ohio & michigan state theories of leadership


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Page 1: Ohio & Michigan state theories of leadership



Page 2: Ohio & Michigan state theories of leadership

Isha Joshi - MIB

CONTENTSWhat is Leadership?Theories of Leadership

Ohio State Leadership StudyMichigan State Leadership Study

Page 3: Ohio & Michigan state theories of leadership

Isha Joshi - MIB

LEADERSHIPLeadership can be defined as the ability of the management to make sound decisions and inspire others to perform well.It is the process of directing the behaviour of others towards achieving a common goal.

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Isha Joshi - MIB






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Isha Joshi - MIB

OHIO STATE LEADERSHIP THEORY In 1945 the bureau of business research at OHIO state university initiated a series of studies on leadership.

They found two critical characteristics either of which could be high or low and were independent of one another.

OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY –Identify the major dimensions of leadership. Investigate the effect of leader’s behavior.

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Isha Joshi - MIB

Consideration and Initiating Structure are two dimensions of Leader behaviour identified as a result of the Ohio State Leadership Study.

According to the findings of these studies, leaders exhibit two types of behaviours, People-Oriented (consideration) and Task-Oriented (initiating structure), to facilitate goal accomplishment.

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Isha Joshi - MIB

CONSIDERATIONConsideration is the extent to which a leader exhibits concern for the welfare of the members of the group. This factor is oriented towards interpersonal relationships, mutual trust and friendship.This leadership style is People-Oriented.Some of the statements used to measure this factor:

Friendliness Mutual trust Respect Supportiveness Openness Concern for the welfare of employees

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Isha Joshi - MIB

INITIATING STRUCTUREInitiating Structure is the extent to which a leader defines his and the group members’ roles, initiates actions, organizes group activities and defines how tasks are to be accomplished by the group.This leadership style is Task-Oriented.Some of the statements used to measure are –

Letting group members know what is expected of themMaintaining definite standards of performanceScheduling the work to be doneAsking that group members must follow the standard rules & regulations

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Isha Joshi - MIB



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Isha Joshi - MIB


Task Oriented People Oriented

Letting group members know what is expected from them

Often helps people under you with their personal problems

Fixed standards Willingness to change

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Isha Joshi - MIB

WHICH STUDY IS BETTER?Both initiating and consideration are important for successful leading teams without initiating structure behavior ,subordinates what is expected how to coordinate their work with others

Like wise lack of consideration behavior from the leader may leave employees feeling unsupportive , unrecognized or confused as they try to navigate conflicts issues in their roles without any sense of feed back how they are doing

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Isha Joshi - MIB

WHAT DO WE LEARN FROM THIS?High on one dimension does not mean low on another. Followers of leaders high in consideration were more satisfied motivated& respect for their leaders. leaders high in initiating structure increased organizations productivity & performance.

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Isha Joshi - MIB


These empirical studies were conducted slightly after WORLD WAR II by the institute of Social Research at the university of Michigan. A famous series of studies on leadership were done in Michigan University, starting in the 1950s.The purpose of these studies was to identify styles of leadership behavior that results in higher performance and satisfaction of a group.

OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY–To locate behavioral characteristics of leaders that appeared to be related to measure of performance effectiveness.

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Isha Joshi - MIB

Production Centered Leadership (Task Oriented)

Rigid work standards, procedures and rules.

Close supervision of the subordinates

Technical aspect of the job Employees are considered as

a tool to accomplish the goal (not treating like a human being).

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Isha Joshi - MIB

Employee Centered Leadership (Relation Oriented Leadership)

To treat subordinates as a human beings To show concern for the employees needs,

welfare etc. To foster employee participation in

decision making To motivate employees

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Isha Joshi - MIB

WHAT CAN WE CONCLUDE?Favored the leaders who were employee oriented in behavior Recommend only one dimension important for a manager to be successful i.e. employee –oriented leadership Both styles led to increase in production, but it was

slightly more in production oriented style. But production oriented style led to decrease

satisfaction and increase turnover and absenteeism Whereas employee centered style increased

satisfaction and decreased absenteeism

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Isha Joshi - MIB