oh gosh, the owlpocalypse | 1.1

“If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law.” – Winston Churchill

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Post on 05-Dec-2014



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The first two restrictions are lifted, and the founding couple re-united - all whilst fighting Joey the Comb's evil army of Repo Men.


Page 1: Oh Gosh, the Owlpocalypse | 1.1

“If you have ten thousand regulations you destroy all respect for the law.” – Winston Churchill

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First off, I need to state that I may have (already) broken a rule in the apocalypse. I do believe that’s the quickest I’ve ever broken a challenge rule (new

record!). Moving Esperanza in early was disallowed, so technically, I failed the challenge before I started the challenge? Either way, I’m

going to keep on writing, and playing, and hopefully you guys can keep on reading knowing that I broke

a rule straight away…? Pfft.

To account for this, I’ll take away 350 points from my final apocalypse score (dear gosh I’m sure I’ll

regret that eventually, also, drop from 500 explained later) and hope for the best come the

next few generations (though I’m bound to slip up somewhere, despite the already dog-eared ruleset

sitting besides my keyboard).


- Thai

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“So, I hear that you broke a rule already?”

Oh come on, who told you that?

“Paperboy knows his stuff, man.”


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Fabian quickly found a job in Athletics to cover his bases (bases. Athletics. I crack myself up) until he could find his chosen job (in this case, Law). He needed the money, mostly to pay the

ridiculously high bills he was getting daily, thanks to the Mafia. If he didn’t pay up, they’d turn up and take what they need, so money (for whatever reason, considering it was an apocalypse)

was pretty important.

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Making friends?

“I want a promotion, so, yes.”

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Though, not everyone was as receptive to his friendship as he would have liked.

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Fabian was off to work the same day, having made enough friends to encourage a promotion, hoping to score a nice little bonus the first day to set himself up with enough to pay the bills.

“I’m still not over the whole apocalypse thing. I mean, it may have been nice to warn me.”

…yeah, but where’s the fun in that?

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Whilst he was away, the first snow – I mean, nuclear ash – of the year settled on his humble abode. A great sign of things to come, of course.

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…which didn’t seem to please him in the slightest. However, he was lovely enough to come home with a promotion on his first day. You go girl.

“I don’t even want to work in this career.”

Too bad, keep building up those friends until Law pops up.

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Ah, and so the handwashing begins.

“…you say that like it happens often.”

Every single apocalypse! Can’t have you stinking, can we? And ritualistic handwashing is our only way around it until someone unlocks Medical.

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You know, an apocalypse doesn’t sound so bad when you’re living off of burgers and hot dogs.

“Yeah, once a day!”

Hey, trying to look at the silver lining of the collapse of all of sim society, here.

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This is literally how Fabian spent most of his time when not working or dealing with his needs. For an apocalypse, there’s a

dreadful lack of things going on. Let’s just wait on the family arriving, eh?

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The end of the second day marked the beginnings of the second floor of Fabian’s beautiful home. One cannot help but hope that maybe sometime in the future we will finally be able to

finish it.

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Come day three, and thankfully Fabian found himself a job in the Law track. Ah, the feeling of progress.

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Thanks to fortunate timing, Fabian got to go to work on the same day he got the job. Fab, the sooner you get yourself a promotion the sooner you’re going to get to hang with Espy, and bring

forward the next generation! How fun is that?

“Well, considering what it takes to bring forward the next generation…”

…just get to work.

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And, thankfully, garnered himself a speedy promotion up to Legal Biller. Interesting sounding job, that.

“It isn’t.”

Yeah, I was being sarcastic.

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The next few days were spent desperately trying to make friends for future promotions. To get to top level, Fabian needs 13 in total. It’s times like this it makes me glad I gave him the

second aspiration of Popularity in Uni, because he actually wants to do this!

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“So, you’re Fabian Owl?” “…I am, and you sound familiar.”

“…I have no idea why.”“Are you absolutely sure you don’t have any idea why?”

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Despite the fact that the other scarfed fellow may or may not be recognisable to Fabian (…ahem), they both seemed to get along quite well. And yes, Mrs Aspir, I am rather attractive, but aren’t you


“And you should have seen the size of the rats that were around here a few days ago! Radiation has done strange things to them…”

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“Hey hey hey, stop it right there. Why the plumbob would the rats be that large? If anything, they’d be smaller!”

“…don’t rain on my parade here, man.”

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Though, the two both seemed to get over the rat debacle pretty fast. Look at how happy they are to be pelting each other with nuclear ash!

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“Hey, you’re a pretty good nuclear ash pelter!”“Why, thank you. I do try. Thanks Fab.”

“…did you just call me Fab?”“…uh, no?”

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“…So, do you want to build a snowman?”

Cue the Frozen soundtrack.

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Aww, look at the lovely little good snowman they made together.

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True friendship, right there. I can enter my sim’s house to pee with Intelligence restriction still in place. Beautiful.

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The next day at work ended rather fortuitously with another promotion, this time to Paralegal. What, only… five more to go?

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Well hello, Nawwaf.

“…I’m more concerned about what sort of name “Nawwaf” is.”

Hey, be nice! He could be your future son-in-law!

“…wasn’t that meant to be Max?”

Well, it would have been, but considering he’s playable now…

“…Well dang.”

Hey, I’ll move him into his own lil apocalypse lot and he can be the cool godfather that will look after the kids if any of you die before they reach teenhood.

“…gee, that’s a nice thought.”

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“Hey, Nawwaf, do you want to build a snowma-” Fabian paused for a moment. “…I guess not.”

I like him.

“…The snowman looked at me funny.”

I like him a lot.

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“He won’t look at me like that again.” Nawwaf reaffirmed himself.“…I doubt he could look in the first place.”“The snow has ears, Fabian. It has ears.”

“…you look with your eyes.”“Shh. Only building now.”

I really like him.

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Aw, watch as new life is created from the remains of the old.Snowmen are apocalyptic phoenixes, conclusion made.

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Looking a little grey, there.

“…Too much time spent in the nuclear ash.”

Well, I can see that. Glad to see the fireplace put to good use.

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...You literally just nearly froze to death.

“But now I’m warm and have nothing productive to do.”

…okay, fine. I’ll let you off just this once.

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I lied. Write a novel. Royalties are always fun.

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“…and so then I put her in handcuffs, and I’m pretty sure she’s still there now.”“*melting sounds*”

“You know, you and Snowhilda seem to have a lot in common, what with the spontaneous melting and all… do you happen to know each other?”

“*melting sounds intensify*”

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Ah, making friends with the Intelligence restriction still in force. Beautiful. I didn’t even know that many people could fit onto the front porch.

“Person minus.”“Person person minus minus.”

“And I was so proud, you know? This sort of stance.” Fabian said, puffing out his chest.

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Snowball fights should be the only way to make friends in the nuclear apocalypse to be perfectly honest. It’s just so ridiculously amusing.

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Though, uh, you may want to purchase some gloves, Fabian. I don’t think your arms are quite meant to do that.

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…You solidify that friendship quickly and I promise I won’t tell Espy.

“…In fairness, you couldn’t tell her anyway.”

Oh. Right. Dang.

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Hey, promotion! Only 4 more to do, and then you can start baby making! Have fun dealing with familial law disputes!

“I have literally just rolled a want to quit my job. I am not going to have fun.”

Shh, get to max level and then you can stay home and look after the kids.

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In the mean time, wow, look at just how quickly the second floor of your house is coming along! You can’t tell me that’s not impressive. Come on. Tell me it’s not impressive.

“It’s really not impressive.”

You’ve become so cynical, Fab.

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“And then he went off on one about the size of rats! Can you believe him, Amaya?”

“Oh, man, I hate that guy. He doesn’t even pay any attention to me!”

Well I sure hope you guys aren’t talking about me.

“And he’s always so nag, nag, nag…”

I’m motivational!

“Do this, that…”

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Looking a little grey, there, Fabian. And whatever you’re doing on the eerily glowy typewriter, I hope it’s not browsing the totally non-existant web for hobbies.

“Writing my third novel, actually. This one is on the perils of staying out late to talk to teenage walkbys.”

Something you are obviously a world authority on.

“If I can be the current world authority on family disputes I can be the current world authority on socialising with teenage walkbys too.”

So be it, Fab. So be it.

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Oh, fishsticks.

Now is also a good time to mention I’m not doing any of the recommended three Life of Crime restrictions, and am opting for a third option. As I already have the mod installed that makes

bills a lot more expensive and arriving every single day, I figured I’d just implement that. And if they fall behind, well…

“Joey the Comb’s collections department regrets to inform you it must come and repossess most of the things you own. ”

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Oh, come on.

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We didn’t need that table anyway.

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Hey, just you wait one cotton picking minute! I need that candle!

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I despise you.

“Good work there, Repo Man!” The Repo Man said to himself in a congratulatory manner. “You’ve got yourself a shoe in for betrothal to Joey’s daughter.”

Aw, he did it all for the sake of love.

“When I kill her and her father, *I* shall be the almighty criminal leader of Desiderata Valley!”


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But, Fabian did manage to grab himself another promotion! Only a few more to go!

Also, butterflies in winter? Sure, why not. Thanks, game.

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As it was a Tuesday, Fabian got to invite around Espy and Max. Both were received incredibly warmly.

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Hey, go check Espy isn’t using the internet… I mean, assuming that’s even possible… tch…


Why not?

“You don’t control me!”

But I sort of do. Go flirt with her or something. I don’t know, man, but we’re not breaking any more rules!

“Gotta make these burgers, sorry.”

…dangit. Look at that smile. She knows what she’s doing. This does not bode well for the rest of the ISBIpocalypse.

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One would assume that they could fit the plates there, but apparently not! (Crap, now I need to find another place for the candle.)

“So anyway, the weather’s been a bit chilly recently, don’t you think?”

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But, of course, the two soon had to take their leave.

“You guys look after yourselves, okay?” “You’re still driving us back, Fab.”

“…Oh, right.”

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After returning from his little trip back to Académie Le Tour, I decided to make Fabian work out just so I could see his athletic outfit.

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Never before have I been so amused by a bunch of pixels in spandex.

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“Who’s not kept up their payments to “The Comb”? You haven’t kept up your payments to “The Comb”!”

I swear to plumbob if you take another candle I’ll cry.

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Gee, it’s not like we needed that fridge or anything.

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Oh, no, feel free to take the bloody bed, too!

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How do you even repossess a toilet?

(So far so good, though, no candles taken!)

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Gee, everything and the kitchen sink, eh?

(Come to think of it, I actually have no clue where Fabian was during all of this).

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Oh yeah, musn’t forget the stereo. Even Repo Men need to work out.

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He took the candle. I am so done.

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Well I hope you’re satisfied with yourself, Mr. Repo Man II.

“Ah, all in a good, honest day’s work!”

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Wherever Fabian was during all of this, he spent most of his time walking around and doing the “Miss this Object” interaction… often making him late for work.

“I am completely neutral on this matter. At least I don’t get forced into spandex again.”

You’re so going to get forced into spandex again.

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Thankfully, though an hour late, he managed to get there on time. “Miss this Object” is almost as strong an interaction as “Make Bed”, like damn that stuff was nigh on impossible to cancel

from his queue.

“I actually just still really want to Quit my job.”

Oh, shush. One more promotion to go and you’re home free – with comfy beds!

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Just as Fabian went to work, I was finally able to complete the second floor, though in effect it had been complete for a day or two… I just really wanted to get the chimney done. (Which is dumb, anyway, because that got deleted later. I’m not even going to question my logic on this


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This was, amusingly, made possible by the Repo Man by repossessing the bed. Yay for bad things working out in good


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Compulsory promotion shot.

Nothing else happened in the next few days. It was just constant making friends.

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Friend, after friend, after friend…

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Thankfully, however, it all paid off! Two more to go, you go girl!

“Still lonely!”

Hey, you’ve got me! (But seriously, he literally just rolled want after want for Espy).

“I’m going to put my feelings to prose…”

Okay, you do that, Fabby.

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Really, though. This is pretty much all Fabian does. He just writes novel after novel because having maxed his skills and only occasionally dropping out to say hello to a

walkby, he’s pretty easy to look after. What’re you writing now, Fabian?

“The third installment of my “Apocalypse Is…” series of books. This volume is “Apocalypse Is... III: The Lonely Lawyer’s Lament.”

…Nice use of alliteration and list of three, there. My English teacher would mark you well for that. Ooh, and it’s the third volume! Niiice.

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“So, Aiden, if I pay you consistently in tips, because I am literally rolling in useless money right now, do you

want to be my friend?”

“You know, I may just consider it if I get another… 600 simoleans, and you perform a dance for me.”

“You got it!”

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“You know, I really love grilled cheese! It’s a shame I can’t make any! Any plans to drop your useless pursuit of Law to go into Culinary? I really need my cheese, man!”

“Ms Una, I may just consider that if you become my friend.”

“…don’t you need friends to succeed in Law?”

“…uh, no?”

“Alright then!”

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“Thanks for your friendship, Ms Una, now if you don’t mind I’ll just go befriend this lovely townie woman here.”

“As long as I get my cheese, I’m fine.”

Give it a generation, hun.

“…did anyone say something?” Una asked.

…I keep forgetting she can’t hear me.

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“Hey guys! I heard there was a party going on down here, and despite the fact you need friends but also need to build relationships with them, I’m here to make you divide your friend making

efforts between three sims!” Jason Fuchs said quite excitedly.

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“Hi guys, I heard there was a party going on!”

“A party? I love parties!”

Oh, not you too, Sim!Me.


You know, if I had Nightlife installed right now, you’d be such a Pleasure sim.


*party intensifies*

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The friend making party dwindled on until the early hours of the morning, until Fabian was so bereaved of the cold that there was simply only one thing he could do – send everyone off, and


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Wiggle his butt in front of the fire. Real eloquent, there.

“Until I get hot chocolate, I’m not leaving this spot.”

Tch, wait for the Scientist.

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With one promotion to go, and that friend making party wonderfully successful, I had high hopes for this day. This would be the day that we could work on nearly finishing the third floor, the day we could move in Espy, the day we could start on the next generation… (Heck, it was even a

Tuesday the day after!)

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Oh, for the sake of the holy plumbob.

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…I was expecting as much.

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Sighs loudly.

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No-one even liked that table anyway. Those three chairs were all relentlessly bullied by him.

(Apparently, he was good enough to eat food off of. The presumptuous douche.)

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*Another One Bites the Dust plays in distance*

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I hope you’re happy now, Repo Man.

“”The Comb” is gonna love me for this!”

Sigh. Still can’t hear me.

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On the plus side, look who’s just finished the Law track!

“Can I quit yet?”

At least go to work once, come on. Anyway, you can invite Espy tomorrow! With the completion of the Law career track, the Code of Laws for Desiderata Valley is restored, and the foundation for the restoration of the rest of society is set. Slacker, Politics and Law

Enforcement restrictions can be permanently lifted, and Sims that aren’t Supernatural, or in possession of 10 body points (are you telling me

that Fab could have slept in a good bed all along? Goshdarnit) can now soundly sleep in a high quality bed. Hopelessness is also lifted, and people in the house can move in sims that will contribute to the next

generation, and Family aspiration perks can be redeemed!

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Also, we finally did something smart and paid off our bills! Woo!

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Come the next day, and Fabian was able to invite Espy around, with Max as witness!

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“Who’s looking good for his wedding? I’m looking good for my wedding!”

Aw, look at him, he’s so excited to finally get Espy to join him in apocalyptic squalor.

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It was all sweet and everything, but then, of course, the whole down side to being the Law happened.

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“I… have the unbreakable urge to go to work. As if it were coded in me, or something…”

Okay, yeah, didn’t plan that as well as I could have. On the plus side, if he stays in his work outfit, he gets to get married in a snazzy suit! Espy, don’t you move for the next 7 hours!

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Though, of course, she did. Thankfully, when he arrived back on the lot, it was still Tuesday!

“Espy? Sorry about having to get to work, but I’m back now. Do you and Max want to come round again?”

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“Yeah, of course! But, uh, you don’t need to pick us up this time. And Max is staying. Witnessless wedding, I’m afraid.”

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“I’ve really missed yo- wait, why?”

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“Oh, you know, the apocalypse shelter is great – and the Sim Bin sims aren’t half bad, actually – but someone needs to keep the Freshies from hopping off down to family and friends to Desiderata. This is the last class the University is going to take, since the Minister of Education was… uh… zombified, and

Max is keeping behind for his extra semester to get them all situated. I’m a special case. Apocalypse founder’s spouse and all.”

“Hey, Esp?”

“Hmm?” She said, pulling the phone away from her ear.

“Tell him that ever since he became The Law all the kids have been getting way too over-excited. All his fault, what with ‘restoring hope to the populous’ and all.”

“Shut up, Max.” Esperanza chuckled.

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“Tell Max that he’s welcome. I’ve finally found him something productive to do that isn’t flirting with Professor Sabo! Anyway, are you planning on heading back today,


“No doubt, Fab.” Esperanza’s voice crackled over the other end of the phone. Fabian smiled.

“But you’ll be so much younger than me, Espy… I’ll be an old man before any kids would have reached childhood!”

“Didn’t you pack an Elixir of Life when you went perma-plat?”

“…I was considering not using it, it felt unnatural.”

“I’d recommend you do – I’ve heard bad things about elders… senility and all, especially with this climate.”

“Oh… right. Yeah. I forgot about that…”

“You’re such an old man already, Fab.”

“Oh, be quiet. I’ll be downing my first few glasses of Elixir of Life before you even arrive.”

“Awesome. Just wait for me to become Chief of Staff and find that illusive cure for the senility, alright?” Fabian could

practically hear her wink from the end of the line.

“…I’ve missed you a lot, Espy.”

“I’ve missed you too, Fab.”

“Tell me about the apocalypse shelter?”

“Sure. I’ve got time to kill whilst I finish mentally preparing myself.”

“Oh, it’s not too bad here. Just a bit… wintry.”

“Hah, it’s wintry everywhere!”

“True, true.”

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“It’s not too bad at the moment – not snowed once, yet! Still feels like Autumn… It was made from the Secret Society stepping up and filling in the bits the government didn’t deal with

properly – you know, homes. I hear they’re even running Académie Le Tour, now, but we never see hide nor hair of them. Didn’t even know they existed, to be honest…”

*makes mental note to change the season to Winter

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“How did they create the shelter?”

“Ah, they’re just rolling in funds, but they can’t keep it going more than another four years – enough time to get the current Freshies graduated, but far from enough for our kids to be able

to go, you know what I mean? Someone needs to step up as Minister of Education.”

“I can only do so much, I suppose…” Fabian muttered.

“Yeah. It’s fine, Fab, our kids can do it. Or our kid’s kids… anyway, the foundation is full of beds, but there wasn’t enough space for all eight people at the shelter, so some have to sleep

upstairs. It’s still safe, but the safest place is obviously in the foundation.”

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“The next two floors aren’t too interesting. Scrounged together from scraps, mostly. Bathrooms, bedrooms, kitchens… all merged into one!”

“Still probably better than the house we’ll have, though.”

“Yeah, but you could only do so much, Fab. Anyway, I could do with a cosier set up. It’s quite… grey and sterile here. I heard rumours a simself ran the walls int some… third-party program, I think? They made them cheaper, as far as I’m

aware. Just for the sake of concrete, better protection. The Secret Society called them in.”

“They didn’t do much for us!”

“Yeah, from what I hear they’re not the most logical of simselves.”

“Just our luck, right?”

“You’re telling me!”

One day, I swear my sims will be grateful for something I do.

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*hey look, I changed the season!

“Anyway, top floor is the best floor. It’s where we all stay, and the Freshies skill up. When I move out, Max will be the resident senior, so he’ll be tutoring them to hell and back. Poor guys.”

“I resent that, Esp!”

“Shush, Max. I’m talking to Fabian.” Fabian’s laughter rattled from the other end of the line. “Anyway, that’s about that… I’ll be joining you in a few hours, okay? Don’t die in the mean time!”

“I don’t intend to, Espy!”

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“Oh, and one more thing before I go, Fab…”

“What’s that?”

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“…10-1 I get a better outfit than you.” She laughed loudly, and Fabian returned it.

“Gosh, I’ve missed you.” Fabian uttered.

“Missed you too, Fab.” Esperanza hung up, and then pulled out her cellphone – she had the taxi service’s number on speed dial exactly for this moment.

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“Not too shabby, Esp.” Max spoke up.

“Hah, knew it. Fabian owes me 100 simoleans.”

“Go collect your debt, Esp. I’ll keep this lot under control.”

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“Hey, Fab.” Espy smiled.

“…Hey, Espy.” His face lit up for the first time in a long while, and Max immediately ran towards her to embrace her. “It’s been a while.”

“You’re telling me.” She returned.

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A note from the author:

I’m sorry to say I have lost track of the days I’ve been playing, which kinda ruins my scoring system on the apocalypse side of things. However, I’ll be using the ISBI scoring system (which

functions on a tally method). In this case, I’ll be making each tally equivalent to 10 points.

I considered detracting 500 points from my final score in the face of making Esperanza playable, but due to losing track of the days (oops) I’m going to take it down to -350 points as I can’t measure it on the point system of the apocalypse. Either way, it’s still going to be a lot of

work to even break even on that big whoopsie. - Thai


Positive Points

Torch Holders: |Perma-Platinum sims: | (one tally per earned LTW)Number of Platinum Gravestones: - Reach Top of Career: |Every earned 100,000: -

Negative Points

Shrink Visits: -Social Bunny Visits: -Social Worker Visits: -Accidental Deaths: -

All in all, that leaves me with having earnt 30 points this chapter (10 per tally), added to my -350 score. That results in an overall score of -320.

I’m so good at challenges.

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Thanks for reading! Hopefully you enjoyed

reading, because I had fun writing!

Have a good one,

- Thai