obituary. democratic co. mosbv co. sually complete their ... · obituary. louis Êuker. a

OBITUARY. Louis Êuker. A <*' receive«! in this city yes¬ terday from Marburg, Prussia, by Colonel Charlí« Euker. announced the death of his brother, Louis Kuker, himself for rmnny yean« a well known resident of Richmond, which occurred in that Prus¬ sian elty yesterday. The death of Mr. Kuker will recall him to many Rlchmond- frs. and especially to Ihr« older ctttaeñs, who know him well during his long rési¬ dence here. Decreased was one of six brothers, the last surviving one of whom Is Colonel Charles Euker, a well known Confed¬ erate veteran and esteemed citizen. The other brothers, all of whom hove died, were William, Edward, Reinhardt and George Euker. liouis Kuker came to Richmond In tho early fifties, being then a young; man. His'first employment hero was as bar¬ tender tor the Into Louis Ruoger, the founder of Rueger's Hotel and restaurant. About the year 1S5!. he began business- for himself at the stnnd now kept by Mr. Gils Dclnruo and continued there until the outbreak of the war between the States, when ho returned, to his old home In Prussia nnd there reni.ilned until peace again reigned. Returning: to this city in the late sixties, he resumed busi¬ ness at the corner of Seventh nnd Brond Streets, and there kept a bar and reatnti- for many years.up to 1897, In fact, when he sold his business to John Wein- brunn, who conducted the placa until about three years agro. , Mr". Euker, durinp his long business career, prospered nnd was thrifty, amass¬ ing considerable property, much of which was In real estate. Mr. Euker was about seventy-two years of age, and was well educated and a man of wide and varied information. A man of genial temperament, Mr, Euker was widely known and very gen¬ erally esteemed. He was tin old member and an enthusiastic supporter of the Gesangverein Virginia. R. Carter Wellford. The funeral ncrvices of tho late R. Carter Wellford, of Richmond county, were ha«! at St. Andrew's Church yes¬ terday and were attended by a large as¬ semblage of the friends of the family. The Interment was In Hollywood Cemetery. The deceased was related to the well known locnl family of the name, /and to the Harrisons and other well known Vir¬ ginia families. George B. Pendleton. Georlgo B. Pendleton dle'd at his resi¬ dence In King and Queen county. Va., September 16th. He was a native of that cctinty. Mr. Pendleton Is survived by his wife and five children. Ho was a mem¬ ber of the Disciples Church. The funeral services took place at his maternal homo In King and Queen. Miss Nannie Hazelgrove. Miss Nannie Hazelgrove, of Falrmount. died at 11 A. M. yesterday at the Vir¬ ginia Hospital of typhoid fever, after an Illness of three weeks. Miss Hazelgrove came originally from Cumberland coun¬ ty. Va., but had resided for some 'time with her brother, Mr; George Hazelgrove,« at his residence in Falrmount, a suburb of this city. When she became HI she was removed to the Virginia Hospital, where she died. The remains will be taken to-day to the home of her brotlier, Mr. J. "W. Hazelgrove, in Cumberland county, where they will be Intened In tho family burial ground. M. B. Creasy. (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) ROANOKE, VA.. September ¡M..Mr. M. B. Creasy died last night from typhoid fever, aged twenty-nine years. He is sur¬ vived by his wife. He was a native of Bedford, and his remains were taken there for interment. s Mrs. Bettie A. Rae. ( (Special to The Times-Dispatch.) CHESTER, VA., Sept. 2'.-Mr.-*. Bet¬ tle A. Rae, of Ochre, who was reported 111 in our last communication, Is dead, and was buried yesterday near her homo. She was well advanced in years, and had been a faithful Christian through life, and a member of Enon Baptist Church. DEATHS. EUKER..Died, in Marburg. Germany, September 24, 1904, LOUIS EUKER, formerly of Richmond. ., HOPKIJN'S.-Dica. In Ashlond, Va.. Sep¬ tember 22. 1904. NICHOLAS SNOWDEN, only son of N. Snowden and Sellna L. Hopkins, and grandson of the Rev. Sewell S. Hepburn, aged one year and twenty-eight days. "Of such is the kingdom of Heaven.'' TjINDSEY..Entered into rest at tho resi¬ dence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Lindsey, Farinsville, Govcmment\ Road. Thursday, September 22d, 19(M, at 3:30 o'clock A. M., WILLIAM CURTIS, aged five months. Funeral took ^kclo ft-om residence Sat¬ urday, Septc/obc;*-. 2.4t*-*,-* at 10 A. M. In¬ terment at Oákwood, He folded our darling to His breast: On His bosom laid him safe to rest. Mother, look up, he is blooming there. Secure from sorrow, from pain, from care. Roaming the garden of bliss and love, Safe in the arms of Jesus' love. PENDLETON..Mr. GEORGE B. PEN¬ DLETON died last Friday, September 30th. at Pine Purest, the homo of his mother, after a long and painful niñeen, in the fiftieth year of his age. He was hurled at Benvenue Saturday afternoon at 8 o'clock. Funeral Notice. «HAMM'.-Tho funeral of MARIA E. HAMM will taJte place at the Folks Baptist Church MONDAY, tho Mtli, at ¡1 o'clock. WORLD'S FAIR COACH EXCURSIONS TUESDAYS AND THRUSDAYS IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER VIA CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RWY. TO "¿16.00.ST. LOUIS.516.00. Each Tuesday and Thursday In Sep¬ tember and October the Chesapeake and Ohio Railway will sell coach excursion tickets to the World's Fair at tlO.OO from Richmond, limited to ten (jays for return. Trains leave Richmond 3 P. M. and M:'5 P. M. Fifteen-day tickets and sixty-day tick¬ ets, which permit purchase of «space In Sleeping tars, are sold dally. OASTOH X'wflL . Bear« th» /) .In Kind You Have toys Bouffit sundaTíxcürsíons Via Atlantic Coast Line to Petera- burg. Round-Trip 40c. Good going «rid returning on regular trains. Commencing Sunday, May 16th 1904. Bear« the _/) % ¦.ind .ou Havo Always Bought ßiguatar» of NOTICE TO TEACHERS. Minn Clara G. Moor«;, teacher in Martillan School, li-a-Ju Uiík week In thu Quuki-r Gelatine Popular' Teacher -Contest \>j twi-uty yptca. The voles urc corning in thick and faht. Be/id your«»'at once. KELLKV AND DUDLEY. Richmond. Vu. Sole Agen a. This I4-Kt. Qold FOUNTAIN PEN Worth ii. 00. for Pen Is Guaranteed. ANOF*-\E*R Gold-Filled HUNTING CASE Watch $10.00 Warranted 25 Tears. Watch and Pen Sold entirely on approval. % St1»" 77c P. O. or stamp, and get this ExcellenV Pen Sold entirely on Its merits, and to intro¬ duce our name to the public, if not satisfied, money back. These Pens are dura¬ ble-and will please you. WRITE AT ONCE. Universal Distributing & Purchasing Company 211% N. 6th St., Richmond, Va. fe i PAIISTING. WANTED, 100 WaGONS TO PAINT and letter, $S each. SHAW. 309 North Eleventh Street.^' WAiNTED, 100 BUG'jTES TO PAINT, 45 60 each. SHAW. 30:- N. Eleventh Street STORE FRONTS PAINTED, $3.0¡T- rooms, $3.00 SHAW, 309 N. Eleventh St. CHEAPEST SIGN PAINTING IN CITV at SHA\y*S, 309 N. Eleventh Street HAVE TOUR HOUSE FAINTED NOW and save money. Call and :<ee LEE W. FORD & BRO., 15 E. Main. 'Phono 8586. DYEING AND CLEANING. HERE'S WHAT WE HAVE TO SAY. Suits scoured and pressed 75c.; pressed 60c. R. L. GILL, Steam Dye Works, No. 325 North Fifth Street, city. 'Phone 4S62. DENTISTRY. REDUCED FOR THE LAST THREE days; special prices given Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are lite last days for our reduced prices. Come if you need anything in dentistry. Dr. DORSET, 121 E. Broad. SOUTHERN DENTAL ROOMS, OPPO- slte tho postofflce; tho highest grade work and lowest prices over offered in this city; lady attendant. 'Phone 3206. H. V. DESPORTES, 3D. D. S., DENTIST 6S5 E. Main Street. 'Phone 206. BAKERY. HELLO» 26191 SEND THE RED. WHITE and blue wagon up to my house with some of that delicious sliced roast beef, lamb and ham; also some hot rolls, bread, cakes and are ATKIN¬ SON, 211 W. Broaei? Well, that will fill the bill. THE REASON WE HAVE GOOD bread Is because we use tho best ma¬ terials, modern methods, skillful work¬ men and Insist on absolute cleanliness; give us a trial and see." NEW YORK BAKERY, 410 W. Broad Street. 'Phono 25S8. 3-POUND JELLY ROLL 23C.; PLAIN Cake, 2 pounds 25c; Layer Cakes, 4 kinds. 15c. each. DRINKARD'S, 423V_ N. Sixth Street. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. HAVE YOUR RUBBER TIRES RË- placod at B, C. BRISTOW'S, tho money saver, who Is using the Kelly Spring¬ field Tires; all work guaranteed to stay on; 19 South Fifteenth. LARGE. COMPLETE STOCK OF FIRST- class Buggies, Surreys, Phaetons, Run¬ abouts and Traps at the right prices. Call and see them. SAFETY BUGQY CO., 1309 E. Main Street. ANTIQUES. GENUINE ANTIQUE FURNITURE OF all description repaired and reflnished perfectly; also all other kinds of furni¬ ture repaired, C. E. LYDA, U7 West in 'Pi-rino 2">(77. MOORE S GREATEST COLLECTION ohoice Mahogany Furniture. Brass Fend¬ ers, Andirons; Antiques of every de¬ scription; 1017 Semines Street, Mnnches- ter, after 5 P. M. CALL AND BE CONVINCED-A FINE collection of original Antiques at low .prices. L. N. ARNALL, 318 Brook Ave¬ nue. BUY ANTIQUES OF BIGGS; GET original pieces at lowest piiceB; satis, faction guaranteed: G15 En«t Main. PATENTS __= GUARANTEED--.-. PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURNED Send model or sketch for free opinion us lo patentability. (Send for illustrated Qul.le Rook Contains 100 mechanical movements and I.1HT OF INVENTIONS WANTED TEU-ÍS HOW TO OBTAIN AND SELL PAT¬ ENTS, ETC. PATENTS advertised without chnriie In PATENT RECORD, Sample copy free. Add reas EVANS, WIT-KINS & CO., Reg. Patent Attorneys. " 616 F Street, Washington, D. in. $100,000,00, CASH PRIZES i»u «Ken away. One inoru month to participate Our o.'Ii-r close« November bit, 1904 Your iiani«. nnd mi"n-í-M ou a postal .card will brlns you full and completo Information. Write to-day. NATIONAL CONTEST CO., Colorado liidldlna, Washington, O, C, "church NOTICES. ~ CHRISTIAN. MA RSHALL STREET C il RI S T I A N CHURCH-Rev. U. H. MELTON, pastor.- Prfrn-rhlnf* at 11 A. M. and H P. M. Sunday school 11:30 A. M' Christian EnduCVor So¬ ciety 7 P. M. Miss Myrtle E. Phénix h&8 returned very much pleased with her trip to St. Í.VUÍO UUÜ UiU EjjmbíiIou, DEMOCRATIC SPEAKERS' Headquarters, State "Democratic Committee. American National Bank Building, Mezzanine Rtioin. The following appointments fot »peak¬ ing are announced: WILLIAM 1CINCKLE ALLEN; Nelson Court, September 26th. A. C. RRAXTOÑ. Courtland. October 37th. Franklin. October lVth (night). Covlngton, October 23th. Flmmstle, October 31st. Wa.ynesboro, November 1st. JOSEPH B. WIIoLAR». Bedford City, September 26th. Hurry Courthouse, September 27th. Lunenburg Courthouse, October 1st. King William Courthouse, October 4th. Now Castle. October 10th. Ruckersville, October 17th. Clarcmont, October 10th. C. C. CARLIN, Orange Courthouse, September 26th. Manassas, October 3d. Lcesburg, October 10th. King George, November 3d. JOHN GARLAND POLLARD. King William. October 4th. WILLIAM A. ANDERSON. .** fltaunton. September 26th. A J. MONTAGUE. Orange. September 20th. Isle of Wight Courthouse, October 3d!. Tork, October 4th. Marlon, October'7th (noon). Ablngdon, October 8th (night). Gato City, October 10th. Jonesvlllo, October 11th (noon). Wise, October 12th (noon). Dlck'enson, October 13th (noon). Tazewell, October 14th (night). Amherst, October 17th H. D. FLOOD. Nelson Courthouse, September 26th. Rockbrldge, October 10th. Buckingham, Octobor 11th. Amherst, October 17th. Eagle Rock, October ]Sth. Clifton Forge, October 10th. Bath, October 20th. Highland, October 21st an-1 22d. Fluvanni-b, October 24th. Amherst, October 27th. Buena Vista, October 28th. Covlngton, October 2S!th. Fincastle, October 81st. Waynesboro, November 1st. Augusta, NovcÄib«!*- 2d and 3d. ' Staunton, November 4th. Buchanan, November 6th. WILLIAM A. JONES. Spotsylvania Obur.thouse, October 3_. Northumberland* October 10th. IClng mid Queen, Octobûr 11th. Essex Courthouse, October 17th. Westmoreland, October 24th. J. C. WTSOR. Pearlsburg, September ¦26th, New Castle, October 10th. Marlon, October 17th. Wythevlljo, November 7th. W. P. BARKSDALE. Bowling Green, October 10th. Plttsylvanla, October .. Charlotte, November 7th. LESLIE C. GARNETT. Gloucester Courthouse, October 3d. Bowling Green, October 10th. King and Queen Courthouse, October 11th. Tappahannock, October 17th. Westmoreland Courthouse, October 24th. Accomac Courthouse, Kvovetnber 7th. JOHN LAMB. King William Courthouse, October 4th. Ettrlcks, October 10th (7 P. M.) Tunstalls Station, October 12th (3 P. M.) H. L. MAYNARD. Isle of Wight Courthouse, Octobor 3d. Smlthfleld, October 3d (night). CHARLES T. LASSITER. Greenesvllle, October 4th. Nottoway, October 6th. Uunenburg, October 10th. Mecklenburg, October 17th. Brunswick, October ISth. Amelia, October 37th. Sussex, November 1st. Fowhatan, November 7th. JOHN F. RIXEY. Fauquler Court, September 26th. Prince William Court, October 3d. Loudoun Court, October 10th. King George Court, Novembor 3d. GEORGE E. CASSEL Pearlsburg, September 2«th. I DON. P. HALSErY. Salem. October 21sf (nlt-hl). J TAYLOR EL.LYSON. Chairman. JOSEPH BUTTON, Secretary, MILLINERY. UP-TO-DATE FALL AND WINTER. Millinery displayed with" a complete line of Suits, Waists and ready-to-wear "goods, lowest prices. Mrs. JULIUS BEAR, 1423 E. Main Street. BE SURE AND SEE MY SELECTION of latest fall hats before buying else¬ where. Mrs. M. L. WORTHAM, 210 N. Third Street. COLLEGE FLAGS. COLLEGE FLAGS, ANY DESIGN, made to order at short notice. M. G, COPELAND CO., IOS N. Ninth.. PRINTING. TRY US ON PRINTING: WE KNOW we can suit you. TAYLOR <& TAYLOR PRINTING CO., Quick Printers, No. Ï Governor Street. CLOCK REPAIRING, NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOUR clocks In order. Send postal to NUDD, Jeweler, 222 E. Broad. EXCHANGE. WILL ALLOW YOU PRICE YOU PAID for your watch In exchange. See NUDD, ?22 E. Broad. «MATlRESS S, FEATHER MATTRESSES MADE BY ADAM DIACONT are the- best feather beds to sleep on: 2225 Venable, 'Phone 202«. DENTISTRY. SOUTHERN" DENTAL ROOMS. OPPO- alte the postónico; the highest grade work and lowest prices ever offered in this city; lady attendant. 'Phone 82U6. PERSONALS. GO TO PEATROSS'S. 314 EAST BROAD (wrong side), to get a good shoe and a nice lit. SCHREMP, 321 NORTH FIFTH. RE- palrs umbrellas, locks, bells, etc.; spe¬ cialty, Go-Carts. "WISE PEOPLE IN RICHMOND TAKE their watches to NUDD, 222 E. Broad St. TRUNKS. ~ SPENCE'S TRUNK FACTOIU', «18 BAST Broad Street, wants your trunk and satchel ropalring. E. If. SPENCE, Shoo and Trunk Hondo. WANTED, YOUR TR UN" K~ REPA1 RING»! RICHMOND TRUNK MFC. CO., ÜClß Br.iolt Aver.uo. 'Phone V«',64. GOLD AND SILVER PUYER, WANTED. OLD GOLD AND SILVER IN any condition; highest cash prices paid, or will iíIvp watches. Jewelry, »dlverwar« in exchange. A. M. MEYER & BROi. Jewelers, No. 62"! Brua.l Street, Rich' mond. Vn. POULTRY MIXTURE, WE ARB AGENT** FOR MONARCH Lice Killer niul Poultry Mixture; euros poultry of cholera und roup. JAMBS I. SMITH & CO., Coul und Wood, CO" W. Broud nferPEEBMAN, Undirlikir, ! I "Phone 661. 2614 East Bread St. I [ Open each tnmr In the year. I CORDES, MOSBV & CO. I CORDES, MOSBV & CO. I CORDES. MOSBV & CO. sually Complete Stocks at Their Very Best. Everything that is right and proper for the coming season's wear is here in the greatest possible variety. Our prices «are right in every párticiüar. So if you wish the best at thoroughly right prices, then our stock de¬ serves your'attention. , New Dress Goods. Black Goods. Venetian Cloths, fl and «Hi .BO. Thibet Cloths, »I to "ta. Broadcloths, SI to ?:>. Cheviots, ROc. to «?*«. Mohatra, Boo. to tfti.T«. Volles, TBo. to i?-. Panama Cloths, BOc. to ei. Eollcnmss, fl to ?-. Silk Warp Crepe de Chines, TBc. to *?l.BO. Priestly Silk Warp Hen¬ riettas, f 1 to $2.B0. Colored Goods. New Suitings, mannish effects, all tho wanted colorings, TBc, fl, fl.""*S, fl.BO, fl.TB. Illuminated Cloth, new and very stylish, all col¬ ors, f*". Broadcloths, In »every wanted shading, f 1, fl.BO 92 to «fit. Cravanette, all wool, 60 Inches wide, «fl.BO and .ft*.-.«*». Thibet Cloths, ffl.BO. New Neckwear. New Silk Stocks, in entirely new shapes, BOc, TBc, 08c. to.,.-ft:t.i»r> New Silk Tailored Stocks, very dressy and stylish, BOc, OSo..'.$1.88 New Lace Stocks, In entirely new Ideas, 226c, oOc, 08c to.. .7. .f 1,88 New Ruches and Capes.$'{.08 to $27.BO Feather Boas, all colors.910 to if-»" Silks.Silks.Silks New, Stylish and Underprlced. Fancy Taffetas and Loulilnes, In Just the pick of this season', choicest patterns and colorings, ac¬ tually worth 75c, speolal....Bflo Fancy Taffetas and Loulelne», In an Immense array of new and stylish patterns and colorings..ft Rajah and Burlinghams. The top notch of Silk newness to be only hero, all wanted shadings: Rajah, 91.SB;' Burling- ham.$2,25 Fancy Moire Velours, new and very stylish, all the fashionable colorings.$1.00 Taffeta Silks, all pure silk, heavy weight, 40 shad¬ ings to select from, special, yard.BOc Chiffon Finish Taffeta, all elite, heavy weight, CO new shadings.7fii.« Diana and Sappha Silks, silky and soft, all shades. ,.fl.BO Chiffon Velvets for street and evening wear, all colors.._fl.BO, $2 Sale of Table and Bed Linens Only the pure flax kind and an opportunity to get the best values your money ever bought. 68-Inch All Pure Linen Silver Bleached Damasks, value 76c, special.»..«.BOo 70-Inch Full Bleached All Pure Linen Damasks, extra good value..TBc, 8B0 72-Inch Full Bleached All Pure Linen Damasks, In entirely new ideas, the usual $1.25 kind, spe* .00 clal. .ft. 6-8 Napkins to match, dozen.$3.00 3-4 Napkin, to match, dozen.f-1.00 Extra Heavy Full Bleached All Pure Linen Dam. ask Napkins, extra values, dozen, ft.28, fl.BO, $i! nnd.:.f 2 BO Hemstitched All Linen Damask Tray Cloths, special. .25c 20x40 Hemstitched All Linen Huck Towels, extra size and weight, actual value $4, special Ladies' Gloves. Our ft Gloves Fitted and guaran¬ teed at our glove counter, Is the best Qlove value In all .Richmond; colors black, white, pearl, brown, tan, modes and slates. Special.Ask to see our, the Special P, X. M, Cape Goat Walking GÍovo, In all the new tan and brown shades, value $1.50, special fl.i». We are agents for Dent's Gloves. ening Sale High-Grade Ready-to-Wear Apparel. We invite your inspection of our stock of strictly new and stylish Suits, Wraps, Waists, Skirts. &C, all made doubly charming-because of their low prices. Sui!s--Suits--Suits. Thero Is-the widest diversity In the matter of materials and style for the correct ladles' garments for this fall's wear. In our stock Is to be found all the new, stylish and'eorrect In Tour¬ ist Coat Suits, Directoire Coats, with vest effect; Parsifal Coats and Blouses and Short Coats, In fitted, half fit¬ ted, loose and strapped. The materials are broadcloth, cheviots, Venetians, mannish and fancy mixtures; prices, $12.B0, flB, fl7.B0, flO.BO, f24.*»0, $20.B0 to..fTB.OO Handsome Tailored Suits, Value $25, special Monday, fiT.r.O. You have your pick,of six styles, all made In the latest coat effects. The materials are covert cloth, broadcloth, cheviots, worsteds and fancy mixtures. Coats taffeta and satin lined; skirt newest plaited effects. We guarantee the best of workmanship. They are the best $25 values to be had and not èeen In any other' salesroom, spe¬ cial. . ..f 17.50 Ä COAT BARGAIN. Several styles of Tan Coverts, Black Broadcloth and Man¬ nish Mixtures, saüin and taffeta lined,; high grade tailoring, either stitched or plain. Special value, $12.50. Silk Petticoat Bargain, Made of an extra quality of taffeta, colors black and navy, cut full and wide, two flounces and wide «Ilk dust ruffle, special..f s.ON Separate Skirts. Separate^ Walking and Dress Skirts of tweed., voiles, broadcloths end che- vlots. Models made on. lines not to be seen elsetwhere, a rich profusion of cleverly executed Ideas, f*..i*W3, f8.08, fO.BO. $7.00. fS.BO to...f*2*>.00 Fall Weight Tan Covert Cloth Jack¬ ets, 24 Inches long, stylishly mode, were $10, your pick.$4.08 Hosiery. Misses' Fast Black Lisle Hose, extra fini gauge, double heels, soles and toes, all sizes, 6 to '. t'Ai regular 25c. value, special, lOo. Black Cat. We all like Leath¬ er Stockings. These hold a good healthy school boy; medium heavy weight; to be had only here, all sizes, 26c T Special Announcements. Realizing the need for a thoroughly up-to-date department for Misses' and Children's Suits, Wraps and Coats, where the best and most fashionable styles and fabrics can be had. We have added to this department and can now furnish- you the most fash¬ ionable ready-to-wear apparel for Misses and Children. These have been most carefully selected and we In¬ vite you .to examine our stock.' Costumes, Robes and Evening Wraps. New creations added dally. Distinc¬ tive and exclusive Ideas In nets, laces, chiffon, silks crepes, etc. No two alike and we never duplicate; prices 835, f4B, f55 to.flOO.OO Rugs, Druggets, Lace Curtains, Portieres, Draperies, &c. 9x12 feet Axmlnster Rugs, all wool, new and stylish designs and colorings; actual value $30, special.:.IS22.GO 9x12 feet All-Wool Wilton Rugs, In pew and very effective patterns and colorings; actually worth $30.00, special.«.**»*'* 9x12 feert All-Wool Tapestry Brüssel. Rugs, In new patterns and bright, warm colorings, actual value $20.00, special......... '.¿. '.fxc.OO Oriental Rugs Our Direct importation. Antique and Maderla Oriental Rugs, only pure vegetable dyes. This direct Importation saves1 you one-fourth. Ghendje, Kurdistan and Shewan Rugs, l{*17.BO to....f22.50 Cashmere or Sommaks, $20 to..$25 Kozaks, Anatolians, Mars and Kir- man and Tebrlg, IJliS to.$75 $150 Carpet size Rug, special_fl>S lace Curtains. Nottingham Curtains, fl to.fB Imitation Arab Curtains, .f-i.D.s to pair..f 10.00 Colonial Curtains,, f«* and_f-llso Irish Point Curtains, full width and length, value $5, special.$3.75 Tambour Curtains, *»»» to.f40 Real Arab Curtains, f7.BO to...f7B Renalssanco Lace Curtains, fB.BO to.fjiO, Underwear. Children'. Medium Weight Merino Ve*>ts, Pants and Drawers, Just the weight for these cool mornings and evenings, size 20, SBc; rise Bo. size. Ladles' Ribbed .Cotton Merino, Wool, and Silk and Wool Vests and Pants, BOc, 7Bc. fl, fl.25^......fl.BO Infants' Fall Weight- Merino ^Wool Wrappers, *»Sc. 35c, 40o.BOc Infants' Fall Weight Merino Wool Bands. 36c M«en's Merino Wool Shirts and Drawers, In white and natural, BOc and...$1.00 CORDES, M0SBY & CO.j CORDES, MOSBY & CO.] CORDES, MOSBY & CO. MOVING. MOVING AND HAULING OF ALL kinds done In tho right way by respon¬ sible people. MILLNER'S TRANSFER, 902 E. Broad. 'Phone 1445. (.., ..'. .' GROCERIES. .**. CREAM CHEESE, 121ÍA POUND; Butchers' Lard 10c. pound; Water- ground Meal, 18c. peck; Arbuckle's Cof¬ fee, 13c. pound; cyuart bottle Catsup, 10c.; new Evaporated Poaches, 10c. ; best To¬ matoes, can, 5c. E. M\ TRAINUM & iCO-, 112 N. Eighteenth Street._ DANCING. ''CAILLERS" IS A DELICIOUS CHOCO- Jate, beautifully packed, with tho high¬ est reputation. Comparo it with all others, and be convinced, SPECIAL NOTICE. SOLID GOLD RINGS FROM Vl.Wi'' UP.' Watch and Jewelry repairing a specialty. A. SCHEER, Jeweler and Optjcl-.n. ¡">55 E. Main Street, opposlto Old SrVket. WATCH REPAIRING^ WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY repaired and warranted. A. SCHEER, 15S5 E. Main Street, opposlto Old Mar¬ ket. STORAGE. IF YOU WANT YOUR FURNITURE etored in a clean, dry place and person¬ ally looked after, see TOMPK1NS, No, 207 W. Broud Street. Toys, B'cycle« and repairing. FOR CHEAP AND DRY STORAGE rooms apply te RICHARDSON & CHAP- PELL, Storage Department! Belvldc-re Building, SOI W. Main Street. 'Phone S'a. WILL STORE SOM'E FURNITURE FOR use of same; best care will ho taken of It; good house. Address "STORAGE," osre lhis office, BARGAINS." FOR EVENING WEAR YOU WILL Und the pluin and dotted Mulls Just right; reduced prices, now I2M. and 18c, respectively. PE.MBiCRTON, PRICE & CO. FOR EARLY FALL wilfY NOT BUY one of those Royal Oil Heaters. Will nuiko your fuel bill less. Only «,"8. -MUSIC TEACHERS.. ATTENTION! Sheet music half price. THE CABLE COMPANY, Richmond, Va, WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY" RlT- paired at reasonable prices. Take your wwrk to NUDD, £22 K. Broad. LUMBER FOR SALE. T1MUER LAND FOR SALU'-ON THE mil day of October, lOO-l, I will offer for su!u, ut public auction at Wilson'« Depot, all tho pine and poplnr timber on the tract known as the Wilson's place, con¬ taining 150 acres; said to lie' bohío two or throe million feet In thl3 tract; lo¬ cated Immediately on Ñ. and W. R. R., adjoining Wilson Depot. C. C, UPSON, Wellvillo, Va- ENAMEL, GRANITE AND TINWARE REPAIRED. BRING ALL YOUR COFFEE AND TEA Pots, Tea Kettles, Buckets, Dust Pans, Sauce Pans and everything else that you have that needs repairing to WATSKY BROS.', 1715 E. Franklin. I" ¦¦" -.«¦ SIGNS, r FOR AN UP-TO-DATE, TASTY AND unique sign, finished In flrst-claiis man¬ ner by expert workmen see HARRY HUBER, 805 E. Franklin Street. 'Phone 110. BOOKBINDING AND PRINTING. BLANKS BOOKS MADE FOR ANY purpose; printed books bound jv the edition or single volume. S. B. ADKINS & tu., Bookbinders and Printers, 4 and 6 Governor Street. MASSAGE TREATMENT. MASSAGE AND MEDICAL GYMNAS- tlcs, Methods of Battle Creek Sani¬ tarium. WM. H. DAVIS, Jr., 70Û East Marshall. Hours 11 to 2, Appointments. Telephone 2290. CAND/. YOU GET PURE CANDY, MADE FRL. .. every day, at tho HUB. 403 Broad Street; trv our special Mixture, 20c. pound, as good as can be made,_ EXPERT WATCH REPAIRERS. $1.00 FOR ANY AMERICAN MAIN- spring, guaranteed, ono year; we fix anything In tho watch lino at short notiere. sr-i-MAP'S, '-''I East Broad. REDUCED PRICES. PRICES REDUCED ON WATCH WORK: Cleaning, ?1; Main Springs,'Jtt'j twenty years' experience. WM. TOBIEN, « Jr., 408 E. Broad Btreet., Richmond, Va. Spectacles and Eyeglasses, 25 cents. Alj work guaranteed. FURNITURE PACKED. FURNITURE AND CHINA WauE packed und shipped with care, JACOB UMLAUF. ''05 \V Mnlrf. 'Phono 8^,3. BAGS AND BAGGINGS, BAGS ; FOR'.'¦-BVERyTHINS« "NJGWr"ç)R second-hand; twine a specialty. Write for prices. .RICHMOND BAG_ CO. DOLL HOSPITAL. DOLLS, TOYS AND BRIC-A-BRAC RE- pulred: work v.-ltl be called for, 'Phone .'¡ll.'i; I'll N. Fourth Street. DYSPEPSIA CURE. wTe. BANES: DEAlTlmt^TTM^OW tnklng tho fifth box of your'"Bunes'e Dyspepsia Tahlets." I consider it tho best remedy for dyspepsia I luiVe ever trl«-d, and 1 have suffered greatly dur¬ ing the past twenty-five veurs. This is entirely unsolicited..Alfred . J, Gary, 622 North Twenty-fifth. Street, Rich¬ mond, Va. Wholesale agents Lynch- burg, Vn., Payne, Soay & Anderson; wholesale ugents, Petersburg, Yft~i W. E, Armstrong <& Co, FURNITURE. SUM'MÉR CLEANING'lS INCOMPLETE unless you have your parlor au.t or chairf*, or couch reupholstered, slip cov.- ers made, or your mattresses renoviited. We do this work cheaper aofl better than anyone else In the State, and havo » the prettiest coverings. If you can't pay all cash, will gladly credit you. CHAS. G. JÜRGENS' SON, 419-21 East Broad. 'Phone .2554._ riWl' ikbSa k HAIkiMj. OLD HAIR MATTRESSES MADE OVER equal to new by ADAS! DIACO.***T, 2225 Venable Street. 'Phone 2556. DENTISTRY. SOUTHERN DENTAL ROOMS. OPPO- slto the postoillco; the highest grade work and lowest prices ever offered in this city; lad;* attendant. Tlione 3290. " ,i ,;; ¦." ,;;, . ,, ',,-- ;, ¦..-. ,.;¦ ¦,-¦* :1, BANKRUPTCY NOTICES. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATE?» FOR THE EAST¬ ERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA. In the-Matter of No. 54S. W. A. MO,ORE, > ; in Bankrupt. I Bankruptcy. To the creditors of W. A. MOORE, ,of Richmond, in the county of Henrtco, and district of aforesaid, bankrupt; Notice is hereby given that on the 20th, day of September, A. D. 1904, tho said W, A. MOG.RE wan duly adjudicated a bankrupt; mid that the first meeting his creditors will be held In my oiflce, Room No. 10, Postolllce 'Building, mond, Va., pn tjie Bd DAV OF OCTOr BER, A. D. 1904, at 10 o'clock in the fore- npou, at .wjiich Mm0 the 8«id creditors muy attend, prove th-eir clalnia, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and trans- act such other business as may properly 'come beforo aald meeting. RO. H. TALJ.EY, Referee In Bankruptcy. Sept. 22, 1004. Benj, T. Bar'-eH, Attorney.for Bankrupt. No atisets r<:turned in Bankrupt's «sched¬ ules, '.¦.¦, NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF i CREDITORS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FOP THE EAST¬ ERN DISTRICT OF VIRGINIA. Jn tho M «it tea* of « No. 547. Mrs. SARAH A, WITH r In , Bankrupt. I Bunkruptcy To the' creditors of Mrs, SARAH A. SMITH, of Richmond, |n tho county of Hurirlco, und district of aforesaid,, bank¬ rupt: ' ,,,. Notice is hereby given that on the I7tn doy of September, A, P. 1901, the said Mrs. SA H AH A. SMITH was duly adjudicated a bankrupt; and that tho first meeting of her creditors .will be held Jn my tOllloe, Room No. JO, Postónico Bullding, Rich¬ mond, Vit., on tho 4th DAY-OF OCTO¬ BER. A. D. 1304, at 10 p'clóok In the fore¬ noon, at which time the sa-ld creditors may attend, prove their claims,« appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact Buch other business as may properly como before said nieollng. , 1 y. RO. H. TALLEY, 'Referee Jn Bankruptcy, Sept. 24, WO*. Jno. Gayle. Attorney for Bankrupt. No assets i ¿turned Jn BankrujU'» sehod- ules, . ¦ BANKRUPT NOTICE. NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OiT CREDITORS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THK UNITED STATES FOR THE EAST¬ ERN DISTRICT OF V1RUINIA. In the Matter of No. 5*6. C. H. O'NEILL, y In Bankrupt. I Bankruptcy. To the creditors of C. H. O'NEILL, of Richmond, in the county of Henrico, and district of aforesaid, bankrupt: Notice Is hereby given that on tho 17th day of September, A. D. 19W, the said C. H. O'NEILL, was duly adjudi¬ cated a bankrupt; and that the first meet¬ ing of his creditors will be held in my of¬ fice, Room No. 10, Postoilico Building, Richmond, Vu., on tho 1th DAY OF OCTO¬ BER, A. D. 101H, at 10 o'clock in tho fore¬ noon, at which time the said creditors may attend, jjrove their olalms, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and trans¬ act such other business as may properly come before said meeting. RO. H. TALLEY, Referee in Bankruptcy. Sept. 2-i. 1904. I G. H. Pollock. Attorney for Bankrupt. No assets returned in Bankrupt's sched¬ ules. MILLINERY. Raving removed to 007 East Broad Street, two doors below the old stand. ftjy New Millinery Parlors will be opened Monday, and our Fall Opening will take place Thursday and Friday, September 29th and 30th. hrs. i>£LM MSS, 607 East Broad Street,^ Up stairs Over May's Shoe Store. GO TO ST. LOUIS VIA C. & 0. ROUTE Now is' the time to go to St. Loui« u> see the World's Fair. The Exposition is at Its height and dally attendance in¬ creasing. C, «¦*- O. trains leave Richmond at 2;00 P. ¡M. find aO:45 P. M. Ten-day coach excursion tickets on sale .every Tuesday and Thursday. Shortest, quickest ahd best route with through vestlhuled trains. SEABOARD AIR UÑE SUNDAY EXCURSIONS TO 40 Cent» for Round Trip, Tickets good ou an. regular ¡-Sunde*»; «Wiu», liet'Uinln-" May J6, mi.

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Page 1: OBITUARY. DEMOCRATIC CO. MOSBV CO. sually Complete Their ... · OBITUARY. Louis Êuker. A

OBITUARY.Louis Êuker.

A <*' receive«! in this city yes¬terday from Marburg, Prussia, by ColonelCharlí« Euker. announced the death ofhis brother, Louis Kuker, himself forrmnny yean« a well known resident ofRichmond, which occurred in that Prus¬sian elty yesterday. The death of Mr.Kuker will recall him to many Rlchmond-frs. and especially to Ihr« older ctttaeñs,who know him well during his long rési¬dence here.Decreased was one of six brothers, the

last surviving one of whom Is ColonelCharles Euker, a well known Confed¬erate veteran and esteemed citizen. Theother brothers, all of whom hove died,were William, Edward, Reinhardt andGeorge Euker.liouis Kuker came to Richmond In tho

early fifties, being then a young; man.

His'first employment hero was as bar¬tender tor the Into Louis Ruoger, thefounder of Rueger's Hotel and restaurant.About the year 1S5!. he began business-for himself at the stnnd now kept byMr. Gils Dclnruo and continued thereuntil the outbreak of the war betweenthe States, when ho returned, to his oldhome In Prussia nnd there reni.ilned untilpeace again reigned. Returning: to thiscity in the late sixties, he resumed busi¬ness at the corner of Seventh nnd BrondStreets, and there kept a bar and for many years.up to 1897, In fact,when he sold his business to John Wein-brunn, who conducted the placa untilabout three years agro. ,

Mr". Euker, durinp his long businesscareer, prospered nnd was thrifty, amass¬

ing considerable property, much of whichwas In real estate.Mr. Euker was about seventy-two years

of age, and was well educated and a man

of wide and varied information.A man of genial temperament, Mr,

Euker was widely known and very gen¬erally esteemed. He was tin old memberand an enthusiastic supporter of theGesangverein Virginia.

R. Carter Wellford.The funeral ncrvices of tho late R.

Carter Wellford, of Richmond county,were ha«! at St. Andrew's Church yes¬terday and were attended by a large as¬

semblage of the friends of the family. TheInterment was In Hollywood Cemetery.The deceased was related to the wellknown locnl family of the name, /and tothe Harrisons and other well known Vir¬ginia families.

George B. Pendleton.Georlgo B. Pendleton dle'd at his resi¬

dence In King and Queen county. Va.,September 16th. He was a native of thatcctinty. Mr. Pendleton Is survived by hiswife and five children. Ho was a mem¬

ber of the Disciples Church. The funeralservices took place at his maternal homoIn King and Queen.

Miss Nannie Hazelgrove.Miss Nannie Hazelgrove, of Falrmount.

died at 11 A. M. yesterday at the Vir¬ginia Hospital of typhoid fever, after an

Illness of three weeks. Miss Hazelgrovecame originally from Cumberland coun¬

ty. Va., but had resided for some 'timewith her brother, Mr; George Hazelgrove,«at his residence in Falrmount, a suburbof this city. When she became HI shewas removed to the Virginia Hospital,where she died. The remains will betaken to-day to the home of her brotlier,Mr. J. "W. Hazelgrove, in Cumberlandcounty, where they will be Intened Intho family burial ground.

M. B. Creasy.(Special to The Times-Dispatch.)

ROANOKE, VA.. September ¡M..Mr. M.B. Creasy died last night from typhoidfever, aged twenty-nine years. He is sur¬vived by his wife. He was a native ofBedford, and his remains were taken therefor interment. s

Mrs. Bettie A. Rae. ((Special to The Times-Dispatch.)

CHESTER, VA., Sept. 2'.-Mr.-*. Bet¬tle A. Rae, of Ochre, who was reported 111in our last communication, Is dead, andwas buried yesterday near her homo.She was well advanced in years, and hadbeen a faithful Christian through life,and a member of Enon Baptist Church.

DEATHS.EUKER..Died, in Marburg. Germany,September 24, 1904, LOUIS EUKER,formerly of Richmond. .,

HOPKIJN'S.-Dica. In Ashlond, Va.. Sep¬tember 22. 1904. NICHOLAS SNOWDEN,only son of N. Snowden and Sellna L.Hopkins, and grandson of the Rev.Sewell S. Hepburn, aged one year andtwenty-eight days."Of such is the kingdom of Heaven.''

TjINDSEY..Entered into rest at tho resi¬dence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. JohnF. Lindsey, Farinsville, Govcmment\Road. Thursday, September 22d, 19(M, at3:30 o'clock A. M., WILLIAM CURTIS,aged five months.Funeral took ^kclo ft-om residence Sat¬

urday, Septc/obc;*-. 2.4t*-*,-* at 10 A. M. In¬terment at Oákwood,He folded our darling to His breast:On His bosom laid him safe to rest.Mother, look up, he is blooming there.Secure from sorrow, from pain, from

care.Roaming the garden of bliss and love,Safe in the arms of Jesus' love.

PENDLETON..Mr. GEORGE B. PEN¬DLETON died last Friday, September30th. at Pine Purest, the homo of hismother, after a long and painful niñeen,in the fiftieth year of his age.He was hurled at Benvenue Saturday

afternoon at 8 o'clock.

Funeral Notice.«HAMM'.-Tho funeral of MARIA E.HAMM will taJte place at the FolksBaptist Church MONDAY, tho Mtli, at ¡1o'clock.


"¿16.00.ST. LOUIS.516.00.Each Tuesday and Thursday In Sep¬

tember and October the Chesapeake andOhio Railway will sell coach excursiontickets to the World's Fair at tlO.OO fromRichmond, limited to ten (jays for return.Trains leave Richmond 3 P. M. and

M:'5 P. M.Fifteen-day tickets and sixty-day tick¬

ets, which permit purchase of «space InSleeping tars, are sold dally.


Bear« th» /) .In Kind You Have toys Bouffit

sundaTíxcürsíonsVia Atlantic Coast Line to Petera-

burg.Round-Trip 40c.

Good going «rid returning on regulartrains. Commencing Sunday, May 16th1904.

Bear« the _/) % ¦.ind .ou Havo Always Boughtßiguatar»


NOTICE TO TEACHERS.Minn Clara G. Moor«;, teacher in

Martillan School, li-a-Ju Uiík weekIn thu Quuki-r Gelatine Popular'Teacher -Contest \>j twi-uty yptca.The voles urc corning in thick andfaht. Be/id your«»'at once.

KELLKV AND DUDLEY.Richmond. Vu. Sole Agen a.


Worth ii. 00. for

Pen Is Guaranteed.



Watch$10.00Warranted 25

Tears. Watchand Pen Soldentirely onapproval.



77cP. O. or stamp,and get this


Sold entirely on Itsmerits, and to intro¬duce our name to thepublic, if not satisfied,money back.These Pens are dura¬

ble-and will please you.WRITE AT ONCE.

UniversalDistributing &PurchasingCompany211% N. 6th St.,

Richmond, Va.



PAIISTING.WANTED, 100 WaGONS TO PAINTand letter, $S each. SHAW. 309 NorthEleventh Street.^'

WAiNTED, 100 BUG'jTES TO PAINT, 45 60each. SHAW. 30:- N. Eleventh Street

STORE FRONTS PAINTED, $3.0¡T-rooms, $3.00 SHAW, 309 N. Eleventh St.

CHEAPEST SIGN PAINTING IN CITVat SHA\y*S, 309 N. Eleventh StreetHAVE TOUR HOUSE FAINTED NOWand save money. Call and :<ee LEE W.FORD & BRO., 15 E. Main. 'Phono 8586.

DYEING AND CLEANING.HERE'S WHAT WE HAVE TO SAY.Suits scoured and pressed 75c.; pressed60c. R. L. GILL, Steam Dye Works,No. 325 North Fifth Street, city. 'Phone4S62.

DENTISTRY.REDUCED FOR THE LAST THREEdays; special prices given Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday are lite lastdays for our reduced prices. Come ifyou need anything in dentistry. Dr.DORSET, 121 E. Broad.

SOUTHERN DENTAL ROOMS, OPPO-slte tho postofflce; tho highest gradework and lowest prices over offered inthis city; lady attendant. 'Phone 3206.

H. V. DESPORTES, 3D. D. S., DENTIST6S5 E. Main Street. 'Phone 206.

BAKERY.HELLO» 26191 SEND THE RED. WHITEand blue wagon up to my house withsome of that delicious sliced roast beef,lamb and ham; also some hot rolls,bread, cakes and are ATKIN¬SON, 211 W. Broaei? Well, that willfill the bill.

THE REASON WE HAVE GOODbread Is because we use tho best ma¬terials, modern methods, skillful work¬men and Insist on absolute cleanliness;give us a trial and see." NEW YORKBAKERY, 410 W. Broad Street. 'Phono25S8.

3-POUND JELLY ROLL 23C.; PLAINCake, 2 pounds 25c; Layer Cakes, 4kinds. 15c. each. DRINKARD'S, 423V_ N.Sixth Street.

CARRIAGES AND WAGONS.HAVE YOUR RUBBER TIRES RË-placod at B, C. BRISTOW'S, tho moneysaver, who Is using the Kelly Spring¬field Tires; all work guaranteed to stayon; 19 South Fifteenth.

LARGE. COMPLETE STOCK OF FIRST-class Buggies, Surreys, Phaetons, Run¬abouts and Traps at the right prices.Call and see them. SAFETY BUGQYCO., 1309 E. Main Street.


all description repaired and reflnishedperfectly; also all other kinds of furni¬ture repaired, C. E. LYDA, U7 WestM« in 'Pi-rino 2">(77.

MOORE S GREATEST COLLECTIONohoice Mahogany Furniture. Brass Fend¬ers, Andirons; Antiques of every de¬scription; 1017 Semines Street, Mnnches-ter, after 5 P. M.

CALL AND BE CONVINCED-A FINEcollection of original Antiques at low.prices. L. N. ARNALL, 318 Brook Ave¬nue.

BUY ANTIQUES OF BIGGS; GEToriginal pieces at lowest piiceB; satis,faction guaranteed: G15 En«t Main.

PATENTS__= GUARANTEED--.-.PATENTS SECURED OR FEE RETURNEDSend model or sketch for free opinion us lopatentability. (Send for illustrated Qul.leRook Contains 100 mechanical movementsand I.1HT OF INVENTIONS WANTEDTEU-ÍS HOW TO OBTAIN AND SELL PAT¬ENTS, ETC. PATENTS advertised withoutchnriie In PATENT RECORD, Sample copyfree. Add reas

EVANS, WIT-KINS & CO.,Reg. Patent Attorneys. "

616 F Street, Washington, D. in.

$100,000,00, CASH PRIZESi»u «Ken away.

One inoru month to participate Our o.'Ii-rclose« November bit, 1904 Your iiani«. nndmi"n-í-M ou a postal .card will brlns you fulland completo Information. Write to-day.

NATIONAL CONTEST CO.,Colorado liidldlna, Washington, O, C,

"church NOTICES.~


CHURCH-Rev. U. H. MELTON, pastor.-Prfrn-rhlnf* at 11 A. M. and H P. M. Sundayschool 11:30 A. M' Christian EnduCVor So¬ciety 7 P. M.

Miss Myrtle E. Phénix h&8 returnedvery much pleased with her trip to St.Í.VUÍO UUÜ UiU EjjmbíiIou,


State "Democratic Committee.American National Bank Building,

Mezzanine Rtioin.The following appointments fot »peak¬

ing are announced:WILLIAM 1CINCKLE ALLEN;

Nelson Court, September 26th.A. C. RRAXTOÑ.

Courtland. October 37th.Franklin. October lVth (night).Covlngton, October 23th.Flmmstle, October 31st.Wa.ynesboro, November 1st.

JOSEPH B. WIIoLAR».Bedford City, September 26th.Hurry Courthouse, September 27th.Lunenburg Courthouse, October 1st.King William Courthouse, October 4th.Now Castle. October 10th.Ruckersville, October 17th.Clarcmont, October 10th.

C. C. CARLIN,Orange Courthouse, September 26th.Manassas, October 3d.Lcesburg, October 10th.King George, November 3d.

JOHN GARLAND POLLARD.King William. October 4th.

WILLIAM A. ANDERSON. .**fltaunton. September 26th.

A J. MONTAGUE.Orange. September 20th.Isle of Wight Courthouse, October 3d!.Tork, October 4th.Marlon, October'7th (noon).Ablngdon, October 8th (night).Gato City, October 10th.Jonesvlllo, October 11th (noon).Wise, October 12th (noon).Dlck'enson, October 13th (noon).Tazewell, October 14th (night).Amherst, October 17th

H. D. FLOOD.Nelson Courthouse, September 26th.Rockbrldge, October 10th.Buckingham, Octobor 11th.Amherst, October 17th.Eagle Rock, October ]Sth.Clifton Forge, October 10th.Bath, October 20th.Highland, October 21st an-1 22d.Fluvanni-b, October 24th.Amherst, October 27th.Buena Vista, October 28th.Covlngton, October 2S!th.Fincastle, October 81st.Waynesboro, November 1st.Augusta, NovcÄib«!*- 2d and 3d. '

Staunton, November 4th.Buchanan, November 6th.

WILLIAM A. JONES.Spotsylvania Obur.thouse, October 3_.Northumberland* October 10th.IClng mid Queen, Octobûr 11th.Essex Courthouse, October 17th.Westmoreland, October 24th.

J. C. WTSOR.Pearlsburg, September ¦26th,New Castle, October 10th.Marlon, October 17th.Wythevlljo, November 7th.

W. P. BARKSDALE.Bowling Green, October 10th.Plttsylvanla, October ..

Charlotte, November 7th.LESLIE C. GARNETT.

Gloucester Courthouse, October 3d.Bowling Green, October 10th.King and Queen Courthouse, October

11th.Tappahannock, October 17th.Westmoreland Courthouse, October 24th.Accomac Courthouse, Kvovetnber 7th.

JOHN LAMB.King William Courthouse, October 4th.Ettrlcks, October 10th (7 P. M.)Tunstalls Station, October 12th (3 P. M.)

H. L. MAYNARD.Isle of Wight Courthouse, Octobor 3d.Smlthfleld, October 3d (night).

CHARLES T. LASSITER.Greenesvllle, October 4th.Nottoway, October 6th.Uunenburg, October 10th.Mecklenburg, October 17th.Brunswick, October ISth.Amelia, October 37th.Sussex, November 1st.Fowhatan, November 7th.

JOHN F. RIXEY.Fauquler Court, September 26th.Prince William Court, October 3d.Loudoun Court, October 10th.King George Court, Novembor 3d.

GEORGE E. CASSELPearlsburg, September 2«th.

I DON. P. HALSErY.Salem. October 21sf (nlt-hl).J TAYLOR EL.LYSON. Chairman.JOSEPH BUTTON, Secretary,

MILLINERY.UP-TO-DATE FALL AND WINTER.Millinery displayed with" a complete lineof Suits, Waists and ready-to-wear

"goods, lowest prices. Mrs. JULIUSBEAR, 1423 E. Main Street.

BE SURE AND SEE MY SELECTIONof latest fall hats before buying else¬where. Mrs. M. L. WORTHAM, 210 N.Third Street.


COLLEGE FLAGS, ANY DESIGN,made to order at short notice. M. G,COPELAND CO., IOS N. Ninth..


TRY US ON PRINTING: WE KNOWwe can suit you. TAYLOR <& TAYLORPRINTING CO., Quick Printers, No. ÏGovernor Street.


NOW IS THE TIME TO GET YOURclocks In order. Send postal to NUDD,Jeweler, 222 E. Broad.


WILL ALLOW YOU PRICE YOU PAIDfor your watch In exchange. See NUDD,?22 E. Broad.


FEATHER MATTRESSES MADE BYADAM DIACONT are the- best featherbeds to sleep on: 2225 Venable, 'Phone202«.


SOUTHERN" DENTAL ROOMS. OPPO-alte the postónico; the highest gradework and lowest prices ever offered inthis city; lady attendant. 'Phone 82U6.

PERSONALS.GO TO PEATROSS'S. 314 EAST BROAD(wrong side), to get a good shoe and anice lit.

SCHREMP, 321 NORTH FIFTH. RE-palrs umbrellas, locks, bells, etc.; spe¬cialty, Go-Carts.

"WISE PEOPLE IN RICHMOND TAKEtheir watches to NUDD, 222 E. Broad St.


SPENCE'S TRUNK FACTOIU', «18 BASTBroad Street, wants your trunk andsatchel ropalring. E. If. SPENCE, Shooand Trunk Hondo.


GOLD AND SILVER PUYER,WANTED. OLD GOLD AND SILVER INany condition; highest cash prices paid,or will iíIvp watches. Jewelry, »dlverwar«in exchange. A. M. MEYER & BROi.Jewelers, No. 62"! Brua.l Street, Rich'mond. Vn.

POULTRY MIXTURE,WE ARB AGENT** FOR MONARCHLice Killer niul Poultry Mixture; eurospoultry of cholera und roup. JAMBS I.SMITH & CO., Coul und Wood, CO" W.Broud

nferPEEBMAN, Undirlikir, !I "Phone 661. 2614 East Bread St. I[ Open each tnmr In the year. I


sually Complete Stocksat Their Very Best.

Everything that is right and proper for the coming season's wear is here in the greatest possible variety.Our prices «are right in every párticiüar. So if you wish the best at thoroughly right prices, then our stock de¬serves your'attention. ,

New Dress Goods.Black Goods.Venetian Cloths, fl and

«Hi .BO.Thibet Cloths, »I to "ta.Broadcloths, SI to ?:>.Cheviots, ROc. to «?*«.Mohatra, Boo. to tfti.T«.Volles, TBo. to i?-.Panama Cloths, BOc. to

ei.Eollcnmss, fl to ?-.Silk Warp Crepe de

Chines, TBc. to *?l.BO.Priestly Silk Warp Hen¬riettas, f1 to $2.B0.

Colored Goods.New Suitings, mannish

effects, all tho wantedcolorings, TBc, fl, fl.""*S,fl.BO, fl.TB.

Illuminated Cloth, newand very stylish, all col¬ors, f*".

Broadcloths, In »everywanted shading, f 1, fl.BO92 to «fit.Cravanette, all wool,

60 Inches wide, «fl.BO and.ft*.-.«*».Thibet Cloths, ffl.BO.

New Neckwear.New Silk Stocks, in entirely new shapes, BOc, TBc,

08c. to.,.-ft:t.i»r>New Silk Tailored Stocks, very dressy and stylish,

BOc, OSo..'.$1.88New Lace Stocks, In entirely new Ideas, 226c, oOc,

08c to.. .7. .f 1,88New Ruches and Capes.$'{.08 to $27.BOFeather Boas, all colors.910 to if-»"

Silks.Silks.SilksNew, Stylish and Underprlced.

Fancy Taffetas and Loulilnes, In Just the pickof this season', choicest patterns and colorings, ac¬

tually worth 75c, speolal....BfloFancy Taffetas and Loulelne», In an Immense

array of new and stylish patterns and colorings..ft

Rajah and Burlinghams.The top notch of Silk newness to be only hero,

all wanted shadings: Rajah, 91.SB;' Burling-ham.$2,25

Fancy Moire Velours, new and very stylish, allthe fashionable colorings.$1.00Taffeta Silks, all pure silk, heavy weight, 40 shad¬

ings to select from, special, yard.BOcChiffon Finish Taffeta, all elite, heavy weight,

CO new shadings.7fii.«Diana and Sappha Silks, silky and soft, allshades. ,.fl.BOChiffon Velvets for street and evening wear, allcolors.._fl.BO, $2

Sale of Table and Bed LinensOnly the pure flax kind and an opportunity to get

the best values your money ever bought.68-Inch All Pure Linen Silver Bleached Damasks,

value 76c, special.»..«.BOo70-Inch Full Bleached All Pure Linen Damasks,

extra good value..TBc, 8B0

72-Inch Full Bleached All Pure Linen Damasks,In entirely new ideas, the usual $1.25 kind, spe*

.00clal. .ft.6-8 Napkins to match, dozen.$3.003-4 Napkin, to match, dozen.f-1.00Extra Heavy Full Bleached All Pure Linen Dam.

ask Napkins, extra values, dozen, ft.28, fl.BO,$i! nnd.:.f 2 BO

Hemstitched All Linen Damask Tray Cloths,special. .25c

20x40 Hemstitched All Linen Huck Towels, extrasize and weight, actual value $4, special


Our ft GlovesFitted and guaran¬teed at our glovecounter, Is the best

Qlove value In all

.Richmond; colors

black, white, pearl,brown, tan, modesand slates.Special.Ask to

see our, the SpecialP, X. M, Cape GoatWalking GÍovo, Inall the new tan andbrown shades, value$1.50, special fl.i».We are agents

for Dent's Gloves.

ening Sale High-Grade Ready-to-Wear Apparel.We invite your inspection of our stock of strictly new and stylish Suits, Wraps, Waists,

Skirts. &C, all made doubly charming-because of their low prices.Sui!s--Suits--Suits.Thero Is-the widest diversity In the

matter of materials and style for thecorrect ladles' garments for this fall'swear. In our stock Is to be found allthe new, stylish and'eorrect In Tour¬ist Coat Suits, Directoire Coats, withvest effect; Parsifal Coats and Blousesand Short Coats, In fitted, half fit¬ted, loose and strapped. The materialsare broadcloth, cheviots, Venetians,mannish and fancy mixtures; prices,$12.B0, flB, fl7.B0, flO.BO, f24.*»0,$20.B0 to..fTB.OO

Handsome Tailored Suits,Value $25, special Monday, fiT.r.O.

You have your pick,of six styles, allmade In the latest coat effects. Thematerials are covert cloth, broadcloth,cheviots, worsteds and fancy mixtures.Coats taffeta and satin lined; skirtnewest plaited effects. We guaranteethe best of workmanship. They arethe best $25 values to be had and notèeen In any other' salesroom, spe¬cial.. ..f 17.50

Ä COAT BARGAIN.Several styles of Tan Coverts, Black Broadcloth and Man¬

nish Mixtures, saüin and taffeta lined,; high grade tailoring,either stitched or plain. Special value, $12.50.

Silk Petticoat Bargain,Made of an extra quality of taffeta,

colors black and navy, cut full and

wide, two flounces and wide «Ilk dust

ruffle, special..f s.ON

Separate Skirts.Separate^ Walking and Dress Skirts

of tweed., voiles, broadcloths end che-vlots. Models made on. lines not tobe seen elsetwhere, a rich profusion ofcleverly executed Ideas, f*..i*W3, f8.08,fO.BO. $7.00. fS.BO to...f*2*>.00

Fall Weight Tan Covert Cloth Jack¬ets, 24 Inches long, stylishly mode,were $10, your pick.$4.08

Hosiery.Misses' Fast Black

Lisle Hose, extra

fini gauge, double

heels, soles and

toes, all sizes, 6 to '.

t'Ai regular 25c.

value, special, lOo.

Black Cat.We all like Leath¬

er Stockings. These

hold a good healthyschool boy; medium

heavy weight; to

be had only here,all sizes, 26c

TSpecial Announcements.

Realizing the need for a thoroughlyup-to-date department for Misses' andChildren's Suits, Wraps and Coats,where the best and most fashionablestyles and fabrics can be had. We

have added to this department andcan now furnish- you the most fash¬ionable ready-to-wear apparel forMisses and Children. These have beenmost carefully selected and we In¬vite you .to examine our stock.'

Costumes, Robesand Evening Wraps.

New creations added dally. Distinc¬tive and exclusive Ideas In nets, laces,chiffon, silks crepes, etc. No two alikeand we never duplicate; prices 835,f4B, f55 to.flOO.OO

Rugs, Druggets, Lace Curtains,Portieres, Draperies, &c.

9x12 feet Axmlnster Rugs, all wool, new and stylish designs and colorings;actual value $30, special.:.IS22.GO9x12 feet All-Wool Wilton Rugs, In pew and very effective patterns and

colorings; actually worth $30.00, special.«.**»*'*..so9x12 feert All-Wool Tapestry Brüssel. Rugs, In new patterns and bright,

warm colorings, actual value $20.00, special......... '.¿. '.fxc.OOOriental RugsOur Direct importation.

Antique and Maderla Oriental Rugs,only pure vegetable dyes. This directImportation saves1 you one-fourth.Ghendje, Kurdistan and Shewan

Rugs, l{*17.BO to....f22.50Cashmere or Sommaks, $20 to..$25Kozaks, Anatolians, Mars and Kir-

man and Tebrlg, IJliS to.$75$150 Carpet size Rug, special_fl>S

lace Curtains.Nottingham Curtains, fl to.fBImitation Arab Curtains, .f-i.D.s topair..f10.00

Colonial Curtains,, f«* and_f-llsoIrish Point Curtains, full width and

length, value $5, special.$3.75Tambour Curtains, *»»» to.f40Real Arab Curtains, f7.BO to...f7BRenalssanco Lace Curtains, fB.BO


Underwear.Children'. Medium Weight Merino

Ve*>ts, Pants and Drawers, Just the

weight for these cool mornings and

evenings, size 20, SBc; rise Bo. size.

Ladles' Ribbed .Cotton Merino, Wool,and Silk and Wool Vests and Pants,BOc, 7Bc. fl, fl.25^......fl.BO

Infants' Fall Weight- Merino ^WoolWrappers, *»Sc. 35c, 40o.BOc

Infants' Fall Weight Merino WoolBands. 36c

M«en's Merino Wool Shirts and

Drawers, In white and natural, BOc



MOVING AND HAULING OF ALLkinds done In tho right way by respon¬sible people. MILLNER'S TRANSFER,902 E. Broad. 'Phone 1445.

(.., ..'. .'GROCERIES. .**.

CREAM CHEESE, 121ÍA POUND;Butchers' Lard 10c. pound; Water-ground Meal, 18c. peck; Arbuckle's Cof¬fee, 13c. pound; cyuart bottle Catsup, 10c.;new Evaporated Poaches, 10c. ; best To¬matoes, can, 5c. E. M\ TRAINUM &iCO-, 112 N. Eighteenth Street._


''CAILLERS" IS A DELICIOUS CHOCO-Jate, beautifully packed, with tho high¬est reputation. Comparo it with allothers, and be convinced,


SOLID GOLD RINGS FROM Vl.Wi'' UP.'Watch and Jewelry repairing a specialty.A. SCHEER, Jeweler and Optjcl-.n. ¡">55E. Main Street, opposlto Old SrVket.

WATCH REPAIRING^WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRYrepaired and warranted. A. SCHEER,15S5 E. Main Street, opposlto Old Mar¬ket.

STORAGE.IF YOU WANT YOUR FURNITUREetored in a clean, dry place and person¬ally looked after, see TOMPK1NS, No,207 W. Broud Street. Toys, B'cycle«and repairing.

FOR CHEAP AND DRY STORAGErooms apply te RICHARDSON & CHAP-PELL, Storage Department! Belvldc-reBuilding, SOI W. Main Street. 'Phone S'a.

WILL STORE SOM'E FURNITURE FORuse of same; best care will ho taken ofIt; good house. Address "STORAGE,"osre lhis office,

BARGAINS."FOR EVENING WEAR YOU WILLUnd the pluin and dotted Mulls Justright; reduced prices, now I2M. and 18c,respectively. PE.MBiCRTON, PRICE &CO.

FOR EARLY FALL wilfY NOT BUYone of those Royal Oil Heaters. Willnuiko your fuel bill less. Only «,"8.

-MUSIC TEACHERS.. ATTENTION!Sheet music half price. THE CABLECOMPANY, Richmond, Va,

WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY" RlT-paired at reasonable prices. Take yourwwrk to NUDD, £22 K. Broad.

LUMBER FOR SALE.T1MUER LAND FOR SALU'-ON THEmil day of October, lOO-l, I will offer forsu!u, ut public auction at Wilson'« Depot,all tho pine and poplnr timber on thetract known as the Wilson's place, con¬taining 150 acres; said to lie' bohío twoor throe million feet In thl3 tract; lo¬cated Immediately on Ñ. and W. R. R.,adjoining Wilson Depot. C. C, UPSON,Wellvillo, Va-


BRING ALL YOUR COFFEE AND TEAPots, Tea Kettles, Buckets, Dust Pans,Sauce Pans and everything else that youhave that needs repairing to WATSKYBROS.', 1715 E. Franklin.

I" ¦¦" -.«¦SIGNS, r

FOR AN UP-TO-DATE, TASTY ANDunique sign, finished In flrst-claiis man¬ner by expert workmen see HARRYHUBER, 805 E. Franklin Street. 'Phone110.


BLANKS BOOKS MADE FOR ANYpurpose; printed books bound jv theedition or single volume. S. B. ADKINS& tu., Bookbinders and Printers, 4 and 6Governor Street.


MASSAGE AND MEDICAL GYMNAS-tlcs, Methods of Battle Creek Sani¬tarium. WM. H. DAVIS, Jr., 70Û EastMarshall. Hours 11 to 2, Appointments.Telephone 2290.



every day, at tho HUB. 403 Broad Street;trv our special Mixture, 20c. pound, asgood as can be made,_EXPERT WATCH REPAIRERS.

$1.00 FOR ANY AMERICAN MAIN-spring, guaranteed, ono year; we fixanything In tho watch lino at shortnotiere. sr-i-MAP'S, '-''I East Broad.


PRICES REDUCED ON WATCH WORK:Cleaning, ?1; Main Springs,'Jtt'j twentyyears' experience. WM. TOBIEN, « Jr.,408 E. Broad Btreet., Richmond, Va.Spectacles and Eyeglasses, 25 cents. Aljwork guaranteed.


FURNITURE AND CHINA WauEpacked und shipped with care, JACOBUMLAUF. ''05 \V Mnlrf. 'Phono 8^,3.

BAGS AND BAGGINGS,BAGS ; FOR'.'¦-BVERyTHINS« "NJGWr"ç)Rsecond-hand; twine a specialty. Writefor prices. .RICHMOND BAG_ CO.

DOLL HOSPITAL.DOLLS, TOYS AND BRIC-A-BRAC RE-pulred: work v.-ltl be called for, 'Phone.'¡ll.'i; I'll N. Fourth Street.


wTe. BANES: DEAlTlmt^TTM^OWtnklng tho fifth box of your'"Bunes'eDyspepsia Tahlets." I consider it thobest remedy for dyspepsia I luiVe evertrl«-d, and 1 have suffered greatly dur¬ing the past twenty-five veurs. This isentirely unsolicited..Alfred . J, Gary,622 North Twenty-fifth. Street, Rich¬mond, Va. Wholesale agents Lynch-burg, Vn., Payne, Soay & Anderson;wholesale ugents, Petersburg, Yft~i W.E, Armstrong <& Co,


SUM'MÉR CLEANING'lS INCOMPLETEunless you have your parlor au.t orchairf*, or couch reupholstered, slip cov.-ers made, or your mattresses renoviited.We do this work cheaper aofl betterthan anyone else In the State, and havo

» the prettiest coverings. If you can't payall cash, will gladly credit you. CHAS.G. JÜRGENS' SON, 419-21 East Broad.'Phone .2554._

riWl' ikbSa k HAIkiMj.

OLD HAIR MATTRESSES MADE OVERequal to new by ADAS! DIACO.***T, 2225Venable Street. 'Phone 2556.


SOUTHERN DENTAL ROOMS. OPPO-slto the postoillco; the highest gradework and lowest prices ever offered inthis city; lad;* attendant. Tlione 3290.

" ,i ,;; ¦." ,;;, . ,, ',,-- ;, ¦..-. ,.;¦ ¦,-¦* :1,BANKRUPTCY NOTICES.



To the creditors of W. A. MOORE, ,ofRichmond, in the county of Henrtco, anddistrict of aforesaid, bankrupt;Notice is hereby given that on the 20th,

day of September, A. D. 1904, tho saidW, A. MOG.RE wan duly adjudicateda bankrupt; mid that the first meeting oíhis creditors will be held In my oiflce,Room No. 10, Postolllce 'Building,, Va., pn tjie Bd DAV OF OCTOrBER, A. D. 1904, at 10 o'clock in the fore-npou, at .wjiich Mm0 the 8«id creditorsmuy attend, prove th-eir clalnia, appoint atrustee, examine the bankrupt, and trans-act such other business as may properly'come beforo aald meeting.

RO. H. TALJ.EY,Referee In Bankruptcy.

Sept. 22, 1004.Benj, T. Bar'-eH, Attorney.for Bankrupt.No atisets r<:turned in Bankrupt's «sched¬

ules, '.¦.¦,



Mrs. SARAH A, WITH r In,

Bankrupt. I BunkruptcyTo the' creditors of Mrs, SARAH A.SMITH, of Richmond, |n tho county ofHurirlco, und district of aforesaid,, bank¬rupt: '

,,,.Notice is hereby given that on the I7tn

doy of September, A, P. 1901, the said Mrs.SA H AH A. SMITH was duly adjudicateda bankrupt; and that tho first meeting ofher creditors .will be held Jn my tOllloe,Room No. JO, Postónico Bullding, Rich¬mond, Vit., on tho 4th DAY-OF OCTO¬BER. A. D. 1304, at 10 p'clóok In the fore¬noon, at which time the sa-ld creditorsmay attend, prove their claims,« appointa trustee, examine the bankrupt, andtransact Buch other business as mayproperly como before said nieollng. ,1 y. RO. H. TALLEY,

'Referee Jn Bankruptcy,Sept. 24, WO*.Jno. B« Gayle. Attorney for Bankrupt.No assets i ¿turned Jn BankrujU'» sehod-

ules, .




Bankrupt. I Bankruptcy.To the creditors of C. H. O'NEILL, ofRichmond, in the county of Henrico,and district of aforesaid, bankrupt:Notice Is hereby given that on tho 17th

day of September, A. D. 19W, the saidC. H. O'NEILL, was duly adjudi¬cated a bankrupt; and that the first meet¬ing of his creditors will be held in my of¬fice, Room No. 10, Postoilico Building,Richmond, Vu., on tho 1th DAY OF OCTO¬BER, A. D. 101H, at 10 o'clock in tho fore¬noon, at which time the said creditorsmay attend, jjrove their olalms, appoint a

trustee, examine the bankrupt, and trans¬act such other business as may properlycome before said meeting.

RO. H. TALLEY,Referee in Bankruptcy.

Sept. 2-i. 1904. IG. H. Pollock. Attorney for Bankrupt.No assets returned in Bankrupt's sched¬


MILLINERY.Raving removed to 007 East Broad

Street, two doors below the old stand.

ftjy New Millinery Parlorswill be opened Monday, and our FallOpening will take place Thursday andFriday, September 29th and 30th.

hrs. i>£LM MSS,607 East Broad Street,^

Up stairs Over May's Shoe Store.


Now is' the time to go to St. Loui« u>see the World's Fair. The Exposition isat Its height and dally attendance in¬creasing.C, «¦*- O. trains leave Richmond at 2;00

P. ¡M. find aO:45 P. M. Ten-day coachexcursion tickets on sale .every Tuesdayand Thursday. Shortest, quickest ahdbest route with through vestlhuled trains.


40 Cent» for Round Trip,Tickets good ou an. regular ¡-Sunde*»;«Wiu», liet'Uinln-" May J6, mi.