ocala evening star. (ocala, florida) 1909-07-15 [p ]. · 1-e ac < > 1 l i tfi jlo i j l t-...

e a 1- c < > 1 L I tfi I J l t- Jlo < r- t S > 1 J7r I f t i QIt f l << JJ b I t 1 t 1 l J of > 1 i > < rli h r i J > Jt I j- i > oAi- c 1 I C > jII 3 J < J j FI > to > l t > iY- c > > > t < t t < Vdl mle 15 No tI OCALA FLORIDA THURSDAY JULY 15 tHt FIlly CsI Jlt 1 < t j0F c I r t FOR PIES AND THIS L r f I jt J I 0 Sfiish Fi pkli Kerskafrs 0S 15 cents each and they are fine and I going fast 1 OJ K GROCERY A1VEY CLARK Proprietor I I ffj ff7F- g f ii 4y THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KISSES and tate as sweet Thats why Schles- lngerB and Lowneys Candles In halt and pound boxes are so popular Pure eoBfectiona these flavor delicious O r- confect6nery Is free from adultera- tion ¬ It is wholesome and healthful every kind of confectionery hers Fruits Cold Drinks Cigars and News ¬ paper AT BALLARDS ii i Irri COPVBiCHT COMMERCIAL STATIONERY- of high grade and quality for office and store receives a great deal of our time and attention as our stock and facilities for supplying large and small orders will amply attest Whether you want a lead pencil or a huge led ¬ ger anoto book or a letter press Its worth your while to como In look around and compare prices OCALA NEWS COMP- ANYEquitable f 1t Life AsuranoeocietyO1- TheUiIkdSi1es AJ STRONGEST IN THE WORLD t ti MISS FLORIDA COWON- i i Agent- rsvv j j t f4c- w w 4 Plans and Specifications r d Upon Request n t r J 129 South Third gt > Of r Phone 180V OOA- ZiAHoDtezamaBarbersliop FJ H la Connection With the not Offlcc r Skilled woricmen and courteous at- tention ¬ I to all Special attention to children ELECTRIC MASSAGE v HOT ANI > COLD WATER- R w > DETTERICH PraDrietor- c t GEORGE FIX PRACTICAL BRICK MASON v Red and Fire Brick Work Special attention to repairing fur- y iaCL boiler setting and Dutch ovens brick kilns and bakers ovens If your boiler doesnt steam- as > J it should send for me I am the doctor All Work Guaranteed No distance Too tate ana no hour j too late to respond At the Canton Howe < OCALA FLORIDA 1M f 4 4 COYOTES HAVE NO CHANCE- Of Escape on the Staked Plain of Texas Where They Chaso Them- In Automobiles Austin Texas July 15Jr W Bishop of the State Depatment of Ed umatfon who has just returned from ayvlslt to relatives In Hale county declares that the greatest of all sports IK chasing coyotes in an automobile- He declares that it has riding to the hounds coon or turkey hunting or any of those sports beaten by a whole stretch In fact one who has once hunted coyotes in an automobile be ¬ comes so charmed with It that he would go miles for the zest of the chase This sport would be hardly possi- ble ¬ except in a country like the Stak- ed ¬ Plains where no trees grow and where the ground Is as level and al- most ¬ as smooth as a ballroom floor But Ina little pasture of 100000 acres- or loa mery company In a touring car can have as much tam with a fleet coyote as they could possibly wish The sport may be varied said Mr Bishop The party In the car may go armed and after chasing the coyote for several hours heading him off when he makes toward the fence and always keeping him within the center of the enclosure they can finally by putting on t burst of speed of some sixty or seventy miles an hour just a little faster than the coyote can run catch up with him and place a bullet where it will end his earthly worries and enable them to secure the skin and scalp without Injury Another method of hunting the coy ¬ ote is to just chase him to death Mr Bishop says that this may be accom- plished ¬ within an hour if the car is speeded fast enough to keep the ani- mal ¬ at his top speed so that after a while he just drops dead Mr Bishop and a party of friends chased one of I the fleetfooted animals to death In a 40000acre pasture Is Just 35 minutes During Mr Bishops visit in Hale county 10 coyotes were hunted to death In autos Five of them are credited to the unerring aim of Mr I Bishop A HORRIBLE HOLDUP About ten years ago my brother- was heldup In his work health and happiness by what was believed to be hopeless consumption writes W R Liscomb of Washington N C He took all kinds of remedies and treat- ment ¬ from several doctorsbul found- no help till he used Dr Kings New Discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles He Is a well man today Its quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore lungs hemorr ¬ hages coughs and colds bronchitis la grippe asthma and all bronchial af- fections ¬ 50c and 1 Trial bottle free Guaranteed by all druggists SILLY GIRLS SUICIDE- I Killed Herself Because Her Sister Cut Her Out Nashville Tenn July 1Mlss Cora Fields committed suicide here last night because her sister had married the man both of them weer In love with The wedding of W H Carothers anti Miss Nannie Fields was solemn ¬ ized last night Within a few mo- ments ¬ after the wedding Miss Cora Fields went to her room and shot her- self ¬ In the head with a revolver She died within a short time Carothers it Is said had been at ¬ tentive to both of the girls and for a long time it was uncertain which he loved most Both of the young ladies learned to love him and became rivals for his affections- A CONTENTED WOMAN- is always found in tno same nouse with Ballards Snow Liniment It keeps every member of the family free from aches and pains it heals cuts burns and scalds and cures rheuma ¬ tism neuralgia lumbago and all mus ¬ cular soreness and stiffness 25cr 60c and 1 a bottle At all druggists CHINESE PROTECT LING Denver July 15The Chinese here state that following the murder of Miss Elsie SIgel by Leon Ling and the search which was begun for the murderer the Chinese government or ¬ dered all Chinamen to protect their countryman It Is also stated that the Chinese Masons of which Ling was a member have worked to protect him It you have pains in the back weak back or any other indications of a weakened or disordered condition of the kidneys or bladder you should get DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills right away when you experience the least sign of kidney or bladder com- plaint ¬ but be sure that you get De witts Kidney and Bladder Pills We know what they will do for you and It you will send your name to E C DeWitt Co Chicago you will re- ceive ¬ a free trial box of these kidney and bladder pills They are sold here- by nil druggists ARMY ISNT ADEQUATE Toledo July 15 General Frederick- D Grant who has been In command of the United States military tourna- ment ¬ at Camp Trift here the last week believes the United States army as it now stands Is entirely inadequate- The army In this country by all means ought to be placed at 150000 where it now numbers 80000 said General Grant We ought to have- at least twenty more regiments of regular Infantry for immediate train Ing and 600 more officers All this has been pointed out to Congress but they arc decidedly slow to act Everyone would be benefited by tak- ing ¬ Foleys Orino Laxative for stom- ach ¬ and liver trouble and habitual constipation It sweetens the stom- ach ¬ and breath gently stimulates the liver and regulates the bowels and Is much superior to pills ann ordinary laxatives Why not try Foleys Orino Laxative today Sold by all drugglsts POSITION WANTEDA saw mill woods rider wants a position can give best or references namely J D Scruggs of the McQehec Lumber Co 4 Leon Fla 630dwlm 1 0 tiL x ii SEVEN GABLES SOLD House Made Famous by Hawthorne- Will be Used for Settlement Work t Salem Mass July 15The House- Of Seven Gables around which Na- thaniel ¬ C Hawthorne wove one of his bestknown tales has been purchased- by Mrs George E Emerton and will be turned Into a house for settlement work The house was built in 1862 and originally had seven gables In re ¬ modeling it 40 years ago most of the gables were removed and much mod ¬ ernized but the part where the seven gable windows were is easily discerni- ble ¬ on the Inside Its place in American literature made it secure against the modern I real estate dealers as a speculative project I HERE 10 RELIEF FOR WOMEN I If you have pains in the back uri- nary ¬ bladder or kidney troube and want a certain pleasant herb relief i for womens ills try Mother Grays I AUSTRALIAN LEAF It is a safe reliable regulator and relieves all fe- male ¬ weakness including inflamma- tion ¬ and ulcerations Mother Grays Australian Leaf is sold by druggists or sent by mail for 50 cents Sample sent free Address the Mother Gray Co Leroy N Y 5 BIG RIVER ON A BOOM The Mississippi is ThreeQuarters of- a Fathom Above the Danger Point at St Louis St Louis July 15The Mississippi- river has reached the height of 345 feet or four and onehalf feet above the danger point The weather bu ¬ reau expects It to go higher and reach the crest stage In the next twenty four hours The loss to the farmers continues to grow with the rise of the water The railroads are preparing to rebuild thc track that has been washed out by the water At Kansas City the waters are receding and train schedules rtre being adhered to mote closely than for some time past IF YOU KNEW- the merits of the Texas Wonder you would never suffer from kidney blad- der ¬ of rheumatic trouble J1 bottle two months treatment Sold by druggists- or by mall Send for testimonials Dr E W Hall 2926 Olive Street St Louis Mo SINNERS ARE SCARCE 9- In and Around the Mississippi Town- of Blue Mountain Jackson Miss July 10Whatever- else may be lacking at Blue Mountain- It is the champion Sunday school town thus far heard from according to the report of Rev W Fred Long state secretary of the Mississippi Sunday School Association who has just re ¬ turned from there According to a census of Blue Mountain taken a few weeks agol there was a total population of 902 of which 860 are merhbers of the Sun- day ¬ school On the day following the gathering bf these figures there was a i circus in Blue Mountain which had an attendance of 43 Thus it wiH be seen that In addition to the 42 sin- ners ¬ there was one democratic sorfof fellow who attended both Sunday school and circus GOOD NEWS Many Ocala Readers Have Heard It and Profited Thereby Good news travels fast and the thousands of bad back sufferers in Ocala are glad to learn that prompt re ¬ lief Is within their reach Many a lame weak and aching back Is bad no more thanks to Doans Kidney Pills People from every state in the Union- are telling the good news of their ex ¬ perience with the Old Quaker Rem dy Here Is an example worth read IngMrs E M Edwards living on Call St Starke Fla says I never used- a remedy that proved of such great benefit to me as Doans Kidney Pills- I suffered constantly from backache- and dull pains through my loins some days my oacK trouoieu me so severely that I could scarcely getj aroun I was unable to rest well at night and in the morning my back was so lame and stiff that it was difficult for me to put on my cloth- ing ¬ My kidneys wero also weak and greatly added to my misery I finally learned of Doans Kidney Pills and procured them I had only used three boxes when I was cured and I am now feeling a great deal better than before in years I give Doans Kid ¬ ney Pills entire credit for 44e change- In my condition Plenty more proof like this from Ocala peoe Call at Tydings Cos drug store and ask what their custo- mers ¬ report For sale by all dealers Price 50 cents FosterMIlburn Co Buffalo New Lork solo agents for the United States Remember the nameDoansandt- ake no other LOW BATES via the riUSvlUV AIR lNE 1825Knoxville Tenn and return- S S June 20 21 22 26 27 July 3 10 11 21 Limit 15 days Exten ¬ sion Sept 30 Stopovers 1240 Athens Ga and return U of GJune 26 27 2R July 3 5 10 17 Limit 15 days Stopovers 1870 Monteagle and Sewanee Tenn and return M W At M F July 1 10 17 23 24 30 August 1J i4 Limit Sept 5- 179tBIack Mountain N C and re- turn ¬ Chautauqua July 12 19 26 31 August 2 9 16 21 25 Limit Sept 6 10465San Francisco Cal and re ¬ turn One way via Portland July 1 to Sept 30 Inclusive Limit Oct 31 Stopovers 9540Seattle Portland Tacoma Vancouver Victoria Everett New Westminster and Bellingham and re ¬ turn Yukon Exposition July 1 to Sept 30 inclusive Limit Oct 21 Stopovers Above Rate Open to the Public HENRY RAYSOR C P T A OCALA FLA C M DICKERSON T P A TAMPA FLORIDA I Peroxide Cream for the complexion- at the Court Pharmacy MAKING MUCH MOONSHINE- Prohibition has Caused a Revival of Illicit Distilling All Over North Georgia Atlanta July 15The moonshine business Is on a boom according to revenue officers making their head ¬ quarters here The report for this dis- trict ¬ for the year ended June 30th will show the seizure of something like 1600 illicit distilleries or more than twice the number during the previous yearMore moonshine whisky has been seized they state than in any two years since the war There is scarcely a wen concealed spot in North Geor- gia ¬ but hides its moonshine still they say and although they have broken up a thousand of them during the year there is probably a thousand more now just as busily at work The price of moonshine liquor has gone up so great is the demand for It since prohibition became effective Where it used to sell for a dollar a gallon it now brings a dollar a quart and the consumers dont like the trust prices Consequently it has become considerably easier for the revenue of ¬ ficers to secure evidence against the illicit operators The result Is they have their hands full A splendidly rigged up illicit still was seized the other day right in At- lanta city limits Peach brandy has begun to run and most of the revenue officers are off now on another chase A Most Valuable Agent The glycerine employed Dr Pierces medicines greatly enhances the medicinal properties which it extracts from native mbdlciniil roots and holds In solution much better than alcohol would It also possesses medicinal properties of Its own being a valuable demulcent nutritive antiseptic and antiferment It adds greatly to the efficacy of the Black Cherry bark Bloodroot Golden Seal root Stone root and Queens root contained in Golden Medical Discovery in subduing chronic or lingering coughs bronchial throat and lung affections for all of which thfcso agents are recommended by stand- ard medical authorities- In alt cases where there Is a wasting away of flesh loss of appetite with weak tomatfh as In the early stages of cons lum I n there can bo no doubt that gly¬ cerineacts as a valuable nutritive and aids Mio G Iden Seal root Stone root Queefcs root and Black Cherrybark la promoting fligestion and building up the flesh an s controlling the cough and brintfig about a healthy condition of w system Of course It must not be e miracles It will not euro consumption except In its earlier stages t win cur wry c rnlitI note hangon eoughs brqnehlal- an aTjrngoat troiitffs ano gjirQnTe sore tpruai withThnarscness in acute coug- I is not so euectiver iris In the llngermg hangon coughs or those of longstanding even when accompanied by bleeding from lungs that it has performed Its most marvelous cures Prof Finley Elllngwood M D of Ben- nett Med C Chicago says of gly- cerine ¬ In dysDeDslaltEerTManexcellentpnrpose a hydrogen In solution it Is oue of the best manufactured products the present time IB Its action upon enfeebled disordered stom ¬ achs esocclally if there Is ulceration or ca- tarrhal gsstrltls catarrhal inflammation of stomach It Is a most efficient preparation Glycerine will relieve many cases of pyrosla heartburn and excessive gastric stomach aclcUt Golden Medical Discovery enriches and purifies tho blood curtnir blotches pimples eruptions ncrof ulous swellings and old sore or ulcers Send to Dr R V Pierce of Buffalo NY for free booklet telling all about the natlr medicinal roots composing this wonderful tediciiKX There t no alcohol It CHARLES D HULBERT M D HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN ANn SURGEON A OfficeSecond Floor The Munroe Chambliss Bank Building Ocala Florida Telephones Office 222 Residence 221 Office Hours9 to 12 a ms 2 to- p 4 m 730 to 830 p m I F E McCLANEPh- ysician and SurgeonG- eneral Practice Calls Made Promptly Night or Day Special Attention to Obstetrics Di ¬ seases of Women and Children S Office Rooms 322 Holder Building Second Floor Phones Office Xo 233 Residence No 333- OCALA FLORIDA W G BLANCHARD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER PLANS FURNISHED- ON APPLICATION P O Box 40 OCALA FLA OCALA PRESSING CLUB- W F MARLOW Proprietor Rates reasonable All goods press- ed and cleaned on short notice and delivered promptly All transient work not called for in 30 days will be sold for charges RATE ONE DOLLAR A MONTH I FRESH FISH- I receive daily snipments of choice fresh and salt water fish of the best varieties I handle nothing but fish and handle them right WM TUCKER Phone 219 City Market 1 STANDARD OILS LATEST STUNT The Octopus Trust Has Begun the Manufacture of Butter from Petroleum Alton Ill July 15The first roll of petroleum butter the Standard Oils latest product of benevolent assimila ¬ tion Is to be turned out at the Wood River refinery near Alton Prepara ¬ tions are being made to manufacture- the product here and the machinery- that will do to the vllch cow what the automobile did to the horse has been shipped- The announcement that the Stand ¬ ard was going Into the neardairy business was made by the corporation last Friday on John D Rockefellers seventieth birthday the process for turning petroleum Into the stuff that made bread famous having been com- pleted ¬ after several years trial The new product will be known as petrol butter It is said to be of the same consistency of lacteal butter but brown In color It lasts a great deal longer than real butter It Is said and does not become rancid BRAVE FIRE LADDIES often receive severe Durns putting out fires then use Bucklens Arnica Salve and forget them It soon drives out pain For burns scalds wounds cuts and bruises Its earths greatest healer Quickly cures skin eruptions old sores boils ulcers felons best pile cure made Relief Is instant 25c at all druggists I MUCH WEALTH FOR MANNING- A Fortune Awaits a Missing Florida Boy Atlanta July 15Wheres Jack Manning This Is a question being asked in Atlanta Florida and Texas For this young man who eleven years ago came to Atlanta a penniless and help ¬ less orphan boy accompaning an 111 and feebled mother has fallen heir to a fortune In Lufkin Texas All efforts to locate Jack have fail- ed ¬ and his relatives in a final desper- ate ¬ try have written Mayor Maddox soliciting his aid The following let te rfrom the young mans stepgrand ¬ mother tells the story Kynesville Fla July 12 1909 City Mayor About ten or twelve years ago one Mrs Carrie Bell Man ¬ ning the widow of Dr J R Manning then reduced in circumstances health wrecked left here with her little son Jack to try treatment in a hospital In Atlanta After a time we could hear noth- Ing from Mrs Manning or Jack Ii presume sho died Ive been wrlten to to give the whereabouts of Jack as there Is con ¬ siderable property at and near Lufkin Tex for Jock which he will inherit from his grandfathers the old Dr Mannings estate- I trust that you will in kindness to the orphan boy if he is where you can find him tell him Let me hear from you Thisjs from Jacks stepgrand ¬ mother Nannie E Reynolds- A GOLDEN WEDDING- means that man ana wire have lived to a good old age and consequently have kept healthy The best way to keep healthy is to see that your liver does its duty 365 days out of 365 The only way to do this is to keep Bat lards Heroine in the house and take- it whenever your liver gets Inactive 50 cents per bottle Sold by all drug ¬ gists BELLEVIEW Nicholas Brown Tias woven a wire fence around the lots of Wm C Doo little Judge Hopkins O M Gale and Sands Haviland The death of Beckman Thomas which came so sudden he having been on the streets the day before his death was quite a shock to our com- munity ¬ He was of a good disposition- and had many friends Boston Fullwood a negro employed- at McGehee Mayos still was ar- rested on the 10th charged with hav ¬ ing on the 9th committed a criminal I assault on Fannie Slyke a married negro woman He was tried in the Justices court and bound over to the grand Jury Mrs C A Sillier and her daugh- ters ¬ Grace and Ethel have returned- to Eustis Fla Miss Ida Toney and Miss Hattie Jackson of Lake City are visiting- Mrs W F Ritter W F Ritte our section master has very much Improved his section- of track The other section masters will have to work hard to beat him Many of our planters are taking- the opportunity to set out sweet po ¬ tato vines during the hot weather Reports from the itorth state the hot spell which caused so much suf- fering ¬ and many deaths has passed and they have been compelled to keep fires going to keep warm ExMayor Millsom and Rev True Whittier are experimenting with rais- ing ¬ mushrooms Mr Millsom is a practical gardener and will succeed if any one can- Justices court was opened at the town hall on the 13th The cases of J F Hampton vs John Woodruff and- F M Spicer were to be tried When the parties met they effected a set- tlement ¬ without going to trial Col Spencer appeared as attorney for Woodruff and Spicer The county is liable to have a bill to pay for injury to persons or dam ¬ age to teams unless they at once re ¬ pair the bad washout In the county road west of the Stuckman place It has been in a bad condition for some ¬ time The tile is broken and dirt washed out Mrs Charles A Tremere her daughters Eleanor and Minnie re- turned ¬ home on the 14th from Geor- gia ¬ where they have teen visiting relatives and friends Walter Nelson and John Hart both- of Tampa Fla are visiting Mr J J Nelson DONT GET A DIVORCE- A western judge granted a divorce on account of Illtemper and bad breath Dr Kings New Life Pills would have prevented it They cure constipation causing bad breath and liver trouble the Illtemper dispel colds banish headaches conquer chills 25c at all druggists r t ii 2- MrE 71IT A BAr4Ec PDm J 7 r- f b 1 Jf There are many ways in which > it serree ilMf v p public but the one now most valuAble per- haps < ir tj is to help with loans We wfflteet the r > 1 needs of conservative borrowers 5 iZ i i 0 I The Munroe Chambliss Ban k INCORPORATED > j j I TT Mnnroe Pros Z C Chambliss V Fres A L Oedi- s 0 9- f 4 t 1 IHE FURIITORE 00 HSE t 1i- Ah J OF MdVEl IaeILT Hv3a CARRIES A LARGE 7i MODERNANDhoCOLETL1JJflK t OF I A r FURN tafmi UftE 2 f 1 d I AND f it HOUSE FVRNISHIUALLIIDST- he 4 r of only House ii Ceitral RtrUa tut tlddJ i Famishes the Home Carries alaD Ties the Latestart 1 Best in Farattare Meefiai ap i will fte lilies aid Jwt What the People Wait j2 Also carries a Complete I4e1Ru14ersaJSbdH- I 1 < Hardware Carriages Waoas liffks laraess S4ik Ek T I Look over our Stock aai Idr prices before jI make your purchases v You Kespfctfaiy I f MclVERO- cala I AI JII > l 4- T f 1 Florida > 1 FOR HEALTH AND PLEASimfe i b The Beautiful Haywood White Supftrprllgs Hotel Land of the Sky WAYNES VILLE N C AItituO285OFst- On the Southern Railway one nour from Asheville Capacity gut No consumptives Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths Music Bowling and Tennis Special attention to mountain parties Special party andtamilyratesFor information address G C ROGAN Manager Formerly manager of Kenll worth Inn Asheville I MONTEZUMA HOTEL GUY W TOPH OPEN THE YEAR ROUND JOHN R KWEY Leading Commercial Hotel Rates SZ Perky aklllrfllrlli- I 4 I 0 I fir FORT KING A- MADE I IN HIS A y j Bottled IB Bond lOne Quart 100 d FourQuarts85OIOTT- LED IN BOND j- r e Delivered 375 This is a choice JEigh Grade Private Stock lye ffiiikey and we Fal CMTMfce it to 1 be as good as any bottled In- c bond whiskey on the market that JB laId for 150 A quart THE CABUiEL 4 SOI CO OCALA FLORIDA Ir Balla4s L Snow LinimentPo- ttthrely H- cLuuEe1 Cures it Rheumatism Neuralgia Laine Tg Back OU Soei Woiflds el 1 Sprains Bnmec etc r Give it a Triad awl bc C Mm c eeL r i l o f Three Szo Price 25 S0c < mid 1OO i- J 1 I- D 3 g BALURD SlOW LINIMERT CO jotts riuiiUB > iC JAMES F EMiAM ST LOUIS ISI I- S Sold ndRc6nllnnded j ALL DRJGGlfctt Jr- i 1W 4

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Page 1: Ocala Evening Star. (Ocala, Florida) 1909-07-15 [p ]. · 1-e ac < > 1 L I tfi Jlo I J l t- < r-t S > 1 J7r I f tJJ i QIt f l  of 1 i

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< t t<Vdl mle 15 No tI OCALA FLORIDA THURSDAY JULY 15 tHt FIlly CsI Jlt 1 < t






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Sfiish Fi pkli Kerskafrs0S 15 cents each and they are fine and I

going fast



ffj ff7F-g fii 4y

THEY FIT THE LIPS LIKE KISSESand tate as sweet Thats why Schles-lngerB and Lowneys Candles In haltand pound boxes are so popular PureeoBfectiona these flavor delicious O r-

confect6nery Is free from adultera-tion


It is wholesome and healthfulevery kind of confectionery hersFruits Cold Drinks Cigars and News¬



ii i IrriCOPVBiCHT


of high grade and quality for officeand store receives a great deal of ourtime and attention as our stock andfacilities for supplying large and smallorders will amply attest Whetheryou want a lead pencil or a huge led ¬

ger anoto book or a letter press Itsworth your while to como In lookaround and compare prices




Life AsuranoeocietyO1-



ii Agent-




ww 4

Plans and Specifications r d

Upon Request nt rJ

129 South Third gt >Ofr

Phone 180V OOA-



Hla Connection With the not Offlcc

r Skilled woricmen and courteous at-


I to all Special attention tochildren




>DETTERICH PraDrietor-




v Red and Fire Brick Work

Special attention to repairing fur-y iaCL boiler setting and Dutch

ovens brick kilns and bakersovens If your boiler doesnt steam-as> J it should send for me I am thedoctor

All Work GuaranteedNo distance Too tate ana no hour

j too late to respond At the CantonHowe


f 4



Of Escape on the Staked Plain of

Texas Where They Chaso Them-

In Automobiles

Austin Texas July 15Jr WBishop of the State Depatment of Edumatfon who has just returned fromayvlslt to relatives In Hale countydeclares that the greatest of all sportsIK chasing coyotes in an automobile-He declares that it has riding to thehounds coon or turkey hunting orany of those sports beaten by a wholestretch In fact one who has oncehunted coyotes in an automobile be ¬

comes so charmed with It that hewould go miles for the zest of thechase

This sport would be hardly possi-ble


except in a country like the Stak-ed


Plains where no trees grow andwhere the ground Is as level and al-


as smooth as a ballroom floorBut Ina little pasture of 100000 acres-or loa mery company In a touring carcan have as much tam with a fleetcoyote as they could possibly wish

The sport may be varied said MrBishop The party In the car may goarmed and after chasing the coyotefor several hours heading him offwhen he makes toward the fence andalways keeping him within the centerof the enclosure they can finally byputting on t burst of speed of somesixty or seventy miles an hour just alittle faster than the coyote can runcatch up with him and place a bulletwhere it will end his earthly worriesand enable them to secure the skinand scalp without Injury

Another method of hunting the coy¬

ote is to just chase him to death MrBishop says that this may be accom-plished


within an hour if the car isspeeded fast enough to keep the ani-


at his top speed so that after awhile he just drops dead Mr Bishopand a party of friends chased one of

I the fleetfooted animals to death In a40000acre pasture Is Just 35 minutes

During Mr Bishops visit in Halecounty 10 coyotes were hunted todeath In autos Five of them arecredited to the unerring aim of Mr

I Bishop


About ten years ago my brother-was heldup In his work health andhappiness by what was believed to behopeless consumption writes W RLiscomb of Washington N C Hetook all kinds of remedies and treat-ment


from several doctorsbul found-no help till he used Dr Kings NewDiscovery and was wholly cured bysix bottles He Is a well man todayIts quick to relieve and the surestcure for weak or sore lungs hemorr ¬

hages coughs and colds bronchitis lagrippe asthma and all bronchial af-


50c and 1 Trial bottle freeGuaranteed by all druggists


IKilled Herself Because Her Sister Cut

Her Out

Nashville Tenn July 1Mlss CoraFields committed suicide here lastnight because her sister had marriedthe man both of them weer In lovewith

The wedding of W H Carothersanti Miss Nannie Fields was solemn ¬

ized last night Within a few mo-


after the wedding Miss CoraFields went to her room and shot her-


In the head with a revolver Shedied within a short time

Carothers it Is said had been at¬

tentive to both of the girls and for along time it was uncertain which heloved most Both of the young ladieslearned to love him and became rivalsfor his affections-

A CONTENTED WOMAN-is always found in tno same nousewith Ballards Snow Liniment Itkeeps every member of the family freefrom aches and pains it heals cutsburns and scalds and cures rheuma ¬

tism neuralgia lumbago and all mus ¬

cular soreness and stiffness 25cr 60cand 1 a bottle At all druggists


Denver July 15The Chinese herestate that following the murder ofMiss Elsie SIgel by Leon Ling andthe search which was begun for themurderer the Chinese government or¬

dered all Chinamen to protect theircountryman It Is also stated that theChinese Masons of which Ling was amember have worked to protect him

It you have pains in the back weakback or any other indications of aweakened or disordered condition ofthe kidneys or bladder you should getDeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pillsright away when you experience theleast sign of kidney or bladder com-plaint


but be sure that you get Dewitts Kidney and Bladder Pills Weknow what they will do for you andIt you will send your name to E CDeWitt Co Chicago you will re-


a free trial box of these kidneyand bladder pills They are sold here-by nil druggists


Toledo July 15 General Frederick-D Grant who has been In commandof the United States military tourna-ment


at Camp Trift here the last weekbelieves the United States army as itnow stands Is entirely inadequate-

The army In this country by allmeans ought to be placed at 150000where it now numbers 80000 saidGeneral Grant We ought to have-at least twenty more regiments ofregular Infantry for immediate trainIng and 600 more officers All this hasbeen pointed out to Congress but theyarc decidedly slow to act

Everyone would be benefited by tak-ing


Foleys Orino Laxative for stom-ach


and liver trouble and habitualconstipation It sweetens the stom-ach


and breath gently stimulates theliver and regulates the bowels and Ismuch superior to pills ann ordinarylaxatives Why not try Foleys OrinoLaxative today Sold by all drugglsts

POSITION WANTEDA saw millwoods rider wants a position cangive best or references namely J DScruggs of the McQehec Lumber Co

4 Leon Fla 630dwlm1


tiL x ii


House Made Famous by Hawthorne-Will be Used for Settlement

WorktSalem Mass July 15The House-

Of Seven Gables around which Na-thaniel


C Hawthorne wove one of hisbestknown tales has been purchased-by Mrs George E Emerton and willbe turned Into a house for settlementwork

The house was built in 1862 andoriginally had seven gables In re¬

modeling it 40 years ago most of thegables were removed and much mod ¬

ernized but the part where the sevengable windows were is easily discerni-ble


on the InsideIts place in American literature

made it secure against the modern I

real estate dealers as a speculativeproject I


If you have pains in the back uri-nary


bladder or kidney troube andwant a certain pleasant herb relief i

for womens ills try Mother Grays I

AUSTRALIAN LEAF It is a safereliable regulator and relieves all fe-


weakness including inflamma-tion


and ulcerations Mother GraysAustralian Leaf is sold by druggistsor sent by mail for 50 cents Samplesent free Address the Mother GrayCo Leroy N Y 5


The Mississippi is ThreeQuarters of-

a Fathom Above the DangerPoint at St Louis

St Louis July 15The Mississippi-river has reached the height of 345feet or four and onehalf feet abovethe danger point The weather bu ¬

reau expects It to go higher and reachthe crest stage In the next twentyfour hours

The loss to the farmers continues togrow with the rise of the water Therailroads are preparing to rebuild thctrack that has been washed out bythe water At Kansas City the watersare receding and train schedules rtrebeing adhered to mote closely thanfor some time past


the merits of the Texas Wonder youwould never suffer from kidney blad-


of rheumatic trouble J1 bottle twomonths treatment Sold by druggists-or by mall Send for testimonials DrE W Hall 2926 Olive Street StLouis Mo


In and Around the Mississippi Town-

of Blue Mountain

Jackson Miss July 10Whatever-else may be lacking at Blue Mountain-It is the champion Sunday school townthus far heard from according to thereport of Rev W Fred Long statesecretary of the Mississippi SundaySchool Association who has just re ¬

turned from thereAccording to a census of Blue

Mountain taken a few weeks agolthere was a total population of 902

of which 860 are merhbers of the Sun-day


school On the day following thegathering bf these figures there was a i

circus in Blue Mountain which hadan attendance of 43 Thus it wiH beseen that In addition to the 42 sin-


there was one democratic sorfoffellow who attended both Sundayschool and circus


Many Ocala Readers Have Heard Itand Profited Thereby

Good news travels fast and thethousands of bad back sufferers inOcala are glad to learn that prompt re ¬

lief Is within their reach Many alame weak and aching back Is bad nomore thanks to Doans Kidney PillsPeople from every state in the Union-are telling the good news of their ex ¬

perience with the Old Quaker Remdy Here Is an example worth readIngMrs E M Edwards living on CallSt Starke Fla says I never used-a remedy that proved of such greatbenefit to me as Doans Kidney Pills-I suffered constantly from backache-and dull pains through my loinssome days my oacK trouoieu me soseverely that I could scarcely getjaroun I was unable to rest well atnight and in the morning my backwas so lame and stiff that it wasdifficult for me to put on my cloth-ing


My kidneys wero also weak andgreatly added to my misery I finallylearned of Doans Kidney Pills andprocured them I had only used threeboxes when I was cured and I amnow feeling a great deal better thanbefore in years I give Doans Kid ¬ney Pills entire credit for 44e change-In my condition

Plenty more proof like this fromOcala peoe Call at Tydings Cosdrug store and ask what their custo-mers


reportFor sale by all dealers Price 50

cents FosterMIlburn Co BuffaloNew Lork solo agents for the UnitedStates

Remember the nameDoansandt-ake no other

LOW BATESvia the


1825Knoxville Tenn and return-S S June 20 21 22 26 27 July 310 11 21 Limit 15 days Exten ¬

sion Sept 30 Stopovers1240 Athens Ga and return U ofGJune 26 27 2R July 3 5 10 17Limit 15 days Stopovers

1870 Monteagle and Sewanee Tennand return M W At M F July 110 17 23 24 30 August 1J i4 LimitSept 5-

179tBIack Mountain N C and re-turn


Chautauqua July 12 19 2631 August 2 9 16 21 25 LimitSept 6

10465San Francisco Cal and re ¬

turn One way via Portland July1 to Sept 30 Inclusive Limit Oct31 Stopovers

9540Seattle Portland TacomaVancouver Victoria Everett NewWestminster and Bellingham and re¬

turn Yukon Exposition July 1 toSept 30 inclusive Limit Oct 21StopoversAbove Rate Open to the Public



IPeroxide Cream for the complexion-

at the Court Pharmacy


Prohibition has Caused a Revival of

Illicit Distilling All Over North


Atlanta July 15The moonshinebusiness Is on a boom according torevenue officers making their head ¬

quarters here The report for this dis-


for the year ended June 30th willshow the seizure of something like1600 illicit distilleries or more thantwice the number during the previous

yearMore moonshine whisky has beenseized they state than in any twoyears since the war There is scarcelya wen concealed spot in North Geor-


but hides its moonshine still theysay and although they have brokenup a thousand of them during the yearthere is probably a thousand morenow just as busily at work

The price of moonshine liquor hasgone up so great is the demand for Itsince prohibition became effectiveWhere it used to sell for a dollar agallon it now brings a dollar a quartand the consumers dont like the trustprices Consequently it has becomeconsiderably easier for the revenue of¬

ficers to secure evidence against theillicit operators The result Is theyhave their hands full

A splendidly rigged up illicit stillwas seized the other day right in At-

lanta city limits Peach brandy hasbegun to run and most of the revenueofficers are off now on another chase

A Most Valuable AgentThe glycerine employed Dr Pierces

medicines greatly enhances the medicinalproperties which it extracts from nativembdlciniil roots and holds In solutionmuch better than alcohol would It alsopossesses medicinal properties of Its ownbeing a valuable demulcent nutritiveantiseptic and antiferment It addsgreatly to the efficacy of the Black Cherrybark Bloodroot Golden Seal root Stoneroot and Queens root contained inGolden Medical Discovery in subduing

chronic or lingering coughs bronchialthroat and lung affections for all of whichthfcso agents are recommended by stand-ard medical authorities-

In alt cases where there Is a wastingaway of flesh loss of appetite with weak

tomatfh as In the early stages of cons

lum I n there can bo no doubt that gly¬

cerineacts as a valuable nutritive andaids Mio G Iden Seal root Stone rootQueefcs root and Black Cherrybark lapromoting fligestion and building up theflesh an s controlling the coughand brintfig about a healthy conditionof w system Of course It mustnot be e miracles It willnot euro consumption except In its earlierstages t win cur wry c rnlitInote hangon eoughs brqnehlal-an aTjrngoat troiitffs ano gjirQnTe soretpruai withThnarscness in acute coug-I is not so euectiver iris In the llngermghangon coughs or those of longstandingeven when accompanied by bleeding fromlungs that it has performed Its mostmarvelous cures

Prof Finley Elllngwood M D of Ben-nett Med C Chicago says of gly-cerine


In dysDeDslaltEerTManexcellentpnrposea

hydrogen In solution it Is oue of the bestmanufactured products the present time IBIts action upon enfeebled disordered stom ¬

achs esocclally if there Is ulceration or ca-tarrhal gsstrltls catarrhal inflammation ofstomach It Is a most efficient preparationGlycerine will relieve many cases of pyroslaheartburn and excessive gastric stomachaclcUt

Golden Medical Discovery enriches andpurifies tho blood curtnir blotches pimpleseruptions ncrofulous swellings and old soreor ulcers

Send to Dr R V Pierce of Buffalo N Yfor free booklet telling all about the natlrmedicinal roots composing this wonderfultediciiKX There t no alcohol It




OfficeSecond Floor The MunroeChambliss Bank Building OcalaFlorida

Telephones Office 222 Residence221

Office Hours9 to 12 a ms 2 to-p

4m 730 to 830 p m



ysician and SurgeonG-

eneral Practice Calls Made PromptlyNight or Day

Special Attention to Obstetrics Di ¬

seases of Women and ChildrenS

Office Rooms 322 Holder BuildingSecond Floor Phones Office Xo 233Residence No 333-








W F MARLOW Proprietor

Rates reasonable All goods press-ed and cleaned on short notice anddelivered promptly All transientwork not called for in 30 days willbe sold for charges


I FRESH FISH-I receive daily snipments of choice

fresh and salt water fish of the bestvarieties I handle nothing but fishand handle them right

WM TUCKERPhone 219 City Market



The Octopus Trust Has Begun theManufacture of Butter from

PetroleumAlton Ill July 15The first roll of

petroleum butter the Standard Oilslatest product of benevolent assimila ¬

tion Is to be turned out at the WoodRiver refinery near Alton Prepara ¬

tions are being made to manufacture-the product here and the machinery-that will do to the vllch cow what theautomobile did to the horse has beenshipped-

The announcement that the Stand ¬

ard was going Into the neardairybusiness was made by the corporationlast Friday on John D Rockefellersseventieth birthday the process forturning petroleum Into the stuff thatmade bread famous having been com-pleted


after several years trialThe new product will be known as

petrol butter It is said to be of thesame consistency of lacteal butter butbrown In color It lasts a great deallonger than real butter It Is said anddoes not become rancid


often receive severe Durns putting outfires then use Bucklens Arnica Salveand forget them It soon drives outpain For burns scalds wounds cutsand bruises Its earths greatest healerQuickly cures skin eruptions old soresboils ulcers felons best pile curemade Relief Is instant 25c at alldruggists


A Fortune Awaits a Missing FloridaBoy

Atlanta July 15Wheres JackManning

This Is a question being asked inAtlanta Florida and Texas For thisyoung man who eleven years agocame to Atlanta a penniless and help ¬

less orphan boy accompaning an 111

and feebled mother has fallen heir toa fortune In Lufkin Texas

All efforts to locate Jack have fail-ed


and his relatives in a final desper-ate


try have written Mayor Maddoxsoliciting his aid The following lette rfrom the young mans stepgrand ¬

mother tells the storyKynesville Fla July 12 1909

City Mayor About ten or twelveyears ago one Mrs Carrie Bell Man ¬

ning the widow of Dr J R Manningthen reduced in circumstances healthwrecked left here with her little sonJack to try treatment in a hospital InAtlanta

After a time we could hear noth-Ing from Mrs Manning or Jack Iipresume sho died

Ive been wrlten to to give thewhereabouts of Jack as there Is con ¬

siderable property at and near LufkinTex for Jock which he will inheritfrom his grandfathers the old DrMannings estate-

I trust that you will in kindness tothe orphan boy if he is where you canfind him tell him Let me hear fromyou Thisjs from Jacks stepgrand ¬

mother Nannie E Reynolds-

A GOLDEN WEDDING-means that man ana wire have livedto a good old age and consequentlyhave kept healthy The best way tokeep healthy is to see that your liverdoes its duty 365 days out of 365 Theonly way to do this is to keep Batlards Heroine in the house and take-it whenever your liver gets Inactive50 cents per bottle Sold by all drug ¬



Nicholas Brown Tias woven a wirefence around the lots of Wm C Doolittle Judge Hopkins O M Gale andSands Haviland

The death of Beckman Thomaswhich came so sudden he havingbeen on the streets the day before hisdeath was quite a shock to our com-munity


He was of a good disposition-and had many friends

Boston Fullwood a negro employed-at McGehee Mayos still was ar-rested on the 10th charged with hav ¬

ing on the 9th committed a criminalI assault on Fannie Slyke a marriednegro woman He was tried in theJustices court and bound over to thegrand Jury

Mrs C A Sillier and her daugh-ters


Grace and Ethel have returned-to Eustis Fla

Miss Ida Toney and Miss HattieJackson of Lake City are visiting-Mrs W F Ritter

W F Ritte our section masterhas very much Improved his section-of track The other section masterswill have to work hard to beat him

Many of our planters are taking-the opportunity to set out sweet po ¬

tato vines during the hot weatherReports from the itorth state the

hot spell which caused so much suf-fering


and many deaths has passedand they have been compelled to keepfires going to keep warm

ExMayor Millsom and Rev TrueWhittier are experimenting with rais-ing


mushrooms Mr Millsom is apractical gardener and will succeed ifany one can-

Justices court was opened at thetown hall on the 13th The cases ofJ F Hampton vs John Woodruff and-F M Spicer were to be tried Whenthe parties met they effected a set-


without going to trial ColSpencer appeared as attorney forWoodruff and Spicer

The county is liable to have a billto pay for injury to persons or dam ¬

age to teams unless they at once re¬

pair the bad washout In the countyroad west of the Stuckman place Ithas been in a bad condition for some ¬

time The tile is broken and dirtwashed out

Mrs Charles A Tremere herdaughters Eleanor and Minnie re-


home on the 14th from Geor-gia


where they have teen visitingrelatives and friends

Walter Nelson and John Hart both-of Tampa Fla are visiting Mr J JNelson


A western judge granted a divorceon account of Illtemper and badbreath Dr Kings New Life Pillswould have prevented it They cureconstipation causing bad breath andliver trouble the Illtemper dispelcolds banish headaches conquerchills 25c at all druggists


t ii 2-

MrE 71IT A BAr4Ec PDm J7



1 Jf

There are many ways in which >it serree ilMf v ppublic but the one now most valuAble per-haps

< ir tjis to help with loans We wfflteet the r > 1

needs of conservative borrowers 5 iZ i

i0 I

The Munroe Chambliss BankINCORPORATED > jj

I TT Mnnroe Pros Z C Chambliss V Fres A L Oedi-s

0 9-

f 4

t 1


t 1i-Ah J

OF MdVEl IaeILT Hv3a




r FURN tafmi UftE 2 f1



AND fit





only House ii Ceitral RtrUa tut tlddJ iFamishes the Home Carries alaD Ties the Latestart 1

Best in Farattare Meefiai ap i will fte lilies aid JwtWhat the People Wait j2

Also carries a Complete I4e1Ru14ersaJSbdH-I


Hardware Carriages Waoas liffks laraess S4ik Ek T

ILook over our Stock aai Idr prices before jI

make your purchases v You KespfctfaiyI fMclVERO-

calaI AI JII

> l


T f 1

Florida > 1

FOR HEALTH AND PLEASimfe ibThe Beautiful

Haywood White Supftrprllgs HotelLand of the Sky WAYNES VILLE N C AItituO285OFst-On the Southern Railway one nour from Asheville Capacity gut

No consumptives Hot and Cold Sulphur Baths Music Bowling and TennisSpecial attention to mountain parties Special party andtamilyratesForinformation address G C ROGAN Manager Formerly manager of Kenllworth Inn Asheville



Leading Commercial Hotel Rates SZ Perky aklllrfllrlli-I

4 I 0I






j Bottled IB Bond

lOne Quart 100

d FourQuarts85OIOTT-LED IN BOND j-

r e Delivered 375

This is a choice JEigh Grade

Private Stock lye ffiiikey

and we Fal CMTMfce it to1 be as good as any bottled In-


bond whiskey on the marketthat JB laId for 150 A quart


Ir Balla4sL

Snow LinimentPo-



cLuuEe1Cures it

Rheumatism Neuralgia LaineTg Back OU Soei Woiflds

el1 Sprains Bnmec etc

r Give it a Triad awl bc C Mm ceeLri l of Three Szo Price 25 S0c < mid 1OO i-

J1 I-


3 g



S Sold ndRc6nllnnded jALL DRJGGlfctt

