues, by deboape>» ingsll who Join them as MoHtomUti^ foes of eirjtHtjer^ f an,d .wnlti'B^I ]',^l infloeooe of tha JUmterat i s tbsw (hre sgnjiist the onion of ell loyal menfortb* anpp*>vol the Unlori tn oppiAngtbe^tXnlbpX.eagioid which were b r g A ^ t * d s ^ . t ^ t T a I t ^ | coBspiracies of the "goldas circlea," it it giving S i d and cemfcrr»«Nb.e rebela, what* m 'ffa.**&.&9.-*f m ever ira proremwos may neTOtqe contr VO&AX. -a toe laota* Tosadtoatoi Bat of what dtaaaaa I do so* iraew; Deamtss-Mston Oarjavtal Toea, And sara to Ua mil fa« " WmzaznC" TsmOLsaaTMAM ASD <n Bcaoukn,— Tbe vererend genUeman who figures in the following narrative is the son-in-iaw of one of onr. oldest and moat esteemed Htiaena: T h e worlH of fiction hardly contains a more thrilling chapter than an incident which marked the ti* ot Ae Bev. Mr. Lee, who; waa recently ^c«t down ta bi» prime while pastor of »Jw Pirsbyteriaa Charchrto; tbe village of Waterford, New tork. Tbe occurred on few weak* "They [tbe'ctosw »»lvu leadenk' as they are called] would desire," says -liird tqrbna, "that it should coma from the great Powers of Kuropo conjointly, and tap as. little prominence as possible should be g*Wtotha^of.iBre»*Brtta^ ^./ Having put Lord Lyons to posseaaion of | their views concerning the doetime,aod proper mode of meddling in onr domestic quarrel, "chlefji of the oonssrvattve par^r , » proceed to make him tbeir confidant ta to ;4ihe_ldftof.oftiHDmtnU, ss Kathan uatoltoTidr-^fa^aTflfctsart/'? Tot* waa repotted fisvoraUy. A bill wa* introdtteed ^ ^ ^ l « ^ ^ b f r tankand'fil.tow togb\othVfrcit Wa'repo rc»nnM^ondtr t l t o ^ t r t e i i o n a l Banking ^ ^ ^ ld ^ ^ We.ra cowardly, we are **%?^^•S?*? T^f^^ wlUiwtogo to tbAfront and brav. th.da* opttk^ ~f,"5« ^ . i i ^ ^ - H ^ ^ i«M*:of tt»,tmttj*|irid,.b^^ U **-?fS l, ^S* 2 S S . ^ S ? % • * loWdti#- manhood by admitting, by tbeacteataMlshiiigtheMelWpolltan ?«^ wc ^ ^ dead, that we are onwards, wasU W ^ f e ^ ^ ^ S S ^ ^ willing ^ofigbt A rea^otron wailntrc4aced inttro^hgft#; ^^^ wft , n4ye t1w d wamA(mt . Ju«carf pcwrolttee^ to report .* bW«ottn- ^ ^ •« #k tt •• meo «»d patriot*, who ! ^E?^w^^, **A2L ^ " S ? ? j *Hro*d to.i« the part of peeking cowards, jJKTJfffe^-lS 1 ^ ^ ^ S £ ? ] t W w . « l i under the *amimdetrip«*,flght: ^f^^fi^-m^f^^^r.^^iiiig.ui maintain the princtpka of free gov- bands was passed- The>ieioJm^toaji»aod|^ their bappl- tbaCca^trtlootewa^ ^ ^ e i * ^ ptcaperity,^and not only theirs \ ^ ^ ^ m ^ M ^ p r ^ ^ g ^ m buttimtof the whole tooatry; ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ l ^ W ^ ; ^ IbeU^thUifweWatorecelvemArch- 5&^aK^ao^oaSa&£ tagord^Cnow timttha w^rtbar isaome- & * $ ^ * ^ * * + * * * * put -tttiedj the breast of every man of tbe ken today. TltoKew.Tea*l«rtT l itlilttf. - ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^ and that ire would, be anxious for tb* field. OncainthafieldtWewiU show our friends, that wa too) Iha 10»th, can fight. We have the fatdligeocc, the muscle aad the courage, all am want Is a cbanoe. ' .-! It | s straog* to as, that we are kept hare. 1/V«V,M;••"AW t«r«iv-w^ *vo«KIvf^'"rtN^'^-.-WiAa^t^tto-, I do not tf!T^^^^^^~S!S^if^ wt»t0bM0»* v It may ba our offlcer*. inrealityonly five couipaniea are doing duty.! which It has freeler donated to sll who The other Ave are doing nothing at all. might becomeittfriends and defenders. And " Now.I suppoM you will ask, why are jou \ again eirenmstancea have abawii to the satis. kept on attcb duty, when your service* are (isctlon of thoutandsthat there i»»till anoth- er set of patriots. A CIKH who are inteut upon saving tba Union at almost any eacri- 6c*. They did not seem to be in circum- stancesto°go to the war,bot were quite will- ing everybody else should go, and to make the Idee more tolerable for those 'inclined to go, they were not slow to, answer, yes to almost any tavor required for the rebel of why a large and wall drilled regiment is kept here doing the duty that three hundred men could do. It is not because we, the sent in a tnemorisi brging* tb* payment' of wm ^ ^ interest on: tbe fttaf* deM l» ooin. Tb* re- iiaelt Ai any tat* tat shall look to it*reo-^p- 0 ^ on niak|eig*|js*i|sjfnrfjste^ ord; and Is TWW of that r w c ^ b l telatiptt «* * ad ******. A»am«tidme«t was adopted toth*rebeiJ!Mta^^wi«.:W9,ta y onto j2ItoS^^S^*•'.?!^ , ^ TniraidT^rirta^i)*^ 41m*wt\*y» iheir policy *t home. They are; to ^caitjb *pueAlag'e»tii» « loudlyfora mora vigorous' prooocutioti of tbe war, and reproach tb* goieruueut with slackness.^ Bnttbay dotic^meabto^inter. ffere witb southern InalitutiOBt,** that it to aay with aWvaty, nor^t<» •^bje^cate^ti^ftolj eK •^Pbey malntaio that the object of the military operations should be to citable 'the Nortb to' d«toiKd ett''arnjfiacin?' A -'-"T* wouldfiirbtti^TlbeycanV.rnafca^ ! poth % aad Boutii consent to an armistica. th*y get tbe armistice, aay* I^ord Lyona.th*y mean to have a convent Ion, and whan they get a conveolloo,' tbey itrtend te» obange the constitution^^ gtrinjf^ «tbe South ample SfiCO- Htioo' tb* w&^'*$ffl$^^ it mumm. adteoture,- aays the Troy Times, c the night before Ttrtnkaghrlng, a prevloaatotb* commaueeaasnt of .tb* sad- dcalllnemwhlcbleaoltodAadlyand fatally, Mr. Lee was sittingib Ws study about one o'clockin tbemorabMp, * " ~ J tobederieeredtoalfte sembled Car Tbaokagiving worship, be heard a.nbise bebind<9iim, "and became, conadooa that »om*body wa* in the room. had dropped in ediseoUTse wbena*- so tb** "North « n d ^ t b may r^lte\.'aao1' lire tog*t»«~top^*o* and h*»mony." Tbay think the Sontit might agree to rk—toiiasi but if, alter fae Nortb has Qrds ttt- bumbled] b^ra3fkw'daT*Bolc1e^ stiaa^tbey s»ldth*^»iti»..wieer to rat*;?.; Ta*?»6r**nfpiieJc*»^ bo waver, sceordinjftb t6r#tjpj^ittvpti mucberpecteiionofsayotb^r cYvUnbert, .. «*%o^ tofollaeHag clatow*ftu^tt«^i»4to^iM ^ts«4^arf "*rw^#i^»w ww-er *wa*w^^w# w/-#- "arw^r-^nvwwvvtv . w^f^ .osve-w^ . *Ba^ B v*ra^'-sw|*sw«w»* a fct*Uigetmer. TbA^Jitoeflf.the J9*mWof ? denies lasj He •*>MU( eavj>lfis%. v a%e>lt the Union ; L*e*^e* v. to Taa-^m*er«i itself con: :tafn^Tl»lm«I>ing^a^^ JeaWng them Abolftkm I ^ g o r t aecl cloirj(i .ittf'tnam wftb ^plottlnlibltmtt^faToVbf v " " —•'- •' ^ <fcrtSK»^: ; . BB d*lkS^ irwi?: "*#!.> :••-•• .•.-•••,>§.Jtf7aJf ?.*.«/ •.*•» - J ™A which is tkes* "sow a virtosl eodoreemeatof i»t and it haa_tbA*ame e | ^ opc«,Its reader* t Boat- _ Waa ta>f iey* Bootoj a d «*toV*t8aa«e aABA«awQ tta 4 * T. Larotnt,alIk p "_^fir#atp.i|AjL * & I W r . UiicUrtato. «dtaa»4araa >Hirjrjtco0BT*WA' ^>>**.*VT' [ Oaattaat. rW«"iVt»Ulc Bsrtai I tproady. alway* a* hand c* (hrtidi ryl>.to,tt*> aotko •AmeTieaJJ,'' TBK-aTitaBTa, BtKaHAH- -«*JC t'. w*> \J HBRCBAirT TAttOB, tfAKWfUtTfl MAP^TOOk- eWscoataOy,*** a* riMaaatUUrm*. <*JTTfKO "JV ifisaaat JVM VTA^flt r*^ H #• AT D«r>oer' B upon*6m*unfort>ae«n"errand. Ifr.Lea* mid ''vs^aktotaaanatt* w""*' ••••PI •*»^***J**P*1. ,-j'^'***"*' ^T^^^W^*"?^-*^^*^ ^("!^^.^^^»™j* i*r t bnrglir-wbp ws*pointing a; ytotol at his bt*jK r Ttortjfiha r n^e^^ atidewbidow.sttpposmg that all th*> etV cOpant* were wrapped tatinmbar. andbcrst aaaeae^BP a»a*wjr ajSw*^sa*a*aa*>' B V OFST sawaav*' ds**-^*# *^evi* **wjj •waasv aware that tl»f sJodycontamed aa occupAnt. ^ U e ine your watch and m6n*y, ?, *sid be.'^ndmakkoonoiae.or I wilttre." , • Kr. Leaaaki: ' "You may a* w««ll put down ymir weapon, for 1 shall make no resistance, and you are •t liberty to take all the falusWe* 1 po*- sei*."* •*' r '" '''•..' "••r'*<' :: , ?} will conduct yontotbeptsc* where my most precious treaJOre* are paced." He openad a door aniJ pointed to the cot where hU two children lay alnmberingtotb* sweet deep of lnjii)0*ai.* end peace. ^Tbee*." •*idbe, fc aremychc4exrtje«eU. Will jou take them t" He proceeded to aay that, as a minister of tb* gospel, be had few earthly possession*, and that all hit meant were de- voted to bat one. otd*ct—th* education of the two children that were reposing In thsadjotaiogrooui. The bunriar wasdrep- and vUtbt* shVted by these-/remarks. Tear*filtedhi* eye*, and be expressed the utmost *orrow at the act which he had been about tocommiv After a tewremark*from Mr, Lee. tit* would-be criminal, comwnted to kneel and Join wHb blm 6» preye*; end there, in thst IcOerr boose, amid the sttetic* of midnight, the oneadet poured forth his penitence and remorse, while tbe represeata- live of areligionof. peace and good will told him to "go and atn'no more,' Such n <KXM has **w parallels. ^" ''." 1 On the coacbMtott of the prayer the burg lar attemvttdtotake bis departure if the broken window through which be had en- tered." . •..: .„-'.:'•;. "Why not go by tb* front doct V tabl Kr; Le*-'' . —'.%&" The man replladt "There are oonfederatestitor*who would •hoot- either yoa or me,''- * He desired Mr. Lee to tak* an oath on (be Holy Bcripture* nevertorevealtbe psrtlcu tors of tlti* singular Interview. Mr, Lev said K we* UHnccc**ary, ee be bad the kind «»t fetliagi towards him, end sboulit never divulge anght be bad teen ot beard. The next dey Mr. Lea, while walking with hb> wl*», met tb* man Jn to* streets at Wntet- foroV,and on *ab*eqneat occArion* tew . him from time to time. One of the actor* la this tinguUr episode fill aa early graret but by mean* that we are netat liberty todkeiote, tkoiveat di« with hlav^ What mo* be tbe feeliag of \ tb* otbee'perty to tbU myttertout wbenevar be reflect* upon the fooely a y , end the msm*eahlt*c 8ta^'^.;i^c*,re*aa*iy showedhlmwrf la brillunt color* In Loadotui iiwoti LWot*^fhe ~D*m»r*t "ddolBiJ^nd ordited W a th^iraJttaiB. it anmbet that tbe fi^^anid .> ^ord for or ^ ^ j m m ^ ^ ^ ^ M ' ^ ^ ^^«**»^&Pkpw.Wot*b**4ed^ in fta uatof mitert*mp«idtrad*mark*;the one relativetothe trbtt ftmda Inihe bands of f th«€ier*of Hbe OdW of Ap>ah\ and tJre*one extendingtijetermeof bnarerfhead* ofDepsrtineamtaNewTotk. The Mil ap- 1 tiWlOOOfoVtbe r^skeOnlirio, faodlie* of volunteer*, when they never in- .tended to perform one thing, or redeem one promise, but will spend more rime and mon- ey to obtain a certificate of exemption from draft, thanit would take to keep every pro- mise they made. But I am inclined to think that that little article which Congress manu- factured very recently, known as the Coo- acript Act, will have a tendency to bring them to time. Yours truly, _ RlCHARP MoSROK, Co. D„ lOfttivReg., N . Y . 8 . V -. •«*•»••»" NEWS iTBjaa. rTb_«_ pTiVut>>. yiojdd^:? Ouirmg tbe : JrVenlng teetion, tite New York H*rW riefenc* Mil w*»\ made the apecial \ tn^the' A»**mbiy. the Mil amending the tia^law of lo^ we* 1 debated until the te^ lHtiVqut^^tak ofroVp\Srranc*'we*dftne duTiag:te^eveolntT ; t.-l'' ••--• •( •VfV. , ifJt>a*iAi' 'If "I'M* - '••''••' aome of. them we know to be tro* aad brave men, .wilting to deprive themselves of the '•swuete^ of society which Laurel or any-otb- \*t place may offsr, that they may have the gioriou* privilege of helping, by active **r- yice,tocrutb this wicked, this bell-born re- |belilon, and thereby give themselves and posterity afree,united and happy country. If there are cowards, among ua, I hope, bo tiiey high or low. that posterity will give tbtm their reward, yea, let usoearchtbem mit *nd bold them uptotbe world, that meo may knownthem, and scorn them. M- . 'M*Va**v*am .flFiar t^pk jw^f^*j^s"*T , "jyW 1 *} Campnear WhiteOak ^«»*^V« : i I Sochtotb* end which tnaaa ealstd aw vej^m jirij^ R-Jaw'.be^""^* 1 **- tat tf*9 .preservation^ of { eJavery. I i t b ^ b a d a , % [ r . , nem) of their own at Wtahbgton, aays Lord Lvona.- relatin*! tb* substaac* of their municattonstoblm, "they would ratiWj, ^ possible, obtain an armistk^witboafethe aW ^••fr**Ht* o^g^g^^j"«^*k«y- weold «J cepttheoflatofforelgoajealiaootf It *p- peared ^^.^i^f^m^^l^lt^ •top'.tb boetilitie*? Bot^^Mr. Liacota a* Lord Lyons phrase* it, "thrown : »:!i >v-'"»S •;Mfj|oh ; dMl' , *llifi'' . JMor cTiifer ; 7 iVour acceptabUi tavor of, tbefMb ln«U ws* receivaji whUe oa picket \i#p tbofi*ppab*nnock>;; I hrgan totidnk "my issttotlexwa* mUo*rti*d< *a I aad apt bentd from kome for a t o n g time, 1 |it>*reme*loag|ime b> wait for aw tocora* i sbaWeooB>**: : a^ti»..yo«v : ^T^'--dmBf**aBA;ds) l now.we, »b*Ueeo T^ eaprefledrtteg whim in} ( $$Mm °tbht I*) •Nny ende^swtinag* _, *cea*th*tftwitness- ed on tb* eight before Tbaakagivlng, lMt t Ta» PMT TattAMM Oikk nr Kakrocar. •-Tboms* Bchacklettof Meade Cwinty, ta. dieted for treaeoa ia tb* United State* Or- cuft Court, has b*en 00 trial in this city since PridAjlMt, aad yretwday a t«rdlctt»fgullty we. reWertd *gVurt hf». The case «u tried before tire Hem. Wsnd Balltrd, the pteesemlba eondneted by the Utoly appolnt- tcd OUtrict Attorney, Thoma* K. HTA aad the prison** defended by Wet, P. sad t«*«o D. tmmm^ eeqrs. This rVacbWt we* * oVavjeetdo *nd cnt-tbroet, wkv> Wwt oft* in Ififil, when Uockeev *ttM*|rt*l to be- tray tbe 8t*tey WMtawictered wfakPorretoV command, ws tatak, and came hack with BraggV IntAdlng army last Pali, ft* left i h « body tr Bod MilK tm tbe ttoUreg Pork, aad wekt to Mead* Itoaaty, where he arrest ed the Sheriff, f>eputy-ftb«jln* sad Awe^aor, ftito the arm* of the rttieme Tadlesa there it no *H©rn*tive but to go on Wltli war. notto"aoi^ugate^ iba/ Booth, but; to get the North aad tbe government Into a humortoofiir-an arutirt|ee, *a a prelhninary to taking oeasureafot;the prerervation of slavery. ToefiectthU object the war 'watt.*' of| ooores, heproeecamd In a ptcullajf nitnoer. The rety r »rml*a mnrt not- be aonihilsted, nor must too many of the rebel port* aad placea of strength fait Into our handt, v r tt must be'isnexbAustlhg war fi» ti» N^ortb, that our people may b* brought to consent to e cessation of hostilities. •. r< When Lord Lyons arrived at New York on ^i^^-Tinm^ ( ,^k^'^^ ;h*' found the "conservarire IradcVt^ eXoJtJog'.** tbew*t8cccmln*th**l*ctione morning '^tolllgenot arrived from Wath- tagtoBwhl^;.da*b*d'tbelrrtemg r^pta.*'-^ -Oeoeral MoCWlan had been dbmtieettijfrom tbe command of the Amy of the rVtomaeJ* "Tb*iQeoeral, M procesd* Lord Lyons, "hid beenrtgardcVlist the representative of 6W eexvatiye prtacrplee in' the;*jmy^;tflci^k^; \ port of him had been made on* of the or* tickv of .the cottservatt re electoral program* mo." Accordingly, he says there wa* "great |rrltAtioa'>tatheir party, "not unmixed with «m«t«rn*rioo and deopondency." .Lord. Lyons, is seems, Was convinced by tbeir reasoabg* thst tbe present Was not the tioi*forBnglaad t.i Interfere; thepresldettt wnuid reject tite offer of mediation, tad kit party would turn it to Account ta\treftgth> e$ng tbmttf re* tritk tbe people, and 'la- •^108," a* Lord-,Ljrtn* **y^ "tit* spirit?* Meantime, he appear* to be vended by hie interview* with them th»t the time tt at hand whew laferforeaoe will 'im bo repelled. Be has no <vw«dmo« that tbe great militory movemenu now on foot to iirituwd party ax eaaa^Th* prtton*?? said that bo had Jttrt obtained »n Important tikiieiiiMi tt In ttit rnnfHtratr "ifct**? and i that hit vidt to the complsiBAort kouao wtaonlyapertiogct&fox: tbe purpote?«f bMdtag a*T snod-by.^ «l»'m**aod ot *»»-' tng taax •wear woro mutnx oe p*curiar, our Ta* magrstrsi* nwatried tb^ etcxy of an ap- putatastat aa to idtoexcase, end * tboaght cato,^he^uto,t^fromtb.h^ of scarvtagio the Southern army. - 80 be k*d*hir«tt*ontitt,? .'-a/ • DBATBT c^' NAtSLurrttt. Ptrxaowa—Ha- thatrftf PlTtntor*» ^ f*tb*r of erpraaV County, oh iS^&rday morntag, at the ad- vaseed age of M year*. Mr, Pfllmor* ^was bora M B*nhingtoo;;"Vermbut; on the 19th d^oir*^t^r%^^^tr^^-n*: tiVe ^^ef^;^^^^$nMpo^ig^ oaoof the earliestaettiem opoa *what rwai thee catied *N*w Hampkbire grat^^tt• , Th* oldhom*^tadl**tilVdwn*d,and rtccujptod b^l^olM^^lWW aotiefdieifJil^o^^ i •' Camp Laurel. Md., March 8. I j»^. JRHto>.' 1 amr *nrry~timt It to not > tny p^wettocommunicate something of ta ftexest reiativir to^ine war. And the only 1 thing tncoaTaging, that occur* to my mind, b to -ute the expieaslon of Artemas Ward— ** VbMt tbe Government la abouttotake- vig- orous measures for tb* prosecution of the rwar. And also that Washington is safe. Aad all: I* quiet along the Knee," But to the point._,.'_::;.:",,' '''^l:- ; x''.. "." i Let me enquire of yoo bow tbota Peace partie* prosper *mong yon. Those men who are so highly susceptible of aympathy for the ^nSaring eoldiers, and who *o highly and congretohUn themfortbeir brav< ami their devotion to their country. ...... .. .. .... .. . ^ ,. ^ • „^Jt'^^'^l*.ooa4Bcttow^ ttbi«kif all could bar* been ,«Ml-4**tB* ^ i c ^ ^ a s e h t ; battoJoatio* to tbe gov. North, th* war would have bew satistaot» ^ ^ ^ ^ .oldkvabe It known tothoat r H|-£ B ^> lo ^, , P^>£ •*& vi-**i4*ivi *:" iwatf'iad'to'^ ail whom ft may^ ccoeern, that 't^MVf^m^^^B^-mim. theiraympatbk.thus«p«ared « i^re- *«»M^«i%l **m*&:& t mi-vA***> eetvedwithmvwortbMkfolnam Nertker »^j-p*tm&^&*P,m*^^ tawtratgn^raat-ofth* ts*tm'wUeb-tk47'la>^ ^^•^.JSt^m^i»^t^iM^>^ ^forSaotesloB. Therefore la behalf of| «*ktog s d v a a ^ ^ • y J^i8g|»;# i ^ih> ua,ttM^vrt..Ignore **" sodrepudtototbeir pity for nsto : any such fsrm: We aak notfortbeir pity, and If tear J ered. should not consider it any more genu- ine ti«o tiwugh it cam« from Jttt. Davis himself Their sympathle* are with blm, or tbay would aot be eo over anxkm* that we should wop fighting secession. Th*y may pontider that they do ut honor by calling thatr Peace Convention*, but we consider ibem insults. Not that w* preform tbacos- timmtiottftftbh war, not that we have tost tferfr slle^Unce, wl^ thsylnatitnttcaennim- and,** one great..inaa:b*s ta|d,--;" filavery whatever stand* ta the way go'oader, but 1 hat* perfect confidence in tb* honesty of 1 the Preitdibt.' but think %i. has given way ty, N.' Y., aboai tTkfi, wbera be tetideer: till till IMG, when he removed to Anmra,> Brie N. Yv,W whWt tw*»her»tided«li ataay.ytoB*,.; Be was.* i M M ^ p h f meet temperat* habit*—making U a rate through %f***W < fJntW^ *V a****-- *' *>a^hM««-Aa^kdBh*ak*l* •aia^aft*i**ft^' *• ''^aaawaawa QlfayfOOIf UflUIV Wwa*pf*T^n>7wT WMJJaPVM* WW kocwn.n«^«*to^1n^xtoWng l^uort a* a bevereg*. or ofiW tbe'm toother*. r¥e en- joyed almo**..-eaiaiaiTOftjMd^^l health, aad wee to well when upward of 80 year* of age a* to h* able to'vftU<hh *on at Wash- tagtoa—that being the only ln*t*o*e when j det'.#vW'te- the iixecu- !3(eaoW^of;;M . . orfvwta visit from hkutbtt y0 ;;! !'• Dxrirwano* or A '«cWr«aJl«At». , ^•' suMuetkerebelllow will have any tatpor- American cOrretaoadent f4 the l^adoo tsrtt result*. The President need* tome lav Spectator define* the c»p|K»rhe*d ae : a ere* by portent mtlUary successe*. "to regain hl»lwt popularity," and lifted Lyon* doc* not see how bb i* to obtain them. The next Con* he say*, Is likely to hostiletothe Ad'mlnltirAtlrth, which Uta dahgre of not being supported la ||» "aasamptlon of ex- U»ordin«r)i power*." • 191*" Moo. John D. Caton, of Ottawa, has written s letter to Oot. Beymonr, of New Yoriwwkkh occaptet three coloauat ta the Atbany Bveaing Joomsl, in whk-hbe strong* If t«re "remArtribl* Tor lu thtok^headedneaa, for it* venom end for H«; treachery." Th* political o»»e|eta**ri;eaye tale writer, to a more dangjhWf enftmy by far *t till* tt>o roeal U»*n the aotitVirn r»ttici-n»ke, who at to*** give* waralng ere he rtrik**. A Vk*r roa (W^axp Tnoor*.- It U **!d that a c*tap,lt *<tr>rvt'> »H»rt**bll»be«l at H*r- p«tf* PeVre.lpw .th«v..r*r*ptlou of wlored troopx, wkere they will »* .>rg*nired, and drilled by competent pcr»oe*, Hrsvcf*! col ^Me Narama, the aaderd tdoodetl _'•».!»# •Aid,aad*a« Varslr**^^ it* anerwaro* Kitten at Die nuita* of aansasl sad naldi . . , * * ^ ^ l, *rt^tw^*awaw* * awprx* 1 *H*W**T ty, s* he wee endearorieg to Mm down d*apUe tb* tows ,- ewtreartea.of PM wrai anq i * e ***** gwarn* o* PIIWAI* >v*a hi* irack. aad socreededta*rrert< •flertaMki«*st *ad tijeLom (rat dsfcaded with ee^etmele ^*eafoe*^i^m)oftre».rt..-- firettaiHKahwtt swd the are* roa- vtottaa stneetk* ttotislltodr keeks oa*v end that *o " *' ' -••**n th«rr»ftd .rtherW «aitot for *ertic» ta the fWd. ita*Ay*fceUfo>*lcny**r| %*% aaotarety, rather than give up tk* Dnioev* Tb* tott^,'rVAJ|j*l : *#^^^U^.v|^tki*4 ttpoa^the foiitre ofth* rtom^SrWj, re- pecially that poftloa who have not yielded |k*ypt'»rir*s eptireiy to the treitoroa* laan- *nc* of Coppmheadtom. $ Oojtrt-^, mMif\ WWS^ 4 •-1 tf aaa^tA.rtVkH ftftlr#tsaP<>l»telilt 4>f tttal JOUrBAl 4>f .W s*w^w#»«swa|*",#w*i w<**W^TW/W*** 1 ^x-f •*^ |r " t ^/VT" Cto*tetire»Q&tatt]arattoy sM*ej|^*ojkoitotar' Who m\\\ toar* behind him such *e *x1*a*lte t*ildwt^J f ew*%artlt***^ of ctasr taoagat at will be tbe o**e ' lT <-%UJ IMtit oar Wt*e~*0*i**t\8. field. ( too much to tiie radical pressure..which has been brought to bear upon him, especially ta deprivtagMcCielianitf the'eomtnaad 7 of the v Army ot the Prttornac; Tdb hate ho idea'df the love the Army have for blm, nVint bttt^h«i*e who bavewitaeated Ms brar- efy ow'the «*M; W^wer* wtth ; Wm In' the •ev4*d*^figWV^tbePe«ln*o1tL,w saved ut from eo^lluTatioa^ by;bi* conrago aa^itt^atabVs^^T^ m^aWJ tuSl khhwtbtoio 1 be true. I am tori 1 r/toi«*ra*thW*oo» of owftbmd* at home are chstrged In ihelr 'v^twt. I remember some were very patriotic at first, and how learn they are completely turned, such are notta*men for tbe^ tta^when we are fighting;'for our BAUOOST «tstence. ...-. ;••; .|^v* i a*v«j\nioc%-.'Bti^ sad,bloodshed, while ini the srmy»but h*re seen nothing to indue* mo to tarn tgalnrt the beet govern- mt»t that C*A exUc We have-been through tflpjnoch jk. shrink now. .W«have carried tbestajrt and stripe*, that,gioriou* emblem of our nAtion,'* grcatne**, through the amok* and roar of battle too manytime*,to see it trampled ta the dost now, hy thee* taeakiag traitor* of the North,—of the two giy* me the men of the Sooth, who, instead of sitomv 1 ly trying to undermine this repuWlc, come out openly and show where tbey atand by fighting oa the title they think to right,. 1 may be home the first of Hay, bat I am aot my own matter until discharged, which may not be until the twenty-first, A co\d snow stormtoragtag, and not tent U but little protection tgaiaet the wintry bla«t>--hut better time* are coming. .Till then, good bye. Itoraerahcr me to all oar friend*, *nd lielleve M ever your friend »nd 'brother. ... , ",' Bergt. 0. J. Dtmrxc. ^B.,mrtotf.rt.Y.S.V. *t«e>M THSI t e o v n tt*t«i*t*TN'r. Annapolis Junction, Md„ 1 M*rcb «?th. IfiW: ( ikV. iwaerf : - S t a : The privilege of writ- ing to t friend occati<i«ally, to n* Mldiera, sltnstM a*.we are, i* <MT IntMlmAlito vabie, lad *in*e Tf h*« been'a hmgrim*M'Sce t have trvfrteri to yon, t will 'endeavor to glvi* yon aotaethtag of an idr* of tb* \i«ih. ire still " forc«d n ta remain oa thto •rtieto upon the bad keN» of ,e*Ui»g- three meal* per -Uy. The editor *t1r>*\ta*» twh P^^coe^! shbrtaeei of |>roel«lon*, tafTbVtoftM^^t the desireforthtjwdety of our famitie* and friends at borne, not that we think ourselves braver than -other men ; but ta honor aad jottice to the heroes who have already fallen upon tb* battlefield,fortbe preservation of th* Qorsrnment through whose vein* flow- ed tb* best blood of our country,tahonor to them we refuse to compromise short of a complete victory. All the favor we ask Is that th* people prefesring loyalty,' will show It by. precept and example, aindtimebold op the soldier's hands.and the day will soon be won, and the victory oars. Let Nottiterareheto"b*w*rehw tb«y~nn- dertak* to barter our right* away, tost there coare upon them a day of retribution. Por Secession must and shall be put down, both North bad Sooth. They talk of compromising with Se- cession after so much of bar country's beat Mood ha* drenched th* soil of Rebellion, sad to many patriot* have found grave ta the domain* of Jeffdom «> many fireside rj**a mad* desolate, *o many kindred ties have been broken forever; *o many compsn- ioo* who** future hope* have been Waited, and the coming days of life made a burden; eo many orphan children whore waiU can be heard all over th* toad, sad wbil* tufftr- taghumaalty still criesforJu*tlce,thos* mesa sneaking, cowardly, deceptive demagogue*, proposetodisgrace our nationality by urging a compromise with rebellion, thus togatlring rebcrtloatorepeatedta coming time sad future generation*. Let them put their h*nd* upon their mouths, sad cry smclean, and like men grasp their 'fire-arm* and rueb to th* rescue of tbeir country and the soldier* for whom they would feign make it appear their sympathies are «o much *tirred. But my Attention hs* been called to another ctoto who in the begin- ning spared no p*tn* t* aeoure to there- seivM the cln*k of Union, the object of which wa« beat known to themwlvee, at the time, bat hat revetted Itself more plainly a* day* and month* have worn away. I altud* ta those men who. In the beginning of this war cried war tb* longest aad toadest, until they were called npon to do something to Wt ire still -forced" to remain oatatolcarry oa tit* war, sed then Ilk* the aohto p*^r |p,»rtdhv,^hAfayvWaWt k * ^ ^ M r W t > ^ v * V h * t gVn lWglftops* of hit imoome- tto'neariy-eabed eo «M Ooaiwd*- *• i* iSfiSV beswrw'ttttf -^ .. .1..-' Tetnioiy 140,000, aad „v. ^*a*—U iy foei, their pAtrketom met tritk sodden ctoafb, sad when trot patriot* war* flocking sroond the old flag, toeion* of It* safety and du*t .off the track, sad *taraing ianoceot |trereler*tath«f*.*e, until tbej havtWw to lc>ok w u* with , * pexrVt tempt." W* are still le*\riing the '.tare*'da.ll. m^otattout Ufa, wljlch we' bate ledfortit*jfat rix month*. $ « *xc|t*ai*a} to'tnitrei.And gite bWr^tty; l o , w *nlrlte i; nobopt of jawfonataajltobto d**ds, to give etreagth to ear will* aad couragetooar heart*. - . ,HBn»atsi atyslsesJttaisaiwesssa.^ •• ^Tkok-*st*w the JaaS; hstitist.ta that tka ^*f^**i^*a #^*w**^^^*^ ^^. *^^^]^^^^** ^^ -^p ^^^**l^^^^^^w i i ^ at^MtJt*^ ahAA**ft*a*M*Stfaa **W*v*A* «<P » r wih^ati I a*wt nut to thA a*o*^tf*a*hMA* AM* **T *^-^ ^a^s^-tf^ na aa**^ss*j*aw*sw>w^[WMS]"F*_wwww* ywr, wwai | WW*WMJ*» %^* ajvrwiwwjatas *•» o» awe ••"^•wy —A portion of th* Illinois cavalry, belong- ing to Gen. Hooker's army, on Tuesday-cap- tured tea rebelstathe woods near^umfries, Vs», ti*t neighborhood of which placetota^ fatted with guerrillas. Y T—A rebel mail has been eaptured'~below Pre&ricksburg, andtosaidtobe valuable. •—During the past week the Navy Agent baa disbursed over sixty thousand dollars in price money. Nearly one thousand case* hare been disposed of. Tbe claims paid are chiefly those of seamen and marine*. —Two rebel steamers laden with cotton are reported as having arrived at Bermuda from rebel port* on the 22d and tSd of March. —At the Sub-Treasury, on the 1st of April, about a million and a half of gold and gold checks were'peid out for interest on the seven-thirties. The deposits onfiveper cent temporary loan and for conversion into five-tweatieareachedabout * million of dob lata -•-Baron Wardllner, formerly of tbe Aus- trian service, who was captured with flonc- f ral Stoughtoo at Fairfax Court Hou«v has beenrelrasedand arrived at WtubinKton. He states that the treatment of the Union ofBcers who are held by tite rebel* at Rich- mondto'moRt.outreK'-on*. Thc^- di> nm re- ceive even as kind a treatment is usually extendedto.the vilest criminal*. The rebel* are exceedingly Incensed against Col Wxnd- b*m, and threatened to hang him and hi* staff if titoy should mil into their hands. Capt. A. C. Webster, who is conuned in Ca»- ti* Thunder,totobe bong on tbe 6th insL at Camp Lee,forviolating bi^ parole. Noti- ces tothat effect are posted about thjn streets of.Bwmond..V^v-',." -rTha Post<ifflce Department to malting arrangement* to secure tbe prompt convey- ance oftetter*to'and from aotdtor*tothe ar- my o f the Potomac, and those ta the neigb- boihoodol Washington. Particular tastruc- tioss have been given to postal agents on tiito*obtoc*.';:. : ^'-%t'' ii ? --Tbeimp«ation Intended to be conveyed j b^O^ trcadton's report of the battles of Stwbltauataln aad Antietam, that be bad bat a small rets rye under Porter,topositlve- to contradicted hy~the tettfmbny of Major fjamertit. given before tbe Oommltiee on the Kaxtactrfthe. w*i/ ' —Lieut. Col. McKervy, Commandant of the Convaieecent and Dittribution Camps, in which there were thto morning 3,840 troops, returned, th* only Copperhead ta the whole number, In iron*,totbe regimentfromwhich be deserted- * The Major bat given hi* con- stat to the boldtog of a grand Union meet- ing by tbai soldiers in hto camp. ' —Capt. Moaby, of the rebel cavalry, made a raid near Broad Run Thursday. Hto force ws* encountered by a portion of the First Vermot cavalry. A sharp fight ensued. Tbe rebels took up a position behind a fence, which oar cavalry could not get over, sod from Which they were ututbte to dislodge them.' During the fight Capt Flint, of the First Vermont cavalry, and a lieutenant of the same regiment, were severely wounded. The detail* of the affair hare not at yet been received, . •:• —A military Commission, detailed from the Army of th* Potomac, has found guilty of attemptingtosmuggle whisky within the mititary line*, Chas. ionea, John Burke and Joseph Post, civilians, and James Graham, sa Engineer. J one* wss sentenced to have hto head shaved, and do hard labor for thir- ty days at Aquto Creek. ' Severe punishment was siso ordered to be inflicted upon the other culpriu. ->-A spectol dispatch from Cairo (2d) Mtyu, Tuesday evening** Memphis Bulletin, says the guerilla* who attacked a train near Mos- cow, have bsen severely handled. Captain Loomto, with about one hundred men, came op with and attacked them on Monday.— Five guerillas were killed, six wounded and twenty captured, among the latter their leader. On their return our troojw Mopped at s farm house torent,where they were at- tacked by a force, said to be lire hundred strong, under Col. Richard*nn. A dc*]H'r- at* hand to hand conflict ensued. Thirty Averebel*were killed and a largo nnmlicr wounded and taken prisoner*. Our )<>•* wa* *lx killed and thlrty-fonr wounded. The rebel* were completely repulaed. There in nothing Important.fremVlckabiirg. --From Headquarter* of Hookers »rmy W* tears that, tbe *oow storm of TuCmlay ba* entirely disappeared, ami tbe road* are sgaln In coraparsttyely goo<t condition. Kv- .•rything tviusin quiet along the Kappnhan- aock. TherelHStohare recently * nnmlwr of hall* In Predcrickuburg, and *t time* the nuric oonld be beard by onr own picket*. Nearly all the fcm*1e* have left the camp*. AtoWremain, Ami *nmc are Mtil allowed to come down. Of late tbe «tcamer between W*#MngtcA»nd Aqu'o-ka* l-ccH-.vrcrloadM With officer* aad men returning to their regi meat*. Tbe order of the. War Department relativetodeeerter* kae brought Ixck bund- | red*, tad many are still coming- That sec- been se«n. ami re|n>rt«i havlu}; bv«u chased by tb*' Vamlerbilf near Barbados, which vessel »be etacled by a ouiui'mg device. She afterwards captured the Star of Pence and the Aldeba- ran, of Ilockbaven. Col. Bcekwitl). Commi'JMrv of Substance, !mdte_i'proposal*, until AprH-15, forfurnish- infi tbe Sul^iytenct* Department with 4,000 heR<t of t»eef cattle, to be delivered here on April $.">. or as soou thereafter as tbe Qov- ertimciit nisy (li<vct. The caUle to average J at li'ost 1,300 pounds «ro*.s, and no animal to weigh.le«a than l,00t» pound*. Persona desiring to bid for a lea* number than 4,000 should so state in their bids. Bid* from duv, loyal parties will not bo noticed. —Col." Baker's detective*, captured two Jew* named Loy.y and Miller, up.the Poto- mac, Wednesday, with $10,000 or f 12,000 of Confederate money upon their persona. A number of citizens of Fairfax county have been escorted to the Old ^Capi.toJL'w|thta..». few dajA, charged with being .concerned in the recent raid .into Fairfax Court House, andforexpressing disloyal sentiment*. —Therebelswho last "inv»ded' , Kentucky have not escaped without some punishment A Louisville dispatch announce** that the force nnder Qen. Pegram, which had taken up a strong position near Somerset, was at- tacked on Tuesday by the National force* under Gen. Ollmore, and badly defeated, af- ter s five or six hours' fight. Our losstath* affair does not exceed thirty. Therebelloss is not stated. —The name of Hon. E. Q. SpauldJng, of Buftolo, has been mentioned, Tuesday, a* the - possible appointee to the vacant office of Comptroller of tbe Finances. —Tbe number of applications for widows and invalid pensions is enormous. Since the war began seventeen thousand of the former and eleven thousand of the latter have been receired. —One of the Moodiest battles of modern times was the fight at Bear River, Washing- ton Territory, by Col. Conner with gOftharri marched and exhausted men against 800 In- dian warriors. Of the Indians, 824 were killed. Our Washington despatch give some account 6F tbe affair. —Seven Union prisoner*, confined in the Ltbbv Prison, at Richmond, recently escap- ed from ther* hy the 'tbllnwing clever ruse : The Small-pox having broken out In. the prison, to prevent its further spread the pa- tient*, as soon as attacked, were removed, (-for niedical treatment, to the pest-house, on tbe outskirts, of the city. In orderto,get to tbe peat house, which afforded a better op- portunity to escape from than the prison, the riien heated a wire and burned their fe- ces in blisters, and under pretence that they had the disease, asked to beremovedtothe pest bouse. This wa* immediately dona. After remaining in the hospital for a few hours, theV managed to etude the vigilance of the guard-and mrke good their escape. . . —There are now building at various potato ta this 5tate, 214 boats,'-which will be ready for launching on the opening ot tb* naviga- tion.—These boats will average ta capacity two hundred tons, thus adding forty-two thousand tons to the capacity of the fleet.' —Tbe Rochester Union says it has receiv- ed intelligence thattofavorabtoto toe peach crop in that vicinity. ;: —It is thought that the Wetland Canal will be navigable at as early a aperiod ibis year ss it was last season. —The St Louis Republican say* the mer- cantile, bouses, of that city are making pre- parations for a heavier spring trade than they hav* known since tbe war commenced. ^-Qeberal Halleck has officially compli- mented Colonel Connor, of the Third Cali- tornla Volunteers,forthe gallant and heroic conduct of hto command at Bear river. —A Baton Rouge correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer furnishes the public intelligence of a movement up tbe west bank of the Mississippi, made by a brigade com- manded by'Col. Dudley, subsequent to the movement against tbe Port Hudson in- trenchmenu, made simultaneously with', the attack upon tbe rebel batteries by Admiral Farragu't The iutcution of the movement seem*tohave beeu to pass above the batto- ne* and co-operate with the Admiral in a movement up the Red River to cut off tht rebel supplies. This was frustrated, bow ever, by taXrebels'clatting the leteet and flooding the country, so a* to render land movement* impossible. honor, their pMriotlwn kae sadly d*get»«r*t- (tloti of tbemuntry is infcttc-l with gncrril- ett. s , , . . .^„ (!»* *ad *tr*ggUng perttoaof therebelc*v*l- At dlffswet tlm** it h*e atviwa fteew* ta I ry, and attack* upon our telegraph patrol* In dtocoarsglng •tattotsseato) are of.freoa^tt occurrence:- Deeertert from diitreat ways. In dtoeoaraging aad to swtodtiag volunteer* oat of bard latiiifiii.liitrti'ri r iViT* rrtin'ng.liiil ikiii dtotoyalfty shows Itottf the clrere**, when ekayvttKiryef* dsstrttoa, aadfnrstok clothe* amd tseawy foe the**, the* to cheat aad treo^tot the enemy arrive dalle. Di«anVction in their rank* continue* oa the Increase, and the en tire army It in s mo«tj deploreble condition. Their Artillery is *o poorly sapptted with stow sal that saaay of their batt*rtos cannot beasedatall. irtVKrKE.K.AlVBOCS ITEDU. —It is.sAld that some of the most distin- guished engineer* in France hare approved a plan for a railway from Paris to Marseille*, by which the journey, which now consumes eighteen hours, may t>e made in one hour and a half. The distance ia 510 miles. The plan ha* been submitted to the Emperor of his approbation. Tho~hydraullc system, in which sliding is substituted for running on wheels,tothat proposed. —The '.'Antl-Carnlval" party at Rome this yearresortedtoa most amusing device to render the masked ball* unpopular. They got up Into tbe nm*r boxes and showered the company with f» quantity of sneering powder; immediately every mask and do- mino went into convulsion* of sternutation, and were finally obliged to nbAndon the theater, —It is reported apparently upon trust- worthy authority that Oov. .Andy Johnson hi* been succcssftil in obtaining from the" Government foil power* lor tho liberation of East Tenn<-**>oe, that he has been authorised to raise tr*>o|w for this specific purpose, and to cut all the red tape that might emh*rr*M him. ~ Thf 7»o»/if« IstitUr denounce* a* un- wise a bill Itpfore tbe ix-gWtotivc Assembly of Cans.Is to make executions, which are now conducted with tbe utmost publicity, private, as with us on the ground that the moral effect sought to be produced by bans big can oplv l>o obtained by making the dl •/listing work of the hangman *v conspicu OH* as |>o«»ibtc. —A witty foreigner said, some rears Ago, that thlt-aaUon wa* dying of "gab." Not no tf «fcflr» conld ttaWhlllea tnlt nation, it" would have been dead long ago. Although *-nuisance. "V*l»" < is hot fr.tal to national life —O>on*n Puff*': Right spoonful of flour (not he*pcd) ? egg* well beaten-—lqt, of milk—to be baked ta tea cups two thirds full ta a quick over IS minute*. To b* t*f» ed with **nce or tugar and butter beaton to gsthef. - Mn*h, Moth Cake*, and Fried Mush : Stir corn meal into boiling water till suffici- ently thick. Add salt; keep stirrie* Hto prevent It being lumpy. It should boil near- ly 1 hour. Pour It out in pane, aad wh*n cold it wakes a wholesome and good dessert, If sliced aad fried. Bat it with sugar aad ereaea, or barter aad molaatea. K \ * i IS "M< .-.-TV.-. •;;. : Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 2/Binghamton NY...llMcUftUta waa "km." ta af*ro» of cbeaa. And ht» bao^bty aanrar waa " Jkrf »/** TbtiUNV ttechaaa A» Tom aad Ua aatalakad

ltbullbull i - bull bull bull bull bull bull - bull - - t^W X ^ W ^ i r V f e v V itvY-^VK

NUilBER 40

i ^rdomtCoanlQ rpaHitan FORLUaiU KTKBT WTOKSaPAV

At Wee f t S 0 Co a r t Btgt W laquo laquo l u u a t o laquo vriUXUC 8TVART b m i

tTUABT CAHT PawnusTOU raquo F o t M i M - bull- t o mdash - mdash

^ O B T B Y rat th BpraquobKoraquoraquo gt

T O H amnrcwi I N u t n c n o r r v w b o o a i i

an =stz

Twraquoraquo dart sty o4tn-to J Was oar ttooraquo f t toe Ik to

Towf-M fe hefctot4 bullgt

1 I H pound ^ T w ^ - t o i laquo laquo i t t o Mil relative mdash l ^ - i ^ 5 j pound f e ^ reg ^ ^ laquo laquo ^ laquo raquo gt titootwodyoftb Ctovk of

BlXGILUlTON WEDNESDAY APR laquo laquotowingoolorfcof dlaquo^laquottojraquoraquomjlraquo^tty tgtlaquo = t | ^ ^ ^ laquo T Appmlwlaquoraquo^Melaquodt6laquothinl _ - ^ j - y _ - bdquo bull l ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ p o ^ u r t |decouraquo J ^ T b e ^ t e x ^ the term of 5 laquo f e f t ^ I K L f 2 laquo f b i t r n o n m r f f raquo laquo X W t t H raquo raquo i laquo y i t r y And ytt In tlw wnr wwt column fti bull

~~ claquomraquoitBJMgtiraquo A mnrtot publishes

State r advertisin OMNMNMiUMlaquottM

f twOUMTttOMk

tsii bull laquoli OMJtt t

- t o bullbullbull laquobullbull rraquo- bull bull i n


rilj iosecto| bullISM1

raquoco moo



MM Card U Uwj Wraquo yew bulltal HoOff trHft u d Dto

Hoik ta total column par thw wUI to) strict

qwtrterljrtt Uraquoir option)

l tt iH i MsCtkaaeri bull^-IttifiSi-iSlv

bull bull - t h tpto

Tfcraquo iiHilssiiimmr of a IWWil raquo bullan t tluoagk to dooda wnraquo a gaaial glow

Aad Dd wtU p a w - a desolat seao

Aod ialaquod T W bop 9 W W W



0 w BOOat-aWIMtB H bull

- atwtoaa Vlaquo)tltT MS

Howe couinv8Taraquoffr OYB

Binsaaattaa Norcn-

Wffliaa aCBOsxm orrtc a TH9K-

AtOJfZO Wodsof

fcraquo^Sl^^r OP ALL

A c Shepeor-street Re


W t R f amp I -w wv bullraquobullbullbullbullbullbullbullbull war bullbull^^bullbullbullbullww atrade- w ^ raquo-e^w- raquogtbullbull s^ bull aMLv

haartoa Pet It 186X

t X pound 5 3 ^ K pound r ffi2dega2fiaoat naora wan 01 BcpaowaT xaa oairaquo apa wow BJalaquoraquoQotjlfarltJlaquodurtraquolaquoraquoSBJtlaquotraquoaalaquolaquoraquolaquoagc

B A--OBkBBJlaquo H JLlraquoAlaquolaquo


Ha wabi to UM eOcar to Asd tsM Wraquo wtara ha wtahad to fo

Atoothatba Ooal4 aoCmdashyan aaa

Way a coaldat obtala a -Vva iora

llMcUftUta waa km ta afroraquo of cbeaa And htraquo bao^bty aanrar waa Jkrf raquo

T b t i U N V ttechaaa

Araquo Tom aad Ua aatalakad raquogtnt raquoca i

Tota cotoiad tka cklaftatoS only ata Wltk a toaJhtolMjrlka a^AonMar blow

y ITiMat gttogt raat tflta a aptoatag waaal

Tbaa promta laquogt ftaaJ aim A Igtrauualaquo

laquobullraquo HU appUcartoa waa 1 Aed wbfla ta waa 1

A 1 la -8laquottOQV

Aad7gtt aj-wadKWff-wX laquo I U B M N I 1

Hlaquo eaaarad and c$arlaquod~ayv ytUad aad Wktta apltkata ftaaa Ma wrndk td tew




rar a aUla aioaad All-O4-wk0a to aaarc^ laquof a MPcaxoDlaquoa

Two took an oato on tfeat BMSMtaMa day AM oarer to anaa ttt JfeCtt M a laquo

Bat lira to ptalaa Tbaaa goUaa daya

Wbea araquo want la lawra of a bull

A tetter from Lord Lyon to Sari baa bew poblialjed which nrreftls In light tnlaquo mraquochinationraquo of tblaquo 2Toltthlaquorn Oojh pwnAXto inrt tipixm tVif treaAOQAbja cm-bullpiracift against tbraquo OoTernment Lord Ljona atoWa with great dlaOnctoeaa tbraquo riew tad detigna of those who Approached hltn raquoleadera of thraquo dMaocra^c pampJrr Tbay haduoolijectiootofcreign mediation in itself they thought that it most be ofshyfered and Accepted In the end bat at preeeot they desired that the oflet ahonld be withshyheld lest the federal gorernment shoajd make-it the occasion of an appeal to the peoshyple and the people indignant at tha atshytempt of a foreign power to interfere In onr docrMsrto aftWia shontd be stfmtilsjted to prosecuts the war with redoubled eaafgjr anddetermlsAtloa It wad tbe onraaecp-aWeneea of the biteifsteuoa at the preeeot moment that made them wish that Oreat Britain shoold rafrain from offering i t there would be a time for it hereafter

arm deootmclng tne-uaAont^^^ ^ ^ ^^i raquolaquoraquoJraquo A wtl laquo M Leagues-^tn ssaociition fouodtd on broad Catholic principles merely designed to band together all Wlthoot distinction |laquoi prty who ara tru$ and loyal to the government and who are witling t^IeClartMhemaelvee as soch t This articledenoanoe the Union Leagoea as AbaHtion^Laalaea whos bm4-nea H la to plot in secret in fsybr of negroes

Tbe obrJoua tandftocy laquond design of si eh article in tin Jkmocrat la laquoo prweal DemO-craraquo from Joining the Leagues by deboapegtraquo ingsll who Join them as MoHtomUti^ foes of eirjtHtjer^fand wnltiB^I ]^l infloeooe of tha JUmterat is tbsw (hre sgnjiist the onion of ell loyal men for tb anppgtvol the Unlori tn oppiAngtbe^tXnlbpXeagioid which were b r g A ^ t d s ^ t ^ t T a I t ^ | coBspiracies of the goldas circlea it it giving S i d and cemfcrrraquolaquoNbe rebela what

m ffaampamp9-fm ever ira proremwos m a y n e TO tqe contr

VOampAX - a toe l a o t a

Tosadtoatoi Bat of what dtaaaaa I do so iraew

Deamtss-Mston Oarjavtal Toea

And sara to Ua mil falaquo WmzaznC

TsmOLsaaTMAM ASD lt n Bcaouknmdash Tbe vererend genUeman who figures in the following narrative is the son-in-iaw of one of onr oldest and moat esteemed Htiaena T h e worlH of fiction hardly contains a more thrilling chapter than an incident which marked the ti o t Ae Bev Mr Lee who waa recently claquot down ta biraquo prime while pastor of raquoJw Pirsbyteriaa Charchrto tbe village of Waterford New tork Tbe

occurred on few weak

They [tbectosw raquoraquolvu leadenk as they are called] would desire says -liird tqrbna that it should coma from the great Powers of Kuropo conjointly and tap as little prominence as possible should be gWtotha^ofiBreraquoBrtta^ ^

Having put Lord Lyons to posseaaion of | their views concerning the doe time aod proper mode of meddling in onr domestic quarrel chlefji of the oonssrvattve par rraquo proceed to make him tbeir confidant ta to

4ihe_ldftofof tiH DmtnU ss Kathan uatoltoTidr-^fa^aTflfctsart

Tot waa repotted fisvoraUy A bill wa

introdtteed bull ^ ^ ^ l laquo ^ ^ b f r tankandfiltow togbothVfrcit Warepo rcraquonnM^ondtr t l to^trtei ional Banking ^ ^ l d ^ Wera cowardly we are ^^bullS T ^ f ^ ^ wlUiwtogo to tbAfront and brav t h d a opttk^ ~ f 5 laquo ^ i i ^ ^ - H ^ ^ ilaquoMof ttraquotmttj|iridb^^

U - f S l ^ S 2 S S ^ S bull loWdti- manhood by admitting by tbeacteataMlshiiigtheMelWpolltan laquo ^ w c ^ dead that we are onwards wasU

W ^ f e ^ ^ ^ S S ^ ^ willing ^ofigbt

A rea^otron wailntrc4aced inttro^hgft ^ ^ ^ w f t n 4 y e t 1 w d wamA(mt Julaquocarf pcwrolttee^ to report bWlaquoottn- ^ ^ bull laquo ktt bullbull meo bull laquoraquod patriot who

^ E ^ w ^ ^ A 2 L ^ S j Hrod to ilaquo the part of peeking cowards j J K T J f f f e ^ - l S 1 ^ ^ ^ S pound ] t W w laquo l i under the amimdetriplaquoflght

^f^^fi^-m^f^^^r^^iiiigui maintain the princtpka of free gov-bands was passed- ThegtieioJm^toajiraquoaod|^ their bappl-t b a C c a ^ t r t l o o t e w a ^ ^ ^ e i ^ ptcaperity^and not only theirs

^ ^ ^ m ^ M ^ p r ^ ^ g ^ m but timt of the whole tooatry ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ l ^ W ^ ^ IbeU^thUifweWatorecelvemArch-5 amp ^ a K ^ a o ^ o a S a amp pound tagord^Cnow timttha w^rtbar isaome-amp $ ^ ^ trade + put -tttiedj the breast of every man of tbe ken today TltoKewTeallaquortT litlilttf - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r ^ ^ ^

and that ire would be anxious for tb field OncainthafieldtWewiU show our friends that wa too) Iha 10raquoth can fight We have the fatdligeocc the muscle aad the courage all am want Is a cbanoe - It | s straog to as that we are kept hare

1VlaquoVMbullbullAW t laquo r laquo i v - w ^ volaquoKIvf^rtN^^- -WiAa^t^tto- I do not t f T ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ~ S S ^ i f ^ wtraquot0bM0raquov It may ba our offlcer

inrealityonly five couipaniea are doing duty which It has freeler donated to sll who The other Ave are doing nothing at all might becomeittfriends and defenders And NowI suppoM you will ask why are jou again eirenmstancea have abawii to the satis kept on attcb duty when your service are (isctlon of thoutandsthat there iraquoraquotill anothshy

er set of patriots A CIKH who are inteut upon saving tba Union at almost any eacri-6c They did not seem to be in circumshystances todeg go to the warbot were quite willshying everybody else should go and to make the Idee more tolerable for those inclined to go they were not slow to answer yes to almost any tavor required for the rebel of

why a large and wall drilled regiment is kept here doing the duty that three hundred men could do It is not because we the

sent in a tnemorisi brging tb payment of

wm^ ^ interest on tbe fttaf deM lraquo ooin Tb re-iiaelt Ai any tat tat shall look to it reo- p-0^o n niak|eig|jsi|sjfnrfjste^ ord and Is TWW of that r w c ^ b l telatiptt laquo a d Araquoamlaquotidmelaquot was adopted tothrebeiJMta^^wilaquoW9tay onto j 2 I t o S ^ ^ S ^ bull ^ ^

T n i r a i d T ^ r i r t a ^ i ) ^


iheir policy t home They are to caitjb pueAlageraquotiiraquo laquo loudly for a mora vigorous prooocutioti of tbe war and reproach tb goieruueut with slackness^ Bnttbay dotic^meabto^inter ffere witb southern InalitutiOBt that it to aay with aWvaty nor tltraquo bull^bje^cate^ti^ftolj eK bull Pbey malntaio that the object of the military operations should be to citable the Nortb to dlaquotoiKd ettarnjfiacinA--T would fiirbtti^Tlbey canVrnafca poth aad Boutii consent to an armistica thy get tbe armistice aay I ord Lyonathy mean to have a convent Ion and whan they get a conveolloo tbey itrtend teraquo obange the constitution^^ gtrinjf laquotbe South ample SfiCO-

Htioo tb wamp^$ffl$^^

it mumm

adteoture- aays the Troy Times c the night before Ttrtnkaghrlng a prevloaa to tb commaueeaasnt of tb sad-dcalllnemwhlcbleaoltodAadlyand fatally Mr Lee was sittingib Ws study about one oclockin tbemorabMp ~ J

tobederieeredtoalfte sembled Car Tbaokagiving worship be heard anbise bebindlt9iim and became conadooa that raquoombody wa in the room

had dropped in

ediseoUTse wbena-

so tb North laquo n d ^ t b may r^lteaao1 lire togtraquolaquo~top^o and hraquomony Tbay think the Sontit might agree to rkmdashtoiiasi but if alter fae Nortb has Qrds ttt- bumbled] b^ra3fkwdaTBolc1e^ stiaa^tbey sraquoldth^raquoitiraquowieer to rat Taraquo6rnfpiieJcraquo^ bo waver sceordinjftb t6rtjpj^ittvpti mucberpecteiionofsayotb^r

cYvUnbert laquoo tofollaeHag c la towf tu^t tlaquo^ iraquo4to^iM ^tslaquo4^arf rw^i^raquow ww-er waw^ w w-- arw^r-^nvwwvvtv w^f^ osve-w^ Ba^Bvra^-sw|swlaquowraquo a

fctUigetmer TbA^Jitoeflfthe J9mWof

denies lasj He bullgtMU( eavjgtlfisvaegtlt the Union Le^e v to Taa-^merlaquoi itself con tafn^TlraquolmlaquoIgting^a^^

JeaWng them Abolftkm I^gort aecl cloirj(i ittftnam wftb ^plottlnlibltmtt^faToVbf v mdash bull - bull ltfcrtSKraquo^BBdlkS^

irwi gt bullbull-bullbull bull-bullbullbullgtsectJtf7aJf laquo bullbullraquo -JtradeA

which is tkes sow

a virtosl eodoreemeatof iraquot and it haa_tbAame e | ^ opclaquoIts reader t

Boat- _ Waa tagtf iey Booto jad laquo t o V t 8 a a laquo e aABAlaquoawQ


T LarotntalIk bull p _^firatpi |AjL

amp I W r UiicUrtato


gtHirjrjtco0BTWA gtgtVT

[ Oaattaat rWlaquoiVtraquoUlc Bsrtai I tproady alway a hand c (hrtidi

rylgttottgt aotko

bullAmeTieaJJ TBK-aTitaBTa BtKaHAH-





HBRCBAirT TAttOB tfAKWfUtTfl M A P ^ T O O k -eWscoataOy a riMaaatUUrm ltJTTfKO

J V ifisaaat JVM V T A ^ f l t


H bull AT Dlaquorgtoer


upon6munfortgtaelaquonerrand IfrLea mid vs^aktotaaanatt

w bullbullbullbullPI bullraquo^JP1 -j^ ^T^^^W^^-^^^ ^ ( ^^ ^^^raquotrade j ir t

bnrglir-wbp wspointing a ytotol at his b t jK r Ttor t j f iha r n^e^^ atidewbidowsttpposmg that all thgt etV cOpant were wrapped tatinmbar andbcrst aaaeae^BP araquoawjr ajSw^saaaagtBV OFST sawaav ds-^ ^ e v i wjj bullwaasv

aware that tlraquof sJodycontamed aa occupAnt ^ U e ine your watch and m6nysid

be^ndmakkoonoiaeor I wilttre bull Kr Leaaaki

You may a wlaquolaquoll put down ymir weapon for 1 shall make no resistance and you are bullt liberty to take all the falusWe 1 po-sei bull r bull bullbullrlt

will conduct yon to tbeptsc where my most precious treaJOre are paced He openad a door aniJ pointed to the cot where hU two children lay alnmbering to tb sweet deep of lnjii)0ai end peace ^Tbee bullidbefcaremychc4exrtjelaquoeU Will jou take them t He proceeded to aay that as a minister of tb gospel be had few earthly possession and that all hit meant were deshyvoted to bat one otdctmdashth education of the two children that were reposing In thsadjotaiogrooui The bunriar wasdrep-1raquo and vUtbt shVted by these-remarks Tear filted hi eye and be expressed the utmost orrow at the act which he had been about tocommiv After a tew remark from Mr Lee tit would-be criminal comwnted to kneel and Join wHb blm 6raquo preye end there in thst IcOerr boose amid the sttetic of midnight the oneadet poured forth his penitence and remorse while tbe represeata-live of a religion of peace and good will told him to go and atnno more Such n ltKXM has w parallels ^ 1 On the coacbMtott of the prayer the burg lar attemvttd to take bis departure if the broken window through which be had enshytered bull bdquo-bull

Why not go by tb front doct V tabl Kr L e - mdashamp

The man replladt There are oonfederates titor who would

bullhoot- either yoa or me- He desired Mr Lee to tak an oath on (be

Holy Bcripture never to reveal tbe psrtlcu tors of tlti singular Interview Mr Lev said K we UHncccary ee be bad the kind laquoraquot fetliagi towards him end sboulit never divulge anght be bad teen ot beard The next dey Mr Lea while walking with hbgt wlraquo met tb man Jn to streets at Wntet-foroVand on abeqneat occArion tew him from time to time

One of the actor la this tinguUr episode fill aa early graret but by mean that we are netat liberty todkeiote tkoiveat dilaquo with hlav^ What mo be tbe feeliag of tb otbeeperty to tbU myttertout wbenevar be reflect upon the fooely a y end the msmeahltc

8 t a ^ ^ i ^ c r e a a i y showedhlmwrf la brillunt color In Loadotui

iiwoti LWot^fhe~Dmraquort ddolBiJ^nd ordited W a th^iraJttaiB it anmbet that tbe fi^^anid gt ord for or ^ ^ j m m ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^

^ ^ laquo raquo ^ amp P k p w W o t b 4 e d ^ in fta uatof mite rtmplaquoidtradmark the one relative to the trbtt ftmda Inihe bands offthlaquoeuroierof Hbe OdW of Apgtah and tJreone extending tijeterme of bnarerfhead ofDepsrtineamtaNewTotk The Mil ap-

1 tiWlOOOfoVtbe r^skeOnlirio

faodlie of volunteer when they never in-tended to perform one thing or redeem one promise but will spend more rime and monshyey to obtain a certificate of exemption from draft thanit would take to keep every proshymise they made But I am inclined to think that that little article which Congress manushyfactured very recently known as the Coo-acript Act will have a tendency to bring them to time

Yours truly _ RlCHARP MoSROK

Co D bdquo lOfttivReg N Y 8 V - bulllaquobullraquobullbullraquo bullmdash

N E W S i T B j a a

rTb_laquo_ pTiVutgtgt yiojdd

Ouirmg tbe JrVenlng teetion tite New York HrW riefenc Mil wraquo made the apecial

tn^the Araquombiy the Mil amending the t i a ^ l a w of l o ^ we1 debated until the t e ^ l H t i V q u t ^ ^ t a k ofroVpSrrancwedftne duTiagte^eveolntT

t-l bullbull--bull bull( bullVfVifJtgtaiAi If IM - bullbullbullbull

aome of them we know to be tro aad brave men wilting to deprive themselves of the bullswuete^ of society which Laurel or any-otb-

t place may offsr that they may have the gioriou privilege of helping by active r-yice to crutb this wicked this bell-born re-

|belilon and thereby give themselves and posterity a free united and happy country If there are cowards among ua I hope bo tiiey high or low that posterity will give tbtm their reward yea let usoearchtbem mit nd bold them up to tbe world that meo may knownthem and scorn them


MVavam flFiar t pk jw^f^j^sTjyW1

Campnear WhiteOak ^laquoraquo^Vlaquo i I

Soch to tb end which tnaaa ealstd aw vej^m j i r i j ^ R-Jawbe^^1- tat tf9 preservation^ of eJavery I i tb^bada[ r nem) of their own at Wtahbgton aays Lord Lvona- relatin tb substaac of their municattons to blm they would ratiWj ^ possible obtain an armistk^witboafethe aW ^bullbullfrHt o^g^g^^jlaquo^klaquoy- weold laquo J cepttheoflatofforelgoajealiaootf It p-peared ^^^i^f^m^^l^lt^ bulltoptb boetilitie Bot ^Mr Liacota a Lord Lyons phrase it thrown

raquoi gtv-raquoS bullMfj|ohdMlllifi JMor cTiifer 7 iVour acceptabUi tavor of tbefMb lnlaquoU ws receivaji whUe oa picket

ip tbofippabnnockgt I hrgan totidnk my isst totlex wa mUortidlt a I aad apt bentd from kome for atong time 1 |itgtremeloag|ime bgt wait for aw tocora

i sbaWeooBgta tiraquoyolaquov^T --dmBfaBAds)l nowwe raquobUeeo T ^ eaprefledrtteg whim in(

$$Mm degtbht I) bullNny ende^swtinag

_ ceatht ft witnessshyed on tb eight before Tbaakagivlng lMt t

Taraquo P M T TattAMM Oikk nr Kakrocar bull-Tboms Bchacklettof Meade Cwinty ta dieted for treaeoa ia tb United State Or-cuft Court has ben 00 trial in this city since PridAjlMt aad yretwday a tlaquordlcttraquofgullty we reWertd gVurt hfraquo The case laquo u tried before tire Hem Wsnd Balltrd the pteesemlba eondneted by the Utoly appolnt-tcd OUtrict Attorney Thoma K HTA aad the prison defended by Wet P sad tlaquolaquoo D tmmm^ eeqrs This rVacbWt we oVavjeetdo nd cnt-tbroet wkvgt Wwt oft in Ififil when Uockeev ttM|rtl to beshytray tbe 8ttey WMtawictered wfakPorretoV command ws tatak and came hack with BraggV IntAdlng army last Pali ft left ihlaquo body tr Bod MilK tm tbe ttoUreg Pork aad wekt to Mead Itoaaty where he arrest ed the Sheriff fgteputy-ftblaquojln sad Awe aor

ftito the arm of the rttieme Tadlesa there it no Hcopyrntive but to go on Wltli war not to aoi^ugate^ iba Booth but to get the North aad tbe government Into a humor to ofiir-an arutirt|ee a a prelhninary to taking oeasurea fot the prerervation of slavery

ToefiectthU object the war watt of| ooores heproeecamd In a ptcullajf nitnoer The retyrraquormla mnrt not- be aonihilsted nor must too many of the rebel port aad placea of strength fait Into our handtv r t t must beisnexbAustlhg war firaquo tiraquo N ortb that our people may b brought to consent to e cessation of hostilities bull rlt

W h e n Lord L y o n s arrived at N e w York on ^i^^-Tinm^(^k^^^ h found the conservarire IradcVt eXoJtJog tbewt8cccmlnthlctione morning ^tolllgenot arrived from Wath-tagtoBwhl^dabdtbelrrtemg r^pta-^ -Oeoeral MoCWlan had been dbmtieettijfrom tbe command of the Amy of the rVtomaeJ TbiQeoeralM procesd Lord Lyons hid been rtgardcVl ist the representative of 6W eexvatiye prtacrplee in thejmy^tflci^k^ port of him had been made on of the or tickv of the cottservatt re electoral program mo Accordingly he says there wa great |rrltAtioagt ta their party not unmixed with laquomlaquotlaquornrioo and deopondency bull

Lord Lyons is seems Was convinced by tbeir reasoabg thst tbe present Was not the tioi for Bnglaad ti Interfere thepresldettt wnuid reject tite offer of mediation tad kit party would turn it to Account tatreftgthgt e$ng tbmttf re tritk tbe people and la-bull^108 a Lord-Ljrtn y^ tit spirit Meantime he appear to be vended by hie interview with them thraquot the time tt at hand whew laferforeaoe will im bo repelled Be has no ltvwlaquodmolaquo that tbe great militory movemenu now on foot to

iirituwd party ax eaaa^Th prtton said that bo had Jttrt obtained raquon Important tikiieiiiMi tt In ttit rnnfHtratr ifct and

i that hit vidt to the complsiBAort kouao wtaonlyapertiogctampfox tbe purpotelaquof bMdtag aT snod-by laquolraquomaod ot raquoraquo- tng taax bullwear woro mutnx oe pcuriar our

Ta magrstrsi nwatried tb^ etcxy of an ap-putatastat aa to id to excase end tboaght

c a t o ^ h e ^ u t o t ^ f r o m t b h ^ of scarvtagio the Southern army - 80 be kdhirlaquottontitt -a bull

DBATBT c^ NAtSLurrttt PtrxaowamdashHa-thatrftf PlTtntorraquo ^ ftbr of erpraaV

County oh iS^amprday morntag at the ad-vaseed age of M year Mr Pfllmor was bora M BnhingtooVermbut on the 19th

d^oir^t^r^^^tr^^-n tiVe ^^ef^^^^^$nMpo^ig^ oaoof the earliestaettiem opoa what rwai thee catied Nw Hampkbire grat ttbull Th oldhom^tadltilVdwndand rtccujptod b^l^olM^^lWW aotiefdieifJil^o^^

i bull Camp Laurel Md March 8 I jraquo JRHtogt 1 amr nrry~timt It to not gt

tny p^wet to communicate something of ta ftexest reiativir to^ine war And the only1

thing tncoaTaging that occur to my mind b to -ute the expieaslon of Artemas Wardmdash VbMt tbe Government la about to take- vigshyorous measures for tb prosecution of the

rwar And also that Washington is safe Aad all I quiet along the Knee But to the point__ ^l- x i Let me enquire of yoo bow tbota Peace partie prosper mong yon Those men who are so highly susceptible of aympathy for the ^nSaring eoldiers and who o highly

and congretohUn them for tbeir bravlt ami their devotion to their country

^ ^ bull bdquo ^ J t ^ ^ ^ l o o a 4 B c t t o w ^

ttbilaquokif all could bar been laquoMl-4tB ^ i c ^ ^ a s e h t bat to Joatio to tbe gov North th war would have bew satistaotraquo ^ ^ ^ ^ oldkvabe It known tothoat bull r H|-pound B ^gt l o ^ P^gtpound bullamp vi-i4ivi iwatfiadto ail whom ft may ccoeern that t^MVf^m^^^B^-mim theiraympatbkthuslaquoplaquoared laquo i ^ r e - laquo raquo M ^ laquo i l mampamptmi-vAgt eetvedwithmvwortbMkfolnam Nertker raquo^j-ptmamp^ampPm^^ tawtratgn^raat-ofth tstmwUeb-tk47lagt^ ^^bull^JSt^m^iraquo^t^iM^gt^ ^forSaotesloB Therefore la behalf of| laquoktog s d v a a ^ ^ bull y J ^ i 8 g | raquo i ^ i h gt uattM^vrtIgnore

sod repudtoto tbeir pity for ns to any such fsrm We aak not for tbeir pity and If tear J ered should not consider it any more genushyine tilaquoo tiwugh it camlaquo from Jttt Davis himself Their sympathle are with blm or tbay would aot be eo over anxkm that we should wop fighting secession Thy may pontider that they do ut honor by calling thatr Peace Convention but we consider ibem insults Not that w preform tbacos-timmtiottftftbh war not that we have tost

tferfr slle^Unce w l ^ thsylnatitnttcaennim-

and one greatinaabs ta|d-- filavery

whatever stand ta the way gooader but

1 hat perfect confidence in tb honesty of 1 the Preitdibt but think i has given way

ty N Y aboai tTkfi wbera be tetideer till

till IMG when he removed to Anmragt Brie N YvW whWt twraquoherraquotidedlaquoli

ataayytoB Be was i M M ^ p h f meet temperat habitmdashmaking U a rate through fW lt f J n t W ^ V a-- gta^hMlaquolaquo-Aa^kdBhakl bullaia^aftift^ bull ^aaawaawa

QlfayfOOIf UflUIV WwapfT ngt7wT WMJJaPVM W W

kocwnnlaquo^laquoto^1n^xtoWng l^uort a a bevereg or ofiW tbem toother ryene enshyjoyed almo-eaiaiaiTOftjMd^^l health aad wee to well when upward of 80 year of age a to h able tovftUlthh on at Wash-tagtoamdashthat being the only lntoe when j

detvWte-the iixecu-

3(eaoW^ofM orfvwta visit from hkutbtt

y0 bull

Dxrirwano or A laquocWrlaquoaJllaquoAtraquo^bull suMuetkerebelllow will have any tatpor- American cOrretaoadent f4 the l^adoo tsrtt result The President need tome lav Spectator define the craquop|Kraquorhed ae a ere


portent mtlUary successe to regain hlraquolwt popularity and lifted Lyon doc not see how bb i to obtain them The next Con

he say Is likely to blaquo hostile to the AdmlnltirAtlrth which Uta dahgre of not being supported la ||raquo aasamptlon of ex-Uraquoordinlaquor)i power

bull 191 Moo John D Caton of Ottawa has written s letter to Oot Beymonr of New Yoriwwkkh occaptet three coloauat ta the Atbany Bveaing Joomsl in whk-hbe strong


tlaquore remArtribl Tor lu thtok^headedneaa for it venom end for Hlaquo treachery Th political oraquoraquoe|etarieaye tale writer to a more dangjhWf enftmy by far t till ttgto roeal Uraquon the aotitVirn rraquottici-nraquoke who at to give waralng ere he rtrik

A Vkr roa (W^axp Tnoor- It U d that a ctaplt lttrgtrvtgt raquoHraquortbllraquobelaquol at Hr-plaquotf PeVrelpw thlaquovrrptlou of wlored troopx wkere they will raquo gtrgnired and drilled by competent pcrraquooe Hrsvcf col

^Me Narama the aaderd tdoodetl

_bullraquoraquo bullAidaadalaquo

V a r s l r ^ ^ it anerwaro Kitten at Die nuita

of aansasl sad naldi ^ ^lrt^tw^awaw awprx 1 H W T

ty s he wee endearorieg to Mm down dapUe tb tows

- mdash ewtrearteaof PM wrai anq ie gwarn o PIIWAI gtva hi irack aad socreeded ta rrertlt

bullflertaMkilaquost ad tijeLom (rat dsfcaded with ee^etmele ^eafoe^i^m)oftreraquort--

firettaiHKahwtt swd the are roa-vtottaa stneetk ttotislltodr keeks oav end

that o -bullbulln

thlaquorrraquoftd rtherW laquoaitot for erticraquo ta the fWd itaAyfceUfogtlcnyr| aaotarety rather than give up tk Dnioev Tb tott^rVAJ|jl ^ ^ ^ U ^ v | ^ t k i 4

ttpoa the foiitre ofth rtom^SrWj re-pecially that poftloa who have not yielded |kyptraquorirs eptireiy to the treitoroa laan-nc of Coppmheadtom

$ Oojtrt-^ mMif WWS^ 4 bull-1 tf aaa^tArtVkH ftftlrtsaPltgtlraquotelilt 4gtf tttal J O U r B A l 4gtf W sw wraquolaquoswa|wi w lt W ^ T W W 1 ^x-f bull ^ | r t ^ V T trade

CtotetireraquoQamptatt]arattoy sMej|^ojkoitotar

Who m toar behind him such e x1alte tildwt^Jfewartlt^ of ctasr taoagat at will be tbe oe

lT lt-UJ IMtit oar Wte~0it8

field (

too much to tiie radical pressurewhich has been brought to bear upon him especially ta deprivtagMcCielianitf theeomtnaad7 of the v Army ot the Prttornac Tdb hate ho ideadf the love the Army have for blm nVint bttt hlaquoie who bavewitaeated Ms brar-efy owthe laquoM W^wer wtth Wm In the bullev4d^figWV^tbePelaquolno1tLw saved ut from eo lluTatioa^ bybi conrago a a ^ i t t ^ a t a b V s ^ ^ T ^ m aWJ tuSl khhwtbtoio1 be true I am tori1

rtoilaquorathWooraquo of owftbmd at home are chstrged In ihelr v^twt I remember some were very patriotic at first and how learn they are completely turned such are not ta men for tbe^ t ta^when we are fightingfor our BAUOOST laquotstence - bullbull |^viavlaquojnioc-Bti^ sadbloodshed while ini the srmyraquobut hre seen nothing to indue mo to tarn tgalnrt the beet govern-mtraquot that CA exUc We have-been through tflpjnoch jk shrink now Wlaquohave carried tbestajrt and stripe thatgioriou emblem of our nAtion grcatne through the amok and roar of battle too many time to see it trampled ta the dost now hy thee taeakiag traitor of the Northmdashof the two giy bull me the men of the Sooth who instead of sitomv

1 ly trying to undermine this repuWlc come out openly and show where tbey atand by fighting oa the title they think to right 1 may be home the first of Hay bat I am aot my own matter until discharged which may not be until the twenty-first

A cod snow storm to ragtag and not tent U but little protection tgaiaet the wintry blalaquotgt--hut better time are coming Till then good bye Itoraerahcr me to all oar friend nd lielleve M ever your friend raquond brother

Bergt 0 J Dtmrxc ^ B m r t o t f r t Y S V

bull tlaquoegtM T H S I t e o v n tttlaquoitTNr

Annapolis Junction Mdbdquo 1 Mrcb laquoth IfiW (

ikV iwaerf -S ta The privilege of writshying to t friend occatiltilaquoally to n Mldiera sltnstM awe are i ltMT IntMlmAlito vabie lad ine Tf hlaquo beena hmg rim MSce t have trvfrteri to yon t will endeavor to glvi yon aotaethtag of an idr of tb ilaquoih

ire still forclaquodn ta remain oa thto

bullrtieto upon the bad keNraquo of eUiraquog- three meal per -Uy The editor t1rgttaraquo twh

P^^coe^ shbrtaeei of |gtroellaquolon tafTbVtoftM^^t bull

the desire for thtjwdety of our famitie and friends at borne not that we think ourselves braver than -other men but ta honor aad jottice to the heroes who have already fallen upon tb battlefield for tbe preservation of th Qorsrnment through whose vein flowshyed tb best blood of our country ta honor to them we refuse to compromise short of a complete victory All the favor we ask Is that th people prefesring loyalty will show It by precept and example aind time bold op the soldiers handsand the day will soon be won and the victory oars

Let Nottitera rehetobwre h w tblaquoy~nn-dertak to barter our right away tost there coare upon them a day of retribution Por Secession must and shall be put down both North bad Sooth

They talk of compromising with Seshycession after so much of bar countrys beat Mood ha drenched th soil of Rebellion sad to many patriot have found grave ta the domain of Jeffdom bull laquogt many fireside rja mad desolate o many kindred ties have been broken forever o many compsn-ioo who future hope have been Waited and the coming days of life made a burden eo many orphan children whore waiU can be heard all over th toad sad wbil tufftr-taghumaalty still cries for Jutlcethos mesa sneaking cowardly deceptive demagogue propose to disgrace our nationality by urging a compromise with rebellion thus togatlring rebcrtloa to blaquo repeated ta coming time sad future generation Let them put their hnd upon their mouths sad cry smclean and like men grasp their fire-arm and rueb to th rescue of tbeir country and the soldier for whom they would feign make it appear their sympathies are laquoo much tirred

But my Attention hs been called to another ctoto who in the beginshyning spared no ptn t aeoure to there-seivM the clnk of Union the object of which walaquo beat known to themwlvee at the time bat hat revetted Itself more plainly a day and month have worn away I altud ta those men who In the beginning of this war cried war tb longest aad toadest until they were called npon to do something to

Wt ire still -forced to remain oa tatol carry oa tit war sed then Ilk the aohto p^r |praquortdhv^hAfayvWaWt k^^MrWtgt^vVht gVn lWglftops of hit imoome-

t toneariy-ea bed eo laquoM Ooaiwd-

bull i iSfiSV

beswrwttttf - ^ 1 - Tetnioiy 140000 aad

bdquov ^amdashU

iy foei their pAtrketom met tritk sodden ctoafb sad when trot patriot war flocking sroond the old flag toeion of It safety and

dut off the track sad taraing ianoceot |trerelertathlaquofe until tbej havtWw to

lcgtok w u with pexrVt tempt W are still leriing the taredall m^otattout Ufa wljlch we bate led for tit jfat rix month $ laquo xc|taia totnitreiAnd gite bWr^tty l o w nlrltei nobopt of jawfonataajltobto dds to give etreagth to ear will aad courage to oar heart -

HBnraquoatsi atyslsesJttaisaiwesssa^ bullbull ^Tkok-stw the JaaS hstitistta that tka

f i a w ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ] ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ - p ^ l ^ ^ w i i ^ at^MtJt^ ahAAftaMStfaa WvA laquo lt P raquor wih^ati I awt nut to thA ao^tfahMA A M T ^-^ ^a^s -tf

na aa ssjawswgtw [WMS]F_wwww ywr wwai | WWWMJraquo ^ ajvrwiwwjatas bullraquo oraquo awe bullbull bullwy

mdashA portion of th Illinois cavalry belongshying to Gen Hookers army on Tuesday-capshytured tea rebels ta the woods near^umfries Vsraquo tit neighborhood of which place to ta^ fatted with guerrillas Y

TmdashA rebel mail has been eaptured~below Preampricksburg and to said to be valuable

bullmdashDuring the past week the Navy Agent baa disbursed over sixty thousand dollars in price money Nearly one thousand case hare been disposed of Tbe claims paid are chiefly those of seamen and marine

mdashTwo rebel steamers laden with cotton are reported as having arrived at Bermuda from rebel port on the 22d and tSd of March

mdashAt the Sub-Treasury on the 1st of April about a million and a half of gold and gold checks werepeid out for interest on the seven-thirties The deposits on five per cent temporary loan and for conversion into five-tweatiea reached about million of dob lata

-bull-Baron Wardllner formerly of tbe Ausshytrian service who was captured with flonc-

f ral Stoughtoo at Fairfax Court Houlaquov has been relrased and arrived at WtubinKton He states that the treatment of the Union ofBcers who are held by tite rebel at Rich-mond to moRtoutreK-on Thc - digt nm reshyceive even as kind a treatment Araquo is usually extended to the vilest criminal The rebel are exceedingly Incensed against Col Wxnd-bm and threatened to hang him and hi staff if titoy should mil into their hands Capt A C Webster who is conuned in Caraquo-ti Thunder to to be bong on tbe 6th insL at Camp Lee for violating bi^ parole Notishyces tothat effect are posted about thjn streets

ofBwmondV^v- -rTha Postltifflce Department to malting

arrangement to secure tbe prompt conveyshyance of tetter to and from aotdtor to the arshymy of the Potomac and those ta the neigb-boihoodol Washington Particular tastruc-tioss have been given to postal agents on tiitoobtoc^-t ii--Tbeimplaquoation Intended to be conveyed

j b ^ O ^ trcadtons report of the battles of Stwbltauataln aad Antietam that be bad bat a small rets rye under Porter to positlve-to contradicted hy~the tettfmbny of Major fjamertit given before tbe Oommltiee on the Kaxtactrfthe wi

mdashLieut Col McKervy Commandant of the Convaieecent and Dittribution Camps in which there were thto morning 3840 troops returned th only Copperhead ta the whole number In iron to tbe regiment from which be deserted- The Major bat given hi conshystat to the boldtog of a grand Union meetshying by tbai soldiers in hto camp

mdashCapt Moaby of the rebel cavalry made a raid near Broad Run Thursday Hto force ws encountered by a portion of the First Vermot cavalry A sharp fight ensued Tbe rebels took up a position behind a fence which oar cavalry could not get over sod from Which they were ututbte to dislodge them During the fight Capt Flint of the First Vermont cavalry and a lieutenant of the same regiment were severely wounded The detail of the affair hare not at yet been received bullbull mdashA military Commission detailed from the Army of th Potomac has found guilty of attempting to smuggle whisky within the mititary line Chas ionea John Burke and Joseph Post civilians and James Graham sa Engineer J one wss sentenced to have hto head shaved and do hard labor for thirshyty days at Aquto Creek Severe punishment was siso ordered to be inflicted upon the other culpriu

-gt-A spectol dispatch from Cairo (2d) Mtyu Tuesday evening Memphis Bulletin says the guerilla who attacked a train near Mosshycow have bsen severely handled Captain Loomto with about one hundred men came op with and attacked them on Mondaymdash Five guerillas were killed six wounded and twenty captured among the latter their leader On their return our troojw Mopped at s farm house to rent where they were atshytacked by a force said to be lire hundred strong under Col Richardnn A dc]Hr-at hand to hand conflict ensued Thirty Ave rebel were killed and a largo nnmlicr wounded and taken prisoner Our )ltgtbull wa lx killed and thlrty-fonr wounded The rebel were completely repulaed There in nothing ImportantfremVlckabiirg

--From Headquarter of Hookers raquormy W tears that tbe oow storm of TuCmlay ba entirely disappeared ami tbe road are sgaln In coraparsttyely gooltt condition Kv-bullrything tviusin quiet along the Kappnhan-aock The relHSto hare recently nnmlwr of hall In Predcrickuburg and t time the nuric oonld be beard by onr own picket Nearly all the fcm1e have left the camp A toW remain Ami nmc are Mtil allowed to come down Of late tbe laquotcamer between WMngtcAraquond Aquo-ka l-ccH-vrcrloadM With officer aad men returning to their regi meat Tbe order of the War Department relative to deeerter kae brought Ixck bund-

| red tad many are still coming- That sec-

been selaquon ami re|ngtrtlaquoi havlu bvlaquou chased by tb Vamlerbilf near Barbados which vessel raquobe etacled by a ouiuimg device She afterwards captured the Star of Pence and the Aldeba-ran of Ilockbaven

Col Bcekwitl) CommiJMrv of Substance mdte_iproposal until AprH-15 forfurnish-infi tbe Sul iytenct Department with 4000 heRltt of traquoeef cattle to be delivered here on April $gt or as soou thereafter as tbe Qov-ertimciit nisy (liltvct The caUle to average J at liost 1300 pounds laquoros and no animal to weighlelaquoa than l00traquo pound Persona desiring to bid for a lea number than 4000 should so state in their bids Bid from duv loyal parties will not bo noticed

mdashCol Bakers detective captured two Jew named Loyy and Miller upthe Potoshymac Wednesday with $10000 or f 12000 of Confederate money upon their persona A number of citizens of Fairfax county have been escorted to the Old ^CapitoJLw|thtaraquo few dajA charged with being concerned in the recent raid into Fairfax Court House and for expressing disloyal sentiment

mdashThe rebels who last invraquoded Kentucky have not escaped without some punishment A Louisville dispatch announce that the force nnder Qen Pegram which had taken up a strong position near Somerset was atshytacked on Tuesday by the National force under Gen Ollmore and badly defeated afshyter s five or six hours fight Our loss ta th affair does not exceed thirty The rebel loss is not stated

mdashThe name of Hon E Q SpauldJng of Buftolo has been mentioned Tuesday a the -possible appointee to the vacant office of Comptroller of tbe Finances

mdashTbe number of applications for widows and invalid pensions is enormous Since the war began seventeen thousand of the former and eleven thousand of the latter have been receired

mdashOne of the Moodiest battles of modern times was the fight at Bear River Washingshyton Territory by Col Conner with gOftharri marched and exhausted men against 800 Inshydian warriors Of the Indians 824 were killed Our Washington despatch give some account 6F tbe affair

mdashSeven Union prisoner confined in the Ltbbv Prison at Richmond recently escapshyed from ther hy the tbllnwing clever ruse The Small-pox having broken out In the prison to prevent its further spread the pashytient as soon as attacked were removed

(-for niedical treatment to the pest-house on tbe outskirts of the city In order to get to tbe peat house which afforded a better opshyportunity to escape from than the prison the riien heated a wire and burned their feshyces in blisters and under pretence that they had the disease asked to be removed to the pest bouse This wa immediately dona After remaining in the hospital for a few

hours theV managed to etude the vigilance of the guard-and mrke good their escape mdashThere are now building at various potato ta this 5tate 214 boats-which will be ready for launching on the opening ot tb navigashytionmdashThese boats will average ta capacity two hundred tons thus adding forty-two thousand tons to the capacity of the fleet

mdashTbe Rochester Union says it has receivshyed intelligence that to favorabtoto toe peach crop in that vicinity

mdashIt is thought that the Wetland Canal will be navigable at as early a aperiod ibis year ss it was last season

mdashThe St Louis Republican say the mershycantile bouses of that city are making preshyparations for a heavier spring trade than they hav known since tbe war commenced

^-Qeberal Halleck has officially complishymented Colonel Connor of the Third Cali-tornla Volunteers for the gallant and heroic conduct of hto command at Bear river

mdashA Baton Rouge correspondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer furnishes the public intelligence of a movement up tbe west bank of the Mississippi made by a brigade comshymanded byCol Dudley subsequent to the movement against tbe Port Hudson in-trenchmenu made simultaneously with the attack upon tbe rebel batteries by Admiral Farragut The iutcution of the movement seem to have beeu to pass above the batto-ne and co-operate with the Admiral in a movement up the Red River to cut off tht rebel supplies This was frustrated bow ever by taXrebelsclatting the leteet and flooding the country so a to render land movement impossible

honor their pMriotlwn kae sadly dgetraquolaquort- (tloti of tbemuntry is infcttc-l with gncrril-ett s ^bdquo (raquo ad trggUng perttoaof the rebel cvl-

At dlffswet tlm it he atviwa fteew ta I ry and attack upon our telegraph patrol In dtocoarsglng bulltattotsseato) are offreoa^tt occurrence- Deeertert from diitreat ways In dtoeoaraging

aad to swtodtiag volunteer oat of bard latiiifiiiliitrtiri r iViT rrtinngliiil ikiii dtotoyalfty shows Itottf the clrere when ekayvttKiryef dsstrttoa aadfnrstok clothe amd tseawy foe the the to cheat aad

treo^tot the enemy arrive dalle DilaquoanVction in their rank continue oa the Increase and the en tire army It in s molaquotj deploreble condition Their Artillery is o poorly sapptted with stow sal that saaay of their battrtos cannot beasedatall


mdashIt issAld that some of the most distinshyguished engineer in France hare approved a plan for a railway from Paris to Marseille by which the journey which now consumes eighteen hours may tgte made in one hour and a half The distance ia 510 miles The plan ha been submitted to the Emperor of his approbation Tho~hydraullc system in which sliding is substituted for running on wheels to that proposed

mdashThe Antl-Carnlval party at Rome this year resorted to a most amusing device to render the masked ball unpopular They got up Into tbe nmr boxes and showered the company with fraquo quantity of sneering powder immediately every mask and doshymino went into convulsion of sternutation and were finally obliged to nbAndon the theater

mdashIt is reported apparently upon trustshyworthy authority that Oov Andy Johnson hi been succcssftil in obtaining from the Government foil power lor tho liberation of East Tennlt-gtoe that he has been authorised to raise trgto|w for this specific purpose bull and to cut all the red tape that might emhrrM him

~ Thf 7raquooraquoiflaquo IstitUr denounce a unshywise a bill Itpfore tbe ix-gWtotivc Assembly of CansIs to make executions which are now conducted with tbe utmost publicity private as with us on the ground that the moral effect sought to be produced by bans big can oplv lgto obtained by making the dl bulllisting work of the hangman v conspicu OH as |gtolaquoraquoibtc

mdashA witty foreigner said some rears Ago that thlt-aaUon wa dying of gab Not no tf laquofcflrraquo conld ttaWhlllea tnlt nation it would have been dead long ago Although -nuisance Vlraquo lt is hot frtal to national life bull mdashOgtonn Puff Right spoonful of flour

(not hepcd) egg well beaten-mdashlqt of milkmdashto be baked ta tea cups two thirds full ta a quick over IS minute To b tfraquo ed with nce or tugar and butter beaton to gsthef

- Mnh Moth Cake and Fried Mush Stir corn meal into boiling water till sufficishyently thick Add salt keep stirrie Hto prevent It being lumpy It should boil nearshyly 1 hour Pour It out in pane aad whn cold it wakes a wholesome and good dessert If sliced aad fried Bat it with sugar aad ereaea or barter aad molaatea


i IS bull bull bull

Mlt --TV- bull

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