of the american ornithologists'...

PROCEEDINGS OF THE EIGHTIETH STATED MEETING OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION LAWRENCE H. WALKINSHAW• SECRETARY T•E Eightieth StatedMeeting of The American Ornithologists' Union was heldfrom 20 to 24 August 1962,at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Business sessions were held on 20 August; papers sessions on 21, 22 (in themorning), and 23 August; andfieldtrips on 22 (in theafternoon) and on 24 August. Host organizations were the University of Utah and the Utah Audubon Society. BUSINESS SESSIONS On 20 August, the Council met throughout mostof the day, the Fellows met late in the afternoon, and the Fellowstogether with the Elective Mem- bersmet in the evening. The Council held a second meetingon the morning of 23 August. 1963 meeting. The Eighty-first Stated Meeting will be held from 12 to 17 August1963, at Gainesville, Florida, by invitation of the Universityof Florida as the host organization. Consideration is being given to Lawrence, Kansas,for the 1964 meeting. Awards. The Brewster MemorialAward, by actionof the Council, was made to Dr. Albert Wolfson,of Northwestern University, Evanston,Illi- nois, "for his studies of the underlying factors that may influence or control the annuallife cyclein birds, in particular those that concern migrationand reproduction." The citation continues:"His investigations have centered especially on the physiological effects caused in the individual bird by changes in the amount of darkness and light during the 24-hour period that constitutes the solar day. The continuing series of publications that outline his findings, among the mostimportantin this modern and expand- ing field of research, have added measurably to knowledge. His observa- tions continue to open new lines of thought, and to bring increased understanding of the most importantperiods in the life of the individual bird." Marcia Brady Tucker Awards,enabling youngornithologists of promise to attend the annual meeting, weregivenby vote of the officers to Norman L. Ford of The University of Michigan,EldenW. Martin of The University of Illinois, and Bertram G. Murray, Jr., of The Universityof Michigan. Membership. The Secretary reported that 3,525 copies of The Auk are being mailed. This figure includesall classes of members, subscriptions, and exchange with other journals. The Secretary's and Treasurer's records showed members by classes, beforethe elections in this meeting as follows: 175 The Auk, 80: 175-189. April, 1963

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T•E Eightieth Stated Meeting of The American Ornithologists' Union was held from 20 to 24 August 1962, at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah. Business sessions were held on 20 August; papers sessions on 21, 22 (in the morning), and 23 August; and field trips on 22 (in the afternoon) and on 24 August. Host organizations were the University of Utah and the Utah Audubon Society.


On 20 August, the Council met throughout most of the day, the Fellows met late in the afternoon, and the Fellows together with the Elective Mem- bers met in the evening. The Council held a second meeting on the morning of 23 August.

1963 meeting. The Eighty-first Stated Meeting will be held from 12 to 17 August 1963, at Gainesville, Florida, by invitation of the University of Florida as the host organization. Consideration is being given to Lawrence, Kansas, for the 1964 meeting.

Awards. The Brewster Memorial Award, by action of the Council, was made to Dr. Albert Wolfson, of Northwestern University, Evanston, Illi- nois, "for his studies of the underlying factors that may influence or control the annual life cycle in birds, in particular those that concern migration and reproduction." The citation continues: "His investigations have centered especially on the physiological effects caused in the individual bird by changes in the amount of darkness and light during the 24-hour period that constitutes the solar day. The continuing series of publications that outline his findings, among the most important in this modern and expand- ing field of research, have added measurably to knowledge. His observa- tions continue to open new lines of thought, and to bring increased understanding of the most important periods in the life of the individual bird."

Marcia Brady Tucker Awards, enabling young ornithologists of promise to attend the annual meeting, were given by vote of the officers to Norman L. Ford of The University of Michigan, Elden W. Martin of The University of Illinois, and Bertram G. Murray, Jr., of The University of Michigan.

Membership. The Secretary reported that 3,525 copies of The Auk are being mailed. This figure includes all classes of members, subscriptions, and exchange with other journals. The Secretary's and Treasurer's records showed members by classes, before the elections in this meeting as follows:

175 The Auk, 80: 175-189. April, 1963

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176 W^Licmsa^w, Eightieth Stated Meeting oJ A.O.U. [ Auk Vol. 80

Fellow Emeritus ................................... 1

Fellows ................................................. 84

Honorary Fellows ................................. 19 Corresponding Fellows .......................... 71 Elective Members .................................. 194

Honorary Life Elective Members ........ 8 Members .............................................. 2,342 Honorary Life Members ...................... 15 Student Members .................................. 50

Total 2,784

Finances. The report of the Treasurer appears in full elsewhere in this issue of The Auk.

A Van Tyne Memorial Award for 1962 was given, by action of the Com- mittee on Research, to David Strohmeyer, graduate student at Iowa State University, for studies of marsh birds.

Cyrus Mark, Chairman of the Board of Investing Trustees, reported that the appraised value of the endowment holdings, as of 31 July 1962, was $177,391,7.6 per cent or $14,590 less than the appraised value on 31 July 1961. During the fiscal year, the stock market, as measured by the Dow- Jones Industrial Averages, declined 15.23 per cent but the stock portion of our portfolio declined only 12.10 per cent. After the market break there was some shifting done in the portfolio to take advantage of relative price changes in high quality securities. Assets are divided now 36.7 per cent in bonds and 63.3 per cent in stocks.

Editorial matters. James R. King, Associate Editor, reported for Donald S. Farner, Editor, who was unable to be present. The change of printers of The Auk to Allen Press has aided greatly in getting the publication out on time. Three numbers of Volume 79 have appeared thus far this year, and the fourth is in press. Volume 79 will be the largest produced by this editorial staff and it will include two colored plates. Dr. Farner resigned as Editor of The Auk. Robert M. Mengel, of The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, was elected the new Editor.

Ralph S. Palmer, the Editor of Tl•e ]•andbook o! Nort]• American birds, stated that Volume I (Loons through Flamingos) was published on 2 May 1962, and that Volume II might be issued next year. Volume I can be procured from the Yale University Press, New Haven, Connecticut.

Robert W. Storer, Editor of the new monograph series, also reported. Two monographs have been accepted for publication and probably will be published before the next meeting. The first will be a full distributional report on the birds of British Honduras by Stephen M. Russell. The second

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April ] WAI, IClNSI•AW, Eightieth Stated Meeting o] A.O.U. 177 1963

will be a study of the functional anatomy of the Anhinga and the Double- crested Cormorant by Oscar Owre.

The launching of the publication of the monograph series was made possible by the gift from Marcia B. Tucker and the Marcia B. Tucker Foundation of a total of $15,000 during 1962. The Foundation has also pledged to give the Union $5,000 annually to support the new monograph series.

Reporting for the Special Committee to Study Problems Relating to the Next A.O.U. Check-list, Alden H. Miller made the following recommenda- tions:

1. There should be another edition of the check-list of North American

birds, reflecting revisions, consolidations, and updating. 2. The next edition, the 6th, should have a target date of publication in

1972, or 15 years following the publication of the 5th edition. 3. Emphasis should be on improvement in familial and generic

groupings. 4. The area covered should be based on biogeographic considerations

and be truly representative of North America. Accordingly the area to be covered is North America north from the Isthmus of Tehuante-

pec. Thus included are arctic North America, Canada, the continen- tal United States and most of Mexico, and also Greenland and Bermuda. Excluded are Hawaii, the West Indies, Central America, and a small part of southern Mexico.

During the year the Committee on Biography learned of the death of two Fellows Emeriti, three Corresponding Fellows, and one Elective Mem- ber:

William Beebe, Fellow Emeritus George Christoffel Alexander Junge, Corresponding Fellow Seth L. Low, Elective Member W. L. McAtee, Fellow Emeritus Tokutaro Momiyama, Corresponding Fellow R. K. Verheyen, Corresponding Fellow

Pierce Brodkorb, Chairman of the Committee on Student Awards, re- ported by letter that the committee named 50 students to receive The Auk free of charge for one year.

S. Charles Kendeigh, Chairman of the Committee on Research, presented the committee report, which appears on page 190.

Clarence Cottam, Chairman of the Committee on Bird Protection, pre- sented a summary of his report, which will appear in full in The Auk.


At the meeting of the Fellows and Elective Members, Austin L. Rand was elected President, Roger T. Peterson was advanced automatically to

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178 WAL•NSa.aW, Eightieth Stated Meeting o/ A.O.U. [ Auk Vol. 80

First Vice-President, Robert W. Storer was elected Second Vice-President, Lawrence H. Walkinshaw was reelected Secretary, and Robert J. Newman was elected Treasurer.

Three men were elected to the Council, for terms expiring in 1965: John W. Aldrich, Thomas R. Howell, and Charles G. Sibley.

Robert M. Mengel, by action of the Council, was elected Editor of The Auk. Cyrus Mark, Turner Biddle, and Arlie W. Schorger were reelected to the Board of Investing Trustees, of which Mr. Mark will continue to serve as Chairman. The complete list of officers and members of the Coun- cil appears at the end of the Proceedings.


The following persons were elected to special classes of membership: FELLOW

William John Beecher Philip Strong Humphrey Robert J. Newman Robert K. Selander


Niko Tinbergen, England


Friedrich Goethe, Germany A. I. Ivanav, USSR Maria Koepcke, Peru John Winterbottom, South Africa


Waiter Back

Crawford H. Greenewalt

Lawrence Kilham

George W. Salt Paul Slud

Richard L. Zusi


Charles K. Nichols


Frank Walters


Attendance at the meeting included 209 persons from four provinces of Canada, 31 states, and the District of Columbia, Great Britain, and Ger- many, as follows:

GERMANY--Dr. and Mrs. Erwin Stresemann.

GREAT BmTAIN--Christapher Perrins. CANADA--Alberta: E. Otto H6hn. British Columbia: Diane E. Elliott, Peter W.

Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Theed Pearse, Frank S. Tampa, Gerard F. van Tets. Ontario:

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April 1963 ] WALKINSItAW, Eightieth Stated Meeting of A.O.U. 179

James L. Baillie, Mr. and Mrs. Hoyes Lloyd, Elizabeth Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Snyder. Saskatchewan: Robert W. Nero.

UmT•D ST^•s--Arizona: Mrs. Anna Marie Sorrill, Steven Sorrill. California: M. Dale Arvey, Enid K. Austin, Richard C. Banks, Don Bleitz, John Davis, Charlotte Dodge, Dr. and Mrs. Ernest P. Edwards, Earle R. Greene, Dr. and Mrs. John W. Hardy, Grenville Hatch, Thomas R. Howell, Dr. and Mrs. Ned K. Johnson, L. Richard Mewaldt, Dr. and Mrs. Alden H. Miller, Robert Payne, Kenneth E. Stager, John P. Tramontano, Dr. and Mrs. Jack C. von Bloeker, Jr., Edwin O. Willis, Larry L. Wolf. Colorado: Alfred M. Bailey, Paul H. Baldwin, Dennis L. Carter, A. Sidney Hyde, E. R. Kalmbach, Owen A. Knorr, James R. Koplin, Donald L. Malick, Jack Murphy, Patrick L. Stallcup, Donald M. Thatcher, Cecil S. Williams. Connecticut: Roger T. Peterson, S. Dillon Ripley. District of Columbia: Philip S. Humphrey, George E. Watson, Dr. and Mrs. Alexander Wetmore. Florida: Oliver L. Austin, Jr., Pierce Brodkorb, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Cruickshank, E.G. Franz Sauer.

Georgia: Mrs. Emma F. Boyd, M. Philip Kahl, Jr., Jay H. Schnell, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stoddard. Idaho: L. M. Baylor, James H. Phelps, Jr. Illinois: Bertha Bannert, Dr. and Mrs. S. Charles Kendeigh, Mr. and Mrs. Elden W. Martin, Dr. and Mrs. L. B. Nice, Dr. and Mrs. Austin L. Rand, Mrs. Isabel B. Wasson. Indiana: Dr. and Mrs. J. Dan Webster. Iowa: Dr. and Mrs. Milton W. Weller. Kansas: Richard F. Johnston, Robert M. Mengel. Kentucky: Amy Deane, Mable Slack. Louisiana: Rose Feingold, John P. Gee, Dr. and Mrs. George H. Lowery, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Newman, Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Russell, Rena Wilson. Maine: Charles Chase, Dr. and Mrs. Fred H. Glenny, Mr. and Mrs. F. Burton Whitman, Jr., Richard L. Zusi. Maryland: Chandler S. Robbins. Minnesota: Mr. and Mrs. Whitney Eastman, Dr. and Mrs. P. B. Hofslund, Dr. and Mrs. Eugene LeFebvre. Michigan: Dr. and Mrs. H. Lewis Batts, Jr., Ann Chamberlain, Norman L. Ford, Bertram G. Murray, Jr., Mrs. Mary Spear Ross, Haven H. Spencer, Robert W. Storer, Harrison B. Tordoff, Lawrence H. Walkin- shaw.

Missouri: Robert P. Breitenbach. Montana: Donald Boynton, Thomas S. Choate, Charlu Menard, Virginia H. Vincent. New Jersey: Irving H. Black, Mrs. Herbert E. Carnes, Frank B. Gill, Mr. and Mrs. Norman B. Pilling, Mrs. William A. Wachenfeld, Helen J. Williams. New York: Mr. and Mrs. Winston W. Brockner, Eugene Eisen- mann, Helen Hays, Wesley E. Lanyon, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Orbison, Ralph S. Palmer, Edward W. Pough, Richard H. Pough, Walter R. Spofford, Mrs. Carll Tucker. New Mexico: Ralph J. Raitt, Dr. and Mrs. Dale A. Zimmerman. Ohio: Mrs. Robert V. D. Booth, Daniel McKinley, Mrs. Cary R. Wagner. Pennsylvania: Fred J. Bren- ner, David E. Davis, Thomas D. Nichols, Kenneth C. Parkes. South Dakota: Dr. and Mrs. Byron E. Harrell. Texas: Clarence Cottam, Mr. and Mrs. L. Irby Davis, Mrs. R. B. McCracken, Dr. and Mrs. Robert K. Selander.

Utah: Mrs. Marie Allred, Dr. and Mrs. William H. Behle, John B. Bushman, DeVere R. Christensen, Keith L. Dixon, Reed W. Ferris, Herbert H. Frost, Elsie Geoghegan, M. Lucile Gilmer, Ingelise Gindy, Elizabeth S. Gray, Dr. Sue Harry, C. Lynn Hayward, Merlin L. Killpack, Harold B. Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Lockerbie, Dr. and Mrs. Jessop B. Low, Derrell W. McCullough, Lawrence B. McQueen, Mrs. Margaret Nugent, Dorothy K. Platt, Elbert R. Simmons, Rex B. Snow, Anna Stahl, Wayne J. Wathen, Willena N. Wenger, Clayton M. White, Mr. and Mrs. H. Parry Williams, Dr. and Mrs. Angus M. Woodbury. Vermont: Kenneth L. Crowell. Virginia: Dr. and Mrs. John W. Aldrich. Washington: James R. King. Wisconsin: John T. Emlen, Jon Ghiselin, Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Schorger, Charles M. Weise. Wyoming: Richard W. Pittman, Maurice J. Zardus.

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180 W^Lx•s•^w, Eightieth Stated Meeting of A.O.U. [ Auk Vol. 80


Papers sessions were held in the morning of each of three successive days, beginning Tuesday, 21 August, and in the afternoons of Tuesday and Thursday, 21 and 23 August, in the Auditorium of Spencer Ha]].


The meeting was opened by an address of welcome by Dr. Jack Adam- son, Dean of the College of Letters and Science, University of Utah. George H. Lowery, Jr., President of The American Ornithologists' Union, re- sponded. The Secretary summarized the results of the previous day's business sessions, including elections. The following papers were then presented:

ALDEN H. MILLER, University of California, Berkeley, California, Fossil Flamingos of the Continent of Australia.

RALPH J. RAITT, New Mexico State University, University Park, New Mexico, The Annual Cycle o] the Thyroid Gland in a Population o] Gambel Quail.

JOHN DAVIS, GEORGE F. FISLER, and B•.TT¾ S. DAVIS, Hastings Reserva- tion, University of California, Carmel Valley, California, The Vocal Repertoire o] the Western Flycatcher.

H. W^RRINGTON WILLIAMS and ALLEN W. STOKES, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, The Food Call and Display o] the Bobwhite Quail: Its Cause and Function.

ROBERT W. STOm•R, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Avian Fossils and Avian Phylogenies.

PIERCE BRODKORB, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, A Giant Flightless Bird ]rom the Pleistocene o] Florida.

EDWIN O. WILLIS, University of California, Berkeley, California, The Ter- ritory o] the Bicolored Antbird.


LEON KELSO and MARGARET M. NICE, Washington, D.C., and Chicago, Illinois, A Russian Contribution to the E]]ect o] Anting on Feather Mites.

M. PHILIP KAI-IL, JR., University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, and Na- tional Audubon Society, Tavernier, Florida, Thermoregulation in the Wood Stork.

EUGENE LEFEBVRE, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, The Use o] D20 •s ]or Determining Energy Expenditure o] Flight.

ELDEN W. MARTIN, The University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois, Phys- iological E]]ects o] Dietary Protein Levels in House Sparrows.

L. RICH^RD MEWALDT and MARTIN L. MORTON, San Jose State College,

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April ] WALKINSI-IAW, Eightieth Stated Meeting oJ A.O.U. 181 1963

San Jose, California, and Washington State University, Pullman, Wash- ington, Induction of Migratory Restlessness.

FRED J. BRENNER, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Penn- sylvania, Metabolism and Survival Time of Grouped Starlings at Various Temperatures.

S. CHARLES KENDEIGI-I, The University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois, New Ways of Measuring the Incubation Period in Birds.

A. W. SCHORGER, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, Calcified Tendons in the Galliformes.

FRED H. GLENNY, Nasson College, Springvale, Maine, Main Arteries in the Neck and Thorax of Three Sun-grebes.

RO}•ERT K. SELANDER, University of Texas, Austin, Texas, Geographic Variation in Vocalizations in the Great-tailed Grackle.


THOMAS S. CHOATE, The Annual Cycle of the White-tailed Ptarmigan. ALFRED M. BA•LE¾, Ecuador's Enchanted Isles.


JoN GI-IISELIN, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, Ecological Dis- tribution and Frequency of Occurrence of Summer Birds of the High Uinta Mountains.

R•½HARI) F. JOHNSTON, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Analysis of the Distribution of the Breeding Avifauna of Kansas.

RICHARD C. BANKS, Natural History Museum, San Diego, California, Birds of Cerralvo Island, Baja California, Mexico.

ERWlN STRESEMANN, Berlin, Germany, The Nomenclature oJ Molts and Plumages.

GEORGE E. WATSON, U.S. National Museum, Washington, D.C., The Mechanism of Feather Replacement During Molt.

KENNETH C. PARKES, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Orni- thogeography oJ the Philippines--A Review.

ANN CHAMBERLAIN, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Generic Differentiation by Hyoid and Laryngeal Musculature in the Picidae.

R•CHARD L. ZusI and NORMAN L. FORD, University of Maine, Orono, Maine, and The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Evolu- tion and Significance of Underwing Patterns in the Scolopacidae.


THOMAS S. CHOATE, Montana State University, Missoula, Montana, Ter- ritoriality and Breeding Behavior oJ the White-tailed Ptarmigan in Glacier Park, Montana.

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182 W^•Kmsa^w, Eightieth Stated Meeting of A.O.U. [ Auk Vol. 80

ROBERT P. BREITENBACH, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, Hormonal Induction of the Brood Patch in Castrate Hen Pheasants.

E. OTTO HSHN, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, A Possible Endocrine Basis of A vian Brood Parasitism.

NED K. JOHNSON, University of California, Berkeley, California, The Sup- posed Migratory Status of the Flammulated Owl.

BERTRAM G. MUPmAY, JR., The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michi- gan, Orientation of Nocturnal Passerine Migrants Over the Sea.

FRAN•< B. GILL, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, Ex- perimental Determination of Stimuli Evoking Territorial Aggression in Blue-winged Warblers.

JOHN W. ALDRICH, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C., Geographic Variation in the Hermit Thrush.

WALTER R. SrorrosD, State University of New York Medical College, Syracuse, New York, Intrageneric Comparisons of the Egg White Elec- trophoretic Patterns in Falconiform Birds.


KEITH L. DIXON and JOHN D. GILBERT, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, The Vocal Repertoire of the Mountain Chickadee.

KENNETI• E. STA6ER, Los Angeles County Museum, Los Angeles, Cali- fornia, The Role of Oilaction in Food Location by the Turkey Vulture.

JAY H. SCHNELL, Institute of Radiation Ecology, Athens, Georgia, The In- fluence of Hunger Level on Prey Capture and Food Storage in the Ameri- can Kestrel.

WESLEY E. LANYON, The American Museum of Natural History, New York, Experimentation on Species Discrimination in Myiarchus Fly- catchers.

KENNETH L. CROWELL, Marlboro College, Marlboro, Vermont, Ecological Displacement in Two West Indian Flycatchers (Elaenia).

THOMAS R. HOWErtL and GEOR6E A. BARTHOLOMEW, University of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles, California, Experiments on Nesting Behavior of the Red-billed Tropicbird.

E.G. FRANZ SAUER, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, Biology of the Pacific Golden Plover.

GE•AP, D F. VAN TETS, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Communication Signals of Cormorants and Related Birds.


A dinner for Fellows and members of the Council was held on 20 August. On the evening of 21 August a buffet supper, to which all members and

their guests were invited, was served in the Panorama Room of the Union. During the afternoon and evening of 22 August four bus loads of the

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April ] W.•LIClNS>I^W, Eightieth Stated Meeting o] A.O.U. 183 1963

people attending the convention drove to Brighton, where they hiked and rode on the ski lift of Mt. Millicent and then returned to Storm Mountain for a barbecue.

The Annual Banquet took place in the evening of 23 August in the Panorama Room of the Union building, University of Utah, and was fol- lowed by an address by Reed W. Bailey on the ecology and history of land usage on the Wasatch Front of Utah.


On Friday 24 August two all-day field trips were offered: one, to Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge; a second, to the west desert making a circuit of the Oquirrh Mountains.


The following resolutions were submitted by the Resolutions Committee (S. Charles Kendeigh, Chairman; Robert J. Newman; and Thomas R. Howell) and approved at the General Session on 23 August 1962:

1. Whereas, Mrs. Marcia Brady Tucker has shown continuous interest over many years in the welfare and progress of The American Ornitholo- gists' Union as evident in her membership as a Patron, and

Whereas, She has shown interest in the encouragement and training of worthy younger members of the Union by enabling them to attend the annual meetings, and

Whereas, She has most recently made possible the initiation of a new series of monograph publications of The American Ornithologists' Union by a munificent financial subsidy, which in its potential represents the largest such gift ever made to the Union,

ThereJore, Be It Resolved, That The American Ornithologists' Union, assembled in formal business session, expresses by a rising vote its unani- mous appreciation of her generous and continuing aid to ornithology.

2. Whereas, The University of Utah has been a most excellent host in providing facilities for meetings, living accommodations, and friendly sociability on one of the most beautiful and scenic campuses of the world, and

Whereas, Trips of outstanding interest were arranged both inside of Salt Lake City and in the surrounding country,

ThereJore, Be It Resolved, That The American Ornithologists' Union expresses its gratitude to the University of Utah, to the Utah Audubon Society, and especially to the Local Comrnittee on Arrangements under the able chairmanship of William H. Behle.

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184 WALI(INSttAW, Eightieth Stated Meeting of A.O.U. [ Auk VoL 80


Expiration o/ Term Austin L. Rand, President ................................................................................................ 1963 Roger T. Peterson, First Vice-President ........................................................................ 1963 Robert W. Storer, Second Vice-President .................................................................... 1963 Lawrence H. Walkinshaw, Secretary ............................................................................ 1963 Robert J. Newman, Treasurer ........................................................................................ 1963 Robert M. Mengel, Editor o/ "The Auk" • ................................................................... 1963


Dean Areadon .................................................................................................................... 1963

W. Earl Godfrey ................................................................................................................ 1963 Harrison B. Tordoff ......................................................................................................... 1963

Eugene Eisenmann ............................................................................................................ 1964 Olin Sewall Pettingill, Jr ................................................................................................. 1964 S. Dillon Ripley .................................................................................................................. 1964 John W. Aldrich ................................................................................................................ 1965 Thomas R. Howell ............................................................................................................ 1965

Charles G. Sibley .............................................................................................................. 1965 H. Lewis Batts, Jr., Wilson Ornithological Society Representative ........................ 1963 John Davis, Cooper Ornithological Society Representative .................................... 1963

James P. Chapin, 1939-42 Herbert Friedmann, 1937-39 Hoyes Lloyd, 1945-48 George H. Lowery, Jr., 1959-62 Ernst Mayr, 1957-59 Alden H. Miller, 1953-56 Robert Cushman Murphy, 1948-50 Alexander Wetmore, 1926-29



Turner Biddie .................................................................................................................... 1963

Cyrus Mark, Chairman .................................................................................................... 1963 Arlie W. Schorger .............................................................................................................. 1963


CO•t•tITTEE ON BIOORA•H¾: Aaron M. Bagg, Chairman. James L. Baillie, Hilde- garde Howard, Edwin R. Kalmbach.

CO•VtMITTEE ON BIm) PROTECTION: Victor H. Cahalane, Chairman. C. H. D. Clarke, Ira N. Gabrielson, H. Albert Hochbaum, William B. Robertson, Jr., George J. Wallace.

COMMIITEE ON THE BREWSTER MEMORIAL AWARD; Herbert Friedmann, Chairman. Dean Areadon, W. Earl Godfrey, Robert M. Mengel, Margaret M. Nice.


Alden H. Miller, Chairman. [Additional members to be selected.] EDITORI^L CO•VtMITTEE: Robert M. Mengel, Chairman. Eugene Eisenmann, John T.

Emlen, Jr., Donald S. Farner, William J. Hamilton III, John W. Hardy, James R. King, Wesley E. Lanyon, Joe T. Marshall, Jr., Kenneth C. Parkes, Robert W. Storer, Richard Zusi.

CO•t•ITTEE ON ENDOW•VtENT: Albert Wolfson, Chairman. H. Lewis Batts, Jr.,

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April ] WALKINSt-IAW, Eightieth Stated Meeting o! A.O.U. 185 1963

George H. Lowery, Jr., Cyrus Mark, Ellen Thorne Smith. COMMITTEE ON F•NANCE: Robert J. Newman, Chairman. Hoyes Lloyd, Harold

Mayfield, Burr L. Monroe, St., Charles G. Sibley, Lawrence H. Walkinshaw. COM3ZIITTEE ON NOMINATION OF HONORARY AND CORRESPONDING FELLOWS: Ernst

Mayr, Chairman. S. Dillon Ripley, Charles Vaurie. COM3ZIITTEE ON NOMINATION OF FELLOWS AND ELECTIVE MEMBERS: Emmet R. Blake,

Chairman. Eugene Eisenmann, Thomas R. Howell. COM3zIITTEE ON THE NOMINATION OF MEMBERS; Butt L. Monroe, Jr., Chairman.

Robert J. Newman, Acting Chairman [in Monroe's absence]. Frederick M. Baum- gartner, Robert Boggs, Winston Broekner, Geoffrey Carleton, Howard L. Cogswell, David Cutler, Ruth P. Emery, James M. Fisher, Patrick J. Gould, Earle R. Greene, George A. Hall, Donald Kunkle, Lynn D. LaFave, Mary Lupient, Marie L. Mans, Russell E. Mumford, Robert W. Nero, William B. Robertson, Thomas H. Rogers, Frederic Scott, Oliver K. Scott, Mary Smith, Alexander Sprunt, Jr., Henry M. Steven- son, Jerry B. Striekling, Fred S. Webster, Jr., James Woodford.

COMMITTEE ON PROGRAM: Oliver L. Austin, Jr., Chairman. W. Pierce Brodkorb, E. G. Franz Sauer, Glen E. Woolfenden.

COMMXTTEE ON PUBLmATIO•,'S: Editor of The Auk, Chairman. President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor of "Ten-Year Index to The Auk" (L. R. Wolfe), Editor of Hand- book, Editor of Monograph Series, Alexander Wetmore.

COMMITTEE ON RESEARCH: John T. Emlen, Jr., Chairman. Paul H. Baldwin, J. Bruce Falls, S. Charles Kendeigh, Wesley E. Lanyon, L. Richard Mewaldt, Allen W. Stokes.

COMMITTEE ON STUDENT AWAre)S: Harrison B. Tordoff, Chairman. William H. Behle, James R. King, Joe T. Marshall, Jr., Eugene P. Odum, George M. Sutton.

LOCAL COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS FOR THE EIGHTY-FIRST STATED MEETING: J. C. Dickinson, Jr., Chairman. Oliver L. Austin, Jr., Lewis Berner, W. Pierce Brod- korb, Coleman J. Coin, John D. Kilby, James N. Layne, Benjamin B. Leavitt, E.G. Franz Sauer, H. K. Wallace, Minter J. Westfall.



Dues ........................................................................................................................ $11,753.02 Subscriptions ................................................................................................... 2,033.05 Sale of back issues of The Auk .......................................................................... 226.74

Royalties on microfilm of The Auk .............................................................. 43.08 Royalties on Recent Studies .............................................................................. 72.20 Advertising ......................................................................................................... 76.50 Donations to the Active Publication Fund ................................................... 125.50

Donation to Local Committee, 1961 Annual Meeting ................................. 259.61 Income from:

General Endowment Fund ........................................................ 3,547.92 Ruthyen Deane Fund ............................................................................... 222.49

Interest Savings Account, 1961-62 .................................................. 164.22 Balance in the Active Account 1961 ...................................................... 493.36

TOTAL INCOMm, 1962 .............................................................. $19,017.69

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186 WALXINSaAW, Eightieth Stated Meeting of A.O.U. [ Auk Vol. 80


Brewster Memorial Fund

Income from investments ........................................................ $ 359.99 Cost of Medal .................................................................................................. $ To Harold Mayfield .......................................................................................



$ 359.99 $ 359.99 Bird Protection Endowment Fund

Balance forward ........................................................................ $ 433.71 Income from investments ........................................................ 45.84

International Council for Bird Preservation ............................................ $ 50.00 International Union for Conservation and Natural

Resources .................................................................................................. 50.00

Wildfowl Research Bureau ............................................................................ 25.00

Balance in account .......................................................................................... 354.55

$ 479.55 $ 479.55 Educational Endowment Fund

Balance forward ........................................................................ $ 3.12 Income from investments ........................................................ 184.37

Membership of 50 students .......................................................................... $ 250.00 Balance in account (debit) ...................................................... -62.51

$ 250.00 $ 250.00 Handbook of North American Birds Fund

Balance forward ........................................................................ $ 2,187.48 Leon Kelso ................................................................................................ $ 45.00 John Herlihy ........................................................................................... 10.00

Yale University Press ..................................................................................... 146.98 Balance in account .......................................................................................... 1,985.50

$ 2,187.48 $ 2,187.48 General Endowment Fund

Balance in uninvested funds, 1962 ........................................ $ 798.41 Life membership payments ...................................................... 1,837.05 Donations ................................................................................... 1,126.65 Frank Walters (bequest) .......................................................... 1,000.00 To the Investing Trustees ............................................................................ $ 2,500.00 Balance in account ............................................................................................ 2,162.11

$ 4,662.11 $ 4,662.11

Special Publication Fund Balance forward ....................................................................... $ 5,340.07 Income from investments ........................................................ 372.35

Sale of Check-list, Ten-year Index, and Recent Studies .... 1,606.35 Postage ............................................................................................................. $ 52.08 Cost of Check-list of North American birds (2nd printing) .................. 6,200.00 Balance in account ........................................................................................ 1,066.69

$ 7,318.77 $ 7,318.77

Page 13: OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNIONsora.unm.edu/sites/default/files/journals/auk/v080n02/p0175-p0189.pdf · OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION LAWRENCE H. WALKINSHAW• SECRETARY

April 1963 ] WALItlN$I•AW, Eightieth Stated Meeting o] A.O.U. 187

Marcia B. Tucker Fund

Balance forward ........................................ $ 1.86 Donation ........................................... 500.00

1961 Awards

Frank Tompa ......................................... $ R. C. Lasiewski ...............................

Peter Wescott ..........................................

Balance in account .................................





$ 501.86 $ 501.86

1962 Balance forward ................................. $ 1.86 1962 Donation .................................. 500.00

1962 Awards

Norman L. Ford ................................................. $ Bertram G. Murray, Jr .................................... Elden W. Martin ..........................................




$ 501.86 $ 501.86 A.O.U. Monographs Fund

Donation from Marcia B. Tucker ......................... $15,000.00 Balance in account ................................................ $15,000.00

$15,000.00 Van Tyne Memorial Fund

Balance forward ...................................... $ 279.43 Income from investments ................................. 417.16

1962 Awards

M. Philip Kahl, Jr .................................................. David Strohmeyer ........................................

Balance in account ..................................................





696.59 $ 696.59

XIII International Ornithological Congress, Ithaca, New York, 1962 Balance forward ................................ $ 3,398.81 N.S.F. grant .......................................... 31,800.00 Congress fees ............................................... 8,990.20 Donations ................................................. 6,552.50 Miscellaneous ..................................... 73.00

Sale of Banquet tickets ............................ 1,692.00 Sale of Barbecue tickets .................................. 829.00

Box lunches ................................. 326.00

Sale of coffee, coke, etc .......................... 109.10 Bus tickets to New York City ......................... 362.75 Rockefeller Fund (for Rosicky) ....................... 206.18 Refund from Eastman Kodak (photos) ........... 63.19

TOTAL INCOME .......................... $54,402.73 Statler Inn (banquet, rooms, etc.) .................. $ 2,485.69 Banquet entertainment, Ithaca High School Choir _ _ _ 100.00

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188 WAL•SaAW, Eightieth Stated Meeting o] A.O.U. [ Auk Vol. 80

Varna Community Association (Barbecue) ...................................... 869.00 Box lunches ......................................................................... 328.00

Wednesday Excursion bus ....................................................... 895.00 Bus to New York City ...................................................... 382.93 Printing, including Wednesday Excursions ................................. 1,597.70 Salaries and wages ....................................................... 2,795.12 Postage and supplies ............................................................. 941.67 Auditorium rental ..................................................................... 765.00

Printing of Abstracts and Program ............................................... 2,700.71 Photographs ............................................................................. 311.39 Projector operator at the Statler .............................................. 150.00 Film rentals ........................................................................... 82.50

Gal/tpagos film ........................................................................ 60.00 Bus parking at Taughannock ...................................................... 26.00 Dr. J. J. Hickey (Proceedings) ................................................. 200.00 Kurt Ellis Ltd. (shipping of photos) ............................................. 63.19 Refunds on Congress fees ........................................................ 121.00 Travel grants ..................................................................... 22,181.18

To•A• EXPENSES ....................................................... $37,056.08 Balance in account ............................................................. 17,346.65

$54,402.73 $54,402.73


Manufacture and distribution of The Auk .............................. $14,491.31 Reprints ........................................................................... 59.04 Editor's expenses ................................................................ 932.76 Salary, Treasurer's Assistant .................................................... 1,200.00 Additional clerical assistance, Treasurer's office ................................. 60.00 Secretary's expenses, 1961-62 ...................................................... 301.32 Purchase and mailing of back issues and other publications ............... 3.75 Addressing supplies and expenses ...................................................... 180.00 Stationery, labels, etc ............................................................. 227.72 Telephone and telegraph ........................................................... 2.75 Cost of dues notices .................................................................. 104.47

Postage .................................................................................. 82.50 Bank charges ................................................................................ 95.30 Annual Meeting, 1961-62 ............................................................... 807.04 Membership Committee ............................................................... 8.24 Donations

XIII International Ornithological Congress ...................................... 500.00 International Committee on Zoological Nomenclature ......................... 25.00 Zoological Record ........................................................................ 50.00

Affiliate Membership, A.I.B.S ........................................................... 200.00

To•a]b ExPEm)m), 1962 ............................................... $19,331.20

Debits Credits

Balance in Active Account, 1962 .............................. $ 313.51 Balance in Educational Endowment Fund ................. 62.51

Page 15: OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNIONsora.unm.edu/sites/default/files/journals/auk/v080n02/p0175-p0189.pdf · OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION LAWRENCE H. WALKINSHAW• SECRETARY

April ] W^LI<IlXrSFiAW, Eightieth Stated Meeting o! /I.O.U. 189 1963

Debits Credits

Balance in Bird Protection Fund .................................................... $ 354.55 Balance in Special Publication Fund ................................................ 1,066.69 Balance in General Endowment Fund ............................................. 2,162.11 Balance in Handbook Fund .............................................................. 1,985.50 Balance in Van Tyne Fund ........................................................ 306.59 Balance in XIII Ornithological Congress Fund ................................ 17,346.65 Balance in Monographs Fund ............................................. 15,000.00

TOTALS .............................................. $ 376.02 $38,222.09 - 376.02

NET TOTAL ....................................................................... $37,846.07 Savings Account, First National Bank, Ithaca, N.Y ............................ $ 5,164.22 Checking Account, First National Bank, Ithaca, N.Y ..................... 32,681.85

July 31, 1962


CHARLES G. SmLE¾, Treasurer