oct.23.2002 8'10pm qlackboard inc pss 09/23/02 mon 16'...

OCT.23.2002 8'10PM qLACKBOARD INC PSS 09/23/02 MON 16' 42 FAJ B 243 4929 U of M PURCHASlNG' N0.897 P.1 VOIO IF AFTER. SEPTEMaER '31), 2002 TAEI Un1VBT1lty of Montsm1 Ml!!!iDU1a Bl.ACKSOAftD MASTER TERMS 1heG:e Blaclcbosl'd Master Tmrn.s rMiilsmt lerrna"), Jm;lde this. at July, Zo02. Date"), by and bl!llween Blackboard In,., s Delaw<Jre corporation having "'n adrJri;iqi;. at 1800 L S1reat. NW, Fifth Floor, WashlnQtof\, DO 20Q3S ("Bbi;kboa!\i") end Tue un!yersit:f of Mopl!me M{sBQ!.JIO ha.viRg an adi;lraas et#3? Campus OOye, Missoula MT $M1'2 61p;ckboard afferg sol't'w2re and to sca1ia from oourse wabilles. to an Btlllr& on Uno Gampus lhit v11000 lneUl1.111ons: to and maosge for a \'alue cstd !Milam and saoul'ity 8Y'iJlem. Cuetcn11u wisl'lmos to m.dopt tho Blackboard tachnalo;y to ooh:arice lb;I own prograrM, end Blackboe:l'd Ja. WllUng ID Ille Blacktlcianl ClJstomerfor itil:!'il J)Urporw. ihararori:i, In of tlie fo!low[ng mutl.le.1 cov1m8fll1i and ggreameriti;; 1 , the parUl!::1 a.a ronows: 1. SCOPEOFAGRff.l,1ENT. 1.1 e1d?@t11 11Qd Scbsdu!et. Thee:e Mastel' Termi;. dl:AIOJ'ftia tlnt Q@fl.,ral tonrilil by wl\lct. Cl.lstomttr imy ltOtinaa (aa defined blil!Qw) end seivlc:es deDntM:I _ below} 6l'ld Equlpmcmt from Slt'IOl<l:mard as forth In Q Schedu111. Tim ap&c:lfic tarm& related to the Uermae Of Sottwara li\nd putaha&e or oodlcr EQuiriment are daacrtbocl In approptlbte SQftwere OJ' "Senr'k:e SChadules, end Emlbil'l lhereto (c1;111eCl1Vlly If:' aa "ScllBCIUlBS"). Ee.ch Sdle:dule lhaae Mairter ierms a egroement (the PAgreemsnr) between 61aickbo;;ard ond C\l&tomer. SChee!t..!lss. rnay hl!ll addod or Cloletv(I rrom ll1J1e to ttmo l>Y the cf the partle;i, Cu:itomer 011ly l!luttioriv;id to license Soft:ware OJ' 1:11,nohaee $ervlca'i1 t'll!lreunr.l11t tc lhe eklent lhPt one er more appllce.ble $c!ledules le a}(Bouted end In forw. 1.:l Otdet of precuenca. Tl'ii:i of tirry Stlled1Jle wlll take preO!ldence o\r\!lr 1hei;r.e MM!Dr Term9. to tlia exttnt ttiaL mey a.re lneon&ls.leinl. 111 ttt& dl\tel'\t or any lnt.ilrralstenclan iletwelilfl lhG- teJ111:;> or tl"leea M1urter Terms 11nd any alteched, or preprinted t'e1TI111 and CQndltloni on lhe1 order. thGso 1;1hall tako pracedeno;e. 2.. 2,1 meane, with rospect le any eniily, (lny clller .enllty Contl'Cl1llT19, Conttolled by or under control wU.\'I such entity, whalhar dlreclly or lntJlrecllv !h'ousli ona or mon:" Z.i "AW!lable D, 11 mearte the date upon IJ.ltileh an Install GOP)" ot tha Software eTlfor lhe Equi1Jm0nl li made alfilleble to Customer. Ari Jnmn copy of Sortware or lhe tq,,lhe Cuitomer either (I} on the data on whlch Bllilckboard hai nollflad Cwtcmer that fn!tall copy or tha Sanware Is e.vaih1bkt fQr downlO'ild; (II) on thi! deteo Ula.Cld'loarcl not11l0i C\letomer thti.l thB may be ti.c;Oaaed on the Bllilckboflld AS? liletl'\IM; or (Iii) Iha dnte on wn!Qh: the evellnblD' for Jnstallatlon 111& diagnostic 1)1" (iV) on the di.le Blackboard shtps EQIJlpment Lo customer. · TIW download atte wlll be ma tie available lo Cuut.omer tor e period or thirty (30) days am:I customer MU51 clownklsd the SottwaM wllhln 11115: th!rLy day period. A CD contl!llnlng e. bad\;M? i;opy of the can be sent lo C1,161orner UpM C1.n1ti;u11er't Z.3 "Q9RHclont111 TnfotmpU2n" me:1ni:i i:rny nol'l1'1..1bllc lnf0ml11tion abwt a p;,,rty, lni;:fUd1nai wtlhoul tile vendom- 1 pror;l1,11;:ts 1 S&Vlces, employeei;:, finances, eosts, eKpGnf:e6, lloanola1 or oondltl1m, end eornpllkl-r eoftwe.re proar{lmlil ii.Md programmlng too" nnti their respeotM::i daslQI\ archtb;icb..ire-, modules, inMlrt'iCB&, and l)ttlmenW, cap111bllltlea and f'unctlone.bly, soi.irce arid objad. and de1Jelopment efforlS. meriwUnJ;J i:md a!fort.9, eross--llc@n!iiJ'lg, mE1rMHl'l9 and dl31rib!Jtlon prac11ces: computer 1;1Qltwi!r.M prograrm- and Oll'er lnformaUon. licensed <Jr cthel)'Jlaa dit;O\ga1Jd to ll party in confldentllil by e. tl'Jlrd pi;irty, end iany other hgn·publlc lnfarmaUoo that doBS or rnay hBW economiovuh,1i;1 by mas.on of not b!!lng known. 2.4 1i1nd i\l3 dsrlvslive-s shiilll legal, bensflcla1 or equU.:i:ble; ol.yflor11hlp, dire_ctly or trtdfrectly, or rrwre lhal'l firty Percent (00%) or the olllstandu'tg voting slocfti {or o!htr QWnemhlp lnteceet. if not a corpomUon} ot an en\lly, or manngtrl:al or .operntbnal c;ontrol o'fer s1Jd\ entity. -CONF!DENTIAt. AND a change (e.g. IDUta. w9r)qlraund5. o1h•r madlflCfJtrons} madB by or ror BlackbWn:I wh1ch cah'd011?i aothNare arrore lh the s.mtwnre. kl t&mporsty f'll'ln euch a!J a p1lleh, encl l.11.ter 1.9.iuer.l ln perma11ent fOrm tJf en Ul)jiate. 2...6 "'t,;puft!Bntptlon° means Slaekboard's m:ipllcabl'a :&lo.ndan;I documentation ror Ula Stiftwere t!!nd/qr J:;;qWp!Ilan\ 1 moy bi;i IUfll!lnder.I tram tuna lo Oma. 2.T means the hmdwam ili'!d Drmware relat'ed to 1hll value crud aya10rn and sec1Jrlty system sa ot1 Blae{{bce.rd'a U\en-current priQ:l·n:1t. 2..8 means any conlenl (inch.iellng, Dut not llmlte lo, c&lrmt maletiats ani:i t)io pitenlB1 trade i;aewtn '9Tid other lnWOedUBI property l'F.llated provided by (Ir Un'OUgh CU&trimer tor USB wllfi the StiftMire or the AppHOliH0'1 BDllwlire IJ Bppllcablo. 2.9 •illt!!st!" meami any cone.ulUng, ASP Jnatallatioii, t}'iWltl admlnh1\Jlltion, !raining or m1.l1"1tenance EQ1d aupport a,ar,,J::e:i. pro1.1lded by Bla.akboa.-d ti;i Customer. 2.11) mear;$ tile codl!i vere!on of 1;af\.ware a& dei;:¢rlbed an tt\e SoftWnre 'Schl?du1e(a) and Suppo11•:Kl lnl"daeea (and ariy Oooumentlitlon enc:! h"lp fllf;li; Included Wll.1'1in the SOttwl:lre), Including any Correicllom:i., Upde.we and provided puraul'!l'll IO ttie rn.alnlenence end support terms of auol'l schel'.IUlfll. 2.11 ".§upported h1!erftC:tl" mean$ epPlii:aUon-.btlsetl network protccot5, deta fo1Tlla1'. echcmaa, 111\ltl ala usei:I H'I the e:>' i:lescrlbad In the Ooi:ume·1tu.tlon ("lnu.la\lallon ;l.12 shct!I mean !he objed code version-a of ttie 6oftWl!!.re tn1'\"I: hl!llt been dovelopBd by Blai;:kboard to. correct a.ny eoftwarn error ltieroln and/or o;ddltioni:il runctianellty and t11at have commeroit:illy releaeed llViltt a veMion n1,1mbet that dlrfera ffOM lhat of tt\9 prtor vrnrslon In tho numbGr to light o! thetlecfmlllpornt[e.g.,2..0va.2.1). · 2.'t3 "!!oo.mtH" tihall mean tlla obJoct Viii n.s orlhe Software ll"flt hPve b1JQl1 i;uslomlled, enhanced. o ·b'!herwlslil mad!Qed b:1 or on bi:ihslt of Blackboard, e.CU!lg ln Jt!I sole dlttireilon. 10 inelutla additloriel funcUCl'ISl]ly and lho.t haw boon wllh a veroi<:in number that dlffe.rt: f!l11ll tl'ti!l cf ttio J)rior venJlon Jn Ul& number to tho left of lhe decimal pOll'll (&.g,, 3.0 vs. 2.6). s. $ ornvARli AND 3-1 t:letn1elM1dntf!mi1Jco suld syrpeon Blacidlosrd WID proyJcfl!I Customqr wilh SClftw<un as well as m•illntl!ll'lance end suppQfl Rarvlces 'et 1t:1rth on lhQ 0pplJCa.ble Sortware auaotied ht!mto for i:iach ermunl period lhmt Custorner ha;i pa1Q Iha wsooieter.I Fee:t. 3.2 of Egu!pmllo_t. Blt1.ekboerd win sell io Customer, and Custol'rtElr shell P\.lrchEl$8 lrom ttie Equipment purnuant the lorrns: emd ll'\ ScheclUle A. 1r no Equfpmel1 Schedula Is Customer acJ<now\11dg"l!IG f1fls; MO obll911lion tQ provlda any E-qs.illfiMnt lo C1.1stom15r, 3.) bJ!erning SoluYon:11, BIBCi\bQan:l will provtde Cuii.lomer with the eclulions fol'Ul on lho Leem(ngi So\llliQns Schei;h,ile 1tt<:1ched Mlroto. Ir rto LQ"mrng SoluUona Sehedu!G Is attached, Cuatorner that Bh1.clrho1:1rd hai;; no !O provide. leamln9 aolulion:s lo Ct.1.!ltornSr. Master 1 li!J 002

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Page 1: OCT.23.2002 8'10PM qLACKBOARD INC PSS 09/23/02 MON 16' …production.tcf.org.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/OPM... · 2.'t3 "!!oo.mtH" tihall mean tlla obJoct ~dA Viii n.s orlhe Software


09/23/02 MON 16' 42 FAJ B 243 4929 U of M PURCHASlNG' N0.897 P.1

VOIO IF EX~UTE.P AFTER. SEPTEMaER '31), 2002 TAEI Un1VBT1lty of Montsm1 • Ml!!!iDU1a


1heG:e Blaclcbosl'd Master Tmrn.s rMiilsmt lerrna"), Jm;lde this. 1~t d~y at July, Zo02. ("E'J1~w Date"), by and bl!llween Blackboard In,., s

Delaw<Jre corporation having "'n adrJri;iqi;. at 1800 L S1reat. NW, Fifth Floor, WashlnQtof\, DO 20Q3S ("Bbi;kboa!\i") end Tue un!yersit:f of

Mopl!me ~ M{sBQ!.JIO ha.viRg an adi;lraas et#3? Campus OOye, Missoula MT $M1'2 rCusto1r~r").

61p;ckboard afferg sol't'w2re and seM~t to sca1ia from oourse wabilles. to an Btlllr& on Uno Gampus ~11d lhit v11000 lneUl1.111ons: to ~bllsti and

maosge accoun~. for a .:1t.Qn;11;~ \'alue cstd !Milam and saoul'ity ~oca!iS 8Y'iJlem. Cuetcn11u wisl'lmos to m.dopt tho Blackboard tachnalo;y to

ooh:arice lb;I own cdui;auern~I prograrM, end Blackboe:l'd Ja. WllUng ID prov~a Ille Blacktlcianl ~hnolaEyro ClJstomerfor itil:!'il J)Urporw.

ihararori:i, In oomrider~Han of tlie fo!low[ng mutl.le.1 cov1m8fll1i and ggreameriti;;1, the parUl!::1 1~9rae a.a ronows:

1. SCOPEOFAGRff.l,1ENT. 1.1 e1d?@t11 11Qd Scbsdu!et. Thee:e Mastel' Termi;.

dl:AIOJ'ftia tlnt Q@fl.,ral tonrilil by wl\lct. Cl.lstomttr imy ltOtinaa

Sofiw~ (aa defined blil!Qw) end pu~hs51e seivlc:es (~ deDntM:I _

below} 6l'ld Equlpmcmt from Slt'IOl<l:mard as s~ forth In Q

Schedu111. Tim ap&c:lfic tarm& related to the Uermae Of Sottwara

li\nd putaha&e or Sci.rvl~ oodlcr EQuiriment are daacrtbocl In th~

approptlbte SQftwere OJ' "Senr'k:e SChadules, end Emlbil'l lhereto

(c1;111eCl1Vlly ~rrad If:' aa "ScllBCIUlBS"). Ee.ch Sdle:dule ~J\d

lhaae Mairter ierms ~eilher Q:ln~tuw a i!iep111~1e egroement

(the PAgreemsnr) between 61aickbo;;ard ond C\l&tomer.

SChee!t..!lss. rnay hl!ll addod or Cloletv(I rrom ll1J1e to ttmo l>Y the

Bgl"Hm~rtl cf the partle;i, b~ Cu:itomer I~ 011ly l!luttioriv;id to

license Soft:ware OJ' 1:11,nohaee $ervlca'i1 t'll!lreunr.l11t tc lhe eklent

lhPt one er more appllce.ble $c!ledules le a}(Bouted end In forw.

1.:l Otdet of precuenca. Tl'ii:i pro't'h~li:tns of tirry Stlled1Jle

wlll take preO!ldence o\r\!lr 1hei;r.e MM!Dr Term9. to tlia exttnt ttiaL

mey a.re lneon&ls.leinl. 111 ttt& dl\tel'\t or any lnt.ilrralstenclan

iletwelilfl lhG- teJ111:;> or tl"leea M1urter Terms 11nd any mferen~d,

alteched, or preprinted t'e1TI111 and CQndltloni on lhe1 pu~h•

order. thGso MaalarTerrn~ 1;1hall tako pracedeno;e.


2,1 11~" meane, with rospect le any eniily, (lny clller

.enllty Contl'Cl1llT19, Conttolled by or under ~mmon control wU.\'I

such entity, whalhar dlreclly or lntJlrecllv !h'ousli ona or mon:"


Z.i "AW!lable D,11 mearte the date upon IJ.ltileh an Install

GOP)" ot tha Software eTlfor lhe Equi1Jm0nl li made alfilleble to Customer. Ari Jnmn copy of th~ Sortware or lhe Equipment(~

"marJ.~ ~vai\61ble~ tq,,lhe Cuitomer either (I} on the data on whlch

Bllilckboard hai nollflad Cwtcmer that ~h fn!tall copy or tha

Sanware Is e.vaih1bkt fQr downlO'ild; (II) on thi! deteo Ula.Cld'loarcl

not11l0i C\letomer thti.l thB Soflw~re may be ti.c;Oaaed on the

Bllilckboflld AS? liletl'\IM; or (Iii) Iha dnte on wn!Qh: the Softwtl~

m~de evellnblD' for Jnstallatlon 111& diagnostic rnod~; 1)1" (iV) on

the di.le Blackboard shtps EQIJlpment Lo customer. · TIW

download atte wlll be ma tie available lo Cuut.omer tor e period or

thirty (30) days am:I customer MU51 clownklsd the SottwaM

wllhln 11115: th!rLy day period. A CD contl!llnlng e. bad\;M? i;opy of

the S~rtware can be sent lo C1,161orner UpM C1.n1ti;u11er't niqu~I

Z.3 "Q9RHclont111 TnfotmpU2n" me:1ni:i i:rny nol'l1'1..1bllc

lnf0ml11tion abwt a p;,,rty, lni;:fUd1nai wtlhoul ~mltallCtn. tile i:ierl~

Cu~lne$8. vendom-1 ~6toraeta', pror;l1,11;:ts1 S&Vlces, employeei;:,

finances, eosts, eKpGnf:e6, lloanola1 or ~mP~ll~ve oondltl1m,

poUcle~. end ~ctii:.:e:11, eornpllkl-r eoftwe.re proar{lmlil ii.Md

programmlng too" nnti their respeotM::i daslQI\ archtb;icb..ire-,

modules, inMlrt'iCB&, databQ~~ and ~labase·atruc:tures, rion~'tol'tll

l)ttlmenW, cap111bllltlea and f'unctlone.bly, soi.irce 1Xn'!~ arid objad.

~&, re~ear(:h and de1Jelopment efforlS. meriwUnJ;J i:md d~tr\~ullon

a!fort.9, ll~ensfng, eross--llc@n!iiJ'lg, mE1rMHl'l9 and dl31rib!Jtlon

prac11ces: computer 1;1Qltwi!r.M prograrm- and Oll'er lnformaUon.

licensed <Jr cthel)'Jlaa dit;O\ga1Jd to ll party in confldentllil by e. tl'Jlrd

pi;irty, end iany other hgn·publlc lnfarmaUoo that doBS or rnay hBW

economiovuh,1i;1 by mas.on of not b!!lng g$!'1~ta.lly known.

2.4 "~"' 1i1nd i\l3 dsrlvslive-s shiilll n'l~$n legal,

bensflcla1 or equU.:i:ble; ol.yflor11hlp, dire_ctly or trtdfrectly, or rrwre

lhal'l firty Percent (00%) or the olllstandu'tg voting ~p!tal slocfti {or

o!htr QWnemhlp lnteceet. if not a corpomUon} ot an en\lly, or

~ctval manngtrl:al or .operntbnal c;ontrol o'fer s1Jd\ entity.


:!!.~ "~.2~" ~all rru:i~l'li a change (e.g. IDUta.

w9r)qlraund5. ~~rxl o1h•r madlflCfJtrons} madB by or ror BlackbWn:I

wh1ch cah'd011?i aothNare arrore lh the s.mtwnre. pl'Q\lld~ kl

t&mporsty f'll'ln euch a!J a p1lleh, encl l.11.ter 1.9.iuer.l ln perma11ent

fOrm tJf en Ul)jiate. 2...6 "'t,;puft!Bntptlon° means Slaekboard's m:ipllcabl'a

:&lo.ndan;I QI~] ll$~ documentation ror Ula Stiftwere t!!nd/qr

J:;;qWp!Ilan\1 w1~ldl moy bi;i IUfll!lnder.I tram tuna lo Oma.

2.T '1lis~' means the hmdwam ili'!d Drmware

relat'ed to 1hll a~red value crud aya10rn and sec1Jrlty a~a:i:J

system sa lt!\'lnU~d ot1 Blae{{bce.rd'a U\en-current priQ:l·n:1t.

2..8 ''i~rtomar c11n~11nt1' means any conlenl (inch.iellng,

Dut not llmlte lo, c&lrmt maletiats ani:i t)io GtlP~lghtil, pitenlB1

trade i;aewtn '9Tid other lnWOedUBI property l'F.llated lh~)

provided by (Ir Un'OUgh CU&trimer tor USB wllfi the StiftMire or the

AppHOliH0'1 BDllwlire IJ Bppllcablo. 2.9 •illt!!st!" meami any cone.ulUng, edu~Poni:i.I, ASP

Jnatallatioii, t}'iWltl admlnh1\Jlltion, !raining or m1.l1"1tenance EQ1d

aupport a,ar,,J::e:i. pro1.1lded by Bla.akboa.-d ti;i Customer.

2.11) ·!1!~11 mear;$ tile GP)!!l~ codl!i vere!on of tl'I~

Blecktu;ia~d 1;af\.ware a& dei;:¢rlbed an tt\e SoftWnre 'Schl?du1e(a) •

and Suppo11•:Kl lnl"daeea (and ariy Oooumentlitlon enc:! h"lp fllf;li;

Included Wll.1'1in the SOttwl:lre), Including any Correicllom:i., Upde.we

and Upgtad~1$ provided puraul'!l'll IO ttie rn.alnlenence end support

terms of auol'l schel'.IUlfll. 2.11 ".§upported h1!erftC:tl" mean$ epPlii:aUon-.btlsetl

ln~erfmliw (•!/'!~ network protccot5, deta fo1Tlla1'. c1e~aie

echcmaa, 111\ltl ala format~ usei:I H'I the sonw~re e:>' i:lescrlbad In

the Ooi:ume·1tu.tlon ("lnu.la\lallon Gu!Q9~).

;l.12 "!~l~" shct!I mean !he objed code version-a of ttie

6oftWl!!.re tn1'\"I: hl!llt been dovelopBd by Blai;:kboard to. correct a.ny

eoftwarn error ltieroln and/or .provkl~ o;ddltioni:il runctianellty and

t11at have b~u~n commeroit:illy releaeed llViltt a veMion n1,1mbet that

dlrfera ffOM lhat of tt\9 prtor vrnrslon In tho numbGr to l~'P.' light o!

thetlecfmlllpornt[e.g.,2..0va.2.1). ~' ·

2.'t3 "!!oo.mtH" tihall mean tlla obJoct ~dA Viii n.s orlhe

Software ll"flt hPve b1JQl1 i;uslomlled, enhanced. o ·b'!herwlslil

mad!Qed b:1 or on bi:ihslt of Blackboard, e.CU!lg ln Jt!I sole

dlttireilon. 10 inelutla additloriel funcUCl'ISl]ly and lho.t haw boon

t~l~ased wllh a veroi<:in number that dlffe.rt: f!l11ll tl'ti!l cf ttio J)rior

venJlon Jn Ul& number to tho left of lhe decimal pOll'll (&.g,, 3.0 vs.


s. $ ornvARli AND s~~VIOES 3-1 ~!.l:lftW11to t:letn1elM1dntf!mi1Jco suld syrpeon ~. Blacidlosrd WID proyJcfl!I Customqr wilh SClftw<un as

well as m•illntl!ll'lance end suppQfl Rarvlces 'et 1t:1rth on lhQ

0pplJCa.ble Sortware Selledul~ auaotied ht!mto for i:iach ermunl

period lhmt Custorner ha;i pa1Q Iha wsooieter.I U~natt Fee:t.

3.2 ~t:mm of Egu!pmllo_t. Blt1.ekboerd win sell io Customer,

and Custol'rtElr shell P\.lrchEl$8 lrom Blnek~rd. ttie Equipment

purnuant 11~ the lorrns: emd ccnr;llllon~ ll'\ ScheclUle A. 1r no

Equfpmel1 Schedula Is ~ltai;hi!ld, Customer acJ<now\11dg"l!IG th~t

Bla~~l'IONI f1fls; MO obll911lion tQ provlda any E-qs.illfiMnt lo

C1.1stom15r, 3.) bJ!erning SoluYon:11, BIBCi\bQan:l will provtde Cuii.lomer

with the lt~aming eclulions ~et fol'Ul on lho Leem(ngi So\llliQns

Schei;h,ile 1tt<:1ched Mlroto. Ir rto LQ"mrng SoluUona Sehedu!G Is

attached, Cuatorner acknowh~d9es that Bh1.clrho1:1rd hai;; no

obP~tUm !O provide. ~l'IY leamln9 aolulion:s lo Ct.1.!ltornSr.

Master r~um~ 1

li!J 002

Page 2: OCT.23.2002 8'10PM qLACKBOARD INC PSS 09/23/02 MON 16' …production.tcf.org.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/OPM... · 2.'t3 "!!oo.mtH" tihall mean tlla obJoct ~dA Viii n.s orlhe Software


, 09/23/02 MON 16' 43 Fil 6 243 4929 U of M PURCRASlNG ~~~~~~~~~

N0.897 P.2

VOUJ If EXECUTED AFi'£R SEP1EMBER :!J!l, 200~ TllG Unl ... e1;3tl.y of MontanF;1- Mltseo~1a

3.4 ASP Smlcps. 13!ui;:kboont viii~ proYlde Cua~m~r with

the ASP ~BNlcea i1at fQri;I\ Jn i!ny ASP Sct'<ed1..1fe atliichad heteto.

Ir OD ASP $aMoes Sd'lod1.1l1;1 ts attachad, cu11tom0r

~eknow10d;es that Blad<board hsa no obli(JBtlon to provide

Custamet wltli eny lnSWllaUon. con"gumHon Qt other pitifaaslcn~

CDnsr.Jltfng S81VICGllo.

'l.8 Addjtlgnal S9nilee•. Blacklloerd wl!I provide

Customer with iany-olhet servlce.o. lhat 1re se1 fcirth In e !!!!!Pim~ seheclule ettaolied hgrnlo. If no additional Schedules u~ ~ttached, CUs\Omar ncknowladges imr.t EllaclWOein:t has m>

obllgalfon to provide Ci.it1lo!'r1$1' wltll gny addltlcmal s~rvlces.

4. CONFIDENTIAI.l'fY 4.1 N9nd1Gql9sa1ra and NoOUio. E11cfi p;uty receJWig

Confidential lnfcnnetioo. lncll.ldlng bul nor limlled 1c, m11.terl1;1li1:

conbllnll'lg Canfldentlal !nfOJinallOl'l aliall (l'I) dlBcloi!iB 6Uch

ConndenUEtl lnformBtJOn to OJ'I))' lf'loae dlreetO.TE, ofic~rs,

Etl\'lPloya-~ al'ld agents of such party {I) whoee ciuttes ju!Jlily thBlr

r'taad to know such Jnformatlon all(I {11) wtio have been ciqarl~

lnt'onned of tl"Jelr obllt1all0fl to ma.tntaln the confldanUal,

pltlprlstary onrJfllr nde: l';ii:!CrQt 1,1.W,tus or el.Wh ccnftde!'lda1

1nronn11tlon; ~trd (b) uw 1;1uoh COnflda!'rt!BI 1nrorrne.Uon 011ly for ttie

putpoao ~PD\" ~ 1n thlcc A9rearnent. Ell(:lh party reoelvlng

CcnrldenCial lnromiaflOf'I :.'!ihell treat such lll'farmaHon eo Gt~ldly

conrldentieil, and ehaH uae lhe si;ima 011re to pMVEM dlselctJJ1.Jm of

suctt Information fl!il euoh s:iarty uses wltli re&pl!l'Ot fo Re O\IA'l

cionnr;li;tnl-lat a!'ld proprietary lnk.lrrnauon, Which shall not be leei;1

than Iha cs.ni. i raaaooab1e parson would use undor sJmilar

oirwm~nce.t. Notwllh:!lt!ndln9 lho fol'~9Qln;, each party rtteY

dlSc:loso Goolld111otlel lflf0miffi1~m to the e11:ton~ 11~caBBary pureuant

lo ap?Jli;i1.l:Jle fGCforaJ, rrui.~a or IOca! 111'11', l'elgulatli:in, co1..11t onlGr, t1r

ether Jea1;1\ proi::ess. provldad tho recefvit'lg party hes given tl\e

dlseloalrig party prlOt wtitten notice of such tequlrl!ld dlscloeure

and, IO fl\e e~enl ~aonllbly po~slblt"J, hBs glvan th0 dttr.:loslng

party en opportul"llly to t:t"lntMl sL1ch raqulred dlaclo11ure 8l Utei

dl~r;loi;tlng pariy'& expansa, 4.2' N.rth:!. Tl'l~ nm'J\Vln~ party WIU nOtlfy lhB dl.scioolng

:p~rty irnm~cllC1telY In U1a went t'1e receiving party leam6 of arii

un£1utharizad po-aeesslcn, u~e or knov.ol11dge of lhe Conftdi,11\1;:i1

llifot11Jstlon ilmUor Materlali ~ntaln!ng ConTide:o~I lnformstfon

arid will coo~rate with lhe d!Qcloslnsi party in f!lny !IHge;tlo~

agalnril any thlrQ persons neoossaiy la protei;;t lhe d\~r,;f0ijli\9

party's right.G with respeot to ihe 001'\fldenUal lnf0rm1?1tlori .and

M~ler1a1s. _. 4.3 Terms Q:f Anr&!!ment. Except as othervJlSi!i provldad

by lim, Pelth!'!:r party shall diacli;lsEJ the teM'l$ of !he AgM!!rnl:lnl to

any third party; provided, however, lllat Glth"r party rn~y disclo!:e

the terms of tl'liS Agreement 10 1~ aff!li0to:1, ~U:arneya til'ld

ae~nlanta, ot to any fX)tet1llt1I lnve1;1Wr or 111.;qulr@r of D

SUlHMntlal part of $1.lci'\ party'll l:Jus!nos; (whelher by nwrgfi!r, a11le

of a&Sets, liSI& Of :ioto~ or otherwise) th'J.l Is pound by a written

~9tG111ment lo l<aap fltJCh terms conflC!itntlel, or as may tie tlilqul['(ld

bylaw. Thia Agreement e.nd all lnform~tron received a~ e: ~sult or Blaf:lkl:>ot1n:l'i:11 proJX!e:al may be c•.mtiifdered ~F'ubllc ~cord" In

aeoordBneG wi1h MCMJUma i;,lalute. 11'1 ~~rd11nce wl!h 2...a-102

!!Ind 184-304 MCA, subject ltitM llmltatlone.of(he UnlfQJm Tmde

Secret:i. Act 30~14-401 et. saq. MCA .. an writings nnd documen~

tao:tNtd lii'1ell be ava\ll!lble ror PU bile Inspection,

5. TERMi TERMlNATIOf'J ~.1 I!fE!,. Tha:s~ Master 'terms and 1!'19 s.groament

betv,ie~n tha p.artl~11 t;ihal! comrrleJtce a:a of lhe E:f1eCliw Oiiile an(I

shu.O eontfnue until the explrnUon et l0rmln1;1~Qn or all $ched\llB:!I.

~.2 _Ri.flu&. Either party may, lit Its il!)tlon, tennlnat& these

Mt'.14ter TBrms and an~ or e.11 Schedules If e. metelial ct~rault by the

othe~ ~inly i£" not c(Jrraetrid wlthln !flirty (SO) dsya etlsr muolpl are

written notlCQ of tile der11u!1. !J,;j MYN@I NrmlgqtloQ. Slher party may termln~Le \l'\B~ Master T6~ "nd any er all ~Ql'ledulea, lmmadiatel)' by wrltto.n

notlce, lf tllEI otl'ler party breauh'ilel: any Software Sthedulo or

Se.cilon i Ofthrtiw M115\er Teffn$,


5.4 &lb.ct of Tprm1npt1bh. Tii!rmlna.11011 or tlla Agrwment

stiaU not rell~iie ellh&r party of any obllgaUon ar llablllll,' ill~ruOO

h-atoi.Jrider pr\ilr io S1Jcn torm1riadon, nor efl'oo1. o-r lmpulrtha rlshts

of aIIl'll!:r pa1ty ar1sit9 under tl\o A.gruam~n~ prior W such

lermirie.tlcn1 a~e&pl a& ex.J)f'eSGly prg\IJdet;I hereln.

5.lJ j!.1nrfvel. Tiii termina!lon er eJt.pirl;rlion of tl'te

N)rte:ment s111111 m;rt raffe~e eltlier perty of any cbAQStion ol'

liQl)Jlit)' aoi;:1r1.1Bd hereundar prior to or S1.1blHl~uoot b:i ~ch

klnTllnatlon, rior lilffed" or Impair the rlghfe of- cilhE;ir patty arl,!ln;

und~r lh!il Jl,Bl<&&merJi: prior to or &ub~eq1,1ei\~ to such ~rminstlan

or oxpfr~lkm, GXCQpt M ~rel19.ly ~rcvlded here¥1.

B. Fi!::Si PA.YM!Ni 8.1 fill~ls Cu!ii\.Qmtr 1:1tu;1Jl pay f31aykboe.rd 1h.e fe@li' In US

oaner.;. 5pe1:H:'leid In tint 6i:hodu!~ 1;1lmched as appllGable

6.2 fillmunt pnd Lft9 FAAi. Cl,ialamer shall pay

Bli:li;)i::boerd t1a ~ea!!ll thlrly {:30) deye from d~ of recelpt Qr Bn

SCi"-lrlilW it111olee, riot In formel dh1pute. In u.ocord8nco wl'll'I the

appU~ble s.~hlildulee. end ir'I no av{)nt le.I.er tti~n forty.five (45)

days of U1e dete o1 Invoice from BISL";kboerd. Blackbo~rd:

B)q)ra~!y l'E!Jl.Qi'YM tlie t'i.(lhl U> Change 11'1& Ucem1e rse aniJ

Malntanmn~~ and Su!'t!ort Fee for ~ny RenewHI Term. ~

owidue. ~1n~un11 wlll beer 0 late fes Bl tf'le rnte of oJQhteen

peroQtlt (1;3~~1) per annum or lhB mt1x:Jrm,1m rn.IV peflllittetl lJy

appll011bfe l~w. whlctiever la l!Ji~· .All filulS nl'!I pa)'B-lilG lri U,S.

dol!Brs anti .a1ia11 be 5ent ra the att0criUon cf aJai:kboard'» Acco1,1nh;

RacaJVlilbli Department. 1,i.:\ 8Jl$Ut. For lhe sole pllrposa of -ansur1"9 CQl'npll111.nce

Wllh this Al111'BEll'Nlnl. 6fecl<bcen:I eha11 liave lho right. 11.t Its

S)tpense, to 1~ucm Customer's use of lho Sollwa'e upcin el lfll!ISt

."llev~ (7) dr~ys ndwnce noUi;e. Any .suon r;iutlit sl'laU ba during

Customer'>1 nrJm'lel rmslnees nourv atld .st1Gll oot ba mWe n'IOl'O

freque:tilly lh1ln once every twel'le monlhs. B.f. !,!~m, The f@es hereunder do not lnduds a.ny :i,al~,

use, eKd11ai. Import or export, value-edded i::rr 3l1111li;u- iax and

inlQresl au welt as ~fly ci:i-3\1 ~t;111cclatod wt1h th" collacUon or

Wilnholdlng ttieroor. aJ1!;1. all governrnenl Permit fea!!ll, lic;enea r~e3

aniJ C1Jit1Cr11ra and slrii111'1.~ feM levled on tti~ d~llveiy i;rf ihe

sottwi'\re or lhL'I pertorm!!lll'loe of Sl'l.Nlc;es by B!aekbaerd lo

Customer. Cuetomer~ en ~gency of lhlll Stute of Ml'll'ltana snd in

exempt from fetl&llll and slate lo)ie.s.. 'fhil.I Customm' fademl

exclae Tax BKemplion number Ji1; 81..0302402. Federal Esc:ise

exemptlor t::ortlficaW,a Will be fum1ahed lll)Orl n1que3l lhe State. at Montan!! has 110 e.alQ:s tax. AU 1)1lyrnr;mts di.lo under lhl5

Agr1;1emijr.t uhall be rnedm w!lhout ahy dei:lll¢ion or wlthhotdlng,

unles:e s~1cl1 dctduotrOl"I or wllhhoklinia ii raq1..1lrcd by any

l'l.ppllc:able ElW Of any re]E'JVMl aovl'l.rtuTI~n~I (GVl!lnU4'°.GU(horlty

ltlcn In effocL Jr CualOmat ts rsq1,1imd to deduct oi',wlthJto!d,

customer will prcm'pUy rmlify Blac:kboa.rcl of U'le raqulrifihehl, pRy

th$ requl1" d i;lmounl to the re1e't'$1\t go\lemmanlBI e1.11t10Nty,

provklQ e.1~u~d1oord wlUJ an 1.1fficlul receipt or C¥tifl&d co~y or

olhi:ir dQc1.1mente.ltcn acceptable lo Blacl«JOe.rd evldsncring

psym.tin.t, ~ nd pay to Blia.ckboard, In eddltlon lo t~o payment ro

v.flien Blm:kboard is otherwi!la ent1Ued undar ttirs Agraemlill'lt1

such ac'dltlr.ina.I amount :is IB nA~ssaiy to· ~nsura that 11le net

e.mouot i;c:uR\ly received by e1acld:loard eql.IE!IS the NII l!lmounl

81aoktloa'ci would· hi3Ve recelvi;:d tlad no euch deduclion or

wi'thfloldlng been requlr~. 113.5 J,~lmnn ContJct. CUatomer':o blOlngllnvolclna point of

contact ls:

N~rna Tnle Addl'eS.:S E-m~ll: Te1ephor1e numbt!lr

Jomin Llstop Dirwtor #32 Cnmpus DrlvE1, MlS!JOula, Mt. ~9('112 :orru,,®rneo.1.1mt.edu

7. l]JSCLAIM~RS ANP REM5PIES 7,1 !,Jmltad W@rran!:Y. Unle~ olherwlea il'ldloa!ed on en

attached ~iC!l\!'dufo, BJeekbo11;rd warTents lO CUstomor, S\lbject to

thEI remedy llmlt~tloni;1 Gul fortti herein, th~! during (I) i;1 period 1:1f

IWeiVe (1_:"!) months flom thOJ. Av~llBblft Oate Qf Iha Ei:iulpment

manvfiicta.rl3d by eJai;:kboard or lhlld--parly E:qulpm!Snl sold by

Mesler T~rme. 2

Ill 003

Page 3: OCT.23.2002 8'10PM qLACKBOARD INC PSS 09/23/02 MON 16' …production.tcf.org.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/OPM... · 2.'t3 "!!oo.mtH" tihall mean tlla obJoct ~dA Viii n.s orlhe Software

qLRCKBORRD INC PSS N0.897 OCT.23.2002 8'12PM

09123/02 MON 16:44 PA; 6 243 4928 U of_JLPURCHASING P.3

VOIO IF EXECutt:'.D AFTER SEPT~MJ3ER ~10, 2002 The Unlwrstty of Monlana T MiMoula.

'£11ackQQatd1 vnlmis oltterwl8B specified In lhe ~Plic;;ibla

Sche'1v\G(8) end (U} a perltld of nlne>l;y (90) Qei.ya from l..lcanaa

Awil~tlle DaOO fer the SaltvmtG mflllufaci~ by B!s~bo~rd, that

~IJCI'\ Equipment ~J1d Sottwaro will oob11tarittelly ceinf.:lrm to the

a~llot1l:llfl DonumenwtJQ11. ~tovld'~ that Bleckboatd \1ai rec:elv,ed

r;ill amoi.mte i;me(I under lhl:s Asr•ement and OJsk:imcn IS nGt in

defauli of ony p'lilrt {Jf Uil~ Agre~meol. C11S!Ofll8t must notlfy

BlnckboeRI In wrltift9 of the cleftc!ency wllhin flla wBrTlill'ltY Pf!rlod

end mu$t 1n!;lle11 any generally-rcle~ad CorrecUorie1 Upgradeg

arid Updeil". Blackboard'e $Ola obll91e.1lon Is limiled to r®afr or

replm:l;lmant of Uie Qef~etlve S6fNl11.rv. or ~ulpmilnt in s tlmely

111anner. •

1,2 plaelalmg.r ~f Wtrmnw. EXCEPT POR THE






















SOFTWARE. 7,3 Lltn!ietlona of L!ebilitv, TO 11-IE MAXIMUM l?:XTENT

















Jl,1 Blackbitl:!t(i. Sl~cld:iootl:I !l.greas lQ proteict. deJend,

and $BVD Th~ IJ11lverslt)" of Montane, thi!I st~te er Monlan11, !ts elected Bnd appclnled nmc11111. a~ente. end emp!ey~e~ while

sctrng w!lhh'I U1o scope. J;Jf lhslr dutlcis ea auch. h~rml!Mls from F;1nd

w;:it:ilnat i;:laim!;, demendJJ. anci aau5i1a of ee:tlon or ehareclBt,

lnciudlng lhB eoet of defenae U,aroof, amine or.it of Bfae;kboard1.s or Bl111c:kb0$n:l'a employ&Q:S groae nat'fll"L'lnet or mlscondud un~eit

lhlt Agrellment IF Cuttomof fflcefvea ~ t'h~lm ttisl lhe uEB oJ lhe

SoftWQ.ra 01' Eq1.1ipml!lnt lnfrlngee e paltnt, copyrlOhl or otl'\er

intelrectua,I prtlpitt),t rlgM, Cootamlir mu;$1 ?l'Offiptly notify

Bla.c!d>oard ln wrlUng. Sl~cltboard !!ih;,,U, Rt i~ own expefi~ and

Qptlon; (f) dtJfitnd and i;1ett1e auch ciRlm. (II) t)rtmure Cu~tomar the

right to u:!!a- the Sott.wara or E~lpment. {Ill) mcdify er replece the

SOINmte or Eq1.dprnent to nvold fl'lrtingement: or {hi} rerund the

ap~Ho:;able fi;iie paid for lhe c1.nrent term. In ttie (IV~nt Blackboa~ci

~~1'*1 opl:ion (I) ab1;1V~, lt !hell heve 1.11$ s~l!! am:I ~c\u~JV~

EllUlO~lty to def!Ol"Q arid/or !t1tUe ~y 1;11i;n Glalm or BG\IQJ1,

provided tha.l Blackboard '/llll ksEip Ou:stomsr informed o(, ~rid wlll


consult wlln any InQeipendent ettomaya ft~J:iolntGd by CuslOJT1er st

Cu!;~Ol'ller':i::; c•111T1 t»<Plilns@ regard1ng tne pmgmse of euch

lttkJ:1tkin. 8.Z CSi!P~ Blackboii!rd sl'i"°U !'lav. ntJ llab!Uty ta CUitQmer um; er Section !1.1 .:ir othe.l'\Wie Tor nny claim or acllan

aUe9irig infrln1Jemt1nt tl.Bsed upon Q) any use Of the SOftwe.f!i.I Qr

~~llipmenl fl\ a mannQr other lhan 11a !lpeolfied by Bl~ckbO-ptd; (lQ

any comblnat oti cf tlle Software or Equlpmenl by C1.1Btomer with

oU,er produc;t1~1 equipment, devlm, !iiOHwate, ~yi;t~ma or rlBla not

S\lppHed by Bl.!!loklloatd (ln,ludln0, W\1hout umllatron. any software

protJlJCjQ b'; CUstolT18r fGr U::ie wi\h !he $ofiw11.re) IO the. extent

elJttll Cle.Im 111 dll'&eted agaln::il ~1.1ch cornJ:ilnetlon; or (ill) 6rl'I

rnodlflcatli;ma or wi.tomW;rtlon eif the Scftw~r~ or 5q1,1\pmcnt ~

any \)eof11on 01harthsn B\eckboe.rtl f10u~tomeor M:illor"). 6.3 2l!!l.W.llllI.- CuslotnGr $!'li!IH, al Its own ~ansa. defwlQ

01', at lb cpU1;m, se,tt;Je any ~lalm, alJit or pmcs!MllnO hmughl

against Blai;:l1boi!!!tel mrlolng out of a OJslmrler M~er and shaU pay 'ltrly d&mage!1 flnnlly EIWBrdlild or BB1ibmEint amounts agreed upo11

to I.lie ex\B1~1 baaed upon a Customer Malter fBlackboard

Claim'): pll.'.l1fided tl:tat Ble.~oard provJdas Cusb:lmer wllh (I)

prompl wtllb! 11 no~ca af ~ueh Blaekba!ilrd Clatm; (II) control over

the Qafi;'inss3 1rnd l;l~Dlement ot EUch Bliackb;oard Clalmi and 011)

)'1'Clpcr lill"ld full Jnformatkm Md assl~nce to ae11&e or defend any

~ueh Bla~(1ard C!Elrn. IJ,4 ~:f!)usiyt Romedv. BLACKBOARD SHALL HOLD

















?. MU$CELLANEOUS !1.1 ;?,m@bl!!sv. Shoufcl BTI:i temi or provb:lan 1;1f thl:ii A.Qre"1ment be finc.1ry detan'l'lll't&cl OY s eaurt or oompeten~

Joriedletlor1 lo be void, lnvo.HrJ. unenforteab1e or ccn1ra~ to Jaw Ot

equity, ths- off<1ndln9 tl!lrm 1;1r prov~lon ehall b~ mq#:iflad 1md

llmlk:ld (or 11 a.trlci:lv natM.eruy, deJstr!ii:I) Ol"l[y lo Iha iaxt~l req1Jlred

lo confo1'1'1 iO ll'le requlrBmonts of law ;and Iha temlliwtJer of lhls

Ar;iraemant (or.~ U\Q case may ba, tho eptilical!On Qf i;;uci1

Provlalon!· 1.0 other clrcumsttnwea) shall no' be affgoted theRiby

bot ralh~r 11hutl ~e enfo~d to tlliit gr;oleSl ~nt parmlttad by

law, and t!'tt~ p~rlli;is ahall ~1)1helr besleffortQ to subimute for the

offending p-oyislon l\GWtiJrm~ !'laving slmll~t economic en~.

9,2,, ~jl:mftlc;t R1gQ!uH90. In li'ta BVGnl Of a dlsput~ b,olWB0R

ihe Par\iaa ~lattng lD l:he termr; and oondlt!Mg of lhle Mnster

Term1J; 1;11· tiny Sche:duJa, or tt'le fl!rfOrmal'lca of Iha PSJ11Gs

hl'lMundelf, the l'1ntliii~ !.ltall flrst attempt to reeoJVe l1111 dleputa by iniaml51 1::llit.et.1!lQ1cns lnvoJvlng their ~ppolnttnl repnmcntu1.l\'6s

Within lhlrl) (30) day• or the dispute a~oing. 9.a ~~. It eny dls~utft 1 c;inlrovcrciy or ~lalm

connot tt1~ reln:ilved to the 811;U:i,h1Gtlcm of both P.artht•

pUT$1.1an1: 1:0 Sec.tlQn g,i ~bov~ wltflin Section 9.2's thl'1y (30)

day pEtrJQ1;I, either f'~rty muy, $1.!bn'!lt th'J' mattor to binding

arbltr41tkn' to bo finally i:ettled 111 accont~nco with -the

f;(lmmercl 111 Al'blUl!Oon RuTa6 of the Amerlo:on Arbltl'D.Uon

M1!oclul~~m (t~~ "AM") th•n o~1ri11191 by o p;11rial of tl'lree

nrbltrator.i11 provldocl, Ju1wnve1r, tlutt thh:; clauie shalt oot ba

eon.~tnHtd to llmlt or to proc;ludet .,1u1t1r Party from btlng(ng

an 11ct1011 lt1 :a court of c:gm1Jotel'ltJwiad10Ua11 f1u fnjunctlvfi!I ar

athor pco11'11lr;11ull ro~Jef as nei;a.titnry or appwprliit&. taa.h

Party ll'~.1~1!J tusvo tho rlgllt to appcitnt one srbitm.klr hvm tho

llst of 11rt;\ll!'<ltors suppfled tc tho p"rtle11 by tho AAA and tho

Me.sterTi:!:rms a

Page 4: OCT.23.2002 8'10PM qLACKBOARD INC PSS 09/23/02 MON 16' …production.tcf.org.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/OPM... · 2.'t3 "!!oo.mtH" tihall mean tlla obJoct ~dA Viii n.s orlhe Software

OCT.23.2002 s:12PM RLACKBOARD INC PSS N0.897

09/23/02 MON 16: 45 FAJ 6 243 4929 U o~ ?lJRCHASINQ P.4


VOID I~ !EXECUTED AFTER SEPTEMBE'FI. ~10, 2002 The Un\vet"Slty of Montlilna ~ Mis90U1EI.

Nla arbitrators. 'Q i!ppolnted •hall ap)mlrrt tho third. Any

awel'd or dob:l;nnln11t]on of th.u 11rblb'fltlon than he ffnD.11 l\i)n•

appoa\ablBt end ~nch.1s1vi:i :qnd binding upon lho pa.rtt"il' liOd ilf1Y 1;1;11.1rt o1' ~m'1ft•nt Jtir1~diGtlC1r'I i.horcon may inter juciarnarrt. Any owerd ohall lncludG lnlenn;t ftom i.h• date ot

d.am~vv.:o ta~unvd for breach or qtber v&olatlon of thlc

,b.gf<!lllmOnt, ~rid fnm'I tho d~te cif tho JIW'it.rd unm tuild In full, at a rat11 to be fbuul by the ei.rbilr-atora. Tho- -pl'BV!!lllng party

rn11y mcaver lta cottl of l!tbitr-aUon. lnclut'.Jll\U raa1anable

e)lpert will'lllll.lil fee Gnd rosi;ii;mablt- ~tfOll'lef$' mea..

9.A ~OY_!!mlno LAW, 'fh[B Agreement sh;i!l for au purpose&

b!! gevernei:t l:iy wid !ntGrpreted Jn ilceQrd.ance vvlll'I the Jawe ot tno

Slalit af Montana wllh01,1t rorerenca to lti ~mets or la.w

pravi11lanB. "1rJ )~Bl i:n.1lt, aetlan ()T proceeding arising ou\ Of QI"

ref~tirig to lhla: Agn:mment Bl'\B.11 b11 ~mm1mced In \he Cli;.lrict

Court, Mfnoullil Counl1 MIPJSOUle., W. The U.N, COnven\Jpl'I On

Contreeta tor me lntsmaUonsl Sala of Goods a.hall "ot apply to thl1 Agreen11mt. a.s Mori[f{grHGrt llDli W!&w. My moi;llfleollon.

am&ndn'\9J'J?, s1.1pplernaol, or other criange to IBID Ag~emant or

any ScllaOulr: ettacfie.d fl!Dreto mum.~ in writing and eianed by o

duly aoinorlzad repre&onmtlvei 11f Bl!Qkbca/d and C11sttimer. All

Wiliver& must be lrl 'lltltlng. Ttie falture of euner perty w lrttilst

upon Wlct perfom'l~titro qf Pf1Y ptovh1!cn Qf Ulla Agreement, or lo

~~rclel!I any rfghl pmvlded for '1ereln, Gh&U not be- deemad to b&

a waiver or lh1;1 rub.Ire of !iuch provl"slon or rlghl, and no weJv&t of

any J)l'O\rlsion or rfghl shall affect lhu tl;M Qf ihe wal\llng party to Elflfon:a miy ctherprovlSron or righl !'!&rein. ·

9.6 AsslpnlJ]!!)lL No rtghl or oblfg&tlol'1 Of Cu~to~r undar

thla Agteement ma}! be uaslgMd, delagaku:I or olhetwisa

lranaferl'Qd, wheUier ta;o i!l.greemenl, oport1llon of law or otherwiBB1 without lhe express pril'lr wrineti con~t or Blaclcboard, and Sl'IY

BU-empt to ;1j~lgo, J;ielu9ate or atllBrWlse tr~nsf&r any of

OJrmrrier"s rlghtts or obllgBllons hereunder, without aueh ermwn\,

shnll b~ void. Subjeet IO the -pteMdb1g ai:in!J!ince, tl"lie Agreement

shall bind ~c)l perty llMd Its pennltled Sl.leceasors arid tSe1gns.

B!acic.bt11i1rd agraas to provide Cud:omer with 30 day notie€1 or assi~nment. IJ..1 ~. The ~ru~ agree that any breac:ti of lhls

A~reernenl v.n'.!uld cnuse lrrer.iare.tl10 lnJUIY for which no E1d'eQUllt6

rnml!ldY at 1aw a1dsrn: theirefOte, 1he partlvs $gme thal equl~blo

ram11dl0s, 1ncludln9 wllhaul l\mlta1lon, Injunctive relief and 6pE.tcriU~

parformmn:EI, are appropriate ~mc~ll!:~ 1;o redlW~ eny breach or

threiatam1d bmii;h• rif lhTs Aa~~rnl!'lnt, ln arJ1;llUon to othi:tr

ttimcdles ~a!lable tc lhe parttae. All rlgntv .t1nr;li remet;lleti

hereunder ::.ih~I be <:umt.1l1:1llve, may be exerD~lfld llolflllr,ilarly or

concurrenuy and ahall ni;,t llo dawned ~ualve e?!:OOpt u provldi!d In Soodons 5, 7 end 8, If any legal a:dlon l!J brou11hl l0

enforoe any obllgoaticns hereunder, tlls prevallln9 party slfell tie

inUlled kl r@celve lls aUoU'\eys' feea, c.curt c;osls and olhlilr

collecll11n axp"n1tes, In EICfdlllc:in to ony ott'l1Jt rolfe.ll It mey rea11lva.

9,8 !f.Q!fm. Any noti~ or c:ommuniootlgn pewltted or required nereiJmlor •h~U fla In wrlU1"19 and Ehi9.0 bG de!lvered fn

person or try courll!ll'1 sent by ktc;EilMlle. or malled by certlned ot

re91~ter11d. mc\I, (XIErl:ag~ prePeld, ratum reeelpt u;1queslBd, il"\d

adi;irassoa as 1etforth shove or10 liUt:\l ottrer lilc:ldresa as tihall be

given In sccord;;ince with this Section 9.e, ~d shtitl be effa~llv&

upo11 receipt. SJJ fotse M111!eurn. Exoe))l with t'l!Oi!.rd lo peymenl

ob11gatlon~. th!ill"ior p.erty wm ba to!porislble fol' any railure to fulfill

l!S oP)lgaHnns due to ce.unes beyond \ta rea,onable control,

incCur:llnQ" wllhout limltatron, a~ or omli;islona of ~O'lerl'ment ar

mllltary authotlty, ~r;;t1;1 or God, m111lerl~ shorlages, tl'.ql\sportalion

Qel~ys. flro:ii, flcci311, tabor disturb~nces, riots, wars, te-rrorlst eots

or ln~blllty to obtain an')' OXJ)ori or irnpgfl l\oerme or other :;ipprov.a.I

of auihorlzaUt1n of sny goven'mant euth1Jrlly. 9.1 O U.S. G.gY*mrnont SaJe1. It Customer Ii 6 U.S.

c:;cr;ornnient entity, tho SoftwQ~ Is provided Wlth RESTRICTEO

'R.ICHTS. Each or th~ oomponantc til:al comptls-e the Softw6.r& ~

a '1coJT1matelal llom" as lhat term Is Orafirred al 48 C,f,R, 2,101,

con~IStJng Qf ~oommorcls! computer .softW~ra· and/or "cornmo~le.I

compulBr sonwarti documliln~llonn as ~11,1eh ~nne 11rv used in 4S

C.F.R. 1.2.212, QQn5Jstent wlUi 48 C.F.R. 12.212. .;:ind 4B C.F.R.


227.12-02·1 ~l'il'Ough 227,7:)..02-4, all U.S. !3ovemrt10m end U!iere

SOQUI~ the f:Oft\l'J,arit with only thos& rlshts set forth heteln.

Ccnlri"Ctodrnanufactu«n' la. Bll'lekboe.rd lno .. 1a.a0 L Streot, N.W-t

Su!W SOO, \r'l.!1ahlni;iton, OC 200:31.'. AU right$ nat spaclnoPllr

Q?3flled ln lhlQ statement ;,,re ffi31!:!'Ved by a1~rd. .

9.11 Elfljipa Control Oualomcir ~l;'lall not sxport or ~llow t~

$)(pon or rel-(3xpori Iii& So!tv.rfill"a, 11ny 1,3;1mptJMTit6 1hel'E!Qf or any

COOtid~Ulill lnf'OrrN!tlOn at Slackboard wlthOul I.he e'iC~Nt.SfS1 prlot,

wrluen 1,;qn:s0nt or Bfm';Kbo~rd and exi;ept In CQJTipllance with all

e~ori h1ws B 1d regulatlons of U-.e U.S. Dep:arlmen~ ar Col'l'JMO~e

and 8Q (lthl!r-1 U.S. aganclea. and authotHl&s, Jni::ludi!g with.out

Umi1atlo11, ti,.~ ExpOft Admlnlaltat!on 'Fl:egule.llons of tna U.S.

Clepartmant 1:if Cotnl'l'llilri:oe But~au or ~or1 Atlll'linl1111'atlon (as

conlalned in ·15 c.i:.R. Porta 730.772~. Bl'ld, ff .a:ppllc~bl@, telew:inl

!Omlgn [aW!. !ind reg~lefiOns. 9, 12 B'1.flllim1!ll.D.· 6l~oatd and Cui.Uomar are

fldep~nd~t conrr1wt!ng -portlei:;. Thls Agreamertl ehall nOl

ccnetttute th~ l:lattieS a' prlne1pe.1 and liae'l"I~ partnora, Jcint

ventu~Tii, C'1' .:nnr;i!Qy(lr am:I employe&. 9.1a ~sn-Qlai;,rjmlngttol'I. The Uni\larsnv ot Mortrana doas

l'IOl d~n\ln !!ta on the ~sis of dfsa.l>lllty i" -admlBBlon to, ac:cass

to, or operatl.~11 al lt:G ptogrem1o, S&l\llces, or actlvltl&I. 11'1"1\lfduala,

who need aids, alkime.llva dcCfJ.1'(1~nt formats, er seNices for

Gff'ocUve i;ammut\Jcetioni Ot olller d1Beblllty>or1:1l11tw

ei:;c0mmodaliona In ttie !lrogmms and SElfVlcee otfomi;I, iltG' lnvN'iMJ

to meke ~olr nu~a end preferences 1'nown lo elJOinei.is

Se~e-PJleflsslng. Vendors should provli:te ;ae rtiucli advance

noUOt 1111 pooolbl@. alackboard must comply wllh Monhim'"'

Hum111.n R!glits Act, the Olvll RiQlllS AGt Of 1964, tna Age

Oisc:rlmin$ll~~' Acl or 197$, the Ail'll!lricans wllh OW:abllll:l98 Act of

190(), 11nd S•!J¢lort 504 Of the Ratu::ibillU!tfan Act Qt 1973. All hiring

for suppH6a liln<I servloor:; rtdoe:iaary ti~ a result of this contract

mu6t be or• 1he tio~is of m1:11'll -ei.1"1d qualifications: !hare may not cs

dbicrlmlnert~cn on the basis or ~ee. color, religion, l;l"eaC, 1101Jt100.I

ldeu.s, sex, ~ge. l'tl!JIUill e.letus, physlcel ot menlfll dl31blll~. or nallcnal 01i[Jln by tlla pe~on pGti'onnlng undlitr a ~1.1bse1tu@nt

l'.!Ontrattl $.14 &'t>eOti!: 11nd Rttt;!rrt1on of Becatdi. erei::)o:bo.ard

agree.a W 11rovJdo itia UnlvQrSlty or Montane, Monmm:i Stalo

r..eglslallve o\l.Jdlt:or1 or their m.1tho~d ~geom, B~s. to any

rei:ion:I&, ml111ted to lhlo:i A.gtl!le11TI0nt only, noee"~fY to deterrnlna

oonrraot conp1ri:m~ {Ref: 1e-1-11e, MCA} elackboard agraea to

create and retain raeottfs a.upporling lhe ~etvlcaa reinQ'ered l'lr lhe

i;:qulpmtint ~ind ~l,lppllac deol!vered, fOt ~ ~erlod or three !fSlll"S Ofter

either tJ-11~ e1~mplaUon dill!. of Iha conll'i;iet or the conc:lu~ion of eny

clelm, litlQ::r.Ut;m, ct l!lxoeptlon l'l31eting to lti~ con wet lakGn by !he Slato or Mo·1tana or third IJ'Brly, -~'{

9.15 l!:~ B~cl(bO~rd furthaf agra~)°· ttiat in

llGGOnlan~~e wllft Montona Cod~ Annotateel 39•71-401 lf"d 39·71-

40S, 1;ua11\1bcf.lrd la recpcn&ible for Wotkers campensaUcn

cov111~g1;1 f(ri Its amplt1yeea: or. tf e.hlQrlng lhto: tha ocnl~ -98 e

solo prop11~·lor er a member af a partna"'hlp. Ella:ckboa!'d agrees

to comp~· •111ltf'I all pr¢VislOn$ of Montsn11 Law vvlth reipeot to

Workert; <:C•mpeirae.e.tlon eovarage and to l'lrtWlds ThG Unlvatelly Of Monhinl!, e t1t1inG.s:; Si!itvlees-Purcl'leslng wltl1 proof or cornplle.nGa

with uw. r~1lavanl statutory i:irovlsion llltE!d l'lel"$in" Bli:tCkbOan;t

i;ihall pTo\rlt !~ lMUJ'nm:s ea required by lhl$ s~roo. Cert1niat1oiis

of ln.sur1TI1Je coverage sJ"\Sll be til~ with Tho IJnlver~Jty of

Montana, ~lU!Jlnass Servlce~..Purchastlll Qmce wiU'Jln thirty (SD)

days cf nollc1;1 of award Qr GQfltract. A :ri19ned contraot is61Jed, as

nollce cf .aware! enau not. be oon5ldereti vnlid unm ThG Unlverolt;y

of Mcmliin1~, auslness Servloes-Purctin.!iif\9 llfflce ha& rece!Wd"

the rorUn;;i;1lE1:11.

Worl\E~ ~~am.pen:11Mlon lneurElflll't Ccive,rngo! 131ackboard ls

taciulred tc• m~h1taln Wvrkel"J Ccmpansatlon or an lnClep!iirtdent

COnl!'Bcltin Eir;empilon, Blacltboan:I Mllll melrrttl.ln for lhi!

duration cf Iha con\l'act. al lti ~~ Worke~ compensation

ll'l:Jllrn.no~ Coverage c:QVerlrig Bl~ckbl)Elrd li!.ndf llr l!lmph>ye"i;i

wl'tlle pnrf11nnln9 work · for The Un~re\ty Qf Mont~a tn

.ti.cccrdarcs· witl'I Sectlot1 3S-71-1;Hll401/405, Mon~11a CodO

AnnoWte"\f Neither Blackl::merd nor lta smploye~s i:it~ enip!oyaes-

M~efl!r Terms •

Page 5: OCT.23.2002 8'10PM qLACKBOARD INC PSS 09/23/02 MON 16' …production.tcf.org.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/OPM... · 2.'t3 "!!oo.mtH" tihall mean tlla obJoct ~dA Viii n.s orlhe Software


09123/02 MO~ ~6:45 FA: J5 243 4929 U of M PURCHASING N0.897 P.5

VOID IF 5)(t=CUTED AFTER Si:PT6.MBER :!iO:, 200~ ihe Urtiveraltyof Monti;i11a • Mftsou\e

of The Ui!\Vernlty Of Montana ror the StQto of Manta.no. Thit

1n~uranca/exompl11;m must ba vallct for Ui~ tmlir11 COfllrecl perlead.

CornpA1h11nilW Gantnd ~11blllty IJt~r~nc:e Covorn;e:

1:1.lae;}Wo~n:I Sl'IBU maintain for Lhe dutitlcin of the w11tract. at !~

coill, prll'Jlary in&uranca coverage egninst cla.im!! for lnJurle& to persons or ds.mo!;ee. lo property lrn::luding COl'\lmcll.lal l!abHity

whld'I mli!J arl110 fonn work. parl'ormed under lh1s eontr=l lhls

lrieurance i~ll cover ~ch cleim& a~ ~&Y bei etl.!Md by an a.crt, QfT'liealon, Qr ni;igUQonee cf Blaekboerd or lls omcers, egi:l"lb.

reprBl:l0n~lves, R.fl1l;ns, or serv11n1J. 5\ackticarCI. must provirJe !I

carllfk::ate for COrnmarele.I Gi:in1re1 LlebBlty lilr'ld C001mettl1\

Automobile Uabllity (O~rrenoo coverage), to lnolutle IJOdlly

Il'll~rt.13eroonel Injury, md property damage wtth combined eln91e

l!ml&. of &1,QQQ,QOO per c1a1rn tmc:I s:1,coo.ooo aooreQ?tita- paryaar,

rrnrn in:)Urer with 0 B!i!el's ~atlng of 110 less than A-. This

(lari.ilicate MUST mnne the Untvel'$it'J gf MQl'lltlna pa .11.n

add!ll011al mirnr!jd undar BfacKbot1rd'11 polley 111.~udlng

Bloc.kboan:l's ge~eltll supervleton, procluc1111 ~r.imm ancr

e.ulomcbl!Ai; used. 9.16 Unoyu!!11Jll!tu QI ~ndli!· CuatofllBr1 111 IW &011!1

dl&eretlon, ma~ tormlllele oru~ tha 5o;.op~ c;>f th0 co11tnict If

evellab\e funding 111 retfuatld for any ranson. (1a-4-313 (3), MC::AJ.

::t.17 corcmcaw qr Autht:irR! to rmnuet Bu!!z!!!i!w.

61a~o!ilrd LJ(ld!i1rds~11ds eny bui:ilnes3 t111tfty, domjJiJlo or

foreign, lotar1cling lo transaQI. buslntS'i II\ Montsr'lti. must 1:1ppty fOl'

autoorUy io :i1:1 ao- with the Monhma Sec:urity of Slu.1.~. ForslQn

busln!i.1$$ en(ll\iati e1re cbligat.cl to di;itenntne wti.ettiar they am

treniBotlng b\l:l!\neSs In Mt'lnt.ans, In ac:contan~ wllh aec!.iona 35·

1·1026 and. :!fS..a-1001, MCA-t aOO ir itl, muist ~pply fer ~nd

receiVe a oorl1tlcata of 11uU10rl!y and o"n'tim.1s lo be In qcod

el.anding Wrl'I the SecnrrlaJ)' (If S"mle rt:tr ttia dureUon Of 11\e

oonlract. V\o anon er th!ilee R:qU!l'!itm&nts may void th~ CQl\ltEll'lt.

Prccf of l!l\llhi~rlty Is f9q\IJ~. QuesUOns or reg\:11lrutl1;1n may be

a~mpli.!lh!1C1 by i:Dnla.ollng the Secretary or Slehi at (406) 444-

~ees or by CHTiell at BoS®'W.ta.mtu~.

9.16 ~J-1i'.Em2!!1-S\ackbontd ~riln~ hl naifhil' ll nor II&

prlr11~J~~ tll'a preeenuy debatrhd, 11.uilf!ended, l'fDi!DS'ad for

debSrinant. dac:lared rn~llglble. or volt..1n~rny exclurJe(I rrom

pnl'l.lolpal.lm\ hi this. eonb'act 'oY a!'ly govemmtintal da(lartmenl or


9.19 Stt~m Anrnemtnt. An Ag~em~nt, wflleh ln<;lUCl!S

1hcr11e MaatE:i.· Terms, gnd Iha appl!C.flbla Schadula(5) and

EJ1nlbl1(1J)1 ci:r111,ltYI~ the enlira, full lilnCI completa ~1~:i::m~!lt

bo!Ween Iha p2rUe1;1 conoe~g the subJecl matter heraof, E1nd

thoy CiQlladl~oiy s.~araadl!I all ptror or contemporaneous oral or

Wrlltiln cor,munlcallcmi, propoaal!J, condi\i!)fl.s, representatio"s

a!'ld W4llrrEirrtlra1>, and p.ravalls ovar sriy corinlc1tng or ;add!Ucnal

lanm of ,iJflY quote, order, aeknowlec!Qmen~ or omer

C1:11111nuolQ'Gll~n balwl!lan the partles·re1aUng lo 11.S subJelil ma.t~r.

IN WliN555 WHERCOF, Hie ~rt1as her1;1t1J have ~~1.11t!l:fi lhMe Master Ttrms a-e of U1111 Cate flrsl written abov0.




Page 6: OCT.23.2002 8'10PM qLACKBOARD INC PSS 09/23/02 MON 16' …production.tcf.org.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/OPM... · 2.'t3 "!!oo.mtH" tihall mean tlla obJoct ~dA Viii n.s orlhe Software


09/23/02 l!ION 16'47 FAJ 6 24a 4929 N0.897 P.5

u of _!!_!'URCHaSING

VOID IF EXliCUTEO AFf'ER SEPTEMBER ~.o, 2002 Ttie Unl\le~ally or Ml'lntftna- M~oula


fhls EQUIPMENT PURCHAeE SCl-tt!Out.E ("Sctredulff) sti;:ii.11 be governed by tne lel'l'll:! end col'IClltfons or tne Blackboard MMter Torm11

(•Mili\"Br Term;a1 IJ~~ as of the 1~1 da)I of Jul)', 2002 between Bl:acl:board iilnd custom1Jr, Tetms used In ll'lls Sctiac1u1a th:;rt a.ra no~ defined

bclcw atili'n have Iha nieianlng ~et torlh 111 lh"' MaiitEiTia-FJM..


Ourlng Uis Tarm of thia ~~ement, Cu~mQI' shafi purdr.ilae, acquire, end accwl [l'Ql'1 Bilsc}Cbolilr<I, e.nd elar.*bDal'd &roll sell, lm1111fer $!'Id

convey ~11 al Slsckbo.ud's right. lit.le and lritarnBl In end to ttie Equlprnent !Wied In \1'11' lnltlsl Purel'l86B orde~ Uti!ll are ilia s1.1bjecl Of 1ttlS

pu~e .11nd any l='uroh11se Onie~ whlth may be pl'f1Vld°'1 :!illb,equent to lhe lnltlel PUtl~Q~-

:1. CONSIPERATIDN FllR ECIVIPMENT. 2.1 ft!!. cuatom~t 1;1hell pay to Blackboard the emounl set fOt1J'I In the P.1..1rch,a.;IEll Ottltr for tha ~qulpmanl In eu;;col'dmice w!ltl lha

~lilymerit pro"'i~lon& ofthe-Agresmont. paym~nte $had be aentl.o BliiiddXIBl'd, Inc. Bax~0!)1S!I Pltt&burgh, PA t5251..fl1SS

~ C:h•nneo Jn Foat, Blatklloard raoowoa U'le right to Clienge lit C~ee during the Term. My lni:.mimi ln F0u &!'lall net &!fact any

Pur<:l'\s.se Orders e.ecapled t:>y Blaakbue.rd prior to ttw 1mp1ameritatlon or much new \lilC11~1;1. All Purcf'l~!IO OrdOtG placlltl riy Cuslomer el\er

lrnplamanlatl6n of any fie lncrewi.a b11t bti1ore the date eueh fel!l \ncrea~ ia QffecUve. :1lli.ll bQ, by the Pf.lrclta~ Ord&r's lerm&, (Or delwe,y no

kiter lhM ninety (90) days eifttir '\he date such prlr:e ll'lcreaae la ert'ectlVe, unlssa olhlil!Witi1~ agnieQ by Blackbaard. Aoy daa-easa ln fei:is eh all

be deetlve lmmerJlately upa"n pUbUca.Uon tiy alackboardi and -ellall bg appllcab!o to ~11 011lErlendln13 Pllf'ChiiSEt Orders aeeapted by J;\!eckbcard.

:!. ORDERING; DEUVllRY 3.1 Ordor Proi;:eqt. Q\letQmar m\.l~t JBtlUl!ISt E:qulpm&nl by aubmlllhg \Q Blael.boerd a (1) PUl'(:hase Ort111r er {2) a wl!d Quote

acrom1;n:1111eia by ehe11k or c.redlt card 1ntormatli;m. No F'urt:ht~Q~ Cedar will be. blrn:ll11g unlll sccepted by Blackboard In wrtIIng, enCl Blackboon:t

will have nu tl111.blllly lo Ct.istomer wllh raspect to e.riy Purctia:;im OtdePJ ttu:d ate noi a~1}kid. Na ~IUtlsl shipment or £1 Purchmie Ord1U ehein

cx:matlrute lflt1 occeptsnco of lhe enlir0 FUreha.tu!I Order. All l'urcha.f;le Ordor.s l.i!Jued :1y Cuatam91' lo alackboan:I Shl!ID b6 ggveirnod In GU

respet;ts b;ii lhe 1erme. .!l.nd ~dlth;ma: of thlr;i. Agre!!lment. EicceJ)l for non..confll~ng ao'rn! nlltrative l.Qrms as prnvld~d 1)$IOW, any 111ichtlone.I or

prepr1ntad term11 orwndlt!ons on a Purd:\ese Ortlitr ehaU be null, vald. .nnd of no Bffet'I 1.1nle-se 51ackboaird ties expl'Q56IJ' eoreeit in wr!Hng. in

advanco, to lerrm~ Brn:I COl'\dlUoo.a lfloonalsl.ant will'I or 1mt oihr;rwlBe eddrG&:lied Jo iM MIU;luf Temis or lilll~ or the Sd'il!ldul~i.

3.2 Cpn'WIMian Cubtamer rnay not oancel a Purcha:o\e Order 0x~tiild concu11~nu~ with lhe execution Of this Ag:reemtnt. However,

Customer mey oonc:ol any :!!1JbMQ11ent Puoohm1e Order .on written notice lO Bla:ck.bca1d Of at least UlirtY (SO) days prior la IJ1e eaUmtited

!!ihlprn0rit datai prCllJlde<l \:het Cunlgmeor ftral pnyoo Slac:kboa:rcl a eancG11ntlcn cl'letga, as 1\quldSlee! damaQOS t1nd no\. ti ponally, BCl,Ulil.Hl'lg fllloen

percent (15%) QI tnG toU!I price oflhij eff1;11;:l!sd Purc:haaa Order.

3,3 Shlement fr\d DeUverv Y.,w~a Shipping da~s w{ll be established by tilacl<boord upon actieptaru;:ei of Purchase Ordero. SJllppt\.g

®tee will be &!i&!gl'l$d !IS clcill-ei lits pr.0C.e!lte tQ the. customer's reqt.1esled dated ba:!.e-:! on BlaeKrMJard's ll'le:n·r.::urrent I~ Omei. Bli~l!.tlQeni

shell not be Uiab1e ror dp111ega or penalt1 far ctelay In dellvery or failure lO oive natlc1:1 of any delay. F'1iickh1g $lips wm bl!I lnduQod In an

shlprna!'ll!I E1nd eo. order numbl!lr ot aareemant numbet wlll be ihow'n on all ac:Kt10WIM1;rment&, piacklnl,J iillp.s anc~ 1ovole1is.. a1aakbo1ulj ~hi!dl

make deli'ver1~ under lhle Sehadulo In accoKtgncs with Its standard dl!lllvery procedllre:~. AU rrelgh~ lneunmoo, i:md Q!Jlar sttlppl11g $);pGOa$8,

as wall as expen!i!BS fot any spae!ttl packing M!'.!;Uestmi by Customer .shall n~ prepaid !J11 Slal;;kboe.ro .and eub~15qu0nUy 111W>i1*1 to Ou8torner.

Should Customer dB!iiln!I lo a,q:iedlte 11hlpme11t of ~ubmenl. G~torner wlll g~ ~,ga11 an adl;!Jt11;mal 10 (len) percont or th~ total putch!.:ie

prlcefor such e]llfladlh:IO 11'1!pmerrt: 3.4 Title 11nd Rl&k of Lo&s. TIHe lo any proc;h,u:t. \l'ial atuckboard sene oulraht to Cus~m~r hereunder ahall ves~ In Cu..tilOMe.t

immedlatoly ui:ion receipt F013 Deatlns.tlon. Ri:s~ of loee 1Jr ~&rl'l&~e to eny product s;1a11 pt.iss lo Oui;tomer 1.1pan pe~e of llUe nr u~on

recr:rlpl If lilt~ doe~ rrb1 p~s:it·lQ cuswmer.

4, Equipment Wami.my r:;:11;i;li,islan. Bb:i:tkbc!llrd di:tN riot warrent tt t:l't>\llde eupport for all fuln:l.pa.rfy Eq1.11s>ma-nt ;gld t1J

B!ecJl.board, Including, bl.d not limited la, Hewlel!: PIO\eknrd serv~r. Oa\.llcard VklQc. 11na11lng Equipmenl1 and l."nlrOJ'lll( Term1~ Server.

Cl.l:ilome-r must contact Equlpmenl maf11Jfllctt1rer dlriaL':tl,Y fQr .an~ wan'tlnty or support: lstnas raletaa to Ui~ Equlpm~nl., ·'~

5. Term, This Schedule shalt cormnanoe on the A\fa!labl1o1 O~te E1nd shell 1;:911·:1ou6 unlit th"" Master Terms lE: tarmlru:iled.

2002 - CONFIOC:NltAI., ANO PROPfi.IETARY S~<;ic:luleA


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09/23/02 !ION 16; 47 FAJ ~6~2_4_3_4_9_2_9 ___ _,u'--"o.,_f_,M PURCl!i\SING N0.897 P.7

VOtO IF EXECUTED A'f=iER SEP'raMaER :~o. 2002 Tite Unlvarsily Df Montana• MlasOU\8



This Blackboard s~nware Schedule bolween Sleekbllal'd Elnd CUe;tomar IS an attach!~ to lho Maater Tell1W ti~~l'J Blacftboard and

01.11;1.tomer ~nd le efi'e.dlv!il as of the- !ffac\lye. Date. The Ma9t0r Terms are an l~tegre.I purl cf thl!;i Si:hed1,lla- and a~ lncorporatod hemln by

r~reni;e. Cepital!Ud lenw;i shml ha'ieo l:hG meaning sat forth ln tfle Masmr Terms.

StrE· SCH!DUL~ <!~ LICENSE FEES .. Sorlwere

l.nel Qr t~uppart 1n1tt1l Tenn Fee!ii (USO)

5htOkllaard Tnuis=lon Sy1tem • '-INIJt iEditlaJJ BQ~Jc-lnelude1~ in lntuol l'orm ~34,134-

Carn mere. S11GUitty Ai::ees~

Mn1nt11nenC0.1i1nd $11 gn: fer lnlllol Torm Gold SOD

Tot~I Foea Ouo: S30 \l3<

Designated $OIVar Site {l"hy.IJl~t ~/il;lgriated Serwr; Opare'dng ~te;\: Blackbotii(I User Band:

loi;allon of 1ne 6of'twam)o

#~2 campus Oriva, HP-1..1000 UNIX 15,000 In 24,889

Missoula. MT

1. ~ICENSE 1.1 G!Jnt cf LIRiO!"'· Sub~ to the le.rm& and ~11dltlon~ of this Suhlil:dule ~mr.I the MaeWr Tgnns, Bladl:bOard granta Ci.!St.omet e

llmlted, non-e1ec1uw..,, nOllfl'tlnsferabla, llcens.~ 1o !Jsti onei executable wrslco nt lhe Soft'11111re at CU1;1\0mer'a &lte l!ltld CJn 11'11?1 s~IV6f Cleslgria.ted

eit:iove lilDlely wl!.h lhe number of workstBUonti:, poinl..Qf~ale device& ar other Ei:iulpme111 ldan11ned on tji~ attai;hed Equlpmarit SdleCIUI& (lils

3uch may ba amtl"lded) th al are covered by lhe llmJted lN.!lrtanl:y In Seotion 7, 1 of the M~1:.1.orTerms or m(ilnt"nance Q!ld t'IU?PtJlt ~'llrvlcali.

1.2 ~· Cuatom~r may nol oopy ine So~, or any porlion thGrtit'lf. In wt<:illil or In pert, ~;11,c-ept a6 Iii neoe~ to loiid, <>perato

tmd u1;1e one install~an copy of the Softwa.~. In additlol'I, Cue.tomll!r may mllkG on-:i: (1} copy cf tl'lo Softwor., 1cr bi;li;:lf,up 111nd ~1v81

purpoe.es, provided 1hat CU!ltOmicr repfllduoes on ttie copt AU copyright nolfcea ell'ld anit iJlhar C011lkfential or proprielury legeridii tt"il!t.are llT1 or

enoodad In lhGi $ortiMira. Cu$tomer rnay lranMer 1t1e Softwu~ from one server to anolll·~r at no addfil0'1Ell Ueerwe f~a provide!{ ll'l:lt Cui>lomar

gives wrl~l'l notice lo Blockb~rd .....,1thin flv1t (5) busfoo.iu1 daya ot euch lni;;,alJatton anr:I customer de-JGtci& the Soft.W:ue from tl'le server no

Ion gar In uso and ffQn'I e0ch blilck-up- copy for ttret a!)Nsr.

1.3 (l'!telfsebJel Pr<eplM"ty Rutrj'c~!on1 l:~apt all: crlha(\l(iz~ mr:prese.:ly !at forth ~1 Q'li& Schedul"1 In I!. wrmng o;.rocutad by both partia~.

or In the Mu~ter TeK}ls, Customer eh all not {I) OO~V th~ Softwam, In whole or In part; (II) mtlapl, 111l~r. ~raeate r;to1i11Sllve worktl bei-1.,d on, mcdlfy,

or lren$lalo lhe Software, In whole Ol IM part: (bi) eell, asclgn, dlsttlbule, leeaa, mark£;lt, r~nli svbllwflse, transfer, mska- Ei.wllable, er clherw~

grant rlghla t.o !:he ScftWeire In wl'lo!e or In part to any third party In WY farm; Ov) &ll!lctr~iC(l.lly b'!l11efer the Software Jn wlulle or In pirt from

one comr;1uler to eiiother over a network Qt enable any Umosharlnr1 er :getvleei buroou 1)~1a of ttu11 Saftwarl!:I; {v) ob~re, remO\la or alter any _of

the tradj!)rnDrt:i, Vada nsmo!!I, IOgos, patent gr OOPYrfQht nottcea or mar~lngi; to tl'll!I ~;Jc;•r\Wiirt!j (vi) add eny other nolk:l!f.:1 Qr rnerklng~ to lhs

Software or Dny pcr1Jon lhen.Df; vr (vlll) rever.3e enginoiw. di,r.::omplli.?i or cllsa1JSembll!I n11y ootnµonenl gf ttie Sohwe.ra or oth~rwl:!le obtlil.I" or

sttempt to obt311\ tNe source code for tha Softwe:re. (;W!kr[Tler acKnowledge;i that B!ao:'ok1Jt1attl aha.II be 1;1nllllod to 1lqulta.bl11i rel~f1 ltnlh.Jdlng

preliminary end pennaru!ll'lt lnJuncltve reJlaf, 111 additton to (llhor legal l'Clm~le&, In ll1e ev~1nt thel Customer hreal'flu itlls Met~

1.4 Owno!Jhln, pf Softwm:e BlaOJl:!:iotird or lt!i U~0ora tilil~ ari<i shall tiaye. &•ft1 and e)(clmive ownership of all rlgh~ UUa and 1ntGre5t

In end to uie Software and au portlone and eople6 ltt0Mef. In (l.ddlijon, Blackboard at 1~!1 llcenaoll! i:;hnll tieve sol~ mid eKclUftl\ro o~ershlp of

limy COrrac;\ions, Updates fin.Cl/or Upgirade& pro'llded to Cmltd1Y1er lor lh.a Soft.ware. C.JlrComer acllJlowleclge& that Blai;kboerd she. · ' antlUad

lo equl!!ilble-· relief, lricluding Prttllmlnary anCI permanent lr'ljul'lctlve reJIGf. tn 1:10d1tlor1 lo Crll'le;r legal ramedl~1;1-, In lhti ovant the ::-Customer

breache-s ~lll1$r !hl9 Article 1. ot tl'I& ccnlldemuarity provl~h;ina aBtfOnn In the Mn:stor Te1·r111i.

2. ?~~$ 2..1 In ComlclenrUon or tho l!cena.a grentQd hetreln1 Cl..lakrmer i;hall psy to BlacJ:board thi:i rtGr'l-e!ncel~ble. non·rafu/'ldabli:J Llcen$t'.I: FeB

spei:Illed filWVQ; In illr;t;Qrd~n"e with the terma atid condltloni; of1nc. Maetar Tenm. fi~11ments 5ha0 be Sl!nt to E1lackb0ird, lne. Boie 200i8B

Pttls~urgh, PA 1 ~251-016S. BlaOkbo.!lrd reserves the right lo modl(y the L!c!l'nsG Fc•6 i:1I ~r\Y limo oft.et Iha Initial Term. Excepl as prov Id~

ebovi:i, ea~ P(I~ win bii re1ipo11elbta rcr 11!1. OWTI ~ens as Incurred In rem:Iaring pa rfotMOnM under ltlla Scher..tJIEI, Including the aial or

faCllllk!IS, work specs, computer:e and cott1put~r tlms, Q1;111010pm1;lflt tools ~n.d plalfam'l:a, 1.!tllilles manog~ment, p!rsonnaT, supplies and lh!J I~.

2.2 Expanal()n ofUctnpd UiQ.

Ble;i:;k.boarcl 'rmm1acUon Sy.Mem Soffwera ~ f:)riCEld annually baaed 1,1p0n Blad<boer(i Uoor Siancla. Blil~!J"oard USEli Be.rids are comprised of

the Jl.1-!J'nbar or cardhold~ts. A cardtiolder wlll htt defined Al!i 11ny incllvidual BSSOc:::l\)t;1d wlttl 11 licensln51 il'l$lltutian th~ cal'! reaeonebty be

'lntlelpflled to U!l!I a card within tt"I.~ torw1ud 1lCE1nsing ~fod (12 month!i>).



Page 8: OCT.23.2002 8'10PM qLACKBOARD INC PSS 09/23/02 MON 16' …production.tcf.org.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/OPM... · 2.'t3 "!!oo.mtH" tihall mean tlla obJoct ~dA Viii n.s orlhe Software

OCT.23.2002 B:14PM 09123/02 MON 16,48 FAJ


N0.897 P.B

VOID IF EXE.CUT~ AFTal SEPTEMB5R ~iO, 2002 Ina Unlvi:irelly of Mcntanti. - Mlas0\1!$

f"or the software on th\o, sclled1,1I~, Qu~wrner';S llcense fOI' the. ScftYiere an thls schedule tr llY be eX!)anded In lnt'2'arn0nts ss indlca.ted b@low;

,r.l'lll'dho!di:,r RBn=i1:1 · ,}\fl1W1:11..s'ott;Wa~.1-~. ·'

Fewar than 2CIOD DEudl'11:lldere $5000

.20w..391J!3 a~rd~o1a:ers ~1:1000'

ir:.tJ00-7999 eardholde13 $25000

sooo-i40gg i:::llrdholdets 117500

15000-24699 cardholelera $500QQ

25000-4999G can:lttolders $.OQOO

soaaa~74999 t.e rtlholdera $65000

76000-99999<-UrQholder& $70000

Addition al band!i ot 26,000 Geirdh'1ld.er$ Wiii De priced ill trin i!!cldlllottal $5,000 I year.

Blackbc~rd'a aaeO.v$ment of v.Qdll/onal license f&Gi& wllf be In accordunoo wtlfl Bleck:x:..ard'~ tl'len-ciJrmnl pricing. ln ltlft event gf grGwth

reli1teQ to a Custornoir merser or acqulsmon, Blackboard's Bli!Be~smm1t ol iadd1UonaJ llc:Dntt1e fooi; wlll be tn acocrdanca wlUl Blawl'\bQftrdS lhen-­

eurrant prloing.

3. Tol\M, Tl'Rl\llNATION "this Sci"iedul~ wlll cun'IMenca July 1, 2002. Unlee,i,. aarllmr tefll'l!n~Wd aa provided fn lhe MB!)terTerm!il, 11'1(9 Schedule wlll roniii:lrt Ill tiffect for

e period or l'.IAQ. (1} year (~lnlUel T~rm-). Th-attiofter, th!& Swherdule wm renew tor sueCE1t1.~lv°' one (1) yesr tanns (eacr., 111. 'FlBnewnl TQotM") as

r'l'l\l~[ly agteecl, not to exceed a porlocl of ~n (10)y ~. pr;i.vl~ed that Customatt errU11~ fhill LlcenBB Fee within thirty (3G} dO.y& of raceirit of

an lnYolce rrom Blackboard. If C~Lomef d~clt:lea not to renew th~ Scohedu!e or Ir the Sd11idu!e olherw~ tt!lrmlm:itea ~provided lri Ute MUtar

Tem'lil, customer mu.'it ~l'l'l~i:!iG1\ely remove the sortware Jmm It! 111erver and pl"Qvtde B1m<kboard wHh l)mor or !hl!I d~atrucOon of \hei onglnal

copy ari~ any otl'll':r copr""" of lht> Sollwerc lind n;itum all Oi:.eurMnlollott lo Bla11kt:i0ard llt'.\hfn a reaeDneble time et Ct.KltOlnet'& 0041.


4.1 M~fnten;:ineo l:lla:ckboard wm provide Custamer Wf\11 UpgftWGS. CorreOl.On:i end UpdtJ•as to the: $QitWaffl Wl they ere n'llde

generally a~lable from llme to forna. SoftwQre declered by Blackboard to llB a "enorml nil!HI.~~ (~GenerBI Rcloe.91;1') :.o1hal\ b~ i11lltalled within

n!ne\y (90} day1J or Mlng made g~n8"'llY 9V!!.llllble by Bl!!.cltboard. Blackboard nl~IH\'~:~ lh'<I rl9'1t to termlneta this SchGdu\e upoo thirty {30)

dDyiJ prior wrllte(\ notice, ;>rovlded, customer hai not Installed sum Softw~. Mc !Wlftt81Sm;lfn9 -any other provl!Jlon cf thliJ Sohedule.

Bl~ckbosrd shall pmvide malnteinanca snd sup pert only with ~5peci" to the then oorrer t iJen~mlly a.veil13Pf~ vGrslon(s) andfor Gl'lnar~I Raki~e

v9fftlon. 4.2 lne.tallatlpn ind Aaalil;IOCp. BLB.ckbeiird wl!l IMteU Software pl"O'llded purt,11\mt to 111~ Schedule during ~e Goveira11e !-!curs .a:!J

Qeflnad in Sctleid"ule C-1, i;iroy[t;I~, Blacklxiard has nol deemed Sof\W~re tQ ba cusio·nat lnstitllabltl. lr'I the event Softwara Is deerned by

~h:1.ckbos.rd lo be customer installable, Bltickboard will provide telephone a~b>tance d1Jrl119 Ccw~eo Hour~. In ellhsr lnatance, Customer will

"ec'1tt(lula In 1!!uiYanM with Blai::kbos.rd for ~1.11m 1011'.!phona a3Sl~tanoo or ln-Malf.irtlon of.S~~~.

4,3 Purcha1' of Mal1:nen11ni;e and Supcort SeWIOl'~. Customer mi::1y puroh~e mslntooanoe e;nd S\.lppon 1;1ervieo~ 1n 11ooordanca wllh

lha QJlpllooble si;tiadule. 4.4 Addition•! Se!)lef!S:· Arry 11me or eJQJ"n&Q Incurred by elacklmerd In dli;.gnoolnfill 9r fl11l11Q proDlerna- the.t <1.m not c:au~ by the

SOltwara or a~ not DJVen!ld by the maintenance and iiupporl a0NIQ8s are bllleble to Customer \Jl 81ackboerd'$ tt'len..A)dg!lng rai"n, with .it

minimum ctiarge of 5175.00 par Galt, Ir Custom1u de111lre11 11uah a;a:d\Vonal s0rv!ceE., it must eKe¢Ukl 8 copy of 8\aektioard'i Pf#Jfi:JI:&:bn.al

sarv1ce1 Agreement and appl'ioabl" Si;;tiedule{j) fQr Jl'l!!t i:ervfooi;. . ~


6. 1 1iQ;lln9 St1;1n.igo ~n~ A.ecniis. a1acl:.bo!!.rd ~h@ll provid& Llcensea itoroge Ii~ DC& on and a.cc.ass to Online CaTII omoa s~re (the

"Appl]catitrn Software') thtoug\1 a aerver malntafned by Ell~i;;;l4:ionrd {the ""Slltt") forihe purpolie or making IJ1e AppllCSll01'1 Scftwal'is- aoQ(IS:e!Ple

to Ell,.llJ'IO!'iZOO 1,1~aifll. viii the lntamt11I (the "Applletitlcn Hostlna Serv~").

5.2. s1curlty SpKffl~th>~. BlatkbOijrd sti11ll matntaln. QOmmercially rieeof'le.bl~· ~h}IS:[CSI anr.l 1ty:ffiem aecurity meesu(GS, lnclUding1 but

not llrnit9d lo, those am- forth on AH:aehmonl 1 to lhls Softwam Soh11dul~.

S.3. Card Pnica1:1eor. Bla~td:ioa•d pfovfd"11 conneellvlly wllh auQh <:ro~lt i:.arc. ~ro~or.s, at the level~ de6iq11md, 11$ ;et forth on.

AU3diine11L 1 lo thl~ Soflwtlre ScllaChil~ ("ProceB&Ors") for tlle pllrpo5e (If a-uthort:!i!UOl'l end seWl!lmBnl or i::rt::dit cal'() tt.!;n!iBtllitm1,1. l.lcenael!

shall establish o. mercll!l!'lt aei:cunt wlth i".I. floaricl1;1.l lnstl,~lori ltial proc.esasa cmdlt eai'd transactions with ont .or the Proi:essorii wllliln ihlrly

(30) da)'e or the exec1,1tiot1 ot 9tlli> Gc:hudule. C:he.ngas requimd ta. mupport ch0nge9 of llean?We'a bOnk, 11redlt e&rda eeteptad by Lleenaee,

crodlt oaro pi"Or;:esaor of Customi;ir's b11.nk, Qr ~ommunice,(Jon lntQrfli~iJ wllh the cr"~llt aud pro~sor wlll bo chargtiilbl~ t~ Uoonsee and

performed on ~ timely tiae1s upon written no~i;:e lo 81ac;kb0nrd. ChiJngas roquimd k:i the SoRv.i~re lo enable Ucen!~ to d"IMge ca!'t'l

prace:s:50N or comrnuni'3.tion lnterl"EJUS to :a .card proeEiS:!ll)l' wm be aul:Jjeci. to e 1JJ;'IG-~lme. Ql.a,tge for !abot .,nct Jlcens1ng of sol\Ware, let be

m~rmlrii;id by e10.ckbo.\l:n:I at lhc ({roe of ih" di1nge r${tUG~l

6.4 Sot up :ii.nd lnstlilllatlQn. Licensee will pay Bl!iCf<;J;loard a one-Hine !!el r.JP fl! 11 rcir thu 3ei up ~rid con~urstl1Jn er ASP serv1i;ee and

l.lcanSB'l'l-ae~oolbla w~bsfte for thi:t Online C~rd Office portion of the software, In ao91)'flj~C0 with the Ooa\.lmomatlon. Ueenaaa !!h~I provide

SlackbCJtltd wilh Uean.5et1 contanl la Ile !]lac:!Mi on lhe Ucan11oe-ecca:i:,ilbla W\11b ;i.1101 In Eeeotdanoo whh '\t1e DoC\lmo;intetlon. Llcorr:tee

a~rinw!Gdgea l.l'ISI Blackboard mEly Include finks on 1.tte BlRckbaerd Online ce.(d Clrtlr;a wal3 sita that promalei.>. oflere;, or llnkrJ to ol.h~r

6~ckbt'lerd products Bnd 5-1:rvfcas wlllllri Ui!it jilackboal'd.com webelle. '



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09/23/02 MON 16:49 FA: 6 243 4S29 PSS

U o1_M PURCHASING N0.897 P.9

V010 IF EXE.CUTEiO AFTER SEPTE.MBeR 31}, 2002 Tl\e Un.IVera\\y or Montana. - MIS~oula

!i.6 Fl$CBI reapont'lhilit)t. L.loon;;QO retains ree-pof}1JibiHty foroomPllancewilh au fl.1h:i$ e.nd J1;1gulmtlona of BJJY bank, erird et19c.clsiloa,

oard ~stior ~nd Qther enHttc1 relplec:I to lrµiUanco, ~!:t.l'lptance. and $ett1Bmiint e.nd cl13a:log cf p:;i.ym&nt tt~n9sciicms condUClted thrwgh lh&


IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th& partle1;1 tu;:~lo !i1;1va axei;:.iJ\Qd 1hl$ SOftware Schedule an cf U't9 dli~ fil'St wrll:t(t11.abo-ro.

CUSTilMER 'r>lly o! ~~ • Missoulo


2:002 - CONFID!iNTIAL ANO PROPRl!:TARY Si;:heau1e 6 ~ 1 3


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OCT.23.2002 s:1sPM 09/23/02 ~ON la:49 FA:



'lLACKBORRD INC )ij 243 4929


_II of M PURCHASING N0.897 P.10

VOID IF EXECUTED AFTER. sl!PTEMBER 30, 2002 The Unlverl;lityof MQntana • Ml~PUla



Single point arenby to ~-lo~alicn ls guarded 24 hour.i a day wlln auce!l!i o:Jntrol~d by nn atj.CQ11 dutJ;1.J:ieae a.ml vld~ ljlurvemance

MoI!ltorlCJQ or the: c1>lo~Uon area and a!"lly lhoa0 persons authorized by a o.iat9111an1' 1ccaeE1 llB't lill13 etlOWed paste. C!i!nlrol pcinL

SwveHl~m~a Cflmeras lac:ated throughout tM fec:lllly Cilpture acUvity lo help fill'l'!lll~ no uneuJthQrl~d entry Lo -protee\00 are".

POWER! stale.of-1116"2lrt geoeralor1 drtBn 1111d condition .commerclnl oleclt'\r:al power b1 remi;iva lrre9\.lltJrllle.$ in lhe l!i\gnal. Power is run

lnrowh 1he-generatara befOfG bCillng passed Into the facility'.

ln lh~ event !lf a 1011a Df power from tne grid, pcw1ar ba.ci<ups are ulillmd hi 1he following order. commEtrclal utllllY i;nd<t~d

oondul~, two-hQur bZtwlY backup ijndll»b)I &l.B.nderd only ,15 min1.1te1;1)1 dlefr.el gBl'lerator with t\JllTtoad Citipabllily and 18 hr- fUel


A~6SSIBJU"J"(JSERVIO~ Cl!EDIT: The. Softwaro h1 .aceanJilble. 24J7, wllh a 99% uptlm!! guarantee. SS'o/!) uptime maans 1m1t for '9~% of thPJ llrnB during any dl.lt"Jri.dar monlh, the

Online ~rd Offlee portion Qf ttia Software shall ba ave.liable, Unavallebilily le 1;1 ccindlt!Qn in whltJh lh"re l:i unavallabillty of the ha.rdWaro duii

l.oi hn,dware h\llUHI OR atJ~talnad pscket ICIS! in 6XC056 of fifty Pi~nt within lhe BIB&~.board hotting reiclliBes. for al (tis.at !iften COl"ISBcullW

rnffiutM due to A ranura of Blackboard 1n proV!l16 hasting :itirvlQ!ilu durlna euch period: u11ova\\sbllity doefJ not Include pook~t !t'lsi .or ntitwcnk

un11vall11billty duC!I W ijciJadul@d malntenam;!i', or lneiiblllty er a ueer to conmi-ct wllh ltw Blaot(boerd On!irie Oard omea pert.Ion of tllo Sottwere

dug to Internet or mi1ecommunlc11tklns probl~m::l cuw,lde tho eon1to1 0f Blect<boBl'd. '

Dl,MThR RECOVERYr Bl.ackboard pJOVSdes comprehet1olve baCIW~, whlch are etrJrad al a eapB(1Ut raclllty. ii ai:ldioard ro\Jlns bE1.c:kup de.ta for Ql'IB rnonlh. Jn Iha

event or 0 d!:i~W. B1ackbc:le.ltl wl\l 1.1G~ ri:i:lilsori~ble oUo~ le t&slore aervle&. 6f~ckb1~1'!.n:I wDt f'IOl &ttempf lo restol'9 servlca Ir such all~mpl

sne.n put erackbaa.rd. lts e!'l'lployeee or H.s ~11i:inte al r1s:k for Injury.

OUTAG~S If fl System Outage oceurs, e\~boW'.l i'lllP notify i;leeJg11e.ted System Admlrii!>b'a1or Yh~ emell. 'l'hi& notice wlll lnciude the reason ror the

Sysl&m Outegr;i arid ev.llrnated tim!il for M:!:lorat;t;m af Servl~a if BJackboatd knowe lhll!I in~atl1>n when It glvetJ this notice.

Following reeovery ftom the System Outag", Blackboard wlll proYlde ucerieaa with ~ 'p(»lf!.lnc:JOent summery that wlll lnolude:

l;BU!.'lil af th~ Syeltilrn 01.1tage [If dMeimilnEld);

• me\:hDd \Jtiad la m;m-ecl t:he prob!Qm; arid

meawree Sl!i!ckbOard wm lake to p~111 &lmlh"r S)lelem Oute.gM In the f\.Jh.l!B Of ~flV)_

UP')l'l !'IOtlHcath;ln of s proble-m with the Bleekboard l'iy&!~m or \h8 S!!il\llc:es, Blaekboard wlll lnveatlaakl the problem and de\crmlne if a sysiem

Ouroge exlsw.. 11 a system OutB.Q'& e>ele'hl, Blnekboanl 1111111 prov Ida Uoen.see wtth a tlmll l~!rtlmiilte Tor resolUljOl"t or the protilom, tfMQwn et !hat

lime. e1;scktioaro wlll t'rompUy CQmMenee remedW.I acrlivltles- and U:iO ool'lllMJt:lnlly r@1111J(IRE1ble. ijffOrt! 10 re$t)IVG the Sygl0m Oub.\g0 Wi(hln

\he Ume ~!illlmals provided ta l10111n~ee. .


Blacktloerd will make nelw<J~ porfQnn3ttee reporb aV'alh1ble f(IC!tlslng on lho lechnlcal s~pect of romote a<;c~.ss !'leiwcffl: services. The repDIU

prcivlde lnfgrmailon ti;i. h~lp In thG cx111llnunl lml)l'('lvem011l ol the design E'll'ld oper.oitlon o~ lh~ n$N.'Ork, T/'tl~ ineludee information iuol1 Bil !'lcrt

aw!la'Uilfl.y, C(lnneet!o11 q1,1fil.llly1 u6eQ~ profile~ attd thraushPUt, ·t.



Bw.ckbcetd l.s resporislbW. !Or the t1a.l\4) atid oonflguratlon of the n~rBBSBry hardware, ·r10Hw1are and all @wponent~ of the dedleated ijerver.

Th!'!! t1'1cl1,1des but nol timiWd lo, lhE) .11srvor han:iwani anct Mfh.v11re, tet~oommunic;at\cn!1 hardware li!nd sol'twlilre~ ~rt'Y aoHWara Q11d (llher

.so!tWare i'1et la reQson~b\y l'u~:eestet"} lo operate and msJntaln ltle BlBokbOllrd Scftw~nt

ONGOIN~: The h1;1rdw~re, software and network ant monitored a11Q m11!11\Dlned by a1eckbol!lrd al'id will tie ~ci:::el}s(ble tw111"1ty..four (24) liou~ a d1y, eaven

(7) clays a week, In ae¢0rdance WlttJ iridueiry i;;1,andards, exce~ far e11hei;IJ.iled malnt8nanc.e iind required repelrs, In. a.dvanoo of whicti tha cllent

shall be nallRed by email. In eddll\on, BIBQkbOl!lrd continuously ~.l'lluat<as emergl1'19 t'e raw ate fOr .speed 0nd robuatnots and possible uso In

our tnvironmilnt. Bled<board maintal\18 respon6lbilrty for a.II da.y-to-day SSJrver l"Jl~lnlenMee • . !~rver malntl'lnQnce rney Include. but is not limited to,

hatl'Jw:ire upgMCIE.1$, OS upg~do11;, patch ln~l.3lla~a11e, datobasa admint~Ua.ilm1 1 .server t,1Ber wdrnlnla.Lratlon ~nd peri'om1ance tuning..

Blackboard rnaintaln~ a soft.ware mOl'LllOting a.ysl13m to provide real-time fn'fo1m~tlo11 about tile ASP 13nvlro11mont to lite Bluekboard

Networf( Operat1en51 Cef1ter (NOC), to as~lil Bleckl:Joard system edmlnlstratol'G prca(:t!v~J)' monitoring the A$P illnvl,Dnmanl.

• Elliac~rd guamnte~ me furact(O!'llng of uH JialliWDre c;:omp011Qnt1;1 and Wiii f•SJlface any fell~d componenls. ~rdwm'tl repbcamool

wll! begin lmmedl11te!y upon lt:lentifh"lMion of Ula hnrOware fBtlure and lf oorn;~~ be CQmple~ with a re~onlilble amount Oftlmn, lhe

618ci<board eppfleatlon wlll be radlr@ctad to a terr1pQrary :aerver ID rec:11.100 dCMonHmID,

Blacidloard Implements a ha~up :Mlt~EIY r.lf petl'ormlne dElll}' 1nerernanta1 ,g. wae~y full ~ck.ups with a retGnUon i:ierlod of 1 mon'th.

Standan:l tap13 rolaUon l:s !Klrformed Qn a weeldy l:Jusi~ wlU1 rmo1.1re Qffults .11tr:irege.

Q!adtboard Chill~ l)andwkHh lJse.9e (Ind web hll eteUstics on ~II dlent h~1ted machl11et1. Thl:;i inrarrMl!O!'I will ba PrGvldgd upon


MQnltorlnfil al'ICI event 11otl!ioe.llr:in proce<iures are stt.i.nd5fdi40d, and ~re di!!l!C:l'laad In r1 teparale docurnant


la! 011

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OCT.23.2002 s:16PM

09/23/02 MON 16:50 Fhl qLACKBOARD INC P55

6 243 4929 U Of M fURCHASING N0.897 P.11


VOJO IF ~e:OUTEC Arra'R SEPTEMeeR ::!<l, 2002 The Llnlwrslly af Monlene .. Mlseoule


'fne llE1rdwaro, v.ottwaro .end nittwo11< BM monitomd 11nct malntsined by Blackboard ~~ wnl ba 1:eeesslbld 1wen41'•four (M) ngura a d9oy1 51:!Verl

{7) d~yq a week, ln acieo!Vi;;inea wlth Industry s.randanfe, except fur sohed1.Uarl. mE.lntel'l0rn:~e B1UI req1.11Eed repa!rn, in advanoa Qf whlDI'! the olletlt

sns.11 ~a nollnet1 by aman. In Bddltloo. Blaokbaard conUnuously mluetes (!merging na.n.tuda,ra for epeBCI and rQb1.1WJm;s 11nd pOSslble ~e in

our environment.

DATA C~NTEll SP~CIFICATIONS Bleekboerrl housee e.el'Vl!1.rs In a faclilty ltlal Offero tnvlronmera contrgl, ~e1;1,1rit}", al'd b9Cli.up pQWair, ae moro ;iper;:lffc&lly described below:

ENV1RONMENT: ' The data cenlerla designed to mB!nteln a ccmi:tont 1amJJQ111ture Qf BBY..F, plus or nilnu:!l 2v.i:, wHh humidity l;lf 45%.

SERVER SET~P; ~ Th!;! ai;,rwr= li!M set up lo malff(aft'l fallD11ck. redundant ~nnacllvil>', eQmprehenstve ba:C{(\.lj)i!~ 24x7 monltorlog, ggo,f, upUma.

~ARD PROCESSORS Licensee'& benktilhll\I pl'Oce'llS ¢t!!dltcarde lhrciugh;

Flr~l Data Miln:h!!il'lt Service$~ Naahvlllb. OR

VIia! PrQOt!lil!ilng S.eNlt:as...

2002 - CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPR!ET ARY Sclied1.1le B ~ 1 5


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OCT.23.2002 8'15PM

. 08/28/02 MON 16:50 FA:I "LACKBOARD INC PSS

J 248 4929 ·. U of M PURCHASING




N0.897 P.12


shell J;ie gave med by lhe terms and eondilions Of~ 01aci(bcerd MEnrter Ti3rmv. ('Ma~r T1~Jms] dated es of ttia 1t duy Qf July, 2002 b-slMiel'I

61&\cldioard 'l!lnd Cu3lorner. Tmna u11ad In \his Seh!dule IJ'la.t are not deflned. lx!lovt Ml~~ fllVG lha ma;11nb1g wt rorlh k'l lhe Mester T~rrr'I&-



Schadule c .. 1: a1a,kbo~rd T111n:sactlon S ~Ill""' Ma1nt:on11n1~'"""'"d"-"$"ue.,p.,o.,rt'------------l

&hiJ:itCt.1·AddQ~Saftwi\l'OPkl.tirJUmP~ av a ont1l

Eichlbit C1. - J!\dd on sonwere Gald P.ac a e Hom1il

e.hi itC1. -E montt.I t

ExhlbitC1.4~Ad.dunE ul G: !Sllvmrho~ * 0 tlOMI

IN \lVlTN~S WH~REOF, lhe- parttes homlO have execu~i;l l~le SCliGdule i:w of the date f1ratwtiUen ahCNQ­

CUSTOMEll ~nyo:1~a ~Missoula

..... ~~......---:.;_," 1¢.......,.,. .-Lu Terrzs P~rch~ng A.Pten~

P•ot Noll\O""" ~I~ s_,.ptell!ber d, 2002



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OCT.23.2002 8'15PM

. 09/23!02 MON 16:50 FAX "'-ACKBOARD INC PSS

; 243 4929 11 of M PURCHASING N0.897 P.13

VOiP IF EX~O AFTGR SE~EMBER 3(), :l002 The UrilverGily of Mon\ena ~ MVillilaulH

sc~EllULE C•1

er AQ!CBQAAP ru~CIJoN sySJ'(Mtt.r MAJtn'~NAblg§ AND S\]PPOBI

Thla BLACl<BOARO 1'MNSACTION SYSTEM MAJN'raNANCE. Al\IC SUPPORT SOtiEDULE rschedule/ sli:iill bl!I gQvamed by ihc tarms

and condlUo~ of tha Ble.ckbo1;1rd Ma•r ienns ("Mastilr Terms/ da~d s~ IJf lho 11t dQ) of July, 20oa b..:ilWeeori 91eek.Poard ~ Cu!J\l)mer.

Terms ujed \11 lhis Sohedtde U1et are not d.atlnad below shell Ile.Ve the rneanlng set ttuftl In 'lhe MesWrTerms..

1, SCOPE 1, 1 After lhe- iOIUel wairan1Y pgrfOd tlOSGJlbed In tho Mastel: "Tarms for thia a~i:iucallle SctlM!.ro or ~ulJ)rnel'll, Blar:kbOmd wlll provide

OJstom"r wllh thg maTntenYOce and supl)Ort. servi~Oi for lhct appll(:Bblroi. EUe.ckbotlrlJ Tran 11aetlon SYi=lem 1111 Soft.wa.rt1 liilnd Equipment i;overed

by l:hi!i Schadule !ind Gl.tadl~ci E>:hlbll::I ln acc;ordance wflh Black'tmud'a. 1f11;1ri-currerit nii:tlntemm~ and supl)otl pollllies. Blacltt!Qard shall

datermn~ ii\ Its so!e i;l~tlcn, beIBed en Its PQlltifer;i, me most approptil'lte mg111'lar in which lo provide mainteriance encl 5uppcrt.. To the E!Jdi!int

l!Hlt customer n::is pun::hs.sed snver, &Id. or Plaunum level sarllee. mid'! ad.d1llcnal ij.e1'\lkes are covered by tne .appllceible e.w:hlblt lo tnl~

S~eQIJ\G. 1.2 In crder to provide theee :;n:irtlce11 In a timely. Gftlclenl and uHecttltB m!l.nnet, l\!.lackbom'd may rer;iui~ th6 CUstome(15 reaaonable

oooi;iaraUon, al 110 oost to Blsokboerd. For the putpoi<ea al' proYlOlr'l!'J ll'le aupport ill'ld m:ilntenilfl"G- ool'Uioas urider thlli $ehedul&1 mvJ upon

Sl<1c!tb!18rd':1 req1.1es~ Cuslorn~r ehBD provide BIBCktiolilrd stirvlco peraonn1;1l wllh r1.111, froE, IOAfe-, and timely ac,;:oos. to ell Syi;.mm c;(;lmpcnent&

COYere~ by lh!g sonetiule or corriporienU1 which iMtiilrlally .aHGot Uio ap0ratl9n cf System ~omponel'lbl ooveri!ld by lhl:s Sohedule.

1.3 Ble.C:Kboard's acoes!il to lhB SCft'MlrEI Mlly ITiclLidtJ, 0EL £!Jl;!Ckban.rd TBCOll'!MBl'ld:a., but !Iii !10t limited to, dlaf.in nccei;:$ to lhe Qio.gnastlc

modem on the '1flpUce.Uone Qncl/or host o0111putl!lr or WQrJr.::;tallons and physTGll1 euooFJ.B la f'1e cue.tomer premlses.

1.4 Solely to pEtrmit ela~t1oard 1.e provide l'OO!ntenanca imi:I support ~ervica3, c~.ol1lmer !!:hall malllfsif1 {I.) Internet eoooss protocols as

agrcod wfUT t1h~1ckr;.o;an:l: or {II.) a diagnasUo i;11a11.1p 11'\0dB-m ~cilsd to the appllcrrtianb~!lndlot !'lost computer. Cu~tomer shall tilfilo m111r\taln

ond nm, Dn ils ~ppllcaUO"lil end/or tiael computer, a fl.illy ll;:anaed oopy of the ~.ni11:rte system mB!'ll!l:!lemaot ~mmvo1~11Ucn softwem

n!lcomrnendod by BlaOkbOSrd- 1r customer rnqulres l!laekboard to notify Sy:item Atlmlnicl:rator rirlor lo t111lietlng dlQl-ln pCDGtlli, Customer may

d!sable dial-In acces-a durlflg peor\ods when .scii&dvled l!.Oe&SEl: le not roquifee1 or re(!U65tElli, Cl.lt':llomer ~y raqueet that Blackbo!i!rd provide the

modem and conuru.micatlOP softWare t.tJ Software Mafnlen&Ma <iu5lomem fgf a n:milnill yearly melntenaJ'le.o fee. Such modem and

ccimmunlcatlDn eortwara al'lall be ratumed to Blockboi:ird ~n IJ'\e ktnnin1,1;t1cn cf lhllf ::)clledule or Custorner will pay Btaekbo1;1.rd tl'le l/im'I

current re!Bif rirlee cf the modem ~nd commuokadoh "l)ftwaro.

1.5 If reascrtabla a.c:ct1ss le not provided u~on raasonable reque!il, Cuslcn~(r 1Jht1ll be dee"°'ed to he'Ya y,ral\l~B Bt!cktlosrrl's:

performe11ce or thm m11lnlananOB a11d $Uppcort e~ice:. untl! such aawi;$ \9 provided. t~l~okboard shall have no llebillty tor st.u::h lriabllily to

paiform n1Qlnlenanca and .supporti:seMqaa In sud'! event.

1.6 customer t':lhall lden~fy a Sy~em Admtnli:;trator to be- tralneij and oortilled Uvi;nJQ?\ Blecl(~oarci Leeming center. Bl!ckbOercl

rl3lil13NQ5 !tie right tc acid a .surcharge to srintlal maintenance sml support 6er."lo~ reee In U1ei event that-s certified .System Mmlnlstretor h1 WJt

provided. Blae;kboard shall not ha hG!d res.ponslb!e for any CO$\$inc urred ~:t lhe Cu~tomar in provldin; o. ,,.ertlfbd $y.Fltl!!m OpM'lrtor.

CListomer shell provide tVne for the Sy!ltarn Adlnlnlslriltotto dtagnoso, troubleGlTOot. an~ M[llace comporiantu § n~~iraary.


2-1 If -pre~lt\rn§ or deracte with.the ::.iwtsm or ariy or lls. wm1=1ooente ~ult fl'Qm .a ro!)~ Majeure Evant (t1s definad In the Master Torms)

01 Cui;ilomer mtsusa DI' ~buss. Blackboard 3hall t;;llarga Cl.nrtomot, ~nd Cualcmer ~hal! ptty a1~ckbo.i:tr4, Ila m=n eum'!n' lio.l,ll"IJ' rapslr mtoi: and

;;iriy related ctiarge3 lhen ~ affoct rcr malntenarit:e sonilite~.

t.2 al~t;;kboard ~l'laJI QriJy pf"Ovldl!!I on-slte mt1lnten!i!nt:Q When anei In iiCt;DrdEll\O'~ wllh lls .sfond.e.rd ?Jocedures. Prior to E\1ackboan:I

prolJfdlnti i!r1Y on-site mi1lflle1lence, Blackboard &1'11!111 provldt:i CU:itom~r with. and Cuall!ll'ner sh~\! pel'forll'l lhe ilPPTOl>ri1'te lB~t !I.ml verifloatlo!'l

1.1riaty.11s on ll'le applicable Software/6qu1pm~nt in. e.cccr~n~ wlth wullnB't, dorut·1Gnta.Uon r..n~ lnstruct!cna 'pfovlder;f by Blt:i:ckbc;;ird.

customer shall pl'OPi'lplly lnkirm: eleokboanl Qf lhe re::n~lt! of lhesa ~l8. CuStQmlM' ilhall 1l!"O'Ylde Bleckboerd with lri:iublashll'111ng ELSs!r;:;tance.

2.3. Arry on-G!l& malntenB!'lCQ ~ervfe11 not CQ'l'B~tl by tlie appll~ble mD!nU.11t:lnCe and support eervl<iei $QhlKlulas provtded by

0leckbolilrd shall b~ subject tc e mi!'llrnum char ea or eight (8) hcure. Such Item" excludc,;J frQrn m~i11tanancli ~rld support servloor; lndude (but

are notllmiled to): ~11

(iii) Th~ reaolu!Ton of any pl'Ob!QmS: due lo lnspecllon. toNlce, raJoroUon, lam~lna:, :;:n"tlgutatlon cnengss. lnstaUsllon of addh:lo~ faatu~1

funcilon~. er eottwera not provldsd, autllor1~d or lnsttineo by e1~ckboard :1


(b) SoftW~rn or CquJpm&nl sold but nol m1;1n11faQ\UN1d ~Y Biackbo"t1rd1 and not cavarei!I l)y th~ Schedule, inCludlng, but not lillilUir! Hewlett

?ackerd, Di.it.ace.rd, Wirloowa®1 etc. (c) The rn:i.cluUon Gf any probhHt1B dve lo ar ea~ed by knowing dll!lroggrd far Systom Admlnlatratlon prce!Clur~ aa ouUlned In the current

veralon Of th" Slackb11!1i'd $~1am Adml11lairaG01'1 G1.1\da or atha;r ~tevanl docum~rrteitk,n,

(d) Computer Vlnisea and any demoge ce,used by "¥'rusee.


S.,1 Cove•ll'Ba Hou~ BlaokboMI ahtill i:irovld.e Cu!domar with au:i.lomer aup~Ol~ services avallliltile 6:00 e,rri. ta 6:00 p.m, MST time.

nve (5) d&y!J a we Bk, Mondr;i,y furuugh Friday, ;xel1Jdlng US Fedar:a! rind Arlzttna St!iJtij J1oltdaYi ('Covarege Hours"}. O~blkl!il \Jr th1t coversga

I-lours, Elackbo~rd 11:nal1 miak!I avallable lO Cus,lomer sitQC:le lO on~ull p~monmill f(1r support ecrvlCt1:9, d!!!erned ~ &lac1tbo11n;I ta be an


3-' Um1t1. customer support Is limited to quooUons on product conflgursllol'I, uaage and noUflr;;allQn or def'ects 1;1nt1 ke. eveUabte by

catll119 or oollfy'ine Bler:kbomnf. Up.on receipt er a can ot nollflcaH011 by Bl11i;;kb0ard eJlprov~d method~. Sl!i!ckbo:snd will deleflJllne. whelher an

em:it Ii relatad to cir dl~i;:\ly cau~ed by lh~ SoftwarB ot Eq1;\pm0nt. If .i.>01 Blat:kboi.'!lrd wm {a) create .an error rs pol'\ (b) assi911 e Severity Code

.and{~) anempt ~o tasollle lh1;1 arror in 1;1CCQfdance with the procedures below.

3.3 S.rnn Ro:iolutlcm.

{a} firomr!W Coop 1. Severity Gede 1 mp Iles that thb SysletTI IG not runciionlnn. some eKampl(ls of Sl!lv;Jitf Oode 1 S¢t!lm ErrQr-a o.1·e

l!ls follows:: (I) System l!; down ti:l'ld wilt not res.ten: (11) System Is gs11Gr.nllng ad~ c1}Tl'upt1on conClitlcn. Slal':kboard will u~ Its i:omrnetufoilly

rea~onabla affo-rte to rGsolvli1 SBV'~rlty Cede I System E:.n-or (IJ:paftS en Ii \'rnlnty-fc!.lr (.i.3} hour be els. Wheri a saverJt:t code 1 System etor le

reporkid, Blackboard wlll BSE;;lgn reso:urces neoo&ial"j IO carrei;;t tile $y11otero Error. If 1moo~ to the S~tem Is re~ull'fld, Cu~tomat wlll proVid& a

mntaot iavalla.blB to Blacii;board :end 1;1cce:ss tg Ouetomer'e. a~totrt ;and othe' acttw~ fl)r tilG i;fun'ltton of lhe Ol'ror r;crro-eticn prO~&durai:.

{b) S9Y&Qty Cv@ 2. saverity Cod~ 2 lmpll~ lhat Iha sy&1em le running but tlt2 l CLI~rm;ir is l,1111:1btc, to ueie m~Jor pnrh'! af thll Sy.stern.

Some e>:atnpl&s cf Severity Code 2 System Erro~ ara B!i followE!>; {I) l11termll1ent System 1:.rror end (11) meJor. l'um;:ttonal compommt i$



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09/23/02 MON 16!51 FAX ; 24~ 4929 N0.897 P.14


unave.112ble. S0vwlty cede 1 systllm Srr-cra will 1nke prtortty over severity Code 2 !~~mm Erroni. Bla~kb1,1a.rd will 86Sign lilPPr9Prlale

lec;hnlcal rc~ource.r. to Severity cQda 2 SYJiltem Ertcts as rcn9 as ttiere are. no save~ Cc d~ 1 Syslem Errore awaltlng rruio!ut!Qn!.

{~ Seyer1ty re 3. Saverlty Code 3 Jmpllee thsl lhe Symert\ Is. opera1In9 but tt·,eria le a non-crUlcal Sy'Gtefi'I Ermr. Severity Cod~ 3

Sys.\em J;rrors may be raed In lha neII: ael'teCWGd Up~do er Update or malie avallable c n Bleckboard':s Web e.ila. Blet.:kboard wlll reeearoh

'&lvority Coda 3 Sye.tem ErrorE> afti:ir Sevarlly Ccida 1 il'ld Severity CctlD 2 System l:nore. 6l~ard rniilY eorrecl Seiveri!y Coda '3 syii_ta111

E:rrotS In ttie ned ediedu1ad Upgradl!I or Update or make eorrocttone avallabl11: lo Cu&toITT~I M e1iu;}rnoar.1fe w0b site.

{dj SevGrlty Cod~ 4. SAVarlty COde 4 Jmptles t11al 1ha SY1lem le operellt'!g but tl'ilil Cl.111tcmer b requesDng t1ddltt1;m1!!1I funetlon;j);l:y.

Blackbomrd rn~y 1 al tts wle dl~cre11~n. 1ncorpara1e in a ftJture Upgmr.I" or UpQata or make ~111eitablo ta cu:itom0r an SW.cl<boatd's Web ~i!G. ·

(e} Sevedly CNfe 5. Sevorl~ cocie 5 lmpnes lhHl It!~ ~\(Im le. operatlfij} but tlll!I cu11tomar Is In need of lnalttlellOl'IGI BituSience.

Sevarl~ Coda 1, 2, and 3 Sy:9iei'l'\ Ebrora Will lake priority OVOf Severl\y Cods S i;all!J. Bln~:boi;u'd wiU e~tilgn "'-PPtoi:'flatn l~nietiL resoUl'C8i to

Severi!)' Cod'0 5 ~n~ aa long M th~ ifQ !'ID Sev&llly" Cede 1, 2, or '3 Syetetn E:rror repor~1 e.wa!Dn~ reaotutlon.

:i.4 PL!~haH Of AddlUonal S11Pport and Malnten&r1ce- Scil'\llC(t!J._ln 111d.dltlan !o ~10 bade malnto.naoce snd support QetNlm11;1. sot forth

heroin, C1.1:atomor mey purdu"'ie atldJUonal Silver 1evel "E1;11Jipment or Plelhum or Golcl !oval So~ra malnfen1nce and !i!l,lppcrt services In

accordar1r.a wltt\ the cippllt2bla teJT11i and ~nc;tTUone. ~r0rto e.tto.otu~d B<hlb!ta.


4.1 Subject ta the deflr111lcn cir Coverage. t-lo11ra, Netwatk Procaaaorl$er."er eqvlpnw nt will be heni:tied es high priority s.lnoo It Is lhe t'fll)Bt

arilici::i:I to Sy;htn'l operaHon • .4.2 Upori Ctnrtomer"S notification ~nd Blt1i;i<boa.rr.l's Beltnowledgerncmt Uu1l lhe Msiwork ProcessorlSeTVer or a comporienl uiereor, l!il

dEJfacllva, Bla.Ckboarcl wm promptly ~111p w 01.letomer e tumporary Nplaeemi;mt compommt ar Nelwork P((lcwor/Si!rver. Bttlekboafd wlll uee

ns commerclally rea~atiable "ffortJ IQ ensure Uiat euc:h tem[lor~ry ~lacemanl cornpi:(lont or NGlwork i'rocessor16ervor Is oenve~(I wlthlll

Tortv-elght {46} hD!.H'S of Blvc~bogtd'11 i::u:;knowled9mant of problem. CU.i\o1111;ir i;h::;ill rattNr, to Blnckboard !he ~ef!ollve womp~rwn\ Qr Natworn

Processo.r/Sai"/er within five {5) ln.IS"ln~a di!y,!- T;lf receipt or temporary r6pleGSrtiel\t complinont or NetworK ProcesscirfS1i11Vcir.

4,.a Upon Cuu.wrn0r's reoa1p1 of the teniporary rap~oemer'll compon~nt or NDbNOlf( WftlCl1isis:or/Server, telapllorn> eupport wlll bG prQvft::!ad

Cu-atomer to ensure llli;t System Is «ieraU11e.

4.4 Al ~Ilitokbaerd1!!. ~o\e dl~otaUon. th~ defect:ive component or Nalwork "PTQl~esaQfl5eNer wm elther bE:i ropalttid ar rapta~d­

Bh1okbo1ud Is under no obllgiit.lan to retllm lho. ortg~lll!I component or Network Pmc00~<;1r/Sarver to Cusl1:11'1'1!1Jr. lf th& original compan~nt or

New.oora ""°~ssorl~rver ts !"1'lllrnai:t to CUa:\Qrner, ltle11 Cuirtomar JJ!iall tinlp ~~ tempo111ry replacement i:omponenl Qr NMwol'f<

Pro~s;iorlSl!!IW&rto 6l11i:kboard wllhln flve {~} bU~lnea5 d~yii. ettmr 1t3Ceipt ct lhe origin el MPBlred COl'llpollel'!C. ,

4.5 Ir tn0 Netwol1C. ?roceaaorlServer ls lnQparatfve aod all raeder terminals ars in ~\l ~affllnii" mcde, BlacKbaanl will disputch a tuohot:Jan

to Customefs alte, whO ohall arr!.VD no !etl!lr the.11 lhl!I next day of covamge Hour, p11Jvk: ~. hoWOWJr, tllat 811.iclitm&rd del!!!rmln~. In mi aollil

CllsGrellD!l, lht.i.t ellflar the repJ!i!-cament of tha defec!Nfl patt cannot be accomplished by -:;;,1~tomer1 or that lt cal"lnot be ea~Uy eaooru;il!'\aG wfl.Jch

wmPont;int is derec11va-. Cualomor wm pay B~banrd !tie than-current rate11 for cn~m~ service!! and ri:ilmbursa arar;ktEen:I rQT app11ca1Jle

lrnvel e.nd llvlrt'il e>ipen:ies ll'lcumid by Bbackboato', provided, CLIMf'l'\er lias not purdl110qr11 8\B.CkbOIDrd Tron~;t!Qfl S)'5tem S~l'\ware PIAtlnvm

Co'Je:lli!9e"' or EUackbo2r0 Transecllon System Scittwtu-~ Gold Covrirage'nl In ac:oorua1100 with ttio ~ppllc:Elble 5.'dJ.lbiL


5.1 Upon p:ii!.ytnl)ri.t of tlie a)Jpl}cabla a.Musi Et'!.11lpment malnteil'!ence fee~, Blackto;~rQ wlU provide tna following;

(l.) Reader ~nd parlpheral Equipment to the System may ~ $1,tpported bye·rll ell and ta-1epfltme support to a9s1Sl Custcim~r 111

dlil!lfl~~lng Equipment problems ®rlrQ covera~ Hou.rs_ · .

(II.) Re.ad er ancl pel'lptioral Ei.qvlpment rmmufe.toturl?ld by Blaekboard Is suppcrtiad l:l~r way oi dep0t repair. Al alackboard's ijDI~ dlscreUon.

euc)l E!qulpment shall be mpalrad ~r raplaced. Cu~omar shWI request a Return M1;1.larha\ Ai.tlliot1u.i1lon {RMA) nurnoer from Blackboard $1\d

rat.um such re1&der end/or 11$rlpl'IGrel Equ!pmant to the fii.ctory fOf reimlr. ~epalt'6d o• -apl~ced ~uipment will be retur11ed to the. Ctlstomor

wittil11 $ bu9lnes.s chiys usil'IQ 1>tand.ard r;J'ltpplna metnod11 outlined ln M8$lef Tem'li.

(Ill.) Reader end perlptieral equipment manvtactured by o third p1rty vendor 1~ 1~1.1)port:ed by wzy of i;l"pot r1;1palr. At B111akb0lilfd'e so!e

discrn~9n, Zl.leh Equl?me11t shell ba rt:pa!red ar niplacoct. Cuetamcir eh~ll rnquaal E1 A.01um MliUerl1;1.I Authorimtlon (RMA) numl)9r tran

Bltiekboard e.nd tolum SU¢. reader andtor perll"llleral Equipme11t to ll'la facl:cxy far re~alr. Rep~lred or replE!i::Eid Eq1Jipmt1nt Wiii bo r!(tomod lo

the eLJ.slomer within 10 bi.la!n~ss days using Slanch.ud aflfpping method~o1,1UJned iri ~11111'!1tTernia. '~ ·

(Iv.) Equil)l'Mnt lnt:Codtng, but not llmlted Lo, NCR., Dell, Compaq, and ~taway are uupportad by oJJr;ilte thirfJ party repair: ~


lt1 Al 'fllnukbom\l's :iole dl~rc1,lon, repait or 1ni::dnl0nani;e e.nd §UppC1rt servlcea. may ba Mada t1.val\1abla to Custom!lr at Elftl'OkbcarrJ'l!i

then c11r1eint fu°'s and ~pplf~ble hourly mlolm1,1m1:. for smtware al'Jd/or Et:11Jipmcnt whk!h CuilOl\'llU hss not pald the apP\h'.:eble mainten~rn.::$

and'S1.1ppart-fe1JS or &laqltboatd ha1;1 ex;ciucled ln aoeor-c:i;1m·1a wllh lhli> Schedule.

6.2 Bui.c:kbOat'd will provldBo Cuitlomat with eri l!ls\lmele for lhe provision of suoh ~·1tNlces. Bla-ckbQa(d, at lt:i :aola dlscreUQn, wm rsqulre

!!lither a Pu~ha:le Ord~r ar wrlttia" oppJtJV91 ror \ha- el!tlme:leQ fB~ prior to providirlg 1ny rapnlri or mElln~11ancs ~md isupport 11crvli;;'iJS In

ec.cord11ntte wllh lhls Election.

7. FEl'S 7.1 $c)ftware bBSI~ m~lntt:mince- .11.nd aupport :tervlces are CQ'JarGd uftder tho ci.1e1om1Jr'S a"nusl Ucen:ie re& ror the Sortwsra. To !he

e)d;enl Cmnomar has purctre.!l:Ml Gold or PiatJnum !"Vil S1;1ftwo.m Melntl!nance ~ri.d sUPPOrt alilrvloas, Cu!!tomer til\~11 pay F;1nnuauy ror such

addlUon~I fees relal0d- to BUch sml~- CuGtoniat s-Ml!I pay fin annual Equlpmem ·naintenance l!lf'ld sup-port ree (lh& .. Arinu!l 5qug'.lmont

Melntenar'lce end S1.1i;ipof1. Fefil/ to Blackbo!llrd for ih!11 -'tilM~1:1 provided h<Jff;1i.illder mhaled to the Equipment. P~yrttDnt1 111htll bo 11ciitt to

Bl~c;:kbnard, lne. Box 200180 Plttsbl.Q'gh, PA 115251·&'188. lo the ~!ant CuSt(itrlnr has Pt.rrOliBSacl :Silver laV&I Equipment matntOflilflC$ 11nd

i:i1..1ppol11iiervl~z. 0Jstam11r $h~ll pey al'll"lu~l!y for auoh ~ddillon~l fees (eta.WO ti) such !Hlrv~. If CrJ~lomer feill tl1 p~ tf\1;1 Annual Equ!prnenl

M~ln~nt:1nGl!I Foe In eci::ard1:1nt:e wilh lhli Sthadulo l;llld lhB Mal;.l!!lr Tenn1;1, Blackboard may suspend ~my ind r;ifl Equtpme.nt malntena.ne<i ~d

support lP Customer. Bllilcl!;bc;ie!'d reSEiJVl'.lll tM right to moi:!ify tnB Annt1E1\ Malntenm'li:.0 ;and e ... pport FSG fQr eai::f'I Renewal Term.



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OCT.23.2002 8'17PM 09/23/02 !!ON lfi: 52 Ji';');


!_6_ill._!ll2L. u of M rl.ll\Clla.SING N0.897 P.15

VOlD lF EXECUTED APTER SEp'fEMBeR :lllJ, 2002 Tho Uolvarslly of Montella~ Mlsso1,1la

8. TERM ANO TERMINATION e.1 TvtA'L This Schedule shall commenoe J~IY 1, 2002, and. unli:i11S euependad ~s: l"ovKfGd rcrln SQOtlon 5, shall co11flnue ror e Pf!riod

ot one {1) )'l!lar. (~tnrnal Term~)- Thereetter, thl~ Sci"ledule wm ranEJW ~lomatlcaOy tor 9\Jl.:ces91\!o: one (1) year lerrt12 or ~11 mutupUy Bg!'$ed

(-eE>ct'I e ~Rcririwe.11\!lnnn}, prqvidtd lhet Customer r!!lmlls lhe .Qppllcable Maintenance af\lj S\JppOrt Fea within lhlrty (30) i;lays of retalpt of an

invoice fl'Om Blackbonl'd. e.2 Tennhmflon. Thl:r. SottedU\g mlily be terminated in accortlanoo with tho termln~[on 11rov1,1ons of 'Ina Agroemenl


-lfy~:~~-""~·..,M~'""'~~~"-lo _____ _ Lu T"rry,


l,>;c4ing Agent Prini Name and illla September :~3 2002



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OCT.23.2002 B=lBPM 0$/23/02 UON 16: >2 FAA


"LACKBOARD INC 6 248 ill9


N0.897 P.16

VOIO IF EXECUTt;D ArnR SEPTEMBE~ 3:):. 2002 thi;t llnlver~i'ty ol Montana~ Mlssoute




1.1 Pasrc Obllgal:i(lr\!i, Upo11 payrnanl or a~plfce:ble fee:;,, BlackDoard !Wall provl'Oe 4~\lsloJllf!t wtth rnaintommce and BUllP"rt satvlceS ln

aci;:ordan~ wilh lhG term!3 Gnd conditions or 5Cheduls 0 mH1 lhi MtisterTGrm~ e.nd its. ttie-11•eurre11t mmlrrtenenee. arid a1.lppoR. pollcy.

In sddlllo" to 11\B basic cevera.ae, the foHOVting il!lms arv Jn'111d'e~ Irr the G¢id Covi;trsgc

1.1! Netwtirk Roadsr COVOl"illQ:e

Blackbc11fd, with th~ ~eslatance Of Gustcl'l'IM, wlll QJElgttQe;e e f&i>der problem and dBiell'fllt1e if !he pTQ)Jll!!l'l"I le retatid to Equlprnenl Qf

eommunloation protiJt;iJ1¥. Ir the problem la with l::Q.Ulpment, I.lie ct.11T&nt rnalnl:el'IM'lt:~ opl.loru;i will pre'<'Bil. If lhe problem IB with lhe

ocmm1.m~on protocOl!J, lhe Cu:5tomcr wm be advised ·on ltla g\eps lo take for fSS:OlU\Ol'I· ll ls up to l~e> 'Cur;~er 10 J;Qlve all 0/1 «i;mpu$

comm1.mlgaiian problems. Blackboard is not mgponelbl& for c:ampu:li communleat\Oo !)l'Ob.erns.

1.3 Ntltwork ProC$$s.or Covaraga (UNJ)C ED:moN ONLY)

(I.) Sub} act to Iha deflnlllo11 at Covera!JO Hi:i1,1n>i Netwcrk Proc;eS1;1or/Se1Ver aq1.11im-a11l wlll !;ie hend!ed as high priority ~ce It 13 the most

crllloal to System ol)!lrntlon. (II.} U~ Cut>tomer'lil notifl~llon MCI .Blat:.k~o1:1rO'e acknow!ad:;iJment m1:1t the Nir.\Wrk Pl'Oeess.or/Ser11e1 er a comiionerit lhereOf, i~

defec:t1ve, B!ackbOard wlll promti11Y &hlp to C!.lljlatoor 1 JwiPctlrt rapl~ment componant o~ Nalworl<. Proci~/Smvet. BleckbO;!f'd will u~e

Ila. eomrnerclHlly reasonable ettom t9 ensure ttiet su~ tamporaiy ~~rnent eompoi~1rflt ot Netwotk Procoooor/Servar 18 CeHVored wHhln

fQrW•elght {16) hi:iura of B\ai;;kbo\Vd'.s ac:knowlsdgmenI of problem. C11Bbmer &hmK ~W1l'I to Blaekboard the l'.lereawe eomponiiinl or Nelwqrk

Proe&1sor/Servar within llvo (5) busine~ daya of reci;iipt o( tvmporary replacement com~10l'l~nl or Network PWGe5SOr/5fiM!f,

(IU,) UpOl'I C1.1:1tom~r·$ tDcelpt of th& tamporol"i repl£1ce1111mi comPt1nent or NBlWO~. Pmcass.orJSgrver, telephono ~upport win b$ provtcted

Cu~ton·u~rtci ensure the Systom Is oporallve.

(iv.) At B\ackbclard'e 1;1ata. dliCretlon, the defactlvs oompOti"'nt or Nmlwork Pmi:easortserv.er wlll eittier bi;. repalr&d or reple.oed.

Bl~ktloard I& undet no olllJg;;Llkln to re~m !he OtlQ!nel compOI'\~ or NetWOJk Pf0Qef41~/Serwr to Cuslcmet. \f tile ol'lglm:il c0Inp1;1nant or

Network Prooeti:sor/Sorver 1~ rGtumed to Cuato1n0r. then Customer ~au shlp ti1~1 temporary r~laceflll!lot compo11enl or Network

Pro~elii~t/S"rver tQ t:llelckbcen::I wl\tlln flVO (5} bualneias dayS &!\er NCe1Pt of the orlgln!iil mpsited oompOl"Jl!lnl.

(v.} lrthe Nel;wtlr1<. Procassor/Se~r Is lno~!ilrallve 11ni;i aU riadQr tGmil11al9 Rrli In~ "oIDlrien mod~ Slo~l'd WHI diSpsWl ! lGCtinlcian

to CLIBtomors. site, who .shall lini\lo no tator th~fl l\'to nt;i}(t day of COW!mlJ!ii !'four, provlc:11~d. l'lowover. tl"lat Blaclo:bon.rd determines. ln JIG si::ikl

discretion, lh(llt elthar lha rep\ac!ilmcn~ of the clerecfiYfl p~rt i;aitnot be aecompUshOO by Glli!lcmer, tir lhal It ca.rm ct b" &aRilY !ISOi3rtam~d whloh

i;omponarn ~ Q.1;1fa!.lt~ 1,,,. Ernarg11ncy OnaltB AsaTel:.anca

ln the event of a Nmwo~ Proee&sor hillllre (UNIX Edlticn) er Serwr fe.Hvm twlnrJoM E1:!1t1(1n}1 Cl.l~omi:ir rnsy choose to heva a El!ackbQmt\

emplQYl!l!9 tr"vef to CIJ!illorr.er slte lo ~sl11.t witn Natwol'J( Prm:eBSor replecemanl ·or Serv1~r re'Stor.PUr;in. iravel end Uvlng O)(i:iermeir ihan be at

the Cuettimer"a expenJ!.e-1.~ Appl\catlan ~&taratlon

In tile everil or a ho::;l he.rdw~re faHure, BlackbOard wlll perfcrm the foUowlng servicetr mni{>lel)':

(I.~ 8h1.ekbi:41.rd wn! Install both Af)p11catiDn Softwj~ $.i'ld OperE1th1g Syi;ife(ll scttw1rre. from b'11.ckup madle,

(11.) Slatkboatd w!ll COnUgure pilfl.ltlOT!s ~f n1;1~sary)

(Iii.) Blai:kbcerd will snalyi~ ond l'El$01VB cJBW:basa con'\lpllon Qtfle~11ee:ry)

(Iv.) Ble.ckmr4 wm sit1ilrt ltls Bppll1Jatlon proce$.ses

(v.) B\tlckboe:rd wlll conftrrn reade~ ti.r'6 onllne and prtu;i,si\rig l~n~ctlon~


lfJ 017

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"3. 2002 B: 1BPM -~t MON 16: 53 FA. ·-·------


N0.897 P.17

VOiP IF l'XECUTE!l AFTER SEPTEMBER 31), 2002 l'ho Unl.,.r>!\y of Montono· MlwlUla


UST llF EllUIPMENT JU~ Y 1, 2QOZ THROOt;H JUN6 3D, 20•o•

-· oescrlot1on Q1,D1rilltu

HP700/60 CRT T"rminel Mcncehromi' 2

µno Col,vertet IP'/465 10

Ina converter, 2321485 43

popy Moohin& Roooorw Keypad 1

feop~ Mi;ichlnG f(eader w/l<Gyp.atl 1

High E!'lergy !=rogmmmable 1

~er Cade Soannel' ~ HMcl Hald Qun 3

IE!ectronlo ~I'!. t>r~wsr 49

~l.rOnDls~lay 18

?alron Diip!ay II 11

lRei:::lllfpt Jo1.trnBI Printer- "4- fl)~ 17

IR&celpt Joumul -Slip ValltllU!on Prlnli:ir-4 lpa ~

1E1"ctronlc Seale- 4

!Ai;t:!'Jlly A.eader 8

11\cllvi'YRooder • !rlmfil Mrir)Qgement II Road.er 9

Stcurlty Monitor Reada-r. W~H 9

S&eUrlly Ml;ll'lrtor II Reader1 Wall 1

~lnlWedga; POS Reader 10

~lnl\Nedga Pos Read~rw/Eler code evpptt 1

Mld!Wedge PDS Reader a r.,t1~W.dgo W/~. MemaJI and Dual Cm;h Diwr H

IMaxlWed'ge PCS Reador 12

MuxM'edi;o 11 Poi:i Reader 5

[Mi!lxiWedga ~s R.aadl!lr w/OU8I Cc.ah Ornwer Support 2

~axl II W/Er;p. Momooy/Duill CO"h lllwr i3

~Meg 1/0 NP Circuit Boatd Upgrade I

CommunlQtrtion Proeeeeor 8 Port 4

ISA Network lnleffa~ caw KJ.t 2

~Cl Net.Jotl< Into~ Cord Kl\ I

IHP Jetorrect i;lt/l'\t S11irver & Power Ceblo 1

SSS Network Pro~03~r 16 Mb/fl PQrt 1

32 MBytG Memory Expansion 2

$9"11nly MwUpl•••'. B uo 311

issnlry Soourily Reader w/H$4 59

~entry Sec,rily Rdr w/HS4 & PIN 1e aacutlly Re~u;le.r w/HS4,w/AUx. Supµi:irJ, 27

iSell'ltry Securlty l'loodar WI t-llgli Secur\ti), /wx 9

Sanlry SeC1Jrity Readerwll-lS16 & rwx. Supp¢tl 4

\..Qng Ran~ F'ro)(imll)' Card Reoo9nl1il'.ln Devlr;:a 2

Mecnum-Renge Proximity earn Aeco9nmorr DeVft:8 9

UPS 1.1l<.VA30- Minuklo 1

~endlfl1} RmaclerSwipft MulU.O~p Bus 6

Veltwi TMncrer S~llr"m 1

Gr1Jr1f:t Totsl 440


T&M Biii:lc: Flnal Cmt

• ~ -x $ . x $ . • $ . x $ -

• $ . • $ .

• $ . x $ . x $ .

x I . • $ .

" $ . • $ . x $ . x $ . • $

• ~ .

x I . • $ . x $ -

• $ .

• $ .

• $

x $ . • $ .

x $ . • $ . x $ . li

• s - ltit

• $ . ,~-

x $

• $ . x ; .

" ~

• $ -x $ .

• $ . x $

• $ . • $ . x $ .

• $

• $ -

$ . _,,_

E>'hibtt C 1.3


Page 18: OCT.23.2002 8'10PM qLACKBOARD INC PSS 09/23/02 MON 16' …production.tcf.org.s3.amazonaws.com/assets/OPM... · 2.'t3 "!!oo.mtH" tihall mean tlla obJoct ~dA Viii n.s orlhe Software


09/23/02 l!ON 16:53 Fi J6 ------------~--· ~2~4~3~4~92


N0.897 P.18

V010 lF EXEC\JiED AFTER SEPTEMBER 3:J, 2002. Th!!t Unlvemltyof Mllntan11•11t1!1moula


'Thl!ii CAROS AND SUPPLIES SCHEDULE: iSchiJdl.lle•) .shall ba gavern~d by the tmrrnu a.ncl i;ondmons cf tha Blaokboerd Mll.ij~ Tetrru1

("MaslerTerm~·) d~ed 21s of ihe 11\ day of July, 2002 between Blao'kboard and Custom Br. Ten\19 used In lhliio ~ctieclule tha.t ere !"IOl d~finad

below Shall heve ttia nKil'lnlng $Sl (orth In the Master T~l'MS.


Dming the TBn'tl of lh!a Agre.ement. customer Shall PITTl"reUSG. ai;qulro, afl\I accept frotr m1ekboatd, 11nd Blackboard ;;hall s.eu. tran!HAr and

r;;n:1l'IYey all of BlackboSl'd's right. UUe and lnteri:i;it Jn and tQ lhG 10 Cards or Cal'd Stock ("Cartta.'1 and Supplies listed In Jf!e 11'11~1 PurC~tri!B

Ordgrs Un!t s~e lM 11ubJect Qf thli purchase am:l ~ny Pu~se Ordsra Wl'llcti may ~prov le ed .:!Ubsequmnt to lfle tniNal Purclia!Je.


~.1 f.!.!1~ Ci.i$l0111er shall pay 10 B~ckboard Iha amoul'lt set rorth In lha P/Jfd1BS9 Order rot ihe Cards or SUpplle5 In accon;lunce wlUl

the paYJnent provision a of the AQ1'$1tn~:int. Parmentu, E;!flall bQ senl to BladdloM1, Inc. emi 2001ea ?lt\iburgh, PA. 1~~51·018&, n.a 1Jtandard

quantity variation en austam-prln~d csrde ia +J. 10 percam. Blackbolln::I wm ltw0loe. for ".hrJ qUartb'ty ehlppad. In tha ovenl~dillon6l :mN~

ere requeste:d by Customer, lnci\lding but not llmltad io, 11'1.wi;iJil:. dMl!1fl, lypasttl1ng ancl I~ char!j!OO, fees for these adanionBI ael"Jlce!i wDI

b1i11 l11 accordance with Blatkboein:l111 then ou~re:n1 rat.ea :atJcn ad.t1monn1 tu~rvi:t:e!i.

U Qbango!l In Fee§. Blookboard reserva:;r.' 1.119 right ta ohli!.rtga Ila ~e~ during thi!I ~rm. MY lncrt1~& In FM.& ahall not t1.ffect ~ny

Pul'Ctl!.$0 Orclere Gect!lpted by Bln.okbr;iatd pr\or ti;i the lmplij:Ttlenmtton or S1Jch new prtoi~a. A.II Purchase Ol'ders pla.cbd by Cue.tomsr after

lmPlementlltion of any we lncrea~I) but beirore I.tie df!le aueh fee l11crea150 le iRffociu~. i;itigJI be, by lhe Purctiese Order's terms. for delivery no

In.tar th'1n 111nely {'ill'.!) <IQ.13 after thi:i date e1..1cl1 price incraaae- b effa(::llvs, un!eea otheiwlis1~ agtiliad by Bli!.C:f{bae.rd. An'i de~a!!e In faei3111lei:H

be effilct~~ rrrimed!E1taly upon publlt:Btlon by BJacltt:lollrd and shall ba ~ppl1¢able to 1!111 o~'laf!dlng Purtlle:se Ordarn awepltKI by Blat;lcboan::I.


3.1 OrdQ( procaK1. Cu&10mer must re:qi.i~l Cardli or Su"pllB9 by subrrUtt111a to '6!ae1Cbo1m:l !3. (1) Purtjlase Ordar oc (:!)El wild quote

~r;;oompe:nled hy cli11tk or i;:rBdll <Card lnfcrma~on. No Purt:hase OrdOlr wlll b" blmling untl\ accepted by e1a:ckboa«1 In. wrltitlg, l!l.nd aie.ckboard

wUI hav~ no l~J:illlly to CuetarMr wlth fEl!;!\ll!IOt kl aoY Purchase Orders that. are poi fl:ceei:ited. No p2rtie.I shipment or a Pureha~e Order sh~IJ

i;:anatlhlte the ec:captance or lhe entire i;tLll"cfia1e Order. AP PurdlM Qrders issued t1y Cl.liltlmer to ala.cltbo911i shaU be ;ovemad In till

mnpacti by the h;irrn:i m11:I condfllona of lhls Agreernant. excep~ fer n~n-oonfllctlnp adn1l1le1tallvt1 ~nns f19 p11>V~ed below, any addlt!onal QT

prepl'fnteirJ tenna or i:.ondlDona on a ?urthene Otder shfilll be null, void, and of no Qff¢G1 L nlasa e!l~boord hs.e exprot.SIY t:l(lf'l!leO 1n wrtllng, In

edVancie, to tern'l&~nd q1;mdiaor.11; 1nwn!11alcnl wHh er not otharwlBit ad~essed In thtt IW1ub;lrl1nm11 or BJ'IY of I.he Sch1dures.

3.2 CtriSfll•th?rt- Ou61omer may 11ct cancel a Purcllaae Order $X6C1.1ted eoricur~nuy wltti tho axecuUon of Ulle Agroemenl, H~r,

customer m~ cancel arty 1>11bseouent P'ur.etiaiw Ord~ on wrltt9CJ nOllM to B~clCboar:::I ttf et laae.t ton.y-flvil (415) days prior tQ Ulo 0stlme.teid

Ghlpnient ds.lti; ~rovfdad that C\lliltomer fl!'lt pays Ble.ckb(aard a cence\la[]on charge, as l/quidated da.magn and not ;:;i penalty, fJquel\nQ ftftmm

percanl (15%) of \he lala\ price rJ! tlia atreetad Purohaw Order.

3.t Shipment: ID)d OoUuqry lermu Sl'\lpplng da.teS wlll be $$1.bllahe:Cl by a11Yl<Q11al'd vpQn Et1eepW:nc& of Purt:hl!ISS OrdaiS, ShiPPil'l.9

dato5 wlrl be aoo!gned ae e1os0 ac p~ctlcabte to the oustomer'o requliSted Qatad ba~~d on BJ~cld;lol!lNJ'i'; then~cu~nt faad time. B~tird

sha.11 not be llabli:i tor damaa0 or penalty for delay ln dell\'"111 er failure to aiva no,h:(; of an.y delay_ Pa~klng sllps wilt be ln~ludacl !rt all

etilpm0nts and en order number or agrae:ment numt;lor wm tJoe shown 011 011 aclmQWlat:I' rnerTlli, packing sl\ps- ial'ld lrivoieea. Bl!lckbo1ud shall

m;:;ike dellveTle& under this Sched!JIEI In SCCQ]1lance with llB standard dollvery ptocedu~~~ All lralt1t"ll, ln~rel"IC&, snd Olhor shipping eXP9TI!iii,

85 weu aa B"Xperi~s for any .sp;c:lr;U pecking ~uasted by Cuetorner shliill be prep;1d ~ Blll~rd and SlJba~1J1nUy lnvoiCed to Cu:i!Omer.

Sh<iuld CuelOrner deaire to expedlte $hlpment of Cardlil Qr sui:iplleii, customer may Qi~ ctiatge.d ;n adtllllonal 10 (ien) per~nt of Iha tote.1

purd111se i:ir1ea for lt~ctt tJ1(fledltetl sn1pment

:3.4 Tltlt «ad Risk or loP· llllc l:o any prod~llt ftmt B!ackbcard se!Ja. outri,:,ht to Customer tiereundar sht1H va*?t In Ct1slomer

lrnmlildlatelY upon recell)l F06 De&tlnlliUoo. Rl::ik of rosa or damage lo any prottucl ~hell pEi!JS to Customor 1,1pen pa:.li:~ge or tlUe or upon

recelµt if ut10 dDea. not pe;"' lo Cuelorrter. (iii


Bleclmoard rtii:iresenb and warranbl fufll the Catd& ~nrJ ~UJ'lplles will be substtl.nffal!y free ftam rn~nl.lfnciurer def~ arid lf epp!ioable,

substent!ally conform to relOw:mt ABA and ISO .,ant etand~rcJs Jn effect at the time of t1hi1~m~nt 11'.1 CuiWl'l'ler, provided l3!11ckbO!lrd hae t&calYed

oil am0:unls oweti undarlhl'I Ml)e.tarTarmi 1imd He Scl'l0dule(1i1) and Cue.tomecl.s nol in d1!1fo1,1Jlofsny p~rtof lho Ag(IJAmenl. Blackboard's 61Jle

obllg!l.U11T1 i$ llm1t6d to roplne.e;merit or credit la OUslOmsr>a e1Jl'.IQunt for thu doficllv$ G:1rd~ or Supplies, st Blackboard'a 1;Ust11tU1.m, provlded

~'!It CUetomel' nollflel1- Blat1<board of tho deficlt:1111::y lo'flthln thftfy (Ml) daYe. oF te~ipl 1}f C!rds or Suppl!es. THE ABOVJ; WARRANTY IS IN



0. TERM, Thl1;1 SGl\Mul& atiell ~ammcnce- r;in tll~Avaliable Date and a hall conunue until \fl~ fv\asfe· Terms l::s lermlnnted.

JN WITNESS Wl"IEREOF, Iha p-ertl~ij !iarcito heve eXQ<:uted this SchedU(e as of the dl!lti1 flrotw~lten abov~.



-·~· .......... Th~e nfve !11.y i:~Mont • Mla6oUla

-5>'!.i::oi!u~w.,.,. 0.

I.11 Terry:t.-.. Puxcba.aing Agent Print Name 11.rd 'fiU~



SohOdule 0


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12 / 31 / 03 WED 17:41 FAX 406 243 dA29 U of M PURCHASING


Ellackl:J.o :~~d \'llWl.blackboiird.c:<>m


The Univctsity ot'Monta1111- Missouln

The 11ttached documenta describe the relationship between Blnclcboard nnd the Customer identifi•:d below. 'fhc documents attached to this cover page will consist of the Master 'fcnns. which describe and set forth the genernl legal term!1 l°l'~vcrning the relatioll!ihip, and one (1) or more schedules describing and setting forth detail about that relation.ship, depending upon the purriculnr software and/or service~ F.l lackbonrd will provide to tho Customer.

This License and Services Agreement includes this c<1vet page, the attnchcd pricing summary..Jl,!l!h Schedules, llfld 6\ateffleRt ~f wa1l1, aAd lfle ilfe ·Hi~~ieRe.I Servie0a ,& gr~and Jbt_Mllllter Tenns dated Sept.ember 23, 2002, and all Schet!ul~s that arc attached to such Master Terms and arc separately executed by the Parties. This Agreement, including the attached Schcdule~~~'m1m~nt at' Wot~ will l;>ccome cffcctivo when this cover pngc is executed by authotizcd representatives of both Pnrties.


The Univmity ofMontnnl\ - Missoula and on b~hµl f Princlpnl Contact Per:~on:

Ad rw:

Qf The Unjy~rsily ofMo.otam1 - Hcl ~n~ and The l)nivcrsitx at' Montan!\- Western



BUllng Contact:



Ray Ford

406 243-29 4

406 243-2797

Ru l<ord

Assoc. Vice Pre~ident


32 Cnrnpus Way Mi~~~l::..:la:..:M:;.:..:.T-=5_,,9;::,,81:.::2'----------------l

Email Address: ~.cdu

lnitllll Ttrm of Agreement: 3 years Phone: 405 243·2964

Fax: 406 243°2797

The Pnrtics have cauac~ theit duly authorized representatives to execute this Agreement as of the thi::cs set forth below.

CUS'l'OM:&R: 11ie Universi~ of Montana - Missoula BLACl<BOARD ~ ~ *K'~ By (Signature): By (Signature):

I eresa Frazier Name (Priatrd): U111~ £ S~tJ Nnmc (Prlr1WI):

Title: fh-§. Otl4 ';C" ..f/~..;e,, ~ -, Title: Senior Director, Contracts Date: J2.L3t/D3 Date I L - 3 1 -()..3 i



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12/31/03 WED 17:42 FAX 406 243 '129 U of M PURCHASING

VOID Ji~ EXECUTED AFTER DECEMBE;R 31, 2003 Th" University of Montana- Mi~soula

University of Montana· Missoula Pricing Summary

Level of License and Initial T crm Feu (US))) Suonort fYeRr l) BlaJ:li.board 1'.e11rning Sy5tcm TM Blackbo~rd Lc11ming S410,~000 Licen5c System

On~ Tim~ P'ricc 'Rr.ductl1m ror Year i<•7,SOO:i> l u•Iultial Tcr1tt alackbol!rd Virtual Installatlon(~) $37,!iOO On+ Time Price Reduction Virtual $<-301,0§00"' lnslnllations Blockboard Learning Solutions 2 days SS,000 3'" oartv llnrdware $29 990 Totbl Feu Due:




J'.nitlAI Ter1t1 Fees (USD) (Ycar2l


:il ~17,!iOO ... ~.307_,0§QQ>


;~IA N l

.$ ::!17,500

lnitisl 'J'erm Fees (USD) iYcarJ)



$37,SOO $<-301,,5.AOO:>

NIA NIA $47,500



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12 / 31/03 WED 17:43 FAX 406 243 'Q29 U of M PURCHASING

VOii) IF EXECUTED AFTER DECEMBER 31, 2003 The University ofMontanil - Missoula


This 8lackbo!lfd Leaming System SoftwareY•i ("Schedule") is an addendum to the 61ackbQard License And Services Agrc~menl between Blackboord and ~University ol' Montnna·Missoula ("Custmner"), including the Master Terms duted September 23. 2002. and other Schedules incorporated therein (collectively, the uAgreement"). Capitalized tetm:s used in this Schedule 1hat are not otherwise defined in this Schedule shall lmvo the meaning set forth in the Mnster Term~,

SITE· SCHEDULE OF FEF.S Quantity l11ltial Term Annual lnitial Term Anaual Initial Term Annual Fm(USD) Fees (USO) Fecs(USD) Yen 1 Year23 Yur3 Blackboard Ltarnlag System Ann111l S4lll,~OOO S41G,~900 $410.,5900 Lie en••

_, Q!je Tim~ Prieo B~dudin11 for Y•'l( 1 of ~<-7,500> ~ ~ Tnitlul Term VirtuAI ~nstflllations 2 S37 !100 $37 500 $37 500 0Re Time Prier Redbctio11 for Virtual S<-301,UaOO>

n.J ~j~.~U!,02.00> $<-Joz,0200> lnstallnllons Hardware Furch as•

S29 990 "/) ·~ •- NIA Nii\ 'rntal Fees ])ue: SG9~"'990 ""'"" s4--·· ··::"" 7 son S47500~~ Designatci;! Server Site (Physical Location Database Version: Op~ratins System: Har1;il.yare Model: of the Softwwi:):

URiYer~i1y 11f~ Mi~QI. ~1~\)Gi!iolnrj~ Sun Selllfi8 Ser¥~F ~ill&lllt:Q.!IOOi.Qn ~~ Service~

~j)\l&-W&y~ mLlbcral Arb Roa~ Missoul~ Montllna 59812 ... FTE: Learoing System at The University ofMont1n111\fuioula -12,500 Virtual Inst.alb of the I.eA~ning Sy&lem at The University of Montana Relena and Wotcr11- l,60D (800 each Virtu~l Install)


1. ADDITIONAL DF,.FINITIONS 1.1 "Authorjud F:nd User" 1\leQn~ ~ny iReliYi.:l11al wlle i~ 11 :111~j~f!li . _ ' · ~·r~idiint~telled..or~-i,. .. 11-d~gre<>--o~-oortifioot~fal\lintr·PFGgfllllT~f.~U5tf1Mlli';:~~a5wfw.tlier-d&fined-i11··EMltibi~~);-pr'Oll~l"e ~~~~R~1lt~R~~l)j~~!'!i4!&'6$·4~~<1l';-tft*Sleot-OHl6!J~g r~-Fell<lr af c~~l<HiM!F-111' ' "

""-~-fur CY~tof'll~ ~JS Wl)' ii)dividuul who i~ a student tesidu111 on Cus!ome.r's c~i;:~e\!iini the S11rtwre remotely while enrolled or I\l~S!!.IK\l.Jli.1!.(:.ll\!.l'~~ll.t:!.~vh1tl1™Llll'...llllU\SQ.~~!h.JU[~.jj!(tlifl.C.Ul1;1-,Jl!~U:ting,.pJ~Lili...!$1!llldy~,.Qy-1[1~ C11~JQ!ll~L.!hrnu11h .. .C.~.!9.!l'llll~_c;,~l!Wli~!~.\J .. .MJ1i!~mu.m.~nl!t1s~.GP.!l.t.in.Wl:ll!. .. §21!~\!9!!._or_,t!IJY.lltbi<l'...rn1<tt_e.:\l!!li.ljfil1~~"P~tt1 •. _~t..11Lb.l'lr~il.En!! !.~er" als.~.fil'...ind.i.vidua l who Is a prospectjyc studcot nlump~~Qill!1!!UJ.m!im.U'd!ll..U~~JlY..!~~larly ofl'ercd CQIJf.fil<..llf i.nm11c~~stec or collabo~~2f.Qlstgmcr or 11 Cus.;i~oygo lsolclv t.o the extent uny such ~.Y.!<£..!~s.Jhe Sot\,yarc for C~it.i!lt2m.<1J 1rnit1jng pumo~p.J!L 1.2 "Vjctual JnstallMjon" nr "Yirtu9J Installotjona" mean separate enviromne111.oi wilhin the Software installation, u~ing the sarne Software application files and maintained on the same b!ll'dwarc. 111e Virtual Instnllations shall be used by I!!£..University ofMontana-Hclona and fuU11lversity ofM011tana-Wesltrn. A 'full" virtuf11 installation will appear to fl non-udministr11tive user like a full 81ackbollfd Sy•tcll'I bal i, wholly devoted to the user's llSc population. • Multiple fully irJdepcndent wicr popul11tions can s!Jare 11 Blackboard system, with CS(:b population having its own full "virtuw" installntion. All fully independent popuhllions will run on the same hardwure and will be centrally menageJ (to a limited extent). A "branding-Qnly" virwal inatalllltion will have distinct branding but shflrc all other data (user~, course, etc,) with another virtual in~iallation. Th<; hostruune that user or client connects to will determine which virtual installation the usea· is entering. 1.3 wcnrn:ction§" means ii change (c.g, fixes, workarounds and other moditiclltions) miule l>y or for Blackboard which corrects Software Errors in the Software. provided in tcmpollll)' form such as fl patch, end later issued in the permane1\l tbrm ofwi Update. 1.4 "Desjgnsttd Server Site" 111eans the physical location where the Software will be in•tuJl~,d, ns identifiet;I in Lhe table 11bove. l.S "~" means, for purposes of this Schedule only, the version(s) of the Blackbo~d proprietary software identified in the table abovo, including Virtual Installations. J,(i "SJ)ftware Err2f" means a failure of any Software mfl~rially and substantially to con!br.n to applicable Documentation, provided that such failure cari be reproduced and verified by Blackboard usins the mo't recent version of such $1)H.vnre l)lMJ!!: flVllilablc to Customer. and t'urther prQvidcd that Software Errors do not include any nonconformity io npplicable Documentation ~a1.1sed by (i) Customer'$ or its end users' n~gligcnce, (ii) any modification or nltcration to the Software not made by Bl~ckboard, (iii) datu lh;i~ does 1101 conform to Blackbolll'd's specified duta formut, (iv) opcrlltOr error, (v) use on any system other than ll!Jllie operating system specilicol in the Oocumcntation, (v) uccident, misuse or w1y other Cll\1$C which, in Blackboard's rcasonuble delermi11ation, is not inherent in the Sof\wm; or (vi) any use of the Software other than exprcs$ly authorized in this Schedule.



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12131/03 WED 17:47 FAX 406 243 A029 U of M PURCHASING

VOID 11F e><ECUTED AFTER DECEMBER 31, 2003 The University of Montana· Missoula l.7 "Ihir!l-Partv Softwa!l" means the ~oftwnro manufactured tiy lhird parties that hll.S b(itm incorporated by 01ackboard into the Sottware 1.8 "~" means the object code versions of the Sottwurc that have been devel(•p~d by Blackboard to correct any Soltw-Jre Error

and/or provide additional functionality and that !Jave been commercially relcasod with a Vcrsio~ riumber !hat differ~ from that of the prior version in the nutllber to llie dght of the decimal point (e·ll·• 2.0 vs, :i. I) and that are not marketed as a ~:p~1rate product or module, t.9 "~" means the object code versions of the Software that have been custcmizcd, enhanced, or otherwise modified by or on behalf ofBl11ekboerd, acting in its sole discretion, to include additional functionality 11nd that hav1i been rele113cd with a version ournber that differs !Tom !hat of the prior version in the number to the left of the decimal poiot (e.g., 3.0 vs. 2.0) Rl1d thl!t arc m,>t mnrkcted 11S 11 sepllfaie product or module.

2. UCENSE 2.1 Grant of Lk~nu.. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Schedule and the Mn1t~I' Terms, Blackboatd grants Customer a limited, 11011-exclusive, non-lransferuble non-sublicenscabhl license (i) to install and use ooe (I) produ~ti.Jn copy an(l one unsupported Test copy of the Software on a single computet servQr at C~tomcr's Designated Server Sit<;!, solely in the form d machinc-rw:lable, executable, object code or bytecode, as applicable, and solely in connection with providins acccs~ to Clllltomer Content to Customer's Authorizci:I End Users; and (ii) to install and use one (I) additional copy of the Sollwnre on a single computer server at Cuslomel''1; Designated Server Site, solely in tile form of machine-readable, executable, object code or bytccode, a• applicable, and solely for non-producer on, testing purposes. Customer acknowledges and understands that, in the event it wishes to u.,c the Software for any purposes other than exprc;;sly pcm1itted by the foregoinf;l, including, without limitation, to provide course materials or Qther content to any end users who ate not Customer's A1.1thorizcd End Users, Customer will be n;iquircd to obtain additional license rights from 8lackboard pursuant to a separately executed Schedule arid 11uyment ohdditiomll license fees. 2.2 Goner9! UNage Rc•trlttionR. Customer ugrc~s not to use tho Softw~re fur any purpc•t:es beyond the scope of the license granted in Section :u. Without limiting the foregoiog, except as expressly contell'!plated in this Agrecm<1nl or as otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties, Customer shall not (i) copy or duplicutc the Software, provided that, notwithstanding thn foregoing, Customer shall be permitted to create one (I) copy of the Softwnrc for urchival, nQn-productive purposes provided that Customer rcp1od1mos on the copy all copyright notices und any other cont'i~ential or proprietary legends that arc on or encoded in the Software; (ii) decompile, diHssemblc, reverse etiginccr or otl1erwise &trempt to obtain or perceive tlJe source code from which the SOftW!lrc is compiled or Interpreted, 11I1d C1momcr hereby acknowledges tliat nothing in this Asreemcnt shall be oOn51nlcd to grant Cu$tomer any right to obtain or usc such source coae; (iiJ:1 install or use thQ Softw11re on any computer, network, system or equiprnent oilier ihnn the Designated Seiver Site, except with the prlor written consent of Blackboard; (iv) modify the SoftWW'e or create any derivative proi:lucl of tl1e Software, except with the prior written comient of Blackb~ara. proviaed that the foregoing shall not be construed to ptohibit Customer from coofiguring the Software to the extent permitted by tlie S'l1tware 's standwrl user iotcrtace; (v) sublicense, assign, sell, le""c or othc:rwfac transfer or convey. or pledge "" security or otherwise encumber, Customer's rights wider the license granted in Section 2.1; or (vi) use 1.he Softwnrc to provide services lo third parties other than Authorized End Users in tl1e nat~ of a service bureau, time sharing arrangement or~ an application service provider, as such terms arc ordinarily undcrstooc. "~itllin the sofl:war11 industry, Clllltomer will not ob.cure, remove or alter any ofthe trademarks, trade names, logos, patent ot copyright notices or 1ri<1rkings lo th~ Software, nor will Customer ndd any other notices or markings to the Software or nny portion thereat'. Customer shall not use the ~\ctl:ware cJ1cept in compliance with 6lackboard's obligations to any third party incurred prior to the Effective Date, proviaed !hat Blackboard has nc}~fied Customer of such obligation. Customer sh~U ensure that its use of the Sottwrire compile~ with nU applicable laws, statutes, rei;:ulation:i <1:r rules promulgated by governing authorities 11aving jurisdiction over the :Parties or the Software. Customer warrants .thut its Authorized End IJser:i will comply with lhc provisions of this Schc\lule in all respects, including, without limitation, the restrictions set forth in this Section 2,2 and the tenns of use set forth i11 Section 2.6. 2.3 Further Restrjction~. Cu•tomer acknowledges that certain Blackboard Software cQl'llttlfns an "Auto Repon" feature, which feature provides to Blackboard aggregate usage statistics regarding the Software, anti Bl11ckboard repre;~~mts and wammts th~t the Auto Report feature does not r~port imlividunlly identifiable u~B information to Slackbo~rd or any third party. Customer 11.1i1J not disable the Auto Report feature of the Software, or undertilkc any action which hllll tlie effect of preventing such tcaturc from opcnni.ng c1;1rrecUy or lhc effect of modifying lhe information reported thereby, 2.4 In.tcroptrnbill,U!, To the extent permitted by the specifications, if the Customer wishci to achieve interoperability of the Softwwv with another software program and requires interfooo specifications or other information in Qrder to do :;a, the Customer should request that informntio11 frcm Blackboard. Nothing in this Section 2.4 aulliorizes Customer to use nny interfac(!s except the :;1ipported Interfaces fOr the Software level. 2.5 'l'bird Partv Softwnu/Conttnt. Customer acknowledges that tho So~re may uti!il~ soflwaf1; and/or content made 11vailuble to Blackbonrd by third parties, which shall constitute "Third Party Software.'" Pursuant to its agreements with these third pllrties, Bloolcboard hereby grants to Customer o. non-exclusive, non-transferable license to load &nd/or operate 1111d use ciie Third Party Software solely in conn~clion with Customer's own instructional activities. 2.6 'l'nm$ of Uu. 'fhe use ot' the Software by Customer's Authori:zci;I End Useu is governml by additional tertns and conditions ("Terms of Use") made uvailable within the Softwllre. Customer shall not obscure, remove, or niter the 1'enn:; -DfUse. Customer may, nt Its sole discretion, replace the Tel'l!ls of Use with its own terms and conditions npplicabJQ to its end users, ru:m'..il!~.d.im:~, thitt such terms n11d conditions arc no less protective of Bl ackboerd thnn the Tenns of Use, 2.7 Qth~r Ri1thts. Customer hereby srants tD Blackboard the limited right to use C1.1Stot1mr':;: name, ~tl'lafla-for the sofo puipose of listing Customer as a usor of the Software in Blackboaro's promotional matcri~ls. Bhtel(bonrd agrees to discontinue such use within fourteen (14) dnys ofCll!ltomer's written request, 2.8 Ow11tqhln ot Software. Blackboard and its lic~nsors shall bo deemed to owi1 and lwld all right, title and interest in and to the Software, and Custorncc acknowledges that it neither owns or acquires any additional rights in and I•> the Software not expressly grunted by this Agreeme11t, mtd Custon1er funher acknowledgos that Blackboard hereby re111:rves and re!<\ins all rigttts Ml expressly granted in this Agreement, i11¢luding. without Hmitation, thC' right to use tho So~re for any purpose in Blackboard's SQJe discretion. 2.9 A,uto Reporting. Customer shall maintain, and not disable, the Auto Report option of·:hc Soltwnre, which BlackboRrd acknowledges orily reports aggregate usage infonnation, and no individually identifiable user information, to Bluckb,~ard. 2.10 Expansion of Licen•ed Use. Blackbonrd Leurni11g System Sottware is ririced atim11~lly b11Scd upon Blackboard User BllfJds. Blookboard User Bands are eemflri,<1_i:.1W!l)jLd-of t11e FTE (as defined below) of JM licensi11g insticution PLUS the number of User~ in outside progrilnl•, Pricing is b11Scd on Customer's FTE, Customer agrees that the FTE provided to Blackb1nro is correct and accurate to the best of its knowledge. J:l'or the Software on this Schedule, Customer's license for the Software on this Schedule 5hall be expunded in increments as indicated below and Blackboard will assess additional !icen~e fees tbr increases in Customer's FTE M follows: 2003 - CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY



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12/31/03 WED 17:53 FAX 406 243 ~Q29 U of M PURCHASING

VOIC1 IF' EXECUTEO AFTER DE;CEMt!ER 31, 2003 The University of Montana - Missoula

Lli:ARNING SYSTEM; Bl kb dB cl ac oar an Fewer thllll 2000 2 ooo to 3 999 4 ooo to 7 999 8.000 to 14 999 15 000 to 24 999 15 ODO to 49 999

c l' ' . ummt ncinit $25 000 !!nnuallv $32.500 annually $40 000 Mnually $47 500 annualiy $55,000 annually $62 500 D11nuallv ADD!TlONAL band~ of2S,OOO will be priced at $25,000 annually

For the purposes of this 11grcement, "fTE" or "Full Time E:quivalcnt" is deterruined usinJil the following fonnula: a)# of Students tllkin5 12 or 1)10Cc: credit hours b)# of Students taking J~s than I:? credit hours x: O.S (bx O.S) c)# of Students participating i11 oii:tension programs d)# of Alumni usin5 system ii: 0.25 (d x 0.25) e )tUlf_Other (such as faculty wid stafl) Total FTE Cou11t equ11ls the sum of a+ b + c + d + c.

Blackboard's a..~sessme11t ofEid<litional license fees will be in 11ccotdnnc1;1 with Blackboard's then-·;L11'rcnt prk:ins. In the event ofgrowtti rehited to a Customer merger or acqui~itiotl, Blackboard's assessment of additional license fees will be in aco.rn·dancc with Blackboards tllen-current pricing. J, Dll:I,.(VEllY Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, as soon as commercially !lructicable aflor the Schedule Htr·~ctive Date, Blackb1>ard wiJJ make available a copy of the Software for downloading from the [ntcmct by CusUJmer for pwpose• o(insl.allation b~· Customer, and delivery of the Sottwarc shall be deemed complctq when Blackboard notifies Customer that the Softw~ is available for downlo:~1. Customer acknowledges that the download site will be made ava.lh1ble to Customer for a period not longer than ~~(~O) days from the date of such notice, 11nd Customer will have no ri~ht to d0\V1Jload tho Software ufu:r this ~sixty (~:!0)-day period. !.Jpon Customer's reques·~ Blackboard will deliver to Custorm:r 11 CD containing a back;up copy of the Software,

4, Fll:ES Tn consideration for the services provided and licen~e(s) gr11ntcd in this Schedule with respect t<) 1:·1e !nitial 1'errn (11.:i defined below), Customer shall pay to BIHckboard all fees specified above or otherwise required in this Schedule, which fecS.JiJl11css olbcrwisg ~pcciticQ~~hnll be non. cancelablc and non-refundable. Witti respect to each Reriewaf Tenn (as defined below), ifwiy, Cus\.)met shall pay to lllackboard 1he thon"currcnt fees for such services Wld licenses. which amounts shall b~ due 1111d payable within thirty (30) duy~ following the beginning of such Renewal Term. Customer furtl1er agrees to reimburse Blackboard for (i) reasonable travel and living expcns;::, incurt~d by Blackboo.rd"s employees and subcoritrac!Qrs in connection with the perfom1ance of maintenance and support services under thii1 Sd1cdule ant;l (ii) any other cxpeims described in this Schedule, provided th!ll Blackboari;I will receive Customer's prior approval (or single expen~<'i~ greater than $2;50, and further provided that, upon Customer's request, Blackbonrd will provide re8.50nable documentation indicating that Bla1;kboard incurred such expenses. Except 11$ otherviisc required by this paragraph, all amounts payable under this Schedule shall be subject to appl: cable provisions oflhc Mll.'lter Terms. s. TERM: TERMINAUOI\{ ~,I • This Sohedl~e shall become effective (i) when executed by authorized representatives c.f b1>ih Pwti~s (the, date upon which 13lackboard c>;ecutcs this Schedule, the "Schedule Effective Date")~ or (ii) the Effective Date o.fthc Agreement, whichever later occur.), and shall continue in eITcct for a period of three (3) years (the "Initial 'l'erm"), unless earlier terminated. Thereafter, the Schedule will renew auUJmatically for successive one (!)-year periods (each, a "Rc11eWlll 'fcrm")for no ixmr2 thap two C2l Rencw.!l1.Il:l:rn:!, 11·1less either Party provides notice ofil.!! desire not to renew not Jess th1111 thirty (JO) days prior to the end of the !nitial Term or then-current RenewHl Term, as applicable. Upon termination of this Schedule, a!J licenses granted under this Schedule shall immediately cease, and Customer will (i) immediately discontinue all use of Soilwarc licensed under this Schedule: (ii) pay to Blackboard all runounts due and payable hereunder; (iii) mm·)Ve the Soil.ware from its server and provide to Blackboard proof of the deslnlction of the original copy ancl any other copies of the Software; 1~1:1d (iv) return all Documentation and rclatccl tr.:iining materials to Blackboard within a rea•onable time at Customer's cost S.2 In the cvant C.\rntomet temlit'l(l\es thjs Schcdulll pursuQnt tQ the Asroelll£D!. ~s A rcsul! <;lf.~ inalerial dcl'uult l)y BJnck!)oord. fllMkQqard shall refund the unused poJtiQn of the License PecR pai1I in ru:cord1111ce with this Sch2dyle for tbs: tl1cn·~l·Urrcnt T~nn. ii. LIMITED SOFTWARE WARRANTY Blackboard wurrants, solely fOr the benefit of Customer, that any Sofiw11re licensed under ttiis Schc1j~le which is manufactured by Blackboard will substantially conform to applicable OocLuncntation for a perioc:l of ninety (90) days nft.\lr the relevant Availublc Date, provided that (i) Blackboard has received all amounl.!I owed under this Agreement: (ii) Customer is not in material breach of this ~srcemcnt; (iii) Customer has installed any Corrections, Upgrades wi<I Updates m:u:le available to Customer; and (lv) Customer has notified Eilackboard in writing of uny failure of the Software to confmm to the foregoing wwranty within the Wllfranty period. ,{;!!.S'l'OME~ Aefil~QWLE:OGli;S AND ACRE'{i'.S THAJ THF. F.QREGOrNG WARRANTY rs IN UEU OF AT,L OT!jER W6RRANT!ES BY BLACKBOA:!11), AND THAT BLACKBOARD'S SQP!: QBLIGATION, AND CUSTOMEll'.!i SQl.,E R.EMEDy, Wlnl RESPECT TO ANY BREAglflFUIE FOREGOING W,\RRANI\', IS REJ'Am. QR REPI ,ACEMEN'r /AT DLAC@OA@'S OPTION) Of THI); RELEYANT sm·rw d,RE IN A TrMELY MANNER,. 7. SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE


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12/31/03 WED 18:11 FAX 406 243 i1929 U of M PURCHASING


The University of Montana - Missoula 7.J Ttlcpbone Product Support. Custom<;r is clisible lo receive Produ~t Support (~s defined below) in Engligh from Blackboard. Customer may designate up to two of its personnel for purposes oi' receiving Product $11ppo::t 1md()r this Schedule ("Tcchitical Contacts"), and Cusiomer may designate substit11te personnel to be 'rechnical Cl;ll)UICIS by providing written node(! to Blackboard (provided that not more than two (2} persons may be designated as 'technical Contacts al any pa11ieular time). Provided that C:u.~l;omer remains in con1plinncc with Blackboard's minimum configuration requirements, Custon1er's Technical Cont.ai;ts mny cl;lntact Blackboard. 'fia the web or telephone at tho telephone number provided by Blackboard from time to time, for purposes of receiving Product Support. Far purposes of this Schedule, the term "Product Support means the provision of advice and responses by 61ackbonrd's personnel to inquiries from Cui:torner's then-current Technical Contact.. relaied to installation. configur&tion aml use of the Software. Prod\IOt Support will be made available in E'.n~lisll only twc11ty•four (24) hours a day, seven (7} days a week, 365 days a year, eKcluding the US Federal public hollduys of New Years Day, MM!in Luther I<ing Day, Presidents' Oay, Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Unlc~s othcrwi$e specified by Bhickboilr~. Product Support is available by calling l-888· 788·5264. In addition to the force:oing support services, Bliv;kboard n1ay rnllkc representatives 1M1il11blc for onHitc support, at its sole discretion. ~t Blackboard's then prevail ins rates. 7.2 Jn~tRllatien A~~IU!lnce, Notwithst:.a11ding Section 7, I of this Schedule, Customer is r1~;:p<msiblc fot all installation ot'the Software and any Upsrnd~s provide(! pursuant to this Agreement. If Customer desires Blackboard to provide al;!;istnncc to Customer related to the installation of the Software and/or Upsrades, Customer acknowlet;!ges that it will be rcquirc:d to enter inl~' a separate Blackboard Professional Services Agreement. 7.3 Tn.itial Tech!)ical Cont9Sls. C1Lqtomer's initi11l Technical Conlllct.. are as follows~

Name: Title:

Telephone number;

Name: litle; E-mail: Telephone numbor'.


7.4 §llpport LlmH11tions. Blackboard shall provido Product Support only with respect to the then-current gcnorally nvnilat>Je Version of the Sol\ware 11nd tl1e two (2) rnost recent previously iss11ed Updat1,1s of the Software. Customer ltt:knowledges that Blackboard has no obligation undor this Schedule to provide Product Support or other support ~ervicca witlJ respect to (i) any Thud·Party Software, including. without limitation, any Thira·Party Software provided under this Agreement; (ii) any Sofl:ware Error or problems Mlating lo the Software arising from (x) 11sc ot"th~ Software other than strictly according to th~ terms of this Agreement, including, without limitation,, human e!'ror; (y) modification of the ~ofl:ware by Customer or any third party; or (z) any combination or integration of the Software with hardwa:e, software and/or technology not provided by Blackboard, or problems arisinJi:l from ClLqtomer's host or 11p11lications software. Customer's li:'irdwarc and Cllbling power or environmental conditions. Support is llOt available from Blackboard in language~ other th11n English. 7.5 E~~or Resolution. In the ev~n! that Blackboard determine$, in it• good failh discP~lion, thnt a11y request tor Product Support by Customer's then-current Technical Conlaets arises from a verifiable Sol\ware Error, Blackbo11rd wi: l cl11ssify such Software Error according to the appropriate Severity Code, 83 determine(\ by reference to the cutegories listed in the t11blc: below, 1mj will eKercise commetcially reasonublo efforts IQ correct the relev11nt Software l?:rror according to the relevant Error Resolution Protocol set for1:!'1 for each such catesory. Notwithstanding the forngoinJi:l, Customer acknowledges that no warranLy is made regarding any such Error Respons~ Protocol with respect to 1111 or BllY Software :Errors. Cu•tomcr ful1her acknowledges that Severity Code 1, 2, and 3 Software Errors will taltf priority Over requests f'or Product Support no! arising from Softwnre Errors.

ScverUy Dutrlption/Ex•mpl"" ~espon5c Prot!•t Cod~


I Software is not t\mctioning, Some examples of Severity Code I Software Errors are as follows; (i) Software is down

Bhu;kboW'd will u~e ita commerciillly ~BSanable efforts lo resolve Severity .error reports on a twenty-tour (24) hour basis.• When a Code I Softwam and wtll not restart; (ii) Softwnre is not able to communicate

with external systems; 11Itd (iii) Software is senernting a daln corruption condition,

2 Software Is ninning but that Customer is unable to UHe major portions of the Software. Some examples of Severity Code 2 Software Errors i:lte ns follows: (i} intermittent Software Error and (ii) major functional component is unavailable.

3 Software is operating close to normal but there is 11 11()n· critical Software Error.


' .._ .• ·

Severity Code I Software Error is reported, Blackboard will assign ai;" lo work to correct the Software Error, If access to the uired, Cwtorner will provide 11 contact available to at-cess to Customer's system and other software for the m1r correction procedures.

resources nccesi Software is rcq 131ackboard Bl1d dwution of the e

Severity Code l Software Errors. Severity Code 2 Software Errors ;

!J,~ftw11re Errors will take priority over Severity Code 2 13 lackbourd will assign approprintc tcchnic~I resources IO ~Mtware Errors as long as there nn:: no Severity Code l

•waiting ri;:solulions.

Severity Code :1 fol\wnrc Errors may be fixed in the next scheduled da1te or made available on Blackboard's Web ~itq, rc'.<earch Severity Code 3 Software Errors after Severity E.~ ty Code 2 Sofhvare Errors. Blackboard m~y cotrect

Upgrade or Up Blackboard will Code 1 and Se"


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The Vriiversity ofMonmna ·Missoula

I Severity Code '"'.f Software Errol'!! in the next scheduled Upgrade or Update or make corre<:tions available !Q Customer on Blnekboal'd 's Web site . ......,..,,...~~..,.,..-'---:c--~-.-~~~-:-.,-~7::"--,.~--;~-:-:---.-....,..-=-~,..,--.,-:-..,... • Rcsporu;c time goals life to be measured after verification and replication by Blackboard of the r~levnnt Sofiwan: Error. 1.6 Maintenance. From tiine to time Blackboard may, in itt discretion, develop C~rrections, Updates or Upgrades to the Sof\Wllfc. Provided that Customer hllll paid to Blackboard all fees nnd other omounts due arid p~ynble uniter this Agreement, Blackboard will, during the period while thia Schedule remains in effect, mnlcc iwail11.blc to Customer such Corrections, Updaks and/or Upfilrades, if and when developed, at no ndditional cost Any such Corrections, Upda.tes and/or Upgrades shall, ifood when provided or nrn.dQ available, be dccmca to oon~tiMe pwt of the ~ottwarc a.nd shill! be subject IQ all terms and provisions set forth in this Agreement. otherwi~1 applicable to the Software, including, without limilation, t¢rms and provisions related to licenses, use resbictions 8hd ownership ofd1e Softwi>re. 1. 7 Additional Sery!tc!. Any time or expcn~ incurred by Blaclcboard in diagnosing or fixini; problems t!Jat urc not caused by Uic Sottwurc or are not covered by the support services are billable to Cu~tomer at Blackboard's then·~ xiating services n1tes, with a one-hour minimum chnrfile pi:r cnll. If Customer desires such additional ~crvices, it must execute a copy of Blacki>:iard's Professional Services Agreement for the services.

8. lfARDW ARt In addition to the Software purchased herein. Customer is purctiasing Sun hardware produc:ii. Blackboafd docs not provide support for the hardwlll'C products and d0es not wommt the hardware products. Customer ~.J:l.COntnct th~ h11rdwarc nuillufacturer directly for a.ny warrwity or support issucs_•relntcd to the hardwlltc. Slackboard will provide installation services at o cc•st of$ l ,OOO. Customer Shull receive the Sun hardwnre purchased herein with one copy of tht Sollware installed,

'rho PartiCJ agree to the above terms al'td have executed this Schedule as of the date(~) set forth bd1)W,

BLAC~ ~ • -r· ... • ... 6-/7..-c..- · Tite University of Montano. - Missoula

_..;::;~!:!:,..6?~ ---'-"C~:=i::1,, R. .ST!&'6 . ~we.. &ci;OSI Print N1une and lrltle '

.....,.D_u_c: _1_· l......,,lu /o :J

signanire Teresa Frazier .. ttfnfm11Director, Contracts Date;


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12 / 31/03 WED 18:16 FAX 406 243 ~q29 U of M PURCHASING

VOJ[;, IF EXE;CUTED AFTER DECEMBER 31, 2003 Th¢ University ofMonUlna • Mi$saul11

BIACKBOA~D Ll:ARNING SOLUTIONS SCHEDUl.E l.S -l This lllackbo11rd Leaming Solutions™ ("Schedule") is 1111 llddendum to the Blackboard License And Services Agreement between Blnckboard and Th~ Uoivcr.•ity of Montana-Mis.l!ouln ("Custa1ner:J, including the Master Tenns..da~knt:!ll'.....21...1.00A, und other Schedules incotporated therein (collectively, the "Agreement"). Capit\\liud te(lllll used in this Schedule that are not o'lherwisc defined in this Schedule shall have the meaning •ct f<>rth in the Mruiter Terms,


Number ofD~ 9 Cost(USD) Blackboard Lenrnin Solutions 2 Tollll Fees l>ue:

1. nLA.CKllOARD LEARNING SOLUTIONS 1.l tllackboard, upon requC$t of Cusro11'1er, shall provide leuming solutions to Customer, To request or schedule a learning event tor Customer, CustQrner ~hall contact its Blackboard Account Manat:;er, who will he dllliign~ted upon e:.;ccution of the Agteemcnt. Events a'c typically scheduled 3 to 6 weeks in advence. 1.2 Hands-on class size is restricted to a maximul'll of 15 p.ioplc to muintain an effective instructor-student r!ltio. Extra students m11y requite an additional materiub, insttuctor fee, or additional days. Large graqps rnay request presentation le.iming instead of the h~nds-on classroom fonnat, 1.3 Each class is suucturecl llS a hllnds0 on/nctive lenming seminar held in a computer clasm·om unless othcrwfac agreed. To insure the best le11rning experience, clients must provide?; ~h cla.~s is structured Iii a hands-on/active \earning seminar held in a eotnputer clu.ssroom unlc$:i otherwise ugrced. Ta insure the best learning expcrieoce, clients must provide;

A computer lab containing one compuW for each student. Euch computer must have al lcs.:1t 233 MHz processors nnd 64 MB or RAM and monitors capable ofnt \east &00x600 resolution. A. high bandwidth Internet connection from each computer Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 or later OR Netscape 4.7 or lat.er inshlll\ld on i:nch comp1uir Recommended: Microsoft Office, Adobe Acrobat Rellder, Windows Media Play~r. QuickTimc end/or RealPJayer. A video projection device capable of 80011600 resolution attach~ to 11 "lead" compute1-. Access to the locally insto.llcd version of Blnckboard software or a Blnckboatd ASP iMtullation.

1.4 All Leaming Soh1tioru; training days putcha~~d pursu1111t lb this Schcdul~ must be used v.:iehin one (I) ye11r of the E.ft'i:ctive Date. 2. FEES FOR BIACKBOARD LMRNINC SOLU'flONS STAFF. 2.1 Customer will reimburse Blackboard tor (i) rc11sonnblc travel and living eKpcr.se:I incurred by Blackboard's employees and aubcontrnctors for travel from Blaekboard 's offices in connection with tho petfonnance of the le1111iing :solutions, ond (ii) intcmationnl telephone charges. fapense items greater than $500 must be pre-approved by CustQiner and suppom~d by reasonable documentation indicalins that Blackboard incurred such expenses. Except WI provided above, each party w!ll he responsible far its 0W11 eXpenscs incurred in rendering pcrfortnnnce under this Schedule including the cost of facilities, worl.: space, compute!'! and computer time, personnel, supplies Jnd the like, except that Customer shall be responsible for supplying facilities far the learning services if Blackboar1j ~cmducl$ learning services at u site other than 'Blackboard's facilities.

:2.2 Canctllatinn. In the event that Customer cancels a ~chcdulcd trairiing day, Customer sl111.I I \>o billed for cnnccllation fees as follows: Prior 10 21 days before the ~chedulcd event: $200 15·21 days before the ~chcduled evcrit=$600 8"14 Jays before~ scheduled event=SIOOO

• l· 7 du~ before the scheduled event= the then current fee per C!lllCelled day

IN Wl1NESS WHJ;R.EOf, tile pwtics hereto have executed this Schcdulo as of the date fir.1t wtitt1m a~ove,. BLACKBOARD ~ CUSTOMER: The University of Mon111na ·Missoula

-~:.a-· ,/?.~


~-·-z~ s1snawtc Teresa p(: Setrrord Grrector, Contracts

I~~ • S~-:; ; ,4-S,)iJc... ~IZ,.<>;/~() T' --~1<---.,..it1-e-~ I Date: _,__...;........;=+-s...!'•4 o.:1



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SEP-08-2006 FRI 04:21 PM U OF M BUSINESS SERVICES FAX NO. 4062.4~4929




This Amendment to the Amended l\nd Restated Schedule LS-l dated April 25, 2005 ("Schedule") between Blackboard, Inc.

{''Ble.ckboard'') aml The Univeniity of Montana-Missoula ("Customer'1 is made effective as of the date signed below.

The purpose of this amendment is to renew the Schedule, commencing on Febrmuy 22, 2007 with renewal pricing (as indicated

below} for the Customer's Learning System™ Software Annual License and Community System™ Software Annual License.

The parties hereby agree to the following tenns and conditions:

I. Section, entitled SCHEDULE OF FEES is hereby modi fled in its entirety to include the following:


Product Description Quantity l'ear3 of Renewal Year 4 of Renewal Y car 5 of Renewal Term Fees (USD) Term Fees (USO) Term Fees (USD)

(February 22, 2007 to (February 22, 2008 to (Februnry 22, 2009 to Februarv 21 2008\ Februarvll,2009\ Febroarv 21 20l0l

I $56,700.00 $56,700.00 $59,535.00

BIRckbonrd Learning SystcmTM Software Annual Licen:rn

One Time Price Reduction on <..514,175.00> <-$7,371.00>

Bl11clWoard Lcaroing System™ Software Annual License Bl11ckboard Community SystcmTM $28,400.00 $28,400.00 $29,820.00

Software Annual License One Time Price Reduction on <-$7,100.00> <-SJ,692.00> Black.bo~r!J Community System™ Software Annual License Total Fee! Due: $63,825.00 $74,037.00 $89355.00


executed this Amendment as of the date first written above.




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The University of


BUSINESS SERVICES - PURCHASING MISSOULA MT 59812 406/243-6260 FAA 406/243-4929 FED ID: 81-6001713


Telephone: 315-699-6527 Fax: 202-318-2619 Attn: Patrick Geloff



Applicable to Requisition: Dept. Request

1.0 Scope


January 20, 2010

NUMBER: P0003914 This Purchase Order Number must appear on

your invoice and all related correspondence.





Delivery: As Requested Terms: Net 30

Issued in accordance with offer to sell:

Bid or Quotation No: Date:

Other: Per vendor quote: REN0006327

IMPORTANT: See included General Terms and Conditions.

Purchase of: BLACKBOARD LICENSE Renewal -- for the period: Feb. 22, 2010 through Feb. 21, 2011

2.0 Description

Campus contact: Ray Ford, 406-243-2964; [email protected]





Blackboard Learning System TM License. Blackboard Virtual Installation. Blackboard Learning Solutions. Learning System RNWL - Mar 2010- Feb 2011 Community System RNWL - Mar 201 O - Feb 2011

3rd party hardware.

Period: Feb. 22, 2010 through Feb. 21, 2011

Total Fees Due: $98,300.00


~/~ LU T , CONTRACTS OFFICER 406-243-2204





1 EACH $ 98,300.00


Jan. 20, 2010 P0003914


$ 98,300.00


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January 20, 2010 PURCHASE ORDER NO: P0003912

This Purchase Order Number must appear on your invoice and all related correspondence.


Please fill in your contact information below

Client ID: 100358 The University of Montana - Missoula

Server Location: 32 Campus Way Missoula, MT 59812-0003


Phone: Keith Lynip

Email: [email protected]

Title: Director, Extended Learning Services (XLS)


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January 20, 2010 PURCHASE ORDER NO: P0003912

This Purchase Order Number must appear on your invoice and all related correspondence.

Standard Terms and Conditions

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ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION OF BIDS, PROPOSALS, OR LIMITED SOLICITATION RESPONSES: The University reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, proposals, or limited solicitation responses, wholly or in part, and to make awards in any manner deemed in the best interest of the University. Bids, proposals, and limited solicitation responses will be firm for 30 days, unless stated otherwise in the text of the invitation for bid, request for proposal, or limited solicitation.

ACCESS AND RETENTION OF RECORDS: The contractor agrees to provide the University, Legislative Auditor, or their authorized agents, access to any records necessary to determine contract compliance. (Section 18-1-118, MCA). The contractor agrees to create and retain records supporting the services rendered or supplies delivered for a period of three years after either the completion date of the contract or the conclusion of any claim, litigation, or exception relating to the contract taken by The University of Montana or third party.

ALTERATION OF SOLICITATION DOCUMENT: In the event of inconsistencies or contradictions between language contained in the University's solicitation document and a vendor's response, the language contained in the University's original solicitation document will prevail. Intentional manipulation and/or alteration of solicitation document language will result in the vendor's disqualification and possible debarment.

ASSIGNMENT, TRANSFER AND SUBCONTRACTING: The contractor shall not assign, transfer or subcontract any portion of the contract without the express written consent of the department. (Section 18-4-141, MCA.)

AUTHORITY: The attached bid, request for proposal, limited solicitation, or contract is issued under authority of Title 18, Montana Code Annotated, and the Administrative Rules of Montana, Title 2, chapter 5.

COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS: The contractor must, in performance of work under the contract, fully comply with all applicable federal, state, or local laws, rules and regulations, including the Montana Human Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Any subletting or subcontracting by the contractor subjects subcontractors to the same provision. In accordance with section 49-3-207, MCA, the contractor agrees that the hiring of persons to perform the contract will be made on the basis of merit and qualifications and there will be no discrimination based upon race, color, religion, creed, political ideas, sex, age, marital status, physical or mental disability, or national origin by the persons performing the contract.

CONFORMANCE WITH CONTRACT: No alteration of the terms, conditions, delivery, price, quality, quantities, or specifications of the contract shall be granted without prior written consent of the University Purchasing Office. Supplies delivered which do not conform to the contract terms, conditions, and specifications may be rejected and returned at the contractor's expense.

DEBARMENT: The contractor certifies, by submitting this bid or proposal, that neither it nor its principals are presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible, or voluntarily excluded from participation in this transaction (contract) by any governmental department or agency. If the contractor cannot certify this statement, attach a written explanation for review by the University.

DISABILITY ACCOMMODATIONS: The University of Montana does not discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, services, or activities. Individuals who need aids, alternative document formats, or services for effective communications or other disability related accommodations in the programs and services offered are invited to make their needs and preferences known to this office. Interested parties should provide as much advance notice as possible.

FACSIMILE RESPONSES: Facsimile responses will be accepted for invitations for bids, small purchases, or limited solicitations ONLY if they are completely received by the University Purchasing Office prior to the time set for receipt. Bids, or portions thereof, received after the due time will not be considered. Facsimile responses to requests for proposals are ONLY accepted on an exception basis with prior approval of the procurement officer.

FAILURE TO HONOR BID/PROPOSAL: If a bidder/offeror to whom a contract is awarded refuses to accept the award (PO/contract) or fails to deliver in accordance with the contract terms and conditions, the department may, in its discretion, suspend the bidder/offeror for a period of time from entering into any contracts with The University of Montana.

FORCE MAJ EURE: Neither party shall be responsible for failure to fulfill its obligations due to causes beyond its reasonable control, including without limitation, acts or omissions of government or military authority, acts of God, materials shortages, transportation delays, fires, floods, labor disturbances, riots, wars, terrorist acts, or any other causes, directly or indirectly beyond the reasonable control of the nonperforming party, so long as such party is using its best efforts to remedy such failure or delays.

HOLD HARMLESS/INDEMNIFICATION: The contractor agrees to protect, defend, and save the University, its elected and appointed officials, agents, and employees, while acting within the scope of their duties as such, harmless from and against all claims, demands, causes of action of any kind or character, including the cost of defense thereof, arising in favor of the contractor's employees or third parties on account of bodily or personal injuries, death, or damage to property arising out of services performed or omissions of services or in any way resulting from


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January 20, 2010 PURCHASE ORDER NO: P0003912

This Purchase Order Number must appear on your invoice and all related correspondence.

the acts or omissions of the contractor and/or its agents, employees, representatives, assigns, subcontractors, except the sole negligence of the University, under this agreement.

LATE BIDS AND PROPOSALS: Regardless of cause, late bids and proposals will not be accepted and will automatically be disqualified from further consideration. It shall be solely the vendor's risk to ensure delivery at the designated office by the designated time. Late bids and proposals will not be opened and may be returned to the vendor at the expense of the vendor or destroyed if requested.

PAYMENT TERM: All payment terms will be computed from the date of delivery of supplies or services OR receipt of a properly executed invoice, whichever is later. Unless otherwise noted in the solicitation document, the University is allowed 30 days to pay such invoices. All contractors will be required to provide banking information at the time of contract execution in order to facilitate University electronic funds transfer payments.

RECIPROCAL PREFERENCE: The State of Montana applies a reciprocal preference against a vendor submitting a bid from a state or country that grants a residency preference to its resident businesses. A reciprocal preference is only applied to an invitation for bid for supplies or an invitation for bid for nonconstruction services for public works as defined in section 18-2-401(9), MCA, and then only if federal funds are not involved. For a list of states that grant resident preference, see http://qsd.mt.gov/procurement/preferences.aso.

REDUCTION OF FUNDING: The University must terminate this contract if funds are not appropriated or otherwise made available to support the University's continuation of performance in a subsequent fiscal period. (See section 18-4-313( 4 ), MCA.)

REFERENCE TO CONTRACT: The contract or purchase order number MUST appear on all invoices, packing lists, packages, and correspondence pertaining to the contract.

REGISTRATION WITH THE SECRETARY OF STATE: Any business intending to transact business in Montana must register with the Secretary of State. Businesses that are incorporated in another state or country, but which are conducting activity in Montana, must determine whether they are transacting business in Montana in accordance with sections 35-1-1026 and 35-8-1001, MCA. Such businesses may want to obtain the guidance of their attorney or accountant to determine whether their activity is considered transacting business.

If businesses determine that they are transacting business in Montana, they must register with the Secretary of State and obtain a certificate of authority to demonstrate that they are in good standing in Montana. To obtain registration materials, call the Office of the Secretary of State at (406) 444-3665, or visit their website at http://sos.mt.qov.

SEPARABILITY CLAUSE: A declaration by any court, or any other binding legal source, that any provision of the contract is illegal and void shall not affect the legality and enforceability of any other provision of the contract, unless the provisions are mutually dependent.

·SHIPPING: Supplies shall be shipped prepaid, F.O.B. Destination, unless the contract specifies otherwise.

SOLICITATION DOCUMENT EXAMINATION: Vendors shall promptly notify the University of any ambiguity, inconsistency, or error which they may discover upon examination of a solicitation document.

TAX EXEMPTION: The University of Montana is exempt from Federal Excise Taxes (#81-0302402).

TECHNOLOGY ACCESS FOR BLIND OR VISUALLY IMPAIRED: Contractor acknowledges that no state funds may be expended for the purchase of information technology equipment and software for use by employees, program participants, or members of the public unless it provides blind or visually impaired individuals with access, including interactive use of the equipment and services, that is equivalent to that provided to individuals who are not blind or visually impaired. (Section 18-5-603, MCA.) Contact the State Procurement Bureau at ( 406) 444-2575 for more information concerning nonvisual access standards.

TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: Unless otherwise stated, the University may, by written notice to the contractor, terminate the contract in whole or in part at any time the contractor fails to perform the contract.

U.S. FUNDS: All prices and payments must be in U.S. dollars.

VENUE: This solicitation is governed by the laws of Montana. The parties agree that any litigation concerning this bid, request for proposal, limited solicitation, or subsequent contract, must be brought in the District Court for Missoula County, Missoula, Montana, State of Montana, and each party shall pay its own costs and attorney fees. (Section 18-1-401, MCA.)

WARRANTIES: The contractor warrants that items offered will conform to the specifications requested, to be fit and sufficient for the purpose manufactured, of good material and workmanship, and free from defect. Items offered must be new and unused and of the latest model or manufacture, unless otherwise specified by the University. They shall be equal in quality and performance to those indicated herein. Descriptions used herein are specified solely for the purpose of indicating standards of quality, performance, and/or use desired. Exceptions will be rejected.

Revised 2/09