official newsletter of the unep-tongji iesd 12/2011

联合国环境规划署(UNEP)执行主任、联合国环境规 划署 - 同济大学环境与可持续发展学院 (IESD) 理事会名誉 主席阿奇姆·施泰纳于 2011 年 11 月 15 至 17 日在北京出 席了第四届中国环境与发展国际合作委员会年会,并荣获 国合会杰出贡献奖。国务院副总理李克强为施泰纳颁奖, 以表彰其对中国环境与发展领域政策研究和制订所做出的 贡献。施泰纳于 2007-2011 年期间担任国合会外方委员并 领导环境署参与了国合会的多项政策研究工作。 2011 年是第四届国合会的结束之年。施泰纳代表环境 署在国合会二十周年论坛上以里约 +20 进程为主题发表了 演讲。2011 年也是第五届国合会的启动之年。环境署将继 续支持国合会的工作。 此外,作为 IESD 理事会名誉主席以及同济大学荣誉教 授,施泰纳先生参加 IESD 年度理事会,并一如既往的支持 IESD 的发展并给予指导性建议。 在今年 IESD 理事会上,施泰纳先生与全国政协副主席、 科技部部长万钢先生签署了联合国环境规划署和科技部非 洲项目的合作备忘录。在合作备忘录框架下,科技部将为 在非洲的六个项目提供六百万美元的支持。这些项目关注 的地区包括坦噶尼喀湖、尼罗河以及撒哈拉沙漠,运作时 间为 2011 年至 2013 年。 阿奇姆·施泰纳先生荣获 2011 中国环境与发展 国际合作委员会杰出贡献奖 Mr. Achim Steiner Received CCICED Outstanding Contribution Award Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development From November 15 to17, Mr. Achim Steiner, UNEP's Executive Director and Honorary Chairman of IESD Board attended the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) 2011 in Beijing, China. 2011 is the conclusion year of CCICED Phase IV and the launching year for Phase V. UNEP will continue its service to the Council during Phase V. In recognition for his role in China Council, Mr. LI Keqiang, Vice Premier and Chair of CCICED presented a certificate award to Mr. Achim Steiner. As the Honorable Chairman of the IESD Board and Honorary Professor of Tongji University, Mr. Achim Steiner attended the annual IESD Board Meeting and gave consistent support and guidance to the development of IESD. This year, in the 2011 IESD Board Meeting, Mr. Steiner signed a MoU on Cooperation in Africa between UNEP and MOST with Mr. WAN Gang, Vice Chairman of CPCC and minister for MOST. Under the MoU, MOST will spend USD 6 million on 6 projects in Africa. The focus areas will be Lake Tanganyika, River Nile and the Sahara desert and the project period will run from 2011 - 2013. 联合国环境规划署 - 同济大学环境与可持续发展学院 十二月月报 UNEP - Tongji NEWSLETTER (December 2011)

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Official newsletter of the UNEP-Tongji IESD


Page 1: Official Newsletter of the UNEP-Tongji IESD 12/2011


划署 - 同济大学环境与可持续发展学院 (IESD) 理事会名誉

主席阿奇姆·施泰纳于 2011 年 11 月 15 至 17 日在北京出




贡献。施泰纳于 2007-2011 年期间担任国合会外方委员并


2011 年是第四届国合会的结束之年。施泰纳代表环境

署在国合会二十周年论坛上以里约 +20 进程为主题发表了

演讲。2011 年也是第五届国合会的启动之年。环境署将继


此外,作为 IESD 理事会名誉主席以及同济大学荣誉教

授,施泰纳先生参加 IESD 年度理事会,并一如既往的支持

IESD 的发展并给予指导性建议。






间为 2011 年至 2013 年。

阿奇姆·施泰纳先生荣获2011 中国环境与发展国际合作委员会杰出贡献奖Mr. Achim Steiner Received CCICED Outstanding Contribution Award

Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development

From November 15 to17, Mr. Achim Steiner,

UNEP's Executive Director and Honorary

Chairman of IESD Board attended the Annual

General Meeting (AGM) of China Council for

International Cooperation on Environment and

Development (CCICED) 2011 in Beijing, China.

2011 is the conclusion year of CCICED Phase IV

and the launching year for Phase V. UNEP will

continue its service to the Council during Phase V.

In recognition for his role in China Council, Mr.

LI Keqiang, Vice Premier and Chair of CCICED

presented a certificate award to Mr. Achim


As the Honorable Chairman of the IESD Board

and Honorary Professor of Tongji University, Mr.

Achim Steiner attended the annual IESD Board

Meeting and gave consistent support and guidance

to the development of IESD.

This year, in the 2011 IESD Board Meeting, Mr.

Steiner signed a MoU on Cooperation in Africa

between UNEP and MOST with Mr. WAN Gang,

Vice Chairman of CPCC and minister for MOST.

Under the MoU, MOST will spend USD 6 million

on 6 projects in Africa. The focus areas will be

Lake Tanganyika, River Nile and the Sahara desert

and the project period will run from 2011 - 2013.

联合国环境规划署 -同济大学环境与可持续发展学院 十二月月报

UNEP - Tongji

NEWSLETTER (December 2011)

Page 2: Official Newsletter of the UNEP-Tongji IESD 12/2011

联合国环境规划署 -同济大学环境与可持续发展学院 十二月月报

Environment for Sustainable DevelopmentNewsletter (December 2011)

UNEP - Tongji Institute of

联合国环境规划署在京发布绿色经济报告UNEP Green Economy Final Report Launched in Beijing

2011 年 11 月 16 日,联合国环境规划署《绿色经济报告》


国际组织和联合国机构,学术界,非政府组织及 40 多家国内

外媒体的 200 多名与会者。



同济大学环境与可持续发展学院 (IESD) 理事会名誉主席阿奇

姆 • 施泰纳宣布了报告的主要内容。国家发展与改革委员会环资司司长何炳光代表中国政府发表了题为“中国绿色经济实


全国人民代表大会环境与资源保护委员会主任兼 IESD 理事会主席汪光焘教授和全国政协人口资源环境委员会副主任


出席此次发布会的高级捐助机构代表包括国际劳工组织中国和蒙古局局长安 • 霍百女士和瑞士驻华大使馆参赞孟崴先






此外,环境署委托 IESD 承担绿色经济报告的中文译本工作,中文报告计划于 2012 年 5 月份对外发布。

UNEP’s Green Economy Report was launched in Beijing

on 16 November 2011. The event attracted more than

200 participants both domestically and internationally,

including from line ministries, embassies, international

organizations and UN agencies, academia, NGOs and

more than 40 national and international media.

Mr Sheng Fulai, Head of UNEP’s Research and

Partnership Unit moderated the event. Mr Achim

Steiner, UNEP's Executive Director and Honorary

Chairman of IESD Board delivered the key messages of

the report. Mr He Binguang, a Director General from the

National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)

presented a speech “The Practice and Outlook of China

Green Economy’ on behalf of the Chinese government.

Mr Wang Guangtao, Chairman of the Environment

Protection and Resources Conservation Committee,

National People’s Congress (NPC), Chairman of IESD

Board and Mr Wang Yuqing, Vice Chairman of the

Committee of Population, Resource and Environment of

the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference

(CPPCC) commented on the launch of the UNEP report

and introduced the ways in which China’s legislative and

participatory decision-making processes can contribute

to a green economy transformation.

Senior representatives from donor agencies attended the

event including Ms Ann Herbert, Director of the ILO Office

for China & Mongolia, and Mr Meyer Walter, Counselor

of Switzerland Embassy. Senior officials from ministries

of environment, tourism, ocean, forest, industry and

information, human resources and social security, finance,

science and technology, and foreign affairs attended the

event. Mr Zhang Lubiao, Director General, International

Cooperation Bureau, Chinese Academy of Agricultural

Page 3: Official Newsletter of the UNEP-Tongji IESD 12/2011

UNEP - Tongji Institute ofEnvironment for Sustainable Development

Newsletter (December 2011)

UNEP - Tongji Institute of

联合国环境规划署 -同济大学环境与可持续发展学院 十二月月报

第五届拜耳 -同济可持续发展教席指导委员会顺利召开The 5th Bayer-Tongji Chair for Sustainable Development Steering Committee Meeting held in IESD

12 月 16 日,第五届拜耳 - 同济可持续发展教

席指导委员会在 IESD 顺利召开。拜耳大中华区总裁

Johannes Dietsch 先生、同济大学副校长伍江教授、

IESD 副院长李风亭教授及拜耳教席项目执行教授等




同时对拜耳长期以来的支持表示感谢。 李风亭教授

汇报了 2011 年度拜耳 -同济教席进展情况以及 2012

年度的科研项目。Johannes Dietsch 先生对教席运

转情况表示满意,并特别赞赏 IESD 作为环境与可持

续发展的平台,有效整合了各大部委、UNEP 以及其



在讨论环节,双方主要就如何加强 IESD 与拜耳

的合作、扩大拜耳 - 同济可持续发展教席的影响力




此外,会上通过 2012 年度拜耳教席四个研究项



On Dec. 16th, 2011, the 5th Bayer-Tongji Chair for

Sustainable Development Steering Committee Meeting was

successfully held in IESD. Mr. Johannes Dietsch, President

of Bayer Group in Greater China, Prof. Jiang WU, Vice

President of Tongji University, Dean of IESD, Prof. Fengting

LI, Vice Dean of IESD and professors in charge of Bayer

research projects attended the meeting.

Prof. WU on behalf of IESD and Tongji University extended

his sincere thanks to Bayer’s consistent support and

generous guidance. Prof. LI delivered a brief annual report

of Bayer-Tongji SD Chair in terms of research projects, chair

professorship activities, scholarship and financial update

in 2011. Mr. Johannes Dietsch highly appreciated the

impressive report of Bayer-Tongji SD Chair and extended

his gratitude to all the professors and staff involved. He

also appraised on the IESD platform development, actively

mobilizing the resources of ministries, UNEP and other

related institutes and forming the trans-disciplinary

research teams, which strengthen the capacity building of

the Bayer-Tongji SD Chair.

In the panel discussion, both sides agree to reinforce

the mutual communication between Bayer and Tongji

by organizing the workshops, seminars, etc. What’s

more, the Steering Committee approves altogether four

research projects in year 2012, with focusing on four sub-

topics: green economy, sustainability-oriented university

development, low carbon development and water resources


Sciences together with senior research fellows from Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Academy

of Social Sciences, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences as well as many universities

attended the launching. The participants also include NGOs and business sectors. They expressed strong

interests in the UNEP report and raised a number of questions ranging from how to measure green

economy progress to the role of the business sector and how to evaluate the effectiveness of investments

in green sectors.

For the Chinese Version of UNEP Green Economy Report, UNEP has entrusted UNEP-Tongji Institute

of Environment for Sustainable Development (IESD) to undertake the translation. It is planned to be

released in May 2012.

Page 4: Official Newsletter of the UNEP-Tongji IESD 12/2011

Environment for Sustainable DevelopmentNewsletter (December 2011)

UNEP - Tongji Institute of

联合国环境规划署 -同济大学环境与可持续发展学院 十二月月报

我校表彰留学生工作先进单位和个人Awarding Ceremony of Advanced Units and Individuals for International Students Education and Services in Tongji University

2011 年 12 月 16 日下午,我校召开 2011 年度同济大学外国留




富多彩。IESD 李风亭教授作为教师代表,介绍了指导博士、硕士



进单位和先进个人的代表与教师颁发了奖牌和获奖证书,IESD 副



2011 International Student Service Conference of

Tongji University was held on Dec. 16th. The advanced

units and outstanding individuals were praised for

their excellent performance concerning international

student education and service in the past years. The

representatives of the units shared their abundant

experience in the innovation of educational patterns,

the improvement of educational quality and etc.

Prof. Fengting LI, Vice Dean of IESD, shared his

experience in guiding doctoral and master students

as well as publishing high-quality academic papers.

Afterwards, the leaders from the Ministry of Education

and Tongji University awarded the certificates to the

advanced units and outstanding individuals. Prof.

Fengting LI was honored as Advanced Teacher. Ms.

Yanyun YANG, Director of IESD Office and Ms. Jiaqi

SHEN, program coordinator of IESD, were honored as

Outstanding Individual.2011 年 9 月 7 日 至 2011 年 12 月 6 日,IESD 五 名 中

国硕士研究生于威尼斯国际大学(Venice International


VIU 是以培训、学术交流和教育资源共享为特色的国际

教育机构,其主要的教育活动是以环境保护和可持续发展、农业、妇女和儿童保护为主题的短期培训。同时,VIU 经常


基于 VIU 提供的良好平台,我院硕士生在交流期间参加了意大利语及意大利当代历史、威尼斯历史等课程的学习,

强化了对意大利以及欧洲历史、社会、文化的理解和认识。同时,硕士生还积极参与 VIU 组织的各类关于环境与可持续




五位学生纷纷表示 VIU 之行收获颇多,希望学院能维持并进一步拓展此类国际交流项目,为更多的同学提供宝贵的


IESD 硕士生赴威尼斯国际大学

参加短期交流项目Master Students of IESD Finished the VIU Exchange Program in Autumn, 2011

Page 5: Official Newsletter of the UNEP-Tongji IESD 12/2011

Five Chinese master students of IESD participated in the short-term international exchange program of Venice

International University (VIU) from Sept. 7th to Dec. 6th, 2011.

VIU, as an international education institution with the characteristics of training, academic exchange and educational

resources sharing, has the key project of short-term training towards environmental protection and sustainable

development. Meanwhile, it always organizes various activities of cultural and academic exchange, emphasizing the broad

scope of knowledge and innovative thinking mode of the young students.

Based on the excellent platform offered by VIU, five IESD students have attended the courses of Italian Language, Italian

Contemporary History, Venice History, European policies toward climate change, energy-saving architecture, low carbon

community planning, municipal solid waste management,

etc. They’ve also taken part in many training lectures and site

visits regarding to environment and sustainable development.

The students acquired further understanding about the policy

and technical level in sustainable development of Italy and

other EU countries. Besides, the students travelled to some

EU states and famous cities during the leisure time, enjoying

the beautiful sceneries, foreign customs, and local cultures as

well, which help broadening the horizon and enhancing the

capabilities of independency, learning, and adaptation.

The students all said it’s quite a fruitful experience in VIU

and expressed their good willing that IESD could sustain

the friendly relationships with foreign universities and

further explore more international exchange programs, providing more students with precious study opportunities and

wonderful experience.

Environment for Sustainable DevelopmentNewsletter (December 2011)

UNEP - Tongji Institute of

联合国环境规划署 -同济大学环境与可持续发展学院 十二月月报

UNEP - Tongji Institute of

IESD 学生荣获尼泊尔国家

基金会提供的科研补助金IESD Student Won Student Research Grant from Nepal Government

2011 年 12 月 , IESD 在读研

究生 Shashank Poudel 荣获尼泊


50,000 尼泊尔卢比,进行自然保










Shashank Poudel, Master candidate from IESD has

recently won the student research grant of 50,000 Nepali

Rupees from Nepal Government 's National Trust for

Nature Conservation under Tiger Conservation Special

Program. He will use this grant to conduct his thesis titled

"Research on Tiger Ecology Education: Reducing Human

Tiger Conflict through Conservation Education, a Research

Project in Madi Valley, Chitwan, Nepal". This study will

help determine the understanding about tigers among

local people in a village, which aims to develop an effective

messaging strategy to reduce human tiger conflict.

Page 6: Official Newsletter of the UNEP-Tongji IESD 12/2011

IESD 2011 级全体学生在同济大学

留学生文艺演出中呈现精彩表演IESD Students Performing the Drama on International Student Cultural Festival

Environment for Sustainable DevelopmentNewsletter (December 2011)

UNEP - Tongji Institute of

2011 年 12 月 16 日晚 6 点,“2011 同济大


一二九大礼堂进行,IESD 2011 级全体学生共同







IESD 的学生们利用废旧的 KT 板、海报做成的。

On Dec.16th, 2011 International Student Cultural Festival was

held at 6 p.m. in Tongji University. The students from IESD class

performed a drama called Tree of Life which has won universal


Tree of Life advocated the importance of environmental protection

and conveyed the concept of environmental-friendliness to the

audience. The drama started with a poor family protecting their apple

tree, the only source of their livelihood, which were later attacked

by the representatives of big corporations. A group of hippies joined

them on stage; a fighting scene ensued, but was soon resolved by a

peaceful messenger. He provided a reflection on the current situation

and conveyed the concept that we have only one Earth, urging all of

us to protect her.

As students of environmental science background, we made the apple

tree with the used KT board and posters, which made the whole stage

environmental friendly.

联合国环境规划署 -同济大学环境与可持续发展学院 十二月月报

2011 IESD 新年派对IESD 2011New year Party


2009,2010,2011 级 IESD 班级学生、李风亭副院长、以及蒋大和

教授、方萍副教授、郭茹博士、Piastra Stefano 等任课老师应邀

参加了派对,整场 Party 持续约 2个小时。

派对由 2011 级 IESD 学生 Amanda McDonald 主持 , 主要由 3







乐跳舞,一起迎接 2012 年的到来。

On Dec.30th, the 2011 New Year Party was held

in Rm.902 in Zonghe Building. Students from

2009, 2010, 2011 IESD class and Prof. Li Fengting,

Vice Dean of IESD as well as other professors were

invited to the party, which lasted for 2 hours.

Hosted by Amanda McDonald, one student from

2011 IESD class, the party consisted of three games

namely making dragon, lucky dice and holiday

living. In the first game of making dragon, all

people were divided into 6 groups and each group

was required to make a dragon with material

provided within 10 minutes. All groups made their

own “amazing” dragon. Meanwhile, the Lucky Dice

was the exciting game which provided small gifts

for participants and the Holiday Living emphasized

the importance of cooperation. All students and

teachers enjoyed to their heart’s content and

expressed their blessings to the coming year 2012.