obm magazine

Crea%ve manager Omar Benítez

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Omar Benitez Curriculum Vitae


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Crea%ve  manager  Omar  Benítez  

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“My Mission is to create and add value in to the relationship between business & people, building knowledge and awareness by c r e a t i n g m e a n i n g f u l   a n d significant experiences".

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Passionate Innovative Dynamic Efficient


Communicational Negotiator Adaptable Creative

Conciliatory Versatile

Personality  &  Habili%es  

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Educa%on  &  Skills  

Master Business Administration "Retail & management”

Instituto Europeo di Desig

Barcelona, Spain Dec. 2009

Lic.  Diseño  y  Publicidad  Thesis:  "The  Crea8ve  process  in  the  

interpreta8on  of  a  trend"      

JK  Universidad  Mexico,  D.F.      1998-­‐2000  

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"My Philosophy is to cooperate and collaborate with my experience, skills and knowledge to

promote the concepts of efficiency and effectiveness.

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Interna%onal  Projects  Singapore  

Raffles  Privato  is  an  incubator  project  between  RDC   and   Paragon   Shopping   Centre   aimed   to  assist     up-­‐coming   talented   designers   to  establish   their   own   private   label   in   Singapore  market.  -­‐  Produc%on  &  logis%cs  managment  -­‐  Brand  &  portafolio  Managment  -­‐  Managment  of  financial  resources  -­‐  Consumer  /  Trade  trends  monitoring  -­‐  Pricing  scenarios  and  alalysis  -­‐  Price  and  trade  terms  managment  -­‐  Category  Managment  -­‐  Business  insight    

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Interna%onal  Projects  India  

Raffles  Millennium  Interna%onal  (RMI)    Is  a  design  training  university  offering  wordl  class  programs  in  crea%ve  arts:  Design,  Life  style  and  Business  management.      Provide  leadership  in  teaching,  curriculum  development  and  research  in  Fashion  Design  and  Fashion  Marke%ng  and  Management.  This  include  unit  coordina%on,  development  of  programs  of  study,  a  role  in  planning  or  commi[ee  work,  prepara%on  and  delivery  of  lectures  and  seminars  and  supervision  of  staff.    

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Interna%onal  Projects  Spain  

Muji  began  life  as  an  own-­‐label  range  from  japonese   supermarket   Seiyu   in   1980.   The  Mujirushi   Ryohin   (meaning   "no   label  quality   goods")   offering   had   its   name  shortened   to   Muji   when   it   was   launched  outside  Japan.  

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Interna%onal  Projects  Spain  

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Interna%onal  Projects  Mexico  

Mexican   local   magazine   with   a   circula%on:  10,000  copies  per  quarter.  Available   at   Sanborn's,   Liverpool,   Palacio   de  Hierro,   Comercial   Mexicana,   California  Restaurants  and    Airport  of  Mexico  City.  h[p://www.nuestraboda.com    -­‐  Responsible  for  translate    company’s  marke%ng  objec%ves  into  crea%ve  strategies  and  designs.  -­‐  Conceptualize  ideas;  and  assigning  projects  to  staff.  -­‐  Understand  the  company’s  needs  and  current  market  condi%ons  in  order  to  develop  successful  crea%ve  campaigns.  

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