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Oracle ® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6 Investigator Site User Guide If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support Toll free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com Version 1.2 10-June-2017 Page 1 of 50 PPD Proprietary Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. OC RDC 4.6 I I n n v v e e s s t t i i g g a a t t o o r r S S i i t t e e User Guide

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Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

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OC RDC 4.6

IInnvveessttiiggaattoorr SSiittee User Guide

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

Toll free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com

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ACCESSING OC RDC.......................................................................................... 4 Steps for Obtaining Access ............................................................................... 4 Logging On....................................................................................................... . 5 Password Changes ........................................................................................... 6 Computer System and Security......................................................................... 6

NAVIGATING OC RDC......................................................................................... 7 Study and Site ................................................................................................... 7 Selecting and Opening a Casebook Spreadsheet............................................. 9 Icons for eCRFs .............................................................................................. 11 Selecting and Opening an eCRF..................................................................... 12 Page Level Access .......................................................................................... 12 Opening Multiple eCRFs ................................................................................. 13 OC RDC Tools ................................................................................................ 14

Navigation Buttons....................................................................................... 14 Toolbar Icons ............................................................................................... 15 Right-Click Functionality .............................................................................. 15

Flexible Study Designs .................................................................................... 16 Visit Handling in Flexible Study Designs...................................................... 16 CRF Handling in Flexible Study Designs ..................................................... 17 Example of Flexible Study Design ............................................................... 18

DATA ENTRY IN OC RDC ................................................................................. 19 Data Capture Fields ........................................................................................ 19 In-Page Branching........................................................................................... 20 Data Capture Tips ........................................................................................... 21 Modifying Saved Data ..................................................................................... 22 Marking an eCRF as Blank ............................................................................. 22 Unmarking an eCRF as Blank ......................................................................... 24 Inserting Additional Visits ................................................................................ 24 Deleting an eCRF ............................................................................................ 26 Investigator Comments ................................................................................... 27

DISCREPANCY MANAGEMENT ....................................................................... 28 System Generated Discrepancies ................................................................... 28 Discrepancy Colors ......................................................................................... 29 Validation Error Window .................................................................................. 30 Discrepancy Resolution During Data Entry ..................................................... 30 Discrepancy Resolution After Data Entry ........................................................ 32 Viewing Discrepancy Details ........................................................................... 32 Resolving Discrepancies ................................................................................. 33 Routing Discrepancies .................................................................................... 34 Viewing Discrepancy History ........................................................................... 36

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

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OC RDC FEATURES.......................................................................................... 38 Viewing Investigator Comments ...................................................................... 38 Viewing Audit History ...................................................................................... 39 CRF Search Criteria ........................................................................................ 40 Accessing Special Listings .............................................................................. 42 Patient Validation ............................................................................................ 43

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR APPROVAL PROCESS....................................... 45 LOGGING OUT OF OC RDC ............................................................................. 48 OC RDC TRAINING SUPPORT ......................................................................... 49

Training Options & Access Requests .............................................................. 49 Training Materials ............................................................................................ 49

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

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Steps for Obtaining Access

In order to gain access to Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture 4.6 for this clinical trial, you must complete the following:

1. Perform Oracle Clinical Remote Data Capture (OC RDC) system training. 2. Complete and submit an online Training Completion Form. 3. Complete and submit an online RDC Account Request Form. 4. File your copy of the Training Completion form in your Study Binder.

You will receive your login information, via e-mail within 5 business days. If you do not receive your access information within 5 business days, please contact the EDC Support Center.

For detailed instructions refer to the OC RDC 4.6 Online Training for Sites, Sponsors and External CRAs/Clinical Monitors document on the EDC Website in the User Reference Materials link.


• PPD OC RDC 4.6 Training is only required to be performed once, regardless of the number of PPD OC RDC 4.6 studies you participate in.

• A PPD RDC Account Access Request Form must be completed for each

study you require access to.

• If you will be participating in User Acceptance Testing (UAT) for your study, you must complete training and submit all required forms prior to test access being granted.

• Add your study URL to your Internet Explorer Favorites folder list for rapid

access to your study website.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

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Click Login button to access

the Logon window

Logging On

You will receive your user name and study URL, via email. Your password will be the one that you submitted in your Account Access Request Form. If you forget your password call the EDC Support Center.

• Navigate to the correct URL for your study.

• Click the Login button on the edc.ppdi.com/46 website specific to your study

• Enter the OC RDC Username and Password. o Text is not case sensitive. o Passwords will expire ever 90 days. o Passwords can not be reused. o The user is allowed three log on attempts after which the account will lock

- call the EDC Support Center to unlock the account. o DO NOT share your login information with anyone.

• Click the Login button.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

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Password Changes

There are instances in which users are required to change their password:

• Upon initial log in

• Every 90 days

• As needed if users feel someone knows their password

To change your password:

• Click the Change Password link at the top any page.

• Enter your Old Password.

• Enter your New Password.

• Re-enter the New Password for confirmation.

• Click on the Apply button.

Computer System and Security

Security is an important issue when working with a remote data capture (RDC) system. To limit unauthorized access, security features have been incorporated in the OC RDC system. Users should log off of the OC RDC if they need to step away from the computer.

If the computer is inactive (no keyboard or mouse activity) for a specified amount of time, the system automatically times out. Users will lose any unsaved work and they will need to log back into the system to continue working. The following message box displays:

The window will have to be closed to log in again.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

Toll free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com

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Study and Site

The RDC Home tab displays after users have logged into OC RDC HTML, and will be the starting point for all activities.

The RDC Home Tab is used to select the patient(s) and data that you wish to view on the RDC main spreadsheet. The Home tab can be accessed at any time during the OC RDC HTML session.

The RDC Home Tab will display with a default Study and Site Patient Selection List. Other studies and/or sites can be accessed from the drop-down list(s).

Summary information can be viewed by clicking on the Study and Site Summary link on the upper right-side of the Home Tab.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

Toll free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com

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Patient summary information can be viewed by clicking on any given patient icon.

Also note that the icons have color coding, which indicate the presence or absence of discrepancies (data errors):

• Red indicates a discrepancy actionable to the person or user group logged into the system.

• Yellow indicates a discrepancy actionable to someone within a different user group (i.e. CRA, DM or PVG).

• White indicates there are no discrepancies on the patient data.

• A grey question mark indicates a patient number without data.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

Toll free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com

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Selecting and Opening a Casebook Spreadsheet

• Navigate to the Patient Search area.

• Use the + sign to expand the Patient Search section.

• Enter your assigned subject number in the first Range field, or use the Magnifying glass icon to select a patient number from the List of Values available.

• Click the Go button.

• Place a checkmark in the box to the left of the desired patient number.

• Click the Go button.

NOTE: Patients can also be selected directly from the Patient list area for the study site, as illustrated bellow. Using the Next 50 drop-down list or hyperlink is another way to display a different set of patient numbers:

• Place a checkmark in the box to the left of the desired patient number.

• Click the Go button.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

Toll free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com

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The Casebook Spreadsheet for the selected patient will display, once the Go button is clicked.

The Casebook Spreadsheet is the only page where you can initiate data entry for an electronic eCRF.

The eCRF icons appear on the Casebook Spreadsheet. The eCRF is opened by clicking on its associated icon.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

Toll free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com

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Icons for eCRFs

Icon Description Icon Description

Blank CRF

The eCRF has been marked as blank.

Other Discrepancy

The eCRF has at least one open discrepancy that requires another users’ attention.



No data has been entered yet.


The eCRF has been source verified by the CRA.


Header information present but no response data has been entered.

Requires Re-


The data on the page has been changed since CRA verification.



All required eCRF header and Section header information is complete and at least one question area response field is completed.


The eCRF has been approved by the Investigator.

Batch Loaded

The data has been entered electronically via batch data load into the database by data management. (i.e. Central Lab, ECG) In some instances, batch loaded data may not be visible.



Data on the page has been changed since Investigator approval.



The eCRF has at least one open discrepancy that requires the current users’ attention.


All eCRF data has been collected and verified. A locked eCRF may be viewed in a read-only mode and its data cannot be updated. The locking task is typically performed by a data manager.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

Toll free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com

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Selecting and Opening an eCRF

• Click the Visit drop-down list.

• Select the desired visit from the list.

• Click on the desired eCRF icon to open the page.

• Maximize the eCRF window.

NOTE: The patient drop-down list in the Set Visit Focus area of the Casebook Spreadsheet is present for all studies, but only enabled for flexible study designs (see later section).

Page Level Access

The ability to enter data onto an eCRF is restricted by user role. For an individual eCRF you will have one of following 3 options:

1. You may be able to enter / update data.

2. The eCRF page may be hidden from you entirely.

3. You may be able view data entered by a different user in Read-Only mode (a Browse Mode watermark indicates that you do not have entry / update access):

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

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NOTE: If you attempt to browse when no data has been entered, you will encounter the following error message:

Opening Multiple eCRFs

There may be times when you would like to enter or compare data on multiple eCRFs. OC RDC allows you to open a maximum of three eCRFs at once to do data comparison. An example could include cross-checking dates on an Adverse Events page and a Concomitant Medications page. You can compare data on eCRFs across one visit for multiple patients, as well as across multiple visits for one patient.

To open up to 3 pages simultaneously in OC RDC:

• From the Casebook tab or the Review tab, click on the first desired eCRF icon to be opened. The eCRF is displayed.

• Click on the Minimize button, to uncover the Casebook or Review Tab.

• From the Casebook tab or the Review tab, click on the second desired eCRF icon to be opened.

• Click on the Minimize button, to uncover the Casebook or Review Tab.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

Toll free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com

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• From the Casebook tab or the Review tab, click on the third desired eCRF icon to be opened.

• With all three desired eCRFs open, you can then alternate move and/or resizing the eCRF windows to view and compare the data.

NOTE: If you attempt to open a fourth eCRF page, the system will return an error/alert message window to inform that the maximum amount of data entry windows is open.

OC RDC Tools

Once the eCRF window is open a number of icons, links, and navigation buttons are available.

Navigation Buttons

• To navigate through an eCRF that contains multiple pages, Navigation tools appear at the bottom of the eCRF.

• The navigation tool that appears at the top right corner of the eCRF is a toggle button for moving to the Previous CRF or the Next CRF.

• The TAB key moves the curser form field to field on the eCRF page.

• Clicking in a data field using the mouse moves the cursor to the selected data field

• Use the scroll bars to navigate through and view the eCRF fields.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

Toll free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com

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Toolbar Icons

Toolbar icons are used as described below: Toolbar Icons



Add Discrepancy Allows users to create new discrepancies or edit existing ones.

Investigator Comment

Allows site users to add comments to data fields.

Delete Row Allows site users to delete rows of data.

Blank Flag Tool Allows site users to mark the entire eCRF or one or more individual sections blank.

Verification (History)

Allows CRAs to mark a eCRFs as verified and users to view verification history.

Approval (History) Allows investigators or designee to electronically approve eCRFs and users to view approval history.

Delete CRF

Allows site users to delete eCRFs.


Allows users to print eCRF.

Save (Alt+S)

Allows users to save their work.

Right-Click Functionality

Right-click functionality is available when working in an eCRF. The pop-up menu that displays provides some of the same options as the Toolbar icons. On an open eCRF:

• Right-click on a data field to display the list.

• Select the desired option from the list and proceed with the action selected.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

Toll free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com

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Flexible Study Designs


The visit(s) and assessment(s) that a patient is expected to complete sometimes vary for different patients within the same trial. For example, patients in different cohorts or treatment arms may follow different visit schedules, or Oncology patients assessed as having a rapidly progressing disease state may be dosed more frequently.

The OC RDC flexible study design feature supports efficient navigation and data entry within such complex trial designs. Selected visits and/or CRFs are enabled by rules defined in the background based on the response to a specific ‘trigger’ question.

If a visit or CRF is not enabled, it may indicate that the trigger question has not been answered, or that the response does not meet the appropriate criteria. The user is notified during the save procedure when a data change has an impact on the expected CRFs for a patient:

Visit Handling in Flexible Study Designs

The response to a specific question may trigger a visit, or a group of related visits (known as an interval) to be enabled. In studies where intervals have been defined, the interval name may be displayed as a prefix to the visit name (this is an OC RDC option):

The visits that a patient is expected to perform can be identified using the Set Visit Focus filters in the Casebook Spreadsheet. When a specific patient is selected from the Patient: drop-down list, only the casebook(s) and/or visit(s) currently expected for that patient can be selected from the subsequent drop- down lists:

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

Toll free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com

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NOTE: The patient drop-down list in the Set Visit Focus area is present for all studies, but only enabled for flexible study designs.

CRF Handling in Flexible Study Designs

The response to a specific question may trigger an eCRF to be enabled at one visit, or at all visits in which that eCRF appears.

Within an expected visit, a dash (-) indicates that an eCRF is not currently expected for the patient in question:

If an eCRF is completed and then subsequently the data changes such that the eCRF is no longer expected, the data on that eCRF will remain. A small N will be displayed to the bottom right of the eCRF icon as an indication that the entered data is no longer expected:

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

Toll free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com

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Example of Flexible Study Design

In the trial illustrated below, a number of the patients will participate in a sub- study. These patients will have a PK sample drawn at each clinic visit, as well as at 4 additional interim visits. The Sub-Study eCRF at Visit 1 indicates whether the patient will be participating in the sub-study – observe the differences in the visit drop-down list and the PK eCRF shown in the screenshots below:

Non-Substudy Patient

Substudy Patient

NOTE: This functionality only applies to the user interface – the Patient Data and Blank Casebook reports will display CRFs and/or Visits regardless of whether they are enabled (exception: if the CRF is hidden to the user who executes the report then it will not be included).

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

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Data Capture Fields

There are different types of data entry fields. Some data entry fields contain a List of Values (LOV), which allows users to select a response from a pre-defined list. Other fields require users to click a checkbox or radio button.

1. Fields with List of Values When users tab or click into a field, and a magnifying glass icon appears to the right of the data entry field a List of Values (LOV) is available.

• Click on the magnifying glass to display the LOV.

• Select a value from the list.

• Click the OK button to populate the data entry field.

2. Checkbox or Radio Button

• Use the Tab key to navigate to the checkbox or radio button.

• Use the Mouse Cursor to select the desired response and double click to select, or click on the desired response and click OK.

3. Free Text Fields If a field does not contain a LOV, text can be keyed into the field, and is automatically converted to uppercase.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

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In-Page Branching

Some eCRF sections are only made available for entry in selected scenarios. The questions in such sections are either hidden from view or shaded gray until they are enabled. For example, a childbearing potential assessment is only displayed when the patient is identified as female:

If the section is disabled again (i.e. in the above example, the sex is amended back to male), the section is re-hidden or grayed out and any data entered is removed.

NOTE: Gray shading is also used when a page or section of a page is marked as blank (see later section). If the section is marked blank only the relevant data fields will be shaded. If the page is grayed out as a result of conditional branching, the entire eCRF section is shaded.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

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Data Capture Tips

The following data capture tips can assist with a data entry session:

• If partial or unknown dates are allowed in the eCRF, use the List of Values (LOV) to select the appropriate response.

• Use the LOV when available to prevent data entry errors.

• Use the Tab key to move from field to field or use the Mouse Cursor to click in a field.

• Call the EDC Support Center for any technical difficulties. Worldwide toll-free numbers can be found at https://support.ppdi.com .

Data entry in OC RDC is performed on an open eCRF. Prior to beginning data capture, refer to your study specific eCRF completion guidelines.

Begin data entry on an open eCRF as discussed below:

• Begin entering data on the eCRF selected.

• Click the Save icon.

• Click the red X to close the window or navigate to the Previous CRF or Next CRF in this visit using the buttons in the upper right of the window.

Once all data has been entered, the eCRF will be saved as complete. This means that certain edit checks will fire upon the Save, and a change reason will need to be provided, if data is modified. Users are not prompted to provide a change reason if data is being entered on a field that previously had no data (null value).

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

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Modifying Saved Data

There may be times when data needs to be added or modified after the eCRF has been saved as complete. The system automatically prompts users to provide a change reason through the use of the Reason for Change window when modifications occur on a completed eCRF.

To modify saved data:

• Open the desired eCRF.

• Navigate to the field requiring modification

• Modify the value in the field. If modifying the value in a checkbox, the Reason for Change window displays as soon as the user clicks in the field.

• Press the Tab key – Reason for Change window appears.

• Click the drop down arrow in the Reason field.

• Select a reason for change from the list – in most cases, users should select Data Entry Error.

• Add an optional comment, if desired.

• Click the OK button to display the eCRF.

• Click the Save icon.

• Click the red X to close the window or navigate to the Previous CRF or Next CRF in this visit using the buttons in the upper right of the window.

Marking an eCRF as Blank

If an entire eCRF or section within the eCRF will not be completed for a particular patient, or if a patient misses a protocol defined visit, the eCRF or section should be marked as blank.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

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Marking an eCRF as blank alerts the study team that the eCRF (or section) has not been inadvertently left blank. If an entire eCRF or section is marked as blank, users are not able to Tab to or use the mouse cursor to click in any data entry fields, as they will be grayed out.

NOTE: When an eCRF section is marked as blank, only the relevant data fields are shaded gray. This is in contrast to an eCRF section grayed out as a result of conditional branching where the entire eCRF section is shaded.

Refer to the Study Specific eCRF Completion Guidelines for instructions on when it may be appropriate to mark an entire eCRF or section as blank.

Users are also able to mark an eCRF that contains data as blank. All previously entered data on that eCRF page will be deleted.

• Open the eCRF which will be marked as blank; the eCRF displays.

• Click the Blank Flag Processing tool . The CRF Blank Section(s) Processing Window displays.

• Click the applicable check boxes to Mark an entire eCRF or Mark an eCRF

section as blank.

• Click the OK button - the Reason for Change window displays if an eCRF that had been saved as Complete is being marked as blank.

• If applicable, click the drop down arrow and select a Reason for Change.

• If applicable, click the OK button to close the Reason for Change Window.

• Click the Save icon.

• Click the red X to close the window or navigate to the Previous CRF or Next CRF in this visit using the buttons in the upper right of the window.

NOTE: The OC RDC system will automatically mark any section as blank, for entire sections that are saved without data, within an eCRF. An entire page can also be saved as blank by using the Check if Entire Page Blank box, on the eCRF page itself.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

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Unmarking an eCRF as Blank

The eCRF or sections marked as blank can be unmarked as blank to allow data to be entered on the eCRF. This is helpful if an eCRF or an eCRF section was marked blank in error, or if a patient did show up for the scheduled visit.

To unmark an eCRF as blank:

• Open the eCRF that has been marked as blank.

• Click the Blank Flag Processing icon . The CRF Blank Section(s) Processing Window displays.

• Un-check the boxes to Mark an entire eCRF or Mark an eCRF section as

blank. • Click the OK button - the Reason for Change window displays.

• Click the drop down arrow and select a Reason for Change.

• Click the OK button to close the Reason for Change Window.

• Click the Save icon.

• Click the red X to close the window or navigate to the Previous CRF or Next CRF in this visit using the buttons in the upper right of the window.

Inserting Additional Visits

Site users may need to manually add a visit page if they have completed data entry on an eCRF page, but still have more data to enter (i.e. Adverse Events, Medical History, ConMeds, etc.). The Study Team should advise when to insert additional visit pages based on the study protocol.

You can add a new visit page to a visit from the Casebook Spreadsheet using the Add Visit Page button. Ensure that the new visit page is being added to the correct visit. Not all pages will be available for adding to the visit. Contact your study team regarding visits that are available for adding a visit page.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

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To add a visit page: • Select a visit from the Visit dropdown list.

• Place a check mark in the box to the left of the desired patient icon in the Casebook Spreadsheet.

• Click the Add Visit Page button.

• The Add Visit Page dialog box opens, listing all the available CRFs for the current visit

• Select the appropriate eCRF by clicking on the radio button.

• Click Continue to proceed to the next dialog.

• Leave the default sub-visit number.

• Click Apply to add the new page to the current visit.

• The Casebook Spreadsheet will display an empty CRF icon in the designated patient row and CRF column. Notice that a new CRF column may have been inserted labeled with both the CRF name and the sub-visit number.

• Click the new CRF icon to open the eCRF, for data entry.

Oracle® Clinical Remote Data Capture v4.6

Investigator Site User Guide

If you experience any problems with OC RDC, contact the PPD Clinical Systems Support

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Deleting an eCRF

The Delete CRF function allows users to delete saved data from an eCRF. This is useful if data was entered for the wrong patient, if the incorrect eCRF was selected and completed, or if a new visit page was added to the incorrect visit. Any discrepancies and investigator comments will also be deleted along with the data. When deleting data that has been saved, the system prompts users for a deletion reason.

• From the OC RDC Casebook Spreadsheet, click the eCRF icon for the eCRF you wish to delete.

• Click the Delete CRF icon. The Delete CRF window displays.

• Select the appropriate Change Reason and enter a Change Comment if needed.

• Click the Delete button.

• Click the OK button, on the Delete CRF Confirmation window.

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Investigator Comments

The Investigator Comment tool is used by the investigator site to add clinically pertinent details to a data field. The comment function is not a communication tool and in no way replaces the normal channels of communication such as e- mails, phone calls or site visits. Consult your CRA for guidelines outlining the criteria for adding investigator comments.

Adding an Investigator Comment to a data field is useful in explaining why a certain piece of data was entered. This could assist in minimizing the number of manual discrepancies that are created.

Comments should not be added if the issue was already captured in a discrepancy or if a data field can be used to capture the information. Any field containing an Investigator Comment appears in magenta (purple/pink).

• From an open eCRF, navigate to and click on the desired field

• Click the Investigator Comment tool.

• If the field already has an investigator comment, the dialog displays the

current comment for review or update. Otherwise, the dialog allows you to add an investigator comment.

• Enter comment in the Add Investigator Comment window.

• Select an appropriate change reason.

• Click OK.

• The field will be highlighted in magenta.

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DISCREPANCY MANAGEMENT A discrepancy within OC RDC is defined as “Data that falls outside of an expected range of values or is otherwise 'flagged' during the edit check process”. OC RDC automatically raises a discrepancy to alert users to a possible problem with a response value, or a group of response values. The sponsor builds edit checks into the study database that are executed at various points in the data entry process. A discrepancy can be created automatically by the system or manually by a user with appropriate privileges. Also, discrepancies may be created on a single data field or on a section within an eCRF.

System Generated Discrepancies

A system generated discrepancy alerts the user that there may be a problem with data that has been captured or is missing from a data field. OC RDC executes some edit checks upon data entry for you to address immediately or route to your CRA. These are known as univariate or simple discrepancies. Other edit checks are executed when a eCRF is saved or after validation of the data occurs. These are know as multivariate or complex discrepancies.

Examples why system generated discrepancies may appear: • If data captured in a data field is not in the correct format or is not part of the

acceptable list of values (LOV) for that data field. Examples include incorrect date format, missing data, lab values out of range, etc. These discrepancies will appear as soon as the user tabs off of the field containing incorrect data

• Where data comparisons are made against multiple data fields, such as selecting ‘Other’, but not providing a ‘Specify’. Discrepancies will appear as soon as the page has been saved.

• If there is inconsistent or inaccurate data across multiple data pages, such as cross checking information on the adverse event page against the medication page. Discrepancies will not appear until after a validation process is run either during the nightly automatic validation or by a manual validation by the user.

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Discrepancy Colors

There is a color scheme associated with the eCRF icons on the OC RDC Casebook Spreadsheet and with the data fields on an open eCRF when a discrepancy is present. The color scheme indicates the status of the discrepancy and who the discrepancy is actionable to.

If a discrepancy has been created on a section within an eCRF, the discrepancy color displays as a colored bar to the left of the data fields associated with the discrepancy.

• A red icon on the OC RDC Casebook Spreadsheet and a red field or bar on

the eCRF indicates the discrepancy requires action by the person logged in or someone else who shares the same role.

• A yellow icon on the OC RDC Casebook Spreadsheet and a yellow eCRF field or bar indicates that the discrepancy is actionable to someone outside of your role.

• A white icon on the OC RDC Casebook Spreadsheet and green field or bar indicates the discrepancy is closed.

Actionable discrepancy

Closed discrepancy

Section discrepancy routed to CRA

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Validation Error Window

The Validation Error window displays for discrepancies during initial data capture and during subsequent data capture sessions. The Validation Error window is used to view the reason for the discrepancy and to take action. During initial data entry, the Validation Error window displays immediately after a user Tabs off of the data field, or clicks in a checkbox field, if invalid data has been entered.

NOTE: The Validation Error and Reason for Change window will display if you are modifying a value on a saved eCRF and the value is invalid.

1. Reason

2. Error Detail


4. Action Drop-down List

Call-out Definitions: 1. The Reason section will give the user a short version of the discrepancy

reason. 2. The Description gives further detail on the reason for the discrepancy. 3. The Comments section should be used if routing the discrepancy to the CRA

in order to provide as much information as possible to the CRA for resolution. 4. The Action drop-down menu will allow you to send to CRA.

Discrepancy Resolution During Data Entry

Data modifications or changes often accompany discrepancy resolution. Remember to change all necessary data associated with the discrepancy.

When discrepancies occur during the data capture process, a couple of actions can be taken: 1. Correct the data immediately 2. Route the discrepancy to the CRA

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Option 1 - Correct the Data Immediately (RECOMMENDED) When the discrepant data is immediately corrected, the discrepancy automatically closes and there is no history of the discrepancy.

• Review the reason for the discrepancy in the Description section of the Validation Error window.

• Click the Cancel button to close the Validation Error window.

• Retype or re-select the correct value for the data field.

• Press the Tab key to move to the next data field.

• The discrepancy is automatically closed.

Option 2 – Route the Discrepancy to the CRA Users are able to route a discrepancy to their CRA, for guidance or instructions on how to address a discrepancy. • Review the reason for the discrepancy in the Description section of the

Validation Error window. • Type in a comment that explains why the discrepancy is being routed.

• Click the drop-down arrow in the Action field and Select Send to CRA from the list.

• If necessary, select a change reason from the Reason field on the Validation Error and Reason for Change window.

• Click the OK button to close the Validation Error Processing window or the Validation Error and Reason for Change window.

• The eCRF displays and the field containing the routed discrepancy displays in yellow.

• Click the Save icon.

• Click the red X to close the window or navigate to the Previous CRF or Next CRF in this visit using the buttons in the upper right of the window.

• The eCRF icon on the Casebook Spreadsheet will automatically refresh to be displayed as yellow.

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Discrepancy Resolution After Data Entry

Discrepancies created after data entry are the result of saving the eCRF or validating the data, and are addressed through the CRF Navigator. When discrepancies occur after the data capture process, a couple of actions can be taken: 1. Correct the data immediately 2. Route the discrepancy to the CRA

Viewing Discrepancy Details

The CRF Navigator is a window pane on the right side of an eCRF that contains two tabs, one of which is the Discrepancy Tab. The discrepancy tab lists any discrepancies on the open page allowing the site user the option of resolving or routing the discrepancy.

NOTE: You may also find that you are prevented from viewing and/or updating selected discrepancies which are intended for other roles.

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Resolving Discrepancies

When resolving discrepancies, if you are making a change to the data it may be a two part process. One, address the open discrepancy, and two, modify the data in the data field or eCRF section.

• From the OC RDC Casebook Spreadsheet, click a red eCRF icon. The eCRF displays.

• Click the Open CRF Navigator button to the right of the eCRF to open the CRF Navigator Pane.

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• CLICK on the desired Discrepancy in the List to display the Details below.

• GO to data field and enter correct data.

• Press the tab key. The Reason for Change window immediately displays.

• Select the Reason for changing the data.

• Enter appropriate Comment if applicable.

• Click the OK button to close the dialog window.

• Click the Save icon.

• Click the red X to close the window or navigate to the Previous CRF or Next CRF in this visit using the buttons in the upper right of the window.

Routing Discrepancies

When managing discrepancies, the discrepancy may need to be routed to the CRA for further instruction, guidance, and/or closure.

• From the OC RDC Casebook Spreadsheet, click a red eCRF icon. The eCRF displays.

• Click the Open CRF Navigator button to the right of the eCRF to open the CRF Navigator Pane.

• CLICK on the desired Discrepancy in the List to display the Details below.

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• Select Send to CRA from the Action drop down list.

• Click the Go button.

• The Discrepancy Action – Send to CRA dialog window displays.

• Enter a Comment explaining why the discrepancy is being routed.

• Click the OK button. (Field(s) will highlight in Yellow)

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• Click the Save icon.

• Click the red X to close the window or navigate to the Previous CRF or Next CRF in this visit using the buttons in the upper right of the window.

Viewing Discrepancy History

Once a discrepancy is saved to an eCRF, users are able to view the history of the discrepancy in the CRF Navigator.

To view the discrepancy history:

• From the OC RDC Casebook Spreadsheet, click the eCRF icon containing a discrepancy of any status. The eCRF displays.

• Click the CRF Navigator button to the right of the eCRF to expand the CRF Navigator Pane.

• CLICK on the desired Discrepancy in the List, to display the details below.

• Click the History button to display the Discrepancy History window.

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• When finished viewing the history, click the Close button

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Viewing Investigator Comments

When the CRF Navigator - Investigator Comment tab is selected, all data fields which contain an Investigator comment are listed.

To view a comment:

• On an open eCRF, select the Investigator Comment Highlight, from the drop- down list in the top left corner of the eCRF.

• Any field containing a comment appears in magenta (purple-pink).

• Select the investigator comment item from the List or the eCRF.

• Details of the Investigator comment will display in the CRF Navigator pane.

• Additional information can be reviewed by clicking the History button.

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Viewing Audit History

OC RDC automatically keeps a history of any data changes that have occurred for each field after the eCRF has been saved the first time.

The system prompts users to supply a change reason when data is modified on an eCRF that has been saved. The history contains information on who changed the data, the previous value, the date and time the modification occurred and a reason for the change. Any field that has an audit history displays in blue when the Audit History highlight is selected.

To view the history of a data field:

• On an open eCRF, select the Audit History Highlight, from the drop-down list in the top left corner of the eCRF.

• Any field containing a history displays in blue.

• Click the Audit History button at the bottom of the eCRF to expand the Audit History pane.

• In the Audit History pane, information regarding fields with audit history will display.

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• A separate Audit History Details window can be viewed, by clicking on the

Details button.

CRF Search Criteria

Once data capture has begun for the study, users are able to use search criteria to sub-set or filter data for display. The Search feature in helps you locate specific information from different eCRF pages.

On the Casebook and Review tabs, CRF search criteria fall into two sub- categories:

1. CRF Status Criteria Under this category, you select search parameters based on the status of the eCRF. The various eCRF status parameters are: • Entry: Select the entry status of the eCRF to locate. Your options are- All,

Blank, Entry Complete, and Batch Loaded. • Discrepancy: Select the discrepancy status of the eCRF to locate. Your

options are - All, Active, Other, Open (Active & Other), Clean (None or Closed). The Clean option is replaced by Closed on the Review tab.

• Approval: Select the approval status of the eCRF to locate. Your options are- All, Not Approved, Approved, Awaiting re-approval, and Approval Undone.

• Verification: Select the verification status of the eCRF to locate. Your options are- All, Not Verified, Verified, Awaiting re-verification, and Verification Undone.

2. CRF Source Criteria You can select search parameters based on the source of the eCRF. There are three sources from which to locate a eCRF. • Casebook: Select the casebook used at the time of initial data entry into the

eCRF. Your options are All or individual casebooks in the study, sorted alphabetically in the drop-down selection list. This parameter is useful if patients, whose data was entered using an earlier version of the casebook, are reassigned to a new version of the casebook.

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• Visit: Select the number of the visit during which the eCRF data was collected. If a casebook is specified, OC RDC displays only the visits defined for the selected casebook in the drop-down selection list. If the casebook selection is All, OC RDC displays all visits defined for the study.

• CRF Name: Select the name of the eCRF to review from the drop-down list. This parameter is useful in reviewing all eCRFs of a certain type, for example, all Adverse Events forms, or all Concomitant Medications forms.

The Search features allow users to specify the data display in greater detail. This is a useful tool which has the potential of assisting users with their work flow for data capture and discrepancy management.

• Click the Go button to perform the search and retrieve the desired patient data.

• The Casebook or Review tab will update with the desired CRF Search Criteria.

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Accessing Special Listings

Special Listings display data which is split across multiple eCRFs, such as Adverse Events, Concomitant Medications or Medical History, in a user-friendly tabular format that can be easily sorted to locate a specific entry. The associated eCRF can be accessed directly from the listing.

Special Listings can be accessed directly from the Review tab, or by drilling down from the Home tab or Casebooks tab.

From the Review tab:

• Click the Special Listings sub-tab

• In the Search area, type the assigned patient number or use the Magnifying glass to select a patient from the available list

• Select the desired listing from the Listing Type drop-down list:

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NOTE: In the study environment, the word LISTING will be replaced by the name of the coding dictionary utilized. The available listing options may include MedDRA / AE; WhoDRUG / CM; MedDRA / MH and so on.

• Click the Go button to display the listing.

• Click on the headers for the Date, CRF Name, Row or Verbatim Term columns to sort the information in the table. One click sorts in ascending order, a second click reverses to descending order. A small blue arrow next to a column header signifies the current sort filter.

• Click the eCRF icon in the final column to access the eCRF.

From the Home or Casebooks tab:

• Place a checkmark in the box to the left of the desired patient number NOTE: A special listing can only be displayed for one patient at a time.

• Open the Select Patients and... drop-down list

• Select Review desired listing

• Click the Go button to drill down to the Review Special Reports page and display the listing.

Patient Validation

Each database has an automatic validation process to run edit checks on a nightly basis. These edit checks are part of the protocol specific database design and ensure that fields within an eCRF and across multiple eCRFs contain data that corresponds appropriately. If data fields contain data outside of the edit check parameters, a discrepancy will be generated by the system.

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While these nightly edit checks are helpful, there may be instances when a site user would like to confirm that all data fields are correct as entered without waiting for the nightly validation.

The site user is capable of running a manual patient validation.

Patient Validation is a validation on all saved eCRFs in a site. This may include eCRFs that are not part of the current workset. Validating a site allows you to view and manage your discrepancies in real time. If a discrepancy was created by a validation procedure, you must re-validate the data to close/clear the discrepancy.

To validate the eCRFs associated with a site:

• In the Casebook tab, click the check box next to the appropriate patient icon.

• Select Validate from the “Select Patients and…” drop down list.

• Click the Go button.

• Click Continue when the Validate Patients window appears.

• Read the Confirmation dialog window to confirm successful validation.

• Click the Close button.

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PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR APPROVAL PROCESS After all discrepancies have been closed, and all eCRFs have been verified by the CRA, the investigator approval process can proceed. The study team will determine when a casebook is complete and ready for approval. The Principal Investigator and/or their designee are the only site staff who will have this access.

The following steps outline the process for approving eCRFs.

• Click the check box next to the patient icon on the Home tab.

• Leave the default selection of Open Patient Casebooks in the “Select Patients and…” drop down list and Click the Go button.

• Click the check box next to the patient icon on the Casebooks tab.

• Select Approve from the “Select Patients and…” drop down list.

• Click the Go button.

• The Approve CRFs dialog window displays, where you are required to

ENTER your username and password and a comment if applicable. • LEAVE default check marks selected. (in most instances)

• CLICK the Continue button.

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• Click Yes when the Approve CRFs warning dialog window appears.

• Click the Close button on the Confirmation window.

• Approved CRFs will display on the Casebook Spreadsheet with the Approved CRF icon.

Re-Approve or Undo Approval at the eCRF Page Level: If a data change occurs on a page due to data being added/modified, or a

database modification, after Investigator Approval, the re-approval icon will appear, and the eCRF will need to be re-approved.

If an eCRF was approved in error, the Principal Investigator can un-approve the eCRF.

The Investigator would conduct the following steps re-approve or undo approval of a single eCRF.

• Open the eCRF in need of re-approval or un-approval.

• Click the Approve icon.

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• CLICK the Re-Approve or Undo Approval button in the Approve CRF window, add a comment if needed.

• Enter username and password in the CRF Approval Signoff dialog window.

• Click the OK button.

• Click the Close button when the CRF Approval Signoff window appears.

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LOGGING OUT OF OC RDC It is important that any work in an eCRF is saved before attempting to log out. Failure to save work results in the data or changes being lost. Properly logging out ensures that your account session is completely terminated.

To Log out:

• Click the Logout link at the top of the screen.

• Close all open windows.

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Training Options & Access Requests

OC RDC application training is available for all OC RDC users. Application training covers functionality of OC RDC. • OC RDC is an eCRF and not a direct data entry system; source

documentation is required. • All equipment provided to the site should ONLY be used for OC RDC or other

PPD approved applications. • The PPD EDC Support Center is available 24 hours a day, 5 days a week,

with weekend and holiday pager support. Multilingual translators are available.

• The PPD EDC Support Center is for technical questions only. Please contact the CRA for study protocol or eCRF related questions.

• At the end of the study, a CD of all subject data will be provided to the sites - Investigator confirmation and sign-off is required after receipt of the entire site’s study data on the CD. Until the CD is received, sites must continue to have access to PPD and their OC RDC data.

• All training sessions must be documented before access to a study protocol in the OC RDC application is granted.

Training Materials

The following OC RDC training materials are available for all site users:

• On-line training

• Quick Reference Guide

• Investigator Site User Guide

• Functionality Guides