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-55 Ocean sciences___________________________ Winter Weddell Sea Project 1986— Physical oceanography during leg ANT V/2 of Polarstern BRUCE A. HIJBER, ARNOLD L. GORDON, and THOMAS 0. MANLEY Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory Columbia University Palisades, New York 10964 The Winter Weddell Sea Project represents an ambitious mul- tidisciplinary program of research in the Weddell Sea spanning a period of both sea-ice growth and retreat. Two cruises of approximately 80 days each were carried out on RIv Polarstern (ANT V12, 27 June to 17 September; ANT V13, 28 September to 14 December. Leg V/2 was designed to investigate the interactions among atmosphere, sea ice, and ocean by making detailed measurements along the track shown in figure 1. Leg V/3 con- centrated on the biology within the coastal regime, with smaller programs engaged in physical and chemical oceanography, sea- ice physics, and meteorology. Current-meter moorings de- POLAPSTEPN AN1V/7 C1[) -5.00 0.00 5.00 s.00 -55.00 00 Figure 1. Conductivity-depth-temperature (cTD) profiler stations oc- cupied during leg ANT V/2 of Polarstern. Areas surveyed by heli- copter conductivity-temperature-depth flights are represented by shaded polygons. ployed around Maud Rise during an earlier German program were recovered during leg V/3. The physical oceanography program on leg V/2 was carried out by a team of eight, with personnel from Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University, Alfred- Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, and the Ser- vicio Hidrografia Naval of Argentina. Measurements consisted of conductivity-temperature-depth profiles (Lamont-Doherty), expendable bathythermograph drops (Lamont-Doherty), un- derway monitoring of surface temperature and salinity (Alfred- Wegener-Institute), acoustic Doppler current profiles (Alfred - Wegener-Institute), and short deployments of a pair of acoustic current meters (Lamont-Doherty). A total of 155 profiles was obtained with a Neil Brown Instru - ment Systems conductivity-temperature-depth profiler. Water samples (10-liter) were collected during all 72 deep casts and all but 25 shallow casts. The samples were routinely analyzed for salinity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients (oxygen and nutrient measurements were made by personnel from Oregon State University; see Jennings, Gordon, and Nelson, Antarctic Jour- nal, this issue). Additional analyses for various tracers were carried out by other groups and are described elsewhere (Weiss, Antarctic Journal, this issue). The shipboard hydrography was augmented with surveys accomplished with helicopter-borne portable conductivity- temperature-depth profilers. When conditions permitted, both helicopters stationed on the ship were flown, each with a full complement of sampling gear and personnel. Although pro- grams of this type have been successfully carried out within the perennial pack ice of the Arctic over the last 10-15 years, this was the first such effort in the Weddell Sea in winter. Weather conditions, shortened daylight hours, and flight requirements of other programs on board were major factors controlling the structure of the surveys. Flight conditions allowed a total of 68 remote profiles to a nominal depth of 600 meters, comprising 18 different surveys (see figure 1). An additional 34 profiles were obtained near the ship or as part of routine shipboard con- ductivity-temperature-depth casts for calibration. Several of the stations near the ship were time series undertaken in support of internal wave/sea-ice strain experiments and refreezing lead measurements. Four main regions were targeted for intense study: the ice- edge zone, the interior pack ice northeast of Maud Rise, Maud Rise and vicinity, and the continental margin. Polarstern had little trouble navigating through most of the ice conditions encountered. This maneuverability allowed for high resolution surveys (16-kilometer spacing) in each of the first three areas, with 48-kilometer station spacing between regions of intense coverage. A combination of heavy ice and high wind prevented similar coverage of the continental margin zone. Expendable bathythermographs were used before, during, and after the pack-ice work to supplement temperature data from the conductivity-temperature-depth surveys. Lines from Bahia Blanca to the ice edge, and the ice edge to Capetown 1987 REVIEW 97

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Ocean sciences___________________________

Winter Weddell Sea Project 1986—Physical oceanography during leg ANT

V/2 of Polarstern



Lamont-Doherty Geological ObservatoryColumbia University

Palisades, New York 10964

The Winter Weddell Sea Project represents an ambitious mul-tidisciplinary program of research in the Weddell Sea spanninga period of both sea-ice growth and retreat. Two cruises ofapproximately 80 days each were carried out on RIv Polarstern(ANT V12, 27 June to 17 September; ANT V13, 28 September to 14December. Leg V/2 was designed to investigate the interactionsamong atmosphere, sea ice, and ocean by making detailedmeasurements along the track shown in figure 1. Leg V/3 con-centrated on the biology within the coastal regime, with smallerprograms engaged in physical and chemical oceanography, sea-ice physics, and meteorology. Current-meter moorings de-




Figure 1. Conductivity-depth-temperature (cTD) profiler stations oc-cupied during leg ANT V/2 of Polarstern. Areas surveyed by heli-copter conductivity-temperature-depth flights are represented byshaded polygons.

ployed around Maud Rise during an earlier German programwere recovered during leg V/3.

The physical oceanography program on leg V/2 was carriedout by a team of eight, with personnel from Lamont-DohertyGeological Observatory of Columbia University, Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, and the Ser-vicio Hidrografia Naval of Argentina. Measurements consistedof conductivity-temperature-depth profiles (Lamont-Doherty),expendable bathythermograph drops (Lamont-Doherty), un-derway monitoring of surface temperature and salinity (Alfred-Wegener-Institute), acoustic Doppler current profiles (Alfred-Wegener-Institute), and short deployments of a pair of acousticcurrent meters (Lamont-Doherty).

A total of 155 profiles was obtained with a Neil Brown Instru -ment Systems conductivity-temperature-depth profiler. Watersamples (10-liter) were collected during all 72 deep casts and allbut 25 shallow casts. The samples were routinely analyzed forsalinity, dissolved oxygen, and nutrients (oxygen and nutrientmeasurements were made by personnel from Oregon StateUniversity; see Jennings, Gordon, and Nelson, Antarctic Jour-nal, this issue). Additional analyses for various tracers werecarried out by other groups and are described elsewhere (Weiss,Antarctic Journal, this issue).

The shipboard hydrography was augmented with surveysaccomplished with helicopter-borne portable conductivity-temperature-depth profilers. When conditions permitted, bothhelicopters stationed on the ship were flown, each with a fullcomplement of sampling gear and personnel. Although pro-grams of this type have been successfully carried out within theperennial pack ice of the Arctic over the last 10-15 years, thiswas the first such effort in the Weddell Sea in winter. Weatherconditions, shortened daylight hours, and flight requirementsof other programs on board were major factors controlling thestructure of the surveys. Flight conditions allowed a total of 68remote profiles to a nominal depth of 600 meters, comprising 18different surveys (see figure 1). An additional 34 profiles wereobtained near the ship or as part of routine shipboard con-ductivity-temperature-depth casts for calibration. Several of thestations near the ship were time series undertaken in support ofinternal wave/sea-ice strain experiments and refreezing leadmeasurements.

Four main regions were targeted for intense study: the ice-edge zone, the interior pack ice northeast of Maud Rise, MaudRise and vicinity, and the continental margin. Polarstern hadlittle trouble navigating through most of the ice conditionsencountered. This maneuverability allowed for high resolutionsurveys (16-kilometer spacing) in each of the first three areas,with 48-kilometer station spacing between regions of intensecoverage. A combination of heavy ice and high wind preventedsimilar coverage of the continental margin zone.

Expendable bathythermographs were used before, during,and after the pack-ice work to supplement temperature datafrom the conductivity-temperature-depth surveys. Lines fromBahia Blanca to the ice edge, and the ice edge to Capetown

1987 REVIEW 97

extend the data coverage well beyond the ice limits. Drops weremade within the ice-edge zone until the probes failed due to ice-floe interference. Over 200 probes were used during the cruise.

One day was devoted to a mesoscale survey of an area north-east of Maud Rise. The survey was run roughly parallel to thefront separating the Weddell cold from the warm regime, withstation spacing of less than 11 kilometers. A series of mesoscalefeatures had been observed to the west of this region in 1981(Gordon and Huber 1984). The survey was designed to inter-cept any such similar features which might be shed from thefront. No obvious features were detected during this survey.

The ice-edge zone upon entry into the pack was diffuse and illdefined. A detailed ice-edge survey was thus postponed to theoutbound leg in early September, when complementary waveand meteorological measurements could be made during threecrossings of the ice edge. The ice edge at 6°E occurred at approx-imately 55°50'S, coinciding roughly with a transition in watermass characteristics from Weddell interior to warmer circum-polar water.

The mixed layer characteristics below the sea-ice cover revealsignificant entrainment of deep water. Mixed layer tem-peratures range from the in situ freezing point to as much as0.2°C above freezing. The warmest mixed layer water is foundsouth of Maud Rise, though the highest mixed layer salinity(greater than 34.5) occurs over Maud Rise. Low oxygen (reach-ing a low of 72 percent of full saturation) and high silicateswithin the mixed layer coupled with its relatively warm-saltycondition are all consistent with the concept of significant deepwater entrainment (Weiss, Ostlund, and Craig 1979; Gordonand Huber 1984). Signs of strong entrainment are usually asso-ciated with a relatively shallow pycnocline.

The overall trend is for increased deep water entrainmentwith increasing latitude. In the south the mixed layer is com-posed of as much as 50 percent deep water, which has beenintroduced by entrainment since the area was covered by ice inthe late autumn. Similar levels of entrainment are also evidentin the freon and helium data sets (Weiss and Schlosser personalcommunications). The entrainment contributes heat and saltinto the mixed layer. Estimates of this heat flux range from 25watts per square meter near the ice edge to about 100 watts persquare meter over Maud Rise and for the area close to thecontinental slope. From salt flux considerations, it is necessarythat approximately 40-50 centimeters of ice forms during thewinter period.

Maud Rise has a distinct impact on the oceanography. Objec-tive contour maps of the combined shipboard and helicopterCTD temperature data are shown in figure 2, which emphasizesthe cold, deep temperature maximum layer overlying the Rise.Maud Rise is surrounded by relatively warm deep water withinthe 200-400-meter interval (the Maud Halo). This water is drawnin from the east and may shed eddies to the west of Maud Rise.The density of the mixed layer water directly over Maud Rise isnearly the same as that of the warm deep water found over theflanks of the Rise. In this way, the isopycnals associated with thedeep water rise up and outcrop to the local atmosphere overMaud Rise. It is suggested that the warm deep water convergesonto Maud Rise to feed upwelling over the Rise crest and diver-gence at the sea surface. This circulation-topographic couplingmay play a significant role in the overall heat/salinity balance ofthe surface water of the Weddell Gyre.

The large heat fluxes into the mixed layer suppress ice forma-tion. For example, assuming a 10 percent lead concentration



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Figure 2. Objective contour maps of combined shipboard and heli-copter conductivity-depth-temperature measurement's temperaturedata. Figure 2a shows the temperature of the temperature maximumlayer; 2b the depth of that layer. The latitude coordinate system isscaled such that -68 = 56.50S and -96 = 69°S. Maud Rise occursat roughly -84.

with heat flux through the lead 10 times greater than thatthrough the 60-centimeter thick (average) ice cover, the air tem-perature must be colder than - 25°C for a heat flux of 100 wattsper square meter, in order to form ice at the base of the existingice. It is more likely that new ice forms only within the leads.

The cooperation and assistance of the scientists, officers, andcrew onboard Polarstern are gratefully acknowledged. This re-search is supported by National Science Foundation grant DPP85-02386.


Gordon, A.L., and B.A. Huber. 1984. Thermohaline stratification belowthe Southern Ocean sea ice. Journal of Geoi'/zysical Research, 89(d),641-648.

Jennings, J.C., Jr., L.I. Gordon, and D.M. Nelson. 1987. Some bio-geochemical results of the Winter Weddell Sea Project 1986. AntarcticJournal of the U.S., 22(5).

Weiss, RE 1987. Winter Weddell Sea Project 1986: Trace gas studiesduring legs ANT V/2and V/3 of Polarstern. Antarctic Journal of the U.S.,22(5).

Weiss, RE, H.G. Ostlund, and H. Craig. 1979 Geochemical studies ofthe Weddell Sea. Deep-Sea Research, 26(10A), 1093-1120.

Weiss, RE, and P. Schlosser. 1987. Personal communication.