of the first book of moses: genesiscommentaries.byustudies.byu.edu/wp-content/uploads/2017/...a...

A Comprehensive Commentary of The First Book of Moses: Genesis together with references for further study from the General Conferences of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints the Encyclopedia of Mormonism and other doctrinal texts by General Authorities of the Church Written and compiled by Paul Nolan Hyde Parrish Press Orem, Utah

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  • A Comprehensive Commentary


    The First Book of Moses: Genesis

    together with references for further study

    from the General Conferences of

    The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

    the Encyclopedia of Mormonism

    and other doctrinal texts by General Authorities of the Church

    Written and compiled by

    Paul Nolan Hyde

    Parrish Press Orem, Utah

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    Copyright © 2011; 2015 by Paul Nolan Hyde, Ph.D. All rights reserved.

    First Electronic Edition Copyright © 2015

    Parrish Press, Orem, Utah 1842 South 50 East Orem, Utah 84058

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    This project began as an attempt to provide my children and grandchildren something of their ancestor’s love and understanding of the scriptures. I began producing volumes many years ago which I was pleased to call Paraphrastic studies. I wrote one of these studies for each of the four Gospels and the letters of Paul. Eventually, however, I began to sense that there was much that I knew about the New Testament that my “translations” could not communicate. I therefore thought to write a comprehensive commentary on the entire New Testament, beginning with Matthew and concluding with the book of Revelation. As I published each of the nine volumes, I included the paraphrastic studies, where I had them, in conjunction with the commentary for each book in the New Testament. I began this project in 2005 and completed the final volume in 2010. The whole effort was a delight to my soul. A year before I retired from the Church Educational System, in 2003, I thought to produce an 1830 formatting of the Book of Mormon using the present text of the 1981 edition. This was a relatively easy task, given the technology available to me. I distributed these to my colleagues at the Orem Institute of Religion, members of my family, and a few other interested parties for the cost of printing and binding them. Sometime in the early spring of 2007, I was impressed to begin a verse by verse commentary on the Book of Mormon, a task that I had not presumed to attempt, inasmuch as there are no translation difficulties that abound in the Old and New Testaments. Yet, there were instances of nineteenth-century word usage and syntactic issues that I thought a commentary might help to clarify. As I began, however, I discovered that there was much more that I could communi-cate to my children of my understanding of the ancient record of the Nephites, material that I had gleaned as I taught the scriptures during my thirty-five year career with CES. This labor eventually produced five volumes of moderate size. As I published each segment of the commentary, I enclosed the 1830 formatting of each book in the Book of Mormon that I had devise several years before. The last volume also appeared in late 2010. By the time that I was fully engaged with writing commentaries on both the New Testament and the Book of Mormon, I had become infatuated with the idea that I might be able to expand the commentaries to include the other volumes of scripture as well. Thus, in the winter of 2010 I began writing commentaries on the Pearl of Great Price, and the Doctrine and Covenants. Once I finished with the Pearl of Great Price, I began to move ahead with the book of Genesis and the rest of the Old Testament. In the late fall of 2014 I finished the last of the commentaries on the Old Testa-ment, for a total of thirty-three printed and bound volumes. With these volumes and the others produced over the past ten years, I have completed commentary on every verse of the Standard Works of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. My procedure for writing the Commentary was similar to that used in creating the original paraphrastic studies. The same reference texts were employed. For difficult words in Greek, Hebrew,

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    and English I resorted to the works of James Strong and other lexicographers for linguistic insight. I consider the contributions made by conservative Protestant scholarship (as recorded in the New International Version) and conservative Catholic scholarship (as related in the New Jerusalem Bible). I resorted to the considered thought of Adam Clarke, one of the most prominent and prolific com-mentators on the sacred manuscripts available at the beginning of the nineteenth century, and who, I believe, was a man of great faith. I consulted with the Joseph Smith Translation at appropriate times (including in another column an indication that a JST change had been made for any given verse), and frequently to the writings of the General Authorities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, as I contemplated the possible meanings of each word and phrase. From time to time I resorted to Smith’s Bible Dictionary and Discovering the World of the Bible by LaMar Berrett for some of the more arcane information that I thought would illuminate the text. I have attempted to maintain a steady course throughout my commentaries, treating each verse as unique, and where appropriate, duplicate notes and the text rather than use cross-references within the volume. Some may find this a waste of paper and ink, but I frankly dislike having to rifle through pages or volumes trying to find the first instance of the note or commentary. The duplica-tions are easily ignored; fumbling through pages cannot be. It is in the best interests of the reader, however, to contemplate the reasons why such duplications exist in the biblical text in the first place. They are purposeful and I have attempted to point out their purpose as I have progressed through each volume. My numbering system for the notes used in the body of the commentary was adapted from historical linguistic texts with which I am familiar and which I had found quite useful. The pattern used is chapter.verse.word; thus note “3.4.5” would contain material referring to the fifth word in the book of Hosea 3:4, for example. I make no comprehensive promises regarding the preciseness of my word count in any particular verse, but it will be close enough to eliminate any distressing con-fusion. Inasmuch as I began this series with the Gospel of Matthew, there will be times when I will make reference to my own work in that first volume. Sometimes there will be no more than a refer-ence, “MT-C 23.4.5”; other times I may quote directly from the original text. In either case my sole motivation will be to facilitate the flow of ideas rather than to multiply words. There are enough words already. References to the Commentaries on other books of the New Testament are abbre-viated as follows:

    Matthew—MT-C Mark—MK-C Luke—LK-C John—JN-C Acts—AC-C Romans—RM-C 1 Corinthians—1 CO-C 2 Corinthians—2 CO-C Galatians—GA-C

    Ephesians—EP-C Philippians—PP-C Colossians—CL-C 1 Thessalonians—1 TH-C 2 Thessalonians—2 TH-C 1 Timothy—1 TM-C 2 Timothy—2 TM-C Titus—TT-C Philemon—PL-C

    Hebrews—HB-C 1 Peter—1 PE-C 2 Peter—2 PE-C 1 John—1 JN-C 2 John—2 JN-C 3 John—3 JN-C Revelation—RV-C

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    References to the Commentaries in the books of the Old Testament are as follows: Genesis—GE-C Exodus—EX-C Leviticus—LV-C Numbers—NM-C Deuteronomy—DT-C Joshua—JO-C Judges—JD-C Ruth—RU-C 1 Samuel—1 SM-C 2 Samuel—2 SM-C 1 Kings—1 KG-C 2 Kings—2 KG-C 1 Chronicles—1 CR-C

    2 Chronicles—2 CR-C Ezra—ER-C Nehemiah—NE-C Esther—ES-C Job—JB-C Psalms—PS-C Proverbs—PV-C Ecclesiastes—ES-C Song of Solomon—SS-C Isaiah—IS-C Jeremiah—JR-C Lamentations—LM-C Ezekiel—EZ-C

    Daniel—DA-C Hosiah—HS-C Joel—JL-C Amos—AM-C Obadiah—OB-C Jonah—JH-C Micah—MH-C Nahum—NA-C Habakkuk—HB-C Zephaniah—ZP-C Haggai—HG-C Zechariah—ZE-C Malachi—ML-C

    I have also made reference to the other standard works of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The references to the Book of Mormon are articulated in bold and italics lettering using the following abbreviations:

    1 Nephi—1 NE-C 2 Nephi—2 NE-C Jacob—JA-C Enos—EN-C Jarom—JM-C

    Omni—OM-C Words of Mormon—WM-C Mosiah—MS-C Alma—AL-C Helaman—HE-C

    3 Nephi—3 NE-C 4 Nephi—4 NE-C Mormon—MM-C Ether—ET-C Moroni—MR-C

    The abbreviation TPW-C refers to the material found on the Title Page of the Book of Mormon and in the Testimonies of the Three and Eight Witnesses. The references to Sections that are in the Doctrine and Covenants are indicated as DC-C followed by the section number and verse (OD1-C and OD2-C are self-explanatory); The Pearl of Great Price references contained herein use the following abbreviations: MO-C, AB-C, SM-C, SH-C, and AF-C. In some cases I have taken on what some would consider controversial material. I make no apologies for so doing. I have found that my children are best served when an issue is approached head on, the differing points of view presented, and the rationale given as to why one school of thought ought to be preferred over another. Sometimes the decisions are logically founded; others the result of doctrinal points that are unique to theology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In most cases I have not argued authorities, even though I could have inserted multiple references to the writings of scholars with whom I am familiar. I have chosen to have my sources on any particular issue to remain anonymous in the text of the commentary for several reasons. First and foremost, this work is my commentary, what I believe and hold to be true. In the end, that is what my children wish to know. Secondly, I did not wish to have my children accept or dismiss a particular view merely because of who had been the author of it. Many wonderful insights have been made by scholars both inside and outside of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Wherein I have found one view to be preferable over another has not been a partisan matter, but rather a matter of the mind, heart, and spirit cooperating together in an attempt to understand what must be the truth. Thirdly, I have been quite clear who my “authorities” have been. It is my fondest

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    desire that my children would become as familiar with their writings as I have. Were I to cite all of my sources with extensive quotes from each, there would be no need for them to open any of the books that I have come to love. That, in part, is why I included the third column containing cross-references to the various doctrinal works in the Commentaries. Exceptions to this practice should be noted as being of extreme importance. In addition to the text of the Standard Works, together with my own commentary, I inserted a column of references for further study. The citations are taken from three major sources: the Con-ference Reports of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from April 1980 to November 2002 (abbreviated as CR followed by the year, month, and page number); the Encyclopedia of Mor-monism (four volumes, abbreviated EM followed by the volume and page number); and A Scripture Index (a compilation of scripture references cited in various texts published by General Authorities of the Church). For those not familiar with the abbreviations used in A Scripture Index. I include them below: TPJS—Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith GD—Gospel Doctrine MA—Mediation and Atonement FWR—Far West Record DHC—History of the Church (7 vols.) TSWK—Teaching of Spencer W. Kimball MF—Miracle of Forgiveness FPM—Faith Precedes the Miracle MD—Mormon Doctrine

    PM—Promised Messiah MM—Mortal Messiah (4 vols.) MLM—Millennial Messiah DNTC—Doctrinal New Testament Commentary (3 vols.) JC—Jesus the Christ AF—Articles of Faith DS—Doctrines of Salvation (3 vols.) AGQ—Answers to Gospel Questions (5 vols.)

    As with each of the volumes previously published, I include two lists. The first, bound in front of the Commentary, is a listing of all of the words and phrases upon which I have made extensive remarks, a kind of sequential table of contents. I have also arranged this list alphabetically and have placed it at the end of the Commentary as a kind of index. A comprehensive alphabetical index for the entire volume appears as the last section of this book. Needless to say that all of the errors in the material submitted herein to the reader are the product of my own limitations as a scholar; all of the brilliance which may appear here is the product of minds and hearts filled with the fire of the Spirit of God, from whom all truth and beauty ulti-mately derive.

    A Note on the Electronic Edition

    Not only did my children and other family members receive bound copies of commentaries, but there were a number of friends and neighbors who had expressed an interest in them. There were requests from others who desired copies of what I had done, but I was not in a position to provide them with hard copies. Inasmuch as I had all of the volumes in computer files, I thought to compile each of the commentaries in some format that could be read on a smart device. I opted to use the Adobe Acrobat, turning all of the work into PDF files. I have used these on my tablet for many years and have found them useful and far easier to cart about with me. In the early spring of 2015, my neighbor David Dollahite arranged for a meeting with Jack Welch and Marny Parkin regarding the possibility of BYU providing a dedicated web site so that there would be greater public access to my

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    work. Thus began the present enterprise of editing and standardizing all that had done during the last ten years. My commentary on the Book of Mormon begins another series of these electronic volumes. Within a year or so I hope to have all of the books available in the same format.

    PNH Orem, Utah

    October 2015

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    Sequence of Specifically Noted Words and Phrases in the First Book of Moses: Genesis—Moses–22—exceedingly high

    mountain–17—glory of God—Moses—Moses—Endless—look—work—Moses—similitude–20—Only Begotten—God—present—Moses—for—Moses—ends—all—Moses—Moses—himself—cause—nothing—supposed—eyes—Moses–21—son of man—Moses–15—Who art thou?–23—son of God—transfigured–31—natural man–22—thy glory–3—Get thee hence—Satan—Call—name—Moses–37—Depart hence—Moses—ranted–27—Only Begotten—Moses—fear—strength–37—Depart from me—earth—Moses—Moses—Moses—Moses–29—Holy Ghost—Moses—waters—Israel—Moses—sands—Moses—Moses—first—Adam—many—Moses—heavens—Moses—heavens—Moses—Moses 1.1.5—beginning 1.1.7—created 1.5.6—Day 1.5.12—Night 1.5.15–18—evening and the morning 1.5.22—day 1.6.8—firmament 1.6.14—waters 1.6.18—divide 1.7.9—waters 1.7.17—waters 1.8.6—Heaven 1.8.16—day 1.9.11—gathered 1.9.19–20—dry land 1.10.7—Earth 1.10.17—Seas 1.10.24—good 1.11.9—grass 1.11.11—herb 1.11.19—tree 1.11.29—kind 1.12.33—good 1.13.10—day 1.14.15—divide 1.14.26—signs 1.14.29—seasons

    1.14.32—days 1.14.34—years 1.21.20—kind 1.21.34—good 1.23.10—day 1.24.14—kind 1.25.35—good 1.26.6—make 1.26.10—image 1.26.18—dominion 1.28.15—replenish 1.28.19—subdue 1.30.32—green 1.31.14–15—very good 1.31.25—day 2.1.3—heavens 2.8.10—Eden 2.9.25–27—tree of life 2.9.37–39—tree of knowledge 2.10.7—Eden 2.10.14—thence 3.10.21–22—four heads 2.11.7—Pison 2.11.17—Havilah 2.11.21—gold 2.12.7—is 2.12.11—bdellium 2.12.14—onyx 2.13.9—Gihon 2.13.20—Ethiopia 2.14.9—Hiddekel 2.14.19—Assyria 2.14.25—Euphrates 2.15.15—Eden 2.15.17—dress 2.15.21—keep 2.17.4–11—tree of the knowledge of

    good and evil 2.17.13—shalt 2.19.25—Adam 2.20.2—Adam 2.21.12—Adam 2.21.22—ribs 2.23.2—Adam 2.24.13—cleave 2.25.5—naked 3.1.6—subtil 3.6.35—fruit

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    3.8.16—cool 3.8.21—Adam 3.9.7—Adam 3.16.11—sorrow 3.16.24—desire 3.16.33—rule 3.17.3—Adam 3.18.16—herb 3.20.2—Adam 3.21.2—Adam 3.23.12—Eden 3.24.12—east 3.24.17—Eden 3.24.18—Cherubims 3.24.21–22—flaming sword—Adam—till—Eve—dominion—beasts—Adam—Adam—Adam—Eve—Eden—Adam—angel—Adam–8—This thing—similitude—Adam—Adam—transgression—Eve—seed—Adam—Eve—carnal—sensual—devilish 4.1.2—Adam 4.1.4—Eve 4.1.12—Cain 4.2.7—Abel 4.2.16—Cain 4.3.11—Cain 4.3.20—offering 4.4.2—Abel 4.5.3—Cain 4.6.6—Cain—father—Perdition—for—abominations—Cain—thee—Cain—Abel—Adam—Cain—Cain—brothers’—Cain—Abel—Cain—Cain—Mahan 4.8.2—Cain 4.8.5—Abel 4.9.6—Cain 4.9.9—Abel 4.9.22—keeper 4.12.19—vagabond 4.13.2—Cain 4.15.10—Cain 4.15.23—mark 4.16.2—Cain 4.16.17—Nod 4.16.22—Eden 4.17.2—Cain 4.17.11—Enoch 4.18.3—Enoch 4.18.6—Irad 4.18.10—Mahujael 4.18.14—Methusael 4.18.18—Lamech 4.19.2—Lamech 4.19.14—Adah 4.19.21—Zillah 4.20.2—Adah 4.20.4—Jabal 4.21.6—Jubal 4.22.2—Zillah 4.22.6—Tubalcain 4.22.22—Naamah 4.23.2—Lamech 4.23.7—Adah 4.23.7—Zillah 4.23.42–43—young man 4.24.2—Cain 4.24.8—Lamech—Lamech—Cain—Mahan—Irad—Enoch—Adam—Lamech—Cain—Abel—Cain—Lamech—Lamech—Lamech–27—meridian of time—Adam–12—holy ordinance—Amen—Adam 4.25.2—Adam 4.25.16—Seth 4.25.28—Abel 4.25.30—Cain 4.26.3—Seth 4.26.9—born 4.26.17—Enos 4.26.20—men—Adam—Priesthood 5.1.9—Adam 5.1.19—likeness 5.2.3—female 5.2.14—Adam 5.3.2—Adam 5.3.8—years— 5.2.14—Adam 5.3.16—likeness 5.3.19—image 5.3.24—Seth 5.4.5—Adam 5.4.10—Seth 5.5.6—Adam 5.6.2—Seth 5.6.11—Enos 5.7.2—Seth 5.7.7—Enos 5.8.6—Seth 5.9.2—Enos 5.9.8—Cainan 5.10.2—Enos 5.10.7—Cainan 5.11.6—Enos 5.12.2—Cainan 5.12.8—Mahalaleel 5.13.2—Cainan 5.13.7—Mahalaleel 5.14.6—Cainan 5.15.2—Mahalaleel 5.15.10—Jared 5.16.2—Mahalaleel 5.16.7—Jared 5.17.6—Mahalaleel 5.18.2—Jared 5.19.2—Jared 5.19.7—Enoch

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    5.20.6—Jared 5.21.2—Enoch 5.21.10—Methuselah—Enoch—land—Enoch–15—this people—Adam—foresworn—hell—Enoch—lad—people—slow—Enoch—pierce—mountains—rivers—Enoch—spirits—land—seer–42—his people—Enoch—saying—Mahijah—Cainan—father—Cainan–17—sea east—Enoch—death—Adam—pattern—language—Enoch—Adam—Adam–50—Jesus Christ—Adam—Eden—Adam—conceived—sin–25—another law—Adam–43—Man of Holiness–61—Jesus Christ—Judge—born—which–47—born again—Adam—order—Amen—Enoch—Adam–4—that time—Enoch—Mahujah—Simeon—Shum—Canaan—Canaan—Shum—heat—blackness—Canaan—Sharon—Enoch—Omner—Heni—Shem—Haner—Hanannihah—Enoch—Canaan—Enoch—spake—language—sea—giants—mountains—Zion—heart—mind—righteousness—poor—Enoch—Zion—Enoch—talked—Zion—Enoch—Zion—Enoch—Adam—Cain—black—Zion—Enoch—generation—Enoch—Wo—Enoch—Zion—Enoch—Enoch—Zion—Enoch—Eden–7—Man of Holiness–3—That which—day—Enoch—Enoch—Noah—Enoch—Noah—Enoch—Enoch—Noah—all–12—meridian of time—Enoch—lifted—Lamb—Zion—Enoch—mother—Enoch—Noah—Enoch–29—Jesus Christ—Noah—Enoch—Noah—he—seed—King—Zion—Rock—gate—climbeth—Enoch—Enoch—lifted—voice—veiled—creations—groaned—rocks—saints—spirits—prison—remainder—Enoch—Enoch—ascend—Lord—again—right—Enoch—Noah—heaven

  • 11—earth—flood–76—Holy City—tabernacle—Zion–109—New Jerusalem—Enoch—Zion—Enoch—Enoch—Zion—Enoch—Enoch—Zion 5.22.10–11—three hundred 5.23.6—Enoch 5.24.2—Enoch—Methuselah—Enoch—taken—Noah—Methuselah—Noah 5.25.7—Methuselah 5.25.16—Lamech 5.26.2—Methuselah 5.26.7—Lamech 5.27.6—Methuselah 5.28.2—Lamech 5.29.6—Noah 5.29.29—cursed 5.30.2—Lamech 5.30.6—Noah 5.31.6—Lamech 5.32.2—Noah 5.32.11—Shem 5.32.14—Japheth 5.32.12—Ham 6.3.24–28—an hundred and twenty

    years 6.4.3—giants 6.4.16–18—sons of God 6.4.21–23—daughters of men 6.8.2—Noah 6.9.6—Noah 6.9.13—perfect 6.10.2—Noah 6.10.6—Shem 6.10.7—Ham 6.10.9—Japheth 6.13.5—Noah 6.14.4—ark 6.14.6–7—gopher wood 6.14.17—pitch 6.15.21—cubit

    6.16.2—window 6.16.12—cubit 6.16.16—it 6.16.36—stories 6.21.29—them 6.22.3—Noah 7.1.6—Noah 7.5.2—Noah 7.6.2—Noah 7.7.2—Noah 7.9.8—Noah 7.11.3–4—six hundredth 7.11.7—Noah’s 7.11.11–12—second month 7.13.6—Noah 7.13.8—Shem 7.13.10—Ham 7.13.12—Japheth 7.15.6—Noah 7.16.22—shut 7.20.1—fifteen cubits 7.20.10—mountains 8.1.3—remembered 8.1.4—Noah 8.4.4—rested 8.4.20—Ararat 8.6.13—Noah 8.11.23—Noah 8.13.33—Noah 8.13.36—covering 8.15.5—Noah 8.18.2—Noah 8.20.2—Noah 9.1.4—Noah 9.8.5—Noah 9.17.5—Noah 9.17.9—token 9.18.5—Noah 9.18.13—Shem 9.18.15—Ham 9.18.17—Japheth 9.18.24—Canaan 9.19.6—Noah 9.20.2—Noah 9.20.7—husbandman 9.22.2—Ham 9.22.6—Canaan 9.23.2—Shem 9.23.4—Japheth 9.24.2—Noah 9.25.6—Canaan 9.26.10—Shem 9.26.12—Canaan 9.27.4—Japheth 9.27.13—Shem

    9.27.15—Canaan 9.28.2—Noah 9.29.6—Noah 10.1.10—Noah 10.1.11—Shem 10.1.12—Ham 10.1.14—Japheth 10.2.4—Japheth 10.2.5—Gomer 10.2.7—Magog 10.2.9—Madai 10.2.11—Javan 10.2.13—Tubal 10.2.15—Meshech 10.2.17—Tiras 10.3.5—Gomer 10.3.6—Ashkenaz 10.3.8—Riphath 10.3.10—Togarmah 10.4.5—Javan 10.4.6—Elishah 10.4.8—Tarshish 10.4.9—Kittim 10.4.11—Dodanim 10.5.5—isles 10.5.8—Gentiles 10.5.17—tongue 10.6.5—Ham 10.6.6—Cush 10.6.8—Mizraim 10.6.10—Phut 10.6.12—Canaan 10.7.5—Cush 10.7.6—Seba 10.7.8—Havilah 10.7.10—Sabtah 10.7.12—Raamah 10.7.14—Sabtecha 10.7.20—Sheba 10.7.22—Dedan 10.8.2—Cush 10.8.4—Nimrod 10.9.15—Nimrod 10.10.8—Babel 10.10.10—Erech 10.10.12—Accad 10.10.14—Calneh 10.10.19—Shinar 10.11.3–4—that land 10.11.7—Asshur 10.11.10—Nineveh 10.11.14—Rehoboth 10.11.16—Calah 10.12.2—Resen 10.12.4—Nineveh

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    10.12.6—Calah 10.13.2—Mizraim 10.13.4—Ludim 10.13.6—Anamim 10.13.8—Lehabim 10.13.10—Naphtuhim 10.14.2—Pathrusim 10.14.4—Casluhim 10.14.9—Philistim 10.14.11—Caphtorim 10.15.2—Canaan 10.15.4—Sidon 10.15.8—Heth 10.16.3—Jebusite 10.16.6—Amorite 10.16.9—Girgasite 10.17.3—Hivite 10.17.6—Arkite 10.17.9—Sinite 10.18.3—Arvadite 10.18.6—Zemarite 10.18.9—Hamathite 10.18.17—Canaanites 10.19.6—Canaanites 10.19.9—Sidon 10.19.14—Gerar 10.19.16—Gaza 10.19.21—Sodom 10.19.23—Gomorrah 10.19.25—Admah 10.19.27—Zeboim 10.19.30—Lasha 10.20.6—Ham 10.21.2—Shem 10.21.11—Eber 10.21.15—Japheth 10.22.4—Shem 10.22.5—Elam 10.22.7—Asshur 10.22.9—Arphaxad 10.22.11—Lud 10.22.13—Aram 10.23.5—Aram 10.23.6—Uz 10.23.8—Hul 10.23.10—Gether 10.23.12—Mash 10.24.2—Arphaxad 10.24.4—Salah 10.24.8—Eber 10.25.3—Eber 10.25.13—Peleg 10.25.21—divided 10.25.27—Joktan 10.26.2—Joktan

    10.26.4—Almodad 10.26.6—Sheleph 10.26.8—Hazarmaveth 10.26.10—Jerah 10.27.2—Hadoram 10.27.4—Uzal 10.27.6—Diklah 10.28.2—Obal 10.28.4—Abimael 10.28.6—Sheba 10.29.2—Ophir 10.29.4—Havilah 10.29.6—Jobab 10.29.13—Joktan 10.30.6—Mesha 10.30.11—Sephar 10.31.6—Shem 10.32.9—Noah 11.2.7—they 11.2.11—east 11.2.21—Shinar 11.3.12—brick 11.3.24—slime 11.4.14—tower 11.7.4—us 11.8.5—them 11.8.8—thence 11.8.13—all 11.9.7—Babel 11.10.6—Shem 11.10.15—Arphaxad 11.11.2—Shem 11.11.7—Arphaxad 11.11.13—sons 11.11.15—daughters 11.12.2—Arphaxad 11.12.10—Salah 11.13.2—Arphaxad 11.13.7—Salah 11.13.15—sons 11.13.17—daughters 11.14.2—Salah 11.14.8—Eber 11.15.2—Salah 11.15.7—Eber 11.15.15—sons 11.15.17—daughters 11.16.2—Eber 11.16.10—Peleg 11.17.2—Eber 11.17.7—Peleg 11.17.15—sons 11.17.17—daughters 11.18.2—Peleg 11.18.8—Reu

    11.19.2—Peleg 11.19.7—Reu 11.19.15—sons 11.19.17—daughters 11.20.2—Reu 11.20.10—Serug 11.21.2—Reu 11.21.7—Serug 11.21.15—sons 11.21.17—daughters 11.20.8—Nahor 11.22.2—Serug 11.22.8—Nahor 11.23.2—Serug 11.23.7—Nahor 11.23.13—sons 11.23.15—daughters 11.24.2—Nahor 11.24.10—Terah 11.25.2—Nahor 11.25.7—Terah 11.25.15—sons 11.25.17—daughters 11.26.2—Terah 11.26.8—Abram 11.26.9—Nahor 11.26.11—Haran 11.27.7—Terah 11.27.10—Abram 11.27.11—Nahor 11.27.13—Haran 11.27.17—Lot 11.28.2—Haran 11.28.4—before 11.28.7—Terah 11.28.15—Ur 11.28.18—Chaldees 11.29.2—Abram 11.29.4—Nahor 11.29.14—Sarai 11.29.21—Milcah 11.29.25—Haran 11.29.34—Iscah 11.30.14—Sarai 11.31.2—Terah 11.31.4—Abram 11.31.8—Lot 11.31.12—Haran 11.31.17—Sarai 11.31.33—Ur 11.31.36—Chaldees 11.31.43—Canaan 11.31.48—Haran 12.1.7—Abram 12.1.13—country

  • 13

    12.1.17—kindred 12.1.21–22—father’s house 12.1.25—land 12.4.2—Abram 12.4.19–21—seventy and five 12.4.29—Haran 12.5.2—Abram 12.5.4—Sarai 12.5.8—Lot 12.5.10—brother’s 12.5.15—substance 12.5.22—souls 12.5.28—Haran 12.5.39—Canaan 12.6.2—Abram 12.6.11—Sichem 12.6.16—Moreh 12.6.19—Canaanites 12.7.6—Abram 12.8.5—thence 12.8.13—Bethel 12.8.24—Hai 12.9.2—Abram 12.10.10—Abram 12.10.14—Egypt 12.11.14—Egypt 12.11.19—Sarai 12.12.9—Egyptians 12.13.8—sister 12.14.8—Abram 12.14.12—Egypt 12.15.5—Pharaoh 12.16.3—entreated 12.16.4—Abram 12.16.10—he 12.17.5—Pharaoh 12.17.14—Sarai 12.17.15—Abram 12.18.2—Pharaoh 12.18.4—Abram 12.20.2—Pharaoh 13.1.2—Abram 13.1.6—Egypt 13.1.17—Lot 13.1.23—south 13.2.2—Abram 13.3.12—Bethel 13.3.27—Hai 13.4.14—first 13.4.17—Abram 13.5.2—Lot 13.5.7—Abram 13.7.10—Abram’s 13.7.16—Lot’s 13.7.18—and

    13.7.20—Canaanite 13.7.23—Perizzite 13.8.2—Abram 13.8.5—Lot 13.8.28—brethren 13.10.2—Lot 13.10.11–13—plain of Jordan 13.10.16–17—well watered 13.10.24—Sodom 13.10.26—Gomorrah 13.10.30—garden 13.10.38—Egypt 13.10.43—Zoar 13.11.2—Lot 13.11.7–9—plain of Jordan 13.12.1—Abram 13.12.7—Canaan 13.12.9—Lot 13.12.22—Sodom 13.13.5—Sodom 13.14.6—Abram 13.14.9—Lot 13.18.2—Abram 13.18.3—removed 13.18.14—Mamre 13.18.18—Hebron 14.1.10—Amraphel 14.1.13—Shinar 14.1.14—Arioch 14.1.17—Ellasar 14.1.18—Chedorlaomer 14.1.21—Elam 14.1.23—Tidal 14.2.6—Bera 14.2.9—Sodom 14.2.12—Birsha 14.2.15—Gomorrah 14.2.16—Shinab 14.2.19—Admah 14.2.21—Shemeber 14.2.24—Zeboiim 14.2.28—Bela 14.2.31—Zoar 14.3.10—Siddim 14.3.14–15—salt sea 14.5.7—Chedorlaomer 14.5.18—Rephaims 14.5.20–21—Ashteroth Karnaim 14.5.24—Zuzims 14.5.26—Ham 14.5.29—Emims 14.5.31–32—Shaveh Kiriathaim 14.6.3—Horites 14.6.7—Seir 14.6.9—Elparan

    14.6.14—wilderness 14.7.7—Enmishpat 14.7.10—Kadesh 14.7.18—Amalekites 14.7.22—Amorites 14.7.26—Hazezontamar 14.8.8—Sodom 14.8.13—Gomorrah 14.8.18—Admah 14.8.23—Zeboiim 14.8.28—Bela 14.8.43—Siddim 14.9.2—Chedorlaomer 14.9.6—Elam 14.9.9—Tidal 14.9.14—Amraphel 14.9.17—Shinar 14.9.19—Arioch 14.9.22—Ellasar 14.10.5—Siddim 14.10.9—slimepits 14.10.14—Sodom 14.10.16—Gomorrah 14.10.19—fell 14.10.28—mountain 14.11.8—Sodom 14.11.10—Gomorrah 14.12.4—Lot 14.12.5—Abram’s 14.12.11—Sodom 14.13.10—Abram 14.13.12—Hebrew 14.13.18—plain 14.13.20—Mamre 14.13.22—Amorite 14.13.15—Eschol 14.13.19—Aner 14.14.3—Abram 14.14.7—brother 14.14.29—Dan 14.15.20—Hobah 14.15.28—Damascus 14.16.14—Lot 14.16.20—women 14.16.24—people 14.17.3—king 14.17.5—Sodom 14.17.18—Chedorlaomer 14.17.22—kings 14.17.31—Shaveh 14.18.2—Melchizedek 14.18.5—Salem 14.19.9—Abram 14.19.15—possessor 14.21.5—Sodom

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    14.21.7—Abram 14.22.2—Abram 14.22.8—Sodom 14.23.31—Abram 14.24.20—Aner 14.24.21—Eschol 14.24.23—Mamre 15.1.11—Abram 15.1.16–17—Fear not 15.1.22—shield 15.1.27—reward 15.2.2—Abram 15.2.23—Eliezer 15.2.25—Damascus 15.3.2—Abram 15.7.15—Ur 15.7.18—Chaldees 15.11.10—Abram 15.12.13—Abram 15.12.17—horror 15.13.5—Abram 15.13.19—land 15.13.33–35—four hundred years 15.14.4—nation 15.15.18—age 15.16.4–5—fourth generation 15.16.16—Amorites 15.18.11—Abram 15.18.25—Egypt 15.18.32—Euphrates 15.19.2—Kenites 15.19.5—Kenizzites 15.19.8—Kadmonites 15.20.3—Hittites 15.20.6—Perizzites 15.20.9—Rephaims 15.21.3—Amorites 15.21.6—Canaanites 15.21.9—Girgashites 15.21.12—Jebusites 16.1.2—Sarai 16.1.3—Abram’s 16.1.13—handmaid 16.1.15—Egyptian 16.1.19—Hagar 16.2.2—Sarai 16.2.5—Abram 16.3.2—Sarai 16.3.3—Abram’s 16.3.6—Hagar 16.3.10—Egyptian 16.3.15–16—ten years 16.3.21—Canaan 16.4.6—Hagar 16.5.2—Sarai

    16.5.5—Abram 16.6.2—Abram 16.6.5—Sarai 16.7.3—angel 16.7.11—fountain 16.7.24—Shur 16.8.4—Hagar 16.8.5—Sarai’s 16.10.10—I 16.11.25—Ishmael 16.12.6–7—wild man 16.14.5—well 16.14.6—Beerlahairoi 16.14.11—Kadesh 16.14.13—Bered 16.15.2—Hagar 16.15.4—Abram 16.15.16—Ishmael 16.16.2—Abram 16.16.10—Hagar 16.16.12—Ishmael 17.1.3—Abram 17.1.30—perfect 17.3.2—Abram 17.5.9—Abram 17.5.15—Abraham 17.8.21—Canaan 17.9.5—Abraham 17.11.4—circumcision 17.12.5–6—eight days 17.12.10—circumcised 17.12.27—bought 17.13.19—circumcised 17.14.13—circumcised 17.15.5—Abraham 17.15.8—Sarai 17.15.19—Sarah 17.16.10—son 17.17.2—Abraham 17.17.29—Sarah 17.18.2—Abraham 17.18.8—Ishmael 17.19.4—Sarah 17.19.19—Isaac 17.20.4—Ishmael 17.21.8—Isaac 17.21.10—Sarah 17.22.13—Abraham 17.23.2—Abraham 17.23.4—Ishmael 17.24.2—Abraham 17.24.12—circumcised 17.25.2—Ishmael 17.25.12—circumcised 17.26.6—Abraham

    17.26.7—circumcised 17.26.9—Ishmael 17.27.20—circumcised 18.1.4—appeared 18.1.11—Mamre 18.1.21–24—heart of the day 18.4.19—tree 18.6.2—Abraham 18.6.8—Sarah 18.6.15—measures 18.6.23—cakes 18.7.2—Abraham 18.7.8—fetcht 18.9.8—Sarah 18.10.18—Sarah 18.11.2—Abraham 18.11.4—Sarah 18.12.2—Sarah 18.13.6—Abraham 18.13.9—Sarah 18.14.25—Sarah 18.15.2—Sarah 18.16.11—Sodom 18.16.13—Abraham 18.17.9—Abraham 18.18.3—Abraham 18.19.36—Abraham 18.20.9—Sodom 18.20.11—Gomorrah 18.22.12—Sodom 18.22.14—Abraham 18.23.2—Abraham 18.26.9—Sodom 18.27.2—Abraham 18.33.15—Abraham 19.1.4–5—two angels 19.1.7—Sodom 19.1.11—Lot 19.3.27—unleavened 19.4.15—Sodom 19.5.5—Lot 19.6.2—Lot 19.9.4–5—Stand back 19.9.23—judge 19.9.42—Lot 19.10.10—Lot 19.12.2—Lot 19.14.2—Lot 19.15.10—Lot 19.17.34—mountain 19.18.2—Lot 19.20.14–15—little one 19.22.24—Zoar 19.23.9—Lot 19.23.12—Zoar

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    19.24.6—Sodom 18.24.9—Gomorrah 19.27.2—Abraham 19.28.5—Sodom 18.28.7—Gomorrah 19.29.17—Abraham 19.29.20—Lot 19.30.2—Lot 19.30.7—Zoar 19.30.12—mountain 19.36.7—Lot 19.38.13—Ben-ammi 20.1.2—Abraham 20.1.5—thence 20.1.13—Kadesh 20.1.15—Shur 20.1.19—Gerar 20.2.2—Abraham 20.2.5—Sarah 20.2.13—Abimelech 20.2.16—Gerar 20.3.5—Abimelech 20.4.2—Abimelech 20.7.12—prophet 20.8.2—Abimelech 20.9.2—Abimelech 20.9.4—Abraham 20.10.2—Abimelech 20.10.5—Abraham 20.11.2—Abraham 20.14.2—Abimelech 20.14.15—Abraham 20.14.19—Sarah 20.15.2—Abimelech 20.16.3—Sarah 20.17.2—Abraham 20.17.9—Abimelech 20.18.15—Abimelech 20.18.18—Sarah 20.18.19—Abraham’s 21.1.5—Sarah 21.2.2—Sarah 21.2.6—Abraham 21.3.2—Abraham 21.3.16—Sarah 21.3.20—Isaac 21.4.2—Abraham 21.4.3—circumcised 21.4.6—Isaac 21.5.2—Abraham 21.5.11—Isaac 21.6.2—Sarah 21.7.9—Abraham 21.7.11—Sarah 21.7.16—suck

    21.8.9—Abraham 21.8.18—Isaac 21.9.2—Sarah 21.9.7—Hagar 21.9.9—Egyptian 21.9.15—Abraham 21.10.5—Abraham 21.11.8—Abraham 21.12.5—Abraham 21.12.26—Sarah 21.14.2—Abraham 21.14.11—bread 21.14.14—bottle 21.14.21—Hagar 21.14.29—child 21.14.43—Beersheba 21.16.19—bowshot 21.17.16—Hagar 21.20.18—archer 21.21.8—Paran 21.21.21—Egypt 21.22.7—that 21.22.10—Abimelech 21.22.12—Phichol 21.22.21—Abraham 21.24.2—Abraham 21.25.2—Abraham 21.25.4—Abimelech 21.26.2—Abimelech 21.27.2—Abraham 21.27.11—Abimelech 21.28.2—Abraham 21.29.2—Abimelech 21.29.5—Abraham 21.31.6—Beersheba 21.32.7—Beersheba 21.32.9—Abimelech 21.32.13—Phichol 21.32.28—Philistines 21.33.2—Abraham 21.33.7—Beersheba 21.34.2—Abraham 21.34.6—Philistines’ 22.1.13—Abraham 22.2.11—Isaac 22.2.22—Moriah 22.2.29–30—burnt offering 22.3.2—Abraham 22.3.18–19—young men 22.3.23—Isaac 22.4.6—Abraham 22.5.2—Abraham 22.6.2—Abraham 22.6.14—Isaac 22.6.21—fire

    22.7.2—Isaac 22.7.5—Abraham 22.8.2—Abraham 22.9.14—Abraham 22.9.27—Isaac 22.10.2—Abraham 22.11.15—Abraham 22.13.2—Abraham 22.14.2—Abraham 22.14.9—Jehovahjireh 22.15.9—Abraham 22.19.2—Abraham 22.19.16—Beersheba 22.20.13—Abraham 22.20.16—Milcah 22.20.25—Nahor 22.21.1—Huz 22.21.5—Buz 22.21.9—Kemuel 22.21.13—Aram 22.22.2—Chesed 22.22.4—Hazo 22.22.6—Pildash 22.22.8—Jidlaph 22.22.10—Bethuel 22.23.2—Bethuel 22.23.4—Rebekah 22.24.3—concubine 22.24.7—Reumah 22.24.11—Tebah 22.24.13—Gaham 22.24.15—Thahash 22.24.17—Maachah 23.1.2—Sarah 23.2.2—Sarah 23.2.5—Kirjatharba 23.2.9—Hebron 23.2.9 (JST)—now 23.2.14—Canaan 23.2.16—Abraham 23.2.19—come 23.3.2—Abraham 23.3.8—dead 23.3.15—Heth 23.5.5—Heth 23.5.7—Abraham 23.7.2—Abraham 23.7.19—Heth 23.8.29—Ephron 23.8.33—Zohar 23.9.9—Machpeleh 23.10.2—Ephron 23.10.8—Heth 23.10.12—Hittite 23.10.14—Abraham

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    23.12.2—Abraham 23.13.5—Ephron 23.13.20—give 23.14.2—Ephron 23.14.4—Abraham 23.15.10–12—four hundred shekels 23.16.2—Abraham 23.16.5—Ephron 23.16.24—Heth 23.15.25–27—four hundred shekels 23.17.5—Ephron 23.17.9—Machpelah 23.17.13—Mamre 23.18.2—Abraham 23.18.13—Heth 23.19.4—Abraham 23.19.6—Sarah 23.19.16—Machpelah 23.19.22—Hebron 23.19.27—Canaan 23.20.14—Abraham 23.20.25—Heth 24.1.2—Abraham 24.2.2—Abraham 24.2.7—servant 24.2.26—thigh 24.3.35—Canaanites 24.4.7—country 24.4.11—kindred 24.6.2—Abraham 24.9.11—Abraham 24.10.32—Mesopotamia 24.10.37—Nahor 24.12.10—Abraham 24.12.16–17—good speed 24.14.51—Isaac 24.15.13—Rebekah 24.15.20—Bethuel 24.15.23—Milcah 24.15.27—Nahor 24.15.28—Abraham’s 24.17.4—ran 24.22.18—earring 24.22.22—shekel 24.22.26—bracelets 24.23.20—us 24.24.11—Bethuel 24.24.15—Milcah 24.24.20—Nahor 24.27.12—Abraham 24.29.2—Rebekah 24.29.10—Laban 24.30.10—earring 24.30.24—Rebekah 24.32.3—man

    24.32.9—he 24.33.11—he 24.33.24—he 24.34.6—Abraham’s 24.36.2—Sarah 24.37.22—Canaanites 24.38.7—father’s 24.42.17—Abraham 24.45.11—Rebekah 24.47.17—Bethuel 24.47.18—Nahor’s 24.47.21—Milcah 24.48.19—Abraham 24.50.2—Laban 24.50.4—Bethuel 24.51.2—Rebekah 24.52.8—Abraham’s 24.53.19—Rebekah 24.58.4—Rebekah 24.59.5—Rebekah 24.59.10—nurse 24.59.12—Abraham’s 24.60.4—Rebekah 24.61.2—Rebekah 24.61.6—damsels 24.62.10—Lahairoi 24.62.16–17—south country 24.63.2—Isaac 24.64.2—Rebekah 24.66.5—Isaac 24.67.2—Isaac 24.67.8—Sarah’s 24.67.12—Rebekah 25.1.3—Abraham 25.1.11—Keturah 25.2.5—Zimran 25.2.7—Jokshan 25.2.9—Medan 25.2.11—Midian 25.2.13—Ishbak 25.2.15—Shuah 25.3.2—Jokshan 25.3.4—Sheba 25.3.6—Dedan 25.3.13—Asshurim 25.3.15—Letushim 25.3.17—Leummim 25.4.5—Midian 25.4.6—Ephah 25.4.8—Epher 25.4.10—Hanoch 25.4.12—Abida 24.4.14—Eldaah 25.4.21—Keturah 25.5.2—Abraham

    25.5.9—Isaac 25.6.7—concubines 25.6.9—Abraham 25.7.10—Abraham’s 25.8.2—Abraham 25.8.6—ghost 25.9.4—Isaac 25.9.6—Ishmael 25.9.13—Machpelah 25.9.18—Ephron 25.9.22—Zohar 25.9.24—Hittite 25.9.28—Mamre 25.10.4—Abraham 25.10.10—Heth 25.10.16—Sarah 25.11.10—Abraham 25.11.16—Isaac 25.11.23—Lahairoi 25.12.7—Ishmael 25.12.8—Abraham’s 25.12.11—Hagar 25.12.13—Egyptian 25.12.14—Sarah’s 25.13.10—Ishmael 25.13.22—Nebajoth 25.13.24—Kedar 25.13.26—Adbeel 25.13.28—Mibsam 25.14.2—Mishma 25.14.4—Dumah 25.14.6—Massa 25.15.1—Hadar 25.15.3—Tema 25.15.4—Jetur 25.15.5—Naphish 25.15.7—Kedemah 25.16.10—Ishmael 25.17.10—Ishmael 25.18.2—they 25.18.5—Havilah 25.18.7—Shur 25.18.11—Egypt 25.18.16—Assyria 25.18.26—brethren 25.19.7—Isaac 25.19.8—Abraham’s 25.20.2—Isaac 25.20.10—Rebekah 25.20.15—Bethuel 25.20.19—Padanaram 25.20.23—Laban 25.21.2—Isaac 25.21.21—Rebekah 25.22.4—struggled

  • 17

    25.23.27—elder 25.23.31—younger 25.25.18—Esau 25.26.14—Esau’s 25.26.21—Jacob 25.26.23—Isaac 25.27.6—Esau 25.27.17—Jacob 25.27.20–21—plain man 25.28.2—Isaac 25.28.4—Esau 25.28.13—Rebekah 25.28.15—Jacob 25.29.2—Jacob 25.29.3—sod 25.29.4—pottage 25.29.6—Esau 25.30.2—Esau 25.30.5—Jacob 25.30.14–15—red pottage 25.30.25—Edom 25.31.2—Jacob 25.32.2—Esau 25.33.2—Jacob 25.34.2—Jacob 25.34.4—Esau 26.1.19—Abraham 26.1.21—Isaac 26.1.24—Abimelech 26.1.28—Philistines 26.1.30—Gerar 26.2.13—Egypt 26.3.3–4—this land 26.3.38—Abraham 26.6.2—Isaac 26.6.5—Gerar 26.7.40—Rebekah 26.8.15—Abimelech 26.8.19—Philistines 26.8.24—window 26.8.29—Isaac 26.8.31—sporting 26.8.33—Rebekah 26.9.2—Abimelech 26.9.4—Isaac 26.10.2—Abimelech 26.11.2—Abimelech 26.12.2—Isaac 26.12.14—hundredfold 26.14.18—Philistines 26.15.15—Abraham 26.15.19—Philistines 26.16.2—Abimelech 26.16.5—Isaac 26.17.2—Isaac

    26.17.11–13—valley of Gerar 26.18.2—Isaac 26.18.17—Abraham 26.18.22—Philistines 26.19.2—Isaac’s 26.19.14–15—springing water 26.20.5—Gerar 26.20.9—Isaac’s 26.20.24—Esek 26.21.18—Sitnah 26.22.23—Rehoboth 26.23.8—Beersheba 26.24.17—Abraham 26.25.23—Isaac’s 26.26.2—Abimelech 26.26.7—Gerar 26.26.9—Ahuzzah 26.26.15—Phichol 26.27.2—Isaac 26.31.15—Isaac 26.32.10—Isaac 26.33.5—Shebah 26.33.13—Beersheba 26.34.2—Esau 26.34.12—Judith 26.34.16—Beeri 26.34.18—Hittite 26.34.20—Bashemath 26.34.24—Elon 26.35.8—Isaac 26.35.11—Rebekah 27.1.8—Isaac 27.1.10—old 27.1.24—Esau 27.5.2—Rebekah 27.5.5—Isaac 27.5.8—Esau 27.6.2—Rebekah 27.6.5—Jacob 27.6.16—Esau 27.11.2—Jacob 27.11.5—Rebekah 27.11.9—Esau 27.15.2—Rebekah 27.15.10—Esau 27.15.22—Jacob 27.17.20—Jacob 27.19.2—Esau 27.19.9—Jacob 27.19.29—venison 27.20.2—Isaac 27.21.2—Isaac 27.21.5—Jacob 27.21.24—Esau 27.22.2—Jacob

    27.22.6—Isaac 27.22.27—Esau 27.23.14—Esau’s 27.24.9—Esau 27.26.4—Isaac 27.29.15—brethren 27.29.19–20—mother’s sons 27.30.9—Isaac 27.30.16—Jacob 27.30.32—Esau 27.32.2—Isaac 27.32.20—Esau 27.33.2—Isaac 27.33.3—trembled 27.34.3—Esau 27.36.9—Jacob 27.37.2—Isaac 27.37.7—Esau 27.38.2—Esau 27.39.2—Isaac 27.41.2—Esau 27.41.4—Jacob 27.42.5—Esau 27.42.12—Rebekah 27.42.18—Jacob 27.43.13—Laban 27.43.17—Haran 27.46.2—Rebekah 27.46.5—Isaac 27.46.17—Heth 27.46.19—Jacob 28.1.2—Isaac 28.1.4—Jacob 28.1.25—Canaan 28.2.4—Padanaram 28.2.9—Bethuel 28.2.24—Laban 28.4.7—Abraham 28.5.2—Isaac 28.5.5—Jacob 28.5.10—Padanaram 28.5.12—Laban 28.5.15—Bethuel 28.5.17—Syrian 28.5.21—Rebekah 28.5.24—Esau’s 28.6.2—Esau 28.6.5—Isaac 28.6.8—Jacob 28.6.14—Padanaram 28.6.44—Canaan 28.7.3—Jacob 28.7.14—Padanaram 28.8.2—Esau 28.8.8—Canaan

  • 18

    28.8.11—Isaac 28.9.3—Esau 28.9.5—Ishmael 28.9.10—wives 28.9.14—Mahalath 28.9.19—Abraham’s 28.9.24—Nebajoth 28.10.2—Jacob 28.10.6—Beersheba 28.10.10—Haran 28.11.6–7—certain place 28.11.32—pillows 28.13.16—Abraham 28.13.23—Isaac 28.14.8—dust 28.14.38—seed 28.16.2—Jacob 28.17.4—afraid 28.17.8—dreadful 28.18.2—Jacob 28.18.9—Bethel 28.19.18—Luz 28.20.2—Jacob 29.1.2—Jacob 29.1.17—east 29.4.2—Jacob 29.4.15—Haran 29.5.8—Laban 29.5.10—son 29.5.12—Nahor 29.6.8—well 29.6.17—Rachel 29.9.8—Rachel 29.10.7—Jacob 29.10.9—Rachel 29.10.13—Laban 29.11.2—Jacob 29.11.4—Rachel 29.12.2—Jacob 29.12.4—Rachel 29.12.10—brother 29.12.15—Rebekah’s 29.13.7—Laban 29.13.12—Jacob 29.13.39–40—these things 29.14.2—Laban 29.14.23—month 29.15.2—Laban 29.15.5—Jacob 29.16.2—Laban 29.16.12—Leah 29.16.20—Rachel 29.17.1—Leah 29.17.3—tender-eyed 29.17.6—Rachel

    29.17.7—beautiful 29.17.9–10—well favored 29.18.2—Jacob 29.18.4—Rachel 29.18.11–12—seven years 29.19.2—Laban 29.20.2—Jacob 29.20.7—Rachel 29.21.2—Jacob 29.21.5—Laban 29.22.2—Laban 29.23.12—Leah 29.24.2—Laban 29.24.7—Leah 29.24.8—Zilpah 29.25.13—Leah 29.25.18—Laban 29.25.34—Rachel 29.26.2—Laban 29.27.3—week 29.28.2—Jacob 29.28.13—Rachel 29.29.2—Laban 29.29.5—Rachel 29.29.8—Bilhah 29.30.7—Rachel 29.30.15—Leah 29.31.7—Leah 29.31.9—hated 29.31.15—Rachel 29.32.2—Leah 29.32.13—Reuben 29.32.24—affliction 29.33.33—Simeon 29.33.18—joined 29.34.33—Levi 29.35.23—Judah 29.35.25–26—left bearing 30.1.3—Rachel 30.1.8—Jacob 30.2.2—Jacob’s 30.2.7—Rachel 30.3.7—Bilhah 30.4.5—Bilhah 30.4.9—wife 30.5.2—Bilhah 30.5.6—Jacob 30.6.2—Rachel 30.6.25—Dan 30.7.2—Bilhah 30.7.3—Rachel’s 30.7.9—Jacob 30.8.2—Rachel 30.8.6—wrestlings 30.8.16—prevailed

    30.8.22—Naphtali 30.9.2—Leah 30.9.5—she 30.9.11—Zilpah 30.9.17—Jacob 30.10.2—Zilpah 30.10.3—Leah’s 30.10.6—Jacob 30.11.2—Leah 30.11.12—Gad 30.12.2—Zilpah 30.12.3—Leah’s 30.12.6—Jacob 30.13.2—Leah 30.13.9—daughters 30.13.19—Asher 30.14.2—Reuben 30.14.12—mandrakes 30.14.22—Leah 30.14.24—Rachel 30.15.27—Rachel 30.16.2—Jacob 30.16.12—Leah 30.17.5—Leah 30.17.11—Jacob 30.17.13—fifth 30.18.2—Leah 30.18.9—hire 30.18.24—Issachar 30.19.2—Leah 30.19.7—Jacob 30.20.2—Leah 30.20.6—endued 30.20.11—dowry 30.20.31—Zebulun 30.21.11—Dinah 30.22.4—Rachel 30.22.7—hearkened 30.24.6—Joseph 30.24.15–16—another son 30.25.7—Rachel 30.25.10—Joseph 30.25.12—Jacob 30.25.15—Laban 30.27.2—Laban 30.31.10—Jacob 30.32.1—I 30.32.15—speckled 30.32.17—spotted 30.32.18—cattle 30.32.22—brown 30.34.2—Laban 30.35.2—he 30.35.11—ringstraked 30.36.2—he

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    30.36.10—Jacob 30.36.17—Laban’s 30.37.2—Jacob 30.37.17—pilled 30.37.19—strakes 30.38.15—gutters 30.40.2—Jacob 30.40.25—Laban 30.41.8—stronger 30.41.13—Jacob 30.42.16—Laban’s 30.42.20—Jacob’s 31.1.7—Laban’s 31.1.10—Jacob 31.2.2—Jacob 31.2.7—Laban 31.3.6—Jacob 31.3.17—kindred 31.4.2—Jacob 31.4.6—Rachel 31.4.8—Leah 31.10.34—ringstraked 31.10.35—speckled 31.10.37—grisled 31.11.13—Jacob 31.12.28—all 31.12.30—Laban 31.13.6—Bethel 31.13.17—vow 31.14.2—Rachel 31.14.4—Leah 31.15.11—sold 31.15.19—money 31.17.2—Jacob 31.18.26—Padanaram 31.18.31—Isaac 31.18.38—Canaan 31.19.2—Laban 31.19.9—Rachel 31.19.13—images 31.20.2—Jacob 31.20.7—Laban 31.20.9—Syrian 31.21.17—river 31.21.25—Gilead 31.22.5—Laban 31.22.11—Jacob 31.23.22—Gilead 31.24.5—Laban 31.24.7—Syrian 31.24.10—dream 31.24.24—Jacob 31.25.2—Laban 31.25.4—Jacob 31.25.24—Gilead

    31.26.2—Laban 31.26.5—Jacob 31.27.30—tabret 31.28.9—sons 31.28.12—daughters 31.29.32—Jacob 31.30.12—longedst 31.30.23—gods 31.31.2—Jacob 31.31.7—Laban 31.32.27—Jacob 31.32.31—Rachel 31.33.2—Laban 31.33.5—Jacob’s 31.33.9—Leah’s 31.33.32—Rachel’s 31.34.2—Rachel 31.34.13—furniture 31.34.19—Laban 31.36.2—Jacob 31.36.6—chode 31.36.8—Laban 31.42.13—fear 31.37.10—Galeed 31.42.10—Abraham 31.42.15—Isaac 31.42.13—fear 31.43.2—Laban 31.43.7—Jacob 31.45.2—Jacob 31.46.2—Jacob 31.47.2—Laban 31.47.5—Jegarsahadutha 31.47.7—Jacob 31.47.10—Galeed 31.48.2—Laban 31.48.22—Galeed 31.49.2—Mizpah 31.51.2—Laban 31.51.5—Jacob 31.53.4—Abraham 31.53.9—Nahor 31.53.19—Jacob 31.53.27—Isaac 31.54.2—Jacob 31.55.6—Laban 32.1.2—Jacob 32.2.3—Jacob 32.2.20—Mahanaim 32.3.2—Jacob 32.3.8—Esau 32.3.15—Seir 32.3.19—Edom 32.4.12—lord 32.4.13—Esau

    32.4.16—Jacob 32.4.23—Laban 32.6.6—Jacob 32.6.13—Esau 32.7.2—Jacob 32.8.4—Esau 32.9.2—Jacob 32.9.9—Abraham 32.9.15—Isaac 32.10.32—Jordan 32.11.16—Esau 32.13.4—there 32.13.20—Esau 32.15.2—milch 32.15.8—kine 32.16.20–21—pass over 32.17.8—Esau 32.18.9—Jacob’s 32.18.18—Esau 32.19.24—Esau 32.20.8—Jacob 32.22.25—Jabbok 32.24.2—Jacob 32.24.8—wrestled 32.25.3—he 32.25.7—prevailed 32.25.10—him 32.25.22—Jacob’s 32.25.25–27—out of joint 32.27.13—Jacob 32.28.11—Jacob 32.28.13—Israel 32.29.2—Jacob 32.30.2—Jacob 32.30.9—Peniel 32.31.6—Penuel 32.32.5—Israel 32.32.30—Jacob’s 33.1.2—Jacob 33.1.11—Esau 33.1.25—Leah 33.1.28—Rachel 33.2.11—Leah 33.2.17—Rachel 33.2.19—Joseph 33.4.2—Esau 33.7.2—Leah 33.7.15—Joseph 33.7.18—Rachel 33.9.2—Esau 33.10.2—Jacob 33.14.7–8—pass over 33.14.39—Seir 33.15.2—Esau 33.15.26—grace

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    33.16.2—Esau 33.16.10—Seir 33.17.2—Jacob 33.17.5—Succoth 33.18.2—Jacob 33.18.5—Shalem 33.18.9—Shechem 33.18.16—Canaan 33.18.21—Padanaram 33.18.28—city 33.19.22—Hamor 33.19.23—Shechem’s 33.19.30—money 33.20.10—Eleloheisrael 34.1.2—Dinah 34.1.6—Leah 34.1.11—Jacob 34.2.3—Shechem 34.2.7—Hamor 34.2.9—Hivite 34.3.6—Dinah 34.3.10—Jacob 34.4.2—Shechem 34.4.7—Hamor 34.5.2—Jacob 34.5.8—Dinah 34.6.2—Hamor 34.6.6—Shechem 34.7.5—Jacob 34.7.29—folly 34.7.30—in 34.7.31—Israel 34.8.2—Hamor 34.8.12—Shechem 34.11.2—Shechem 34.13.3—sons 34.13.5—Jacob 34.13.7—Shechem 34.13.9—Hamor 34.13.12—deceitfully 34.13.19—Dinah 34.14.19—uncircumcised 34.15.22—circumcised 34.17.11—circumcised 34.18.5—Hamor 34.18.7—Shechem 34.19.16—Jacob’s 34.19.22—honorable 34.20.2—Hamor 34.20.4—Shechem 34.22.24—circumcised 34.24.3—Hamor 34.24.6—Shechem 34.24.24—circumcised 34.25.20—Jacob

    34.25.21—Simeon 34.25.23—Levi 34.25.24—Dinah’s 34.26.4—Hamor 34.26.6—Shechem 34.26.17—Dinah 34.27.2—sons 34.27.4—Jacob 34.30.2—Jacob 34.30.5—Simeon 34.30.7—Levi 34.30.25—Canaanites 34.30.28—Perizzites 35.1.5—Jacob 35.1.8—up 35.1.10—Bethel 35.1.32—Esau 35.2.2—Jacob 35.2.17–18—strange gods 35.4.5—Jacob 35.4.18—earrings 35.4.34—Shechem 35.5.27—Jacob 35.6.2—Jacob 35.6.5—Luz 35.6.12—Canaan 35.6.15—Bethel 35.7.11—Elbethel 35.8.2—Deborah 35.8.3—Rebekah’s 35.8.11—Bethel 35.8.22—Allonbachuth 35.9.5—Jacob 35.9.12—Padanaram 35.10.9—Jacob 35.10.20—Israel 35.11.26—kings 35.12.7—Abraham 35.12.9—Isaac 35.14.2—Jacob 35.14.24—drink offering 35.15.2—Jacob 35.15.14—Bethel 35.16.5—Bethel 35.16.11–12—little way 35.16.16—Ephrath 35.16.18—Rachel 35.18.8—soul 35.18.20—Benoni 35.18.26—Benjamin 35.19.2—Rachel 35.19.11—Ephrath 35.19.14—Bethlehem 35.20.2—Jacob 35.20.14—Rachel’s

    35.21.2—Israel 35.21.12—Edar 35.22.7—Israel 35.22.13—Reuben 35.22.18—Bilhah 35.22.30—Jacob 35.23.4—Leah 35.23.5—Reuben 35.23.6—Jacob’s 35.23.9—Simeon 35.23.11—Levi 35.23.13—Judah 35.23.15—Issachar 35.23.17—Zebulun 35.24.4—Rachel 35.24.5—Joseph 35.24.7—Benjamin 35.25.5—Bilhah 35.25.6—Rachel’s 35.25.8—Dan 35.25.10—Naphtali 35.26.5—Zilpah 35.26.6—Leah’s 35.26.8—Gad 35.26.10—Asher 35.26.16—Jacob 35.26.23—Padanaram 35.27.2—Jacob 35.27.9—Mamre 35.27.14—Arbah 35.27.17—Hebron 35.27.19—Abraham 35.27.21—Isaac 35.28.5—Isaac 35.29.2—Isaac 35.29.24—Esau 35.29.26—Jacob 36.1.7—Esau 36.1.10—Edom 36.2.1—Esau 36.2.9—Canaan 36.2.10—Adah 36.2.14—Elon 36.2.18—Aholibamah 36.2.20—daughter 36.2.22—Anah 36.2.26—Zibeon 36.2.28—Hivite 36.3.2—Bashemath 36.3.3—Ishmael’s 36.3.7—Nebajoth 36.4.2—Adah 36.4.5—Esau 36.4.6—Eliphaz 36.4.8—Bashemath

  • 21

    36.4.10—Reuel 36.5.2—Aholibamah 36.5.4—Jeush 36.5.6—Jaalam 36.5.8—Korah 36.5.14—Esau 36.5.24—Canaan 36.6.2—Esau 36.6.39—Canaan 36.6.51—Jacob 36.8.3—Esau 36.8.6—Seir 36.8.9—Edom 36.9.7—Esau 36.9.12—Edomites 36.9.15—Seir 36.10.6—Esau’s 36.10.8—Eliphaz 36.10.12—Adah 36.10.17—Reuel 36.10.21—Bashemath 36.11.5—Eliphaz 36.11.7—Teman 36.11.8—Omar 36.11.9—Zepho 36.11.11—Gatam 36.11.13—Kenaz 36.12.2—Timna 36.12.6—Eliphaz 36.12.7—Esau’s 36.12.14—Amalek 36.12.20—Adah 36.13.7—Reuel 36.13.8—Nahath 36.13.10—Zerah 36.13.11—Shammah 36.13.13—Mizzah 36.13.19—Bashemath 36.13.20—Esau’s 36.14.7—Aholibamah 36.14.11—Anah 36.14.13—daughter 36.14.15—Zibeon 36.14.16—Esau’s 36.14.23—Jeush 36.14.25—Jaalam 36.14.27—Korah 36.15.3—dukes 36.15.8—Esau 36.15.12—Eliphaz 36.15.19—Teman 36.15.21—Omar 36.15.23—Zepho 36.15.25—Kenaz 36.16.2—Korah

    36.16.4—Gatam 36.16.6—Amalek 36.16.14—Eliphaz 36.16.19—Edom 36.16.24—sons 36.16.26—Adah 36.17.7—Reuel 36.17.8—Esau’s 36.17.11—Nahath 36.17.13—Zerah 36.17.15—Shammah 36.17.17—Mizzah 36.17.30—Edom 36.17.34—sons 36.17.36—Bashemath 36.18.7—Aholibamah 36.18.8—Esau’s 36.18.11—Jeush 36.18.13—Jaalam 36.18.15—Korah 36.18.27—Anah 36.19.6—Esau 36.19.9—Edom 36.20.6—Seir 36.20.8—Horite 36.20.13—Lotan 36.20.15—Shobal 36.20.17—Zibeon 36.20.19—Anah 36.21.2—Dishon 36.21.4—Ezer 36.21.6—Dishan 36.21.13—Horites 36.21.17—Seir 36.21.22—Edom 36.22.5—Lotan 36.22.7—Hori 36.22.9—Hemam 36.22.14—Temna 36.23.5—Shobal 36.23.8—Alvan 36.23.10—Manahath 36.23.12—Ebal 36.23.13—Shepho 36.23.15—Onam 36.24.7—Zibeon 36.24.9—Ajah 36.24.11—Anah 36.24.19—mules 36.25.5—Anah 36.25.8—Dishon 36.25.10—Aholibamah 36.26.7—Dishon 36.26.8—Hemdan 36.26.10—Eshban

    36.26.12—Ithan 36.26.14—Cheran 36.27.4—Ezer 36.27.7—Bilhan 36.27.9—Zaavan 36.27.11—Akan 36.28.4—Dishan 36.28.7—Uz 36.28.9—Aran 36.29.4—dukes 36.29.9—Horites 36.29.11—Lotan 36.29.13—Shobal 36.29.15—Zibeon 36.29.17—Anah 36.30.2—Dishon 36.30.4—Ezer 36.30.6—Dishan 36.30.14—Hori 36.30.22—Seir 36.31.12—Edom 36.31.13—before 36.31.22—Israel 36.32.2—Bela 36.32.6—Beor 36.32.17—Dinhabah 36.33.2—Bela 36.33.5—Jobab 36.33.9—Zerah 36.33.11—Bozrah 36.34.2—Jobab 36.34.5—Husham 36.34.10—Temani 36.35.2—Husham 36.35.5—Hadad 36.35.9—Bedad 36.35.12—Midian 36.35.15–17—field of Moab 36.35.29—Avith 36.36.2—Hadad 36.36.5—Samlah 36.36.7—Masrekah 36.37.2—Samlah 36.37.5—Saul 36.37.7—Rehoboth 36.38.2—Saul 36.38.5—Baalhanan 36.38.9—Achbor 36.39.2—Baalhanan 36.39.9—Hadar 36.39.21—Pau 36.39.27—Mehetabel 36.39.31—Matred 36.39.35—Mezahab 36.40.8—dukes

  • 22

    36.40.12—Esau 36.40.24—Timnah 36.40.26—Alvah 36.40.28—Jetheth 36.41.2—Aholibamah 36.41.4—Elah 36.41.6—Pinon 36.42.2—Kenaz 36.42.4—Teman 36.42.6—Mibzar 36.43.2—Magdiel 36.43.4—Iram 36.34.10—Edom 36.34.23—Esau 37.1.2—Jacob 37.1.6—land 37.1.17—Canaan 37.2.6—Jacob 37.2.7—Joseph 37.2.27—Bilhah 37.2.33—Zilpah 37.3.2—Israel 37.3.4—Joseph 37.3.24—coat 37.4.22–23—speak peaceably 37.5.2—Joseph 37.10.33—mother 37.12.11—Shechem 37.13.2—Israel 37.13.5—Joseph 37.13.14—Shechem 37.14.37—Hebron 37.14.42—Shechem 37.17.18—Dothan 37.17.20—Joseph 37.19.9—dreamer 37.21.2—Reuben 37.22.2—Reuben 37.23.7—Joseph 37.25.21—Ishmaeelites 37.25.24—Gilead 37.25.29—spicery 37.25.31—balm 37.25.33—myrrh 37.25.40—Egypt 37.26.2—Judah 37.27.9—Ishmaeelites 37.28.5—Midianites 37.28.13—Joseph 37.28.23—Ishmaeelites 37.28.28—silver 37.28.34—Egypt 37.29.2—Reuben 37.29.9—Joseph 37.31.4—Joseph

    37.32.3—sent 37.33.18—Joseph 37.34.2—Jacob 37.34.8—sackcloth 37.36.3—Midianites 37.36.7—Egypt 37.36.9—Potiphar 38.1.10—Judah 38.1.22—Adullamite 38.1.26—Hirah 38.2.2—Judah 38.2.10—Canaanite 38.2.14—Shuah 38.3.13—Er 38.4.14—Onan 38.5.14—Shelah 38.5.16—he 38.5.19—Chezib 38.6.2—Judah 38.6.7—Er 38.6.13—Tamar 38.7.2—Er 38.7.3—Judah’s 38.8.2—Judah 38.8.5—Onan 38.9.2—Onan 38.11.3—Judah 38.11.5—Tamar 38.11.18—Shelah 38.12.9—Shuah 38.12.10—Judah’s 38.12.24—Timnath 38.12.29—Hirah 38.12.31—Adullamite 38.13.5—Tamar 38.13.15—Timnath 38.14.31—Timnath 38.14.36—Shelah 38.14.38—grown 38.15.2—Judah 38.18.14—signet 38.18.17—bracelets 38.18.20—staff 38.20.2—Judah 38.20.13—Adullamite 38.21.13—harlot 38.22.5—Judah 38.23.2—Judah 38.24.14—Judah 38.24.16—Tamar 38.24.44—burnt 38.26.2—Judah 38.26.21—Shelah 38.29.7—he 38.29.15—brother

    38.29.19—she 38.29.20—How 38.29.35—Pharez 38.30.20—Zarah 39.1.2—Joseph 39.1.7—Egypt 39.1.9—Potiphar 39.1.13—Pharaoh 39.1.27—Ishmaeelites 39.2.6—Joseph 39.2.23—Egyptian 39.4.2—Joseph 39.5.29—Egyptian’s 39.5.32—Joseph’s 39.6.9—Joseph’s 39.6.32–33—well favored 39.7.17—Joseph 39.10.10—Joseph 39.11.10—Joseph 39.14.16—he 39.14.21—Hebrew 39.17.12—Hebrew 39.19.31—wrath 39.20.2—Joseph’s 39.21.6—Joseph 39.22.9—Joseph’s 40.1.16—Egypt 40.2.2—Pharaoh 40.2.15—butlers 40.3.6—ward 40.3.12–15—captain of the guard 40.3.22—Joseph 40.4.8—Joseph 40.5.34—Egypt 40.6.2—Joseph 40.7.4—Pharaoh’s 40.8.19—Joseph 40.9.9—Joseph 40.11.2—Pharaoh’s 40.12.2—Joseph 40.13.6—Pharaoh’s 40.14.26—Pharaoh 40.15.13—Hebrews 40.16.14—Joseph 40.17.14—Pharaoh 40.18.2—Joseph 40.19.6—Pharaoh 40.20.12—Pharaoh’s 40.21.17—Pharaoh’s 40.22.8—Joseph 40.23.8—Joseph 41.1.10–12—two full years 41.1.14—Pharaoh 41.1.22—river 41.2.13—kine

  • 23

    41.4.19—Pharaoh 41.5.14—corn 41.5.19—stalk 41.5.20—rank 41.6.10–11—east wind 41.7.14—Pharaoh 41.8.13—troubled 41.8.22—magicians 41.8.24—Egypt 41.8.28–29—wise men 41.8.32—Pharaoh 41.9.7—Pharaoh 41.9.13—faults 41.10.1—Pharaoh 41.12.11—Hebrew 41.13.15—he 41.14.2—Pharaoh 41.14.6—Joseph 41.14.18—shaved 41.15.2—Pharaoh 41.15.5—Joseph 41.16.2—Joseph 41.16.4—Pharaoh 41.17.2—Pharaoh 41.17.5—Joseph 41.18.11—kine 41.19.27—Egypt 41.25.2—Joseph 41.25.5—Pharaoh 41.28.10—Pharaoh 41.29.14—Egypt 41.30.22—Egypt 41.32.9—Pharaoh 41.33.4—Pharaoh 41.33.19—Egypt 41.34.2—Pharaoh 41.34.23—Egypt 41.35.17—corn 41.35.22—Pharaoh 41.36.24—Egypt 41.37.10—Pharaoh 41.38.2—Pharaoh 41.39.2—Pharaoh 41.39.5—Joseph 41.41.2—Pharaoh 41.41.5—Joseph 41.42.2—Pharaoh 41.42.6—ring 41.42.14—Joseph 41.43.32—Egypt 41.44.2—Pharaoh 41.44.5—Joseph 41.44.26—Egypt 41.45.2—Pharaoh 41.45.4—Joseph’s

    41.45.6—Zaphnathpaaneah 41.45.13—Asenath 41.45.17—Potipherah 41.45.20—On 41.45.30—Egypt 41.46.2—Joseph 41.46.11—Pharaoh 41.46.14—Egypt 41.48.18—Egypt 41.49.2—Joseph 41.49.4—corn 41.50.3—Joseph 41.50.15—Asenath 41.50.19—Potipherah 41.50.22—On 41.51.2—Joseph 41.51.9—Manasseh 41.52.9—Ephraim 41.53.13—Egypt 41.54.12—Joseph 41.54.28—Egypt 41.55.7—Egypt 41.55.14—Pharaoh 41.55.26—Joseph 41.56.13—Joseph 41.56.22—Egyptians 41.57.6—Egypt 41.57.8—Joseph 42.1.3—Jacob 42.1.8—corn 42.1.10—Egypt 42.2.11—corn 42.2.13—Egypt 42.3.2—Joseph’s 42.3.9—corn 42.3.11—Egypt 42.4.2—Benjamin 42.4.3—Joseph’s 42.4.5—Jacob 42.5.5—Israel 42.5.9—corn 42.5.22—Canaan 42.6.2—Joseph 42.6.27—bowed 42.7.2—Joseph 42.7.36—Canaan 42.8.2—Joseph 42.9.2—Joseph 42.9.5—dreams 42.13.18—Canaan 42.13.32—not 42.14.2—Joseph 42.15.8–10—life of Pharaoh 42.16.35–37—life of Pharaoh 42.17.8—ward

    42.18.2—Joseph 42.19.22—corn 42.22.2—Reuben 42.22.27—blood 42.23.6—Joseph 42.23.16—interpreter 42.24.23—Simeon 42.25.2—Joseph 42.25.7—sacks 42.25.9—corn 42.25.23—provisions 42.26.8—corn 42.29.5—Jacob 42.32.25—Canaan 42.36.2—Jacob 42.36.15—Joseph 42.36.19—Simeon 42.36.26—Benjamin 42.37.2—Reuben 43.2.12—corn 43.2.19—Egypt 43.3.2—Judah 43.6.2—Israel 43.8.2—Judah 43.8.5—Israel 43.8.10—lad 43.11.4—Israel 43.11.20—fruits 43.11.26—vessels 43.11.35—balm 43.11.39—honey 43.11.40—spices 43.11.42—myrrh 43.11.43—nuts 43.11.45—almonds 43.14.19—Benjamin 43.15.16—Benjamin 43.15.24—Egypt 43.15.28—Joseph 43.16.3—Joseph 43.16.5—Benjamin 43.16.12—ruler 43.16.19—home 43.17.4—Joseph 43.18.11—Joseph’s 43.19.9—Joseph’s 43.21.11—inn 43.23.32—Simeon 43.24.8—Joseph’s 43.24.23—asses 43.25.6—present 43.25.8—Joseph 43.26.3—Joseph 43.29.11—Benjamin 43.29.36–37—my son

  • 24

    43.30.2—Joseph 43.32.17—Egyptians 43.32.34—Hebrews 43.34.13—Benjamin 44.1.5—steward 44.1.15—food 44.2.17—corn 44.2.27—Joseph 44.4.9—city 44.4.15—Joseph 44.5.3—cup 44.5.14—divineth 44.8.21—Canaan 44.12.20—Benjamin’s 44.14.2—Judah 44.14.8—Joseph’s 44.15.2—Joseph 44.15.15—wot 44.15.25—divine 44.16.2—Judah 44.16.44—cup 44.18.2—Judah 44.18.40—Pharaoh 44.20.36—mother 44.27.13—wife 44.28.3—one 44.29.5—this 45.1.2—Joseph 45.2.7—Egyptians 45.2.12—Pharaoh 45.3.2—Joseph 45.4.2—Joseph 45.4.30—Egypt 45.6.25—earing 45.8.21—Pharaoh 45.8.36—Egypt 45.9.17—Joseph 45.9.25—Egypt 45.10.9—Goshen 45.10.14—near 45.12.12—Benjamin 45.13.13—Egypt 45.14.7—Benjamin’s 45.16.3—fame 45.16.8—Pharaoh’s 45.16.11—Joseph’s 45.17.2—Pharaoh 45.17.5—Joseph 45.17.24—Canaan 45.18.23—Egypt 45.19.16—Egypt 45.20.14—Egypt 45.21.5—Israel 45.21.9—Joseph 45.21.18—Pharaoh

    45.22.14—Benjamin 45.22.20—silver 45.23.18—Egypt 45.23.25—corn 45.25.7—Egypt 45.25.14—Canaan 45.25.16—Jacob 45.26.5—Joseph 45.26.18—Egypt 45.26.20—Jacob’s 45.27.9—Joseph 45.27.32—Jacob 45.28.2—Israel 45.28.7—Joseph 46.1.2—Israel 46.1.14—Beersheba 46.2.5—Israel 46.2.14—Jacob 46.3.18—Egypt 46.4.8—Egypt 46.4.19—Joseph 46.5.2—Jacob 46.5.6—Beersheba 46.5.11—Israel 46.5.27—Pharaoh 46.6.17—Canaan 46.6.21—Egypt 46.6.22—Jacob 46.7.5–6—sons’ sons 46.7.10—daughters 46.7.13–14—sons’ daughters 46.7.24—Egypt 46.8.10—Israel 46.8.14—Egypt 46.8.15—Jacob 46.8.19—Reuben 46.9.5—Reuben 46.9.6—Hanoch 46.9.8—Phallu 46.9.10—Hezron 46.9.12—Carmi 46.10.5—Simeon 46.10.6—Jemuel 46.10.8—Jamin 46.10.10—Ohad 46.10.12—Jachin 46.10.14—Zohar 46.10.16—Shaul 46.10.21—Canaanitish 46.11.5—Levi 46.11.6—Gershon 46.11.7—Kohath 46.11.9—Marari 46.12.5—Judah 46.12.6—Er

    46.12.8—Onan 46.12.10—Shelah 46.12.12—Pharez 46.12.14—Zerah 46.12.24—Canaan 46.12.31—Hezron 46.12.33—Hamul 46.13.5—Issachar 46.13.6—Tola 46.13.8—Phuvah 46.13.10—Job 46.13.12—Shimron 46.14.5—Zebulun 46.14.6—Sered 46.14.8—Elon 46.14.10—Jahleel 46.15.6—Leah 46.15.11—Jacob 46.15.13—Padanaram 46.15.17—Dinah 46.15.20–30—thirty and three 46.16.5—Gad 46.16.6—Ziphion 46.16.8—Haggi 46.16.9—Shuni 46.16.11—Ezbon 46.16.12—Eri 46.16.14—Arodi 46.16.16—Areli 46.17.5—Asher 46.17.6—Jimnah 46.17.8—Ishuah 46.17.10—Isui 46.17.12—Beriah 46.17.14—Serah 46.17.22—Heber 46.17.24—Malchiel 46.18.6—Zilpah 46.18.8—Laban 46.18.11—Leah 46.18.19—Jacob 46.18.21—sixteen 46.19.4—Rachel 46.19.5—Jacob’s 46.19.7—Joseph 46.19.9—Benjamin 46.20.3—Joseph 46.20.11—Manasseh 46.20.13—Ephraim 46.20.15—Asenath 46.20.19—Potipherah 46.20.22—On 46.21.5—Benjamin 46.21.7—Belah 46.21.9—Becher

  • 25

    46.21.11—Ashbel 46.21.12—Gera 46.21.14—Naaman 46.21.15—Eli 46.21.17—Rosh 46.21.18—Muppim 46.21.20—Huppim 46.21.22—Ard 46.22.6—Rachel 46.22.11—Jacob 46.22.16—fourteen 46.23.5—Dan 46.23.6—Hushim 46.24.5—Naphtali 46.24.6—Jahzeel 46.24.8—Guni 46.24.10—Jezer 46.24.12—Shillim 46.25.6—Bilhah 46.25.8—Laban 46.25.11—Rachel 46.25.19—Jacob 46.25.24—seven 46.26.6—with 46.26.7—Jacob 46.26.9—Egypt 46.26.24–26—threescore and six 46.27.3—sons 46.27.5—Joseph 46.27.11—Egypt 46.27.28–30—threescore and ten 46.27.42—Jacob 46.28.4—Judah 46.28.8—Joseph 46.28.14—Goshen 46.29.2—Joseph 46.29.6—chariot 46.29.9—up 46.29.12—Israel 46.29.16—Goshen 46.30.2—Israel 46.30.5—Joseph 46.31.2—Joseph 46.31.18—Pharaoh 46.31.35—Canaan 46.33.8—Pharaoh 46.34.32—Goshen 46.34.41—Egyptians 47.1.2—Joseph 47.1.6—Pharaoh 47.1.32—Canaan 47.1.41—Goshen 47.2.15—Pharaoh 47.3.2—Pharaoh 47.4.5—Pharaoh

    47.4.33—Canaan 47.4.47—Goshen 47.5.2—Pharaoh 47.5.5—Joseph 47.6.4—Egypt 47.6.25—Goshen 47.7.2—Joseph 47.7.5—Jacob 47.7.12—Pharaoh 47.8.2—Pharaoh 47.8.5—Jacob 47.9.2—Jacob 47.9.5—Pharaoh 47.9.13—pilgrimage 47.10.2—Jacob 47.10.4—Pharaoh 47.11.2—Joseph 47.11.18—Egypt 47.11.29—Rameses 47.11.31—Pharaoh 47.12.2—Joseph 47.13.21—Egypt 47.13.27—Canaan 47.14.2—Joseph 47.14.15—Egypt 47.14.21—Canaan 47.14.24—corn 47.14.34—Pharaoh’s 47.15.9—Egypt 47.15.15—Canaan 47.15.21—Joseph 47.16.2—Joseph 47.17.7—Joseph 47.19.29—Pharaoh 47.20.2—Joseph 47.20.8—Egypt 47.20.10—Pharaoh 47.21.18—Egypt 47.22.19—Pharaoh 47.23.2—Joseph 47.23.18—Pharaoh 47.24.18—Pharaoh 47.25.23—Pharaoh 47.26.2—Joseph 47.26.11—Egypt 47.26.16—Pharaoh 47.27.2—Israel 47.27.8—Egypt 47.27.13—Goshen 47.28.2—Jacob 47.28.8—Egypt 47.29.7—Israel 47.29.15—Joseph 47.29.37—thigh 47.29.52—Egypt

    47.30.15—Egypt 47.31.13—Israel 48.1.12—Joseph 48.1.26—Manasseh 48.1.28—Ephraim 48.2.4—Jacob 48.2.10—Joseph 48.2.15—Israel 48.3.2—Jacob 48.3.5—Joseph 48.3.12—Luz 48.3.17—Canaan 48.5.6—Ephraim 48.5.8—Manasseh 48.5.18—Egypt 48.5.29—Reuben 48.5.31—Simeon 48.7.9—Padan 48.7.10—Rachel 48.7.18—Canaan 48.7.33—Ephrath 48.7.47—Bethlehem 48.8.2—Israel 48.8.4—Joseph’s 48.8.5—sons 48.9.2—Joseph 48.10.5—Israel 48.11.2—Israel 48.11.5—Joseph 48.11.22—seed 48.12.2—Joseph 48.13.2—Joseph 48.13.6—Ephraim 48.13.12—Israel’s 48.13.16—Manasseh 48.14.2—Israel 48.14.12—Ephraim’s 48.14.23—Manasseh’s 48.15.4—Joseph 48.15.12—Abraham 48.15.14—Isaac 48.16.26—Abraham 48.16.28—Isaac 48.17.3—Joseph 48.17.16—Ephraim 48.17.18—displeased 48.17.34—Manasseh’s 48.18.2—Joseph 48.20.11—Israel 48.20.18—Ephraim 48.20.21—Manasseh 48.21.2—Israel 48.21.5—Joseph 48.22.14—took 49.1.2—Jacob

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    49.2.9—Jacob 49.2.13—Israel 49.3.1—Reuben 49.4.1—Unstable 49.4.15—bed 49.5.1—Simeon 49.5.3—Levi 49.7.18—divide 49.7.21—Jacob 49.7.26—Israel 49.8.1—Judah 49.9.1—Judah 49.9.19—couched 49.9.28—who 49.10.2—sceptre 49.10.7—Judah 49.10.10—lawgiver 49.10.16—Shiloh 49.10.20—him 49.12.5—red 49.13.1—Zebulun 49.13.25—Zidon 49.14.1—Issachar 49.14.9–10—two burdens 49.16.1—Dan 49.16.12—Israel 49.17.1—Dan 49.19.1—Gad 49.20.3—Asher 49.21.4—hind 49.21.10—words 49.21.1—Naphtali 49.22.1—Joseph 49.22.14—branches 49.22.18—wall 49.24.23—Jacob 49.24.25—thence

    49.24.28—shepherd 49.24.30—stone 49.24.32—Israel 49.26.29—Joseph 49.27.1—Benjamin 49.28.8—Israel 49.29.21—fathers 49.29.31—Ephron 49.29.33—Hittite 49.30.10—Machpelah 49.30.14—Mamre 49.30.19—Canaan 49.30.21—Abraham 49.30.22—bought 49.30.27—Ephron 49.30.29—Hittite 49.31.4—Abraham 49.31.6—Sarah 49.31.12—Isaac 49.31.14—Rebekah 49.31.21—Leah 49.32.18—Heth 49.33.3—Jacob 50.1.2—Joseph 50.2.2—Joseph 50.2.7—physicians 50.2.16—Israel 50.3.21—Egyptians 50.4.10—Joseph 50.4.16—Pharaoh 50.5.23—Canaan 50.6.2—Pharaoh 50.7.2—Joseph 50.7.18—Pharaoh 50.7.32—Egypt 50.8.6—Joseph 50.8.30—Goshen

    50.10.8—Atad 50.10.11–12—beyond Jordan 50.11.9—Canaanites 50.11.17—Atad 50.11.27—Egyptians 50.11.35—Abelmizraim 50.13.10—Canaan 50.13.21—Machpelah 50.13.23—Abraham 50.13.35—Ephron 50.13.37—Hittite 50.13.39—Mamre 50.14.2—Joseph 50.14.5—Egypt 50.15.3—Joseph’s 50.16.4—messenger 50.16.6—Joseph 50.17.6—Joseph 50.19.2—Joseph 50.22.2—Joseph 50.22.5—Egypt 50.23.2—Joseph 50.23.4—Ephraim’s 50.23.8–9—third generation 50.23.14—Machir 50.23.18—Manasseh 50.24.2—Joseph 50.24.9—and 50.24.29—Abraham 50.24.31—Isaac 50.24.34—Jacob 50.25.2—Joseph 50.25.10—Israel 50.26.2—Joseph 50.26.23—Egypt

  • 27

    A Commentary on the Scriptures by

    Paul Nolan Hyde, Ph.D.

    The First Book of Moses: Genesis

    0.0 In the Spring of 1820, God the eternal Father and His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, appeared to the boy Joseph Smith in answer to his question regarding the means to salvation and where on the earth it might be found. Suffice it to say that the direct answer was deferred, and indeed Joseph himself would be instrumental in answering the question not only for himself but for millions of others as well. Three years later, on 21 September 1823, Joseph was visited by an angel who announced that he had been selected to bring forth a volume of ancient American history and doctrine that had been preserved from the destruction of a civilization that had prevailed on this continent for nearly a thousand years. In the process of time, Joseph Smith was permitted to retrieve the collection of plates upon which the record was engraved. Beginning in April of 1829, the translation began in earnest, aided by a sacred instrument known as the Urim and Thummim. The translation was essentially complete by the end of June 1829. Preparations were then made to bring the record to light as a published volume called the Book of Mormon, the first bound copies appearing in March 1830. While Joseph and his scribe, Oliver Cowdery, were engaged in the translation, they were visited first by John the Baptist and then by the ancient Apostles Peter, James and John who bestowed upon them the priesthood of God, the power to baptize, the power to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost, and the keys by which the Church of Jesus Christ could once more be established upon the earth. On 6 April 1830, the ancient Christian Church was restored in the humble home of Peter Whitmer, Senior, in Fay-ette, New York. Shortly thereafter, in June 1830, Joseph Smith was given to understand that he would be given the opportunity to review the Old and New Testaments of the Bible that the text might be restored to the original intent of the ancient Apostles and prophets who contributed to the volume. The project lasted for several years, and although the Joseph Smith Translation was not fully completed, yet much clarity and disambiguation was achieved. The book of Moses was received in connection with the prophet’s work on the Old Testament, specifically with the book of Genesis. 0.1.0 Between 6 April and June 1830, the prophet Joseph Smith and his com-panions in the ministry were engaged in a variety of activities, most of which resulted in the growth of the infant Church in western New York. They were also embroiled in continuing opposition to their message, some of which resulted in frivolous lawsuits and court hearings. None of the charges were ever sustained. While Joseph and Oliver were residing in Colesville, Pennsyl-vania, in June 1830, the membership of the fledgling Church were blessed with a revelation which is now published as the first chapter of the book of Moses in the Pearl of Great Price. Moses 1 appeared in print the first time on 16 January 1843 in the Church periodical, Times and Seasons, volume 4, pages 71–73. It is included here as an integral part of all that will follow in the commentary on the first book of Moses, the book of Genesis. The commen-


    Selections from the Book of Moses

    An extract from the translation of the Bible as revealed to

    Joseph Smith the Prophet,

    Chapter 1 (June 1830)

    Moses AGQ 2 206 DHC 2 390 DNTC 1 625 DS 1 46 MD 384, 515,

    543, 563 MLM 113 MM 4 369 PM 305 EM 1:138, 216,

    340, 349 EM 2:457, 505,

    767 EM 3:1071,

    1072, 1139 EM 4:1709,

    1765, 1770, 1780, 1782, 1788, 1793, 1806, 1816, 1821

    Moses 1 AF 50 AGQ 2 146 DHC 1 98 DNTC 1 77,

    128 DNTC 2 445 DNTC 3 194 DS 1 75 MD 169, 170,

    250, 278, 515, 563, 824

  • 28

    tary presented is precisely that which appears in Moses 1 (see MO-C 1.42). As a matter of convenience, the far right-hand column from that commentary has been included as well. 0.1.1 Prophets are frequently taken to high mountains in order to commune with the Lord God of Israel. Nephi the son of Lehi was taken to such a moun-tain when he was permitted to view his father’s vision of the Tree of Life (see 1 NE-C 11.1). Ezekiel was lifted up to a very high mountain in order to view the Temple in the latter days (see EZ-C 40.2). The Savior was led of the Spirit unto a high mountain to view the mighty kingdoms of the world (see MT-C 4.8). Jesus also led three of his disciples into a high mountain that they might be instructed in the principles of eternity (see MT-C 17.1). John the Beloved was taken to a great and high mountain in order to see the New Jerusalem (see RV-C 19.10). Similar commentary may be found in MO-C 1.1.—Moses—The son born to Amram and Jochabed while the children of Israel weltered in slavery in the land of Egypt. He had at least an elder sister, Miriam, and an older brother, Aaron. Because of a miracu-lous set of circumstances, the babe Moses was raised in the household of Pharaoh until, he was about forty years of age, being the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He fled Egypt about that time and dwelt with Jethro, the high priest of Midian, who eventually became his father-in-law. When Moses was eighty years of age he was called to serve as the deliverer of the House of Israel from bondage. His labors in their behalf subsequently produced the ten plagues, the first Passover feast, and their successful exodus from the land of Goshen to the foot of the mount Sinai. It is interesting that the Lord chose to call to Moses using the name given to him by the daughter of Pharaoh. We have no idea how Amram and Jochebed referred to their son by name. This given by the princess, however, essentially is a reference to his deliverance from the Nile. In its elemental form, the name of the prophet means “is born”. The cognate in Hebrew means “drew him out”.–22—exceedingly high mountain—It is bootless to attempt to iden-tify this particular mountain inasmuch as the Lord has been quite spe-cific about the fact that no one among the children of men shall know the name thereof (see 1.42). This has not hindered speculation, how-ever. Assuming that the mountain was located in the vicinity of the upper reaches of the Red Sea, Mount Sinai (7497 feet) and Jubal al lawz (8464) would appear to be the most likely candidates. As mountains go, how-ever, neither is exceedingly high.

    0.1.2 This particular experience as recorded here was not the only time the Lawgiver stood in the presence of God (see EX-C 33.11). Moses’ experience with the Lord God was not unique. Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob communed personally with the Almighty. The brother of Jared and other characters in the Book of Mormon were so blessed as well. Similar commen-tary may be found in MO-C 1.2.–17—glory of God—Although we may not fully comprehend the nature of the power that protected Moses, we may conclude that all mortals who have ever been in the presence of the Father and the Son have been necessarily transfigured to a Terrestrial state.—Moses—The son born to Amram and Jochabed while the chil-dren of Israel weltered in slavery in the land of Egypt. He had at least an elder sister, Miriam, and an older brother, Aaron. Because of a miracu-lous set of circumstances, the babe Moses was raised in the household of Pharaoh until, he was about forty years of age, being the adopted son

    1 THE words of God, which he spake unto Moses at a time when Moses was caught up into an exceedingly high mountain, 2 And he saw God face to face, and he talked with him, and the glory of God was upon Moses; therefore Moses could endure his presence.

    MLM 274 MM 1 409 EM 1:54, 216,

    765, 767, 811 EM 3:1071 EM 4:1652,

    1666 Moses 1:1 EM 1:216 Moses 1:1–2 AF 32 AGQ 2 163 Moses 1:1–4 JC 8 EM 2:551 Moses 1:1–6 MM 1 81 Moses 1:1–11 PM 602 Moses 1:1–16 PM 443 Moses 1:1–41 DS 1 161 Moses 1:1–42 DS 2 233 EM 4:1709 Moses 1:2 AF 50 FPM 86 JC 57 TSWK 4 EM 2:731 EM 4:1511 Moses 1:2–39 EM 2:753 Moses 1:2, 11 EM 2:551, 959 Moses 1:2–5, 8–

    11, 35–38 EM 2:958

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    of Pharaoh’s daughter. He fled Egypt about that time and dwelt with Jethro, the high priest of Midian, who eventually became his father-in-law. When Moses was eighty years of age he was called to serve as the deliverer of the House of Israel from bondage. His labors in their behalf subsequently produced the ten plagues, the first Passover feast, and their successful exodus from the land of Goshen to the foot of the mount Sinai. It is interesting that the Lord chose to call to Moses using the name given to him by the daughter of Pharaoh. We have no idea how Amram and Jochebed referred to their son by name. This given by the princess, however, essentially is a reference to his deliverance from the Nile. In its elemental form, the name of the prophet means “is born”. The cognate in Hebrew means “drew him out”.

    0.1.3 The question arises from time to time as to the character with whom Moses is speaking directly. Clearly, the words are those of God the eternal Father (see 1.6), but the personage is actually the Lord Jesus Christ in his pre-mortal state as the Lord God Jehovah. The circumstances are similar to those experienced by the Apostle John when he entertained the angel of the Lord while the former was in exile upon the isle of Patmos. From the beginning of the vision until almost the very end, John supposed that he was speaking directly to the Lord Jesus Christ. When he fell at the personage’s feet to wor-ship him, the angel forbade him announcing that he was one of John’s fellow servants in the Kingdom of God (see RV-C 19.10).Three chapters later, John the Beloved was again moved to worship the angel and again was forbidden to do so. The angel, however, continued speaking the words of his message as if he were the very Son of God (see RV-C 22.8–16). In all of these and similar instances we may perceive the outward effects of divine investiture of author-ity. Similar commentary may be found in MO-C 1.3.—Moses—The son born to Amram and Jochabed while the children of Israel weltered in slavery in the land of Egypt. He had at least an elder sister, Miriam, and an older brother, Aaron. Because of a miracu-lous set of circumstances, the babe Moses was raised in the household of Pharaoh until, he was about forty years of age, being the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He fled Egypt about that time and dwelt with Jethro, the high priest of Midian, who eventually became his father-in-law. When Moses was eighty years of age he was called to serve as the deliverer of the House of Israel from bondage. His labors in their behalf subsequently produced the ten plagues, the first Passover feast, and their successful exodus from the land of Goshen to the foot of the mount Sinai. It is interesting that the Lord chose to call to Moses using the name given to him by the daughter of Pharaoh. We have no idea how Amram and Jochebed referred to their son by name. This given by the princess, however, essentially is a reference to his deliverance from the Nile. In its elemental form, the name of the prophet means “is born”. The cognate in Hebrew means “drew him out”.—Endless—It is useless for mortal men to contemplate eternity, because they have no present facility for doing so. All that we experi-ence here upon the earth is rife with beginnings and endings. Most of us remember nothing of our physical birth, and those limited few who do seem to remember something of that wonderful experience cannot speak with any authority regarding the events they may have had prior to their conception. There may come a time, indeed, when we might be able to assume this title, but for now the whole notion eludes us.

    0.1.4 The Lord Jesus Christ had served as the executor of the Father’s will

    3 And God spake unto Moses, saying: Behold, I am the Lord God Almighty, and Endless is my name; for I am without beginning of days or end of years; and is not this endless? 4 And, behold, thou art my son;

    Moses 1:3 DNTC 1 761 DNTC 3 101 JC 36 MD 226, 237,

    243 EM 2:454 EM 4:1479 Moses 1:3–6 MA 36 Moses 1:4

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    regarding the creation of the earth and all that pertained to it. It is clear as well, that Jesus’ labors have not been confined to this particular planet, even though we are not privy to the details. In this instance, however, Jesus is again speaking for and in behalf of God the eternal Father. The Lord proposes to reveal something of the creation of this earth and of the progress of mankind in their journey toward salvation and exaltation. Similar commentary may be found in MO-C 1.4.—look—This injunction serves to command Moses to open his spiritual eyes, by which he can perceive the past, the present, and the future.

    0.1.5 A portion of the glory of God has come upon the prophet Moses by which he was able to withstand the presence of the divine being that stood before him. This was sufficient to transfigure his mortal body into a state which would allow the interview. We may only speculate as to the precise result that would transpire if a superabundance of the glory of God were to infuse a prophet’s tabernacle of clay. Would the man’s body cease to function? Would the man be translated? Moses is hereby cautioned that there is a limited to that which the Lord can reveal to him at that particular time. Similar commentary may be found in MO-C 1.5. 0.1.6 In his service to the House of Israel, they who were enslaved in the land of Egypt, Moses functioned very much in the same fashion as the Lord Jesus Christ in his role as the Savior of mankind. Jesus is capable of overcoming the monsters death and hell because of his infinite mercy, compassion, and love. Similar commentary may be found in MO-C 1.6.—work—Included in all that the Lord God would task him with, would be the deliverance of the children of Israel from the land of Egypt where they were being held in bondage, and had been for several centuries.—Moses—The son born to Amram and Jochabed while the children of Israel weltered in slavery in the land of Egypt. He had at least an elder sister, Miriam, and an older brother, Aaron. Because of a miracu-lous set of circumstances, the babe Moses was raised in the household of Pharaoh until, he was about forty years of age, being the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He fled Egypt about that time and dwelt with Jethro, the high priest of Midian, who eventually became his father-in-law. When Moses was eighty years of age he was called to serve as the deliverer of the House of Israel from bondage. His labors in their behalf subsequently produced the ten plagues, the first Passover feast, and their successful exodus from the land of Goshen to the foot of the mount Sinai. It is interesting that the Lord chose to call to Moses using the name given to him by the daughter of Pharaoh. We have no idea how Amram and Jochebed referred to their son by name. This given by the princess, however, essentially is a reference to his deliverance from the Nile. In its elemental form, the name of the prophet means “is born”. The cognate in Hebrew means “drew him out”.—similitude—This is true in several aspects. First of all, both Moses and the Lord Jesus are spirit sons of God the eternal Father. They are of the same race. Likewise, the creation of the physical body for all of mankind follows the same pattern as the form of the spirit body. Moses and Jehovah looked alike in the flesh. In addition, the ministry of both Moses and Jesus were similar as they confronted the enemies of the covenant and the covenantal people. Moses rendered unto the House of Israel the Law by which they would be governed

    wherefore look, and I will show thee the workmanship of mine hands; but not all, for my works are without end, and also my words, for they never cease. 5 Wherefore, no man can behold all my works, except he behold all my glory; and no man can behold all my glory, and afterwards remain in the flesh on the earth. 6 And I have a work for thee, Moses, my son; and thou art in the similitude of mine Only Begotten; and mine Only Begotten is and shall be the Savior, for he is full of grace and truth; but there is no God beside me, and all things are present with me, for I know them all.

    FPM 53 Moses 1:4, 33–35 EM 2:958 Moses 1:5 EM 2:551, 977 Moses 1:6 AF 43, 49, 93,

    95 AGQ 2 139 DNTC 2 72 JC 39 MD 546 PM 310 EM 2:739, 740,

    753, 869, 959 Moses 1:6, 25–28,

    40–41 EM 2:959

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    during their mortal sojourn upon the earth; Jesus introduced the full-ness of the Gospel by which the children of men would be prepared for eternal life.–20—Only Begotten—Although all of those who have ever dwelt upon this earth as children of men are indeed the spirit children of God the Father, only one mortal child has been fathered by Him, even the Lord Jesus Christ. Insofar as his status in the premortal councils is con-cerned, Jesus was always referred to as the Firstborn, the eldest spirit child of God of all those who would pertain to this earth.—God—We may say with confidence that at the time that God was speaking to Moses, only our Father in Heaven was experiencing eternal life. None of his spirit children who had shouted for joy at the creation of the earth had achieved exaltation, not even Jehovah himself.—present—The spirit of God comprehends all things, past, pres-ent, and future, throughout the full range of all creation. There is nothing that He does not know; there is nothing with which he is not acquainted.

    0.1.7 The one thing that the Lord was going to show Moses was the earth upon which Moses was standing. Any more than that and Moses may very well have been subject to those conditions alluded to earlier (see 1.5). Similar commentary may be found in MO-C 1.7.—Moses—The son born to Amram and Jochabed while the chil-dren of Israel weltered in slavery in the land of Egypt. He had at least an elder sister, Miriam, and an older brother, Aaron. Because of a miracu-lous set of circumstances, the babe Moses was raised in the household of Pharaoh until, he was about forty years of age, being the adopted son of Pharaoh’s daughter. He fled Egypt about that time and dwelt with Jethro, the high priest of Midian, who eventually became his father-in-law. When Moses was eighty years of age he was called to serve as the deliverer of the House of Israel from bondage. His labors in their behalf subsequently produced the ten plagues, the first Passover feast, and their successful exodus from the land of Goshen to the foot of the mount Sinai. It is interesting that the Lord chose to call to Moses using the name given to him by the daughter of Pharaoh. We have no idea how Amram and Jochebed referred to their son by name. This given by the princess, however, essentially is a reference to his deliverance from the Nile. In its elemental form, the name of the prophet means “is born”. The cognate in Hebrew means “drew him out”.—for—That is to say, since Moses was in the particular world that he pertained to, the Lord was willing to show unto him all things per-taining to its creation, salvation, and exaltation.

    0.1.8 Moses