object-oriented programming sides face roll getface getsides

Object-Oriented Programming sides face roll getFace getS ide s

Post on 21-Dec-2015




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Object-Oriented Programming






Object-Oriented Programming

Problem solving approach that focuses on describing the participating entities in the problem domain and the

interactions between them.

Object-Oriented Programming

The four key concepts:

classes and objects




Classes and Objects

class – abstract description of the properties and behavior of an entity

object – concrete instance of a class

properties (data members) – what an object “knows”

behavior (methods) – what an object “can do”

Classes and Objects

Designing a Die class:

A die “knows”: how many sides it has which face is currently up

A die “can do”: report its number of sides report which face is up roll so a new face is up







encapsulate – “1.to place in or as if in a capsule.” (merriam-webster.com)

In OOP encapsulation refers to:

keeping together the data and the methods that manipulate the data

hiding the details of representation


In Java encapsulation is afforded by:

keeping together the data and the methods that manipulate the data

class Die


// data members and methods go here


hiding the details of representation

public vs private access

Classes and Objects

Designing a Die class:

A die “knows”: how many sides it has which face is currently up

A die “can do”: report its number of sides report which face is up roll so a new face is up






class Die{ private int sides; private int face;

public Die() { // construct default die }

public Die(int s) { // construct die with given sides }

public int getSides() {

// report back number of sides }

public int getFace() { // report back face value }

public void roll() {

// set face value to random number }}


data members(properties)

class Die{ private int sides; private int face;

public Die() { // construct default die }

public Die(int s) { // construct die with given sides }

public int getSides() {

// report back number of sides }

public int getFace() { // report back face value }

public void roll() {

// set face value to random number }}

class Die{ private int sides; private int face;

public Die() { sides = 6; face = 1; }

public Die(int s) { sides = s; face = 1; }

public int getSides() {

return sides; }

public int getFace() { return face; }

public void roll() {

face = new Random().nextInt(sides) + 1; }}

class Die{ private int sides; private int face;

public Die() { sides = 6; face = new Random().nextInt(sides) + 1; }

public Die(int s) { sides = s; face = new Random().nextInt(sides) + 1; }

public int getSides() {

return sides; }

public int getFace() { return face; }

public void roll() {

face = new Random().nextInt(sides) + 1; }}

class Die{ private int sides; private int face;

public Die() { sides = 6; roll(); }

public Die(int s) { sides = s; roll(); }

public int getSides() {

return sides; }

public int getFace() { return face; }

public void roll() {

face = new Random().nextInt(sides) + 1; }}

class Die{ private int sides; private int face;

public Die() { this(6); // call the other constructor }

public Die(int s) { sides = s; roll(); }

public int getSides() {

return sides; }

public int getFace() { return face; }

public void roll() {

face = new Random().nextInt(sides) + 1; }}

Classes and Objects (Key Points)

Public vs. Private acess: data members – always private; forbids direct access

methods – those used to interact with the objects public

those that have specialized function private

Constructors: create the object; put it in a consistent initial state must have the same name as the class do not have return type (not even void) can have multiple versions (the constructor that takes no parameters – default constructor)

Creating Objects

ClassName objectName = new Constructor(………);

Die red = new Die(10);

ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<Integer>();

Random rand = new Random();

Pet tom = new Cat(“Tom”, 2001);

class DieTester{ public static void main(String[] args) { Die red = new Die(); Die blue = new Die(10); Die green = new Die(10);

System.out.println(“red sides “ + red.getSides()); red.roll(); System.out.println(“red rolled “ + red.getFace());

System.out.println(“blue sides “ + blue.getSides()); blue.roll();

System.out.println(“blue rolled “ + blue.getFace());

System.out.println(“green sides “ + green.getSides()); green.roll();

System.out.println(“green rolled “ + green.getFace()); }}

Creating and Using Objects
















Encapsulation (revisited)

Changing the Die representation:

original representation

int sides;

int face;

new representation

int[] dieData; // 1st cell – number of side

// 2nd cell – which face up

class Die{ private int[] dieData

public Die() { this(6); // call the other constructor }

public Die(int s) { dieData = new int[2]; dieData[0] = s; roll(); }

public int getSides() {

return dieData[0]; }

public int getFace() { return dieData[1]; }

public void roll() {

dieData[1] = new Random().nextInt(getSides()) + 1; }}

class DieTester{ public static void main(String[] args) { Die red = new Die(); Die blue = new Die(10); Die green = new Die(10);

System.out.println(“red sides “ + red.getSides()); red.roll(); System.out.println(“red rolled “ + red.getFace());

System.out.println(“blue sides “ + blue.getSides()); blue.roll();

System.out.println(“blue rolled “ + blue.getFace());

System.out.println(“green sides “ + green.getSides()); green.roll();

System.out.println(“green rolled “ + green.getFace()); }}

What Needs to Change?


















creates hierarchies that capture the relationships among the entities in the system

promotes code-reuse -- pushing common code up the class hierarchy

affords polymorphism – treat uniformly objects from the class hierarchy

(via references/pointers of the base class)


Describing pets:

A pet “knows”: its name Its year of birth

A pet “can do”: report its name change its name report its birth year report its age report its human age speak

Not clear what to dofor a generic Pet!



Cat Dog Hamster


Describing cats:

A cat “knows”: its name Its year of birth number of lives

A cat “can do”: report its name change its name report its birth year report its age report its human age speak report lives left

Describing dogs:

A dog “knows”: its name Its year of birth best friend

A dog “can do”: report its name change its name report its birth year report its age report its human age speak report best friend

Same forall Pets


Describing cats:

A cat “knows”: its name Its year of birth number of lives

A cat “can do”: report its name change its name report its birth year report its age report its human age speak report lives left

Describing dogs:

A dog “knows”: its name Its year of birth best friend

A dog “can do”: report its name change its name report its birth year report its age report its human age speak report best friend

Specific toCats/Dogs

class Pet{ private String name; private int birthYear;

public Pet(String n, int y) { name = n; birthYear = y; }

public String getName() { return name; }

public void setName(String newName) { name = newName; }

public int getBirthYear () {

return birthYear; }

public int getAge(int curYear) { return curYear – birthYear; }

// DON’T KNOW HOW TO COMPUTE public int getHumanAge(int curYear) {

return -1; }

// DON’T KNOW HOW TO SPEAK public void speak() { System.out.print(“Can’t speak”); }}

class Dog extends Pet{ private String friend;

public Dog(String n, int y, String f) { super(n, y); friend = f; }

public int getHumanAge(int curYear) { int age = getAge(curYear); return 7*age; }

public void speak() { System.out.println(getName() + “ says woof, woof!”); }

public String getFriendName() { return firend; }}

Inherit from Pet class

Call parent (Pet) constructor

Use my own methods inheritedfrom parent (Pet) class

Only Dogs can do this

class Cat extends Pet{ private int lives;

public Cat(String n, int y, int l) { super(n, y); lives = l; }

public int getHumanAge(int curYear) { int age = getAge(curYear); return 5*age; }

public void speak() { System.out.println(getName() + “ says meow!”); }

public int getNumLives() { return lives; }}

Inherit from Pet class

Call parent (Pet) constructor

Use my own methods inheritedfrom parent (Pet) class

Only Cats can do this

class PetTester{ public static void main(String[] args) { Pet generic = new Pet(“Generic”, 2000); Cat tom = new Cat(“Tom”, 2000, 9); Dog buddha = new Dog(“Buddha”, 2000, “Bailey”);

generic.speak(); // displays: Can’t speak tom.speak(); // displays: Tom says meow buddha.speak(); // displays: Buddha says woof, woof! S.o.p(“generic age “ + generic.getAge(2008)); // 8 S.o.p(“tom’s age “ + tom.getAge(2008)); // 8 S.o.p(“buddha’s age “ + buddha.getAge(2008)); // 8 S.o.p (“generic age “ + generic.getHumanAge(2008)); // -1 S.o.p(“tom’s age “ + tom.getHumanAge(2008)); // 40 S.o.p(“buddha’s age “ + buddha.getAge(2008)); // 56 }}


Inheritance Summary

parent/base class – the class from which we inherit

derived class – the class which inherits

super – reference to parent/base class

always call appropriate parent constructor – super(…)

only implement (override) methods for which parent does not provide adequate action

private members in parent not accessible in derived class



polymorphims – many (poly) forms (morph)

refers to manipulating objects from derived classes through references/variables of the parent class

allows for greater flexibility in developing the code; new modules can be added easily to the system

(Easy to add new types of Actors to the GridWorld from Assignment 5 as long as they inherit directly from Actor or from Bug, Flower, Chameleon)

class PolyMorphism{ public static void main(String[] args) { Pet tom = new Cat(“Tom”, 2000, 9); // OK Pet buddha = new Dog(“Buddha”, 2000, “Bailey”); // OK

Cat c = new Pet(“Generic”, 2000); // ERROR Dog d = new Cat(“Sylvester”, 1990, 5); // ERROR }}


class PolyMorphism{ public static void main(String[] args) { Pet tom = new Cat(“Tom”, 2000, 9); Pet buddha = new Dog(“Buddha”, 2000, “Bailey”);

tom.speak(); // displays: Tom says meow buddha.speak(); // displays: Buddha says woof, woof! S.o.p(“tom’s age “ + tom.getAge(2008)); // 8 S.o.p(“buddha’s age “ + buddha.getAge(2008)); // 8 S.o.p(“tom’s age “ + tom.getHumanAge(2008)); // 40 S.o.p(“buddha’s age “ + buddha.getAge(2008)); // 56 }}


class PolyMorphism{ public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<Pet> pets = new ArrayList<Pet>();

Pet tom = new Cat(“Tom”, 2000, 9); Pet buddha = new Dog(“Buddha”, 2000, “Bailey”);

pets.add(tom); pets.add(buddha): pets.add(new Dog(“Bailey”, 2003, “Buddha”);

Cat sylv = new Cat(“Sylvester”, 1990, 5); pets.add(sylv);

for (int i = 0; i < pets.size(); i = i + 1) { Pet p = pets.get(i); p.speak(); p.getAge(2008); p.getHumanAge(2008); }}}


class PolyMorphism{ public static void main(String[] args) { Grid<Actor> grid = new Grid<Actor>(20, 20); // 20x20 grid

Chameleon cham = new Chameleon(); grid.put(cham);

Flower rose = new Flower(); grid.put(rose);

Bug bug = new Bug(); grid.put(bug);

Actor flower = new Flower(); grid.put(flower);

Actor frog = new Frog(); grid.put(frog): }}


Abstract Classes and Methods

Abstract Classes and Methods

abstract classes – when their purpose is to serve only as a base class in inheritance hierarchy

(Pet class is candidate for abstract: Pet objects cannot exist on their own since they can’t execute certain behaviors – getHumanAge(), speak())

abtract methods – methods for which the class cannot provide reasonable implementation

(The getHumanAge() and speak() methods in Pet class had no reasonable implementation.)

abstract class Pet{ private String name; private int birthYear;

public Pet(String n, int y) { name = n; birthYear = y; }

// // all methods with reasonable // implementation go here: // // getName, setName, getAge, getBirthYear //

// // methods without reasonable code made abstract //

public abstract int getHumanAge(int curYear);

public abstract void speak();}

class AbstractClasses{ public static void main(String[] args) {

Pet generic = new Pet(“Generic”, 2000); // ERROR

// generates compilation error: // Pet class is abstract – cannot create Pet objects }}

Abstract Classes and Methods

Static Data Members and Methods

Static Data Members and Methods

static data members and methods – belong to the class as a whole

typical examples count how many objects of a class exist

constants – good candidates for making static

static methods CANNOT reference non-static members

non-static methods CAN reference static members

to access – ClassName.staticMember



class StaticMembers{ public static void main(String[] args) { Cat tom = new Cat(“Tom”, 2000, 9); Pet sylv = new Cat(“Sylvester”, 1990, 5);

int totlCats = Cat.getCatCount(); System.out.println(“There are ” + totalCount + “ cats!”); // 2

Cat felix = new Cat(“Felix”, 1919, 3); totlCats = Cat.getCatCount(); System.out.println(“There are ” + totalCount + “ cats!”); // 3 }}

Static Data Members and Methods

Method Overloading


Method Overriding

Overloading – when a class has two or more methods with the same name

the methods must differ in number or type of parameters

the return type alone cannot be used to distinguish two methods


A class typically has several constructors that differ in number or type of params

The methods breed() and breed(Location loc) in the class Flower

Method Overloading

Overriding – when a derived class changes/overrides the implementation of a method inherited from a base class

the method signature must remain identical for each class down the inheritance hierarchy

(identical return type, number and type of parameters, public/private access)


The methods speak() and getHumanAge(int year) are implementeddifferently in the class Cat and its parent class Pet

The method act() is implemented differently by every Actor in the GridWorld hierarchy

Method Overriding

The End (Part I)