ohawk valley genealogy and historyfultonhistory.com/newspapers 23/st johnsville ny...i ter of simeon...

ohawk Valley Genealogy and History ST. JOHNSVILLB, N. Y. $3.00 Per Year AWARDED HONORABLE MENTION, 1842, BY NEW YORK STATS HISTORICAL ASSN. SEPTEMBER 17, 1942 Questions and Answers A department devoted to the pursuit of knowledge. No charge to regular subscribers. Answers may be sent direct to the inquirer but if submitted for publication the facta will be distributee. Parties possessing oniy a part i*f the information are urged to send in what they have. It all adds to the ultimate solution of the many genealogic problems. BELLINGER May I express my appreciation of Lieutenant Commander Bellinger's splendid genealogical service? It has so great a scope that 1 think it must be of value to anyone who has any interest in the Palatine emigrants of either the Schoharie or Mohawk val- leys. I have been interested in the fam- ily of the emigrant Christopher Wer- ner and in conjunction with Mr. Wil- lis H. Warner, have been building up an outline from Schoharie, Beaver Dam and Berne church records of the families of his sons, Johann Matthes, Johann Jurgen and Johann Joost, particularly that of Johann Matthes. who married 21 Anna Barbara Bel- linger and 22 Maria Barbara Bellin- ger and whose sons were 127 Mat- theus and 128 Phillipus. I have also been interested in 202, Lt. Heari'ck Borst and his family. Some criticism has been voiced in regard to the difficulty of following the system of numbering but it has seemed to me a'simple system to fol- low although I think that with any history covering as much ground as this ones does, it is difficult to keep clearly in mind all the ramifica- tions. However, that would seem to me to be due to the vast amount of data and the many interlocking, rela- tionships rather than to the method of presentation. 1 have found the series very inter- esting and of a great deal of help to me, both as a check on my own work and as a means of filling out incom- plete lines, and suggesting new av- enues for further research. I like your genealogical department and many of your contributors have been in a difficult field. Marion G. Banker. 9 West State street, Gloversville, N. Y. 1983 Magdaiena 1812, married Jo- soph Casler. 3 children. 1984 Jacob 1815, married Almira Orrendorf. 1 son, married Eva Star- ing, 2nd cousin. See granddaughter of 573 Fredericaks Jr. 1985 Henry 1818-90, married Han- nah Shaul. Bers' Herk. Co., page 252. Had one son James H. No issue, He helped in this line. 1986 Caty Mariah 1820, married John Casler. 3 children: Adam has no living descendants. Richard mar- lution soldier of~Blandford, Mass! I ried Melind » Steele, 2 children: (a) Married Jane Knox (1741-1833) died ! A,berta - no issue ! <*>) A m a n d a h a d a Burlington, Pa, Children: John born May 11, 1761. James born April 16, 1763. Eleanor born May 18, 1765. David born July 17, 1767. Cynthia born Sept. 9, 1769. Janie born Nov. 20, 1774. Cephas born May 29, 1771. Biandford Campbells said to come from Pemaquid, Falmouth, Maine, where Wm. Campbell, son of James (1) of Cnerry Valley, N. Y. settled 1741 and first wife Jane Humphrey son, Claude H. Baker who has seven children in Herkimer. Hawley born on Shoemaker Hill married Ella Fisher. Was "J. P." Kent the Fort Herkimer grocery, had 1 son, 3 grandchildren. 1987 Richard 1825, married twice. No descendants known. 1988 Eliza Elizabeth 1826, married Thomas Whitmore. 5 children. Aman- ua, uumui'i'ieu, Ri^nttiu, Wiiiluiii, sSiZ abetn, Sarah. Ail married but no liv- ing descendants are known. 1989A Anna Eve 1828-55. married s Genealogy of The John Gieene Family oi Quidnessett, R. L Through Ills Eldest Son, Captain Edward Greene Compiled by LEORA MAE GREENE HILDENBRAND, 1941 J at Johnstown, N. Y.She was daugh- I ter of Simeon B. Leavitt and wife, | Jennett B. Mauison. Simon B. Leav- I itt was son of Joseph B. Leavitt and wife, Lydia Bliss of THOMAS ROG- E R S of T H E MAYFLOWER ances- | try. Joseph B. Leaviit was son of | Sherwood Leavitt and wife, Hannah j Bennett, whose father was Captain Najah Bennett in the Revolutionary (Continued from last week) ( Tallest man in American Army, i w ar The father of Sherwood Leav- (g . | Saved Gen. Lafayette's life. Present' atthe surrender of Cornwallis. Buried there. Eli Risley died Oct. 18, 1849, aged 85 years, 3 months and 22 days. A soldier of the Revolution. Daniel Warren, a soldier Walter Greene (7), William Ambrose (5), William (4), William (3), Captain Edward (2), John Greene (1) of Quidnessett, R. I. Walter Greene (7) born Jan. 27, 1831 died June 13, 1876, married Jan. 8, 1852 Catharine Walrath she born May 26, 1830 died Aug. 20, 1900. Issue: 8 Lewis Elphanzo Greene born No- vember 12. 1854, liv. 1941, married 1st I itt was Sergt. Josiah-Gold Leavitt, who served in Captain NajTh Ben- ,— nett's Company in Revolutionary war from Connecticut. (The compiler of this genealogy had the honor of bein^ the first person in the United i soldier of the ; states to be accepted on the services Revolution died June 22, 1*46 agedj of Josiah GoW Leavit anU Najah 81 years. Bennett in the Daughters of the Copied from grave in cemetery at ; American Revolution Society. Josiah Knoxboro, N. Y. August 1, 1941 by i Gold Leavitt married Sarah Sher- | (Mrs. O. E.) Helen Dow Baker. i woodf daucntC r of Thomas Sherwood Sacred to the memory of Rev. | June 26,11878 Anna Louise Dygert, she born Julv 13 1819 died March I „. ow;rw ^ "t ,m ' mor >' or "•»« and wife Cattee Gold, daughter of t V i « w « y * iV? K j Simeon Snow who died Jan. 28, 1827 Nat han Gold CD of Fairfield Conn 12, 1927. He married second Celestia j „_„ i 7 K ,,„„_„ •. jNaumn uoia v,s, oi i a.r*itta, uonn. Charlesworth. She died 1930. No is-i fe ~ - f. - - - —- 'Jacob Leavitt was called "The Head aged 75 years. Revolutionary by * Soldier erected by Oneida Chapter, D. A, knna Louise Dygert. i w ^, gtmees SRev o o 9 ^ LUCy . G T reene ,Q b To 7 M f I William Greene Jr. 22, 1881, married June 19, 1907 to | il" VV IJLt; *J KAKil k,H of JO.HHOII iiuwai v \JI and ftj -0 of the Anclunbreck Clans, Scot. The last clan name is not clear and may be Auelimbreck. W. Merton Lamphere, 630 Talln.an street, Syrac is- N. Y. above line is that of Miss Kathryn j Edward Track, proprietor of "Trank' Campbell, 116 West 3rd avenue, ! Ointment," efficacious as a throat Clearfield, Pa. j Remedy and very "smelly." 2 child- These Campbells are of the Argyll ren . Almira, married Wiggins,- "a" son is on the medical staff of State Hospital in North Dakota. *57tt Catharina-> Bellinger, born 12 March 1789, St. J. record and Family Bible, died 24 Jan. 1846, married Mel- choir Reese, great grandson of Dom- inie Nicholas Reese and Vani Rensselaer, born 1 May 1784, died MOORE, CAPWELL 1878, age 94. Want data on ancestry and de- j In war of 1812 under Capt. Nicho- scendants of a Moore family that las Shoemaker. I have his photo- early located at Cherry Valley. A | graph but not hers. Her sister, 571 History of Town of Palmer, Mass., , Elisabeth, died only a year later, and by J. H. Temple states that John and ; J have her photo. From other data James Moore with aged mother came j it appears that commercial making (3), Captain Edward (2), John; bart {13) fam jiy. Joseph Leavitt was Greene (1) of Quidnessett, R. I. ; the aon uf JoS)ah , 2) i^^m and I William Greene Jr. (7) born Aug. > wife> Margaret Johnson, daughter of ; 9, 1820, died Feb. 14, 1903, married Sergt Humphrey Johnson. Josiah Oct. 28, 1841 Lavina Cook. She was Leavitt (2) was the son of Deacon i i_.ea.viii axttt (7), William i the f amoU s David (3) Hobart; Rev* Melvin David Casler. He born Sept. i J_J; A hT °J e .<»>• 5. ilIiarn <«<• _ Wil -' Peter Hobart (2) and Edmund Ho- 23, 1881, died Jan. 27, 1895; no issue. Rer. Mt. Vernon, N. Y. 9 Harry Walter Greene born Oct. 20, 1883, married 1st Leta May Doek- stader Nov. 28, 1911. She born Jan. 20, 1888, died July 13, 1931. He mar- ried 2nd Oct. 15, 1935 Edith Laning. She bom March 17, 1889. Res. Fort Plain, N. Y. Issue: by Leta May Dockstader. 10 Katharine Edna Greene born June 18, 1918. 9 Albert Dygert Greene M. D. daughter of Samuel Cook (2) <son! and Magis trate John Leavitt (1) of of Peter (1) ), and wife Magdaiena j Dorchester and Hingham, Mass. John Gramps (daughter of Jno. P. Cramps ! ^ ^ (1) was tne first of this (served in Revolutionary War) and Leavitt family to come to this cou«- wife, Anna (Nancy) Bellinger; t 1628-30, from England. See "The (daughter of Lieut. John Bellinger, a j , ohn Le avitt Family of Hingham, Revolutionary Soldier, died at battle Mas3 imd gome of lta Branches." o: Oriskany, N. Y. and his wife Mag- compUed by Mrs , Le ora Mae Greene .,,„-. , .dalena Klock. She daughter of Hen- „..,,.„„„,, TQ-JC born Nov. 2S, 1886, married March i . . . „.,,.,,,_ 0 H r i f * i.^m™ti n \ ' Hlldenbrand > IVSH. _ „_,.. . '_ , v" T c, i drick Klock and wite Jacomyntie) . _ _ „,..,,. _. , _ , 5, 1911 Ann.. Kerwm, she born Sept. j T a v i n a (Cook) GrGene born Julv 4 | Issue: of Wilharn Cook Greene and """" " " ' 1821, died Feb. 11, 1901. ' l wife Leora A. (Leavitt) Greene. j 9 Leora Mae Greene born May 4, 6, 1886. Res. Union City, N. J Issue: 10 Maijorie Elizabeth born Feb from the north of Ireland; with 320 j <^ daguerreotypes began in various 114, 1912, married April 3, 1937 Rob- others signed the memorial to Gov. I towns of the Mohawk valley, 1846 or Shute for liberties to come and settle ! later. I have several advertising here. The mother, Jean, died Feb. ' dates on this budding industry. 27, 1748, aged 86 years, 8 months. 1 Children: 11 (Reese.) Only two left John located at the Old Center ] n ° children. (Mass. ?); his wife Mercy died Aug. | 1991 Magdaiena 1809-1892, married 20, 1773; no children are listed as of | Samuel" Hess, Belvedere. See 1907 John and Mercy Moore. He was i for extension. 7 children. ert Rosen, he born Jan. 6, 1909. Issue: HBarbara Ann Rosen born Jan. 12, 1938. 11 Richard Charles Rosen born March 10, 1940. 10 Donald Albert Greene born Jan. 25, 1915. 10 Robert Frances Greene born H r; BON, BKLLini Mji,r» William Herron of Middieburgh, N. Y. married Maria Bellinger about , CAI A .-..,.,...li «'.,v 4-.- r^1^T,*-r.>i*f" t-^r.f>**H« they had the following children: Nan- cy born April 9, 1802; Margaret November 19, 1803; Eliza Maria born August 1, 1805; Peter born May 23, 1807; Henry William born Sep- tember 16, 1810; Charles born in 1814 and there were others such as Alex- ander David, Cornelia and John. Who are Maria Bellinger's parents? Will be glad to receive any coreapondence on this subiect. Peter M. Covert, 104 North 7th street, Newark, N. J. called "Meeting House John" and be- I 1992 Hannah 1811-1904, married fore the building of the church, ser- j ^ 839 to £363 Samuel« Fox, son^of J65 | October 19, 1920. 9 T^eon Greene born March 6. 1890 uieii Aiuy i.y, J.6y^. The Greene and Walrath Bible, now in possesion of Elphonzo Greene, Fort Plain, N. Y. 1941. The inscription in front of Bible 8 William A. Greene born Sept. 2, 1854, died May 11, 1855. 8 Wilson H. Greene born April 5, 1856, died Dec. 25, 1932, married An- na House Oct. 8 1879, she born May 28, 1855, living 1941. No issue. (8) Wiiliam Cook Greene born Oc- tober 4, 1859, liv. 1941, married No- vember 11, 1885 T^eora A. Leavitt, born April 28, 1866 died Nov. 15, 1928 1887 married August 30, 1911 Geo. Hildenbrand. He was born March 28, 1880 in Petersburg, Ontario, Canada. He is the son of Conrad Hildenbbrand and wife (Hannah Knipfel) Hilden- brand. Leora Mae Green Hildenbrand is the compiler of this "Greene Gen- ealogy," 1941. No issue. Both living 1941. (To be continued) vices were frequently held in his ' George F. 6 children: Floyd (9) Fox iiouae. James ivioore married iviar- ; - • ••-" ••• *•• >••• garet and had nine children, I 1993 Frederick 1813-98, married the first bein K John born June 26. 1 1836 to Catharine Myers, 1813-86. 1729. 1 Spiner record. 6 children. Only 2 How is this John related to John i had no children: Eugene F. Russell who married Marv Harper and died j a n d Benjamin A. Russell, druggist of 1 reads as follows: "The Property of at Cherry Valley Jan. 23, 1787 ? j Ilion > are ln this line through daugh- ! Catherine Walrath. A present from data for Mary Meoro born | ter Frances. *ker father and mother. 1851." FAMILY RECORD 3 hqri rhiiilren viz. Marv Jane (John 1 Sept. 7, 17877 at Cherrv Valley, mar- | 1994 Margaret^ 1816-80, ried near there May 18. 1807, Wil- | 1S35 Jose P h p - Prior, 6 children iiam R. Uapweii Jr. whu wiu burn at Albany Dec. 1, 1784. Want Maryj v -> Petrie; Franklin A., ma Sarah Ann Craddock• -4- "V-l.-?-- HJ **T T r t l f j. Moore's conection to above family. This family came down the Susque- j married Harriet, aneiaon. hanna river and settled near what is! 1995 Mar y 1819-43, unmarried. Mi-male &a ahrtttt IBIR MM. 1996 Adam 1P^2-9S, married 1 Elis- Walter Green and Catharine Wal- rath were married January 8, 1852. By Wayne Arnold, Y. M. C. A. Secretary, Little Falls Little Falls and Herkimer County are known the world over for the ex- ceptionally brilliant, double-terminat- ed quartz crystals that are kn^wn among mineral collectors as "Little Falls" and "Herkimer Cou"**-" JL-ia- montis." Nearly every mineral collec-! it tion, both museum ajid individual, h»s its rtisnln-u of "Hofkimor f^niintv was married June 26, 1878. Edna Lucy Greene and Melvin Da- vid Casler was married June 19, 1907. CAMPBELL Under date of September 4. 1942, we received from Mrs, J. T. Joy, of Cooperstown, Otsego county, N. Y. a card giving the following facta re- garding the Campbell genealogy: James Campbell (1738-1813) Revo- now moos__. had 12 chuuren: Mary 1808, George ! »° eth Mvers ' daughter of 768 Marian; ism Wm 1R19 AnP-eline 1S14 wimi i(Pox) (Daniel F.) No issue, married I Albert Dygert Greene and Anna 1810 Wm. 1812, Angelme 1814 Elmi- , 1 ' < , Kppiian) p 0 «jtelln 4 child- ! Kirwin was married March 5, 1911 na 1816, Jane Broadhead 1819, Louisa l Kosa ( Keenan) costeuo. 1 cnua 1 1820 Robert 1823, Catherine 1825, | ren,_2 had children, viz.: Rosetta born Amy 1827, John Moore 1829 and Is- | 1 rael 1831. Can give exact birth i }*»* manieu iviyiui dates on above if desired—taken ; l ived in WellaviUe. 1997 Catharine born 1824 married Henry F. Myers, born 1815. Beers' Herkimer County, page 256. 2 child- Harry Walter Gr%ene and 18:.2. married Stever. Emma born | May Dockstader was married Noven. WiLLei K«». OQ ,1 m 1 x i icy from the old family record painted in 1816 (May 19th) by William Mur- ray ' Can the person who signs his name . "Otsego" in another publication Sterling (or Staring. See 571.) They throw any light on the above Mary ren, Adelaide 1843-71, married M. H. Rosen were married April 3, Moore's ancestry? Anything will be ' Daniel * born 1845, married Margar- : et Tucker. 2 children. I 1998 Jane Elizabeth 1827-1901 mar- ]ried 1367 Daniel" T. Fox, son of 765 j George F.; Myra (Holden) (R. M.) ! Moffil, Pike Street, Pa., is in this line most appreciated. Isaac L. Kip. Neshanic Station, N. J. Births had: Bcrnice married John Sherwood, I Walter Green was born January 27,1831. Catherine Green was born May 26, ; 1830. Elfonzo Green and Anna h, Dygert Diamonds." In addition to Herkimer County, they may be found in parts of Fulton and Montgomery counties. No one knows just when they were discovered. It is known that the Mohawk Indians made projectile Leta j points from them, as one perfect point and several fragments have oeen louno on one nistoric MonawK site and perfect crystals have been found on other Mohawk sites, both historic and pre-historic. Wm. Richie of the Rochester Museum found one quartz crystal in a burial attributed to the so-called Mound builders. This was in western New York. It ia very possible that the early Mohawk valley pioneers knew of them, but it remained for Prof. J. Hadley of the Geneva Medical College to bring the occurrence of them to public atten- tion. This was about 1$3o\ Lewis C. Harry Walter Greene and Edith Laning were married October 15, 1935. Marjorie E. Greene and Robert J. 1937 My own private collection includes- a group of twins and aggregations WBISa J. - „ . , v.iy«^ft.-i!jftvi L/mui\uiuo. These take such forms and shapes as to be known as Babel Twin, the crys- ! B8.tybBl* st^IlHF or sfsr~]il?f» &&&&&$?%£* 1 ***** **gg,gi-.£ * , -fe» i * t I imnewx Vint- **» -rv\ />T-J -^ *^» "t^---VtVl /--* —«•—*--! rt-s* ciustres, penetration twin, interpre- a bed of a creek or in a ploughed head, bent-knee, sceptre, etc. Some of these "eoek-eyeds" are of great beau- ty both in formation and in brilliance. A few quartz crystals with inclu- sions are flourescent under the Ar- gon lamp. One unusually rare spec- to have been a form of ice hardened liquid that is flourescent. ^ie-levilufloiaf? Sellinger fanuif F By Lt. Commander L (Continued from last week) .*|7 I Ann,v Bellinger, born 6 May 1783, died 9 August 1874, married Frederick Bell, III, 1764-1824. Children: 7 (Bell.) Only 2 children left descendants. 1971 Anna 6 born 1815-58, married James Fox of Conn., 1813-62. 3 child- ren: Lucy born u Ken. is;i;i, died 1922, married 1 Jack Falk, 2 children: on- lv Ward P, left desrcndntifs married 2 W. J. McLeod. No issue. Gertrude Cornelia married George C. IvOOmls. 1 children: Roland, 3 children, live in Ipswich s Dak; Lee, 5 boys, live In Seattle, Wash; Pearl ma»ried D. Hulburt. No issue. Grace married E. McCollum No Is- sue. She is a lecturer, Curtis Hotei. Minneapolis, Minn. Charles Henry 1839-1916, married 1866 Delia A. Johnson, 1841-1918; 6 children: (a) Rev. OMM Celsu" 1868- 1927. wao an Episcopal rector, Park- prHhiirg', W Va.. mnrried 1 Al!e<> D. Whitney. 2 children, R. W„ In the World Wftr; Orren Carroll, married Jeannette Baekin, Live at 485 Clear mont Dr., Youngstown, Ohio, mar- ried 2 Ellen Franklin. No Issue; (b) Pearl L, bom 14 Nov. 1878, married 1915, John" Burton Heath, great jrrandmm of 50fl Gertrudes, dau; hter of 71 Col, PflteH Belling .r. Hhe it was who worked out this Bell-Fox line- 1 son. Lives in Grand Rapids, Mich, fc) Blanche Ethel born 1886, married S, B. Stct 101*01, ;> chi'dren. Live in Grand RRJ. J«, (rj) Lulu Q, (A.» flchnttf: nud '«) H,> w Drop. No iairue. I BeHins-PF. TT S N. Rptirpd v children. She it was who cave the detailed description of 78 Frederick' Lewis Elfonzo Green was born No- vember 12, 1854, Annie Louisa Green was born May Beck in his Mineralogy of New York Beers' Herk. ; 22, 1881. Harry Walter Green was born Oct 20, 1882. 1999 A Sarah Ellen 1830-1860 mar- ried William Staging Co., page 258, about Catharine star- ing, In this line are Mrs. Frank II- !!«• of flion, Mrs. Myron C H"Trt*< nf : Albert Dygert Green was born No Herkimer, Mrs. William Hard of Sy- j vember 28, 1886. ^ ^ racuse, Clarence H. sterling, George ; Leou w«wi waa hum March , T. Sterling, Charles E. Sterling, all 1890. ("Hoffrich") Bellinger, her grand- | i ast three are of Lns Angeles, Calif. father and of each of his children.! 1998B Nicholas Franklin 1834-190S ! Leta Dockstader Greene born Jan. This is published in fullin the Enter-I married ElmyraT Piper daughter of , 20, 1888. ' 1954 Nicholas Piper. No issue. Anna hirwm Greene born Sept. 6, 1999C Matthew born 1837, married 1886. Mellicent Newberry. 5 children. All Edith Laning Greene born March had families. Margaret L, (John A.) 117, 1889 iauiijaiiim i)i ltusiiioru 1* in una jure, «•»«»•-n 1881. A «nf«-«» UOiviUilt' quarry, along a cliff of dolomite, in a bed of a craeek or in a ploughed field will handsomely reward the col- lector or the individual who wishes to have his own small eollectaion of "diamonds." Quartz Crystal Quartz, of which the quartz crys- tal is a variety, is a widely distrib- uted mineral species, consisting of silicon dioxide, or silica, Si2. It is the commonest of all minerals. Its name, crystal, comes from the Greek, Krystallos or kpuorayyos, meaning "clear-ice." It was supposed to have ben a form of ice hardened (1342) pays tribute to Prof. J. Had- ley's first public announcement, and then goes on to devote several pages j b Y the Alpine cold. to n descrintion nf localities and' According: to the encyclopaedia Bri- forms of quartz crystals in Herki- j tannica quartz crystallizes in the They are found in cavities of cal- he-ciral division of the hexagonal sys- I ciferous sandstone or as it is known j tern. Crystals of this class po.iaess today. Little Falls Dolomite which! "either planes nor center of synime- prise and News "tne Herrther Bible Family of Bellingers" January 7 to June 10, 1931. Lany? M„ born 1847, married Jack Archer: H children Liv- ed in iloqumm, Mich. The following have no living descendants; Anna, *-•** *>w J"»*l * i^u *h-* w\^» &*"" ^k- , ***j*«-k^ * % 4-J"«*«-4 1 inh 1842, married Robert Collier; Monroe J. 1854-86. 1973 Lany married 1820 John*' Bel- linger, grandson of 74 John P. 1974 Gertrude married George Or- endorf. 1975 Elisabeth, married 1 John Tay- lor, 1976 Dorothea matried 1 Henry Buck. 1977 Daniel married Catherine. The Inst 5 chlldre" ^ave no living descendants. tt0pm --».**.«-_* 9^ f? *t, .„ JITS 1 9 * O *»-•»«••' " fatsuillger ( i-'cicr Alter") born 2 June 1785. Sponsors Pieter Fox and Eli«ahcth Wolleben, Ro», record, died 26 Dec. 1863, age 80-5-26. Bible record, married 4 Sep- teuiuer 1808 Elisabeth (Henry,1 Cranta, died 8 Feb. 1864, age 76-10- 23, Wan In war of 1812. Lived on Shoemaker Hin. Children: I (Bellinger,) All had families, 1981 Gertrude 1S09 married l»aa.« B«lllnfjer, ami of 537 George. 6 child- ren, Only one ha* living dem-mdimU, viz. Norman imo, married Anna Baxter, 4 children, of whom u*e waa Mra. Clark Bullion <,f Richfield Hpg« Sept. 91 (To be continued) may be a former limestone that has been meta-morphosed. Where the stone has disintegrated the crystala may be found in the sand, in the red try, but only axis of symmetry. Mohawk Valley Quartz Cryntal Collectors and Collections 1. Dr. John Hurley colection, libra- 1 soil of a ploughed r -V' Little Fa,lH ' N - Y *) X^%r\t%a\tt tTit-*lo^r 1A T.**M*i«a crre**t Marjorie Elizabern iieiu uc tuoiif; Lilt: ot;u m H cieeiv. In size, they range from the micro- 1 scopic, about 25,000 in a very smaii I via), to one of fifteen pounds that 1 C 1 I L - p l - born Feb, 14, 1912, daughtera of Al-j wa8 found by Clarence M. Van der L . E . ! 1 *—1\ Albert Greene. | Veer of Wolf Hollow, N. Y. The ^. Donald Albert To The EDITOR i= y2r " IMB Greene 5, son of Albert Greene {Catherine Edna Greene wan born June 18, 1918, daughter of Harry Greene. Robert Francis Greene was born Oct. 19, 1920. son of Albert Greene, Barbara Chark-H Roaen born March Dear Stan: Wil? you kindly have my paper sent to my new address here at •m? Our group arrived here la«t night 119, 1940, son of Marjorie Greene and and are In the process of orientation. .Robert Rosen. Classes begin tomorrow. Think I'm 'Deaths going to like It very much here for f Walter Green departed this life the camp, country and people are June 13, 1878. swell. Leon Green departed this life May- Sorry T can't write more now, Stan ! 19, 1895. but must fall out for a formation l Catherine Greene departed this life In a minute. Will try to write a bit March 12, 1827. more again. I certainly enjoy getting , Annie L. Greene deparUd thin life the Enterprise and News and real it August 20, 1900. from cover to cover wekly. Kindly Melvin D. easier departed this lite giv my reg»rd3 to the Rotarinns end January 27, 1937. was born : small crystala are the most brilliant and perfect. The larger crystals have fractures and cavities that detract from their beauty. An occasional perfect, fiawiews crystal of about an inch in length is found. To the average person, the small, perfectly formed and brilliant crys- tals are the moat interesting be- cause of their beauty, but to the min- Littlo Falls, N. Y. Little Fails, N. V. 4. Henry Clifford, 251 Church street, Little Falin, N, Y. 5. Walter Hollister, Newville, Lit* tie Falls, N. Y. 6. Bert Taber, Middleville, N. Y. 7. William Msrym, Charlton, N. Y, 8. Francis Beck, Schenectady, N. Y. 9. Clarence M. Van der Veer, R. D. ft, Amsterdam, N. Y. Size bottles from your errocer lor 1072 Mary bom 18 August 1817, | Hardin's Herk. Co. paire 138 Uie boys around town. Tony Triumph.! Corp A. V. Trlumpho. Offleer* Candidate School Candidate Class No. 41, Fort Sill, OklR, EXCELLENT HABIT Order a mm of CTICA CLUB Pllft- eral collector, the crystal containing | ner Lager or XXX Pale Ale in quart flaws and seems to be quite imperfect j are just aa interesting. Among these ! your home, no-called flawless crystals one will 1 find a great many mineral inclusions, ' MUUI.JIJUW.HU such as: carbon or anthracite, cal- cide, sand, dolomite, ciay, liquids, marcasite, positive (a small crystal within the larger crystal,) hematite, lioonite, etc Mineral incluaiona ara also reaponalble for the amber, and th# smoky crystal*, One of the most Interesting im lu- Btort Copi«d from graves in the Augusta, N. Y. cemetery August 1, 1941 by* sions is that of iron pyrites or "Fool's (Mrs. O. K.) Helen Dow Bsker: iGold." This is a rather recent diseov- Amos i*nrk«r, a Holdier <if the h*.-^*ry, the gpeetftifng coming from the volution died April 28, 1842, ag^d 80jH f 'i ban* ©• the south si !e of th. died March. Iw9, married lames 1982 Samuel 1811 married Rkinklo. , orn 30 March 1817. Four j McVerter. 4 children. y Uncle Ab says taks your work mer ' k»u»ly; younwlf not at all! yeari. March I^eta D. Greene dpj.nri' July 13, 1931 ^ 4 Mohn ! Palls ohawk river juit west of Littli life The 1 »• «rc i% Kti at n,u,r,y «itJ.. « intereHtlng varletieR of our Mohawk ..«li,.v (iiiiirfK crystels c\c: AUff;•• ill**; your Little Fall*, N. ¥. * Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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ohawk Valley Genealogy and History ST. JOHNSVILLB, N . Y. $3.00 Per Year AWARDED HONORABLE MENTION, 1842, BY N E W YORK S T A T S HISTORICAL ASSN. S E P T E M B E R 17, 1942

Questions and Answers

A depar tment devoted to the pursuit of knowledge. No charge to regular subscribers. Answers may be sent direct to the inquirer but if submitted for publication the facta will be distributee. Part ies possessing oniy a part i*f the information are urged to send in what they have. I t all adds to the ult imate solution of the many genealogic problems.


May I express my appreciation of Lieutenant Commander Bellinger 's splendid genealogical service? I t has so g rea t a scope t ha t 1 think i t mus t be of value to anyone who h a s any in teres t in the Pala t ine emigran ts of ei ther the Schoharie or Mohawk val­leys.

I have been interested in the fam­ily of the emigrant Christopher Wer­ner and in conjunction with Mr. Wil­lis H. Warner , have been building up a n outline from Schoharie, Beaver D a m and Berne church records of the families of his sons, Johann Mat thes , Johann Ju rgen and Johann Joost, par t icular ly t h a t of Johann Matthes. who marr ied 21 Anna Barbara Bel­linger and 22 Maria Barbara Bellin­ger and whose sons were 127 Mat-theus and 128 Phillipus.

I have also been interested in 202, Lt. Heari'ck Borst and his family.

Some criticism has been voiced in regard to the difficulty of following the sys tem of numbering but it has seemed to me a 's imple system to fol­low a l though I think tha t wi th any history covering as much ground as this ones does, it is difficult to keep clearly in mind all the ramifica­tions. However, tha t would seem to me to be due to the vast amount of da ta and the many interlocking, rela­tionships r a t h e r than to the method of presentat ion.

1 have found the series very inter­est ing and of a grea t deal of help to me, both as a check on my own work and as a means of filling out incom­plete lines, and suggesting new av­enues for fur ther research. I like your genealogical depar tment and many of your contributors have been

in a difficult field. Marion G. Banker .

9 West S ta t e street, Gloversville, N. Y.

1983 Magdaiena 1812, married Jo-soph Casler. 3 children.

1984 Jacob 1815, married Almira Orrendorf. 1 son, married Eva Star ­ing, 2nd cousin. See granddaughter of 573 Freder icaks Jr.

1985 Henry 1818-90, married Han­nah Shaul. Bers ' Herk. Co., page 252. Had one son J a m e s H. No issue, He helped in this line.

1986 Caty Mariah 1820, married John Casler. 3 children: Adam has no living descendants. Richard mar-

lution soldier of~Blandford, Mass! I r i e d M e l i n d » Steele, 2 children: (a) Married Jane Knox (1741-1833) died ! A , b e r t a - n o i s s u e ! <*>) Amanda had a Burlington, Pa,

Children: John born May 11, 1761. James born April 16, 1763. Eleanor born May 18, 1765. David born July 17, 1767. Cynthia born Sept. 9, 1769. Janie born Nov. 20, 1774. Cephas born May 29, 1771. Biandford Campbells said to come

from Pemaquid, Falmouth, Maine, where Wm. Campbell, son of J ames (1) of Cnerry Valley, N. Y. settled 1741 and first wife Jane Humphrey

son, Claude H. Baker who has seven children in Herkimer.

Hawley born on Shoemaker Hill marr ied Ella Fisher. Was "J. P . " Kent the Fo r t Herkimer grocery, had 1 son, 3 grandchildren.

1987 Richard 1825, married twice. No descendants known.

1988 Eliza Elizabeth 1826, married Thomas Whitmore . 5 children. Aman-ua, uumui ' i ' ieu , R i^n t t iu , Wiiiluiii , sSiZ abetn, Sarah. Ail married but no liv­ing descendants are known.

1989A Anna Eve 1828-55. marr ied s

Genealogy of The John Gieene Family oi Quidnessett, R. L

Through Il ls Eldest Son, Captain Edward Greene

Compiled by


J a t Johnstown, N. Y.She was daugh-I t e r of Simeon B. Leavi t t and wife, | J enne t t B. Mauison. Simon B. Leav-I i t t was son of Joseph B. Leavi t t and wife, Lydia Bliss of THOMAS ROG­E R S of T H E M A Y F L O W E R ances-

| t ry . Joseph B. Leavi i t w a s son of | Sherwood Leavi t t and wife, Hannah j Bennet t , whose fa ther w a s Captain Na jah Bennet t in the Revolutionary

(Continued from last week) ( Tallest man in American Army, i w a r The father of Sherwood Leav-( g . | Saved Gen. Lafayet te ' s life. P r e s e n t '

a t the surrender of Cornwallis. Buried there.

El i Risley died Oct. 18, 1849, aged 85 years, 3 months and 22 days. A soldier of the Revolution.

Daniel Warren, a soldier

Wal te r Greene (7), William Ambrose (5), William (4), William (3) , Captain Edward (2), John Greene (1) of Quidnessett , R. I.

Walter Greene (7) born Jan. 27, 1831 died June 13, 1876, married Jan. 8, 1852 Cathar ine Wal ra th she born May 26, 1830 died Aug. 20, 1900.

I s sue : 8 Lewis Elphanzo Greene born No­

vember 12. 1854, liv. 1941, married 1st I

i t t w a s Sergt . Josiah-Gold Leavit t , who served in Captain NajTh Ben- ,— ne t t ' s Company in Revolut ionary w a r from Connecticut. (The compiler of th i s genealogy had the honor of bein^ the f irs t person in the United

i soldier of the ; s t a t e s to be accepted on the services Revolution died June 22, 1*46 a g e d j o f J o s i a h G o W L e a v i t a n U N a j a h

81 years. Benne t t in the Daugh te r s of the Copied from grave in cemetery a t ; Amer ican Revolution Society. Josiah

Knoxboro, N. Y. August 1, 1941 by i G o l d Leavi t t marr ied Sarah Sher-| (Mrs. O. E.) Helen Dow Baker. i w o o d f d a u c n t C r of Thomas Sherwood

Sacred to the memory of Rev. | June 26,11878 Anna Louise Dygert, she born Julv 13 1819 died March I „ . o w ; r w ^ ™ " t , m ' m o r > ' o r "•»« and wife Cat tee Gold, daughter of t V i « w « y • * i V ? K j Simeon Snow who died Jan. 28, 1827 N a t h a n Gold CD of Fairfield Conn 12, 1927. He marr ied second Celestia j „_„ i 7K ,,„„_„ •. jNaumn uoia v,s, oi i a.r*itta, uonn. Charlesworth. She died 1930. No is-i fe~ - f. - - - — - — ' J a c o b Leavi t t was called "The Head

aged 75 years . Revolutionary

by *

Soldier erected by Oneida Chapter, D. A,

knna Louise Dygert. i w ^ , gtmees SRev

o o 9 ^ L U C y . G T r e e n e , Q b T o 7M f I William Greene Jr . 22, 1881, marr ied June 19, 1907 to |

i l "

VV IJLt ; *J KAKil k,H


i i u w a i v \JI

and ftj -0 of the Anclunbreck Clans, Scot.

The last clan name is not clear and may be Auelimbreck.

W. Merton Lamphere, 630 Talln.an street , Syrac is- N. Y.

above line is tha t of Miss Kathryn j Edward Track, proprietor of "Trank ' Campbell, 116 West 3rd avenue, ! Ointment," efficacious as a th roa t Clearfield, Pa . j Remedy and very "smelly." 2 child-

These Campbells a re of the Argyll r e n . Almira, marr ied Wiggins,- "a" son is on the medical staff of S ta te Hospital in Nor th Dakota.

*57tt Catharina-> Bellinger, born 12 March 1789, St. J. record and Family Bible, died 24 Jan . 1846, married Mel-choir Reese, g r e a t grandson of Dom­inie Nicholas Reese and Vani Rensselaer, born 1 May 1784, died

MOORE, CAPWELL 1878, age 94. Want data on ancestry and de- j In war of 1812 under Capt. Nicho-

scendants of a Moore family t ha t l a s Shoemaker. I have his photo-early located a t Cherry Valley. A | graph but not hers . Her sister, 571 History of Town of Palmer, Mass., , Elisabeth, died only a year later, and by J. H. Temple s ta tes tha t John and ; J have her photo. From other da ta James Moore with aged mother came j it appears t h a t commercial making

(3), Captain Edward (2), J o h n ; b a r t { 1 3 ) f a m j i y . Joseph Leavit t was Greene (1) of Quidnessett , R. I. ; t h e aon u f J o S ) a h , 2 ) i^^m a n d

I William Greene Jr . (7) born Aug. > w i f e > M a r g a r e t Johnson, daughter of ; 9, 1820, died Feb. 14, 1903, married S e r g t Humphrey Johnson. Josiah Oct. 28, 1841 Lavina Cook. She was Leav i t t (2) was the son of Deacon

i i_.ea.viii axttt (7), William i t h e f a m o U s David (3) Hobar t ; Rev*

Melvin David Casler. He born Sept. i J _ J ; A™hT°Je .<»>• 5 . i l I i a r n <«<• _ W i l - ' P e t e r Hobar t (2) and Edmund Ho-23, 1881, died Jan . 27, 1895; no issue. Rer. Mt. Vernon, N. Y.

9 Har ry Wal te r Greene born Oct. 20, 1883, marr ied 1st Leta May Doek-s tader Nov. 28, 1911. She born Jan. 20, 1888, died July 13, 1931. He mar­ried 2nd Oct. 15, 1935 Edith Laning. She b o m March 17, 1889. Res. For t Plain, N. Y.

I s sue : by Leta May Dockstader. 10 Kathar ine E d n a Greene born

June 18, 1918. 9 Albert Dyger t Greene M. D.

daughter of Samuel Cook (2) < s o n ! a n d M a g i s t r a t e John Leavi t t (1) of of Peter (1) ), and wife Magdaiena j D o r c h e s t e r a n d Hingham, Mass. John Gramps (daughter of Jno. P. Cramps ! ^ ^ ( 1 ) w a s t n e f i r s t o f t h i s

(served in Revolutionary War) and L e a v i t t f a m i l y t o c o m e to this cou«-wife, Anna (Nancy) Bellinger; t 1628-30, from England. See "The (daughter of Lieut. John Bellinger, a j , o h n L e a v i t t Family of Hingham, Revolutionary Soldier, died a t bat t le M a s 3 imd g o m e o f l t a Branches ." o : Oriskany, N. Y. and his wife Mag- c o m p U e d b y M r s , L e o r a Mae Greene

.,,„-. , .dalena Klock. She daughter of Hen- „ . . , , . „ „ „ , , TQ-JC born Nov. 2S, 1886, married March i . . . „.,,.,,,_ 0 „ H „ r i f * i . ^ m ™ t i n \ ' H l l d e n b r a n d > IVSH. _ „_,.. . '_ , v" T c, i drick Klock and wite Jacomynt ie) . _ _ „,..,,. _. , _ , 5, 1911 Ann.. Kerwm, she born Sept. j T a v i n a ( C o o k ) G r G e n e b o r n J u l v 4 | I s sue : of Wilharn Cook Greene and

"""" " " ' 1821, died Feb. 11, 1901. ' l wife Leora A. (Leavi t t ) Greene. j 9 Leora Mae Greene born May 4,

6, 1886. Res. Union City, N. J I ssue : 10 Maijorie Elizabeth born Feb

from the north of Ireland; with 320 j <^ daguerreotypes began in various 114, 1912, married April 3, 1937 Rob-others signed the memorial to Gov. I towns of the Mohawk valley, 1846 or Shute for liberties to come and sett le ! later . I have several advert ising here. The mother, Jean, died Feb. ' dates on this budding industry. 27, 1748, aged 86 years, 8 months . 1 Children: 11 (Reese.) Only two left John located a t the Old Center ] n ° children. (Mass. ? ) ; his wife Mercy died Aug. | 1 9 9 1 Magdaiena 1809-1892, marr ied 20, 1773; no children are listed as of | Samuel" Hess, Belvedere. See 1907 John and Mercy Moore. He was i for extension. 7 children.

e r t Rosen, he born Jan . 6, 1909. I ssue : H B a r b a r a Ann Rosen born Jan.

12, 1938. 11 Richard Charles Rosen born

March 10, 1940. 10 Donald Albert Greene born Jan.

25, 1915. 10 Robert F rances Greene born

H r; BON, BKLLini M ji,r»

Will iam Herron of Middieburgh, N. Y. mar r ied Maria Bellinger about , C A I A .-. . , . , . . . l i «'.,v 4-.- r^1^T,*-r.>i*f" t-^r.f>**H«

they had the following children: Nan­cy born April 9, 1802; M a r g a r e t

November 19, 1803; Eliza Maria born Augus t 1, 1805; Peter born May 23, 1807; Henry William born Sep­tember 16, 1810; Charles born in 1814 and there were others such as Alex­ander David, Cornelia and John. Who a re Maria Bellinger's pa ren t s? Will be glad to receive any coreapondence on this subiect .

Peter M. Covert, 104 Nor th 7th street, Newark, N. J.

called "Meeting House John" and be- I 1 9 9 2 Hannah 1811-1904, marr ied fore the building of the church, ser- j ^ 8 3 9 to £363 Samuel« Fox, son^of J 6 5 | October 19, 1920.

9 T^eon Greene born March 6. 1890 u i e i i A iuy i.y, J . 6 y ^ .

The Greene and Walra th Bible, now in possesion of Elphonzo Greene, F o r t Plain, N. Y. 1941.

The inscription in front of Bible

8 William A. Greene born Sept. 2, 1854, died May 11, 1855.

8 Wilson H. Greene born April 5, 1856, died Dec. 25, 1932, married An­na House Oct. 8 1879, she born May 28, 1855, living 1941. No issue.

(8) Wiiliam Cook Greene born Oc­tober 4, 1859, liv. 1941, married No­vember 11, 1885 T^eora A. Leavitt , born April 28, 1866 died Nov. 15, 1928

1887 marr ied Augus t 30, 1911 Geo. Hildenbrand. He w a s born March 28, 1880 in Petersburg , Ontario, Canada. He is the son of Conrad Hildenbbrand and wife (Hannah Knipfel) Hilden­brand. Leora Mae Green Hildenbrand is the compiler of this "Greene Gen­ealogy," 1941. No issue. Both living 1941.

(To be continued)

vices were frequently held in his ' George F . 6 children: Floyd (9) Fox iiouae. J ames ivioore married iviar- ; - • • • - " ••• *•• >••• ga re t and had nine children, I 1 9 9 3 Freder ick 1813-98, married the first beinK John born June 26. 1 1 8 3 6 to Cathar ine Myers, 1813-86. 1729. 1 Spiner record. 6 children. Only 2

How is this John related to John i had no children: Eugene F . Russell who married Marv Harper and died j a n d Benjamin A. Russell, druggis t of 1 reads a s follows: "The Proper ty of a t Cherry Valley Jan . 23, 1787 ? j I l i o n > a r e l n t h i s l i n e through daugh- ! Cather ine Wal ra th . A present from

da ta for Mary Meoro born | ter Frances . *ker father and mother . 1851." FAMILY RECORD

3 hqri rhiiilren viz. Marv Jane (John


Sept. 7, 17877 a t Cherrv Valley, mar- | 1 9 9 4 Margaret^ 1816-80, ried near there May 18. 1807, Wil- | 1 S 3 5 J o s e P h p - Prior, 6 children iiam R. Uapweii Jr . whu wiu burn a t Albany Dec. 1, 1784. Want M a r y j v - > Pe t r ie ; Frankl in A., ma

Sarah Ann Craddock• -4- " V - l . - ? - -

H J **T T r t l f j . Moore's conection to above family. This family came down the Susque- j married Harriet, aneiaon. hanna river and settled near wha t i s ! 1 9 9 5 M a r y 1819-43, unmarried.

Mi-male &a ahrtttt I B I R M M . 1996 Adam 1P^2-9S, married 1 Elis-

Walter Green and Catharine Wal­r a t h were married J anua ry 8, 1852.

By Wayne Arnold, Y. M. C. A. Secretary, Little Fal ls

Litt le Fa l l s and Herkimer County are known the world over for the ex­ceptionally brilliant, double-terminat­ed quar tz crys ta ls t h a t a re kn^wn among mineral collectors as "Lit t le Fal l s" and "Herkimer Cou"**-" JL-ia-montis." Nearly every mineral collec-!


tion, both museum ajid individual, h » s i t s rtisnln-u o f " H o f k i m o r f^ni intv

w a s married June 26, 1878. Edna Lucy Greene and Melvin Da­

vid Casler was marr ied June 19, 1907.


Under da te of September 4. 1942, we received from Mrs, J. T. Joy, of Cooperstown, Otsego county, N. Y. a card giving the following facta re­gard ing the Campbell genealogy:

J ames Campbell (1738-1813) Revo-

now moos__. had 12 chuuren: Mary 1808, George ! » ° e t h M v e r s ' daughter of 768 Mar ian ; i s m Wm 1R19 AnP-eline 1S14 wimi i (Pox) (Daniel F.) No issue, marr ied I Albert Dyger t Greene and Anna 1810 Wm. 1812, Angelme 1814 Elmi- , 1 ' < , K p p i i a n ) p0«jtelln 4 child- ! Kirwin was married March 5, 1911 na 1816, J ane Broadhead 1819, Louisa l K o s a ( Keenan) costeuo. 1 cnua 1 1820 Robert 1823, Catherine 1825, | ren,_2 had children, viz.: Roset ta born Amy 1827, John Moore 1829 and Is- | 1

rael 1831. Can give exact birth i }*»* m a n i e u iviyiui dates on above if desired—taken ; l i v e d i n WellaviUe.

1997 Cathar ine born 1824 marr ied Henry F . Myers, born 1815. Beers ' Herkimer County, page 256. 2 child-

Ha r ry Walter Gr%ene and 18:.2. marr ied Stever. E m m a born | May Dockstader was married Noven.

WiLLei K«». OQ ,1 m 1 x i icy

from the old family record painted in 1816 (May 19th) by William Mur­ray '

Can the person who signs his name . "Otsego" in another publication Sterling (or Star ing. See 571.) They throw any light on the above Mary

ren, Adelaide 1843-71, married M. H. Rosen were married April 3,

Moore's ances t ry? Anything will be ' Daniel * born 1845, married Margar -: et Tucker. 2 children. I 1998 Jane Elizabeth 1827-1901 mar-]ried 1367 Daniel" T. Fox, son of 765 j George F. ; Myra (Holden) (R. M.) ! Moffil, Pike Street , Pa., is in this line

most appreciated. Isaac L. Kip.

Neshanic Station, N. J.

Bi r ths had: Bcrnice married John Sherwood, I Wal ter Green w a s born January

27,1831. Catherine Green was born May 26,

; 1830.

Elfonzo Green and Anna h, Dygert Diamonds." In addition to Herkimer County, they may be found in par t s of Fulton and Montgomery counties.

No one knows just when they were discovered. I t is known tha t the Mohawk Indians made projectile

Leta j points from them, as one perfect point and several f ragments have oeen louno on one nistoric MonawK site and perfect crystals have been found on other Mohawk sites, both historic and pre-historic. Wm. Richie of the Rochester Museum found one quartz crysta l in a burial a t t r ibuted to the so-called Mound builders. This was in western New York. I t ia very possible tha t the early Mohawk valley pioneers knew of them, but it remained for Prof. J. Hadley of the Geneva Medical College to bring the occurrence of them to public a t ten­tion. This was about 1$3o\ Lewis C.

H a r r y Walter Greene and Edith Laning were marr ied October 15, 1935.

Marjorie E. Greene and Robert J. 1937

My own pr ivate collection includes-a g roup of twins and aggrega t ions WBISa J. - „ . , v.iy«^ft.-i!jftvi L /mui \u iuo .

These t ake such forms and shapes a s to be known as Babel Twin, the crys-

!B8.tybBl* st^IlHF o r sfsr~]il?f» &&&&&$?%£* 1 ***** **gg,gi-.£ *,-fe»i*t

I imnewx V i n t - **» -rv\ / > T - J -^ *̂ » " t^ - - -VtVl — /--* —«•—*--! rt-s*

ciustres , penetra t ion twin, interpre-a bed of a creek or in a ploughed head, bent-knee, sceptre, etc. Some of these "eoek-eyeds" a re of g rea t beau­ty both in formation and in brilliance.

A few quar tz c rys ta ls with inclu­sions a re flourescent under the Ar­gon lamp. One unusually rare spec-to have been a form of ice hardened liquid tha t is flourescent.

^ie-levilufloiaf? Sellinger fanuif F By Lt. Commander L

(Continued from last week)

.*|7 I Ann,v Bellinger, born 6 May 1783, died 9 August 1874, married Frederick Bell, III, 1764-1824.

Children: 7 (Bell.) Only 2 children left descendants.

1971 Anna 6 born 1815-58, marr ied J ames Fox of Conn., 1813-62. 3 child­ren:

Lucy born u Ken. is;i;i, died 1922, marr ied 1 Jack Falk, 2 children: on-lv Ward P, left desrcndntifs marr ied 2 W. J. McLeod. No issue.

Ger t rude Cornelia married George C. IvOOmls. 1 children: Roland, 3 children, live in Ipswich s Dak; Lee, 5 boys, live In Seattle, Wash; Pear l ma»ried D. Hulburt . No issue.

Grace marr ied E. McCollum No Is­sue. She is a lecturer, Curt is Hotei. Minneapolis, Minn.

Charles Henry 1839-1916, married 1866 Delia A. Johnson, 1841-1918; 6 children: (a) Rev. OMM Celsu" 1868-1927. wao an Episcopal rector, Park-prHhiirg', W Va.. mnrried 1 Al!e<> D. Whitney. 2 children, R. W„ In the World Wftr; Orren Carroll, married Jeanne t t e Baekin, Live a t 485 Clear mont Dr., Youngstown, Ohio, mar­ried 2 Ellen Franklin. No Issue; (b) Pear l L, b o m 14 Nov. 1878, married 1915, John" Burton Heath, g rea t jrrandmm of 50fl Gertrudes, dau; hter of 71 Col, PflteH Belling .r. Hhe it was who worked out this Bell-Fox line- 1 son. Lives in Grand Rapids, Mich, fc) Blanche Ethel born 1886, marr ied S, B. Stct 101*01, ;> chi 'dren. Live in Grand RRJ. J«, (rj) Lulu Q, (A.» flchnttf: nud '«) H,>w Drop. No iairue.

I BeHins-PF. TT S N . Rpt i rpd

v children. She it was who cave the detailed description of 78 Frederick '

Lewis Elfonzo Green was born No­vember 12, 1854,

Annie Louisa Green was born May Beck in his Mineralogy of New York Beers' Herk. ; 22, 1881.

Har ry Wal ter Green was born Oct 20, 1882.

1999 A Sarah Ellen 1830-1860 mar­ried William Staging Co., page 258, about Catharine s t a r ­ing, In this line are Mrs. F rank II-!!«• of flion, Mrs. Myron C H"Trt*< nf : Albert Dygert Green was born No Herkimer, Mrs. William Hard of Sy- j vember 28, 1886. ^ ^ racuse, Clarence H. s ter l ing, George ; Leou w « w i waa hum March

, T. Sterling, Charles E. Sterling, all 1890. ("Hoffrich") Bellinger, her grand- | i a s t three a re of Lns Angeles, Calif. father and of each of his children.! 1998B Nicholas Frankl in 1834-190S ! Leta Dockstader Greene born Jan. This is published in ful l in the Enter - I married ElmyraT Piper daughter of , 20, 1888.

' 1954 Nicholas Piper. No issue. Anna h i r w m Greene born Sept. 6, 1999C Mat thew born 1837, married 1886.

Mellicent Newberry. 5 children. All Edith Laning Greene born March had families. Margare t L, (John A.) 117, 1889 iauii jaii im i)i l t u s i i i o ru 1* in u n a jure, «•»«»•-n


A « n f « - « » U O i v i U i l t '

quar ry , along a cliff of dolomite, in a bed of a craeek or in a ploughed field will handsomely reward the col­lec tor or the individual who wishes to have his own small eollectaion of "diamonds ." Q u a r t z Crystal

Quar tz , of which the quar tz crys­ta l is a variety, is a widely distrib­u ted mineral species, consisting of silicon dioxide, or silica, Si2. I t i s the commonest of all minerals .

I t s name, crystal , comes from the Greek, Krystal los or kpuorayyos, mean ing "clear-ice." I t was supposed to have ben a form of ice hardened

(1342) pays t r ibute to Prof. J. Had-ley's first public announcement, and then goes on to devote several pages j bY t h e Alpine cold. to n descrintion nf localities a n d ' According: to the encyclopaedia Bri-forms of quar tz crystals in Herki- j t ann ica quar tz crystal l izes in the

They are found in cavities of cal- he-ciral division of the hexagonal sys-I ciferous sandstone or as it is known j tern. Crysta ls of this class po.iaess today. Lit t le Fal ls Dolomite which! "e i the r planes nor center of synime-

prise and News "tne Herr ther Bible Family of Bellingers" J anua ry 7 to June 10, 1931. Lany? M„ born 1847, married Jack Archer: H children Liv­ed in i loqumm, Mich. The following have no living descendants; Anna, *-•** *>w J " » * l * i ^ u *h-* w \ ^ » &*"" ^k-,***j*«-k^ * % 4-J"«*«-4 1

inh 1842, married Robert Collier; Monroe J. 1854-86.

1973 Lany married 1820 John*' Bel­linger, grandson of 74 John P.

1974 Gertrude married George Or-endorf.

1975 Elisabeth, married 1 John Tay­lor,

1976 Dorothea matr ied 1 Henry Buck.

1977 Daniel married Catherine. The Inst 5 chlldre" ^ave no living

descendants. tt0pm --».**.«-_* 9^ f? *t, .„ JITS 1 9 * O *»-•»«••' " • fatsuillger ( i-'cicr

Alter") born 2 June 1785. Sponsors Pieter Fox and Eli«ahcth Wolleben, Ro», record, died 26 Dec. 1863, age 80-5-26. Bible record, married 4 Sep-teuiuer 1808 Elisabeth (Henry,1 Cranta, died 8 Feb. 1864, age 76-10-23, Wan In war of 1812. Lived on Shoemaker Hin.

Children: I (Bellinger,) All had families,

1981 Gertrude 1S09 married l»aa.« B«lllnfjer, ami of 537 George. 6 child­ren, Only one ha* living dem-mdimU, viz. Norman imo, married Anna Baxter, 4 children, of whom u*e waa Mra. Clark Bullion <,f Richfield Hpg«

Sept. 9 1

(To be continued)

may be a former limestone tha t has been meta-morphosed. Where the stone has disintegrated the crystala may be found in the sand, in the red

t ry , but only axis of symmetry . Mohawk Valley Quar tz Cryntal C o l l e c t o r s a n d C o l l e c t i o n s

1. Dr. John Hurley colection, libra-1 soil of a ploughed r-V' L i t t l e F a , l H ' N - Y

*) X^%r\t%a\tt tTit-*lo^r 1A T.**M*i«a crre**t

Marjorie Elizabern

i i e i u uc tuoiif; Lilt: ot;u m H c i e e i v . In size, they range from the micro-

1 scopic, about 25,000 in a very smaii I via), to one of fifteen pounds t ha t

1 C 1 I L - p l - born Feb, 14, 1912, daughtera of A l - j w a 8 found by Clarence M. Van der L . E . ! 1 *—1\ A l b e r t Greene. | Veer of Wolf Hollow, N. Y. The

^ . Donald Albert

To The EDITOR i=y2r" IMB Greene 5, son of Albert

Greene {Catherine Edna Greene wan born

June 18, 1918, daughter of Harry Greene.

Robert Franc is Greene was born Oct. 19, 1920. son of Albert Greene,

Barbara Chark-H Roaen born March

Dear S tan : Wil? you kindly have my paper

sent to my new address here a t

•m? Our group arrived here la«t night 119, 1940, son of Marjorie Greene and

and are In the process of orientation. .Rober t Rosen. Classes begin tomorrow. Think I'm 'Dea th s going to like It very much here for f Walter Green departed this life the camp, country and people are June 13, 1878. swell. Leon Green departed this life May-

Sorry T can ' t wri te more now, Stan ! 19, 1895. but must fall out for a formation l Catherine Greene departed this life In a minute. Will t ry to write a bit March 12, 1827. more again. I certainly enjoy ge t t ing , Annie L. Greene deparUd thin life the Enterpr i se and News and real it Augus t 20, 1900. from cover to cover wekly. Kindly Melvin D. e a s i e r departed this lite giv my reg»rd3 to the Rotarinns end J a n u a r y 27, 1937.

was born : small crystala are the most brilliant and perfect. The larger crystals have fractures and cavities that det rac t from their beauty. An occasional perfect, fiawiews crystal of about an inch in length is found.

To the average person, the small, perfectly formed and brilliant crys­ta ls are the moat interesting be­cause of their beauty, but to the min-

Litt lo Falls, N. Y.

Li t t le Fails, N. V. 4. Henry Clifford, 251 Church

s t ree t , Lit t le Falin, N, Y. 5. Wal te r Hollister, Newville, Lit*

tie Falls, N. Y. 6. B e r t Taber, Middleville, N. Y. 7. William Msrym, Charl ton, N. Y, 8. Francis Beck, Schenectady, N. Y. 9. Clarence M. Van der Veer, R.

D. ft, Amsterdam, N. Y.

Size bott les from your errocer lor

1072 Mary bom 18 August 1817, | Hardin's Herk. Co. paire 138

Uie boys around town. Tony Triumph.!

Corp A. V. Trlumpho. Of fleer* Candidate School Candidate Class No. 41, For t Sill, OklR,

E X C E L L E N T HABIT Order a mm of CTICA CLUB Pllft-

eral collector, the crystal containing | ner Lager or XXX Pale Ale in quar t flaws and seems to be quite imperfect j are just aa interesting. Among these ! your home, no-called flawless crysta ls one will 1 find a grea t many mineral inclusions, ' MUUI...JIJUW.HU — such a s : carbon or anthraci te , cal-cide, sand, dolomite, ciay, liquids, marcasi te , positive (a small crystal within the larger crystal ,) hemati te , lioonite, etc Mineral incluaiona ara also reaponalble for the amber, and th# smoky crystal*,

One of the most Interesting im lu-


Copi«d from graves in the Augusta, N. Y. cemetery August 1, 1941 by* sions is t h a t of iron pyrites or "Fool 's (Mrs. O. K.) Helen Dow Bsker: iGold." This is a r a the r recent diseov-

Amos i*nrk«r, a Holdier <if the h*.-^*ry, the gpeetftifng coming from the volution died April 28, 1842, ag^d 80jH f ' i ban* ©• the south si !e of th.

died March. I w 9 , married lames 1982 Samuel 1811 marr ied Rkinklo. , orn 30 March 1817. Four j McVerter. 4 children.

y Uncle Ab says taks your work mer ' k»u»ly; younwlf not a t all!

yea r i . March

I^eta D. Greene dpj.nri' July 13, 1931


4 Mohn ! Palls

ohawk river j u i t west of Littli

life The 1 »• «rc i% Kti at n,u,r,y «itJ.. «

intereHtlng varletieR of our Mohawk ..«li,.v (iiiiirfK crystels

c \ c : AUff;•• ill**; y o u r

Litt le Fall*, N. ¥ .


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