old and new horoscopes of iraq a nightmare of alffliction by engineer astrologer anil aggarwala

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  • 7/27/2019 Old and New Horoscopes of Iraq a Nightmare of Alffliction By Engineer Astrologer anil aggarwala


    Old and New Horoscopes of Iraq a Nightmare of Alffliction


    8 days ago byastrologer anil aggarwala0

    In continution to my earlier ArticleIraq Crisis, Mars Transit over 8th Lord Jupiter : WhatFortellshttp://www.mundaneastro.org/?p=4838 Please read this para of this

    article The Execution of Saddam Hussein marks a turning point in the history of Iraq, yet it is

    unlikely to change the downward spiral of sectarian violence and civil war in the foreseeable

    future. The old and the new horoscope of Iraq (June 28 2004 10.26 am) are a nightmare of

    affliction. Theres no way any sane astrologer had a hand in picking the time for the signing on the

    new or old constitution. So that pretty much limits the improvements one can expect in this war-

    ravaged country.Both the Old and New Horoscopes have Mars in the 12th house , making the

    country war mongering and getting involved in war like activities by foreign plots permannently

    . Indicating trouble from neighbours, particularly from the insurgents of Syria,the strong

    holds of ISIS. Then if Iran is helping Shias then there are Sunni countries as


  • 7/27/2019 Old and New Horoscopes of Iraq a Nightmare of Alffliction By Engineer Astrologer anil aggarwala


    The new

    Chart of Iraq of 28 June 2004 10-26 hrs

  • 7/27/2019 Old and New Horoscopes of Iraq a Nightmare of Alffliction By Engineer Astrologer anil aggarwala


    Bagdad above

    There is little respite in the new chart with Leo Lagna and Libra navamsha , since the Dasha

    of a Benefic Jupiter the 5th and 8th Lord with Antar dasha of Saturn the 6th and the 7th

    lord started on the 9th May 2014 and shall be over by 20-11-2015, since then the country is in the

    tight grip of the insurgents of Syria,ISIS, funded by Saudi Arabia and other countries. Basicallyit is a fight between the Countries supporting Shais and Sunni countries . Now read this Nearly

    800 killed in Iraqsbloodiest month this year:





    cement of Mars Deblitated in the 12th house as lord of 9th and 4th (12th house Terrorist Camps

    ) and as mentioned Mars Placement in the 12th house aspecting the 3rd,, 6th and 7th Makes the

    Country prone to war like situations as mentioned by me as per the paper produced By Mr. K. N Rao

    .12th lord Moon placed in the 3rd house in Rahu-Ketu axis and aspected by Deblitated Marsis making absolutely clear what is happening in the country . Terrorist plots by foreign

    elements . Saturn aspecting the Lagna and 8th lord Jupiter as 6th and 7th Lord also a

    crucial factor in the chart. As mentioned by me in my earlier article Mars Placement in

    Transit over the 8th Lord/ Navamsha sign of 8th lord /Aspecting the 8th house of the foundation

    chart brings untoward happenings. Mars in transit ingressed in Virgo on the 25th March for 111

    days and is over the navamsha sign of the 8th Lord Jupiter of the foundation chart and aspecting

    the 8th house is most vunerable , When Mars was Retrograde it aspecting the 8th Lord Jupiter by

    Retrograde aspect as well. Mars will be also be in Virgo navamsha in Transit the Navamsha sign of

    the 8th Lord Jupiter on the 6th July 2014. It is a matter of chance that 8th Lord in the Old

    and New Chart of Iraq is Jupiter and in both cases the Navamsha sign is

    Virgo,Hence between 6th July to 12th July will be most Critical when Mars in Transit will

    be Vargottam in Virgo sign and will be over Natal navamsha sign of the 8th lord Jupiter.8th

    Lord Jupiter in Transit will be in Virgo navamsha sign on the 19th July 2014 with Rahu is

    another crucial date for untoward happenings. The Present Dasha of Jupiter connected to the

    7th house and Saturn the Lord of the 7th lord will not let the country come out of adversity and

    the Trouble makers till specially the anter Dasha of Saturn is over. In the new chart of Iraq and

    being discussed in this article Saturn is also aspecting the 8th Lord Jupiter from the 11th house

    and after 18th June transit Saturn will also aspect Transit Jupiter who will be over the natal

    deblitated Mars 10th aspect . As per this New chart the country is also running

    Sadesatiand Saturn is over the natal Moon and Ketu in the 3rd house Rahu and Ketu are also

    transitting over Rahu-Ketu . In Transit 8th lord Jupiter will also be over natal Deblitated Mars isanother crucial factor. Natal Saturn aspecting 8th Lord and then Transit Saturn will also be

    aspecting transit Jupiter after 18th June. The most crucial factor will be on the 20th June

    2014both Mars and Saturn will become deblitated in Transit navamsha . In the chart of Iraq under

    discussion Saturn is also Deblitated in the Navamsha and aspecting the Lagna of the Navamsha and

    Lagna of the Basic Chart and Sadesati, aspecting natal 8th Lord Jupiter and Transit Jupiter could

    be most crucial and instrumental in creating terror to highest dimension. The War like situations

    will continue long , Since even after Saturn transit in Scorpio on the 2nd Nov. 2014 it will still

  • 7/27/2019 Old and New Horoscopes of Iraq a Nightmare of Alffliction By Engineer Astrologer anil aggarwala


    aspect the Lagna and 8th lord Jupiter. After 14th July Mars will be over the 12th lord and in the

    3rd house over Natal Moon , Natal Mars will aspect Transit Mars, hence till 5th Sept. 2014 will be

    killing . From the above it is clear that the crisis is life-threatening for Iraq the very

    existence is at stake. The ISIS have already captured 5 cities and the Oil Refinery and only

    60 odd kilometers from

    Bagdad. Hundreds of thousands ofIraqis have been displaced in the nine days of fighting and an unknown number killed, while dozens

    of Indians and Turks have been kidnapped. Baghdad has formally requested Washington to launch

    air strikes on the advancing militants, but there were no signs US military action was imminent. It

    seems fall of the Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki is inevitable


    In Jaimini Char dashathe country is running the Dasha of Libra-Cancer till 28-

    9-2014 and then Libra-Leo till 29-4-2014 rom libra the DaraKarka Mars Deblitated is placed in the

    10th house and Cancer sign has Deblitated DaraKarak , both Atma Karak and Amatya Karak are

    placed in the 12th from Rashi Dasha Cancer and deblitated


    As per my previousarticle Please read this Para Thechances of US intervening cannot be ruledout since US is

    also running the Dasha of Mars-Saturn,Planet connecting to the 7th house and US is also a War

    mongering Nation as per the Principles of paper produced By Mr. K.N Rao Now Read this Barack

    Obama under pressure to respond to Iraq Crisis link http://www.ndtv.com/article/world/barack-

    obama-under-pressure-to-respond-to-iraq-crisis-544092. Now looking at the Chart of the

    President Barack Obama with Capricorn Lagna and Leo navamsha Saturn connected to the 7th

    house and He is running the dasha of Saturn aspecting the 7th and 10th house of karma cannot hold

    him self but to support Iraq by Air Attacks . In my article WhatStars fortell for United States

    of America and the Globe in this website,I had mentioned that US will enter into War like

    situations in the Dasha Mars_Saturn starting from 6th March 2014 to 15th April 2015. The

    fight for survival will be long and mass happenings will be there in

    Iraq. Read this Para of the article as well After having

    made Predictions on the Oath Taking Chart and the Simhasan Chakra for Barack Obama, I was

    inquisitive to do the Predictions for USA, since as per the foundation chart also the Planetary

    configurations were also not healthy in the Present state after 5th July 2013 and worst after

    6th March 2014when the Dasha of Mars-Saturn will come in

    operation. In

    dia as mentioned in my earlier article is also prone to untoward happenings as per the Dasha of

    India and Saturn transit over the 8th Lord Jupiter . In Transit in both cases Saturn will

    be aspecting the 8th Lord Jupiter . Since Iraq is a major Supplier of Oil world wide there will be

    escalation in the Prices of Oil adversely influencing the Economy of India and the countriesdependent on Oil from


    anil aggarwala 19th June 2014