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OF НА*. ы HAWAIIAN CHURCH f CHRONICLE (D£b 1ГПТ МП 7-5 THF. EPISCOPAL CHURCH IN HAWAII SEPTEM BER^! 955 Opening Service -58th General Convention Civic Auditorium, Honolulu

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O F НА*.



( D £ b

1ГПТ М П 7-5 TH F. E PIS C O P A L C H U R C H IN H A W A II S E P T E M B E R ^ ! 955

Opening Service -58th G enera l ConventionCivic A u d ito r iu m , H o n o lu lu

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M ir ia m Y a m a k a w a a n d Luke K a b ira from O k in a w a attended the Convention .

As We Saw The 33th General Convention

I t seems incredible that something so many worked upon so intently for so many months and anticipated with so much enthusiasm could so soon be over — but it is. W e wish that we might thank every individual personally and publically for all he or she did to bring to a happy conclusion the task that was ours, but this is impossible, so we are naming no one. W e only hope that the effort expended has come back in full measure in the rich experi­ences we enjoyed during the period of Convention. T o be intimately turning a cog to make an engine roll was a rewarding experience in itself. Everyone had a wonderful spirit in all that was done. As a consequence, our visitors returned to their homes filled with a better understanding of the missionary endeavor and knowledge of Aloha. As one clerical deputy wrote, “ I must confess that I felt, before reaching Hawaii, that this ‘Aloha’ business was just a nice commercial gadget for the innocent tourist. I found out that it represented something else entirely — not only from the official welcomers, but from taxi men, maids, farmers, etc. etc. I t was really heartwarming to

PicturesLeft — top to bo ttom .

The tug w ith o ff ic ia l g ree te rs , goes out to m eet Convention guests on the s h ip , the Lurline .

A g ro u p o f d e le ga te s , one o f a hund red s im ila r g roups o f d e le ­gates , a r r iv e a t the A irp o r t a nd a re met b y the Convention Comm ittee and g iv e n le is .

The Overseas M iss io na ry Bishops met be fo re Convention b e gan a t the H a le k u la n i H o te l. Seated I to r : B ishops: S a lin as , M ex ic o ; B insted, P h ilip p in e s ; Y ash iro , J a pan ; B lan kensh ip , C uba ; M e lche r, B ra z il; H a rr is , L ib e r ia . S tand in g : V o e g e li, H a it i ; S w ift , Puerto R ico; K ennedy ; K rischke , Southwestern B ra z il; G ooden , Panam a Cana l Z one ; G o rdon , A la s ka .

Dean P ike , o f N ew Y o rk C a thed ra l, b roadcas t in g o ve r Am erica 's Town M ee t in g on Septem ber 3 rd , a n a t io n-w ide broadcast.

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P resid ing B ishop S he rr ill cuts f lo w e r le i a t entrance o f the pon­toon b r id g e a t ded ica t io n service w h ile Lt. Sheard , M a jo r G enera l Powell/ Colone l Ernest T erry , B ishop Kennedy lo o k on .

mix with so many kinds of people so freely and naturally.”T o the Hospitality Committee goes a big hand of

applause for the endless hours — seemingly tireless ■— spent meeting planes and ships with leis, smiles and kisses! And they were just as gracious when the guests departed.

Bridge A cross A la W ai Canal

Through the graciousness of M ajor General HerbertB. Powell, Commanding General of the 25th Division, a pontoon bridge was placed across the Ala W ai Canal to enable the guests of Convention to cross directly from the hotels in the Waikiki area to the Iolani School Campus, where all the meetings were held. The Presiding Bishop opened the bridge on the Friday afternoon before Con­vention at a ceremony in which General Powell, Lt. Joseph Sheard, in charge of the construction of the bridge, and our Bishop participated. M any of the guests, in w rit­ing about Convention, spoke of the courteous treatment of the sentries, who guarded the bridge, and the conveni­ence of the bridge.


Top to bo ttom .

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The P res id ing B ishop and Lt. Sheard a re first to w a lk across the pontoon b r id g e p laced across the A la W a i Cana l fo r the con­venience o f o u r v is ito rs .

The H a w a iia n P ineapp le Com pany served cold p in e a p p le ju ice d u r in g Convention in th is a ttrac tive boo th . The Rev. John J. M o rre tt , C ha irm an o f Hosp ita lity/ a n d g ir ls o f Canterbury C lub , U n ivers ity o f H a w a ii, a nd m em bers o f the H osp ita lity Comm ittee serv ing them .

M em o ria l Service at Punchbow l N a t io n a l Cem etery and on the deck o f the "A rizona" sunk a t Pearl H a rbo r on December 7 , 1941. B ishop B lock, o f C a lifo rn ia , the P res id ing B ishop , B ishop Louttit, head o f the A rm ed Forces D iv is ion o f N a t io n a l Council, B ishop Kennedy and B ishop A rthu r K in s o lv in g , o f A r izo n a , p a r­t ic ip a t in g in the services.

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Tho H o ili C ho ir, o f H ilo , en te rta ins Convention guests w ith H a w a iia n songs and dances, a t Civic A u d ito r ium .

Opening Service

The Opening Service attracted a capacity congregation of more than 6,500 Church members. Convention’s

•J Opening Service is always a thrilling occasion and this w.ts no exception. The Procession, 1700 strong, entered Civic Auditorium that was transformed for this night into a great church. Suspended above the altar, the cross with the seal of Honolulu on it against a rich red dossal, reminded the worshippers that this Convention was meet­ing in a missionary district — the first such event in the long history of this Church.

T he altar itself, with its six great especially-made candlesticks, was fittingly beautified with masses of tropical flowers, including the night-blooming cereus which flowered during the service.

In his address T he Presiding Bishop said, “ I dream of a General Convention moved by T he Spirit of God to undertake a great missionary advance in every area of the Church’s life, to bring spiritual understanding and strength to a world in need of redemption, to rise above petty considerations, to make real the majesty of sacredness of our task. The times call us to wise and great leadership. T o this opportunity, under God, we set our hands.”

The Builders for Christ Offering, presented during the singing of the offertory anthems came to $4,113,904.57 toward the goal of $4,150,000. T he Opening Service offering, which amounted to about $4,000, was designated for our work in Okinawa.

T he altar linens made by our Diocesan A ltar Guild and used for this service and the U T O service are to go to Okinawa for the Chapel in the Leper Colony at Airaku-en.

PicturesTop to bo ttom .

Friends g ree t fr ie nd s be fo re the O pen in g Service outs ide Civic A ud ito r ium .

Шз The Rev. C. R ank in Barnes, Secretary o f the N a t io n a l Councila n d the House o f D eputies , p a r t ic ip a t in g in the O pen ing Service .

The A ud ito r ium w as f i l le d to o v e rf lo w in g a t th is serv ice .

Recessional o f the Service.

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Our B ishop a n d B ishop John B entley , H ead o f the Overseas Departm ent of N a t io n a l Council, rece ive the Un ited Thank O ffer­ing from The W o m an 's A u x i l ia r y o f the Diocese o f W est Texas.


Although it was impossible to ascertain the exact count of Convention guests, we do know that some 4,000 to 4,500 were here for the occasion. A t the Opening Service the Civic Auditorium was filled to capacity — 6,500. At the 8 Province Dinners, 10 Seminary Dinners and 44 other banquets and luncheons, the attendance in many cases surpassed that of any previous Convention. W e had guests from Alaska, Okinawa, Formosa, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Liberia, Fiji, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, and as far as Rome as well as from all our states on the mainland. Even the different Houses, contrary to prediction, the House of Bishops, House of Deputies and the Triennial Meeting of the W om an’s Auxiliary, were as well attended as any previous Conven­tion. Distance did not seem to prevent our guests from finding their way to Hawaii.

A N ig h t In H awaii

Colorful and delightful was the performance of the Haili Choir, from Hilo, Hawaii, given for the entertain­ment of Convention guests. I t was so artistically done that our guests caught the beauty of the Hawaiian music and the hula dancing.

PicturesTop to bo ttom .

The cho ir a t the O pen ing Service o f Convention .

Bishops a n d c le rgy a re seated n e a r the fro n t o f the a u d ito r iu m fo r the O pen ing Service.

C h ild ren dressed in the costumes o f d iffe ren t races lin e up to revea l the Un ited Thank O ffe rin g fo r the T rie nn ium . Hono lu lu 's O ffe ring w as $13 ,392 .79 .

The to ta l am oun t fo r the T rienn ium is re ve a le d .


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T rie n n ia l M ee tin g o f the W o m an 's A u x i l ia r y in St. A lban 's C hape l, Io la n i School.

United T hank O ffering Service T he United Thank Offering Service was most im­

pressive. The beauty of the altar with red Anthurium, Bird of Paradise, Haliconia etc. was breath-taking. There is always a feeling of awe as the offering of the women is placed upon the gold alms basin — because one realizes1 how great is the thankfulness of women throughout our Church, for the mercies and blessings of God.

The offering from this service was dramatically re-ІЗІ vealed that night at the Missionary Mass Meeting in;

- Civic Auditorium, when a procession of children repre-j ‘ i j ■яизнань,Jl П J . гл_л_c-r ! I І senting different countries, appropriately garbed, marched

to the platform on which the altar was built. Starting withthe last digit, each child one at a time stooped and picked up a large card showing his digit. W hen the last number

*** V r . V Ja » К. '-m. г»-* - —^ i . came UP> the 3 in the total of $3,149,197.83, a big gaspЬ' ™ Д I rang throughout the auditorium. T he amount had been

^ К ^ ^ ' ■ kept secret until that moment.* ^ i - M ee tin g of the House of Deputies in Io la n i School G ym nas ium .

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The House o f B ishops met In the W a r Veterans "C lub 100"

Li *Sk!Official Reception

One of the most beautiful occasions ever enjoyed inHonolulu was the official reception held on the grounds joumof the Royal Hawaiian Hotel. T he committee in charge did a masterful job in floral arrangements and entertain­ment. I t was “ Paradise” come true. The 5000 who went through the recei\ ing line-, to greet the Presiding Bishop, his graciou- w in*, and om di'tinguished gue.N nt Con vention note content to 'land a long time in oiihn to have thG pii\ilege.

House o f Deputies as v iew ed from the re a r o f the gym nas ium .

M r. A rthu r Sm ith , Lay Deputy from H ono lu lu and C ha irm an o f the Genera l C onvention , is th ird row r ig h t in th is p ic ture . M any of the c lc rqy and la ym en donned A loha shirts fo r com fort.

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Reception g iv e n b y G overno r a nd M rs . K in g fo r the Convention guests.

I ' l ' i l / I I I I I I I I I P l . l l t . i

С mull Willi.un Ilrtlnei u.iw ,i -.pliiidiil pif'i'in irii.ii 111 rile \1 (II к in ( )k III.1M <1 .It till1 ()\ClM'.b МІ"І(>І1 in M l" Meelm^. W'e leiuiied in hiving llim vvirli u> .iftei loini i .и» m Okm.iu.i. lie biouglit with him tu Cuiiwntun M i. Luke K.ibii.i .iikI M i" M iriam 'l атакам .i, ile\uu: vvuikeis in tile chuich tliete. One clcigyman icpoiung to the “W itness” wrote, “T w o young people, a man and a young woman were presented by Canon Heffner. The man spoke in Japanese with Canon Heffner translating. The young woman spoke in English. In these recent recruits in a wholly new mission there is something of the fire of the first Century Christian. T he contrast between the joy, enthusiasm and true humility of these people and the restrained, cautious and jealous pride of us old line members is staggering. I t may be that God in them is trying to show us how we ought to be.”

Friendly Spirit PrevailsT he proximity of buildings for the meetings of the

Bishops, Deputies and W om an’s Auxiliary gave our visitors an opportunity to become better acquainted, because wherever they turned friend met friend and people spoke, even when they did not know each other.

T he Snack Bar, so perfectly run by a corps of workers, was a delightful meeting place for a cup of coffee or a glass of punch. The T ea T en t afforded another place for relaxation. T he tea tables were a work of art in the beauty of the floral arrangements. Orchids flown in from the neighboring islands were given to the guests of Con­vention by members of the Canterbury Club, the girls dressed in colorful kimonos.

PicturesTop to bo ttom .

O ffic ia l Reception a t the R oya l H a w a iia n Hote l g round s . I to r : B ishop de los Reyes, o f the F ilip in e Independen t Church, Bishop Y osh iro , o f J apan , B ishop S h e rr ill , M rs . K ennedy , o u r B ishop, M rs . S h e rr ill , A rchb ishop M o w ll , o f A u s t ra lia , M rs . Theodore W e d e l a nd The Rev. Canon Theodore W e d e l.

The o ffic ia ls g ree t guests.

A nother lin e o f d ig n ita r ie s w as tha t fo rm ed b y — I to r : Bishop N a k a m u ra , Tohoku D iocese, J apan , M r . A rthu r G . Sm ith , G enera l Convention C ha irm an , M rs . A rthu r G . Sm ith , M rs . S tan ley Kem ptho rne , o f Suva , F ij i , B ishop Kem ptho rne , o f F ij i , M rs . A lw yn W a r re n , o f Christ Church, N ew Z e a la n d , B ishop W a r re n , a n d The Rev. Pau l R. S avanack , G ene ra l Convention M a n a g e r .

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Executive Board o f the N a t io n a l W o m an 's A u x i l ia r y .

Tree Planting Ceremony

The Tree Planting Ceremony, in which the Presiding Bishop planted a watermelon-hued shower tree near St. Alban’s Chapel, on lolani campus, while 28 Bishops and officials of the Convention named the monkeypod trees along Convention Drive and 15 Missionary and Foreign Bishops named additional rainbow showers in Missionary Grove. M r. Larry G rant, Public Relations M anager for lolani School, wrote, “ It seemed a toss-up as to who felt the more honored . . . lolani by having these gracious people establish a tradition for us, or those who were invited to participate. T he Acolytes, who served the various Bishops in the processional, seem to have stolen their individual hearts. W e plan to keep the tradition alive by sending pictures of the boys and'the trees, as each grows, back to the Bishop for whom the tree was named.”

The boys at lolani of grades 3 through 5 further impressed the guests of Convention by presenting them with free-form ceramic crosses which they had designed and made. The Bishops were given small koa-wood stands which held their names in the House of Bishops, with the word “lolani” burned into the wood.

Presid ing B ishop S he rr ill a n d o the r b ishops lin e up to p la n t trees on the lo la n i School campus.

The P res id ing B ishop p lan ts h is tree .

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The Bishop shakes hands w ith Chester Sevick from A la s ka as Luke K a b ira , from O k in a w a , looks on . B ishop V o e ge li, o f H a it i , has h is back to the B ishop . M rs . G eorge Goss, Diocesan P resident o f the W o m an 's A u x i l ia r y is a lso p ic tu red .

"C lub 100" g rac io u s ly lo an ed to us b y the fam ous Japanese W a r Veterans o f the 100th D iv is io n , W o r ld W a r I I fo r o u r use as the House o f B ishops.

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Canon W i l l ia m Heffner, o f O k in a w a , looks on w h ile M ir iam Yamakawa addresses a Jo int Session o f Convention .

Community Joins Church in Helping It would be difficult to enumerate all the business

firms and organizations that came forth to help make our guests enjoy Convention. T he Hawaii Visitors Bureau excelled in all they did, as did the Chambers of Commerce, Churches, other than ours, that offered hospitality to our guests, the hotels, etc. T he Aloha M otors provided cars for the Presiding Bishop and the Rev. C. Rankin Barnes, Secretary of the House of Deputies, during their stay in Honolulu. T he Fisher Corporation loaned the valuable

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The b e u t ifu l a lt a r , candlesticks a n d cross m ade b y M r . Theodore Ho , of St. Peter's Church, fo r the Convention services.

murals that were placed in the House of Deputies to enhance the building. The Hawaiian Pineapple Company provided ice-cold pineapple juice throughout the Con­vention. The Governor and his wife graciously enter­tained the guests of Convention at W ashington Place. Civil and military authorities joined in making this a memorable event. T o each and to all we express our deep gratitude for a successful convention held in a mission field and outside Continental United States.


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O ffic ial o rg an of the M issio n ary D is tr ic t of H o n o lu lu of the P ro te s ta n t Ep iscopal C hurch in th e U n ited S ta tes

E n te re d as second-class m a tte r F e b ru a ry 14, 1908, a t th e post office a t H o n o lu lu , H aw a ii, u n d e r the A ct of M arch 3, 1879.

T H E R T . R E V . H A R R Y S. K E N N E D Y , D .D ., S .T .D ., E d IT o r K A T H E R IN E M . M O R T O N ,_______________________________________________________________ A S S I S T A N T E D I T O R ________________________________________________________________

T H E H A W A IIA N C H U R C H C H R O N IC L E is pub lished once in each m o n th , except J u ly and A ug u st. T h e su b scrip tio n price is O ne D o lla r a year. R em ittan ces , orders and o th er business co m m unica tions should be a d ­dressed to B ishop’s Office, Q ueen E m m a S quare, H o n o lu lu 13, Т . Н .

A d v ertis in g ra te s m ade know n u pon ap p lica tio n .

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The Bishop’s SchoolLaJolla, California

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