occlusion vs. skin barrier function ref.: skin research and technology 2002: 8: 1 – 6 occlusion:...

Occlusion vs. skin barrier function Ref.: Skin Research and Technology 2002: 8: 1–6 OCCLUSION: Refers to skin covered directly or indirectly by impermeable films or substances such as tape, gloves, textiles garments, wound dressings etc. In addition, certain topical vehicles that contain fats and/or polymers oils (petrolatum, paraffin, etc.) may also generate occlusive effects. Occlusion, because of its simplicity, is widely utilized to enhance the penetration of applied drugs in clinical practice. However, occlusion does not increase percutaneous absorption of all chemicals. It may increase penetration of lipid-soluble, non-polar molecules but has less effect on polar molecules: a trend of occlusion-induced absorption enhancement with

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Page 1: Occlusion vs. skin barrier function Ref.: Skin Research and Technology 2002: 8: 1 – 6 OCCLUSION: Refers to skin covered directly or indirectly by impermeable

Occlusion vs. skin barrier function

Ref.: Skin Research and Technology 2002: 8: 1–6

OCCLUSION:Refers to skin covered directly or indirectly by impermeable films or substances such as tape, gloves, textiles garments, wound dressings etc.

In addition, certain topical vehicles that contain fats and/or polymers oils (petrolatum, paraffin, etc.) may also generate occlusive effects.

Occlusion, because of its simplicity, is widely utilized to enhance the penetration of applied drugs in clinical practice.

However, occlusion does not increase percutaneous absorption of all chemicals. It may increase penetration of lipid-soluble, non-polar molecules but has less effect on polar molecules: a trend of occlusion-induced absorption enhancement with increasing penetrant lipophilicity is apparent. In practice, increasing skin penetration rates of applied drug is far from simple.

Page 2: Occlusion vs. skin barrier function Ref.: Skin Research and Technology 2002: 8: 1 – 6 OCCLUSION: Refers to skin covered directly or indirectly by impermeable

Skin barrier function can be ascribed to the macroscopic structure of the stratum corneum, consisting of alternating lipoidal and hydrophylic regions. For this reason, physico-chemical characteristics of the chemical, such as partition coefficient, structure, and molecular weight, play an important role in determining the facility of absorption. Another factor to consider in drug percutaneous absorption is the vehicle in which the drug is formulated, as it influences drug release from the formulation. In addition, the anatomical site may influence the effects of occlusion on percutaneous absorption.

In many industrial and food fields, protective gloves or clothing are required to protect the workers from hazardous materials or to maintain hygiene. In turn, these protective measures may produce negative events due to the nature of occlusion, which often causes stratum corneum hyperhydration and reduces the protective barrier properties of the skin. Many gloves do not resist the penetration of low molecular weight chemicals: those chemicals may enter the glove and become trapped on the skin under occlusion for many hours, possibly leading to irritation, and more seriously, to dermatitis or eczematous changes.

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Wound dressings have been employed to speed the healing processes in acute and chronic wounds by keeping healing tissues moist and increasing superficial wound epithelialization. However, occlusive or semiocclusive dressings can increase microorganisms and hence induce wound infections. A significant increase in the density of Staphylococcus aureus and lipophilic diphtheroids were observed after 24h occlusion in eczematous and psoriatic skin.

The effects of occlusion on skin are complex, and may produce profound changes including altering epidermal lipids, DNA synthesis, epidermal turnover, pH, epidermal morphology, sweat glands, Langerhans cells stresses, etc. Evaluation and investigation of the impact of occlusion on barrier function are important in the fields of skin physiology, pathology, and pharmacology, and dermatology.

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Skin Barrier Function

Stratum corneum (horny layer) has been well recognized as the principle barrier of the skin. It is a cellular tissue, a fabric of cornified cells, creating a tough, flexible, coherent membrane which acts as a two–way barrier, by minimizing water loss, electrolytes, and other body constituents and decreasing the entry of noxious substances from the external environment.

Topical application is an obvious choice in the treatment of dermatological disease, but pharmaceutical agents applied topically have also been shown to enter the systemic circulation. Physical, chemical, and pathological factors can disturb barrier function: even changes in environmental humidity may induce pathophysiologic alterations.

Maintenance of the stratum corneum structural integrity is critical to barrier function. Increasing stratum corneum hydration can progressively reduce its barrier efficiency. Stratum corneum is extremely hygroscopic: it can pick up 500% of its dry weight in less than 1h following immersing in water, swelling vertically to 4–5 times its original width.

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Effects of Occlusion on Barrier Function

Healthy stratum corneum typically has a water content of 10–20%. Occlusion can block diffusional water loss from skin surface, thereby increasing stratum corneum hydration, swelling corneocytes and promoting water uptake into intercellular lipid domains. Water content can be increased up to 50% with occlusion: even short time (30min) exposure can result in significantly increased stratum corneum hydration.

With 24h occlusion, the relative water content in stratum corneum can be increased significantly.

24h occlusion can induce morphological changes on the surface, deepening skin furrows. Water under occlusion may disrupt barrier lipids and damage the stratum corneum in a way similar to surfactants.

Kligman studied hydration dermatitis in man: one week with an impermeable plastic film did not injure skin, 2 weeks was moderately harmful to some but not all subjects,3 weeks consistently induced dermatitis.

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Optimal Occlusion

Obviously, occlusion alone may damage skin barrier function. Application of chemicals/drugs under occlusion can increase penetration of chemicals and antigens into the skin and therefore can increase dermatitis.

Local reactions (i.e. irritation and/or sensitization) of TDDS, typically occlusive patches placed on the skin surface for 1–7days to deliver the drugs into the systemic circulation, have been widely reported. However, reactions can be minimized with immunosuppressive agents, antioxidants, local anaesthetics, and other anti-irritant technologies.

Advancements in design and construction of protective garments and wound dressings may reduce the level of skin hydration and dermatitis. Application of optimal hydrocolloid patches that absorb water in both liquid and vapor form can also decrease irritation.

A natural, pure, and non-woven dressing has been made from calcium alginate fibres. It can rapidly absorb and retain wound fluid, to form an integral gellified structure, thereby maintaining an ideal moist wound healing environment. It can also trap and immobilize pathogenic bacteria in the network of gellified fibres

Today, with the rapid development of new technologies in bioscience, we expect greater efficacy and further development of dressings or materials that can absorb excess water and reduce the unfavourable effects of occlusion.

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Page 8: Occlusion vs. skin barrier function Ref.: Skin Research and Technology 2002: 8: 1 – 6 OCCLUSION: Refers to skin covered directly or indirectly by impermeable

The 500 Dalton rule for the skin penetrationof chemical compounds and drugs

Ref.: Exp Dermatol 2000: 9: 165–169

Human skin has many functions and its most apparent is that of a defense organ, both physical and biological.

Penetration from outside into the body of any compound is primarily prevented by the corneal layer of the epidermis.

This outer layer is just a few micrometers thick, but effectively forms a barrier that is indeed preserving life.

Although absorption is not only dependent on penetration, but also on other variables such as skin metabolism, insufficient release from the carrier, partitioning in an unwanted reservoir, without penetration nothing happens.

It is important to realize that the human skin has unique properties in this respect and that penetration studies performed in animal models are of limited use for our understanding of the human skin barrier.

Essentially, the corneal layer consists of keratin-rich, lipoprotein-containing envelopes and lipid bilayers with hydrophilic regions in between.

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Most medicaments will pass the epidermal barrier through the intercellular route. As a consequence of its hydrophobic nature, the stratum corneum barrier will allow the penetration of lipid soluble molecules more readily than water-soluble compounds. Strong lipophilic compounds will however be hampered by the hydrophilic regions in the bilayer.

Water-soluble molecules may penetrate through an alternative way, the openings of sweat glands and hair follicles. The total surface of these openings amounts to 0.1% of the total skin surface area, making it probably not significant.

The only way to circumvent the properties of the corneal layer is by disrupting it, for example with ultrasound, a method also known as phonopheresis, or with high-voltage electrical pulsing, also known as electroporation.

Alternative methods such as stripping the corneal layer using adhesive tape have also been advocated but are not reliable.

The use of skin penetration enhancers such as dimethylsulphoxide or carriers such as liposomes have never been confirmed to make a difference.

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In a recent review, it was stated that: ‘‘optimal absorption will occur for molecules that are small, have low

melting points . . .’’. But what is small?

An answer to this question is of use for those developing epicutaneous application of compounds to the human skin for destinations varying from topical to systemic treatment to vaccination.

The subject of this article is the upper molecular weight (MW) limit for chemical compounds and drugs enabling absorption through the human skin barrier..

We have therefore looked at the MW of common contact allergens and commonly used topical drugs.

We propose the 500 Dalton rule, which says that with a MW increasing over 500 Dalton, absorption of molecules through normal human skin rapidly declines.

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Dermato-allergology: chemicals causing allergic contact dermatitis are under 712 Dalton

The variety of chemicals that are known to lead to allergic contact dermatitis in persons exposed to them forms a true encyclopedia of modern society.

Thousands of molecules have been described to be associated with the induction and maintenance of allergic contact dermatitis in a limited or more extensive number of persons. The intrinsic sensitizing capacity of molecules is varying widely. Some compounds rarely lead to clinical contact dermatitis. Others are virtually sensitizing any person whose skin is exposed to it.

The routine patch test series, advised by the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group (ICDRG), is used for the diagnosis of contact allergy, and it is composed of the most common sensitizing agents known to mankind.

Taking this series of single chemical compounds as well as mixtures of sensitizing agents together, a look at their MW might give us a clue to what size allows penetration through the human skin barrier.

A molecule that comes into contact with human skin, but that cannot penetrate the skin barrier in sufficient quantities, will not be a sensitizing agent.

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Molecular weight of the most commonly usedtopical drugs in dermatotherapy

In dermatological therapy, a wide variety of different active molecules is available for topical treatment of individual skin lesions.

A list of the most commonly used topical drugs is presented in Table 2.

The most commonly used and effective topical drugs in dermatotherapy all have a molecular weight under 500 Dalton, the only exceptions being fusidic acid which is slightly larger with 517 Dalton, and ketoconazole which has a MW of 531 Dalton.

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Molecular weight of drugs used in transdermaldrug-delivery systems

Certain drugs for systemic use are delivered through the skin for reasons varying from avoiding the liver (destroying drugs when taken orally) to enabling sustained release.

Patches with transdermal drug delivery systems are available for at least 7 different drugs.

In Table 3, these compounds and their molecular weights are summarized, using the same MW finding strategy as for the topical drugs described earlier.

As may be seen from the Table, MWs of drugs used in transdermal drug delivery systems are all well under 500 Dalton, in fact they are all smaller than 350 Dalton.

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Concluding remarks

The human skin is indeed an effective barrier but it cannot prevent smaller molecules to enter.

In Fig. 1, the estimated penetration barrier characteristics for normal human skin, atopic dermatitis skin, mucosa, and phonopheretically disrupted skin are indicated.

Somewhere around 500 Dalton is the start of a rapid decline in skin absorption due to molecular size.

The barrier is formed by the corneal layer since when absent, such as in mucous membranes, larger molecules may penetrate and thus be effective.

Atopic dermatitis forms the exception to the 500 Dalton rule, since it can be managed by topical application of drugs tacrolimus and ascomycin derivatives (822 and 811 Dalton respectively).

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For pharmaceutical development purposes, it seems logical to restrict the development of new innovative compounds to a MW of under 500 Dalton, when topical dermatological therapy or percutaneous systemic therapy or vaccination is the objective.

We therefore propose the 500 Dalton rule for the skin penetration of chemical compounds and drugs.

We believe that in drug development, a maximum molecular weight of 500 Dalton should be adhered to, before considering its further development for topical therapy or transcutaneous vaccination in man.

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