會議議程 programme rundown - hkiehkie.org.hk/seminar2018/full programme.pdf會議議程...

會議議程 Programme Rundown 13:00 – 13:15 登記 Registration 開幕式 Opening Ceremony 13:15 – 13:20 香港工程師學會上任會長 陳國璋工程師 致歡迎辭 Welcome Remarks by Ir Thomas K C CHAN Immediate Past President, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers 13:20 – 13:25 主禮嘉賓 香港特別行政區政府運輸及房屋局局長 陳帆工程師 致開幕辭 Opening Address by Guest of Honour Ir Frank F CHAN Secretary for Transport and Housing, The Government of the HKSAR 13:25 – 13:40 香港特別行政區政府路政署主要工程管理處處長(專責事務) 江大榮工程師 發表主題演講 Keynote Address by Ir Raymond T W KONG Project Manager, Major Works Project Management Office (Special Duties), Highways Department, The Government of the HKSAR 議題: 港珠澳大橋工程的挑戰 Topic: Engineering Challenges of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge 13:40 – 13:50 大合照及致送紀念品 Group Photo and Souvenirs Presentation 第一節專題演講 Presentation Session I 13:50 – 13:55 港珠澳大橋管理局局長 朱永靈先生 Mr ZHU Yongling, Director, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority 議題: 港珠澳大橋主體工程項目情況簡介 Topic: An Introduction to the Main Bridge Section of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) 13:55 – 14:20 港珠澳大橋管理局總工程師 蘇權科先生 Mr SU Quanke, General Engineer, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority 議題: 港珠澳大橋的創新技術 Topic: The Main Innovation Technology of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge 14:20 – 14:35 港珠澳大橋管理局安全環保部副部長 戴希紅先生 Mr DAI Xihong, Deputy Manager, Safety and Environmental Protection Department in Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority 議題: 港珠澳大橋主體工程建設安全環保風險與對策 Topic: Safety and Environmental Protection Risks and Strategies for the Main Bridge Section of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge 14:35 – 15:00 荷蘭隧道工程諮詢公司(TEC)駐中國首席代表 李英博士 Dr LI Ying, Chief Representative in China, Tunnel Engineering Consultants (TEC) 議題: 港珠澳大橋沉管隧道創新縱向設計的認可 - 諮詢的獨立審查方法 Topic: Following an Alternative Review Approach for Acceptance of Innovative Design Concept for HZMB Immersed Tunnel 15:00 – 15:20 專題討論 Panel Discussion 主持人: 香港大學土木工程系系主任 區達光教授、工程師 Facilitator: Ir Prof Francis T K AU Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong 15:20 – 15:40 小休 Break 第二節專題演講 Presentation Session II 15:40 – 16:05 Aedas 主席及全球設計董事 紀達夫先生 Mr Keith GRIFFITHS, Chairman and Global Design Principal, Aedas 議題: 香港口岸旅檢大樓的設計與建造 Topic Design & Construction of Passenger Clearance Building AECOM 亞洲環境工程副總裁 麥偉隆工程師 Ir Bevis W L MAK, Vice President, Environmental Engineering, Asia Operation, AECOM Asia Company Limited 議題: 在工期緊迫、場地擁堵條件下建造旅客通關大樓的挑戰 Topic The Challenge of Constructing the Passenger Clearance Building in a Congested Site with Tight Schedule 16:05 – 16:30 奧雅納工程顧問助理董事 關志輝工程師 Ir Samuel C F KWAN, Associate Director, Arup 議題: 港珠澳大橋香港接線設計考慮 Topic Design Considerations of Hong Kong Link Road 中國建築國際集團有限公司執行董事、副總裁 潘樹杰工程師 Ir PAN Shu Jie, Executive Director & Vice President, China State Construction International Holdings Limited 議題: 複雜地質環境條件下超大截面隧道施工技術 Topic Construction Technology of Tunnel with Large Section under Complex Geological Environments 16:30 – 16:55 YWL 耀華工程顧問公司董事長 梁耀華工程師 Ir LEUNG Yew Wah, Managing Director, YWL Engineering Pte Limited 寶嘉–中國港灣–威勝利聯營工程項目總監 (港珠澳大橋 –香港接線 (合約編號 HY/2011/09)) 潘偉光先生 Mr POON Wai Kwong, Project Director, Contract HY/2011/09 Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road, Dragages-China Harbour-VSL Joint Venture 議題: 港珠澳大橋香港接線 - 跨海高架橋的設計與建造 Topic Design and Construction of Marine Viaducts of HZMB Hong Kong Link Road 16:55 - 17:20 香港寶嘉建築有限公司董事總經理 鍾偉賢工程師 Ir Wes JONES, Managing Director, Dragages Hong Kong Limited 議題: 以創新技術建造最大、最長及最深的海底行車隧道 Topic Largest, Longest and Deepest Sub-sea Road Tunnel to be Delivered through Innovations 17:20 – 17:40 專題討論 Panel Discussion 主持人: 香港理工大學土木及交通工程講座教授及土木及環境工程學系系主任 林興強教授、工程師 Facilitator: Ir Prof William H K LAM Chair Professor of Civil and Transportation Engineering and Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 17:40 – 17:50 研討會籌備委員會主席 余錫萬工程師 致閉幕辭 Closing Remarks by Ir Ringo S M YU, Chairman, Organising Committee of the Techinal Seminar 議程如有更改,恕不另行通知。 The programme rundown is subject to change. 本研討會講者的言論與演講資料純屬其個人意見,並不代表主辦機構之立場。主辦機構對該言論和意見,包括其準確性,正確性和真實性都不會承擔任何責任。 All information and views expressed by speakers and in their presentation materials do not reflect the official opinion and position of the Organiser. No responsibility is accepted by the Organiser for such information and views including their accuracy, correctness and veracity. (Download PPT, 4.2MB) (Download PPT, 12MB) (Download PPT, 25MB) (Download PPT, 296MB)

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Page 1: 會議議程 Programme Rundown - HKIEhkie.org.hk/seminar2018/Full programme.pdf會議議程 Programme Rundown 13:00 – 13:15 登記 Registration 開幕式 Opening Ceremony 13:15 –

會議議程 Programme Rundown

13:00 – 13:15 登記 Registration

開幕式 Opening Ceremony

13:15 – 13:20 香港工程師學會上任會長 陳國璋工程師 致歡迎辭Welcome Remarks byIr Thomas K C CHAN Immediate Past President, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers

13:20 – 13:25 主禮嘉賓 香港特別行政區政府運輸及房屋局局長 陳帆工程師 致開幕辭 Opening Address by Guest of Honour Ir Frank F CHAN Secretary for Transport and Housing, The Government of the HKSAR

13:25 – 13:40 香港特別行政區政府路政署主要工程管理處處長(專責事務) 江大榮工程師 發表主題演講 Keynote Address byIr Raymond T W KONGProject Manager, Major Works Project Management Office (Special Duties), Highways Department, The Government of the HKSAR議題: 港珠澳大橋工程的挑戰Topic: Engineering Challenges of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

13:40 – 13:50 大合照及致送紀念品 Group Photo and Souvenirs Presentation

第一節專題演講 Presentation Session I

13:50 – 13:55 港珠澳大橋管理局局長 朱永靈先生 Mr ZHU Yongling, Director, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority議題: 港珠澳大橋主體工程項目情況簡介 Topic: An Introduction to the Main Bridge Section of the

Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB)

13:55 – 14:20 港珠澳大橋管理局總工程師 蘇權科先生 Mr SU Quanke, General Engineer, Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority議題: 港珠澳大橋的創新技術 Topic: The Main Innovation Technology of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

14:20 – 14:35 港珠澳大橋管理局安全環保部副部長 戴希紅先生 Mr DAI Xihong, Deputy Manager, Safety and Environmental Protection Department inHong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Authority 議題: 港珠澳大橋主體工程建設安全環保風險與對策 Topic: Safety and Environmental Protection Risks and Strategies for the

Main Bridge Section of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge

14:35 – 15:00 荷蘭隧道工程諮詢公司(TEC)駐中國首席代表 李英博士 Dr LI Ying, Chief Representative in China, Tunnel Engineering Consultants (TEC)議題: 港珠澳大橋沉管隧道創新縱向設計的認可 - 諮詢的獨立審查方法Topic: Following an Alternative Review Approach for Acceptance of

Innovative Design Concept for HZMB Immersed Tunnel

15:00 – 15:20 專題討論 Panel Discussion 主持人: 香港大學土木工程系系主任 區達光教授、工程師 Facilitator: Ir Prof Francis T K AU

Professor and Head, Department of Civil Engineering,The University of Hong Kong

15:20 – 15:40 小休 Break

第二節專題演講 Presentation Session II

15:40 – 16:05 Aedas 主席及全球設計董事 紀達夫先生Mr Keith GRIFFITHS, Chairman and Global Design Principal, Aedas 議題: 香港口岸旅檢大樓的設計與建造Topic: Design & Construction of Passenger Clearance Building

AECOM 亞洲環境工程副總裁 麥偉隆工程師Ir Bevis W L MAK, Vice President, Environmental Engineering, Asia Operation, AECOM Asia Company Limited 議題: 在工期緊迫、場地擁堵條件下建造旅客通關大樓的挑戰Topic: The Challenge of Constructing the Passenger Clearance Building in a

Congested Site with Tight Schedule

16:05 – 16:30 奧雅納工程顧問助理董事 關志輝工程師Ir Samuel C F KWAN, Associate Director, Arup 議題: 港珠澳大橋香港接線設計考慮Topic: Design Considerations of Hong Kong Link Road

中國建築國際集團有限公司執行董事、副總裁 潘樹杰工程師Ir PAN Shu Jie, Executive Director & Vice President,China State Construction International Holdings Limited議題: 複雜地質環境條件下超大截面隧道施工技術Topic: Construction Technology of Tunnel with Large Section under

Complex Geological Environments

16:30 – 16:55 YWL 耀華工程顧問公司董事長 梁耀華工程師Ir LEUNG Yew Wah, Managing Director, YWL Engineering Pte Limited

寶嘉–中國港灣–威勝利聯營工程項目總監(港珠澳大橋 –香港接線 (合約編號 HY/2011/09)) 潘偉光先生Mr POON Wai Kwong, Project Director, Contract HY/2011/09Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge Hong Kong Link Road,Dragages-China Harbour-VSL Joint Venture 議題: 港珠澳大橋香港接線 - 跨海高架橋的設計與建造Topic: Design and Construction of Marine Viaducts of HZMB Hong Kong Link Road

16:55 - 17:20 香港寶嘉建築有限公司董事總經理 鍾偉賢工程師Ir Wes JONES, Managing Director, Dragages Hong Kong Limited 議題: 以創新技術建造最大、最長及最深的海底行車隧道Topic: Largest, Longest and Deepest Sub-sea Road Tunnel to be

Delivered through Innovations

17:20 – 17:40 專題討論 Panel Discussion 主持人: 香港理工大學土木及交通工程講座教授及土木及環境工程學系系主任

林興強教授、工程師 Facilitator: Ir Prof William H K LAM

Chair Professor of Civil and Transportation Engineering and Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

17:40 – 17:50 研討會籌備委員會主席 余錫萬工程師 致閉幕辭Closing Remarks byIr Ringo S M YU,Chairman, Organising Committee of the Techinal Seminar

議程如有更改,恕不另行通知。The programme rundown is subject to change.


All information and views expressed by speakers and in their presentation materials do not reflect the official opinion and position of the Organiser.No responsibility is accepted by the Organiser for such information and views including their accuracy, correctness and veracity.


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