ol. 11. no.2. clllherson, n. c. march. 190:t. 10...

\'OL. 11. NO.2. Cll LHERSON, N. C. MARCH. 190:t. 10 CENTS PER YEAH.. WhenPride isSinful True LoveConstrai ns The WrongWay to Work. lJe don Dot rightl1 lo,t bim.. " ... ho d_ 1111love an o.thu Il'1O ". UPPO SE lOme coldmom io,y oll lb. lIld gl? into . oti,b hor a hOIlM n d lid bUll bill , al worlt on his wiDliow away , IIId ' brlu. ld uk him wha l h; Wllll dolo &. and h e abald u pl" "W by, I IUJI tryin , to relllOTO:th o:C root hat IS Cut IS I gd ie uff line »q\ll:' :lr it co.. , 011 . WOlltd "011 110;>1 .. , ; "W by.lOI.II, Iat '0 . don e atwi kilKltt a lire. I-Ild lbe CrOR "'I II come olI" ? "'lId b., e 1°11oOl lu n peop le try to break off lbcir bad bap ill- one al lU .not. bu Il'iUoos ' lIu il? Well. tba, u e like the "In ",110u icd to ICralc:b Ibe Croool C rom bu Wlr>do .... Let the ir e of kn'e 10 Gud. kllid led at the I.1 ler 01 PL'll 1er. bun io YOvtbeart. I-Od bad hJ.llili will -. n melt a"fay.-S .lUIIlttl'll , A Boy Stronger Than II Man . JOHN came bo•• t,oa U . cbo- I .. a d .. . , '- 1I10&,IIIlt m(.tll e .. t b at b. 10 Yed b.er •'How mue h 40 yo u 10 .. m e P" .b Ired.. "O b, manul. I 10... 'OU j.n fu l . lIch . Wbe. I •• 0' 10 do .. . eUllor tl. IICbty I tb lolr or 1011 .. d J 10 ... , ou 10 QlIl.b tb lt I jll" c .. o , j, d o It, " Do "' e lot. God .... uch II t b ." H" . .. 0t.R to e o at t r ,to UI by lo . e 10 th ai ...e C..lln o, .111 a g..lo. t Him , becau .. we 10 '1 b lm . 0 m u 6b . - S. I, cled . HE cuDKIencel 1- eee part or mu whldl. if not al wa,.. deTelopcil In pro polMta 10 hilla, e or toi u::. lbe repr-ooCof a c:cnain boy wu Yt ry JIIII to .IOOI e mea "' bo ko ew ben erlb lll tal;.e lbe rlllfIlC oCtheir Mak_ er in uio . A. lad in BoIilol , II tber Imall fOf ar e, wor Q In ao office .. errand boy C .,. follt: ICDt. elllen \lib", dQ buine lJ Ihere:. Olle clayt lte Centlemeo were cbaffing bim a little fgc be . ing .o sman, lad Ri d t .... him ; " Yoa ""ill never l-IOUu nl 10 mllc:b: 10a ea. lIeTer do mild . JOIIall 109I-mall: ' The hu le fellow luoked . t tbem. ..Well.... Ri d be, " &1 llIlll U at I am, 1 ca ll do 'olll dhing tbal D<:llher of' Olt can do ." " Ah wbat is Ih ot r ' u. id Ih ey. "I dllo't know .. I 0UCbtI. tell Y0II," he replied. n llt the1 were allZlolit to know, and lIrle l1 hilll 10 lei wha t he could do Ihl' lIeith. f oC lbell1 .... to d.... . , "I I: lkeep fMIIl Iwca rio, ," .ai d tAe IitIIl le llow. Th er e .... u o:lOQIe bhuhn o. fOllr facu . 1-Q11 Ihere ICClIl ed to be no and t,. fot l.nJ' Of ' OIation. ij EN illpride IIlIflll? ",h ea il beCo. u lbe-u cep or tbe IIndet.,.;.oc Yirtva . Wrollrflli pride il lhe 1I0du ualtI · tion or.. t!. It \t rq ardillg ooe', ulC from a JIliJta.keJI poI01 01 ,.ie.. in. ,der ell.C e to 00.', I.biIi6cJ . Wradctia tiCll or ditposirio. . It u Cellierilli IhollJhl IIJMMl H lf to the udosi oo ,Cothea. Ibn r ioteresb IIId obliguioo which ooe .utabu to thelll 1D 0re thlD b coMilt er . with dlly to them. Itt other word.. it it se161 " wilat n n is1C16Nt 10 fat ". flll. The ootions .hicb thlll li e becottco abolll oJ: ICI,.u tead to fl-iM adj u lmCab ot _ lj va Itt the (j' n oCothe.... -eo.r re' AtMtaallli . "N o." Att;, lty I< " Illy beut iflll When ;: if !Ioly; Ihal i< to when il is 'IICnl in Ihe l'd Yiee of th:l' "'<l ich pt!'tth nul "Did they eYer c:rowtI YO'R trlth lbor os i", Thil- 1111 qaulioll he could DCK aOPfe r ba l bowed hil- head lhoqbuIl.I /. The oth c.r h: . rep lied ; " VOIIr ) t wer aad fIline wu thaI- trc.ato:d. nd II II- diKip lei Bed ....d lef l I ll . In tbe bu d, oCIhe wicke". Yet He opeo ed 110;>1 his IDO lllh;\' The effect of IhiJ (:()IIV erNlIOoft ..... -... n Ddct _ 111. Ruth lDio!liten bowed ill PR 1t!1'",d cuo· dU y aGlIilhl to pll" IlCU tbe mind ...bich "'ilI in Chri.\1 Juv. UllrillC lhe tCll da ,,' lUCetinc LbedlKo olCII led pI-lolor became wuod etfltil , chuged . li e lab« ed and pny ed wilh bill friend , IIl1d It:lafl1 _ 111wer e brOllgbt 10 Cbrl l-t. Some fe.. week. aC ler , a deaco o of Ihe cbllleh ....... Ie u ll .u.id, " Vo",r laiC Yi ,nt aDd cOnVer;.alton ...ilh ollr bu e had • "'00' de rf lll infltlCflc<:C llr golOd . We never hur billl complaill no .... and he Il.b "n lII:;I rc pL'lly erf olly " nd .... ly." Row lJrumbJer WEIll Cured proc cu il becom Cl-fool. Wa ler puri fies, bv.1 il- pulhned in Ihe dolo, . Bin ligbt pllriliCjand iJ neve pruUlIte1 In Ihe pruc:e .... Let II illto Ihel' d•• 1.. cellar, let i' 'IlIOIftal IIllUOty,•• ,!or Id it InlOIhat ,erm ·6lled . ie:k rooPI . II plUifia eaeb bDllluCl- 011 ill- way I pi ll jll>l ... pllre u wheo il enl ered . So il ia ...ben God cOlaa illtu a b U-al a D bearl No mltt er ho_ poUeled it it , H ia P'"h e-lKe .n 1lPliNY It Ope ll wid e th e wi a . d"wI ",l yolU aoII1alld ld in lbe-light. ,•. a,lIt,''W6 /N-.All lOlIrcn ofpown: at e h om the comille in rap of lii bt. Licbl il cuOlf.... IIDr . ... d ..... d:ay u al. way.. a g lt>Oa:l y day, bltl a blllil "f llUl>bioe gl'o:$ cheer. Ugh ! it bo:'all tiIyinC. A garde.o 0 1 a bini of Clori..1Upl, mage iii Q...t w:aulull1io tb" dark; bll! in Ibo::licbl uf the: Ilia bu'" ex- qui ·il e Ihe1 are. .... WIlle "oe h.. ui.J : "I ber efure Gud i.. li"ol , aioc:e hgbt if; th ", JW\Ir,-b u "fW e:; thcrd vl"CGod 1$ illleUicel>Ce .-i. u Ili bl i.. tltal byw hU:: h "'e pe«: ci"e Olere· C"re iii bU ill) , .l ace lic hl b. thli .. h icll b:allg.. Ibe " 'UC' ld ,..jlh D'Iur ; lberdur e God it G"" p'lIblO" IUU« hCbl IlO Ihat in ""bic:b Ihe w...... d rej..lCn; the-rdlJfe (;ud if; tnIlb . si !Kc lich l U Ibal wl:ll ch III Ibiog... Ihe1 ru lly .... e . lbc:r"I,,'c loud ISnul)' _ID« " Cbt !S pu.nIY; ,nere(....-.: t.iutl b In c..o ...ct WI lt! IU, Il nce !ir bl CvOlu 10 .... alld "'L'lIIl'IIi 1II \111d. U>olll ' hght .. . We gel Variulb and enn ullU"' ....nce..l.ull» ... " u. " Let 111- lI' e h"l L Lei 0_ ' C\.I trl C 10 Ihe licbt, Let Wi " '''I I.. '" tile-hgnl." - Ke" t.i . u. r. l la llo>ck . . MOudy" ailC'<:' <l ui". : Sume yean ago. a pa..lvr uf a Hule , " , 11 , ,,,, becanle. j and br..... over hi. inal.-t.... an e:.: lent thai he !Io:'CI lIIe . o in..<: It!1" lle crumbier. He fu",nd f. lllt hi. brelhrell bet .1I1<:he iOl . gined they did n.. Ifeat bim well. " bruther Dl!nt.l er 'NIIJ hlv!ted tu .. wt him a few <I"yl in a I-pecW service. At the c:IUlOC .. C Ihe Sabt.alh 1I 1,,"" ng u rrice Olll ha ppy hrat ber Inv'l ed tho: 1 t:lloi'ller hil- hUIISC tu di noer. Wb tle Ihey ...ere ...... iting alvne- io Ihe parkor he began his dold lll nOIY by . aying: b:a'e no Idc:a DC my IJOIiblu; Ill d on e oC lhe- gru telt- b tha t fIlY bretb reo in the chlllcll nea t me .,er1 bldJ 1." The otber pru_IIDed the ColloMag q_ - ti OlU : " Uid liley e'er l pit ia 10u face r ' " l'Iu; Ib",,. huen 'l CUOI e 10 that ." "Did Ihe1 eYe' _ ite ,..... 1" . God is Light. "Godi6 1igh:. " -I . JOHN i, S. Brake theNewstoMot her. o Ii Spirit . I.... ve:. Cud is lie hl. Thc:..eale: . I-IiR uli ' e lIiblo:tit · linili... vI (j "d. r-, .. ooe duillili..n can leb III- all abullt Cod ; hut Ie:t '" thi. one:. '''Cod iJ ligbt," alld ,atber a fev oCill teachine' regarding Ollf ta iba . "Cud if; Iic h t. " t. Ught ,iriflu . Dow-o iD the da lk u ller aothio t p ows .. 0:.1 1. tnin l Ihat aid :1J pla-nt lip bUn lith t uf Ihe .IID 1-0 <1 h uw 1-0011 il beii . 1-to (resbn lip I-IId Ir "w ltd ...ke D1I rich colon . II u Ihe re, 1I1t oCtbe fiTil' 1\II11' power of light. So .... beo Gud , wl:o i$ the light of mell, beei", I.. ,hiDe 11110 0lIl" ben " , "c be (ill IV (r"'" I-trong and bull lifllJ an d w.ef1Ll . l'b e ,eu on Ihne ue MI many PllllY ChrUti l-llJ if; beQ tiC Ibey hide Ibem. le l.. a away frolll God,... bo il liehl . Th e1 1i 'e ill the dark . Th ey keep tht:msel'<u t Ol) ma a...:a1 ff'Olll .... bere tbe tigbt it ,binln e , I I. Lil/A, rtt·uh . YOU.. e t;uing aloe C a d .... k ro:ad 1-1 llighl. " olldn ine Where 10 put 1111llfovt OelE !. A ofl ighllling "; l1 10yo.. in 1-11 instanl. 110;>1 _ 11 yUIl' partie- . b,. roa4, bill the .. bole w dsc:ape YOll are Cf\IP"" loa yUill way io a dark anne. SIldd<: oly tlle lIIi. el ·. lamp lln !lel- in tb e p Uili J e. a od you fCe- d U lly. VOl!are in a dar k lur et. \' ou. kno... not .. b at tbere it ill it. \' 00. opell :lt.: . hlltter, ICI i" th e Iighl, . nd iQlI:aDlI, all it con ll in... d uot Oil lhe fV lliluu ia clear ly fr "u !ed . (;.)tI i. light ; alld when lie I-hiDeAinlu yoor SCl lIl. y"lIxe in 1 mumentj. 1l Ihal is Ihere. [ >'il thollghl$, e",1pllrpllJeA. all en l ls r<: ' n led. Hil Iie hl , b OV.i Oil. " S, " bovJ, Ihem u nutnine ell-C, ean, and ,.h .. , Ihtm inll a th elf t., il inMallll" " he man '10 .. N)CS !lot Ihiok be is ver1 bad only .... beca .u e he h:u n"t 1<:1had Ibe lighl of $hine inln 10 ;$ bU -rI . III Ligl l P.nijf ' 8. Ai,.pllrifin , 10111 rhe C"o. " JIlSI la k" In" n" .. ·s tu mutber, :')be knu.... b d<: u I !<wehet. Aod 1,,11 I>n n 10 wait f",r me . ...... 1'.- rowi ng bume- JIII-Isay Ihero:ia " '" olher. u o li ke Ihe place . ,f m,",her ...nd ki., ber dear swe"'l bp_ fuf m",. and Incak Ihe lie..... I" her..• FIOCII .C .... a n..to:dgeneral had .. Ih'--" dee" ; " W bo tbe llall:1 :.peak lip ladr '"twa nutll<:brav", " "Jcoed !" " rhert he .aid the "he ' ,dplling .,ery fbi ." Th en s' ... .. ly llu "e<laway t.. hide a lear. The , eneral in a mUlnent IIne,1d ...... p b<: sl"e the buy. I Then eave a cry !.hat luuched all hean l Ih",' d ..y; my brav,"YI'I1nl: heru I IhulI, .. .... . _.... 1. 10• •• 'N' , _" , W bile tho:1bot ...Dd .bell weee Kn;un u i lIpuu lbe ballie 6c:ld Th o: 10 blue were 6gbtill C. :M .r nobk lite to . bldd , Cao:ie a <:ry fr_ , lbe lr bOl'-O:captai ll. " I..o>o.k buy'l .... r fI_g 1$ du""II! \\ bo'U"ul""teU I.. II fnllo discraee r " I wil l !" 1 young "'vice: al.. .. cre d, il bao. "'r die !" , he ll I-pnn l: inl... Ihe Ib ko:!i t of the Ira) : S1' ed Ihe fLog. 1,\11gue hl>. yuang hC"aU bis ,:-",,,, 'U .,,'. ;;,u.e; They lm.tll&bl bua back 1-1111 he .... d bR. I-OC llY " Y: M o , ,,, lI t , 01111\ u ln wb ere doe l oo t , ao d Im mo r tal h .' e 'l'. r r. illl ...here God doee. H..ee II cau.e a :'d efl ea l 10 I.. moe' l'IJ:l hecl re..lm. UIl IO' Q wh b God if tmmon allty po... .. . , a Dd tepa ral io Q fr o lll God. I", e oUl r o o ed. -A I...II• • OQ VI Otlll'. ' M O RT ALIT Y a Dd lmOn alh!l. ' be , d ln a llce tM' .. eeo redee med Iiod . . uo':' du lDed malllil nod . mu.l 'u er u l" I_ ,h. aa eace or 'be i. - mur,.. 1 0118, aad hnm o r taUtJ will en r 10110 ,," '10100 wh b hi m. MorLl.1HI l.t .. ,t. \e o f d ea th , do e lO a" par. Llo a frOIDhim _bo i.me . Wbfll r. G od e :l:l. tl dn, tb ca n DOL. h wu DelL, ImparU'd to mao to £,d I D lba' md . h im .. Itwlo ll 10111 load lt1e ,lIl me r&llulL 111. 0_' follow 10 1001 lalld. 10 alll world to alDI all me . 11.0', oorm ..1 co ndi t ion I. 10 11010 0 with God.• • 11h i. po". n load f. cuILle. Jl'Ir m• • ,ed _hh DoIL1 ; tb. Imprio\ of J ehovah i. DQ, load III all Lb.' malle . ma o h II roa n betOl( Doe wh b God . Whell co odll lOO Cf'ue.. tb ea IIIl U d lea ; die. \0 ble God -o rdai ned \10100. re 1a,loo load l oodltloll hi lIl e : d i. .. to bit b a r mo nloll ' . J:llta Dce . to a ll lood lind tb e "ed t 0 1 d llli lh I. - to eye r, vo ",.r 0' b ll bel Oll· vea tb a Dd p r flpe r!, m e ad leplirlit.loo; le peratloo from a rhl'h tlul bar .. o nio ul . o r ttocl ·o rd lila ed co o d l LI- 00. tiepe ute tb tl tr ee Irom the earth a nd h l epe r .ttI from 'be "'lite r Ind It. di et , t e pe r .. te th e Irom .. e re'" mliC h lo e .. od h It doad • •• !Jon"" loul a Dd bo d , ID d ma o a, to 10 illr t b l), e .l lk nee diet, ' '' V.ra te llIa ll I lld God a Dd mao I, < ' .. . .. . . - .. oe ltD; oe ...... .... .11 ... ",. " ...... .. .... ... .a '·f! him . He It DOt h. I, In but b... Cllll<l d HI b. wb at. be .... . . ... hat God IlIk. ded that be . bo u ld be tb. , b. mlrh t III e te r 11, 1 r. po ae , b "Oploa .. Ilod nlllS . 1'0 all tb el . cOlld h lon. bel , d .1ld the, &l'e Dnt b ioi. b e I. " prora ted f Nllll tbem. Tb l' fa tr U8 d n ,tb. tbl. I, tb e d e e pa d de ll tb ; t bl . II ,be d .. tb t b .. t a oo l b ll ilte . ,DOl our peno nlll t1, ed. - to ce. • ,It ou r aoodaeu . boliDe.. , Pllrh1 aod 110101 wlt b God. It.a DDlb Ua te . tb . lIle 01 Gud 10 Uol, " Dd t b u .. a ll loh. t I. m Od d lll ire ab le . 'b id- l oa:. a od e le rll al . h k ill .... IU" kllli. ,e •• w ou r rl, Mflil b er lt&(e , b OIiUJ. ba p plo e.. . protec t loo .. ad life. We are d e ad a bliohlt l, to w hli ' God m lld e Ut , l oteo d ed Q' .. lid wou ld ba YI u. be . Tb l. i' 1II0r t&1lty , tb l. loi de. tb I, Ita \r ile 1 04 molt . ... flll H Ole . It I. eu )' \0 1M tbl t It d. l tb aod mon . lity t. lep .... 'loll l ro 1l.lGod . th.o 1mmO n ..lh y .. od eterolll ill. fa 110 100 wltb God . God · IU• . or " life 10 UDlo Q whb Gu4 b 01 ... •• r l,b l fu\ be r lLa«e lo d '-ome. Mao 'If'" ere. t.ed 10 tbe 1m· '"Ie 01 God , " Dd doe. oor e.. n oot me et tbe wl. h, . of b ll C... at or alld be ml o, , lIeb at G od u eoi ad , . Beep" 10 IIDloo wh b G od . I. tb. , re.t aod p re •• r nt IYe, . bl o illtl l;r oOl bi oK . 1.. wUl do. . tr lO llt b. nO' bla _I._ do m, out bll 10Ye, 001' . 01 arlit lba l b. m :e b t 'be tto. IIPOO Ole o b ll (1"' 11 l\(e l mp .r te d. rais MORTAL. T h Ylliltl . 1•• • 'laD oot Oolell' th, lIl111 1M 1(1l'8O ; Th, pr el eo ee III 1111plIo rad lM . A od ""b , rll Ib o ll .. ..1. I. 1I ...... .. n

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  • \ ' OL. 11. NO.2. Cll LHERSON, N. C. MARCH. 190:t. 10 CENTS PER YEA H..•WhenPride isSinful

    True LoveConstrains

    The WrongWay to Work.

    lJ e don Dot rightl1 lo,t b im.. " ...ho d_11111love an o.thu Il'1O".

    UPPO SE lOme coldmom io,y oll lb. lIldgl? into . oti,b hor a hOIlM n d lidbUll bill , al worlt on his wiDliow

    ICL'lIlcb~ ng away , IIId ' brlu.ld uk him wha l h;Wllll dolo &. and he abald u pl"

    "W by, I IUJItryin , to relllOTO:th o:Croot hatIS Cu t IS I gd ie uff line »q\ll:':lr it co.. , 011~ber."

    .WOlltd "011110;>1.. , ; "W by.lOI.II, Iat '0.~dows don e atwi kilKltt a lire. I-Ild lbe CrOR"'I II come olI" ?

    "'lId b., e 1° 11oOl lu n peop le try to breakoff lb cir bad bap ill- one al lU .not. bu Il'iUoos'lIu il? Well. tba, u e like the "In ",110u icdto ICralc:b Ibe CrooolCrom bu Wlr>do....

    Let the ir e of kn'e 10 Gud.kllid led at theI.1ler 01 PL'll1er. bun io YOvtbeart. I-Od t~ebad hJ.llili will -. n melt a"fay.-S .lUIIlttl'll ,

    A BoyStronger ThanII Man.

    ~ITTLE J O H N ca m e bo•• t,oaU . cbo- I .. a d .. . , '- 1I10&, IIIlt m(.tlle .. t b at b. 10 Yed b.er .l'I r1 1111~cb • 'H o wm ue h 40 yo u 10 .. m e P" . b Ired.."O b, m an u l. I 10... 'OU j . n fu l

    . lIch . Wbe. I •• 0' 10 do .. . e Ull o r

    tl . IICbt y I tb lolr o r 1011 .. d J 10 ... , o u10 QlIl.b tb lt I j ll" c ..o , j, d o It, " Do

    "' e lo t . God .... uc h II t b ." H". ..0t.R to eo at t r ,to UI by lo . e 10 th ai

    ...e C.. lln o, .111 a g .. lo . t Him , becau ..

    we 10 '1 b lm . 0 m u6b . - S . I, c led .

    HE cuDKIencel 1-eee part or mu whldl.if not al wa,.. deTelopcil In pro polMta10 hill a, e or toiu::.II~ lbe repr-ooCof a

    c:cnain boy wu Yt ry JIIII to .IOOIe mea "' boko ew ben erlb lll tal;.e lb e rlllfIlC oCthe ir Mak _er in uio .

    A. lad in BoIilol , II tber Imall fOf ~b ar e,wor Q In ao office .. err and boy C.,.follt: ICDt.e lllen \lib", dQ buine lJ Ihe re:. Olle clayt lteCentlemeo were cbaffing bim a little fgc be .ing .o sman, lad Ri d t ....him ;

    " Yoa ""ill never l-IOUunl 10 mllc:b: 10a ea.lIeTer do mild . JOIIall 109I-mall: '

    The hu le fellow luoked . t tbem...Well.... Ri d be, "&1 llIlllU at I am, 1ca ll do

    'olll dhing tbal Dolll' hght .. . I~ . ·, We gel Variulb andenn ullU"' .....nce..l.ull» ... " u. " Let 111-lo~elI' e h"l L Lei 0_' C\.ItrlC 10 Ihe licbt, Let Wi" '''I I.. '" tile-hgnl." - Ke" t.i . u. r. l la llo>ck.

    .III :' .IU'Y I~ la~ 1_ 11 yUIll' part ie-. b,.roa4, bill the .. bole w dsc:ape YOll are Cf\IP""loa yUill way io a dark anne. SIlddo.k

    buy'l .... r fI_g 1$ du""II !\\ bo'U "ul" "teU I.. ~'rilll

    il bao. "'r die !", he ll I-pnn l: inl... Ihe Ib ko:!it of the Ira) :

    S1' ed Ihe fLog. 1,\11gue hl>.yuang hC" aU I~bis ,:-",,,,'U.,,'. ;;,u.e;

    They lm.tll&bl bua back 1-1111 he ....d bR.I-OCllY " Y:

    Mo, ,,, lI t , 01111\ u ln wb ere G~

    doe l oo t , ao d Im mo r tal h .' e 'l'. r r . illl...he r e God doee. H..ee II c a u .e a :'defl ea l 10 I.. moe' l'IJ:l h ecl re ..lm. UIl IO'Qwh b God if tm mo n a ll t y po... .. . ,a Dd tepa ral io Q fr o lll God. I", mort&l l~,e oUl ro oed. -A I...II• • OQ VIOtlll'. '

    MORT ALIT Y aDd lmOn alh!l. ' be

    , d ln a llce tM' ..eeo redee med Iiod. .uo':' du lDed malllil nod . Mor~lI'l mu. l

    'u er u l" I_ ,h. aa eace or ' be i. -mur, ..10118, aad hnm or taUtJ will en r10 110 ,," '10100 w h b hi m.

    MorLl.1HI l.t .. ,t. \e o f dea th , do e lOa" par. Llo a frOIDhim _bo i.me . Wbfllr .G od e :l:l. tl dn, tb ca n DOL. h wu DelL,

    Impar U'd to mao to £,d I D l ba' md .h im .. Itwlo ll 10111 load lt1e ,lIl me r&llulL

    111.0_' fo llo w 10 1001 la lld. 10 alll wo r ld

    t o alDI all me .11.0', oorm ..1co ndi t ion I. 10 11010 0

    with God.• • 11h i. po". n load f. cu ILle .Jl'Ir m• • ,ed _ h h DoIL1 ; tb. Im pr io\ ofJ e hov ah i . DQ, load III a ll Lb.' malle .ma o h II roa n betOl(Doe wh b God .

    Wh e ll Lb l ~ co odll lOO Cf'ue.. tb ea

    IIIlU d lea ; d ie. \0 b le God -o rdai ned\10100. re 1a, loo load l ood ltloll hi lIl e :d i. .. to b it b a r mo nloll ' . J:l lta Dce . toa ll lood lind tb e "ed t 0 1 d llli lh I. -,ar~d to eye r , vo ",.r 0 ' b ll bel Oll·

    vea t b a Dd mor~all', pr flpe r!, m e ad•l e p lir lit.lo o ; le pe r a t lo o fr o m a rhl'h t lu l

    bar .. o n io u l . o r ttocl ·o rd lila ed co od l LI-

    0 0 . tiepe ute tb tl tr ee Ir om t he ea r t h

    a nd h .u~t d l. , l epe r .ttI thell~b from'be "'lite r I nd It. di e t , t e pe r .. te th e

    ~flar Irom .. e re'" mliC h lo e .. od h Itd oad • • • !Jon"" l o u l a Dd bo d , ID dma o a , to 1 0 illr t b l), e .l lk nee d ie t ,

    ' '' V.ra te llIa ll I lld God a Dd m a o I,< ' . . . .. . . - .. , -~ " - ~oe ltD; oe...... .... .11... ",. "........ ........

    .a '·f! h im . He It DOt a~ u l b l l. ted , h. I,In e lC l , ~ence , b ut b... Cllll



    Roli g lo u8 S Ch n ol Note s.

    don' l find tbe .ay to Ibe . ·u le buke t 1 ";1"Tile .I,a ;OI;»o e lillle.-I, M.X. ~

    Dea, H.l er :- Al un 1 wrile YOll" (ew.linell rr.oI1fTennessee. The, o:all lhu tbe-IlIn_n,IOrllh. bill I thialt ii It i. hke tbe put . in-ler I d01l'1 kllOwho... Ibe)'uC' , g...cIhe lI.IlII"I .m•compnle, 1I.1M1K1 typl neany e"~r)'"d:tl". I bave liv" brolhen . YUlld,icntl_l'be~

    Dca< IIale,. ,- A. I lculI •• l)' ' Irolled alongIhe hank of Ibe MWooliririvn in Ihe , car ' 893-1 wu ..cry mu"h lu rp,illC'dtv see • I.,ge c:lll.Ilt"" llhll , i£.. aud 'hape of . t ...o g~ lIoo " ilea.n lI...alinK " I' ~t 't:;Iln It ....." Id III . ~ e ah""gvery h, ;sk (ur •• hurl di. ,atIu. 5ume ,imCllU,...r u Ihirty or furly yu q.. aud Ihen ..lop and.... y.. bacl: .n d furlh. .. th.. currenl ..tr"c k II .fu , lImomenl.ln d then t.\ke . ; ..III"r da~h upIt n ern, Ihen . Iop .g.in .Ind ..Ian ligan. , a" ,1a... 0 11. I lear ntd .(1"y and R;" ...oold.1" 11I"....,u ,,, lUll tli". I am hn c In Ihis moun_t"in rrx i" " whe,e ~ovle ",. ry ofien cuI "h" le i" th e ,lrJ ~ vr Ihe hUll'" fur ...induwu ndnl " bil lie nr ~"""" IDeo f \ bUlr UWIl.

    I \n H.nk t llllL g r " a , J{uv d c .. n b .. d uo

    IH.rrt vtld here bu t r ..l}>'Iltl .~ . "n lh im iu lo n . .. " Loibl. tllC friend haspa id fee II ru, you. When yUllf Il,ne expires)'OIiT 1)~I,.,.t w l1l 11up un lil rCllc ....e o.l.

    A pe ncil mar\: un uPI"-' ,.,(, band cornu of

    P:!l>« .nd. . . ). .

    .c houl ;1I ~·"b. , . ~> . Vllr t'l 'nlly ,' . InereUimg,

    therd .....e n...' c f......d..n.1 c' .•lh ,ng will be ,e ·

    q"it ed.We ldudl y ... 1: " III de r focn',", :l.nd COW(.lf-

    l;en h' .e nlClDhleIn",all. " r -III'P '1'\ hll.t God bal

    ~ n" ....' . r eI. r.tilee hi. "" " r...l:",,,,,,t l..



    b:; !::.:::U:; '!~: \~::'~ !!!~ . ;::~~ ~'';!:~ ~: ;; ::.~~ ~ _. ::di" t rl bu tlun of ~he ....ur4 "r Itoo.l, ,1

    1 (ee l 'h at ' be bl4le8IU, _ ut ( ilXi wll i

    r ed upoo t bo. e wb u Ih , ' '' .u It:iod fcoo lr lboted of ~be lr lIu,a 08 .. od made

    II. po u lbl e rur 113. 0 )' too pa. ,",,", Lh.,"'0rG. uf IU. th .. , othe r. lee w",u ld hLd u t lt o te. " 10 .lioibll d), a , \ be ir POlt

    >t.nd fUll of hype 10 a pro ;" I" .."h c;..."'I " ~ .m y..,. r lillie friend ia .1".... ,- 11. A. r

    eel h a od m lltle, ::t.1"k" O ..., r u re e t. wb ot D....r 11&111:)',- I~ _ lillie re. der or "So lD'

    I. t bu .ehou l ~&l"b l! r .. t.o 108tr u me. ...", '8 "''''' ", ''' nd ..nju1 ' eading Ih" child rea5I" H I.. h all d. 10 br l n l1lnjt" up t h ue l"lle", I .m . hl" e gi,1 "'....ell y UN 0101.I . mt:b ild r t n In ' oll r tu re ..nd .tlCQoll hiu lI ' n ll 5CCOnd ' ..ad"" ari' hmetie • • d .p"lIillg , I

    • go I" 5Ch,.-, I. ·l lu. IIlh e piece 1'01 aoi" g I..of t h .. l.o r" : ' ... y nU l tun.o.:_ 1 ho.:dralll" . be dllmh.

    I lind Ih o ' Jllr it or ' ",cr ll lee a oa r!l ll '1h.n l>ray I,Le . " me. •

    ":O Ose" "II ~ lo" tu t he co ule o f Ch r le '~~(~:~:~' ~~I ~or~;~m,b., lnK pr ao th ;.. II, ro. "l fea1.ed by Uro I tllll, rcadin. Ihe b,Ul. · If Ihe.... (cw lin. •

