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‧全國首創詞彙得分大力丸單元──Word File




‧於每課課文右上角的Reading Task單元引導學生怎麼讀課文,怎麼抓文章重點。小小方格蘊藏閱讀文章的大智慧!



‧課文頁後尚有Reading Comprehension單元,供學生立即檢視文章吸收程度,有助學生複習該篇課文重點。

(針對Reading Task的問題或提示設計簡單不費時的題目,動動腦作答,增加學生對學習英文的信心,又能達到學習英文的效果!

(針對課文內容設計選擇題,並融入大考常見閱讀測驗題型,如主旨題(main idea)、細節題(which of the following statements is true)、推論題(inference)等,及早練習,及早上手!


‧Sentence Patterns單元以基礎句型堆疊而上,循序漸進介紹進階句型,輔以練習題提供學生活用的機會。有了句型單元的加持,輕鬆翻譯好句子!





1. John is very close to his family. Whenever he feels depressed, he returns to the warm, ______, and comfortable atmosphere of his home.(A) crucial(B) sloppy(C) secure(D) cautious


(A) 極重要的 (B) 馬虎的 (C) 安全的 (D) 謹慎的


由John和家人關係親密,每當感到沮喪都想回到家人的懷抱,可知其家庭必定是充滿溫暖、安全及舒適的環境,故答案選(C) secure。



“Ah! There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.” — Jane Austen

“Home is a shelter from storms — all sorts of storms.” —William J. Bennett

2. Tom ______ something before he left the room, but I couldn’t figure out exactly what he said.(A) mumbled(B) perceived(C) summoned(D) trampled


(A) 咕噥(B) 認為(C) 傳喚(D) 踐踏


由第二句「我聽不懂他到底說什麼」的關鍵字said,可回推Tom必定含糊不清、咕噥地說,故答案選(A) mumbled。



3. The content of the book is very much technical and specialized; it is too difficult for a ______ to understand.(A) patriot(B) hacker(C) layman(D) tenant


(A) 愛國者(B) 駭客(C) 門外漢(D) 房客


由內容涉及專門技術(technical)與專業(specialized),可推論此書對門外漢而言很難理解,故答案選(C) layman。

4. Food shortages are one of the main causes of ______ nutrition among children in developing countries.(A) distinctive(B) vigorous(C) inadequate(D) abundant


(A) 特別的(B) 精力充沛的(C) 不足的(D) 充足的


開發中國家(developing countries)有糧食短缺 (food shortages)問題,可得知許多孩童有營養不足的狀況,故選(C) inadequate。


( “in-”為表示否定的字首,亦可由此推論出答案。

( malnutrition 營養失調

5. Good writers do not always write ______; on the contrary, they often express what they really mean in an indirect way.(A) explicitly(B) ironically(C) persistently(D) selectively


(A) 明確地(B) 諷刺地(C) 持續地(D) 有選擇性地


由本題的關鍵字on the contrary可知前後句為相反意思。後句說優秀的作家總是以間接的手法表達意思,可回推前半句應是說他們常不明確表意,故答案選(A) explicitly。

6. According to the weather report, some light rain or ______ is expected today. You may need to take an umbrella with you when you go out.(A) hail(B) breeze(C) tornado(D) drizzle


(A) 冰雹(B) 微風(C) 龍捲風(D) 毛毛雨


由or得知前後兩個名詞有相關性。後句得知說話者提醒要帶傘,可推論氣象報告預測今日有雨,由light rain與or確定答案選(D) drizzle。


sprinkle 稀疏小雨

7. The movie was so popular that many people came to the ______ conclusion that it must be good; however, many professional critics thought otherwise.(A) acute(B) naive(C) confidential(D) skeptical


(A) 嚴重的(B) 輕信的(C) 機密的(D) 懷疑的


( 由本題的關鍵字however可知前後句意思相反。後句說明許多影評的看法與觀眾相左,可回推觀眾因為電影賣座即輕信該片必定好看,故答案選(B) naive。

( come to a conclusion 下結論

draw a conclusion 得出結論

jump to a conclusion 驟下結論

naive 天真的;輕信的

8. In ancient times, people used large shells to ______ voices in open-air ceremonies so that their tribal members near and far could hear what was said.(A) amplify(B) mobilize(C) penetrate(D) undermine


(A) 放大(B) 動員(C) 穿透(D) 暗中破壞


( 由文意可知古代人以大貝殼來讓四面八方的部落居民在戶外典禮中聽到內容,可猜測是利用大貝殼來放大聲音,故答案選(A) amplify。

( near and far = far and near 四面八方;到處

9. The audience held their breath and sat motionless in the theater as they watched the tragic historical event ______ in front of their eyes.(A) ascending(B) elaborating(C) illustrating(D) unfolding


(A) 登上(B) 闡述(C)說明(D) 呈現


由屏息(hold their breath)與一動也不動地坐著(sat motionless),可推論觀眾屏氣凝神地在戲院中看著歷史悲劇在眼前呈現,故答案選(D) unfolding。

10. According to government regulations, if employees are unable to work because of a serious illness, they are ______ to take an extended sick leave.(A) adapted(B) entitled(C) oriented(D) intimidated


(A) 適應(B) 給予…權利(C) 以…為目標(D) 威嚇


( 由文意可知,根據政府規定,罹患重病的員工有權利請延長病假,故答案選(B) entitled。

( take a sick leave 請病假

take an extended sick leave 請延長病假

be adapted to + V-ing/N 適應於…



第 11 至 15 題為題組

Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) was an American author and journalist. His writing style, characterized by simplicity and understatement, influenced modern fiction, as 11 his life of adventure.

Hemingway started his career as a journalist at 17. In the 1920s, he was sent to Europe as a newspaper correspondent to 12 such events as the Greek Revolution. During this period, he produced his early important works, including The Sun Also Rises. Among his later works, the most outstanding is The Old Man and the Sea (1952), which became perhaps his most famous book, finally winning him the Pulitzer Prize he had long been 13 .

Hemingway liked to portray soldiers, hunters, bullfighters—tough, at times primitive people whose courage and honesty are set against the brutal ways of modern society, and who in this 14 lose hope and faith. His straightforward prose is particularly effective in his short stories, some of 15 are collected in Men Without Women (1927). In 1954, Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. He died in Idaho in 1961.




11. (A) was(B) being(C) did(D) doing

(A) 是(過去式) (B) 是(進行式) (C) 做(過去式) (D) 做(進行式)

【解析】本句指出海明威的寫作風格與他冒險的人生影響了現代小說,本格接在as(解為「如同」)之後,使用倒裝句型。本句主要動詞為influenced,因此倒裝句中的動詞用did,答案選(C) did。

【補充】在正式寫作中,常會使用「as + 倒裝句」表示「如同」,用法類似and so + 倒裝句,倒裝句的動詞時態需與主要子句相符,人稱與單複數則視倒裝句中的主詞決定。

例:Samantha is hospitable, as are her parents.

The patient’s family advised, as did his doctor, that he receive the surgery.

12. (A) cover(B) approve(C) predict(D) escape

(A) 報導(B) 贊成(C) 預測(D) 逃脫

【解析】本句指出海名威為被派至歐洲擔任報社特派記者,可知他的任務是報導當地的重要事件,故答案選(A) cover。

13. (A) planned(B) achieved(C) examined(D) denied

(A) 計畫(B) 達到(C) 檢視(D) 拒決給予

【解析】由finally可知海明威寫作多年卻最終至創作出《老人與海》才受肯定,推測他多年來一直未獲獎,故答案選(D) denied。

14. (A) limitation(B) classification(C) confrontation(D) modification

(A) 限制(B) 分類(C) 對抗(D) 修改

【解析】本句前半部指出海明威偏好描寫軍人、獵人等的勇氣與正直在現代社會中受到考驗,最終失去了希望與信念;由primitive與modern,courage and honesty與brutal均是相對與衝突的關係,故答案選(C) confrontation。

15. (A) what(B) which(C) them(D) these

(A) 什麼(B) 這些(C) 他們(D) 這些

【解析】本句指出海明威直接的寫作風格尤其多見於他的短篇故事中,有些收錄在《沒有女人的男人》一書。本題的前後二句無連接詞,可得知本格必須選擇具有連接詞功能的字以連接二句,故答案選兼具連接詞與代名詞功用的關係代名詞(B) which。若用(C) them,則句子須加入連接詞,改為... in his short stories, and some of them are collected...。

第 16 至 20 題為題組

Road running is one of the most popular and accessible athletic activities in the world. It refers to the sport of running on paved roads or established paths as opposed to track and field, or cross country running. The three most common 16 for road running events are 10K runs, half marathons (21.1K), and marathons (42.2K).

Road running is unique among athletic events because it 17 all ages and abilities. In many cases first time amateurs are welcome to participate in the same event as running club members and even current world-class 18 . Sometimes it may also include wheelchair entrants.

Road running often offers those 19 a range of challenges such as dealing with hills, sharp bends, rough weather, and so on. Runners are advised to train prior to participating in a race. Another important factor contributing to success is a suitable pair of running shoes.

Road running is often a community-wide event that highlights or raises money for an issue or project. 20 , Race for the Cure is held throughout the U.S. to raise breast cancer awareness. This race is also run in Germany, Italy, and Puerto Rico.





16. (A) journeys(B) distances(C) destinations(D) measurements

(A) 旅程 (B) 路程(C) 目的地 (D) 長度

【解析】本句後半提及三種距離的路跑,可知本格指的應是跑程,答案應選(B) distances。

17. (A) caters to (B) depends on (C) goes after(D) identifies with

(A) 迎合 (B) 取決於某物 (C) 追求 (D) 認同

【解析】本句前半部指出路跑在各項運動中是獨一無二的,後文舉例首次參賽的業餘跑者會與專業的跑者們或身障跑者共同競爭,由此得知路跑的特性迎合所有年齡層與能力的人,故答案選(A) caters to。

18. (A) matches (B) civilians (C) associations (D) champions

(A) 比賽 (B) 平民 (C) 協會 (D) 冠軍

【解析】由前後文意得知,業餘跑者甚至可能與世界冠軍競賽,故答案選(D) champions。

19. (A) involving(B) involved (C) to involve (D) are involved

(A) 牽涉 (B) 牽涉 (C) 牽涉 (D) 牽涉

【解析】本題測驗分詞片語的用法。原句為Road running often offers those who are involved a range of challenges . . .,表示路跑提供參賽者各種挑戰;those指的是參賽者,省略關係代名詞who後,亦刪除be動詞,保留過去分詞involved,因此本格應選(B) involved。

20. (A) Above all (B) For example (C) As it appears (D) To some extent

(A) 最重要的 (B) 例如 (C) 一如所見 (D) 達到某種程度

【解析】前一句說明路跑常常是為了突顯某議題、方案,或為其募款而舉辦;空格後接著提及在美國舉辦的「為治療而跑」的活動是為了提高大眾乳癌防治意識,可知本句是作為舉例之用,故答案選(B) For example。



第 21 至 30 題為題組

The 1918 influenza epidemic, which occurred during World War I, was one of the most devastating health crises of the 20th century. Between September 1918 and June 1919, more than 600,000 Americans died of influenza and pneumonia, making the epidemic far more 21 than the war itself. The influenza hit Americans in two waves. The first wave attacked the army camps and was less fatal than the second. The second wave arrived in the port city of Boston in September 1918 with war 22 of machinery and supplies. Other wartime events enabled the disease to 23 the country quickly. As men across the nation were joining the 24 to serve the country, they brought the virus with them everywhere they went. In October 1918 alone, the virus killed almost 200,000. In the following month, the end of World War I resulted in an even 25 spread of the disease. The celebration of the end of the war with parades and parties was a complete disaster from the standpoint of public health. This

26 the spread of the disease in some cities. The flu that winter was destructive beyond imagination as millions were 27 and thousands died. In fact, it caused many more deaths than any of the other epidemics which had 28 it.

Medical scientists 29 that another epidemic will attack people at some point in the future. Today’s worldwide transportation makes it even 30 to control an epidemic. Therefore, doctors advise that we continue to get our annual flu shots in order to stay healthy.



(A) military (B) crisis (C) harder (D) wider (E) deadly

(F) come across(G) shipments (H) infected (I) preceded(J) warn

(K) accelerated (L) sweep through

(A) 軍隊 n. pl.

(B) 危機 n. [C]

(C) 更困難的 adj.

(D) 更廣泛的 adj.

(E) 致命的 adj.

(F) 偶然碰見 phr. v.

(G) 裝載的貨物 n. [C] (H) 使感染,傳染 vt. (I) 先於 vt.

(J) 警告 vt.

(K) 加速 vt.

(L) 橫掃 v.


21. making the epidemic far more ______ than the war itself,本空格在比較級more之後,應填形容詞,由前半句1918年的流感造成60萬人死亡,判斷這流感比戰爭奪去更多生命,故答案選(E) deadly。

22. with war ______ of machinery and supplies,本空格前有with後有of,可知應填名詞成為with N of N的結構。由文意可知第二波流感跟隨著軍備機械與補給品運送散播至波士頓,故答案選(G) shipments。

23. Other wartime events enabled the disease to ______ the country quickly,本空格在不定詞to之後,應填原形動詞或片語,前文說明流感如何傳播,本句亦承接文意指出其他的戰爭事件也造成疾病橫掃美國,故答案為(L) sweep through。

24. As men across the nation were joining the ______ to serve the country,本空格在定冠詞the之後,應填名詞,由文意可知因為全國男子都投身軍旅,他們往來於各地時也將病毒到處散播,故答案選(A) military。join the military表示「從軍」。

25. the end of World War I resulted in an even ______ spread of the disease,本空格後有名詞spread,應填形容詞,又因前有even修飾,判斷應為比較級形容詞。後句指出戰後的慶祝是場大災難,回推本句應說明戰爭結束導致流感更廣泛的散播,故答案應選(D) wider。

26. This ______ the spread of the disease in some cities.,本空格在主詞This之後,應填動詞,承續前句意思,戰後的慶祝加速了疾病的散佈,故答案選(K) accelerated。

27. as millions were ______ and thousands died,本空格在be動詞were之後,可填形容詞或分詞,前半句說明那年冬天的流感超乎想像地具毀滅性,推測數百萬人被感染以及數千人因而死亡,本句應為被動語態,故答案選過去分詞 (H) infected。

28. any of the other epidemics which had ______ it,本空格在had之後,受詞it之前,應填入由及物動詞變化的過去分詞,由more . . . than與any of the other的結構可知有比較含意,從文意可推測那年冬天流感造成的死亡人數較先前的流行病更多,故選(I) preceded。

29. Medical scientists ______ that another epidemic will attack people,本空格在主詞medical scientists之後與that引導的名詞子句之前,應填及物動詞,由文意可知醫學家警告未來仍有其他流行病會侵襲人類,故答案選(J) warn。

30. makes it even ______ to control an epidemic,本空格前有make + O的結構,判斷本空格應填入可當OC的名詞或形容詞,由even可知本空格應填入比較級形容詞,前一句指出醫學家警告未來仍有流行病發生,後一句提及醫生建議每年持續接受預防注射,推測本句應是說明現今全球運輸會讓流行病控制更加困難,故答案應選(C) harder。



第 31 至 35 題為題組

Since the early 1990s, the lithium-ion battery has been the most suitable battery for portable electronic equipment. Today, they’re commonly used for cellphones, computers, tablets, digital cameras, and other devices.

Lithium-ion batteries have nearly twice the energy density of traditional nickel cadmium batteries. 31 This feature has important implications for cellphones and computers, because it makes these items more portable for consumers. It also makes power tools easier to use and allows workers to use them for longer periods of time.

32 Lithium-ion batteries retain no “memory” of their power capacity from previous charging cycles. Thus they require no scheduled cycling and can be fully re-fueled to their maximum capacity during each charging cycle. Other rechargeable battery types, in contrast, retain information from previous charging cycles, which wastes valuable storage space. Over time, this makes these rechargeable batteries hold less of a charge.

33 It is fragile and requires a protection circuit to maintain safe operation. A high load could overheat the pack and safety might be jeopardized. 34 After 2-3 years of use, the pack often becomes unserviceable due to a large voltage drop caused by high internal resistance.

It should be noted, however, that manufacturers are constantly making improvements on lithium-ion batteries. 35 With such rapid progress, the use of lithium-ion batteries will certainly expand further.

(A) The lithium-ion battery is also a low maintenance battery.

(B) Despite its overall advantages, the lithium-ion battery has its drawbacks.

(C) New and enhanced chemical combinations are introduced every six months or so.

(D) Attempts to develop rechargeable lithium-ion batteries failed due to memory problems.

(E) That is, they carry more power in a smaller unit, helping to reduce overall weight and size.

(F) Another downside is the increase of the internal resistance that occurs with cycling and aging.






31. 本格前一句指出,鋰離子電池比傳統鎳鎘電池的能量密度高出幾乎兩倍,後一句指出這種特性讓手機與電腦更加便於攜帶,推測本格應提及和便於攜帶相關的內容。選項(E)提到的smaller以及reduce overall weight and size皆與此呼應,故答案為(E)「也就是說,它們能在較小的單位中貯存更多能量,有助於縮減整體的重量與大小」。

32. 本格後一句指出鋰離子電池無記憶效應的問題,因此每次充電都能達到最大蓄電量,由此推測鋰離子電池的損耗低,不須經常維護,與(A)「鋰離子電池也是種低維護電池」相呼應,故答案為(A)。

33. 第二、三段均談論鋰離子電池的優點,本格後一句卻是在談它們很脆弱,需保護電路以維持安全運作,由此可知本段轉為討論鋰離子電池的缺點,故答案選(B)「儘管擁有上述所有優點,鋰離子電池也有不足之處」。

34. 本格前一句指出鋰離子電池負載過高時會有安全疑慮的缺點,後一句說明使用二、三年後,鋰離子電池會因為高內阻引起的高壓降而失去作用,可見是在敘述另一項缺點,與選項(F)提及的Another downside以及internal resistance相呼應,所以答案為(F)「另一個缺點則是其內部電阻會隨著充電次數及使用時間增加。」。

35. 本格前一句提到製造商正持續改善鋰離子電池,後一句指出有了如此快速的進展,鋰離子電池的使用將更為廣泛。由句意與improvements、progress可看出與選項(C)的new and enhanced相呼應,故答案選(C)「每半年左右就會推陳出新,引進經過改善的化合物」。



第 36 至 39 題為題組

Fabergé eggs are jeweled eggs that were made by the famous Russian jeweler, the House of Fabergé, from 1885 to 1917. The eggs were made of valuable metals or stones coated with beautiful colors and decorated with precious jewels.

The first Fabergé egg was crafted for Tsar Alexander III, who gave his wife, the Empress Maria Fedorovna, an Easter egg to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversary. He placed an order with a young jeweler, Peter Carl Fabergé, whose beautiful creations had caught Maria’s eye earlier. On Easter morning of 1885, what appeared to be a simple enameled egg was delivered to the palace. But to the delight of the Empress, the egg opened to a golden yolk; within the yolk was a golden hen; and concealed within the hen was a diamond miniature of the royal crown and a tiny ruby egg. Unfortunately, the last two surprises are now lost to history.

Empress Maria was so delighted by this gift that Alexander appointed Fabergé a “goldsmith by special appointment to the Imperial Crown.” The Tsar also asked Fabergé to make an Easter egg every year. The requirements were straightforward: Each egg must be unique, and each must contain a pleasant surprise. With excellent craftsmanship and an inventive spirit, Peter Fabergé and his successors repeatedly met the challenge. The House of Fabergé made approximately 50 Imperial Easter Eggs for Tsar Alexander III and his son Nicholas II until 1917, when the Russian revolution broke out.

Today, the term “Fabergé eggs” has become a synonym of luxury and the eggs are regarded as masterpieces of the jeweler’s art. More significantly, perhaps, they serve as reminders of the last Russian imperial family.





36. Why did Tsar Alexander III choose Peter Fabergé to make the first Easter egg?

(A) Peter Fabergé was the goldsmith for the royal family.

(B) Empress Maria was impressed by Peter Fabergé’s work.

(C) Tsar Alexander III received an order from Empress Maria.

(D) Peter Fabergé owned the most famous Russian jewelry house.


(A) 彼得‧法貝熱是御用金匠。

(B) 瑪麗亞皇后對彼得‧法貝熱的作品印象深刻。

(C) 沙皇亞歷山大三世收到瑪麗亞皇后的命令。

(D) 彼得‧法貝熱擁有俄國最知名的珠寶店。


37. What went missing from the first Fabergé egg?

(A) A golden hen and a ruby egg.

(B) A golden hen and a golden yolk.

(C) A ruby egg and a diamond crown.

(D) A golden yolk and a diamond crown.


(A) 金雞與紅寶石蛋。

(B) 金雞與金蛋黃。

(C) 紅寶石蛋與鑽石皇冠。

(D) 金蛋黃與鑽石皇冠。


38. What does it mean by “Peter Fabergé and his successors repeatedly met the challenge” in the third paragraph?

(A) They repeated their designs over and over.

(B) They fulfilled the Tsar’s requirements each time.

(C) They challenged the Tsar’s expectations every year.

(D) They were faced with unexpected difficulties time and again.


(A) 他們的設計一再重複。

(B) 他們每次都能滿足沙皇的要求。

(C) 他們每年都對沙皇的期望提出質疑。

(D) 他們屢次面臨意外的困難。

【說明】meet the challenge意為「通過挑戰,成功解決難題」,且本句前半部提及他們發揮絕佳的工藝及創作家的靈魂,因此答案為(B)。

39. Which of the following statements about the Fabergé eggs is true, according to the passage?

(A) They were all genuine creations of the jeweler, Peter Fabergé.

(B) They were created to represent Russian emperors and their dynasty.

(C) They were made for annual Easter parties in the Russian imperial court.

(D) They were connected to the last two Russian emperors and their families.


(A) 它們都是珠寶商彼得‧法貝熱的原創作品。

(B) 它們被造來代表俄羅斯皇帝及其朝代。

(C) 它們是為了每年俄羅斯宮廷的復活節宴會而製。

(D) 它們和俄羅斯末代兩位皇帝與其家族有關。


第 40 至 43 題為題組

Six Sigma is a highly disciplined process that helps companies focus on developing and delivering near-perfect products and services. The word “sigma” is a statistical term that measures how far a given process falls short of perfection. The central idea behind Six Sigma is that if a company can measure how many “defects” they have in a commercial production process, they can systematically figure out how to eliminate the problems and get as close to “zero defects” as possible.

Training and teamwork are essential elements of the Six Sigma methodology. In other words, companies need to have their team leaders and team members trained to implement the Six Sigma processes. They must learn to use the measurement and improvement tools. They also need to learn communication skills necessary for them to involve customers and suppliers and to serve their needs.

Six Sigma was developed in 1986 by Motorola, an American telecommunications company. Engineers in Motorola used it as an informal name for a plan to reduce faults in production processes. A few years later, Motorola extended the name “Six Sigma” to mean a general performance improvement method, beyond purely “defect reduction” in the production process. In 1995, Jack Welch, CEO of General Electrics (GE), decided to implement Six Sigma in GE; and by 1998 GE claimed that Six Sigma had generated over three-quarters of a billion dollars of cost savings.

By 2000, Six Sigma was effectively established as an industry in its own right, involving the training, consultancy and implementation of Six Sigma methodology in all sorts of organizations around the world. Organizations as diverse as local governments, prisons, hospitals, the armed forces, banks, and multinational corporations have been adopting Six Sigma for quality and process improvement.





40. According to the passage, what is “Six Sigma”?

(A) A digital device to speed up production processes.

(B) A near-perfect process in business communication.

(C) A statistical term that measures a company’s budgets and profits.

(D) A quality measure that detects problems to improve products and services.


(A) 一種加速製程的數位裝置。

(B) 一個在商業溝通中幾近完美的程序。

(C) 一個衡量公司預算與獲利的統計學名詞。

(D) 一套偵測問題以改善產品與服務的品質衡量方式。


41. For Six Sigma to be applied successfully, which of the following are the most crucial factors?

(A) Customers and suppliers’ needs.

(B) Tools in statistics and marketing.

(C) Strong teamwork and proper training.

(D) Good leadership and sufficient budget.


(A) 顧客與供應商的需求。

(B) 統計與行銷工具。

(C) 堅強的團隊合作與適當的訓練。

(D) 優秀的領導與充足的預算。


42. How are the author’s ideas developed in the last two paragraphs?

(A) By definition.(B) By comparison.(C) In time order.(D) In space order.


(A) 按照定義。 (B) 用對照的方式。 (C) 按時間順序。 (D) 按空間順序。


43. According to the passage, which of the following is true regarding Six Sigma?

(A) It helped Motorola and General Motors to promote sales.

(B) It requires multi-national efforts to generate satisfactory results.

(C) It has gained popularity mostly among large telecommunications companies.

(D) It has become a business model which provides services to organizations worldwide.


(A) 它幫助摩托羅拉與通用汽車公司促進銷售。

(B) 它需要跨國的努力才能產生令人滿意的結果。

(C) 它主要是受到大型電信公司的歡迎。

(D) 它已成為一套商業模式,其提供的服務遍及全球各種機構。

【說明】(A) 本文未提及通用汽車公司;

(B) 第二段說明六標準差的關鍵因素是訓練與團隊合作,並未提及需要跨國共同努力;

(C) 第四段第一句後半段指出,六標準差已在世上不同機構實施,可知並非侷限於電信公司;

(D) 第四段最後一句指出各種機構,從政府、監獄、醫院、軍隊、銀行到跨國企業,均採用六標準差以改善品質與組織程序,故答案選(D)。

第 44 至 47 題為題組

Imagine two bottlenose dolphins swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. You hear a series of clicks, whistles, and whines coming from each, much like a conversation. We can’t be sure what they are discussing, but scientists do believe dolphins call each other by “name.”

A recent study suggests the marine mammals not only produce their own unique “signature whistles,” but they also recognize and mimic whistles of other dolphins they are close to and want to see again. It seems that dolphins can call those they know by mimicking their distinct whistles. “They’re abstract names,” said Randall Wells, one of the authors of the study.

To conduct the study, the researchers listened to recordings of about 250 wild bottlenose dolphins made around Florida’s Sarasota Bay from 1984 to 2009, and four captive dolphins at a nearby aquarium. Some wild dolphins were briefly captured and held in separate nets by the research team, allowing them to hear but not see each other. Researchers found that dolphins familiar with each other would mimic the whistle of another in that group when they were separated. Most of this took place among mothers and calves, or among males who were close associates, suggesting it was affiliative and not aggressive—somewhat like calling out the name of a missing child or friend. Whistle copying of this sort was not found in dolphins that happened to cross paths in the wild.

This use of vocal copying is similar to its use in human language, where the maintenance of social bonds appears to be more important than the immediate defense of resources. This helps differentiate dolphins’ vocal learning from that of birds, which tend to address one another in a more “aggressive context.”

If confirmed, this would be a level of communication rarely found in nature. If dolphins can identify themselves and address friends with just a few squeaks, it’s easy to imagine what else they’re saying. However, as the authors of the study point out, all we can do right now is still imagine.


  最近的研究指出,這群海洋哺乳類不僅能夠發出自己獨特的「招牌哨音」,還能辨識並模仿其他牠們親近或想再見面的海豚的哨音。這些海豚似乎能夠透過模仿哨音來呼喚熟識的海豚。此研究的其中一位發起人Randall Wells表示:「這些哨音是牠們抽象的名字」。




44. What is the main idea of the passage?

(A) Bottlenose dolphins show strong ties to their family members.

(B) Bottlenose dolphins recognize their friends’ voices in the wild.

(C) Bottlenose dolphins produce whistles that distinguish themselves.

(D) Bottlenose dolphins demonstrate a unique type of animal communication.


(A) 瓶鼻海豚和家人有緊密的關係。

(B) 瓶鼻海豚在野外能辨識出朋友的聲音。

(C) 瓶鼻海豚會發出自己特有的哨音。

(D) 瓶鼻海豚展現出獨特的動物溝通法。


45. Which of the following statements is true about Wells’s research team?

(A) Their data were collected over two decades.

(B) They recorded the calls of dolphins and birds.

(C) Their major research base was in Mexico.

(D) They trained 250 wild dolphins for observation.


(A) 他們的資料以超過二十年的時間收集。

(B) 他們錄製了海豚與鳥類的叫聲。

(C) 他們的主要研究基地在墨西哥。

(D) 他們訓練了250隻海豚作為觀察用。

【說明】(A) 第三段的第一句指出為了做研究,團隊聆聽在1984到2009年間錄製的海豚叫聲,得知資料收集耗費超過二十年,故(A)為正確答案;(B) 本文並未提及團隊自行錄製海豚與鳥類的叫聲;(C) 本文未提及團隊的基地在何處;(D) 第三段的第一句說明團隊聆聽250隻海豚叫聲的錄音檔,但未提及訓練海豚之事。

46. What does “this” in the third paragraph refer to?

(A) Recording messages.(B) Conducting research.

(C) Behavior learning.(D) Whistle copying.


(A) 錄製訊息。 (B) 執行研究。

(C) 行為學習。 (D) 哨音模仿。


47. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

(A) Birds may use their calls to claim territory.

(B) Male dolphins whistle when fighting for mates.

(C) Dolphins make harsh squeaks when hunting for food.

(D) Both dolphins and birds tend to mimic their enemies’ whistles.


(A) 鳥類會用叫聲來宣示地盤。

(B) 公海豚為了求偶而戰鬥時會發出哨音。

(C) 在獵捕食物時,海豚會發出刺耳的尖鳴。

(D) 海豚和鳥類都會模仿敵人的哨音。


第 48 至 51 題為題組

With soaring rock formations, uniquely-rippled landscapes, and mysterious underground cities, the Goreme National Park is an incredible tourist attraction in central Turkey.

Thousands of years ago a group of ancient volcanoes spewed out layer upon layer of thick ash and lava which formed the Cappadocia region, where the Goreme National Park is now located. Over the centuries the wind and rain worked their magic on this land, carving out spectacular gorges and leaving behind the dramatic towering formations of rock pillars that reach heights of 40 meters. These amazing structures are usually called “fairy chimneys.” They come in an extraordinary range of shapes and sizes, but most are tall and resemble king trumpet mushrooms with a cap on top. The top stone is the hardest part of each formation and protects the softer rock underneath from erosion. Eventually, however, these caps fall off, whereupon the wind and rain start to cut away the cone until it, too, collapses. The unique landforms of the Goreme valley have created its lunar-like landscape, also known as a moonscape.

But the Goreme National Park has always been much more than its dramatic scenery. Humans, too, have left their unique mark on the region. The Byzantine Christians inhabited the area in the fourth century. They carved thousands of cave churches, chapels, and monasteries out of rock. Many of these churches were decorated with beautiful wall paintings whose colors still retain all their original freshness. The Byzantine Christians even carved out entire underground villages in an effort to hide from the Romans and later, the Muslims. To this day, many of these villages are still inhabited and many of the rock-cut storerooms are still stuffed with grapes, lemons, potatoes and flat bread waiting for the winter.




48. How is the landscape of the Goreme National Park formed?

(A) It is the effect of erosions of volcanic rocks by wind and water.

(B) It is the outcome of cumulative ash and lava from volcanoes.

(C) It is the creation of some mysterious forces from the moon.

(D) It is the result of rock cutting by the Byzantine Christians.


(A) 它是風雨侵蝕火山熔岩的結果。

(B) 它是火山灰與熔岩堆積的結果。

(C) 它是來自月亮的神秘力量的傑作。

(D) 它是拜占庭基督徒切割岩石的結果。


49. Which of the following descriptions of the “fairy chimneys” is true?

(A) They are almost identical in size and shape.

(B) They have mushrooms growing on the top.

(C) They are formed by rocks of different hardness.

(D) They have strong bottoms to support their 40-meter height.


(A) 它們的大小與形狀幾乎相同。

(B) 它們的頂部有菇類生長。

(C) 它們由不同硬度的岩石所組成。

(D) 它們有堅硬的底部以支撐40公尺的高度。

【說明】(A) 第二段的第四句指出仙女煙囪有各種不同的大小與形狀,此為錯誤選項;(B) 第二段的第四句說明仙女煙囪頂部為帽狀,貌似杏鮑菇,並非其頂部長出菇類,此為錯誤選項;(C) 第二段的第五句說明仙女煙囪的頂部是硬度最高的部分,保護底下較軟的岩石不受侵蝕,可知仙女煙囪由不同硬度的岩石組成,因此選(C);(D) 第二段的第二句提及這些塔狀石柱有40公尺高,而由第五句得知最硬的部分在頂端而非底部,故此為錯誤選項。

50. Which of the following has NOT been a function served by the carved rocks in the Goreme National Park?

(A) Refuge.(B) Gallery.(C) Residence.(D) Place of worship.


(A) 避難所。 (B) 畫廊。 (C) 住所。 (D) 敬神之地。


51. Which of the following sentences best states the main idea of the passage?

(A) Goreme is a wonder where nature meets man.

(B) Goreme is a representation of ancient Turkish life.

(C) Goreme is a living example of the power of nature.

(D) Goreme is an attraction that mixes the new and the old.


(A) 格雷梅是大自然與人類文明交融的奇景。

(B) 格雷梅是古土耳其生活的代表。

(C) 格雷梅是大自然力量的現例。

(D) 格雷梅是新舊事物交織的景點。






1. 請將以下中文句子譯成正確、通順、達意的英文,並將答案寫在「答案卷」上。

2. 請依序作答,並標明子題號(1、2)。每題4分,共8分。

1. 台灣便利商店的密集度是全世界最高的,平均每兩千人就有一家。


(參考句型:S + be + SC, with + O + OC

S + be + SC, V-ing



(便利商店convenience stores

(平均on average (adv.)/average (vt.)


The density of convenience stores in Taiwan is the highest around the world, with one store for every two thousand people on average.

= Taiwan has the highest density of convenience stores in the world, averaging one store for every two thousand people.

2. 除了購買生活必需品,顧客也可以在這些商店繳費,甚至領取網路訂購之物品。


(參考句型:Adv., S + can + V + and + V


(除了besides/in addition to/apart from/aside from

(生活必需品daily necessities

(繳費pay one’s bills

(領取pick up/collect


Besides/In addition to/Apart from/Aside from buying/purchasing daily necessities, in these stores, customers can also pay their bills and even pick up/collect the items/goods/what they ordered online.



1. 依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。

2. 文長至少120個單詞(words)。



In my neighborhood lives an old lady. Every evening, I used to see her and her husband walking hand in hand in the park, with happy smiles on their wrinkled faces. However, recently, only one solitary hunched figure was seen in the park. I hesitated but finally asked why she came without her husband’s company, and was saddened to know that he had passed away. Seeing the loneliness in her eyes, I decided to make a difference. It occurred to me that I had a spare camera and that I could show her the sun still shined through the camera lens. To help her fully explore the wonderful world, I decided not just to teach her how to press the shutter release button. Point-and-shoot camera as it was, it was difficult enough for an aged person to learn and memorize different steps and functions. She nearly dozed off when I was enthusiastically explaining the uses. At last, I finished showing her the basic functions. I handed the camera to her, and in return, she thanked me, with a warm smile I had not seen for quite a while.


Lying on the bed that night, I kept thinking of this interesting experience. It was the first time I had plucked up the courage to start a conversation with a stranger and listen to her story. It was also my first time to teach someone older than me. Although I had a hard time teaching and she had trouble remembering what I taught, we had a good time talking. Furthermore, to my delight, the more I demonstrated, the more interested she appeared! Despite the loss of my camera, I felt contented and a sense of accomplishment. That night, I fell asleep with warmth in my heart and had very sweet dreams.


◎ 第一部分 選擇題



1. 十題中考名詞二題(layman、drizzle),動詞四題(mumbled、amplify、unfolding、entitled),形容詞三題(secure、inadequate、naive),副詞一題(explicitly)。

2. 每一題都有充分的線索讓學生做為作答的依據,有一題屬於字詞搭配題(be entitled to),七題屬於線索推論(secure、mumbled、layman、inadequate、drizzle、amplify、unfolding),其中兩題字詞搭配題也屬於定義題(couldn’t figure out exactly what he said → mumbled、technical and specialized → difficult for a layman);特別注意的是,有二題為對比題(explicitly、naive),這類題目需多注意on the contrary、however或instead等轉折詞所提供的線索。

3. 第7題測驗的naive意思較難,其他所有單字都屬7000字範圍內五到六級的字,五級字有三題(第1、2、10題),六級字有四題(第5、6、8、9題)。特別注意的是,第四題的inadequate未在7000字範圍,但其相反詞adequate為四級字,只要知道“in-”為相反詞字首即可作答。故學生若要應付指考,除了得熟悉大考七千字之外,也要多注意單字的其他字義與培養字首的概念。

4. 本次考題無論考字詞搭配或定義,均有線索作為推論之依據,可由前後文聯想。學生在平日需多加培養邏輯思考與推論的能力。



1. 第一篇文章敘述海明威的生平與寫作特色,第二篇說明路跑的類別與特色。二篇難度都屬於中上,文章本身的用字不難,但選項中出現的單字與片語稍有難度,作答時須從上下文意判斷並多加思考,故建議學生平日必須有系統地增加單字量。

2. 十題中考字彙五題(12、13、14、16、18)、片語一題(17)、轉折語一題(20)、文法觀念三題(11、15、19──倒裝句、連接詞概念與分詞)。

3. 總結來說,字彙考題都是考很基本的用法,惟第12題的cover考的單字級數較高,在此是「報導」的意思,14題的confrontation與modification與第17題的片語cater to難度均較高,學生必須多閱讀與背誦單字及片語,並釐清前後文的關係才能正確作答。文法考題考三題,第11題考「as + 倒裝句」的結構及19題考分詞片語的用法較難,第15題需要有清楚的連接詞概念。

4. 考題各測驗重點均出現平均,故學生平時在各方向都必須有所準備。

文意選填 (21-30題)


1. 全文十格都是實詞,有名詞,形容詞、動詞、分詞及片語,特別注意的是,形容詞以比較級出現,宜鼓勵學生記憶單字時要注意詞性。





片語:come across、sweep through

2. 本篇文章難度中上,有些題目需搭配文法概念作答,如21、25題與30題需用比較級,並知道even為比較級的修飾語,第27題測驗被動語態與28題測驗過去完成式,必須要判斷使用過去分詞,而第24題則是由搭配詞的方向思考即可答題。

3. 大部分的題目依據上下文意思即可判斷,故教師可提醒學生平日多做依上下文判斷文意的練習。

4. 值得注意的是,本篇有兩個多餘選項,學生在作答時必須慎重篩選。

篇章結構 (31-35題)


1. 學生可以從上下文意找出關鍵字來推論出答案。

(31) 關鍵字:空格後句的more portable→ . . . reduce overall weight

and size

(32) 關鍵字:空格後第二句的. . . can be fully re-fueled to their maximum capacity → . . . low maintenance battery

(33) 關鍵字:空格後句的It is fragile and requires a protection. . .

→ . . . drawbacks

(34) 關鍵字:空格後句的After 2-3 years of use與high internal resistance → . . . the increase of the internal resistance . . . cycling and aging

(35) 關鍵字:. . . making improvements . . .與空格後句的With such rapid progress. . . → New and enhanced . . .

2. 本次題目有四題(第31、32、33、34題)必須由後文往前推測意思,故可以訓練學生加強文法應用與文句連貫性的練習。



1. 第一篇介紹法貝熱彩蛋,第二篇介紹六標準差的統計方法,第三篇介紹瓶鼻海豚獨特的溝通方式,第四篇介紹格雷梅國家公園的自然與人文景觀。

2. 主旨題(44、51)、細節題(36、37、39、41、43、45、48、49、50)、推論題(47) 和定義題(38、40、46)皆屬於主流題目,平日學生應多加練習以熟悉答題技巧。

3. 特別的是,本次題目出現一題第42題是關於全文架構(organization)的題目,可鼓勵學生平日在閱讀時留意文章的結構。

4. 定義句子(38)與定義代名詞(46)的題目仍受到歡迎,故教師可讓學生多做換句話說或定義的練習。

◎第二部份 非選擇題


1. 第一句談論事實描述目前的情形,動詞用現在簡單式,助動詞用be動詞;第二句亦為談論事實,仍用現在簡單式,用助動詞can。

2. 第一句可用S + be + SC, with+ O + OC的結構寫出,或S + be + SC, V-ing來寫。

3. 第二句前半部為副詞,注意表「除了」的字詞後面多接續動名詞,主要子句以S + can + V結構寫出。

4. 兩句翻譯的片語及用字均不只一種,只要翻譯符合題目意思即可,無需特別使用困難的字詞。

5. 這二題關於便利商店的翻譯題貼近生活,可提醒學生多留意生活中的議題,如第一題的「密集度」density、與第二題的「生活必需品」daily necessities、「繳費」pay one’s bills與「領取」pick up/collect。



Topic sentence: 先鋪陳交代此經驗的背景與緣由。

In my neighborhood lives an old lady. Every evening, in the park nearby, I would see her and her husband walking hand in hand, with happy smiles on their wrinkled faces.

Supporting idea: 接著描述內容和過程。


Topic sentence: Lying on the bed that night, I kept thinking of this interesting experience.

Supporting idea: 說明該次經驗的獨特處。

Conclusion: 以別人受益而自己也從此經驗得到的收穫做為結尾。


1. 最近幾年的英文試題穩定度高,以中間偏易為原則,但今年的試題偏難,選字難度增加,閱讀測驗內容也較艱深,主題依然多元,大多貼近學生的生活經驗,但亦有學生不熟悉的主題入選,如六標準差的統計法。學生平日宜廣泛閱讀各種主題,以增加自身的字彙量,尤其多注意周遭生活議題及社會的趨勢,並多做上下文意理解的練習。

2. 選擇題部分:

(1) 字彙題題幹不長,但單字難度較高,選項的難度等級較往年提升,搭配詞的題目減少,多為線索推論題,大部分題目均有線索,可靠聯想與推論得到答案,若要得高分仍需多留意字詞的其他字意用法。

(2) 綜合測驗測驗重點包括單字、片語、文法、轉折語用法,第一篇難度較高,要背誦級數高的單字與注意文法概念。

(3) 文意選填的難度中等,答案線索明顯,但須結合文法概念作答。

(4) 篇章結構不難,容易作答,可從前後文找出關鍵字(句)。

(5) 閱讀測驗四篇中第一(文物)、三(動物)、四(景物)篇為常見的主題,第二篇與統計學在商業策略上的應用有關,是較難的議題,但只要細心閱讀與作答,亦不難得分。

3. 今年的寫作部分容易發揮,但需要仔細鋪陳,內容必須符合題目要求才可得高分。建議學生多閱讀各種題材的文章、注意生活議題、社會趨勢與時事才能面對不同的主題並增進自身寫作能力。


